Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011



Featuring "Five Programs You Need to Know About at Jefferson College of Health Sciences."

Transcript of Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

Page 1: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011


Spring 2011

JCHS To HouSe reSidenT STudenTS aT

paTriCk Henry

MediCal laboraTory

SCienCe prograM


JCHS inTerprofeSSional

eduCaTion diSaSTer evenT

Five Programs You Need to KNow about at JeFFersoN College oF HealtH sCieNCes


eMergency ServiceS

HealtH & exerciSe Science

accelerated BacHelor of Science in nurSing

HealtH PSycHology

Page 2: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011


Page 3: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

College board of direCTorS

Stephen A. MusselwhiteChair

Ellen WadeViCe Chair

Joseph WrightSeCretary/treaSurer

Jeanne ArmentroutMaryellen F. Goodlatte

David M. GringStuart Mease

William R. ReidCharles Saldarini

The Honorable Philip TrompeterG. Robert Vaughn, Jr.

Gary D. Walton

College adMiniSTraTion

Nathaniel L. Bishop, D.Min.PreSident

Lisa Allison-Jones, Ph.D.dean for aCademiC affairS

Glen Mayhew, D.H.Sc.aSSoCiate dean for aCademiC affairS

Anna Millirons, M.B.A., C.P.A.dean for adminiStratiVe SerViCeS

Howard Ballentine, Ph.D.dean for enrollment management and Planning

Scott Hill, M.S.dean for Student affairS

Francis C. Dane, Ph.D.Chair, artS & SCienCeS

Sharon L. Hatfield, Ph.D.Chair, Community health SCienCeS

Michael S. Krackow, Ph.D.Chair, rehabilitation & WellneSS

Ava G. Porter, D.N.P.Chair, nurSing

Magazine ediTorS

Mark A. LambertChristina Hatch


Mark A. LambertChristina Hatch

Kevin Hurley PhotographydeSign & prinTing


College aCCrediTaTion

Jefferson College of Health Sciences is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of

the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, baccalaureate and masters degrees. Contact the Commission on

Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia, 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4501 for questions about the accreditation of

Jefferson College of Health Sciences.



SectionsA Letter from the President ........................................................................................2

Jefferson Matters

“Jefferson Thinks!” Panel Discussion Addresses Stem Cell Research ...........3

JCHS Accreditation Reaffirmed ........................................................................3

Winter Commencement 2010 .............................................................................4

JCHS Housing Resident Students at Historic Patrick Henry Building ......4

Medical Laboratory Science Program Joins JCHS ..........................................5

JCHS Alumni Association News

Distinguished Speaker Series: Martha Anderson and David Wiggins ..........6

JCHS Alumni Benefits

Transcripts on Demand Now Available ............................................................8

Get More from Your Auto and Home Insurance with Liberty Mutual .......8

JCHS Alumni Association News

Alumni Chapter Events ......................................................................................9

JCHS Alumni Profile: David Hoback, ’85 ..................................................................10

Class Notes ...................................................................................................................20

Faculty/Staff Briefs .....................................................................................................21

JCHS Alumni Events Calendar ...................................................................................25

FeaturesA Message From Sue Campbell, Alumni Association Board President .....................7

JCHS and Carilion Clinic Enter Collaboration with

Radford University on DPT Program .......................................................................11

Five Programs You Need to Know About at JCHS ...................................................12

JCHS Hosts Third Annual Interprofessional Education Disaster Event ............18

JCHS Alumni Association First Annual Golf Tournament .....................................24

Save the Date: JCHS Homecoming 2011 ....................................................................24

Nominations Being Accepted for the JCHS Alumni Association

Board of Directors....................................................................................... back cover

About the CoverThe JCHS students on our cover represent five academic programs you need to know about at JCHS, including (clockwise, starting upper right) Sean Anderson, Emergency Services; Victoria Fellows, Health Psychology; Shanice Vennable, Nursing; Robin Davis, Healthcare Management; and (center) Stephanie Thomas, Health & Exercise Science. You can learn more about these programs beginning on page 12 of this issue of the JefferSon ChroniCle.

Page 4: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011


Dear Alumni and Friends of Jefferson,

As we complete the current academic year and look forward to the 2011-2012 school term, Jefferson College of Health Sciences continues to note significant milestones that ensure our position as a leader in healthcare education. We graduated our first classes from our master’s level Physician Assistant and Occupational Therapy programs during the Winter 2010 Commencement Ceremony, and we will welcome our first Health & Exercise Science and Health Psychology graduates into the ranks of our Alumni Association this spring.

In the last few months, we have also announced developments that will positively affect the immediate future of JCHS. In December 2010, after a thorough examination of our academic programs and practices, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) reaffirmed our accreditation. This important approval confirms that we are fulfilling our mission to prepare, within a scholarly environment, ethical, knowledgeable, competent and caring healthcare professionals. With this reaffirmation, SACSCOC has accredited JCHS until the year 2020. More information about our reaccreditation is included in this edition of the Jefferson Chronicle on page 3.

Additionally, we have taken the opportunity this year to examine feedback from prospective students and the healthcare industry as a whole to determine the most effective ways to provide education in nursing and the allied health sciences. As a result, we proudly announced the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program this spring. The ABSN track allows students to earn a baccalaureate degree in just 16 months. The implementation of this program is a direct result of our efforts to meet the needs of our students through innovative academic offerings.

This type of self-examination is crucial to the growth and evolution of JCHS in providing unique opportunities in a number of programs. Beginning on page 12 of this issue of the Jefferson Chronicle, you will find profiles of five of our academic programs, including the new ABSN track in nursing. And just like the ABSN curriculum, each of these highlighted programs was created to provide students with the chance to enter specialized areas of healthcare and emergency management through education you cannot find at other colleges and universities in the region. With degrees in areas like Healthcare Management, Health & Exercise Science, Health Psychology and Emergency Services, our alumni will be an important part of a team that will keep our families, friends and neighbors healthy and safe for years to come.

Outside of the classroom, we are offering groundbreaking opportunities for health-related experiences to members of the JCHS community. A wonderful example of this is our new ongoing panel discussion series entitled “Jefferson Thinks!” This series includes a panel of faculty from JCHS debating a healthcare subject under the guidance of a moderator and with participation from the audience. The first of these discussions took place in March 2011, with more to come during the fall term.

JCHS is also engaged in the larger healthcare education community in Roanoke and southwest Virginia, including our partnership in Interprofessional Education with The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute. In addition, JCHS is collaborating with Radford University to bring a Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program to our campus this fall. You can read more about this collaboration on page 11 of this magazine.

I am proud to be leading this prestigious institution during this exciting time in our history. With the support of the highly skilled and talented faculty and staff at JCHS, I am confident that we will continue to reach new heights and milestones on our journey to the future of healthcare education. Sincerely,

Nathaniel L. Bishop, D.Min. President, Jefferson College of Health Sciences

A Letter from the President

Page 5: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

J e f f e r s o n M a t t e r sJEFFERSON COLLEGE of HEALTH SCIENCES

A strong desire for more interaction and debate among College faculty prompted Dr. Darrell Shomaker, Program Director for the JCHS Humanities and Social Sciences Program, to create an innovative and interactive ongoing series of panel discussions entitled “Jefferson Thinks!”

During each event, a panel of JCHS faculty discusses a health-related topic, with debate moderated by another faculty member. Members of the audience are then encouraged to ask questions or share their thoughts with the group.

The first Jefferson Thinks! event took place in March, with discussion focusing on stem cell research. The panel at the event included Eric Vogelstein, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences; Kurt Neidigh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Mathematics and Sciences; William McVaugh, Ph.D., Program Director and Associate Professor in Mathematics and Sciences; and Darrell Shomaker, M.A. The discussion was moderated by Francis C. Dane, Ph.D., Chair of the JCHS Arts & Sciences Department and Program Director for the Health Psychology Program.

The large audience at the inaugural event included JCHS students, faculty, and staff, as well as colleagues from Carilion Clinic.

“I was inspired by comments from professors in my department who said that no one argues anymore,” said Shomaker. “With JCHS newly relocated in one splendid building, I felt certain that I could facilitate a College-wide event that would incite the kind of intellectual dialogue my faculty were looking for. Moreover, the panel discussion format seemed the most effective way to stimulate audience participation and crosstalk among the panel members.”

Shomaker and his faculty are currently accepting topics in preparation for the next discussion, which will take place during the fall semester, with one discussion held each semester thereafter. “The first Jefferson Thinks! panel discussion was a huge success,” Shomaker said, “It was a very candid, authentic discussion about the ethical and social implications of stem cell research, and I’m excited about the future discussions we’ll have during this series.”

“Jefferson Thinks!” Panel DiscussionAddresses Stem Cell Research


The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) has reaffirmed accreditation of JCHS. The announcement about the reaccreditation was made in December 2010 at the SACSCOC annual conference in Louisville, KY, and demonstrates that JCHS’s mission is appropriate to higher education, that it maintains educational outcomes consistent with its mission, and that its resources, programs, and services accomplish its mission.

JCHS President Dr. Nathaniel L. Bishop said, “I am extremely pleased with this great outcome and conclusion to this very thorough evaluation of our College.” He highly commended former College President Dr. Carol M. Seavor and current Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Lisa Allison-Jones, both of whom had key responsibility in guiding the process of compiling the volumes of information submitted for examination. Dr. Allison-Jones said, “These results reflect participation and support from the entire College community, and I am so happy with this news.” The reaffirmation extends accreditation to JCHS for ten years, through 2020.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to commend the entire team involved with the SACSCOC reaffirmation process,” stated Steve Musselwhite, JCHS Board Chair. “The success of our reaffirmation is a clear indication of the standards of excellence upheld by the institution and its administration.”

Nancy Howell Agee, President and CEO of Carilion Medical Center and Chief Operating Officer/EVP of Carilion Clinic, said, “We are proud and pleased with the news about JCHS’s reaffirmation. I want to thank the administrative team, the faculty and staff for a job well done, and for all of the good work that takes place every day preparing students for roles as healthcare professionals.”

JCHS Accreditation Reaffirmed

From left to right seated are panel and JCHS faculty membersEric Vogelstein, Ph.D., Kurt Neidigh, Ph.D., Darrell Shomaker, M.A., and

William McVaugh, Ph.D. Standing is panel moderator Francis C. Dane, Ph.D.

Page 6: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

On Friday, Dec. 17, 2010, JCHS celebrated our 2010 Winter Commencement Ceremony. Eighty-one graduates became alumni after receiving their Master of Science degrees from the Physician Assistant (MSPA) and Occupational Therapy (MSOT) Programs, or their Bachelor of Science, Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science degrees from the Nursing, Biomedical Sciences and Respiratory Therapy Programs.

This year, the ceremony was held in Shaftman Hall at the Jefferson Center, a much larger venue to accommodate our expanded graduating class. We awarded diplomas this year for the first time to students in our MSPA and MSOT Programs, which increased our graduating class by 66% from the previous year!

After the academic processional, invocation and welcome, JCHS MSOT student Autumn Hiduskey presented the first student address. Following her remarks, MSPA student Meg Ellis spoke to gathered families, friends, instructors and fellow students.

The Commencement address was given by A. Tyler Putnam, II, M.D., Director of Surgical Care and Critical Care Surgery Section Chief at Carilion Clinic. Dr. Putnam spoke about his experiences in healthcare and his work in the area of compassion fatigue.

Everyone at JCHS wishes our 2010 winter graduates a happy, healthy and prosperous life as Jefferson Alumni! Mark your calendars for our 2011 Spring Commencement Ceremony, which will be held on Monday, May 9, 2011 at the Roanoke Civic Center Coliseum, featuring guest speaker Ms. Nancy Howell Agee, current President and CEO of Carilion Medical Center and Chief Operating Officer/EVP of Carilion Clinic. Ms. Agee will become President and CEO of Carilion Clinic in July 2011. JCHS congratulates Ms. Agee on her new role and looks forward to welcoming her to our spring graduation event.

J e f f e r s o n M a t t e r s


Winter Commencement 2010 Eighty-one JCHS Students Become Alumni

PA Coordinator and Associate Professor Dr. Wilton Kennedy places a hood on graduate Neha Mody.

The past year has seen tremendous change at JCHS, including our move into newly renovated spaces at Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital. The move provided us with many new opportunities to educate our students in state-of-the-art classrooms and labs, but it also limited the number of students we could house on campus. This proved to be a challenge considering the increased number of applications we are receiving, along with the demand for on-campus housing.

JCHS is proud to announce that we have an agreement in place to house our Fall 2011 residential students in the historic Patrick Henry Building, located at 617 South Jefferson Street, just blocks away from our campus. The building is undergoing renovation and will allow us to significantly increase the number of resident students we host, while housing them in what will arguably be one of the finest residence halls in the country.

JCHS will occupy multiple floors in the new residence space—each of which will include one-bedroom, two-bedroom and studio-apartment-style units. The developer, Ed Walker, has gone to great lengths to ensure high-quality finishes and amenities that will include:

• Hardwood floors • Washers and dryers in each unit • Granite countertops • Full kitchens, including garbage disposals and dishwashers • Advanced security features

All of us at JCHS are very excited about this opportunity to provide our students with new residential spaces within walking distance of our campus and historic downtown Roanoke.

JCHS Housing Resident Students atHistoric Patrick Henry Building

Newly Renovated Spaces Allow JCHS to Nearly Double Current Resident Students

Patrick Henry Building from the JCHS campus at CRCH.

Page 7: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

J e f f e r s o n M a t t e r s



The Carilion Clinic School of Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) is now a component of the JCHS Biomedical Sciences Program. As part of the transition, CLS changed its name to the Jefferson College of Health Sciences Medical Laboratory Science Program (MLS).

MLS is a 12-month program designed to prepare students to become medical laboratory scientists. It enrolls students who have already completed a B.S. degree or those who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree program and plan to use the MLS program as their final year of study. Upon completion of the program, students sit for a national certification exam.

The MLS Program’s name change acknowledges not only their new home with us at JCHS, but changes within the profession itself. In 2009, the two national agencies responsible for certification merged, resulting in a new certification title:

Medical Laboratory Scientist, or MLS (ASCP), for those who gain certification. The ASCP portion of the certification title stands for the American Society of Clinical Pathology—this agency administers the exam and oversees certification.

While a new chapter in the MLS Program’s history is beginning with JCHS, the program isn’t new to the Roanoke area. Founded in 1952 as the School of Medical Technology by Dr. James C. Gale, the program has been continuously educating laboratory scientists since that date. Today, MLS students are an integral part of Carilion Labs, helping to process over 2 million orders in 2010 alone.

“Medical Laboratory Scientists are an important part of modern healthcare, with over 70% of diagnostic decisions based on laboratory test results,” said Laura Link, M.S., M.L.S. (ASCP)CM, CHES, the Associate Program Director for the MLS Program. “By 2014, we’ll need an estimated 150,000 new technologists to care for an aging baby boomer population. Just like many other professions in healthcare, the future job prospects for our graduates look very promising.”

In fact, last year U.S. News and World Report listed Medical Laboratory Science as one of the 50 Best Careers of 2010. Most MLS graduates work in clinical labs, although Medical Laboratory Scientists can be found in veterinary hospitals, reference labs, research labs, sales and marketing, research and development for new products and equipment, administration, management and education.

The faculty of the MLS Program also includes Kimberly Whiter, M.L.S. (ASCP)CM, Patrick Iarossi, M.T. (ASCP) and Richard Booze, M.T. (ASCP). MLS students are learning in our new laboratory classrooms on the sixth floor of Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital. More information about the MLS Program can be found on the JCHS website at

Medical Laboratory ScienceProgram Joins J C HSFormer Carilion Clinic School of Laboratory Science is

Now Part of Biomedical Sciences Program

MLS Program Associate Program Director Laura Link, M.S., M.L.S. (ASCP)CM, CHES and MLS Instructor Kimberly Whiter, M.L.S. (ASCP)CM

The JCHS Medical Laboratory Science Program (formerly the Carilion Clinic School of Clinical Laboratory Science) has been training students for nearly 60 years in the heart of the Roanoke Valley.

Page 8: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

Martha S. Anderson, D.N.P., C.N.S.-B.C., F-NGNA presented “Family, Friends, Caregivers—Who’s the One with Memory Problems?” to an overflow crowd at Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011.

Dr. Anderson is an advanced practice nurse who has focused her clinical and program development work on patients, families and students involving normal aging changes, memory complaints, mild cognitive impairment, dementia and depression. Her presentation focused on: • Stressors and their impact on memory. • Insight for family, friends and the faith community. • Tips for a healthy brain and improved memory. • Research findings in mild memory changes.

Spring Event Features David R. Wiggins, Ph.D.On Tuesday, April 12, 2011, Dr. David R. Wiggins presented, “Why Marriages Succeed or Fail and How You Can Make It Last—Practical Information to Help Couples Learn Tools to Achieve Success in Their Marriages.”

Dr. Wiggins has been a counselor in various settings since 1980. He has a Ph.D. in counseling from Virginia Tech and graduate degrees in counseling from James Madison University (1984) and the University of Virginia (1988). Dr. Wiggins has worked with in-patient and out-patient psychiatric services, the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, employee assistant programs, crisis management programs and with colleges. He also served in the role of JCHS Director of Counseling and Associate Dean for Student Services for 11 years. Currently, Dr. Wiggins is in private practice, where he works primarily with adults in individual, marital and family counseling.

Save the date for the next event in the JCHS Alumni Association Distinguished Speaker Series on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011, from 7-8 p.m. at Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital. Friendship Retirement Community’s

CEO Russ Barksdale and CFO Mike Shannon will present “Health Economics: Trends in Health Insurance for Older Citizens, Including Long-Term Care Insurance, Managed Care and its Effects on the Health of Older Adults.”

J C H S A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n N e w s


J C HS Alumni Association Continues Distinguished Speaker SeriesWinter Event Features Martha S. Anderson, D.N.P., C.N.S.-B.C., F-NGNA

Martha Anderson, D.N.P., C.N.S.-B.C., F-NGNA

David Wiggins, Ph.D.

Page 9: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011


Greetings to alumni and friends of the Jefferson Community!

As we approach warmer months in the Roanoke Valley, JCHS and your Alumni Association continue to expand and diversify.

The Alumni Association is very proud to announce the First Annual JCHS Alumni Association Golf Tournament! This event will be held on Sept. 30, 2011 in conjunction with the JCHS Homecoming Reunion. The tournament will be played at the Botetourt Golf and Swim Club, and all proceeds will be used to support the General Scholarship Fund at Jefferson. It will also be a great opportunity to promote our alumni community. So, avid golfers, be sure to mark your calendars, and sign up to play! (More information about the tournament can be found on page 24 of this magazine). Prizes will be awarded throughout the day—including a closest-to-the-pin ball drop from a helicopter. Alumni Association board members Al Overstreet and Kim Roe have worked tirelessly to ensure an outstanding event. Please contact the JCHS Office of Alumni Relations for further details.

The advancement of the program-based chapters continues under the constant development and guidance of Kevin Kissner, Vice President of the Alumni Association, and Christina Hatch, JCHS Coordinator of Development and Alumni Relations. The Alumni chapters serve to cultivate a JCHS alumni community, benefiting both graduates and current students. Alumni are able to reconnect with colleagues through participation in the Nursing, Occupational Therapy/Occupational Therapy Assistant, Respiratory Therapy and newly formed Physician Assistant chapters. Please check out the Alumni and Friends page on the JCHS website at for specifics regarding chapter meetings and activities.

The JCHS Alumni Association also continues its outreach to the community with the Distinguished Speaker Series. The series strives to provide greater awareness on topics of community interest. Spring and summer lectures have focused on issues associated with aging and navigating interpersonal relationships. As always, these events are free and open to the public. Upcoming DSS events can always be found on the JCHS webpage.

Finally, the first JCHS Senior Salute Reception, hosted by the Alumni Association on April 19, 2011, recognized the accomplishments and contributions of the class of 2011.

The Alumni Association is proud to be part of an academic community which continues to lead the way in healthcare education. The continued growth and development of new and advanced degrees serves to establish JCHS as a significant leader in healthcare education.

As always, we encourage your participation in the Alumni Association and hope to hear from you!

Stay in touch!

Sue Campbell Sue Campbell, M.P.A.S., P.A.-C, ‘00 President, JCHS Alumni Association

Alumni Association PresidentSue Campbell, P.A.-C, ’00

Sue Campbell, JCHS Alumni Association Board President

A M e s s a g e f r o m y o u r

JCHS aluMni aSSoCiaTion

board of direCTorS

exeCuTive offiCerS

Sue Campbell, ‘00, P.A., PreSident

Kevin Kissner, ‘98, E.H.S./Paramedic, ‘01, H.O.M., ‘03, B.S.N., ViCe-PreSident

Lori Beth Davis, ‘99, H.S.M., CorreSPonding SeCretary

Elisabeth Schutt, ‘09, P.A.,reCording SeCretary

board MeMberS

Phyllis McCallie, ‘58, R.N.Patricia Crockett, ‘74, R.N.

Al Overstreet, ‘95, O.T.A., ‘01, H.O.M.Karen Layman, ‘95, O.T.A.

Cynthia P. Smith, ‘07, M.S.N.Kim Hall, ’08, M.S.N.

Kim Roe, ’84, R.T.


Page 10: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

Transcripts On Demand™ Now AvailableGet Your JCHS Transcript Online 24/7 From Anywhere in the World

As another service to our alumni, JCHS now uses Transcripts on Demand TM by Scrip-Safe International as its trusted agent for processing online transcript requests. Our automated system will give our alumni the freedom to request transcripts online 24 hours a day, seven days a week from anywhere in the world. This process is completely secure.

The first time you use this service, you will set up your account with Transcripts on Demand TM. You will provide your current/former names, address, student ID, and other information. You will be able to log in to your account and update your information whenever you need.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requires your signature in order to release your academic records. You will be required to complete a Consent Form and send it to Scrip-Safe by fax, mail or image upload. This Consent Form is created as part of the account set-up process, and your signed copy will remain on file with Scrip-Safe to cover your future JCHS transcript requests through Transcripts on Demand TM.

You may pay for your transcript via credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover). Transcripts on Demand TM uses the most current security available to protect your credit card and personal information.

You may check the status of your transcript request at any time by logging on to Transcripts on DemandTM and clicking on the “Review Past Orders” tab. You will also receive e-mail notification of your order status. For more information, contact Linda Williams, JCHS Registrar, via e-mail at [email protected].


J C H S A l u m n i B e n e f i t s

Page 11: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

To honor their past, present and future, the JCHS Nursing Alumni Chapter hosted a Coffee and Dessert Reception on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in the Nursing Conference Room on the 10th floor of Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital.

They also held a Silent Auction featuring unique nursing memorabilia, artifacts and class photos. All proceeds raised from the auction will be used to support two student nursing scholarships for Fall 2011.

Occupational Therapy Chapter Offers Tours of New Classrooms and Labs

The JCHS Occupational Therapy and Occupational Therapy Assistant Alumni Chapter is hosting a tour of their new classrooms and lab on Thursday, May 12, 2011 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital, rooms 512 and 513. Light refreshments will be served and a recognition gift given to the alumni class with the most members present. RSVP by Monday, May 9, 2011 to (540) 224-4586 or via e-mail to [email protected].



J C H S A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n N e w s

Alumni Chapter EventsNursing Alumni Chapter Hosts Coffee and Dessert Reception

Kimberly Hall, M.S.N., talks with a Nursing alum at the Coffee and Dessert event.

(Left to right) Kimberly Hall, M.S.N., Chair of the Nursing Alumni Chapter and Assistant Professor in Nursing; Tracy Hudgins, M.S.N., Vice-Chair and Academic & Instructor in Nursing; Melody Sharp, D.N.P.,

Program Director of the Post-Licensure BSN Program; and Sara Brown, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in Nursing.

Page 12: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011


Alumni ProfileDavid Hoback,’85, an Emergency Health Services alumnus, leads a busy life as Chief of the Roanoke Fire-EMS Department, a member of the Board of Directors for the Virginia Public Safety Foundation (VPSF), a founding member of Jefferson College of Health Sciences Alumni Association Board of Directors and, most recently, a newly appointed member of the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial Commission. David recently received that appointment from Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

David’s day job—which isn’t typically an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. kind of day—is to direct the operations of the Roanoke Fire-EMS. His department is a full-service fire and emergency medical service agency providing basic and advanced pre-hospital life support, fire prevention and education programs, fire suppression services, arson detection, vehicle extrication, and tactical heavy rescue. The department operates 12 fire engines, four aerial ladder trucks, eight ambulances, three command vehicles and airport rescue firefighting vehicles seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Firefighter/EMTs operate out of 13 stations under his command with 16 pieces of front-line fire apparatus, seven front-line EMS units, one medium-squad and one HazMat unit.

David’s customers are every citizen and visitor to the City of Roanoke. The Roanoke Fire-EMS Department serves a resident population of 94,911 in an area of 43 square miles. Proudly, the Roanoke Fire-EMS holds a Class 2 rating from the Insurance Service Organization—the highest rating given to a Virginia fire department, and one of only five such ratings awarded in the state. Roanoke Fire-EMS is also an Internationally Accredited Agency. The Department was first accredited in 2002 and just received accreditation once again in 2007.

David’s hard work and leadership abilities have not gone unnoticed on the state level. His accomplishments led to his appointment on the Board of Directors for the VPSF. The VPSF was established in 1993 through the merger of two separate organizations, the Virginia Silver Star Foundation and the Virginia Police Foundation. Each existed to provide a single service: the Silver Star Foundation to support the families of police officers killed in the line of duty with financial assistance, and the Police Foundation to provide educational scholarships to the children of police officers killed in the line of duty.

When VPSF formed through the merger of its preceding organizations, the mission was altered to include as benefactors all public safety officers in Virginia—police officers, volunteer and paid firefighters, volunteer and paid emergency medical technicians, and corrections officers. VPSF serves all public safety officers. The VPSF Board of Directors is made up of all former Virginia governors, as well as leaders in business and public safety like David.

As part of his appointment to the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial Commission, David is working with the group to select the design and location of a memorial in honor of public safety workers killed in the line of duty. Part of his task is to help finalize the roster of names to be engraved on the memorial.

Even though David has a full plate—some may even say heaping—he still takes time to support his alma mater by speaking to students about how to plan for a professional career in emergency services. He has also dedicated time to serving as a member of the JCHS Alumni Association Board of Directors, to help write bylaws and policies.

Thank you, David Hoback, for working so diligently to keep our College, city and state safe!

David Hoback,’85, Emergency Health Services

David Hoback, ’85, Emergency Health Services

Page 13: Jefferson Chronicle-Spring/Summer 2011

Jefferson College of Health Sciences (JCHS), Carilion Clinic and Radford University (RU) have announced a collaboration to bring RU’s Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) program to Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital (CRCH) beginning in Fall 2011. The RU DPT program will be located on the first floor of CRCH and will share resources with JCHS, including library services, parking areas, dining services, security, computer labs, classrooms, student lounges and other common areas.

The three-year program anticipates admitting 25 students per year for a total of 75 students at full enrollment. JCHS has a long history of working with RU in healthcare education. This project marks a new level of cooperation that sets the stage for future and mutually beneficial projects.

The collaboration between JCHS, Carilion and RU will allow students in the program to practice their skills in the center of a variety of clinical opportunities in Roanoke. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to interact with

students in the JCHS Physical Therapy Assistant Program and healthcare professionals at the Carilion Pediatric Physical Therapy Clinic at CRCH.

The founding of this new program is also beneficial to the Roanoke Valley by further expanding the healthcare education presence in the area, creating a positive economic impact in attracting 75 or more healthcare students and faculty, and bringing a component of another major university to the region.

“Because of an aging population and the increasing role that physical therapists play in preventive and rehabilitative care, we’re experiencing a shortage of these professionals nationwide,” says Dr. Michael Krackow, Chair of the JCHS Rehabilitation and Wellness Department and Program

Director for the JCHS Physical Therapist Assistant Program. “We’re looking forward to working with the faculty and students in this new program to educate local physical therapists at the highest possible professional level in our region.”

JCHS is excited to welcome these students and faculty to our campus this fall, continuing our mission of educating the health professionals of tomorrow who will care for our patients for many years to come.


J C HS and Carilion Clinic Enter Collaboration with Radford University on DPT Program

New Program Will Be Offered Beginning Fall 2011

JCHS President Nathaniel L. Bishop welcomes the new DPT program to CRCH.

RU President Penelope W. Kyle (at podium) and Carilion Clinic Chief Operating Officer Nancy Howell Agee. Ms. Agee will become CEO of Carilion Clinic in July 2011.


JCHS President Nathaniel L. Bishop and Radford University President Penelope W. Kyle.

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An education at Jefferson College of Health Sciences is more than just getting a degree. It’s an opportunity to begin a journey toward a variety of exciting careers in healthcare. Every day at JCHS, our students find innovative opportunities to learn and develop their skills in programs that you can’t find at other colleges and universities in our region. That’s because JCHS approaches education by responding to the needs of the healthcare community in Roanoke, southwest Virginia and beyond.

Academic programs at JCHS are preparing the healthcare and emergency services professionals of tomorrow to meet and exceed the challenges of caring for our communities for years to come. In specialized allied health science programs like Health Psychology, Health & Exercise Science and Healthcare Management, our students are preparing to enter quickly evolving healthcare professions where their talents will be essential to the comprehensive care that patients require. Our Nursing and Emergency Services students are working together in teams as part of our Interprofessional Education Program, which prepares them for the fast-paced healthcare environment they will enter after graduation.

On the following pages, you will find profiles of five programs at JCHS that are educating our students in groundbreaking ways, providing them with opportunities unique to our college. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into what makes JCHS different and progressive among our peers.

For more information on these programs, please contact the JCHS Office of Admissions at 1-888-985-8483 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Five Programs You Need to Know Aboutat Jefferson College of Health Sciences


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The bachelor’s-level Health & Exercise Science (HES) Program at JCHS greeted its first class in fall 2007, providing students with opportunities to explore the scientific foundations of human exercise as well as current issues relating to individual and community health. The first class of graduates will accept their diplomas in May 2011.

In this program, students study the areas of human anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology, psychology of physical activity, injury prevention, nutrition, and other aspects of health, as well as a wide range of general education subjects.

The program combines field and laboratory experiences with classroom instruction, so students have “hands-on” practice in areas such as cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, commercial and hospital wellness programs, fitness management, personal training, and allied health fields such as physical and occupational therapy.

These experiences help prepare graduates in the use of exercise and fitness activities in clinical, corporate and commercial environments.

“That’s one of the aspects that makes our program different and unique,” said Ally Bowersock, M.S., HES Program Director. “Our students have the opportunity during their time at JCHS to experience four separate clinical internship rotations. They get the chance to test out various careers before they finish their degrees. Most other programs only include one internship component.”

The advantage of these multiple internship opportunities is that HES students can explore the many types of careers they can choose upon graduation. Some of the HES students have even changed their goals after having had practical experiences, finding they excel in another area of health and exercise science.

“Graduates from our program can enter into a whole host of careers,” said Bowersock. “We’ve had students identify interest in everything from strength and conditioning to physical therapy and everything in between. The career possibilities are relatively broad considering they are all an appropriate fit for graduates of the same program.”

In addition, the HES degree prepares graduates to continue their training and education. For example, the two “gold-standard” certifications for personal training or strength and conditioning require a four-

year degree. Therefore, HES graduates are prepared to sit for either of these exams after completing their degrees.

The HES degree can also be a foundation for students to continue their educations on the graduate level, in programs like JCHS’s Physician Assistant or Occupational Therapy programs or the new Doctor of Physical Therapy program being offered by Radford University on the JCHS campus beginning in fall 2011.

“I’m planning to continue my education with a Master of Arts in Human Services, specializing in Health and Wellness,” said Stephanie Thomas, a member of the inaugural graduating class of 2011. “I chose Jefferson because of the small class size and individualized attention. And the Health & Exercise Science Program has now helped me prepare a plan for my future. I want to pursue a career in health promotion or corporate wellness.”

In addition to Stephanie, the first HES graduating class will include Whitney Duff and Kendall Shupe. Whitney developed a passion for helping expectant mothers to improve their health and the health of their babies. As a result, she earned a specialized personal training certification in prenatal and postnatal fitness programming. After graduation, Whitney will continue to expand her personal training business in addition to working with area businesses to provide prenatal and postnatal fitness education and consultation.

Kendall discovered cardiac rehabilitation while in the HES program, motivating him to volunteer in area clinics beyond his required clinical hours. This opened a door for him to work as an entry-level exercise physiologist. Kendall’s devotion to the cardiac rehabilitation field is evident in his willingness to learn and his commitment to helping others.

Health & Exercise Science

JCHS Health & Exercise Science students Whitney Duff (left, seated) and Stephanie Thomas


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The Healthcare Management (HCM) Program at JCHS educates a diverse community of students who have varying levels of work experience. The bachelor’s-level curriculum provides a broad base of knowledge and skills and prepares students with the needed analytical, communication and management competencies for professional jobs in the field of Healthcare Management.

The program is designed to be uniquely flexible to meet the needs of traditional college students as well as actively working professionals who are looking for additional education to advance their careers. Students in the HCM program arrive with degrees and careers in many different areas of healthcare, including respiratory care, imaging, emergency management, physical therapy, occupational therapy and nursing. Additionally, many students also have education or work experience in non-clinical support departments such as health information management, purchasing, human resources, patient access and admissions, physician office administration, physical plant and other business-related support departments. This kind of diversity provides HCM students with opportunities to share knowledge and develop skills in interprofessional education collaborations.

To meet the diverse needs of the student population, HCM professional courses are taught using a mixture of traditional classroom and online instruction. Courses requiring classroom instruction are held once weekly, during evening hours. General education and elective courses are generally offered in both classroom and online formats for student convenience.

Many HCM professional courses are seven and a half weeks in length, allowing students to take fewer courses at one time while retaining the option for full-time status.

“Our goal in the Healthcare Management Program,” said Janet Phillips, M.B.A., HCM Program Director, “is to help our students explore the many different and exciting directions a degree like ours could take them. And we want to do that in a way that most efficiently helps them manage their academic, professional and personal lives.”

As patient populations grow, so does the need for healthcare professionals in leadership and management roles. In fact, labor statistics indicate the job outlook and salaries for healthcare management positions is growing faster than the national average—a significant factor in difficult economic times.

“That simply means more high-paying job opportunities for our graduates,” said Phillips. “The possibilities for our alumni are limitless, both here in the Roanoke Valley and across the country, as the healthcare field continues to grow.”

The HCM Program can also serve as a step in a continuing education on the graduate level, as senior student Robin Davis discovered. Davis spent a year at Virginia Western Community College before joining the United States Air Force. After six years in the military, she became a student in the JCHS HCM Program while also holding a full-time job with Carilion Clinic working with health insurance claims.

“The program most closely aligned with my current position, and helped me to grow in that role as I approach graduation,” said Davis. “But for me classes won’t end with graduation! I have been accepted to the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado, where I will join their Journey M.Div. program. This program is a hybrid of online and on-campus classes, which will allow me to obtain my degree without moving away from my home in the Roanoke Valley.”

Healthcare Management

Healthcare Management student Robin Davis

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In fall 2011, the JCHS Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) Program will welcome its first class of students. This innovative program is designed for students who have already earned a baccalaureate degree in another field, but who desire to pursue a career in Nursing.

The ABSN track allows students to complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree in four semesters over 16 months. The advantage of this fast-paced curriculum and program schedule is that students will be able to receive a BSN education in under two years, where other programs require four years.

With the addition of the ABSN track, JCHS now offers three paths to a BSN degree: the ABSN track; the Pre-licensure BSN track for students beginning their education with no prior degree in nursing; and the Post-licensure BSN track for Registered Nurses who hold a prior nursing degree.

The ABSN track at JCHS was developed as a focused and intensive program for a specific type of student applying to the college. That student holds a prior baccalaureate degree that isn’t in nursing, but is looking to enter the field of nursing at a faster pace than the traditional four years it can take to earn a bachelor’s degree.

“Our ABSN program is geared toward those students who have already proven that they can handle the fast pace of higher education by earning a previous bachelor’s degree,” said Rebecca Greer, D.N.P., the Program Director for the JCHS ABSN track. “The students will bring with them not only that competence, but also life and work experiences that they can share with their peers, which leads to a richer and more meaningful educational experience for everyone in the program.”

The inaugural class of students is expected to graduate at the end of the fall 2012 semester. Those graduates will then be eligible to sit for the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).

“At JCHS, we continually work to ensure we’re addressing the healthcare needs of the region,” said Ava Porter, D.N.P., Chair of the JCHS Nursing Department. “We know there is a need for more nurses across the country right now, and that need will only increase as time goes on. The new ABSN track allows us to prepare more qualified and highly skilled nursing professionals in a reduced amount of time. It also provides an additional way for people who may not have previous nursing experience to enter the profession.”

In fall 2010, approximately 57% of the JCHS students were enrolled in the bachelor’s-level nursing programs at the College. The new ABSN track will increase that percentage by adding new nursing students to the JCHS student population. In addition, it will free spaces in the traditional pre-licensure BSN program for those students who don’t hold previous bachelor’s degrees and who want the traditional four-year nursing education.

“This is an exciting new opportunity for our students to pursue their nursing education at JCHS,” said College President Nathaniel L. Bishop. “We’re proud of everyone who was involved in developing this program and look forward to welcoming our first class next fall. These students will ensure that JCHS continues to play a vital role in healthcare in the Roanoke Valley, along with our partners in education at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Carilion Clinic.”



Bachelor of Science in Nursing student Shanice Vennable

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing

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The Bachelor of Science degree in Emergency Services (ES) prepares graduates for entry-level practitioner and management positions in the field of Emergency Services. The Emergency Services profession has undergone dynamic changes since September 11, 2001. These changes have placed an increased emphasis on having a well educated and prepared workforce to meet the needs of both traditional and all-hazards responses.

Accepting its first class of students in fall 2009, the ES program replaced two Associate of Applied Sciences Degrees previously offered at JCHS in Emergency Health Sciences-Paramedic and Fire & Emergency Medical Services Technology. The curriculum of the baccalaureate-level ES degree program now provides a well-rounded core of general education courses and allows students to customize their plans of study to fit long-term career goals. Students enjoy a perfect blend of classroom, laboratory, clinical and field internship experiences in pursuit of their degree.

“Our program is unique in the respect that students have the opportunity to choose their own specialties within Emergency Services,” said JC Cook, M.B.A., ES Program Director. “They can specialize in one of two tracks that include Firefighter/Paramedic/Emergency Management and Critical Care/Paramedic/Emergency Management. We’ve had students begin in one track and find that the other suits their personality and career goal better.”

JCHS is one of the few schools in the nation to offer this type of program. It was developed based on the feedback from a study involving fire chiefs and EMS directors across the Mid-Atlantic region. Those emergency services leaders suggested that graduates needed a variety of skills to effectively manage the fast pace and changing dynamics of emergency scenes.

“Because of the diverse training and experiences we provide for our students, they tend to excel in roles such as firefighter/paramedic, critical care paramedic, flight paramedic, industrial safety officer, remote paramedic, instructor and line officer,” said Cook. “Emergency Services grads have the choice of many career options. In fact, there are so many, it’s impossible to list them all!”

All students in the ES program participate in over 1,300 hours of paramedic training, including 350 hours of clinical time and 450 hours of internship time on an ambulance. After that training, the students explore their chosen track with additional clinical and internship opportunities. Both tracks offer a senior internship with agencies outside of the

immediate area to allow the students to explore the profession in different regions of the country.

The innovative nature of the ES program is what drew ES student Sean Anderson to enroll in the inaugural class.

“I chose to come to JCHS to participate in the pilot class of the Emergency Services program,” Anderson said. “I want to be a career firefighter/paramedic, and this was the right place for me to prepare for that.”

In addition to his education, Sean found that JCHS was a great place to be a part of student life as well.

“JCHS is more than just a college,” Anderson said, “it’s a place where you can learn in the classroom and then continue developing your skills by getting involved. I’ve played on the college softball club, participated in a Marine Mud Run and was a work study in the Student Affairs Department. Next year, I’ll be a Resident Advisor in our new residence spaces at the Patrick Henry Building. JCHS is the perfect place for me.”

Emergency Services

Emergency Services student Sean Anderson

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The JCHS Health Psychology (HPSY) program is one of only a few of its type in the United States, and the only baccalaureate program in Virginia to focus specifically on this area of healthcare. The program is a great major for students interested in the connection between health and behavior who want to work in positions where they can influence healthy lifestyles in people of all ages and backgrounds.

The field of Health Psychology emphasizes a combination of biological, behavioral and social factors in health, wellness and disease. Health Psychology looks at ways of optimizing health, preventing and treating illness, and reducing the risk of disease through the interplay of medical, behavioral and emotional factors.

The JCHS HPSY program was founded in 2007 and will graduate its first class in May 2011. While some graduates of the program will be entering the healthcare workforce right away, many have opted to continue their education on the graduate level.

“The primary career for a graduate of our program, obviously, is as a Health Psychologist, which requires a master’s degree or Ph.D.,” said Francis C. Dane, Ph.D., Director of Jefferson’s HPSY Program. “Our program is different because we provide a solid foundation for the types of learning and experiences our graduates will encounter as they continue their education.”

A large part of that foundation is research. In addition to the normal classroom work in psychology that most programs offer, the JCHS HPSY program also ensures that students have opportunities to conduct research, working directly with faculty members on projects through design, data collection, data analysis, and dissemination of research findings. HPSY students also observe and participate in direct patient/client care in agencies ranging from community resource coordination to residential treatment facilities. Both of these experiences are of vital importance for the integration of knowledge and practice, and greatly enhance students’ applications for graduate school, should they choose to pursue additional education.

“We make sure that our students are well-rounded people who can think creatively and critically, act ethically, and pursue lifelong learning as they care for others,” said Dane. “Conducting practical research ensures they are well prepared in Psychology as both a behavioral science and a part of healthcare practice.”

In addition, HPSY students participate in three semesters of hands-on field experience. During these semesters, students intern in a specific agency to apply the theory and research that they learn in the classroom.

That multifaceted approach to a HPSY education was certainly a factor for Victoria Fellows, a senior in the program.

“I simply loved what Jefferson had to offer,” Fellows said. “I loved how all the classes are healthcare focused and all of the individual attention we get as students. I could ask my instructor a question and wouldn’t be lost in a sea of students.”

Fellows is currently working full-time as an ER Tech at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital while earning her HPSY degree. After graduation, she plans to begin applying to graduate-level Physician Assistant programs in the area.

“I always knew I wanted to work in healthcare,” said Fellows. “JCHS has given me the wonderful opportunity to stay here in the Roanoke Valley to learn and advance my career while preparing me for the next step in life.”

Health Psychology


Health Psychology student Victoria Fellows

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JCHS Hosts 3rd AnnualOn Friday, April 1, 2011, JCHS held the third annual Interprofessional Education (IPE) Disaster Event in the labs on the ninth floor of Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital (CRCH) and the third floor Physician Assistant classroom. This IPE activity allows students in multiple programs, including Nursing, Physician Assistant and Respiratory Therapy, to experience what it’s like to work as a team with students from other healthcare disciplines in a disaster involving many patients with a variety of injuries. During the event, students from the different programs are grouped together and assigned to a patient involved in the disaster, played by first-year Physician Assistant students. The students caring for patients are not informed of the nature of the disaster until the activity begins. They then have to assess the situation and treat their patients as a team on the spot. This year’s scenario was a bomb explosion at a high school.

“The IPE Disaster Event was a tremendous success,” said Susan Jones, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in the JCHS Nursing Program, who oversaw the organization of this activity. “This was a team effort led by members from a variety of departments at the College. We had excellent feedback from students, faculty, staff and observers. This event could not have been possible without the support of the JCHS Nursing, Respiratory Therapy and Physician Assistant faculty. We also appreciate the wonderful support of the JCHS Emergency Services Department and Carilion Clinic by providing equipment.”

As part of JCHS’s focus on IPE, this annual event provides an opportunity for our students to interact with other healthcare professional students in an intense clinical situation. This, in turn, prepares them for how a healthcare team will work together in the real world beyond our walls. This year, we welcomed guests from Lynchburg College’s Nursing program and the Pharmacology program at UNC-Chapel Hill, who observed with plans to replicate our event at their schools. In addition, JCHS Healthcare Management Program Director Janet Phillips and Carilion Clinic Pastoral Care Director Richard Brown joined us to determine how their programs can be integrated into the event next year.

On the next two pages are photos of our students from the event. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the innovative methods we are using to provide IPE to our students.

A Physician Assistant student watches as a Nursing

student applies an IV to a practice arm.

The JCHS Respiratory Therapy Lab at CRCH was one location for the disaster event. Students review the scenario with Nursing Associate

Professor Carol Bailey, M.S.N.

Respiratory Therapy, Physician Assistant and Nursing students worked in teams.

A Respiratory Therapy student shows his teammates how to

insert a breathing tube.

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Observing the event (left to right) was Sharon Hatfield, Program Director of the Respiratory Therapy Program; Ava Porter, Department Chair of the Nursing Program; and Rebecca Greer, Program Director

for the Pre-licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.

Susan Jones, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in Nursing (left), organized the event.



Interprofessional Education Disaster Event

Martha Anderson, D.N.P., Associate Professor in Nursing, walks a team through the scenario.

A team works on a patient with a traumatic

injury—see the metal bar in the left side of his chest.

After each session, the teams reviewed their group’s work in the third floor PA classroom.

A team discusses their care of a pregnant patient (second from right, with faux belly) during the event.

Milena Staykova, an Assistant Professor in Nursing, works with a team during the event.

A Respiratory Therapy student explains her care of a pregnant

woman who delivered during the exercise.

A Respiratory Therapy student talks with a patient about his condition.

A Nursing student applies gauze to a patient’s traumatic wound.

Gelene Thompson, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in Nursing, helps

a Physician Assistant student work with a patient who only speaks

Spanish during the event, using a medical dictionary.

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F a c u l t y / S t a f f B r i e f s

MemoriumKaren Wingate Agnew, ’79, CHRVSON, died on March 26, 2011. Her most recent nursing employment was with The Glebe and Brian Center Nursing Home.

Margaret C. Murray, ‘45, LGSON, of Arlington, VA, passed away Jan. 12, 2011.

The Office of Alumni Relations was notified that Louise Mosca, ’44, LGSON, passed away Aug. 14, 2010.

Raymond Scott Davis, ’81, CHRVSON, of Arlington, TX, died June 17, 2010. He is survived by his two children, Marc and Maebe, and three grandchildren.

Wilma Little Murray, ’42, LGSON, of Roanoke, VA, died May 12, 2010.

Ann Ruley Manuel, ’50, JHSON, of Birmingham, AL, died June 14, 2009.

Elaine Hancock Howbert, ’53, LGSON, of South Hill, VA, died June 10, 2009.

Send us your new baby photos and we’ll send you a JCHS baby bib!

If you would like to share news with your fellow alumni, please go to and complete the Alumni Update form under the Alumni and Friends section, or e-mail Christina Hatch, Coordinator of Development and Alumni Relations, at [email protected]. We will include your “Happenings” in the fall issue of the Jefferson Chronicle. We look forward to hearing from you!

E-mail digital images (at least 300 dpi)to [email protected] or mail to

Christina Hatch, 101 Elm Avenue, SE, Roanoke, VA 24013-2222.

1940sBetty Callaway Radford, ’48 LGSON, reported that she now lives at Sunrise at Bon Air Assisted Living near her daughter Cindy in Midlothian, VA. She has six grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.1980sMelissa Walker Linkous, ’85, works as a Registered Nurse in the PACU at Montgomery Regional Hospital.

Michael Nanney, ’87, is employed as a charge nurse and Nurse Educator at Wesley Long Hospital, which is part of the Moses Cone Health System, in Greensboro, NC. This year marks his 23rd anniversary with the Moses Cone Health System.

Eglenna Cassell Gibson, ’89, reported that she is stationed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.

Joanie Buckland Lilly, ’89, returned to Jefferson College of Health Sciences to get her degree in Healthcare Management and will graduate May 2011. She writes that she is the coordinator for all Total Joint Replacement patients for Carilion Clinic and recently spoke and presented two posters at the National Orthopedic Convention in Seattle, WA. Also, Joanie is 2010-2011 President of the Blue Ridge chapter of NAON. She is married to Dewey Lilly and has one stepdaughter, Catherine.

1990sLori Richards Viar, ’99, is a licensed Nursing Home Administrator and has worked in Long-Term Care for 12 years. Currently, she is Regional Vice President of Operations for Consulate Management Company. Lisa reports that Consulate is the second-largest provider of Long-Term Care services in the Commonwealth of Virginia. She oversees seven centers—five of which are in Richmond and two in northern Virginia.2000sJesse Dugger Overbey, ’00, his wife Tanya, and their sons, Will, 6, and Randell, 3, live in Altavista, VA, where he works as Rehab Director for Autumn Care of Altavista.

Joshua Adrian Samuels, ’02, ’05, wrote to let us know that he now lives in Charlottesville, VA with his wife Jennifer and infant son Ethan. He works full-time for the city of Charlottesville as a Paramedic Firefighter and on the HazMat and Rescue Teams. Joshua also works part-time in the Emergency Department at Martha Jefferson Hospital as a Registered Nurse. He reports he has served in the Army Reserves since 2001 and has been deployed twice. The first time was from January to September 2003 to Ft. Lewis, WA to train soldiers in Chemical Warfare. The second time was from August 2008 to August 2009 to Baghdad, Iraq for VIP convoy escort.

Sharon Melissa Andrews, ’09, was awarded the degree of Master of Physician Assistant Studies from the University of Nebraska in December 2010.Births

Lori Burke Blackburn, ’02, and her husband Mike welcomed a daughter, Ashley

Victoria, on Nov. 26, 2010.

InClass Notes

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F a c u l t y / S t a f f B r i e f sJoel Atance, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Mathematics and Sciences Program, served as a judge in both the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School Project Forum on Jan. 29, 2011 and the Roanoke County Science Fair on Feb. 26, 2011.

Ally Bowersock, M.S., Program Director of the Health & Exercise Science Program, has been invited to join the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society through Virginia Tech for her academic performance in her doctoral program, “Education, Curriculum and Instruction.” In addition, Ms. Bowersock presented “Fit and Fabulous: The Incredible Benefits of Physical Activity” at Carilion Clinic’s Women’s Health University event on Nov. 4, 2010, with over 200 women in attendance. Ms. Bowersock also presented “Strong Minds and Bodies: The Psychological Benefits of Strength Training for Women Across the Lifespan” at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Mid-Atlantic Conference on Dec. 18, 2010. The conference took place at Neumann University in Aston, Pennsylvania.

Vera Chitwood, M.A., Admissions Counselor, and Connie Cook, M.B.A., Associate Director of Admissions, presented two sessions at the Virginia Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (VACRAO) Annual Conference at Wintergreen from Dec. 8-10, 2010. They presented sessions entitled “How to Get the Most Out of Your VACRAO Membership” and “Teamwork: The Key to Survival.” The annual professional conference attracted over 100 institutional and corporate members.

Connie Cook, M.B.A., transitioned into the role of Associate Director of Admissions with the JCHS Admissions Department. In her new position, she supervises the department’s Telephone Recruiting staff, along with continuing her work as the College’s Transfer Counselor.

John “JC” Cook, M.B.A., Program Director of the Emergency Services Program, was selected to participate on the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians test-writing committee for the Advanced EMT examination from Nov. 10-13, 2010. This national committee writes and certifies the examination questions used on future national examinations. In addition, Mr. Cook has been appointed to the Virginia American Heart Association (AHA) Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Committee. The ECC committee is the governing body for programs and training sites within the Commonwealth of Virginia and is in charge of ensuring compliance with AHA standards and guidelines.

Frank Dane, Ph.D., Chair of the Arts & Sciences Department and Program Director of the Health Psychology Program, was part of a team of educators who presented “Mastery Learning of ACLS in Internal Medicine Residents Using Low Fidelity Simulation” at the ECCU 2010 (Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update 2010 International Educational Conference & Exposition) from Dec. 8-11, 2010 in San Diego, CA.

Linda Davis, A.A.I.T./V.C., EMT-B has been named the Emergency Services Program’s Clinical Resource Associate. Linda was previously the Department’s Secretary.

Denise “DeDee” Foti, M.S.N., was promoted to Assistant Professor in the JCHS Nursing Department in April 2011.

Rebecca Greer, D.N.P., Program Director of the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, presented a poster of her research study, “Pilot Study: The Effect of Simulated Cultural Encounters on Nursing Faculty and Students,” at the Nurse Educator Institute 2011: Striving for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Education, March 15-17, 2011. The conference was held at Chateau on the Lake Resort in Branson, MO.

Kimberly Hall, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in the Nursing Program, had her revision of the “Stress and Stress Management” section accepted for the third edition of The Encyclopedia of Nursing Research. Ms. Hall was listed as a contributing author when the book was published late last year. Ms. Hall also had content accepted for the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Nursing Leadership, which was also published last year. The topics she covered as a contributing author include “Internships for Nurses” and “Interprofessional Leadership.”

Thomas Harper, M.S., Assistant Professor in the Emergency Services Program, participated in fire suppression support for the Martinsville Speedway during NASCAR race weekend, Oct. 21-24, 2010. Mr. Harper led a team of Emergency Services students to expose them to the various types of emergencies a responder could face during a large-scale event. In addition, Mr. Harper was promoted to Assistant Professor in the JCHS Emergency Services Department in April 2011.

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F a c u l t y / S t a f f B r i e f s F a c u l t y / S t a f f B r i e f sSharon Hatfield, Ph.D., Chair of Community Health Sciences and Program Director of Respiratory Therapy, and Linda Cochran, M.S., Assistant Professor in Respiratory Therapy, have successfully completed the American Association for Respiratory Care’s Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Educator course. In addition, Dr. Hatfield and Ava Porter, D.N.P., Chair of the Nursing Department, served as applicant interviewers for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine on Feb. 5, 2011.

Tracy Hudgins, M.S.N., was promoted to Assistant Professor in the JCHS Nursing Department in April 2011.

Wilton Kennedy, D.H.Sc., Clinical Coordinator and Associate Professor in the Physician Assistant Program, traveled to Ghana for a week in December 2010 as part of a team to help develop a global health rotation for JCHS, the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Carilion Clinic pediatric residents. The team traveled from the capital, Accra, to a small village called Kesai, where they worked in the local hospital, St. Luke’s, with local physicians and community health nurses doing community/home assessments.

Kurt Neidigh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Mathematics and Sciences Program, served as a judge in the 20th Annual Blue Ridge Highlands Regional Science Fair on March 5, 2011.

Viki Neurauter, M.O.T., Assistant Professor in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Program,

successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in March 2011. She graduates from Virginia Tech in May 2011 with a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction.

Ava Porter, D.N.P., Chair of the Nursing Department, and Melody Sharp, D.N.P., Director of the Post-Licensure BSN Program, both presented at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Annual Baccalaureate Education Conference. Their abstracts were selected from over 300 submissions. The theme of the conference, held Nov. 18-20, 2010 in Orlando, FL, was “Reform and Innovation: The Charge for Baccalaureate Nursing Education.” Dr. Porter’s podium presentation was entitled “Collaborative Practice Readiness: Partnership with a School of Medicine for Interprofessional Leadership Education in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program.” Dr. Meier’s poster presentation was entitled “Nursing Theory: Faculty and Librarian Collaboration.”

Gillian Rai, M.Ed., Assistant Professor in the Occupational Therapy and Occupational Therapy Assistant Programs, and Scott McNeil, O.T.D., Assistant Professor in the Occupational Therapy Program, presented at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association (VOTA) Annual Conference in Richmond, VA on Oct. 23, 2010. Ms. Rai presented a short course entitled “Sensory Integration (SI) – Beyond the Clinic.” Mr. McNeil presented a poster entitled “Perspectives on Distance Education.”

Bob Reese, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Health Psychology Program, presented a poster entitled “Engaging

Audio Learning with Voice-Over PowerPoint” at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy at Virginia Tech from Feb. 3-4, 2011. Dr. Reese also participated in a panel session at the 2011 National Popular Culture & American Culture Conference held in San Antonio, TX from April 20-23, 2011. His presentation was entitled “iClickers & Voice-Over PPT: Using Technology to Engage Millennials In Learning.” Dr. Reese will also has been accepted to present a poster entitled “Forgiveness Interventions Geared for the Classroom” at the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) 2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology in Philadelphia, PA, July 23-26, 2011.

Carol Rowlett, M.B.A., Institutional Research Manager, presented material and facilitated a roundtable discussion on “Adventures in Course Evaluations” at the annual conference of the Southern Association for Institutional Research on Sept. 27, 2010. Conference attendees displayed a lively interest in course evaluation theory, methodology and utilization of results. No perfect systems appeared to be in use.

Darrell Shomaker, M.A., Program Director of Humanities and Social Sciences Program, had his article, “Preventing Anorexia in the Elderly,” published in the fall/winter issue of Carilion Clinic’s magazine Verve.

Michael Slaughter, M.S., Assistant Professor in the Mathematics and Sciences Program, contributed to the Winter 2011 issue of the international newsletter Groovin’ to the Hippocampus. Mr. Slaughter’s submission detailed methods to have students use their own digital cameras to capture images directly

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F a c u l t y / S t a f f B r i e f sthrough the ocular of a student microscope. The newsletter publishes creative tips for teaching students anatomy and physiology.

Milena Staykova, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in the Nursing Program, presented the poster “A Pilot Delphi Study: Competencies of Nurse Educators in Curriculum Design” at the Virginia Tech 2011 Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy on Feb. 4, 2011.

Stuart Tousman, Ph.D., Professor in the Health Psychology Program, and the Jefferson College Health Psychology Club assisted with running a holiday party for chronically ill children staying at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital on Dec. 3, 2010 at St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Roanoke, near the JCHS campus. In addition, Dr. Tousman spoke to approximately 100 health supervisors at the Virginia Head Start annual state conference in Staunton, VA on Feb. 24, 2011. His presentation was on asthma management, as well as the psychological impact of having asthma as a child and medication management of the disease. Head Start is an organization that provides educational and family services for preschool kids who come from low SES backgrounds.

Carey Weatherspoon, D.P.T., Assistant Professor in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, was awarded her Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Virginia Commonwealth University on Dec. 10, 2010.

Diana Willeman, M.S.P.H., has accepted the position of Associate Program Director for Mathematics and Sciences. This program offers an Associate of Science in Science, a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences, and all of the math and science courses that serve as part of the curriculum for all of the College’s majors.

Eight members of the JCHS faculty attended the 2011 Lilly Conference on College & University Teaching in Greensboro, NC, from Feb. 4-6, 2011. They were Melody Sharp, D.N.P., Program Director of the Post-Licensure BSN Program; Mike Slaughter, M.S., Assistant Professor in Mathematics and Sciences; Warren Clark, Ph.D., Professor in Nursing; Annette Strickland, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in Nursing; Susan Jones, M.S.N., Assistant Professor in Nursing; Sonia Vishneski, Assistant Professor in Nursing; George Steer, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Respiratory Therapy; and DeDee Foti, M.S.N., Instructor in Nursing. The theme of the conference was “Evidence-Based Learning and Teaching.” JCHS was listed as a Co-Sponsor of the event. There were featured tracks in the conference, and below are the tracks where our faculty had poster presentations.

Advancing Active Learning: Susan Jones, M.S.N., R.N., Patricia Airy, D.H.Sc. & George Steer, Ph.D. Building an Interprofessional Bridge Between Classroom and Clinical Practice.

Teaching Well with Technology: Denise Foti, M.S.N., R.N. & Melody Sharp, D.N.P., R.N. Webquest: A Creative Strategy to Enhance Nursing Competencies in Informatics.

Michael Slaughter, M.S. The Production of Photomicrographs with Digital Cameras Directly Through the Ocular of Student Microscopes

Service/Experiential Learning: Annette Strickland, M.S.N., R.N., & Warren Clark, Ph.D., R.N. Community Health Promoter Program: a Service-Learning Pilot Project

Engaging and Motivating Students: Sonia Vishneski, D.N.P., R.N., Denise Foti, M.S.N., R.N., & Melody Sharp, D.N.P., R.N. Using Case-Based Scenarios to Engage Right-Brain and Left-Brain Thinkers

Faculty Development: Melody Sharp, D.N.P., R.N., & Denise Foti, M.S.N., R.N. Development of a Group Assignment Grading Rubric that Includes a Plagiarism Component. Who Do We Penalize?

(From left to right) Melody Sharp, Mike Slaughter, Warren Clark, Annette Strickland, Susan Jones, Sonia Vishneski, and DeDee Foti. Also attending the conference, but not pictured, was George Steer.

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Save the Date!Jefferson College of Health Sciences

5th Annual Homecoming Reunion

Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011

Cocktail Reception and Dinner

The Jefferson Center, Fitzpatrick Hall

541 Luck Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24016

Watch for upcoming details and ticket

prices at


Jefferson College of Health Sciences Alumni Association First Annual

Golf TournamentThe First Annual JCHS Alumni Association Golf Tournament will be held at Botetourt Golf and Swim Club on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011.

In keeping with the mission and values of the JCHS Alumni Association, all proceeds from this tournament will support the Jefferson College of Health Sciences General Scholarship Fund.

For more details about the Tournament and how you can register to play, go to, then Alumni & Friends in the left-hand menu and then Upcoming Alumni Events and Information. From this location, you can download a brochure and registration form.

Tournament Information:This 18-hole, four-person Captain’s Choice tournament gets underway with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The registration fee includes green fees, cart, lunch and refreshments.

Also, there will be a golf ball drop provided by Summit Helicopters, and closest to the pin will win a CASH PRIZE. Purchase your golf balls online at or call the JCHS Office of Alumni Relations at (540) 224-4644. Also, Nelson Automotive of Martinsville will provide a new car as the prize for a hole-in-one.

Other contests include: closest to the pin on all five par threes, longest drive for men and women, and longest putt prizes. There will also be goody bags for everyone!

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2011 Events CalendarJCHS Office of Alumni Relations

Thursday, May 5JCHS Alumni Association Board Meeting

5:30 to 7 p.m., Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital, Room 615

Thursday, May 12OT/OTA Alumni Chapter Event

Tour of New JCHS Classroom/Lab Spaces

4 to 6 p.m., Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital, Room 513

Wednesday, August 17JCHS Alumni Association Welcome Back for Student Move-in Day

Time TBA, Patrick Henry Building Lobby

Tuesday, August 23JCHS Alumni Association Distinguished Speaker Series

7 to 8 p.m., Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital, Room TBA

Health Economics: Trends in health insurance for older citizens including long-term care insurance. Managed care and its effects on the health of older adults.

Presented by Friendship Retirement Community CEO Russ Barksdale and CFO Mike Shannon

Friday, September 30JCHS Alumni Association First Annual Golf Tournament

1 p.m. Shotgun Start, Botetourt Golf & Swim Club

Saturday, October 1JCHS Alumni Homecoming Cocktail Reception and Dinner

6 to 10 p.m., Jefferson Center, Fitzpatrick Hall

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Nominations for the Jefferson College of Health Sciences Alumni Association Board of Directors are being accepted through June 30, 2011.

If you are interested in nominating yourself or a classmate, please contact Christina Hatch, JCHS Coordinator of Alumni Relations, at (540) 224-4644 or via e-mail at [email protected].

New Board members will be voted on at this year’s Homecoming event on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011. To review the JCHS Alumni Association Constitution and Bylaws, visit

101 Elm Ave., SERoanoke, VA 24013-2222

Nominations are now being accepted for the...




JCHS Alumni As soc iat ionBoard of Directors