JOY - · Alpha is a series...


Transcript of JOY - · Alpha is a series...


Each Sunday as our members and guests gather to worship, they are welcomed by a friendly face located at all our entrances. These faithful greeters wear colorful stoles that read: “CHRIST BEFORE US IN ALL WE DO.” On the first of this month we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the victory over sin and death that comes with it! The question is, do we, daily, acknowledge that Jesus Christ is before us in ALL that we do? God has a long track record of leading the community of faith to deliverance. We read in the book of Exodus:

The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, so that they might travel by day and by night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people. (Exodus 13:21-22)

We have all been told that if no one is following, then you are not leading. To lead you must always be out in front. Day and night, God is out in front of us, leading us on the road to salvation. This road is never boring. In the March 20th devotional from the Upper Room (these devotionals are available in our office), the contributor shared a story about a pilgrimage to the Holy Land where the guide was a Bedouin nomad. The Bedouin was asked if he had a certain strategy for walking in the desert. He did not immediately reply. Instead he stopped, picked up a stone and hurled it several yards ahead of them. He began to walk again and motioned for the pilgrim to accompany him. When they reached the spot where the stone landed, he picked it up and hurled it once more. He smiled and said, “I walk in the desert from stone to stone.”

The pilgrim understood the guide’s message. “Life is lived in stages. It is a journey of diverse experiences: trials, disappointments, achievements and so on. By asking God to walk with us, we can face life’s most challenging experiences and live one ‘stone’ at a time.”

As I reflect on this I am reminded that Jesus is our rock. The God of creation has set our course of how to live in Kingdom relationships. Jesus was sent to lead us in the way. As disciples we are to follow closely. There is an old saying from the Jewish tradition that says, “May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi.” May our actions so closely resemble those lessons that Jesus left for us that we can truly say, “Christ before us in all we do.” The Holy Spirit is the daily presence of God walking with us every step of the way, giving us strength and wisdom, power and might in all that we do.

It is my prayer that in this Easter season and beyond, you will look to the triune God to lead you along the way remembering that “If you leave God’s paths and go astray, you will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’”

Pastor Matt


SMALL GROUP: CONNECT, CARE, GROW “We can’t do life alone.” Are you looking for a way to journey deeper than Sunday morning? Small Group is the best place for you to grow in faith. A Small Group is a gathering of around 12-16 people who meet twice a month (or more) for food, fellowship, study, and prayer. In a Small Group, you will experience a Christian community as you share in table fellowship, discuss the issues and challenges of life, pray, and care for one another. Our Small Group Team will organize a small group for you so that you can enjoy a connected life with people whose stages of life or goals for a better Christian life are similar to yours. Small Groups will form during summer and will start in September 2018. Sign up today at You may ask, “What does a typical meeting look like?” In a Small Group, people generally take turns hosting and facilitating the discussion. Most groups meet twice a month for an hour to two hours (decided by the group). Although all groups are designed uniquely, a typical Small Group meeting might be: 6:30pm Food (could be snacks or desserts) 7:00pm Study and Discussion 7:50pm Prayer 8:10pm End “What is expected of me?” We encourage everyone to participate as much as they feel comfortable. You will not be put on the spot or expected to speak or pray aloud. Volunteers who feel comfortable doing so sign up to lead the discussion or host the evening. “Where does a small group meet?” Most groups meet in homes or coffee shops or in the church. “What about my children?” We provide childcare. Approved childcare workers from the church take care of the children in a separate room in the host home. We will ask you if you need childcare once your group is formed. “How is a Small Group different from a short-term Bible study?” While short-term Bible studies do not carry any commitment beyond the length of one study, small groups are intended to stay together for a longer period of time, creating a deep sense of community and of doing life together. “How do I connect with a Small Group?” Go to and fill out the application form. The same form is available as a paper copy in the Jones Narthex on the board for Small Groups. Upon your submission, someone on our Small Group Team will be in touch with options to discuss the best fit for you!

More questions? Please contact Pastor Peace at [email protected] or 414-964-2424, ext. 224.


ALPHA at the UMCWFB! We are looking for at least 10 people who are interested in this pilot offering of Alpha. This curriculum is designed for the people who do not attend church but is also relevant for those who do, especially those who have questions about the Christian faith. Details

Wednesday evenings from 6:00–8:00 pm April 4–June 13 Start in Fellowship Hall – most classes will occur at the church but some may be offsite. Childcare may be available. Please contact Joelle for details.

Sign up today… On the church website ( Scroll down and click on the Alpha icon to register and get details. Email or call Joelle Karth ([email protected]) or Pastor Peace Kim ([email protected]) or 414-964-2424.

What is Alpha? Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. (Questions such as: Is There More to Life Than This? How Can I Have Faith? Why and How Do I Pray? Why and How Should I Read the Bible?) Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.

Who’s it for? Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. No question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.

How does it work? Alpha is eleven sessions. Each session includes food, a short talk and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. There’s no pressure, no follow up and no charge.

How much is it? There’s no charge to do Alpha, though a contribution towards our meal is appreciated.

CORE New Member Classes April 4, 11, 25 (no class April 18) Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 pm Walnut Room This series of 4 classes explores what it means to be a member, of the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay. All four are needed to become a member but you are not required to become a member at the conclusion of the classes. The classes can be completed in any order. In this particular session, the four classes will be presented in 3 meetings.

Pastor Matt will walk us through the following: Overview of the Bible and History of Christianity, The United Methodist Church, Our Church, Why Would I Join a Church?

Current members of UMCWFB are also welcome to attend.

Facilitator: Pastor Matt, [email protected].


LEARN, EXPERIENCE, and ENGAGE issues affecting communities, near and far, and BE EQUIPPED

to live as empowered disciples of Christ who dream of and work for a better and more just world.

Youth and young adults currently enrolled in high school or college are invited to join the premier

seminary, Outside My Window, to New York City and Washington D.C.

Outside My Window Mercy and Justice Seminar will feature: Educational seminars hosted by The United

Methodist Women (New York) and The United Methodist General Board of Church and Society (Washington D.C.)

Engaging with national/international organizations/activists

Meeting with congregational representatives Acts of mercy with a local organization in NYC Worship at a vibrant church in downtown NYC Visits to historical and cultural attractions Dates: Saturday, August 11-Friday, August 17 Cost: $524 per person (including seminars, transportation, room and board) Contact Youth Pastor Steve Lirely, [email protected]

Register for

Camp Lucerne Today!

June 10-13, 2018

Camp is for all children entering 3rd-8th grade next year, so invite friends and neighbors!

We are looking for a limited number of teen counselors; don’t wait to apply. Registration is entirely online this year, including the medical form!


Notes from the Board As the Board continues its study of the book Stop This, Start That, we are examining worship in the church. The book emphasizes that the style of worship is not important; it is whether we worship “in spirit and in truth.” Worship in spirit means to worship with our full heart. Worship in truth means to worship honestly and not use rituals to go through the motions of worship. Worship should be a celebration of our risen Lord, should be accessible to all, and should provide specific guidance that will help us change our lives. Another key point for worship and all of our interactions in the church is to use feedback as a ladder instead of a hammer. A ladder genuinely seeks to help the church and church leaders to grow and thoughtfully offers specific steps to improve. A hammer seeks to prove others wrong and beats them down. The book urges a church culture of ladders where feedback is healthy, safe, and helpful.

Discipleship Plan Pastor Peace is developing a two-pronged discipleship plan that will focus on discipleship training and Bible classes and formation of small groups. One interesting new class is called Alpha. Alpha is a national program that uses a group meal, videos, and discussion questions to introduce key Christian beliefs and concepts to the unchurched and the de-churched.

Strategic Planning The Strategic Planning Team held their first meeting on March 1 and focused on the first stage of strategic planning - defining the current state of the church. Two subgroups were formed to assess the type of data that should be collected and to determine how to best gather input from the congregation. The next meeting will be Thursday, April 12.

Staff Parish Relations As was announced last month, Pastor Tshishinen has been transferred to the Wesley United Methodist Church in Oshkosh. Her last day at our church will be June 3 and her moving day will be June 25. There will be a reception given for her after the 9:00 and 10:30 am services on June 3 and envelopes for a love offering will be available in mid-May. The planned trip to Ghana to dedicate the well given by the church has also been moved from August to May 1 to allow Pastor Tshishinen to participate. Questions have been raised about who will occupy Pastor Tshishinen’s parsonage after she leaves. The parsonage is a key property for our church because the Church Walk goes through the driveway. Pastor Peace and his family are happily settled in 820 E. Glen (next door to the east). Our custodian, Dan Murphy, lives with his son next door to the west at 810 E. Glen and certain repairs have previously been recommended for his house. Our other pastors own their own homes. Before a decision is made, the Trustees will assess the condition of the parsonage as well as the condition of Dan Murphy’s house. Staff Appreciation Week will be held during the week of May 7. We encourage everyone in the congregation to take a moment to express their heartfelt thanks to our talented and hardworking pastors and staff.

Finance The February budget shows a surplus of $14,766. Our pledge payments are on track and our non-pledge payments are higher than expected. Nevertheless, this is a reduction in surplus of $28,000 from January. This is the pattern that we experience each year. We typically end the calendar year with a significant surplus due to the Christmas offerings and use much of that up in the winter months when attendance and income are lower and expenses are higher. Last year we ended the fiscal year in June with a surplus of $2,000 and we expect similar results this year. As Pastor Matt remarked at the All-Church meeting, we want and expect to spend our entire operating budget on ministry each year. Our Easter offering will be designated for mission as in past years. Last year it was used to help fund our Feed My Starving Children meal packing project and this year will be allocated to the Mission Team to seed their mission projects. The pledge drive will take place from April 15 to May 6. The theme will be “Here I Am, Lord.” A campaign team is being assembled. Discussions are underway regarding the 2018-19 budget. Two key goals are to continue to pay our apportionment in full and to give much-needed raises to our staff.


Board Comings and Goings The Board welcomed John Fruncek to the board (see side bar). John will serve as the Lay Leader of the church. The Board also accepted the resignation of Barb Armstrong, as she has chosen to focus more fully on her youth and music ministry. We are grateful for Barb’s two years of service and will miss the keen insight and deep spirituality she brought to the Board. Barb also chaired the Planning Team, the strategic planning group that preceded the Board and led to its formation. Next Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 10 at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room.

JOHN FRUNCEK JOINS ALB The ALB is pleased to welcome John Fruncek to the Accountable Leadership Board. John was elected to the Board at its March 13 meeting. He will serve as the Lay Leader.

John and his wife, Betsy, have been members of the church since 2005. John has been serving in missions and children’s and youth ministry for much of that time. John volunteers at MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, delivers canned goods to UMCS, and helps with the MacCanon Brown meal program. He organized and planted a church garden for six years, even experimenting with aquaponics in his basement, and delivered fresh vegetables from the garden to various food distribution sites. He has also organized several farmers' markets at our church. Finally, John chaired the Mission Team from 2014 to 2016.

John taught Sunday School for seven years, serving as a team lead for three. He has participated in Church Camp at Camp Lucerne as a leader for the last twelve years. John has also taught Confirmation and currently is part of the ROC leader team. John has sung in the Praise Team since 2007.

John is employed as a computer programmer for Fujifilm Teramedica. He and Betsy have two sons, Carl who is attending college at Michigan Tech and Sam who is graduating from WFB High School this year.

John’s favorite activity is surfing on Lake Michigan with his sons.

With his passion for mission and children and youth, we know John will be a great addition to the Board.

Facility and Properties The Facility and Properties Team has reformed as the Trustees. The Trustees are led by Mary Paull and members include Dick Steinmetz, Bruce Thompson, Steve Scheil, Charles Ward, Marshall Chetlain, Deb Wood and Dan Murphy. Deb Wood is also the representative from and liaison to the Board.

The Trustees have responsibility for the Maintenance Reserve Fund which currently contains almost $70,000 and the Trustee operating budget. The MRF is available for emergencies as well as maintenance and capital improvements to the church building and the houses. The Trustee Report is below:

Spring has sprung and with it comes a flurry of activity around our church home. The Lawn & Garden team is busy sweeping away winter’s dust, trimming trees and bushes and getting ready to plant flowers. If you would be able to help on an occasional basis – please contact Susan Stoehr at [email protected].

Part of the Take Our Faith Forward Capital Campaign, the sanctuary storm window project, designed to help improve heating and cooling costs and reduce if not eliminate troublesome condensation, has concluded the test period with successful results and is now in the process of obtaining bids from experienced contractors for the implementation of the project. What was the F&P committee has become Trustees of UMCWFB. We welcome your input and participation. The core team is busy as well, working on a new budget for the coming fiscal year, inspecting the parsonages per conference rules, working with other ministries to repair/replace worn and broken equipment and collecting estimates for several projects. To compliment the invaluable Gray Guys, women are coming together to accomplish other small tasks around the building. If you have fourth Tuesday mornings free, contact Steve Scheil ([email protected]) to help with Gray Guys projects (guys only); if you would like to help clean, organize and tackle other projects – contact Mary Paull [email protected] to be a part of the women’s group (to be named). And last, but not least – if you would like to be a Friend of Trustees – one of those many volunteers who are willing to help as needed – please speak with Dan Murphy or Mary Paull. Together, we can make this building fresh, friendly and welcoming.


United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay

Ministry to Children from preschool to college


The light of the church and the heart of the family....

Children’s Ministry

We believe that children are born with an innate sense of wonder and faith that is real and authentic. Our role is to provide a

foundation of experiences on which children build a life of learning and growth toward a mature and vital faith. Children who

become deeply committed followers of Christ who LOVE God, CARE for others and SERVE in the world.

Christy West Monica Bessette Tracey Grabowski

Director, Children & Family Ministries Director, Carpenter’s Shop Daycare Director, Tree of Life Christian Preschool

414-964-2424 x 221 414-964-2424 x 115 414-964-8733

Early Childhood Sunday School

Just for 5th & 6th Graders

Class featuring innovative teaching techniques that will include digital programs, cell phones, crafts, relationship development and will

follow the study of Luke that Pastor Matt is presenting during Lent through the week after Easter. The next series will be selected by

the children; join us this week so you can help make the decision. This class meets at 10:30 am weekly.

Elementary Sunday School

VBS 2018

August 6—10


3 years old and up


Meals include: A Brat, Burger, Hot Dog, or Black Bean Burger

Choice of Chips & Fruit Cookie & Pickle

Water or Lemonade

Adults $5 Children (4-12) $3

Children 3 and under eat FREE (Ask about extra brat, burger or Hot Dog for only $1)

Invite your friends, bring your family, tell your neighbors!

Spring Fling featuring

Fox and Branch

celebrated folk musicians

April 26

5:00—6:30 pm

Enjoy dinner, simple activities, and a lot of family-friendly music with your friends and family.

Everyone is welcome. All of the music and activities are free and sponsored by:

Tree of Life invites you to bring your little ones for Music and Dancing with Jen and the Jellyfish! Wednesday, April 25 at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall.

All are welcome- cost is $5 per child, children 3 and under are free!

In addition, there will be a Barefoot Book Fair available for browsing after the performance.


This year's children's musical of QUEEN ESTHER was filled with drama, suspense and deceit. A HEARTFELT THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED!

Did you miss our fantastic Children’s Musical live? Or, do you want to watch it again? Check out the video on our YouTube channel.

Come join us at ROC! Our youth group for 6th through 8th grade is open to ALL, including church members and friends. We meet in the Youth Room every Wednesday at 6:30 pm following the church’s weekly Wednesday Night Live dinner. Each week we have supervised “hang out” time in the Youth Room, activities such as service opportunities, and opportunities to learn about our Christian faith. Our evening closes with our Christ Candle – a time of prayer that brings us closer to each other and to God.

Plan to join us in April, and please bring a friend!

April 11: Pasta Dinner April 18: Rummage Sale Help April 25: Monthly Service Project: Sandwiches for MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary ___________________________ LOFT is a program for high school students that meets Sunday evenings for activities, events, devotions and spiritual growth. Our schedule for April: April 8 - ASP Mission Trip Training Session #1. 6:00-7:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. April 14 & 15 - Spring Retreat at Timber Ridge Lodge in Lake Geneva. April 22 - ASP Mission Trip Training Session #2. 6:00-7:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. April 29 - Beach Walk Clean-up and Pizza Night. 3:00-5:30pm. Please contact Steve Lirely at [email protected] for more information.

Are you getting our texts? If not, just text LOFT to 94253 and you'll be updated on all the latest information about LOFT.

Confirmation Class Prepares for Confirmation Sunday! John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The 8th grade Confirmation class began their journey leading to Confirmation Sunday back in the fall semester of 2016. As 7th graders they were introduced to the Confirmation program (Credo) and continued with the same curriculum, but went more in depth on subjects and material. A typical Sunday includes “hang time” in the Youth Room with snacks and fellowship before starting our class, combining both the 7th and 8th grades. In class we covered topics including: the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, overviews of the Old and New Testaments, Way of Salvation, Power of Prayer and Bible Study, the teachings of Jesus, lessons on Worship, Sacraments, Holy Spirit, Social Justice, life of John Wesley, history of the UMC, Ministry of General Church, and post-Confirmation expectations of Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

This month we will enjoy the fun and spirited discussion when we try to “Stump the Pastor” with our questions! We enjoyed having Pastors Tshishinen and Peace visit our class and visits to Elmbrook Church in Brookfield and the Urban Poiema Church to explore how others interpret faith.

Throughout the year, the youth worked hard to attain the requirements for Confirmation, including: worship attendance & reports (5 hours minimum), and volunteer service (9 hours minimum). They are in the process of writing their Faith Statements and sharing those with Pastor Matt during their pre-Confirmation interviews. A few of our students will be sharing their Faith Statements during Confirmation Sunday – their personal reflections and poignant thoughts are not to be missed!

As in the past, we encourage members of the UMCWFB congregation to write notes of encouragement and congratulations to our Confirmation youth. Watch for the envelopes labeled with each student’s name and their picture in the Jones Narthex. This is a great way to connect relatives who are not in the Milwaukee area – simply print out emails from loved ones!

As the Confirmation teachers for this small but wonderful class, we have been honored to connect with the youth and help them continue to develop their faith. Please join us to congratulate and celebrate this class on May 13 - Confirmation Sunday! In God’s Love,

Kathy Schluter, Dan Yunk, Chris Gaffney, Lori Aeschbacher and Steve Lirely


EMME HENLEY AND LUCY NORRIS have been selected as youth delegates to the Wisconsin Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church representing the Southeast District Youth. Both will be attending Annual Conference and will be involved in all aspects of the plenary sessions, worship, workshop and activities. Congratulations to these two outstanding young ladies who will represent us well. Our prayers and support are with you.


Deborah Reading Circle

The May 1 book is

Fates & Traitors

by Jennifer Chiaverini

and the June 5 book is

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.

Grab a good book and come for

great sharing. Contact Sally at

[email protected] for further

information – but really, just come.


Women at the Well

is a study and service small group.

Join with others interested in

service & fellowship on Sunday,

April 8 at 11:30 am to travel to

MacCanon Brown’s Hephatha

site to help sort and distribute

clothing to those experiencing

homelessness in the poorest

zipcode, 53206.

Contact Kathy Schluter for more

details at

[email protected].

Women’s Ministries encourages you

to come for the fantastic fellowship

at the All-Church Rummage Sale.

Set up is April 15-20.

Sale is April 20 & 21.

You won’t want to miss this

opportunity to drop off useable

items you no longer have a place for,

stop by and help while you meet

new friends and reconnect with

old ones and then shop till you drop

on Friday evening and Saturday.

The Youth ASP group will feed you

Friday evening with chili and dogs

and great brownies. Come for the

fun with others in this annual

project for missions!

May 2 is our bi-annual lunch to

serve at the UWM United

Campus Ministry House.

Contact Sue Krezoski if you can

bake brownies or help in the

kitchen that morning.

[email protected]

May 8 is the United Methodist

Women Spring Luncheon.

Be sure to invite a friend for tasty

lunch, fun, informative program

and conversation around the

table. RSVP in the church office.

$8 at the door.

Women’s Ministry Celebrating 20 years of ministry, WOW, Women Offering Worship, invites YOU to Thursday morning WOW. This generationally diverse ministry overflows with opportunities for faith-growth. Four different classes follow the 9:20 am morning worship in the Chapel. Amber is in Room 212 by 9:00 am to welcome your children with free and fun playtime. The kids adore her, as do all of WOW, as she enables young moms to participate at no extra cost and worry free. With fabulous classes that begin at 10:15 am, loving free child care, warm, happy smiles and genuine friendships…and COFFEE – ABUNDANT COFFEE, what is holding you back? No need to RSVP, come as you are, come when you can. Nell Nash can give you any other details you may be wondering about.

Come, and be fed. See you THIS Thursday!

There aren’t a lot of shops that can say

EVERY purchase EVERY day supports

mission in at LEAST one way – but our

very own Lydia’s Treasure does just that.

Tucked into a little spot next to the front entrance off the Jones Narthex,

Lydia’s Treasure features fair trade, decadent chocolates, thoughtful &

beautiful greeting cards, fragrant soap, luscious body butter, gift cards and

so many fun finds. You will have so much fun supporting mission as

everything is reasonably priced.

Stop by this week, new things nearly every day.

Sunday 8:45 am–Noon, Monday,







new or old


Rummage drop off

times at Church:

Sunday, April 15

1:00 pm–7:00 pm


April 16–17

9:00 am–7:00 pm

Wednesday, April 18

9:00 am-noon

Pick ups on

Sunday ONLY– need to

be scheduled with Loretto

at [email protected]




Men’s Ministry provides men of all ages with experiences of Christian fellowship, spirituality, and mission.

Leaders: Dick Steinmetz ([email protected]) and Steve Scheil ([email protected])

FIRST FRIDAY BREAKFAST - APRIL 6 Just conversation and fellowship at First Watch Restaurant in Mequon - 7:30 am. Separate checks for everyone.

WEBS: Wednesday Early morning Bible Study Every Wednesday 6:30 am Good coffee opens each gathering, followed by scripture, reading, and discussion. All are welcome. No preparation is needed. No homework is assigned.

GRAY GUYS - Men for smaller repair and maintenance of the church and grounds Tuesday, April 24 Come for coffee and doughnuts at 8:30 am in the Jones Narthex and work will commence at 9:00 am. We will finish up before noon. Examples of work include touch-up painting, installation of fallen and new signs, repairs of light switches, etc.

CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE - MEN’S MINISTRY IS A CO-SPONSOR THIS YEAR Your time during the week of April 15-April 21 will be appreciated. Men of the church are responsible for goods in the Jones Narthex: set up on MONDAY thru THURSDAY and the sale on late FRIDAY and SATURDAY. The men still have the traditional CLEAN UP responsibility on SATURDAY from 1:00-4:00 pm. Look over the schedule on the Rummage Sale page in this newsletter and let Dick Steinmetz ([email protected]) know when you can volunteer to help.

CHURCH SOFTBALL TEAM We need new players in order to field a team this year. Games are doubleheaders in a church league on Monday evenings from May to August.

Please let Dick Steinmetz ([email protected]) know you will play.


The All-Church Rummage Sale is COMING!!!! April 15-21

This is your chance to clear the clutter, share with others . . . and be rewarded with fantastic finds!

Plan to donate SUNDAY - April 15 from 1:00-7:00 p.m.

MONDAY & TUESDAY - 9:00 am-7:00 pm WEDNESDAY - 9:00 am-noon

Plan to share in fellowship by helping with others SUNDAY, April 15-THURSDAY, April 19

Plan to attend the sale FRIDAY, April 20, 4:00-8:00 pm

and also

Chili Supper by Youth 5:00-7:30 pm

Plan to return for more great deals: SATURDAY, April 21 - 9:00-11:00 am - Half Price! 11:30 am-1:00 pm - Pay $5 and take all you want.

We will even help you load your car.


Join Our FMSC Partner, St. John XXIII In partnership with the Catholic parish in Port Washington, we have been hosting a Feed My Starving Children meal-packing event in our area for several years. The two communities of faith host the event alternatively every other year. This year, our sister church invites us to join them on Friday-Saturday, April 13-14, for another change-making event. The volunteer packing will take place, as every year, at Portal inc., 1015 Cedar Creek, Grafton, WI. Here is an easy, online option for sign-up or donation: go to → Choose: WI → Port Washington → Click “Get Involved” on the right side. Or, simply email Linda Buser of St. John XXIII Catholic Church, [email protected] Friday, April 13, session 1--pack 12:30-2:30 pm (80-90 spots) Friday, April 13, session 2--pack 3:30-5:30 pm (80-90 spots) Saturday, April 14, session 3--pack 8:00-10:00 am (80-90 spots) Saturday, April 14, session 4--pack 11:00 am-1:00 pm (80-90 spots) Saturday April 14, session 5--pack 2-4pm (80-90 spots)

April 1st Modrinski, Mrs. Joan -Joanie Geisel, Ms. Laurie April 2nd Buck, Mrs. Priscilla Gaffney, Mrs. Christine -Chris McGrath, Mr. Douglas -Doug April 3rd Davis, Mr. Mark Abram, Mrs. Susan April 4th Pruhs, Bruno Pruhs, Marina Abraham, Ms. Debra Swartzmiller, Ms. Lisa Hogan, Mrs. Marjorie -Margie Swartzberg, Mrs. Karen Sook, Mrs. Joanne April 5th Motte, Mr. Stephen Novak, Michael Vladimir-Misha Voelz, Mrs. Kathryn -Kathie Steck, Mrs. Mary April 6th Patrick, Mrs. Jennifer April 9th Groble, Mrs. Beth Sechtig, Mrs. Anne Ehle, Mrs. Anne Landwehr, Mr. James -Jim April 10th Davis, Mrs. Suzanne April 11th Peterson, Stella Dettinger, Mr. David Provancher, Ms. Jennifer -Jenny April 12th Plaster, Mrs. Rega Linsley, Mrs. Judy Stackhouse, Mr. Derek April 14th Groble, Mr. Tom Tomson, Mr. Albert -Al April 15th Schroeder, Mrs. Rosemary April 16th Stackhouse, Mrs. Jackie Case, Mrs. Annemarie April 17th Jones, Mrs. Jennifer Siebert, Jacob

Zentner, Amelia Montague, Mrs. Chelsea April 19th Peterson, Christian April 20th Whitney, Laura Whitney Sook, Mr. John Gandrud, Mrs. Lisa April 21st Ehle, Mr. Fredric -Fred Mulligan, Kelly Kliber, Mrs. Mandy April 22nd Lindfors, Mr. Mike Blegen, Alana April 23rd Foster, Mrs. Lindsay Furlong, Mr. Lucas -Luke April 24th Foster, Mr. Brandt Schaetzke, Adelaide Daykin, Mr. Tom April 25th Armstrong, Mr. Jim Hicks, Amelia April 26th Moran, Emma Markuson, Mr. Bruce Berry, Mrs. June Sander, Mrs. Marie April 27th Matt, William -Billy Thomson, Mr. James -Jim April 28th Stolz, Mrs. Linda Kern, Mrs. Deborah Ridley Bolingbroke, Mrs. Sharon Markuson, Mrs. Ann Van Cleave, Mr. Tom Mortonson, Ryan Summers, Mr. Gary April 29th Case, Mr. Anthony -Tony Jeselun, Mr. Bill -William Kliber, Jason April 30th Serrano, Mr. Fernando Dean, Mrs. Eileen Murphy, Mr. Dan


py B



Address Service Requested


Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor Matt Hadley Associate Pastor PyungAhn “Peace” Kim Outreach Pastor Tshishinen Mpoyo Pastor Emeritus Dr. Richard Jones

Support Staff Business Manager Pam Vaughan Communications & Admin. Manager Heather Taylor Custodian Dan Murphy Director of Adult Discipleship Joelle Karth Director of Care & Women’s Ministry Nell Nash Director of Carpenter’s Shop Monica Bessette Program Coordinator Kimberley DeVane Director of Children/Family Ministry Christy West Director of Food Ministry Chance Taylor Director of Music and Fine Arts Neil Bubke Director of Tree of Life Tracey Grabowski Organist David Hein Youth Director Steve Lirely

LOVE God ● CARE for each other ● SERVE in the world

Saturday 5:00 pm in the Chapel

Sunday 8:00 am in the Chapel

Sunday 9:00 am Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary

Sunday 10:30 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary