CDR Pamella Vodicka, MS, RD Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health...

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Transcript of CDR Pamella Vodicka, MS, RD Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health...

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  • CDR Pamella Vodicka, MS, RD Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau Public Health Analyst Choosing a New Direction
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  • A CAREER BEGINS August 86 January 88 Hermann Hospital January 88 April 89 April 89 December 91 General Pediatrics Pediatric Nephrology (I/O) Adult Nephrology Adult Nephrology (I/O) NICU & Transition (I/O) April 92 November 95 Neonatal Nutrition Fellowship January April 92 DEVELOPS AND EVOLVES
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  • B EYOND THE WHITE WALLS P UBLIC H EALTH 12/1995 8/1996 8/1996 12/1997 High Risk Specialist BF Peer Supervisor High Risk Specialist 12/1997 7/1998 December 1995 May 2002 A GAIN, A CHANCE TO EVOLVE Nutrition Support Supervisor 7/1998 5/2002
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  • DC B OUND September 04 November 04 Scholars Program Public Health Analyst MCHB Oral Health Program LCDR, USPHS 4 November 2004 SEPTEMBER 2003 THE CALL WAS ANSWERED
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  • A CAREER CONTINUES TO GROW Professional Development Subcommittee Member, 04/2004 04/2008 Diet-PAC Secretary, 04/2005 04/2006 Voting Member, Diet-PAC, 04/2006 03/2009 Professional Development Subcommittee Chair, 04/2006 04/2008 Chair, 04/2008 03/2009 Lead: PHS OBC Category & PAC Introduction, 02 10/2009 Dietitian Representative: 2011 Benchmark Workgroup, 05/2009 Recruitment & Retention Subcommittee Member, 04/2010 present Other duties: 2006 2008: Billet addendum, Pediatric Feeding Team Clinic, WRAMC TIER 2 MHT3, 06/2006-5/2009; SAT5, 6/2009-present 2008: Continuing Promise 2008, US Navy-led humanitarian mission, Dominican Republic and Trinidad Lead, Policy Ad Hoc Workgroup, 7/2010 3/2011 Dietitian Category Appointment Board, 2010 & 2011 WITH DUAL RESPONSIBILITIES National Director for Oral Health Service Systems Grants Develop grant guidance and program policy in keeping with Agency mission Administer grantee assistance and coordinate information sharing between Federal and State oral health programs State Oral Health Collaborative Service Systems Targeted MCHB Oral Health Service Systems Collaboration with WIC Collaboration with DCSHCN School-based Comprehensive Oral Health Service Intra- and Interagency liaison for MCHBs Oral Health Program Agency representative on National Oral conference planning committee Nutrition and Oral Health (ADA position paper) WIC and Oral Health Convene expert panel workshops on national oral health issues Early Childhood Caries and School Readiness Perinatal Health Children with Special Health Care Needs School-Based Health Care Bureau nutrition expert and representative Healthy Childcare America, Healthy Weight Project USDA Ad hoc expert workgroup, website development for My Pyramid for Preschoolers ASTPHNDs document Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle: Blueprint for Nutrition & Physical Activity
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  • If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Henry David Thoreau You owe no one as much as you owe yourself. You owe to yourself the action that opens for you the doors to the goodness, the variety, and the excitement of effort and success David Harold It is only well with me when I have a chisel in my hand. Michelangelo
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  • CDR Pamella Vodicka, MS, RD [email protected] 301-443-2753 COMMENTS ANYONE??