JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Tomasz Lelek tomekl007 @tomekl007


When creating application based on architecture of micro services, a team needs to face up many challenges. -building easily extensible architecture of micro services. When we creating new service, we always need data from other service. To be able to receive that data, we only need to import light client, which is the interface of another service. -How to use HTTP protocol properly, to change it to our biggest assets, and do not attempt to hide it unnecessarily. -Which functionalities of monolithic application pull out first. How to use domain driven design, to model the business domain specific for each micro service ? -How to manage configuration and deployment of various services ? -implementing Circuit Breaker patter, using Netfix Hystrix library -real time monitoring of micro services -aggregating logs from many servers in one central point, and analysing them -creating documentation, which could be use as a client of each service

Transcript of JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Page 1: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Tomasz Lelek



Page 2: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services


Page 3: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Presentation Plan

1.  Business  context  2.  Technology  3.  Architecture  4.  Configura@on  management  5.  Monitoring  6.  Aggrega@ng  logs  7.  Deploying  (  vagrant,  docker  )  8.  Modern  documenta@on  

Page 4: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek


Page 5: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Application Domain

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One entity – multiple identities

Page 7: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Same functionality – ���new architecture

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Redirecting request

Page 9: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

��� Url Rewriting

 #Apache  rewrite  url,  work  for  post  request  RewriteEngine  On  RewriteRule  /generate        hTp://reportservice.no/generate  [P]  

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Page 11: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek


Page 12: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

���Embedded Container

Page 13: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Starting Service

 ./sbt  >container:start  [info]  Started  [email protected]:8090  [success]  Total  @me:  2  s  

Page 14: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

How microservice looks like?

Page 15: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Using via imported client

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Many clients

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Scala java - interoperability

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Rest, json, http

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Page 20: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Architecture Evolve

Page 21: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Managing configuration

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Configuration Service

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Asking for configuration

Page 24: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Switching configuration dynamically

Page 25: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Services monitoring - status

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Monitoring of dependencies

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Graph visualization

Page 28: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Visualization of dependencies

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Where is service with configuration?

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Page 31: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Circuit Breaker

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Page 33: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek


Page 34: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Many services = many logs

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One aggregation point

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+ logstash

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Configuration of Logstash

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Page 39: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek


Page 40: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Amazon EC2

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vagrant  plugin  install  vagrant-­‐aws    vagrant  up  -­‐-­‐provider=aws    vagrant  ssh  <MACHINE  NAME>  

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Page 43: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Technology stack

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Proper documentation

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Page 46: JDD2014: How to rebuild monolithic application to micro services architecture? - Tomasz Lelek

Generated json

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Documentation as a client

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Time for building microservices !

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Thank You, Questions ?