Jonathan Robie Nancy Vodicka Webinar Details

Jonathan Robie Nancy Vodicka



Transcript of Jonathan Robie Nancy Vodicka Webinar Details

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Jonathan RobieNancy Vodicka

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Webinar Details

• To ask a question during the presentation, type it in the Q&A box.

• A link to the recorded presentation and slides will be emailed after the event.

• Teleconference details are:

Teleconference: Use Internet Phone or one of the numbers below: 866-469-3239 (Tollfree in US/Canada)or 650-429-3300 (US/Canada Direct)or 1800-093-897 Australia    10-800-712-1281 China - North    10-800-120-1281 China - South    800-90-3575 Hong Kong    00531-12-1688 Japan    00798-14-800-6581 South Korea    800-120-4239 Singapore    00801-13-7644 Taiwan    0800-90-5571 France    0800-101-6943 Germany    1-800-882019 Ireland    1-80-9214652 Israel    800-780-632 Italy    0800-022-6826 Netherlands    900-97-1417 Spain    020-79-7251 Sweden    0800-028-8023 UK    0800-891-1716 Brazil    001-866-622-9902 Mexico

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DataDirect XQuery 2.0

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XML from Relational, XML



Jonathan PRGS 23

Minollo PRGS 4000000

Jonathan AMZN 3000

Minollo AMZN 3000

<portfolio> <userId>Jonathan</userId></portfolio>

<portfolio >    <company ticker="AMZN">        <companyname>, Inc.</companyname>        <annualrevenues>7780</annualrevenues>    </company>    <company ticker="EBAY">        <companyname>eBay Inc.</companyname>        <annualrevenues>22600</annualrevenues>    </company>    <company ticker="IBM">        <companyname>Int'l Business Machines C</companyname>        <annualrevenues>128200</annualrevenues>    </company>    <company ticker="PRGS">        <companyname>Progress Software</companyname>        <annualrevenues>493.4</annualrevenues>    </company></portfolio>



AMZN, Inc. 7780

EBAY eBay Inc. 22600

PRGS Progress Software 493.4

YHOO Yahoo! Inc. 10700

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XML from Relational, XML



Jonathan PRGS 23

Minollo PRGS 4000000

Jonathan AMZN 3000

Minollo AMZN 3000



m, Inc. 44.69 44.69

EBAY 24-Jun-04 85.33 85.33

PRGS 24-Jun-04 18.78 18.78

YHOO 1-Jul-04 32.48 32.48

<portfolio> <userId>Jonathan</userId></portfolio>

<portfolio >    <company ticker="AMZN">        <companyname>, Inc.</companyname>        <annualrevenues>7780</annualrevenues>    </company>    <company ticker="EBAY">        <companyname>eBay Inc.</companyname>        <annualrevenues>22600</annualrevenues>    </company>    <company ticker="IBM">        <companyname>Int'l Business Machines C</companyname>        <annualrevenues>128200</annualrevenues>    </company>    <company ticker="PRGS">        <companyname>Progress Software</companyname>        <annualrevenues>493.4</annualrevenues>    </company></portfolio>

<portfolio>  {    let $user := doc("request.xml")/performance/userid    for $h in collection("holdings")/holdings,         $c in collection("companies")/companies    where $h/userid eq $user and $c/ticker eq $h/stockticker    return      <company ticker="{ $c/ticker }">        { $c/companyname }        { $c/annualrevenues }      </company>  }</portfolio>

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DataDirect XQuery

DataDirect XQuery is a high-performance, scalable, embeddable XQuery implementation

that plugs easily into any Java architecture and accesses almost any data source

without being dependent on underlying servers or proprietary extensions to XQuery.

** MySQL coming soon


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XQuery for the Java platform

• Pure Java implementation

• Any Java platform

• Any J2EE application server – or no server

• Easily embeddable – installs like JDBC driver

• XQuery API for Java (XQJ) – JDBC-like API for XQuery

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Input and Output

• Relational Databases• SQL Server 2000, 2005• Oracle 9i, 10gR1, R2• DB2 W/U/L:  8.x • DB2 iSeries:  v5r2, v5r3 • DB2: z/OS:  8 • Sybase:  12.5.x, 15

• XML sources• http: ftp: and file: schemes • XML in DOM trees• Drastically reduced memory

requirements for large XML documents.

• Legacy sources• Adapters for CSV, EDI, and


• XML Output• XML as text• XML in DOM trees • XML in SAX streams • XML in StAX streams

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Stylus Studio IDE

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<oXygen/> plugin for Eclipse (DataDirect Edition)

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DataDirect XQuery Benefits

• Productivity• High level query language = less code to write and maintain• Supported by Stylus Studio IDE• Supported by <oXygen/> plugin for Eclipse

• Performance• Query optimization• Very selective SQL queries for relational sources• Relational joins done in the database• Document projection and streaming for XML sources• Lazy evaluation and retrieval• Generally outperforms hand-written code using JDBC and


• Flexibility• Supports almost all major relational databases• Easily embeddable in any Java application, on any platform,

with or without a J2EE application server• Extensible (external Java or SQL functions, custom URI

resolvers, …)

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XQuery 2.0 Release Highlights

• Performance and Scalability Enhancements• Enhanced SQL performance, more extensive performance suite• Enhanced XML query performance• XML Document projection and streaming (improves performance,

dramatically reduces memory required for large XML input)• Additional pragmas allow user to configure performance options

• XML Deployment Adapters• Query flat-file, EDI, or many other formats as though they were XML• Files are converted on the fly

• Enhanced support for external Java functions

• Additional Database Support

• Updated XQuery Support• XQuery Candidate Recommendation (November, 2005)• Now supports XQuery modules• Tested against the W3C XQuery Test Suite

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Database throughput

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Queries that Build Hierarchies

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XMark: Q1 Performance

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XMark: Q1 Memory consumption

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XML Deployment AdaptersISA+00+DATADIRECT+00+STYLUS2006+01+DATA DIRECT +01+STYLUS STUDIO +060504+1212+~+00503+200654321+0+I+:'GS+BF+DATADIRECT+STYLUS2006+20060504+121212+256+X+005030'ST+105+3389'BGN+28+1024+20060504+121212+GM'NM1+2L+4+Progress Software Corporation'N3+14 Oak Park Drive'N4+Bedford+MA+01730+US+AA'REF+1Z+PRGS'NM1+2L+4+Apple Computer, Inc.'N3+1 Infinite Loop'N4+Cupertino+CA+95014+US+AA'REF+1Z+AAPL'SE+11+3389'GE+1+256'IEA+1+200654321'

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XML Deployment AdaptersISA+00+DATADIRECT+00+STYLUS2006+01+DATA DIRECT +01+STYLUS STUDIO +060504+1212+~+00503+200654321+0+I+:'GS+BF+DATADIRECT+STYLUS2006+20060504+121212+256+X+005030'ST+105+3389'BGN+28+1024+20060504+121212+GM'NM1+2L+4+Progress Software Corporation'N3+14 Oak Park Drive'N4+Bedford+MA+01730+US+AA'REF+1Z+PRGS'NM1+2L+4+Apple Computer, Inc.'N3+1 Infinite Loop'N4+Cupertino+CA+95014+US+AA'REF+1Z+AAPL'SE+11+3389'GE+1+256'IEA+1+200654321'

<company-details>  {    for $requestedCompany in doc("adapter://EDI?ticker-request.edi")/X12/TS_105/GROUP_2    return      let $companyInfo := collection("statistical")/statistical[ticker eq $requestedCompany/REF/REF02]      return        <company ticker="{ $companyInfo/ticker }">          { $companyInfo/companyname }          { $companyInfo/annualrevenues }          <address>            <street>{ $requestedCompany/N3/N301/text() }</street>            <city>{ $requestedCompany/N4/N401/text() }</city>            <state>{ $requestedCompany/N4/N402/text() }</state>            <code>{ $requestedCompany/N4/N403/text() }</code>            <country>{ $requestedCompany/N4/N404/text() }</country>          </address>        </company>  }</company-details>

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Customer Scenarios

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DataDirect XQuery

DataDirect XQuery is a high-performance, scalable, embeddable XQuery implementation

that plugs easily into any Java architecture and accesses almost any data source

without being dependent on underlying servers or proprietary extensions to XQuery.

** MySQL coming soon


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Gevity – Integrate w/Oracle

PDF w/ pricing for prospect

“The Gevity Pricing Engine (GPE) takes prospect data directly from via a web service and uses XQuery to join it with data from the Oracle 9i database.”

How much will it cost to outsource our HR to Gevity?

XML back to application

Oracle 9i

Human Resource DataXML from

• Users: Gevity Business Development Managers

• Purpose: Quickly produce price quotes

• Data: Human Resource Data in Oracle 9i, customer and prospect data in

• Can manage accounts from any internet connection – home, office, prospect’s office, or any Wi-Fi hot spot

• Deliver through many agents – browser, cell phone, blackberry, etc

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The Challenge? • Working with XML & relational data• Increasingly difficult for developers to keep up with peculiarities in

proprietary XML tools

Why XQuery? • Based on a standard• XQuery is best for manipulating data as XML• XQuery and XQJ integrates easily into their environment• XQuery simplifies merging relational and XML

Why DataDirect XQuery? • Lives in middle tier with the application• Supports Oracle 9i with XQuery, not available from Oracle• Stable product• Follows standard closer than other implementations• Interface similar to JDBC integrates easily into their architecture• <oXygen/> XML Editor for Eclipse – wanted an IDE to help with learning

curve of new language• First class support for help with queries and tuning• DataDirect’s length of time in market and financial stability

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To read more…

Check out the Gevity case study:


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SQL Server

Integrating XML & Relational“We are integrating ACORD messages with the data from our customer policy and insurance databases.”

XML in ACORD format to the insurance

companies, underwriters

Need to process insurance claims and policies

Oracle9i, 10g

Customer Policy & Insurance DataResults as XML

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The Challenge? • Software vendor working with XML & relational data• Data in Oracle 9i/10g, MS SQL Server, and DB2 databases• Must work with any Application Server and cannot be limited by any other

software (must be easily embeddable)

Why XQuery? • XQuery is best for working with relational and XML data, no conversions• Simplified merging relational and XML• Develop application faster• Performance is better than other technologies

Why DataDirect XQuery? • Supports multiple database versions (for example, Oracle 9i and 10g)• Provides database vendor independence• Easily embeddable; requires no other platforms or products• XQJ interface easy to use

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Integrating Other Data Sources“I have test data in XML and CSV files, and my product data is relational. I need help to integrate these for reporting…”

Equipment tests produce results as XML docs


Product Information

Field results as CSV files

Results as XML

Reporting Application using XQuery

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The Challenge? • Working with XML, relational data, and other data sources

Why XQuery? • XQuery allows you to query anything that can be represented as XML, no

need for conversions • Simplifies application development (easier, less code)

Why DataDirect XQuery? • Can query XML, relational, and other data sources

• Comma/Tab/Character Separated Values• dBase• HTML• RTF• EDI.. and a lot of them (X12, EDIFACT, IATA)• Custom URI resolvers for proprietary data sources

• Scalable and performs very well compared to other solutions. • No other software limitations and requires no other software/platform


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Querying Large XML files


“We’ve got very large XML documents (3-5G), and can’t find anything to process them successfully.”

Web-based reportingapplication – traffic accidents

XML from web serviceTransient Reporting Data

Results as XML

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The Challenge? • Out of memory errors with XML files (>100MB)

Why XQuery? • Transient reporting data is XML• XQuery simplifies application development

Why DataDirect XQuery? • Only product they’ve found that doesn’t get out of memory errors

processing their XML files (3-5G)• Performance compared to other XQuery products such as open source is

very good – often half the time or less.

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Customer Benefits

Why do customers choose DataDirect XQuery?

• Productivity• The easiest way to develop applications/reports when dealing with various data

sources (relational, XML, and legacy data sources).• Dramatically reduced development time over alternative approaches.• Less maintenance effort (~cheaper).• Stability for developers through our standards-based XQuery and XQJ

implementations.• XML tools for query development and testing – to get developers productive quickly.

• Performance• Faster execution time with XQuery as compared to other technologies. • Special optimization, mediation = best possible XQuery performance. • XML streaming drastically reduces the amount of memory required when processing

large XML documents.

• Flexibility• Easily embeddable; does not require any other product or application server. • Freedom from database vendor and database version.

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To ask a question now, type it in the Q&A box. A Q&A document will be emailed after the session.