jpa interior architecture

interior architecture john pardey architects



Transcript of jpa interior architecture

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i n t e r i o ra r c h i t e c t u r e

j ohn pa rdey arch i tects

Page 2: jpa interior architecture

c o n c e r n i n g d e t a i l

We bel ieve that design does not stop at

the threshold, so we pay great at tent ion

to the smal lest deta i l .

We are concerned not just wi th how a

bui ld ing looks, but how i t is bui l t , how

i t per forms, how i t weathers and how

i t fee ls – design f lows seamless ly f rom

outs ide to ins ide – and v isa versa =

and mater ia ls , colours, textures and the

qual i ty of l ight are a l l considered.

We enjoy natura l mater ia ls , d iscrete

l ight ing, s imple and c lear f in ishes.

We enjoy the re lat ionship between ins ide

and outs ide – the p leasure of natura l

l ight and mater ia ls .

Whi le we prefer to use main ly natura l

mater ia ls and a restra ined palet te, we

a lso enjoy adding colour and of ten work

a longside Helen Yardley, Br i ta in’s pre-

eminent rug designer to create a l i t t le

soul into each space.

We bel ieve the th ings that we touch in

any bui ld ing are extremely important –

handles, switches, handra i ls , furn i ture

100 x 5 mm stainless steel edge with chased drip to leading edge




Drawing No:

Scale: Date:

1:5 @ A3



S T . L E O N A R D ' S











S O 4 1 5 S R

0 1 5 9 0 6 2 6 4 6 5

0 1 5 9 0 6 2 6 5 4 7

m a i l @ j o h n p a r d e y a r c h i t e c t s . c o m


0 200 mm50 150


do not scale

cad file


t.o. UC 162.345

t.o. concrete 161.245

t.o. concrete 161.120

frame less glazing in stainless steel channel by cantifix

100 x 50 mm stgainless steel channel

lphw heaing coil with stainless steel grille above

ARMOURCOAT polished plaster onto 20 mm S/C render

225 mm waterproof reinforced concrete

75 mm celotex insulation

75 mm ashlar lime stone


u/s angle 162.225


F.F.L 162.395

200 x 50 mm SC3 joists @ 400 c-c's with 200 mm celotex insulation

nom 22 mm oak flooring

119 x 22 mm english oak t + g boarding with a 10 mm t + g


armourcoat shadow bead

152 x 152 x 37 UC with 150 x 75 mm angle

20 mm hardwood battens

stainles steel flashing


2 layers 10 mm blueclad board + polished plaster

aluminium 50.8 x 25.4mm channel GA0423

aluminium 19 x 38.1mm angle GA0332

aluminium angle and channel fixed/ bonded together to manufacturers recommendations. Powdercoated to RAL 7012



SEPT. 2003

HPH/814 C



C - 20/06/03

C1 - 15/10/03

A - 07/03/05DPC added by coping detail

B - 18/05/05- celing build up revised- polished plaster added to ceiling- build up to polished plaster wall finishes revised

C - 13/11/07- drip channel added above clere storey window

John Pardey Archi tects was establ ished

in 1988 as a sole t rader pract ice in

conjunct ion with teaching at severa l

schools of archi tecture. The pract ice

launched in 2000 and now employs 12

staff . The commiss ions have grown over

the years but i t is the pr ivate one-off

house that has made our reputat ion and

remains where our heart l ies.

We have undertaken numerous pr ivate

house commiss ions ranging f rom

refurb ishment and extensions to large

new- bui ld houses for which we have

gained nat ional recogni t ion and received

many awards.

Being a medium-sized pract ice, we can

offer c l ients a personal serv ice with the

involvement of John at a l l stages of the

design process. Our partner ing with

large internat ional f i rms of archi tecture

a lso g ives us the unique opportuni ty to

design large schemes both in the UK and


The pract ice has gained some th i r ty-

f ive nat ional and internat ional des ign

awards and our work has been widely

exhib i ted and publ ished. John Pardey

has held post-graduate teaching posts at

Canterbury and Portsmouth univers i t ies

and been an external examiner at Cardi ff

and Oxford Univers i t ies. He is author of

two books on Danish archi tecture.

John Pardey was appointed to

the Nat ional Review Panel of the

Commiss ion for Archi tecture and the

Bui l t Env i ronment in January 2009.

RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2001, 2009, 2011 and 2012

Shor t- l i s ted for the 2009 St i r l ing Award’s Stephen Lawrence Pr ize

Shor t- l i s ted for the 2011 Manser Meda l and Downland Pr ize

Grand Des igns Award W inner 2007

Voted one of Br i ta in ’s top ten pract ices in Grand Des igns magaz ine in 2012.

and so on and pay a great deal of

at tent ion on these aspects of a bui ld ing.

Our work is a lways contemporary, but

avoids the fashionable to aspi re to a

t imelessness.

The fo l lowing pages i l lustrate some of

our inter ior archi tecture.

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i n t e r i o r a r c h i t e c t u r e

In our work, we see no dist inct ion

between ins ide and outs ide – a design

should encompass both with the same

design approach and attent ion to deta i l .

We a lways enjoy br inging the outs ide in

and employ ing natura l mater ia ls where

we can.

We work hard to make inter iors that have

an e legant s impl ic i ty, yet a lso a r ichness

and warmth. We avoid the fashionable

and a im for spaces that wi l l endure.

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Stai rcases are a lways an opprtuni ty for good design.

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When we can, we l ike to design a l l the

f i t t ings and furn i ture.

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Helen Yardley rug in the Spence House –

r ight , ‘Pardey’ rug.

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john pardey architects | interior architecture

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F i rs t Pr ize : Bui ld ing Centre Trust

nat ional ' Ideas for l iv ing, a housing

demonstrat ion pro ject compet i t ion' .


Jo int Premier Pr ize : Memor ia l

Advisory Bureau nat ional 'Phoenix

Awards for the design of a cemetery

for commemorat ion af ter cremat ion

compet i t ion' 1988

F i rs t Pr ize : Bi rmingham City

internat ional des ign compet i t ion for the

design of a 700 pupi l inner c i ty jun ior

school and community centre wi th

anci l lary housing. 1989

Second Pr ize : Chichester Distr ict

Counci l /RIBA nat ional des ign

compet i t ion for a 900 space mult i -storey

car park wi th in a conservat ion area.


Second Pr ize : EEC Energy Research

Group 'Work ing in the Ci ty' . European

archi tectura l ideas compet i t ion for a

design of a passive-energy urban off ice

prototype in London. 1989

Honourab le Ment ion: Comune di

Genova internat ional compet i t ion to

redesign the area of P iazza Dante,

Genoa, I ta ly. 1990

High ly Commended: RIBA/Country L i fe

nat ional des ign compet i t ion for a new

v is i tors centre at the Dulwich Picture

Gal lery. 1990

Honourab le Ment ion: Internat ional

compet i t ion for the design of a Chamber

Theatre and Arts Centre, Moscow. 1990

Th i rd Pr ize : RIAS/Scott ish Sports

Counci l hote l swimming pool

compet i t ion. 1992

Second Pr ize : Blanc de Bierges Street

furn i ture design compet i t ion. 1992

Runner up: Kent County Counci l /RIBA

nat ional des ign compet i t ion for an inf i l l

s i te in Rochester town centre. 1992

F i rs t Pr ize : Nat ional compet i t ion for the

design of a new Garden of Remembrance

at Kensal Green cemetery, London. 1993

Honourab le Ment ion: Europan

internat ional compet i t ion for medium

densi ty housing in the suburbs of

Stockholm, Sweden. 1994

Commended: Centro/RIBA nat ional

des ign compet i t ion for a new ci ty centre

bus stat ion, Walsa l l , W. Midlands. 1995

Runner up: Europan internat ional

housing compet i t ion at Pr iesth i l l ,

Glasgow. 1996

F i rs t Pr ize : RIBA susta inable school

compet i t ion in Canterbury. 2001

RIBA Southern Reg ion Cha i rman’s

Award 2001

F i rs t Pr ize : Galvanisers Associat ion

Award 2004

Chi l te rn ’s Des ign Award 2004

Runner up: The Pr ime Min ister ’s Best

Publ ic Bui ld ing Award 2005

Second Pr ize : Chr istchurch Borough

Counci l / RIBA compet i t ion for a new

cl i f f - top cafe 2005

F ina l is t : Grand Designs Magazine

Awards for Best New House in Br i ta in

2006Grand Des igns Magaz ine Award for Best Remodel led House in Br i ta in Award 2006

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Bookshops 2005

Internat ional Book Award: for John

Pardey’s book ‘Utzon: Two Houses on

Majorca’ . 2006

F i rs t Pr ize : Southwark Counci l /

Internat ional des ign compet i t ion for a

new ‘School for the Future’ 2007

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Bookshops 2007

Internat ional Book Award: for John

Pardey’s book ‘Louis iana and Beyond –

The work of V i lhe lm Wohlert ’ . 2007

F ina l is t : Grand Designs Magazine

Awards for Best New House in Br i ta in

2009RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2009

High ly Commended: RIBA / Rother

Distr ict Counci l ’s Seafront shel ters +

k iosk compet i t ion. 2009

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA St i r l ing Pr ize Stephen

Lawrence Award 2009

RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2011

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Manser Medal 2011

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Downland Pr ize 2011

a w a r d s

RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2012

Shor t l i s ted: 2012 Internat ional Design + Archi tect

Awards 2012

RIBA Welsh Reg ion Award 2012

Winner : Nat ional Bui ld ing Contro l Award 2013

H igh ly Commended: The Wood Awards 2013

Gold Meda l for Arch i tecture in Wales 2013