JUNE 2020 Words of Peace€¦ · JUNE 2020 Words of Peace Words of Peace. cont’d… hearing about...

Isolation Participation When people hear a reference to a great opening, many of them will think of great box office openings. I think Avengers: Endgame currently holds the record at something like $357,000,000 in their three day opening weekend. Pretty awesome generation of cash, especially when you throw in concession sales. With all this time away from live, in person church services, people began to dream about the giant crowds they would get to experience their first re- opening weekend. People weary of watching and participating from afar, having been forced to worship by way of their own in-home big screens. But then the Covid virus turned out to be something much more serious than we expected, and it has been hanging around longer than reruns of Friends. So we have been learning new ways to share the gospel, new for us anyway. And as it turns out we’ve picked up some regular attendees from all over the country. That’s why you have been (cont’d next page) Month of JUNE Peace Elders & Pastors, Church Council and other leaders are working diligently on re- opening with caution. We may even have a “soft re-opening” by month’s end. Stay tuned! Month of JULY We should have in- person worship services resuming by July. In the meantime, Conejo Memorial Park has re-opened, so please save the date: JULY 3rd - 11am Memorial for Mickey Kohut. Potluck following (at Conejo). JULY 2 - 8:30am (tentative) Sr High Rafting Trip (Bakersfield). $40. Month of AUGUST Lord willing (and no serious second wave of the virus) we will be able to resume our traditional Rally Day by month’s end. We will be sure to update everybody, so we can ALL RALLY TOGETHER again! OPENING SOON! PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF CAMARILLO, CALIFORNIA MONTHLY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2020 Words of Peace Words of Peace

Transcript of JUNE 2020 Words of Peace€¦ · JUNE 2020 Words of Peace Words of Peace. cont’d… hearing about...

Page 1: JUNE 2020 Words of Peace€¦ · JUNE 2020 Words of Peace Words of Peace. cont’d… hearing about continuing this digital outreach ministry long after a cure for the Covid is found.

Isolation Participation When people hear a reference to a great opening, many of them will think of great box office openings. I think Avengers: Endgame currently holds the record at something like $357,000,000 in their three day opening weekend. Pretty awesome generation of cash, especially when you throw in concession sales. With all this time away from live, in person church

services, people began to dream about the giant crowds they would get to experience their first re-opening weekend. People weary of watching and participating from afar, h av i n g b e e n fo r c e d t o worship by way of their own in-home big screens. But

then the Covid virus turned out to be something much more serious than we expected, and it has been hanging around longer than reruns of Friends. So we have been learning new ways to share the gospel, new for us anyway. And as it turns out we’ve picked up some regular attendees from all over the country. That’s why you have been

(cont’d next page)

Month of JUNE Peace Elders & Pastors, Church Council and other leaders are working diligently on re-opening with caution. We may even have a

“soft re-opening” by month’s end. Stay tuned!

Month of JULY We should have in-person worship services resuming by

July. In the meantime, Conejo Memorial Park has re-opened, so please save the date:

JULY 3rd - 11am Memorial for Mickey Kohut. Potluck following (at Conejo).

JULY 2 - 8:30am (tentative) Sr High Rafting Trip (Bakersfield). $40.

Month of AUGUST

Lord willing (and no serious second wave of the virus) we will be able to resume our traditional Rally Day by month’s end. We will be sure to update everybody, so we can ALL RALLY TOGETHER again!




JUNE 2020

Words of Peace

Words of Peace

Page 2: JUNE 2020 Words of Peace€¦ · JUNE 2020 Words of Peace Words of Peace. cont’d… hearing about continuing this digital outreach ministry long after a cure for the Covid is found.

cont’d… hearing about continuing this digital outreach ministry long after a cure for the Covid is found. And why you’ve been hearing about raising funds to upgrade our old equipment. People are more tech savvy than ever, and they recognized the difference between a purposeful, long term effort and one that is designed to just fill in the gap in the meantime. No, I don’t think anyone will ever mistake me for used car salesman Junior Samples if your memory goes back to Hee Haw. The purpose of our digital outreach to the worlds isn’t to fund our Peace ministry. Our focus will still be on our every Sunday congregational worship, but the more you think about returning to every Sunday in person gatherings, the more you may realize, along with your church leaders and Elders, that some people just aren’t able to attend in person, and others may not feel comfortable taking a health risk to be here for some time, We want to give them the very best online worship experience possible. Now with the permission to return to worship having been granted by our benevolent government leaders, albeit with severe restrictions, we have been faced with a new problem. Just because we can, should we? Or is it maybe just a little too soon? We have already begun planning our re-opening, but we want to do it as safely as possible. That is why we didn’t feel like jumping on the first possible Sunday was a good move. And when we return, things will probably look a little different for a while. The ushers may have to help with seating people so we can keep social distancing. That’s right, it might mean (gulp!) your old pew could be roped off and unavailable. Horror of horrors right? We will probably have to wear masks. Enjoy the fresh breeze of open windows. And only remember how good that Sunday donut used to taste. The Lutheran church has had a reputation as the singing church for centuries, and although it has been urged by state officials, giving up all our hymns and responsive liturgy would gut our worship service. Worship space will have to be cleaned and disinfected in between services. We will have to forgo the use of the common cup in communion, and cut back on the number of people allowed at the communion rail. These and a dozen other things are the kinds of issues your Elders and Council are already working on, so that when we do reopen, it will be as safely as possible. In the meantime we will continue to do our best to provide you with the kind of high quality online worship experience you deserve. Because we regularly worship two different styles on Sunday morning, we have the responsibility to accommodate a broad number of musical tastes. I know that some of our traditional worshipers are not the biggest fans of contemporary Christian music, and you can be sure that some of our contemporary worshipers are not big fans of the hits that just kept on coming back in the 17th century. I hope during this time each can learn to appreciate the best qualities of the other. I know that there are churches out there, especially large churches, who have decided not to return to in person worship until all the restrictions are removed and they can return with everything just as is was before. I am not very hopeful that will happen anytime soon, and I think they will end up rethinking that position if the current restrictions are not relaxed more. The latest California guidelines for places of worship dated May 25th is set to remain in place for 21 days. Hopefully by that time the attendance limits now imposed (25% of approved occupancy) will be relaxed somewhat. Also by that time we hope to have a plan in place and will have trained those who help serve us on Sunday mornings so that we will be comfortable returning to our regular worship schedule. Only time will tell. In the meantime continue to join us Sunday mornings online. Pray not just thanks for the technology to allow us to have an online presence, but that this will become a continuing ministry that can touch people with God’s Word in places we never dreamed of. Thank you for being faithful in your financial support of our work. Continue to hold up our congregation and its leaders in prayer as we look forward to seeing each other again. God is good, and his Word has the power to save. Invite a neighbor or friend to watch our services. I know that while we might feel lonely at times during this outbreak, we’re never really alone. God bless and remember to call the church office with anything you might need. Miss you all.



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June is for Dads & Grads! In addition to the fog that rolls in on schedule every June, certain other June events faithfully roll around once again - like our celebrations of Father’s Day and diplomas awarded to hardworking students who are promoted to life’s next step.

TIMMY KLITTICH We are proud of Timmy Klittich whom we’ve known around Peace Lutheran Church since his baptism. He has recently earned his Bachelors of science in Agricultural and Environmental P l a n t S c i e n c e s w i t h a concentration in fruit and crop science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Timmy will next be working as a ranch manager at a 300 acre lemon and avocado ranch in Saticoy. He’s had plenty of exposure to our own avocado orchard, here, at Peace, so we know he’ll up for the challenge. Congratulations, Timmy!

JAMES MILLER Like Timmy, James is the youngest member of a family that has graced Peace for a generation, and we are thankful to have seen him grow up through the Sunday school and youth group ranks. James finishes out his high school career at Rio Mesa, where he played varsity football, among other accomplishments. In the midst of a highly unusual graduation protocol brought on by the pandemic, James is wisely planning on taking a year off from schooling to re-assess the Covid landscape before making any major decisions.

MELISSA POORE We congratulate Melissa for graduating from Newbury Park High School, where she earned an award for community service (much of which was connected to all the service she offered us, here, at Peace - including Reading Mentoring, VBS and Parents Night Out). Melissa was also part of the first class to p a r t i c i p a t e i n C o n c o r d i a U n i v e r s i t y ’ s “ C r o s s w i s e Academy” - an annual summer experience for high school students to receive theological training in engaging the culture on contemporary issues. Melissa hasn’t missed a summer of it!

“Congraduating” Our Peace Youth…


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Heechose to give us birth through the word of truth… (James 1:18) While every day is a celebration in the family of God for every member - just because we have been made members according to His riches in graces in Christ Jesus, we nevertheless especially “rejoice with those who rejoice” in these special celebrations this month…

BIRTHDAYS IN JUNE Peter Sandstrum 6/1 Rocky Mobley 6/1 Enrique Tiongson 6/2 Sharon Fraser 6/3 Bob Hutchison 6/4 Jonathon Adams 6/4 Hedwig Pein 6/6 Cindy Fox 6/17

Beulah O’Neal 6/18 Adele Lourenço 6/22 Rick Medina 6/24 Ron Martin 6/25 Mike Elbert 6/26 Kenny Martin 6/27 Andy Klittich 6/29 Belinda Poore 6/30 Martin Petersen 6/30

JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Craig & Peggy Frye 6/3 Jim & Dianne Pedersen 6/11 Kevin & Rachael Ylizaliturri 6/12 Ken & Petra Mobley 6/13 Bob & Maryanne Mucica 6/16 Roger & Lisa Sage 6/25 Steve & Karen Rusch 6/25 Gene & Beulah O’Neal 6/26 Marshall & Lisa Denninger 6/27 Rick & Belinda Poore 6/28 Doug & Janice Swanson 6/30



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Confirmands bear witness to the Faith Aliquam justo nisl, iaculis non, faucibus non, vestibulum vel, massa. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim. Pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Mauris at neque eu sem pellentesque rutrum. Cras imperdiet. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit Praesent dignissim. Proin tortor ligula, tincidunt nonummy, interdum sit amet, dignissim sit amet, sem. Etiam imperdiet, augue at eleifend lacinia, quam nisl dictum sem, in vehicula velit.

Morbi ultricies convallis Nulla dolor pede, eleifend posuere, condimentum commodo, nonummy a, est. Mauris at erat. Maecenas sit amet nulla id tellus fringilla aliquamnteger interdum venenatis nulla. Proin vel massa vitae velit blandit lobortis. Maecenas sit amet nulla id tellus fringilla aliquamnteger interdum venenatis nulla. Proin vel massa vitae velit blandit lobortis. Aliquam justo nisl, iaculis non, faucibus non, vestibulum vel, massa. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim. Pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Consectetuer pellentesque vel neque molestie, ornare ultricies.

once for all delivered… Jude 3 asserts, “Contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.” This is what our confirmands from the Peace Lutheran class of 2020 recently did on Pentecost Sunday (May 31st), as they delivered their speeches to our online audience. Here are some highlights:

Daniel: “God has given me this body, my senses, my soul, and still takes care of them, just like He continues to take care of the rest of the world.”

Gabbie: “Now, I no longer need to be scared of death, since I’m forgiven, and death has been defeated. Jesus has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature…”

Logan: “When we gather, He connects us all together into the body of Christ so that we are never truly isolated. With this pandemic coming to an end, we can finally gather together again as the Holy Spirit intended.”

Connor: “Just like a baseball team fields all the different positions, or a Scout troop assigns different officers and duties - or even a school band brings together all the different instruments, so every part, every member, of the body of Christ has a meaningful place and contribution in God’s Church.

Nice job, students! For full speeches: PeaceCamarillo.com/junior-high. You can also watch the presentations: PeaceCamarillo.com/may. We are waiting for church to re-open for the Rite of Confirmation. TBD.


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“Be patient in troubles…” I‘ve been reading a unique translation of the Bible lately. It is a translation by a Jewish Christian, David H. Stern, and is known as the “Jewish New Testament”. In it, I came across this passage from Romans chapter 12, encouraging his readers with the attributes of a Christian. Boy, do these words resonate today.

Only twelve weeks into social distancing, mask-wearing and heightened hygiene, and our need for contact and sheer

normalcy have driven us almost to despair. We pick up at verse 9, where the Apostle Paul writes, “Don’t let love be a mere outward show.

Recoil from what is evil, and cling to what is good. Love each other devotedly and with brotherly love; and set examples for each other in showing respect. Do not be lazy when

hard work is needed, but serve the Lord with spiritual fervor. Rejoice in your hope, be patient in your troubles, and continue steadfastly in prayer. Share what you have with

God’s people and practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:9-13)

If anyone ever understood patience, it was the First Century Jew. The Jewish people had just gone four centuries without hearing a word from the LORD, until the WORD

was incarnated in their very midst. Heralded by the last of the Old Covenant prophets, John the Baptizer, Jesus came to tie together the totality of what was previously prophesied about the deliverance of Israel, and of all peoples, as had been promised, and waited for, since the time of Adam and Eve.

Today we stand, twenty centuries later, and patience just isn’t what it used to be. In our modern era of instant communications, instant food, and instant gratification, we have lost the ability to be patient. Only twelve weeks into social distancing, mask-wearing and heightened hygiene, and our need for contact and sheer normalcy have driven us almost to despair. People are so anxious to open things up that they are starting to throw caution to the wind. I have observed individuals acting with callous disregard for others by ignoring proper mask use in crowds or invading personal spaces of those unable to maintain a safe space for themselves.

Some even say that no one can tell them what to do. They are not going to follow what experts have to say, or what the government sets forth as guidelines. In this, I would offer a further word of caution from Paul. “Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed there by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities is resisting what God has instituted…” (Romans 13:1-2a) Some of what our local officials have put in place has spared us from what has befallen less-stringently controlled regions, and we should be thankful for those who tackled the tough choices on our behalf.

Our troubles will not last, and our hope abounds, thanks to Jesus! In the meantime, be hospitable, watching out for others by staying safe, and being aware of how one’s personal choices and preferences might affect others. Be well, be in prayer for one another, and be patient, convinced that the LORD has and will continue to provide for our ultimate needs.

From your Elders


“Christ. Over.

Viruses. &

Infectious. Diseases.”


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- Joshua 1:9

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Luther’s Limited Opening Luther's Attic is now open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays during our regular hours 10am until 4pm.  We will have only our Manager Donna and two to three workers at a time.  We have a sneeze guard in place.  Our workers will wear masks and customers will be asked to wear them as well.   The State guidelines are being followed.   We have three members and a former preschool mom who will work.   June 6th will be Peace's Saturday to work.    If anyone feels comfortable working please call Carol Yung 805-987-5952 or Nancy Fitch 805-484-5900.   The Attic is accepting donations on the days they are open.   Please call first to make sure there is room as everyone seems to have spent their quarantine time cleaning out closets.

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS For health and healing: Edith Anderson, Lili Baehr, Mrs. Cheung (Veronica Lee’s friend), Crystal (Phil Deck’s niece), Remi Chatelain (Carol Yung’s friend), Marshall Denninger, Dwayne Field, Bruce Fraser, Rory Hall (Jim & Lily Mainland’s granddaughter), Ken Haugrud, Damon Hermann (friend of Greg Olewiler), Jim Hogan (Robin Schmidt's brother-in-law), Vickie Hutter, Jan Irwin (friend of David Zinger), Karen Johnson, Dawn Logan (Pat Massey’s niece), Mrs. Mai, (friend of Greg Olewiler), Michelle & family (friend of Melissa Hamilton), Seza Mirzarian (Phil Hamilton's son-in- law'saunt),KenNipstad, JohnO'Loony(friendoftheHamiltons),LindaPackham,Jim Pedersen, Hedy Pein, Ingrid Poehler, Joanne Riccardi (friend of Pat Massey), David Saunders (friend of Carol Yung), Llewyn Rae Spencer (infant grandson of Gary & Char Spencer), Leslie Stenke, Jon Volpei (Connie Morris’ son), Lida Wachniuk (friend of Cheryl Sanders) Carol Yung, Sue Zinger.

Pray for all military men and women especially: Jacob Chiles, Andrew Geib, Daniel Gross, Michael Hanson, Brian Miller, Kevin Palos, Kevin Schleicher, Stephen Volpei, Amy Waddell, Lucas Wentlandt. Also remember their families in your prayers.

Please keep the nation and all those in authority in your prayers, along with front line healthcare workers. We will get through this together, because we never go through anything alone.


Words of Peace

MEMORIAL FOR MILT A service for our dear

brother, “Mickey” Kohut, who went to Jesus’ arms in

March, will be held at

Conejo Memorial Friday, July 3rd 11am followed, there, by a potluck