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JOURNEY TO SUCCESSWoman Entrepreneurs, Is a catagory i am working hard to be placed in.I don't generally like to be placed in boxes, but that is a pretty awesome box to be in.

I Say that because as an aspiring Entrepreneur myself freshly in the middle of embarking on a drastic career change, I feel it is important to pay tribute to those Girls and Women before me, and those who are on a similar journey.Let me start by giving you a background story about myself.I was a fulltime carer [caregiver] for both my Mother and Grandmother up until 2014&2015, when they died within afew months of each other.As you can imagine this was devastating to say the least, really shook me up in more ways than one.Along with the loss of my Mother and Grandmother i also lost the family home i had grown up in for about 24 years, I then became homeless, and for what seemed to be helpless too, Ofcourse i had the support of family and friends, but it still didn't change the fact that my life had been turned upside down as i knew it.After being homeless for a short while, I was theb blessed with a little apartment And i began to wonder what i was going to do next?? And boy that topic was something to think about.I went from being a full time caregiver, having routine and structure to having the confusion and at the same time the window of many opportunities opened to me.This was exciting yet also a frightening time, So To help me cope with My Grief I started volunteering and going on work placement programmes, Provided and subsidized by the British Government Which aids in helping jobseekers gain fresh skills and confidence aswell as enabling things to add to your cv [resume] and references.I worked in an office as an Administrative assistant, Then a Library Assistant Clerk, Both of which i really liked, It was something new and was lovely to experience the working life.I Got another job in which as working as a kitchen assistant/porter and waitress within an old peoples home, and that was a good experience too, loved being of service, since it was something i was used too, That was the problem, it was too close to home to what i had already done as a caregiver, So i resigned.I was back to job hunting, wasn't really being selected for many shortlisting interviews, and it was getting me really down , Became depressed and hopeless again, Then i got a phonecall from a British based Marketing company inviting me to come along and join there sales team, the job involved sales pitches and Field based travel to householders to get them to switch to our product.At first it seemed exciting i was with a young eager and hungry team, tenacious to succeed in sales, which was different to anything i had been involved with before, a fun office environment, with personns my age and or younger.My manager was younger than me by about 5 years, that was a culture shock because i feel that i should be in a management position, so i went back to thinking what is it that i am passionate about, and just to rewind i remember volunteering was a passion of mine being apart of a charity, cause and support services in the community, so i networked and attended Fundraising events, was invited to work in conjuction with some of these organizations more closely, even to be invited to be apart of a short film documentary in London About the Blood disorder Sickle Cell in London.In this time i have also realized my passion for the writen word, blogging, and creative story writing and blogging, so that too is what i have been doing regularly on wordpress, wix and social media.I've setup and i moderate a facebook support group page for Former carers such as myself, because i noticed there was alot of support out there for current carers [caregivers], but as i searched online on google and on facebook, i just couldn't see anything much for those whose cargiving responsibilities have ended.And then it hit me, why not create a support servicesm hub or forum for this particular specialist niche market, a non profit or other, and along with the normal hours job i endevour to build something that is not only in tribute to my mother and grandmother, but something that affects the wider community, nationally at first then perhaps, Internationally, Like [my colleuges] that are eager and passionate about sales, That is the same way i feel about my Entrepreneur venture and my writing, Along with becomming a published author and Motivational speaker on TED Someday.I can tell you this is such an exciting time in my life, As I've also been introduced to the idea of casual modelling, Thanks to a complete stranger who suggested i also tap into this for income.Today i was so proud of myself because i signed up to a freelance writer/journalist website, so building a new career box around myself at 27, And it feels so amazing, After losing so much control, with the passing of my relatives and home, I really feel i am finding my direction, I really enjoy having my hands dipped in afew projects work wise, the flexibility, although i do for the moment keep up with the status quo, In order to meet the conditions of my government work programme support,However i KNOW I want to work for myself and give others opportunities.So i said way at the beggining of writing this that I'd like to speak about the girls and women i feel have inspired me, To take this step.I think about Kimora Lee, The Kardashians/Jenners and even My Black Author Mentor Tosin Cocker, Because she has The blood disorder that my late mother suffered from, It's actually how i discovered her, I was searching on google for Black Businesses to apply for, And her website popped up than a link to her Youtube channel in which i saw her talking about her experiences as a writer, radio host and Vlogger with her condition, and what keeps her going despite her setbacks. More personal to me is my actually Aunt, My Mother's sister who to me is a fighter, and a go getter, she's been to Great universities, has letters after her name and is very Intelligent and successful in her own right. When i told her about my career vision, She has been my biggest cheerleader, That has been something hard to come by when well meaning people were not actually as supportive and pressured me to go down a route that did not actually make me feel passionate as much as writing content and creating my support services.I have to say though non of my ventures have me rolling around in money at the moment, Just yet, but for me i don't think that is the main reason i am following my calling in this direction, Although i have faith that with hard work, Faith in myself, God, And support from mentors who have been in this postion as a startup before, I think I'll be just fine, Not to mention, If My Mother and Grandmother were to see me and who i am becoming and what i am doing, I'm sure they would be proud of me, on my Journey To Success.