?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii...

B sm m — -WwlJ’< -U'li IXJ j V I II ii E I ; p i p f f l E f t Members of Grand Old Party , in Twin Falis County Endorse Candidacy of Filer Man; No ;[ Dissenting Vote’in'Meeting ! The candidacy ol W, D. OUlU. PIN ' cr. twice epeaker of the Idaho hous# of wpnsMnUUves. for the Republl- < - V ■can'nomination for attorney general to succeed Prank L. Stepban. Twin T\ • Palis, who hManonunoedhUinlenUoa II to retire, was e n d o t^ by the Twin U Falla couti^ Republican conventloa ' in session hens Tuesday afternoon. Tho ; convenUon also endorsed ths candidacies of United States Senator John Thomas and Congreoman Addl- _ aon T; Smith, and praised Bcpubli- - can odmlnlslraUons In the nation. . . state and county. Its resolutions also deplored the death of the late Senator ----- Prank R. Ooodlng. Eight delegates to the Republican stale convention at Kellogg next . Tue^ay were elected, each-to haT# one vote. The delegation was com- posed of Shad L. Hodgln. R. . S. * Bobler. Harry Qenolt. C. A. Robin- Boa Twin Palla; W. D. GlUia. R. K. DUlInghnm. Filer: Jess Eaatmaa. A. 2* _„E.,KIU 8. Buhl. : ________ ^31 CommitUieBan ^ Jissa Eastman was elected* stote ^ committeeman to whleh posiUon he ^ previously had ^ S • ' the late Carl J: Miller^ Buhl. • Not a dissenting vote was cast durr ing the -entire proMedlngi of the ^ convenUon whlc^ waa attended by delegates representing virtually every ^ v o t^ precinct of the county. ^ Congressman Addison T. Smith: Miss ^ oladys Terhune. Idaho RepubUcan “ national commltteewoman, and Colo- 'z — i)el O.-L. Longley. Bolse^past Idaho f”" . department commander of the Grand I Army of Ute Republic, who was for * a: number of years aeUva In poliUcal ^ . affair* here. . - , . .. ^ . _pod g>|M»o u ^ ^ M T O e s n t n i J ^ ^ w l l h ’ . DemocraUc party d u ^ ^ B to w tw - * eral . years, tbe steady ooura#^ ,ttie RepubUcan party toward MUlnmefat JS of lb policies. He eaUed In quesUon S the recent pronouaeement of tho Democratic party In’favor of the pro- tecUve Urlff pdlcy. and he um d < fidelity to esUkbtlshed RepubUcan pol- o v (Coatlaued' on Page Five) con . ------------------- ^ T b i 350 M en F ig h t F ire . SS In M ountain Country ^ 8 AM BERNARDmO, OUU., Aug.inf 31 UPl— 'nie forest fire In the Cajon III district of the San Bernardino moun- H I - by,a-clrcle-of-.fire-brcafca yesterday. ___ today broke-Uirough Uie-Unes and tonight was burning uncontrolled in Cable canyon. Early tonight Uie fire bad reached a point within four miles of crest _ line vlUage. Squirrel Inn, and Pina- RU ----- crest, famous rtm - of-the-world-re- — sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest rangers reported to the San ' Bernardino headquarters, then places were vlrtua^y certain to be burned. Three hundred and fUty men have been concentrated In a soUd Une o across Uie fire froat between Cable in* ^ DerU canyon In an effort to b u t uitj f bsick tbe flames. feu . B lieLEy iM llN .MOTHER OF TWO CH ILDREN .D IES s ^ ^ BURLBy. Aug. ai (/?>—Feni Dahl- qulst, » , wife of Prank A. Dahlqulst. ^ died here today ^ drinklnTpSloi ^ prtsumaWy dwtng » fit of deepen- S* deney. ^ erla of pain neighbore who ealled two phyildans. nJK to sa»« her Uie ^ , A lettw W t directed to a sister (SS kUted ber husband mold eaU and ^ assume cbarn of ber two «m«n ehUdreo. Ttw bota ictfleated aiM bad , Jiurcbaaed ouUng eleCbM wttb tb* ta* ^ tenUon of hlklBg to Bote te t bad ^ changed ber miad and ended ber life. ^ ______ Kr._DahlQBlrt_ia_on_»-»»aeb-a*^ - 22= Sleptoe. Nevada, and funeral arrai«e* ^ meats are belag befaLttp pendtog '»arit __________________ l/l BOISE W IU SINGLE OUT S FAIREST YOUNG WOMAN 'SS. .BOISB, Ans. 91 (ffV-'^WBitjrTalgbt btae of Boise's fairest m a c vocnen 'wm w parade temecrov eVentac ta. a local er«B theatre la tbo preUffitaary tzTWta fer qtM •eleettea' of a n O a Bolae* to ba en* be'- tertd ta tbe TTnlaa pidfle' atbkue nm neet bere Aagn«t ar asd ar,' - rinaU ta tb* eoBtm.vm be-bdd 'i-t ItarsdaT'nShi: ; Tbe winner of tbe loeal Mnteet. ddei vbkb Is under tbe amplnei cT tb* 'cm H local Buslneas and PrefcesicMl m n - pota •-1 cat ctab. win auteb ber cbaxau.Mb ecm . m bably Uut* aeoc* fU i from n c ta a BlDg \ dUes aioc« U» Voiai Padfle m tM . Oati _______ _ . ririf' ^ .'.jrrr ^ GiRLS LAUNCH CAMPAIGMi;; n c: AGAINST \VALKI.NG HOME D and have declared war on riiotor- • Ing shellci. , ' . * -Two young men strolling on ' the slrecL were accosted by two girls In a motor car. The four . -wenl for a drive Into the ooun- I try and when Uiey w «e 20 mUes from town the car stopped.' I The girls said they would Uke tcme of those pretty flowers from \ a nearby, field. The young men. walked t»ck-to town and arrived after midnight. Ttielr only con- a&lation was that four similar ^ cases have occurred the same veA . , DEWCmTSEiOBSE I IK S FDRn i l = Ira pie Ada, Gem, Blngiiam and Ban- nock Counties In Convention »>• to Support Pocatello Mayor , dea POCATELLO, Aug.'ai (/P)—Endorse- ment ot Mayor C. Ben Rou. Poca- > teUo. as the choice of the Demo- hot ernUc party for governor was made by-f«veral counUes -of the state' to^ sloi nlgtit r ’acconUug -tu' aUvlm ' iecelveU «f- by Mayor Ross“here .- Mr.- Rcss- safa^ epe he bad received the eadoraemeot of Uy Democrats of Ada, Gem and Blng- son ham-countlea.--------------- -------------- : ------ fbls At Pocatello, Bannock county Dem- Ne' oonts Instructed their delegation to of the sute convenUon at Orangeville August M to work for Ross's noml- * nation. , The Bannock county conventloa nu5!tcma^and s5 ec^""l 2 * delegates ||R to the ^ t e convenUon. O. Ri.Baunv.iras re-elected as sUte conunltteeman^'by tbe Bannock coun> ty RebbbUM eoaveaUon~tonight. No delegates tb the sUte conventloa'nt • - KeUon . were •naaiad; ^Untted. sutes : i Seaator-Joba M oim waa endorsed^ aa3hn-»icceuoei55b#-lat»T8«aatoe-Z5 Frtak ^;.Ooodtnr^ " . ■hex -BOIfflB, Aug,.ai « V « r C , Bafir g J Tidg^ was endorsed for nomination foe at governor on:, Uie. -Jte^iiMreaii ticket " and C. Ben Roos Ob Uie DemocraUo Ucket In the county coaventlons of tbe two parties beld here today. Along wlUi tbe ' endorsement of Governor Baldridge, Uie BepubUcan . * convenUon ; endorsed Senator John ^ Tbomas ;to “succeed Uie late Senator »20, Praa£ r : Ooodlng, knd . approved of ^ the naUonal ticket. fire Thirty-one delegates were chosen whl !to-carry the. U-RetmbUcan-votes uf laU .~T'T( ^ tiiu a a : s : a i r ^ Kwe>____ Rupert DeWitt, 39, Cbnfesses Beating Spouse to Death In ~ Early Morning as She Slept ODGEN. Utah, Aug. 31 (,«>^Break- Ing down under severe grIlUag. poUce ' said Rupert a. Dewitt. 30. today con- fessed to beating his wtfe. to death with an Iron coupling pin early yes* terday while sbe lay asleep. SItUng on Uie edge of Uie bed where the crime was commlltcd. De W tt said he kUled her becauw Uiey quarreled over private financial af- fairs. When (be body of Uie woman. Mrs. Vera TaUey DeWltt, S8, was found by a neighbor during tbe afternooo, terday. tying In a pool of blood at tbe foot of tbe boaemeat atalrs In tbe DeWlU borae. it was beUeved she bad acddentaUf faUen while deacen- dlag. DeWltt eoofesaed he wrapped her form ta a blaakn after be kUled her aad deported It at Uie foot- of Uie ftalra. Wakti« at tbe sound of tbe alarm clock at 6 o*«lodc yestenlar morning. DeWUt n ld be looked at bU wUe and UMugbt: “Ob, I might as well .tfpJt_“ow.:i_WbgtbU wife »lept he went to th* back. pwdTitfiaTetomed — «ltb.Uw .a»pUaff.ptn. - - - '-Amc;«b«-aliaa -%0 rabma ' b* bad attempted to wasb tbe blood statna enm tbe hesement steps, he went to-wock. Retomiag at aoon he wrote a note to ber la which he ttated Uut be had not fooad her at ttaeb. ^ - WMn b* retisaai'irea work last a on-^vaecr» u UMt>BNAb«s ct ttia Aaurl- can Lagleo taf» b m M ter t e Sand- lSiiS£T,S'.S£SJS^ —r‘—-" l-nniiiln nnmiili J V N l^ ^ ^ l^ A T E D P m :m A MBBIlplEp llitS 'l -— . ' 1 Governor Smith Spends Even- ing Before Notification in ! ■Quiet Surroundings of Berk- 1 shires at Home of Friends I (By Tho Associated Press) ALBANY. Aug.' 31—A round of golf .< and dinner with friends In the quiet I surroundings ^ f the nearby Berk- shires appealed io Governor Smith i more than poliUcs oh the eve of hlii i noUflcaUon ceremony. ' ] So he,, sUpped away today to the summer home .at Stockbridge. Mos> sachusetts. of Norman H. Davis, ono A of the cogs in tha Wilson admlnls- V Iratlve machlnety, anU did as he pleosed. Anxious to be fit Jor the hour al dusk tomorrow when be will Uke com. mand’of the forces of Democracy ior-thc-pnaldenUal—campaign, Uie . man who "came up from the streets*' dismissed poUUcal cares dt noon, his n, desUnaUon 40 aiUes to the southeast. ' PUas For Foor OueaU........ After an evening visit at the Davis home, the presldenUal nominee plan- ned .to retum Ul the executive man- sion. where,' tomorroa', In advancc of—the—tlellvery- of—bla—acceptance , «peech,-he-wm-weloome-U>-bls fam- Uy circle four guests—Senator Robin- son. Arkansas, his running mate, and hU wife, luid-Senator -m yPttUttarr ^ Nevada, who vUl break the nenn of hla nomination to the governor. and >!rs. Pltunan. Aaked today, as he faced an cn- ^ (Ooatlnued on Page Two) ro( llifilG flL S li s ME iGEOFBRySHFIREi^ ., -------- 1 eff • POOATKLLO„.Aug. 31 (fl>)~A nid- tal dm ahttt-;in,Ui» wind probably sav- re< ed-Americah -Wnir'35'TniiM^'WMtror -n here, from heavy loai-fraa^'a sage- aa brtish iHre.-TMhlob^rafeiC uii to Uie T— edge ctf Uie-town late this afternoon after •burning orer obout lOO ■ocres i*/ of range land. Before Uie flre^-veered away from the community, two frame I dwelUoga and the warehouse of the L. L. Evans company as weU as scv- . eral smaller buUdlngs were deatroyed. wi Advices received here-tonight from American Palls placad property loss at I20X>00. The . blaze was caused by a gross i fire fanned by a southwest wind, on which shifted toward* Snake river ed ly e today, .yxiut so men.durtng the. .lOn laX^were-lJghUng -the-blames._______ full ------------^ ---------------- ANOTHER-HOJ^V llW r ' ■■ 16-YEAR-Otb eiRL SETfe -ll ALTlTlidBsRECORD WITH • |( PLANErALTIMETER FAILS , ai^5^3ii^Sworai^ihrprcrr^!^ ty: 16-year-oM.’; Prci-por;. Ung . Island, girl, today MUbllxhed an official alUUld*' record for wo- men alrplaii* .pUola. but ahe w«l liave to wait:,'a :week to know what Uie reeerd ,I*. • Aa no aueh'Teeortl ever liad been P, made b*fore,.Mlaa Smith achlev- , ed her Imniedlate purpose the < . moment the wbeejs of her plane left tbe ground;-but al 6000 feet her altimeter .edtfcd to funcUon and she wlU bave to wall unUl tbe sealed batograph carried tn the plane baa >een calibrated by ' Washington to know how .the ' climbed In a fUght of 1 hour and aa- ‘minutes. , : ijf Two men wbo' foUo«-ed her In se another ^ane^ said they reached wl an alUtude o! 11300 feet and that "b Miss' Smith .continued to «oar ca above Uiem. ' < di siiiK fliiiy ^ IMPLiiyESWl^ . rti he President of. Union Predicts Walkout Affecting 70,000 "■ Workers on Roads In West S ____ ' lid CLEVELAND.* Ohi'o.''Au(r; 21 (/p)— Basing his sUtemeift upon telegrams co rccclvcd from union;officials In vari- is ou»-»e 6tem-eUtee,-AT-P:-Whltncrr-td president of the .Brotherhood ot Rail- ini road trainVien. .tonight predicted thnl «r a strUce offeoUng 70.000 railroad im workers west of . Chicago will be call* flc ed early In Septtanber unless iho |b roads meet tbe union wage demands. Members of the trainmen and Ihs ^aUotlng for a wede \ipon a proposnl H to strike, foUowing the failure ot at- tempU to setUe tbelr wage demands by medlaUon. . Reporta ffbm tbe West are to the effect that a walkout Is virtually cer- tain in the e y ^ i np seUlemenl is reached; Whitney aU c co ^UwUgb-HT'aeaiuw! the '5 iH u irt asm of ttaa-'nen-. lttfeMe«_a.unanlm- be tbcoinuad or^at*miree> ' mi -------- • . afi WHITE NOT> QUESTIONING ALFRED SMITH’S HONESTY ha _____ : PARIS. Aug. 31, (flS)—WUUam Allen I” ® While in a stnlement Issued. tonight i*®' denied'.that he had -aasaUed. Oovemor SmlUi personaUy In his "roU call" ol the governor’s legislaUve record. Tho sutement. which commented on.Governor Smith's reeenUv publish- >o: ed reply to the roU caU, d«lared fhat ' .ZOn-eycpy-atatement-i-roade I care-, wU fully-declaied-my-falUi-ln-hls honesty." sa| yavfcEaEBjm^M UE^ :Box IN TWIN FALLS^COV. iD A Il ?JGrAUGUST '22;T928 .COOLIDGTSCIieie President Cooiidge Appoints Massachusetts Businessman to Assume Office' Vacated by Nominee for Presidency <Dy Tlie Assoclaled Press) • SUPERIOR. Wls., Aug. 31—With a brief'me»age of appreciaUon for hU services as secretary of commerce and with "best wishes" for him In the "broader" field to which he has been called. President Cooiidge accepted to- day tbe reslgnaUon of SecreUry Hoov- er from the cabinet. Turning lo hlj native New England for a successor to the Republican presidential nominee, the chief execu- tive appointed toda^ William F. Whit- ing. an old friend ot Holyoke. Mass- achusetu, to head the commerce de- parlmenl.................. Mr. Hoover’s resignation, which was received here early tills month li^orc lie traveUed to CalUomla to be form- ally hoUfled of hla nomination and was accepted by lAi. CooUdge slmul* taneously wilh the induction Into of- rice ot Secretary WblUng. ThelatUr, who arrived in Superior this morning, lock the oath ot office Ui Mr. Coo- ildgo’s presence....................... -----------Expressw.ApprrclaUflB------------ "Your resignation ,aa. tcgrttflry.oX, :ommeree tendered ^ e . time ago is hereby accepted.'*PresIflsnt-GooUdge »kgnipher-to-Ml‘; Hoover -at Waah- ington. I wish to express to you my ippreclaUon of the character of the ;ervlce you have rendered In that of- llce. Xt has been of great benefit lo iliQ commercial life of the nation and (Continued'^ on Page 'Tbree) TRACE OF 10 AV IATORS WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 M>>—Tho x)tt3t guard, cutter Marlon -reported 10 he^quartets tonight that tfi*. tiaa seeniunable C d;^^ aay^^t^^ ^^ ifter a day's search In tbe rridon n which It'last reported. The cutter's commander sold be lad cruised the area from which'the' asi signal was received from Sert' ' losseU ond Parker Cramer and had K>ne SO miles farther along the i ilane's projected course. He report- < :d Also that the cutter had listened' or signals from the plane all day In < Lddltlon to calling the Greater Rock- ord at two-hour Intervals. The southern coast of Baffin land ' vlll . he.j earthcd • toiaom>w.-. th».' mw~ • age added........ - ---------------------- - . ORTH, FAST r~ H ~ 11 ^ l'» ! I - - V 1 - I [• _ _ « ' 1 *- .............. ............................... I I Wm bhE* ^ 1* a WNJT- - ----------- [ WE»OIOH AOUn ttURKAO ' OF cmcin^TiONB SHIPPING IS INCREASING ^THROUGH GERMAN PORT ecorded In the lost three I months. Oul of Uic toul of. arriving and departing tonnage. 16 per cent wos under thn Amerlcnn flag and 13 per ccnl under Uie Brit- . Isli flog. These figures represent IS a gain for the Unllcd SUles ond a reduction In Uie Brlltsh ton- ill noge. BtallsUcn lor the aggregate of >Q traffic for all nations through Bremen during the year ending jy July 1. 1038, show an Increase of 10 per cent. About b? per cent of the tot«l was carried In German ships compared with 69 . per cent for the same period in ,lg the previous year. v- GLAiSnilNELiS u- -------- cl Over 100 Persons Hurt; Pro- 03 perty Damage Mounts to $3, " 000,000; Two States Suffer Id ll- ------ f- OT. PAUL, Aug. 31 t/W-Nlne pcr- sons were kUled. more than 100 were qJ hurt,, some seriously, and property was damaged to-the exUnt of.13.000.- ___ 000__ia__tba__tornado—which - swept Qi- -Uirough—the—town—of—Austin,—two aoiiUiem MlnnesoU _ c ounUes and >). acrou the' Iowa border Monday night, ly The survey today disclosed that the ne tornado struck with tbe greatest fury f* on a strip about a quarter of a mUe lo wide and about eS mUes long. One w tornado originated tn Iowa, four miles soutb of the MlnnesoU border, WhUe another came from-the.south- — east and met Uie first at OlenvUIe, then lashed together at Austin, con- UnuUig Ul a haU nUe circle baok p into Iowa where It expeaded Itself S In a series or~stomis traveling east- ward. Heavy rains and. thunder storms wer« reported-as It passed on 10 into Iowa, and IIUdoIi. ., . m aitlmted ilt H,OOaA^ ^ dOae, Thite addlUonat doaUis wm' re- tn p o ^ fron ,Xinn..' 2 Mar .RoeMeU le apparently froAx' a separate rt- storm, making a total .of nine. Id Additional reports la. other sections le of the storm area swelled the Ust t- of Uijured to near the hundred mark, k1 ' whUe damage reported from Mower in and Freeborn cotmty outside AusUn c. brought the total loss to S3.000.00a The Utest survey of the affected ,d area shows that five persona were I. killed at-AusUn. one a^-OtonvlUe __ --------cContlnuM* on. Page. T lir^__ ^=IflOPBilGiPlN Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee Declares W illing-! ness to Speak on all Issues^ ------- i WASHroOTOM. Aug. 21 (>P)-RMd- Ineu to speak on all Issues, was ex- pressed bere today by Senator Curtis, the Republican vice presldenUal nom- inee. on the eve of his departure to open his campaign. "Speakers dont make issues—the people make them. . ond you know that as well as I do," the senator re- sponded U> qucsUonUig by newspaper- men who wanted to know U be was going U> take up any parUcolar Is- sues. "We can't uU what the Issues wUl be in this campaign untU tbe cam- paign opens. It wUl opea reaUy after Oovemor Smith and Senator RoUn- ton, the Demoeratle nominees, bave been formally notified and have made their fpeeches of acceptance." Clean Up D««k The Kansaa senator rietunied to Uie caplUl today to dear up hU , office and te flnlab tbe openbig ad- dress he wUl nuke oa Tauirsday at “ Hbtky-PotmrRbode-Xalandrat-a-Be- publieaa-ratly. . He WlU lean tomor- row ■for'Rbeky ■Point and probably WlU retum again to -Waahlngtoa- be- fore going on t6 Syraeose. Nev Tork, where be will speak at tbe state fair neft Tuesday. Dlaeusslag ■xwmiuwitf | q tb* Wttt — uiMi Ills anlTii ladajr~xrtm~V^)ei^ Hipsas. where bv vas .naUftedeC bis gsjd br'IlV ao signa of a ‘'rrrott,''-.ameag farm- en and tbat tb* sltuatta *%6tb tn K n sH and iM^tbbertng' Statas,* lbek» ed good. - Seaator Oortis’ -dedaratloo >today StToMMee iiSS?h*^ironM'SM i op tb* pr«blMttBo;:4taMtloo in bM ] SS^'S.Si^S^SSS:', L-J . ' -.x*' .iHOOVEjliiW I TOmVE PiBlEli i Frank 0. Lowden’s . Advice to i Be Sought in General Confer-: J ence On Agriculture’s ills; j West Branch Greets Nominee., \ rBy The Associated Press) WEST BRANCH. lowa. Aug. 31— An agrtcultural conference,-in-wWcb: Frank 0- Lowden. Illinois, and othsr v. I farm leaders, wUl be a s l^ w par- - tlclpate In 'the search for a common . S ground ujxin whlcb to act .for'farm V ., reUef. was proposed here tonight bjr ^ .- Herbert Hoover ig his - homeec^ng address in the heart of 'Uie com belt. “In fomuUtlng reeeauaeada- fl. Uona for leglsUUon te carry oat '' '' tbe proposaU of Uie party," the o RepabUeaa praflcotUl • candidate. • said, "I trust Uiat we may have - -- tbo fuU assistance of ttie leaders'.; ., er of agrlenlUral Uiongbt I a « M t; - - InseaslUe te the value of the stady ■ which slaeere fana leaden have er- ghrea to (bis qoesUon of farm., ere UcisUUoa. Tbese have all eoa- Wu trlbatedtotbereausatioa-thatihoi.'. . problem must be solved, .U rty.!: w.- ; wUi- be-lnvlted Into- coBfereDe*;^-: x ept Oatstaadlng farqun sneb aa Ow*. ,* :«o emor towdefa wUl be asked «o.';;--.V, ^ -S^iTiigS JS ^ e a T g ; ^ .The calling ofsucb»conferBacenat:;*-;-i' the uraUy Is predicted upoa Hoover^elees.',‘i ury tlon, but tbenomUiee did not indleala, .',. lile wheUier his DemocraUc.opponont b u .‘ ine announced- Uut if beshouldbeelec^ N;' )ur be would InvlU. the farm leaders In... icr. Immediately after-Npvember. ^ lb- Former Governor, Lowden Is the ; Ue, foremost exponeat-of-tbu inuallnflim^ .. m- fee plan of farm-reUef, and after the. lok Republlcan> cdnvenUon a t Kansas OU)r > . . A «U rejected^ 4hat plan he announoed blS;- .' st- wlUidrawal Irom the . race for.j.tte.;/-^ ler nomination which went to HMver.onvv^r on tb* flrat baUot. . m bU addM here'tb*:'MmMC>^( %bearer reiterated deeIaraUM-.ni^.C^ "at ^ trol of tb»'{u£«ii^tf subsidiaing •*«. SSlSrSeSSry or'by Imposed on tbe farmer.-sx • s . ms pcepos*-vltb g0T«RBWilsl Ust a s s W a J S e ^ a a InlUal advaaee.: rk, of eaplUI.’r be added. •ioiiuU e rer Uie agrlcolMnl ladastry t* veaeb..- v.’; Un a statare of modem b«slaess - e » * - . - 00. ■enUons. b r .-whkb Uie fanBa< wffl;, * ted .<contlna*d «o Pag* ere . ' «..¥M S--01d-Y on^=-;f^ ^ ^=^=^TgnrTjf=^tarting_ ------------ $50,000 Utah, Fire PROVO.- qtab. Aag-ai-<ff>— bis home la Luad; Utah, for: tear that he would be caught aad puaUhed-foir-'r: accldeataUy aettlag flr« to tb* Ttalea. . , pacUlc rouadbouse la Luad Aogurt \ al 11, causing damage of >80J 00. I Held for three days in tb* tR ah-^ ig- 'county jalt.af.a-nauvay. B am y BtSf ** iland, son of John Hastaad. secUoa - es band "at Lund, poUe* said ooofawd— , ihls acu He told poUc* tbat vbO* - v' IcoUng fcr cows In tbe tidaltr of u«. Uie roundhouse, be dr^iped M maT r ' .. m ateb^jihteb Ignited *oa* oD<«o*k* i . f* ed rubbish and started tb* boUffior'‘.~'' Us, biasing. - /■ . m- " ‘"AGEDPOCATELLO STORE-. ^ KEEPER SROUTSH iSIT ljli- rr- S POOATBLLO. Aug. ai.. ‘ ’ FarmakU. 3X was shot dM-fatally wounded ber* today hy Lools AUsat. . '• !2~ TJ, a merchant In front cf .tbe Ut- ^ tor's place ef business. . H« . died to- ^ aigbt foUowiag aa operaUoa la wWeh . U was determined his tateattnes were, 1 perforated. AUant re-entered bis store and bsr-. ricaded tbe dear after tbe abooUag. Ke was placed onder arrest br .V to Uce who brok* toto ttw esUbPib- . tiU ment and wm be beid pendlag .mt- , - d- some of parmakls'.lajurle*. ' at -I shot bUa because b* told-p»-- A - te- pte-BOt.to.«*a*-to-jBf-ato»;L411aat^ *-• was'rejidirt*d by-pone*.toJiav*:^;:'V ily aurked toDowlng lb* axtsst ' ' * AGRICULTURE D E P A R T li^ ^ ^ l URGES StRIKE AVOlDMCei^? “• B O B B , AMfc g S u jg te tato-attaicw;^ ^ poibaiftr- « to U d -cflpdimni HI wiwrn'^TitffT^ roads, vaa atate.departBattt^jeTjlt ilMlHBj^ ^ ^ -Ibe.asw ^ Ualiy PRICE ,5 CENTS;

Transcript of ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii...

Page 1: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

B s m m

— -WwlJ’<-U'li IXJjV I IIiiE I; p i p f f l E f tM e m b e rs o f G r a n d O ld P a r t y ,

in T w in F a l i s C o u n ty E n d o r s e

C a n d id a c y o f F i le r M a n ; N o

; [ D is s e n t in g V o te ’ i n 'M e e t i n g !

The candidacy o l W, D. OUlU. PIN ' cr. twice epeaker of th e Idaho hous# of wpnsMnUUves. fo r the Republl- <

- V ■ can 'nom ination fo r attorney generalto succeed Prank L. Stepban. Twin T\

• • Palis, who hM anonunoedhU inlenU oa IIto retire, was e n d o t ^ by the Twin U Falla cou ti^ Republican conventloa ' in session hens Tuesday afternoon.

Tho ; convenUon also endorsed th s candidacies of United S tates Senator John Thomas and Congreom an Addl- _ aon T; Smith, and praised Bcpubli-

- can odmlnlslraUons In the nation. .. state and county. Its resolutions also

deplored the death of th e late Senator-----P rank R. Ooodlng.

Eight delegates to the Republican sta le convention a t Kellogg next

. T u e ^ a y were elected, e a c h -to haT# one vote. The delegation was com- posed of Shad L. Hodgln. R. . S. * Bobler. H arry Qenolt. C. A. Robin- Boa Twin Palla; W. D. GlUia. R. K. DUlInghnm. F iler: Jess Eaatmaa. A. 2 *

_ „ E . , K I U 8. Buhl. :________ ^ 3 1CommitUieBan ^

■ Jissa Eastman was elected* stote ^ committeeman to whleh posiUon he ^ previously had ^ S

• ' the late Carl J : Miller^ Buhl. •Not a dissenting vote was cast durr

ing the -entire proMedlngi of th e ^ convenUon whlc^ waa attended by delegates representing virtually every ^ v o t ^ precinc t o f the county. ^

Congressman Addison T. Sm ith: Miss ^ o ladys Terhune. Idaho RepubUcan “ national commltteewoman, and Colo- 'z

— i)el O.-L. Longley. B olse^past Idaho f” " . departm ent commander of th e Grand I Army of Ute Republic, who was for* a : number of years aeUva In poliUcal ^

. affair* here. . - , . • . . ^

. _podg>|M»o u ^ ^ M T O e sn tn iJ^ ^ w llh ’

. DemocraUc party d u ^ ^ B t o w t w -* eral . years, tb e steady o o u r a # ^ ,ttie

RepubUcan party toward MUlnmefat J S of l b policies. H e eaUed In quesUon S the recent pronouaeement of tho Democratic party In’favor of the pro- tecUve U rlff pdlcy. and h e u m d < fidelity to esUkbtlshed RepubUcan pol- o v

(Coatlaued' on Page Five) con . ------------------- ^ T b i

3 5 0 M e n F i g h t F i r e . S S I n M o u n t a i n C o u n t r y ^

8 AM BERNARDmO, OUU., A u g .in f 31 UPl— 'n ie forest fire In th e Cajon I I I district of th e S an Bernardino moun- H I

- by,a-clrcle-of-.fire-brcafca yesterday. ___today broke-Uirough Uie-Unes and tonight was burning uncontrolled in Cable canyon.

Early tonight Uie fire bad reached a point w ithin four miles of crest _ line vlUage. Squirrel Inn, and Pina- RU

-----crest, famous rtm - o f - th e -w o r ld - r e - —sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest rangers reported to the San

' Bernardino headquarters, th e n places were vlrtua^y certa in to be burned.

Three hundred and fUty m en have been concentrated In a soUd Une o across Uie fire fro a t between Cable in*

^ DerU canyon In an effort to b u t uitj f bsick tbe flames. feu



^ ^ BURLBy. Aug. a i (/?>—F eni Dahl-

qulst, » , wife of P rank A. Dahlqulst. ^ died here today ^ d r in k ln T p S lo i ^ prtsumaWy dw tn g » f i t of deepen- S * deney. ^ e r l a of pain neighbore who ealled two phyildans. n J K to sa»« her Uie ^

, A le ttw W t directed to a sister (SSkUted ber husband m o ld eaU and ^ assume c b a r n of b e r two «m«n ehUdreo. Ttw bo ta ictfleated aiM bad ,Jiurcbaaed ouUng eleCbM wttb tb* ta* ^tenUon of hlklBg to B o te t e t bad ^changed ber m iad and ended b e r life. ^

______ K r._D ahlQ B lrt_ ia_on_»-»»aeb-a*^ -22=Sleptoe. Nevada, a n d funeral arrai«e* ^ m eats are belag befaLttp pendtog '»arit

__________________ l / l


.BOISB, Ans. 91 (ffV-'^WBitjrTalgbt btae of Boise's fa irest m a c vocnen 'wm w parade tem ecrov eVentac ta. a local er«B theatre la tbo preUffitaary tzTWta fe r qtM •eleettea' o f a n O a Bolae* to ba en* be'- tertd ta tb e TTnlaa p id f le ' a tb k u e n m n ee t bere Aagn«t a r a s d a r , ' -

rinaU ta tb* e o B tm .v m b e -b d d 'i - t I ta r sd a T 'n S h i: ;

Tbe winner of tb e loeal Mnteet. ddei v b k b Is under tb e am plne i cT tb* 'cmH local Buslneas and PrefcesicM l m n - pota

•-1 c a t ctab. win a u te b b e r c b a x a u .M b ecm . m b a b ly Uut* aeoc* f U i from n c t a a BlDg \ dUes aioc« U » Voiai P ad fle m t M . Oati

_______ _ . r i r i f '

. ' . j r r r


and have declared war on riiotor- • Ing shellci. , ' .

* -Two young men strolling on ' th e slrecL were accosted by two

girls In a motor car. T he four . -wenl for a drive Into the ooun-

I try and when Uiey w « e 20 mUes from town the car stopped.'

I The girls said they would Uke tcm e of those pretty flowers from

\ a nearby, field. T he young men. walked t»ck -to town and arrived a fte r midnight. Ttielr only con- a&lation was th a t four sim ilar cases have occurred the sam e v e A . ,



Ada, Gem, Blngiiam and Ban- nock Counties In Convention »>• to Support Pocatello Mayor

■ ‘ , deaPOCATELLO, Aug.'ai (/P)—Endorse­

m ent ot Mayor C. Ben R ou. Poca- > teUo. as the choice of the Demo- hot ernUc party for governor was made by-f«veral counUes -of th e s ta te ' to^ sloi nlgtit r ’acconUug -tu' aU v lm ' i ecelveU «f- by Mayor Ross“here . - Mr.- Rcss- safa^ epe he b ad received the eadoraemeot of Uy Democrats of Ada, Gem and Blng- sonham -countlea.--------------- -------------- :------ fbls

A t Pocatello, Bannock county Dem- Ne' o o n ts Instructed their delegation to of th e s u te convenUon a t Orangeville August M to work for Ross's noml- * nation. ,

The Bannock county conventloa

n u 5 !tc m a ^ a n d s5 e c ^ " " l 2 * delegates ||R to the ^ t e convenUon.

O. R i.Baunv.iras re-elected as sU te conunltteeman^'by tbe Bannock coun> ty R ebbbU M eoaveaUon~tonight. No delegates tb the sU te co n v en tlo a 'n t • - K eU on . were •naaiad; ^ U n tted . s u te s : i S ea a to r-Jo b a M o i m waa e n d o r s e d ^ a a 3 h n -» ic c e u o e i5 5 b # -la t» T 8 « a a to e -Z 5 F r ta k ^ ; . O o o d t n r ^ " . ■ hex

-BOIfflB, A u g ,.a i « V « r C , B afir g J Tidg^ was endorsed fo r nom ination foe at governor on:, Uie. -Jte^iiMreaii ticket " and C. Ben Roos Ob Uie DemocraUo Ucket In the county coaventlons of tbe two parties beld here today.

Along wlUi tbe ' endorsement of Governor Baldridge, Uie BepubUcan . * convenUon ; endorsed Senator John ^ Tbomas ;to “succeed Uie la te Senator »20, P raa£ r : Ooodlng, knd . approved of ^ the naUonal ticket. fire

Thirty-one delegates were chosen whl !to -ca rry th e. U -Retm bU can-votes uf laU.~T 'T ( ^ t i i u a a : s : a i r ^ K w e>____

Rupert DeWitt, 39, Cbnfesses Beating Spouse to Death In ~ Early Morning as She Slept

ODGEN. Utah, Aug. 31 (,«>^Break- Ing down under severe grIlUag. poUce ' said Rupert a . Dewitt. 30. today con­fessed to beating his w tfe . to death with an Iron coupling p in early yes* terday while sbe lay asleep.

SItUng on Uie edge of Uie bed where the crime was commlltcd. De • W t t said he kUled h e r becauw Uiey quarreled over private financial af­fairs.

W hen (be body of Uie woman. Mrs.Vera TaUey DeWltt, S8, was found by a neighbor during tbe afternooo, terday. tying In a pool of blood a t tbe foot o f tbe boaemeat a ta lrs In tbe DeWlU borae. it was beUeved she bad acddentaU f faUen while deacen- • dlag.

DeW ltt eoofesaed he wrapped her form ta a b laak n a fte r be kUled her aad deported It a t Uie foot- of Uie ftalra.

W ak ti« a t tbe sound of tb e alarm clock a t 6 o*«lodc yesten lar morning. DeWUt n l d be looked a t bU wUe and UMugbt: “Ob, I m ight as well .tfpJt_“ o w .:i_ W b g tb U wife »lept he went to th* back. p w dT itfiaT etom ed — ‘ « ltb .U w .a»pU aff.p tn . - - - '-A m c;« b « -a liaa -% 0 rabm a 'b* b a d attem pted to wasb tb e blood statna e n m tbe hesement steps, he w ent to-wock. Retom iag a t aoon he wrote a note to ber la which he ttated U u t be had n o t fooad her at

ttaeb. ^ -W M n b* r e t i s a a i ' i r e a work last

a o n - ^ v a e c r » uUMt>BNAb«s c t t t ia A aurl- •

can Lagleo taf» b m M te r t e Sand-

lSiiS£T,S'.S£SJS^— r ‘ — - " — l - n n iiil n nnm iili

J V N l ^^ l A T E D P

m :m A


l l i t S ' l- — . ' 1

G o v e rn o r S m i th S p e n d s E v e n ­

in g B e fo re N o t i f ic a t io n in !

■Quiet S u r r o u n d in g s o f B e r k - 1

s h i r e s a t H o m e o f F r i e n d s I

(By Tho Associated Press)ALBANY. Aug.' 31—A round of golf .<

and dinner with friends In th e quiet I surroundings ^ f th e nearby Berk- shires appealed io Governor Sm ith i more than poliUcs oh the eve of hlii i noUflcaUon ceremony. ' ]

So he,, sUpped away today to the ■ summer home .at Stockbridge. Mos> sachusetts. of Norman H. Davis, ono A of the cogs in tha Wilson adm lnls- V Iratlve machlnety, anU did a s he pleosed. ■

Anxious to be f i t J o r the hour a l dusk tomorrow when be will U ke com. m and’ of the forces of Democracy io r- th c -p n a ld e n U a l—campaign, Uie . man who "came up from the streets*' dismissed poUUcal cares d t noon, his n , desUnaUon 40 aiUes to the southeast.

' PU as For Foor OueaU........After an evening visit a t th e Davis

home, the presldenUal nominee plan­ned .to re tum Ul th e executive m an­sion. w here,' tomorroa', In advancc of—the—tlellvery - of—bla—acceptance , «peech,-he-wm-weloome-U>-bls fam - Uy circle four guests—Senator Robin- son. Arkansas, his running m ate, and h U wife, lu id -Senator -m y P ttU tta r r ^ Nevada, who vUl break the nenn of hla nomination to the governor. and >!rs. Pltunan.

Aaked today, as he faced a n cn- ^(Ooatlnued on Page Two) ro(

l l i f i lG f lL S l i s MEiGEOFBRySHFIREi

. , -------- 1 eff• POOATKLLO„.Aug. 31 (fl>)~A n id - tal d m ahttt-;in ,U i» wind probably sav- re< ed-Americah -W nir'35'TniiM ^'W M tror -nhere, from heavy lo a i- f ra a ^ 'a sage- a a brtish iHre.-TMhlob^rafeiC u ii to Uie T— edge ctf Uie-town la te th is afternoonafter •burning orer obout lOO ■ ocres i*/of range land. Before Uie flre^-veered ”away from the community, two fram e I dwelUoga and the warehouse of theL. L. Evans company as weU as scv- .eral smaller buUdlngs were deatroyed. w i

Advices received here-ton igh t from American Palls placad property loss a t I20X>00.

The . blaze was caused by a gross ifire fanned by a southwest wind, onwhich shifted toward* Snake river edly e today, .y x iu t so men .d u rtng the. .lOnlaX^were-lJghUng -the-blames._______ full

------------ ---------------- A N O T H E R -H O J^V

l l W r

' ■■


a i ^ 5 ^ 3 i i ^ S w o r a i ^ i h r p r c r r ^ ! ^ty: 16-year-oM.’; Prci-por;. U n g .

■ Island, girl, today MUbllxhed an official alUUld*' record for wo­m en alrplaii* .pUola. but ahe w«l liave to w ait:,'a :week to know what Uie reeerd ,I*. •

Aa no aueh'Teeortl ever liad been P, made b*fore,.Mlaa Smith achlev- , ed her Imniedlate purpose the <

. moment th e wbeejs of her plane • left tbe ground;-but al 6000 feet her altim eter .edtfcd to funcUon and she wlU bave to wall unUl tbe sealed batograph carried tn the plane baa >een calibrated by

' W ashington to know how .the ' climbed In a fUght of 1 hour and aa- ‘minutes. , : ijf

Two men wbo' foUo«-ed her In se another ^ane^ said they reached wl an alUtude o! 11300 feet and th a t "b Miss' Sm ith .continued to «oar ca above Uiem. ' < di

s i i iK f l i i i y ^IMPLiiyESWl^

. — rti he

President of. Union Predicts Walkout Affecting 7 0 , 0 0 0 "■Workers on Roads In West S

____ ' lidCLEVELAND.* Ohi'o.''Au(r; 21 (/p)—

Basing his sUtemeift upon telegrams co rccclvcd from union;officials In vari- is o u » -» e 6te m -eU tee ,-A T -P :-W h ltn c rr-td president of th e .Brotherhood ot Rail- ini road trainVien. .tonight predicted thn l « r a strUce offeoUng 70.000 railroad im workers west of . Chicago will be call* flc ed early In Septtanber unless iho |b roads meet tbe union wage demands.

Members of the trainmen and Ihs

^aUotlng for a wede \ipon a proposnl H to strike, foUowing the failure ot a t- tempU to setUe tbelr wage demands by medlaUon. .

Reporta ffbm tbe West are to the effect th a t a walkout Is virtually cer­tain in the e y ^ i np seUlemenl is reached; Whitney a U c co ^ U w U g b -H T 'a e a iu w ! the ' 5 i H u i r t asm of ttaa-'nen-. lttfeM e«_a.unanlm - be

tb co in u ad o r ^ a t* m ir e e > ' mi -------- • . ‘ ■ afi


A L F R E D S M IT H ’S H O N E ST Y ha_____ : ■ i«

PARIS. Aug. 31, (flS)—WUUam Allen I” ® W hile in a stnlem ent Issued. tonight i*®' denied'.that he had -aasaUed. Oovemor SmlUi personaUy In his "roU call" ol the governor’s legislaUve record.

Tho su tem en t. which commented on.Governor Smith's reeenUv publish- >o: ed reply to the roU caU, d « la red fhat ' .ZOn-eycpy-atatem ent-i-roade I care-, wU fully-declaied-my-falUi-ln-hls honesty." sa|

y a v f c E a E B j m ^ M U E ^



i D A I l?JGrAUGUST '22;T928

.COOLIDGTSCIieieP r e s id e n t C o o iid g e A p p o in ts

M a s s a c h u s e t t s B u s in e s s m a n

to A ssu m e O ffice ' V a c a te d

b y N o m in ee f o r P r e s id e n c y

<Dy Tlie Assoclaled Press)• SUPERIOR. Wls., Aug. 31—With a brief'm e»age of appreciaUon for hU services as secretary of commerce and with "best wishes" for him In the "broader" field to which he has been called. President Cooiidge accepted to­day tbe reslgnaUon of SecreUry Hoov­er from the cabinet.

Turning lo h lj native New England for a successor to the Republican presidential nominee, the chief execu­tive appointed toda^ William F . Whit­ing. an old friend ot Holyoke. Mass- achusetu, to head the commerce de-parlmenl..................

Mr. Hoover’s resignation, which was received here early tills month li^orc lie traveUed to CalUomla to be form­ally hoUfled of hla nomination and was accepted by lAi. CooUdge slmul* taneously wilh the induction Into of­rice o t Secretary WblUng. T h e la tU r, who arrived in Superior this morning, lock the oath ot office Ui Mr. Coo-ildgo’s presence.......................-----------Expressw.ApprrclaUflB------------

"Your resignation ,aa. tcgrttflry.oX, :ommeree tendered ^ e . tim e ago is hereby accepted.'*PresIflsnt-GooUdge »kgn ip h er-to -M l‘; Hoover - a t Waah- ington. I wish to express to you my ippreclaUon of the character of the ;ervlce you have rendered In th a t of­llce. Xt has been of great benefit lo iliQ commercial life of the nation and

(Continued'^ on Page 'Tbree)


x)tt3t guard, cutter Marlon -reported10 h e^q u a rte ts tonight th a t tfi*. tiaa seeniunable Cd; ^ ^ a a y ^ ^ t^ ^ ^

ifter a day's search In tbe rridon n which I t 'l a s t reported.

The cutter's commander sold be lad cruised the area from w hich 'the ' as i signal was received from S e r t ' ' losseU ond Parker Cramer and had K>ne SO miles farther along the i ilane's projected course. He report- < :d Also tha t the cutter h ad listened' o r signals from the plane all day In < Lddltlon to calling the Greater Rock- ’ ord a t two-hour Intervals.The southern coast of Baffin land '

vlll . he. j earthcd • t oiaom>w.-. th».' m w~ • age added........- ---------------------- - .

O R T H , F A S T r ~ H ~

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- I

[• _ _ «' 1

* - .............. ............................... I

I • ‘

W m b h E * ^

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WNJT- - -----------



ecorded In the lost three I months.

Oul of Uic to u l of. arriving and departing tonnage. 16 per cent wos under thn Amerlcnn flag and 13 per ccnl under Uie Brit-

. Isli flog. These figures represent IS a gain for the Unllcd SUles ond

a reduction In Uie Brlltsh ton- ill noge.

BtallsUcn lor the aggregate of >Q traffic for all nations through

Bremen during the year ending jy July 1. 1038, show an Increase

of 10 per cent. About b? per cent of the tot«l was carried In German ships compared with 69

. per cent for the same period in ,lg the previous year.




c l O v e r 1 0 0 P e r s o n s H u r t ; P ro -

03 p e r t y D a m a g e M o u n ts to $ 3 ,

" 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ; T w o S t a t e s S u f f e rId ■ll- ------f- OT. PAUL, Aug. 31 t/W -Nlne pcr-

sons were kUled. more than 100 were qJ hurt,, some seriously, and property

was dam aged to -the exU nt of.13.000.-___ 000__ia__tba__tornado—which - sweptQi- -Uirough—the—town—of—Austin,—two

aoiiUiem M lnnesoU _ c ounUes and >). acrou the' Iowa border Monday night, ly The survey today disclosed tha t the ne tornado struck w ith tbe greatest fury f* on a strip about a quarter of a mUe lo wide and about eS mUes long. One w tornado originated tn Iowa, four

miles soutb of the MlnnesoU border, WhUe another came from -the.south-

— east and m et Uie first a t OlenvUIe, then lashed together a t Austin, con- UnuUig Ul a haU nU e circle baok

p into Iowa where It expeaded Itself S In a series or~stom is traveling east- “ ward. Heavy rain s an d . thunder

storms wer« reported-as It passed on 10 into Iowa, and IIUdoIi. . , .

m a i t lm te d ilt H ,O O aA ^ ^ dOae, T h i te addlUonat doaUis w m ' re-

tn p o ^ fro n ,X in n .. '2Mar .RoeM eU le apparently froAx' a separatert- storm, making a to tal .of nine.Id Additional reports la. other sections le of the storm area swelled the Ust t - of Uijured to near the hundred mark, k1' whUe damage reported from Mower in and Freeborn cotmty outside AusUn c. brought the to ta l loss to S3.000.00a

The Utest survey of the affected ,d area shows th a t five persona were I . killed a t-A u sUn. one a^ -O to n v lU e _ _ --------cContlnuM* on. Page. T l i r ^ _ _

^=IflOPBilGiPlNR e p u b lic a n V ic e - P r e s i d e n t i a l

N o m in ee D e c la r e s W illin g -!

n e s s t o S p e a k o n a ll Is su es^------- ■ i

WASHroOTOM. Aug. 21 (>P)-RMd- Ineu to speak on all Issues, was ex­pressed bere today by Senator Curtis, the Republican vice presldenUal nom­inee. on the eve of his departure to open his campaign.

"Speakers d o n t make issues—the people make them. . ond you know tha t as well as I do," the senator re­sponded U> qucsUonUig by newspaper­men who wanted to know U be was going U> take up any parUcolar Is­sues.

"We can't uU w hat the Issues wUl be in this campaign untU tbe cam­paign opens. I t wUl opea reaUy after Oovemor Sm ith and Senator RoUn- ton, the Demoeratle nominees, bave been formally notified and have made their fpeeches of acceptance."

C lean U p D««k The Kansaa senator rietunied to

Uie caplUl today to d e a r up hU , office and te flnlab tbe openbig ad­

dress he wUl n u k e o a Tauirsday a t “ H btky-Potm rR bode-X alandrat-a-B e-

publieaa-ratly. . He WlU l e a n tomor- row ■for'Rbeky ■ P oint an d probably WlU re tum again to -Waahlngtoa- be­fore going on t6 Syraeose. N ev Tork, where be will speak a t tbe state fa ir n e f t Tuesday.

Dlaeusslag ■xwmiuwitf |q tb* W ttt— uiM i Ills a n lT ii ladajr~xrtm ~V ^)ei^

H ipsas. where b v v a s .naUftedeC bisgsjd b r 'I lV

ao signa of a ‘'rrrott,''-.am eag farm - e n and tb a t tb* s l t u a t t a *%6tb tn K n s H a n d iM^tbbertng' Statas,* lbek» ed good. -

S eaator Oortis’ -dedara tloo >today

S tT o M M e e i iS S ? h * ^ i r o n M 'S M iop tb* pr«blMttBo;:4 taMtloo in bM ]

SS^'S .S i S^SSS:',

L-J . ' -.x*'


I TOmVE PiBlElii F r a n k 0 . L o w d e n ’s . A d v ic e t o i

B e S o u g h t in G e n e ra l C o n f e r - :

J e n c e O n A g r ic u l tu r e ’s il ls ;

j W e s t B r a n c h G r e e ts N o m in e e . ,

\ rBy The Associated Press)WEST BRANCH. lowa. Aug. 31—

An agrtcultural conference,-in-wWcb: Frank 0- Lowden. Illinois, and othsr v. I farm leaders, wUl be a s l ^ w par- - tlclpate In 'the search for a common .

S ground ujxin whlcb to ac t .fo r 'fa rm V., reUef. was proposed here tonight bjr .- Herbert Hoover ig h is - hom eec^ng address in the h eart of 'U ie com belt.

“In fom uU tlng reeeauaeada- f l . Uona for leglsUUon te carry oat ' '' ' tbe proposaU of Uie party," the • o RepabUeaa p ra f lc o tU l • candidate. •

said, " I trust Uiat we m ay have - - - tbo fuU assistance of ttie leaders'.; ., e r of agrlenlUral U iongbt I a « M t ; - -

InseaslUe te the value of th e stady ■ which slaeere fa n a leaden have

er- ghrea to (bis qoesUon of farm ., ere UcisUUoa. Tbese have all eoa- Wu tr lb a te d to tb e re a u s a t io a - th a t ih o i . '. .

problem m ust be solved, .U r ty .! : w.- ; wUi- be-ln v lted Into- coBfereDe*;^-: x ept Oatstaadlng fa rq u n sneb aa Ow*. ,*:«o em or towdefa wUl be asked «o.';;--.V,

^ - S ^ i T i i g S J S ^ e a T g ; ^.The calling ofsucb»conferBacenat:;*-;-i'

the uraUy Is predicted upoa H oover^elees.',‘i ury tlon, b u t tbenom U iee d id n o t indleala, .',. lile wheUier his DemocraUc.opponont b u . ‘ ine announced- U u t if b e sh o u ld b e e le c ^ N;' )ur be would InvlU. th e fa rm leaders In ... icr. Immediately after-N pvem ber. ^ lb- Former Governor, Lowden Is the ; Ue, foremost exponeat-of-tbu inuallnflim ^ .. m- fee plan of farm-reUef, an d after t h e . lok Republlcan> cdnvenUon a t K ansas OU)r >. . A «U rejected^ 4 h a t plan h e announoed blS;- .' s t- wlUidrawal Irom th e . race for.j.tte.;/-^ le r nomination which w ent to HMver.onvv^r on tb* flra t baUot.

. m bU a d d M h ere 'tb * :'M m M C > ^(% bearer reiterated deeIaraU M -.n i^ .C ^


^ trol o f t b » '{ u £ « i i ^ t f subsidiaing

•*«. S S lS r S e S S r y o r 'b yImposed on tb e farmer.-sx • s .

ms pcepos*-vltb g0T«RBWilslUst a s s W a J S e ^ a a InlUal advaaee.:rk , of eaplUI.’r b e added. • i o i i u U erer Uie agrlco lM nl ladastry t* veaeb..- v.’;Un a sta tare of modem b«slaess - e » * - . -00. ■ enUons. b r .-whkb Uie fanBa< wffl;, *ted “ .<contlna*d «o Pag*ere . — ' ................................ . ;*<

« . . ¥ M S - - 0 1 d - Y o n ^ = - ; f ^ ^ ^ = ^ = ^ T g n r T j f = ^ t a r t i n g _

------------ $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 Utah, F i r e

“ PROVO.- q ta b . A ag-ai-< ff>—

bis home la Luad; U tah , for: te a r th a t he would be caught a a d puaU hed-foir-'r: accldeataUy aettlag flr« to tb* Ttalea. .

, pacUlc rouadbouse la Luad Aogurt \ a l 11, causing dam age of >80J 00.

I Held for th ree days in tb* t R a h - ^ ig- 'county ja l t .a f .a -n a u v a y . B a m y B tSf ** iland, son of Jo h n H astaad. secUoa - e s band " a t Lund, poUe* said ooofaw d— ,

ihls acu He told poUc* tb a t vbO* - v' IcoUng fc r cows In tb e t i d a l t r of

u«. Uie roundhouse, be d r^ iped M m aT r ' . . m a te b ^ j ih te b Ignited *oa* oD<«o*k* i . f* ed rubbish and sta rted tb* boUffior'‘.~''

Us, biasing. - /■ . ■m- "


S POOATBLLO. Aug. a i .. ‘ ’FarmakU. 3X was shot d M -fa ta lly wounded ber* today hy Lools AUsat. . '•

!2~ TJ, a m erchant In fro n t c f .tbe Ut- ^ tor's place e f business. . H« . died to- ^ aigbt foUowiag a a operaUoa la wWeh .

U was determined h is tateattnes were, 1 perforated.

AUant re-entered b is store and bsr-. ricaded tb e d e a r a fte r tbe abooUag.Ke was placed onder arrest b r .V

to Uce who brok* toto ttw esU bPib- . tiU m ent and wm be beid pendlag .mt- , - d - some of p arm ak ls '. lajurle*. ’ ' a t - I sho t bUa because b* to ld -p » - - A - te- p te -B O t.to .« * a * -to - jB f-a to » ;L 4 1 1 a a t^ *-• was'rejidirt*d b y - p o n e * .to J i a v * :^ ; : 'V ily au rked toDowlng lb * a x ts s t ' '

* A G R IC U L T U R E D E P A R T l i ^ ^ ^ l U R G E S S t R I K E A V O l D M C e i ^ ?

“ • BOBB, AMfc

g S u j g te t a to - a t ta ic w ;^^ p o ib a i ftr- «to U d -cflpd im ni HI w iw rn '^T i t f f T ^

roads, vaaatate.departBattt^jeTjlt ilMlHBj^ ^

^ - Ib e .a sw ^ U aliy


Page 2: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

= lII lM IF liE itWelfare of Exchange Depends

on Good Judgment and Sue •■ -w;.! nf Pprsijns Invofved

.SALT .LAKS C m T . Auff. 31 (/P)“ ITho investing public must have con- , rideAeft In a ntoeit excbonse-or they ,will relua* to dcni'w lth It. H o m y T. j » m , u a is tan t to the gm id en t of theChlcftBO atock cxchonse, dcclnrcd In , a n address to th e eleventh annualconvention of the NoUonol associa- .

I tlon or «eurltles commissioners here . today*

, In this connection, Mr. HIU said the . welfare of stock cxehnnges Ln dfpen*Oont lorgely upon tho good Jud-c i m ent and the success of those whodeal Uupugb them. ■ ,

A plea for recognition c f , tlie New I Ycrk curb market was mode in an' address by Its president. William 8. ,, MiiUcr,-who outlined the aotlvlty of ^

the markeU • . j t> ■ Cites' 'f^n'dlnf* c

•'X have found." tlje speoker said, t••in my eonversatioas with men who {

I are' not In the Immediate contact with jI the curb exchange « tendency to i;

think of It in th e icrtoa of Broad t<treec and curb exehangff. the old out- taide market. . I

“The old outside m otket was no c belter and no worse than should havebeen expected in the circumstances, jThe i ^ o r t t y of the men who d id ghuslncBs there were honest an d .law ^

” - I t was th is type cf man. ^n ho XoJ- «lowlnff on urge for a better order ot cthings, conceived and brought to „fruition the curb exolionge. a* wo n

- know Jt today, a place where they pm ight dO' thetr business w th a meos- j,u re of selt respect. , • t


TO SOLVE PROBLEM 5. . --------- F

(Continued Prom Page One) wI ___ - —........................ ..—— • s<"uiiain hli'lndeitcndeDee and m ain* fi

tain hU IndtTldBaUtr." a' Expanding h is previous statem ent reitardinc tho deveiopment ot the gi MlsklaalpDl and the buUdlAg of n ^

" O rea t Lakes to tbe AUatttlc waterway .as a m eans of: fum lshlne lower freight

; ra tes on farm produce going to/ the

h ad ' reeommended the St. Lawrence u route to - th e Atlantic, taut - th a t; If ^

•----- negctlatJons w ith Canada j o r ^ ? con- ^

native rcutek w o u ld 'h av e-te '-o e‘Coo - ^ d d e i ^ . ' j '■' Jf

BffecUve' sjrtiem ™■J • - in any event. ’ the completion of oj

th is g rea t'sy stem of barge lines on lc the nvcrs and connestlng .the lakes a< w ith the gulf and of opening a ship- vi way from the lakes to the sea.- he Ir continued, “will make an effective A transportaUon sj'stem 12.000 miles m bi

, leng th-penetrating 30 «Utes. di-part-of-your crcps can move to di

^ - -T iR jirS « ^ F a= T ^ C riO c e n t-sa v ln e jM : *------^<i«ha1i-thn h iiy f ln :rfn n rec tU lv ^ ld d i^ ly------ fc r th is portlcn of the crop will lofcf is

„ .u p W a rt_ th T p H « "o rth e -w h o le crop." li; I W of iiod r»s; ■ . ................. »l

------- rrT lg n n tllv S— _ e a i :* p e « t t= » ta « ru a t:a a io p p o r lu f ll l j l ' t t I , anft rt^ncw old lr

friendships.^ «I am Blad. ft eon cf Iowa, to come T

back tc the pUc? where I was, bom. ^ Here 1 spent the first U n }-ears of my bo»hflod. Here mv parenls and my g randpM nts tolled. woraKIpped'Ood. did their p a rt Uj building this com­munity. a n d now He In the cemetery ever tho hUI.

Durjng the past 44 years I have re ­turned frcm time to-tlme th a t I m ight pay respect to tiielr memory, th a t I might fxp resi my apprcclaUcn of these kindly and sympath-Uc folk who, taking a boy to their heart*, wiped away the one grief of childhood. One Of my vivid rr^ollectlons was my earn ­est Interest tn the debate between neighbors and relaUvea when they vere discussing ne t who was to am m w m o as a burden, but who was to take th e boy as a memt>er of their own flock. T h a t Is the spirit of the people c t Jcvu. J t Is lhe eplrlt of the thous- nnds cf \illages aod towns In all this wide land.

^ lias No Ap«lofTAnd 1 have no ajioiogy for even a

lao rt personal note. T here la present here today a lady who tcok p a rt in th a t.d e b a te and who was fc r years m y teacher W j-our public school. She embodlca th e sptrii c f th a t vast body

r. M c f woman wtw not cnly teach aod In­s p ire -o u r chU dw i tm t wateh over t h d r wider dcsttntes. Ycu have come to -do Ble courtesy as a son of Iowa.

-------- l_ tak « _ th ls oceaalon to acknowledge_ - -

oo ieep a s th e n of early** boyhood. M ine ar« cf th e Joya of .Iw r* —the

: > tlo ries of snowy v ln U r. th e wonder s t • tb a ciowtng ercps. tbe M b & v of thP neighboi« to b a rre s t th e gathering r f ■

woods for the annual fuel aed noU, ~rx------B n n 8 tR m o - ie h to l . - - th e - totsehidee

; f lo B work, tn th e swlxniuns hole; flsh- , . t n r t s .c m k s . th e h u n th v te r pratrie

U i ! ^ ,a > le to a '« i« t» l« U i n . t b e h e * . , «oil - wood: I t » the a x u r Ufe i A i a 'T

.;• •• lo r ere rr.A iB erlean t a j . .-•B d -fW .-- ,

‘ l1r*T tri l lT r tUP- ^t a .n i s r a t o th i« - s c e a e « ; ;n ^ ^

I t s tf ll« h ’i*e. t t tu iH |L

M B S S t g i . b>pa

~ would ”«mpen8aG^'*lh7nnficrent 'Joys ]Of. g e R f tv m u w r .'" ' ■ • ^ :

-- » b e tln r House Moved '* ■ I have beefa to see tho old.Quaki

i r mc<abB'‘hcu>e-.-It -ha s-b een moved

i t *■ buUdlng appBut a i ' ebtn'e'time to .have ■

'■ been turned lnt«;<a moving picture . house, whleh reminds m» ot the time

hS I henrd^unfc Hahnahi-moTed ln meet­ing; bitterly denounce 'tb e rise of

C* modem ways and prcphesy that- If they were persisted > n ./th a t edlflcu

jd dedicated to Ood would aome day ’ba ^ pi^rA nhomlna- _

2 . IfiffT ^/bU tlM W W l^^^views on ony form , of Human rscreo- Uon. even to the Oodlessness of slld- Ing down UIU. I su<pect that If she

,f: knew cf this she wotild get great , ' satisfaction a t the consummation cf ' , her warnings., Tbls was always a Republican vll^,* Iage. I t was here th a t I received my

first touch ot the national life. I well reccllect the hoisting ef the flag a t

, half maal over . my . fa ther's black- I* sm ith shop on the assitsslnatlon of f ' President Oarfleld. 1 also recollect

'tMW the torchlight procession In tho OnrfleJd rieelliwj.' 1 iwis not high

* encufch to be permitted* th e conduct of 1? a torch, but I ■ participated byf.walk-

Ing alongside for miles. A t th a t tlmu* there were two or, tbree Democrat* in

* -Ih^town. 1 do not know today wheth- , er what seemed to me an 'enorm ous tcrchllght parado .was linstltuud for their ccn w jlo n o r not*; b u t I believe

h It was hopeless; hecaxwe* one of my » boyhood friends and oppooenw In bat­'d tie. wiio I expect Is in. th ls audience

today, is » d escen d an t:^ one of ihose Deiricerats a tid 'h a s beten regenerated

lO cnly in tiie last mcnth.I am proud to have, been bom in

Iowa. I have ofttinies^sold th a t the (I good Lord mode I t the. richest stretch !L ct_ngrlcultural land th a t ever bUsaed

any one sovereign • government. I t ■ I" t m settled by the adventurous, tlie

ccurageous. who' fougfat their way0 acroM ■ the ever extending frontier.’0 T heyhave bullded here in so short n y period 0S 78 yeara a s ta te wltli tbe

least poverty, the highest average In- telligencer the most generous eduea- G

ly tlon. which ever blessed a single com- ^ mcaweilth. _-------------------Fanning Changes, • Here In West Bmnch can be found af

— nf thp changM £e whicli have-come to American ngrl‘. co

. culture. Only a mile from here la th . tHeTarrn of my Uncle Allan, where 1 dll

^ spent seme years o fm y boyhood. T h a t dc was just a t the pooling stage o^ the ha great pioneer movement. Many farms were itlll places where we tilled tho zr

- soil for the Immediate needs of tho lo; fwnllica Wo ground our w hea t-and th ccm on toll o l the mill: we slaughter- llv

, ed cur hogs for meat; we wove a t least lei *■ a part of our own clothing; we re - fci ® paired our own machinery; we got llv ' our own-fuel from the woods: wd1 ereeted cur own buildings: ,we made ^ our own soap; we preserved our own^ fruit and grew our own vegetables; re) 1 O nly-a-sm aU -part. o( th e fomUz 11 ^ ^ ing came .by purchases from the out-> bo ' aide. Perhapa 30 per cent of the «e]■ products were, sold' In th e m arkeU ui ye

purchase the srokff-ifArgla of neee»- kli“■ allies which we could no t ouraelveJiks ' prcduce, and*to pay Interest on th e / th

mortgage. .• < -m iIn a half century thd whole baslv in

f of agriculture - has shifted. We have r» 1 improved teed and livestock, we have p :* added a long* list of mechanical In- we■ venllcns fcr saving of labor: f » have thi » Increased the productivity of tbe land^ I t B And It has bccome a highly specloileeir clt 1 business. There la no longer one In - fot

dustry eaUed farming, b u t In fact a: thi 3 dcsen Industries. Probably over eO E; Per-cant of.l tM »aducts-now.^o -dt^*«‘ - fg t ly or indirectly lo the warkeU~-and~duf •preinblr n v ^ w VerC elir cP K eT rB a E - ^■ liy Uvlng must-J>» purchased-trom -outglctl

Mde. -In the-o ld -days, when pricea, exi. f)»emated tn the Chicago m arket, aC(an

1 i in 'p rleei could reduce T K H T ia n r tn « 4 d * «m e~5y~toly foui*or-flve- p e r - c e n t^ J f

5 Teday. the-sam e nuetuallon In price.[dci

' Tiinney (.eaves


■ ' ' T W iN 'F A U lS r

H i *I

GENERAI. VIEW ot th e 'la rg e crowd ths the R ^abU eaa M ^ w U b n 'to t$ e

ttffectlng as li does 80 p e r cent to.lOO oi per cent of the products of the fam i. A; can UKo .'J (o od {MF cent eithe net family income and m ake the m dlffetence between comfort and free- di dcm from anxiety, o r on th e other hand, debts and dlseotintgemente. a«

I do not suggest a re tum . to . the or greater security which ogriculture ,en» to toyed in Its earlier days, bccause w ith R

living, greater toil, less opportunity for to leisure and recreation, less of p ie com- s t fcrts of homes, less of th s Joy . of ei living. . p «

S w t l i n m t a l ' B e ^ t | " I am cften-conscious o f 's i^ tlm en ta l is

regret for t h e . passing of those old time conditions. I- have- -»oihilUnesi in been a s homesick tor the" ways oi woee pi self-contained farm - homes.',of forty m y ean ago as I have: been . / o r Che m kindly folk who llVed.'In thetn.^ *But 1 eo

(know It Is no m o^ toosiible to. revive 'gt I those old conditions th an '!( is to. 9um- bs men bacic the relatives-^nd-frtendir tli in the cemetery yonder.- W hile we ti< recognise and hold f o s l - ^ -what is* fa psrmonent in the old-time conditlcns, m we m ust accept what l i Inevitable In , ini

Ithe c h o i r s ' th a t have token p lace.jp r ; I t is fortunate Indeed th a t the prin - mi I clples Upon which our government was) of founded require no alteration to m e e t} of

' these ehangcs. j thI Just as there Is transformation : n 'o r I »erleuitun« w, t h i ^ in -'' {b-dustryi—;TB8t-a s - thCTe-ls“more spedal=T^aiB

, exehange of Bocds among ten tho^sT ^p [and-?orts o f producers of specialties, a t


KKyft^are-TtCTFccndTOaHlF^^ I ■ lJha_i_Ja_ona_rea*on why..-w» -have a ’ j . decreasing proportion o t. our people

is for Europe cb— ^ -------------------------------

I ltofai




cfthiag:letwhtoThl aaclferOo

t S


J s ,

t&setT hthscec


^ £ i n i n c i 3 f i & l i r i r a r i i n n ; y i S i ! f n n

th a t g a th e r^ , on (hs gronnds of the s ia i t^ e o* the United SUtea

) on the ' 'fatinlC~~^y"UilJt- i'cvuiuUcjo -i h e -1 , [ American f«rm;er has become e n m a tt- i

! mic forces which arc working to h is t• disadvantage. f

l a my;.acceptance specch ten daya r ago I m ade an extended statem ent op -' ,t

! on ’ th e leglalative prcposals for relief c’ to the agricultural'iQdusiry w h lch 'th o sI RepubUcan. party haa put forward In a’ ita nfatferm. 'Y»u weuM *ot*wish me' a• t o ttk e your time" to that: c' statem ent. i ahould h o w e^ r like to 1:’ emphasise t h a t 't h e spirit of tho^e v

.teglstottve'proposals Is to work out a t:m ore economical and stab le’ m arket-: •|ln g system; A Federal Farm Board' n

i Is to* be -set- up with the necessary, rI ‘‘tMwers and resources to a«sist th e nI I induatry to. meet not alone th e .varied t r cFobietATAi m a y im t-uw sB whudi » ' m ay arlae In the future. \M y lu n d a - r r m ental ccncept «f agrlcultini*-is one- ■ ; controlled.:by 1» ow n-m em w ra. o r- t I 'ganlced to fight its own ’economic u ’ bsittles and tc determine lU own dcs-< n ' tinles. Nor do I speak of orgaolxa- a I tloo in the narrow sense o t trad itional li

farm cc-operatlvea or poola. b u t In tho v , mueh wider sense of a adund m a rk e t- t .ing-organiatclcn. I t is not by thestf ti j proposala intended to p u t the. govern- b

m ent int<r the control o t the business tl •)of agriculture, nor to subsidise prieea y I o f farm prcduets and pay the Icccai d I tbereon eiUier by the federal treasury b

. o r by a tax or Tee on the farm er..W e C ■ ’ tBWPoae-witb. ggyenunen m . asslstatw e ii T a a d 'a R = m i? E i r S 3 m iM r 5 p :c a p ^ ^ « ~ «oabla_ the-agrfcB iltu raj- lnduatry_to. h !■ rcJcfr B"stiniTe“ or mwienv ijualncrr o ■^per*lHms~T>y'' w hleh"the farmer' w ilf h

a tta in his Independence’ and m ain- tltmn_hls individuality._____________ai

- p . — — tw yprtant m M ew i— |

- ahould-llke to repeat from my accept- Hance apeech lh a l: " ^

**The wcrklng out of agricultural re­lief- constitutes the most Im porunt cbligatlon ol the next Adnilnlstrailon.

-rnir-olJHn-i,r-nn-T)olw...to-u>-»i»i>- ,Hah for our farmera a n iBcoaae equal j.

j to those cf other occupations; to:« the ..farmer'a wife the sam e comforts In ,her home as women in other groups: ,,to r the farm bo>-a and girls the aame ^cppcrtunltles In life as o ther boj3 and uirlris. So far os my own atOUUes may _

! be ot service, 1 dedicate them to help «, secure prosperity an^ contentment.-In tha t Industry where I and my tore-ta th e n were boro and nearly all my nfamily stlU obtain the ir UvelUjood," y

In formulating recommendattona forlegislation to carry o u t the proposala _

• cf the Party. I tru st th a t we m ay have _ the full aaslsun'ce of tbe leaders of ^ agricultural thougbC ■ 1 am n o t lii- „ sensible of the value ot .th e atudy ^ whleh oloeerc f a t a le ad en have given - te this question p f farm legislaUon. They have aU coiftributed to th e real- tzatlon th a t the problem m u tt be _ sclved. They will be InTlted loto eon- ference. Outataxultnc tan n e rs such a s C Oorem or . Lowden «U1 . be aaked lo ^ join in the search fcr.com m on ground ^ tip ta which we ean 'ae t.'.I had thousht'to tlay to parilo ila rly ^

point n o t the Importaoco c t th e „ dcvelDpaent o t cur. interior waterways asb tartncQ O theB naperttyQ ot only o( a g r l^ tu r e b c t : ^ . tb a . w h d e o f -o o r ratdwest ‘bostoea^iatid, couiine i c e . I t ^

J a _ a - n c a t ly a o n t o t w p^d em ro ' to

t S ? w « x ^ ^ ^ t e * S i S ? ^ * e ^ T O i t ^settlac of thla whole Interior acetlon. ^ This, tecether w ith th e complettoar, of t h t Pimania Caoai s e d th e ta c t th a t „ ceean rate* b a w iacr«aaed b u t Uttle

BUdvest^ .X tus-a*_U .»_row _.ot..toU » «4tc« had been tttecad -a ro u n d th k wtable seetloD oC’aar.'cdBMzT. I t aeri- cotfy affoets tba;(UBM r.; I 'd U a k we

f e a v : .K a p r : i t ' ca-.-in-.'teDpemle-^Jtecr ttta t.. th e . f a ^ ' .on^B M et. n rw ilnM

t h e t o y • « t o - pw a w f t . j a

tfB aertl th* w aW pobat o l . a a S > te ts . |i overseas o r 'thd .A tta& lte '.aC ft'; w h e r e . n W a r e ' b r ^ {Bwctinc . « * - a r. ^ n r pndocts. -

a n tm im A tr a m :th e e e

ste house te bear Charles Cnrtls accept I a t Tojwka, Kansas. . '

is- lower by ■ the-:am ount~of-4relgh t rates. Some calculaUoiis ' w h ich ' 1 made s few /e a rs age ahowetf-tha»-the Intfreases tn railway ra tes’ had In efr feet moved the midwest-20tf to 400 miles further from seaboard. More­over, some of' the competitive, agri­cultural regions such a s the Argentine and AustraUa are dose to seaboard and -with Ma rates 'about tbe sam e a s betore the war. they are able to compote with the American farm er In foreign markets to a greater ad'-' vanUge than , before the war. This Increase io transportation- rates also affects the pricea of many things which the fanner m ust'buy. for'.mucli raw m aterisl which comes Into the midwest pays th e increased freight ahd th is in tu rn is taken up by the eon-

rallway ratea w ltheut ru in to the rail­ways. -T}>erfore..2 hav? long.asserted th a t the teal hope of red u d ^ .e h a rg es upon our bulk goods wes t h l ^ h . t h e m cdem la tlon of., cur great taterior wateranys. By JROdemisatlon, l.iD eas Increasing depths to a point where we -can handle- five c r t r a thousand tons in a Itae of barges puUed by a tug. This Administration has au tho r. Ized the syatematic.. undertaking of thU modcmieatlon. W ithin a tew yeara we will have completed the deepening ot the Ohio up to P l tu - burgh. lhe Missouri up to Kansas Clly. Omaha, and beyond, the Mlas- isdppt to S t.-P au l and Mlnneapolia. tb * ^ ln o ls .; io _ C h lc a g a _ . -We.alreadjL ■have_experience with results, for with onlyTthe-maln-rivw 'T f om ^ tr L o tU m r New^Orteaiu a s yet-worklng .properly. tlJe rates tor transporU tion of bulk agricultural orcducts throuaH tha l sec- uon a millf pt‘6- lP'ar railway rates, w e

ll iu ad t antBse of -ftttt- results until tft» ehtlro M laa lss)^ and Its-tribu taries a r e 'I n one connected transpcrtalon system.

Great Opportanlty We have another great opportunity

o f re ire r in 'tlie -b m ia tn r 'O f a shlpway from the O reat Lakes to the sea. Our engineers have rreoounended the St.. Lawrence route as the preferable put- let. The Admlnialrallon has under- Uken negotiations with Canada upon the subject. If these negotUUons fall wc must consider alternative routes. In any event the completion ot thU great system of barge Unea on the rivers and connecting the lakes with the O ulf.. of - opening a ablpway trom the lakes to the sea, wUl make a n ef­fective transpcrUt^oo system 13.000 miles. In l e n ^ penetrating twenty mid-we*t atetea. I t will'connect these states with seaboard 'a t tbe Oulf on one hand and wtth tha. North At- lanue on the ' e ther. Aod this means more than th e mere saving upon the actiu tgooda shipped d rer theae routes. If p a n ot* your o o p s can mo\-e (o m arket a t a se ro ) to ten-eent sav lnr per bushel, the buyers* compeUUvc bidding for th is portion c^ the crop will force upward the pries of tlic whole crop.;A nd th is devdepm eat eoneems nol

alcne agricolture. b u t every Industry and- business in the midwest. T h ; m anufacturer and m tre h an t In this section ts sufferitig f M . a curuU - n e n i c f his dIstribaiioQ field: hU business provloca h a s shnm lc This developmenr-shotUd tend to innra^w T nanofacturiag-lndustry-ln: tho nltd-^ w e s t-a n d -th * re b y .-c re e te V a : largtfr diversity c t enploym ept aod a 'g rea te r local m a ik r t fo r agrieoltival ivoducts. Kcr does this develflaaeat mean the erippung Of cue raUwiqrt.. The annual

P E 4 C T E STew . wUT'aaiAa' a Bdstlke if

rcselM* tMa ywor. i-Taw

■ B & t i i r ' ^ « ^ a r i ’ C<^u n e a a d B t l f K o r th o t

r o ^ ; . XdMbo ! ■

r r ? ^ y s are trowlB#-loh|te*6att-* j i a r about one s e c o n d 'e w y lOtMNU - T h arj Utfoh Baeii-rditaKhh

;s ‘4' - i v^i^TShbw ' tfaa< : t l « e i ^ - | s fttttlui

• ly a lo tln j down fts I t revolves e h ':


. tute o t W aahtofftm apd of, t h t Dudl Observatory a t A lbany ,'N .. '.T,. ,b recenUy b w n led to th e bonclusli

I. tha t (he- rotAUon ra te u o < ^ o e s yea - . ly and perhaps even ' dally ch i^ <

wllh altem ato periods of slowing at speeding; .

He. also has observed an appare: r^atlonshlp between these fluctuatloi in the ro tation ra te and the vsrlab frequency fn the occurrenee 'o f'earti quakes. T h m fa r i t has n o t been po

' 8>bio to foretell the am ount of chan to bo expected In the earth 's rototlo but if this' can be done an d 'tlie fad

' cated relationship can' be establishe he suggests. It m ay.. become teaslb for sc lea tlM to ~ p red ict periods < great earthquake kctivlty.

•Bdmund.Haney * •» t h t t i n t , the decrease iti th e sp ln n iilg 'ra le < ^ Uie eaU It,. a i r ,Oeotve;.Dappt;

increase railway tralflo^wUl gi ito them a far.m ore than complete eti set to these dlventons. Moreove

. e v e ry th in g 'th a t Increasea tho pros perily o t th e country also helps th railways. The policy o f rapid oor eummallon of thla g reat project wl

■ be continued':U th e Republican ati , m lnlstratloh be continued. ' We shoul

t a the preseat ra te o f p r o g ^ h a t . ' completed the Mississippi s y i ^ with

In the next four years. I t is a vltJ p i r t of th e rehablliu tlon of th Middle West ogrtculture and buslnes,

eept ' The moderolzatlons of our water . ' ways ’ recall again the earlier life c

lowa'. A t cne time Its transporU tlo .was in large degrw over, these sam

ight rivers—a n d .. m any of our plbneei i ' 1 reached th is sU te by the otd paqu< ■the- *«Mf« anrt th f lr ftgrTT TMltn:' War nt efr the days O t.the pioneer over; We hav 400 to pioneer thrdugh economie problem) )re- through scientific develoimient and in gri- ventlon onto frontiers Just as fer Une bidding. Just as romantic, and Jus ord as 'p regnant o t added happiness a s ou im e fathers ever knew. The, test o f ou

to genenwlon . will be- whether we cai mer overcome thcse-4nyitlera...wh£thfic_x; aff- can hold m a s l ^ over the system w I lls have created, w hether we can main also U ln the advonUge we bave Inherited n w whether we can hold ouraelvea t uclt nation dedicated to equal opportunit’ the for aU. , .

Recalls . PloBcer Daysto _ th ls audlenc.

a il- whd aaw Iowa a n open pnore. i n< rted call mejnbers’ pf m y own fsmUjr whi rges la ; m y ehUdliocdrwere-stUI-breakUi the ihe sen in ’ the westem part of 'th<

rior s ta te ohd were then still living In thi eaa l i n t sod houses, of the pioneer farm lere er.-O iir fa thers and grandfathers wbi and pcured over th e midwest were sdf- y a reliant, r ^ e d , Ocd-fearlng people ol ior« Indomitable courage. They comblnec

of lo buUd th e roads, inrldges. and towns: tew th e r co-operoted together to ereci the their school, their churches, and U t u - raise their bam s and harvest theli isas fields.. They asked only for freedoti las- cf opportunity and an ^equal chanee )lis. In theae coneeptioiu liea the rea: ad}L basls-of American deibbcracy. The) rith and their fa thers-gave a genius *tc r v r 'Ameilcau iiiaUtutUnB-Utat dlstingulah- rly. ed oof peoWe frcm »ny other. In th« ulk world. T heir demand for a a equa lec- chance Is Che b a ^ nf American oro-

ind vIvM’-ffieanlnr'Of-Am etkW 'and'a-deef led gratttwle- lo r-w h a t-o u r-fa th e rs -have

buUded. -ae re -th e re a re no limits t< ' hope: no llm iu utwn accomplishment

O ur obligation today Is to maintalc lity th a t equal opportunity for' agrieulturi vay as well aa for every other calllns. . ..

J When we. traverae the memories ol 3^- th o « who have bulJded this sU te an i

th is nation we recall those aets whlc^ are rooted In tho soil of servletf. Whec

^ we rehearse our owil memories wc I**' find tha t none give tis such comfori f? : satlstacUon a« th e record of ser-

vice we have been able to render. 1 do ne t belive our people have losl th o « finer qaaUtles of nigged chor- acter. self-reliance, o r Initiative, nor have they lost the great quality whleh

^ they Imbedded in American character. OV ____________ ;_____________ ____


I ■ tlES . t if i j i ;lU- .............. ■ - . ■;

SK : Thoiw w ho Ij

p : F r i i u ^ c oJ . - >tn! fiiith c r <I i n c l e ^ i ^ - ,

“ “ T : -------------- ^

- y : - o £ » i ^ h i i j

II ’ tombnoWa . . . • ,


C y . p ,

, ' v : ~ •

i i d . E v e r y

tw ^> i-« h i^ -^« rfch«rtea DarwET"**-" 'crfl>cg~TWrpheoea gOon to siK y^fflW ^

uAual- Bre*at*>l9». o l Pr^feasprtm iU Boss beUeves th a t the difference can

be ascribed to tbe! oclstenc^iot.ilm llar Boss, t ^ wtthlri the eartH o s . weU as .In

htdley and aiowlng o< the e a r t^ s^ tS S o iT. ,has Is credited princfpally to Praf. E. W.' Juslon Bro*»': of Tale. By, e ^ t» r in g Uie year- observed positions' of the sun. moon

abges, and placets, a s recorded during a Cen- g and tury ot obeenmUon. .with their calcu-

t a tted positions, he found th a t In some wrentnyears they were ahead and In others ations behind the positions they should have rlable o ccu p ied .T h e fact th a t t h e ’changrs iarth - wbre siinuiCAneous disclosed th a t the s poa- earth , not thb aun. moon and planeti. h ^ e WM oui o t step.«tlon. W hen the earth w as'young, i t Ls fadl- calculatei. il ■ most • hove spun very

ished. nmch faster than It does now. prob- aslble ably making a complete' roUUon In Is of about, five hours. Now, m uch older.

It. roUtea once in 34 liouxs. b u t.d e - ' >*hiate fplte th is relaUvely great loss of speed Ite of a .p o l s t . a t th e equator travels a t a . iryto. m te ot more than 1.000 miles on hour.= = S = = = : = = = ^ = = S S

give th e quality of ndghborly co-operation 9 ett- a s d miitnal service. I t is In , this eover, quality, th a t our hoBCS must Ue In tne pros- soltiUoh o t our great problems.I tbe And X m ust s a y ^ a in th a t the solu- oon- tlon 0/ these pnA leau has b u t one pur-

; w ai poEfr—th a t is, tb e eomtort a n d -w a ia re .od- of the/Am erican family an d the Am-

hould erican home; The fam ily-Is-the-unlt* have tf - Amertefts Ilte and the' hOme Is thtf

with- m je tu ary ’ c t moral in sp ln tlon and of viU l ;tii8 ' AmertcoB spirit. T h e true"con-

the ceptlon of America Is n o t a country inesj. o f llo.ooa.000 people but a nation ot ntor. 33MO.OOO tamUles living in 33.000.000 f* Irf homes. , “1 pledge my services to these

S B O U R B O N S ’ N O M iH lE fe -" ---------f o r o e t s c a r e s 0 F ~

S ^ O P T t C A r t A M P A IG r

. '(CoDtiDued Prom Potta OnO) . J ^ l lai^cd group of newspaper Iwritera.^

whether hU house guests would bum - ber only four, the Demoeratle sU hd-

p ” ” .then obaerv-

™ i]?' some since I first eame to the exe- rlted ^ U v e mansiott."4 . a - A ha ir dosen blocks away, a t tho ju lty DeW ltt Clinton hotel, such close

friends of the governor-as John Ras- kcfb, his campaign manager, and Wll­Uam P. .Kenny, WllUam- B. Todd.

lence J a m c ^ J . a ^ o f te r

whs T h m > l« .-w iU . . ^ the. headquarters ikto* -tfUiaiSMOTSc: •‘•U enal. eommlttes ' 'th e members. other blg-wlgs in the

I the party who are invading Albany fpr irm - w hat probably will be th e greafest who celebration in the history of this old

city.; « ! lU ikoK U m m lde

The ceremony win get tmder nay a t 6 P. M , Eastem standard time, bu t ot least ha lf an hour wltf be tak -

«P w*!*' preliminaries sueb as band music. Sfir. Raakoi» wOl preside, ahd

iie e “ •yof Th^eher wU m ake a brief address o t welcome.*' Then Senator

rhey Pittm an, probably about .6:50 o’cloek.win 'deUver W r nSOncation- apeech.

Hah- <u)d the stage wUl _be O ovem or' the Smith's. R e has prepared ah add reu

jqual w h lc h 'h e hopea to complete within p » . a n hou>;

deep e n v d , . j u id - l t w a s , to - , tm .lh U .a p - havo paratus th a t - the - governor - waUted '4 to down orer the..steps froM hla offlco len t. tM ay f o r 'a brief reh e a m l. 'iU h o ' [Uln / j « d a b a t t ^ of cameramen, several Itare hundred persona tanged below, broke -- Into-applause.— H e-thanked e ^ o n e -

s of who had a hand In prsfMiraUoBs. car- im d penters and w lre -h a n g e n w ith as

h l ^ m uch enthusiasm as th e mayor.

DRAFT FRENCH AB 8PBAKSS« « « MOSCOW. Idaho. Arm. a t c « -

Burton L. Fteneh. represenUUve in eongreaa from th e firs t Idaho dU-

J " trict. has been **drafted“ to speak m the Interest of B eibert Hoover's

^ pm ldim tial candidacy lif the E ist. ho .A d here. t«U y, ^

c / b / i y l^TO looked to

f<Mors-aiid-tbo— --------- ------ -Gorpon^rdii ib r~ - .............. —'or developments . U 'ro fngcra tion . • ■

itecnieoK~ ~ —miNirtancc in - — vw*s papeVB ’ -* ■

H rc p I '■ . - . r .C : ' . * ; / v

Page 3: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

E E B a a ii isBySC0nrtT02j

C a m illi, B a c k O n F i r s t B a s e |

t b h ii i. P u u iid !. j

O u t T w o H o m e r s a n d 'T r i p l e j

SALT LAKE c m r . Alig. 2 W )— JT he Bee# came home today to win Ithe opening game of th e series here i ircm Ogden, 8 • to 2. t o ^ y ^ c y brought with them on old stand-by. CamJUl who holda the i l r j t sack posl-tlon. Today Camlll socked out two „homers and a drive good for a third _sock rest, but did not get him home. ■

• Walters. Bee twlrler. held the Gun­n e rs 10. six hits and added two more ] _ scores to the tolal.O O D E N - AB R H O A E c ,

/ Mclsaac. ss ..........- ....A 0 1 2 3 0 p^,/ McShane. 2b ............0 0 6 4 0 „ ,

•^VW ocdson. rf ................4 0 0 2 1 0 g .■'McCauley, cf ........ :-..4 0 1 0 o o ^

SkiUIcom. If ..........-■..4 0 0 .1 1 0 ^Stoven, Ib ....................3 0 0 10 > 0Tunney. 3b ------------- 5 0 1 0 0 I ,Lyke. c .......... - ......—.3 1 1 4 1 1 ^ .Toomey. p ..............— 3 1 3 0 8 0 pjj

TOUU ................ .....31 2 0 24^10 2 St.SALT LAKE— AB B If O A E c kTttdevlch. 3b ....... .........4 I I 1 t o dcJones. If 4 1 2 1 0 0 Wo

-Donovan, cf ..........- ....4 1 2 2 O 0 boj____ - .N I f lM n ,_ 3 b _ . , . , .^ . ,^ . ,^ 3 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 _ 2 _ 0 .

Walters, rf ....v.............3 2 2 2 0 1CamlUI. Ib .................. 4 3 4 17 0 0 cHam nock u 4 0 I 1 0 0 Ne<Lapeyrl. c .................... 4 l 1 3 0 o at.Davla. p ..................... 3 0 0 0 1 0 Ch

« -------------------— ClcToUls .....................8 13 27 10 1 pitScore by Innings: Bn

Ogden ......................000 020—2OnUi Lntrn j>)il

_____ Hiitnmnry- Hnmi» nmw—CamllU 2;three»baae hits — Camllli.^^^ t w ^ .

— • Cauley; sacrifice hits—Davis. Nellscn; gncstolen b asw -Jones. .Donovan 2. dou- jjoi bic plays—Tadevldi ito Hammock toCamUll. M clsaac to McShane lo ©al Stoven, stoven to M clsaac to Stov-* m j.cn; struck out—by Davis 3: Toomey los4; bases on balls—Ogden 3. Salt porLake 5; nm s batted In—By Toomey. seaT mletlch r-D onovftB.—C an iilll-3.- La- —

------ ■ DEPOCATELLd 7, BO lSti 3

BOISE. Aug. Zi ow ^T h e PocateUo l^‘ Bannocks, led on Pitcher Snyder,K . defeated the Boise Senators. 7 to 3.

today in the next to the, last game , j r :

' ____ h tta ^ u rIng th e gome whUo hlsi'team m otes g am erta I t ; Jcn sen '8U irted --W »*«e » • for th e PocateUoMis by h lttlng 'th e , first baU thrown fo r a home run. - j ,, POCATELLO * AB R H O A E Jj ’ Jensen cf 3 2 4 1 0 0 *^^Parker, 2b .............6 2 2 2 4 o "Tanner. 3b ................. J 0 0 0 3 0 , ,Roche, c ........................4 2 1 0 0 0Moslof. rf ................... 5 1 2 4 0 1 S LBums, lb ................-...4 0 1 11 0 0 JheT lem ej, as ..........._..,,.4 . 0 1 2 1 1Snyder, p .................... 4 0 0 0 2 0Qabler, If ......................0 O 0 1 0 0

T o t a l a __________ J4 7 11 27 10 2 bB O IS E ^_______ AB R H O A E mj,Rumsey. If ..... .— .7...0 r ”;k“ a o . u uor

------ MoUcc. - 3b-...-........ „ v . . , . .4 - a - 3 - ; - 0 - 0 nonBernardo, ss ...........■••2_ 0 _ 1 2 4 1 ^,5,King, c .................... . . j 0 6 8 0 ^ Bigl

_ _Maion^r rt n 0 1 ;! Q ^

-------- Oaspen 'n ?* ’ ............ T ^ X , l 7 a Io . ^-Co!eraan. r<-;...._:r.'.':..:.4-0“ 2 - 5 - 0 - 0 fleH Hollerson. p ................ 4 0 0 1 5 1

Totals ......................32 3 1 27 12 4Scare by innings: — , - B

PocateUo - ....- .......— ..102 000 013r-7 FcH-------- Botsg' ______ ____ '-.—.OOO - 002 010—3 Rc{

------ Sum m ary:-R uns bailed In—Jensen, a t -Rocho 2. Bum s. Tanner, Moslof; Thi MoUe. Maloney. King; sacrifice h lls u —Roche. Bum s. Tanner. Maloney, Pel K ing: two-base h lt» -P arker. Tanner. d « Mosolf, MoUe: home n m ^ e n s e n ; L.

V,- double plays—T anner to Parker to 1 t ' Bums (2); le lt on base*—PocateUo 8, sup

Boise 7: struck out—by Snyder 6. Thi by Holerson 6 ; base on baU s-off hln Snyder 3, off Holerson 2 ; boUc—Sny- Da'

. der. Uc


OAKLAND. Aug. 21 (4V -T he MU- „ t , tlons collected 13 hit* off three Oak-land hurlcrs today to v i a 0 to 3. rvy

Tlw score— ' R .H .B . r wMissions ....-------------- ----- ------e » 0 il?;Oakland ------------------------------3 11 0

r Batteries: PUlette and ' Brensel: DsgUa and Lombardi. ' ' 6

J ’ PORTLAND «, SEALS.1 ^SAN PRANCISCO.,Aug. 3 lM ^ L a r - ^

ty French pitched m asterful boll to- ^ day and PartU^id tu rned back the

A ■ SeaU by a C-to-l score.The s c c re - ' R . | L t ^

.Portland ____________ ______ 0 14 1 *“ *

’ i.___ iu tte r ie s :“ F tir ife ~ i5 a ” f t ^ : “ Ml'u “ T-^5— chrtlr-Jones a a d Sprtnx .' . ^

SOLONS C, STA S3 S ' ' ifc: SACRAMENTO. Aug. I T W>)—8ae- «®“ B ramento took th e opeblog game of » , H l ^ c n ^ series w ith HOUywood to» ^

^ ■ The «<w»— ^ - K .A S J P*»?*; H aU y w o o d --------------- t 0 ty^

' S a c ra m e n to ________________ « 11 0M Batteries: McCabe, M orphy and

B aa len Kusx, Gold a n d . Sevsrsld. - ^--------- ^ lh a

LOe ANOELES. Ang. 71 (/f>>-*eat- nan;------- tia .T « Angpifi •

postponed. Teams txmnllBt. u uI Ueo

^ 8 nSfSKNIUS. C A B D IX r /K iim i e in<1 mside anishlng. R epairs p ran p tty cen-* 139 t tb are. east. ' Adr. D

r . : ' - ■ ■ . ' I . :7 TWINFALLS.DA;

liTSwsueRe . IIt h w a m a h »• P O O R '. m

, RUNOVCR6'y n c P^tLOU)V-T, ‘‘ AMOTOHCWl ^ J •v\

gVERW nwffMTV <—' ^ - 1 '

f” - h it

- - • • Ihr

I CLUBS’ STANDINGS “ i!_____________ B?*

UTAIMDAHO LEAGUE , ’ **'iClubs— W. L. Pet.Pocatcllo - .........................25 20 .650Salt Lake ...................- .... 23 21 .623Boise ................- ...............21 24 -.467 , -'Ogden ........ ............. ..... 20, 24 -.455

AMERICAN LEAGUE 'C lu b s - W. L. Pet.

New York ..........................81 30 .681Philadelphia ...............•.„:.,75 43 .030St. Loula ............. - ..........71 47 ' .002 ^ 1,Chicago ................. .*.....66 C4 .464 ' 1Cleveland ...£ ...................S5 65 .438Detroit ............................. 53 65 .444 pjpWashington ................ ... 63 G7 .442Boston.................- ..............43 75 JOS ,

NATIONAL LEAGUE ha^Clubs— W. L. Pet. pu,

New York ........................07 44 Jt04St. Louis ............................71 74 .002Chicago ............................07 47 .658 ^Cincinnati .... ............C3 62 .658 phPittsburgh .......................03 52 ;548 c hBrooklyn .......................... 57 61 .4 0 iBoston ............... ..............35 72 J27 Bln

J»hUadclphla______ - ........33_ .77.. JOO

P A C lW c'cbA S T LEAGUE "g—OIub»—---------- -------------W>— Ll— PoU- -jjpSacramento ......................30 16 .708 ujc,Hbllywood .................... - 3 4 17 .607San Pranclsco ................. J l 20 .008Oakland ..........- ................27 24 J>29 tjjriMission ............................. 22 20 . .431 runLos Angeles ......................21 29 .420 thePortland ............................10 32 J73 ticsSeattle - .....................- ......13 37 J25 p,n,


<Contlnued 'W om Page One)

the county to th e sU te conventloti. _ wl^ e toe Job

live..vote, t o / s t a l e

J . p . Pope was elected DemocraUc sta le committeeman and Charles H. Darling, Republican committeeman. C

'i n an address before th e Democratic Ko< convenUon DoweU Dunning, a delegate reel to the sta te convention, charged th a t as the Republican party had forced the s ta Democratic leaders on the defense on rc | the prohibition question. He also de- dared the tariff would be a major n^n issue in the coming national campaign.

ENDORSE DEFENBACn BM SE. Aug. 21 (/P)—Bonner and “

Ncii Perce county R e p u b U ^ conven- ^ lions endorsed Byron Dcicnoacn lo r ^ nomlnatten-for-a-Becond-lern»-e» sU le trciwurcr Defenbach was W orm ed lo- Bighi by wire from h is sohT*Ralph ^

-member—of__eoimtv ____________________delegttUon which wlU-go-to-KeUpggr — August 28. N


BLACKFOOT. Aug. 21 LouU amFelt was elected a member o t the refi Republican s ta tc—central- commlttec. tn-i a t- th e county-oonvenUon-here-loday.The convenUon named th e foUowlng g as delegates lo the sU te convention:Pelw G. Johnston, E. U DavU. B. C. — Bcone. Loula Pelt. T. P, PockreU and L. Ivan Jensen.

The delegates were Instructed to support Dnlted S tates Senator John Thomas for the nomination to succecd hlm-ieU-ond lo support M yrtle Ramey DavU for sU te superintendent of pub­lic instruction.

HARSn COMMITTEMAN MOSCOW, Aug. 21- (ff>)—Republi­

can and DemocmUc convenUons of Latah county held today electcd dele­gates to ' the state convenUons.

The RepubUcans named J . A. H anh . Deary, slate committeeman. Ths Democrats already had named G. P.Mix as sta le chairman.


Bonner county RepubUcan conven­tion elected 12 delegates to the s u te convenUon and Instructed them to votes as a u n it here today. The' con- .V cfi tloa Toted approToI of th e ' Cool- Idg* ''admlnUtntloD and endorsed .the s u t« Republican candidates.

-------- CBOOSE~lt~DSLEGATES'• LEW iarroN, Aug. 31 (4^—N « Perce

c o u n ^ RspubUcoBs today chose 18 dekgates to th e s ta te nomlnaUnz convention, wmmended- th e buUdlnj of the LewU-Oark-' highway acrost Idaho.

T hs n rm a m tle , cwm ty ronrtnU Q a.-----38 delegates 'to tb e eoun-

* ENDOBSS PO O TBR ;WALLACE. AH(.:.31v(ffV-Tbe Sho-

Iboae . coonty RspobPcan cou veu lion natnsd A .' W .-B o o f« r 'a t s ta t* eocn-mlt t s c n m j y * ^ gidarsed ___stife " S r i i W Don>M T^aniTHBn as UeotoatBt g c m a c r . l ! b t egBvntiaii cbose foo rtsm (W tyste s te H m state cen i tP t lon .

Democrati .o f tb s . c o f s t r .aam ed


F A d a y }

pmiiEBis'-BosioniMSByc '

K r e m e r _ W ln s .S ix th C o n s e c u - '

” " F F c e ly " b y f e a y ' ^ ' t a t e f c a m 'j

PITTSBXniGH, Aug. 21 f;p |-PU L i-! * burRh evened the- Boston - r>cr!c.s by J winning the'sccond game, G tu 2, here today. Ray Kremer won hU rlxU> ' con-sccuilvc victory although h ii free-1 ly by tho Braves. T ra juo r v.o-s thOi , h ltilng hern’ for the cham plow w i th , ’ three ^l^gIi^ ond a- double In Ilvci Umes a t bat. . I

Tlw .score- R ,H .E . .B^Jlon ............. 2 10 1PltUburRh . s II 0

Batteries: Qrondt und ’ Taylor; Kremer and Hemslcy. _


natl (.topped New York In Its mad . pennant tllght here today w hen . tho visiters were shaded .by 3 to 2 In a hard-foughf game.

The score— . R .H .E .New York ..... 2 6 1pinclnnall ..... J 10 3 TC

BattcrieA: rtlzslmmons. Faulkner and Ifognn and O'FarreU; Lucas nnd Piclnldi. / ^

PHILADELPHIA 3. CHICAGO 1 I f CHICAOO. *\ug. 21 t /P )-T h e 'rlg h t- ' ,

hand slioots of Cl»ude WiUoti^iy P l puzzled (he crippled Cub« again to- j day and Philadelphia took Its slxUi fitnilRht victory over Chicago. 3 to ‘

Thc s c o re - Vl • ' R .H .E . “PhUadelphla ......!!....................... 3 10 1Chicago ................ ........................ I B 1 I;,

Batteries: Willoughby and DavU: Blake. Carlson and H artnett.

LOiUIS. A u i 21* (/P)--Dougla«l^‘' yicvnmcy— acUvercd— u— i»ude-to« mea.sure batting slum p righ t o t U ie: door of the CardlnaU Uils afternoon when hc held the home forces lo J*' three singles whUe the Robins were running off wilh thc sccond gam e ot ^ the series by, 6 to I. Thc futile an- tics of the Red Birds saved first placc for the Olantc.«who lost to CIn- 1

ahead' ot the St. LouU entry. [Thc s c o re - . ' R .H .E . , ”

Brooklyn-..,.:................................... 6 10 0SU LouU ....- ...............................I 3 1

Batteries: McWeeny and Deberry; Rhem. Johnson and WUson. ^ ^ ^ B a a ?-iTi’iiT "- | nn

tnd selected nine dele^tites u tho ’s ta te 'convm tlon .'" ' ’ ' ............ '_____ d r


KooteruU county Republicans todn/ rctlected sta te Senator IV S. NeUon nn os committeeman, endoflftd U nited : t«i States Senator John Thomas for Uirr { RepubUcan nomlnaUon to succeeil mi Ilmself. and commended the present Do idmlnUtraUon. dir


BLACKFOOT, Aug. 21 _ C4>>—The — n ie DemocraH^-couniy cOTYentlo3 ;i . tj lere -ton ig h l-e lee ted -ft—E.- Deto y d - t ; -£ itfttt .commlticeman_ftnd_»elect^d..lhr^ .p ^ollowUig lo the sta te convention Auk- ist-28:-DeKar.-Fred T rB ubolsrB lack;- — oot; T. J . Bennett. SheUey, and A.j —

...... ......... rU RRIBR-K ILLK P — J7rNEW YORK, Aug. 21 {/p)—A furrter Adi

was killed In h b west tw enty-fin t street establishment today by threekrmed men who shot him wben he (refused to pay Uiem "gang revenue* tucin-Mie-form-of-fm^-coBt'*.--------------------------


W I N G S o f t h e

T h o . f i n e a t . t h b i f f a a r e

' t b O s e y v b o s p e c i a l i z e ii

S c h i l l i n g p r o < l i i c e B I

o n l y ( n o . 2 f » d ‘ o r 3

S c h n i i n i r i s ^ 6 c p t i

^ k l w P o w d * r

.LLS. ip iH O .'^ D N E S D

J | ^

m m

TOM HEENEY '( le h ir» f " « t conlender I ln r rongratvlatlotu from Dave lUrr^

" make (lielr hotne.

LABEHE COUNTY: KANSANS Wl •PICNIC AT RUPER^T- RANCH -i T------- '! Eighty former rcfldetits of'Lnbctlc _

counly. Kansas, held thcli iinnunl pic- nlc a t the hojne of ^Mr. nnd Mrs.E. Bowman, southwest ol Rupert Inst Sunday. Thc guests of honor were M r,-and - M rs .-J o h n Dubkit. Par- p j M ns.^K onsw ^w ho

^ c th « s 'L c n tc r ta f e ^ ‘”w i u r S hn! timo selections on piano, violin, gull^ th - a r nnd banjo. The picnic next year mi : will be held a t th e home of Mr. and

Mrs. Tom Bondy, Twin Palli, thGuests were M r. and Mrs, Clint /u:

Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. E, a Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. •Jolm Ncl- fo; son nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Ike

'M nntnn nnd tam llv . Mr, nnd Mrs.I ilomer Morgan and .family. Mr. and "W 'M rs. Roy M organ, and'-fnmlly. Mr,' und Mrs. T. S. BeU and {ainliy. Mr.

and Mra. J. F. Budd and family,Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Barnard and son. Clnude. Mrs. J . P . Motgan. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Potter and .-son. Rus.'wll. nnd Mrs. Potter's mother. Mrs, Picr- j,

.Pon. LoH Angeles., ____________n., Mlss Elzina.W ray,.M bs.)K ale Kind- er. Mrs. Blanche '•Beatto and chll- n, dren, Mr. and Mrs. Pdwbrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. W hlt»ey, M t. and Mra. “ Tom Bandy. Mr. and Mrs. Charics u! Modlln. V r. an d M rs.'H arry Bmn- ' don. Mr. and Mrs. John Dugger. Mr. and Mrs. William Slack and dauRh- t,.

: ter. H h«l. Mr. and , Mrs, E . ' W. ,h I Andrews. Mr. and Mrs'.' WUbur Bell. i,c

M n. Grace Parsons ''firtd daughter. Doris. Cloy BUlmore. W alter Boun- dine. Oenevleve and Helen BeU. Ralph p , Brucc and R oy’Bowman.

-------------------- p r-------^ ^ ------------------------------------------ Sl:

■ -D C A l C C T A T C TDAM CCCDC ll*® . j t c f lL r a l A l r i . l H A H b r h n ^

i -Pw nlslied-fcy-ttrt-Tw to^rahs-T ltl*- -------:-aB d-A bstraet.C onpaay--------- |—,

.iix .tn Anna M, Brrghlry, nao o ., Lot, es n^Pt.-Lota-18-19-20.-Blfc-4.-McCollum n. Add BuhL

KENTUCKY MAN IIEREC. W. McClurc of LouUvllle, Ken­

tucky, U in Twin Fnlls on buAicss,

- -News -W ^nt - Ads - rcflch—tha people- - you wish to attract,

i e M O R 3 S T I N G

t t g : u s H f t l l y : m o d o - b y —7 -

D i n f i n e t l d n s s o n l y .

i t o p g r a d e c o f f e e _ _ _

3 r d g r a d e s ) ,

o l y o b e w h o d o e s . ;

Mj ; 3« ■

D A Y M O R N I N G . A T J G U

g W a y t o N e w Z e a l a n d .

for th e world's hfavywflfht chomplon rty In Chlcaco. The llpcneys are en r

M ID -W E S T E R N S T O R M . i ------------- CL-AIIVIS- N IN E L IV E S >

(ConUnued l ^ m Page One) |

ind three norlh ot Twin Lakes, near i nockwell City.

Score In Hospital ,Nearly a score of injured rem ain- ,

*d In Austin Hospitals tonight for .treatm ent of their hurts, nnd 1 1 ' wos .[eared some of the more serious cases ,A’ouiu aic. Mo»t o f the Injuries. .liDWcvcr. wcre_of_n minor nature and ,the vIcUms, a fte r medical treat- ,nen t. returned lo their homes. ,

The survey tonight showed Uiat jthe Minnesota . IwUtcr vented Its .Fury on a strip about a quarter of i\ mile wide and 06' mites long' be- , tore blowing itself out.

AnrnAiw^FrwHiTnro— ^ ^ SUCCEEDS HOOVER IN i

COLLIDGE’S CABINET i(ConUnued Prom Pago One) '

la s g iv en 'a new Impetus to our en - ,4r» -b u s l |w - a t r uetur p,---------------- ;------

••Ycu h av e .g a in e d .» kno>?ledgc of the mechanics o f 'b u s ln M and govern­ment th a t Is unsurpassed. I t wiU al- arnys be a salUfatplon to me to have hnd the.benefit of your wise counsel in meeting the problems which nave Klscn during m« admlnUtraUon. My | Dcsi wUhes will always attend >-ou In p the broader field lo which you have i , been called.” ' | ,

Secretary \yhlUng. who U 64 Vears , c!l1, and who heods the Whiting , Paper company, Holyoke, first met Mr. Coolldge when Uio la tte r was president of thc M asuchusctts senate. Since th a t time the chief executive lias regarded him as a dose personal Iftend- ftnd -o-' ala unelt—polftleat—w ip - ■rw r^ r______________________________I

• ^ e s Flr*^ O a U » ___ ]_Today's oaUi” was Ih e ' fihil cver'i

rnkrn hjr V r ^ T iitln t^ ah n , ho^'nynr 1

M pcclally-ln- w estem . Maswchuaetls. . He was a delegate to the naUonal R s^

• ■ A L W A Y S o n . T h e r e ' s t h

t h e C o n o c o S e t i o n a t t e n d a n t

■ . s h e l l . H e i s c ■ a b i l i t y a n d t f

o u g h e f f i c i e n c y

N o m a t t e r b o v


- - _ « s « s h a t Bay------C e o o e e s ta ti^

.aod b y dealers. t e a c ^ y . Ask v g i jtte a tte o d sa t.


JUST 2 2 ,'l9 2 S i. '1 .

[ilonshlp, and hla bride are nhown receiv- n route to New Zealand, where they wlU

Iiubllcan convenUoiu of 1020. 102-t, o n j 1028.- Mr. coolldge regards thc new

;S ccmmercc eecrctnry cmlncnUy fit­ted for hU post both on account of hU wide business cxpcrlencc and tur

_ hls intlmaVe knowledge ot thc aims a r cf tho present admlnUtratlon.

Secretary W liltlng decided to return . to M assachusetts tonight to arango

hU personal, a ffairs before going lo W ashington In the course of next

“5 'tt'«okr-Borore-leavlnff-h®-*ald-be-prs- ic rrcd . n o t ..to discuss-departm ental m atters untU h is arrival Irf tho capital.

Id h.n tha t Innnniifh nw theccmmercc deplrim ent had. under Sec- rctary Hoover, pursued policies >ln eon-

“t rormlty wllh Mr. CooUdge's pollUcal prcgrom. ho would strive to maintain the departm ent's acllviUes along pres-

c* ent lines.Before acting on M r. Hoover's res­

ignation. President Coolldge congrat-

on the* “exccllcnco" of hls speech last Saturday accepting the Republican

' vlc£-prciddentlai nomlnaUon.-emphas- I Ulng cspcclaUy the “clear and prac­

tical way" Iniwhlch the candidate had ouUined the Issues.

— After ottendlng to busUiess, Presl- dent Coolldge today paid his first call

” 7 r i6 um iiu i, omy’j '» v g \ w ucs aw a/.around thO' bay.iA jm >an hour a n d V

*J* half the chief oxecuUve motored through the principal streets of tbe

''® Mlnriesota city and finally returned to Superior along Duluth's famous boulevard, high up on the crest of

^ ' . i h e lillU tha t skirl the lake.I" > II was estimated th a t 50.000 peopU

i turned out In the warm sunlight to i applaud and cheer the visitors. Presl-

” dent and . Mrs. Coolldge relum ed tho greetings with smiles and waves of

“ their hands.

‘c- WARRANT CaJtxW arran ts ' of the McrUiugh Hlgh-

^ way DUtrlct Kumlkrs 722'to 7S0, boUi Inclusive, w iirK “ pard‘l f “j tc s e h t« - t f f

— r D .-P .-D ew e/.-M urU ugh.-Idotoo.—la - [tCTOt_ceascs July 28th. 1928.

er I MiTi^ugb I ^ h i r e y DfstrletT ~ mU _______________ n P TV w ^ 'ClBrV=sr------- ------------------------------ --------------------ts. 1. - Nows—W ant-.Ads - reach - tb e . peoplt.!

I VOU' wUb~to~attrsct.--------------------------^

^ to se^n t h e j o b ! " is , a C o n o coth e s to ry o f w a y s h a s tiS e rv ic e S ta - y o u w i th tln t i n a n u t- ic e s t h a t cc I c h o s e n fo r a n H gav a in ed to th o r- fimcy . r a d ia to r a n to w b u s y h e ' g iv in g y o u :

CONTINENTA]___cf hlch.cr-dc pctraloC<dor«lo.I<!.ho.Kn.m k . . N n , l I a k . , .Dokota.Texas,Ubib,'

-HJJiEIIICIIIlWR— N e w - Y o r k e r s - D e f e a t s t i - L o u l s r ^

B ro w n s^ 3 - 1 , In F i r s t G a m s S

. . . .o f .S e r i e s ; A th le t ic s W in n e r s ,: ?;

NEW YORK, Aug, 21 (;p) — T K er /

the opening game of the scries hero today ns ihtj Athlctics slaughtered the, Cleveland’ indlan.'i by 12 to 4. -

Tho txore-^ , ' ' R. H. E. . ' 'St. LouU ........................... ...;..... 1 8 I . " 'New York ............ ....................-3 7 ' I-

Batteries; G ray und Schang; Hoyt end Bengough.

I>I1II.AI>e£PWA 12. CLEVELAND 4 P H IL A D E L ^tA . Aug. 21 (/P)—Th«, V'

Athletics slugged a quartet ot pltchenr for IR h its loday and trouncud-tho ' CIcvclimd Indiana. 13 to ,4.

'fhe-titsoro— R. H. E.Cleveland ..........................- 4 I J 3Phlloaelphia , ....................... 12 10 0 .

Batteries: Bayne. O rant, Harder, Un- ' ' derhUl nnd L. SeweU; Quinn aiul .' Ccchrane.

DETROIT 4, BOSTON 3 BOSTON. Aug. 21 t/P )-M arty Me :

Manus's heme run off Slim HarrUs in Uie th ird Inning was. the d e c i d i n g .' factor ill a 4-3 victory which tho De-

iv- troll Tigers scored over the Red Sox »iu todpxJQ jB Pcn-a-lhrcergam a-scrles. ...

Tfier score— R, H. E._ Detroit .....— ....................... . 4 10 .0 '

B oston ........................................3 la - 0 •mJ Batteries: 'W an Gilder, Stoner and lew Hargrave; • HarrUa. Simmons and •ru- Deny;--------— — r r - r ------


kins held W ashington to seven h its . am today and the, W hite Sox took the igo first game of thc scries, 3 to 1.

10 Tho score— R. H . . E.- • ext Chicago ------ -----------------— 3 0 . I . .

tal, ten, Gaston and Ruel. . -UlS._____________ ' ................... ‘ ■

S T R IK E O F R A IL W A Y : • 'E M P L O Y E S LO O M IN G

” (COBtloncd yrom P ag . O n.)

ous decision in J a v o r . of tho strUce. ' ^ .WhUnnjr gnira n o rps«ltly> ln itanftM— ‘ except fK telegram from tho mem-.

bora a t Salem. Oregon, w hich ' he- . ^ otfered as a sample o t the p r ^ l - - „ Ing sentiment.

"Members approvo aetloa of com * ...’ " mittee and a re w tth you 100 'per '

cant.” tbo telegram sa id .' • • ..yStrike.baU oU are to be rsturoed

“til 9 i„,L

K -the m en t,w ith th e ro ad s .U reached b y - > ^ lh a t tim e the m en '< wlU 'walk otit, . oiS Whitney s^ d . . •

N em W ant Ads reach tb s 'people ■ ipla you wish to ottract.,

» i-

" p e a c h e sYen W^a m ake a mistake if yoa roll (o. po t np some Alloa Peaches thU f w .

JJ®" fU ror and w y popnlar a t raesl .U m e.-'--------------------------- -------------: ~

^ P e ^ t u r

ipit- -..r.:— m e r , ---- Idftho-. -- y

? r u e y f l u *

) c o a t t e n d a n t a l -

i t i m e t o s u p p l y

t h e H t t l e s e r v -

c o s t y o u n o t h -

l a v e y o u t r o u b l e ,

i l l i n g y o u r t i r e s ,

a n d b a t t e r y — o r

IU a r o a d t n a p .

rAL on. COMPANYH tf a c a m d M m lx tm ________ ~rakw a w w Jn c t» ta A rfa a ,« | ---------------------Ceo*«.M l**irLMeelsiU^Ke------- “ , i

Page 4: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

p f 'p S i p f p r t e ? ? - : ? ' ?

I p p n i iS iW u D s i io A & ^ i i^ ^$ ~ ' . ' / : ; i y . i m » a c M ^ e X t o , ■;}^' ■”

'~T~ 'w yfa «SMi5i«<‘ '^•'■'r'' ■T--: . a w ^j; : - M 6 n t b i - = = = ^ . : ^ L g ,a■; Om - . — r •” th..-' ^ Bwoad d « » ta ftU matter, th.. A ptU .6,1918. » t U18 postoTflco a t Twin wl

Fftlli<,T(lalitf. under the « t ol March•■■' ’ •; - - ' ■ • • •■- Ol

Houed every .m om lns « « cp ‘ Mon-

lIKH) , ' *ib<

H E M D E b'O P ASSOCIATED PRESS. r .n if l ' Asooctoted Prw a ts cxclualvcly lu

eatltled to tHe use'ror'publlcaUOD of ea '"• m news <lbpateliu credited to it, Or co

n o t otherwise credited tn this w pw . imd '»l5o th e • local news puDllanea herein. AU,rlghta of rcpubllcatlon of fpwlaJ d li pa tch C3 hereto alao reserved.

(/P) m cyia A w cl^ ted Press.

' The Mews Is a nemtHsr of the Audit " - B t i r ^ - O t ClrculaUon^ from whom •' «U information as to clrcuiatlpa may

be obtained upon #pplIcallon. De- tolled InformaUon supplied locally upon ro p ie s t ________ _

rro rteponslblUty is assumed for the care of unsolicited manuscrtpls. p l ^ — (bipi>phs o r other contributed matter. Articles submitted to r publication will

•••' be usecl o r n o t a t th e dtscreUon of the ed ltor.'and no hianuscrlpts will be ‘n ' returned unless nccompanled by neo-

••• *” “ y ppt^g.o- - . ' . . . . . . J


•' irew-'^OTk. Chicago, S an Prandsco, Los orli

S.:: " Na

. MORE VOTEBS val- • Th

;;; . P«aldcntlnl clcctlons always bring for■" out 'more voters thnn’ tlie local dec* 6

tlons of other years. T hat Uils Is “ to be true thta year Ih larger meas-1 ' ure J h a n ' evfef ' seems cvldeJJl. • P rl- it r ' ' ■mai-y contests are brlH glhg'ourihous- la*

ands of voters who have never boUi-a ered with such elections before. <Relre ^S and Uicre is seen a great surrlng soi• among forclgn»bom clUrcns wliose Jor

womenfolk liavc never paid any a t-- tenUon to their voting privilege. This; year .thev arc said to be taking the p n

preliminary steps to casUng their bai- at - totii In thi

‘ AU of th is Is a« ^ t should be a t ^2 ■ every ' clcctlon, not merely In preal-“ denUal j^ S T ; W this enthW aam .1p "could just b e . caught ahd held over . jj z f r tm year to year.' it would effcct’ «

g i » t ehange ln M Uonal.. s U te 'a n dloeal government. More people v o ^ Uft

7-' terest in candidates and Issues, That,

. bring about the exercise of better cd. Judgment, the choice of abler Iwd-

• Z era. and .more efficient and honestZ ~ government. , 1

• I n i> • rcur ' NO J w ra c y FOR a r m e d t h u o s

The iTUstecs of the Ind iana state Th - I prison have token a pittctlcai meth-

od of discouraging crimes ol violence — in—ih a t—sUte.— Snibonlors. .thlrves, Mc

I . forger* - and - even ..burg lars. w ill; sUll be paroled when their coses warrant

■-r: >1W but the eriintnai W h 'o 'u ^ vlo- U

• j__ serve Uie full sentence imposed upon

2 t HenceforUi Uie m istees wlU not - i .recommend for pardon ony ludlvld- Z2 ual serving a sentence under o llrst

degree cliarge. FurUiermorc. they will y^, “ S reJecT lill'appllcaU ons fo r 'rc lle f - fo r i n ' ■ Jl'-prlsonV rs w hb 'u iedT orlcarrlcd ' weap- fw ►r ons when commiltUng bank or pay- J l

roll robberies, holdups or burglaries, p . For kU Crimea of voUence'Uie board’s hei policy will be to carry out the sen- ' ’ icnce of the court,

• - T hai lhe board meana business UIndicated from Ils wholesafe refusals x«of parole applications. Since tho pol- sts

r r icy has been In effect It has been* 7 carried out lo the leiler. ‘ j• r T h u method of a iuck lng Uie crlm- jjo Z ', inal problem holds roucli promise, fir

The hope of an early parol« etrtoln- on• T ly encourages crimes for big stakes. ^

The armed criminal Is o dcjperatc F ? menace. Possession of »'»-eapon give*r « him an overKhclmmg ad>‘antage o>xr efl

his Victim and fe r tha t reason false pl<« - eouriige.. He loses Ahls In face of ‘ Z l danger lo himself and dees nol hes-

" lu te s , as a rule. lo shoot his way «o u t More and more, public opinion In:

Z:- Is demanding U»at lhe crlmWal be ^treated as roughly aa he treats his “

ZZ ■ rlcUms. w(

^ ________ I ■ — " rR A c iA L .^ t r E tu o a r r v ik

■ ! In“ »;• . Prof. Bobert D, McKenxie of the sy

,•* “ ,ijnlver»lly of W oshlngtoa ipeaking ^» t‘ Uie InsUUit* of PoUUe* in WH- ^

'.llamstow^ Massachusetts, tnalntalned _• Nordic supremacy wa» nS" eaus- u

?S^rcd:iir..™cl«l.iiillemictj. Ml tr an- 0*■ fe r^ce* tn .cu ltu re aod tratabif.

A good many of h ts audience dls- a g w l -w tU i him . ' Boiae' o f th e n

Ihelr Tlcwpolnl, hcwetcr. V ^r^-.wh>a as they te lt Che lec te re -iB ca « '^* 2; . tbitv .Itad" oae o t w i V i ^ la a a tB lX ^ i g l / t h i .« a » tto e n ^^ cKJtart U w a n y n « v d c d as^ & ; 'al!lfaiK''fdr'.ifi«ttDCtly :Nerdte i tn a g th - a a ^ a » a . t « ^ B n t n e « ; n waa a -l a B r i V r t i r t 'S

bo-^^eontlBn^^^-wlt^lhlrd' and fifth ploccs.^ts.::.C:>:.-^t-^‘'n '- ‘‘ V '• 'VP?-, .

1 —The »lnhPt'li'B rt',bi^.:tralritd:LM r’tf .... I d trpatch’ t t o u h r - f d ^ ^ l ^ h - ' t ^ ^ — ‘ fn c t-w m d i’ 'aup p o r t^ - ^ - p r o t e s ip y i t • . th e v y ' th a t '• ilttibstv'ariy race, rHflth’. the s a m e '-^ ln tn g aa whites, can do ;! wliat whites can. ‘ " • ‘' The NortlC''l5-7Mt''*itupcrWr lo the . brien tal. D r. M ckentltr'lnalsls. by vir- , tue ol th e fac t'th a» :h e 'h n a gone far*

. T h e

'lead on ’th o 'o U i 'e f i ra to In Uie ow ' of m echanical‘-eriergyife ihe last cen-- ’ tury ond b ‘ half.*<-^!The others may

c a t c h T h e n ’ th in j iw l i r b e 'a 'r tk r ' contefit 'for ' the .material Uilngs_ Uie ’ world offe»9?‘ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ '- '\

p m p iiir mI v • • • • I z

By BYB<n«<3»nBNnACiI I *• TOPOOBAPliy r

___________• . --------- .■ .IflT en '''

■•Rivers th a t pioVe.‘ln ninjc'.ty, ahtl , the complalnldg liraoks H u t make the meadows green." ’

'■<Bryant*a'»^?itnatop:l3:) ■ Clark's FoMi Of tT i« ' Colrinbta

Formed by^Uie JuhcUon cf th : FIoi- hcah and Mlasoula r .ive-' western ^ Montana,., the C lar:« ;„ i c has Its _ original sou»ce« cn v'.;i westem slope T of- Uie continental tUvidc: ll drains the weslem p c r ttc n -o f - tl ie Olacler . National pork, tn d the B iller Root valley. I ts • currcnt is harnessed a t Thompson Falls and generates power for. use of the Mllwoukei railroad.

Shortly after entering lda^o near Uie town of Clarksfork, the rlvcr swells cu t into Lako Pend O’Rellle. T hb lake In Idaho's greatest bcdy c f wat.-r:It is Uie second. larsest. frcsli-w ater' aK g-in~ thB -Roelc y ^ c untaln systim.- r ■ belng-e*cceded-only?byH l»-ow n;-^u-- - Ury, Lake PlaUiead, In MohUfia. .

The channel leaves Uic. lake_ a t _ Sondpolni, after passing under the longest wooden wagon . bridge In t h e . world.. From here o n - th e river'J* known os the "Pend CBelllc.** I t sport, dangerous rapids a t the mouth ot i Priest lUver. and has a ahort^d^^p a t Albeni Palls, a fte r which p-X3iea{ . through eastern Washln:;--‘iirTln'.5 the • voiumflig— Ul util III.IV r m u . ^Is about one-hfli: i:;?, iOra of Snat:-; •Rlv^r. —

Tbe 'S alm r- aud ilio a e a rw aU t T hese b ru lU u l m cunUln streams, —

trlbu ta ri:; of Uio Snake, have an in - ,-oui tertsUng dUUncUon.' They are re - bln s^c llve ly ■ the longest riV ers 'In ^he 8U UftJtcd SU les whej» 'channel* 'a r6 ««, en tirely k IUiIh mm a te lt. T ha t .ffieuld -frr be worth remembering. . . ' ion

The Salmoh rises in -the SawtootJi U M ntalns. • It)t»Joeani0txaUf novlgat. 2 “ a % w n s t f e » m : j6 a h e t i« y 4 « i t tn i6 t . ' cd..boats, and pdsses th rough 'rem ote rejHons: i t 'i s 'u s u a l ly consider^, tho at dividing ime Ijetween* N orthern'' and Im •'Scuthem - Idaho. ” , a i

The Clearwater has great historic dm ‘interest.' lU vallev formed one of thu an rcutea'o^ the Lewis an d C lark expedl- an tlcn ahd of the fiimous m arch of Chief iJcscph in Uie N ta Peree W ar of 1877.........This route, following the Clearwater and Us trlbuUries to’ th e summit of the B itter BooU, thence down Loli . Creek tb lt« mouth: nBaL.Ml3SWla. M onuna. .-Is. know rr^as-rib e—! ^ o - J j > TraU." _____ _____________________H'';

^ o i w p m N i aThe flrat Socialist convenUon lo

be held in Twin PaUs county In lo • years, was held yesterday afternoon crm ~ th e —county—elertrt—office;—wlih------four elected-det«gatea.io-ottendance. .sv The convenUbn' o rgon teed '-^ th elcc- - Uon of Herman CT Schurger. Twin ca Falls, chairman, and H .:H . Freed- H( helm. Twin Pall*, secretary. n'T h e convention's cho ice-fo r dele-

gltte lo lhe SUle convenUon to be hetd a t a place not j-et determined. feU to Mrs. Josephine K. Schurger. T « ln Palls, Uie party 's nominee for sU te senator.' • oeorge P . Hlbner. Duhl. was clccted alternate, and. also. N' c u te committeeman. -J ' '

Delegates to the SbclaUst co m tn - «i Uon also adopted a platform , reaf- hI; firming allegiance to th e platform st and principles of th e natlonal-.«octal- ist party, and pledging -ourselves And our candidates lo foater, promoUs nnd encourage aU mcAsuro which; will bnng about the • Jgreateal ben-1 CflU to lhe grealeat num ber cf peo­ple." • " ■ •

Specifically the coqvenUon con- „ demned private o r - individual con- jj, trac t eyslem as applied to publle, «-orks. and endorsed th a eoopemUwl , InsUlutlons' " th a t arc ao rapW y In-1 crraring lhe world over." , I f . adro-1 caiad for the f a c e r s ' •‘■ocW Insur* ancc asmlnsl tosses due to ad v eru ; weather copdlUons cu d i - as . hall, j •* drought, cyclone and floo<U." ' ! o«- lt-5 ro p w e d -" !w -o o E _ e n » D ? lp a - j__iton from th e . money. t n u t . l i i a t i o r ^ H ii I ta iicn 'o f t*e^T3anktng-iBtf-«on«ocyt— system, b e g in n in g w ith 't tM - u •ton o t -the service of UM p o aU r sav- , ings bank to cover evw y dtpart> |,| m ent of tho 'bu ik ing h u itn iw "

I t prescribed for uoem pteyweat “th e ’ naUon-wkle“ extension cJ-iniUUt wu- -jj Oloyment agendes.".

■■■••--------------T--------- e - . (M- N o t o / J V gi

Tbe o liin ir-* 'It*4e«j-8lia!V B ''lalB ^ »*»«tim m rdt H1W*> ri

cos l i r t te b s . «l{Si*rno >v (* aa -ki

m kia< of i r i i^ s sa * - - • ♦

. pitfMc I . i t w i '

u « w f t> r te n » ) t i« . f t Ilil»^taarpitf«le . . t e p m e m beitteu—B e r i e a e * »

//O OM A .

■I ___ I ^ 1 — I M cir■ ' Mil

Maricid Ii ,-i,------ ------------ -nu

' w Jill


• . , I'I'

B y W . i > E T Z m sn

I - ■ . -7. ■ ,'lni

- - , ">— • ' ■ ,ji

«ut ot tliu presence of Ed-.OakcrSi nut p rbl«n«iyif*ii-e; iilif of llio Vuiige ul Sue wlsVuckliiii's eyes, ilo orrlveil at. Uia loityiM gyard stflilou Jurt oa ilie-wjilcti 0<i

lot.ikHiuf ntrak«ned llie cflptaln."'^Vhtlo ro NurimiD wiiltwi:i.CDptolB_ .Uartab" te l» , III

^•■Oiio O' u iy 'patro l Wlir m eet'yon ava t'tlib tnuln rond.” Norroah'heur'd blm' ellUisiniL-t t».icli>r Mrt;arihy..*.“T lic« 'a doa iiAn h « j o r tb o llBblhouM* . i ' to(Inn'l know liuw . . . ilOD'i know (o'any moro a t alU Vou'll sta rt rifilfr g|iOH-uyl*? th

Uo cnmo from the telephone."' ' ' \vi •—Ufood?” lie asked, poJotlng a t Soe>ajn»*a Juckei; tie

-Yei. btood.'*M cifrried him."' ' ' wi '•I'lx 0 la n tm , Apderson," Ca)>taln'

J!prish_J)iuJo UIO JooIfjoDi, “ “r U j^ o j _ aluos btick wllh H fls'08^ 11101.“ '

“ •lie returned Immodlately l o 'd l l r t ln r *““

liculitQ liltti, KlvltiK- 00 varllculurs. tn yc

StftcUlnn iv-anc<i resHHiiHj. huu tioou TffMl t lm f'Mif t lm 3 n'iittiiirn'.-U sjuir. Tliu nslicniinn wtis s)j

(,(« »vjije ut>e(i. , At

“l-h-pnln*. Joslab," Samuel SUckio. SrwU-d the ciiuft guard nipialo- • . .

— ^iCv(<nlnv^>n'l.~Captala-i!urIih.an* , .•wcn.il._-\Vlirft'a ll !L»w utr_ __

- “Almut)” Bd B ik e r - ih i i t tc w ^ -^ rcan lell yoi" Ho nioted i»(s iiefld slowly, uiid lir tA o no^and ,’poloUng(I tIHck. stubby, atiDklsfi flocer a t No^ . nmn. . . '

*!l was getting In my boat." ho cried. - “Krirbson Ml behind. Uo’d sold ho WUt tft.Iji* to drown me, . »

Uu diisetl Ills eyes and lay aUlL L Nuriiiiiii siiirvd unlwllcvlosly al IiIul lie fi'lt diszy nddcnly. Tlte nHim wns s:ufT7 . ilo must have nIr. lie HlitgcrmI Inward Uia door, beard Suo ^ St'K-Ulti" speok sharply: ,

“Vou U lsg isll^^ tow ard l’’


. . R r t l toN'ornuin nwokroed. tho momlng oft-

er t y B aker‘wda burt. wltli a sen»« « ' tlitit be liad drowsed In hts boots to n colii nny ' fa^homf. Ooly bis beiid liait («eo eared:' Ami tlml ached.

Dociur 'ftlcCarthy imd come aoi^ ar : sune'-,^for«'.ooa O'clock.

"a:oi a . bad ojf.P.tic i.ad snJd. a f te r pr exaulnlog baker'a hcaii. "ooly a bit n>

! o t a c lo o t Mow'd you get I t r =Daker'growled aotl ao one cita an-

[ r iw e r t^ r rT T : - -■■ruu didii'i uw d me. wltft EricWhn

Le^**'McCartliy aald. “He cse ,Ua op a . b rokta bead., lagged and, toted f*»r lils .fatlw r loog •boogb lo kaow bow ,■ . . bow leas. K rlcksohr '

".Not loos COQggb." Sua stodtlog pai _In wllh a aharp voire. ..............

" X o r Doctor McCartliy looked a r i y r - -fwiw(f«8iy9'-Mo- ahruggc^: hU OtniMMVHnUK^rtatly m w ha trrtt M

’ Tou'll »ia *{r right toowmaw.” b* ascure^Jlaktr. \( tioe S to r in g In d not a ltp W S b * .

hlarf<esl0 wbcB’h’ormao reported I s - ib a " l^b tb M ^.k U cb en for bis b n a k d a t: • ^bwaaD ■ trtv rtap -JaeV a , draak l ^ .

m f B la of' - M o w r ta k td u « siri. , ,

’ " W le f t 'fc tr aogiily. stM w at 'ty b B i in u tt 'M ii! ;-« a t-v iU s d .M M y ■

B ^ S W y S P S ^ i ^ ' - ' . " ' t i [ ,',1 ;■ • :f

■ f i


■ ------J ^... -- — (I

cirvviircl ii't ililOntKht.'unil nuxt iiiiiriilng k' umdo nn ' anichilfi for Il7 AVull. site 1'nL^I n<tT.': i;Di her be su|icrior: . Hp liretnom ltirm that Ju ifelU clin iid tipH. r -loltf tilih he w«B no coinird. Kvldcnw. ilwoa flgotnfP ftliii. Bnt h i imd «rork ta ad o , 'a hard iirsi • day's work. And i\ithere. .kUll .kleciiln^ licnvlly on the n

‘ w u eii'lB 'ih a parJor wos I i i Ual:cr to obo BeU W l.. ;■ ; • h . N om ian'liail swept clown-^ilis towers ta ir s . a n d ' si-rubblng'ilie-vvli(t« is

-stone-'atept-'wlien--SuorSi<Kiblas' aunv: --m«ne<f hlm‘-»<»-theHouso..-dia. dmpfiwl p

his pall nnft^hurrlctl.

‘eahicKljTMri the parior. Tli* keejwr's n,re d “fni^li«n\' wnr rnvered wlUi'Jiirgo' iidroiw or'ttcrsplrotlon. Uo whs pinlnly tlbiiciihiriiridlilc.'

“B akcW renily lo 'S ta r t liomo,*-he i„sold tesihy." "Mo nnd you'll ijave fo nttei Ills'Itoot^ 'oTT. "tr we.eoD- nont It e<

, lnto~rtPop - watcrTbfr7-thfa>ka be can- ~asfcor."'.' ' ' n■ Onln'g nn' bid stick of wreclcoge as ic

it ' l v m , th«S” ic r |ie r UDd'lila osslslnnt *-prtcil ihe hcS{7 ilshboat o'lt the sand.' p \rtillo*llnker’*6 >n-li-d ou tba bench' "A tla« , nftor'repcnicd rolHrigs. th o 'b o o r „

ojwn ' Voler.'^ Caj^foW «-gtrtoklnc-lwUti, ,NonTiBh'‘'flri(t.'.-'nfllat. .nrbVed oat lit=n ^ IfT 'atiil'caught *U: „llf.a|cil<X-JiMBl*'«dvJibpiBrfl, ;.T b i;p ro - ;

;0 f f la ^ lU ia « 2bMr.>.chiirnjB8-,'Wbbtes away friiiii ihc'fnn*toH atcm .‘;.U akerelii(il>cil to tlio decki’ ' n r h tilitw ota q down-flritily i>nHie Uller Jind e^aed li to-tlieleft. (le called go<Jd.hy tO'CojW(d in ’i'Stockln^ Tho ' keeper ' nodded fglOftinlly. tlu mwcd -shorew ard 'W itb „Jhe sliori nervous stroke of a deep- , wnt*er'salh.r,a1ioard a small boot.'

'••And'tf n-l/l Ijx>k flneirtJ lli®'importJ" '«tie growtcO ns he wet his feet In ttie ^waa't- ,r ■ . \ ‘ ' h

"'Hlta tiuilncss last, tilgut?"_ "Aniljioiliitij;_clsel'^ ^ ^ . q

"Why a-iM»rt I t i" . ■ . ^-^ V T iy 7- r n n t T U»Tco»rni-1»ve bcen-ln- -5 ,>.t« y».nr viiiiri.. timn-tHn year 1 tell you. and never a t>lucl<

■B»Brb-nHitn ',.nijr tittrm- ^ l f t y iiii_ lli,

Oiil4i>J«caiL|UajiiOT.i;lL^uiiLbdn5lliu ^s)iectors llko gulls («•> i-k-tinln’ stinik. „ Aad > «’(i(ir j-our UiHcnK'tit. wmunriil nnd ciireful' . . • nn.l iriie. It ^ll's Uiu siitnc .to- yiw*- . . . i« n'n „ 10 mini', lloai go lo the house nml «loIt nowj" ■■■------------------------ --------

— Nuraian.imnfuL__ L___ ___________ ,,-Wtinfn tinker p>lns tn Wnl.I.err

he rteniaiiilcd.-' '"* i’h*i>e weren't in> 'trucks In the annd. ' hit ibikcr i-nnie iislinro Ih a skltT."- - ' .. "1 kcow. Tl«lnk-I illilBi lutrti th«‘ Lerouml mysotf tlj-st thins Ihl* , niomlngJ T im i'r why lt% -tw t i« twprovin' If to n c i t d ^ t w - i r H ^ li ,s tarts his |H-ivnto f«« slgnnr aipiwiiln'.' ,,

Suo lin.l nlildieil hcMit>*miiit-a_whft 1 iitid was ri-ujlrig Iti tbe in'irlnr 'wticnNnroinn apjimnched. ' "Yoiir ' mttiei * says Blve i«o Iho i»en." lie rejionclnhniiul.r. . ' ............

Sue Slocking c to s ^ tlte Ixmk. murk ” ing the place with a piece nni twine. > '

“ Wrilt a inlnale.*' she 'srth l. '" I wnr.ito talk to jwiW ;l kihiw xvtWl -j.rt. " wont tlio* pi'if‘ fdr.’* Ycni'r« > . - . 4 ^ 8 . "write y.)Bi rut-wi ' ^ l >»«*» lirfh-w** ®last nlchr. In W t 'H i talk j;»oJImJ .Wliy'd }-«u hli >Jrt l l a n ^ r • J i ' • ’ |

•n ■ didn't 1- be W ed. *1 dWn'i uiv Hanyone.''' •’

S ill liK.keO‘,'*i W ^ 'p ertjitr itia 'fu iv "pritlcnlly. •n B B ,« « li‘i » , ' W r r * H ., - - ..

■ r i i i i p i i . i n f , T O

j t -

■lilm.’' .Bb® wuimoin ;wl-^SHl^Miilty.; • ~

f r f f Vltf ritom. i' U i ' IteV'.WsiltfV-e t#0«i liJie wrfflielll ' Tlflirti tterfr w lit'f rllilis^ t« thli)k,abuuL Uo climbed up to Ui>f ItlWtT. ■"> m ifilc jia Hnn." .Cnitlulii Sf<H kliif

sy f? !s / ‘!'siiif r 's ii'Sg>cw«l. A hiwJ win

tno|i:(i:'; but'', Uicsc lenaea . . rn- iiicwljng Uien." , ' ' .^Qii>ta|n Siockliig' wns .ni'l' » drlvliu

<mVaU^;*-U(i'rreBied Nui^iinir iw tt ni peHnr ahiiulil. a •tnairtiifrt'rinf tiiiinillng 'u'small veifscl.- U «'«‘nlcln‘-* like .H lirnrk' bu l'b e norer liiiUlctL fi lmd liwn thu .biillyl'ng tlint <MHit .'icr m!in’«nw«y from Miidclil., l*tfo, wui- lilttit^int herti nt Uie E y e ! '. “An' w|ieo the lospcctor comca he'lt

l» nskln» ' . .Tlie itMtutiint; ^eard. the W rtflng o

doxcn :tbues, fifty, lo tho llrst two weeks.

"When's ho vomlngT*' ho Infiulreit one iiiomlng. "When yim oxiK'vt'liliiir ' " 1- fapect him," -Caplnln Stiwklnu

iiiiW urcd.’"when he's lci'i« >*iMK-U'd It'a. thu wny of ‘oitK I've ' seeti ‘mn n.pl»*nty. l.«ir'. ■witsn’i' r acn'rwl time \ wns niwlsliini ul Sl>crtnclw' nkf> My tin t light tliu.. WMSk' The bovliei gill* tlie jienmirit thcrtf Uuit' yunV. ntii rt»c‘ irli«lc d/>tWcJ Ao fiurt Uie beur kept stmlon. rv-v. never gnt It yet. Think'every K u r I’m going l a . .Ho BCiiffe«l diiwn ihc lilult .

•'■ Konn«P"went on wlili lila:'pnllalilntt_ lie .hml se n e d n iii<inili«wllh mi-woril rmnt Sfmlrid '.TM.f. l ie wi»H«i«r«J. islidtii hlsiriiilivr.'iismitly il|'n lgh t. ' ll wns j:iMHrwciilhcr fiir 'flsh ln s: tr nld OiiKiiif were, ont he wns lirilng heavy hiMiIs.

S^'veml tinios. In 'U ie evenlng. nl* wnjM. he ' lipnid the ficviilliir "chiTii

• . . . . rhMK. -4'hHBti-HfjhikjiS*^n»ln«. PuMlni: In cmitlnusly,- nliint^.Uio .rcet.

•fo lhe ■ llcliilinnsa. liennK: flnUerrs

lalkin;. Hut lie n ever'encm ntered linker taro to rncv. Suo'tnaDnged tlml. • • • " ■

Stic siillcd orten tn the const guard tiimt to sia'dHd.' Site nskcd him ul- wuys If tlioro <vns nnyttiing ho nee<l- ed. Tliere was only nrlo thing, und

ftuf the second -dme fte gnve her a letter nnd'tw o petinlcs. ' •" “I’u t 'l t In tliD post onice. will yoa. plcflscl Buy a stamp.*'

S usan 'did not l<nk a t the address iihttr slie was half-ncross Uio bny tVlien sIm did.'iilie saw 'tbnt.U ic nnlll^

sob. ; - -•-> 'p rpnn ftnil ofTcJifcd tOj- returp ‘ to Madrid If Ills foUicr wanted him. nnd encloseil tifty dollars, half h i s . flrat moiith'B'pay. ’ ' • '- Ue n iB verrtcclveda reply._ After a forii^lghl ho wm to Jlm Nel' son: t l o ’M dcd it tlro-dnlldr bill Into th is cDvolof^'-'Instructing ImnMt uld Jlm to buy 'C o stn f 'an y th ln a in tho t\‘tiy ot estm s that lio'Qcedcd. nnd to *BtJd-<rn«ii to’’'m ind UMo's Bi-o tf an emergency nroso. Jlm answered on h '|>ostnl card. •'

“5ute.".lie wrote, "I'm stnndlng tiy. .Gua-Ik nil r igh t., r.w tiuldn'l; ro in t. t»tk,~nt>t ycf.' I’m 'Mslhs iip liTT

' nil ml'-- T II Tl W f y 7.n~ WtflW When lo'

' TnIcQ-on dnys ofT duty the aiuUt'

ii*« lw tW -to -r© t«g iiIw .rjd^ lliiiis Thu iecitnd visit ho noilOeil. n curl tiusliicasUkd siiluio ns It htn min (ties tretv'rulnnble Add,tio feared Nor mnn ndslit wosle Uieni.-

llic a . o n * 'h o t windy monilns in ’August. Onptain". I*ari»h—stuch—t>1s--lefln-fac*-liilo-lho-tow«r-door^----------

“J c«l fl new mnn, Sam'l,*’ Ihe rtinsi Ktjunl cnplaln suid.' "I been tw'o short nil scQsi>n. i hnd ' a- lltiie Ume. timiight I'd run Iti and aee y e . . ." They walked down the; bench, talk'

Thbi nitdii nf *nH|«r Samuel Slitvk- Ing sltnre<l Uie oews with his dausti'

.ter. ' . ' ' • • * ; • ’ ' -t.'ijp l*arlsb's new number seven

mna conie Oils wovk.’v *'Do yoo* kaow; hlmT* asked Sue.

'“ I'y ftuke'r." Iwr fnllier aiisw^rcd rttid keiii’lilM ejv t »t» hit fttirlc cIuuk

-O il- sold'Sue.- “l knew tic'd beentalking-eoaat ennnL” ■

•Normao'a fork pfckeU up iis men: niechanlrtHy.- l i e lutil oo.Ywis.in P*i llaslttnB. Wiiai m ailer If (eo Uut.eni can'ie to the pAlatt

tlm bo liilr'iltshcsrtvned.' Ihm - iitni liokcr^ miiiiiiret} tlmiT And *^hy> lind tie t«nit«ii^laled-'enf1stm.>nl ii> lhe llfe^vhSK 'iierfire l«ri>r« Nomiun mme lo (ha llehlhmute^ M« xt^-nrnui sills nfier affpticr nait «at m .«iu> on Uw stei*. ln>u« W H e d siiAeov

lf-T O X tip iea* lB i* ea» » N o f y a r __

^ b ^ j . . a r f msrf _ i -

. M; J ^ B I '

z : -

- j ----------- ^ t f a e J r i ^ L

Bd . . . . " i r M i h M

I,,.. 1 ■■II l .'IMII-M ' 'li JO im i B A K R ^O R E in "W beii-a 2

>:r ; w « n « ;p ^ p c U o n .^ B t U»e.Idaho t' ' ‘ . . . —

I-*'** ingly o t fresh-iinliit, with wlik-h «i;c had rsdcconitcd her lieilr>H>m. Hi!

•0 wcnt.to.bed a t eight.o'Wock. Ar n lw t:apialQ Stocking, perspiring iiml.cx cited, awakened hliiil •

"I’ortsli callcd.'’ ho cried, "he gui a. Up that the tender wltli-Inniiwim'

■' ul^ourd wns lo Skllhigiilleo-» week Inu como Wniidny. ll'JJ Iw here, nny ilmu.' ed Scrub down tlio lower sicps. Ilmt *” '* thing lomiimiw. Kee ll\ut''yim r new n"* unlfflrm's , presscil and ' your sliucs cf> blackchcd piiipcr.” . * ' ' ■ ' I'd Normnn worked dclibcrntely. lli* "*>• 'wns curious’ ubout tho Inspw lnr.' Uln’ f*’’ the (l;ouglit ,-U(»pcrm<«»-Jrt (ila wiliid ct nils tho neighboring pftaence <d Kil f** Dnkcr. Dtiker hnd sm nc iiurjiosc 'In

gelling assignment tb Ullnd M;in’x' na_ J lti:L _ n .w n a childish t/» UilnU ho hiul >nl comc Juut to plugu'a hliu.. .. . Il nilKht -«J. be <ni flccotmf <i( Sue Siocklog?. ll rt-ldiiy ' mnnilng, while Noriiinn

lid stood ■ watch, ho sighted n vessel vy iiinvInK from Iho nurlnwest. She car­

ried’fuw lights iinO hore i>IT tlm umuhI hi- truck -of passenger steuuicrs nml iffu frclghiem. Ho hurried Inlo tlio honi«

•ot. .>tccnrr iiiiiilnioit lim uiglLilif.JiJailog:. r:s • '•'nmt's her.“ lm suid nnd sigllctl m il n-llm -dlv- ;»Wdl. w ill, 'w e lL ^ . . •ed four o'clock' or u mnriiliig. Now nln'i *il lliui liku liiajieclow?" lie weiii, iiiiu

Ihe hall and-howled: "Siic. wuke up. rd for Um tuvu o' the lucks! Uut Inlo al- your .uniform; l-IrieUsoti. And llstiti Ml- . . . ir yim'ro s|Kit:e tu. si>enU. II nrt yuu nlij’i keep your Imtch buliened." «*r — Wiiruniu ■llllll;{ed-^^^-^ll»-oUle»-un^ It Corut, coniticd Ms imir and ''put im • his new.bluo (.-u|v He liMiked like n

rj. ; seaiiuia -l-'nmi old uusuir he' hiid In : herlied .hono and skin nhd com-

» s iplexlim ami the liidetlhic snity tinind :iy or Iho sea, no nm tter wimt l-'reiii'h ll) ' farm hliMid his nmilier lmd left him ii/^ .A t_tt)o exact mom(>n.i^of_ sumiii he

: natlied o u l'th e light,-just ua u trim >10 "'•‘■to steam tender' slowed aoWii.lis;

kspcea'a-QdortVi^niiie oiT Uio'point, rat ; -Tho InspMtor's anchor plunked Into

I Uio, watery spattering up a ' wlilie show er.'Tbo tcoder's-round b«)rtmncd.

eh clinker boat slid down rrojii tho davits itn obd'three men dropped Into her. Two jI(1 o f.them hauled at the ours-w lih n'■0 ' '

i n ^ . liTT

Ids- —

isi ^

«’k- ^

:h ' 1 I

v " ' v i J





h i D N e a r s A m e r i c a


•a' Jffan L o m " with Dotma'CotteUo. a Uo t h r a ^ . . /,

tiixy swing. The ihlnl hunched .over the tiller al tho ulcrti. • -J

* ' Capthln s'SlocUIiig gnmted. "It's, him." hu snid.

“Who?' .„„l ■ "'riio hig boy. hloseir. t!iit ey« Mr- S

Uoognn. cider hi’il'i'otnr. ' Why'd lie J }-coine7 Lord-n nfeiey. r i ta le Uic.kIkIi* ^

,„u. o ' h is sldfllghls!" ' . _ 'Iml The'chJef link-pi.-toi wns n'le«?>’lrlHh- Jew nmn, sL-dy years olil. with crtmi thm IOCS 8liick '(>iil Ukc ynnis mi n miisL ilu

‘ ' wulkeil liko a seaman.Ill* "My new nssislant lie 's oiHcd ICr-

Ulir icksoii."'S ild Ca|ilnlb Siui-klng. .liid TJie Invpeclor examliu-j NurimiU wjiii Kd on0 siiori iHiiulBlllW ghinve.' Noniiiin in knew nt onci- wiiy liiey, ivilled lilm

in's' Cut-eye. Ills eyes w e.i small nnd light had ill color, net clone lo^ellier a t .ho sides Kilt o f a lung. Hl'itions nime: they were

it/s: In id* great (irond fiico ii-idc’ti WitB linn shaped like a cnbhngc imd [dllcd hy isei snatllpux. •;ar- •■Good morning. 1vi'k-l;min, • 00 suid, itml -jiow > n g y(m bci'i. here'; ' nmi , uTvvo months, sir."^is« “Voq're Uio. Imt ttom il«drj<l 0*y?

-pv(»-g«l-»-r*jpuil. on you. report, on 11 rllglHi—lluvu-lu-iuiik-lidii lL_C('iiio_ln*

Bide. JJt<ieklng.' Walt liere. Krlckaon.'i _ ^ -lyUtilk-io-Fuu-itiUic.:^_______•- -

' ; 'i ‘eti mlnuies iia^ui'ir while .Normatx v. Ihlgeied. 'fim i lying UaUer . . .

” i»- lie was near ioi-Keillnu iliu impleas- ,nntlier< i.r llmi llrsi n igh t Uu walked uiK-omriii'tahly up and duwti ihc siinrl.

. Aiioihvr live mlniiteii: ttien C'npialn Stovlilii;; iipliuared wltli McCoo^un.

ijnU • ■■Umni-itil:c-r, lad. you'ro on prolia* v.ll.... Mi-t.-oosan wild. "Tlio tap i’n

e n here." hu wiu-vd hiu Ion;; right arm.•" “iiHH give nm n giKid word for you.

It a in 't ' Miunaniy to go iMinsHn fei- 1 i»"* lows iu Ihu dark. 'Uiid ynn-ve Ihu imik > m’l' or suit niMmi you.- Krlehson's n ileivnt , j Ilm awipxviitei niiir.v. Oil’l'n aaya- l i o '

lie I ,i.m*i_iiiiiik you dill n . Me. I 'd o n 't » •■ll” , Iwiio^-o yon did. either. l4>ast 1 non l

wnat-io bell*‘i'« It. We'll cnil ll closed. IMmrt*o|tb flighting Ui> • const' gunr<l.

Into This Is u deeem service, neeil d ^ c n t idle men. Now rho tower. led. 'rits (ConllnuBd In n o t Issue)•wo — _ . , • •I n SUBSCRIBE FOR. THE HEWS.

a ■ ------ ii- - . ^

" \ ^ e r e a -

. T ic k e t

t h ^

‘Banspo rta tim

' You can have no idea of the . . . . e n ti^ d n g beauty o f the Fcathcf • ] ^ I H Kivcr Route unlisss | f l n H T you have aaualty traveled this waf. i:^zScemclim\ted affords exccUenc sccviceand

. dcltdbus meaU.You |»$s. thcougfal ^ ^ ^ ^ 9 wocld famousscenery as your cat B 9 | M -window frames - | H ^ H an cvcr-cbaoging panocanu. | H ^ H | '

,T a te advantage

'-fares now in .'effecc. . .

T i A n o j ^. P . K H O C k E N ' ^ g l ^ --------


■ ■ V ' > ^

Page 5: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

■* ;- • ’ : ; f ', ' I 'V 'V— ”j—- ' - . J i , .^

' I n s t i t u t i o n , “ fof Bequests For;- , ; : j . . '{ . .y - J

parU 'w » ^ ' th e - a n a tu t i task 'M tiatli glvca to the-mkUiljUa' te»UD«tl»bp»;

• tory of iHfl I l n iv i^ ty M ’l^diiiho by * proteMlonfl pBttbfl6<ite'jufiiper,'ticcbrt; tag to J . E 'Bachaoan, testWtf cngJoe. CT In c h a rg e ’of{the-U boratory ,- H< brouBht In sbmc wovoi stra jd . in a p i and rings to be -tested.' explolnlnf

* tha t he would hi' m uch inorc a t e w when he Jumped froni n stxedtns plane to know, th a t the-few p&Hs'or wlilch his life depended' vbold do theb duty as the “chute" ioperied. Such W quests nre not Jnfiequent, say mem­bers of th e laboratory. and add

. variety to .th e hundreds of testi I MnstanUy bclne m ade on matcrialj L ' ^ j c d in highway*, under ccnstructlon > In thc northern p a ri-o r-th e state.

•U iniw d B y s ta te TJic materials testing Uborathry in

n division o t the college of cnBlneertnq: nnd Ia utUised by the sU te to safe* guard the* expenditure o t .public funds In tho building cf reads. As thc par* nchute Jumper,,>whose business ts to thrill crowds, safeguards h is life by (csUng tho parts la his chute, so the state. In producing adequate highways, protects the expenditure 'o f funds oh highway projects b y m ak ing surfr-that only tho best m aterials are used In construction, says Mr. Buchanan. A bout-six ty stato 'o n d federal aid projccls are now under way In Idaho, and the m aterlsls testing laboratory serves exclusively those located In tho northern countfa. In addition tbe Inbcrntory serves the entire s ta te for tests requlrlg thc uso of tho btg 200,- 000 pound Olsen Universal testing ma^ chine. Some of thp ordinary samples rccclvCd o r« '■ conwl<sr"*U 'd“ Krttvul: cemept, tsck. ■ asphalt, clay, road oil- etccr. culvcrt m etal and ttuftrd rails.

---------- 5Uito~~Btandards~~are—rigid,—and—allmaterials aro examined carefully to see th a t'th ey m eet these requirements.

The laboratory is under th e direc* tion or Ivcn C. Crawford. de&n of the college of engloecrtng. Mr. Buchanan, testing engineer. Is assisted- in thc

• labototory Uy W. V. lom s.

, SilETV iD CLPBS». ' Edited Iry ■

'— -H ra .'iL B . W iniam i . _______) ' ' . f bapa m .

Mrs. IL 'W . Sawyeri of FoUon.-Nev­ada. who has been the insptraUon for a number of p retty parties during her vlsir a t the home o f her parents. Mr. fljiid M rs.-H . J. Vitell. was guest ot honor' a t a chim ning bridge lunch­eon Tuesday .. given b y . Mra. WUbur S. H(l( and Mrs. W. R. Prtebo at thc Dickey‘Party House.* Luncheon*’ was served a t seven.sm all tables, centered w ith'roses and delphlum .. Mrs. R. A. Read reedHftt -the favor for score and Mrs. Kenyon Oreen. consolation. There wn.i a daUity g ift for the honoree and aUo for M r r Z. H. North of BrUtow. Oklahoma, and Mrs, C. R. Stowell of Les Angeles, e l s t^ of Mrs. ,HiU. . _

^Comtftnjcirtary- to - tic r-fa t h e r r c .- l r Lonskjrtot Bobie. Mrs. Emma L. W ar­ren enterUlned w ith a dcUghUul-dln*

------------nw «»ycnlng a t heiLhome on— . irifihth n^-rnne. nnrtli.. -Covera_VkTrc

•- —- ^ l a r i ^ —lor—ti :e - 6uest-ol~tM uorr—Mr. , and Mr.1. Addison T. Sm ith. Mlss

O lad n Terhune and the hostess, a t• cne table having for the centerpiece

a green crystal bowl of pink petunias. ThJf was surrounded wllh large anil im all elephants in deference to then P nnri tho npprtMtphlng

M lss'^im Jec Babcock and Miss Al;na Baker-were hostesses-at a v««Wly a r­ranged bHdge supper M ondav eve­ning a t thc Dickey P arty House. Tho guests, numbering twcnty-slx. . were

. seated a t six small tables centeredJf wtth vases of pink aiul w^ilte.eostnw. ^ with n u t cups and place cards in the

choun colors. After supper th e party . motored to the Babcock home, which

was beautifully dccorated for the oc­casion w ith a wealth of garden llowets.. where the games were enjoy-

TONIGHTaiid Thursday

. a t t h o

Tojby WalkerT E j r a T B t K O B ;

_ ^ K c a r O i t j H »U

“ T o b y H o l l y w o o d

----------------- — ; . - B o u n d ° — 7 - —

. F r id f t j r , ' S a tn r d f ty a n d '■ ..............™ : — S u n d a y *7* ' -----------

^ • « H E L I/S Q A I U > S r ' .

Um hataB Uc.> ' C U M IM ' B c « H M :8« a a . ;X te ;b t i» ^

\ -D ean OvO« ’9 i3 l 'i b w S tarts SO I

-------------- :--------------------— ------------ ;

If : x : Ocean M;

ifico .r'l

hrd-'-’H e • S y S c ^ a M B c ^ S M l B Klapi.nlng



add ■tests • ■S S HOPPING O FF FROM the a fW deck

in the .United SUtes a foU day t h e f l r s t s h l p . t o U n d ^ n r y .

y 'j s " " ""r / l ? cd. Miss Mnhf v irs ln ia H a r t “ S* winner- o r ’hlkh scoiis ahd aecond iSp went to Mlss Nettle Diller o t‘ ^b an y .

Texas, who wlUi M iss-Aram UlUer ot ‘ ® Abilene;* Texas, Is thb'. guest-o f her , 2 ' aun t. MW, ■E.'3 . ' Johnson. O ther odt

o f to w n . tm ^ - * c r e X lto A lpha Nib- lack ot Chicago,-visiting h t t ; sister,

(h - t Mrs. 8 . H.-’proctor o t Klmbwly. and^ f n Mlss Barbara: Rugg and Miss EUxabethn aS - ■.

Celebrating the thlrrf b irthday; of ? :„ • her little daughter. B e tty 'A nn ;-M rs. ^ Charles Hill entertained the foU j»-

big little ‘folks Tuesday’ aften iM n; ftZ Cora and Bob Meigs: Joan and* Jack

Benoit. Anri Parry; David Wcge. Bill M erritt, Nathafl W alter, P r r t ' Fosa

pies n i . .a n d M artin 'L eo P o ss .‘ A m e w

^ I s h p w ^ h S d a^pt e t ^ fliu favor t o r - « ^ sm au guest, . bc i fesp?

-t"nta. clever. MoUier Goose cards. A pink rM. and white color, scheme was used for ^ e th e ub les ana* the birthday cake ,a „ bore the reotilred num ber of twtnkl- ulo ing pink candles. M*k Pred Poss. Jr.

and Mias Ethel Kaut* assU ted ' Mrs. HUL ^ .

” n l Members c f the Ainoma c lass motor-

S ’ed Monday evening to F iler where their rcgnlar''buslneas"m cetlng -wto held a t the. home o l Mrs. M. U John-

__ son. Mlss .lea,- Prough, vice .president c t the ' class; presided over th e bus­iness session,' during ,-which plans .were m ade ' for t h e . ' f ^ work of th e e lw . Mgmbefg tiresent, were.- Mnr. W. U Johnson. .Mrs. B oy uunm ers. m r l lU op Martyo,- Mra.. Earnest Tucker;

ri ” Mrs. OK*r Steffln. Mlss M arian T ur- iid-.'tM iis Jca’ 'P rough. Miss Crystal Kelly.-Mlss-WJnBlc TUtker. Mlss CUra

i r : MUalngcr,- Mra.- P rank Taggart. Mra. Paul 8 ttaln ,'M rii-;E .' V .'O tpson and SAra. John 6 t6ckiunp. Quests were M rs. C; Q.. Kelly of Twin Palls. Mrs.

^ y a n TwUberg o f . PUcr.-Mlss Florence W m cr.-ot Eagle. Mlss Geraldine U m -

' mers. Mlss- PauUne Stockamp. Miss M llii-P ea rl ■ Tucker.- Mlss B etty Jo

I r , , Johnson.: MlBs;-;wilmft Irene Taggart, « d Mastcf^ J t to h a l l . Johnson.

‘ . _.- CABO O F TtfANKSTWlTWIih'to expres-our-thanks. and

_ j _ B P a rtd a tlc n - to our- neighbors and ; ■ friends for; t h e ; many acta oi uma* •I- ness,'and fo r th e beauUful flora] of*

rbrliigs .t extended : to us in our latei w5^ ^-J.=M . B lee^-” --------------------------------

M r.andM ra.'G . -W. B lct a iid family.I " Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Speas an d family. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Bd Miller and family.

Mr. and Mrs. J . 8 . Miller and family. M n. Uaudo MUler- and

l.;na ,I N 6w !»^£ TODAYtrtyIlch


- W A H N E a taOSLpreS

1 ^D o l b i u s c ^ ^

i «Im «««£■

D m C rira x , ■Jf

- — - Aarf-. v * T # 5 |S t 3 r ~ * n ~ r

— flcr«cj}’« g_ gr*

i _ ./A ■t ' r o W i f y 'V f f M W j j i t f ' A j r n :

■; yaiiiMlatf rtlTtwa * weekly

— “ • ■vfTT'-" . - --

'h 'r t^ A 'f 'L -VV- C’

E K d i i f e l ;

Mk i f Ih e llM rlle daV ianee , Limla Dem lay belore (be great U oer was dae to doek 7 . U sh0WD<ab0T »;M -iti( t0ppcd at.Q B an

™ REPu£|CAft|rNAI«E;,, i..:! .f S w . , 6 . - f ( f i i j |u l ; l f ; : i : 0 R .i

attorney GENERAL

?b- , , (gootlaued:Prom Page One)

S ’ Wes' as opposed 1©;-'voting "in thj eth hope ot getting a drink cheaper oc

caaier.-*' ' ’ ■ ' '—Mlsfl. Terhune traccdt th,e.;btJ«f;.hls-

of tory' o f HTomen>'liiUve partJcJpatlor irs. ln' 'polltVc3 and ' expressed; h e r " belief hfr- th a t votes W - th e - w o m ^ incmben sn; ot the-Republlcaxl tuitlonal commlttec icfc brought about'theiaelM tlbn-bf Kansas 3111 c ity as the ttatioiial conveatlon city, 088 and paved th e ‘wny for th e nomlnaUon n y of Herbert Hoover for Uie presidency

Women tfenefaflT.' ahe asserted.- will t f j T ^ J . ft- larger p s j n w ' the -canipai»n DT? "this- i# a r- than"eT er“ 1»foTo-becau«

ct the belief general am op^ tbem that^ r"greirHn5HirTSSIJtrlrinvpJved;---------

Joseph H. 8eavCT.' Twin Palla.- fomi- cr s ta te 8chator.''wa3 flWt*d chalrmati

* ,* ot Uie convention and John C. Hat- vey, secretiuy. ■

~ Benewal o f - Alleg^aace•• Resolutions ttdopted ■ by th e cori-Tcntion expressed o ' renewal .of ol-

w - i^ ia n c e to 'tn c p rtndp les-iif-tha-R e- tfe publican party. And’ congratulation rtfs "hbt only' of the'R epublleans; b u t all m - U1 6 -people of the naUoo. upon the :n t achievemohts of tho CooUdge admln- “ • Istratlon."^ ' - N o t , since' the admlnlstriitlon ol f t ' A brabaih' Un£oln,’- : th e "icsoluUons

been a ctUel. ^ s exocuUv'e whote a d m in is tra tio n " ® nr.’ been more 'p o tu l l iV ^ t o which tht itai Republican ' party could Doint with ira Bteater pride th an th a t, of-President

Coolldge. who has b « n unswerving In u d hla d tro tlo n .to Republican-prlnclplei ere " id the best Interests of th c Amcrl- Irs. can ' people.- He rctfrds fWm his hlgrt ice office w ith a . rccord for etflclcncy, m- cconomy'.and good government whim :iss Is a sourcc of. great satlsfacUon -not Jo only to th e members o f his party, irt, but to 'a i r patrloUc citizens. Since

tho Republican party took control of the government In M arch. iW l. gov-

• em m ental expenditures have been ctit nd in -ha lt. - P^ur t4x~teducUon_Ja%n nd liavc been cnactcd. and millions of

ta ipaycrs have been rc iltrw l-f itim ’f* poying any fcderaJ tax whatever.

. rnbUc Debt Reduccd “ ""fllL reduCfltl

TT oaQ.boa.o6o o f -wcurJUes'hhve' btfco t*;- funded Into securities of a lower rate

r.: o f ihtcrest.-------ly ' ■ • ^ c Republican policy o t a pro-

tectlvc ta riff Jtas resulted (n Indus- Iv, tr ia l development to such* a n -a x te o t





a i s g a s

lemongcot. n m c ia pUal, bnded the m lock. Tho hydropUae P -A lqp , which mad aaran tlae ioT'InspeetioiL ......... _

as ' to ' furnish employment for tl • — ilOOOM wago earners who were idl

a t ' t h e closo o f .th e Wilson admlnti >A| traUon.' The benefits of agrlcultui

from tho protective tariff have sUir ulated farm prioes.-

•. m in id lr BeUllon* th j - - o u r relation* with foreign gov

em m ents have been moat frlendl under President Coolldge- and Secrt ta ry Kellogg.-and the ratification c

? th e m ulti-lateral treaty, ouOawin war, which waa taken 10 Paris a fe- days ago an d 'w h ich ’ will bo slgne

„ o a the twenty-seventh Instant, Is on ?f,,, o f the greatest step* toward- wort

' /ney. "O ur fortlgn .'a tarkct for thc pro will ducts oF'thc^^toerlcan farmer as we

sign a s fo r th e manufacturer, was.-rapldl aufc extended - ondff''’' the admlnistraUo th a t of Sccret«iy Hoover. The extensla

— o f- tw o -a d d ltional o.aar«- o f- t h e - fod rmi- eral .road M t" by a Republican con [hati gross assures th e construction ot .mor :lar- Improved highways, thus makhig 1

caster fo r the fatmcrii to bring thei products to th e ' .^arkct. as well a

• extend our-comm'e'relal .acUvltles gen

.1tlon been lax tn ''lta ; treatm ent of the 've t . alt erahs of v a r io u s-^ la . ns is evidence thc by our a n h u tf •appwprlaUd^ ot *760,

nin- 000.000 lor p e n s lo u 'compensation, in surance and ']lnet«w ed hospita lers

of ciUUcs fo r-thoM 'jW ho have serve ions

'Hm fSSS5SS5SSSSjjlSSSSS^U,im ■ .4 . 'Mil.-. .wlin ' .,ii ' t . .l e n t , ., ......I in pie?icrl- '•------- ”!lgrt - . • -

ney. . . , ■ ■" IHim '-not ,irty. ' ■ ■ ■ V 'Ince1 of • ' ' '{OV-CHt i -a ^ n . _______________■ ___________

of ------------------------------

i c a i ^ — • • -T*!- - . •. f .mte

iro- ' .)U9-

^ ______________ T

—. aa

Pt (

; ■ " F

s i a

t 'ci

p :I . C(

. Ie

• I ■ ' l l ' ' I—a

r t th e i r country i | j ' ‘^ . ta llitw y 1 MV»l b ranchy .o f; ^ .g o v e rn m e n t,

-w;- .:— ;r "; n^ajwi,-.■" ‘ -*T*“ .atM oU*ttdoof“^B.>j>e<a V~ leilUM tu i IU lUtttUT'Cdr.'.cflfUMt "

-r;: m v an d '- ts imM eattfTithM -'cSfic c .. . o fT th b [ k o ^ ^ m t - . ^ h

:^ is m .iw o rd io t- th e - li i t t i t iU . ada . isttation .under.-the- RkiMibllban ;

l i t r e s ' t h e n t ln u a t lo n of t h ^ 1 a nd-beneftc lah t' Sollcics' under aathliiistratlOR: of ou f next presi« ilohorable Herbert Hoover."

.. , BelaUve to the XsUte'. adminlsi Uon. the resoliilions-sa)d:n

—- -'Wc ttre happy:ito, bfe in .^tho .p

I s t r ^ o n of sta te ' affairs tinder leadership ot Govemor' Baldridge.' admlnlstraUon '• has- been- econom to the greotest' degree coaslstent '1 the efficient condnet o f 'i f f a ln . administration, o f ‘the sta te- Inst tlons and the development of n atural rcsouroes,"— -

The convenUon iii Jts resoluL also endorsed thc adm inistration county o tf lc c s 'a s , conducted by Republican offtoe holden. **These

, fleers,” i t was -stated, “hav r b ^ th o u t excopUon, able, courteous

. ertielent and wo hStirUly recomm . to the vo ters ' o f Twin PalU coi

aU of m e Republican candidates ""® county offices."

' The convention was called to 01 = in the Parish hall by John W. C y , , ham ; Twin Falls, chairm an of Idle R^PUbllcaa county central commit

Appointment o r two committees,‘ M on' rcsoluUons hnd another to 1 (n,. gest CBftdidatcjr fo r delegates to

flUte convenUon, was authorized . th e ' convenUon. and appolntmi

were announced a s foUowg;- o r . Resolutions eonuniiteo—R. P.- Pa ^ R. It. Pn iliigham. B. L.i'Raybom, S : O. KlrSfiTai. - ^ h n O. Harvey;

■ Committee on nom laatlo ite-^ Ing W .-■ Orahanii R.-• A. Read, Otiy' fe^ ahearer, J . E. .White, W. J. YounK . r% ^ ^ ....... .ano . CASSIA ELECTS DELEGATSI ,rid BURLEV; Aug.;2 1 '(Special' to

News)—Cassia county Republleani convenUon Tueaday- elected the

ra* low ing ' delegates to the sta te ' c »cll ventlon: -Roscoe 0 . ‘Rich and Art diy- -Or-DunBr^urieyi-^l r l - Roper.- Aib Ion and Jo h n M cM urr8y,-Korm»n-il Ion M uriay, A. M.-Solomon and' J . od-. Mftrrrr, nnklry, - th r Ja s t._ fo u e . )n- have one*half voto each.'-’ H e ore Dworshak an d 'A : *E. Cordell. Bui

tt were elected-alternates-for Rich lelr Dunn, and F rank RlbletC, M alta. A3 Roper. ^ ■•••

en- 'H erm an-C . McMurray,'Oakley, elected s ta te 'c e n tra l c6mmltteen

, and Stato C hairm an John McMur "?*■ aiM> Uf u m e y r w iu n inw B M K ar ct* tional committeeman from Idaho, ccd Pass BesohiUonW.- . -Avresolutioa" was pWsed cxpreti h»- regret, a l . th e pasaJng-'of Bern f i - Ooodlng. .The. eandldaclea of H

ver.-:andrCurtla<^wert cndocaed aa -


WhenC— — — a

The Forum was ,the cor ancient Kome. 'I'bday a as. mute reminders of its

In our present-day places h^ve become scatl to visit them all in a mii

Adyertisirig, inst^d , Foroni, .of modem buyer sidering-.the purch^e of automobile, advertising; machine a t you >yant tising. ^Here is t^ie na cn^ndise,,.|\iritepir|ore, as-y,oii 1

[>rfl4viptS»Xour mind: is ;i S Q jp p a ^ l^ , iva lj^ le I f 5iwr*BRijvill reipg.inb€

ledge t ^ : ^ d m g the ad’

• V • f .1 , r.:- • .• * . ? 1

V ^ - v —r..-.-,

\ c ; V

'’i - r - t r * . -

ry and m ‘ th e policies pursued by Setu lent. . Borab i|nd Ooodlng. The.-appo . .• rtient of^John Thomas m < etito r

? S d tcriUirB l.-“ ’ w foutslde h^g* p a r ty .* 'a S to w T • fw in - ai iu 'BKBd"by-iTaomtioit-ofj:the-co « nil* purkued by- < ^ i a count# legisli « wise o t f i ^ and-the work of th c^o a^ cr tho .counv-com m lssionera- u-as cspcc resident Mmmended.- ' 1

The. co n w tlo n was' presided inlstra- by'-Hirum- S; Lewis, Declo. and J

.. Mercer. OaUey. was secretary. 0.-p0«l.», •

" ^ o S i c i i f l f W m !Ige. HlS . * • ; _____ .

tllysse# Vcnion Bcrtalot o f Bulil ?1 Ova Pranccs Harvey of Burley . .1. vnlted 'ln marriage a t the,hom . i ia u tu - ihp briae jn gurlcy Tuesday'm or of our a t n ;3 0 o'clock Ijy Rev. j . E

SHmp of Twhi Polls. Charles I oluUons alot of Buhl, brother ot th e gi tion of v*s best .man and Mlss Ola Ha by th e of Burrey. sister of the bride, "as i icse of- honor. The ring ceremony v-boen; • •>us and '.T hose present a t the ccremony immend Oeorge Bertalot. fa ther o f 'th e gr county I Mr. ahd M rs.-Charles Bcrtalot;

iMs Xor Harvey, mother or the-b rid e ; I r a Olson. Mrs. I ra Clark and

0 order Ola Harvey, sisters of the bride / O ra- Robert Harvey, her brother and of Um and Mra. j . Elliott Sllmp.

flmittw, 'Mf* »nd Mrs. Bcrtalot will s S the ir honeymoon lh Salt Lake

Bolso aod WlU. be a t home to frtends in Buhl after September 1

zed by ■■■-. T ' ' s = s ^ = s ^ = = itm ents

2 I Tiie OrpheaJ u y " ii; - '•" " ■■■■ , . . ■ ' li I OU^. . . - r t : . . . -----------

OTs - V.Boneo Adoreeto The * ^ 'j r s s a ^ .» n s ' In N :be foi- / T h e B ille ' con- ■ y P f t r a d aA rthur . ,• inanodu

eh and ' !LIta. for U - . - S f l Z


iretslns y '■ K 2 J S S ^ B » eSSenator r r r r e r s r r ! 5 ! ™ f f ! ^ ^ ^ ^ t- HOO-; •*-.*1 aa well'

G a e s i t s l ^It B oy- - ;---:ommon market-place for a few crumblingTSjlumns its former grandem-. r complex civilization, m atteredf It is no longer p( morning—or even in a daa, has become the conv 'ers and sellers. If you ar of a new cai- you sci-utini i. Or if it’s a razor or a tl it^.you turn again to the i national market-place for

1 leaf over those same paj s storing away for tomorifund of information. Ii

iber those facts when you i|a increase ybur, storfe of idvertisements regularly.

a : t ^ | j e c 6 1 n e — t h c ' c o m m o n

l i . t h i s t w e n t i e t h c e n t u r y .

-----------------------------3“— jJ ' ~

SeBoimippoint^ H liH flf n H / iy iH ‘.illliS fillilllK M lW

th e -a l- l i i i w l ^ l l b f l M n nwiUBiim> *^thln

t-eouxKgislaUve ^ ’e i i j^ ts ^9oard fcas retuniM - »e>ft-a»r« tt « specially trip ip be<bS?e |ft» n a i« r6 f^ ^ e .lIo d {

t MoIot company, dlsWbtltor- Ih't.thj led over dl8trlct..'of ai».ham*Palge autpmobUa Id J , A. Mr- atoweU'ls-.one.-of . thev lhqnrim

tors.Of .this. cooMm^i .VlV, '■ O n ^ th e '^ p

ihnre -ono of the ‘ lat«> model aedat ulil and ^hat he drovo.about.6000 m lics^5?tt ley were way homer- Tho c a r 'th a t j wois;-;d< lome of jivered to him, Mr, BtoweU aald;-Vf momlng o ric ''tha t h e had seea ln-procctt'ri . EUloU iriantifacture during hla visit 1 to ’ t t es Bert- faototy. ' - n ® Tbo entire trip cccuple<}. sqycn w«>

»nd covered about ’JM6 n^e8-ari* ,ir eluded vUlts to 'Dolrolt. Pitlaburgl

iny was Memphis and' return through. Tcxj an d New Mexico, ^' Mr, Stoweli VOS a c ^ p a n le d '‘ i Mrs. Stoweli and* their litUe daaghte

Ot, Mrs, Shirley,; and the trip included •a-rls L.i Mn»- StowcU'a foroicr .homo .15 3 = ^ T^nn.^ . ; - ; ■

*Mr». Iona M artin DestoU ' Is iw II spend wJth R4mfro Beauty Shoppe., ., , / d ake and, • •t o their . News W ant Ads reach , th # ,p e ^ icr I . . you, w ish ,to .a ttra c t.,^ ;; , .. y ,'j

i D i l i L a s t T i m e s ' T o d a | ^ . ^

^ A I ia J 'V A H O E - i lo b iH

r V — -------— m 0 H 0 M - “i» v _________ -8ht*s-N ot .» Phonoi^ph**^'^':

JA X Z B & H O W A B D < ' • i . . - V ^ They M ^ e Up-:;,.;

"Ufinal 'VandeV'tlie 'P r i W - ^ . ■ b B ^ ORPHBUBt ORCnBSXRA.'!-

( . ■■■■■■ ,

— — - I ■ J ; ' '

f c = i = = r - —

M- a l l , o ! ■ ’ n s ^ t a n d ------------------------- r—

m a r k e t - '.p o s s i b l e

d a y .

n v e n i e n t

a r e , c o n -i n i z e t b e ■I t a l k i n g ,e a d v e r -

’o r m e i - - ^

p a g e s o f l o i - r o w . a

I n s t i n c - v - . ; i: ■

3 U m a k e : - . , f i i

) f k n o w - . , ' -,h : •

f- '■ ■ ■ v V - - r : j i, • . ■ V.-

_ —

ni . i:-'-

y .

. ■' • ■■■ -


Page 6: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

) J i » d i c f i ( m s ‘f lW ite w n c iu .W c a l lH _

. • ..ie r 'in Canada Nullifying Frost Reports Lowers Prices

In Canada tho t nuUUled dnnger ihcre ot crop damage by frost. McanwhiUv too. oi/iclaJ Kpcris JndJcnlcd a pra-;-

'■ pcct o f about 4 per cent larser world supplies of .whent thta season thtin

• last.' CJorJnff Quolatlo/15 on w hm t vcrc

• I lio.ivr, I .1- ti-> ’ -I- ;ii-' ]<i ••'•I' . !-;■ ciira •':c to 2 ' i c dovni. oat-j ranulnp .'rom dscUne to a shade ndvJDCL-.

? ...J p ;Ov:;:ot: tinrh-.“ r d lo luc oli.: R«porl* of F tost' UnUl nearly tho ond of the doy,' norvousness over Canndlan rci>orti of ‘ Iwst having appeared ,ot ceyeral ^ j points was manlfc.nl In the wheat — ' p it here, o n d . prices were swlngtnft < iipn-nrd the BTeat«r part of the time.V No. evUcnee of any actuaJ domnso •, from fro « developed, however, and ■? toward Uio lost thu m arket suddenlyV giie way under selllnB pressure (roni ' { . - . ’i'T th .cat and as a resu lt of Jatef. ‘ of iiint-iMonn n t Wlnnlpe3._ '2 Tii_addltlon to l!l:i;!!h‘:od of warnn.r‘? ; uj: .'or llic. .C anadlm 'I .. Jn progress, a bearisht feature wno th a t export dem and today ‘ ) Jor" h -a t fr m North America hod

1 rcached only small proportions, al- ‘ « -tho"Kh th a buslnes doat.- Included I: some hard winter wheat to 'g o , out *

• \ vlii.tho G ulf.o f Mexico. _ _____tr 1 D ls Conoaian Crop

App-rrrit iis.ur.mc" of n bis crop ' g !n Canrrfa. -.v.i?- stipplpmentcd by ad- > ' }■ vices todny IcJIIjib: of a larger wheal (I -ic:d .n D iro p ' ihtn seasan than pr*;-

I ft -c-.- , f - p c 'rd . T-ith the quaUty of t] th is year's crop ia Europe very sood, si m uch better than a year ogo. More- ^ H ever, an authoritative forecast of 200,- . THoftOOO-bualtels pnxlttcttonm ito-«teon- ^ lR -A u s tra lle -w es-^e lle ro t* i,-« n d -« o s .H ° this I y i

Q harvested by Australia, furnishing Rf 140,000.000 buahels for export Under 19 such ■ elrcuoistances, the wheot mar-

ket bere turned turtle 4n the tost K hour, and finished o t sharp declines, **' ra , with, tho open Interest hero 118,800,000 " K bushels, th e largest in a long time.

ra~'W AHl—------o p u i l lu n LOW— q u»el-*' °M Sept. ....... lOflW l U 'i m v , loots f"“m . 'D ec . ....U 8U 113‘i 113Un M a r . -------lie • 120>S IIB 118‘4

-------l a ^ i IMVi I20*i

.s e p t . , l _ _ '01Vi OlTi 69^ 'm 'i■ . i » e . ------73«.i n% 73^i -Tau ™ 78% ' 74% ^

•; 8 ept(nBW )-8a%— -38%— 33H • 38%- L ;D eft(now ) 39 . 30 ...3S14 ;3BH ? . M a r . --------41M - « W « K :

‘ CASn GBAIN “ S• CQ3CAOO. Aug. 31 (fl>)-.Wheftl: No. “®, * rod 11 j j ; No. 3 northem spring 51:

0 *ts; N a 2 white aOHc to 3e%c; Ko.'-4 whlto 3 « ;c to 35c.

C om : Ho. 3 mixed B7c: No. 3 yei- lo ir 42.A3 to M.OI. '

Ryo; No. 3 07c. a Borley B5o to 73c. a

, T imothy leed M.30 <o «4,90. ■^ C tow r seed »20J 0 to <29 . ... v. a

3 3 PORTLAND G R ^ ~: POHTESND. A \ig r2I "OW—W heal" ~~i -BBB Wo. 3 whlto IU 9 ; w f t white. e . .western . whit* *l.09;.. hard winter. « -•western- ted . *L05:. northern gpHng

r w a e : --------- ^ -r1. Today's car receipts: W heat 47; c

f r l flour 8: com 10.

M TOLEDO SEEDI TOLEDO. Aug. 21 (/P)—C om ; No. '

3 >‘ellow $1.00 to »l.07; No. 3 yellow tl.03 to »1.M.

y .; .- .- u a i.‘_n5,^d.'


ducc exchange rccelpls: B u tte r 01.-700 pounds; checM 10.1C00 pound:. ^P'

Uuttcr In bulk 40c.- Extras 37c; first* fresh 33c;c u e count 33c; mediums 32c; smalls l*l8- .c . Let

t ^ t r y : Broilers l to I>i poundsS e: over l>i pounds to 2»; pounds Sps99c. , Sp]

O th irs unchr.ngcd. Bn S u

'SA N FR.\NC1SC0 PRODUCE 'Ia O. Auc. 31 (/?’,— »t

B u ttc rfa t 83c to 53Hc. dl>| Oaioaa: Oreca 7Jc to 90c tug; Job-

b lo c dry yellow »l.S0 to ti.TS. TuiP ou toes: New stock, local Garnets tu i

... « i.7j cwt,; jobbUjg Stockton ‘>e’- « to » ljy . poor JoB-er. Ou,

Poultry: Broilers 31c to 35e; <tjimR rpecters u d pullets SSe to 37c; hensTie u j , j : c . 1.U'


CHICAOO. Aug. 31^ uP>-Butl«-:. QDChftOged; rtc e lp u l i lB l tubs; egp. Cai-UDCiiMitfnli-reoHpts-lftaM-cases.----------Be.- r - P ^ try;- AUve. hens_ftrm . springs

%eak: rc w ip u two caia; fowls 31c Brit e 3«e: spring* 31c; broilers 30c; B r

ducks 17c to 23c; q s in g geese SU

D . .P o u to es : Recelpta PO cars, on track DU United S tates sh lptnenu Ftt

411. cars; suppUes U b c ;S 'dcmaoa^ ■ I ’ a o t e a t « : m arket steady; K ansas and X.ei ■ " M Isw url sacked Xnsh Cobblen T7. 8 . On W . ]fO.' If fc o e n U r sUghtly dirty, spou Nc-■ im % ti 6Dc to 79e: W iscoosls sackcd Cal■ > 'Z ri^ Oobbkxs U. s . No. l . t lJ I8 to Let■ ;*I4C: Virginia d o th s u v e b am l* B a ■ ' :Xrt<» Col>hter« U K . _________ Bli

80Q A K . W lr o a X r Am. u M V ^ Ib e r a v Cai

■ y i w W e t v a * «utaC u id t h r only M f a H g 1 i n J t W > ip O tU d .im 2JX000 bacs S «^ P lw C W T ii i 'B iltw l js s t in U j Tn an nnt Bo T l W V ii n iiii I................... llii ^ o s a m t B a

— -1 - , TWIN PALLS D

r X —i ...................... /^'I'V/B 'B iE N J \

« : : , : x 6 v p ^ c > r ? : : r \.............. UMCLE ,VJAlT, \ V :_

B E C A U S E i 1C T O rrr -K N c w — / -------

1 ■ , V WMERE TO / r ■ N^ P E N P 'T . ^ ^

r l • ' ' ■■"1"I ^* |V jIwBbb

f ■ *— ' - I TT- ■ — ............. ..

; MARKETS AT A GUNCE ^[ N E W Y O R K . A u g . 21 (/P )-

6 tock«: Strong: m all order shurc-n bring rccord priccs. oli

Donds: Firm; ralLn and utilities ‘ by hlRhcr. f,tc

Foreign cxchongcs: MUed; yen bn , up 10 points. ly, Cotton: Higher; increased weevil

complalntc. (jaSuffor: Easy; dlsappolntlns spot io

demand. ghiCoffee: Dccllncd; European sell* ]

ing. in-------- crc

C in C A a o ;----------------- 7 PaW heat: D e c W d ; w e a lc n e s a

Northwest market..Corn: Easy: beneficla] rains. “ Cattle: s teady to strong. , P°'Hogs: Steady.

----------------------------- !vlo,at 4.18 duty paid. Today, however, i o h nearby »u^ t ‘<~wcrtf~aTallablg-a—con- -pn, cca«l6M“Dr~W 3c“o r o n -th e baals-of- -•

supplied for thclr nearby require- 1 mentJf were altowlne very JJttJc In- terest and then only a t 4.02. !

Under September liquidation and uq exchanging from Uiat delivery lo lat- ^ e r positions, raw sugar futures were generally easy, particularly tlio old jim crop positions, w ith final* prices net unehnngpd to 3 points lower. The 7 m arket opened uncnanged l i a"JK5IilU lower and a t on time active poslUoos iq , were 1-8 points .below thp previous y^j clo.<ke under* September liquidation and some seillJig fo r European account, j but after early selling subsided prices rallied on co\-orlng. although tho uti- yft dertono was still unsettled a t the pei el^w Apnww lm ata sales 49,030 tons, mr

January 2.30; M arch .2.41;,.M ay 3.48; 1 Ju ly 3M. * '■ V • - lor

The- withdrawal demond for refined jca sugar was of libera], pioportions, but no new business was reported and prices were unchonged o t 8.08 for fine c a granulated. o tl

- ■ ■ - 8.


These prices a re obtained daUy Sti a t 4 o’clock In tbe afteraoD aad der are intended to cover only the or a m a g e of price*. Wbcre certain i'll

—deaUr*—for—a b o tt_ p c rlo d s_ o ffe r_ b « .more th ao tbe qoeted price* noeffort l i made tff~lBetBdB ~ iach ---------qootaltoni. QooUtioos a re o f fm d

., Q u tly aa a guide to prodooen j - atwl ihOBM n n t hr, accw>teJ m ^ — PefUctlng L X trtnm -of altftsr htgh_ j u

o r low prices. ........... —J

Paid Prodneen (4(1The Twin Palls markeU yesterdav 1

Acre aa foirows:

I . ■ ' n i M- •, . '■ ;~ V M!-T^— '

.u . sa,ooto|7ju) I^ e e r s ....................... t t iO to f iM veiVeal calves »4M)loU.OOYeurUiisi> bmibt- -- ............_.,.<8J)0Spring lambs ............... - .....113.00 i

PaoitT) fruHcav>- hem , 4 's Ito, and up.* lb~jaoc __Light hens, tm der 4 S Ibi^ lb.— 18c ■“Leghorns, hens, lb........ ........... .......... I2c»;<jck». 10 —- -SoSpringers, colored, lb ............ .._ _ 3 1 cSpringers, leghorns, lb --------------- 18cBroilers, up to* 2 lb s, lb .r----------- 23cSUgs, lb ............ ............ - .....--------- ^ 1 3 c

Nu t, ' ID -l»Cn{MU. NO 2 ib .I4c

dlipi, lb. ................- ...... — 14CI-urkej-s. No, 1 Ib. --------- -'----------- l#cTurkej-s. No. 2. lb----------------------l ieTurkeys. oU toms, lb-------- -------- -10ci->ec3e. lb, ___________________ — 7cDucks. Ib --------------- -------------,7e

r>aw> *aulierfBt. iweet ------------ -— — 460 _lyuucrfal. Mur — ......—----- -----ESat >cashi ........ ..............^Ecgs ilocal store) ------ — , ,

«ocar—WboUMleCane ____________ — __________ TU4Beet--,--------------------------------------- *7,04

fTbeat a sd BUQ FeedBran, cw t .......—•_____ ----------U.4QBran. 500 lb. l o u --------------------t l 2 iStock food. 100 Ib. l o U -----------* 1 « •Stock food, 600 lb. lo u •-------- ._»1*JDlcklow. No, 3 o r b e t t e r ------------ SOeFMeraUon. No, 2_ o r be tttf ............ 90c

LemoQs, d o t e n --------------- 40c and «0eOraagea. doKD - . ..,.40o.to70cNew poutoes. IS lbs. -----------------SSeC a b b a g e ------------------------------ ------- SeLettuce. he«d ____________ M e to ISeB ennada oplooa 3 Iba. _ _ _ 3Sc Black Raapberrtes. 1 pC _________ ISc

r -C aaUloupas. m c & ----------:------------lOe

PndDMS « t t« ----------------<------------ «0eBQttcr <cm m e*7) --------------------- #0eSees - - ■*""


. ■WJELt, I’LL TAKE V O U | ‘ -----OOV^M TO, TMB. S T O R e . - ' t ^ ‘ l*VH‘C< V O U 'ftE ’ eM T lT L eo t o w a q u a b

-9 P ,g M O -S O M e O J ^ lT - . .^ ._ | .C A M ' - 8 ^ NO V J. g ET~1M'

^ — y 0 '^_____

B h E m


■ • ------- , , 3'i. NEW YORK, Aug. 21 (;p)—Shaking P t

olf Uie restraint previously Imposed Ttby tightening credit conditions, the Fcclock market today staged ono of the 7%broadest ralilua of the summer. Near- T t ly two Bcoro rolls ond industrlob I Tt were lifted to new high records o n 'T r gains ranRlng from I to 10 points,' Total sales aggregated nearly 3.000.000 flhnres.

Railroad shares wero heavily bought mi In anticipation of unusually heavy ru crop movements th is fall. Texas and lot Pacific ran up nearly 7 po inu to a ua new high a t I80’>. as against a low qi; of OD<i earlier in the year, and St. LouL Southwestern moved up 5^; ] points to o new lop o t 109. Rock Is­land common, St. Paul preferred and _ a few others olso topped tho lr pre­vious 1028 highs, whllo 8UbaUntlal| gains were recorded by Baltimore and Ohio. New York Centml, Canadian■pacific and Perc MUrqucttw.-------------------

• “Bear" traders, • -who hnve been 1 -etubbomly—contesting- the— advance^ ilc were driven to eover by the avo- da lonche of buying orders which pour- alt ed into the m arket from oil' sec- ini Uons of the country* T here wero only llg a few soft spots, ond these failed to cel cut much ot a figure. Renewed sell­ing of M onhattan Electrical Supply ed forced th a t Issue down more than ov 7 nolnta lo 311.. the lowest price do in several years and 100 points «e>' low the high record esUblished last ln( year. Most—of—tho other declines . were held to a point o r so.

Man order aharcs again changed • , hands in large volume. Montgomery-Ward soaring O'.i points to a new _peak a t 302);. and Sears Roebuck ^

-m_oyl^g^up_ncarly fl polnls to a new

New peak prices for the year, t e ^longer, also were registered by Amer- . 1. lean Can, Best and company, CudahyPacking. AUls Chalmers. Param ount ^Famous Lasky,'. X^ft Candy, Union ,Carbide. Natlonol Power and LJght. . . . Otis Steel, Continental insurance, S.8 . Krrsge, O rand Union common and 1. , preferred. Pierce-Arrow preferred.Mathleson Alkali, \ National Dairy JL ProducU and several others. United SU tcs Steel common waa In briskdemand, climbing 3Vi polnU to I81!<> tnor Just 3‘i p o m u below th e year's • ^high. Oeneral Motors also received ,»Jbeiu ^ support, s h o w in g ^ net gain ^

METALS- NEW YORK. Aug. 21 (>«»>--Copper:

H rm - Hrertolvtic woot and futures __

--I« m ;-S tead y ; imchanged. ______Tin; Easy; spot »41.75; fuHire# ^

.440J7.Lead; Steady; spot New York iO.20; «,

St. Loula to 10 SS.08.Z inc:. Plrm; E ast St. Louis spot ,

. ird futurc.i «fi.25.— ^ii!-jnrnv-a:oJ7_____________________

vk.;:vrr 5 1 ^

BAR SILVER ^,1NEW YORK, Aug. l i (/P)—Bat sU. | j .

ver 58^ . fo----- to

DRIED FRU IT veiNEW YORK. Aug. 21 ( ^ - O r t e d sU

fruit aod hops steady. J

J o h n D . , ^ d . , D i r e c

T h e eatablUbm ent of a new I ~ ' b&oV fo r tb e accp m n odation « f - f l

the Negroes in New York G ty B b y John D . Rockefeller. J r., ■ mmrks th e e s t r u c e c f John D . ■ Rockefeller, 3 rd . into the bust* f l ness w orld. H e bas been a(k ■ pointed a d irec to r'o f the enter* ■

'— p m r a a a r t tJ iw f^ ii i t m * gt » Ml e n t a t P r in c e to n , b e wiU H gpend m n c h o f h is txtae l e a n * |D Ing th e b a n k in g h o l in e s s t y f f i l e tn a l p ra c tic e ,____________ S

'ALLS, TDAko, WEDNES ■ t " - - T

CjASpUN^ A UEY —AN; ~ l r GET S 0 ^ ~ 7 ^

; • C O T ^ C t ^ O B , BACK IP V oa DOfT UARTER SpefsOTOO-MUCMt.WHeM.-. AM T------ SCtfOQLiBEO'(MS_VOU-a.* H A ^D ^ T C C l'

LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORIC. Aug. 21 (/p )-t.tbcrty

bonds closed:3 '4s ............. ...... ..................... ........« 00.10.First 4i4s ................. .................. *10030Third 4',is ......................... ...,» 0031Fourth 4Us :..... ...... ..........,.,...4101.40Treasuey 4Ws ............ ........gno.27Treasury 4s ...... ............................4105.28

I Treasury 3=Jis .......... .................... $103.00J Trea.<iury 3%* ..............................s 0851

MONEYNEW YORK. AUK. 21 O f ^ t l l

money: Firm er; high 7 ‘,»; low 7; ruling rate 7: closing bid T>^; time loans firm; mixed eollAteral CO' to 00 days -OU—tO-0Ii:^ fo u r ot six morilha - OM to 0V<; prim e mercantile paper 5 y to a>A.

Bankers' aceepatnces unchanged!


PORTLAND LIVESTOCKpnnTTJiM P Any < fl> i^aitlcn~~

RcccIdU none; no early trading; Mon- , day's supply-, all cleaned up; luuy steady to strong with Monday's open­ing; s tee ra . S1338: heifers *10.80; light Vealers u p ,to Sl4i0; calvcs, re - 1 cclpU none; SU down.

Hogs; R ecelpu none; steady; truck- ed-ln light butchers >13.28 lo 113.38: t. overweights a n d " Lnderv,’elglita S13 01 down; few feeder pigs'$l2.

blU'Up.~ n t a l p l j iOilCi; rie-ea>l» 'trad — Ins: m arket quoUble steady.- '

o M A n A ^ re iw T o c K • OMAIfA. Aug. 31 (/p ,-C atlJc; Re- ^ oeipU 8000; calves 800; fed steers an d ~- yearllngs lOo to l3c higher: veals ai 8O0 (o I I higher: fed steers and year- ac lin n t u ta ^is.75: several loads W

-yearUngs and - medium wcignu * i(u a a to S16JW: few lots short fed h e lfen p< *13 to *14; beef eovta *8.23 to *9.75: m cutters *0.33 to *7.50; practical top U veals *13. cl

Sheep: ReeelpU 22.000; lambs 35c lower, sh tep steady, feeders strong to JOc to 15e higher; bulk fa t range lambs *13.80 to *13.78; natives most- ei ly *1338; fa t ewes up to *6.75; bulk range feeding, lambs *13.80 to *13.85; ct /eed lac epes up to *5.50: breeding- ewes dependent on age and quality *0.78 to *13.

Hogs:. R ecclpU ' 11,000; active,' strong. 10c to ISc higher; top *12.05; SI bidk 180 to 330 pound llghU and >a tu ic H m lo <13i 'i50 -io-300-g«•paund-butoher«-*11.7&-tQ_tlLP0: 300 to 400 pound butchers *11.50 lo *11,78.

CinCACO UVESTOCK cc— c W iA f in *.»T ?i 't4»-HQen- celpU-17.000; s tead y -w lth _ M an d ay !0 " average: top *12.70 paid for 200 pound welghU; butcliers 250 to 350 pounds *11,00 to *12.40; 300 to 250 pound.1 *11.75 to *12.70.

C attle: Recelpui 8000; calves- 2000; choice stecri ond yearlings to ship- p jia . -stiuug- l o —lOo—hlgber;— b a t J ” j«arllnga early 517; bJg ncijJji

t>3j; steers 1300 to ISOO pounds -S!4.35 to *10,75; 1100 ,to 1300 pounds ^ *14J5 to *16.90; fed ytarllngs *14.78 to *17; h e lfen *]«.10 to S10.3S: cows ^ *0,35 lo *13; cutter* *0.38 to *7.05; vealers. milk fed. *18.60 to *1830; " stockers and feeders *11.78 to *13.78., “

Sheep: Recelpu 19,000; fa t lambs “ = " ' - , ; - - = = ^ ^ = s pi

Negro Bank |■ j

' f l K - j J ^


T - i y - - --------- -•

SPAY morning; AUG. i 1 ,1 . . . j g = g g = g g jg

NYWAir;: i r s T k y m.j .

r ^ S CUSTOM ER. M R . ^ ^ V K

“7 f n ----


S Rn

Political "Jack S

J 0

CIIARLEH 11. KADIN. New York bankc a n ihe Democratic national eomihl

■ 'apjwhnment. It became known, tha t Is woriiing Jnst aa energetically—bt tlcaa national comreilteewoman froi Sabin agree on everything, except

and sheep mostly 35c lower; lamba active a t decline; feeding lomba steady with Monday, weak to< 35c lower XfUdU'.' lamby- gpod a n a —cho lce_a3 pounds down. *1138 to S1450; ewes medium to choice. 180 pounds down. *4.38 to *7,25; feeder lambs good and choice *13.50 to *14.25.


S h e ^ ; Recelpu none: medium to choice lambs *11 to *13; medium to choico ewes *4.75 to *0.75.


Sheep: -RecclpU none; good light lambs quoted *12 to *13.80; medium to good-owes.*3.50 ,lo ,S 5 .8 0 .^_________

----- ------- - P E N V E y - a H E E P - ^ ^ ------DBNVER. Aug? 31 Sheep: Re-

cclpU 8100; around 3300 billed " " '""■'Y Inmhii. nnvt.

ijccta nrcunil MnT.rt«yreedlng-and-shearlng lambs *13£0 to *13.18.

BOSTON WOOL BOSTON. Aug. 31 ^ —Reporu of

opening sales of wool in Australia are jcoelvtng closc altcnlJon of tradenhere:----------------

Cables to brokers Indicate a fa ir de­mand Irom Japanese oad from con- tlnenu i Europe. Tho new Australian wools, however, are reported to be burry and not o f a type sulUble for America. Opening prices for good combing w ere' around *1 to *1.02. scoured basis In bond.^ landed In Bos­ton. according to figures quoted In private cables.

Exeltmomly A m trican Tha achooner and tba clipper w^ra

botb piaooed and boilt In this coon- try The flrsl one was hnlli and tauncfied sOoaf ITIS o r J7I4 h r Cap- talo ' lloblosoo of Oioaeester. The Baitloinre clippers were Unoched at aboDt the aame Umo.

News W ant Ada reaea tbe people you wish to a t ta e t .

No More Gas In Stomach

and-Bowels-m*» BMlaMas’a Cm ,T«kMa. «klA

- £ ? . 5 r = r i . i : y w ' r ^ s . ~ “ B

, ALWAYS OK B U D AT, Sdiramwi-JohngoB

’Drug Store<

T O U S T ^ 7 i 9 2 8 r t : r - - —


/ J e ■ , 'vvyANT "A' / k V ^ ^ M K £ R AW' a '(O 'Jt MICKEU'S:

' ------ ^ I r CH^ r — (- ' / - V ___1 ^ .

p J

S p r a t t a n d Wife”

inker (lefl), is one of the leading f l g u ^ tnihlllee. But Joat after be accepted hla

—bnt fo r Hoover. Yon aee. she’s Repub- from New Yoric. ilowcrer. Mr. and M n .

ept the outcome of Ihe election.


j a __________:____________^ WILLTAM6TOWN. Maas..- Aug. 21 ,nd' Agriculture cooperaUon is not

merely a marketing device b u t a means of lifting the farm er to a plane of greater prosperity and keep­ing him there. Prof. C. R. Pay of the

T University of Toronto ycslcrday (old the InsUlute of .PollUcs.

“ "In- Canada." he said, " the wheat pool had revolutionized the morale of the farming community, reliev­ing the farm er o t the difficulty of deciding when to sell, eliminating the

[ht pressure to selt a t cerUin seasons, to ond 'basing all form marketing on s ta ­

tistical knowledge.*'The—cooperative—system;— he—de-'

__ i^firrrf l< :of woeeinl benefit to theI.-, sm all-farzRcr.- pMn<» nt » t>-

Ing has been raised lo the highest level It haa ever reoched.

^ ^ I • ~Ochone-Ok-o-en ctiie *‘0’' tinrd. as

io “ao"). means “iny •on-ow.'- nnil has gf iK^o for (vniurii-* a eonimni) exprea-

aliin for i;rlef and ronornlni:. anti ts CP3 heard al an Irish wnke rlnrinK ibe

kt-rnin <TocfircJirge)_or lament for the le- dead,________________

I A Bai

Ser^III This bonk is orffan

p], ij > scrvice to sm all. in No tea ttc r w hat your

=» n a re always glad to iIII S ta rt an account a t H

I —l-The-Twiii-fslls-; IH C a p i t a ] a n d S nk I l l lt I t l l .* Ini _ _-j,

l l f l . i n i

, O R O 0 S .-> - S g p f A R e , • I -

■ n^ \ p y ^ ‘\ L I « e W O R M S ^

piSTEimiEHS 10’ llilll!ESi;|t™SI£ES

HOLLISTER, Aug. 31—Ta-q trm tC M "~ for HollUter lndependei\t school dU­tric t Number 0 and two Iruitces for -Uolllster rural high school district arc to be elected a l on clcctlon to be held In tho school house Tuesday,

. oftemoah. September ,4.Mrs: M. N. Knudson and Mrs. E.

B. U<vrence entertained the Boyal Neighbors W ednesdoy-cvcnlng,at the

• country home of Mrs. Knudson. Tlic evening wns spent in gamcs-and-con-— tcsU. Twenty-two women were pres­e n t Mrs. H. c . Alexander of Olen- dole, California, was an out of town

' guest. The hostesses served waler- ImeJon' and cantaloupe a t the close of the evening. ,

O , W. Gamble of Boise and O. C. Weldon of Twin Fall* coUed on H. L.

. . Walllngton. Saturday.--------- HraTD»=tt~Jpnti t tn d - th re iryouiiKmt .

children are vlslUng-relatlve5-i»-Pat«~ — terson, New Jersey..

___ Mrs. Casper Nygord and son. Oscar

Yellow.*ilone park.'Hollister schools will open, Septem­

ber 10.A. P . Craven spent several days last ,

tres week hunllpg In Nevada. . hla Mrs. J . E. Pohlman has'Issued In- hln. -vitatlcns for a mlscellaneoai shower to nl,. be given a t ner counicy noiiio in u rs - I r , day aftemoon. August 23, Jo r Miss '

Blanche Skeen who'« engagement to Harold Williams has been announced.

T-T .Mrs. M. K. Knudson motored id Filer Thursday where ahe will spend two weeks visiting her sister, Mrs.

,|M Roscoe Whlker.‘‘‘* Ml-, and Mrs, Roy Williams of.O ak------ hacff. c mifotiiui, m e expected to ar- “

21 rive hert^*oorf. to be present a t thi#' not wedding o f their son. Harold WUllams

a to Miss Blanche Skeen which is a scheduled to take place In the near

c p . future.the -------------------------

Keaton for Popalaritycot Norway sprnce. a favorite spe*'.ftlc tie s (or Christmss tree purposes, hM ev- beea cultlvnteit In tlio Dislted Stfltet

of since corly ('nhinini limes. . the >ns, ta-

O o i s e ^ = I 5 i [ L E ^ " L

- S T T O K S " ------ — -----EgAVE-T tW N -F A tta -------- -----

M. t:M P. M. ' Leave Frem BocenjoB Ilotct—


the ___

1 = 1 ank of I]

vicepinized to-give pcrson- J1. o r larife depositors. ^ m r problems may be we o help you solve them. Jj

IIs-Kational Bank JSnrplUsr5167,00b” ^ IP

Page 7: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

e r t a f i ^ K [ S ] w S £ ^ £ ^ ^ ^

Beiler. woai n i g k : * o » a n ^ -B to . R .T . ' McNwnftra won low. . T h e ^ ^ M t

^ . . K r 'M C M uunC ' 'FletcJwr" SWHBTn ^iWd w a i te r H a t e i y »:-g*°*. I

l i t . »nd iMrt.' Vwa Bljicrare tfie ^ i m t s ' of r a <Uugtiter bom

t w year oid son of -M^. >and M rt. T!puilc Ouster, Ss n -’p a tttn t In 'i t <Zwln'F»lIa-Ji03pHal foN lc*Jfe» ••b ' optaU w a for appendicitis

Mr. t a d M ii'.Jo h tt Jfcb lii of-Poca- •t«]lvirer« gitesta o rer tfi&;Wcclc*cnd of r fr . »nd' N&9. J . O. HMon.

M rt. . .N’oblet’ m honored a t a cli»nnto«ly- ■ appa to tM ,. one oWock

, limchrtm Monday « t-th e homt of Mrs. •« i Harry Webbtr. Prfteea were marked/L a t one-^tabie, for. eight guesls and f«»J - • flowers, wcrt.. l ie d a s . a i c o n i c *

‘ Thft-afWmoon wafl «>ent sdclalv ■Mrs. A. J. Finite waa hostess Mon-

__ d iy evenlntf a t the f l n t of a scries ofth k -b e 'b r ld g e 'd ln a w to bc Blven this w «k .. D inner.'• waa lerved a t seven at. six smal) tables centarcd with pink. yeUo# aiid m e n , crystal bowls of

x i^ ta a and marigolds In Uie same col6n band painted place cards and piit • capa further carried oul tho charmlx«.color schqne. In thc ganics M n. P rank .Selihan .von high score and Mra. W. A. Gray received con­solation..

Is the irueat of h e r sister. Mrs. Harry W'tbber.. Mrs. Kearley plans to spend a month in Buhl.

Mr. and< M n. Tex WllUns and fam^ lly motored Sunday to Boise where they visited Mr. WUIclns brother. Emilton WitUns.

Mlss .Mildred Overbaush of Spokane ■ is the .guest of her brother. C. It.

--------Orerbaught" thto—week. - Mlss -Over--------------bau*lt-wa»-princlpal-of-Uio-Frank.-H.- -

Buhl school three years ago and now ts teaching a speelal clasa In the Lo^ gan school of Spokao*.

----- =— Mlss— Altha— Ht— Bmlth—and—her- —house guest, Mrs. Wcllyn of Chicago are spending iho weelc a t Indlafi hot

, springs.Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bmnnon entcr-

(olticd Intormally' a t a seven o ’clock dinner Monday evening and the gupsts

------- Mr .- a nd - Mra»—Plctehcf aktllem.- Mr -----and Mrs. L. E. McNamara and Harry

V, ■‘Webber, attended, thc IheaUe later.AssisU In Services

Mlss ‘ Vera Da-rta.' wlU leave thU week for Twiiv Falls to assist with the evangelisttd' services being, con- . ducted by t h e ^ v e n t h Day Adventist ^ u rc K P av ti win have charge

M n. T. B. LeBaUley ’*ii‘ Expected |0i homo Tueaday,.Bfter a months visit .01 With her parents. Mr. and 'M ra. P. 6 . pi Brercrton and her daughters. Owen- «' dolyn and Margurtete all of San « Franelsco. ,,i

Mr.r and Mrs. Fred Parish anrl q. daughters returned Friday from u v&IC to' AZturus a n d P e tit U k es and tl ie 'C ra te n of the Moon.

The Highway Jtensington m el Frl> day with 17 members and tlirce guests present. M n . V cm Kreigh gave two musical nureben and twcy readings cl were given by .Mias Vera Noh. Tho 8< next meeting will be September 14 a t at

_ Uie home of Mrs. C. H, Taylor. <ilR otert'N oland wus elected preaidtMl'

-.i-ot thc W g»t,gnd Club a t .* ^rccent meeting held in th e Buhl perk. Hay Ulsho; r was- x levteU ■ i li» ■ preaK — dent and Mf*. J. B. W rigbt will aerVe

— -----M lss_ Iia . Oman_ and her mother, '•Mra. Augusta O m an are" vaMUonliTg"In Yellowstone park . ,«

Mr. and M n. Chas. Kalina of S li> fa nore, California, a re vlsiUng frtends w here. Mr. K alina -was city clerk of Y( Buhl a t one Um». ct

Mra. C. V. Biggs aUd d augh ter'c f W initl4n« '*C allfon ila . a re “ gwat»“ ot ~ the home o t'M r. an d Mra. J. J . Bren, nan . ;Mr«. Brennan a n d Mrs. Blsics are s lfte ri laifi Mra,' B lgta is a fonncr In residenl o f B u h l , , Is

Mr. and M n . Pred Qiiircs and son » are spending several weeks a t Uietr „ old home Irt Dea Moines.

MIm Roee s te in U G arrett. Kansas.Is the gbeat of her sUter. Mra. Harry Barry. .

Mr. .aad M n. Riley Maxwell of PasadeHaC'Callfomla. arc guests a t the Robert Maxwell home.

Mlsa Hazel MeU of Los Angeles ts expected home th is week to spend several weeks wiU» her m eenu . Mr.

, and Mrs. E. L. Mete. Mlss MeU Is I trainliyr in the Lp i Angeles genen l hospital.

Poster Quliek attended sessions nf Uw U w anU cluba conveniioa In Og- detl the past week.

Edwin a u te . j ? year okt mod c f Mr. and Mra. Pred Clute. who has been crttlcally m Uie j j a ^ l e w weeks wim - hCTrt ttV bte.. iu t t t f « a .takes to' a Twin W beaptqa f c r 't ^ tm e n t .

y»>«i Ckp»I tio ^ ls ^ -u n la e s C b a re h aervtea ot \

the sum m er wUI ba bald in th e city I park a t t t jB tn d a y erening v itt i Rev.Jam ea.. Mina< « f - tb a P m b x te ia a Ichurch m the p ^ p lt . - Mosle - r a be I

. fum lshM by the B aptist choir. ' ' _ ;_J • Mr. a& t-M ts. J ay S tm p M g - p S n ^ ,1ka>x early- In September fo r Z<oa , ]

' Angeles where tbey win make their 1 home and Mr. Slmpacn wQl take np the study-Q ( p b ao A ey . i l b e y baro t 'j

' been employed, by (ba B o tla c '.C n if ' jecmpany for, tb e p i ^ yeara. . ; ' 1

______ ■ " S o M t a S 'P i n ^ r ' S , " ^ ■ •— — 3 te .U iu l-> a ii e f O qaua tlA m la liaa f .4


lh* ■Br«nil& s..«atai«d. tl> fllr.^ lM ^^ ' I This w i^ P e r t* : r ‘

4 m.cimct0ii, B iu , . : ; . y\I Tbe Cate of • Mil Ina b a a ' i ^ n ^ .1 ^ pandfd upon ih a graxi or. iw ^^dltw .. |

tlaa a f a if i

u *■ „

^ ^ A d ^ E b — ANY*!)- n t.

iji. _______ : \ M iC g M o S Q U iY

^ , M A V .A R |\ A N b \>1- V A N b K E 5 F■er . _



I. ■■ ; r . - —

f . . , ' , . ■ .

-i . ' j ' ■


; '

" DONOVAN G niFFITH . In excellent .p in i ride on h b sixth birthday. Bestdei ships. W atch ont, Undyt •

W arU .A tofu( W astage ^; Qlv« me Uie in .iney tlu il Ima been ’ t ^ n l Iti wur. and I will clutnv uvery ” ^Qiuii. wuiitim still clillC In an nuire ; of wliich klriB» lind rinocnd would he

pruud. I will build n soJiiMiilinHiw Inevery.,viilley over the wliiile <itrlh. I will erewn every hillsidi* wlthie jilnca of w ouhlp (.•oiiKCcnited Co the gospftl yj of pcace.--Cliuries 'guioncr. o’l

---------- --------------- B«Hi

Toatt W ith H o n o r t . idTlic roforfiite 10 clriiiltlHu a tonst nr

I -Willi oilflliu liunora tiir««“ is to Hio Ai ; cbeera wUh wlilclr a .to a n . h grcclcd- I Soma ciiaaca ure dnink stumlitiB. such

aa 0 toitsi -lo onp'a CMUniry. ami are iificn received wltii liurrulis tliree in

• Tiniirogr. ^ rr 'in <.'u8e ^0f-gr«ai-catiiuai-. -

E arly Am criean PoetWimaiii Cailen ^ ll i7 u ^ _ ttK « _ a ‘\«L “

-edllw . - wa a - lwro—at— t; uim»inaitin.. Cl /iln si., N'ovembcr S,'ITV : I1l»-tinrjt Cc famous poem (a ••Thnnon*|uls.“ H«

I was edilftt nod p art owner of ll(u .New tc; York Bveniog Post an d fts eddortal chief for CO yeara.

: S po k en b y lm m i i r ,Trencli stM>ken-,. by ii|>im'S* ‘ '■

' IinaJ««ly OIUI(IU.OOO pera«*n8 and Sj>un- H«Isti by .it.|*r<aJmutely W.UOdj/il» la-r- pa SODS tiiriiuisiioul the world. - |i^iicl> i* ' j mure of u Itieniry lansunge; Uic use of Simnlsh to mora wiilcsprend com-

: mcrdally. -cp

U v e s H im s e l f U p s

j 3 S & > S j ! l L g f c ^ s r , s

? s s p ^ s T s r t u y s ' i i i i ^ ? ,



irrHi.Nfc ■iww'.'i’pu, c>oh't \ ; “ J 5te u _ t i ^ T ’_ W A .M T -

I W G l S R S r i i - ^ T « - = - = ‘:--------

l i v a s T k M S P L IE S - ' ' [


" " .----------- L

------------------------------- _ . e

I ■ ^P.

M B ^ W W B B c B a S g K ^ g K III

IHU. mt He auiiuai Ml s ltsw an alm tsn r l ? ides flying, he makes m lnU ture air-

■ . to_______ ■ — C<


-WILL, ETC. . ,Iq the Probate Court of Twin F alb

l h th e M atter of the Estate of Auguata F A. Clouchck. Deceased,P unuon t to an order of aald Court, ^

m ade’on the oth day of August, 1028, notice is hereby given th a t Thursday. 40 the 23rd day of August, IK 8.' a t ten .7 o’clock A. M. of sold day, a t th e Court Boom of said Court, o l the Court « House In thc County of Twin -Idaho, lias been appointed as Uio time ond plnce for proving thc Will of said Augusta A. Clouciiek deceased, and I'lt 'i i hearing the applicaUon of Henrj- W Fi Clouthek for the Issuance lo Henry W. Clouchck of letters testam entary wlioc so and where any person Interested may p< a p p « r nnd contoit thc same.■ Dated -A u g n st-g 3 g a r ^ - r --------______________ C._A. BAILEY. jZ

E P ofncIoT IcrS :~ BH>s'~TOii 4'o.^L y o i r c r r r ~ o r ~ c ;___________ T>VIN |.'ALLS............ Wl-B lda: a r c . lnv»K?u mr ^yfiitsUiiilt Uie yx

«-lth-nnnrrt<liii.Hrlv , Iflgr t on s - nT: _ Ccal, dcU\xry lo b<- mnde as.-follownr a i

Al F iller Plant—30 tons lump. 7 e. tens slack. « ;

At Tire Station—20 tons lump, 20 lens slock. Ju- At City Hall—20 tons lump. ^—D ellverr-a t-FH lor-and-PIrr RUtlon. ^ to be made by Srplcmbcr 10. . —‘ -Dellvcrj-io cU y.H oll-io .lw .mod e as *3 Healhiii Plant 1* lailallcd tb e la tte r pa rt of September. . *"■ Bids should be endorsexl **Blds for ^ furnlahlns Ccal" and filed wllh the O' City Clerk before 5 c’eiock p. m. Mon- I J day, AuRUst 37, 1038.' and wltl be cp i^ed by the Council a t 8 o'clock yo JJ. m. on lixal dote. go

By o n h r of ihe City Council. sh^ O. M> HALL. fct

City Clerk, soD ated Twin Falis, Idaho. August 21. Wl o a g . _____________________ " • •=


In the DUtrtct Court of Uie Eleventh JtjdlcUl District of Ule SU to of Idaho. In and for Twin Palls Counly. LC

H arry S. Cowling. PlalnUff,\n. ‘ Ar

R. L. Jagels and Laura D. Jageli, D e- W fendants. •" x cNotlcQ.U hereby given th a t oa Aug- t

u st e. 1S28. a writ of a ttachm ent waa pd Issued out o t tbe above cnUUcd court r < In th e above entlUed acUoo, attaching th a property of tha above 'uuned de- , f e n d u t i o r tb e turn of t i s n a g . .

In . wltneas whereof, 1 have hereunto set m y hand and the seal of tb b •* Court tbls e tb day of ABgott,:'iy33. , IL-tSEAU__ HARRY C. PARSONS.

C le rg ro C th rP tm jcCJCuluL "By M»OH O. BOONg.-Depttty.------^ ^

mnO fO N B . S lIn tHe DUtrlct Court o f tb e E lercntb im

J udielal D u tn e t of tb s s ta te of c a Idabo in a n d f w the C o u ^ e t .Twia ^ :

B S . , i t o r i-n iiiu ii. . . - . . jSCharl& T. Bess. D e f e n d a n t . ^

T be s u t t of idkbo'MDdK g teaU b ^ t a Kv ibe-abor»-Baned^rttfftK tB^ i ^

You a te h m b y noUfled tb tt4i:oar»> ' p iab c b a s 'b e ta fUed a g a lw C < » ea '« ^ tbe -D b W ^ Ck«rt o f Ut» '2 » m t k ^

In and fa r tba Ccuaiy oT.T«la.PlUl& r T by tb e above named p l a l n ^ - a a d y m «« are hereby directed t o , « a M r . . asA plead to said complaint w n b ta l iN a t r itv days or tbe'adrvica of'tb& : n n a ia a C T*

r u $ a im P S - t h eRM SE A- SOS

- - l lK lS B C .T * ^ : - t ) E S T R O Y ,, \ 'r ^ ; , ■ « X . - ' t m i i e < -l>RMM,HiT. OR •)!- - ) ^ A - W E A v l? f T ? A I N '

SURE, 6E A tH - b u t FEEt> I---------i W t N H T - ^ W H - ^ t - e v c f c e N e

I Plumber's blow torch —

WANT i se__ I g s g s r , ~ i . ~ ~ ' I


^ W ant'A da aftve and acUre and— ^ t W iM g the buyer.

Pbone » S


WANTED—WOMAN ABOUT 40 TO cook for men. J . H. \^inhllc. lAur- I

taught_________. . - _____• _WANTED — REGISTERED BARBER . 1

stoady Job. .Phone 107-w of ter O l, P.' m.. o r wrllo Oiea-l'riNrajnmrRnpcrrrt*

• 'idiiha,........... . . — -------] J

trc^s for th e wo<^. 4:ia 2nd ave. i"North. CnlT erenlngii. '______ ____•

' HESPONSiBLE IfAR'lY TOcomplete -charge of home where (

mcUicr of sm all children Is awuy part i ilincv Bcferenees. Call mornings. ' j.Third fti'c. n o r t h . _______________ j .

1 TEACHERS WAHTED TO ENBOLL I ijr'{lUUitlUUs lu Utab;~AriZona;—He— —

vada, Wyoming. Hew Mexico, Mon- 1 tana and Idaho. .Investigate today. 11 continental T eacben ' Agency, 310!; Brooks Arcade, aM" South SUita SU s a l t Lake C ttr. {

, ‘ FOR SALEr^lVESTOCK !r FOR S /^ E -f ilU V fia lB lA ^ '

Box 1154. ' il.-v ‘' FOR SALE-OOOD REO. JERSEY C

cow. Also jcracjf belfer. Phone i . 407-Jl. • : . 1'‘ I'O B SA L E -S FORB-BRED HAMP-if

slilre ram lainbs. )*Pbono 203JI. J . I■ c . Poe. • '____

lam bs.. Phene 378.' Twin Falls Siiou, * Rep'alrlng. ' . . !rFO R 8 A LE-SPA N 1OP MARES. 1-2 I

mUe E ast W ashington school. 1-4 I , south. Chaa. OhmMi. ' i)

FOR eALE-^7■"HAMP8HiRB■'■^A^t (J Iambs, 1-3 mile east, I -2 mllc soulli £

- ■e f - a cga r - f aolon '. W. y r-MclCa y ^ ...... I. J.y>n^-aATJg-rt-vPAR. o t.r» wK tna- r

te red H olstein buU; can be »;cn a i I■ C. 07~M arker~TBrTallr-l42-'lth nvc. c

Phone 1 2 3 0 . ___________ .1

r — older. ; A iscnh rpe- 2*yenr old Ifom p bucks.

E. S. Falk. Eden. Idaho. 1 \F O R S A L B -a ib lC E R E O IST E R m

Sborthom 'bu lls and breeding stock, e Ju st th e .th in g for the range. A. J. t Requa. Twin Falls, Idaho. Phone r

- w r j h ------— ---------------- t, TOR _SA L E — 2000' RAltBOUILLCT *

cross brea «iuorc ttiouUrewcs,~prlce'-“ $9.00; also 330 pure-bred Ham pshire * ramk. ages 2 to 4. price gao and $35. *!Gleed Bros.. Lima. Montana._________ ,zijlOO—HEAD YOUNO CROSS-BRED , I

ewes: 6CP Mted cn>as-bred cWcs; 130; young Hampahlre ewas. They a re a l l ; 0 good th rifty ca-ca. Registered Ham p- k shire ram lambs mid yearlings, grain c fed and ready for aervlce. o n e m ile ' s south ancl east end of M ain. B ru ce 'v Wataon. Phone SOfl-Jl; . i r

T ost ’i?-------- ----------- ----------------- ----------------- f lLOST—LADY'S CLACK ONYX RING t'

F lnderleavealN eirs office. R tw ard. ^ LOST—SAXDRDAV BETWEBN HON- '>aen and Iverson ranch , by way of Artesl&D; black tnve lln s bag. Phone W -B-3. m ansca.l o 5T->u £aT h e r o t v e r e d a u t o

trunk between Esslty and Twin FaUs Plnder leave a t Mark's Sen ice sUUon Reward. V. g . Morgan. ___ ^

white w ith brovnt (pou , scar on righ t b led .leg. aa i#ers to nam e Toota. n n d e r please call -Klmber- ly Hotel.'- Reward, r y

-and.you .ate .itm hcrjiD tk le«L Jb«tJin_^ . 'te u ' yoa 'ao , appear ond plead to said com plaint - .witbUi tha -.tijne hrrem specified, the ' pUlnUff « m take jndg- men ^ j t t y na t you a r prayed- in a id .

f T bls a ttio a is brought to obtain adw jee Of d<rnrr>. from rt>r>T<«1ant pnd -fo r tb* care:- custodr a a i comrol c T tb e th ree mttwr ehlldm f e f-t^a ln ttff . •O d a m ttd a a C -aB d-V ttK 'd fb tf and I to tb e r 'r d l e r u to tbA co a rt m ay■ m u j i ia .— ------------ ------------------------ ---^iW;)toesa my hand aod tb e acal e l paid D istrict Court S lat day e? JW y • •f i — ■ .H in B Y .r . ■, .

- ‘Clerfc:^ -A y ■, s y A & p O d tr t . .

c . A ttoracr' fb r; t S S u f f . , .T a if l P bq i. M ibo. • ' ‘ t -

I S S t - - a T H 6 U S < tN b .. / .E A T lN t . OT..THB R O tiT S - '

T o o . fA u c H S u n — ’ T A r c ^ o ( S « : = M E A N 'S " n :A W E E li P O IS O M —

B---------B U R N -FF-W FT H -A ------ J - -. ANCi IT G R O W S ^

^ h e a l t h i e r TH M ^ f V E I ^ I


HOUSE FOR BALE. B30 2ND AVE.aorth.________________________.

FO R SALE-FOUR ROOM MODERN house. Phone 1251-J. .

SMALL PROPERTY. OOOD LOCA- tlon. 240 4lli ove. East.

PbB “ SA LE-FIV E ROOM MODERNhouse.' 810 Third avenue East.____

80—8t>00. CASH. BAIiANCE TERMS to suit. Gettert over Eldrldge Store.

FORT S ^ E — 4-BOOM M O D E R N house, reasonable tenns. Phone

,1033W. ___________________,

IFOR SALE OR* TRADE—340 AORBS I rellwiulshSmC— Writ5“ ’B « " 4 0 3 ; Ipuhl, Idaho.__________ ,FOB SALE — A 5-R O O M HOUSB,

• modem-except heat. 5th ave. norUi. 4>lioiie-l0aL-«wnar..:---------------------------

;CH EA P^l 1-3 ACRES. AliTlM PROU- ' ed. snmll modern houas, porUy- fum - I Ished: 1237 EllzabeUi Ave.


n q u lro Room 13, F ln t National Bank Bldg._______________________________FOR s a Le ~ i-r o o m h o u s e w it h

good garage on 4th avenue Bast. Cosh or terms. See Mr. HUI, owner, a t Perrine Hotel.


to righ t pahy,^ Located 638 4th ave. pust. Possesion- a t once.

FOR S A L ^B U N G A L O W H O M E I 0 rooms on bath. Hardwood floora, ! furnace heat, coal ^ o l water heater. Large fine garage, work bench, ctc. W rite Box 8. Twin Falls. Idaho.FOB SALE-123 ACRE PARM AD-

Jolnlng town of Hansen, Good 6- .room hbuse, fa ir outbuUdUigs, exocUent producer. Carriea Joint s to ca Land

. B ank 810,000 lo an .' -Rental averaged I $2800 the past three years. Address jBox A, Pomeroy, Iowa.■SHEEP RAISING: A TOO ACRE FARM I in northweitcm . a orid»r=o*oia .to markets—mUe and half river frontage. Ideal illl year* Clim t « r > i ee-ia p ^ l o t catUc and-sbaep.— O ffe rin g -tb la -a t

, t t3 per aero to settle o ur e state...S u llr nhi» t».rma. PnTi InformaUon on re- guesU McCaskUl Estaiea. 'i W Uta

i WE HAVE FOR SALS' F O R ’’oABH or on contract, ranches o r city prop-

'e r ty a t the right priccf. O ur property in all cases b weU located. On our ranches you can see for youi^elf what the Iand-wULfltDducc._WeJiarc p r ^ erty in nearly every town or elty and

-m lght-consldcr exchanging. If in ter­ested. write o . E. W eldoh;~datrI7t manager. Bolse-Paye|t^T4miber Com­pany. Box 1077, Twin Idaho.

,PO R S A L :^3 .S T 0R Y HOTEL. B ^ ; equipped In eostem Nevada, bldg. ; &0x70". lot 5 0 x l^“. 23 bedrooms. Lar- Rcst best payine cafe-dlnlng room In city. '. lee plant, refrigerators brick

'storeroom, cement ceUar: h b t - cold .water, clectric llght-power tbniout. I I rccm rents tlOO month. lA rgeit, most [popuUr. t>est patronized hotel In WielU. i^:xcclleni opportunity to make money. 'T erm s Jf dCWrvd: *7500 cash, balance to suit purcha.vr. Address George R. Vardy. Wells. Nc%ada.______________

.1TOB BALE Pour slricOy modem homes locat- M on W ^ n u t street, aU a t bargain

'• prleea.i .u m b e b , c o .

s e e n d > a o v E D j b r i g a t t o farm a for . re n t v i ^ optfoa to

purchase; v T b » e fanna at« locat­ed on tba VALIER IRRIOATION PROJEC T - aV<"g ^ Unit wf thB

-ORBKT^VOeVUBCIV R A I L V ^ ' in Bortbam.Mfcotena. -so it o T cx* ' c e p t l ^ ' d t ^ ' a n d ftrtlU ty. O a - eral dM antfkd o v p t p o m . B ci cellent opportunity fo r Dairying and-Sloelb'A lstnc.. -W atw .tn a » . pie QiauuttiBi w bes tb a cxopa aeed- it CartiW ■od'-atrttccaaat.jan .:^ b tdZ tv -A d t -m aintained. .‘-A aaual

. - s a i s M M i L Q ^ O N S tiatXATf p a r acta. Oood markets, echoels.

own. is m tS c a ta N O V . W ilta / pox. lMA.M 4abo U a l« , .

T ' - - T i v ' r r H

11 ■ M - J

^ • ^ c r - T W E R B 's O N E M o r i f -O Lb • ^ E E t> ' I K T m - W " H 6 u S E

l l b : . O K E . tO .- .P U L L O U T B- - J^O O T S -^ - ' tW aT . W W JS P E R fN

' t h a t . 'T H IN K S S H E 'S A B | “ \ HECO R ‘S BOT*TOM"™


Jielne. Ed Vance. ■_______ > ■ . ,■^ FO R SALE-BICYCLE AND F R U r

jars. <0J <th North. :---- FOR SALE-DAHUAS, 29 CENTS iCA- Dosen. Phone B50-R4. . '

• FLY SPRAY FOR YOOR COWS, .PE! Id}} gaUoa $1M. Dlamoaif Hawiwata.Ct

; r ^ er's o u tfit of tools cheap. Melvii Lancaster,. Jerome, Idaho.

f H FO R SALE — FLOWERS, GLADIOL R N and a s te n . - M n . Fleenor, quarte «nc m ile liortb of County Hospital.

SPECIAL W H M “TOEY LAST. 30*3 • ^ R iobland High G rade Fabrio Nod ^ ikld.U ite«.jM .aB-tach;-jiapnfiY m w

i<ome. : ............- __________ ■ •. ...E. D.-ltELLOGG, AGENT FO R LAT

rSB, imar^f.Dry Arsenate of Lead, fo r « n rUi. m aterials. Call phona 6S0^W. P . C___ Box.754. 4iM and 'ave. north. . ' ■

FOR SAL&-.SAC1U NEW AND 'S iS ' ond hand for grain and potatoes twine, pipe, new and old; bottles 0

^ all kinds; Idaho Junk House, 192 2n< ® N ave. aoulh.

a j - x o A i i a .

= PAHM LOM ia 1%. e m i t j oo .MONEY TO LOAN. FOTTSB BBA., a s t a t a . ...............................................

k. ‘ MONEY TOR STRAXGOr. LOAHS 6:— m odem bousea In T w ta TaQa.;--Ai OD- t b W U ew lm <t CO. •• ' A'r.

V®' ance 5 -y m ; 6 0 o ^ ^ ^ w T j w S _ lo a n a .s u , p e r .c e n t.: sa a J . W ,M e T s DoweU. Phona 577-j-i.,

o r r r T 6 S T O = i r a - W A S T 'M ^ lter. b le loans-on itt td e n e o .o r boaiaai ctc. property, i m ratea, p ro n p t aarvle

Twin FaUs T itle: di: A bstract Oo:* X>t<M o H B Y ^ 1 5 S r W r a S r o i

< s . / cUy property. Soma p tlvato a o n a im t la <ums of from *600 to «9000 now o ^ band . Irrigated la n d s Oorapan:^. Bd

tel :.>errlne. 118 Bboabone at. waat, rcss PA B bt L O ^ S - N O O O n k O fin m

eo-delay. PkHf 71U« a s d Al: M rtracC C c . h i£ \ ■ . j_S . OTIR T m -gBAR FAmC .LOAlL^OV

- - fe rs the b e s t.o l i m u b q

ult- I AM b r n w H G A v k r V 6 U e a re - and deH nbla fanB -loanc-r-lblB k-]


S _______t « . ROOM AND BOARD, 4Ifr BECONl a ic r —ave«»« north phooe^41>-W. _ om- PO R RENT‘—R 00M . 'X n d BOARD

,. close in. 31S 2nd ave. nortb.S t p « R — BOOM IN M O l^ tfl^ 2 ^home. 4S1 4 th ave. No., phone 124: jafJ « > R “ RENX^FtJRmSHEO"RbOM Tfl I in p r l» te family, iSS 8 th ave. nortl rick 3 " -h o 6 M lS b b ijiN p a i ^ y ' f I ^ cold ished house. >40. A. N. Long. Pboat. 1 45._;^___________• , . - .

r o B RENT—FURNISHED ROOM! S28 Blue Lakes Boulevard. Pbon

839.________________ ■ •____________PO R RENT — TWO NICE. CLEAt

housekeepinc rooms. Call a t W— Second avenue N c ^ . •• w----- POR KENT— ROOM AND BOARD

also a garage; also your tanudrj it. rcaflonable. &38 4th Ave. N orth, PhonIn 907J.____________________ ______. '. ’

FOB RENT — COZY ROOM WTU board, or one or two, m ealsi Suit

able' for teachers or . buaincss . glrli— ave. east. .r . . . . , ■

7 1 H i s c E t x f l B E O u s . ; . ; ;


I r e X C e o M D ® v p j5 i c T O i5 * f f i r M~ p « r bkngia> .. .F .J L B 0vaa.-B T .8 t:

I .- are . c a s e F b e i » n M . ---------- :-------u ix B U B ia m ^ ^ S F io i& iD g jm e i i< anca. aD eorafagaa. .Prom pt elatt ^ a e ra ted PIMM &M.J M t e M to 'T Md - 8i jftstract- C a;-i>4*. t • , : t

TODMfi p |^ > f e .g R de w a f W a g i d w S i - f l M l w S n i

» young H a« p ab b » a*ea. > T b a t a re .r i

S'« ted a a d r e ^ . X e r aBrrlea. oem xM a cm ».e£

t9 ^ - ' SStR>‘-* I P B B B O O M 'y W j

'■»<>.M w j U [

2 ^ 1928

O R E ’i S E •' ;m A X •

B Y .

. ^ i ^ T i w i . ' : ’

‘flRTONlTliS = = = : ^ = S S ^ ^ = S S S S S S = S T .,‘.

DOS — ------------- r -------- - -

s «CTORY::•s A- ', ' ■,

^ r r i z : PROFESSIONALD T ^ ~ - ■ ~ATIOW CTS-'- ~

W. L. D U H N -^ v , Offlcea-Boom^ :#^ ' lO L I and *. Bmith-Blce BMding.- , r;"- larter 8HAD BODQtN. Booma 4 and 8,

and T rust Bldg. Phone 6. o . o . BALL<-over Oloa* Book

Non- JOBN W. G B A B A U - U ^ . BSBk IZtafi- T rust Bldp. -Phbit^ 988.W.-V '— —r SWKELBT J b SW E K tgz—L«w ortillW"

B U S IN E S S ; ^

K m N D O irr 2nd net.work. Moon'a Shop: Pbjpna 8.

' T^PLTJMMHQ ... 1;— - IW TTMwiijw 'jb fliv-_____ New location. 185 U d a t* , au i-^n n Pbone 383. • ' ' '> g k BAI.I.AI<T»n! F L S M ^ O t i w i ^

^ ^ ' : i i K 8r o ANwv:;;.:.-;f lAiroro f p CTP ^

tderal ^ Bbta to .. Ipwo a - r i r ^ ^.Mo- fM dii8Fin\ V'’ *

S o S B r a A N s r a ^ c o T m B M * ' : ^ .C ratlB g,.atorate aaA.Ziibatai Oodffn^

g g W im i a r m SSSm > A i a ^ H g t f ,

io S****"« 200. I . ' A', Bd^

HODBBN TVOODMBN OF UfOluSk., P ? S : meeta to X. 0. 0.1P. b a n .

ond a n d lo u r tb Monday. ;

— F fiU ffS 7 V g 6 ^ BbE g ^ S a p --------------- -—**■1* TOB~~BACg — WEig .T a T “ .' APPE S S -

;_ ^ « lV -8 3 ^ — . , — M ~ ~

•16r' cahnim^:"~Fh6tt6,Wuri l . ' , -

w A i » T e t f - - M i s d E U j > n e o t f e '

AVE. w j w r r o ^ m C T V . ' b :. a '

O n 6 W ^ ^ t f - ^ O O T E f i ^ H ^ O ,B,

ik o T w a n t e w k e e p , p a s t u r s ; . ^ G l r f v fence and water. Phone &S3rlS..^>r.<

® iN WANTED PIANO T O R EN T .' WfLS* 1247. keep b) good condition, c a l l S3D1V iTfN W A N m = 5 H B M * . S T O o a S T H A S ^ lorth. motorcycle. Address A. B:.'' c a ii^

Pcplar Ueea for the ir wood. M. jj> 55a Bweeley. ., .hwi4 V^ANTED—JTSfE ROOM F O f S n l ^ '

ed house Septem ber'1 'for'S T k uJla. Telephone J3S1.: '

M WAMTED'TO - S i l t - M OtuSSI- bbusc fu m isb ed , o r unf ita lsbed . B ra *

kRD^ or more looips.’ Pbona a ie r-S * a ftf udry^ B X p r a S N 5 r o 7 ^ C c S S ~ S i S S S y •hone pupila to en ro ll.a ( m e c /e r jp ^ W e v

kindergarten. Inquire 1

Suit- cattle^- b e ta or g o o d 'b eM Z i'iO M '.: glrU. irood m ok eows to ', trade fO c '^ lM ''.

- Pbend 8ift:B-a. j . w . Batena. ?:


B u t- : tiaFX bfir. s*e .M a y '« d a W o ? * y i _ ; i _ A', t l fi. -at C ia tra l BM>f.-

S £ iw ioY w * » r a 'w b B ic ^ W < » « - iw ! ? i

Page 8: ?JGrAUGUST 2' 2;T928 PRICE ,5 CENTS; .iHOOVEjliiW j ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF41/... · sorts, and if J t entered DevU canyon. I forest

b H B S T i ElEiEEIWfES . OOlECiCUl:I C o u n ty C o n v e n tio n R c -e le c ts^

W . O r r -C h a p m a n S t a t e C om -

,_ .irn ire e » ir tn » ~ n rip s u p uuaiLH/M,—

2 . A d m in is t r a j io n R e c o rd s

^ ‘ ' Tlie T«'ln FaJIs county Dcniocriillc n convention. In session here TiicMlay ...

Dflcmcon. deeted 18 duleffute:; lo cu.st OJ th e county’s Hve votes nt llie Dcmo- rc cratic stntc convention • ut GraniiC*

vjllc next week, nnd rc-cicctctl w , Orr Clinpnian of Twin Pulln. state coii> b

1 mitteeman,■J Tlie clelcsatcs choscn were Asher > J b . Wilson; W. Orr Cha|iinnn.. Alvin ^ Harbour. T. J. Lluyd. M. A. Siroiik.,11 R. C. Wark, D, J. Cavnnafih. Twin |i J •Falls: T Dan Connor. W. F. Ahvortli.Irt Flier: Chester O. A. Dlvelblss. -Harry J W. Barry. Mr.s. Oertrudo Blnn. Buhl: nn3 Mra. Maude Mac Hunt. Tu-ln PaUs; a Mrs. W. Orr Cho|jman. Mrs. p . J.

CuvanaRh. Mr«. R. C. Wark. Mrs., - T. Dan Connor, and Mrs.' W. F. Aj^ y,, (. worth.' Delrttnteii AltcncllnR the stale con- J vention «JJJ vole under ihc unit

! rule. • Commend Covcmor Smith U

Re50lutiar» adopted by the eonven* IU lion reiterated olleKliince to tbe prin- II clples ol tlio party and e.ijieckuHv commcnded the preiiidcntinl, nominee. Governor Alfred B. Smith.- ‘'for liLi unequivocal statem ent . tha t he ;.win

V lu lly enforce all laws and the con- U sUtuUon. Ul set forth in the p lat- . - 1 form." I t was charged tha t lhe '*ad*

mlnUtratlon of which the Republican d nomlneo was a part.” had neglected P”I enforcement of prohibition, federal \ a n tl- tn u t laws, an ti-g raft laws. ImmU0 gratlon laws, power control laws, andj ta riff commission laws. opD , O ther- resolutlons-rcttfflrmwV-hallaf —1 a In the principles of a . direct- p r t . frcII m ary law; declored for clcctlon of a1 DemocraUc admlnUtratlon and legls-'J la tu re a* the flrat .step toward rc-t — duccd-t<»xa« an d, ecoQomy- J n - p ubllc. { affairs: endorsed Ute DcmocraUc 1 county Ucket. and asserted th a t the ^li I DemocraUc party had taken Uio lead 1

••In recognizing thtf fact tha t the 8n ; bolding of publle office should de> . <

pend upon principles and compe- ro{------ tcnuy ttiiil nul un ^

Bid to ProKTetBlves •‘Por many "years." tho resolution

't . declared. • " the Republican party has j been In tho minority In th is sta te tai and ' county, yet has succeeded in da capturing most of the offlccs be-

I cause of division of those professing ^■ IdenUeal- prtoclples. We Invite all

clples to affiliate w lth,us in the com-Ih s eJecUon." . . ............ .

••Addressing the ’convenUon. W. Orr Chapm an paid eloquent tribute to

■ th e DeraoerafSo cozjdldatei anct crlt-'1 Jelled- those who assailed -Oovemor “ *■

Sm ith on account of his religious ^ I afflUaUon, Ho said while T&mmany ^

was evU under Uie Tweed regUne.I a great DemocraUc governor and ^

Tam m any member. Samuel J. H i- den, had sent Tweed to the penlten* tlary. When recent scandal5 Id* New ^ Vork City had been exposed, he said, „ another great DcmocraUc governor ?J® and T ^ m a o y member had insisted ^

• — on prosecutoln of th e c r lm ln » U ^ _; Asher B. Wilson told of tt mecUng ^

— o t- th e ~ i^ t£ m -re g lo n a l_ * c o tn m ltt« irL — attended by himself and Mr. Chap- ^

I -- egtttea from Montana. Arizona,- W ^ m - 5 ^ . . .u ig , wew Mcxlco"Uh<i UJlomdo,—ho-

said, predicted tha t th e ” Dcmocrats ^ would carry their slates. Ke said S«i

) th a t m e Republican - party had been t; enabled to secure offices although in p

th e m lnol'ty, because the DMnOSmita and Progressives, while accepting the

-8 a m e -p rin d p le 9 ,-h a d -b e e n -d lv |d e d r ^ H e said Uie Democrata should gtfT 100 per cent of the Progressive vole and

■ Uie voU» of thousands of Bepub- Ucans who were tired of Uaist and power company domination.

I T. D an Connor was elected chair- ^ ) m an and Ouy L. Kinney secrctaiy. „ /

a fte r the convention was called to ^ order by Juneau II. Shlnn, chairman

I of the DemocraUc oounty centralcommittee. The convention chairman „ ‘ named the chairmen of three com- P®' mlCtees which were formed ns fol-

5 lows; ^Credentials—T. M. Robertson, clialr- ^

roan; O. M. Capron, A. D. WUson and J. D. Barnhart.

Permanent OrsanliaUon — Alvin Hajtoour. chairman; R. W. WUson. W. f l P . Alworth. R. B. Morehouse and „

I Chester O. A. Dlvelblss. * g -Be»hiUons — W. on r Chapman. ! j .

Chairman; W. P. Cox. Juneau H. p . S W na P . i l Dean and James D.

_____________ 5?


. K lUrs. H ue]. Ropp, Putnam. Okla* Jo:

I bom a. received severe lacerations of Uie Mi------ »c»Jp-ta-an-« trtom rtU e-«eold«iV -cn . ini

th e Old Oreeon 'n o il about one mile e n t ttf PUer shcrtly before-^ff-otlocfc j Tue»>da7 aftemoon. p

Mrs. Kopp and h e r slx -yn r-o ld i ChUd w m Tiding m the iv a r seat of =

' t h e machine driven by her husband v b e n th e c a r was atnicle by a west

- bocBd a a tanobUe carrTlng «n Artaooa TUcenae. Mia. Kopp m ctziM£~by

n j t b f slasa and was taken to the .Tw in FaUs county bospUol for tn a t -

- 4 b 6 ju . »one of the o ther oceapanU e t titber auteblae w en tajund. BoCi

>'■ c : '. O tj- Zoan .

Willie r o iBy B OBERT QUILIEN

I "Grown-up people ^ k e ^ t i t Uke theyknow more (han kids do. but (hem q

tliree men a t (he fforate told me fo1 tvuld lick thni Jenei boy." ev

K S S a f l s s IFORECAST FOR TODAV — F.ilr Ih

and warm.

TfinperaturcH as recorded by the ali local Bovcrnment w eather cbMrver’B thtlic tn icm cicrjhow on increase In max- Pt Imums from 05 on Mohady to '8 9 'o n hoTuesday, ancL a decrease In mlnlmums cnfrom <0 on Monttay to 39, ywterday. fJi


HANSEN. Aug. 21 (Special to the News)—One of Hansen's old land­marks, the Overland hotel, has been purchased by V. B. Edwards. Montana, who is here visiting hls.daughtcr. Mrs. qqA. 0. Wheeler. Mr. Edwards states ^ th a l ho'-mdy repair the building and ^ operatti it os a ho(c2 for a time.

Rev. O ^ L . P"

d ^ i? w h ^ b ''n l^ n d in g * * th e ^ * ^ ^ of ^ihc Pacific, whlcJi Is located there. jm

Miss Geraldine T ru itt has returned £c ■from S a il L aki Clty-whtnrshe-rlslted-l-jn)with friends. 1

R. 0. Calico Is spending the week n t IdlSm ith hot springs, south of Rogerson. coi

George Truitt. Hansen freight agent, coireports tha t the outbound freight thij« .» ir.„ , tn Increasing. ______ ' coi


Mlsa Katherine Fahey of Mur-taugh was a Twin P a lb visitor Tues- “Ci

' ________________ 5 ;— — ------- - it

PA RK -rJ. w : Plgnon, Los Angeles; fuMr. and Mrs. C. L. Cook. San P ran - j acisco: Robert L. Rose, SeatUe; L. S . ),eCummings. Boise; Mr. and Mrs. O. B. ,Tracy. Boise; L. B. OrUfln. Boise; ' Larry Hansen. Salt Lake Olty: T . P. Voegell. Denver; D. W. P«ntz, Poca-tello; Leo Sessions, PocateUo; Mr. and =MrsT o . B. Wilson, San Francisco: D. ifi,P. WiUey. S alt Lake C ity; John E. qMeeke, Helena. M ontana; Mr. and dqMrs. W. P. D urant-and family. K ansas d , City; Mr. and Mrs. Oeo, B. Ainslie, C«dar-Rapld8:“ Ilr'A —Travt8^BeatUe^B.-J- ParrcU .-8alt-lA ke City: Mr. and q . -M rs .-R .-L r H avens.-8all-L ak»-C ity ;- -jp.C. R. S m ith . 'S a lt L a k e -O lty :-J . P . hu, H albm . SaU Lake City: Mr. and Mrs. „y,

. McUiigiiiiff. U u i w r i s n ; ia u : f tB ^ c a lQ D ^ R l i l e :_ Mlas_Jane Miller, SeatUe: J t o . - J a a e Close. SeaiU eTT-TTJ^ M at Moreland. SeatUe; B. B allart,Salt Lake City; D. SmlUi. S a lt Lake City; p . Morton. S a i f L ak e 'C tty .-R .P. Ballard. Salt Lake Clly. , [

■ PE R R IN E -O . I . WUrsler. Roger- bo son; W alIace~W aeM umiyrNew-Vorkr-TJr H arry lukstra. New York; Larry Diet- Ta cr. Spokane; Lela Featherstone. Nash- ett vllle. Tennessee: Mrs. A. U. Shum an, 'bo Jackson. Michigan; Stella Young. BUig r . ham City; E. Sorensen. Bingham City; Mr W. E. S teers and wife. Bob«: H. Mr S tewart. Odgen; H. W. Stock*. Cham - ifo berlln. South Dakota; S. H. Mitchell cL<w and »-Ue. Boise; w. T. Howard, wife _ and daughter. Denver; P . S. Kill, Boise; Paul 8 . A. Beekel. Botse: Wm. Moryon. Everett. W ashington: Z. A. Bosen and wife. Salt Lake C ity; J . , S. Vandenberg. Salt Lake C ity; O . O. J Yeatla. wife and son. AbUane. Texas;Mrs. K. Enocks, Paoli. Penniylrania;Ellis L. Bloom. Spokane: W. P. HiUsbrand. Chicago; H. B. King. Al- Mo; W. W. Stalker and wife. Denver;O. H. Pettftrew . Ausun. Texas: P . M. i Purcell. Denver; O tto Buerger. Den­ver; Miss LoPetie Dahlqulst, Oakley;P. N. TuUork and wife. Rubovale. Cal­ifornia; Ernest M. Russell and wife. G reat Bend. Kansas; Mrs. A lbertPor- rest. Boise; Mrs. Earl Parrety. Cald­well; w uinifred Largent, c la rk iw n . W ashington; Al V. Andersoi^ Salt Lake Clt)'; M r.. aad M n . earyent. Kahlstus, W ashington: Peroola Y. Johnson. Bellingham. W ashington: M n . 8 . E. LarquUt, aa rksto ft. W ash- ington-,_________________________

' ROGERSON-^ P. B. Sm ith. Botse:P. W. Stodriclc. MinneapoUs; R . a


D A I L Y N E W S r g W P J - F A :

1 M L 8 BM E J DBOPSJilFllir^

"llF fE flBgFI:0#A irp la n e C a r r y in g M r s . L io n e l “

D e a n a n d P i lo t F o r o c d D o w n „

■ r i r n f f f l '* " " D«{r «

E s c a p e s w i t h M H r a r i n i n r l s r "- y<

CoiiKht by a down d raft wluic It ^ banked an a turn, the biplane owned i by Lionel A. Dcun und carryUig Mrs.: Dean and Jiiines Tate. pUot. wnsl forced down a l 7:45 o'clock last]"* cvenloK Into Perrlne couJee ju st acrosfcVfQ ihL- hlKhwny to the south of Twin I Fulb ctmctery about one and one* 1 cjuurier miles cast of Twin Falbi. I. Mrs. Diran suffered a* sprained rlKht ankel. a cut on the lower Up and;>< minor bruises. The pilot received a ,^ ' broken noce. Extent of damage to | lhe p lane-cau ld not be definitely, o.iccrtalned last c-;t-iilng. 1“ '

Mr.-:. Dean and Mr. Tate had bcen f“ aloft but a few m inutes on the pJane’c third flight sincc It-t arrival In Twin Palls Monday morning,' when the mis­hap-pccurrcd. Tlie -orafl-w as flying- -D, ea-itw-ard from the Dean landing' ‘C field, one mile caat on Uio Klmber- St ly road, tyid was, banked on a left tu rn over the J, H. Grieve ranch, preparatory to re lum ing to the field W when ft down d raft Just over tin* tu coulee caught the plane. Tlie .-ihli) to was seen to rock and immediately! afterward want into a side slip from which If failed to recover' and b .

-plungikl noNO first into Uie walerr, iic of tho coulee. a

Damare Betfevcd »f(cht The entire engine and the greater

p art of the cockpit were submerged, T he loft wUigs were damaged by a willow tree whicli th e plane -clip-1 ped In Ita downward journey. Tho propellor was broken away and the

-Enpjjorts—o f - th e righ t wings dam - . . •aged:—Mechanics - who • went to the *” • craft's rescue slated th a t the land*Ing .gear was apparently unhurt. Mr. ibean stated last evening th a t he did

Mr. Tale said th a t the motor was ..I Idling and the plane moving a l a [I comparatively low speed when It cn- countered the draft. When he felt . the plane s llp p l^ , he opened the controls but the c n f l was unable to pull away ' before striicmg lli^ . ground. Tho ship was flying nt un altitude Of about 75 feet when the q accident ocCured. Had the plane ‘ twen flying a t its usual cruising speed, 100 to 105 miles per hour, it n-ould l)avo been saved., Mr. l ^ t o suited th a t th is Is his da first m lshar it* *"y M*- rat34«e hours in th e air.

Repair work on the plane wlU .be­gin Immediately, Mr. Dean stated last evening, and the mishap yester* £ , day will In no way alter his plans. he said. ^

Mrs. Dean had* recovered from- Uie pa shock of the crash and was resting sle easily a l her home ,last evening.

N utUll and wife. S alt Lake City; A. ™ G. Avery. Pocatello; H. P. Watson, lei Boise; C. W. Buckley, .Boise; Dad nu Clawson and famUy, S alt Lake City; Jack Lynes and family. Boise; J. S. th T J» a ie n ro re B t-P a its; c ; -B. - fttosherr — Boiw;—Chaa—OotUieb._ ClnncinnatU: _ -Jcsr-R ayr-C inclnnatU ; A. A. R ath- g r bum.“ S a lt Lake.'~M r: ^n d~^t^s. -w . C. ' ar Block. Portlanrtr P. X, Doench. Boise: I pn

- wal.nn » A__Wn„nnr ' H ,iU addao t: S. S. CTark. Logan._A..H. j c Shaay.--Berkeley.. Calif om la ; . .C . . M. ed R um ll. 8pokane;'B arl Lasson. Oakley: re Don Wakefield, Odgen! Archie Payn. Ooose Creek.' U tah ; H u n te r ' Nelson'. Oakley; C. M,' L in d .,sa lt Lake City; vv A. W. Jensen. Boise; Charles Haffke. m Boise; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson, -Brooklyn. New_lYorki_E._M.:_Wtimer,::;ih Twin Falls; M. A. Cairoichard. Ever- tja e tt. Washington; A. O. Croft and wife, te Boise; Earl Cooke. San Francisco; J.R. Faus. Santa Monica. California; * Mrs. Faus. San t4 Monica. California; Mrs. E. B. Balder. S an ta Monica. Cal* ifom la; E. T. Dusenbury. San Fran* cLko .

A “B U Y ”J o rJ u ^ i c o t f ^ j r c s s b n n e t o r t


^ ^ ^ ^ G A S O U T I E

f ia w a a s e w w m r ercA U w aiea

4 a S .- I -D A H 0 ; W E M C E g

B R E V ’f T I E S.i. I llpn ia from Balt-taU«—AcHr-Niiisoo, -

■attorney returned - yesterday from a vliflt to Sa lt Lake. , ---------------— ■

- Leaves for OdKn—Mr.i. Spencer MIU ler left, yestertay for Odicra lo visit ‘

- frlcnrfi., and-Jglatlvf^ . - -

------ VC1(i*~rh'"»Iariauiiir'="M Er’THecttr ‘Herrick le ft yester'day for MurUugh

I to spend a few days visiting relatives.

f U ccn scd 'to Wed—Harold Franklin'' and R w Mayne, boih of- Rupert. rccelvcd a morrtagc Uccme here yes-

* Mlsfourl V lslto^-A . J. Davis arrived ~ yesterday from Scdalla. MUsourl, to

, ipffld H few weeks with l>l-« ion, O. S. j ,Davis. • / '

•j Cu«jt from Texa*—Mrn. O. G. Yate^ •, I arrived yesterday from Abilene, Texac „ ;to spend some Ume with Mrs, O. W.’ GerrKh. -

I Here from Nc*- Vork—Mrs. Spltzen I ^:'and her daughtibr, Jacauelln. arrived J ■ycslcrday from New York lo vUlt Cliff iJEmcrlclc and (amily. ')t — ------- I,-! Here for Visit—Ml.« Enid Rae Ry-

[dalch arrived yesterdoy from Burle.v , i to spend a fotv days with* her sister. jfMJss M.1KOICC Bydalch: J

On VacaUon Trip—Mr. and Mrs. ’;.J3. .0 . ,Plcrce..and. daughter. Imo^ene. ‘' left Monday oh their vucaUoh, In 'th u ‘. Sawtooth mountains. *

Make Extended T rlp -M r. and Mrs.I W. o . Sm ith and children have re* .• turned from three .Heeks m otor trip ) to southern California., I I

Return ,to Toledo—Mr. and Mrs: H,B. .Mahon left yesterday for Ihelr

- honic In Toledo, Ohio, a fte r spending li a few days here on business. c

■ '* cOn VWt lo K an«a*-M r; and Mra. e

Cliff Pierce and son Jack lefl yestcr- t day, by motor, for La Rae. Kansas, to t spend a couple of weeks'visiting re la- d

I Uves. c— » c

Oregon Gnesta-.Leave—M r-and-M r»r M. T, Johnson a n d ‘family of K lam a- n th Ftills, Oregon, lett yesterday for r Burley, oftcr spending a few days with friends here.' S

u n u usinen vistl^—0.' R."Hlincy Of " Minneapolis, Minnesota, arrived yes- )< terday by m otor' on a brief buslneu .visit and is a guest a t the home of _ his brother. Wt p: Haney; ^

cf San F ^ c i c o ~lert "^ywterday^VS Nampa, to visit her daughter. Mrs.O. D. Karri*, a fte r spending a few days here on business. ^

Guetta from California—Mr. and. - Mra. A. O. Jain and son arrived Mon-

: day from Sacramento. CaUfomla. and P . a ta —vliltlnc nt the-hom p—of—Mwi- •*

Ja in 's sister. Mris. E. S. Pltzwater. , k c

G ae iti from IJM Angelea—Mr. and Mra. O, R. Stowell and-daughter. M ^t E ith e r Stowell, of Los Angeles a ra 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. WUbur S. Kill, enroute to Yellowstone naUonal park. Mra. Slowell and Mrs. HIU are y sisters. • ^ _

Conclade Vblt-^Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Hlcka and chUdren who have been VlslUng their aunt. Mrs. W. H. Dygert, le ft Tuesday for ’the tr home In Sol- m an. Nebraska. They loured the West as fa r a s Vancouver, and also went through Yellowitona.parte.....

—Gaeci*..of. Jetom a..Rotarians—Con- g r« u n » n AddUon T . Sm ith and Col-

~ gg t l C. L, Luimley uf UulM- u'citr . gueaU ywten3fly a t a Itmchcon meet-

. Jeromf> CongreMman Smith d lrxim . ‘ ed procedure in iha naUonal house of representatives. ,

'A ttend Pariy CoodaTe..—'.Asher B. Wilson, Idaho national committee* man, and W. o r r Chapman, T«,-ln Palls county_sUifi-£PinnilitCfm5a_DL.

:_thfi.DcmocraUC-party.,relumed ycsU^r. cfajr from S ait Lake where Uiey at-, tended a regional conference of


A p a c h e

^ B a n d “ z m :

. D a n d n g

10:30 to 1 3 0


S a^ g ^ R N T N rT . AUG T H E j C A M E R A F C

IfERBERT HOOVER and Mrs. Hoovei (he roof of (heir California hom<

DemocijiUe parw ^ loaders of eight western sta les.-y i*

Home from Utah—Mr. nnd Mrs. Mitchell W. Hunt returned yesterday from SaU Lake where Uiey attended the dlatrlct mceUng of the Klwanls clubs Of Idaho and Utah last week a n d ' la te r vlsUcd- relaUvcs. __O the» from here a t th t meeting were Mr. and iHrs. • CharJM D. Thomas and Judge and Mrs. 0 . P. Duvall.



Twin Palls municipal band appears In repilar-weekly-conccrt-tom orrow - cvenlng In the city park a t 8:13 o'clock. Members of the band s la t­ed th a t they were well pleased wlUi tlio manner In which parents and tho local police maintained quiet during the last week's concert. Some complaint had been made about chil­dren playing about the band stand during former concerta and the.bandi-

more quiet a t ensuing programs.Thursday evening's concert pr»«

gram ;March. "Roland," Allison.Overture. “The NAlad q uWIC -RSPr

lison.Piccolo Solo. "The Humming Bird,"

Domarc.Sclolst. d ia rie s O. Dumas.

^•Salh^Trf,m bane.'.L Fillm ore,. Interml&slon.Selected, "Prince Charming.*' King. "Song of Uie Volga Boatman," R us­

sian melody.March. "Laddie Boy." Ray.

_ "S tar Spangled Banner,"The band and the •music lovlns

public, vere greaUy pleased with the Ti-riy Hit Iflnal pnllBi and thn panmln kept the children quiet a t th« last concert. . ' \

NEW BRUNSWICK taoorda- ereryIDursdar a t Dzahaoaav.-^Atfr.

News -Wimt Ads teach th a peopto yon wlih to a ttrac t. .

W righ l



T a k e a Loo-A t t ^ e e n d o f t h e su m m e r , crisp,.\ d a r k c lo th e » M o th e w h a t w ill b e w o r n t h i s f .ex tr e m e ly la tc 'r e a t in g a n d i

C h a n n iiij

F o r c r e r 7 'O ccM »0 n ; h e r e i in g n o w ozu l i n to f a l l , t r s ta ti ir a n d v e lv e t , s im p le :

____ to e v c f y ^ d a y t im e _ h o u r . ~

JGUST 22^-1928. ;

roEC ow sTotiticst^

over oblUe’ lhe camera men by posing on lome.

C O N G R E SSM A N S M IT H T O A D D R E S S M . W . A . M E E T

lrs . _____t*®? Congressman‘Addison T . SmlUi has

accepted an invluUon io addresa members of U » Modem Woodmen al Amcrica a t a meeUng of m em bos ol th e ordcr_throughout southcm Idahc to be held here next"Seplcm ber 10

“ ** Paul SmlUi. district deputy, nnnonnc. ed last evening.

The meetUig is -to be held In con; section with commoferation of .seVer years of service rendered Sor th e or-

R T der In. Idaho by J . W. Babcock ai sta te deputy. Mr. Babcocic and J W. Simmons of Portland, Modem Woodmen head deputy. wUl attend and~take 'pM T m -thft'm eetU ig.

im D EM O C R A T IC K E Y N O T E .S - S P E A K E R IS S E L E C T E D

Ul! Oeorge Donart, prom inent attom cj md and democratic orator, 'wJll a c t a d ,. lemponuy chalim an and deUver the

mrSTiDte—addrtss—a t—the-D em ocrallc — -State cou rentton -a t-G m n g ev llle . W TO'


In The Years ’T Wui your child*Yhlnk t

ng. school days? I t m ay h us- . th a t the chUd U laboi

Make sure, school is on a thorough eye 'examl; specially of examlnUit

tng \ aiO-J' or write for api th e . - _ ..............

lait • --■■■ ParrotfiO rer 18 Teoi

t n .

ipto P

\ / Q \

lokijat th e F ir s t Ite r , o n e 's 'th o u g h ts . io v o J u n ta r i l y t i th e l u x u r y o f f u r , A n d i f y o u w o s f a l l ; t h i s c o lle c tio n w l l s h o w it id in s p i r a t io n a l .

'■ c o a ts $16.50 t o - W S O '

ng F a ll F ro c k s I N ew Colors:::^

e ifl'a'ftroclc to meet i t f ^ k s of trimmed with tiers, pleatings, li

le: ah^ ^stinsuished. ' Frocks of i . ' In lovely autnmti tones,-in iim

DRESSES 59.95 to ?35.0

ts is s s a e s B S - ^ g g B s = » ,on r- Chapman, . c h a t t y .cu ^ com-

' m lttee which m ade .the.ttlectlOQ.>:an. . iw uneed here 1 ^ . nights. O ther,m em - ' hers of (be committee .appointed by

chalnnan. , were. ' Za , li. • Sortcnshaw. S S j ; P:'-X.- M c0au. iu«>»r. o : h . :vvilwn/ soda' 8pclQgs;-.«nd Ramsay M. WaOcer, Wallace; v : ' • . ^

-------- '~ L ^ a m t ^ t » l 6 p h s P P ^ jL . . . jZ j .~ ~ r Thr T f o 5 m lng~ g>nw rw B lctr ~

hanuolng birds (heir p a o s : I t mad« b> the .w iiici -TbeM b e a t 'th a all- with ' auch extreme: ra p ia ty tba t tha bU'da

I are ab le to •tao^fStlll or-polBO Iq tba 1 ■' air. . ; ■'


n of _ r - , .'

©fltee ]t c ^

D e i i c i d u s -

• r n An 0 1 ^ by telephonewUl E D bring prompt deUvery

Phone COSimcy

™ w , - 1------- - _ . , I


■s To Comenk Of your ncgiect~<lurihg in<5 'ly happen if you aro not sure a b o r i^ under an eye strain.I only a few days aw-ay. Have am huU on now. Wc make a nlng children's eyes. Phone appointment.

E f 0 p t t i i l X 6 r ~ ^ ■Teora In TwUi FaUs


W rig h ts

W r i g h t ’ s

ForD r e s s e s

F a ll F ash io n s■ t u r n t o . th o u g h ts o f f a l l— t o ‘ W o n t to fre t a f i r s t g l im p s e o f

7 i t t o 5T3U, Y o u w ill f i n d i t

N ew S ilk s,

I o f s h e e r c re p e s t o b s j r i i r w s ^ — ” , l i n g e r i e to u c h e s . F r o c k s o f •5f s h e e r w ool c r e p e s , a d a p ta b l e l I« i^ ,to _ f it_ c v e ry f ig u r e ._________ _

5.00 ' '. ^