jay geier's new patient attraction event

Attention Doctors Wishing, Hoping & Praying For A Simple, Affordable, AUTOMATIC Way To Attract New Patients In Spite Of The Down Economy ... "What If You Knew Win Jay’s Rolex Submariner! SEE Page 13 To Discover HOW... EVERY Last Secret of The Single Most Prolific & Profitable New Patient Attraction Expert in History?" At Last! You CAN… Stop being stressed out & pushing hard every month just to make as much as you did last month… Stop sweating in practice… Stop worrying about retirement… Stop wondering HOW to attract more new patients… Stop feeling frustrated because you can’t get ahead… Stop wasting money on marketing, advertising & promotions that don’t work… AND… Start Radically Increasing & STABILIZING your income by attracting NEW top quality patients with minimal effort utilizing all of the SHORTCUTS, experience, savvy and NEVER BEFORE REVEALED SECRETS possessed by THE most prolific and profitable new patient attraction expert in history… Announcing Jay Geier’s 3-Day “New Patient Attraction” Event June 12 th , 13 th & 14 th in Atlanta, Georgia… You MUST Register Before Midnight on Wednesday, May 20 th BEFORE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED FOR GOOD Jay promises to reveal EVERY New Patient tip, trick, secret & shortcut he’s discovered over the last 20 years… MUCH of what he’ll reveal he’s NEVER talked about publicly!

Transcript of jay geier's new patient attraction event

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Attention Doctors Wishing, Hoping & Praying For A Simple, Affordable, AUTOMATIC Way To Attract New Patients In Spite Of The Down Economy...

"What If You Knew Win Jay’s Rolex Submariner! SEE Page 13

To Discover HOW...

EVERY Last Secret of The Single Most

Prolific & Profitable New Patient Attraction Expert in History?"

At Last! You CAN…

• Stop being stressed out & pushing hard every month just to make as much as you did last month…

• Stop sweating in practice…

• Stop worrying about retirement…

• Stop wondering HOW to attract more new patients…

• Stop feeling frustrated because you can’t get ahead…

• Stop wasting money on marketing, advertising & promotions that don’t work… AND…

Start Radically Increasing & STABILIZING your income by attracting NEW top quality patients with minimal effort utilizing all of the SHORTCUTS,

experience, savvy and NEVER BEFORE REVEALED SECRETS possessed by THE most prolific and profitable new patient attraction expert in history…


Announcing Jay Geier’s 3-Day “New Patient Attraction” Event June 12th, 13th & 14th in Atlanta, Georgia…

You MUST Register Before Midnight on Wednesday, May 20th BEFORE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED FOR GOOD

Jay promises to reveal EVERY New Patient tip, trick, secret & shortcut he’s discovered over the last 20 years… MUCH of what he’ll reveal he’s NEVER talked about publicly!

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If You Can Rub A Lamp or Fog A Mirror… You’ll Be Going Home To A Practice FULL of New Patients… Guaranteed

Mr. Jay Geier From: Devinn Graves Executive Event Coordinator Roswell, GA Re: How To Effortlessly Attract More New Patients In 30

Days Than You Have In The Last 6 months Dear Doctor, After 20 years as one of THE most sought after New Patient Attraction experts in the world (keep reading for proof), Jay has promised to open up his personal vault of New Patient Attraction secrets, shortcuts and strategies… with NOTHING HELD BACK and Everything Revealed! He’ll be unveiling shortcuts he’s NEVER publicly spoken about that he personally developed during the WORST American economy in the last 30 years (prior to the one we’re in right now). Secrets he’s NEVER shared with ANYONE outside of his own personal business.

Mr. Jay Geier has arguably been responsible for the generation of MORE New Patients and new patient INCOME than ANY Human in the history of the profession

In this letter you’ll get a sneak peek of the event, its content, and more about why you can’t afford NOT to listen to Jay in THIS economy - especially if you want to make big income and lifestyle increases in the next 3-12 months in spite of the economy.

Jay will be revealing every detail you need to have your own personal “new patient magic lamp”! This event (where Jay “confesses” ALL his New Patient secrets) will allow you to immediately go home, simply “rub the lamp” and have a consistent and sustainable flow of new patients ringing your phone, filling your appointment book and walking through your door within 7 days of returning home.

If you've simply had enough of practicing the HARD way with your “NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE” and would like to discover how the most decorated new patient generation genius does it (no matter how bad the economy gets)... AND, have immediate direct access to ALL of his never Before

Revealed Secrets & SHORTCUTS to consistently produce enough new patients, eliminate virtually all your income related worries, and completely immunize you from the fluctuating economy (while simultaneously financing your entire lifestyle and eventual retirement)... Then this letter you hold in your hand is the MOST PROMISING hope for the future of your family and your practice that you’ll ever read...

Here's why...


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Jay became a “marketing prodigy” at the tender age of 18. He created and sold over $1,000,000 of his educational board game “Drugs & Alcohol Play it Straight”. Several years later, while working with one of the largest clinics in the U.S. he was responsible for producing between 400 and 650 New Patients PER MONTH. His personal best was 601 NEW Patients generated in ONE week… A WORLD RECORD! Producing that many New Patients EVERY MONTH wasn’t easy… it took many a sleepless night and working to near exhaustion figuring out what worked and what didn’t. It was especially hard because the recession at the time was HORRIBLE. And THIS is where he credits his BIGGEST marketing discovery was made and perfected. And now YOU can benefit from all his struggles, frustrations and failures. Instead of reinventing the wheel, Jay has decided to reveal every shortcut and proven secret he’s honed over these last 20 years in working with doctors nationwide. N O T E F R O M J A Y :

I’m not trying to brag, but I’ve been told that my “most important and USABLE ability is to QUICKLY, SIMPLY, EFFICIENTLY and ECONOMICALLY leverage current assets to produce an immediate and consistent SURGE of New Patients within your practice resulting in FAST & SUBSTANTIAL returns for YOU without spending large amounts of marketing dollars (in some cases virtually spending nothing at all).” And oddly enough, my record 601 New Patients in ONE week happened DURING a so called “BAD ECONOMY!” Sound impossible? Don’t take my word for it…



i miracle in my life.  I’ve increased my’s system.  I was averaging 35 to 40  

“Working with the Scheduling Institute has been actually a minnew patients effortlessly by approximately 25 to 30% using Janew patients a month and now I see about 65 or 70 patients.” Dr. Larry Kaplan, New Jersey  "We began training with a new patient baseline of 23.  In one month, we reached 56 new patients!" Dr. John Scherer, Michigan  “The doctor who sold me on Jay and the Scheduling Institute had just seen his new patients increase  from 200 per month to over 350 per month in just 30 days from the time he plugged Jay's system into  his front desk.  I was blown away and contacted Jay the same day.  Since then we have worked diligently to introduce Jay's program into every office we serve.  I've yet to have a doctor tell me that the program didn't completely change his/her practice for the best.” Greg Stanley, Whitehall Management Inc.  “Within the first three weeks, we had already beat our last three months new patient average by 29%!” Dr. Dave Bush, California 


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  If you’d like some of this type of success & sanity in YOUR practice… you need to keep reading to discover what I will be revealing at my FIRST TIME – LAST TIME “New Patient Attraction” Event…where I will be revealing for the very first time ALL of my New Patient Generation Secrets & Shortcuts… And I mean EVERY last one. Every under the table, closely guarded secret I’ve honed and protected for the last 20 years will be on display and handed to a select few elite doctors who choose to attend my “New Patient Attraction” Event. I’ll uncover for you the exact step-by-step common sense secrets & shortcuts I used and STILL use to this day, to generate a consistent and uninterrupted flow of NEW patients. But most importantly, I’ll also show you How I turn those New Patients into BIG Income increases for YOU. How nice would it be for you and your family if you had a “new patient faucet” that you simply turned on and off on demand? While for most that “faucet” is little more than fantasy, for doctors in attendance... it will be REALITY.

So How Can You Turn All My New Patient Attraction Secrets,

Shortcuts and Strategies Into YOUR Secret Competitive Advantage?

New Patients = Everything You Want In Life

Want more Income… get more New Patients

Want nicer Clothes for yourself, your kids, your family… get more New Patients

Want money to pay for your kids to go to Better Schools … get more New Patients

Want a Nicer House you can be proud of and that suits your family… get more New Patients

Want a Nicer Cars your kids feel good in… get more New Patients


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Want a Comfortable Lifestyle that gives your Kids Higher Self Esteem…

get more New Patients

Want the ability to Retire Whenever You Want… get more New Patients

Want a Bottomless Savings Account that Eliminates ALL Your Money Worries… get more New Patients

Want to take REAL Vacations 3,4,5,6 times EVERY Year… get more New Patients

New Patients truly are the magic salve that heals all wounds. They’re the magic glue that makes your practice AND your LIFE stick together. In some ways it’s scary how dependant you, your family and your well-being are tied to new patients… it’s probably why so many doctors find themselves tempted to use unsavory and sometimes even borderline ethical marketing tactics just to get new patients… but Jay knows YOU wouldn’t do that and that’s why…

He’s Offering You The Opportunity To… Crawl Inside His Brain And

Take ANYTHING You Want From The “New Patient Attraction Department”

Think about it… when you have LOTS of new patients are you frustrated, stressed out and miserable with your practice? In a word… “Nope” But when you are short on new patients, when it’s the middle of the day and you have NOBODY to see… how does that feel? How does it feel when you go home? You may not ever have considered this fact, but new patients are what make YOUR world go ‘round. And because of how many doctors today are truly suffering in this economy, Jay has decided to pull out all the stops and


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reveal EVERYTHING… and I mean EVERYTHING he knows about driving new patients to your door… even in the worst of economies…

Is It REALLY Worth Hauling Your Butt All The Way To Atlanta For Jay’s “New Patient Attraction” Event?

Let’s do some math… 10 ADDITIONAL new patients per month generated using Jay’s New Patient Shortcut x $2,000 patient value = An EXTRA $20,000.00 per month. And the truth is with just Jay’s shortcuts alone you will likely be able to produce just TEN additional new patients a month with BARELY the amount of effort it takes to get off the couch. 20 ADDITIONAL new patients per month generated by using Jay’s New Patient Shortcut AND Secrets x $2,000 patient value = An EXTRA $40,000.00 per month. 30 ADDITIONAL new patients per month using Jay’s New Patient Shortcut, Secrets AND Never before revealed strategies x $2,000 patient value = An EXTRA $60,000.00 per month. 40 ADDITIONAL new patients per month generated by using what NONE of your competitors or colleagues are using x $2,000 patient value = An EXTRA $80,000.00 per month. And if the math is just too complex… $80,000.00 EXTRA dollars per month over a 10 year period is no less than an EXTRA 9.6 MILLION DOLLARS…

What could YOU Do with an EXTRA 9.6 Million Dollars???

Crack The Code To Jay’s New Patient Vault…

Heck He’s GIVING You The Vault!

In 1994 – then marketing director for the Sparlin Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia Jay set his…

Jay’s Giving You Direct Access To His Entire Vault Of Secrets, Shortcuts & Strategies For New Patient Attraction In THIS Tough Economy… NOTHING Will be Held Back

World Record Of

601 New Patients In One Week… …and in the 20 years following he’s been personally involved in – generating over 500,000+ New Patients. Currently, he’s involved in actively attracting THOUSANDS of Patients each month. Since 1997, He has single handedly provided over 40,000


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referred patients to his clients. To put it bluntly, nobody can match his track record, experience and expertise in effortlessly creating New Patients out of thin air.

Jay has purposely NOT taught many of his secrets and shortcuts publicly. Even with his highest ranking, most senior clients has he held many proprietary strategies under wraps – to avoid having them “knocked off”.

But due to the “cleansing of the profession” that is happening from the current economic state, Jay feels it’s imperative to open his own personal vault of New Patient “magic” in order to help doctors recover from what has been some of the toughest times any of us can remember.

The most important thing to remember about these secrets and shortcuts Jay is revealing is that they have…

• Never been revealed publicly before • Will NEVER be revealed again

Are designed to…

• Require minimal time, effort, testing & money • Attract the MAXIMUM number of new patients in the SHORTEST amount of time • Radically increase your cash flow & decrease your anxiety level in 30 days or less

As you read this letter and consider whether you should or shouldn’t invest in yourself and make the time to be one of the few elite doctors in attendance, consider the fact that Jay IS THE GO-TO guy for “New Patient Attraction Secrets & Shortcuts” that many consultants in this very profession (names YOU know), come directly to Jay for advice on New Patient Attraction Strategies and Shortcuts… there’s NO good reason why YOU shouldn’t be getting that information first hand from the “horses mouth” !

The big question is:

How Can You STEAL Jay’s 20 Years Worth Of New Patient Attraction Strategies For Yourself?

Actually, the answer is quite simple… You can’t.

You can’t steal them, heck you can’t even buy them… as evidenced by the fact that more than 80% of what Jay reveals at his “New Patient Attraction” Event in Atlanta in June he’s NEVER discussed publicly – not even with his highest ranking members. He’s held ALL of it close to his vest. In fact, by all accounts, the ONLY way you can access this information is to be IN attendance in Atlanta in June.

Knowing Jay as well as I do, I’d be surprised if he EVER talks about the content of this event AGAIN… he’s always been VERY secretive about his “New Patient Vault”… this event, and revealing his deepest inner secrets is highly unusual.


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But Guess what? You can take advantage of Jay’s decision to “open up the vault” and use his secrets and shortcuts to…

• Save your practice • Turn your practice around • Grow your practice to it’s biggest ever • Become the 800 pound gorilla in your area

Whatever your situation, Jay guarantees that as an attendee of his one-time-only “New Patient Attraction” Event, you too… can exploit his 20 years of New Patient Attraction Mastery and make this difficult economy your own personal (and profitable) playground.

What If You Could Just

Crank Up Your New Patients Like A Thermostat On A Freezing Cold Day?

Fact is, you can. If you have experienced any of the following in the last 6 months you can’t afford to NOT be with Jay in Atlanta in June…

You Should Be Able To Control Your New Patient Numbers Just As Easily, Directly & Quickly As You Do The Thermostat In Your Home

• Not enough new patients • Decreasing Income • Rollercoaster new patients (some months up, some down) • Anxiety about practice

If you really THINK about it… a new patient faucet that you just turn on and off, up and down at your whim… SOLVES ALL of these problems and more. WARNING: Jay Is Adamant About The Fact That He Is ONLY Willing To Do This ONE TIME. And He’s Already Having Second Thoughts About Doing It At All… But He’s Promised It Already, So It WILL Happen This ONE TIME ONLY… More than any other opportunity he’s ever offered, Jay’s revealing REAL, UNTOLD “secrets” he’s used personally for the last 20 years. He’s only doing this because of the overwhelming amount of suffering doctors being reported profession-wide. He is bound and determined to cut DEEP into this problem with his “New Patient Attraction” Event on June 12th, 13th & 14th in Atlanta, Georgia. Don’t kid yourself: I’ve never seen him more SERIOUS… HE WILL NOT REPEAT THIS EVENT!


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Who Should MUST Attend?

I personally asked Jay who he thought should be in attendance… Here’s what he said… 1. Any doctor who wants a steady, consistent and predictable flow of new patients every

month… month in and month out – “I know I can smooth out your ‘new patient rollercoaster’ in an instant.”

2. Any doctor who “Gets It”… Get’s that EVERYTHING in your life (money, lifestyle, happiness, kids’ self esteem, marital bliss, etc…) is directly or indirectly related to how many NEW Patients you get each month (NP’s may not be the ONLY thing in life, but they sure do make everything better!) – “I know I can radically increase your new patients, income & happiness.”

3. Any doctor who is SICK AND TIRED of being anxious, frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to get new patients every month… and would just rather have the ability to “flip the switch” and have their new patient flow on auto-pilot.

4. Any doctor who’s already successful at getting new patients who wants to “explode” his or her new patients through the roof… and move into a whole NEW income category.

5. Any doctor who just wishes he or she could get “enough” new patients each month… if all you need to do is “pay the bills and have a little left over”… Jay promises you’ll have EVERYTHING you need before 10am on the first day of the event.

What Will Be Covered?

In a word (or three)… EVERYTHING NEW PATIENTS! Jay’s promised to leave NO stone unturned…

• Internet (i.e. Websites, Pay-Per-Click, Organic Search, etc…) • Social Media (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc…) • Signage • Newsletters • Databases • Radio Ads • TV Ads • Direct Mail • Brand New, New Patient Technologies • ZERO-Little Cost (Po-Boy) New Patient Strategies • And a TON more EXCLUSIVE content purged from “the new patient king”



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Jay’s so convinced that this will be the MOST comprehensive, hard-hitting, revolutionary New Patient Event – he’s even said if there’s ANYTHING you want to know about attracting new patients that somehow impossibly is NOT covered at the event, he’ll get with you PERSONALLY and cover THAT topic you want to know about. Considering an hour with Jay normally costs over $1,000… I’m betting that there’s ZERO chance he’ll be leaving ANYTHING out. Jay’s pulling out all the stops and will cover EVERYTHING about HOW TO ATTRACT, & MAKE A FORTUNE WITH A CONSISTENT, PREDICATABLE & STEADY FLOW OF NEW PATIENTS. He’ll be covering EXACTLY WHY each strategy, shortcut & secret works and why what most doctors are trying to do in THIS economy isn’t working at all, even though some of their strategies may have once worked well… You’ll also discover HOW to AUTOMATE, Systematize and Auto-pilot ALL of your new patient attraction efforts... so that while you’re on vacation (again!) you’ll have new patients jam packed in your waiting room and appointment book when you get back… IMAGINE… 60 days after attending Jay’s One-Time-Only “New Patient Attraction” Event… you’re on a REAL vacation… with REAL UNdistracted RELAXATION on the beach… without the worry, dread and anxiety of typical vacations where you’re on the beach thinking about the empty office waiting for you when you get back. Jay’s #1 goal for this event is to bring those anxiety-ridden days to a permanent end for you.

URGENT REMINDER… The More NEW Patients You Attract…


“What if it’s just the same recycled stuff I’ve already heard from Jay and others?”

Jay Says… “No Chance… I Absolutely, Unequivocally… Guarantee It!”

Jay knew some would have this concern, and it’s a completely legitimate concern but the bottom line is this… When you attend “mind-meld” with Jay he guarantees that you will see a MINIMUM of 20% increase in New Patients… He even said you could have 12 FULL months AFTER the event to decide… Plain and simple… if in the 12 months following Jay’s “New Patient Attraction” Event you aren’t enjoying the pleasures of a MINIMUM increase in New Patients of 20%, (MANY Doctors in attendance will experience a 100% increase within 30-60 days) Jay will refund your entire tuition, absolutely NO questions asked!


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Consider this...

What if you only average 5 new patients per month right now and increase ONLY the bare minimum 20% and each patient is (on average) worth $2,000… over 12 months that’s a $24,000 increase and all you did was get just ONE extra new patient per month. NOW consider what happens if you get a 100% increase like MANY doctors in attendance will… (keep in mind these are Jay’s most closely guarded, NEVER before released secrets… NOBODY in your area will be doing these things to get new patients) a 100% increase means 5 extra new patients per month… @ $2,000 patient value that’s an extra $120,000 in NEW revenue and that doesn’t even include the REFERRALS they’ll bring with them after becoming your patient. If you’re currently averaging MORE than 5 new patients per month then the massive increases you could experience are absolutely STAGGARING! You’ll increase a MINIMUM of 20% or your tuition will be refunded 100%. You have Jay’s word on it…. N O T E F R O M J A Y : “My personal guarantee to you is quite simple. Take my step-by-step, paint-by-the-number instructions… follow them to the letter, and if after 12 months you haven’t increased your new patient flow by a MINIMUM of 20% just let me know and I’ll refund every penny you invested in your tuition… and of course… no questions asked.”

How Painful Is Tuition For Jay’s First-Time/ Last-Time, One-Time-Only

“New Patient Attraction” Event Going To Be?

While it’s certainly not inexpensive, the TRUTH is this... when you consider that your ability to consistently, dependably and predictably attract new patients impacts EVERYTHING from your own financial, mental and emotional well-being to the self esteem of your children... and then consider that Jay’s GUARANTEEING a MINIMUM 20% increase in New Patients (which has GOT to translate into at least a $24,000 PAY RAISE as we discussed on page 6)… the fact is, Jay’s virtually GIVING you his one-time-only event for FREE! But to get that, you’ll have to show some good faith and actually invest $1,997.00 in your tuition…


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You CAN STILL SAVE $950 on your tuition, SAVE $150 on guest tuition, AND spread it out over as many as

FIVE equalized payments, When You BEAT THE


Jay originally told me your investment would be $4,997.00 for direct access to this one-of-a-kind information you just CAN’T get anywhere else. Heck he’s sweated and suffered for 20 + years to secure these secrets, shortcuts and strategies he’s revealing for the first and last time ever! And on top of that he’s PROMISED & GUARANTEED you a 20% increase in new patients. However, I told him if he wanted to help the most doctors who REALLY, REALLY wanted what’s best for their families and their practices – he had to make it under $2,000… and reluctantly, he did. (you can thank me in Atlanta when you see me) So not only can you get direct access to the inner sanctum of Jay’s “new patient brain” and the truly priceless information inside… but you can also SAVE $950 on top of it. Consider just how life transforming it really will be when you can just “flip the new patient switch” and the phone starts ringing, the book starts filling and they come pouring through the door… ON DEMAND! Consider how such a “switch” might impact YOUR family. It’s with that in mind that Jay’s decided to offer this event just this ONE time to you for only $1,047… but I’m telling you right now YOU BETTER HURRY because with all the economic trouble most doctors are having… I can’t imagine this event not selling out prior to the registration deadline of May 20th. Don’t get shut out, register right now and lock in your savings by calling 1-866-224-4003 or faxing back the enclosed order form to 770-518-7577.


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The BIGGEST Reason of ALL To BEAT The Last Chance Registration Deadline…

Win Jay’s Rolex Submariner

When you BEAT the last chance registration DEADLINE of 5-20-09, not only will I send you Jay’s exclusive “Pre-Event Planner” which will include some ideas to utilize BEFORE you even come to the event to increase your new patient flow immediately … But you’ll also be given the opportunity to submit your very BEST New Patient Attraction Idea to Win Jay’s Rolex Submariner… HELLLLLLOOOOOOO! The Rolex Submariner is a $6,500 WATCH!!! Win it and you not only have the glory and bragging rights over everyone in the room, but you’ll walk a way with a tidy profit for your efforts! Look, there are two kinds of people in the world… those who HAVE a Rolex and those who don’t. This is your opportunity to be in an ELITE group (but without going through the pain of plunking down $6,500 for the privilege). Jay’s just going to GIVE it to you!

How To WIN Jay’s Rolex…

Simply register before the deadline to be one of the few elite Doctors in attendance at Jay’s One-Time-Only “New Patient Attraction” Event, submit your VERY BEST new patient attraction idea … which will be entered in the “New Patient Extravaganza BEST IDEA Contest”... and the WINNER (to be announced at the event) will receive Jay’s Rolex . Only THE BEST New Patient Idea of all will win. It could be you… Heck, It SHOULD be YOU! Your “Pre-Event Planner” will include details on how to submit YOUR VERY BEST New Patient Attraction Idea… but more importantly, ALL early birds in attendance will get an entire manual filled with EVERY ‘best idea” submission! Think of it… hundreds of the very best doctors across the country submitting their very “best new patient attraction idea” for inclusion in a jam packed manual filled with hundreds of A-list new patient attraction ideas. And that’s in ADDITION to what Jay will reveal to you… Heck how many tens-of-thousands of dollars could THAT manual alone be worth to you?


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So there you have it. Your one and only opportunity to crawl inside the brain of arguably the world’s foremost new patient attraction authority for 3 jam packed days... A guaranteed MINIMUM 20% increase in New Patients... AND a $950 savings! I’ve spoken extensively with Jay in preparation for this upcoming one time only event and I promise you as does Jay… secrets, strategies & shortcuts will be revealed that you have NEVER heard from Jay nor from ANYONE else ANYWHERE and he’s given me his word that he’ll hold nothing back and give you EVERYTHING you need on those three days. You’ll walk away with a lifetime’s worth of ready-made, tested and proven tools to attract as many new patients to your practice that your heart desires. Warm Regards,

Devinn Graves Executive Event Coordinator Jay Geier’s Scheduling Institute P.S. – Remember you’re saving $950 off the investment required to attend. Registration closes for good on 5-20-09, but there’s no guarantee there will still be seats available by then. Lock in your spot now by calling 1-866-224-4003 or, faxing back the enclosed order form to 770-518-7577. Just imagine what you’ll feel like 60 days after the event when you’ve increased your new patients by 20%, 70%, 100%, 200%, 300%! Multiply your current income today by just 20% and ask yourself … can you really afford to miss this One-Time-Only “New Patient Attraction Extravaganza” Event with Jay… ESPECIALLY considering the economy we’re in?

P.P.S. – While Jay’s never done an event even close to the magnitude of this upcoming “New Patient Attraction”, as you may know… he has done many POWERFUL events for doctors in years past… here’s what THEY had to say about taking the time to attend one of Jay’s events. I’m sharing these with you to PROVE to you that what Jay PROMISES… He Delivers…

I would highly recommend taking the time and spending the money to come see Jay. He can dream bigger than you. He can show you the life you really want, and show you how to get there. ~ David Mitchell

I had very high hopes and expectations and you exceeded them. You have really gotten me motivated about my practice and what it can provide for me and my family. Thank you very much. ~ John Lhota The professionalism and quality of content cannot be surpassed by any other event. Everything was applicable and something that I could implement immediately. ~ Paul Baird Tremendous! I’ve been practicing for 9 years and I thought I had a system down, but coming to this event made me understand that I was dropping the ball all day long in my office. Thanks Jay! ~ Ritu Chatkara Jay, Thank you for over-delivering. The day was amazing! ~ Paul Eisen


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