7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K...

. C ltyE diU o^ft r ^ m . Vol. IS, No. SOS, it Diefendorf Into Cou Purchasir Ptate Official Ac- cuscd of Violating Idaho Statute • Issues Statement BOISB, Dec. 1—Stato Com- mlMloner' of Finance Ben Dlclcnaorf WM halltd ln» nrdbatc court late today by Knrl Evana, public accounts director, and eharged wUh buying a bond In 1934 as-, jicrtedly In violation of an Idaho statute. | Tho complaint was filed a kw houn s»er Wlills ModnU. Ada counljr proeecullns attorney. Rnd Ariel Crowlfj'. »ulsl«nt «Uora«y Kcntral. lisutd JtalcmenL* rllmlnsl* Jns tliB Imnirtlalc probability ot a itrand Jury ImwURailon of Ei'aW elmr(ff» of '’Irrcgulnrltlfa In *lalo government.’’ , Tlie comiilaint nsalnst the W- )t»r-Bld conimlMloner. *lio w u ap* iwlntcd by Oovtrnor C. Den Roa mx years nRo, ws* aljncd and tiled P , liy &iins. I,, Rtltaaed «m UOO Bend , ____ Al aoon aa notified of tb« tliln; nielendorf and Ms attomey.*Dean piif DrL-i<ol!.*BPi)ea;ed bctare Probate S H Jii(I;e Jacluon. Dletendort'va.s rc* U ll ]rn!>rd on B lemporary bond ot UOO. Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy nunl.«linble by a Ilne of J5000 nr impriwnmenl tor not more than Jive yeani. •'Tlie commissioner of tlnanee Is tlie licKi of three con-wUdatcd de* Tlir( r.nrlmems, all surrounded with many .. •-trrhnlraflawand-dttalls.--------------------' "I ara no lawyfr. but I have eon- iiucted the departments to the vc0 best of my nblllty with absolute fair* ji-M and hopoly. ' •■If there were any rlolatloM of Sno h v . they w re purely leehnlcal-'Tl* dry n olatlons of lam unknown to me. andn uiihout protJt to myKU or damaje while to anyone. , vulei _________ _Jf<eml_Opfn.___________ 'Tlie record U open to InipeeUon f™" mid If. atUr.monih* et unfriendly inrcrtlgttlon. thla U’thf ntent of *'5 ^' -titr*»le?nI>rrenrdotofthUj^ • In ot(lc<. I think tny retdrd-apeaki Jor llself." ihreai Told of Uie eharse against lhe ecmmlsaJoiier, Govcnior Rois said: •* “ "Dltfendorf bought tlie bond In* nocc!iUy luid wlUioul any ld«i be ‘ m 'A 'AS vlolaUnc (lie law. He paid par north nnd accrued Intvren. Tliere was no tempt lou lo any govemmenlal unit. .Tlie uirou trniuaclJon In myludgmcllfft'U wioiT ])iir«Iy leclinlcal. nia al The complalnl cliarged Dlefendorf of Ihi ]iurcti3Md A elty of Kdlogs Mnd lield by lilm as part of the aaselj of - • the Uimbermen'a Slate Bank of 81. The Maries - cloMd and In his hands for a l Pi (Continued on Pafi 2. Col. 7j -------------- .r ----- ------- --- - »-j ----- ^ -------- I and J L ights W s: SHADOWS ,.s In Day’s Eventt E .'l Tlic C my Ttie A-'Mclntcd r^e.u) S '‘‘ ' Uke. No Respcctejs of Lawa— i«rt« INTEIINATIONAL PALLS, Mlim. 'Hie Canatllan*Amcrlcaii boundary , Jicre Is Jusl an Imaginary line to a ' band ot beai-ers *o cwtoni otflclals Ten .Ite forcetl to lolcrate llielr "up* Piiiwrvhfd fiilrj- jnlo lhe Unlled WtilM, »or« nia'Caiiadlati beavers live on nalny River Uland bul aelected the ^'lic.H American ^l1orc for wood and food »u|iplle!L American properly omcrB, complaliilni; about (he damage, SEAT R>ked tliul the bca*u iZ.'-deporlcd." ( •■Deporlnlloii" muil wall unlll Hiring, however, because Uie ulale samo and flali department nilcd the ^ lurbearcra Inviolate during Ihelr 7 '" winter slumber. under Wrong Ploluro- 22 OHICAOO-A patrolman'* point- Tj,e ed remark'was ao devastating to jm 76 Kdward Kublk'i alibi Uiat a crlm- liDl court Jury look only two mln- ____ utes to Itarl him back to prtwn __ Ior.a life term under the liabllial \j criminal act. < The 3}.year-old paroled burglar -jmia-ttio-min-poiice-caiicnrMiniina — a druR Itore miut ha«-e been tome oilier fellow becauw hc was'playing l)lnoetile tn a Monlrow avenue n])artment. He descrlt>ed lhe “apart* ment." A patrolman testified (he Mont* _ « :c . nvcmie_nddreM wm_a city J , 7 ’ immplni: staUoti. In tho BuBk— ,' SS ABERDEEN, 8. .0. - Municipal m an,' Judge Oeorge W. Crane's decision Unllec ))ataplin»«d the old saw lo »how a “Thi fox In hand Is worth iwo In the U.e b( : biLdi. favora i Waller Pcrrlii Ml a Irap for a fot. caller I Tlie animal drpped inlo K but dcr a Kamprrfd awny wlUi the trap aiid Pen W oj capliireU b>' a nelghborlnj man, farmer. secrete Judge Crane luliil oiil Pehln's compa clajni 104I1CI(i\ lircji^c llf Iiatl nol y. nJ ’’xtducct^ U to la«iut ^M (iloa." [liuuipi E “ s r j s i s ‘° ...... f Hailed J J irt For d ng Boiid li . . Accused Mari ^ -------- Dl -Th Alas) Ihei old Itlmc uiclr > “Inla tliclr New llrcmc en I i lioust; IlllllPlllllllll^Jlg Prti KN blEFENDOTF. idah® e e m * '^ '’* mUiloner «f finance, answrrsMn proAate court at IIoIm ie a rliarge V "'.,' Sf^uylnr a bend In vloUtl.n ef I**' . seekln; __________________________ Defc iM iii i lELIfFTO FlELir: awjt ------- tho lr lircals- o( Dust Storms “ g -TcrrainatclliLKansas ___ ji " l" and Ol<lalioma ™ "' ' >— dred c iDy Tlic Aswcbied Preu) Sau F SnoT tnd rain brought reUef lo paratH y wheat fields of wcsUm Kaosaa a|>oren ■dnoi^wes'ttm Oklahoma tonight, tl'it “ Ule a cold wave spread over the T^« al«m state*. prttlplUUcn nnjfd upwird s n o of an Incini'areatTJeBar 'Siloir uuas, to JO In tlie Oklahoma pan* qI jI o tc ndle. It relieved wheat flelCt Jn iha no tf ^f'Sslatwe to prerent mstiy. ■aUon and terminated Immediate ' reats of fall dust stomiv Some > ■Ids already had sUirted to blow |„dcr ft result of conUnued dr>’ wen- , "• a IcUe In all the eutem sUte* In llie accusti rthem half of the c«unlo'..the P. W* mperature was below freeilnc — JTT roughout the dny. Uiere wns tome . ow III CoIoffdoTTDitiMiroklatllP' T^TT » and New Mexico, but over most nfl the nation (he waiher was fair. rhe Qpldest weather reported’ w u Of Pulaski, New York, where Uie ’ |i| Tiperalure dropped lo 2S Islow ro. Other cold spots Included . > ranae Lake, Near York, 24 belor <t Kane. Pcnnsylranla, 31 below. uUn rhe warmest bli elty in'the ceun- r, r wna Miami, Florida. wlUi a mint* ira of 72. Traffic tn the Erie canal wa.^ dc- •cd by Ihc Jnlow) ceJd as sludge started lo solidify. Approximate* 100 ba^^■.1 were caught In th e l” ^;, / . A lug fiank under Ice pressure, 3ci-cnty-(hrec vewcls bound from . ke Superior lo llie-souUi were re-1, rled locked Jn-llw ice. bul rhlng nperalure.t during ttu day wme* I n.,jf lat allayed fear* that they mlghl Iw >»■ I set Ihrough. i°U ;' remiiemlure lows for llis day rr-1 Pollc rted In varloua Mciion^ ol ih c .a e rj li untry Included tlw following: New Ihert. irk Clly. 13 above lero; D<-vil'»' Tlm ke, NorUi Dakola, elghl above: io;clht ilc.tgo, 22 above; Boston. 10 above:' ..mldin I coldest December 1 In <9 year^.: rr.slnur ------ ^ --------------- I Ollie lATTU BtDDEtt LOW I'i" ” ON 8ANDPCINT UNnERPA-'iS, , BOISE, Dec. 1 t iv H . C. Maloti ^oiiie t SealUe was (he low bidder lodnv. 1 An a til an offer of $ n j2J, for con-'»er.'fi uellon of a concrete and strrli .Dr. ;derp.ia.j under tracks, of tlie'jihyMcl irthem Paclfle niiway #t amfl-'iiim in Int. , itlie »hi me engineer’* cjtlmate wai'ine."! 3,761. '«rc U N a t i o n ’s ,‘I d e a l S e c r e l a StenographersltoJE 3ALT U K E CITV, Dee. 1 M’y - ' ’Tha icrlea's red-haired "Ideal mcic- "Tlie ry" advised sicnograiitierj uactlvt -oughout the land tonlghi to de- Oood lc op personal charm as the grtal- 10 do (KWltiJfl MMt.---------------------.c/urm_ U.’s almost lllerall; true tlut an .ind Is pibyer.ls no belUr Uian hli tcc- Ilcve. U ary," said slender lllUe Fay Nc»- "Jf* ,n, •M, ” MIm Amerle.V’ ot Uir 'pell at lied Slates secretarial world. lallon The :ccrelar>- ts ihc •froni” fnr if a gli i bOM, and If she makes an un- tier nra orablf Impression upon an nlUce P«tllon ler she placcs her emp'ojer un- MW ' a tiandicap al Uie ttO' ft.Ti " natlona Vnonal charm, lays Ml« New- builnas n, covers Uie entire ranse of ai-ldeat rctary's suecw.^, Tlie prlnclp-il home, npanenH of llilt charm nre uitl- quit? a nJniiUlllliy _ and a Kiir.' ol tiul her apr. ldfKn-6 ■! ACCCR ' ^ . nviN' iEH lEw iiPEsoB UMRCHI Al arilimc Union.Chicfs Push m* Drive for.Wider Backing; uon U.'S.•Chartered Food ww Ship Sets Otlt for ,A!asl<a ln«! iBy Tho Aswclaled, Press) 6AN FRANCISCO, Dcc. 1 ■The govcmincnt*chartcred nn catncr Arctic started for I aska today In the role of Ul k emergeney ship, - making e first brcaJc In Uic month- PL i shipping tleup, while mar* hr mc union leaders pressed clr. new campaign for ftn liand march" in support of Qgyg <cw itrlko calls Brought marine S emen-and stilp radio telegraph* 1 Into.tha easl.coast tlilpplng Ikout and a lew mors ware- usts afftllates ot the longsliore- ■n, left thclr Jobs l i e r e ._ _ ’resident Harry BrldgiS-Or Uie isi International Longshore- ji-s assoclfltJoJi and Harry Lund- •rg of the Sailors’ union ot lhe nclllc awaited Ijie arrival of tlie :llc in Seattle and made plans ' eontlnuB thclr ieries of speeches ®‘ ^ king ••InUnd'’ backing. ® jeforo a mass ifieetlng last’night dges announced lhe longshore- ■ ''‘“J” a would enter pollUcs and would lUnuo llielr “ever-widening; In- ' d march until every port.U 100 •■'luerir •ccrit union." •; J Patrol! on Waterfront n llie face of police thlcata to Pror Clt pickru stopple; vehicles, followi Iruck driver*' union began on bishop antotlon campaign In Uia Los Tlie sclcs harbor area. Scores of ipe* Icism I offlCfn!_?’cro__ealied to pa^oj, preced lerlront (horoughfarei Uie b lie warehousemen, several hun* “must d of whom are cn strike In the polntt i Francisco bay area, ara eom* ' t •atlvely new allies of the lonR* oeel iremen, having affiliated with £<]«*[ .t unlou. ' —— :iie truck drivers have do con* (Cc lllon with Uie-marlttai8 union* ; come wimin Uio category of la in rken consUertd by waurfront im il oirieadets-ai-potcnUallr-ralu-- | lU a to a projectea “solid Iront" in non-rtllroad transportation In- Bridie* Aetoie* B New Yotk, Aiepli Cumm, a , ler of-lhe lank-nnd-flle'eosl st seamen’s .sUlke, mado pubUo Infgr :Uer allegedly w lueu by Bridges ustnj I. U A. President Joseph . A nyan of uilng eaitem longihom* (Continued on Pagg 2. CoL 2) MfHiiirf (OSTSWlBli . . in Battle Breaks Out in ycTiow Front of.. Downtown • EATTLE. Dec. t i n - Two men killed and a third terlously nmti iiiiied here, totilglit In a gun bat* ^ In front: of a downtown c*fe. g lie dead are: champ , A. Simon, <0;'and-VlrgU Duy* nn. 40. who police said were Fit- '“*• ' ley. br nseda Patron, JS. also described pollco as a Plllplno. lay . ser* Oy Injured In a hospital. ollc« aald Simon and Patron •J leadpn In-llle Filipino colony lm Uiree men had been eaUng oilier nearly an hour when ahola y . y - ilinly rang out as they left tbe nuranl. ■llier patrons'ducked under la* <as the shooting slarted. Wben niinhi< ce arrived, BImon I.iy dead ond i.u"” angan died'jn an ambulance cn le to a hosplUl. ' " . n autcmaUc pUiol and a terolver h„7,,u';; found at the scene. qS, T. O. J. Blende, elly hospliol in- Mclan, said Patrdn multertd to ^ I m-thc ambulancB that l*e did • (Co ShooUng and “then Virgil abot ’I have a'hlrlng hall ond they r n o j e tryingto'cut ln.on me.“ LUfl lary’Advises " ' p | JtteyclopJCharm - rtiat l u t Is very Importont. lie eirnUal element of an al- 81 Ilvo peraonalliy u happines*. d looks don't aeem lo hare much do with'dcrelopmenl of real' ■ ^ : ’« ma5ily..*mcaC4l Quality .ipAR U most easily acquired. 1 be- idered . through personal happiness.' wtnlni f V ‘" '• “ Unlled I a-cll and to type and toke die- one-ek in rapidly and accurately, but Lesta Rlrl should -«k me. I’d advLie aew?m '^ ‘.‘oca'UvaieatileasantdU- n?te l w Newman w « icicclcd at Uw U v ^ t onal convenUon of Alpha lo u Phince "f® u the hoped nt •cretary,-’ since returning ceoL :e, she admlu, ii ha* become T^i* ral^ktoIlveuptothetlUfr. h«pre«til employer* agree abe F«„cl, n-M It. • J TR'ATE-'Kii JCSBOCrATED 7 A LL IN-FALLS, roAHO,.W^NESDA 88 WPA Women jlD D Take Over City I U il Council Chamben ; ii PLEAflAtnTOji, H. J.. Ii I W>-Elghty eight women took II nrer the clly counclltg cliambcr* . lonlght and announced they I wuldn't budge unUl their WPA f wojecl, abandoned today, w u r t - I mmed. . ' ' All head* of families, Uie worn* :n had been working In two saw*. .ng rooms set up by Uie WPA. rOrei Diey made eloUilng for distribu-. [ - lon omonj relief famUle*. rf Oeor»8 IU Swlnion. regional . iVFA dtrector.-sald lils office « u > AQ «ger to conUnuoUiq. project, bul I -r. :lly officials objected to ipend- ' n< money for malerlals. ' J (I ------------------------------------- Spa illlMDPiG r ------- tlmn overnmsnt l.caders Seel< Solution of Problem Affecting Crown a i Vince LONDOK, Dec. : Ml - Govern* rnt leaden lonlght louglit 0 *o- :lon for the most, feriou* problem recUnj the crown In recent year* fCfnr GdwantH otJaclimenJ ,/or ^ allls Worfleld Blmpson-afief o ' urch blsliop’s ouUpoken crlUclsm ™ Uie monarch'* private life ttuaed e BrlUsh pres* to lift lU *elf- 21“ poted censorslilp oif'the delicate bject* 2 Drillsli *Utesmen. Informed per- . ’ . us said, were nol, however, eon- ^ lerlng special leglsUllon such as bill making ll neccs.«ry for the o„j_ lo obUiln permhslon ot Uie Ivy council before mam’lng. • «cond Prominent provincial ncw»iiaper* bm k, lowed with editorial comment Uie gnaln. hop of Bndfonl’* declaration. £d(r) me Yorkshire Post, Implying crlt- jupporl sm of Uio monarch almost un* ixxiy i fcedcnted In modem llmcj, aaM s' blsliop,-Dt'a; W. P.-BIuht: ing, iiut hava had good reason-tor *0 Inled 0 remark." • • , Disappointment EipretKd - . (jom , Declaring Uie lutllbn's hope UuC „.rc(n, iward would follow in llie foot* jraw r (ConUnued oa Page 2. CoL 1) 'ininiGi _____ probabl iternational Show's Judges . Award Grain, Prizes, 'pari Stock titles ------- ' a treat :mCAOO.-Pcc. I - A Kvcre other 11 d wJifch kept WiWam H. Cun)\ The . Iky 40-ycar*okl T lp lo r county, durini liana, farmer, confined lo 'hls Frtoch neunUl today, almoat robbed him lhe Br a llfeUme Uirlll-that of being ttpott« pwned IMd com king of the world, ludges at Uie Intemallonal Uve- | l | n i l ck and Oraln riiowa late todty IU •yll riarrt Curry'A-lcn ean ol Reid ||L lV low dent the best’ot the export* n. Curry arrived In time to wil- nf B the nnal Judging. 1,1 »njm eome 7,000 head of callle U( Uie expoalUon. Walter Blggar. lO for 13 yeara has come from itland to Judge litic animals, lodsy VVestC med O. Page, on Aberdeen*Angits. . ni the Oklahoma A. ond M. cot- lO e. SUllwalrr. Oklahoma ,Uie grand tmplon 193S steer, Hie slc«r, college offlcIaLi u ld . * (ed a simple diet of oats, bsr- WASI ; bran, com and hay al lhe SUII- Wcsten ter Instltullon. proccsK -Epponlon Ui9 BghUi of Rose- ricullur ■re.’’ a iwo-yeir-old Aberdeen* day sou gus bull, bigger and sleeker Uian ““ ure I ; name. *011 ilie gmnd champioii* Atuio ;p of the biwder* In hli c lw for 1 ovnm. Coiicdon and Baillci. klmn. WaililiiKtori. , r.. “i""X .™ irked up for Mate unlvcmlilM. wyomln nois- follfse nf agrtcullure exhl- , 1 ,'"^ lon, a BouthdOTO lhal w6n ,,o„ long shecii. nnd Kentucky Uklng jftUyg nirple nbbon slth a pen of three the prw jUidoiiiJ. ' Ilual ac )klatioiiia Arrlcurtural and Mln-: meUiod : cclh-gc won both reserve cliam-; sugar sa (Continued on Psge 2, Col. 1) : tuna ih ------------------------ I they rer lIEtBlS fllfflll'p ___________________________ Exi iglslators Discuss. Twelve« Billion Francs as Ten- tative Finurc Promt ____ dcnl of 'ARie. DcO-.Cfl’=f.1?n« ered WiilKrit 'he [lOMlblliiy of Ilng out Iicr »nr dfbl to Uie lied Slate.' by juylng roiiglily ^ i-elghlh ol itlwrrlie owcj. gialaUon #gblators. Ill'' imiM railly biij- teresled 1 eemenl the ruvrrnment ot Prc- tax upon ff Leon-Dlum may make, tib- wiUj »hi sed 12 billion fraiiw os a lenla- none.” > figure »hlfh lliey Ui'iiisWl 'No a ince could r^>' >*rid which Uiry | he sold, )«1 Uic Unlled fiiaie.t would nc-1 predict w L . . I Iiave on •hi* figure, aiiiirotlmalelr 1 Charle ■m compsrr' wliir (tie w s i .s’cbraska EDPBESSNEWSPATEB^J .S DA SDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, mil ITS |K inm 1 ICilL ■oreign Secretary Promises | Protest Beforo League'— Against _0|her fiatlons’ B Taking Sides in. Spain I <Dy Tlte Auoclated Press) Spntilsli Socialists last night lunclicd an attack on the apiiAl of thclr Fascist c;ic- ile.^ us new moves were ladQ In Europo to keep the i>nfJlct localized. H Madrid's defenders,- In ghting labeled “fiercer H mn ever" by tho war min- try, drove out tho ihsurg- Iti holding lhe Cllnlo hospital ^ llio nofUiViestem edge of the ipltal. A double-barreled eoclalUt od* H ince toward Burgos, seat of the uclst JunU: Whipped forvard wtheail of Bilbao. ■»( Rnmmoned to Debate The League of Kallons council as (lunimoned lo meet Decerhber ttijfe ) In Oencva In a sesalon request- Bid I by the Spanlsli Madrld-Valeii- ^ a govenunent lo debate Qemun B fri ;id Italian recognlUon cf Fnjclit tneral Pranclsco Prtfico. ’ Mr Tlie house of commons in Lon- 90 Kl. afler hearing Foreign Secre- iry AnUiqny Eden announce Oreat rliain would protest to ihc com- illlce for iion-lnten'entlon In [ B f l (Hln against foreign clUzens flghl* |H | lg In the clvU war, passed the eond reading of 0 govemmenl II lo prohoblt am u *hlpmenU to rm naln. fja Eden pledged the fullest BrltUi | M pport to the non-lntenenUon M H dy Ihough he lald he was dlt* UitJfdwllh.lhe way ll was .work^ ■ IH Dlaenlee t« Peace ills declarotlon that “some na- ms are nol tlrlcUy . observing llie reement and ore running the risk of doing dlsservlee to llie *«* lUitcnanca of peace In Europe" mo while tho Oerman embassy London w u denying reports ichlng official BrlUsh quarten It between J.OOO and 5,000 Oer* ai“ i'omntcccs-landcd-ln-8p«ln t = Join Uio InsurgenU. . nlormed aources In londm- lald ^ ench . .and Brltlilt pmposabwior ^ f * idUtlon in the Spanish struggle k J L )bably would btf made before the ■thcomlng league council teulon. Franco-MUA Pact ’ARIfl. Dec. 1 (fl>)-Oreat BrlUln d Francc. It was reliably report- « , , today. Iiave concluded formally L O lll treaty pledging each to aid the ier If she were aiucked. fTw lomtlUlta wwe w rtnl 'out rlni a* visit by Crales Corrln. 3Kh ambassador to London, at 1 Brillsh foreign office. It was Mrted. phane ______________ _ fierce MFEIlIRi The eslemers Seek MelM ”1™ to Assure Grower eascisu Parity Prlcc .Ualvcrs VAfllUNaTON. Dec. I (-V; - wcslcrn ateni sugar beet gronxn nnd uurgent « isor* In o confereiiee wllti a«* driven iillure department officials to* nouncet / soughl a leglsIaUvc melhod to ure Iho erowcr parity prlcc. ^t t Ulhough no dcflnlle recommrn* nitlltia Ions were niads for new sugar opened Isbillon, conferees tald, dlsci»- j,„„ IS offered o sround work leom .j,,. d to«rd*‘?S[l"s"wr m to r Joseph. C. 0-.Mnl»>iiey .. '‘ll® ' ombg Democrat, and auUior of “ . " sugar quou conliniiliiB rrwlu- J I last year, said Uie clilef Db* Jve waa to delcnnliic shpilier processor and grower “by mu- P««b I aBrewncnf could llncl tome; — Lhod of dlstribuUng proci'edJ of;- a r soteo more equtiably. Orowera are nol receiving the re- US they did under Uie AAA slicri p„, 1 rereh-ed benefit paj-nienta uuo*! lio l ted b / Iha pnttiiinz lax." hr; ha senator said he attended the terenee aa an ot»’r\cr (o ob* —— I daU useful In drafilng IrglsU* CHEV I to aupplcnienl, the proMi'rs re- Tlio "go I. ~ hlg are Exc^Taxo*rmillilliir“ ' Ihrough R-esdsc-augar-tax-lu-fliwitce back,— cflts. OTiftlionry uld, louinca as wUhlllly." alUiough Ui.il source Ijcnent paymenu ’'liai been m *>Id da>, picture alwaya." Bciiier, ronk Kemp, of Denver, prcsi* I of Uie Oreat Western Sugar rop<-i'i pany, said Uio confcrtcs up. I "id for ■nuytookltforgranuritliecuo. --Today y itc n would, be eonllnued. go In fo wtsson. be said,.Iwd an defl* icwl no recommendaUon* for new le* bafore 11 lUon but were-''inlenifly In- r.toleiica lied In Uie effect of a procc.Mlng times lii; upon Uie Industry as compartd o.ry I what might bo If Uierc were - to conclusions were reached.” lald. “becoutc It li dlfllcult lo ® | let what effect sucli a ta* would I on sugar price*.”- larles M. Keamey. .of Morrill, ‘"fo raska. president of the UnTlonol ' ' ‘'*re tt were wo rouUnucd on Pago 3. CcL U ’ 'quieted 12,1036 Roosevelt, Depicts H< Against^ \Vhere Nations Seek ^HBilKi' 1 :^1 1E9IDEHT'ROOSEVELT, openinr ib« tm s of .21 Dalian*' ttpretenUllrcf ol America* stand ‘thoolder to ihmlder* luU (apper Hghtl. ct ArgenUwt oddi for ewrdlnatlon ot peace InatramtnU i he eoTenant et (he League of Naden*. B< [mslonal palaee where the peace eeagn Jpmn Hiilis ' Against R( alumna Of Intcrnatioi Rcinforce Madrid’s (By the Assoclaled MADRID, Dec. 1 — The Spanls nnged Its civil war.plan tonight f rcc attack.. Mmost rinsed by Insurgent nrml y's gates for nearly a month, th light hurled countcr*attackcrs ai idrid fronts. •. ' At the same time Rovcmment tn jngcd attack on lhe Fas-*~’~ I capllal at Burgos. rhe • weary defenders of Br idrld, /fcshpncd by.Btrony imiU' of Iniernatlonal otiU- cbis, fought snd. war mlnlslty clais aald, won o 12*hour baltle ke ly for Uie cllnie hosplUl In Uie Qna vcrsHy-Clty section on Uie norUi- 'jib lem edge of the elly, 7110 In* n n ;enl captoni of the lioiplUl wera to I 'cn out. the war ministry nn* netd. MllltU Opens Fire ward t the name Umo govemmenl WAI lla, ciilrenclicd In Vallescos, -botii led vigorous ftre on Uie Phsclsl der : 1 around Vlllaverde. WJZ lie war niliiUlry announced Castl T offensives tliroughout Uia day. udor lie Bosque mllllU from Bilbao. jn i-fts said, wenl Into ocUon'ol i,ave a. placing Vitoria “in danger." presI teiwrU from Bilbao said Uie ifoni lue* captured Vllorla). wme tscbiu defending Uie Oviedo re^ or ei Conllnoi-d on Page 5, CoL 7) lanchers Plan New‘. Catch Up Witii ( ilEYENNE. Wyo. Dec, 1 (Al — “Wc ‘■good old cl»5’.s'' of cattle ru*U- It.” « l are 'gone—but many rancher* of tlii* ughout the Wc.*.t wL'di they were the ne was much ea^ler In Uie “good days" for ranelicrs to band to- [j‘ er, round up ihe rustler* and ' oul Ju-Mlce on the end of-a -tllll! Kttllne the jnaltcr one* 'lh?« day..ho*en:r..llic_Wcsl doesn'i wrmll I for weh sudden JusUce - al jrom , not to lhe extciil of the days |{ re Uie raitlem look lo tnicklng m e t | II calUe acro.u stalcllneii, some* ^ s liundrcds of miles from where ,\j w-cre loaded on llie range. , rado.* sides tracking a rubber-Urcd Mexico c. capable of CO miles on hour “SUt 1 on a good highway, b a lot and If rent from tracking several hun* curb tti cattle acrou the dusty prairie not tto some secluded feeding nound Such r the thieves. In (he days 'of old, by Tlu wont to Iiofe up unUf things (lon'n c ;(cd down." Januar mm Lusto WUU u n io o t or - __________ aMoCTATED ntgaa At Buenoj [emisphere WarOf Agj i k Peace Formula B ^ rn r ~'t ll’' I'TnHJiBH H P iiin K ZV ^P^ Bl Pru velt, peac shou and wara 1 HI toat I ** ^pui slono ■UK||gm mally !joSKf*WmBuaa«M I ino< Jbiii unem [flniW B IM M iM lyl Thl Roo*( progn 1.6 Proc« cnUc bemli "vu Aner togeU sfan H H H i’iM tS IH H fll ^ ^ condll |H |K m «ggM Pw B includ est-pi !<>■ tre«d( ibe lnter*Amerlcas Feaeo eon- omoni : ot Ditenea A im ; deeUred the what er* agolnai attre«loa. 7r«*ldetit cldol* iddre«lng Ibe'eenferenee, ealled Ing *i U onasr AiMrleoa Botfeu wllb oenU . Bdaw I* ihewn Argentlao'a Con* * Bgreu eenwaei ' -___________________________ TTie ^ S o p s -| tebel Liness ______ lyln ional Anti-Fascists prgj d’s Defenders , Site nlsh govemment suddenly u*tor it from dogged resistance to (Cl •mles that have lain at lhe the Socialist defense Junta in i/ I agalnst_the-Fascistj on all troops were driving a two- || Broadcasts From South; America Cabfi NEW YOIXK, Dec. : m - ^ iroadeast* bn Wcdnetday from lie Inler-Amerlcon.confcrcnce I Buenos Alres are oimounccd 0 Include (time is MounUln landard); ttllAF-NBO 4:30 p. m.. Ed- n,u*l ■ard Tomlinson commont; juthm VADC-CB8 4:3S. II. V. Koltcn* toty c. otn: WADC'CBS B:30, Alexon* n,o5,|g er F. Vrliltney, tJ £. delegate; route VJZ-KBO 8:15, Dr. Pranclsco jekt astlllo Najera. Mexican ambas- idor to llie V. S. bultdli In addition boUi NBO and CBS virgin ave made plam . lo dc*cribo hand' Tesldcnl Roosevelt’* departure crowdt «ni Buenos Alres. expected norUi ime Ume In the late loftemoon cd on r early e»-enlng. . . Ills ~ K. Bui I Aflc: ‘Justice’ to . S' Cattle Rustlers S ' I hlghwi Wc have lo do wmelhlng oboul uld Russell Tliorpe. who knows " T ? , lllf "good old days" as well u nitmbc lc'jLo:rcUiy_oLUit_Wi^omUu ck Growen luaoclotlon and Irman of a commlUec of Uie Na- lal Uveslock association which fiitly was named lo ’■wage war _ callle rustlers," f flFI liorpe wanu a compact among r railJc SUlo of Oj# W «l to *- mil oflicera -to trail Uie Uitevea II one suto to anoUier. Idaho WAI 1 Neinila have auch on agree- More I It. lie said, and added he hoped farmer <«• tt extended lo cover Wyom* on \VP. , Monlana, Uio DakoUs, Colo- granU, 0. Nebraska, California. New mlisloa (leo and Tuas. ^ slsted i jUte line* don’t stop Uic rustlen be disc tf we are going to effectively tlonal J thclr activities, sUte Hnes must demaml stop the .offl'cens," he expUlned. The > uch 0 oompael will be p r o p i^ nearly ■ Tliorpe at Ui» national iLUOcIa- Ings at ■f comrntlon In Ef Pno.Ttm. agaJwt uary I M t WPA it PrkTFivTceiwl = = S = = ^ S S 3 ^ IS AireiS:|| 0 United egression ’resident Outlineft;. yhree-Fold Peace Program ’oints toHTrade - (By Tht Aasodated Prtu) BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 1 - resldent Franklin D. Root^ eit, In tho historic moment' 1 a hemisphere bent .oa eace, portrayed the Ameri-' 15 UtalgM as “shoulder to louldet” against aggression- Id pledged forever against ars of conquest. His words gave the vUld taUi of Ufa to a Miemn congresi at Amerlctn. republica u tae told lem.of “oUien. wbo. drina by sr madne*! er lond bnnitr,". Ight *lrUu “agobut ua." • ■ aundlng in tha sUtely hall ct !pulle« of Argenlino’a coordi*... onal paUte. u r. Rooaerelt for- . ally opened Uia Inter-Amerleoa^ «c» coaina, whleh la ftthma, %dramaUo cUmax to two doyi of lending eelor. Three-Feia PrerraB) . Tha congreaa Iteord’ Prealdent: Mserelt ouUlne tbU Uiree*fold ogram: ■ I. StreniUienlnv ond uuityini tlw ' . ocesjcfl of eonsUlutlonal. demo* aUc goremment In'tba.ralein . imlffphera ■oad*. woldng^ilcsr .to ror mod'* natlona tbat tbe two - nerlcai stand reody to eoniult geUier in Uib event of onre*^. m from tbro»d. U Steps to prerent creaUoa o f . ndlllona ttiat giro tiae W war. ' ■ iludlng eaUbllshroent of Uw high* nxwlblntoftdard ot llTln|-,ofid-r UUcal. reUgious ond educaUonol ' ledotn. ]. A n o n free exchange of (Ood* -. lonr AnMricanjutlont,.renorlni: . lat Ur. Rooserelt Umed *W- lal" trade barrlen Uiot lower llv* t atandarda ond obllterota den-^ raUo ideal*. Wan Athailaia nio n re .of populir etilhuilum/^ i^ y ^ . 4oltewed hU. trtp donR.”'- nalpolate. . , , . Vcrowd vtiieu puked the Piatt de. mgteao — * huge aquore flre xka long ond three wide, direet* in front or UwcongitH building '. cbeercd m * ^ ta tbo riilUas (oldent reached tha plam in tn ■ tomoblle with Pretident Anmitb Juste of AwenUnt. iTesterday'a popular recepUon of -. itooienit on hit trrirtl wu tfe- ibed aa Uw freotest in ArgenUne itorr. and (odty^ detscoitntlm (ConUnued oo ^ 2 CoL S). iS lilL im jn ibfnel Member 'Thumfis' Ride, Participates In Collego Ceremony tlCIlUOND, Vo.. Dec. 1 (4V-6ec- ary .of Uie ,InUrlor-Ktmld Ii. ;ea. deUrmlned Uiol Uia “ahow lit go on," “(humbed" o ride' to ' Junoni'to-take part io o dedlct* y ceremony today ofUr hi* outo- blle had been tn t coUlslon en- ile. ckct, motoring from Washington appear at Uia dedication of new Idlngs ot the Medlcol collegt or glnla, suffered o cut on bli lefs id ' when lil* auiomoblle w u wded from Uie highway ten miles til or FVederlcksburf and plung- over an embankment. Assistant Injured lls admlnlsttttlvB osslsUnt. E. Burlew, 7^ cut sllghUy. Jlcr Uic crash.'which wrecked lr machine tnd allghUy Injured L ElUabeUi Ltrieles, 4P, at ©kl>^n. ceeapuit ot onotJwr ar. es and Burlew alood on tha tiway and “Uiumbed" t ride from S. Vardeman of Alexandria, wbe ught them to Richmond. [alf an hour late, Uie cabinet nber arrived a t Uie Medical eol- *. donned cop and'gown wlUi remor-Oeorte- 0 ,- pMry.-iftyoE— mer Brighl and Uie college f»e« r. irmers Protest At Slacki^Of Relief fATOlTOWN. a D., D «. 1 tn :t Uun 150 coddlngton counly ners, demanding relnsutement IVPA rolls or larger resetUement [jt*, occupied Uie c»unly com- dooen’ room liere Uday ond in- ,, rf oil rural wcrk relief projects discontinued tmUl sUU qr na* Jll relief ofndali oct on Uitlr- landi. fie demonstioUon hera followed rly a doten other protest mcet- Bl various polnU In tha tUta w t jtmei^al . 01 fannen tnm ■- ireUi. _ . ’v-'-';

Transcript of 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K...

Page 1: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

. C l t y E d i U o ^ f t

r ^ m .Vol. IS , No. SOS, i t

Diefendorf Into Cou Purchasir

Ptate Official Ac- cuscd of Violating

Idaho S tatute •

Issues Statement

BOISB, Dec. 1—S ta to Com- m lM loner' of F inance Ben D lc lcn a o rf WM h a ll td l n » n rd b a tc c o u rt la te today by K nrl E vana, public accounts d irec to r, a n d eharged wUh buy ing a bond In 1934 as-, jic rted ly In violation of an Id ah o s ta tu te . |

Tho c o m plain t was filed a kw houn s»er Wlills ModnU. Ada counljr proeecullns attorney. Rnd Ariel Crowlfj'. »ulsl«nt «Uora«y Kcntral. lisutd JtalcmenL* rllmlnsl*

■ Jns tliB Imnirtlalc probability ot a itrand Jury ImwURailon of Ei'aW elmr(ff» of '’Irrcgulnrltlfa In *lalo government.’’

, Tlie comiilaint nsalnst the W- )t»r-Bld conimlMloner. *lio w u ap* iwlntcd by Oovtrnor C. Den Roa mx years nRo, ws* aljncd and tiled P , liy &iins. I , ,

• Rtltaaed «m UOO Bend , ____Al aoon aa notified of tb« tliln;

nielendorf and Ms attomey.*Dean p i if DrL-i<ol!.*BPi)ea;ed bctare Probate S H Jii(I;e Jacluon. Dletendort'va.s rc* U l l ]rn!>rd on B lemporary bond ot UOO.

Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy nunl.«linble by a Ilne of J5000

“ nr impriwnmenl tor not more than Jive yeani.

•'Tlie commissioner of tlnanee Is tlie licKi of three con-wUdatcd de* Tlir( r.nrlmems, all surrounded with many ..

•-trrhn lraflaw and-d tta lls.--------------------'"I ara no lawyfr. but I have eon-

iiucted the departments to the vc0 best of my nblllty with absolute fair* ji-M and hopoly. '

•■If there were any rlolatloM of Sno h v . they w re purely leehnlcal-'Tl* dry n olatlons of lam unknown to me. andn uiihout protJt to myKU or damaje while to anyone. , • vulei

_________ _Jf<eml_Opfn.___________'Tlie record U open to InipeeUon f™"

mid If. atUr.monih* e t unfriendly inrcrtlgttlon. thla U’ thf n te n t of *'5 ^ '

-titr*»le?nI>rrenrdotofthUj^• In ot(lc<. I think tny retdrd-apeakiJor llself." — ihreai

Told of Uie eharse against lheecmmlsaJoiier, Govcnior Rois said: •* “

"Dltfendorf bought tlie bond In*nocc!iUy luid wlUioul any ld«i be ‘ m 'A'AS vlolaUnc (lie law. He paid par northnnd accrued Intvren. Tliere was no tempt

■ lou lo any govemmenlal unit. .Tlie uirou trniuaclJon In m yludgm cllfft'U wioiT])iir«Iy leclinlcal. ■ nia al

The complalnl cliarged Dlefendorf of Ihi ]iurcti3Md A elty of Kdlogs Mndlield by lilm as part of the aaselj of -

• the Uimbermen'a Slate Bank of 81. The Maries - cloMd and In his hands for a l Pi

(Continued on Pafi 2. Col. 7j-------------- .r ----- ---------- -»-j----- -------- I and J

L i g h t s W s :SHADOWS , . s

I n D a y ’s E v e n t t E . ' l• Tlic C

my Ttie A-'Mclntcd r^e.u) S '‘‘' U k e .

No R e sp c c te js of Law a— i« rt« INTEIINATIONAL PALLS, Mlim.

'Hie Canatllan*Amcrlcaii boundary , Jicre Is Jusl an Imaginary line to a ' band ot beai-ers *o cwtoni otflclals Ten .Ite forcetl to lolcrate llielr "up* Piiiwrvhfd f iilr j- jnlo lhe Unlled WtilM, »or«

nia 'C aiiad la ti beavers live on nalny River Uland bul aelected the 'lic.H American l1orc for wood and food “ »u|iplle!L American properly omcrB, complaliilni; about (he damage, SEAT

■ R>ked tliul the bca*u iZ.'-deporlcd." (•■Deporlnlloii" muil wall unlll

Hiring, however, because Uie ulale samo and flali department nilcd the ^ lurbearcra Inviolate during Ihelr 7 '" winter slumber. underWrong P lo lu r o - 2 2

OHICAOO-A patrolman'* point- Tj,e ed remark'w as ao devastating to jm 76 Kdward Kublk'i alibi Uiat a crlm-liDl court Jury look only two mln- ____utes to Itarl him back to prtwn _ _ Ior.a life term under the liabllial \ j criminal act. <

The 3}.year-old paroled burglar -jmia-ttio-min-poiice-caiicnrMiniina —

a druR Itore miut ha«-e been tome oilier fellow becauw hc was'playing l)lnoetile tn a Monlrow avenue n])artment. He descrlt>ed lhe “apart* ‘ ment."

A patrolman testified (he Mont*_ « :c . nvcmie_nddreM wm_a city J , 7 ’

immplni: staUoti.

In tho BuBk— , ' S SABERDEEN, 8. .0 . - Municipal m an ,'

Judge Oeorge W. Crane's decision Unllec ))ataplin»«d the old saw lo »how a “Thi fox In hand Is worth iwo In the U.e b(

: biLdi. favorai Waller Pcrrlii Ml a Irap for a fot. caller I Tlie animal drpped inlo K but dcr a

Kamprrfd awny wlUi the trap aiid Pen Woj capliireU b>' a nelghborlnj man, farmer. secrete

Judge Crane luliil oiil Pehln's compa clajni 104I1C I(i\ lircji^c llf Iiatl nol y. nJ ’’xtducct^ U to la«iut ^M (iloa." [liuuipi

E“ s r j s i s ‘° ......

f Hailed J J ir t For d ng Boiid li. . Accused Mari

^ -- - - - - - - Dl

- T h


I h e i old Itlmc u ic lr

> “Inlatliclr

New llrcmc en Ii


I l l l l l P l l l l l l l l l ^ J l g Prti

KN blEFENDOTF. idah® e e m * '^ '’* mUiloner «f finance, answrrsMn proAate court at IIoIm ie a rliarge V "'.,' Sf^uylnr a bend In vloUtl.n ef I**' . seekln;

__________________________ Defc

i M i i i i lELIfFTO FlELir:

a w jt------- tho lr

l i r c a l s - o( D ust S to rm s “ g

- T c r r a in a tc l l iL K a n s a s ___ j i" l"

a n d Ol<lalioma ™ " '■ ' >— dred c

iDy Tlic Aswcbied Preu) Sau F SnoT tn d rain brought reUef lo paratH y wheat fields of wcsUm Kaosaa a|>oren ■dnoi^wes'ttm Oklahoma tonight, t l 'i t “ Ule a cold wave spread over the T^« al«m state*.

prttlplUUcn n n jfd upwird s n o of an Incini'areatTJeBar 'S iloir uuas, to JO In tlie Oklahoma pan* qIjIo tc ndle. I t relieved wheat flelCt Jn iha not f f 'S sla tw e to prerent mstiy.■aUon and terminated Immediate 'reats of fall dust stomiv Some >■Ids already had sUirted to blow |„ d c rft result of conUnued dr>’ wen- ,

" • a IcUeIn all the eu tem sUte* In llie accustirthem half of the c«unlo'..the P. W*mperature was below freeilnc — JTTroughout the dny. Uiere wns tome .ow III CoIoffdoTTDitiMiroklatllP' T^TT» and New Mexico, but over most n f l the nation (he w aiher was fair.

rhe Qpldest weather reported’ w u Of Pulaski, New York, where Uie ’ | i |

Tiperalure dropped lo 2S Islow ro. Other cold spots Included . > ranae Lake, Near York, 24 belor <t Kane. Pcnnsylranla, 31 below. uUn rhe warmest b li elty in'the ceun- r , r wna Miami, Florida. wlUi a mint* ira of 72.Traffic tn the Erie canal wa. dc- •cd by Ihc Jnlow) ceJd as sludge started lo solidify. Approximate*100 ba^ ■.1 were caught In th e l” ^;, /

■. A lug fiank under Ice pressure,

3ci-cnty-(hrec vewcls bound from . • ke Superior lo llie-souUi were re-1, rled locked Jn-llw ice. bul rhlng nperalure.t during ttu day wme* I n.,jf lat allayed fear* that they mlghl Iw >»■ I set Ihrough. i ° U ; 'remiiemlure lows for llis day rr-1 Pollc rted In varloua Mciion^ ol ih c .ae rj li untry Included tlw following: New Ihert. irk Clly. 13 above lero; D<-vil'»' Tlm ke, NorUi Dakola, elghl above: io;clht ilc.tgo, 22 above; Boston. 10 above:' ..mldin I coldest December 1 In <9 year^.: rr.slnur

------ --------------- I OllielATTU BtDDEtt LOW I 'i " ”

ON 8ANDPCINT UNnERPA-'iS, , BOISE, Dec. 1 t iv H . C. Maloti ^oiiie t SealUe was (he low bidder lodnv. 1 An a til an offer of $ n j2J, for con-'»er.'fi uellon of a concrete and strrli .Dr. ;derp.ia.j under tracks, of tlie'jihyMcl irthem Paclfle niiway #t amfl-'iiim in Int. , itlie »him e engineer’* cjtlmate wai'ine."! 3,761. '« rc U

N a t i o n ’s ,‘I d e a l S e c r e l a

— S t e n o g r a p h e r s l t o J E

3ALT U K E CITV, Dee. 1 M’y - ' ’Tha icrlea's red-haired "Ideal mcic- "Tlie r y " advised sicnograiitierj uactlvt -oughout the land tonlghi to de- Oood lc op personal charm as the grtal- 10 do(KWltiJfl MMt.---------------------.c/urm_

U.’s almost lllerall; true tlu t an .ind Is pibyer.ls no belUr Uian hli tcc- Ilcve. U ary," said slender lllUe Fay Nc»- "Jf* ,n, •M, ” MIm Amerle.V’ ot Uir 'pell at lied Slates secretarial world. lallon The :ccrelar>- ts ihc •froni” fnr if a gli i bOM, and If she makes an un- tier nra orablf Impression upon an nlUce P«tllon ler she placcs her emp'ojer un- MW ' a tiandicap al Uie ttO ' ft.Ti " natlona Vnonal charm, lays Ml« New- builnas n, covers Uie entire ranse of ai-ldeat rctary's suecw. , Tlie prlnclp-il home, npanenH of llilt charm nre uitl- quit? a nJniiUlllliy _ and a Kiir.' ol tiul her

apr. ldfKn-6

■! A C C C R

■ ' . n v iN '


■ Al

a r il im c U nion.C hicfs P u s h m*

D rive fo r.W id e r B ack in g ; uon

U . 'S . • C h a r t e r e d F ood w w

Ship S e ts Otlt fo r ,A!asl<a■ ln«!

iBy Tho Aswclaled, Press) —6AN FRANCISCO, Dcc. 1 ■The govcmincnt*chartcred n ncatncr Arctic started for Iaska today In the role of Ulk emergeney ship, - m aking ’e first brcaJc In Uic m onth- PLi shipping tleup, while mar* h r mc union leaders pressed clr. new campaign for ftnliand march" in support of Qgyg

<cw itrlko calls Brought marine S emen-and stilp radio telegraph*1 Into.tha easl.coast tlilpplng Ikout and a lew mors ware- usts afftllates ot the longsliore- ■n, left thclr Jobs l i e r e ._ _’resident Harry BrldgiS-Or Uie isi International Longshore- ji-s assoclfltJoJi and Harry Lund- •rg of the Sailors’ union ot lhe nclllc awaited Ijie arrival of tlie :llc in Seattle and made plans ' eontlnuB thclr ieries of speeches ®‘ ^ king ••InUnd'’ backing. ®jeforo a mass ifieetlng last’night dges announced lhe longshore- ■''‘“J” a would enter pollUcs and would lUnuo llielr “ever-widening; In- ' d march until every port.U 100 •■'luerir •ccrit union." •; J

Patrol! on Waterfront n llie face of police thlcata to Pror Clt pickru stopple; vehicles, followi

Iruck driver*' union began on bishop antotlon campaign In Uia Los Tlie sclcs harbor area. Scores of ipe* Icism I offlCfn!_?’cro__ealied to pa^oj, preced lerlront (horoughfarei Uie blie warehousemen, several hun* “must d of whom are cn strike In the polntt i Francisco bay area, ara eom* ' t •atlvely new allies of the lonR* oeel iremen, having affiliated with £<]«*[ .t unlou. ' — —:iie truck drivers have do con* (Cc lllon with Uie-marlttai8 union*; come wimin Uio category of l a i n rken consUertd by waurfront im i l oirieadets-ai-potcnUallr-ralu-- | lU a to a projectea “solid Iront" in non-rtllroad transportation In-

Bridie* Aetoie*B New Yotk, Aiepli Cumm, a , ler of-lhe lank-nnd-flle'eosl st seamen’s .sUlke, mado pubUo Infgr :Uer allegedly w lueu by Bridges ustnj I. U A. President Joseph . A nyan of uilng eaitem longihom*

(Continued on Pagg 2. CoL 2)MfHiiirf(OSTSWlBli

■ ■ . . ■

in B a ttle B reak s O ut in ycTiow

F ro n t o f .. D ow ntow n •

EATTLE. Dec. t i n - Two menkilled and a third terlously n m t i

iiiiied here, totilglit In a gun bat* In front: of a downtown c*fe. glie dead are: champ, A. Simon, <0;'and-VlrgU Duy* nn. 40. who police said were Fit- '“*• ' ley. brnseda Patron, JS. also described pollco as a Plllplno. lay . ser*

Oy Injured In a hospital. ollc« aald Simon and Patron •J leadpn In-llle Filipino colony

lm Uiree men had been eaUng oilier nearly an hour when ahola y . y - ilinly rang out as they left tbe nuranl. ■■llier patrons'ducked under la*< as the shooting slarted. Wben niinhi< ce arrived, BImon I.iy dead ond i.u"” angan died'jn an ambulance cn le to a hosplUl. ' " .n autcmaUc pUiol and a terolver h„7,,u';;

found at the scene. q S ,T. O. J. Blende, elly hospliol in- Mclan, said Patrdn multertd to ^I m-thc ambulancB that l*e did • (Co ShooUng and “then Virgil abot ’I have a 'hlrlng hall ond they r n o j e tryingto'cut ln.on me.“ LUfl

l a r y ’ A d v i s e s " ' p |

J t t e y c l o p J C h a r m -

rtiat l u t Is very Importont. lie eirnUal element of an al- 81 Ilvo peraonalliy u happines*. d looks don't aeem lo hare much do with'dcrelopmenl of re a l ' ■ ^ : ’« ma5ily..*mcaC4l Quality .ipAR U most easily acquired. 1 be- idered

■. through personal happiness.' wtnlni f V ‘" ' • “ UnlledI a-cll and to type and toke die- one-ek in rapidly and accurately, but Lesta Rlrl should -«k me. I’d advLie aew?m

' ^ ‘. ‘oca'U vaieatileasantdU- n?te l

w Newman w « icicclcd a t Uw U v ^ tonal convenUon of Alpha lo u Phince"f® u the hopednt •cretary,-’ since returning ceoL :e, she admlu, ii ha* become T^i* r a l^ k to I lv e u p to th e t lU f r .h « p re« ti l employer* agree abe F«„cl,n-M It. • „ J

T R 'A T E - 'K i i JC S B O C rA T E D


88 WPA Women j l D D Take Over City I U il Council Cham ben ; ii

PLEAflAtnTOji, H. J.. IiI W>-Elghty eight women took I Inrer the clly counclltg cliambcr* .lonlght and announced they Iwuldn't budge unUl their WPA fwojecl, abandoned today, w u r t - Immed. . ' • '

All head* of families, Uie worn*:n had been working In two saw*..ng rooms set up by Uie WPA. rOreiDiey made eloUilng for distribu-. [ -lon omonj relief famUle*. • r f

Oeor»8 IU Swlnion. regional .iVFA dtrector.-sald lils office « u > AQ«ger to conUnuoUiq. project, bul I - r .:lly officials objected to ipend- ' '« n< money for malerlals.

' J (I— ------------------------------------- Spa

illlMDPiG r------- tlmn

overnmsnt l.caders Seel< Solution of Problem

Affecting Crown a i— Vince

LONDOK, Dec. : Ml - Govern* rnt leaden lonlght louglit 0 *o- :lon for the most, feriou* problem recUnj the crown In recent year* fCfnr GdwantH otJaclimenJ ,/or allls Worfleld Blmpson-afief o ' urch blsliop’s ouUpoken crlUclsm ™Uie monarch'* private life ttuaed e BrlUsh pres* to lift lU *elf- 21“ poted censorslilp oif'the delicate bject* 2Drillsli *Utesmen. Informed per- . ’ . us said, were nol, however, eon- ^ lerlng special leglsUllon such as bill making ll neccs.«ry for the o„ j_

lo obUiln permhslon ot Uie Ivy council before mam’lng. • «cond Prominent provincial ncw»iiaper* bm k, lowed with editorial comment Uie gnaln. hop of Bndfonl’* declaration. £d(r) m e Yorkshire Post, Implying crlt- jupporl sm of Uio monarch almost un* ixxiy i fcedcnted In modem llmcj, aaM s' b lsliop ,-D t'a ; W. P.-BIuht: ing, iiut hava had good reason-tor *0 Inled 0 remark." • • ,

Disappointment EipretKd - . (jom , Declaring Uie lutllbn's hope UuC „.rc(n, iward would follow in llie foot* jraw r

(ConUnued oa Page 2. CoL 1)

' i n i n i G i_____ probabl

iternational Show's Judges . Award Grain, Prizes, ' p a r i

Stock title s------- ' a treat

:mCAOO.-Pcc. I - A Kvcre other 11d wJifch kept WiWam H. Cun)\ The .Iky 40-ycar*okl T lp lo r county, duriniliana, farmer, confined lo 'hls FrtochneunUl today, almoat robbed him lhe Bra llfeUme U irlll-that of being ttpott« pwned IMd com king of the world,ludges at Uie Intemallonal Uve- | l | n i lck and Oraln riiowa late todty IU •yllriarrt Curry'A-lcn ean ol Reid | |L l V low dent the best’ot the export*n. Curry arrived In time to wil- n fB the nnal Judging. 1,1»njm eome 7,000 head of callle U ( Uie expoalUon. Walter Blggar.

lO for 13 yeara has come fromitland to Judge litic animals, lodsy VVestCmed O. Page, on Aberdeen*Angits. .ni the Oklahoma A. ond M. cot- lO e. SUllwalrr. Oklahoma ,Uie grand tmplon 193S steer,Hie slc«r, college offlcIaLi uld.* (ed a simple diet of oats, bsr- WASI; bran, com and hay al lhe SUII- Wcstenter Instltullon. proccsK-Epponlon Ui9 BghUi of Rose- ricullur■re.’’ a iwo-yeir-old Aberdeen* day sougus bull, bigger and sleeker Uian ““ ure I; name. *011 ilie gmnd champioii* Atuio ;p of the biwder* In hli c lw for 1 ovnm . Coiicdon and Baillci.klmn. WaililiiKtori. ,

r . . “ i " " X .™irked up for Mate unlvcmlilM. wyomln nois- follfse nf agrtcullure exhl- ,1, ' " ^ lon, a BouthdOTO lhal w6n ,,o„ long shecii. nnd Kentucky Uklng jftUyg nirple nbbon slth a pen of three the prw jUidoiiiJ. ' Ilual ac)klatioiiia Arrlcurtural and Mln-: meUiod : cclh-gc won both reserve cliam-; sugar sa

(Continued on Psge 2, Col. 1) : tu n a ih ------------------------ I they rer

lIEtBlSf l l f f l l l 'p

___________________________ Exi

iglslators Discuss. T w elve« Billion Francs as Ten-

tative Finurc Promt____ dcnl of

'ARie. DcO-.Cfl’=f.1?n« ered WiilKrit 'he [lOMlblliiy of Ilng out Iicr »nr dfbl to Uie lied Slate.' by juylng roiiglily ^ i-elghlh ol itlwrrlie owcj. gialaUon #gblators. I ll'' imiM railly biij- teresled 1 eemenl the ruvrrnment ot Prc- tax upon ff Leon-Dlum may make, tib- wiUj »hi sed 12 billion fraiiw os a lenla- none.”> figure »hlfh lliey Ui'iiisWl 'N o a ince could r^>' >*rid which Uiry | he sold, )«1 Uic Unlled fiiaie.t would nc-1 predict w L . . I Iiave on•hi* figure, aiiiirotlmalelr 1 Charle ■m compsrr' wliir (tie w s i .s’cbraska

E D P B E S S N E W S P A T E B ^ J


mil ITS |K i n m 1I C i l L

■oreign Secretary Promises | Protest Beforo L eag u e '— Against _0 |her fiatlons’ B Taking Sides in. Spain I<Dy Tlte Auoclated Press) ■

Spntilsli S oc ia lists la s t n ig h t ■ lunclicd a n a t ta c k on th e ■ apiiAl of th c lr F a sc is t c ;ic - ■ ile. us new m oves w ere ■ ladQ In Europo to keep th e ■ i>nfJlct localized. HM adrid's defenders,- In gh ting labeled “f ie rc e r H mn ever" by th o w ar m in - try, drove o u t th o ih su rg - Iti holding lhe Cllnlo hospital ^ llio nofUiViestem edge of the ipltal.A double-barreled eoclalUt od* H ince toward Burgos, seat of the uclst JunU: Whipped forvard wtheail of Bilbao. ■ » (

Rnmmoned to Debate The League of Kallons council as (lunimoned lo meet Decerhber ttijfe ) In Oencva In a sesalon request- B i dI by the Spanlsli Madrld-Valeii- ^ a govenunent lo debate Qemun B f r i ;id Italian recognlUon cf Fnjclit tneral Pranclsco Prtfico. ’ M r Tlie house of commons in Lon- 9 0 Kl. afler hearing Foreign Secre-iry AnUiqny Eden announce Oreat rliain would protest to ihc com- illlce for iion-lnten'entlon In [ B f l (Hln against foreign clUzens flghl* | H | lg In the clvU war, passed the eond reading of 0 govemmenlII lo prohoblt am u *hlpmenU to r m naln. f j a Eden pledged the fullest BrltUi | M pport to the non-lntenenUon M H dy Ihough he lald he was dlt* UitJfdwllh.lhe way ll was .work^ ■ ■

I HDlaenlee t« Peace ills declarotlon that “some na- ms are nol tlrlcUy . observing llie reement and ore running the

risk of doing dlsservlee to llie *«* lUitcnanca of peace In Europe" mo while tho Oerman embassy

London w u denying reports ichlng official BrlUsh quarten It between J.OOO and 5,000 Oer* ai“ i'omntcccs-landcd-ln-8p«ln t = Join Uio InsurgenU. . nlormed aources In londm- lald ^ ench . .and Brltlilt pmposabwior ^ f * idUtlon in the Spanish struggle k J L )bably would btf made before the ■thcomlng league council teulon.

Franco-MUA Pact ’ARIfl. Dec. 1 (fl>)-Oreat BrlUln d Francc. It was reliably report- « , , today. Iiave concluded formally L O lll

treaty pledging each to aid the ier If she were aiucked. fTw lom tlU lta wwe w rtn l 'out rlni a* visit by Crales Corrln.3Kh ambassador to London, a t „1 Brillsh foreign office. It was Mrted. ■ phane

______________ _ fierce


eslem ers Seek M e lM ” 1™ to Assure Grower eascisu

Parity Prlcc— .Ualvcrs

VAfllUNaTON. Dec. I (-V; - wcslcrn ateni sugar beet gronxn nnd uurgent « isor* In o confereiiee wllti a«* driven iillure department officials to* nouncet / soughl a leglsIaUvc melhod toure Iho erowcr parity prlcc. ^ t tUlhough no dcflnlle recommrn* nitlltiaIons were niads for new sugar openedIsbillon, conferees tald, dlsci»- j ,„„IS offered o sround work leom .j,,.

d to«rd*‘? S [ l" s"w r m t o r Joseph. C. 0-.Mnl»>iiey .. '‘ll® ' ombg Democrat, and auUior of “ . " sugar quou conliniiliiB rrwlu- J

I last year, said Uie clilef Db*Jve waa to delcnnliic shpilier processor and grower “by mu- P««b

I aBrewncnf could llncl tome; —Lhod of dlstribuUng proci'edJ of;- ar soteo more equtiably. ■ ■ Orowera are nol receiving the re- US they did under Uie AAA slicri p „ , 1 rereh-ed benefit paj-nienta uuo*! l i o l ted b / Iha p n ttiiin z lax." h r;

ha senator said he attended the terenee aa an o t»’r\cr (o ob* —— I daU useful In drafilng IrglsU* CHEV I to aupplcnienl, the proMi'rs re- Tlio "go I. ~ hlg are

Exc^T axo*rm illilliir“ ' Ihrough R-esdsc-augar-tax-lu-fliwitce back,— cflts. OTiftlionry uld, louinca as wUhlllly." alUiough Ui.il source Ijcnent paymenu ’'liai been m *>Id da>, picture alwaya." Bciiier,ronk Kemp, of Denver, prcsi*I of Uie Oreat Western Sugar rop<-i'i pany, said Uio confcrtcs up. I " id for ■nuytookltforgranuritliecuo. --Today y itcn would, be eonllnued. go In fo w tsson. be said,.Iwd an defl* icwl no recommendaUon* for new le* bafore 11

lUon but were-''inlenifly In- r.toleiica lied In Uie effect of a procc.Mlng times lii; upon Uie Industry as compartd o.ry I what might bo If Uierc were -

to conclusions were reached.” lald. “becoutc It li dlfllcult lo ®| let what effect sucli a ta* would I on sugar price*.”- larles M. Keamey. .of Morrill, ‘"fo raska. president of the UnTlonol ' ' ‘'*re tt

■ were worouUnucd on Pago 3. CcL U ’ 'quieted

12 ,1036

Roosevelt, Depicts H< Against^\Vhere Nations Seek

^HBilKi' 1:1

1E9IDEHT'ROOSEVELT, openinr ib« tm s of .21 Dalian*' ttpretenUllrcf ol America* stand ‘thoolder to ihmlder* lu U (apper Hghtl. c t ArgenUwt oddi for ewrdlnatlon ot peace InatramtnU i he eoTenant et (he League of Naden*. B< [mslonal palaee where the peace eeagn

Jpmn Hiilis ' Against R(

alumna Of Intcrnatioi Rcinforce Madrid’s

(By the Assoclaled MADRID, Dec. 1 — T h e Spanls nnged Its civil w a r .p la n to n ig h t f rcc a t t a c k . .M m ost r in se d by In su rg e n t nrm l y 's ga tes fo r n e a r ly a m o n th , th l ig h t hurled c o u n tcr* attac k crs ai id rid fronts. •. 'A t th e sam e tim e R ovcm m en t tn jngcd a tta c k on lh e F a s - * ~ ’~ I c a p lla l a t Burgos. rh e • w eary de fenders o f B r idrld, /fcshpncd b y .B tro n y imiU' of Iniernatlonal otiU- cbis, fought snd. war mlnlslty clais aald, won o 12*hour baltle ke ly for Uie cllnie hosplUl In Uie Qna vcrsHy-Clty section on Uie norUi- 'jib lem edge of the elly, 7110 In* n n ;enl captoni of the lioiplUl wera to I 'cn out. the war ministry nn* netd.

MllltU Opens Fire wardt the name Umo govemmenl WAI lla, ciilrenclicd In Vallescos, -botii led vigorous ftre on Uie Phsclsl der : 1 around Vlllaverde. WJZlie war niliiUlry announced Castl T offensives tliroughout Uia day. udor lie Bosque mllllU from Bilbao. jn i-fts said, wenl Into ocUon'ol i,ave a. placing Vitoria “in danger." presI teiwrU from Bilbao said Uie ifoni lue* captured Vllorla). wmetscbiu defending Uie Oviedo re^ or ei

Conllnoi-d on Page 5, CoL 7) —

lanchers Plan New‘. Catch Up Witii (

ilEYENNE. Wyo. Dec, 1 (Al — “Wc ‘■good old cl»5’.s'' of cattle ru*U- It.” « l are 'gone—but many rancher* of tlii* ughout the Wc.*.t wL'di they were the ne

was much ea^ler In Uie “good days" for ranelicrs to band to- [j‘ er, round up ihe rustler* and '

oul Ju-Mlce on the end of-a - tlll l! Kttllne the jnaltcr one*

■ 'lh?« day..ho*en:r..llic_Wcsl doesn'i wrmllI for weh sudden JusUce - a l jrom , not to lhe extciil of the days |{

re Uie raitlem look lo tnicklng m e t |II calUe acro.u stalcllneii, some* ^s liundrcds of miles from where ,\jw-cre loaded on llie range. , rado.*

sides tracking a rubber-Urcd Mexicoc. capable of CO miles on hour “SUt1 on a good highway, b a lot and Ifrent from tracking several hun* curb tticattle acrou the dusty prairie not ttosome secluded feeding nound Such

r the thieves. In (he days 'of old, by Tluwont to Iiofe up unUf things (lon'n c

;(cd down." Januar

m mLusto WUU u n io o t or -__________ aMoCTATED ntgaa

At Buenoj [emisphereWarOf Agj


k Peace Formula

B ^ r n r ~'t ll’' I 'T n H J iB H H P i i i n K Z V ^ P ^ Bl

P r uvelt,



1 HI


I ** ^puislono

■ U K ||g m mally

! jo S K f * W m B u a a « M I ino< Jb iii unem

[ f l n i W B I M M i M l y l ThlRoo*(progn

1 .6Proc«cnUcbemli"v uAnertogeUsfan

H H H i ’i M t S I H H f l l ^ ^condll

| H | K m « g g M P w B includ est-pi

!<>■ tre«d(

ibe lnter*Amerlcas Feaeo eon- omoni : ot Ditenea A im ; deeUred the what er* agolnai a ttre«loa. 7r«*ldetit cldol* iddre«lng Ibe'eenferenee, ealled Ing *i U o n a sr AiMrleoa Botfeu wllb oenU . Bdaw I* ihewn Argentlao'a Con* * Bgreu eenw aei '-___________________________ TTie

^ S o p s - |

t e b e l L i n e s s______ lyln

ional Anti-Fascists p rg j

d’s Defenders, S i t enlsh govemment suddenly u*tor

it from dogged resistance to(Cl

•mles that have lain a t lhe the Socialist defense Junta i n i /

I agalnst_the-Fascistj on all

troops were driving a two- | |

Broadcasts FromSouth; America Cabfi

NEW YOIXK, Dec. : m - iroadeast* bn Wcdnetday from lie Inler-Amerlcon.confcrcnceI Buenos Alres are oimounccd0 Include (time is MounUln landard);ttllAF-NBO 4:30 p. m.. Ed- n,u*l

■ard Tomlinson c o m m o n t; juthmVADC-CB8 4:3S. II. V. Koltcn* toty c.otn: WADC'CBS B:30, Alexon* n,o5,|ger F. Vrliltney, tJ £ . delegate; routeVJZ-KBO 8:15, Dr. Pranclsco jekt astlllo Najera. Mexican ambas-idor to llie V. S. bultdliIn addition boUi NBO and CBS virginave made p lam . lo dc*cribo hand'Tesldcnl Roosevelt’* departure crowdt«ni Buenos Alres. expected norUiime Ume In the late loftemoon cd on r early e»-enlng. .

. Ills~ K. Bui

I Aflc:

‘Justice’ to . S 'Cattle Rustlers S '

I hlghwi Wc have lo do wmelhlng oboul uld Russell Tliorpe. who knows " T ? , lllf "good old days" as well u nitmbc

lc'jLo:rcUiy_oLUit_Wi^omUu ‘ ck Growen luaoclotlon and Irman of a commlUec of Uie Na- lal Uveslock association which fiitly was named lo ’■wage war _ callle rustlers," f flFIliorpe wanu a compact among r

railJc SU lo of Oj# W «l to *- mil oflicera -to trail Uie UiteveaII one suto to anoUier. Idaho WAI1 Neinila have auch on agree- More I It. lie said, and added he hoped farmer <«• tt extended lo cover Wyom* on \VP. , Monlana, Uio DakoUs, Colo- granU, 0. Nebraska, California. New mlisloa (leo and T uas. ^ slsted i jUte line* don’t stop Uic rustlen be disc

tf we are going to effectively tlonal J thclr activities, sUte Hnes must demaml stop the .offl'cens," he expUlned. The > uch 0 oompael will be p ro p i^ nearly ■ Tliorpe a t Ui» national iLUOcIa- Ings at ■f comrntlon In Ef P n o .T tm . agaJwt uary I M t WPA it

P r k T F i v T c e i w l= = S = = ^ S S 3 ^

IS AireiS:||0 United egression’resident Outlineft;.

yhree-Fold Peace Program

’ o i n t s t o H T r a d e

- (By Tht Aasodated P rtu) BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 1 -

resldent Franklin D. R oo t^ eit, In tho historic moment'1 a hemisphere bent .o a eace, portrayed the A m eri-' 15 U talgM a s “shou lder to louldet” against aggression- Id pledged forever against ars of conquest.His words gave the vUld taUi of Ufa to a Miemn congresi ■ at Amerlctn. republica u tae told lem.of “oUien. wbo. d r in a by sr madne*! er lond bnnitr,". Ight *lrUu “agobut ua." ■ • ■ aundlng in tha sUtely hall c t !pulle« of Argenlino’a coordi*... onal paUte. u r . Rooaerelt for- . ally opened Uia Inter-Amerleoa^ «c» coaina , whleh la ftth m a ,% dramaUo cUmax to two doyi of

lending eelor. ’Three-Feia PrerraB) .

Tha congreaa Iteord’ Prealdent: Mserelt ouUlne tbU Uiree*fold ogram: ■I. StreniUienlnv ond uuityini tlw ' . ocesjcfl of eonsUlutlonal. demo* aUc goremment I n 'tb a .r a le in . imlffphera ■ oad*. woldng^ilcsr .to ror mod'* natlona tbat tbe two - nerlcai stand reody to eoniult geUier in Uib event of onre*^. m from tbro»d.U Steps to prerent creaUoa o f . ndlllona ttiat giro tiae W war. ' ■ iludlng eaUbllshroent of Uw high* nxw lb ln to ftdard ot llTln |-,ofid - r UUcal. reUgious ond educaUonol ' ledotn.]. A n o n free exchange of (Ood* -. lonr AnMricanjutlont,.renorlni: . lat Ur. Rooserelt U m ed *W - lal" trade barrlen Uiot lower llv* t atandarda ond obllterota den-^ raUo ideal*.

W an A th a ila ia nio n r e .o f populir e tilhu ilum /^

i ^ y ^ . 4oltewed hU. trtp donR.”'-

na lpolate. . , , .V crowd vtiieu puked the P ia tt de. mgteao — * huge aquore flre xka long ond three wide, direet* in front or UwcongitH building '. cbeercd m * ^ ta tbo riilUas (oldent reached tha plam in t n ■ tomoblle with Pretident A nm itb Juste of AwenUnt.

iTesterday'a popular recepUon of -. itooienit on h it t r r ir t l w u tfe- ibed aa Uw freotest in ArgenUne itorr. and (odty^ detscoitntlm

(ConUnued oo ^ 2 CoL S).

i S l i l Li m j n

ibfnel Member 'Thumfis' Ride, Participates In

Collego CeremonytlCIlUOND, Vo.. Dec. 1 (4V-6ec- ary .of Uie ,InUrlor-Ktmld Ii.;ea. deUrmlned Uiol Uia “ahow lit go on," “(humbed" o ride' to ' Junoni'to-take part io o dedlct* y ceremony today ofUr hi* outo- blle had been tn t coUlslon en- ile.ckct, motoring from Washington appear a t Uia dedication of new Idlngs ot the Medlcol collegt or glnla, suffered o cut on b li lefs id ' when lil* auiomoblle w u wded from Uie highway ten miles til or FVederlcksburf and plung- over an embankment.

Assistant Injured lls admlnlsttttlvB osslsUnt. E. Burlew, 7^ cut sllghUy.Jlcr Uic crash.'which wrecked lr machine tnd allghUy Injured L ElUabeUi Ltrieles, 4P, at ©kl> n. ceeapuit o t onotJwr a r . es and Burlew alood on tha tiway and “Uiumbed" t ride from S. Vardeman of Alexandria, wbe ught them to Richmond.[alf an hour late, Uie cabinet nber arrived a t Uie Medical eol- *. donned cop and'gown wlUi remor-Oeorte- 0 ,- pMry.-iftyoE— mer Brighl and Uie college f»e« r.

irmers Protest At S la c k i^ O f Relief

fATOlTOWN. a D., D «. 1 tn :t Uun 150 coddlngton counly ners, demanding relnsutement IVPA rolls or larger resetUement [jt*, occupied Uie c»unly com- dooen’ room liere Uday ond in- ,, rf oil rural wcrk relief projects discontinued tmUl sUU qr na*Jll relief ofndali oct on Uitlr- landi.fie demonstioUon hera followed rly a doten other protest mcet- Bl various polnU In tha tU ta

w t jtmei^al . 01 fannen t n m ■ - ireU i. _ . ’v - '- ';

Page 2: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

i m i H i Rr i i s p u i i- r.COeetaaed twm f m OnO

’S t tT o t hSt fither.~*’Uis veil b«* S im O«ortt. tiu Poit «X.

. pM iad ‘deep ditfppclotstU U In . ■tMd ot eoQtlnult; of m m plo U xn -thotild dm lop dispute be- tween, tho kins u d bli tmaisten, ludi u must elnoit Iceviubljr

» eoniUtutlonel luue of the m m t cbaneter.". jd n ln t w htt eppekKd to 'be «

coocerted monmenl (oward open eruiclim of the U n(^ undntlon

. vUb M n . ^ p u a , Amerian bora dlfortee, lh# Yortohlre Ohsmer a id :‘• I t e blihop w u 'Hiiht ta bli u .

M t|on’ end. tb* lu u ti now rtlsed i u i t j m i deflnlUoa ol

• cotojatloa.fetffliUUa. I t e j dlrtcU )r concen- the public uid the prl*

' vkte U m c( net oqU- the Unc but ot eU Biltlth tubJtcU, whether er <

•«.» OUT B V l>e-eonuailole*nU ot ’ the ehurch." . ‘

S tld Ihe MotUothua Joun tl: [ "K enr Unee the d i j i of the on- ‘

popultrlty of the p t* t aueen (Vlc- ‘ M l ) bew ir U l ttvbod; tpoken t

' M terlmuly tn pubUe to t British ‘ ■omelcn. l u laperiU tipect U t ‘ problem wWch oo r euJKJffi* «if J

, . . . S. Q0M Zoia 0eelsil«a A

Mrx. SimpMo departed Loadoa g to a weat 4nto jetiuilon lo u un . c dticloied r ttre tt ," l rlu d i u ld to> nllht, bectuie ihe.bcUsnd people

- were mUlDtcrpreUof her k Uo u .■ PreiumiWir.referrlai to reporti

> o t Zdwatd'i close trlcndiblp with .U n.81m pioa now w«lUs|.for ber dlroree decree trom Ereeit filmpeon to frwOTB Aitf, ebe 'yfirkiblra fee t eo&Uoued:.'"U M t people by thU Ume tre tw tre t ( r o t . detl ot tumor re-

. itrdlD i the UD| b u bten publUhed c t Uta. ia the su re MouUontl

' A aerletn newiptptit.• " » l i . p r ^ to tn » t with eon* ■

tempt mere coetlp eueh ufttquen t* I ly u looeUted with the u m e t ot ' suw petn jny»l penoni., t t e bishop ot Bndtord certainly would M t

/ htve eondeecended to reeocalie tU' o( ((ttemeaU wUch n

: b a n appeared In repuuble O nltrt r , Atates jcumali, enn . wo bellere, la iooie doffllnloQ newspapen, onnot be tiMted wllh (ptlte so mueh in> dUtereaoe. . hi

•^ .U n i .b y jn an ltc tt lD lJU ijM pi ir tT* seme c t rtsponilbiuty e tn do w no te than toy ether man-to ensure . tb t t b ll nbjeeta likewise will be ot

• o t» B W W wiUr w i t y In TBor tfl dtmeroui dayt." cll

. ' I t a Obeerrer concluded th tl 'W p - ilj reeenUUTce o t tU ehntchei will de* Bo

. lire that in eonsldsrlni the eoroat. tloa M ln 111 eite atfectlnc the Iclnc, lsothlni .ihall be done th u will sh

. attront tha conielenea ot the nation tu ~«.unileanlod.morel ettthortty which a t : tha ehuehea coUecUnty nptesent.'' Dt

' MB/ereaee, the n*7ear*ol4 Uihop ju itld ot the k inc ' bu

peaonal Tlewi and oplnloq 410 ■ are bU own, and tie h u the ^ t - o t aU ot u t to be’tbe keeper ot hU < ; fdnte-eoM deace. W

. *3 ul tn hla publlo'ciptelty a t hla hli eoronaUoa. beilandt tor the QKtUh dai people^i idea of klophlp; n r

"U b u tor *loD| ctnturlea bees, or and Z hepe lUU tl. an ettentlal pan e t that Idea that tbe kins needs (

'• tbe srace ()t Ood tor hla ottlee. . O.•TW iitmr Vl s a r n m ' t o the flal

. ladlrtdual^wiio U crowned, to. tha dar people u a whole It meaae th li wbi de<^U oa ot^ t h e ^ l l i h monarchy on

7 t» b i u ^ w » t on to lay: ~A *It would be bnproper tot me to Ur.

aay aaythlaf tieept -UTBamend lod h la aad to t i t you to eoaipieni atb him to Qodl race , which he wUJ tlor JO abundantly need, u we ail peed ^ It (for tho k ln i li a man Uke our« we: a ln s ) . It be la to do hu duty faith* _ fulty."' ®

•njcn he concluded; - "We bbpe be U aware of bU need.

. "Bome of Ul wUh he c*w more positive il|M of nich awartness."

---------------------- • WlU


IcooUnued trom Pate Oae)

plOQshlpe with a. S h n ^ r e lunb restand a pen of thrte ahxopehlres. pu l

‘nie Did Itobblni family tro a Thear«eniburf. Sidlini, kept ttp IU hot< wlnnlQC ways with shorthornswhen Browndile Sultan, a year Uiu d halt old bull frcm -the ryClloblnwood t im s WM lelecied a Tss Che chAmplOR e t l i t breed, who

- l u t yeifs-reaene,champion and ;e*rthe 1U4 champion u m s from th t (0 bsams Hoosler farm. tollo

A Montanan. U E .’FcUTSon ol luboViticr, whoee airoe l i a fitQuent hoip one In the Ust of termer winnenin tbe grain and hay show, becune c titba 1W9 barley TElof.* He nplaced ' '

. . John a- lU uf, ComllU, Uoniana.' l > r t i ^ ' to n the Hint Utle In in«.

IC9 and m o . . ■ (' , .Peonsylwnla su (e colleje won — ■

i m Woe rtirbani w«h tie e b m - __j)ion banow and ' U«• ehamplon p t t ot Berkshlrei. puidut

unlrenlty bad tbe rtaene In both./ ^ Wiai.TlUe effo;

A W-year-old Hoosler farm boy. 2^,, WUlard Bainbrtd^^ ot anen iburj. g.

• rat«d tha title o t bert n eat anlmaJ n to e ot-the alIUon.4*B club mem* ^

.b e n Jn th e C m te d B U te i. 'n s ra w i^ Pla, added t noo KhoUnhlp to tale* re>e d p u aad prUe money bom the oi

.a m lo e k b a s t i te i . ^ theW. B. Orlddle o t Morsan. Utah, ( im

plaeed aeeima In the barley dlrUlon abow1n s -tit*bi types, d z rowwi. a t Pe la tll interoaUmil O nln ta d B ty betw <h«w toitey-. T ta tu iSv Jae w to t and aecdnd place ribbon wlUi' an ex* and hlblt o t oals. Th. tdabcans won hoaen a t tfw train itop '«nd luy Ihow, Joe Hunt b t &Bmett tor

i tonrtb pUce and Baymon- w en:-.-d«y, aepbener of WUder fU tb..ia Th QiontBr.eeQ ezbit:Utltaiah|laB{«o. becai

t e r r — — ^

'PAGE T W O - __________

I rOBSOABT rO B TODAY AND » TOUOBBOW - - Idahet Gentrallr

elottdyt colder eesilteait ■forUoa __ Thenday. ____ I

** fllsb aad low tem ptnluR i yes** ' terday u reported by the sovem*J* meat weather ohierrer were m i

19 de trtei; there w u a varlible ^ wind and tbe iky w u partly cloudy;X barometrio preuun a t « p. m. *•«^ 3B.44lncbu«»l the humidity rante. a « 77 to «l peJ'cjnt of eaturaUon. p

Weather a year ato w u p&rUy d a cloudy with tempentures of M and u IQ 14'dejTeef. p m ------- It" L igh t Precipitation *

In Northwest States 0d The weitem hl*h preuun aren, Jj

> itren ith , eaUodi Uu:ou|hout tlie [• plateau area aad the northweitem n It t u t u , wtth lti c n u 0/ 3 0 ^ lochei , q- charted trouad Wlnntmucu. Ke* I It Ttda. Low pnnurei. atUnded by

Chinook tempenturei aod tome cloudlnest, b i n mn«d- to south- eutw ard from Alberta into Mon- _

. tana and the northern plalni. while ,, 1 . U iht icattend pnclpUatlon h u ? i t i k a In eaitera CoJorsde. aJoM , me Ore|on*Waihlngton eout aad 5 orer Uw Oreit Ukes region. Con* Unued low tempentures ta d A»n “

presiurei, pnraUi In the middle fo AtlasUo Itatei

M il Mta. pifc. Wthr. el| » Mil* ______ « » M £'«'>« ml

s ■% ju' S'SA" J! s s as s :Kg!»-=s ?. s s& g

S :S » S

I It S f S ’ S

B R 6 V I T I € S i________ J

BenosBulofai'P .W .B eU w ood o t flalt U ko City U in Twta palU tb« on buslnett. Ke U ttoTplag t i ihe to Rocuion hotel. . qut

B e to n Atter V|slt-Mr. and U n. niBOdore Welker aad Leroy Toa h a r t rrtanjtd after ipeadloj Ua . J part aeveral d m wllb nUUtes ta ,

EiwUBI«ii-.RoyWetbet1>eeyei* M jterday applied a t Uie office ot Uie *city clerk for a-perrolt to erect a P<s lim ta tK)Dt Of U» Twin PalU

nejB Frcm .Utah - Mn. N. W. Sherman'of Bait u k « Olty w u the ^ guett the p u t tew days ot MUs nai Oertnide Thomet*. Bhe nlum eil to P « OtaU-by plane . - - — -------------

' 8 « l9CM .visitor ir. J l Hotee of “ Pocatello. bm ehm aaaiero tN eU ttt Pft Rlcki Best Poods company. -U a biei buslaeu rUllor in Twin PalU. Be U Itopplng at Ibe I*erTlne hoteL ^

Car Stelra — lynnrllle Btown ot I Pller yesterday nported Uieft of tha' h it model light green n r d le* ^ dan tm n a tarm u ie south of FUer. IT» car -eaffUd Idaho Ucense, Uia OB-3019. ^

, senC an Colllde-Can drirw, by K.

O. Uuterbach of Baajun and K. J. ^ ‘ flatter oX Haxeltoa weto lUghUy damaged a l B;4S p. m. yesterday ta 1 wben they collided in Uie 100 block ^ C pn Second i t r « t e a it *1“

n B i « a r c m m 4 iu = T i» y - a tn y ^ ^ Ur. m uter ot .Twin PaUt Muonlo goot lodge, b u accepted an tavlUUon to we 1 attend the eereaionUl la coanee* tlon wim Uylng ot the comentone /c ot the new U uoalc Temple a t 1 Wendell-today. - ’ - ttie

E etn ru Beme - Mn. LoU Rob* srtan .of Oklahoma Olty who w u ulled hera by Uie deaUi o t ber tf* ' i t 'a ther, Aun Scott, h u ntum ed to her _ home. She w u a guut a t Uie bome of ber broltier, B aa 0 . Scott, and q. irlll n tu m bere Uler Id naka her tiome. ' • • mljf

6Ute Men VUlt - P tul 0 . Ward >t Lewiston. npresentaUre ot Uie ;iubllo welftn department, and L. 0 ff. Origfs ot American nWa, repi' resenuure ot tlie tUh aad game de* ^ llc lulment, are business'rUllon ben. rhey a n elonpUig a l Uie Perrlne 7),

Che (

«Bdcrr.e.o‘; ; ; : ; i ; ; - M n .H e n * s ry 0. Olretu of Kimberly, widow of L lI Ttrtn PalU county'deputy aherttt , , , 1,rho met d u lh In line ot duly a q ,.■ear ago. w u iilwrted l u l evening «0 be making a istUfMlftry WOTC17 noou ollowlng an openUon to which ahe ubmllted at Uie county geneni , ,1, KMpiui here euUe^r tn Uie day.


tcominuM From P H . O n.) * '^ 1

nea to bm k the uU on' strikehert. inu Ri

WlUl ship radio le legnphen.aad * iTMira Jotalnj lhe eaitera itrike.he wimen there concentntcd theU „fforu lowird prerenUng the Onit* ” ®‘' d su te i itner ManhitUn ftomalllni tomorrow. ' S'wnSinking Munen picketed Ui* Itoud

tanton CMton exchang* avowedly Tonecause .bunion ageaU* wen "ship* m m t da* itrtkebreaien troa aa o/Hcea Uie building.-' ' , ' ------One radio operator responded to funlll

lie strike a i l ot Uis vlrelrsa and suppIjIreaen’s union In Boiton. , luppli

Peace NtgolUlleaa.. pvstiPeace nHcUallons conUnueihere tomor

etween operalori of coutwUeahljis freshnd the radio w egnphrn ' usion 89snd both sides nported prograsi. giteThe steamer Arctic w u -due to leeUn

op a t Beattie and load tupplfea to lenir .'Which aerenl Alukao ctUes wim .e n reported in acute need.' ' ' ISenlThe restaunnU closed in Seward' ter a;cause of lack o( supplies. ! wutIBelief appeared lo i l i h ^ o f nary mcatj

I ■ F i n e r .I miEpiims

New Schedules Cul FreigM ; on Coal From. Utah,J . Beans !o E a s t ' i; BOISE Dte. 1 WWW, 'V acllng n to expert of Uio tdaho .

publlo uUlltlei commUilon. a id lo* , r day Uie frelghC on coat from Otah iI to Idaho h u been reduced 10 cents

per lon on orden from Uie Inler* atate commerce commission. The n - w ducllon Is elteetlve December 24. _

Ratea from ixani and pea# from, Otah and Idaho polnta to eu tem ,

and MUthem markeU were reduced \approalmately 30 per cent ellccUre "December- JJ, ho annoupced. ^

Rooievelt At Buenos Aires 'Oeplots Hemisphere United I Against W ar Of Aggression

(ConUnued Prom Ptge o m ) ' Iw u tlmost u gnal. ^

b Plac* e t Boner

P nildent Rooaerelt took the pUce «e f Jjoflnr Jn Uie center of Uie plat- J.form ta-tbe tlag*dnped room. wlUi ^Jui^) a t hU UU ta d Argtalln# For* rlelgn Ulalster Carlot B u redrs U > rem u a t hU.light. «

WIUj Staredr* Lam u pnsldlas, ,justo, ta tho opeatag address. prtU- of ed Prealdent Roosevelt's pea» IdeaU and erpreued the oplnJcia the eon*fenao# would bring beaeflcUl «* • pilU tor aU now world naUoai, yetpreservtag trieadly U u wlUi 'BU* »

•” ^ 0 liand shoulder to ahoulder," tU U r. Boourelt atid, "la our tln tl de* itermlaaUon lhat oUien who, drlr* “ cn by war madoeu or laad hunger w mlgbt aeek to commit an act ot4«- W greitlon agalnit us, will tiad UiU * hemUphero wholly pnpand to con* lu lt togeUier tor our muuial u fety £ and our.raatual good."'-

Peopli llrtag In democraclu tn d ^ under good aocUl condltloai, be de* ?U«d, -will defend themselrea to tbo ulmoit, but wlU nerer conieat " to Uite up u r u for a war ot coa*

Ubera] Ttwde Petfeleebe

pnildent Rooatrelt called fot ‘ wider appUeadm” of the Uberal n , trade-poUcleiendaaed.tt.the regu* _ lar Pan*Amerlcan contennco t f J Monterideti, Oruguty. la IWJ.

He u ld tuch policies make tor <ir peace and astertod he had worked to boi further Uiem by eupportiag the ef* d» offorU ot Secntary c t SUia Oordell pU Bull In negoUaUng nclprocal tn d e i agteementa.'

"Thew poUclM In r« fn t ■weeks < have lecdred lhe approval of the a « people ot the Onlled BUles." ite bee iald..ln what w ujn terrreted u a *lei nletene* to lils n*eteeUon. ' «el

n i e y have, 1 era lurt, the o'm- pathy ot other naUons bere auem* l>o bled." p

Leaden Atake War l^irAisertlng lhat plata people erery-

when “wUli to l l r e la peace" bul lhat their leaden aUll resort to war, PraWent Rooeereli u ld ;

rfruly. If (he genius of mankind Uiat h u Inrtnud weapons ef death »nnoi dlscorer Uie means of pre* * Knlng peace, clrlllsatlon u we know ’It llrtf In an erli day." » _

‘Let no man or woman forget,” hs added, "Uiat ihero U no prollt in war. The lacrltlcei In the cause „T1 }f. peaee ara Intlnlinlmal compared “ ire RlUt Ibe holxaust ot war.” ' ’t’s

Democncy, he declared, UsUn Uie

foodwui-wW not be c ^p le te “It III lall lo aiflrm our fallh In Ood." Mon

Hoar ef Cheen X*"Al lie Ult-the congres bulldtag

II 8;JJ p m , the delegates and he crowd outalde again lent up a m at roar ot cheen and applause, "

m tlie altemoon Prealdent Roose- !eU (old Argentina newjpapermcn -not ifa preu confennoo th m w u no . " Mslblllty (h it Che C7n!(ed SUtcs rould :enter the League ot NaUons. QuesUoned whelher a more for Uon

n American Uague o t, NaUons «e light grow out ot lh* Intar*Ameri* »«Pl M wrier., «Ji8 prejldent replied **n 1 Hat «-u m lhe handl cl Uie con* P » « Erehce. • , 9* “Some imall American naUoni hare

ropodea iuch f league, but larger allwu Juve oppojcd 11. '

Saddened by Dealh • . ' P«bi Tho president w u uddened by

le dealh'oc hU friend and b^y* uard Auguit (OUS) Oennertch, who led 01 R heart attack early Uil* • “'O" lOmlng whllo dancing at t local 'o « n istaurani.Oennerlch. who w u Si, hid been I# presldenl's compinlon'slnco Mr. wpti oojertlU lm w u elected goremor ' New York itale In l«a .Ills tunernl li to be held lottor- m H Jir. noawwJfa icBpOMfy <C llcri ta llw united SUtcs embiwy Id Ills body U lo be Uken to the tilled Btatca aboard 'Uie ctMlaer idUnapolli, on which he came liere llll Prraldfnt Rcwcrell.Out.ot reipcct for hU dead aide,« prtildent canceUed a ilght-aee- ^ f motor trip he w u fo hare taken tk» t adhered (6 the n a t ot U» pro-

.Honored’ a l Dtnaer Tonlghl Uie visiting Uniied filates A it ix u tm WM honored a{ a dinner rft-# f■•en by President Ouilo at the Casa of Oiusda - U16 goremmenl howe. Amaliromorrow Mr. nooserelt Is to re. 0 . Ds m the tnbute.wlih a luneheon for Preald___________ ' " ■ ers n;

---------- — presldmllles ta Hawaii when the navy "ad JPPly Ihlp Arctic began loseuig ''Ice*ppplles in Lm Angelei liarbor pre- 0™ ^ratory to ulllng Jor Honolulu ' '

S 7 . S . . X ™ ™ iSjmuel IV. Klag, Baralt dtle- TD te ta . congress, naialned "here :ilng to penuade tha goremment U I send ft troop ihlp lo the iJlsndi Dotso Ut luppUea. Tha interior depart* tended :nt h u been nejoUatlng to char- IntJudl • a privately owned ship lor Ha- ‘'crcai ,tl along lintJ ot the aranse- Koehli a l l cade for Alaska. Siuttu


Castor Oil Cure fc (j ' Runs>Into Ti

SPOICANE. Dec. 1 W M Ju to r oU JuitlM n n Into tm ib lt lodty, .

Ll A day tfte r JuiUct P n n k Tme n t decreed cu lor oil or Jail aeat«aeea , for habllufit Inebrlttef, threo out

ot tour.men wbo pU tdtd luUty to drunkenness for tba tecood Unit ta a inonth today cho«« th t ‘'penltenU' purge."

^ Al Otrer. ltt poUot eourt tax •" drunkennesj chargo tor tbe tecond h Ume tn two weekt, voluateered:° ‘I ’ll take, the nU and le tre town* right ‘ w y "

Sut-admtaUtrstloa of tbo oil w u ‘ blocked by Dr. Ralph .Hendricks.„ publlo a ttain cotamlsiloner.” "I do not believe the city e tn it*2 tord to enter tato a Uitag Uke that,"“ declared Dr. B e n d r ^ "to tbe 1 ° event Uie consequences should be t

aerious, I bara no doubt Uie city 1 would-be liable for c damare lu l t e

™(High S p o ts InLonjr F w t— “

BOMBAY, Dec. 1 ( « - A f u t j, , which w u userted to htve lu ted r, . uo d iyi w u ended here l u t nlgbt u I by ,a .fain pr/«t, if a n t S M u t i .. rlUiJI, In the presence of SOO co* o . religtonliu. The priest eUsted oaly

on water.' fellow priesU ttld ., <The Jalni a n an Important lect C< . of-dlssencen from HlnduUn.) Ui ' '* — — |e

8 s c r i / lc > — ,f; KlRKBVILLr. Uo.,-Dec. 1 W) - •

WUIliai'-ftwmtn. 83, went to U» « aid of an Injured dog tn d lo tt bU n Ute.

Foreman found a nelgbborli dog » Injured on Uie liighway. U had been nu) over. Al he slopped to pick tt in up an automobUe h ll hlto. sg;.B e died today.

EuBsian Ju stlcfr—UOSCOW.'Dec. I Wl — Drtaskea ,

tiriven get no mercy in Russia. . ‘ £1 yairun got dnink tn d drove “

hU truck Uirough a u fe ty u n t ta front ol Uie American embassy a “ few days ago. klllins two pedeitrlaas ^ ' u d injurtag eight oUien.

Today a tene announcement said be had been executed. Od

B om bBrdm ent— , ^ -BALAMANCAr9pata,-Dee.-l W H »!! One nun- n U killed and seyeral ^ glrU Ul a factory wen tajured in a bombardment of SaUmanct yester- day by socialist govemment air* .j planes. . ■ni(

77ie bombardment had iU frttU sh aide. Tni

One bomb penetrated UieToof cf, a dwelling anthpaued belweea-two Al beds. In one an elderly man w u aleeplng and in lhe olher a woman. jNelther-wu-taJured.------------------

L onoly Duck— p ro v id eU c b . r . Dec. I « V the

Vot ^ ree days one of Henry Oene- dted dlltfa two pet ducka h u been mlu*; to I ins Snm BcnedltU's Pawtucket poui home. Henry felt.bad about Uie loss I oi but It w u the lonesomeness ol the tion oUier duck which finally Inducedjoffi him to'appeal lo the police to help him in tbe Kflfcb for the wanderer. he s . ■me police blotter bora UiU nola- sulU

President Justo at'U ie embassy. | ai Tben be U scheduled to end hU J

Uircc-day atty In Ouenoa Aires, go- T Ing to Uonlerldeo. Oruguay'i up* ur. on the other tide cf the Bla XI h la PlaU. bare-A ftw -a -Ttalt-ot-aeVeral-hQun ta »eel klonterldeo Thuraday. President Ohrl ^ooienlt U to le tre for Uit Onlled - t«w 1 {latet abotrd the Zndlana,itoppins' Tb mroute a t port^f-spata. TrtnliUd. Joao

Jiwto Teiu Fwpcw Presldeat Justo. m liU opening.

peech, cmpbasiied tbe parley w u ^ not dincted against anybody."•Tbe sole purpose of Uie cop-

erence." h e .u ld , “U to find mon *“ * ' lerfect form ulu tor. paclllc lolu- lon ot tateraatlonU coanicU." ' ^10. Ife co alru k d the “hippy N **

uiploes" under which Uio 31 Amtrl* an naUoni saUiered to itrtagUien nighteact wIUj tho ^senenl conttisloa ___f uia world.' r e rllamAaItT, J ialo u id . U ta dan*

jrot<alltasback,lo-distrust,per* t a .mUa, srlerance, collecih-e Incom- ^bbl rehenslon and lystemailc Isols- r^l»ri on." ■ >The AxsenUne prtaldent ealled tor scnM

>ordtaaUon of peaee luiruments died 1 mong American naUons with the m nan t of the Leigue of Nstioiu.


(CoollBUBI rtom P.SO onel

ect Orowera association, said hU>6 o'cl( -oup ijellercd inralldailcn cf tbe srcnDi AA prdccsstag tax which support* Tuesdi 1 benefit paymenu lelt gtowen simllai lUiouC ft Ihare cf profit* proper-,omeh, ihale to tho processon’ return. 8pes

OUcBU Setl CoMtmtlon |elude‘l The conlerence, iicld in dowd preside isloni, wUl dUcuss tomorrow lhe asiocls ■epcertlMT'ion coairm U onT i^deaiffl nm u It applies to su y r crops. - Additional reprtscntallves to w r c ,-e foday included If, a . Benninj, n o u

Ogden. Otah. praldeni oi the condle nalgamated Sugy compiny; K. J S

Barlow, ot Burlty, idiho, r l« . , ealdent ot Uie Idaho B ujir Orow*J Bsspdatlon: Pm ion esldent-of the IdMio ujocUiion. id J. B. Palings of Draper, U14I1 **pfesldent cf the Uiali.ldaho " ■owen assocUllon.


------- BOISa K onh Shrine eereme'nlil i t fln, Jioi tse nexf_p«c«nbcr 0 win be a t-lth e ld s HM b y . T r to onm , Judtejf five or >1* candjdiio to racaac] o u the burning sindi,- Joe of Maj' ithler. prwldent ot T»in F«lb - Coun ftm club, laitt t o t cvcnlgg._____miyor 1

(,7 i m m , , n m F A i i i , w a b

f o r I n e b r i a c y

T r o u b l e a t S p o k a n e

■ oU The city health department wUl fieno pany lo iuch leatences."

’me Justice Yuse sought legal ta d ues medical advice.out Dr. C. W. Countirmtn. Poli« lur- ’ to geon, recommended a bait ptat ot I ta oil u the proper correeUre punish* aU' ment. He said Uie quantity would

cfute no permanent Ul effects, but^I ■ prnonaU/, he would nU ier so to md Jsll.ed: JuiUce Y uu told Dr. Hendricks wn Uio cutor bU treaUaenf Is optloaaL

>1( they want to take the cu tor r u oU instead of golns to JaU." ho u ld . kl. -tlie rcjponslbUiU ot Uve city eeaiei.

They could be tsked to algn a waiver It* freeing Uie elty of mponiibility.".t," AsslsUnt corponUoa c o u Q ie l Ju LouU W. Conyard agreed wlU» Jus* be tice Yuse’i taterpnUUon. and u ld lly he w u preparing "iron-clad waJr* lit

-------------:------------------------------------1 »

n World News |, , _ , ■ J e

Hon lodiy: °•Tlie lame u * pel and lie would I

lilco (he um e brought baek to IU ^ running mate, u the other duck s >>t thst he h u U very lonesome." jj

?: Sovontli Day— ni^ PBEEPOfir, Ilf, Dec. 1 M7 —.1 County Judge Harold s . Jsmes held■ the JlUnoU "ono iliy o r H s t ta tr

seven" act unconiUluUonal loday oa « Uie grounds It wm unreasonablo " and disertmlnatoo'.

_ . The act, Judge James held, did t, not purport to apply to aU personi j I. or corpcnUou of the same clus,

and Uienfon dUcrtmlnated againit g certain ciassei of employen. n Be quashed information filed by It ihe BllnoU depariment ot Ubor

agatast Uio BltnoU Centnl Ittllfoad company, charging rlolaUoa ot tha }** set. "

Forfeit— Jjj“ LOS AKOELES, Dec. 1 tP) *- Ttio en . sherlfl'a olflce loday leUed Uiree th , polo ponies belonslas to Prtnce m I I5avid Mdlvanl, and held th e a toe ■

a ihcrift'i u lo next Monday to u t* be: Ufy a tax Judgmeni of 1171,88. (hi

1O o m o b a ck -- t)u

ALAMEDA. Calif.. Dec. I yP) - Chsrlei Mortsl U- known u ons ot tiie best mea wlUt an inhalator ta l i

; U ifA l«nednire;dtpaitm ent.-----------r' Itiday hll flrc-months-old toa, ■' Ro^rf, ilrangled whUe drinking •

gniel fn m a bottle ta hU crib. , lh e tnhiUtor trrlved loo lale.

The btby died. U,,

Too lA tO — E.' AQNNEAPOI.IB, Oee, 1 HFh-Tht een "ilirinUns m tn" ol MlnncapoUs- 3S3 s:.year*old Ham Nelson-cheerfully der IMinted lo a 15<pound gain tn weight A aieriaehco;tO(tBrUat hewasmak* n c ins * comeback, t- The shrunken palnUr, vlcUm ot ags Uie bona dUease osUamalacla, dwln- the dted ta stotun froffl a feet 10 iochei wei

; to 6 fsct and in weight trom IM wet poundi to 140 in 13 yean.

I But eomcUre dieUns end tajeo* das ' tloni ot caleium a t Uie Unlrenlly T lof MlnnesoU hospital hare enabled neg I him to Uirow off Uiat -U rrt Reeling"Ihe said, and to resume normal pur* suiu. I d


tiroXXMBEBLY, Dec. 1-U rgB crowds hare been m ttlendaneo a t rerlral meeUnsi_licia_ftt tha ^ b e r l y ^ OhrUUan church curing (be p u t n.i, few dayt

Thunday, ereains Bar. Sam P. u .. Jonet. tvangemt, WUl ipetk o n -n ie World'i QretUatDty*{Ptldty,*Ttie .„ i. B ts tu t Murderer la XMwriy"; ‘ Saturdiy, "A M eaitst Itom the

________________ '■ n t tB)ABO C I R FOBTM ASna

8U>OiOSa> BTI DEATH ^ IDAHO CTTY. Idabo. Dec. 1 M

NeUcui Bollcher, W, posUnuter of men Idiho City I t yean, died here l u t p itt night. ________________ _ - U tr


LOS ANOELGS, Dec. 1 («V>A pet S ' rabbit w u bUmed in » cortyiefi. 9 -cport (Oday for the deatii oi W U-'fl lam 0 . T n n , 70. Tha rabbit, | - «n tchedhim coU iekneeandT R si B litd of resulting .compUcaUoai. ^


Mcmbtn of the Twla ^ma Beet Orowen' UiodaUen wUl " S t ilre tlo i. .1 u u n u t f m M - J J lg at thc local Chamber of Com* 3 icree offlcM T h a fs d a re w n b jr^ t '' n no'clock, c. G. TUomU of Flier. ------

rcreUry of the organlitUon. u ld « « uesday. Prerloui to ttU « « « " « * * mllar oae wUl be held t t the Jer* « j n e h Ig h « h o o lb id J d ln s H J ^ ^ ♦ 1 Speaken a t b o U i m « ^ « l “ ^ * ♦ ude‘K -0 .3 a rlo w o f B u r lV .j J ^ *•eildent of U« Idaho Beet ®w latlon. and J. K. Dayley. pnsl- « arai o /lfie local jn n jc ----------------

SCnOOL'S C B I E F ^ V ^ « ei BOISE. .Dec. I (n - - Yt * “ indle. aUto iuP«rta“ ? '‘*"A J * teIbllc InstrucUon, * h«»« December 4 for ChtHanooga, « ^ a n , to atUnd Uit tM uU na* , ^mal meeting cf lU t* o/fieUU who «cupy poslUons lUCb , ♦ shn e ^ U a s b e g t a i December. 7. ,

loisc Attorney To Fill. Council Gap

ly o ro n a y i ttil^ * * ^


lE M S E S ir' j M E l i F i""Over six Million Available lr

1937; Less Than» . 1 9 3 6 . ild _____

B O IS8.D eo .l(*W .B .a t«auntr. director of hlghwayi. estimated to* d ty Uiat |a.«3.000 wUl be avaUtble

" fot Idalio readi la i m . or ‘■mu." be tald, "U a d e e r ^ ot Id. tpprattauU ly » per eent frem the ». expenditun." er Ttio soureu tnd etUmtled reve­

nue fcoa ' each w en (Isted u ‘.’ * M e n l tid WdJWO, • federal f ; lu )63, UIS.OC6. f n i l aeptnUon.: “ MISW); s i t u gasoline tax.. M,- ' 600JMO; motor veblcli. Ueeaio fets

♦230,000.- The fedeni goremment would 1 jBOTid* l?.7«,0W; t,h» i t n t e

W,7MWJ.Durins Uie tlr it 10 months of

1M«, be estlatU d. 3,070 men were . employed eaeh a t t n average wage

of e j centl an hour wMeii produced i 11,141,140 in WMes.• Ourinr I»Sj tn tvense of ),13j K men were employed at wagtt total*

tnc 4a4TW- The number, h4 explained, does

not taclude mataUnaace and oUier . »Uto worker* rt*u5u^ eopSojed.I I t data wen araUablt on eon*, tracU of $5000 aad lest the flgurei . on empls^rM would be apprextealely , 3B per cent higher, It w u eiUmaled.

' Equal Justice Drive ] ; Frees Tipsy D rivers,

ROBWELU » . M, Dec. I W) *“

brought freedom today to fire m on men charged with druakea dririae

J u i j e UcQbet teoeaUj m pended 51 sentence* of tour penoas after Gov- a m i C ttd . T lniM ^ 4 Vthree men giren JaU U n at 1 « toe ^ lu n s offense. ' o

The Judge decUnd from -the , bench h e ww no leuon -wby some (, Ihould be pardoned, whife pyrsona ^ with I “fewer friends and l«u In- p fluence" were penilUed. n

HoWen Petitions g T T ot New H earing p

BOISR D f f J m - WeaJey Holden of Idaho-'FalU peUUoaed ,t tbe tedenl dUtrict court today for a-new trU Ita an tetlon to which. ^ E. R. Belnap of Sslt U ke City re- » cenllr recelred a judgment ot IH .- ui 351 dimftBta ta an autcmobUie aocl- dent. cr

A. B. H if tr of T rtn W is ww pr named a delendant vrtth SoVlen,— or

Belnap tiled sU separate sulu tie kgainit Uw two men u a result of ea the aocldent In which nine person* • were injured and one othU ChUdrea Ut

^ H e 'w u ^ t appnixlmately MO,000 ' damsgei. eriI The defendanU wen charged wim lU 1 negligence. in

• ■ onIdahoan Arresteil In

Chiia Stealing Case ^

OBBQON OtTY, O re, Dec. I Wl j a Deputr Sheriff Howard Masi aald me tiro mea Uken Into'Aislody today kk OR cislM itetftnt warrant* gave thelf names u Kinsey AUen, 3i. and Jesse ^ M ftrler.Ji.‘nity.Me_'ff«nWLta_AU paugh, CkSll, Mass Uld. '• Nort auko ft tnd Mary Petrush» kin, boilr-j7. Who w en jrlth tba men, U a u saU, aUo were uken into custody and held u material witnesses.

The deputy said Uie men walred n tnd lU on tnd Uiat Sheriff a B. Shennan, of VUalla, CaUf, had tent word he would eome bert for (heprisooen. ------

U a u (aid Uit car in whleh Uie nen w en ridtag bon Idaho Ucense jlatet tn d w u registered to Jesse vtarler, o t VUd«, Idaho.

Too Utte I To Classify I

-OR SALE: PINB -WOOD A.VD ay. DeUvertd. Phone IM9-W.

XIR SA iz^iM o ( C ycler s £* d a a S ^ car> ^ ^ P l»r cash. Yellow Cib minagtr, Perrtae BoteJ.

ROOM FURNISHED CABIN FOR n a i. Adults coly. Phone



*S a t qusllty conjtniellen. «After m tk i n g rnicmible *

cost may be paid actually * eailer Uian rent .including * tajre*, fire InsunnM,, la- ■* te ru t and princlpii, The« » housea «Ul not l u i long * under Uit klinctlre lenns • by whUb Uiey msy be pur- * chased, m ten iltd p m ja » ahould aet at once, *

*\CECIL 0. JONES • #133 Uata E. Tei: 437 *


. CALL SSO ■ ^

fo r BetUr U u d iy Gerrlct ,


^G, DECEMBER Ufl3fl ..


i m • ; (coattaued from Ptge O ntl —

I U tglon, thetovemment said, wero sub. ■*' Jected to heary barragej from Astu.

rian mlnen, whose farored weapom , tn are lUcki of dynamite.I in The mUlUa w u illrred to greatei

efftrU br the detih of "ieootins.^ . (Uttls Llonesi) a tlery peaunt

woman who commanded one of Ute women't brigades In Uio "Maxim Gorki- battaUon. ,

Bhe WM riddled by machine sua f ln u lhe led her women troops over a hlU domlnaUng Grado.

The fonign legionnaires -with I ot bs)-oneU charged Uie clinic hosplUI the buUdlns leadlns a geneni counter

stuck tato (he war*tom dUtrict of n - Spain's caplUL

With tanks, arUlfery and trench n j morun, the govemment forces' aT fought their wsy back Into Uie.area, 3 . from the Pueo DesUaae Pentl. I (1, Two mlnea under Uie hosplul I

tiuUdlng v e n set off, rendtos gTfst’ hole* ta the wtUs. OUier mines wen

i‘“ Uld under the etruclura by Asturian mUien who had worked Utelr wty Uirough sewer matai. _ _

^ ■ Enemy, UemonUied*' te The time for the offentve w u ed ripe, (he gorenunent leaden u*

Krted, because the enemy liad betn 3J -demonUied" by defeats a t Pomelo J . DeaUrecn and oUier places along

the Madrid trant. |ea PneiimatloAi were hurln} into' er me FascUt Unei Ued to rociteti and: J

wnpped around itonei, whSe gov* ‘ 1* emment ipeakers shouted a t oppos- * ts ins forces Uuough loud ipeaken ta ly thelf trenchei. ,1. WhUe trucks rushed ntaforce* ‘ ' menu to Uie Baltle tronU, women

iielpen atroUed Uie streeU, reassur* ! ed by 30 goremment flghtlns planes

- patroUlns tho skies orer .Madrid. ,


PURCHASING bond;(ConUaued from Page One)

llquldaUom ■ ^Relallro lo the grand Jury ln>

vesUgtUon —whlcb Evans had ur/* ,, ed to co.islder U« Dlelendort.tnd * other matten — uoffsu m W: „ ■ "So tar u I know now there will " be ho grand Jury, bul 1 wUl enter* * U ta any evidence that might be _ presented to ms with lhat objecllvo ' ia mind,")» u ld .

"I iiave advised E\'aiis lhat any ' ' taformatlon in connection wiUi „ criminal matten musl'braubmltted ° llnl.to.U ie,alU n»y.sencr^’s office punuant to Uie statutes." ' ^

Crowley CommbU aCroalry assfrtfd in •» sepanis

lUtement; , ;t<“Onder our pncUce, where then «'

ll sufficient erldenco U> pnsecute.l^' a gnnd JU17 U not always'tsoen-l Ual. I

"Wiiere Imgularltles conslltuUng crlmtaal ollenses aro discovered and proof Is arallable without any elsih onto InruUgaUon, Uie proper.prac*:. Uce U lo proKcuto by complatat Jn .

"In UiU reUtlon Uie cold prae- iJ» of Millos a erand Jury h u . Urgely fallen into dUuse."

Erans, in a letter to Moffatt sev­eral ' weeks ago, dia lled sereni su te dcp.^rtmcnU wlUi IrregulariUes In connecUon wllh purehases.-doublo compensaUon and other similar vi­olations of ilatutory provisions.


BOISE, Dec I (flvCommlMlon* er ot Public, Works 0 . S. McKelvcy snd Hlghiray snslneer J , B. Stem* mer wUl atlend tho American As* soelaUo of SUle Highway OfflclaU' annual convention ta San Frtmclsco Deoember 7 to 10.

plete new Uae ot BeauUful _AlrpUn8 Luggago imilrUy d e * . |«

ilened and sturdUy bu ilt,-* -' I eombtaalloa thal's bsrd to ^ find when your aw buytag lU»|U««.

. .TWIN.F^ L O A N 0 ]

, 115 fllaln E as t

Also The Place to Buy Diamond

: ^ S i i ! i l L BFfHS ;nib. ' _____

T^ta F ^ commandery, EalghU 'TffflpJai^lected tn d tniUUM%f-

,ie , tteen for the comtas year t t » weU attended meeUag to Uie Uasonlo Templffberoluteveataff. ’

Tbe taiUUlas otticcr, a B. Kay. ^ Jtr of T ato FaUs, past a a a t a i e r

of Uie Itoho gtand commandery,. • H it assUted toy J , A, Oohnioo ot

nm Twin Ralls, grand geneniltolmo of ops the Idaho grand coaunaodery, u

oarsbal.tU) Retlected as enUnent commander IUI of the Twhj FalU commandery was ter W, S. P a rto , and other Dj/ltwi wero of electedandinstalledufollowa-.auy

(D. kUUer, generrUliilmo: j . II. Bar- leh' ker ol BuW. cspUin scncrnl; £ R. :«■ Koehler, senior warden; p. T. Pnr* ta,lsh.-l\inlor m uttlo: L. d o t, t r e u ­

urer: If. If. Ifedstrom, recorder.I AppotaUve otflcen tastiued a t Uio

,jt,»amo lime wero J. A. ciark,-pre- M late; Fred Reichert, lUadard bear- ,n cr; C. M. Gordon, aword bearerj " Rsy D, flluyler. warder,• ?rtn i;

IWwan, aenltael.

u Boettiger Postpones *• Question Of^ Policy

ST. PAinU D w T m -J o l rn Soel- '*jUger, President Roosevell'i soa*ln*, llav, tald today Uie question of edt* - .to ria l criticism of (he president's

policies in the Sealtlo fost-talelll*‘ jtnccr Is "» bridge 1 will cresi wb'eh *■ I como to it.”° SoetUgcr, wlUi liU wife, Uio tot*

mer Anna Roosevelt, paused hero ' ennute lo Seattle lo becomt pub*" lUher of Uie Post-InteUlgencer, a ^

lleanl'Owncd paper. ■


LOUDON. Dee. 1 — The l» u « ot lords Wnlght voled down pro-

,. posed leglslaUon lo permit medical J men to lJll.p<ti»U euileriet im a

agi ■••lang incunble aUmenU.


^ NEW YORK. Dec. 1 W? - A* rliub-freering weaUier made Uielr ‘ liuffertng acuW, Alderman Chtrlei . Keegan tonight conildered asking ‘ itor naUonal guard trucks to evacu- •^jte an eslUaaltd 8,0» IimllSet.wha Vwere left itranded wlthoul heat ta ’ an ar?a condemned for a bridge ap- proach.

! SALE OF INFECTED COW ' COSTS IDABO MAN IIO# •' P A Y W r^ d a h o r-0 « t.- l -W i.= -------

a A. fV-anyicr of PtK lio enterfd a plea of fullty today to a charge

, of seUlng — for other than lUugh*• u r purpoees.— a cow he w u charg*‘ed a-llhJmowtag to be lufferins I from O i^ .«diiM sr,j Be wwriWtd m

w n ^

m ,


Magle City Feed * Fdel Co.ForiDrtiy Nye Coai Ce.

N. V, Nye LM urd Arant Clarence B. Nye

iL t r '- ’ cttA tN — n a *COAb

Open Every N ile T ll D:00

J ' ‘id2o

^ 1Matched Sets M atclilessln ValuePriced Right!

i’ALLS I F F I C E {'

r h o n e UOO J

m ds, W atches

Page 3: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

/S P D iS f®Organization to FOtfftlill-

dren of City Ciirlstmas g Evo ■ ■ '[

‘ m oi4er to u tu n the succeu o( f a Chrtrtnu* psrty pUnned Tor TwinFftlli chlldnn tbe sllemoon of De* ^cember U . memben of the Junior SCum ber of CommerM »111 plsee *'

• tiillk botlle* s t ilnleBlo polnU c ihrouilwut the d ty VJdsy. HulonDunn, iecrelsry o( the orjsnltt* CUon. u ld . The plsn VSS decided up* «.on s t s meetlne of the group held II^ fjday noon. *

Each bottle *111 besr s esrd «• fiblilnlni thst sny donstJon rccelreo cmil be UKd toTTStd provldtof » 1;m on cheerful Chriitmsj' for t t a C

. eUy's needy ehlldren ss well m to cpurchsse csndy, nuU snd sta llsr tItems for the patty plsnned sround v

■ tlio Chrlilmss Un on » u r t PhouM iM'n. The tree U lighted e « h «yesr by the Tw ntleth century club, bP s rt of lhe funds collected In Ibebo ttlesw U lgoU w srdfu^hln je lty »llremen pslnt snd neeiW mstertsls ofor retmShlng broken toys. »

. To sId In Ui8 BStherine of lo)s «' for Ihs llremen to itp i lr . sll U iw “

locsl Uiesties will « l« speclsl “loy “Ih o n ’ flsturdsy momlnp. Decem; ^ ber i : . AdmlttsncB will bo eolfecltd in the form of » c u t off loy, iJr.Dunn ssid. >■

comprece srranfcmfflU for »re , court house pirly «Ul be nnnounad

ister. ____ ^

4 I------- ----------------- -----------------1 ”M Cominq Events I_ _ _ __

JIOUNTAW, VIEW , ^Meellng of the Mountain View

Cub srrsiiged for today has been pi postponed to December 9. d

rRESDVTEWAN AID ^ Prcjbyterlsn Udles' Aid Boclety “

*,•111 meet Thursday sftcrooon st2;30 o'clock In the chureh psrlora. ^


n ie Pail Matrons Club »IU meetullh Mn. J .D .D o u g lu ,M l Elgli* MA«nue North. Prldsy. There wUl mbe s seven o'doclc dinner, each gi

' member <0 brtng tsble sen'lce. A gift urxcliai^ge will be conducted, re

MENTOR mThe'Mentor' Club will meet Wed* "

neiday wilh Mrs. B. 0 . Huffmsn.

M ’TIIEnAN AID W The Ladles- Aid Society of Uie

tutliersn church will meet T liun- (Uy sttemoon .s t a o'clock In tho m church parlors. Memben s n re- ey iiuested to sttend u decUon of of- inllcen will be held. te:


'fhe BJcsicd Vlesln BoisHly o t at. lcEdn'srd's ehurcirwlll meet Wednta- on (Uy evening s t 7:30 o'dock s t the thhome of Mbs AUeo Ms« t tu r r s r ln iq lhe Reed spsrtmenU.


ARegulsr meeting of the fislmon du Soclsl CJub will be held Thursdsy k i sfterooou with Mrs. Roy Dsvts. -p T hen Wlli be sn exchange of i Christmu glfU. tV'

NITE.HAWKS wNlte-Itswlu club will hold n dance

Uib evening s t the B U hall. d 1

• ADDISO.V AVENUEAddlwn Avenuo fioclsl ?lub will

meet wllli Mrs. MUton Bullard to- •Uy. Members nre a.^ked to brtng nn frulU for (lie Clilldn;n's Homo In , i ,

________________ _______ lo,

.MISSIOS'AIIV SOCTETy ’ “ JS!--------Wotnen'*-MlMloiiWT*o.’l«y.«Mlie. rw ,C h u re h of (lie BrcUircn will ,ur

-nicel-at Uie liomo of Mrs. E. A. me Moon on Buclisnsn streei lliunday Qr, sfiernooti s t 3:30 o'clock. A chrUl- mss gill exdisnge will bo held. CJ,

-------KNUU. jnSSION . .

Knull elmreli mission will meel nt the home of Mra. Leonard Hollo- V* wsy Thunday sKemooiv a t 3 o'clock. noil csli.wlll be smwered by Chriit- nins verses or quolslloni nnd (here will be a sale exehsnge.

L.MON MISSIONARY Women's Union Missionary Socle(y ijni will meet Pridsy s t (he Presbyicrlsn ^ ehureh s t 12:30 fo r luncheon.'nie

‘ .business meeMng wllI conrene s l 3 .t,, o'clock and Mra. T. W. Aiibum,' who soj iiss made her Iwma In Palestine for

, tiK psst sereral yesn. will be guMl u t i sixaker. Tliose atlendlng the tuneh- r v reonaressked lobrlngsco i-eredd^h J ' suidwlchea snd (able wrvlce..

T « i;n e b a l l a h t o s' Oeneral Laaton •AuxlllsTf will ■• a ee fT h u n d sy s t 8 o’clwk a t (he “ “

Legion hall for a business session snd aanusl eleedon which memben ‘

. sre urged to st(end.

■ I50YAL N Eiaim oR* " OfHoersof (lienoyalJfelghborsof ??;

Americ* will meet for a pol-luclc dinner W dsy a t 8:30 o'clock a t the “ ' Odd Fellows hsll. ReguUr eleedon of offlcen will be held and mem- W be» a n w red lo »ttena and vliis- ors will be made welcome. |

EVENIN OCILO ^Erenin* O ulld 'ot the EpUcepsI

church will meet Wednesday a t 8 p. m. a t the home of U n . Mllo Rieke,3 0 Fourth arenue east. »

-r^ST -FR E SID E N T S---------- -------------1p4St Presldenu Club of the Udica /

of-ihe O. A. R. will be enterUlned /a t a 13 o'clock dinner Frldny a t (a the h?me of Mts. Clara WIrUi at Ooodlng. Eaeli member U re<)ueiled to bring a gltl for her pal.

, i n n i F T Y SE R V IC E I . I ' Lb. 5C ; fUt-Wotk Flnlsbed ^

. Wesriag AppsrtI Osmp

I S O C I E T Y .P h o n e 3:

F o u r long toblM la v b h ly decor a tu re C hristm as tree s a n d San ta

■ se ttla s form ed th e settU iB fo r t D ccem bcr lu ncheon a t th o P a rk

. M ore th n n one h u n d re d m em b ‘ G rouped a t ono e n d o f th e d ln in( ' m a s tree were g ifts b ro u g h t by i f p lls o t th e RlTcrton school I n ^ e } loaned by th e Id ah o Pow er*”

i A group o t e n te r ta in in g ili - C hristm as num bers w as p re - • sented under the direction of Mrs. « I Uoyd Oaks. The program opened »

with TloUii selections by Cliaries ht . Shirley, smong (liem “Adsglo.^ by « 1 Defletolt. "Oil. UHle Town of Beth- dt I lehem'* snd “CsntlQue Noel." M n. « s O. P. Durall was a t the pUno. MUs ^ ) Cora Jenien, English Imlructor In H r the Jifgh schooJ. read TTie Other « 1 WUe Msn." by Henry Van Dyke. A , I pUy by Marie A Foull, "The Olft," Jl 1 »ss-presented by Mrs. Oeorge War- IV

bert. ’'Jingle Bells" and “Silent J Night" were sung by the assembly m f will) Mrs. J. Jt. Baroes.slnglnf the Is: , obligato - In the tecond num- ar

ber. Mn. H. }{. Stokes conduct- «t I ed’lhe group singing and Mrs. Carl ra , Benson was accompanist. A fl ’c er , mlnule UU w u given by MUs Hel- hi

en Thomu who 'told briefly of th a iris tm u tn other Unds. Br

During a builness jneeting con- se; ' ducted Uter In the aftemoon by cv

Mn. R. L. Plemelsel, president. pUns were made for tlis awarding of Ci prlies tor ihe best residence, Chrbt- //, m u dceoraUons, The town wlll'be dlvlded'lnio (hree tections; norlh, "G east and soulhwest, p r la i to be llg awarded In all. ' P.

n f / t s r v m - L i i i i s o f f ---------— >iiTO HEAD D AN M cCOO K W

Mrs. Viva Larson was selected as S ' presldenl of Uie Dan McCook Clr- cle. Number Tliree. Ladles of the Orand Army of the Republic, al Uie annual election eonducled yet- terday In Uie Legion hall, o ilier J new sUlf memben a n Mn. pearl RUey. senior vice president; M n. “ ; Myrtle Johnson, Junior vice presl- dent; Mrs. BerUm Clyde, ircaiurer;Mrs. Flora Bales, chaplain; Mra. N on Faloon. patriotic instructor;Mrs. Ada Moore, regblrarj M n. . ‘ Martha Smith, conductor; Mn. Ida Sweet, guard: Mn. Mable Johnson. aecretar)'. Mn. Martha Smith l i retiring president. r r

Tlie charter waa draped and a memorial rer -ice held for . Mrt. Sophia Word preceding the dec-


Memben of tho Wayside Club an' meeUng yuterday wilh Mn. Quin­cy Norris'made pUns for .a quJlt- m ing party to be held December q ] tenlh a t the home of M n; Prank j Beer and for (he annual Chrbt coi m u party a t the home of Mrs. prl Lce_emttii Dcccinbef iw cntf-teci nfr ond. Mrs. Brer, presldenl. conducted jci tho business session. II w u voUd gn lo send live dollan wlUi the scrap- Mn book to tho ChUdren’s home in tar; Bolte. The program was In charge reU of Mrs. Ocorge Jones who Inlro- «r. dueed Reverend T. W. Bowmar ot pai Kimberly wbo spoko on Uie lople, Mr: •■Peace,’’ M

RelreshmenU were sened lo prcj twenty-four memben byM n. NorrU lo i andM rs.L .,0. JonesandP . Dakln, p it assbunt liostesaes. ber

DEGREE OF HONOR LyiLODOE S IN G S CARO LS ers, "ATncitllirortneTMgree of Iltm^ •***'

or Lodgo was licld'lnst evening st ill* home of Mrs. A. 8. Mariyn. BA During lhe busUic.is vu io ii at wlilcli the president, Mrs. Carrie Jones, presided;'PUiis lor future qcUrilles'Ot-Uio gtoup~were~dU<. cujied. A sccUI hour followed'dur- « y ' inf-wftleh--Chri}lmaa--caroU-wcn w tr sung by (he members. Relresh- ^ menls were Kr\ed by Mr*. Nera Hd' Beer and Mra. Joncs. n<«ii

_____ . «h{CROWD. EN JO YS ' « «WOODMEN DANCE oclc

A Mrg# group o t m m btra snd . guciU enjoyed the dance given by . Uie PacltlB Woodmen and auprem« t\)resl Woodmen a l Uie Anierican -J"! Legion hall, lasl evening, Memben ^ ot (lie Salmon SocUl, Club and ^ Shamrock Club were specUl guests ot UlB evening. Tlie Sroup di\iiced to Uifi music ot W ill Decker> Blue KnlghU. in genenl charge ot dance amngcments w u W. H. Mumpower. and retreslimenU were s e n e d 'a tj " the conclusion of Uie evening by tl^t { i Supreme Forest Clrele. j ‘


A prognm ot music was present-1 tetd Iu t evening a t a meeting of witChapter AO, p. E. O , a t the home Coot Mrs. Ead FelU Mrs. Nellie Os- tnetrum played KVcnl .pUno selrc- ia(Uons and Mbs Marjorie Driscoll ot- 1fered two groupi otvocal numben, I UilMrs. J. P. Dltfendarfer was a lyguest. Mrs. c . II. Krengel, presldenl, polconducled a short buslneu meet- /Ing. RefreshmenU were sened lo |,n<thirteen members >and the guests mgI t the conclusion of the evening. I m l---------------------------------------- I cdW H A T CAUSES EPILEPSY? \

iS THERE A CU RE? Mr,v. ....llllC

J«1«. « Iki. birrtiiiar «.««<■«,;i I. nse Kal rs re , «i:i< iktr tm. ■» la , meiXlllai t«lkt Xdgolfenil RMilon. I ll ,Filli Artant, Htw Vetk, X. y,| i>^t, n.33t

~ k ~ : ;■

Phone ua for Tra.sh and GNo Job Too Large o r Too Sma


^ d a u B s l *,32 ■ ■

:o ra ted w ith silver, holly , m ln l- [)ta Clauses, w reath s a n d po ln- r th e T w entieth C dntury Club rk h o te l yeslerday. m bers a n d guests w ere present, in g room u nder a la rgo C hris t- *,i y m em bers of th o c lub fo r p u - „ Ic lon Valley. D ecoraU ons were tr



Honoring Mrs. Elmer Jordan, Mrz.raulJones«ad M n. Paul Bsk- er enlerUlned with a shower a t Uic home of Mrs. J. 0 . Middleton re^ ^ ccnlly. The gltls were opened and dtipUyed atler which the hosleucj be served retreslimenU. OuesU prewnt ■>« were Mrs. Clnda Robinson, Mn. c.H. Bdred, .Mrs. Emma Dunlap and Mrs. J, C. Mlddlelon, • Ui


Members of Uie Junior Scribblers met a t lhe home of MUs Jean CUrk last evening. Tho tsslgnmelil was an adventure story and roll call was answered wlUi “My Most Embar- raising Moment." Quests of the erenUig were Mra. Mereedes Paul, ' high Kliool Joumalbm tescher in the hlgU Khool, and Mra..HsrT)- Smock, sponsor, Jlefreshmenij, sen-ed by the hosless, concluded lhe • evening.

CHAPTER D • mlH E A RS s p e a k e r ' in. Reverend E. U White dbcutied Jf “Oulsundlng Personalities ht- Re- < llglon" a l a meellng of Chapter D. bel P. B, 0.. last evening a t tho home bu ot Mrs. IL 8. Cowling, Musical dl- jiJ vblon-of-the-program .wu.Tlum ' pn lshed Ur Mn, aib Kfeffneo ajw aang, -Open Now. My Love, Tiiy j Blue E jri" apd “Tiptoe." Mn, Mar- on garet Peck, accompanied her a l Ihe pUno. Mrs. J. M. Kingsbury was a n. guest. - wll

A businesi meeting was conduct- - ed by Mrs. DeWltt Young, presldenl, tiuring wWfJi Uie lerfnteen mrm- ben present dbcuised future plsns.

P YT H IA N s i s t e r s - >HA V E DINNER,- C ARD S

Scaled a t twelve quartet Ublci, decorated to repitsenl the monUis of the year, memben of the Pyth- 'lan Sbien enjoyed a seven o'clKk *' dinner Ust evening a t ' the home of Mrs..Ncd Maher. TtaUowlng din­ner pinochle w u k t niay. High score prlu was awarded U n . Mao' Strobeck; Imvcllnf, Mr». W. 0. Thompson and door, M n. Jane Jensen. Comtnltlee memben la charge of (lie dtnner were Mrs, Lena Kunkle, &lrs. Albert PuUler and Mn. V. R. Laird.


Annual elecUon of o fflcen 'H u — conducled a t « meeUng ^of the Primrose Rebekah Lodge lu t cve- ntng at tha Odd F\rUows hall. Mrs. - Jciile Vance~wu~named" noble ' grand: Mn. Uaud Seal, v lcervul:Mrs. Ella Chase, recording secre­tary: Mbs Iia DrbkeU. flnancesec- reUry; Mrs. Viola Raines, treuur­er. New inutees a n Mra. CUra Parks. Mn. Ethel Dennbg and Mrs. qyOjU'SUvens.

Mbs Evelyn McDonald, deputy president, made her offidal vUli lo lho group end waa an honored guest ot Uie evening. PortV mem­ben wen served refreshments by A commltlee combllng of Mrs. I LydU Strong, Mrs. Mertle 8oud- I ers. Mrs. EdlUi Thletten and Mrs. I m ines.--------------------- - _ |


JlolldaydeconU ons iriU nol be IxvealedlotKepebple'bfTwlnTalls' ITlthout mu.Ue.Twln n ib C h a m ^ r IitComrTOreemcrcfianU’.bureaTol- IIdnls u ld I u t erening In an- IKKinclng (hat Uw Twin F81U high Ichool band wUl play during Uib I*remony,' which opena a t 7:J9 Ii’clock Friday evening. I

Holklay s(rett IlghU wUl ba tuni- I•d on, window dtspUya will be un- Iellcd and (he merchanU will pre- Irn t the deconUons to Uie diy Iluring the eourse ot the ceremony. I


------------------ f o r -------------------- I


Du« to Uie demand for tnlned Iniir: In this field, 40 Ita ilD f IManufacturen are co-'operaUng IwlUi UlB Refrigeration and A>r fcondlUoolcg InsUtute In prepar- ;tng men for work In this new and ^rapidly growing induslry. . . .

These manufacturen IndorseUlls Ualnlng program and dlrtC- aly superrbe Jt ^ Uielr own ap. ■, ;wlnt<d Board of Oqremon.

Appllcanta mutt be ambitious, ;i hnvc good reterencci and be wlU>ing to prepan.ln Uielr span tUnt ^In teaming Uils new and unllmlt- Vcd field. fr.

Intenlews arranged by ap- 'polnlmcnt only. Write or phone' vMr. .Holbrook a t 141 Addbon, • iilione 3i3.w before n ^ glrlngnge. cducallon, prtsent em pl^- ” ment and eamlngs.

_______________ __ V

I\ G arbage H au lin c m all — M onth ly H ates



n i E S B J

District Court Jury Reaciitt;; Quioic Decision In Vol- j;

lay Mayiiew Case j,-------- . Ill

• VoiUy Mayiww, <3. Aeed a p « - pj ilblB second term In Uib Idaho tUle y„ penltenUary alter n Jury In (he db- trlet court here U(o yeslerday found , ' him guilty of asiault with a deadly lj weapon in connection wiUi the al- | | Icsed knifing ot Olenn Henry In an nltercallon. growing oul of a db- pule over a marble gamB a t » local lunch counter (he night ot Us*. Beiilember 30.

Aulhorlllcs here said Mayhew had been lentencwl lo sena n 2-to-l<- year .lemi In U>« Idaho pcnUcDtbry nr ter burfiUfy commuted a t Boise Ui .. 1034; that he broke jall a t Pricc, ; XJiah.'when ho wtis held on a bur- . ; d.iry charge In 1030,'and Uial l« liad violated parole trom the Kan- SM pcnltentUrj- where lio was sen- ' lenced (o sen-c a 10-lo-3l-yc»r Urm !" lor highway robbery In 1921. '''•

The Jury yesterday found May- " r hew guilty of the knifing charge Ul; ntirr dellberallng for Only 40 mln- lIlM,

Dbtrlct Judge Adam B, BareUy Su nnnouneed scnunco wlU be pro- coi nounced next Priday. vie

Relle* On SpecUlon Hie court's Instruclions (o Uie

Jury Included a detlnlUon ot (ha penally tha t may be Imposed-lm* Iirl«nmcnt for nol more than (wo years, or fine not (o exceed U.OOO, m or bolh flno and Imprisonment. ■

Mayhew did nol tnllfy In hb own I behalf a t trial In lhe dlslrlct court, bul a t preliminary hearing he Uitl- ll^d lie had drawn hb knife In Klf proiecUon after he was attacked by i»o nr Uireo m«n. •

^Uyhew n lled a t trial yesterday on lesUmony of threa wlUiestcs.Pred S. Uoyd, Qeorge Roynl and H.N. Nunnemaker, who said they.had witnessed Ihe encounler In which •

, | :

I New mode I , increased

I New and ■I', designs., i wheelbasi

I - ■ ' ^ l E___ — •

(J .T h e 1937 Ford v -8sM cpln ft chnnftes a

.V; th a t m e an 6 n c r y - ' co m fo rt, a n d less t

. [ I ' ro rd h a s e « r oflcrus today

;i5.f most modern low-i. l k __________________________3UM

s m o o th er . 6 u i i n i

r.' ■ g „ jtef qul«tne»*, ftrea

^ ______ , .NEW, W SY -A M IO

ft''-'''- eailcf.

f e ' ' ' •! S - , ;



lieniy was Injured, and Uial Uay- qihew did not seem.to be the eg- la

„ Krt?5or. Nono of.ihcai h id seen.a _' knitc. tl

,1 Only one cue'rem ained on Uia u J crimlnul calendar for trial a t the c I currMil court term alter tho ver- ^ , diet was relumed yesterday. T lia t

b tlio C.UC, tel for Uial today, ot n . Joseph w . Benjamin, Pocatilo in-* surancc agenl, on appeal from sen- u

teiice Imposed by lhe probate eourt here wlicii he p ieced guilty Usl Oetober 29 to n charge o( drunken I drivliiK. Tlie lower eourt sentenced jl him 10 serve a 30-day jall term and •'

'■ m . UOO fine, W. L. Dunn of Twtn « Fnlli h hls allomey. ^ • ' ■

im if l ic N ,j MS INSM Slfi:

- • ■ VI'I1 :------- . . 't' NVm.>' riffled and aiipolnled'of. I.i

* tii'cn (it 'i'win Pulls pOit, Vetcraiu’ ot Mtrcimi Wan. were UisUlled by ni

Liiulon, lhe post's t in t com- ui m;inilrr. al a Urgely altetWed meet- Pi

, Jnf Chamber of Com- W; nicice rooms lasl evening.. W. Imiallcd as post commander for pn, tlic coming year to tuccced Joe «p

Koclilcr. retiring commander, w u lu. Arthur M. Pelers, who abo Is chap- l)i!, Uln ol the Vetemns of Foreign Wara Pi . ftnie orsaiiiMUon. OUier dected of.

I k m iiuinUed irere WUlUm B. prt Summers ot Kimberly, tenlor- vice iin* comniimdpr: A. V. WUlUms, Junior ch

vice commander: Ralph V. ElUolt. llg

i Quick Relief

Ju it a few *drop i... j M i Uh Tind you breaUie ettU y. 4 T /C 7 T f

B s a i a l - V a - t r o - n o r ^ J a U i r clean clofgins mucuf, reduces swollen^nua< branes —brings wel* ^ | | U | j | |

i tome relief.

IS low as *48(

dels that give id gasoline mil

d more beauti ...a ll modelsise, same bod:

V .8 'i a r e h c r c ! . . .w l t h N W M l,cs and ImproTcmcntf.' perform ance, greater*ss expenio th a n ctcu and fullyJflered before! Call on ■^ and d rlte America # jw-prfccd cars! forward <YOUR FORD P gA L E R

IIT U V-B INOINlSl N'o" in inh tel luned for economy. „ndet et

lives jrea ter atopplnip"*^^ i^j,r pedal action.


10. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Dl, D E C E M B E R S 1039 . 1 ■

- quartcriiiailer: Luclen FViier, chap-• lain. , . Abo .lusUlUd-lut-evenlnr-were i

the following appolnled oltlcen:“ luipli V. aUoll, adjutant; Roy » Cubit, offlcerof the day; ClinrlcsW, .• Austin,■ « n '|ee ‘ otrieer.-.................J I^ujlecs are O. Jl. Kfrngtl,. c . Jt J ‘ Domrose and Quy D. Miiltr.- a ; Nexi regular meeUng ef Un post 1 Is to be December 21 r . .

i i l l lS I S I K T■ MISSION

MptliodUl, iireachers Ihroughout . iQullicra Iilfllio uro In inilplls oilier , than llielr owti TiiCidny, Wednes-

Ilfl)' aiifl 'niurnday erenJngi of Uils . ’nctk. Dr. H. 8. Reen, mlnhtcr of 'r»ln Palli McUiodlsi cliurch, laid

• l.iM cvciiliu:.i la llic 'IVIn FjIIj clmrdi Uil '• nlglit, Rcv.,1. 8, Mon of Kllcr siwke .• Ull "A Way ot Lite.” Alva Pickcit .■ tIrc lclrd and nuu^c was lumL'Jird• W' .Mat. IVpi Jtoi: fltld ifr,, \v. tv.

Wlnhi. Tlib evening Or, E. L. Wliltc. •• I'njior at Hansen and Murtaugli. will •1 «Pfsk en -Tlie Cliurch, an Opiwr-i luiilty for Investment," William• linker will preside and Mrs. Ruwll ' I Poller 15 In charge of special muilc.• Itcv. Uroy Walker of Hurley will . prearJi 'nwnuiay nigUt on "Ui-- : iinnilc Uvlng,” wlUi Iloy I’.ilntcr In ' charge iiJ the wrvlco anil Mrs. Ul- , Uan Oravts In charge ot tinging.

sfY H E A oj

R<«utarafa«...30e DoBif»7MnJ/»yMc -

e decidedly _ lileage

tiful body | s same dy size

t trem endooisw enaih-row er)lly IniuUted for quietneif.

fd ot tear aile..,- . . . . - .k « .n « i i te e r lo 4 » n d new steer h U u S r S r e d e W n e c o b l i U ^? « l l n . hood j ^ ^ ”i7 r ; . .

ait dtlell! ^MCI UAHS'r.rd V-l Ct«dl( Cooir*"j'

Z ... - . . i lOMPANY, Tv

►- ftnrlces are held a t .7:30 o’dock 1 caoli’evening and Uie pubUe is In-

■e Tiled, Dr,-Bees aald. : ............... ^


' '■ JtabM B .-D ec.'i - 'R e iv ila r ry r Morse-cf OakUnd, Csljfomi*, wW

a d ( ^ a fellowship mceUng here s it T hunday ennlng a t o’clock, A

_______________ J

I T h e P A I; , THURSDAY, Fl

C O iI . ,1 .


FurTrim racd

and Sport Coats,

Size 14 lo 50'

H A '250 Velvets,;' Felts, E t c . .


. J New comparlmenli on ol detp outtU e openfnci J<

,1 rpere wheel endebunJant ,| mo<fefthsfecnr0 /tfrf<fu<

win Falls, Ida!

Rcr.-i.A . J o h t u o n W i ^ : '• The meeUng-win be held l a ' l h i ^

old Safcfw ay-bulld liirm -M lia^fto^ where.R«r. JobQton. li condueUaE.I? nIghUy re r1 ra l.m e « » n |s .T ^ ’-

! Glebe A.I U flilf fflasi.’cett'T e^lS I lalU. otebe Seed aod.F^rC ek^ifxM . Adr. . ■ . - . . \ : f


8 i T S



I ell modeli v lth jI Jer ean « « * » ftoWfrW an tlu tta ie .A tttW Tin t ^Iu tt‘ te ip6cte iihem u ^


Page 4: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

■ t w in F A U a D A M NEWS

;: m S S ' E S v aSU U CB iraO N EATM

• I c m t u■ g r . .. _ : ^

v r ^ s s s S ^40a OMWUBU. «»l»d»l -

i 'r« u . r v i u i In.tdnsM .. ■ . .C .

nj taiu u utaoiI Ttu. a MflM*OUUMI bUI* oi ICiU;I r tu . m tM * ta utM c* .. -■'. Ml

o r u t o c u n s r t u in * amvcuim fnm u ueiuiini; a u tii

to (M UM ior puNiauea M lU - s«*» <U puctMi a tu x ti w 11. cr m» «Mr*j Sm Im IB Ull plpo u d to (&t lOMj Mt

• gj“!^jSSi Lcitia °» a o w m S !m -bwa* iMocuifU ettu.Utabtf Auat aum u oToirenUtloafc

.RAIIONAL u ru iD fT A T in i J JB0DWB1.- m a ^ 0 riiODOBi m

to o , cmeua, a*a fraaeuw.TBI K m iMuai* u-tia tM lii tnpou

eUiijr lor «m a U aattniMmtou Put t t m t u n lU 'piMi li I t uuii t ccmeu et tb tt pu t «l tfi* M ttrtM an t la w&ii UW tr ra eocun >111 M pubUUM vttlie

1 eam«________________________All MUM nqUlM Dr U* Ot B; OttfW

n u n ol raaptufll luruduuoa to M pu lUbM a tu ir. «ui m pusuiMd in u« w« e a u t luut oi UM p*s«> punutai to S*S T o S i? U i ' ^ l i S n t o

A C dN T B O U iB BOOM U ’a Jiu t ohs bliimed th tn t a fte r u t

e r. Kow U u fw e to ou t o l- '» deprei w hou problems h a re been giving us nl,

, a a re s for m e n y en s, aceordlng'to Wi U ppm ah we're plumped rig h t ia to

. problem of “how to regulate the coi

‘’ M r e e i w ith butlaeis le ad e n tb ii - t n o lrw dr on the edge o t that-hooin

taking proper measurei now. wo n t j r 1 . fp c a fustolned prosperltjr over m a n ; 7>

I f WB JoU to do M, It wlU be Just ano . ^ t l U o t i o t the old faUObUo sequen• boom ta d colUpse. Asd l i e v e r ; Intelll {•.dU iea Im ow tJfteM eoUtpses huve I . gett&Mt w orse..

The countiy h u some tdvantagea . th a t i t didn’t ha re before. T o t th6

Uma la our history. « big depresilon been dealt w ith, u Mr. U ppm an ' n

. ' “under t deUbenU poUey o t th e Amer ; 'govem m ent.^ t ahould bo eaaJer now ' th e govemment to talco th e boom In h

h e polnti ou t th a t l t- l» a lob nol ) th e fo ra m m tn t alone, w ith the con ; l t . h u tlre td y . a i t up and th » n e w ' •, needed; I t J ia 'J o b also to r business ex

tlvea and labor leoderi.Only these Utree pow en together,

.h a n d le th e n u tte r a o ; u ' t o p nven t M tm eUTt Inflation, balance pubUo bud:

i:M .tb a t . th a ;b o o m .b e n e li ta . .! t re pa ^ around ta lr ly ' and, wisely, im d keep >.proipexlty U aln-.freanam n n ln g > o lt. '•• 'trtcfc ' A ll-rouad cooperation is m

a m th an ever before.

RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORKE ' M ng Edward, on h is reccnt trip thn

Walea to see th e Industrial devasti th e n . Intiited finally on seeing th e i o t th » g rea t Iron and steel works a t I lals, wbleh had once employed 0,000 : He looked t t the dlsmanUed works, U

■—to - th e -ra fg e d -g ro u p e -o f-« lr« id e d - w A k en tn d Idle c o ti miners .who h td dueed tbe tuel to r those p ltnU , and

' n ld :' 'H ie ae people wera brought here by I works, Some kind o t employment mui

' tound for them.”I n these simple words th e BrlUsh :

s ta ted a p r ln d i^ 'n U ie r new In t h e « b u t now being,'adopted.by a ll.U ie ts Urial naUona - Uie responslblUty of In try . and of society as a whole, for sUa

• w rk e ra formerly le ft to sh ift for U selves.

Society a t l u t begins to recegnlZ' obllgaUon to consene people u we property, and to seo th a t In modem m there ts even a sort o t property Hgtit Job.

. From iuch rude la e ta come many » economlo and poUUcal changei, n o t c ly for tho soke o t charity or JusUce also os necessary cxpcdlcnt3"ciriblli shaken' IndusUtal aodety to carry on.

PRISON UVES Ltfe in prisons and Jails Just Un't

I t w u In Uie old days.Two youthful tru»Ucs In Uie B u

county JaU a t Poeatello 'grew dissal wlUi exUUfig'conditions and so, u story goes. Uiey had*a.talk wlUi the i

** I n order' to tender condlUons les: endurable they w en .pennltted to a t l downtown ahow .-Itis 'alleged th a t en to ' or trom Uie show they found tit b ind and gag a Poeatello woman whUt rtn sa d w d h e r aparUnent, and a t the Ume threatened, he r with a gun.

Really plcturo shows should bc fun in.’ oiir Jails so the dissatisfied occu

_ w U U lo tJ » ^ J a m K ^ { li .o J g M J i^ c h _taUona. .

. . TALL, BLOND ESCORTS I t tu rn s ou t UiaV ladles, too, "

blonds.” An’ escort agency U u t hire ~ ' l a g e m e n-4om e o t them In Uio soclt ’ is ter—to serve u escorta to r women

Ing New York, f inds U iat m any of Ui rons have qullo definite' I d c u about Uuj vnnt, It Uio eicotl Ij to accoj th em to r dancing, d in ing or night blng, m ost o t Uiem request U ia t.he 1 a n d blond.

I t la InteresUng U> le a m U ial n o t i women w an t young m en. T h e n Is Tnawii fo r the “elderly. dlsUngulshed, o t m an. I t Is also reassuring—to tho!fashioned folk who Uiink Uiero Is

^^*W 8i * h 9ekte* a n d t U tU i ponU na ____________•

UUs • acrv lco-lo Hnd. .U ia t. 5 ' a re n o t to r night Wo ^ r , fc, • agency Is often asked to

young teUows to d rive-ca towners, to help with she;

~ . children to and from scho r»iB T all blonds are no t essentl J S t romanUc b u t ^ w e t u H l ^ ^

COLDER AND W I t mny bo tJml we ore hi

te rs sucli us graiidfaUier abouL...Wcallicr bureau exj make oWlclol pronouneemei

ijt io feet, b u t Uiey are willing' to * * '"best gucMes" based on atuc JSM trends.j « , Up to now scicntilic da to i

ed oil for forcciuu no moj ' ^ sU hours ahead. Tlicre havo I ai*. cycles In wiilcti ccrlain tyi "SJK ■ predominated. T lino have >uoa djy" and .‘•cold o:icl wel" cr— had It* rain and snow, am

' sm alie t amouiits than tisui*■ dry spells and plenty o f hll

In Uio cold and wet eras, *?** h e a l cind less rain dbUngi

— . i m er, and more cold and mo the la tte r.

Kuoa W eather otueo'crs say th S 3 ■ cycle of nUld, warm wlni____ World W ar and th a t It looki« « wo were otartlng nuw en a

w etter winten.Perhaps Uia fasiilon buUk

1 5 goose-bone prophets. Even I — ' flclal h ln ta concerning Uie

were mado pubUe, Uie slyl tnoU i- ahowing ngaln woollen und tresslon kneo warmers, and m any j : n ight- to health and coilness on W alter day. to Uie

iu ;e.vact t h e s a ii (Wallace Mine:

can. By “n*" ’neadum on Uio a le s Ux U ve ‘When Ui9 eaiei lax w u paai

r years, gi^jtupproralvcn tup all over m other oerclianU were up In amu, ie n c fr - lUte gronje were vociferous li elUaent ux. Uboi orj*nlrailons’coiul«

m proposed to uUltte the ® referendum la* to t i n n a_ r

ty Uie voles of Uie people Uit ea now Jijn the referendum petlUon.16 t l r j f endum elecUon bcen held-lmmlon h u no guMllon bui ihat a sutau

notM OTemhelmlng majority would noies, .neriean ,p ,j w ent,lnlo_eff«l.lOW for nm evtiat modUied by the opI hand, tomey general, lupporW by a nn t tor clslon. tliat 1( did not epply ."® S ^ t « a fifty cenls. Mcrciuiii

I S l h . t a H i . o o n c j ^ u iw onca titnunds of lho wclal lecurtt; execu- RAduaily tho mUch desplaed "j:

Ux became leu obnoxious lo

m l d ? minority of Uio people were re repeal n io majority of .1

.passed ftg»in»t.Uio.Ux..Hls inie,but. eo the KODIO did not von upon (lit

needed Wndlng elfecl upon tli

During tho campalpi Uiere trp B o In f iw r of Ul# UX. CinilldsU

afraid to defend llio nimurc, Ihrough ueui candidate for goi’cmor i uU U on lu repeal. Whatever catniaUii10 ruins Uio subject w « made hy llie cII DOW- and Uiat U parUculoriy true w of Uie su to Where there * u

J majority against Uie meai^ , talked r ^ g the vote was In farar ot d - i tM l- -M i»4 axr*ad-thls some ihln t d p ro -' of Uw 44 counUes of Uio »uv

The tnoomlng-leBUUture « problem on IU handi to prov w u i lecurity pngiam whic

7 Uieso ^ r t S f c b ^ r a t l o n w i l l nu st be emment. I I must provide for t

by taxaUon elUitr upc ih King means of cxelse taxes, which i . taxes. In addlilon to Uiis UnV ? , whleh h u been rtcalving monI mdus- Itt U,a r tie of .approxljt Indus- jta r . wlU bo badly depleted, tranded msde up tn'wrne manner. Tt . ^ n . eipecUlly and Uio agricuKur.

" la a majority in Uia lUle. t, ,. addlUonal ad valorem uxes

*** .mo name of Uiat great commwell as ihB American people are ii

11 mere- vladleated ta 'tha referendum tlee, but Ihlng Uiat w u p ro«n a t Uu [hiiiiirff- -a-rcferendum voto-u-a-uein

and Uio legUlature can ^ ric *’"■ . 10 Uio lU le by repealing Un H

S A U N Q ’B Dl (Ogden f lu n d u d B

in Uie old dayi. • king w- ^ lliaii the ruler of « eounuj-. Bannock ,tond in Uie poiUtoii i satisfied t« io r for Uio downtrodden m

as Uio hlnl, would be compleUly »i IB lnller powerful nobles.- •. . . nn ■ « Is hard W read aboul Klr

tour ot Uio -mack artas" aticnd t ,4nilng Uial Uio vlcUini of t . enrouto »hakcu|i lUll have timi uld >c time to king.

hUflthev Edward vblled many po' .he same ,„any jf a „ .

plaints, and calcrcU I'lini uniljhed iiirousn iKo accomivs ol lm ccupanla iliat old feeling rlsing-ihn ■h temo- »■“ * 'TMinrtia-cfflild'ljrUie-ttjmm

i;a lm t iiidctrla) Injustice.As ions os Uio tverago n

wvcftleti In llial HsI't. the

"preferllres col. ___________Iiclal reg- ' ------------------

" C ; : BREAKFASTout whatrcompany Touch u tlio. raou titllci ght-club- " lien you alt on a pin j-ou«10 be U ll " . « ' " ■ “ “ U'S there.

ot all the m t r .\tu a de- S:iiall brother-"l<a1 Ua! '

w » « i 5 Bultor--Hefp. Keep r:M.hosoold- In your pocket.”Is somfc- Small Bronicr-•'Hcrcs 1CQcnUl i a to aU. Uial's UM.way I do

i t tniiny requests jcorta a t all. TTib 'NATIONi » lupp ly reUable (NEWS BE c a n .fo r out-of-.

ihopplng, lo lako:hool, and eo on. w•nUal In UUs less By

•• F tu n ). Merro inWaslilnjlon Iheie

WETTER ChrisUau loy aho

h i fo t a fow win- S S e n f n o o e S c Ier Ukes to brag w iu t happenedexperta refuse to ♦l«eUon Uio admunenU to th a t e f- Ui» While Houm‘ lo risk unofficial ot old pollci

’ days ot 193) ho grta can be depend- mebdaUons. This tnora th a n Uilrty- ully,VV8 been, however, m gave peraiLu

‘T S's,?™,?iro been ‘ h o t and u,fycraa..Thfl.torm er uieir own 'opinio:

and cotd, b u l In ss a formal, lUial uual. T h e n w ere' PoUcy. Whart moi h l!h to p « . lU tOu , loo .-B ut more penaonent policK ngulahed Uie to r- Mundlngi. • moro.predplUitioii

PEOaHASL It th a l we've had a u y norcl and iia:

/in ters alnce Uio fca^onjio to n m M k a to U ie m u lf a cycle of colder.

by Uu hesd man. lUiorlUes are good u u Ukely Uiai n b e fo n theso of- queiUon of eoniili he w in ler outlook court changes to ,1 ,I O .|» 0 1 » « ,« 1inderwear. knitted j,p p,J oUier first-aids wm bo sharp reli on a cotd winter toimaUon of PWyi

keep down InUru irorks plans for fi wUl gradually bee diarged wlUi coU«

t tE S TAX g ^ „ titner) tteasuiy or somele vo tu on Uie ref- wholesale eonioUC I Tuy dlsappomUng<5 jiouslng and welU

a great waU jr e u mrees. trer>the lUie. lUUU That'amounU tc u , membera of tho 4U „ program. Du

•idemned ll. When It reoembering lhe i 10 reeenUy enacUd , i . t , challenge a repeal ot Uie act jf m y hlteUxete-wts a rush lo proaiam.,on. lU d Uie refer-

taunilal! K noPan- ' tAQOAliD. li'stuld liaro wted to fcsslon to view will

tlielr rumors of■cL l u terms were naUonsI dtlense\plnlon- of-lho-.l-- appropriauons-for.y a lower court de- current conccm o'ily lo purchases of ago U no ordinary Hants began to col- Tho Baker 6-ye»u used to mett'Uie neet ranUng withIrtly Ifglslatlon and npptd u d le rup1 "penny for Benny" congresses. TTiatW(0 the people sen- »imcUon of a s o ^

a t Uie scheduled iKlosed lhal only a luve alfflotl 3000., really Interested In ^ id cnuhc»-10 Iall voUs c u t TO explain .Uio appsiiut more Uian 50.000 Actually Uii Incr (he quetUon a t all. years toUls nneo Uio tmaU ma^. -nio Unlled 8U1I wUa docs nol seem defense arm. TlioiiI tho incoming legls- verUsing Uitlr stre:

• tho U. B. no liiglKte was noUilng said jjuj,la, Japan.]atcs for office were Qreat ariuln. re, while Uie Repub-

' of a rctenUon ot Uie ^ . MunnureJilng w u Inie in 51 S r ® veW dT S

fc ... ; r r . . i »taoiP» in honor (0 will havo a great nresldont. irovide funds for OW P n m tn u (hlch UlS sUU h u»lth Uio federal gor- _ • n Uie nlstng ot Uiatupon propaty or by D imCULT. I:h are In rtalily u l u Chairman Jtsse JiJH SUM school fund. White House appinoney from Uio sales on undUlributedoxlmately 1100,000 a iharply^ revised Ird. and Uils m utt be couragi caplUl eThe property owner of adequate surpl

,ural people, who aro Now Uili hop*e wUl insist Uist no plain Uist Uis pca bo loTled. Kow m tax. Tb Uils levy 1nmon sense, of whleh uro conttUy-Uw

supposed to-be m dlvldendi, pay lais be provided except alive Catsandrusalts lax? ■ Uio proipccUre cincoming legisUluro in Uis nexi deprt

tax. Instead of being not hare built u{, u les lax h u been Q. ClUan doesajm election. The only man-aro, IntereatUiat tlecUon li”niat flood produced b

:cJu tion-and .a-ao^ _6o rtpcal.of Uiceriorth a real senVo and even m o ^ laIS iaw providing for IU guardi lor Uie Dl l L - l • difficult to push IDUIT worked loo weU.1 Examiner)»as lomethlng more ,

trj-. Ho TO supposedBll of friend and pro- Co"''""™1 mssjcs Who, bul for al Uio mercy of Uie

King Edward's recent **,3»'• 111 Wales without r Eniilaiid's InduiUlal

to v „ „ ..u ic k o i »u- srjiSf;•Jl ot men who have cocpiWlc w l^ iw ,. iUUned 10 com-.unibiB Iiomcs; and.lm visit, ono can seo fcdoubledlhe feelliig lhat here P « ^ '^e c laa and patl)-, ammon-man'e-ilffendir-

Istjcr and from 1 nrlton looks on his w»u'<l «"'•:he klnithlp is nol a 1)“ 'ntlal part of.BtitUh. .bo.«taWUhed b

___ “ force. Tills cbsltle U brtwln

■| bsnUng. Tlie g<

3T FOOD f” r ‘S- igrco wllli ths i

(llcate of Uie senses, rtatcns of Uieir)u csn-t tee it. hear It. Prepared to rests«mehoir you feel tha\ 'fhe ban

' grtss and a spl_______ Uio gowmment[,^TE “*

Ull. ru t Ulls quarter Jtti* Jones turn cru>h their res

I 10 tents. One prlcc uroject. It does do business." atli do so, but

T w nt F A tlS DAn.Y SEW

t AL WHIRUGIG I Fnb e h in d t h b NEWS) . ^LfeOlore Newvpaper 8yndleaU) T j


I irisl bslloons are drifting orer I. ■■ c e days Uian you can spy hi a n e w thop. Though-«n assortment of mg gh le etrlnji, msln manipulator Is holel

erell h i m i e l f . • from a: ned U Uisl immcdistely afUr onr* ■ Unuibtratlon-s idea «nen mobbediM wim suggesUons for amend- “ollclet and advancement of new rtsuioii

Uity found Uiey were facingt ciianged noosevelt. in Uio.black —9 cra.>pcd impetuously a t recom- o n lls time tie luttned non.commlt- B M

nLvlon for Messrs. Ickes, Jones,, £cclM and Ilopklns lo Uke toII Uietr pel propositions. But ho I P r a tey express Uieir views u simply B W fl mons and suigesUons," and notrul dccisrstlon of odmlnlstnUon more. e \ ^ s^ech w u scruUn- IjTJD ly ilr . Rooseveli or' trusted 'nobid out snarls, vou canTprtdlcl M Km » by these post-eleeuon ^


K me presldenl conUmplslt's iiartliRJ iealsUUon for Uio next

drslicrs' fUigrrs are itchlnj to ^ , batch of Uberal laws, but Uiey^Whi get the]r knuckles rappedisn. ■ IK ntiial the president will leave Uie ^.M lteuiltutionai revision and supreme coffee ;10 listure, lioplng thsl she will nutlerli a favor .The problem of framing cry reli jckablo NRA will be dumped Jn. ho fumI usuy, business and labor. Thero '-oh, yc relief relrenclimtnl and trans- him: '(

>WA Into an sgtncy designed to A faint erest rate* and blueptlnl publle ories-a ir fulure emergencies. The BFC become an admimstraUvo body apeok

oUecUng inlcrtst and repoyfaenu m d I h ’eotually'll will slide loto lho over a ane tenUalUed lending agency. p»ie bli loUdalion of power, farm credit, dtnce j tlfare unlU is seheduled-lf con- rtsds:

tum g<i to a fslrly restralntd, conserv. mtmori. But mere Is no guarantee Uial UHnf. '

lUed consistently. Ur. Roosevelt, he elccllon rtUims, wUl not hes- nse the court, bwiness and In- *S h o w t . 1.1= m - r e , "

rtllglou---------- • ■ Bt. Nlcl

It's w r t of on army man's pro- ntr. C wlUi alsrrti. Cometlmes Uiey cash oldest i of va r and tho breskdown Ui In Ami sc into handsome congressional Ice. T for thtlr-ser>Uc,Dut.Uio.sufI's ilirubh n over America's airplane sliott- the sId itrv Kare..» c r pui. Kr balMlnj . 1. . t J l Klih foreign squadrons l iu ^ n . . • ^ by Uiree successive stingy ,J^ r»m contem plaU dU iecon . ™ io W e m ships in five years, and “ed rate Uils country sliould now .»0. (Allowances f " o b » l c s ^ *l10 per cent In each iiuUnco-- , ppsrent discrepancy in f i g u ^ peUlioi iTcreue in a e r i a l - a r d e n t in ,j,e n 1 UU only fifty Pl«t«> , . plUUof su tes onco nnked. filth la Uiis the lit Loiijli foreign powers aren't od- wm th Ilrength la the air. Insiders plsee j r beei iliier Uian levenUi now-behlnd g rsy i . aermany. lU ly, m n c e and j j , hai

er or ;- He p l

imakcra aro studying lhe m \ - and laeom pacU u means of eipandlng mt^ch

Uon of labor condlUons. mUk pro- « lu ^,hUo reuinltig “homo rule.-; . . « e U 1 (avor of abolishing electoral col- . miining ground.. . . Many cham- i S T a n presstog 'for unU4rm ^

„ 01 u a l U io ilo ti a t ttvotrtint. . u ”Bi

--------- Homo"KEW TOBK lrt poe

By Jane« tIeUnUIn cribed. During Uio campaign • RFC U ^ nM Jones inUmated-obvlouily wlUi like U»pproval-Uiat Uio hated new u x ^ b . liedL corporaU-proflU would be As <l by Uis next congress lo en-11 expet^tures and Iho 'bulldlng

S ^ ’S ^ a d h ig f u t . I t Is aUtoo ^ I publio ll enUiusluUo aboul Uio - ^ vy u c r td l U d ^ ^ . Ths•the unprecedented wave of exlra , increasu and bonuses. Conserr- ' r u shake Uitlr head! gloomily a t ® “ eolUpso of American Industry ipresslon becauso corporaUons wiut up prudent surpluse*-but Johns ia t care. He -and hls congress- v .™ S S u d only in•Uiecurrent goldeni by Uie u x . • Tlndj,the tax Is now rated Impossible— j,un,o,

iflca'Ubns'itgJW eduurgenvafe- *nhfi business slmcture will be very _ _ Jh Uirough congress. The leiy h ulU. ______

IndustrUl and ftnsncUl chiefsM wlUi Uie NaUonal IndiuuUl ^)ard u u t Uie SocUt Gccurlty aet Hm U r security on ttiou «ho are ■. v ju tUo resull in reducUig op- ■>r employment. A Ux bued oa Hf l n a direct Incentive to busl- M l

■1 lo keep their working fortes a i ■Dipact u poulbtr. Hvera figure this tendency «i)l be- MMnt wlUito a lew momb, dejpllo ^Sesire of many buslneu letilcrt to B h Uie goTommenl tn >iimulstlng> m; by private enterprW. , 3 *inference board prtdlctt, ilie lulure ^Died effort W a « ld einjiloymtni of ^>rsons...ln order to tKsix iho ^ ylng off employes." ihert tre lUe-ong repereusslons Irom organized Ir’jE l «nSressTBfl:«ra-aevciffins?rtr - jsendous Impttui to ItlMrdemiiidshour week—or the .'it hour d a y - Hd by uw . R

iLs column rKciilly repo:inI lira’, a A:wlng on tn* queilion of bnnch H fi SO\‘em m tnt fa\-crs extension.of mIK u a means to thr end of unify- Hkmg ai'stem. I1ie bis cUy banks Hho govtmment—Icr djviom iirofti I Helr own. Tlio smtll tun ii bmks are ! ■tsU t os a miUer ol life ant) dn lh . H»nks'liave a lot of trlendi In eon- | 5spirited scrap Ls in prc:pecL Bul Htnt h u » powerful club hidden up i p i

It chooses lo gel tough. k jporUon of small banks tre sllll Inn r o la ono form anoitirr. II M a'«

iumed on Uie hetl. In oouid etslly . resistance to any tdininuiratlon

locsn't necei.Mirlly follow Uitl t e ^iut Uia force is Uicri. ' Fl

iW8. T ffm FALLS, IDAtiO, WI

N ew Y o r t [i: Day Day P

B y O .O .M c IN T y R E j

tfBW YORK, Dec. 3-Tboee Uv- r ghosU who haunt tho great tel lobblesi PugtUve ehadows r >m an opulent pu l. Only In. Uie ■ y£ and gUt splendor-whicli U J !»-do Uiey seem able to get away ! f ffll Uio drab hall room now and ■ j cmdlo memories of prosperous

d iy i that a r e ____;______ _ gone. • .

' \implt, a seedy but

f f l M g S B I Ihade who liovers . je S m a g * ! n'U ie btrroomi of . %■ M -Jio Plaza. Ho sits , , ! 5 r a 9 G 9 1 nuslng 111 one of.W H lnttM ta ihB .big black lea- j <

ihcr .chairs. Evary i ^

v B |^ H |y i ] i d lottera to t h e tQ oews ticker sUU for .;

^ m ^ all me world Uu i

> .a ib lB ty n Adjustuigananc-' 2' lent sieel-rimmed f l

nce-ne* on a trembling moistM-end. ho .carefully readi Uio ; jirket reportj. ncplscmg his .icf.nts he returns lo his deep i Sililontd chair. PUtten yeara ago . J,wu a guest wbo aglUted for Uie _. j uUaUon of Uiat samo Ueker.Ife never order*, but now and Ihen ,waller, an old frltnd. Inslffi on . ' ■fee and sandwich; He aecepu « tleringly. a membrane ot mem- ’ releases some flare-back, and fumbles for money. The u-alter: : . h, you paid Uio check.- P ^ , ' n: 'O h, yes. lhank you." BmUes. i ' 'alnt crumple Into shadowy mem- ts - a ghosll^

Ipeaking of.memorles, Henty Bell “ T” 1 1 havo beea puolcd for moaUa nose-b :r a sign, In gold outlined wlUi c ,:e blue. In Uie entrance of U« m utai ice pUee known u noselsnd. I t gp, ^ ids: “A pUco where you a n ^om c •n golden moments into Idle j mories."' I t must mesn some- ptpke Q(. but wo have muffed It. the dc

(ometlmts I wondtr If hunylng w Yorkers Along Pltlh avenuease long enwgh to notice changes ,Uie Um'n's oldest congregational Iglous edlllcc-Tho Chureh of ^ ‘ NlchoUa I t Uie 48Ui street cor- ,

p. organised mMJM,-It b the lest chureh orpmlsatlon. Indead, . ■ , America with -contlnuoui te n -

. -n,8 old iron fence and Uie rubbery have been removed and ! aldewalk widened,' Por-years h u offered a Jel of pleasant

•enlty. Tho pulpit, or preaching sk, Is an anciently csned Oolhlc .•Item. Tho vlsU H of quaint an- lully agalnit a background of A pni ;ra-modtmlsm. ,

Djcar of lho Waldorf.' knowTi far d «hlfl u a chef, b n 't a chef gvar all and doesn't cnrc for lho ap- becomi

UUon. Onco he wrote mo so {^uniiii ien I classed him Uius. A com- Rupen taUon of recipes yesrs-asunder y e , t s e tlUo “Oscar’s, Cook Bo6k" gave m lhat standing and ho h u ner-

been able to shake 11. Nearlyo y w riU rre fe ra to h lm u a ch e f. {“ 'P ''J b u oocupled a niche u a greet- or host Sl hU years of sen'lce. and

J pUns and-arranges banquets f « t I id largo dinner parUes nnd knowa Trui uch about culilne, but h u never mule lually donned Uie chef's uniform,B U past 70 hut a t hU desk every ,y-*m^ng Uie last of the hoteliers

Tho passing of James Whitcomb -------llJI'i slsUr recenUy revived for To jm r tho poel'i menUon ot her eldcit I -Baby U oio- In -T^io Polka a t ley p too-poem . NoUilng, to my mtnd, thel* I poetry h u » enchantUigly des- Janui ribed babyhood. I t rons-Uio quo- ho wl lUon b fnim mtmory-iomelhlng In lr ke thb : DennBaby. Ltaie wilh her lUp, ^ «m s As Uibiigh her velvet llp i.h sd . a i :

caught some wlip • . to ih '^ f floss between them u ihe

slrovo for speech . brackWhich ever reemed Just In, je l . oul ot rtach, etc. elc. tl^ n l

— brokeiThat "velvet Ups hid a u g h t wme

rlip of flost between Uiem“ Is tho w — . ort ot stuff for which poeU strive.:ertaln writers-Wodehouse. A. P. " " i f rerbert and Ttrklngton occur to * le-have the uuo light touch. Stl- , lom do Uity bring In tho heary W irasies. Bul ketp tickling Uio up- Youni «r keys and using lhe lighter wood Jenkl. rlndi. This makes for . deUclous the » lumor. CartoonUls liavo It. Brijss Abhle rllh the tsg'glng tyko In netd ot Mrs. .

Chinese Yoi

WA'SSED befo re lh e tom b of Sunun ifo rm ed boyaT h is vlM l lo lh e lom b a l Nankii P ho lo .


:— ■ ..--------------

SURE, rJ H v m so u

_ ^ - - - S ^ 7 T H E M HOLI T U b e :


/•IMMW r

M-blow. Peter Amo, more mod-' f M i I, wiUi Uio uniformed flunkey or uUches of tho.wlndow club IilaJ- _ _

I roar a t Uieir sweeping ram's [ H m curves. 1 don'l know «by, but lo. T bat Is playing on Uie up- H rkeys. On tho'oboenU ier U u n ' H i doublo brassesi V

:i‘i betn moons since I succum-' MI to Ihst gesture of Icwer even- H i» - th e TurkUh Balh. But for Mi heck or It. I did last evening. Hit rubber, a ‘ringer for Man HrunUln Dean sans whiskers, gave H ', the big bum, hb enUro roullne.10 longtr look upon myself u a I HIgh bird. I not only bmlie, ouch. ) ■e anything, but tear easily under W»wlng.-They.almast.had.to.toU. L _ ) homo In an ambulance.

(C^yright, 1930 .McNaught flyndlcate).


Svan Gamer and.Ira Q om ^ will MMmo first cUss Boy BcouU when ■nldoka court of honor meeU a t Hipert tbelr awards being approved Ki t ^ y “ by“ B n ak eH lv er-» rea B ladquarters. MBecond class awards will go to W ilph CampbeU and KelUi Bcho-Id, while Ted Hayward, Cimpbdl TIIli Id Schofield will receive tender-ot badges. paOVuo Gamer b Uio Iroop scout- we

________________ ! t■ ' at


To PUI Mitsloa — David Paee.je it son of flberiff and Mr*. Pres- thr D. Pace, wm flU a mission for e 1* D. a . church, leaving here on • muary 4 for Salt Uko Clly where1 wlU Uke' a three wteks' courae HC , IrumicUDn .prior to going to b Kenver. headquartera for the ae it- horrn sUles ho will represent. .. dayAt nospiui - PaUenU admllled H w, Uio OotUge hosplUl orer Uie Uje ,eek-end were Mrs. W. Holden- of E •ack'of nupert: Bob Msdison, ad-itlfdoaSslunlsy following an ac- nOD dent in which he sustained aeveraioken ribs. cub. brubts and pca- HCbis injuries when he ten from a Burr>rsn; Prank Agulorre. admlUed for on tedlal treatment! Mra. W. Smoth- urgt1,-admlUed for. minor operation; le e>eld Kwb, mijor opefaUon. . othe:T hlt ReUUves — Mrs. Anna himDung of Bobe and Jtrs. Marjorie AH iinklns of Poeatello visited' o w neirle wtfk-end»wlth relstlvn. Mrs. o6hle Dtll. Mrs. Prank Parke and try «rs. J r I. Burgess............................ la m

outH Pledges Aid to N atl

iun Yol-Sen, f lrs l preafdent of Red themselves lo prolecl their f nking >\-as p a r i of rcccnl polf*®'

ECEMBER g.'1988

Miracle Bab/Grows q



I t b

1119 U Helen Priscltb SUm. lho I hi *^If»elo baby" whoso mtoaleBaij mis. poreals, John and Eltnbrth Siam, -}< *ere aUht by baodlU In China, u shou B healthy two-year-old yoannter did a t Uie homa of her grwidpartnU hare U ibe Amerleaa PreabylerUn wur Mbtlon a l Tslaanfu. China. Then wnnl letS'lhaa ihreo monlhs old. Helen the PriKllU WU rescued by a eoolla I'w fram a boiUlo rlUago whUe ber whal partnu wen btlng bthtaded by wnni their a p te rsM ^ l Photo. all."

--------------------------------------------------O i r r POB KABWFT I**"

HOLLYWOOD. Dec. I Wl - Bor- I Karloff. Uie movlo bogeyman of " orror films, today recelvTd * birth- ay gift from hb London fan club,I w u Uireo dsya lale. but It w u M finest Uio elub erer aen t-a set ‘ « f Englbh pipes.


HOLLYWOOD. Dec. 1 Wl - Bob » « turns, Uio o.'aclo of Aricansu, b n Uie way to becoming ono of Uie irgest proptrty holders In Uie mor- J , colony. He reeenUy bought an- ther ten-acre ranch, whleh gives lm two esUtes and 'four houses. * ,n are In Uie San Fernando valley, ear Hollywood.. .■'Oue« I Just can't get Uio eoun- “

7 out o t my s>itcm." the comed- “ m ssld . ...................................

I t l o n ^ S

the Chinese Republic, these ‘bu ;r nallon if w ar should come. rlollc celebralioa Iherc.—


>0 MUCH, HE / g C & S .^ MENDt h e m ,

- i ■

T TIN K E R VHO ' V/ £ / i Y V £ A P .{____________[_j r



Tlie glrb are aU going lo U» amo, Saturday. moUitr. C an g o rT o the fooUjaU game? No

ou c tn 'l go. Tlio doctor wys b bad for you; too much excltc-

icnl. and tbo cold and all."-Att Uie oUier glrb ato golnr, nd Uiey'ro Just the same u I am. r they don't lake cold, and doii'S erslcW r»hy-8 liouId-I7-T here^— oUilnj Uie-onattcr with me. I'm erfcctly. healthy. PIe.«# let ma 0.""Dont tea.ie about It. The doe-

sr Uilnka It b n 't good fpr you, nd thal ought to ba enough. You an do someUilng else on Satur- ay.'' • •"I don'l w m t to do anyUilng

b t. I «unt to go to the gsmt.''After Loubo left Uio room h tr

lU ier-lald-dow n-hb-'paper amt— sked. -Why a in 't ahe go? I dont . ee anything wrong wlUi Iier . .esltli. What did Or. Bacon sty?

haven't heard anyUilng about hb. What'a Uio maUtr?'*Ho rtally d ldn t s a y 's h o •

houldn't go to tlio gome, but ho Jd say. l u t Pall. Uist she should V ia« •Qulel and that exeltemenl Jk ru n 't good for her. I do n irV aint-her to go because I don't llko he crowd ond w hst they do thtre.'1-0 heard Uiat things aren’t Just ,-hat Uiey oughl to bc, and I don't ,n n l her mixed up «im IU Tliats 1I-- ■"Seems to me It would -hars

«en betler Uien to havs said thst l |h t oul and not given the doctor J an cxcuM. Wen.-r"Jm t Ihcn LouIio relumed- to

ho room. '•U’.i all rIjhU molher. called up Dr. Bacon» and he u ld . eould go It you-said .so. Ho '

bought I was In good shspe thU ■ear. I csn go, can't 17"“Now loulM. I said 'NV You

lad no business to ask Uie doctor. • j t wss very bold of you. I'm suro h i t if U» doctor knew aboul it le would say ‘No,’ too.'*'“You said I had to slay hom«

lecaose Uio doctor said so. awl i« ays I can go *0 I don'l see-""You don't need to sc«. and I

lon't want to hear another wwd ibout it."I t u not wise to lay the burden

if a disagreeable daclalon on any me ebe's shoulders. No good ewr omes o f 'i t ; The children /oon Iboorer tho Idea and dlscc>unl IJ. t b especially unirbo to use-Uw lector's namo In vain. H}s word nust carry auUiority snd extcl ibedlcnce for ssfety-t sake. O n« . hat word h u been wskentd In ^ ;ueh a wsy Uie doclM's advice. \ lls auUiorily. his frltndllnca h»^ I )ecn rendered useless to Uie child, « md only.renewed etwrlenccs over I lengUi of Ume will restore the -

The same thing b true' of tlio escher. lhe nurse and the tto« tla llrc,. II dee.-i nnl do to j.iy . 'You'd belter not do It, ^ojr \unt w^n'l like 11." "Itour tescher llupprem ." -'Your father win ^Try angn- if you a 'k even. CMl- Iren resent tho intcrfervncu of mUlder* m Uiflr personal nffs'^- •.•o-malltr how .glid they are lo relcomo Uieir help In times oi

luming'authority when the « c * llon Is against Uwm. I t is unfair a use them tha l way, and ufi»i«. xscause il b llkrly to desUoy Ibtlr raliie to the ehlldrea • , ,

The ehlldren *111 respect Ih* , luthority lha t assumes re.ipow - I ilUty, but Uicy will nol re«pecl i‘ i rhen ll dodges responsibility. .

Mr. Patri ha* -pitpartd a leaflet tnUUtd. C ba^■hleh teaehei » tblld how U « • unUe blmseJf *a4 ebeek bp w ms Mharfor. send for » . .

jhiid r o > i> i .t r IhU K . 1 - •Ireued. tUmped

<C0P)Tlghl IMO. 7 ^by'The Bell Sjudlcalc, IncJ -! ^

Page 5: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

iN i iD S -_____

Secretary Takes Advantage of Market in Finance

OperationsWASHINGTON, Dec. 1

Ine advuU se ot- favorable market coiKiltloni, a«rct*ry Morjenthau m o«d Jait night to put »3W.OOOjOOO • or new ;noo«7 In the Inaninr'j e u h I box thnmth December ilnanclng ag- I gregatlng alnuMl HJOO.OOOSOO.c I

At A p iw .con(cr«nce, Morgtn« { thau announced the new caah | would be w ujh tV hen 1787,000.000 I of notes are rednaneed and IMO.* I 000,000 or bills are retired Decem­ber 15.

Tl)e cull ror new tiihds w u In I line with his policy or keeping the irrwury-s working balance close to the bllllon.dollar leyel u “Jnjur- ance" against “ilmefl and cond Uons nbroal" The balance now alands

, nt M«,000j300.Alter Uie December operatlon.new r

borrowing for thU ttacal year, wh enends nex* Juno 30.-would be fln- IslKd provided expenditures ilay within Prwldent RooMvelfs esti­mates. , ' - •

However. Morgenthau retailed Mr. _ IWoseTelt's recent sutement that j , additional teller money would bo ^

. needed because or heavy outlays In .j, the drought area. This may neces- m altate t»0,000,00i) of addltloual bor- di rowing. ni

ill addition to the D.tcmber Iln*[■ anelng, th* treasury'chief aald. the

treuur}' wlll borrow about 1300,000,- 000 In weekly bill Usue* belween now •ud January 13. Theso bills will be Rtlred'from tax rewlpU on March IS.


Jerome VlUlor — Miss Halene Illll of Jerome Is spending tlie week vifltlng with rclallves and Irlends.

Leave for Nebraika - Eugbne LalUn and Paul U ttln left W - (lay tor Nebraska, where llicy plan 10 vklt with relaUw, They *111 ' nljio vlsll In Kan^.^1. Tliey plan to iftum-Iwfore llie Christmas lioU- <Jays.

I r a m r;r Arkansas — Mrs. Char-____ l i e J 3roaJcri.iIonday_for_Ark»n-. _

I «>u and Oklahomti where she plans to Tl^lt will) relatives.

Relum Home — Mr. nnd Mrs. 0 .J. Fftsicr and family returned Won- tlay rrom Missouri where they have been vWtlng with relatives.

Visit In Bolte — MUi Lena Bourn nnd Vnncel Calico spenl the, week*, rnd In BolM! where MIm Bourn went on bwlness.

Holiday Vlill — Mr. and. Mrs.' Einie.'rt SJobers and ramlly and

------Ml«-MarJorle-Daw-of R rth-fpent. j ,the Thanksgiving holldayt visiting „ nl the home of Mra. SJoberj'a bro-tlicr, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Daw. ||(

—— - tr


BURLEV, Dec. I - Rev. Walter I F. Harman or Jerotne, tonner pas­

tor or T«'ln {->113 Christian church. o|>cned a eerles of evangelltllo meet­ing a l the Burley Flrsl Chrlitlan ehurch Sunday. Rev. Harman has Illled pastorates fo r'th e p u t 3i years. Krvlng In some of thc larger cUlca In Uie east.. Sunday evening tlie subject of the message brought by Rev. Hannan WAS "The nerlval We Need and Ilow to Gel It." Monday ei'cnlng (he KUbJccl wns "The Worst'6ln in Burley," Tuesday evening a message ot special Interest was delivered to ' llie Christian Endeavor aoclety and ' Wednesday evening will be • aer- wl: mon lo women. ' , ' t«

m- S3I. ■ m i

" J M

NASH UFAYETTE-."See how if'; a low-priced car n n be! 'Hie N «h LaFayette-’W il ■ bis tit-pjiseneer car wilh a 117-ineh

. «ticelbaielltcivef^the£a«aving • 10 liois^powrr. *'4()0‘'m otor: more

loom tlian in lifgh-priced cart! SeeitI


I J \^ NASH ri^KTV Bll'iwn-' r u «

1 :n: st,n.hnne Sealh . R E ’’

' ’ A M U SElWelson Eddy and JeanellO

L ;


Nelion l i i r a id Jeaaelle MacDonald Kreen. appear In the retom jrietnre al t a u n w , “Bose Marie." The cast Inclod. Jamei filevwt. AUn Mowbray, Gllda C requetta. IhU pletnre pUyi a return enji “Bose Marie’ It iseh an onUlandlng pic tainment yoo eaa't atrord (o miii It. Reir day and lomorrow. "The U ngeit Nlghl Rlre and Ted Healy ibowa Friday aad Si

Orpheum Stiows ‘Eas

I ''

Against a batkgroand of the. rich aniTi which start G ^ e new plirlng

maey. ArllM, iBprtme master la the «abl veriial fencing, b seen In the role et a ] Ilr* net.M moeh In Ihe fabulotu wrallb i cnrilncia.

Starring at ttie Roxy I'';;,

, mar

The work ot ptiotographle modelt' the who pete ter Ibe adrertUeinenli ofi wor loday It revealed a t a background i glm

a m t t iu i a < r « w T « **»P«‘ _ G ^


• . . Ki.kUFtjHU-

- . " 4 0 0 ” N A S H A h*! ■ See thf I21-i«h "Iw'"S S C n C BdorSil.wMheIi>-u

^ h M h Amhaludorr-ichltNeing J W J .^Srwithin5I.<W)ofU

ifjniif* ever odem! wch.lunIt! intideandouti Dnveil

^ S H / ^ 1 9 3EYNOLDS MOTOR CO.

M E N T S P jc MacDonald at ttie Idatio


w• . . . ; ' ' . ; the■ ■■ dres


' *T Itlc reel


r will oth(



uld. Ihe tinging iweclhearta et Ihe at Utf. Idaho theater today and to- |„ , lodn Reginald Owen, Allan Jonei, a Crry and ottier*. Throogh many ngitemenl mnch sooner than oim L plelore and effrni •« moeh enter- ' .

Hemember, al Ihe Idaho theaUr to- . ^ Ight" wllh Roberl Yonng, Rorence I Salorday al Ihe Idaho.

mer:ast Meets West’ .





’iM * ■ H l l f f B Uta: the

' f l | Cae‘p . j j H auai

I t

iiT etolle Orient. “JUit MeeU Weit," „ Ing at Ihe Orphenra theaUr. I t <i a

>ubll(lle« ot witly convenallon and a powerfal Ra}ah. whole alrength

lb of hit kingdom a i It doe* in hla . ~

ror "Smartnt Girl tn Town," RKO'a new comedy- romanee lUrrlng Cene Raymond and Ann Solhem. Helen [trodcrlck, Erie RIore. Erik Rhodes ind Harry Jans are e*st In this r»- manUc eomedy, whlrh offen Ihe hl. larioni plight of a weallhf yoong nan who tall* In love with a pretly liholognphle model and endeavors lo penuade hrr to marry him tor lilm»elf Initead ef for hli money as Ihe mirthful theme of Ihe Roiy’i romedy hll, opening, loday,


ALBANY, N. Y , Dec. 1 (-rr-GOV- n-itor Lehman r«nt'letters today to Iho goveniors of all Atates, Invtilng. lhe state.1 to participate In thej world's fnlr In New York Clly be- Sinning' April 30, Ino.

a o i m M K W * " ” ........... -

J j n W l U l I * " . '" " ' '----------------i n r a m i t w a t i M " ----------

. CO. r t o ^ ^

s * * — . ' W '

<KU--K>r Imn-im W n icdl tnot P J r

A M B A S S A D O R .hcttbaie Ambu- 'Sinch wheeihajc t T C t Neitf before ha* " # *1 }f Uitt price range / W U lunjriou* hcauiy k'eittodayl . *^our*

ON THg A ll ri4,d

' < 7 “ X “s ; ry # C»iii Itan . C 8 .i

Ss’wdo/ »rM l5.nj

Thon* c #

( .



— . nem

Negotiations Opened With’~ Italy, Spain, Salvador' . cwi

for Oliier Treaties- ____ fortl

WASHINQTON, D ct l MT-On ‘I’s ' the ere Of President Rooserelfa ad- Uiat dreas a t Buenos Aires to Uio InUr- ® American conference tor promotion ot peace and trade, the atat« depart- it ment announced Monday the *lgn- u: Ing O ta reciprocal trade treatj'.WlUl ^ Uie elghUi of the 31 nations attend- Ing. . . ■ ■

'Ttie Jiewest signatory Is Costa cour lUca, wliue agreement to extend ,ida reciprocal tnido beneflU brings to ,,ian IS Uie number ot countries wllh or i< which sueli treaties luvo been an- oi nounced, ' n tn.

NegoUatlons have been'opened roun with lU ly. Spain and Salvador tor tittl other reciprocal pacU, Tlio Spanish Wc i eonveraUons have been delayed So landing Mttlement of 'current In- lem< ternal troubles.' lalW

♦1000,000 Involved •. On Uie basls'of Iu t year's trade, the Cosu Rlcan treaty attecls ap- proxlmaUty M,000,000 worth ol Unlled Slate* products yearly, clllet- ly manufacluren goods and pro- '.V rosed foodstutra. and Importttlom from Uiat country running between , . IJ,000,000 and *3W>.000.

Chief United Stales eiporU to raid benetlt trom tlie treaty are wheat man and cereal producU. offlee cflulp- & c« ment, and clgaretU*. ExUlhig low r , duties on Uiem wlll be malnUlned< |»m In relum,.U)e United fiUtes agreed »imr to reUin on the'duty free list coftee. <o u bananu and cocoa beans. Costa -i RIea’a principal export producU, and „o.-, teveral leu important producln. ukr

, ■ muel

BFOflESrCiF - . 2 ■liSBM !:!

' lo nBURLEY. Dec. .1 - Carl B. Ar- fou

entson arrived Saturday from Lo- '»vecan,- Ulah, and today assumed his “lu duties as supervisor of thc Minidoka Inational, forest,^succeeding.BlUne «>l«BetenMn,*who wni trawlcrred in »o *lhe forest servlat lo Cednr City. “ Utah, where ho CUl be supervisor of the Dixie naUonal fowl.

has been forest lupenUor ot the Ixfo' Cache national forest with head- quarur* at Logan. jo I"

Bclcnson left lieic about Iwo « « ■ «-e«ks ago to take up lils duties a sit a t Cedar City and ftom that time — tuilU the tlrst ot December Louis Darby, admlnlstrgllve auuunt. has been In charge of the local oftlce.

Dr. S. C Kyall, Chlrepnelle aadelectrical Ireatm enli.foel.terreclioa,__ConsBltallen free. ISI Srd Ave. No. | Phone im .-A d r .______________

I i .

y i t J i

■ J "■.......

1 ■ ' '

W f e i M ’r a f o r a t l

I l i k e C h e s t e r f i e l d s

^ . . . w c a l l g o f o r ’c r

C h e s t e r f i e l d s a r c n

i t c o m e s t o t a s t e —


- ^C ;-1 {!.! I '.'N ^ JlltU ItUiO Co,


C o n t e n t m e n t ’s W h e r e

‘T h o u g h T h e r e ’s ]

tn ie following w u written by * »newsman, "on the road" at the aerptvsenl time.) eab

One month on tho road. In auo- AcUllon ill' Intervab with all clasto Ing—rlcli men. poor men, beggar*, ear.thieves. hj-pocriUcal ' dudes and muforthright buma — would convince conthe most social minded c t individuals prothal Iliere is no escape from life, whino mntter how broad nor how long unthe hlghtt-ay. roa

it may bc added up In this way: •?o Ufe demands a pracUeal solution.On the way from Sealtle lo Twin

FVIK hitch-hiking along the high- xtuway by right thumb, thi* wriler cn- * pcountered several tiperlcneea ot a din ticvaslaung nattire lo Uipse ulo- plans who beiien In a life derold of toll. Let me tell you about one,

On the eu tem Oregon eoul. Inn >mnll Mlmon tlshlng port, we en- fhi founterrd a thin gmylng headed U ttl' Mnn nbout 80 >-car* of «e .We met over a glass-ot beer. I,gr

Somehow It w u Impoulble lo -lm e hlni. onco we had slarWd , , laiung. He wa* a Communist, heMid. He »ympathlt«I wllh my Job- qlf.y plight because, a* he suggested n |lie had b.-cn on tho tiring line him- ah;cll al one time. To Uila a-o had no „ ,ob)i-c‘!on. becauic h e 'w u Inlettsl- tm Inc. All kinds of people ar« Inter-fMlns to a former newapaper re- ],|gpofiiT. Anrf Ihe LlCCle Man w u p*j'- ^Ing the way. • bee

To mnko a long story ahorl he u ,i raid Uial he dldn'l believe In aman making a slave ot hlmselt for mu.a cipltnlbtlc aoclety. He had tound th ia solution. He had taken' a |,ap liomc.ncud tor hlmselt In a remote.almost Inaccessable counlry 30 or jj<0 uill?i Inland trom the seaport, n u

"I Imve. Jiolhlng to ft-orry aboul Bdnnow," he said. "I work only when I _lake the notion, In tact I don't do ^much of anyUilng and I've tound | V

"That',1 tine and dandy," I r e - ' l | plied, -If you’ve really found It, a l l l life of leisure Uiat spells content- ■

‘O aljell you what," lie said, "to ■ prove ll to youi III Invito you up M lo my plac<> for a few days. Then m you can ec« how I live and II I H iiaven'i really tound a way to beat this mp called work." ^

I had noUilng better to do, be- * rides I was curious, so I agreed to go wlih-Jilm to'IiU'l}omeit?»d for ! “• n frw days. ‘f

Wc took a boat up the river whkh lf<l Into the back country, for about j.; 3S-mlles.-Wfr-packed-in-for-1S mllMi- ~ before wo reached his cabin, Im'-| mediately we arrived there w u wood jui to be chopped. 'Hiero were one'or- [j], lau eoA's to be milked. There wa-i \ joi a small footbridge to be repaired in

i t j— r r --------------------------------

S IU R T S F IN IS H E D i,fcl»e Caeb Wllh F ia lly Osadle ~

PA R IS IA N . IN C . w ------------ n io N E - tto ------------- n

a t h i n g I ’m a l l f o r i t ! .

l d s . . . r i i k c ’e m a l o t '

’e m a r o u n d h e t e .

: m i l d e n ^ . a n d , w h e n

t l i c y ’r e S W E L L !

g i v e y o u . . .



i r e Y 6 u F i n d . l t , ’

s N o T o o E a s y L i f e J---------------- ^ ^ ------------------ ,3*0 that we could gain easy acces* |o acrou a tmall stream facing hU — cabin. g

AtUr cooking supiw and waah- , Ing dlshcs'we were pretty tired, w ' early to bed. (In the meantime, I must remind you, I waa being ted . communlsUo Jargon by a man whe proftved nol to believe lu work, . who turthermore hnd found con- , Untnu'tii after long yenrs on tho road.) I was beginning to have a few thoughts.'In 'tlie momlng there were pota-

itle* to be dug. betore the heavyI coutal rains should spoil Uiem. Then the eows. which seem to have a predlllcllon for going In obsUnale dlrecUons, disappeared. We tound - them tlw miles away on a steep mountain trail. Tir: next day tliero w u a fence to be bulil m lhat Uie <ame thing might not ngahi occur. Thtl entailed tho building of a - fence and mueh wood ehoi’plng.

All the while the little m-m wa* happ)'. _

"Yes." lie wodld say. 'Tve found a way ot getting by wUiimit work.' and I'm my oaii bo.w, too.''

. One or two days later I K-fl him.II had been a good ouUiig for me.AH the while my hos( had been busy as a beaver with thts or that prct'Ct, bul I had a lot of food for thought i on Uie road back lo town nnd the highway.

T lie ' Iltlle man had, of course, been fooling lilnwlf Into ltr.> belief Uial lft wa.-! llvhig wlUiout work. He .WM happily able to maintain tills jllluslon because he worked like hell. I Thirty or 40 y t m on Uje road, un­happy and discontented. Tliere wero hts radical h'anlngs lo' prove this, i He had tound that life had A prac­tical .wlutlon, although he wouldn't admit 11 to hlmMlf.

|ujl|jjo^ -

Inc., Dei llotnei, Iowa!

n i ^ i i

fH .M


SANTA r e ANNOUNCES 'gl'. tz tsn m ruBCiiASE si

: OHICAao. Dee. 1 m - 7h« ^ 6an t« .F^ rtllv ad annbunced to- ’ night It had plaeed orden tor ' tt0,30UJS worth ot new freight car*, m locomoUve*. tall and ^ 1 tastenlnp, M

Y o u d l8 co v o r“th o S c

y o u r firs t cup. A h i

y o u m ako tho dclidoi

o v c r y c u p h o d tH a ts

S c h i l l i n gOn* for P « rco U to ~ A



35 Ford Tudor Sedan.............ns Ford Tudor Touring Sedan3G Ford Tudor Sedan.............3G Ford Fordor Tourlnjr Sedai

Kadlo; 8000 niiica...............34 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Sedar 34 Ford DcLufe Coupe — .....:20 Chrj’Blcr (!oupe__ _______29 Chevrolet 'Sedan .......11 Ford Town Sedan...............29 Ford Tudor Sedan — ...t....33 Chev. Pickup .....................34 Chevrolet Sport Sedan.......34 Ford Truck ..........................34 Dodee 2-ton Truck, beet bo35 Ford Truck. neW molor ....

_33.,Ford.Tcuck, alake.body.JieT35 Ford Panel Deliver)-.........35 Ford P ickup ..... ..................


U n io n M<- - J S o u r E O R l

'g irlstB taiA-W * m S U ta u 'ia 'ii t( :e c » . Unued '.upturned of.

V .V '

Schilling F lavo r" I n ' : v v |

h u n d re d cups, and '

ious d b co v c ry th a t . . '

t s a m e r ic h flavor.^

A n o lh a r on* lerDrlp':].-^


.....................l a n ______________- W 4 S.....- ........ .................dan, Heater and____


Z l ~ " . ’Z Z I ! Z I I i i 5 o ' '

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Page 6: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

fV.ewOMM T m U tt iBOl) • —c»«

(-STNOrSW : W iy w »m a. . a cMy cdUw »r tbe W tm ntoa’ OMVkr, 1* m m O f en fijt4 le ^ Tteiy M ijM rf. bcyUh blond P*“ ATMtr nbe h u ft Seoth A nm - OB > b preoteA Bat her prtUy. " I te j f t r a o r 7*Bvn' Tl;v’ P*^ I d l b lore wim Terrj. rhltlp b ftJ h | f R<smi le bl* bo}b«ed beme old

. aad ban Uw CeoHer, buU ttr the W « « t o n fn a tirOu a< <Ae Dferrf* MeD BdL r r r r r w r « S ill; t# n u n r a Ui U b a t e sn , b st ibe a»lu airt«lH muIc te decide. WealUv, h»iul«m.e l«r« M u7 Herrii Ihlnla the'* In lore eatU wltb RitUp and atki Rail; lo hdp As ber la lem t bim. . iieari

------- Jno 1■' nerei

Chapter W .. bring ‘A LABOR O r^M V r Tb

BtUr n t JWnktaf. itary MowU iud an th e eounlry club « l were J '’*J M ta r (rom PhUlp Paie In aU thtlr “ tatem U. Thty knew le a lhan jtie “ ‘L Bd about how the Olher ftatf Of Wer. ‘'«™ itnUm Ured. Vet Iheie wtre tlie people wllh money, tho people PhlUp " 5 " ; P a rt wtnled lo (hake out.or Uielr eompUeency.U Maiy l4orrU became Intemted in MlUlown. ih« could do .u l a i m t deal lo hetp Phlllp Paie In Usflihtforbet&rliouslQKandfMxl for tbe undetprlrllfitd or Wamn* -xj, to a What matter how the became « ,ich InterealedT a qUli

a u t r * futden Idea. “Cp tniigd •ver hare any i«wlnr to be done)" -iv ,

“Mother lomellmef; has a ieam- pen." ttrc tt out a t me houie ror a week aC nendlj• tlffle,’’ a Jd Harr. "W ut Tiie to do with PhUlp?" - plalnC'

‘HiUlp'i Iremendoiuly Interested U ay« b 'h tip lnc lhe tolks In Mllllovn." waa ii

' I know. H el to t D«d <n such a flaWy iUl« lh a t’readin* tho Courier a t when bretitfut ean ruin his Hhole dsy.- M ay,. ; *11tere^ ■ 'family in UlUtown,- ooUiln ■aid Bany. ‘ lha HcDonaldt McOon- «>me c aid htaded a deletaUon lo .your In? do father. His wife's a dreumaker and seodi all'tbs money aha csn make." ,o( thi• “But where does PhUlp toa# In?- ‘wuw- ' TbUlp admires and t t ^ t s Me*

Xtonali He'a helped .Ibtm-^uL'ir . . t . . you want lo eonrtisw him rou're , •ertouily' inlerestod In MUItoim. ‘ why not lake lomo sewlni to Mr*. UcDsMldrYou-ll leara a lol aboul ; tiie .th top PIiUlpli mort InterekW -w h *“ •" Balli.' “Clerer. Sallyl 111 do It UUi rery -sIib

Ijlsy. And youll come wlih mc. won’t titxy .""A’ th

"Ke, I•c»n^" tald Bally. •Troun in* by b a n todo the m t.fo r youTMK.” 'iieU ' "Bul you ta n t hare me wander- name? ln« around UUItown alooe," Mid -joe Uafy cotxlnily. “Ju it lakeno Uitre he na once. lU l-a IU I'U «sk." . ,■ golns

-Wea* said SaUy n lu e lan llr ;i« i N r i u im Uiat Uaiy would m rer (c t any Mr. M further, alone. ‘*Tenl|ht, Uten." for hlr - i 'O oed-siril^ .M anr ai«Uudtd. a prta 8sll7 '(o t UA ltt}\D9 Uiat abe had "No. »ora.U ian.camed.her.Iuoch...Oa Joe..^ Um wiy batk .lo town Mary waa ln |. l tbouibUuL . Iitmai

*TUteU you sooifUiIef." abe said, "Oot U'.Uwy Dirted aL.BaUjra'iOttlte. moUie “IlUa McDonald, so my father sap . "Cot Js « trouble-maker. Fithcr means nfier to m a Wm’out e l t o n when he "Wn gels around to 11. That makes don’t oreiTtblsc doubly compUcaled and wants twice u exdUnf. Z dety fiUier and ably r wlnMlUpr I f father eatchei (Rein pncUc Uw aet, therell be a marveloui roK." "I've

Bally went back to her dnk said 8i feellnr none to certain U ut the -1 » bad been rtth l (o promiM to take lXaT7 -< Mary to MUllown. Bhe had been As sl thlnklnc more of helptaj Uie M e own he DonUd-s Uiaa of PhUlp. PhUlp ihe hai could fUbl hit own baldu. and-be duclna probably prefemd to keep Mary would : out of them. to May

Al for Maiy^ Inlentlon ot punu* Mrt. inc PhUlp Pate and leadlns him to ftont p the altar, Sally retuied to think ot >is t U iat Mary v u nor w lore-with ed Ihrc PbUlp-yeU n sliar

Mera Work for ]iUy hero a When Mary eame’ by lo ie r her jgu’d b

a t eight o'clock, Terry h td no( and he y t l telephoned Bally. Sally wtut -Tha: otf irlUi Mary reIuclanil]r..leaTln8 iglrlls vord Uiat ahe would be back tn an have b hour. Burtly Teny would come or <call. (

THIS MODETwin Falls Daily Ne

— vrr«i•’ • I TEBn

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' ' • ISally v ts sorry It was dark when • I

bey drove Uirouih MlUlown. Bhe rould hare liked Mary lo Ke Uie ilace under Uie liot gUre of the

"They ought to pare this eow- ‘ laUj," said Maiy^dliguiledly.' “I e t Il's lined wllh broken bottles tnd Id naUs."When Ibey slopped betore llie \

fcDonaJds' houie.-jfsry bfwtJil <w» r ” la tje bundle of clolhcJ. 'Mother <*.

luldn't undentand my sudden In- ‘rest In having all Uiese odda and Ids made ow r," the chucWed S f As the)’ went up the ptlli, they ^ card iho lium ot the sewing nisch- 10 Inelde. Bally wondered It Mty t = 9 !ver Itopped. She felt lulliy, i in ib g her new burdens. uTbreo chUdren were sllllni on10 top step, playing with tlreniesley had caught and imprluncd [ & . a botUe. They stared a t Mtry •»—. Id SaUy u May McDonald Icl lem Id. May was hol and llred j , id the sewing room was lUe an 9 m en. A baby ot two Uy asleep on E ^ ' ay’s bed. .• % k“I've broufht you some more ' irk." tald Salty applotellully.-Hare you, now? T h tfs real id ot you. Such a pretty friend u>e got, loo." •ThU U Mils MorrU," ssld Salty. lehlng May cloeely. May dtrted quick look a t SaUy, then u ru u (. sed Wsry tliarplf.•I'Ve seen her plclure In lhe pa- 1 ." said Mty, nodding compre- ndlngiy.ra»y dM not tta r long, Mtry ex- ined whll slio «-anled done, snd / y was quick to undenund. Thtre f, i ,; t iiono of the friendly Ulk that , ~ Iy and Idia Kopklns enjoyed en Uiey came lo seo May. ’To ■— ^ y, Joe Morris' daughter eould b« . <3/ hing but, aa enemy, eomo for le oUicr purpose than (o get sew- done. As tor Mtry Morris, the m

I frankly In a hurry to get out m tho stilling heat of tbo little U ise. tf i

Terry Walts An How Ht'm wilted." slM moaned u they I It down .(he palh. r ^ il s Is cer- ■ lly a labor ot love, sally, i B Udn't let toot In Uiat house a- ' V 1 acep t ;o r Philip."What about May?" demanded ' ' m ly. “She lives there.- Bhe musl be used lo It," ttld ry. "or. slio’d die," V{rthbiJltilo boy o fU wu-sUnd. by tho car. V

lello," Mid Sally. W htfs your [>l ne?' 1 1Joc Morris McDonald. Pop's sorry named mo for old Joc. He's t t

(IK to change my name.” ■That's good - said Maiy. "Old P

Monls know you were nsmed him? I bet he'd Iiave given you -

Wo. h r wuJdn'l." said JUlJe ..-j-lle. don’t give nobody nolh- . 1 wouldn’t take a preaent from \ anyhow." "Ooodby." said 5*Uy. T ell yow Uier 1-U be baek to tee her ItUr."Come again,- Iltlle Joe thouted BUHL

WKUhed p /a« .'' said Mary. "J Rl r t wonder piilllp hales ll and Its to make It over. He's pnb - Oeori t rlghl, but Oad says lie’s not wlU rto ctlcal." (he Bu,I've jnU tfl. go Itraliht homt." Oie nt; I Sslly. "I’m eipecUng a call" approve I see. Don't lel me keep j-ou." quarter 7 -(trove Sally honjo swUUy. s she vent up Uie palb to her class ai I house, SaUy wondered wheUier u d viii had done harm or good by Intro- ^id uid tag Mary to May McDonald. Sha w o Id have to explitn iome Ihlngs >£ay. B II t . W am n w u sltUng on the ^ it porch in a rocker. *■s Uiaft you, Sally?" she m r - •hrouih UiB dusk. "Now's &at's a ; - , - - hame. Terry Maynard walled oKUH> a full hour tor you. I told him d be back, n n tily Tip came In ho look her off «clth hlm.“

rhank you. MoUitr." Sally's ORAh lla ssnk lUe lesd. T trry muit WVwon> betn angry wlUi her not to “ «>. Or perhaps hiHPanted to take

- ....... . - , ■■ ikunk I

•EL AT HOME■Jews P attern Ihe*”*"

. . nwdlelm

I^MATtLE FXOC?C PROVUB r t iT TOR uaE ss.O T OB" C a l i r i

E^-KRYDAYl ?pATmtH i m . , Al

t H C ^ n i C j L v. aldtmicr

(tock In the mood tor “going d 'y mu ' I s , Pallem CM! And governm

11 look 10 sm u t In lu Irlm uid *nn rou’U have more InvlUUons unit In l

l yo-r ctn pcaslbly, aeecpti Jn Tlie ilyou%'c a ^ lih tn j frock for W. Oliirr

M.up" or one equally "rlgbr tho Alb<cvcrj-ilsy. You’ll love lu eholce catT)1ngnKklines, one .open a t the In the iIt, one clOKd m d tltd a atfalrA.

Noif, Ico. tho gra«/u; H tnpanelled sklrti Never made Globt

V belore? Then this style Is wllv 01me one to slart on, for Uio Adr.

rw'4 one you’ll find essy u can —— —You've miny ipproprlate tab- ^ —

Lholeta: tor why Ml

enrje, synlheUc. or challlsi G i f t ' « e n l th t neckline Wllh lay

■Item 420 U available In sites V Z " » . » . a . Jt. 38. 18. 40 and '

Ue 18 takcj 3!i y.rdn 39 Inch It- Ill'JStraled tlep-by.ilep “ng iMlruellBni Included. >___________ Nowl .«■ .P M TO . T m , a i “ f ' l ’

m m m m

^ O rtiw c lT i. r ir a B w

. ' t w i n f a l l s d a i l y . n e


6D0D M O R H K P O P P ft- l 1 7 IH O P e 6 V ft6 L E P '6 0 0 D ( SR E ’KWVS’ I*) M M O S T r ' \ TlEAOy- B ET TER j^

J U S T K ID S - ■

BHTCHA • 6PAN'C A-W HfiN ' hAn S ------- -----------7 CCC6560 TUH AL'



Wiui him and w u Had of her

lopyrltht..l93»,.BaUey WoUe).. ______

(Continued In Next Usue) !’ , . ' ■


Nrge Howard, Ouhl Hoy Scout, rtcelve n star scout a<ihml when Buhl court of honor meets lu next session. The award ‘w u

■oved Iv Snake Hirer area head- ' ^ •lers yeslerday. . 't i j i i !ck Nelson will receive a second I award a t Uio court and How- VlU recelre merit b«d|ts In Ilrst and publlo health., a Sentlcii Is scoutmuler or troop and memben ot Uie court 9. H. ConsUnl, W. I,e« Howard.I ca ify and a . T. Parkinson.

unli Tea and F a t Aid to Long Life H I

tAND PRAmiE, AUU. Dcc. 1 M E LouU Callloiis, vetenn irappef llrsl settler III Uie Orand Prtlr- slricU lodty allrlbuted hls cx- I H H nl heallh and vigor a l M to 1 ! U H k lea and tal, which he said „ him yomis.said he drank the tea. vhleli ‘J®" »

rew afler trspp lrj Ibe animals,■ery meal. He decUred he uits *' Iard for frying, and tt U his »•“ « elnal standby as well. ber V

_______________ Swani

l(tary Balks at" sn A berhart’s Regime b™

_____ for 0«1LQARY. bee. I (Canadian-u-Thftt of rive social credit ' men In tho IJ-member Calgin' council .today repudUled theTunent of Premier .Aberliarl **innounced formation of a nev ilclattng.in the council. ctffleKry5 lidermcn. D. V, MllchtU. j , , The ehlllman anil J. Oourley. eliarsed ning BtuMbcrta eovemment was nol ot pneurlog out joeUl crtdll prlnclplts — — "e irtmlnlstrallon of provlncUl ^*•_________ Ebt A 'l Uylng m uh geU re- ^ Tilobe Seed and Fctd Co,_ ■

' j • S(tsJS U iJ^crsonaL ____

f f ! "! something different this r Your photograph. For : nioUier no *

>1 iKmisnutil

r — — ^ ■


/ it o o k '^ „ _ | R ^ ^

Pf i e r s HAVS -I I ^> PU N - . [ 6 BNEVIBVE! ‘

■ /" 'g M ^

W R ' W l f i m ~ w iM c' M io ’lo v e .- N O RproRi^T- 4 f - • INTthlTlON#

Guardian |Moto

.‘lv j ^ l e

H f i During1818 ftel

m p « r «ings tots

\ tll.342 rDurlns

■ A '/ Uils yrsied u s t! Ings, t in t


— l ^ l s o i a f

mg.'plot a rt, wa.1 hoiuic Ql

, hktoricaVL

a tn a Cl Dr. oon BoUnyi

1RIA 8WAN80N, onee a me. The pi >n plelore aUr, U back lo Lea ^Jrs. aIi igeles. Tbere, BnrtccgnTtcd by chureh I I t tho pMPle Ib Ibo courtroom, to the so e was gUttt gsardlanship «( - r le.yea^bld daughier, Gloria raosott Bonbora.

BCRVICCS FOR'INFANT...... H nU U Dec. 1 X Funeral senlces H H X o r r OaYM Casper Shiddy, m m lonUu-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. ■ ■ ■ rt Shaddy of Duhl, vere htld I M r a loriday sllerjwon a t the Ei-snj Johnson chapel vltli nev. noy m lJ iN tus ot the ChrtsUan church of- g i t g tng. in tem nnl vas tn Uie'Ouhl { H J R

s ChUd died Ute Saturdiy eve-J . S S u Bfier an lllne&s ot three veeb! H r a leumonls._________________ j | D »

Enroll NOW At t T O



LINK’S SchooU AIm Lecsird I I 'a t Boise, Idaho Faiu tnd / / / ,

! I g A

Sludtnls :i|aT m ter Any ! ■.M0N1>.\Y j l l ■

Cash I)!k «qbU ATiUsble

We CUAItASTrK roilileni ■ ■ ■to An r.R.\Dl'.\TES ef ear '


A UNK'.s s-a(0L .tiism r AS A CHRISTM.tS O i m {

te ffS , TWIN FA U S. IDABO,'l

WSON IS MAKlNft ^11 TO C0V8RHI6 W 0 Jjm '

otor-Vehicles’_ S » 5 £ ? Earnings Increase o r a ?

_____ RuiUesjOIBR Dec. 1 W9 - Motor Vc- of BalU; e trelght and passenger trafllc mile ml icroasUig In idsho. the-depart- and no: It ot Uv entorcement reported sure llir. - »uppii’ turlni Uie Jlijl nine niDiitlis ot I freigliv' carriers rtported the ‘' “J'- sr cenl tax«on their gross earn-, totaled H i m compartd with ,---------242 tor tlie entire J'ear ot 1035. i urlng 11)0 Ilrst three quarlera y rsr passengtr carrJfrs rrport- I

uses ol 16.812 on grou earn- ;. fompared with MMI for Uie co t nine 'montlis of l u l year. ,

' • ' Angele.5

laulding P ortra it » " H ung in Statehouse

_____ McClUSJOiaB.J5cc. 1 yi>-An oU paljili * ■or lhe nev. Henry H. Spauld- < tb«^ ■pioneer norlh Idoho mlssloopr 5S?:. “ , was hung today In Uie slate- Vblt 1 .10 qusrttW of Uie Idaho state Skllltm oricalsodlcty. vbltlnge v u done last summtr by Ro- l«»c!itrj la Cltment Lung Alcorfi, vlfe of "''h i. OotdoaJL-AlCOm. profr&sor of On VI

tny a( U« ynirrnJiy of Idaho. Dial ani he, painting v t i purchased from ter ipeti I. Alcorn by tho Presbyterian B®!** • ' reh Idaho flynod. and v u sent he society for safekeeping. Aliens

^^^SFTiTTTn'TO DA V a n d TOM

LORD cf the 0 SUBTLE . . . 8 t r

' ■ * ■Bst powerless to Imp

f j p » t? * 3 - on Iwo young peopleI r ^ ' i ' i ' i~'ii r 3 *“” ■

---------' i r m GRI

l U J r ' & f i l ' noLES!

| A Am a Fasclnsllaf. troou

f 3 8 r " ? “V^ - vllh| \ Lacy Mannhtlm tnd U n



raram on l New*


P O P E lrE T H R O W S I N T]

DECEMBER 2, 1936 '

T H B T O W E ir :


' G

" •8 B P 0 R » FlCHTINft A B A m r , iT.ivcooo^TRATSfty i- TO LITARN ALL \0U CAN

lOMITC MINES IN dall ar---------T w o -m x its -a t'O P E N the sHANTS PT8S. Ore.. Dcc I, (/T> moeltr Hess iron and Sleel corporailon «“ •-* alUmore. Md, U rtopenlng chrO- dbtrlc I mines In touUivesUm Oregon VUH norUiwestcm Calltomla to In- land, i

I Itselt an adequate domestic Uie,T )I ’ ot ore, John DIot Allen. gcoI- home' t tor the compan}', revealed to- ry.

1 VUH' and L

, wlHi {i

BUHL b£ iiM-tn H om e-D r. and Mrs, Del- ,Cosby ire returning the Usl »

he veek to ihelr home In Los “ “‘"• tle.1 after spending tha post ted S««J ; VlslUng a t the Iwme of her nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Barker, mornlr odeot Reluras - MUs RuUi Husky rtturm d to Caidwtll to ^ J ol alter sptndlng Thanksgiving " I t home ot hennotherln-Buh!,- -

Loalitf Jfcaiuky. •• lit In’ DoUe - Kale and Bertha * ltm siienl tho veek end In Bob«Ing a t their homes. Thry are liers In the grade ichool In

I VUlt - Mr. and Mrs, Harold and Mr. and Mn. Jr.u Stlch-

ipent Iht week-end vuillng In 5 a t the home of Mrs. Dial's r, Mrs. Charles Adams. . lend Session Mlaa Loti Kcn- | _____

M 5 | <BfllORROWt J E S ^ n

r ^ v T H 5 !SINISTER m i M IRFtlLL H r a .Impose hU »1U — i M ^>ple . . . madly < a j |

CREATE^ ' j l

9 1c o u in | | j | | ^ K |w

( fO R T V V g \R 6


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o e - M u . ) / y ^

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Aho s b u wHxr r V C 4 N 5 1 B -

I and M. M. Van Patten attended wlili

eltng In "Boise orer the veek- dUc l.-Thcy_vere Oelcfnies trom lliU will (trlct. ------- ' • ■ ■ • of Mr.Uils Parenu - M lu Mary Ree- the 1 d. tchool music aupervLior, tpent home '.Thanksgiving holiday's a t the noii nc or her partnU In Glenns Per- j . j . i

giving'Ull In Filer — Sue Olenn Bunc? Brtnn 1 Lou Shut tpenl the holidays Mr, oi h {Jielr parents In P«fr. beri>’.letnm lo Buhl — Forttsl Dun- Ktod retumed lo Parnm where he Is return

thing otwr spending the w k Unlw: I vUlllng at the home or his par- brlnc^I. Mr. and Mn, £arl Dunbir In a t theII. . , Mrs, I eldJer Leaves _ Ralpii Lseey re- Calii u d to Salt Like Clly Mondiy Mrs. . ming atler tpendlng a month’s Calltoi lough a t the home of hU par- vUlt a I In Buht. Ke is sUtloned a t Tort 7. £, igiu, u u h . • son's I oUday a t Nampa - MlM.Msry, lousek sptnl the Thanksgivingdays In Nampa vUlUng vltli live* and trlendi. *Isil In Portland — Rev, tnd Mrt. ^ 3. OoJdlhirsno t t e in PortUnd, rc they vcr« called on busl- I lasl week. They.expect to re- 1 i im u ln . th u w c«V liiu fn>"mifey — Mis* DorU Iber spent Ihe holidays visiting f p -

^ S 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 ; |

— UNCLE JOE-K'S ------- iL > L a




l5c- , - 1 0 c I | j

l s H ? ± 3 i rM j Cst»»*t>Ag • wl

^<«th«gits' H i S f f i U f

^ g e n e ' H m r IsJjR ^Y M O N D V '^ ANN H k J« 's o t m e r n I I H I . ,

piilRifrisr y ]V I R L / [ I I

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jM H E iiV -R H O O E S - i

- 0Comedy - NonlUes - Ntwi J M

ITE: ll 'l AU la n & asd 'w e i W ^-rTtr RaUe Oor Prieetl g n


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i f l F S D ' -s f e i

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| KI I

____________ ...

Ill lier parents and friends In

lUckfool Visitor* - Mr. and Mrs.11 Ormond visited at Uio home.Mr. nnd Mrs. John Thomu owr ! Tlianlcsglrlni holldsys. Tlielr t e Is In Blackfoot. lollday VUlton - Mr. and Mrs.J. Brennen. had u Uielr Thinks-, ing guesU. Ktr. and Mn>, E»'an :nnan and famUy of Boise nnd , ond Mrs, Don Kllbom ot Klm- J>’. ,itodtnt Leave* ^ KIlss Joan Geer / umed to IHwtello lo atlend tho Irerslty of tdslio. southern ' nch. after spending the hoIUayx the home ot her parenti,Mr. and », Herman Geer.^lifornians Arrive — Mr. and I, Allred Catlson of Berkeley, • llfomla. arrived recenUy for a t a t the home ot Mr. and Mrs.E Howard and wlU) Mi*. Carl- ' 1 brother. Rober{ MuwtlL0 Attend Reunion — Mrs. Fredrtw?l|-U-ln-CallfomU vlitre the......: a(tend a family reunion nndt with relatives to r 'a month, ermer ReUdtnu VUlt - Mr. and I. Carl Mom ond ftmlly ot WcLi- ipent (he Thnniuglvtng hoIldt>-s Ung with rtliUves and trtemli auhl. They were tormer residents e,

1 iT*'] ’ rI .J 11, i L X — I


jiB S

. . .01oftou»lyProiu«i... w llh th sB rlU lin tS U ri ' e t "Naughty M irlitta

J tm o a STEWART I , .R e a l n * l d O W C N > t

AM hSMf ic tyn

f Doon O ^n Atlt:4 lP .M . V

Cootlnuota rerformacces I Fealm 'S taHs At I

l:10-3:10-S:»-7:»-«i» ■


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Page 7: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

0 1 ^Rose Bo\'

* * '

Cardinals Re Sell P lichi

Cubs A c^Business M anager Of M

Reds Announces Latest Bid------- '

B i g D e a l B r e w i n g


lew h la bosses th in k h e s w orth consldenibljr m ore th a n g/ a l l f lh of a m illion dollars, t u r DlOT D ean -ls th ro u g h p itc h - «Hd Ing lo r th e St. L ouis C ard- Cub Inals. > ’' ‘f

T he loquacious p itch ing ace of th e "gaa house gang" def- Inltely is on th e block w ith a "for Itle" iljtn Xiachcd to hU grtU ” ”

A ihipluU riKhl lhat m»de him one ^ of the grtateit lU n In bucbill.

Clnelnnitl has otfered MOOXWO « m In euh for DUir. Jli« Cartflntli are conjJdtrlng lhe offer and prob- » «

- ___In IU i |

W an ts T o I^Iove throTAAIPA. K a, Dte. I l/n -V k s r

Dean, loquacloua CanUoal pitch- on I ins ace, « id tonljht Iw would ba» "welcome « mor*«to the Oln* pou clnnatl Reds,” addins: “You can » r (or me that If 1 to to Cln- | \ tinnall »e will finish ahead of I h the Bt. Loula Cnrdlnala In 1W7." U t

HU comment Moweil upon tha Information (hat a ttOO.OOO offer for hla »tr»lfw hed been made by Warren Ollcj. iteneral man- aijer nf the Reds National leajui club a t Montreal.

Dtan and hlaVlfe are winter- Ta) In; at Brndenton. former Cardin-

____ aLwlntfr.headguarters._____________

ab}/ Kin Uke tl unless ther ctn do txtter by settlnj a big bundle of cajh and players.

CardlnaU CenaWcr' Olfer 2.i<? "Wo offered IMO.OOO In cold eaUi

and no playera lor D tar.” » ld Warren Olle. builneu manager of J*'™ the Reds. "Wo were told lhat the '

— otfcr-would'bfl-consldexwL-No.-we -T T can't part with too many, playera. mIcc

___.s:o.onB.»tar.,cven, a.DlKy_I>fan,.ts. chrlword) a ball club, you knov.” the

"Did you offer IIOOWO and pitch- h u ■ t r Paul Derringer for Dlay?" Ollea h u was uked, cuee. "WeU. no, we didn't." ho replied holUllyly.ja>CcauM that wouldn't help Ul mllEfiA

Branch Rlclfty; vice prealdent and a. genenl mintger of the Cktdlnala, “ h waa a Ute arrlral a l ihe minor

league meeting to no deal Involv- , , Ing Dean w u possible, bul the Auoclaled Press Jeamed on good « « auUiorlty that Dean would be sold definitely.

Cnbi Acquire Joe Marly The only piece of business trans-

acted during the day aa major leaguen went Into countless hud­dles and the minor leaguen held • conferences to Iron 'out their prob­lems, w u the aale of outfielder &I( Joe Marty, 1938 Paclfle cout terhi

;-icague batting champlon-frbm Ban Amei Pnnclsco. lo the Chicago Cubi meet (or outfielder Johnny Ollt. Indeld- ihe «n Jm Vltter. a Cub /arm lund bfca(

. from Portsmouth of the Piedmont ably letgue, and Qeno lillard and cuh.

A big deal waa rcporteit brew- . , lus between (lie St. Loull Drown* and the Cleveland Indians by which ^ " catcher Rollle Henuley. outfielder Julius Bollen and ahorUlop L}'n U ry would go lo the Indians In retum (or outdeldcr Joo Vounlk, ealclitr Prank Pyllak and Infield* Jot er Roy Ifuglies. btma

Commissioner Keneiaw M. Lan- (or e dls b studying the caso o( Bob Pel- In th

Easterners D In te r s e c ^

j" Pitt, Fordham And f Navy Lead L is t..

Of Winners "____ • . . 01!

NEW YORK. Dec. 1 MV-Ea»lem liiicrcolleglaie i«m a dominated the . 7,10 iiiienectlonal football piclure this ?,J , 1 year, an AtwcUlcd Press lur 'cj- re* « , vcsled loday.

U l by Pill, Fordlian., and Naty. the euicniers won 2i games, and ‘Z L

*> loM 17, for an average of JJS. Hie Midaesi. Iwiaing, an. II-B eilgo In ^ ' Kame« .a ealnit.Eiutgm.oppflngni^,Illd not do so wtll against all otlier m kcctlons. and fmbhed wim J7 won i H and 14 lest for nn arerage of J « . ,

Tlie SouUiwest. leader l u t year. i broke eren In 18 major gamei, and l id for third with the Rocky Moun- lain section which won and lost two. ■me 6omh waa (IfUi wlih 12 ‘f ' *‘- and IB (.tOO) and the Far. Weii Afl® lasl wuh 3 and 8 (27J».

PllUborjh Wlna T h t« -----Jock Sulliefland'i Pltt leam had

the nioM impressive Inlenecllonal p f.u j record, ulniilug three games against ^ llie loujliesi sort of WWweitcm op* .

' poslllon. Tie Panther* b ta\ Ohio * i a u ie C-O, SQire Dame. M-O. and s “' ‘S f Nebnuka. lo-o, Pbrdliini. taking In . more tcflwo’ it'in anybodj- else.

•f><tt Soiitliem Metliodlst. St. mr>''a „ jj, 1 and Purdtif. and tied Oeorgla. lo„ ij|

H i* T an AimapoUi tiad an howlc;

l a t i O f f l.........☆ --------------

wl Rumoit _ i f ' ■

eady t o ling Ace; [Hire Marty >Marty Compared ■

Lelty b 'D o u rP ra lscs Coast Leagu: P layer Sold

to Chloago CubsSAN HUNOiaOO, D«. 1 WV-JO*

ittrty, 33. San PrancUco Seals oul- (elder aold .today to lhe Chicago Sib*, joined the Paelflo Cout eague letm In the apring.o( 1»M jid a month after the season o p e i^ ought hla way to a regular berth. > •Marly led C ou t league'ballen • he Ju l aeaaon with an avenge o( DR( U9 for IM games. Frank “Ledy" aj )'Doul, manager of tho Seals and ormer big league atar,.compartd .(arty with Joe Dl Magglo u (ot* 6T 9wj: “Marty h u tremendous power backi n hlj thoulden. more to than Dl weati Agglo. He la eztmnely fu t. Ills tb e ) hrowing arm Isnt as good u Dl u , btagglo'a tu t when the two.played m j,, m tho Seals Marty waa the better ooo e iate runner and covered more ush . TOund." • . l*len

------------------- ----- Ilei

duquesne Plays El fa Orange Bowl

_____ ta il

rexas Christian, Tennessee iL n

_ _ L ead in g_ C antIid a tes_ _ of South ' j j [ .

jnAMT, Pla, Dec 1 m - Du- , luesne utilverjlly o( Pllliburgh rlll represent ltie north In the an- lual orange Bowl football game lere' New Year’a day, the commit- ee announced today. •Theif'»outhem'opponenli'wiirbc elected next tweck. wlUi Texas \ihrljilsn.unlrertlty .aiid .Tcnne!t«____he leading candidates. Neither IU completed lu tchedule. T. a U. lU Sanu Clara aliead and Tenn- j_o< ssee plays ppl Salurdty.Ote Mlsa w u the toulhem rep- lonlgl

esentailve l u t tycar «nd Iu t to Rock} latholle unlversily of Washington, pion : J to M. ' west I

■ _________;__________ Sun 1Coa

•s. tenullonal tchoolboy pitcher, enw i <e Kayser. head of the Des but ll lolnes club, still had hopes the itie p ommlnloiier would rule Peller teo w roperty of the Des Xfolnes elub. or would t least declare him a free agent ton." tiiead of ruling him properly of T»'i ie IndUns. Wade

------- string. "UlUe Serlea" Abandoned

MONTREAL, Dec. I (flV-'Hie In* New irhaUonil basebaU. league and .cotleg meriean as.socfatlen, after a Joint ngain letUng tonight, agreed to give up verslt 10 "lllllo world Krles" hereafter ■cause it cannot com(>e(c fatw*Sly with the world eeries.

Alhlellc Director I!, j . stegeman ]! the UnlversUy ot Qeorqla pro- ‘ »es a "Honey Bowl" game be-I'ccn ouUtandlng "O" grid teams ^ hVlslmaa Uay In Athens. Oa.

I —I — I . . AnllnWith

Joe Kllgfow, Unlvenlty ot AU- ganln ima halfback, averaged fire ynrris 't each Ilme he carried the ball pumb I Uie GeorgU Teeh game. are a,7 - -------------------------------;------- Tht

)oininate “ ional Play 7idefealed InUnecUonal record, bm elr.oppoaltlon waa not quite w rong. They beat WlUUm and Man', J iTldson.-and VlrglnU; and toppM ■ S t mighly Irlili, 3-0, 1Other' hlghllghta o( the im c f ^ ' N ctlonal batilei: Mlnnetola’a Oopli-|I beal Wa.Milngton M*7. and Tcxa->! J .10, Penn handejl Michigan Us I t inlerseclional defeat In 10 yea^^.•7. Tlie SouUieasl and SouthRni. ^ 2 ayed six major games, each "H'-i ( P M t!g tnv, hslns I w and'lyins mo. ilumbla^ afler losing 10 Mlchlaon.' at Stanford. 7-0, ;

' r o p l i y A w a r d e d ^

T o L m y K e l l e y

NEW YORK, Dec. I U - ^ U r r . ' | ^ j 5 :IIey. captain and end of the 1P3S' ^ lie football team, today was dr- 1 ■ ired winner ol lhe Helsman Mf* I jrial trophy, awarded annually byi e Downtoan Athletic lllib to tlic tstandlng coIlrge tooibnU ptayrrj the year, ‘ I ' • -Jarornu)fl»cfNrbniikji wa5ri»n-,/-rtr f; r.up with Hay Dulvld’ ot Msr*,[tte Uilrd, (ollowed by Bammv. ^ e» ugh.. Tcxaa chMstUn: Clim cciv ink. Yale; Ed Widseth, .Minnr- dlca a; Aee Parker. Duke: Fred Van- ■ ■ Northwestern: Oaynell-Tmsify,! i,_„

iilsliuia state, and Alex Wojclc-,( i a ol Fordluun. tha i


fers $2<---------- i t ------- . * ;----------------------

)rs PlaceHornsby Jim

Browns’ Boss

IROWNS’ BOSSES: L t f t (0 r lf rh t- a g c r ; D onald L . Barties>-new pn

' Bjr OSCAB KARAN 6T. LOUIS (AV>They aay the 61. Loali uked by »U,000.000-ud that probably I eallh of the new owner»>bBt mere Is I 10 S175.000 tha team baa for rebaUdlng. Manager Bogm UotnAy once said a sU HI# eooMn't'pIv baael*M, Thal’a alllJ Ina « can. help bay ^ayert, and the Brownt, ish. are deflnllely and openly lo tbe narl Jenl.Ilomaby aaya hla entire (cam. wllhoal e I Ihe trading block. The Bnnmi want ptU 1 the mound Ibat llorwby u w (he greaU tproreraenl In tbe Ican that finished lev merlran leagne lu l leaton.

NEW IDEA TO BR01N-N5 TbU deUrmlnallen to RbnUd Ihe D Itnd money In dolnr ao-la aomelhlDg t lit several yeara, deala have been rioted 1 eye on the assUtanee given ie Ihe tean a n lo Ihe tipb IlKlf. ______________

ftahns DeclinT” ^ Texas hvilalion

Ihlelic Council all Logan — Vetoes Proposal, to „

— PlaptEIPaso-----ai"------- in s

LOOAN. Otall. Dec. 1 MV-DUh Ai Ite agricultunl college (lecllned 'to fi night an InvlUUon to match lls and Kky mouaUln conference cham- • gn :n footboU team against a toulh- Sl conference aquad a t Sl P uos III Bowl New Year'a day. . llgh< C^ach Dick Romney aald his pUy- aOCK I were anxious lo attend the grme Mad t llie athletic council had vetoed th e e proposal because ‘ the fiuanm* clubs 3 waa too unall and Uie game (0 fu< luld Interfere with bukelbaU sea- dock a," sign ' Two of the Aggie grldden. Ed Tlt( ade and Kent Ryan, are flnt that 1 ■tag hoopsten and are needed for poied

heavy pre*seaton ■basketball tiedule. Games will be pUj-ed In iw York City agalntt Manhattan Het liege and tn Washington. D. 0.. motet ainsl' G eor^ Wailiiriglon ■'iml- conVt rslty. furUn

-------------------------- Joe 1

f d m i n a t i o n s f o r

H a n d i c a p C l o s e , * *— logics

LOS ANGELES. Dcc. 1 M’l - Bn imluatluiu for the tIOO.QOQ Santa bultei lltn handic.'ip cloife tonight, along 1 ing li th nominations for the $50,000 42H | nin Anita derby, but It wUI be a not t ek before the names end actual other mber o t cllglbies (or cach event whlcl' » announced. 1000.rhe handicap will be run Febni- Of r 37. the derby a week earlier, (that I

Columbia Beats.Stanf

f,i;.V B rA -tvon f(8 In tcrw clional «ew \ o r k C ity on a 79*}trd run civ n p Ih c opcninit k icko ff fo r th Ica tcd b y n r ro i r ) , rac in ir by n nne » 'cp t. frozen jrr ld lron . S tS f S iS t loos { 2 5 ) .F c rk o ( 1 0 ) .a a ? k m ^h a t i n C ^ l u m b i a - , K o i ; K ,S j


\00, 60i— * --------- ^

i Yale Alngles $175^001ss Speculates In Talent A

hi—W Hlinm 0 . D cW lil, n c ff vicc-pi p residen t, a n d R ogers H ornsby,

«) The "big three- of II mil Brtwiia a rt *>>• Pe**><>ent. W ilr U abeol the prealdent and genrnl i U U ia ^ U il U W r in g thU U only 0 5- the clob.

!SSie’l'for‘wmarket for new PQpy"VTe have a high m

at euetrllea. la bueball leader,’’ aays I ptUhera. I t wm him tn e rtln on the fl ta le it need for jadgmenl In matten pe: levenlh In Iba jh e Drewns’ reballdl

-fmaedlate ebjecUre of 45 Ihe eomlni; teaaon, h u> Brewna-and ' tbe elnb on IU feel, lg new. In the ■ DeWlll, eaecBUve au! >sed mere with CardlnaU beforo conli ttam'a Ireatnry erganlir a farm lyaltm

ebaln which eartieil tb

Broadway’s W ExpectHerrS

To Get ‘Th• . . ' «y EDDIE BRij

N E W .Y p R K ^ D 6 c .J M’l-B o llc f g :ay t h a t som ebody Is ge tting ready t ng w h a t th e boys ca ll ^'ihe- works."

As th e obviously worrlctl G ecnai0 fin d o u t w h a t l l 's a ll about, tong t nd c ig a r s to re s along W. 4Dth stre Schm ellng Is to go before tlic New

Ilsslon D ecem ber 11 and approve oight w ith Ja m e s J . Drad-«--------ock. R epresen tatives ot ,upuij ladison Square G ard en nud jury | ic 20lh C en lu ry Sporling defcni ubs will be on hand the anme dsy1 file contncU (or tl\e fight, Brad-xk U aitpposed lo be there to Innn up, refuteTHe Broadway wlseaere.i fiKuie or anclat once these formalltlea are dli* Clly I»sed of, the real Jun will Mart. aDrld

Taylor Re*enlen riclure TheHerman Taylor. PhlladelphU pro- InSta'■oter. tl expected to pop out of a c mvenlent~doorwajr-nnfl“ »'linoiir whereirUicr ado elgn Dmddock to flr.lil *late.-» Loult ta a iio-decLiloir botii In ntudd[lantlB City In February. b / MTaylor and'hls 1100,000 gur4-.imcp I ! ? ”jve been ta a partial eclipje for a ««'«'«eek. bul hc can bc coimlcd cn ta •;-cnler the picturc a l llie juyclio- W l Lslcal moment. SchmeBnddoek Is entirely willing tn winneiiller his bread on one side by sign- Onelg lo llghl Schmellng In .lune for ing lons p tr cent of the gate, bul lie U ol theot averse lo buttering It on llie oermaher side by Ilnt flgliltng Loula tor iinleaihlch he will be guannteed MOO,- bolh IW. PMU.Of coucjf. Sdimeling will Inslsl ihrougial the contnct for the June (ighl no mo:

nford On Kickoff Gallop 'I

al Ramc " l l i i S(.inforif fn (h tlf lrs i un bv Quarl crlJiick GcurKc Kurcy ' Ihe 'on lv scorc o f th e doy. The cai pack o f \v(iuhl-lie .Slanfnrti lacklcrs 1 5 plflvcrs .ire \Vil!iam« Calla 21) and >l.if thcuj* ( f i l ) . J h e . lo O f 4 o ry o v c rS I ,a n fo r tl m 11)31.—

I. W ED N E T O A T M O B ^roiG , DEC

>0 In C* ____________L f t _________

Liid Navy0 0 ( ^ s h ) H i

i t M a r i t e t ^

Mcl- I



^ gloi day o r : gro m e t th e

__________________________ a re i

cc-prcHldent a n d general m an- by. th e tuime old sk ipper. 12s. i

of lhe Browna-DoaaU 1» BuBci, ..jII. tVllIUm 0 , DcWlU. »ew vlte,- rn i m anarr, and Horasb^-Jels to j.,, oly oae evldtsce of »,oeW'4ay (or ^tjuj

ta a hBstllBg lean nexi Kwaa, one lie fighting eonatangy t«:wla, while « ' It hare promUed (he niasager lell . . . , any pUyer aid pmlble. lAIlDS' CHAIN SYHTEM Lo,h rrrard for Homaby’i^ D ll l jM a jjj,,, ays names. “We not on^ wfll give pMn he field, but, we win depend on hU n pertaining lo trwde* and playtn." -mo, iBlIdlng progMm, in addlllea to IU e of tndra to bolster tbe team (or , h u a long-range pUn (er potting

e aulilant to B ru c h lUekty ot ihatoning lo the Browna. e ip«U to m IIiirairm patterned alter Ihe eiUnslve andId tbe Rcd nirda lo Ibe Up. ^rra,

— sho*

Wiseacres ~~~ Schmeling 'he W orks’iK iC T z --------------:------------------ChilCf grew a long B roadway to - ' idy to g lvc iH crr M Sc'^chm el- ks."3Qan p re p a re d to dosA he re ongues w agged busily in pubs ^ s tre e t.New V ork s ta te o th lc tic com - ve tt d a te fo r n sum m er tit le

. • boutlipuUle IKal Bnddoek not tlsk In* duifei jry by (iRhllng prior to liDT lltle a efcnie. Olym

MI,W « l,. “ j,In tha l event, Bnddoek might ,

•futo lo aigji. Join (ortet with Tay- r and go against Louis at AUanllc j,| lly In what virtualy would be n orld Utle fight,- • .• ^The'IUte allilcllc commlsilon luia Idlcated It Li not Interested In what Agi nes on a t AtUntlc Clly or any- Iiad 1 herc'eLie-ouUlde-ot-New-Vorl: nKalr a te .J t U Inwrested,ta f«lng i',-*. eight nddock not put li" ln ihe mill. «tomi V M Jins lo po througli wIili hU ppj. freemenl lo defend hU title igslnit j ;hmeIlnB In June.' ip ilnTaylor and Mike Jacobs, who con- for ac01 Louis, arc willing to proml« con ;hmellng he can liaie the Ailsnllc ,p ;ir ( Inner In June. jurrln One solution would beJ'>rScliniel- tlial 1 lg lo agree 16 tfBit foV ilie wlmier hU It ' the AUanllc City bout, but llie looked erman Un’t likely to agree lo that pourir ileti he geU Ihe ilgnsturrs of j,top» llh Draddock and Louli and each ^e, »U. tl aixable giisnnlre lo go , irough wUh ll. The Oemsn wants) more promUei. ‘ J

i p Through Snowr . r ; . j

B o s i

'V '. • ‘ •„ " t ^ u. Bnindi

• ‘h« I®;

f i r s t VI Recond.1 of play a t (hote 1 :ey to a touchdown on re* n u i i b I cam e ra ca iigh t Furcy .In - a « u i c rs to sco re down lhe snow -1 the Am :a llaw ay ( I J ) . Stone (4G), •nn.ute o O flc o rc w n s id c n llc iilw llh i '" ^ m Pholo. i

iECEMBE11;Z, 1988'

^ s h y F o i

f On LislHoilywooii Figiit \ Promoter Offers louis $100,000

McDonald Hopes to Sign IT■ Bomber lor Bout With S

Rosenbloom and ' Se|l [ Seats' at $100 Apiece j

HOLLYWOOD. Dcc. 1 ( J l - M atchm aker C harley Mc­Donald .of th e Hpllynood U - M Ilon s ta d iu m announced to- la y h e h a d w ired m anagers £ )f Joe Louis, o ffering Uie Ne- S ; ro heavyw eight JIOO.OOO to n e e t M axlo Rosenbloom In n ^he 4,400-seat capacity f ig h t ar iren a Feb ruary 20. th e n igh t «fore the Sanla Anltrhandlcap,

McDonald, bruslitag atldo com- » nenl* m at the bout would be a II- M laneUi nightmare, decUred he In- ended to aell 3.300 aeala a l IlOO I piece, and the remaining 3.100 at ' 13J. apiece, “

. Sosnda fiUly “I know It aoundi lUIy on the O'!

ace Of ll." McDonald aald. "but • i'll gutnnlee we ean aell- out Ihn louM'lo a lelecl group of nght 'ana and Uks In a galo'ot around 1380,000."

’Hw film town matchmaker, who . ‘ ;ot the Idea of tUgtag auch a bout “ rom Bid -Ziff, iporta editor of a ' M Angelea newspaper, u ld he be* J" leved that rich motion picture “ >eop1e and eastem aportsmen here or the $100,000 handicap would L - i 'moro than fill the place," —

Roienbloom U a great (avoriU _ lere, parileuJarly with dim (ans. | md h u sevenl llmea asserted he- r «uld Dutbog Ihe Detroit: Negro. I I

McDonald eald he had offered Wlke Jacobi. ‘New York promoter . md bead of Louis’ board of mana- D :m , a chance to co-promoU ihr Ihre ihow here if he desires.. nlni

. -- - ...... . ........ .... In I

Levfflsty Scores 1Teclmical 1 (a y o |

____ i t t

)hicagoan"Perches'on-Top - _Rope_W[]ile_Referee_ r .

Counts Over HuntLOS ANOELES, Dec. 1 MVKIng

tfvlnaky. 304. o( Chicago, won a j.ncwlinlcal knockout vlctoiy lonlght >»'"rer Sabo Hunt, 3ff7. o( T\iUa, Ok- S “ {

the re ttne iloppUti ih t B nt )ut In the aUU) round when IfuntIffered a badly spilt eyebrow. **A crowd of about 8«0 In the ' i lymple audllorium saw the King-sll Siam a right haymaker lo dbbunfa jaw In the fln t round,'floor- “ J« Uie OkUhoman for a . nine- “. 5 unt. During Uie loll. Levtaiky, up■ hU old tricks, was dUcovered irched on the top rope, idly llilen* net?! g to the count. n a i

n o o n U u t Again Again ta the fourth, after dunl t! oi id uken a tUght Iead-In Uiealow , ■fair, Levinsky pul hlm-down (or Ih t wllli a pounding to the omach. H oe tr one mtauU. Jn llw illlh, the0 Inded pu'ndiea (uriously, but ata slowed down as tha fans calledr action. cii Coming out for Uie slxtli. Hunt Hopfeared Uie Klngllih wlUi aeverai d u n rrlng Itfu . but n n tato a rlghl gameI t ripped open an old cut over bllllt1 left eye. Relcree Abe Roth (call: iked at the wound, u w blood SO Ic uring (reely over Hunt'a face, a hli ipped the matcli and awarded It curre Levinsky._________ . ' with


088C8. Of Amateur Athletics Line Up

For Big.Clash

10U6T0N. Texui, Dec. 1 M) - » pra ateur sporU leaders lined up lo- — III (or a predicted liig*o(-war (or Urol o( the nalional Amaleur iletle Union, convening hera Prl*

'aplalns of the opposing forces e Presldenl Avery Brundage of cago and Jack Rafferiy. presl- m 4-CU!lt.entU!!!lll{WLAltlIcllt _ J KUUon and ouiipoken a ltle of £ indage and the management of

1638 Olympic team. r«ndage'/i p eace . propoHli light a Rafferty demand for "an ountlng."t do nol propose." Rafferty u ld . pennil tlie A.A.U. as an organ* lon to carry beyond IhU con* tlen Uie sUgma of gullly pride . I will Insist thsl Uie position ~ )ur organlutlon ta tlie Olympic rme of affaln bc clarified by * le In poslUon lo do w. Tlicre rf' il be aa accounting." • P,leonor Holm Jarrett. barred (rom American twlmmtaf Uam while )ute' to Beriln. u ld ahi wo\iltt tb alUnd the coni'enllon. g

t Uiey waol to bury W hatcl\et | | H

>r Dizzyito fc ^' • ☆ ☆

Washington G e t E xc i i

Pasadena'S t a r s A n n o u n c e

F a v o r i t e T e a m s .

F o r R o s e B o w l— . Al

HOaYWOOD, Dee. I W - Movla foUc fanred LoultUna,AUbama and Duquesne loday u ' SUia argumenU over the Roso verBowl (oolball aelecUon nged pro p la•od con. The aU n aald; ed

Clark Oable~"l. like AUbama.Uiey have la d a tough achedule and they alwayi put up a whale c f a batUe.”

Kelson Eddy-’Td llko to lee Sld(tba Rockao antem maUhed Louagalntt ItaeU, Washington use* bu rIt, 10 ellher Alabama or Du- . Tlqueans ougbt to be aelecteil.*' two-

Cblco M a n - ’-i’m (or having tm jan eastem-team for a change. I( al CI bad the choice. I'd select PllU* wenburgb cr Ttodham.” lUy

B u p o Marx—’*nUs U the up- nehietaeM flo,aowhynotln»lUDu- <n(luaana, the champlon.upeetlcr,” Krti

Joaa CraXord—T m for la- [seluvlUni IciiiiUaa.", u it

A la n J o n e a -^ X ^ n a h u U ie to ebest rteord io-U u eotailry.” Ra­

im a M erket-“Why u k merI’m from tho muUi. ao elUier ,u 4]LouUUna or Alabama will get pmy cheer*.- qc

* leavi— — — — . ..................... — he h

Bow lingl— — post

Dell's bowlen won two out o( vlut hree gamea over tho Idaho Bve* Tl ling ’nmea lu t night, 34<S to 33S9, erer, n a Commercltl league duel whUe woul ha CherroleUiron'tvo'out ofthree s u t rom the Log Tavern. 3009 to ltS7.Jonea o( DeU'a led the major tilt

vlUi a 's lngU 'n ine oOOS and his T l eammate McDonald w u high for Alab ha aeries with 88 . In tha Clly o( a eague, Joe DeUa o( Uie Tavern word ed with a single game o( m and nigh t l (or the aeries. ■ni. COMMEBCTAL .UAGUE after

■tuiim ........._ . i s i I t lit 411 ^ 00« n l« t |t ta _______111 lU IIS—Ulijuiim .,~ „ :::: :^ T :m -in -n s -« n » "irriih _________ ISS m t» 4U Caillllih ----------- ------HI 1 I HI «U gtni

ninns'r _________ UJ in l a isI” li! S n „

^CITV LEAGUE.■V .... " " " I i . . » .

_________IU Its llS «itimn; r, ■ lU IU US SISlabctluB US Ul l i t ................. ...........n r s r s n s ; A ""

iDaapiaa _______ IU lit U 4t«r n m _________ III III 11 Sll'! IMUI ----— IU 111 it Ul----------. laUlJ___ _ HI iU .«» IMI

PalUioppe 'Wins Thii’d jj jj

Game Of TpurneycitioAtio. Dtt. 1 m - Wlille 17“"; oppe o( New York, ltie delending ' umplon. won his Uilrd stnlght 2 ~ : ime o( the world's th m cushion " wi llllards louniament tonight, de- u , r « allng Earl Lookabaugh o( Chicago p ,, > lo 31 In 37 Innings. Hoppe liad hlgli run of 10, ono ahort o(’Uie

irrent toumey recorrl, compared viu Ith Lookabaugh'a high ran of five. Rodn

' Warr

rty" Leads:- 1 iage Fight 1

■ I— . . .— Telfoi ry csn do to without wortylng r , " she ttld.Major Patrick J. Wstili of New jrk .w n predicted.M Uie admin- nilon's cliolce to succeed Brun* g^ who said he would not be a " iiilldate. Rafferiy w u considered proipffl on Ui« oUier side.

-0IENAT i 2 K y ! Q J ( l ! l l ( “ZEROME"

A N t i m a E

protecr -For your peice'of miad to winter drivJof, a ik your de tier fo l i r a you COM*PLETB RADIATOR PRO* T E C T IO N w ith T H IS DU PONT ANTI.FREEZB 1 /C ibai COSTS ONLY »1 A I GA U0N .J3ca<iiurt. n

f Deani_____ ___

idldatesit it

I P la y e r s ^ led O ver ) I OpponentHuskies Await y f o i i ■

From Director Of Athletics

A l a b a m a H o p e f u l

■ S E A m E , D te . I m - U n l . : irerslty of Washington football ■ players began to get exclt- 5d over their .Rose Bowl op- w aent M a t when reports reached the c a m p u s th a t fttJeandJ/a iy in Jg litbecO T - , lidered along with Alabama, joulslana State and P itt«- jurgh.

The.deated-warrlon. taking .« WD*weak rest before they tta r t tho . raining grind for Uia IntenaoUotf.'' a Pasadena gams New Year's d a y / rere anxtously awtlUnc word tro n Uy aam ann. tbelr aUilelle dir •ector who w u la Ban ftaaelico.‘Hie eampua w u virtually de«.

erted o( Washlngtoa o(fWaU wltU’ a:lunann:and Carl Kllgon; a a tit^ • mt dUiUtlo dlreclon, tn th i aouth ' . 0 eonfer wlUi Stanford’men, and -- loy itosenttial, publlcfiy dlipenaer nd Wally Wahlstrom, unlvenlty ■udltor, on Uielr way by autooobUo •0 Pasadena.Ooaeh Jimmy PheUn, who wOl <

eave for Uie aouUi tomorrow, laid le had heanf o( tha YaU and iU rr eporis, but t lu t ba knear ooUitar bout them ..n . w u undentood tha t Yala '.

rould have to .bttak an agreetnent rlUi Prtaceton and Hanram agalnse lost'ieaton gamea to accept aa la* ' lUUon.Tlie Waahlngtm players. hov> ' -

Ter, felt certain thal Eckmana lOuld ehooie between LouUUna. lUle-ind-AUbanw--------------------------

TUSCALOOSA, AUvDec. 1 CTH Jabtma (ootbaU pUyers. bopefol ( a R «e Sowi Invitation, a w a its •ord today frem the west coait to- , Ight b<(ore nsumlng tralnlnr.■me aquad of 4S w u dUmlaaed

(ter the TbankHlting lama irilh anderlilli;Coach Pnnk Thomu la ca rouU '

»,Lot-Ang(Ua.lo.aea.thfi.fiouUteni__ ;iall(omii*Rolr* ' Dana footbaU ame Satarday, but bU aides. Iwra an caU the aquad back for prK - Ice a t a mlnute'a notice.

'ast Teams C o p ' M t Openers

innuai Intra • Mural Hoop ■ •- Program Opens in-

. Hioli SclioolRamblen, HuskUa and Lucky'Ivo hoopeten opened play In-Twln— alU high achool'a annual Do-Mub - ague basketball tournament U ti ^ t by capturing openlnf.camet

Ibe Olaaa A dIvUlon. - The lUmblen scored a J> to • Iumph ever the' Olympians, Hus- ca downed the Black AngeU 13 lo and lho Lucky Five scored a 30 to verdict orer Uie Impa.Winning teams led Uiroughout all iree gamea.PU ytn seeing action lu t alght sre:Ramblerv-Hachiya. Oeorge 01- u. Wideberg.' Laricln. Joe Olklu, sdman and SabaU. OlympUna— amer. Larklo, Hansen, Wright, ick Harder, Don Harder, HInens idOrchard, ^Huskiea-Sparki.-HoUand. - Fen-------ick. PeUoldt. lU rtnilt and Batea. ack AngeU-JfopkJn, TWbert, iwe. Bhlrley. K tlltr and Lane.Lucky Plre-Walie. McKlnstcr. oan, Wlldman, Smllh. TooUoo. iKort and Frantt. Imps—WelU. lun, Toler, Hsrrlson and Hop- II, _ _ ■

Hew Orleans Sugar Bowl Ucketles to date tadlcaie a MO.OOO allca......: both teams.

g p r 1Leave Twin PaUs,S;MAi(. <

-— Pocatello:---------- —In 25 Minutes

SALT U KE In l>t HOURS tv u NstlonsI Psrka Alr-


__Lean Twin PaUs, 13:M •P.JL -V .


PORTLIND i H0UR5 (VU trniltd Alrltan*

• . ' 7

C a p ita in ijijS iiitirhene Twin Palis

Page 8: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

liie a « i [; ? s r a r s iE jA M ra je o f 6 0 Issues F a lls

Back Five*Tenlhs of ig lo ' Point at 71.1- ,

- * I tn u• • i ro hi

flA R K C T S AT A GLANCE --------

NEW YORK. D «. I « > - ^ Tl Stocki - Heiry: tol« m IHW _

uiueUlw.lUl. ^gyjjjondt - Improvefl.»

s ? . '

eocitrtctj: htahw a b l a .'“ "I

. “ S t - s w d y ;Ifliyjng.

bH >uppi»« ^

: ' " S S ^ B w . t i f c r n b u f l n t. § S K » U I » * f W « D .

' ‘ SV|4SB f O .A .re tttn > 3 ; 5 ; ’43

• K tw . •YOIUC. Dec. t 3 S i « , ln i Itockt eonUnned their ilM* In. today'f market «blle a wide a a o ^ jK t 4 i S t of ipedaiuei p ite a rUlni s t M-*

■ oerformtnca of tbelr o n . 3i flM' OlieeTful builnea.new and ls i> a « i K .tnlD f fear» orer Europetn denlop* j k i <i

«bU0 UniUni to eneoungt aSgkJt quartciv failed to iUm\l- 3^1 SI

Itte buyta* In plrotal ih tie i. . . i •nu Anoeltted Preti areraf# of j J ; , 4-

M i t o ^ fell back 3 of a point a t 3, ^ ^ 71X Tramfen totaled 23SiJH9 3i 49 .

•Sr* issj *, Alicralu enjoyed a luUmlnuU j , . II - fonrard puih a i ruioon of m on " * \ . la rp mUltary orden were tjeard In J J J ^

Wltb anolher U* order for cn- . . . Itnei cn U* bookt, Badwin Looo* ^ moUTO Jurokd to a new ^ e r y ^,"*3 ^

• .D flBiU iA lrcnrtSoan . Amont tbe Unllftt of tho dayl

• a « at 9; and BarlKr Co, up JH a t demam « l i . Montr*

Otben up fnwtloni to a point or V o* li •0 wert Amertean Radiator a t 34, .

-« r* 8,-BMlty-l«H,-0 »aeral-neaUy. — ^ :SK. North American ATlatlon.UH, NCT Soelni U H. Rrtitone Tiro U U, lUrer I Slone and Webiter U U , Sperry nu.- 'n iom pion-fltam u l l i . New-

' port Xnduitnei SOU, and Oectrlo NEV I>6wer and U |h t IB. iteady:

AlUed Chemical yielded aU a t turea I S iN , and la te r loien included U ipot ai

. a Steel T4Ti, Bethlehem im < tuture

.American Can l a . Oenenl U oton ipot N m , ChiTiler m \i ; s a n u Fo 73H, Louli ( Btandard Oil ot N .J. UU, seaboard ip o ta

*oST ««rorR T lU )bitr '4JK 7K dhh' ‘umTqv American tS. Kennlcott 61U, MonU Iramlt lomery Ward « U and.-Intema- -> ■ Uonal H arroter » . •

: Bondt were mixed. FortigB cur- CUI' n n d a m ond acalnit the dollar in U ra a eariy Irtnuctlooi, bui la ra cround 4U lb in (be aftvoooa. Broken o ld there UKc; WM about a i mucb buylni u leU- « llw i In i of American leeurltlei from I4e. V

• abroid. jla eo

u o i i i i ' ■ ■ ■: HIW V O JK I te . 1 - C .« K “mooiy Iteady, : per cont jU day; re-hoi prime commeruU. paper H per cent. Time ioant ileidy, 60 d a ^ - V .'.,h

•« monthi, lU per S t ofteiS. Banken acceptaneei undatnged. Redliepunt n te . H. Y. reKiYi bank, “ 1,®

COTTON . _____ y®“"*— N p rY o iu c T )K : i"M ^::o5tto

*M hliher today on IncraWd tn d e J“ * \ eoverlni. Kuni ouUldB^buylni and lenenlnr hedie preuun. March 2 ““ nUled from 114S to tlM ahd d o i- B w ed wltbln a point ot the be it ?ln- al prlcti lenenlly wen • to I t polnu net hl|her. NEV

» ' ■ — .......... . ipot I

TW IN FALLS MARKETS, ------- retlnei

. .s .s f . 's .s r " '- " ’- ' , x

Te»J ttltM ,S w W MMW,.i:s“_ = = S S ■ „ 4 ' i 'OsMrad htai. e n t I Itih ........... lie nUiia s s K V,a = ! ! ;

' r ^ « n . otw • pouo4t _Ue tjub* ooiond (WM. » 4 itfc ------ e m m

• U llarn frjm. W a I ta .-------- IteUtl>ecB braUtt* n t w a n * . TnlBBeeitin . . , ‘

t u t . tu h Pfic*r!!l!^------- 1>« to J« 1T»laSo" ^ ..gg TT«a

V. i. o m t XofuSni «?. l i _ 0 » , V. B. Otwi RorUltra^ »o.

. - s ; i K

aralB .S U m r«d

“T „ S H H . 4 = = ! a a ; ~ = ~ — “ E

(S>ijK pnc. to LM'.V. t. !«■ «•. J*9- Tl • *«?; ®“V. a. no»»u. w» Tl

M«iS rticm .' .■■■zrS'.S K

" “ ” ■“ M .* r . '■ n « n

’ Idah,m. JUl _____ . 1J> v r ... f i t t w U t t m , l « n

stock Market Averages | ^impll*d 17 n * AMoeUtwl preul ‘ jw Mi&Mr.l. ^

lod-u lu ir . our; suxu JiF ebtai#. - i - - j m

I gl li ?S-S ii li! *! •oTtnial In r*«al m r * ; , . , , , i

Trend ot staple Prices | ^BW .YORK, Dee. l - 'H i e y ^ - j i «d PrtM welilited wl;61^le » index ot 55 ?ommodllW w- \

adranced to 8J.13 (new 1938

n ilo u i diy t o e . week »*9 M.«T, llh a io t m , y tar t to 77.<n.M i l ot recent yean: •

1W8 1035 1M4 19»h ___ - M -n i iM 7<i» w a at ______71J1 i i « e i i i « .« \im ^ re ra ic equili W>- ^

OOVKBNMENT BONDS •nsw YORK. D e c .T WVBond |i 'tatlom: . aiuU . . y . u -------------- ;— i; i ; ;' tto.io Aa*rtau

............. ~ iie< " " i

IS^-zr------------------SiiS— -z l S s a. sE£

IEhK --z===r:K si'i'ts

----------------------------m .is a 519 _____ _________ IM.t OBI U BI h ............. m s t O B I J


f« - - ..- ......... g2S"aS----------- IP3 M

FOBEION EXCHANGE O m J l r w YORK, Dec.. 1 Wl - Al- ,i th tn d lw wai talrty, brUk. du poni :lin eurrenclea moved only nar-ly a ialnit the dollar today vlth gtS i n. pound ite r l ln i . and Prench rtratamw Wiher. g « S lloiIni Nev York raleii Fnnte a«omiund 4M » /!« : cablei 4.ea 13M6: Qii^m itnallnNewyorklOO,MH:Nc*k In Montreal M.60K. o rn iN

------- OfMt W_____BAR.81LVER

TW YORK. Dec. I Ml - Btr I«i c r f l r m . ! i l ^ r a t 4(>c.

SIETALS ' K <n?JIEW YORK. Dec. » (-TVCopptr b i i * I Idy:.electrolytic ipot and tu- ea IOM! export 10.70. Tin easy; t and nearby fllJ7W to<»l«!4: uw c«i jw MJO to 61,10. Lead,Iteady;I New York fliO to SiS; Eait SU 111 SM. Zinc firm: £a it St. LouU Motor , t and future 5.03. Iron, alumln- "j*tt « r q ^ i l » e r .“puunumrand-?wl-- {{JJ-'S Dlt« unehanied. • h»j ^ i

' cmOAOO PRODUCE ' " J S* JHIOAOO, Dec. 1 MV-Poullry: «orti.# 3 can, 4# truekt; iteady; hem HgfUin-

Ibt up J8c, leai lhan Ibiic; Leshom henf He; iprtnp, a-Bld. N up colored ito. Plymouth Rock Retln . Whlla Rock lie ; le n than 4 (or flnt

eolond l l ' tc ; Plymoulh and d n n i Jle Rock 14c; colored hroUen »c, mouth and Whlta Rock IM; Lt«- sa> ■n chlckeni lie ; rooilen 12c. g^N Ihom rooilen IIc; turkeyi. heni ; youni tomi >4Hc, old ISe: No, ; (^ 2 c turkeyi Uc; duckt, whlto and unclur ued 4U Ibl up I3e. unall while 1 colond lie ; leeto 18c: caponi lu up »c , le it ih a rn Ibl. IJCs j j jo i, tn n e i turkeyi: Bleady; hem inc Wc, old l»c: tomi, younew -than-J«-lb».-and-I»-tei-*nd1 3lc. old tomt IBc; No. J lur- ““pj;',:

Wlter: 7089; ileadyj uachw ed . cHt' 9rp: 39M: iieady; unehanied.

sBOMi4EW YORK, .Dec. 1 Wl - The ^ ' P* price ot raw lu ia r a d « ^ polnU lo S.W today. S ak i of 77.- ,1 ban of Oubia from itoro to aIner were reported. t rViler idranelni 3 to 8 point! on■ther irado corerlni and eom- u iw houie b u jb i, future# re- 'b lunder prollt l a k ln ia ^ h e d i- ™t. Plnal prlK i w re a t U» lo « ^ the. day and unehanied lo 3

InlilielW iher. Sales 10,3(»tOM,rioriniiLOwMrr * f ^ h4D: July 139D; SepUmljer 2«N .---------------------------------- - n t ; 7

Time Tables

^ »OBirj y .tls HJ 3 p.

: i : m . i r . ' j — t s 1 cn iL U BnANCn 1 Cl


- - . . . .

SS —I " . . I s s

a ty ttn m n a t t l a e ^ . ^ cill») Iliitrmtn. jm aU

juppllS . ' r - T — lo S .. m. «ck«Hit*. bunks« « " ------------------------ I S t S; No. 2w m t 5 ; .McCliettl* iMtioi I t lA i p. IB. via J»- Bs*. WtBCrii and oeodici: oUim 't> luW u d lUitrmitt. JJ,,

OTIM ITAOi ttK ia n i ,Twb W li- iu n ty ttw ji^ {Jf

ITtliSa' " :z ! ia o 9. B UP5Twt« r»Ji»-wiUi „ track

«M . ------------------------ f S i S m«llItlfW 1 . —.. . ..IMJ p. »■tuu ClMtsi T tat ‘aiei

U l a u i IHO 0. m. «Dd ^dO P- ^ to I rm m»U i a i > as. i ;« p. cn. »»d

“'SCutMBDl T*Tfirm -------------p. J .” nrMiMuaeS ' S i g ^



N E W Y .ol

a i B t t MET’ c , ~ KSS* &>■cS Z Z T in ii mli »a

c S r * WJJ — W<» . »» . 3 'liI i t , S

Si*«’i=.5'‘ .S'" iS'‘ s ,nn i * f i l — m n m ik w * 2?^SVSSa'ScSTrSi 'Sl S! s,!-, rr'TS'riiSS s'-u*A?ut“ion _ « ; ! 2 | i , a | l BuSd o"ruT_z:SlJ Ji‘‘ 5 1 »£Sf5iiiiliS

- S f =1utf corp____ .'U lli IM litg l i

S 6 k!soiitnu ____UN »U i» • u B fi't

o . « ^ c K . - r i i ; r .?!: . I j =Wi S i ^ - H m m i. 37 i Wcunil rrvducu ___ n ' l TTIk 71 b Woolwoi

4t-‘wni D T H tS T iiiii link m , ntyf Btn KodU .._17I III ITI utloiu:

| .S !! =n l Bee ____ tiS 11 CIUM {n t rood .------ 4IU , «?• U;* “ 2"1^ml Uolort _ ' n 'U1k M'l EKOK

r l r Z ? i s s i i iK f V - i I a : e a

A JllSS'SK m nur ----- MJi » , " ,

w “i ‘ - S i T r : n u m l iJi! »“■? K o W p t r - ‘S % : ‘« - i II<H« r .

's. 'p S ? r ' - c s ‘ sa J iis s 'ouit Pu<ne . . 3!i- 2>«oiul Ncltle pf_ I 'i »*. S i Amcitci

Po*tr * I4V - » [• m« n ii ’ Central_____ «*<• «]'• U>« im mIn'* l i l t » ’• u l :

rttuiB — w n W i MU w.u»r

Ild. N-Nomlnal. ^ J ll-Hellntd w u unchinied i N 4J 0 per cwi tine innuliled with a .Iilr with* »1.40 t n l demud. At ina

' below .iAN PRANCISCO PBODUCE ■ irininc AN FRANCISOO, Dec I ( fl (US >efW8*' l-BullCT, acora n-33c'; 9l-31e;■3:e: 89-JOc; f i l l and cheeie — —lunftd. I.IIotaloei; Sacked per cwl: Call-lla della dlilrlct Loti| Wliiles L _0 10 13.40; cholco t l ^ 10 11.40. C ted OetM oreion O A l i UJO c , „ t0.40; UB. I l 11.70 lo I1.M, Chico . ;n-crmjnTiimiphs ii:io-to iiJo ; tmltry: Drollcn 72 10 32'jc.

;ntCAGO ONION MARKETiIUOAOO, Dec. t <U S D A) ]m pot mIon tuppllei Includlni truck H|i,u (Ipti llbtnl. Demand ilov.m ir- to WJ Iieady. Carlol track aalea: Ida- holdovt 30 pound u c k i Valenclat U. S. cattl. I no early ttle t reported. jOOO; ti

LOS ANQELES PRODUCE 0 3 AN0,BLE3, Dec. 1 (/f) (Pro- beller e tuchantie) recelpU: Buiter, |ng toi ,100 poundi; chccte 31,500 pounds averait » IMO casrt. pild tclullcr; Vnclianced, 1004 p:ep: Uwndled clean tx tru , comlns ]c; 3'Candled large ttandiinls ^ it« r ; .l-MUdled.niedluni..,exlraa-30c.’ouliiy: 4-brotlera 1 to P i pound.\ .fntral ; 7-ovcr 1', to 2‘. pounds 17c, ,3

. ' ------- •_________ cra ilei


CHICAGO TKICCS w r kin Dterrolwr I , .. . . 1 81l«i

Jaaairy Dtllvtry dltecU:1 can — .......... .......... K.9J LroundI cat* ......... -................. I2fl0 lOiftp ;:icBln8 biai M J3 10 UfiS, btMd ,

Mareh Dtllvtry (I MM . ....................... W.41 LllKfj;:iusmr5id ia.40. L m ,- ,

ANGELES P0T,VTOi:S j03 ANOEUa, D «. l I ^ - I 'o - ' - .o c j u n c l m n i ^ }

CIIICAGO POTATOi:s SOt"HICAOO. Dte. 1 l-n (USDAI — 1,1*1 ll iialotj: 2J:'o n irack 248; •tfiuly.' but clu pplltj moderale. demand ilow; averai ckfd per cwt Iilalio Ru.wl But- down; nks U.8. No. 1. »3JS to »2i5: U5, J9.M;1. 2. I1J)0 to lU J ; Colorado red bulk ' cCliirts UB. No. 1 .12,li lo i2 JJ.

_____ laleIDAHO POTAlt)ES butch

IDAHO FALLS. Dec. J W (US C» M -S li lp p ln i polnl inlortnailon r Monday. u w .Upper Valley: Carloads t,o.b. tii li ick to dtalen: Russels U.S. 1 oslly around IIJO. A very tc*1« hliher and lower. UB. 2 »1,15 I 1130. mostly 11.15 to »1.15’i, u h to pow en per cwl: a tew j j . , Ics bul nol lultlclcnt agreemtnl cj,oic price to quote a s*nenl markel.

Twin P^Ui-Burley:- Carloads Io,b. ght nil inck lo dealers Ruuets Ujs. icait< a tew Mlts moitl)-. 11.75. .An oc- rr Hi

islooal car hlsUcr and lower. UAjUctU

WS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. WEl s ^ = s = s s s = ^ s s

IVVMArfl^ 8 S K f f J i• i a 8 - - ! i a s — v 4 . ; ^ ^ B 0 i

m i s , 7 ^ . .

M rr 10 MILES II HOUR, 7 ?


O R K . ' . ■: tldkRW

UKEf^ -■iMd Uotor __ IHi HIS » l i 0 ^*^ 'CO ■ iiHi ll*»i lio i _ ojs: r n n i r = : 4 i S , 4 i - ‘ , « ’* J u

“ ll “i = S ' ‘ S i - T O y > w i "M Corp_____ i. IXi 11 • Itrong t

'ou — , 5 | i ■ M ! ■ i D.« wld

r o i l " - — Si!S : J i : K f . ’ ,!

llxin Lrlllc __ « ! i .I llk ' Jl'.i ' CttllW;

S S ilS - i = 3 ' ‘„ n VK.intr— l»’,i iKb lU i'.io x «nir s H i . a,'!- !KIru lioll Dftr . . WJ. n j i « tcs iteai

i5 j i iS i i Z m v,n Oil Cll — IJ . Jti , mediuma “ r . . z ; 'S u 'S i - 'S u;«1 OM fc imp . . IJ IV. SJO lo: lnd A1«l»: « Mji Mi. to 5i5;' . ' s r . , ~ s : ' S! si:ullU in------- - « |> a ! ,. JO 10 5.1S y rm i io rT r : II » i» :J iJ ; |in, i « « r c o ° "

cunn hT rket i led Umsw ronK. Dm 1 W-Cuib (juo-|]jmbs^oi

fluptr r o « r _______ S', cd; lamliiM HIU .nd tiuilipia ------ »>. lower; «1,11 m it* B tetnc -----------l | . , 35e hlgl:

8b . . . : ' r = » ‘:i '« > ie d iijic'nond Itld »»I« pJ - .L -H -: choice ,c I* MiBini ....... ..... ...............‘Sl'ibesl teeiPtMl ...................lonil I

Ulnlni a ; 0nilus , .. — ^ » '_ ^ Q E

8udlf^*Wfrt'3?^»XMraJ>^ny. ' inorket;

p T . U . I ----------H I’ ] “cnlilc

KtctD 1‘Dwtr ind U th t___ ll'i'lilitlic rnMlun Uu ind BKlrlc 11,.s : . r S i i ‘" = r 1” '™,ifnii nucuit - • ................. M’.I lielfen 1

{j*,"*....;,-----------^ ~r — M35 to

£ j 5 l * ,u £ ; r i i i i i i r i — ■jnUW Cll)t Copper - Il'wlJ].; j,Her Wlnlni-------.•— R,Hto’lini> *

7 Sheep1.18 to •m .c a i l i to powcn bulk. 3, 00; n cwt; Rutseis U.S. 1 a few tales get

10 to $1.65 mcully.arouiul 11,30.. tsiO ; I many growers unwilling Ui iell .M.oo to

iw IIJO and many dealen Uil- Int lo pay moro tor jentn l ’of- • LOS ms. UB. 3 90e lo »1, mojtly 155. . LOS

- D A)—(tmlh t

V . aflas doLIVESTOCK MAR.KETS: ^caiii«

CHICAGO LtVESTOCK ' *jHICAOO. Dec. 1 t/ri (U8DAI- 13,00 lo B; nfeelnta‘43,000 Includlftt 12,r , 8CJ0: '

dlrecU; closing fiitlymivcriTrnfflcr: idy (0 lOe lower, lollowlng si’A- Calvea: opening: early top IIO. Ute top flow.'5; ■bulk good and ,clioloe.»0 lo caU « poundi I9.W to W »; best Hglit ‘0

IU I9,M; good »wi.largely «MJ5: Ahlppen COOO; eiUmited dover 6000, ' ,'attle: RecclpU 10.000: cilre.tj , ); ted Ileen and yearllnss Jiea- jje n \ 10 35c higher; light citOf'Show A adrance. mosUy 10 to iW up; . ;er gnde Mighty bullocks-ed|- ,i

torward hoaevtr. MIO pcwnd nges IllJO; exlrcme lop ,*12,30 j j , i for yearllnss icallng 10(» and j., t pour>ds; IlnlshKl catlle be* „ ling comparatively scarce, bulk ter in d e ycarllniw and mcdlunt .uogj; lhlA-wllIns-iit-'lll.50-upward: to*32i' trai crop M io $11, will) comswn 170 j«i d UJO to 17; stocken and feed* pig, 0* Iteady; beef cowt 35e los'er for mws O; ■t lo date, bulk MJO to t:25; sheet le n ’UJO to »4,1J mosUy; Uller jsc lo« IS Iieady; bulU strong a t >i,00 ibove I rn; and w alen 25 lo 50c hlRher jjO ; ^ IIOJO moslly. wllh welglils >lilp- with 40 kinds 111. feeders

■hfep: Reeelpts MOO Including 200 ■cts; fat lambs slow cluing 87 und Iteady to 2Jc loner: 'aecd - ST. « tp lirm; teedlni lamhs in tairly A)-rHo «d demand, supply llmlltd; d.iy'a higher lb top M.U on nallvrs lo .<jnall welglits tn ; bulk iiatlves' and tnl u til- e n rat! is' U-7J to 19; a'riBlil.i o>;r 95 to cliol mds, frequently MJO lo ia.75; 70; tew ugliler ewrs M lo.MC:. : to 0,45

____ . , 0.15.5AN rilASXlSCO LIVESTOCK ■SOUTH SAN mANCISCO. IVr, 1 Ulow aI lU8DAi-llPSs:^RrYj‘|'V ;"^=

erages I10J5, Uslil Itshi, J1025 iull)” ii«n; psckase 13B Ib. ilnuclitcr p in itrers.60; 210 to 26J ib, tiultily J3J13; bulk uIlk packliiB w»-s.$*00 to mostly 7W, 1025. good lltht so»s qiiotoil nlwvc; jO^-bule Monday: riiti.lo;id local fallenitchcraMM. - ghft Caltie: Rtcelpt.i UO; Ufo loadsa to Wl lb, CillloniL-is ott beet . m Vcps M55. p.ifl load BM lb, JiriBllUl “td lm 1.00: good fed Mftrs abJtw. quoted> to around M.’S; iliort load me- " “um good 1075 lb. IdahO'.rsnge 1.)tts tt,40. good young coai quoted ,v»n •ound 15,75; odd.plain bulls M.75.»d quoled 15,75. Calvts; ntcelpial; ninSJum llghl \ts len '17.00. ° “ 7 „lolce d ipted to MiO; pUln :415 lb. * “ lives MS»,^. *'>■« ^Sheep: Recelpls 1,100; Iambi 1'*'**" aree. acllvt, moslly 25 to SO hlch- Ushta : lhau liu^ «wk's low Unit; t»o 1 »7J0 ccU good IU u 90 lb. %colcd lambi.^ lecdct


■ 'I s a i d ™ ' C A R [ E ®' SOUNDS UKE A ' , l ^ r C

^ l E R W C T ^ B

^ S Sn .local feed lot^825, M ^ d 7 p n icenl nnd wllh 4 per cenl ilitlnk; L l l l lH good fed eo lb. Uie shorn omi- Q ff,1ns $7J0;-otW claases absent; s. salable'13.33 do’sn. . n i

^O.\L\IIAUVEST0CK fllMAHA. Dec. 1 (,« <U 3 D A) ogs: 13.000; butchcfs slow, fully •dy lo lOc higher to shlppen and OOm,J traders; packing w as. active. . . ng lo moiUy lOc higher; early AO 9.60 tor cliolce 215 to 260 poundi,1 to eholce 200 to 280 poun^Uld 9J5 ;’170 to 100 pounds 9.-

10 BJO; 140 to 170 pounds SJS njgood sows 925 to 9J5; sUgs ,Assocl

to mojlW 9.00. OHICjBtll«r~0500; cslvcs 1000, ICQ g j jn and yearlings uneven, year- ,,1 and. light titer* « e a « . -aU ui)Ih t^steen nnd medium w e l l^ “ “J; and weak* ted hellen scarcc,dy lo slrting; olhcr cember 1steady, stockers and teeden■ce nnd sleady; ted « « n and jg.rllngs moitly 850 to ll.M.cli9lee ^Ilum' weights speeulatrllngs 11.75: fed hellers largely y, ,

(0 10,00: bulk beef cow5“4 a 525;- -lew iJO-lo-CJii-CUlfcr If* 3.25 lo 4.00; bulls mostly 4.- |,e0 5,00; few bcely to abscnce ; practical lop vealen 8iO. „ ^ b e r icep: 6500; saleable lupply 3 .

range leedlng limbJ, 10 can j^e ip^r Umbs, one load led ellpiKd

lu one load ent*. one load mix- ) t1 lambs tloW. early bids 25 lo 35c rr; sheep Heady, fetden 25 to f “ ‘", higher; wried nallve and ted jj,,pn|,jj

led Iambs'8.10 lo 8.60; good to .CO ewes monlhs.

teedlng Umbs held abo^c 7,____ Com

OGDFS LIVESTOCK day’s 'l ln nEN .Utah, Dte. i '-D (USDAi May IMogafriec‘cipirMO,-nll f c r -h x a h ^ - n ^ l•kef steady to 10 hlsher; bcsl to 123:.1 and medium ^clfhi* W.75 lo 107% K 5; mixed drlvtliis mwlly »9J0 vaneed, ■n; sows »850 to JUO. nt nltlc: Rccelpls «fl; Uirough 330. outwtn ve, lalc Monday and today gen* cenu s ly steady- lo strong: »l»U 25 Anotli ■ier mostlit on cows; 29 lieud pool encc »»

lb. drlvcIn slerrj..»7J5; bulk lul lod Hum and good lotal 8icen>nnd dry are •cn U.75 lo I8JO; 'feedtn moslly ha> drdownnnedlum-and-good eowB5 lo I4A5; tew « .00; .lower creasedea 34,00 downlo $225; besl veal- ony J -

n a s lo *8J0: plain weighty dj $4.00 to moo; bulls $435 to

heep; Recelpla 8.800; through j lO; no early tales: Monday truck i good tal lambs J755;'Jew out [ iO; few lols truckedln feederi:. whtii« “ »«««• _____ • jS'.'rLOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK ; ''“c«n- 0 8 ANOELES. Dec. 1 OT) B Dk A)—Hogs: Reetlpls 300; itrong; lh feds $1020 to 110.40; locni.i; ju „ „t IS down. , 01(1lallle: Htcelpls 500: holdovers I ; slow, altady; common lo me-1 m Iteers $015 lo $7J0; few fed: juiy trs $0.00; stocken nnd feeden'. »«; i M lo $025; grass heifers $525 lo P,"; iO; coirs $4JO 10 $5J0; cu llrr 'jiiir racm .oow »«$rtm iis-to-$6,io.-i—nye-- ivea: RccclpUi 250; holdovers 740;; w. sleady to weak; slniigliler,j„i, ve* SJO to $030; ilocken $5.751 ^n.iiej

Iheep'; None; holdoven 075; [“ K tj . ndy; short wooled lambs M,00 to '.D«10,. ' ' •

HKSVfUl LIVESTOCK . jlJJ )ENUEH, Dec. 1 Oll-tU 8 D A) liflUr ;aitle: 1800; calves 200; steady. 1 ^ irt' ted Sleen 8.75; ted helJtrs 1 to 15c lowtr nl 835 to fliW: co»s 1 C: 5 to 525: vealers 9.00 down:! CHII r 10.00; cutlcr cows 325 to 4.00;: nheal, U 3,(» to 4J0; stocker and letd- Mo.an steers OW lo 7.75; cows 3J0 to td $1.0 I; hellers 0,00. • I yellow loss; 3700; 10 to 15c higher, U5 lo si^o 324- pounds-9-«0-l*-9il:'l«-W $1,08;-. ' Doilndi SJO to 9.C0; sUUEhtrr Oats. 1 sO JO lo'JO; choice to 8.75: good whiled fs 923 in 9.40. • Soy bi iheep; 8500; trucked fal lam b^.jijsii : lower; 7J0 to 825; best hrld feed 60 JVC 9J0; nnllve tal ewcs 5,00 lo st.40 i D; 58 wund feeder lamb.i 8JJ $0,10 c .h 40 oul a t 7J3; deck 60 pound clover ders 7M. _____

ST. JOSEPH LIVESTOCK | nJO: 1 }T. JOSEPH. DCC. I 1/^ IU ® “ 1 '>'Olec -H ogs 5000;-SC-to moilly lOci caiil {her than Mondays a v c n « ; |„ |, 0, Ighls 200 pounds o>;" : Mesdy, rather slow; lop 9.70; b ^ ' 'K ^ l ; i«i m choicc 190 pounds up ^-.wimne; tew Mle.s 100 to ISO poun^9,45; 130 to 160, poundi 8J ) 10

:a tllc :: 1800; calvcs 500;• stcera and yearlings closed w nk., ^ V ""

•ers and yearllngi 10.75 to g,

•-bulk 5.00 w 9,00; stocken .uul .niu»ni

POnTLAND UVEStOCK . bul tl PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. I <-[1 ' l ^ 'h a n A) - Hod: 500. Openlng-sitsttmwtre011 to choicc lightweight drlvtim prices? 7 n tin 10 load'lots absent, nuot- [leiks)le 10 $1025- 335 to 370 lb wcUhti mcnt.

W $9.73: tew light Fln. hU 1 9 ^ 5 ^ tt.7 ^ packing sow, «.id »

to I775' ■»“* midweslern eomb!S t p l j i - i " ! * M l u o m I . ci.

■ B

i S i r cn. Wheat,'Rye and Oats wmi Advancc to Record

, • Peak Prices- , i.oS.'’_____ • * OaU:

ny JOHN p .’b o o o im w ' ' isoclated Prtss Market Editor)IICAOO. Dec. 1 (AV-A general n n n: ot buymi on a tone ta le late M USy swept eom, wheat,'rye and IllliUiup to record peak prlea. 'im Jumped 4n eenia a bushel CImum. and wheat 9H cenli. De- JU | x r delivery of com reached $1.-, 'th e highest price paid here .! 1927. • ' jERc

tudden rush Uiat previous nurdlcl ulatlve sellcra made (0 iwllchhe purcluue side ot December Q.fiocif

conlracu, slarled thc buying „ringipede. Scantiness p t brrlvaU ot punc

here, logelher f l lh complete Thundnee of nny deliveries on Oe- #1 ihe}cr ccm ccnlracU aggregating ^nh Rly 20,000,000 bushels, furnished Mn,ipark that set the markets afire. „eg o .;

tVhtal SblpmtnU Heavy Idlng Impetus lo the soaring ot vada. 1 » «-as the fact lhat today’s ITie: ping salts ot wheal out of Chl- tuary 1 I were lhe largest wllnesstd In be In-C ths. prtsomably for the uso otrstlc mlllen. ____ .>m clqvrd flurried a t Hie day's level,'3'i 10 4’i above-ytslcr- s Ilnlsh, Dte. I09.ll lo 109.<i,' 103^ to 101. July new 991i lo r*heflM i-loJti-up, Dec..l33’i Ntw 23=.. May 119‘i to 119H. July r„iis | . lo 108, oaU S ia V.i ad. cnpylc »d, Dte. 46',i to.46%, and rfc ing Sa ,!i 10 1% bulge. Dec. 97S. The ]{« pit ome In provisions varied trom 15 ooodir a setback lo 25 centl gain. tother Jranslcnt bfariih Influ- . „ ... ! alls llmcly mow nnd rain help- lo domestic winler proeptcu In , areas soulhwest. Ou the Oilier .u . d. Canadian visible atocks'ot n^v 1 at.showed.7J91M0 bushes, dc> isc Hie pasl week, and now arc „ ,, r 137,000.000 busheU, agBlnil 000,000 a ytar ngo. Rye and rals ' “ ‘‘ ibed with wheat and com. 9 , rovlslons were mostly higher, re- nslve to lale soaring of grains. “ V* chineiiiCAOO. Dte. 1 ( f ) - -• - Jwecn

open llljh Lo« Cl«.e The b ntll— . VBlllJC

Iji'l-is ilis 'iiiu iH i^ ijlt^ I*®*’' , n -r“ „Id » i i i.oj'i #sM,w«,in eouni)rnewM-KS'i M'. X hundrJ d ^ PJ'.i « • , Dili H!i hogs.'

« !i «>i «>; Jr « . « ’i 41!,- <3 4J*,.», brougl»; Dtinv- tin^blr

151 IJJli U t'it .U lli iJiH iji» , jjs ! . Osdtnr UIU IJJ i j t n i j j ‘ . viMi ^ Ml-, ■ rfice

r I?'* s»’* m’’ S!*’ '* Mra"!Jiley- Ul* ' 't' Z “ M>!. t a - ‘ home

i: jo.u im s uso i :,7s BrrlmIJftJ IMW 1S.M 1J,» V .11

rcl. UM lJ,Ii IJ,M 1J,ISr l),2J 13.4) I9,i; I3.40.4S R. w.r 13JO u e r u i J 11 «j spent

,■ i , „1043 UM ie«i

CHICAO OCASII On.MN '[M le t l l;H1CAG0. Dec. 1 (/l’l - Cash makeeal, No. 3 hard $127 lo tl2 7 'i; Lta<.3 mixed $124';. Corn. No. 4 mix- w Oi$1.01;No. 3yellow$1.08';; No. 3 ing t<low old $1.11; No. 3 yellov jl.w ThaiH$1^05?i; No. 3 while $l,00' i to T. D.1 «;-NO;-H-whllc-$I.06‘j to-JI,07.- - n o nIS. No. 1 white 48 to 48',; No. 3 lhe 0lie 47’i; No.3 while 4(i'i lo4T i. td Ihr beans. No. 3 yellow $125 10 Uyal>5>i; No.3 yellow $IJ1<,; barley ber IEd 60 to 8Sc nom; mailing ji.oo to tnee10 nom; llmothy seed $J.u to vtmbe10 cwl; new $5.65 lo $5.85 owt; Fermi ver seed $24.00 lo $31,00 cwt. vtmbc

Oltn , 21, n I

>0: with few tops sons up' lo m ;)lce locaU quotable lo $850. >on F :aiile: 100. Calves 10, Very Iltlle

otfer. ‘Early unrterionc lully ady a l Monday's ailv.incc; top °? "I Mcen Monday $JJ0; highest mnercUlly frds.. In i\boul 18 miu; bulk gra-w sleers saleable 50 10 $7J0; common grades down 15; common lo medium helfen

stable $125' to $6.75; low culler d emitr cows saleable $3 to $3J0;' I Tuiion 10 liittllum grades $3.75 lo Ii0l-KOO(l-l>ftf-«>ws-H/!5-l»-«S,J4i I ----111 quoublc $4 to $5J0; good to I olce vtale^s $8 to 'tS . ISlieep: lOO. Nominally steady. I » a iniekedln lambs saleable uiind$725io$7J0:.ROod.lrMCkedln ^ 5 ei arotmd $3 to $325; load fed ^ rs Monday $3i>0.

WOOLnOffTON, Dcc. 1 (,11 (U8DA1-A w Mattered sales'wcre being closed I domesllc wools In Boston loday,11 the demand, was mucli lighter lan In reccnl weeks. QuoUtlonscre very ' lirm, however, asking ; 'lets btlng moslly a l or above the riks reallied tn lhe recent more* .enl.Fine DtUlne combing Ohio fleeces lid at 41 lo 42c In lhe grease. Staple imblng half blood OWo flceces cn held at 43c. - ' ^



Iteady. unclunged.

FLAX IULUTH, Dec. I W l-FIax on I k,2.02'.i-2.13!»; December 2,02; r2,03',j.- -

' ------- 0001- WINNIPEG OEXIN Ing Sui

INNIPEO, Dec. I Ml — Cash ilore 1 at: No, 1 northem I.U lj: No. onnge oriliem 1.09‘i ; No. 3 oorlhcm *iih L

OnlyaU: No, 3 while 45?1; No. 3 milled te 43‘i , No. I mUed «3»i. tesy jx

. O ranji

l 8 , 8 J i l i K S

l i N [ D S T , l B D i . S “1 - • ------- • • . No p

erom e. Dec. 1 - Mn. S anh ‘ dick'. ?1. wife ol W. R. Bur^ck PJ*" J ln ttlicfim llyhom 6hereat3:35 ~ " xk this mortUng tollowlng a lln-

uncral"Krvlcei wlll be conducled J>* irsday nflemoon nl 3:30 o'clock he Jerome Presbyterian church ‘'on K> 1 Rev. W. P. Wliu ottlclallng. purcnt :rs, Burdick was bom a t Wa-1 ;o. Kansas. August 10.1885. and I oaso urvlved by her husband and ajmoblle ;her. Dr. Bush Houston ot Ne-'lumber a, Iowa. 1st' re 1he body rests a l Hie .Willc mor- 11,5 m; ry in Twin Falls. Inlerment wlll In-Jerome ccmetery. , jis . to

' - lions 0- years <


■— TliccirMini|er-T4>d-€Mt^of-Twln. fcm rrIs has succeeded Charles Hood- lana sl lylc ftsthc manager o flhe Oood-1 j, y. l Sampson Music compnny store, pUns 10 move his family lo ^ ,„p],

xllng loon, vlcc s lItadi MlnUltrt-Rev. A. £. Beas- a 5. was re-tlcclcd president ot the mnk b

xllng Ministerial auoclatlon nt Dlre< eccnl.mctllng,_Thc paston m tt by tin the home of Rev. Wilbur Ootf, orangi f. Prank Stlnnelle inis elected y. w.rctary-treasurer. - .................. ijohnsoiBlld Shop—Clarence L. Boilon. | iteasui0 formerly was Interested In the i on blacksmith shop here, and| brother William of Oooding. nre

istructlng a bUcksmllh and ina- i ne sliop on Idalio slreet be-1!cn Tlllrd and Fourth avenues.- „ c building Is surfaced with R«l-,

ien Marteltd - Retum.1 on 539 i alkci 5s shipped by 74 menibert ol iJie t“ »'f odlnncouniy hog pool have been J elvcd nt lhe olflce of C. L. Mink, will bt iniy nsfnl. A lop price of $9,45 n tband. ndred pounds ttus pnld tor th e ' Site :s. Total Might of 'the shlpmtnl • In sui s 110.040 pound.s, nnd they whali lUght ft Idal of $10,121.77, The The ss wtre sold to Hie Amtrlcan »iarlt< eking nnd Produce compnny of/was 1( dtn. . a bnki,-|4lt rarrnl»-M r. nnd Mn. Jerrv | she ce of'Mnunlalil Home nre vWt- i„afrii : nt Ihe 0 . W. nrlllon home here. |,,inrrl( 5. Price b tlielr daughier. Ifinge nslU Mother — MLm Mildred |i,ridc i ehman.’ot Dolse vUlied nl the | me of hfp mother. Mn. F.-ancU | fliman. Tlianksglving day. i , i„ i 1 riill a t Spokane-Mr. nnd Mrs.: g„_, W. Lyon nnd daughter ■ Arlene „

■nt the Thanksgiving holidays . * h rclatlves-nt Spokane, , j ' '" * ', >ave for Oregon — Frank Silva | _ ' . d tamlly.'who recently had a farm ; “ ^ e plnn to leave soon tor Oregon lo 'kc Ihtlr home. ; ____>ave for Utah — Mr. and Mrs. J. | = =

Oglesby lell Wednesday mom- {H i : tor Park City. Ulnh. to spend ■ nnksglving with a brother of J.Davis.

Jom il- Ooodlnr—Four-birihs-til- —t i ! Gooding haipllal were rccortl-, 1> Ihc pa.1t week: Mr. nnd Mrs.' .

('al Knlglit'of Oooding, Novem- • 19. ft giri; Mr. nnd Mra. Ciar- f :o Iloodcnpyle ot Ooodlni;. No- nber 33. a boy; Mr. and Mrs. rmnn NIeUon of Oooding. No- nber 33. ft girl, nnU Mr. nnd Mn. Grt rn Hunt of Shoshone, November Ids.

H«ve to E den -M r3hd M n El- ~1 Petenon and tamlly nnd Mr. ^ma d Mn, Chester Peterson have Bon ived to. Eden where they wlll live Rcci

a farm belonging to John to dlomas ot Oobdlng, hsix[.eaTe ter Calltomla—Mrs.'JulU menvy and daughter Betty left last ilioick tor Pltasant Orove. California, NunItre thry sptnt Tlmnksglvlng. u id

SANITONE ____DRSLCLE-fUilNG____ - ]___

Thtra ll a Dlffertnt* *PAIUSIAN. IN C .V *’'>0

PHONE 850________


35 licnd of cood yoiinir homes aycflrs old, some nico malclicd pnir

S A M S C O T T E' nock C r«k Feed U t , Acros

» S T R I E B l? . l .

Mf liH iir 'Disj GmiiG

OODINO. Dec. 1 - -nse Oood- ' Supply company.-* coow nt)« e iponsored by the Oooding nge. opened for biaiocss lodfy- I L. w . Bliuer as tntniger. nly Onnge memben will be per- ;ed to Irade a t the itore. Cour- ■ xardi are being Usued to all n ie member* in Oooding u ■urrounding Jowns. Tlili itore U 'S se t up prtmiHIy, Mr. Sauer , to ten# the ncedA of Orangirs B la , Palrfleld. Shoihone and ■ding Jerome m d lyendeJI iJ- W have coopentlve O nnj* ^

‘O'; the Orange w lU b i- ^

e r t l be chargtd for Jha goodi . After the operating coit and orlelnil c « t ot the goods Jiivi - 1 Uktn oul. hoR-cver. any profit

be paW 10 the purciiased In illdy refund checka in propor- I lo the amount bought by each chased.' Sell Gasollnk asollnc, motor oil, grease, auto- llle acccisoria, coal, and rough ber Wlll bc'sDld by tli« Oooding ‘ c lor tile ptesenl 2 ;«u(* manager, came here early In

cmbtr-from LeonardvlII^'*Kan- 10 lak-i charge ot Uio preptra- '

IS of lhe opening. lie had three « experience wjljj cooperaUvw {ansas. He Is the son-in-law of and Afn, V. w . Canon, who cn ft tarm east of Oooding.

he business u localed. on thsw ot-T hlrd-ftvenue and>-Mon«___a s ir tti on loie purcha.-wl trom

Lcnkff. A log caWn bs/lt Jhecrt r ir ago when a new lumber yatd I planned will be used as,the ser- • SlaUon.

5.000 gallon gasoline'storage k Is beint JnsuiJh.'d. ilreclora for the company electtd Jhe.mcml>fni of__the_aw<Jing inje are: Sam fllmls. presldeni;W. Catson. vice president; Milt nson, srcTcUryrClarence PauU, — isurcr, and Wjlllam Hudson.

nnulmcnts Lead To Fourth M arriage■AN F R A N C K ^ Dec, t ^P| - i s. Unnle Barbara Uvtnder A Ikcr Barnes Zc Lonka, San Jose ^ melolOBlst. cleared Uic way here ay for her fourth marrlsge, whlcli I be h tr second to her thirdId.llie was awarded t w ftiiimlmeiil.s superior court niter.expUlnlng al she laid was n m arlul muddle, . i7if nil.vup, she loJd IJje couri. ried In Denver in 1023. when-she s iff nnd marricif Audrey Wallccr. inker.ihf left Wnlker nnd bellevtd llieir rriaie” was loIcr Bniiunfd’/o'Slip— med 0;car Barnes. Tlml mnr- ce emifd and Ute becamc Ifie dc of Mlchsel Ze Lonka In Snn* rale, enly to <llscover she hail I'cr been legally treed from tier It hu.ibsnd.Jiiprrlor Ju ise Elmer C JloblH- 1 granW annulments of her msr. gM 10 tvalltcr and Zb Lonka and s Informed she planned to wed •

Lenka agnln. legally.3hc oblalned annulmeni of Jirr lond marrlaje here lis t Junt.


IlEAN I'lUCKSSnbjetl Our Confirmation

D u ll OSt i 'X S t . I i r.OJL CA Jt \

DrtsI Northerns ___-___ S5Jj \;ds. Folfihtd Red*____ __. $U : I

-Any-quiatlly-or-fot Of bean*. imall or large, covcred by a Jonded Warehouse, Negotiable lecelpt allowing all charses paid 0 dale and with a grade nlab* •Islied (Itcfcon by the H-«rcJicu.'e- ncn or by ft Federal Cerillle.iit ihowlng Warehouse ftccelpt dumber. Is In proper shape io bc wld on an F.OJJ, car basis In any jiarVef. a -

THE-CHAS. W .— B A R t O W - e O . -----------rhen . M3 t i l ShMhcn. S(. Sc

u c tion3EC,3,19368 and m arcs from 2 to 4 ■

■niri. 2

ESTATE Jnsn From Nye Bros.. Jy

Page 9: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

jf‘Knoqp-f WANT AD RATES

BATES FEB LINE PEB DAY• BU dijrt. p tt Ua« per d a ; ------- to /a

Tlirw d lft, ptr Uoi p a day _ H pOm dar. per Ub« ----------------- U« I

S3 l/8 7 o D U count ' d • For CMh ' I

Oua diHouat tim td a usrtni**- ' v m nt U P4M for «IUita ttfiB d ip ef tUnt iomtUob- I

Ptuo« S3 for Ul Adtaker . j' ‘ ■ ----------------------------------- ■ I

INOEX TO WANT ADS SAsOOUnCMDWU »•* ^m y . . ,. iAUU Sfrriei. rw u - j ,Bm ur 8Ws» —J _ j

oiiitijSd•o w l wood. I e . ___________ a _

Deo. o u tr n u , , g i r

■ M . * K ' S 3 = i i •r«ati« Uilp. w u u « -»» * nom u — j »Sw fijk^’ubSStiaSS" —- - ^ 1 *n r Ml* ««di ----------------«»•* *

- m iM w d i» *niatfW oifKioT* J »5S3“ ! S n S ' . r i . ' = r i 5 »

>»laiwerttw — ------------------- »J «l.od(M. 0aellUa 1 ^LMi tad rraad .. _ , . , . i *atlo Ud* fru u a .... ............. > uUeSty » UM ------------------- li »

, UorlBI. a to w -----------------« *Pmontu * ^PsiiJin kBd Suppliw « *nadia* tod Stmc* « -* »IWJ £iUl4 Cor 6«J| M If ;tUtl BUM for ItM* ^ „lUtI bUM WtBUd nibXDi for IUM M |—

S l 'T r = 4 Iwutud w n*o« - »i ;ror-eii» er 7t»d» «< C

. I__________ — • _______I 8________ ____________ 8

r i 2 5 n « ^ d i ? —HM (MIO tin t a i t u • tutci _ . rul* d tia i t u n a i u ; ■ddlUOD* m ,tl iiUamtMa eoitctnlBt 'Utnd Ttdi.- t u t U Ilia. *cd MUi > Ml RUftiw ,U) c u t el .

- — - ' " ' *' . '■■" ' ■ *

L ost a n d Found 5 »

-- LOST - TEAM QREY HORSES. 1 ' v t. about ISOO Ibj, Finder picue « noUfy F nnk DeJulla, 1 mL Vf.. *1 ml. Bo. Jerome. *

LOST-PUM E CONTAININO »15 I n--------and-drlvCT^-Ueeiwe-Jn tlley-b«ck - -

of T. F. aiMJ I t PalnU Ph. 315. ” Rennrd.

LOST: PIOSION JACKTT IN JEU- r n ome. Rdlum to Dean Erlcluon.Box 99J, Jenme. Revud. *

BED COW TAKEN UP JH M I lB _ M. of H anxn. Branded I O on

" . riffht r1 b » ; 'e a r 't i | ' ln 'r l{ U re ir — •nd sTsUoir fork on left. OiiiHtr ^

-------nuy li»M b f paylns nd and tnd . DHIm £ FosUr. ci

FOUND-PAm CUSSES IN CASE ^ Owner may liaro by payto* ad e and IdcnUIylai glauet a t Nevs oflloe. —

L ' ' B e au ty S hops 6 ma" - r ----------- ------------------------------- n

BEOULAH MJO WAVE FOR « , Ci . nU s w ee t only I Idaho BarUer i i - -

Beauty Shop. RE

aPEWAL. PERM. »1. OIL »I. FIN- w ' ger ware dry 3Jc. Flflh Ave. ci

Beauly Blwp, 4 » 8Ui t . piu estVf. —

PERMANENTS »M0; M; M| J FOR ai price of I. Shampoo'llngerTi'avG U dry 3Sc Over Ind. Meal Mkt. Mrs. r

• Beamer.________________________ A

SPECIAL - OIL FERM. II. K OIL “ Perm. U. lO au Seauiy Bhop, ;:3S «- fltli Are. B. Ph. I«5. «

m iE c a u ro» R u tn .T t*-noai t t ^

' C ■

■ [ h m - m -m - s o y o u n e e d 8R E A P y C A S H TX) J O PE R A T E YOUR J ®

r ^ l N E , ? . f S ^ ^


— ? ^ - T P ~ y a a ~ ^ ^THIMK v o u JCO BW SR: CANJ eyPLA lM . I COI.D c t

. I a o A H EA D . / MOLT C ^ ^ RIDE HC

f't H l i g J



'___________________ ■ . )

* ■ Knock’B eau ly 'S ho ps^, 6 L l

(CwUnotd tr«B m n t a t C t te i )AT LAST WB HAVB POUND A T

maeblnelus n n Uvat wo ean un- i >ietltaUx4 l7 recommend. I t s •

■ dramaUo new achlerement In p « -■ manent waring. Come la and let ' uil stre rou a test cuiL No eharseand no obllntlon. OU permanenU prieed from HAO and up. AftliUc ,

' Beauly Salon. lU Main Are. W«»t. ^ PH. IW:

OIL PERMANENTS FROM HW- i Flnser waving, hair- cuttlns. nalr i djelnj. facials. 'Crtwford Beauty ySalon. IU Mtln So, PtL m * o r tr hDeU'a Clswr Store. ._________ ' ^

/A utos for Sal8 7 2

J* LOW PRICES ■ « i^ -za Chev. Cpe,- tuns too i. ^* h e a le r _______ — GO* 'S7 Cher. Coach, trunk------W 4* t a Chev. Cpe. new paint M7iO «» ■:7Chr}'«IcrM d,goodm {fW «. ta Chev. g td , runs p>od-415 ^* All above lm « aU glaas lo.* llres Irora fair to sood, some *« eilm good. Termi or trade. *« .Used FarU Ior Sals « «

* JOHN O’CONNOR ** ■ USED CAR CO. ** ■' ■ ) 1B Sbwhon# West •

* * «



Comcr of Main Arenue and Srd __Street West. In baek of Tesaco ij> Blatlon No, I. ll

AL OA1KE3 K- •- .1 Ir

* * til * . 1S3< DELUXBJORD TUDOR * „* Original IliiWi. .llko new. * ][* radio, hcfler, brand new ¥ •» Urea and tubes. ¥ ^

» m * In

'T h e AUTO MART* New LoeaUon, Comer Main 4, r / j /* Avenuo and 3rd Blreet West * J.* WB BUY-6ELL-3TIA0S * —* --------- . • IF « « « « « « « • « « « « « « « l l ----------- ---------- •- 11

Female HeloW anteil 10OIRL POR OENERAL HOUSE- *

work and cooking. 131 SerenUi ^ avenue nortlu

___________ _________________ J

— Thstrllollon- - - - - - 13 J *DIESEL-OPPOnrUNmES-YOU »-J

can cam part of your tuition a t * <Adco* DleseJ kIiooL Bce Mr. Rug- * »cr within 3 days, • Cottage 23. * 'a 'crgrecn Lodge. J ^

— ------- - ■" - • — «

• Situations Wanted. 14 J ,MATERNITY , OR PRACTICAL ^

nursing wanted. Write Box IS, care News.

RELIABLE YOUNO MAN, ID, with varied experience, .1 'lstlc5 r .work ot any kind. Wrlle Box SO, ___caro News. ELE

EXPERIENCED TOUCK D R IV ^. SJ age 37, local referenus, eliarac- ter and ability, resident of Twin NEV FVills 0 yrs. W. K. Rirfe>-, « 3 3rd wt Ave. So. Ph, 6 0 S W . _________ M

3 SCHOOL OIRLS WANT TO ALL work for board and room. Refer- ho enc« Kxehkiised. 3W Main Bo. Oil

n i l c a u ro a BttirtTS'-rboBo a ^

7 ~ ~ f j

) ^ MAVBE I CAN " I J m Q E J 1 ^ 1 0 .0 0 0 O U t J X f / O P H IM

f S A y ,M R .< 3 U M P -? — ;y OH Y E S - V I U 'S E U . y v • -T H E < jE M S a t -ii

f \ ^ A 0 a r < 5 a i m :



3-W A tK E O 'T O 'T H S^H -D K PT M E:R S t o c e t SOM6 K | S A W CRGAM. IM T T aM O YO O F F E R E D 'M e A .THE

HOME ^ H IS V WAI ^ T T t f MATT T t

' A 1 I--- \ BLJT H E V^ . ;• i \ -mENl TH

. L


ia»wW»,HMtf rno.b.i

"Son w rites h e 's n Bludlnp Trigt needs i t . . . he’s th a wornt i

Money to Loan 1 6 fIF YOU ARE PAYING MORE ^

llisii Gr» on your resldenco loan, I’l see u» about refinancing. SwimInvestment Co. “

_____________________________ ClOUR LOA^iS ON IMPROVED Cl

/arms, aodcm /csMence propfr- Cttics and Twin Falls business prop- FterUes uve borrowers mone}'. Swim OiInvestment Compan}’. Mi

Disney t o loan o n d w ell- ^Ings. Lowest' rates, long terms gj, quick lerrlco. Sanger-Jonea. Ph a t . 113 Main East. —

■MVB - t% NO COMMISSION,Swim Inv. Ca___________ . .

[F YOD NEED MONEY. SEE Harry at Twin Foils Loan Offlte.l»M atoA re.-& -----------------

■•EDERAL FARM LOANS <%. BEE ai* J. W. McDowell. Room M. Bank Tc i l Trust Bldg, ■ pU5


■ ForSaIe;Miscell9n eo tJs l7 u ' ►

*_Dld-j'ou-eJcr. b}-_Aberdecn_» ' s S i Coal? U'S /rally w tut Itiey « pp ‘ MX It is, the "Best In Uiel * nx• Wcst.- » • tlu ‘ • ■ * -Ph I INTERMOUNTAIN S m ) 4: J# — ‘ FUEL COMPANY • ¥ MUT t . ¥ rai


:LEAN CONCRETE GRAVEL. FRE Passes state Inspection a t Tlious* me and Springs Scr\'lee SUtlon. . T«

5ABY BUaOY, 135 3RD AVE. \y., East. _________ ____________ I

XECTRIO F E N C E CONTROL °hmaclUncs. Public Mkt. 313 Slio- *'"ationo N. * J

^ W 1939 GENREAL ELECTRIC HCwashing maclilne. reasonable. Alto oleMaJcsUo radio. <78 Walnul. ho

[l l ELECTRIC BROODER house, eoo t hick eanacltr. Ph.OlBOnS. - -------- Ti'

THB CAU, rOB SUyiTS'-PbaDi n ^

r f /S CUM PSr^/iU

-H E L L O -O H Y E S M R .V A I H A P A L M O S T FORQCFTTI r a i l r o a p d e a l — I’l l 2P E R S O N A L C H E C K FQ R M ILLION D O L L A R S T H I

f ) a f t e r n o o n - - Y O U ’R• i t ' - ' W E L C O M E - Q 'B Y E


G a s o l i n e a i l e y ~ j^

w vou 1VO OR B IK e D ID M 'T E UGHTS S O S P E C T . vJASfTBO ^■to STOP. T T " —: VJOULOMT. I VT H g P IQHT / I v ~ ^>RTCO \ ;

i s ' '


f s The (B y F r e d N e h e r J

I I ^w S I H 6I - n g ,

r *- • ^ ^

• » fl

i f f l r

^ < P : ' ’I


/ g . g ' ^ A e / 9

riRonometry an I reckin’ hc I ■Kt ahot In thn fam llj;” , ^

IIIFor Sale, Miscellaneous 17

(CoaiUoM fr«o I tK X m CelBMl

T im - iS x r u R E B app>JJono Meal RoiUnseed Meal

c S i'rL .Coitoa Bied MesJFlslt Meal • . ^ 1Oranite Grit ___Meat Meal --

• Oj-iter BheU •> Block Mineralsardine OU . , •


:ANARIES, 5 V A Rim ES, OUAR. ^ anteed good singers. Ship any- n liwhere. 1318 N. 20tlv.or 721 Main, ------Boise. Ph: «1M,______________

Ifl-X PintCO RADIO, SLIOHTLY "uwd.-0rl8mal'costUOO. Wiu-Bcir

quick for verv liberal discount, gjTcnni See Snyder al Sampson's. ___L

— — - '33 ClrURNITURE - NEW AND USED che

fumlture ot aU kinds, coal range*.eleetrlo ranges, coal itovcd, elrou> ___Llaiora and other household fum . TRAI •Ishlngs. Moon's. P li 5. Blore Na 1; acn

-piL-3io,-;B iora-K orj.------- --------- t o

STAY-OREEH':-aUlNOLE BTAW protect and beauUfy your new - j t nroof with Unseed oU ahtngle ilaln ------lliat wlU slay green a Ions Ume. B ACI

• Ph. 0, Moon's. outt ■ • I - Woi JURESCO PAINT. ENAMEL, ma(

ramisli and all kinds of pslntlng jocn supplies. Krengel's Hardware. —~

TIED BEER-DEALER IN MON- " . menls, .markers. 340.>Moln S^ WAN* Twin Falls, Ph. 1316R. plat

WHY PAV WAR PRICES? tA eortoad of Mureseo In bulk. see

Buy wliat you need. brUtg backwhal you tavo left. We loan you AEPOa brasti to put 1» oa wlUi f ^ all

McMurtry Iiouse Paint, 4- tanjHour Enamel. Floor and Uo- — oleum Vamlsh dries In twohours.-A Urge stock-of Wall ~ ~

-psptr:---------------------------------- - OTIU)


TUI CALL rOB BUtn.TI--rtteB* n

U N r S N O S A P

VAN P R IN C a L E ' H P H rTENLOUR l i t t l e ■ l l j. S E K J P V O U M V S H M ft OR. A r l ■H IS H


I r - — r j ^

S s s S i i i i B


/ ^ r ' Q U A R 'W t e D —V - Q O t ALL THE WAV ' \ IF H O VE \ OWIO P ANJO SAT OW KMCTHE' PRO M T S T E P S . hopimg vou'D . /■STSs



Old BusF or S a le , M iscellaneous 17

(CQoUGBtd (tea rtKtdlBg Coloas)

AUTO OLASS, PAINTINO. BODY j] and fender repair. F oa Body — Works. i R


Market. 313 Shoahone Worth.

♦ T T S r v T T i T T T T T S T J ___* 3 n* FO R S A L E . . J I"'* • AUTO DOOR QLABS- * _ “ 1* WINDSHIELD AND ’ a R* WINDOW GLASS * fti* Ko charge for Ubor eetUng * ^* Ilau If you ,wm bftng, your *» Msh or drive your car In. Oel *u, ready for winter before loow * 777 ; flics. * • "* H IO O N 'S • .* Pa

» ■ . . J» » » » » » » » » » » » » » Ik

Wanled M lscell^eogs 17-A >WA.ST DAY BOARDERS, 303 JND —

west. PH, isra.___________ _

3 YOUNO MEN WANT PASSAGE “ ' to Omaha or Clilcago. Thurs. or *^5 Frt, Sluire expense. Pli. OlH-Rl. J f


m.SlTU RB WANTED - WB BUY PUU used fumlture, ebal rangea. stores and Ice boxes, Ws pty cash. Ph.*■ ___________________ noo

F ru its a n d V ea e ta lile s 18 J i .

BEST DELIcfoUS APPLES. HO. I.ltabox,buIkortruck losd .N o.3 , ___SOC. Ilyde Ranch, trom Kimberly HEA 3 miles E , H i So. om

APPLES, D B L IO IO O S AND FUR Romes. 1 mL E. >i No. of Wasti. ilo

______________________ iI55APPLES, HRM DELICIOUS AND - - -

olher varieties. Box or truekJoad, Sorting now. Kollmeyer ranch.'] east of N . t . comer DuhL “

■ > :3 , APPLES ~AlTvarleUes, any quantlly «o moc per bu. and up vhUe they last. (ut

.John BaUcl Orchards, H Ml. bii So, on Main BL, Klmtmly. ce

bWEET eiDER, 16 OENTb PER r 5 q p llo a PubUo Market. . (or

, F o r S a le o r T ra d e 21 —---------------- -- ■ ............ KOOfiT a£jnkU 2EdEQR-BAl.X_LAKB _prl

property. 3 family apt. Write B o x ------87, caro News. • ROO

. — ■ I .I . No:33 CIIEV. SEDAN TRADE POR '34 -----

Chev. Pickup. Oscar Hunt, Filer. ROO Rl. 2, Plu 0388-RL . An

n i A D E ' i o i r i r ' f l o r M '^ ^ ^ F(acres, clear of Incumberance. Good

-heusr,-well.-bam,-ch!ektn-housp; FOR All In hay. 3 acres aprlcols. CIcm Avi

-W-Tw InftH s.W riloS ««^«ar® — “iraws.

ACRE TM CT, a ROOM TOUBf. J T outbuildings.' Mge ’ city limits. » Would take livestock, tome (arm « ^ maehlner}', some caah. Terms. Ph. u _ >M7J.____________ . • * 8<

- • Furniture for Salo 23 * «VANT A BAROAIN? S l i ^ SIZE ^ piano like new, also larger used ^10piano must be laken up. WIU sell ____for unpaid balance, on easy lerms.

. See piano a t Brown's Muslo Store.

lEPOSSESSED FURNITURE OF all kinds, SO used rangu. Prices range (rom tIO up. Moon's.

Wanted to B uy , 25■URNlXURC-WANIEO-WE-ailY . J l l ued (umlture, coal ranges, stores 40 / and l« boxes. We.pay cash. Phost -Ooo^-Mooa:s.___________________ WW

n a CAU roB BMinTS“-nioB»» - l u i '

N O W - M R .R A D C L I F F -

i f IV i

S l l

' ■ ■■■ ^ * ' 1 ^

3 0 ia > f ,— -WIT. i- H /ysNW AV, \ D d

<MOWM. . L D 'y o u . j s o

' n h ' ^ n r v w ^ l l

PM fife t'ib / i r t ' ' W


8 — j t ’ s '

Houses for Rent 27J UOOU ilbuSE. INQUIRE 233 —

Jackson St. *

I ROOM BRICK UNFURNISHED *'■ dwelling. PlL 1399. »

--------------------------------------------- - V '

Apartments 2 8 1fRO O M UNFURNISllED BASE- ?

ment apt. Heat and lights (uru- Z bhed. 319 flth Are. No. ' . J

I ROOM FURN. AND PARTLY * (um. apta. Inquire, ^ a Harrison.

FTntNISHED'APARmENT, SUIT- ¥ able (or two adults. Plione 677. « <

I APTS. IN NEW HOUSB ON COR- TO ner Harrison and Shoup Ave. ]( Partly funiUlied. ];

NICB LARGE ROOM. GROUND BLi door, next lo balh. stoker cod- | troUed aleam, lieat. Somo Ilght li liousekwplng possible. Emploj’ed ■ c women preferred. 137 Sth Ave, No. —

WRNIBHto, j ^ a m z h e in n ^ Ph. W and Oasb 971. „

BURNISHED APTS THE OXFORD. “ «3a ^ y l ■Ave. No. ^

Rooms for Bent 29 J .fTIRNISHED ROOM, CLOSE IN.

fumace lieal. Ph. MS alter 0:30 — p. m. or 3I0W. W^

- ailOOM, CLOSE IN, CALL AFTLTt 3. t. 318 3rd Are. N g —

VXtM AND BOARD, CLOSE IN.31S Seeond avenue north. ^

lEATED ROOM SUITABLE FOR ^ one or two. Phone 13M,5S0 2nd Na

’URNISHED ROOM. CLOSE IN, * ilokcr heat, l i l Srd Ave. No.

tOOM POR RENT. P l l J«W . «— ' ' - ailEDROOM A ND SLEEPING seporeb, 339 8Ui Are. E lu

tOOM AND BOARO FOR GENT- Ji lemen. Mrs. Steanu. Plione H78.

fODERN BEDROOM OUTSIDE ? entrance;' suitable for msn and “ wlfo Uiat works or 1 or 3 genUe- TTf men. Ph. 1359J. ’ “

tOOM FOR RENT, SUITABLE ^ for two. Fumsce hest. 040 Blue f ' Ukes.

----------- 1--------------------------- --- r zlOOM AND BOARD, 1 MAN.IN m .prlratiUiom e..BS3.8lhAre.B..., _


tOOM AND BOARO - y I TTU Art. Na Ph. U b

-------------------------------------------- BfFor Rent, Miscellaneous 3 0 - “n

OR-RENTrQARAOB.-WO-SllD until Ave. Weit.___________________ a 10

W anted to Rent 31 J [. « » « « « « « « ¥ * « « « nlgti

* poui. FurtiUhed house or apart- ♦ and

ment, 3 to 9 rooms.. Ph. Mr. * Seely, Room 333, Park Holel. *


’ANT TO RENT WIEEL ‘CHAIR.310 4lli SL No. Cali mornings.

Real Estate for Sale 32OOD RESIDENCE LOTS ON » small inonUily paymenta. J, B. — Roberta, Realtor. A . 563. —

ITORAL NEW HOMES RANG- log in price from 83800 to 8«00.J, E. While.__________________ L i

ACRES AND EQUIPMENT.Oood luproTcmcnts, I4W0. J. E. . <WWle ______________________ ‘

Uf CAU roR 'm vL T S '-rboaa » jJ; {

’*■ * li. r lf.1

, IJ, 1;

* 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ; ; ; t l M C A S H - C ^

«». P

'• V V________ ' / j C ^ 1 . II Bw u r ifn w ^ / - 1 I'

(I. r<

[ T

^ ^ = ^ = ^ ^ = ^ = 3 - - 5 : - _

■ ■


I G U E S S . 3

m s L ^ .- f e — - e —

JECEJlBER'i, 1531 ■

Time ToR eal E s ta te fo r Sa le 3 2

<C«8UbuM rnm ritttd lsi CsUma) 4 * * * * * * * ♦♦ . * “ *«;.EIghl}rBCrt9NorUi8lde, Uys *• good, no weeds, fair Imprmts, * J .* 88000. « PE,¥ 80 acres H mile (rom Oood- ¥¥ ing. lays perfeci, no *ccd.i. ¥ _¥ detp soil, 8 rm. lise, largo ¥ V¥ deep well, gar., mUk lise., Ctl- ¥ TO¥ lar, water system,, poss'n ¥ le¥ soon. A rtat place, 110,500. ¥ a(e¥ 83S00 eash. bat. Ftd loan. ¥ —¥ . ¥ '¥ SUDLER WEGENER &-C0. ¥

VERY CH0ICENEWH0ME.000D b; location, a rooms. »6000. Ptu 1&3W. ' a IL 0. GclterL________________ _ _

BLUB LAKES RESIDENCE SITES, und 810 down and 810 p tr month, the lowest n^ces. Swim liivesuiient cd,

_________ • ■ dayTOR SALE A GOOD 40 BEnviEN ..V,

Bufil and CasHfford on p a « . ment, 880 pet A. This farm paidUld owner over 8100OMO renl UiU Z i ' year. Swim InvesUnent Oo.

16 ACRES. LONO TIME PAY- H*“ meals. Low IntertsL Plu 0398-Rl

R eal E s ta te W a n te d . 3 4 1. '^

WANTED-LI3TIN08 ON 40’S,' BO'S J** and 120 aere farms. Haro buyert J. E. RobetU. Reallor. Fh. 683.

F o r S a le L iv e sto ck 3 6

IVEANER PIGS, 4 MI. EAST, H NO.Twin m u . BsUanl. ' —

IfOUNO POLAND CHINA BOAR,S ml. west, I ' i No. L. A. Wemer. EiU

*0R S A U ^ l CARLOAD OENTLB und work horses, velghlng 1400 up. AU esU' ages. Must be sold a t once. Can be to t seenatUiB stockyardj. Hltched.to harl luK you. Register^ ilereford bulls ceu and grado Shorthorns In roans neet and reds. WUI trade (br any kind non of cattle. AUo some feeder steers. g( u Call E. 2>t Spllxer, a t the TourUt trtU hotcL Spllier and WOoley, owners, jny;

I MO. OLD JERSEY MALE CALT.proven sire. 0 . IL WUion, Kler. ' ‘y'

I FAT YOUNG SH0AT8, ORAIN of afed. Ph. 0199R1. Dl


B e n e f a c t o r F r e e s “ _

I n m a t e s o f P o u n d

SACRAMENTO. Csllf, Dec l( iD m |-Thirty assorted poochu enjoyed jninllmlted freedom today afleL.an . rmtdentmed-benefaclof-englneered —r j ilOOperceatdeUveryfromUwcltylog pound. . g

Poiindmaster O eom Martin re* wrted oil Inmates boiled during Ibe j y light wben somebodjr climbed lhe VMucd fence, unlatched all Ute pens un-,md Ihen kicked a hole In Uie fence. {JJJi

L c ja l f ld r e r t l s e m e n ts


n Hie Piobate Court of Twin FWU untoCounty, SUle of Idaho. thU

n lllfl matter of Uie esUte of ber, Usry P. Elam, DeceaiedNotice U liereby given, hy Uie (Sea

Daily Cross-WAcnoti 'Solution ef YeHeriiy'

i. WuM* HI lo ■____________ininlc J3TT77TW7TTT70¥]

C. Dlnntr'eeurii [ « {■ T B V P lJ ir . 'Iwl10. Urotd tblck P IE Al l A b T I Hn«t« A R c H h IHIOINIEI11. Arstiincuidialn


5, Cti.Mii tf.— tu-UnlioUUUBrt . 0

t Citjt - funm'l en 1 T>i«L A«i»tle im . >•I. Birtjrini vtle. n. Amrrlcin.hnib i n.c

I i?,1 ** Uil»lllt»ro«i f OroiL M<ic»ntlJ« su Cecifw a

riUMiiii- c»n»i» way t tlunI'icril (9. SlfillcliuJ rU ll 7. ]l»luI. R.cllni'nt <(. tiud S. Tree

i. Ihrouthi (S, Kind el bird I, >:irr; Co'^'Ktd u a (I. Ijiria ToIURK C^>

inVfnet «r. T rrn tli:. TtruM aslln I] rvadli* IL Kind

' p 1 r X 's f i‘ p I"w - — g tf-------------- “

ie- s r * p ______________

5 T ---------



2T “ "

— . — 55- ^

— - ;

— — g




301. F in and aulo Iniurtne*.

m e n In need e t ADUINISTIUU ' TOB BOND, Inslnct your attOTMi; le get It ( re a Ibe J. E. Beberti a(ency.^dT.

Shoe Repair 'RETAIN “n iE IR COMFORT AND ,

get new aenlce and appearaset-. by laklng Uiem to Twin FaUs SIM

' Shop, 133 W. SliMhone. Phone »a.'

undersigned, tho Admlnlitralor of* Uie eitato o f’Maiy F,EUm,dee*aj- ' cd, Uist be WUI on or after U» itOx day of December, 1939, seU a t prlV

rate tala for cash lo Uie highest bidder, the property hereinafter des< crtbed. tubject to the conllrmaUoa Jf Uie Probate Court of Twin Falto Counly, State of ^daho; bids la I wrIUng may be left a t Uia ottlce ot UlB undersigned In Uia FIdeUty Na. Uonal Bank BuUdlng, TwUi FaUs, rdaho. • ' ,

niB real propertr so to ba told Is deicrtbed as Lo> Tweire U3) la □lock Twenly Nine (39) ot TwUx PalU Townsite, TwUt FalU County, JlaUi of Idaho. '

0 . A. BAILEY,Attorney for and Admin* litrator-of the esUte e t Maiy t . ZUm. d e c e a ^

NOTICE TO CBEDITOB8 :iU te of Jaeot) P. Dosselt, Deceased.

NoUca i t hereby glren by Uu , indenigned- administrator! of the au te o t Jacob P. Dossett, deceased.'0 Uib creditor* of.and aU persona uring olalmt a n ln A Uw said de* ' ttsed, (0 exfalbit them vlUt the leeessaiy vouchers, vlUUn tlx nonUis afler Uie (Irst pubUeatloa if UUs noUce, to Uie said Admlnls* rtlon , Bt the ofdce ot lUybom «i Uybom, Attorneys, Oily ot Tvtn > 'tIU, County of Twin FaUs, filata if Idaho, UU* being Uie pUoe tUed or Uio trtnaacUon ot Uie buslnep if aald estate. .Daled Norember 90. 1938.


Administrators ot Uta-----------Estate-of Jacob S. Doitelt,—



a the DUtrlct Court of Uie Eler* .. enUi Judicial DUtrlet ot Uie BUta ot Idabo in and for TwlA FaUt.

-county.— — r-----------;-------—ilome Lumber et Coal Company. > a corporaUon- .......PJatoUff—

—TS.—r.T .D arls, Defendant

NoUeo Is hereby given Uiat oa korember »U i. »38, a writ of aU achment was Issued out of Uta ibove enUUed eourt In Uit a ta r t nUUed tcUoD, attaching Uie pnp- rty ol Uie abore naSed defendant or Uie sum of 8W9.6).In wlUiess whereof, 1 bars ben*

into set my hand and Uie seal ot hU Court UUs 13Ui dsy of Norem- er, 1936.

FRANK J. SMITH.Beall Cletk of Uae DUtrkt Court

V ord PuzzleJsy’i Punla i t Dtim«Bat.a ,

___ • ^ I t Last aan# • f .j y f c i j i o i 0*®™*/ ( M p jn r eiaracisfIR H PIO IE I RilatlTit II f f f l a “ • “M . a v . g M 11:

n, o 2 )m |Q 1 |5 |M ^ u Acid mil

M BM M k R r n <t. nraitr kIimI .

“ ■ 'x s s a s v *

OOWHP.r.nnsi«B- ri.-p«ro(i.in-Bael

■Idtrallofi 41. Conetdtd Di« TtnlRitktr 41. Dinor ilfBaU

S i L . .lor tb* lowtr » neiX'.Irvitin - SI flMdnvaniif

Jniip or 11 DKIihin of K ■ *(3tanr<d ' »*h'yi| r t ir•luJtnU (I. Dtek nl Ibi

lumhia nrrkWurlJM • _ SJ. flul Ulll* rreplml bird whleh li ibt •IffUIC Dbtftlul*>»»n«r«lnr proptilr •<Covrred «llb Iha swntr

tlnd ol btso l l Ccrtal (iSM

' ~ w T 'm n w - -------------------^ _w -------------------^ ■

J o J T f i


' z M ^ - z z z '" • ' 1 S f ^

' P A Q g W i ^

Page 10: 7 ALL.S DA “ s r j s i s ‘° iE H lEwiiPEsoB 88 mil ITS |K ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Tin hw describes (he otten?# n» a irloriy

p i S iv .A n lm a lT h a tW .'H ,L a B c iu n ty

■ R efu sed to S e ll,T a k e s

His U fe

An w.jwr-oM.Twln r»Us f»r-• BK f.W im irnlfenrrU Boanir. ,• w ttd to df*lh TfJtenliy by th ;' ouemsey hull that he h id rtluitd

“ to Kll t*o W S b*rort.Two itoduntn, SmUh IUmii »ad

' C. U Plununer. *ho h«J MUjht to buy the buU found tho igtd m w ’* M f whra tbfy » fo t b«k to hU

'iinniboutPc'fllockTtitffdiyniom - .tet. -I

u ie w u «xUncl.*lhey i»W, but .. Iht eataicd tnlm i) w u lUQ (nmp* i

, ■ lin i iod |orln» ths broken body., l iia 'ised mtn h id |om tlone to r

• (Jie con»! rh fre tJ» b«U » « v .. either le Iwd tlw inlmal or lo rc<■ t^ ee the r ta r In Ita nwe »hleh, '.oM ieen were told, he hid u ld w»i

" g S W u « id tK J .« d » multiple■ ;ilnUl Inctuw end ch at tbm tow,:«nd ItCgttlOM. ,

N# lmo*»l bu

Df. H. U Stow*, countr coroner. g,l Mid so toguot irould be n e « w . rn , The body w u taken to the Twin i^r FtUt mortuary. Tu

. Arranjementa for luner»l ier- i Thet h id not b*M etanplcted Ia»t cW rrenlntr. thi

' .UoTtns herefroo SietUsr. Colfr- t n Ttdo, In im . -Ur. UiBounty and Ur

. tMmiir hAd tiaee n iU ti a t their bus ■. iaim home, a haU mile e u t and a the

quarter mile lOuth of the Washlnj. ^ ’■ ton leluwl.

. Bora Deeember a . l«7.‘ a t Wai- lm . lekM lllDoliiM r.UBoumywu en. Mr

■ liR il tn fannloi m n t o( hU Uf&, He U lu rn n d by Wi widow and « “ ; diuihter. Mn. I « WUmt ol Twin ^ ,m u . .H e leaw i alw an adopted , dauihter. U n . Lenore Denham of ^ fiterllnf. Wiomlni; three aliten.U n . Worenet Wood of fltflette.

.m ro aln r. U n . Phll Huffman of r cNelion. Kebratka. and Ura. Uay r rFleUher of imnoli. A brother, vhou name could not be Ictnied. reifdetf In the Itate of W aii^ lon : T

.1 Fre


-------- ton------Alleiinc eruelly-and mlwoadurt pe„

durlni tbe p u t yn r. Qarland R. ch i UUM of Hanua itarted «ult tn the dire

r-dUtrtct eourt hen joterday for d l. prei . roree from U n. TTteda S ira Uuie.' Tl

aod ior custody ot their thrce>year> Pall ’ old daughter. Tbe narrU te to ^ tnm - plaM In Twin Palli, January 1C. Hod : I in . Chipmaft :and Oiapman of itafl

—^<«liv.Kilaurt^U)e.pellUaiu;iJiU t i l l te re e y i . . ' four

.................. -■ ■.... reae


• J. 0 . Hairah o f ^ r , arreiled ^ ' fay. Tvla Falls'p01lee-lat« yeiterdty m ' alternoon on a fon try chane. r

pleaded not luUly In tha iuiUce eourt of R. U . Roller and vaa pUwd

; t& tb t .QKmty itU lo avalt hU p rt.■. U n i ^ hearlni, Bond m K t at

IIOOO.Oftlcen lu t nlfht tald lhat lU r.

rah atlempled lo p tu a |40 cheek a t a tocal department itore bearlni

- ‘ the name ot hit emptoyer, E dftr D.Vincent ot Pller.


Accused o t . to n t0 of a tlOM . .'cbeck lu t October 3<. D ould Col.

trane. it. of Rlmbertr, r u held to an w ft to lhe ehane In the dU- trtct court bere atler he walred prellffllntry hetrlni when he was arraliotd befon Judge Ouy L Kin. ney In the probale tourt earlier in the day. He n s admitted to tIWO

. bond which w u not tumlslied.A deputy thn lir. Thomu Parks,

who made the a rra t a t Klmbetly yetterday. u id Ute youth had tn rel- eC to Denver, through Wyomlns and to calltomla afUr cashlns thC-K>- Ifffd lr t e m i check.

The check In quatlon bore the ' felle^dly forged slfnature ot A. Hnn-

»lB i;a j:p«or'B iid w*i-inade T»r* aWe to ?Mnk Stone. Cojtnuie lud .been employed by Htrnlni.

A.D. Nye J. IL Nye. Jr.





t s e b b is D ir rm N C B m DBX C L E A N ^ ’

. Pb«o« tso and b t cuTlsecd. SanlltM a ea o en



^VINDOWCLASS B rtaffln Y oarSaah


j^AOETEW . .

W ill ie W il l is JiBy BOBCST OtTOIX!*

“I l»e*a i n n»ne my new and • PttnMUlK nc’i h ilt P«[al(r tod ciu

lu lf letter."_________ ■ of

CStyKremen ff Busy Mending

Broken Toys'»------- tud(

As Christmu nean. membtn of buU the TwJn PWIi fJn> depsrtnienl are busily e n n ied repairing and mrad* ta f broken toys which Chrblmu ^ Eve will be dellm td to needy child* , r tn thrtrufhoot U>* clly. Joe Koeh- ™ Ier, director of the projecl, a id

' ^ ^ ^ 'y e a r approximately 100 cWWmj benetJl hy tb t etforU ot the flrtflira, termed “Santa'i help. A. en.“ who. wllh tooU donated by poin' Ur. Koehler and other TVIn Pails in i I buslnnsmea, repair toys flren lo wUj them. cmpI

"It Ss Important that ail persons rtiU having broken or discarded wood or m n] Irra loys notify us Immediately." jn Ur. Koehler u id . "If the doner can. not brtni the lo>i lo the fire sla* - u i . tlon they wlll be cailed lor if ’we P*‘® aro notified. We urfo donallotu be ^ * made u soon u pouible In order to asnire the toys belnf ready by Christmu ." , ________


------ onTwin Palis high aehool flnl year Ihls

French sludenU wtU preKnt a o f tli French chrlslmu play, for the worki French Club. Characten . a re ' U.DaroU, Oenld Muiliken Mme. Ba* nis. Gloria Wesl: Mirie, Jean Love; J U Umiie. Helen Black; M. Le Bon. Blli , Pemberton; tnd Sanla CUus, . . I ntarlea larsen. The pity will be llreete tfbyuissuanaretsec thelf.?reneh instructor.

There will be a ‘Coyote", Twin »alto high school year-book. It w u innounced yestertUy by Keoneih lodges. buslpcM m tn tfer ot the «nd tlalf. Mlu U irtha Morehouse wlll ____iUtuttltLPHbllayon-- Tha goal ot •OUT hwSed iuSctTpIIoHCt™* tached jMlerdty . afternoon. J. E. dlsciu tanlln Is sponsor ofthe book. - sent i

Al a senior eUua meetlnf yesler- M. R> lay altemoon In the high school. Jane ,t was decided t a ust the.double- Thnx aut iTitem In the senior clau play son.

f t


TOR T H E riO E ID A Y SBtlore you step out of the Banla Cau role, don't you think tha t you de. K ne a present trom you to younef That new sull or orercoat you've wint. ed tor ever so loni, lsn‘1 It time yoi fot H? We luffcst that you set your, selt a new tult or overcoat for lh< hoiidaji M a piesent to youneJf,

SUITS_______$16.50O lh m At * 2 0 ,0 0 « 2 5 .0 0

Smart new lu lla -lhe rt^ nothing or dlnsrj'-and evcrythlni «,traordinivr: about theni-teel their fabrics, ani youll know ihey were meant to sell a high prices. Examine the little tailor

. Ing delivils. and youll know lhat ex pert crafUmcn worked on them. Tr them on, and tM lhat they fll Uk custom-made suits a t ta r higher prlcc ■nicn b u y -« many u you can,


$16.50Olhcre A l * 2 0 .0 0 V 2S.00

A larje stock lo sallsfy every man' tMiM-wrtiVmetl like them hcM’y- oihcn want Uiem medium Jis-rtnhi

_\Viih mere than, two hun:wdOii'cr

Inns-Fuil Beiten-HaW B e U ^ am Toa-n Coau In f leg u la rs-^n js- Shorti m d SiouU.

~ SHIRTS$l-oo,;$2.sSmart new shirto th a t nre to trivc the utmost in wcnr.

-■ - -MJcctlon of pattCTVi hnd j sonnblo pricc,

- A L E >■ N E W '

ySS F I H l Ig w i i a c E ,

New, More Complete Regis- tratlons. Being Made |

In Twin FallsInaufuraUnf a prlrale placement {

p rogna. new and more complete reglstnUons aro now being made J I t Uie U. S. Emplo}-ment Service local olflce, D. Buller. mansfcr. said Tuesday. The local terrlce 'Is * - In the pro«ss of being atllllated — with Ihe Idtho Slate Employment ■■ Serrlce.- W

su rte d by the M e n t furemment with the view ot aktlnf emcloye and employer In becoming nore closely aasoclated by U» benetlU Df a free employment strrtco tOj , Doth, Uie local ofik» has MM per. ions listed on lU active lUU Dur- ' > ing Oetober 1«5 persons, IneludlAg of 103 transienu. were placed In th li i>m lerrttory. In NovemberiSM p l i» i >0 nenU wero mtde. a of ihese beltiff *>« Komen. Pltclng transients In Octo*>er waa necessary because.of Uk / lUdden demand for fsrm labor. U r. »«■ Julkxaald. '

Nine pcnm s a n glftn sleady tm - Iloyment a t the local oftlee which errw Twin PaUs. Cawla. Minidoka, lerome. .Lincoln, Bltlne, Camas, loodtnrandBmorocountlee. RoJpti , 1. Iteynolds U dblrlct supervisor. j’/ j '

A ,p .lnM ■ , ™

A. J. Meeks of Buhl h u been ap- and olnted field repitienUtlre, aecord* of " ]g to Mr. BuUer. Mr. Mwks' duties Can fUl consist ot conlacUni .prtrate tnployets wlUi tAe view of pUclng Mistered persons In gainful prtvalo I I I mptoyment. • ' • flflfJn order lo mske Uie nreessao'

Mm needed under the moro com* lete setup, the ofllce rooms are be- if- remodeled evenings and holl-

and wlil be complried (his eek. ATo Show lhe variety ^f workmen [jut, nljable to employen, Mr. BuUer 5, ^ )tnB out one penoa Is rvgisCeivd mndI a ski Instructor while anoUKr la war veteran who served Ilw )-eaniUi lhe BriUih secret serrlce. ' • , 1,,,, O rtr tooo prtrate employers. Inils dlslrlct'Iuve taken adrantate n ,,„■ the tree scrrloe InJtlrtnf Ihclr p .Drkers, Mr. Buller uys, ]


slia'cBody John W. Hockett, who nt Norember 31 t l Iho county etc apltal. was taken )-eslerday to igjij lem, Oregon, for tuneral ier\-ices * j . d burial. ___

be-glvtti ne*l-MayrThe-plf|-wM icussedandltw ia dcclded to p rc i duet H a serious play. Miss Florcnc' fcBet . Rces wlll direct the, play. Miss ne Maxwell and Ulss Josephlno ■ I mKkmortcn a n the clau spon.


>nt.youDur- t the

j R v n l ^ ^ H y

II al llor.

likeIcr . / S ' -


lAg— I ' '


.95 J SHIirc m ade $ r 2 # 9 5a r .ln r iic Choose th e Foriill n ro a . . D ar id ran «lioo

w cnrinff fjuftlitic


: . T m n FA U S DAILY J

Santa ClauB Gets || F irst Local Mail

Santa Ciaus received h li ffn t leller In Tain Palls Tuesday, ac- •cording w Postm uter,U . A. , Stronk. WrltWh Jn pencil Uifletier, trom a local youngiler, "isked tlw Patron Saint to re- "member him on Christmas. ®'

Many sueii letlers are recstved ’ •at lhe pwioftlco each Chriitm u 'seuon, Mr, Slronk say*. Each. In f* their lum. are forwarded toproper tulliorllles who conduct i*,'t n Invfiilgatlon on Uie merits of *" etch cue. ,-

* — ' *pli

i5„isiREfli;[ i K H r i M B t l s

. --------- gro’' Mn. .Anna M.- nulledie, «l, wlto of Tliomu T, RuUedge of Murtaugh and Mfcfwt o{ Msho iar « » p u t P , SO yean, died at the family home (Jll lale Moiidsy evening. She had been III for »ome time. .

Funeral terv/ces wUl be held a t 3 o'elMk, todsy a l the Twin PklU mortuar>- cha|>eL Spanish War Vel- onns vill tsiie psrt In the serrlce. O Burlsl b to be fn ths Artesian Clly tlon cemeleo'^ lily

She U survived b.y her husband, Heiii two dauiliiers. Mn. Anna Oentry vnti of Murlaugh and Miss Alice Rut- Thn. ledge of Sait liike Clly; a son. Da- path vid nuUcdto of Murtaugh; i aUter, .vfi Mn. A..F. Olmstead o t Canada; troir and l»o broUicn. D. A. McPirland appr of "IVxas, and Jack McFarland ot uidi Canada. sist 1

----------------:------ ' loeal

iS,[SiaUISBLiil "i; Pi FilrliDIEi

— •A host of friends paid final tri- M

Duto to Mn. Esielia Barlow, wife )t N. A. Usriow, n t funeral iervlces ^ »nducl«r yesterday afternoon a t ^ ;he Wliite mortuary cliapel. Rev. M ^oy Barnett of Twin Palls’BapUst A :hiirch oflieiated. ^-Music was furnished iiy M n. o . P. W Jiivali. alio song ta-o numben. t t

Pallbearen were E. W. RIemtn. f t I E. aundelftirger, W. B. U w . W, ence, 11. P. Hois, Oeone Bennett M .nd Bert'D. aitlow. f t

Inlerment a-as In Twin Ptlls cem- SP IfO'. WMy>. Bsrlormicd roUowtng-R heart ^

Hack Friday a t Sait U ke City. A

C to^ <1-1 Uylac m ttk t tU n - t J >1U. Glebe Hetd and Fted C a - f t dn_________________________ g



; $ 4 $ 5 I■ortiine, F riend ly or S30 fo r com fort amt S fitics. M

C R ’S IE , I


l i i i P i s i ’RECEIPTS USTEfl

____ •• . u4 ■ ■ tt

.hecfipU .of lhe local poetolfic# i« let- Hie roonUi of .November t ^ ,j, tiled according lo Pcot-m uter it . A.-6tronk. Tlie receipts *>' « r e tabulated Tuesday. W

Although IJie lolal n.'cflpls this «| rear were a few dollars le u than Ihose for the um o month In WM. ll Is pointed out the poilofflw did in txcepUowJ busineas durlnj Uiat ^ monlli last j ts r . •

Lack of proper Christmas almo* *pliere In the form of snow and win- Bl t:r aeathcr wm « e n as a prtJnary Jb reason for the sUght lull. L u t year, a t a l» pointed oul. winter arrived iu: ewly and with It cam e 'a 'jush ot ~ bujing. Loeal .menrhanU report a buying abow the avera;6 for Uils lu Umc <it y « r but maintain il rrwid H be far superior If snow covered Die H ground. ‘ _ H

m p i i i i s - ' ' i i r a i i n i i

ConslrucUon Is^ ta r lh s comple- 1 tlon on (fie new tutila tounuin sndUiy ponds In ciiy patit; WPA of- illciils announced Tuesday. Cement 4 antk will probably be ebmpleted’by. 3Thursday leaving only • bdrdering g

.paths lo be tlnlshed. - ' iI ,viade ot tinted lava rock oVUIsed a itromShoahone.UietountnlnwlIlbe- S, approximately 10 r « t hlsh and wtJJ, uide trom Uie pond at Ils base, con*si«t ot two addlUonal ponds In 'ne tr 9localities. Plowen wlil be planted Wnext sprini in earlli Illled lerraca Bltormed by lhe rocks. It Is s la l^ . ' S

In order lo mako. rpon-for the Hnew founthin several trc« were re- W ’m o«d and are being rcpUnted a t a . Harmon park. ' 11?^

i ie i5 5 @ 5 i© @ e iii!

I svn^T 's^pitE -H o:I SPECIAL VALinSS

9 Spring Filled .I MATTRESS9 A comfOTlnble. > laiiR-wcarln;. ^ jf, high grade mattreu. A 'rtgul.ir JIJ a »20,00 vnlue. priced specially tor

I $19.75


f . A most npprccifttcd gift,

I Dntiwc Imve ft la rg e BtoqV m

i to choosc f ro m , a t p riccs ^

^ ransinR aa low a s

I I S W E E r? _ 2 5 s Main Ave. I

I ----------------- — ----------------------

I K iddies F ree Cand? • - _________________

a i a a a a a f a a s i S S i S s M




U tiU n . loe the past three yean regUter 6 t tb t dUtrict land office

> liere, todty submlUed hli reslgna- ; IJon te Prtd W Johnscn, commlj- , sioner ot the general Isnd ofric« a t 1

Wulilnfton, D. 0 . The teolgntUon : ‘ will bet»me et/ecllve Deeember 31 ‘

In order lo enable Mr. M u len to 1 assure his duUea as secretary of ‘ state tor Idaho, to whieh oftke he was eJecte<| ta the feneraj eJecllon. J

Prior to becoming register at c Blackfoot, Mr. Masten 1,-u pub* 1 Ibher ol Ihe Idalio s ta te Jounisl r. a t Poatello and betore tlial pub- ' iUher ot tho Twin FalU Times. |li

, , ' i p f f S

f e

" K iI Jimmie J

Some bread Is good-H«n So try our bread, your.ll

ais.■ • • MAIN

SO. JgTOrv



CHAIRA iKuutifuI 2-plecc IMng room

, suite in brown and tan moliair.. H ish Rrade construction with -MocBmun'sprJ/Jff u»lt.».-TJ}}s l» a$119.50


E ureka RangeWe particularly want you to see 4-pi this high im de line of ranges and tinlj they are pr\ced as low a s - ny j

$ 62.50

With These Gift sRADIO LAMPS— ftfclow


\lE T A LsK ffiN (;STA N

iiARGTMCTijMS“- M te ^ ^IS ............................................................\ larRC aflsorlmcnt of mirrors I ahapes.__________ • • _•

"S F U R N.E ast, Twin Falls

A ttend Ihe Twin Fa FORMAL 01

F riday Evening,!

nd]; and Santa Glons ________ loO’cM

!, DECEMER 2,'m ss '

• ■ r— ^


. B U M i W :

I In order lo assure delivery ot Clirlstmu pockaies 'm d cirds In the shorteat posaible t t a t and In

it the best ot condlUon, postmuter n M. A. Stronk calls I9 the tllentonII ot the seneral public the following

suggesUon mado by the United? fllales postofflce .depirtment.. ArUcles eully broken or emsheit , roust be securely packed and crated ' or boxed. Liberal quantities of ex* t crlsior should be um l in packing.. Ekcli package thould be .plainly ll markrd as ^ in g iragjle.• ' Addresses sliould be eomplele, wllh :

Ihouae number and ntme ot street,


B J in g le Sayn : gMmeliread b best »ir.lftile's the lest. E

-Sebwelckhardl-i Bread |

«w © s!e«fsi@ eesi® !


1 ^ 9 - 1

™ Kraebler ^ ir CLUB CHAIR ^

A high grade, comfortablo .AKxl-looklng.chalr.u lo'^

P $22.50 ■■ tBed Room ' I

SUITEi‘Plrce modem lulje In wanut inlsh. Conslsu oflicd, chest van. ly and bcnch. A specia value a l

$5 9 . 0 0 ^

j g g i iSuggestions ^

$1.45 J......$1.95-%

$1.45 Si .....- 9 5 c J8 In n il \vanled s iz es iini)

i i t u r e Tp

fails Merchants’ )PENING 1,7:30 O’clock

tse Parade Saturday o c f t


Ibex or ru n t route num.typed or pialiJly wrttien Slum addrtu card shoultf\. In Uie upper lett haad /

piece of jn a n .it a f 1 the addrtu and r t lu r a . \ I be wTtUen on tbe n r tv l ]

tOTUaoltUgUloat. ^ i tinlniurtd parcels eight ounces or .

In leas In wclfht may be S ? stretl leller or package boxes, a t ill *

« clauitledetailonsandatsuchnum*« bered sUllons u are designated lo ]• JWeivi parceU. Parcels welghbii ov- ” er elghl ounces cannol be maUed in

strtel boxea but musl be- U ktn lo !d Uie posiolfice. -A Parcels-eonlAljiJBj- jw at, iood. t- p ^ u c ta , cul noaeni, or oUier per-- IT. Ishable matter should be mailed on- iy ly nt the main poslotlice.

Sendrn are urgnl to tnsun oe h regbter all valuable mall.


Cornmm consUpaUon l i ■nsuany due to mtali low in “bulk.” Fiilt and <Jruc«,«lwooJy temporary re­lief. .Ths leniiblo th in i to do I4 to put “bulk" baek Into your meali.

loRg-a ALL-BniM, Ils ‘•bulk" Is much llko that in leafy vegetables. Wiihln Ult body, I t absorbs moi«.,. . ture, forriii s aoft a a s s , scnUy cicanscs Ihc lyitem.

Sem erfarjBcs, an InrejUjraHon TTssmadeajTwrifflhoustndacrAu,- BRAN users. OS per cent found it aallifactom Only 2 per cent had tho typo of constipaUon th a t wouldoot respond to Aii-BIUK. '

A li-B iuk is pu8ran f« J .T r7 II \B Week. If nol u tlifaetory, yeur ^ money tHII be refunded by the ^ Kellogg Company. ^

JnsteattwoUblcspoonfulsdatly, ' either as cereal or in cooked dishes. A u - m t t ll te li h r all gneen. Uado'by Keiloie in DatUo Creek.

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