Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á...

Jawahar Vidya Mandir, Shyamali ,Ranchi. Assignment Class 6 ENGLISH Chapter 1. Who did Patrick's homework? Carol More ǣ ͳǤ Ǥ Ǥ ʹǤ Ǥ Ǥ ͵Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ͶǤ Ǥ ͷǤ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ͺǤ Ǥ ͻǤ Ǥ ͳͲǤ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ͳͳǤ Ǥ Ǥ ͳʹǤ Ǥ Ǥ ͳ͵Ǥ Ǥ ͳͶǤ Ǥ

Transcript of Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á...

Page 1: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Jawahar Vidya Mandir Shyamali Ranchi


Class ndash 6 ENGLISH

Chapter 1 Who did Patricks homework

Carol More

Chapter 2

Poem A house A homeLorraine M Halli

Chapter 1 A Tale of two Birds Summary

Chapter 2 The friendly Mongoose

Integrated grammar exercise

A Fill in the blanks


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21

क ा 6 पाठ- एक

वह च डया जो (कदारनाथ अ वाल) वह च ड़या जो च च मारकर दध-भर जडी क दान च स रस स खा लती ह

वह छोट सतोषी च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ अ न स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो कठ खोलकर बढ़ बाबा क खा तर रस उडलकर गा लती ह वह छोट महबोल च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ वजन स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो - च च मारकर चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह वह छोट गरबील च ड़या नील पखो वाल म ह मझ नद स बहत यार ह | - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 2: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Chapter 2

Poem A house A homeLorraine M Halli

Chapter 1 A Tale of two Birds Summary

Chapter 2 The friendly Mongoose

Integrated grammar exercise

A Fill in the blanks


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21

क ा 6 पाठ- एक

वह च डया जो (कदारनाथ अ वाल) वह च ड़या जो च च मारकर दध-भर जडी क दान च स रस स खा लती ह

वह छोट सतोषी च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ अ न स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो कठ खोलकर बढ़ बाबा क खा तर रस उडलकर गा लती ह वह छोट महबोल च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ वजन स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो - च च मारकर चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह वह छोट गरबील च ड़या नील पखो वाल म ह मझ नद स बहत यार ह | - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 3: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Chapter 1 A Tale of two Birds Summary

Chapter 2 The friendly Mongoose

Integrated grammar exercise

A Fill in the blanks


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21

क ा 6 पाठ- एक

वह च डया जो (कदारनाथ अ वाल) वह च ड़या जो च च मारकर दध-भर जडी क दान च स रस स खा लती ह

वह छोट सतोषी च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ अ न स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो कठ खोलकर बढ़ बाबा क खा तर रस उडलकर गा लती ह वह छोट महबोल च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ वजन स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो - च च मारकर चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह वह छोट गरबील च ड़या नील पखो वाल म ह मझ नद स बहत यार ह | - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 4: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Chapter 2 The friendly Mongoose

Integrated grammar exercise

A Fill in the blanks


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21

क ा 6 पाठ- एक

वह च डया जो (कदारनाथ अ वाल) वह च ड़या जो च च मारकर दध-भर जडी क दान च स रस स खा लती ह

वह छोट सतोषी च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ अ न स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो कठ खोलकर बढ़ बाबा क खा तर रस उडलकर गा लती ह वह छोट महबोल च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ वजन स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो - च च मारकर चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह वह छोट गरबील च ड़या नील पखो वाल म ह मझ नद स बहत यार ह | - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 5: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Integrated grammar exercise

A Fill in the blanks


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21

क ा 6 पाठ- एक

वह च डया जो (कदारनाथ अ वाल) वह च ड़या जो च च मारकर दध-भर जडी क दान च स रस स खा लती ह

वह छोट सतोषी च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ अ न स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो कठ खोलकर बढ़ बाबा क खा तर रस उडलकर गा लती ह वह छोट महबोल च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ वजन स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो - च च मारकर चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह वह छोट गरबील च ड़या नील पखो वाल म ह मझ नद स बहत यार ह | - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 6: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21

क ा 6 पाठ- एक

वह च डया जो (कदारनाथ अ वाल) वह च ड़या जो च च मारकर दध-भर जडी क दान च स रस स खा लती ह

वह छोट सतोषी च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ अ न स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो कठ खोलकर बढ़ बाबा क खा तर रस उडलकर गा लती ह वह छोट महबोल च ड़या नील पखोवाल म ह मझ वजन स बहत यार ह | वह च ड़या जो - च च मारकर चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह वह छोट गरबील च ड़या नील पखो वाल म ह मझ नद स बहत यार ह | - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 7: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä



तत क वता क क व ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ह | क व न एक छोट -सी च ड़या क मा यम स सहज मानवीय वभाव का वणन कया ह | इस क वता म क व न नील पख वाल छोट च ड़या क मन क भावनाओ को दशाना चाहा ह | क व कहत ह क च ड़या को गह जौ और बाजर क रसील बा लया खान म बहत आनद ा त होता ह | वह सतोषी ह थोड़-स दान ह उसक लए पया त ह | उस च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | उस अनाज स बहत यार ह | य पि तया हम अ न स म और आदर करन क सीख दती ह |

क व कहत ह क छोट च ड़या मधर वर म म त कठ स गीत गाती ह | च ड़या क मधर गीत बढ़ वन-बाबा को सम पत ह | उस एकात स बहत यार ह | मानव वभाव पी यह च ड़या क त स म करन तथा एकात म भी स न रहन का सदश दती ह | क व कहत ह क वह छोट च ड़या उफनती नद स भी पानी क मोती पी बद अपनी च च म लकर उड़ जाती ह | उस अपन इस साहसपण काय पर बहत गव ह | उस नद स भी बहत यार ह | च ड़या वपर त प रि थ तय म भी ह मत न हारन क रणा दती ह | न - 1

वह च ड़या जो क वता याद करक लख | न - 2

क वता पढ़कर त हार मन म च ड़या का जो च उभरता ह उस बनाओ | न - 3

श दाथ लख दध-भर = क च अधपक दान जडी = गह जौ और बाजर क बा लया रस उडलना = आन दत करना


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 8: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


महबोल = यार वजन = नजन थान जहा कोई न रहता हो कठ = गला वन = जगल चढ़ नद = जल स पर भर नद गरबील = गव करन वाल न - 4

क वता का भावाथ लख | अ त लघ उ र य न (मौ खक) क) क वता क शीषक तथा क व का नाम लख | उ र - क वता का नाम - वह च ड़या जो क व का नाम - ी कदारनाथ अ वाल ख) च ड़या च पवक या खाती ह उ र - च ड़या च पवक जडी क दान खाती ह | ग) च ड़या क पख कस ह उ र - च ड़या क पख नील रग क ह | घ) क व न च ड़या को सतोषी य कहा ह उ र - च ड़या को जो भी दान खान क लए मलत ह वह उस खाकर सतोष कर लती ह | वह थोड़ म गजारा करना जानती ह इस लए क व न उस सतोषी कहा ह | ड) च ड़या कस वर म गीत गाती ह उ र - च ड़या मधर वर म गीत गाती ह |


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 9: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


च) बढ़ वन बाबा का या ता पय ह उतर - िजस जगल म च ड़या रहती ह वह बहत घना और पराना ह इस लए क व न बढ़ बन बाबा कहा ह | छ) च ड़या को जडी क दान य पसद ह उ र- जडी क क च दान दध स भर होत ह इस लए च ड़या को जडी क दान पसद ह | ज) च ड़या कसी ह उ र - च ड़या सतोषी महबोल और गव ल ह | पा यगत नो र न - 1

त ह क वता का कोई और शीषक दना हो तो या शीषक दोग सोचकर लखो | उ र - क वता क अ य उपय त शीषक ह - न ह च ड़या छोट च ड़या नील पख वाल च ड़या च ड़या रानी | न - 2

इस क वता म च ड़या को कन- कन चीज़ स यार ह उ र - च ड़या को दध भर अनाज क दान स बहत यार ह | जगल स भी वह म करती ह और अपन मधर गीत वन-बाबा को सनाती ह | वह नद स भी म करती ह | इस कार च ड़या अ न वजन और नद सभी स बहत यार करती ह | न - 3

आशय प ट करो - (क) रस उडलकर गा लती ह उ र- च ड़या जगल म वत प स रहती ह | उस कसी तरह का बधन नह ह | वत होन क कारण वह मधर वर म गाती ह | उसका वर बहत मीठा ह |


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 10: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


(ख) चढ़ नद का दल टटोलकर जल का मोती ल जाती ह उ र - इस पि त का आशय ह क च ड़या अपनी च च म जल स भर उफनती नद क बीच स पानी क बद लकर उड़ जाती ह | ऐसा लगता ह जस वह नद क दय स मोती लकर उड़ी जा रह हो | च ड़या जल को अपनी च च म मोती क समान भरकर अपनी यास बझा लती ह | भाषा क बात न - 1

इन श द क आग एक-एक वशषण और जोड़ो | (क) नील पख वाल च ड़या (ख) सबस ऊपर वाल दराज़ (ग) सदर मोर वाला बाग (घ) ऊच पड़ वाला घर (ड) रग- बरग फल वाल यार (च) सीधा कल वाला रा ता (छ) बहत हसन वाला ब चा (ज) घनी मछ वाला आदमी न - 2

नीच दए गए वा य म काय क ढग या र त स सब धत या वशषण छाटो - (क) सोनाल ज द -ज द मह म ल ड ठसन लगी | (ख) गद लढ़कती हई झा ड़य म चल गई | (ग) भकप क बाद जन-जीवन धीर-धीर सामा य होन लगा | (घ) कोई सफद-सी चीज ध प-स आगन म गर | (ड) टॉमी फत -स चोर पर झपटा | (च) तिजदर सहमकर कोन म बठ गया | (छ) आज अचानक ठड बढ़ गई ह |


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 11: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


याकरण- ान वशषण प रभाषा - जो श द स ा या सवनाम क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = सदर गोरा काला दस यह आ द | वश य - वशषण िजस श द क वशषता बतात ह उ ह वश य कहत ह | जस = काल कमीज काल ( वशषण) कमीज ( वश य) वशषण -

वह वशषण श द जो वशषण श द स पहल लगकर उनक वशषता बतात ह उ ह वशषण कहत ह | जस = अ त अ यत बहत काफ बड़ा कम आ द उदाहरण - यह प तक बहत रोचक ह वशषण क भद ndash

वशषण क चार भद ह - (क) गणवाचक वशषण (ख) प रमाणवाचक वशषण (ग) स यावाचक वशषण (घ) सावना मक वशषण गणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क गण-दोष आकार- कार दशा वाद रग अव था आ द को बतात ह उ ह गणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = टोकर म ताज़ फल रख ह | छोटा ब चा खल रहा ह |


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 12: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


प रमाणवाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क माप-तौल तथा प रमाण जानकार दत ह उ ह प रमाणवाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन कलो दाल दस मीटर कपड़ा स यावाचक वशषण - जो वशषण श द अपन वश य क स या बतात ह उ ह स यावाचक वशषण कहत ह | जस = तीन चार पाच कई स यावाचक वशषण दो कार क होत ह - (क) नि चत स यावाचक - जस = तीन हाथी सौ छा (ख) अ नि चत स यावाचक - कई छा अनक प तक सावना मक वशषण - जब कोई सवनाम श द कसी स ा श द स पहल लगकर उसक वशषता बतात ह उ ह सावना मक वशषण कहत ह | जस = हमारा व यालय बहत बड़ा ह | मरा घर नकट ह ह | या वशषण

प रभाषा - जो श द या क वशषता बतात ह या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = वह धीर-धीर चलता ह | खरगोश तज़ दौड़ता ह |


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 13: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


इसक चार भद ह ndash (क) थानवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क थान का बोध करात ह व थानवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = यहा वहा इधर उधर नीच बाहर आग पीछ आ द | (ख) कालवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क होन क समय का बोध करात ह कालवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = कब अभी पहल न य कल आज सदा जब आ द | (ग) र तवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या क करन या होन क र त का बोध करात ह व र तवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह | जस = धीर तज़ ज द अचानक ायः अव य चपचाप आ द | (घ) प रमाणवाचक या वशषण - जो श द या श द क मा ा या उसक प रमाण का बोध करात ह व प रमाणवाचक या वशषण श द कहलात ह |

जस = बहत कम अ धक थोड़ा पया त खब आ द |


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 14: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


जवाहर व या म दर यामल स 2020-21 क ा ndash 6

पाठ - 2

बचपन (ल खका क णा सोबती) पाठ का सार -

lsquoबचपनrsquo पाठ ल खका ीमती क णा सोबती वारा लखा गया स मरण ह | ल खका ब च को अपन बचपन क बार म बताना चाहती ह | ल खका दाद या नानी क उ क ह | प रवार क लोग उ ह lsquoजीजीrsquo कहत ह | इस उ म व वय को बज़ग महसस करती ह य क उनका ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | अपन बचपन क बार म बतात हए व कहती ह क तब स अब तक उनक पहनाव म काफ़ बदलाव आया ह | पहल व गहर रग क कपड़ पहनती थी और अब व ह क रग क पहनती ह | उ ह न अपन बचपन क कई पोशाक क बार म बताया ह | अपनी कई ॉक क बार म भी बताया ह िजसम ल लग होत थ | व बाल म रबन बाधती थी | उ ह अपन य नक मोज और टॉ कग आज भी याद ह | बचपन म र ववार क सबह उ ह अपन मोज धोन पड़त थ और जत पॉ लश करन होत थ | नए जत पहनन पर पर क छाल स बचन क लए जत म ई लगानी होती थी | हर श नवार को ब च को ऑ लव ऑयल या क टर ऑयल पलाया जाता था िजसक गध उ ह ब कल पसद नह थी |

ल खका अपन बचपन क तलना आज क समय स करत हए कहती ह क उस समय र डयो टल वजन या ामोफोन नह हआ करत थ | उस समय क क फ़ अब आइस म म कचौड़ी-समोसा पट ज़ म और शरबत को ड क बदल गए ह | बचपन म ल खका अपन भाई-बहन साथ शमला मॉल स ाउन ड लाया करती थी | ह त म एक बार चॉकलट खर दन क छट थी और सबस यादा चॉकलट इनक पास ह होत थ | ल खका हमशा रात क खान क बाद ब तर म घसकर चॉकलट का मज़ा लती थी | उ ह शमला क ख ट-मीठ फल और च टनट भी याद आत ह | चना जोर-गरम क प ड़या तो आज भी दखती ह | ब च कल स आकर चन खर दत और चना-पापड़ी मह म डालत हए एक ख़ास ह लय र तार स आग बढ़त | उ ह शमला रज़ पर घोड़ क सवार म बहत मज़ा आता था | शाम को रग- बरग ग बार जाख का पहाड़ और चच क घ टय क गज उ ह आज भी याद ह | शाम को रज़ क रौनक और मॉल क दकान क चमक का अलग ह आकषण था |

कडल-पॉइट क सामन क एक दकान क शो म म शमला-कालका न का मॉडल था जो पछल सद क सबस तज़ गाड़ी थी | उस दकान क बगल म आख क डॉ टर क एक दकान थी जहा


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 15: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


ल खका को पहल बार च मा लगा था | अ ज डॉ टर न कहा था क कछ दन बाद ऐनक उतर जाएगी पर ऐनक कभी नह उतर | इसक लए ल खका अपन-आप को ह दोष दती ह | रात को टबल-लप क सामन काम करन का यह नतीजा था | पहल बार च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई न उ ह lsquoलगरrsquo कहकर चढ़ाया भी | ल खका खीझी और बाद म आइन क सामन च मा पहनकर और उतारकर दखती रह | अब तो बना च म क उनका चहरा खाल लगता ह | ल खका च म क साथ टोपी लगाना पसद करती ह | उनक पास कई रग क हमाचल टो पया जमा ह | व दप ट क और हमाचल टो पय क एक-दसर स तलना करती ह |

श दाथ लख ndash

शता द = सद सौ वष क अव ध

दशक = दस वष क अव ध

चलन = परपरा

ल = झालर

ऑ लव ऑयल = जतन का तल

क टर ऑयल = अरडी का तल

खराक = खान क मा ा

टॉक = स ह

छटपन = बचपन

मतल = उ ट होना

नरा = कवल

बरकना = चण जसी व त को छड़कना

कमतर = दसर स कम

आ वासन = भरोसा

ट-प ट = सग ठत


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 16: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


कोलाहल = शोर

खीझना = चढ़ना

सरत = चहरा

सभीता = आराम

सहज = वाभा वक

लघ उ र य न (मौ खक)

1 इस स मरण म अपन बचपन क बात कौन बता रह ह

उ र ndash इस स मरण म ल खका क णा सोबती अपन बचपन क बात बता रह ह | 2 ल खका का ज म कब हआ था उनक उ कतनी ह

उ र ndash ल खका का ज म पछल शता द म हआ था | उनक उ दाद या नानी िजतनी ह | 3 बचपन म उ ह मोज खद य धोन पड़त थ

उ र ndash बचपन म नौकर या नौकरानी स मोज धलवान क मनाह थी इस लए उ ह मोज खद ह धोन पड़त थ |

4 ल खका बचपन म कसी पोशाक पहनती थी

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म ॉक नकर-वाकर कट-लहग तथा गरार पहनती थी | उनक अ धकतर कपड़ रग- बरग होत थ |

5 ल खका को बचपन म जत स या तकल फ़ होती थी

उ र ndash ल खका क बचपन क जत अ धक आरामदह नह होत थ | नए जत पहनत ह पर म छाल पड़ जात थ तब जत म ई लगाई जाती थी |

6 शमला और द ल क ब च को कहा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी

उ र ndash शमला और द ल क ब च को वगस और ड वको र तरा क चॉकलट और प मज़ा दती थी |

7 शमला मॉल स या लान क लए ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट लगती थी

उ र ndash ल खका और उनक भाई-बहन क यट शमला मॉल स ाउन- ड लान क लगती थी | 8 ल खका को कस कार च टनट खाना पसद था


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 17: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


उ र ndash च टनट को आग पर भनन क बाद उसक छलक उतार कर खाना ल खका को पसद था| 9 ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद कब और कस खाती थी

उ र - ल खका चॉकलट खर दन क बाद घर लौट कर साइड-बोड पर रख दती | रात म खान क बाद ब तर म लटकर मज़ ल-लकर खाती थी |

10 आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया

उ र - आख क डॉ टर न ल खका को च म क बार म या आ वासन दया क य द व च मा लगाएगी तो नज़र ठ क हो जाएगी और च मा हट जाएगा |

11 हवाई जहाज दखकर ब च को या लगता था

उतर ndash उन दन ब च को हवाई जहाज एक भार -भरकम प ी क तरह लगता था जो पख फलाकर उड़ रहा हो |

12 शमला म ल खका सर पर या लगाती थी

उ र ndash शमला म ल खका सर पर हमाचल टो पया लगाती थी |

पा यगत नो र ndash 1 ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह या- या काम करती थी

उ र - ल खका बचपन म इतवार क सबह अपन मोज धोती थी | फर जत पॉ लश करक उस कपड़ या श स रगड़कर चमकाती थी |

2 lsquoत ह बताऊगी क हमार समय और त हार समय म कतनी दर हो चक हrsquo ndash इस बात क लए ल खका या- या उदहारण दती ह

उ र ndash ल खका अपन समय स आज क समय क दर को दशान क लए कई उदहारण दती ह | उन दन र डओ और टल वजन क जगह ामोफोन होता था | उस समय क क फ़ आज आइस म हो गई ह | कचौड़ी और समोसा अब पट ज़ म बदल गए ह | शहतत फालस और खसखस क शरबत का थान कोक और प सी न ल लया ह | उन दन लमनड और वमटो मलती थी |

3 पाठ स पता करक लखो क ल खका को च मा य लगाना पड़ा च मा लगान पर उनक चचर भाई उ ह या कहकर चढ़ात थ

उ र ndash ल खका बचपन म दन क रोशनी को छोड़कर रात को टबल लप क रोशनी म काम करती थी इस लए उ ह च मा लगाना पड़ा | च मा लगान पर ल खका क चचर भाई उ ह लगर कहकर चढ़ात थ |


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 18: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


4 ल खका अपन बचपन म कौन-कौन सी चीज़ मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी उनम स कछ मख फल क नाम लखो |

उ र ndash ल खका रात म सोत समय चॉकलट मज़ा ल-लकर खाती थी | उ ह च टनट चना-जोर गरम और अनारदान का चण भी बहत पसद था | फल म शमला क ख ट-मीठ काफ़ल रसभर और कसमल उ ह बहत पसद था |

भाषा क बात -

न 1 इस स मरण स कछ याओ को छाटकर लखो और उनस भाववाचक स ा बनाओ |

उतर ndash या भाववाचक स ा

मारना - मार

काटना - काट

हारना - हार

सीखना - सीख

पलटना - पलट

हड़पना - हड़प

मना करना - मनाह

पहनना - पहनावा

लखना - लखाई

बदलना - बदलाव

खीझना - खीझ

चढ़ना - चढ़ाई

गजना - गज

चलना - चाल


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 19: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


गाना - गान

गहराना - गहराई

चमकना - चमक

सोचना - सोच

खर दना - खर द

न 2 नीच लख वा य को पढ़ और उनक सामन वशषण क भद को लख -

(क) मझ दो दज़न कल चा हए | उ र ndash दो दज़न = नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(ख) दो कलो अनाज द दो | उ र ndash दो कलो = नि चत प रमाणवाचक वशषण

(ग) कछ ब च आ रह ह | उ र ndash कछ = अ नि चत स यावाचक वशषण

(घ) त हारा नाम बहत सदर ह | उ र ndash त हारा = सावना मक वशषण

सदर = गणवाचक वशषण

न 3 पाठ म स पाच सावना मक वशषण लख ndash

उ र ndash (क) म त ह अपन बचपन क ओर ल जाऊगी |

(ख) हमारा घर मॉल स यादा दर नह था |

(ग) उन दन ॉक क ऊपर क जब म माल रखन का चलन था |

(घ) मर चहर क ओर दखत और कहत |

(ड) हम ब च इतवार क सबह इसी म इसी म लगात |






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 20: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä






MOTION-If an object changes its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be in motion

REST-If an object does not change its position with time with respect to its surroundings then it is said to be at rest


1 RECTILINEAR MOTION-The motion of an object along a straight path is called rectilinear motion Eg-march-past of soldiersmotion of falling stone etc

2 CIRCULAR MOTION - The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motionEg-Motion of blades of a fan motion of hands of a clock etc

3 PERIODIC MOTION ndashIf an object repeats its motion after a fixed interval of time then its motion is called periodic motionEg-motion of pendulummotion of swing etc

4 ROTATIONAL MOTION ndashIf an object rotates about a fixed axis then its motion is called rotational motionEg-motion of spinning topspinning of earth on its axis etc


To carry people and goods from one place to another is called transportLong ago people did not have any means of transport They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animalsNow different modes of transport are used along different routes

Modes of transport on road-BusTruckTraincar Motorcycles etc

Modes of transport in water-Boat Shipsubmarine etc

Modes of transport in air-Aeroplane Helicopter etc

MEASUREMENT- The process of comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed standard of same kind is called measurement

The standard fixed for measurement is called unitThe result of a measurement is expressed in two partsone part is a number and the other part is the unit of measurement


Old techniques our ancestors had used hand-span footstepforearm- length(called cubit) etc for measurement of lengthBut these cannot be used as standard units of measurement because there length is not same for all the persons

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 21: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Modern techniques In order to have a uniformity in the measurement lsquoInternational system of of unitsrsquo(SI units) are usedThe SIunit of length is metre(m)Other units of length are mmcmkm etc

Common length measuring devices are Metre scale and Measuring tape




Eg convert 165m in cm and mm

Soln 165m=165times100 cm =16500cm


Precautions to be taken while using a scale

1 The scale should be placed parallel to the side of the object being measured 2 While reading the scale the eye must be placed vertically above the scale mark being read 3 If zero mark is not visible or left end is broken then start from any other mark which is visible

properly Note 1) Measurement of length using metre scale(see article 105 of NCERT Book) 2) Measurement of length of a curved line(see activity 4 of chapter10)

Questions for Practice

1 Give two examples eachof modes of transport used on land water and air 2 What is rectilinear motion Give two examples 3 What is circular motion Give two examples 4 What is periodic motion Give two examples 5 What type of motion is exhibited by following

a) A falling stone b) A girl sitting on a merry-go-round c) The wheel of a bicycle d) A swinging pendulum e) A spinning top

6 Explain why hand-span or foot-step cannot be used as a standard unit of length 7 Write the precautions which should be taken while using a metre scale to measure the

length of an object 8 Convert 1275m to km 9 Convert 225km to m and cm Give two examples where an object undergoes two different

types of motionalso mention the type of motion for each

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 22: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

CLASS ndash VI (2020 ndash 2021)



Pure Substances ndash Substances containing only type one type of constituent

particles are called pure substances Eg Iron copper water etc

Impure substances ndash Substances containing more than one type of constituent

are called impure substances Eg Pond water milk etc

Mixtures ndash substances which contain more than one component mixed in any

ratio are called mixtures eg Air

Need for separation ndash we carry out the separation of the components of a

mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes

To remove the unuseful or harmful component

To obtain the useful component

To remove impurities for getting a pure sample

Methods of separation

a Handpicking

b Winnowing

c Sieving

d Sedimentation

e Decantation

f Filtration

g Evaporation

a Handpicking ndash This method is used for separation of small particles of dirt

stone husk etc

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 23: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

b Winnowing ndash It can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a

mixture eg to separate husk from grain with the help of air

c Sieving ndash If the components of a mixture are of different sizes they can be

separated by sieving Eg Separation of wheat bran from flour

d Sedimentation ndash The process of separating insoluble solids suspended in a

liquid by allowing them to settle down is called sedimentation

e Decantation ndash The process of pouring out the clear upper liquid without

disturbing the sediments is called decantation Eg A mixture of sad and water

can be separated by sedimentation are decantation

f Filtration ndash It is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the

mixture through a filter paper Eg We filtration out the tea leaves using a


g Evaporation ndash It is the process of removing water from a mixture either by

heating or flame or direct sunlight Eg salt from sea water is obtained by this


Problems for self assessment

1 When is handpicking used

2 What is threshing How is it done

3 Which type of separation is used in cashew nut factories

4 Give one example of sieving used in everyday life

5 Name some materials that are used as filters

6 Name the process is used to separate bacteria from water

7 What is decantation

8 Name the process of separating two immiscible liquids

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 24: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

9 What is drawback of evaporation

10 Name the process to obtain salt from seawater

11 Which type of mixtures are separated by evaporation

12 How will you separate pure water from a solution of salt in water

13 Write opposite process of condensation

14 _____________ is used to separate husk from wheat

15 Mixture may be solid liquid or ____________

16 Seperation of components is done to obtain a _____________

17 Components retain their properties in a _______________

18 Butter is a component of ___________________

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 25: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


Class-6 (Science Notes) (Chapter-4) Sorting Materials into Groups

Materials The matter of which an object is made is called materials Eg Glass Steel wood etc Classifications The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification Basics of grouping We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties General properties of material

1 Appearance Shine (Luster) roughness(non-lustrous) All metals are lustrous some are more and some are less Wood rubber or a piece of rock is non-lustrous

2 Hardness- Hard and Soft Rocks iron and many metals are hard Hard materials may be

A) Brittle which break into smaller pieces or are powdered when hammered Eg- Rock glass salt etc

B) Malieable which spread into sheets when beaten Metals are malieable

C) Ductile They can be drawn into thin and long wires metals are ductile Materials like wood rubber are fibres are soft

3 Through Visibility- A) Transparent- Materials through which things can be seen are called

transparent Eg-Glass water air etc B) Translucent- Materials through which things are only partially visible

are called translucent Eg- old glass door etc C) Opaque- Materials through which we are not able to see are called

opaque Eg- Wood Iron Gold Etc 4 Solubility

A) Soluble Substances- Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances B) Insoluble Substances- Substances which do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances C) Miscible- Those liquids which mix well with water are said to be miscible

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 26: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom


D) Immiscible-Substances which do not mix well with water are called immiscible

5) Buoyancy- Some materials float in water while others sink Materials like sand sugar and salt sink in water Materials like wax oil and wood float in water

Grouping of materials Things made from wood Things made from fibre Things made from metal Things made from glass Things made from plastic Things made from rubber

Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties Things are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties Advantages of Classification

1 Helps in identification of objects 2 Helps in sorting of objects 3 Helps in locating things 4 Make study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than

studying each other separately 5 Helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among objects


1 Materials which sink in water are denser than water 2 Materials which float on water are less denser than water

Need for Classification Classification makes everything easier and rderly for better understanding Summary


Lustrous Non-lustrous

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

Scanned with CamScanner

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 27: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

JAWAHAR VIDYA MANDIR Shyamali Ranchi ndash834002

Affiliation No-3430004 School Code-66230 (Tel 0651-2411221) Email jvmshyamaliyahoocom



Hard Soft


Transparent Translucent Opaque

Problems for self assessment

1 Name five objects which can be made from wood 2 What do you mean by classification 3 What is the need for classification 4 On what basis are the various objects grouped 5 Why do we need the grouping of objects 6 How does the grouping of objects help the shopkeeper 7 Name the various materials from which following things can be made

Shoes Chair Coins Utensils and Cloths 8 Why is water important for our body 9 List five each opaque and transparent materials 10 List five objects that are made from an opaque material

Multiple choice questions 11 Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water a) Chalk powder b) Tea leaves c) Glucose d) Saw dust 12 Which of the following materials is not lustrous a) Gold b) Silver c) Wood d) Diamond 13 Find the odd one out from the following a) Tawa b) Spade c) Pressure cooker d) Eraser 14 Describe an experiment to show that plam is translucent 15 Name two gases which is insoluble in water 16 Name two materials that float on kerosene 17 Name three objects made from the wood 18 Why are grouping of the objects is helpful



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 28: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä



CHAPTER- Food Where does it come from

Food Substances which we eat that gives us energy to do work for growth and repair of our body amp to fight diseases are called food Ingredients Materials needed to prepare a food item are called ingredients Eg Food item Ingredients Dal Pulseswater oilgheespices Sources of food are

Animal sources like milk egg meat chicken fish etc Plant sources include fruits vegetables cereals etc

Parts of the plant which are eaten as food are called Edible parts Plant parts used as food Example Root Turnip Carrot Radish Beetroot etc Stem Potato Ginger Turmeric Leaves Spinach Drumstick Mustard Cabbage

etc Flower Drumstick Pumpkin Cauliflower

Banana etc

Fruit Brinjal Tomato Watermelon Drumstick Banana Lemon etc

Seeds Rice Wheat Pulses Mustard etc

Nectar Sweet juices of flowers collected by Honey bees that are converted into honey is called nectar Honey is also used as food source Sprouts Seeds like Moong amp Gram when soaked in water for a day and kept moist produces thin white roots These are germinated seeds called sprouts used as food They are highly nutritious Animals are classified into three types based on feeding habit

Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores eg Deer Goat etc Carnivore Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores Eg Lion Tiger etc Omnivore Animals which eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores Eg Human beings Bear etc

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 29: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Assignment Questions Q1Define ingredients Name the ingredients and sources for the following food items (i) Kheer (ii) Idli (iii) Chicken curry Q2 Name 5 plants having two or more edible parts Mention the plant parts used as food Q3 Differentiate between - (i) Herbivore and Carnivore (ii) Carnivore and Omnivore Q4 Classify the following organism as herbivore Carnivore and Omnivore Buffalo Cat Lion Tiger Spider House Lizard Cow Human Beings Butterfly and Crow Q5 Classify the following ingredients of food as plant source or animal source Milk Grain Banana Cabbage Meat Egg Rice and Wheat Q6 Make a list of 5 food items their ingredients and plants parts which gives those ingredients (Table 14 NCERT) Q7 What are sprouts Give example of seeds used to make sprouts Q8 Mention a food item that can be processed from sprouts Write its ingredients and also sources of ingredients Q9 Prepare a list of 5 food items from different parts of India Write their ingredients and sources of ingredients DrawPaste pictures of those food items also

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 30: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

CHAPTER- Components of Food

Nutrients Components of food which provides energy helps in growth amprepair of body and fight diseases are called nutrients Major nutrients are-

Carbohydrate ndash provides energy Food source of carbohydrate are- Potato sugarcane rice wheat mango papaya etc Protein ndash Body building amp helps in growth Plant sources of protein are ndash Gram Beans Soyabean Peas etc Animal sources of protein are ndash Meat Egg Fish Paneer etc Fats - provides energy Plant sources of fat are ndash Mustard oil Soyabean oil Almonds Groundnut Sunflower oil etc Animal sources of fat are ndash Meat Ghee Milk Fish Butter etc Vitamins and mineral ndash Fight diseases Vitamins are of different kinds ndash Vitamin A B C D E amp K Vitamin A ndash Keeps skin and eyes healthy Vitamin C ndash Fight diseases Vitamin D ndash Helps body to use calcium for healthy bones and teeth Minerals ndash Required for our body include Iodine Phosphorus Calcium Iron etc

Dietary Fibers are also known as roughage Roughage does not provide nutrients but add bulk to our food It helps to get rid of undigested food Whole grains pulses potatoes fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of roughage

Water is essential component of food It helps to absorb nutrients form food It also helps in throwing out waste from our body Test for starch - Experiment

Take a small amount of raw potato Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution The colour changes to blue-black

Conclusion The blue-black colour indicates that the food material contains starch

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 31: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Test for protein - Experiment

Take a small amount of pulses and powder it Put the material in the test-tube add ten drops of water and shake it well Add two drops of copper sulphate solution and ten drops of caustic soda solution Shake the test-tube and observe the change in colour The colour changes to violet

Conclusion Violet colour indicates the presence of protein in the given food sample

Test for fat -


Take a small quantity of groundnut in a piece of paper Wrap the groundnut in a paper and crush it Observe the paper against light

Conclusion The oily patch on the paper shows the presence of fat in the given food item

Balanced diet The diet which contains all the nutrients in adequate amount along with roughage and water is called a balanced diet Deficiency disease Disease that occur due to lack of a nutrients over a long period of time are called deficiency diseases Kwashiorkar Deficiency disease caused due to lack of protein in the diet for a long period of time Marasmus Deficiency desease caused due to lack of carbohydrate and protein for a long period of time Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitaminsMinerals Name of nutrient Disease caused due to lack of it Vitamin A Loss of vision Night Blindness Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Vitamin C Scurvy Vitamin D Rickets Calcium Bone amp Tooth Decay Iodine Goiter Iron Anaemia

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 32: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Assignment Questions

Chapter ndash Components of food

Q1 Fill in the blanks

a) ______ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D

b) Egg yolk is rich in ______ and egg albumin is rich in ______

c) Eating too much of fat rich food causes _______

d) _______ is body building food

e) Rice is rich in _______

Q2 What are nutrients

Q3 What is balanced diet

Q4 What is the importance of dietary fibres in our body

Q5 What is the function of protein in our body

Q6 Name the chemical used to test the presence of protein in food item

Q7 Mention the deficiency disease caused due to lack of

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Iron

Q8 How will you test the presence of starch in food item

Q9 Write the symptoms of the following diseases

a) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Beri-Beri

Q10 Mention any two sources of the following

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

Q11 Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine Suggest a method to prevent it

Q12 What are Vitamins Give example

Q13 ldquoWater does not provide nutrients yet it is an important component of foodrdquo Explain


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 33: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


CHAPTER 4In the Earliest CitiesSUMMARY

Eighty years ago archaeologists found the city of Harappa They also found other cities in itssurroundings areas where similar kinds of buildings and other things were used These cities were thus called Harappan cities

The discovery of the Harappan cities led to the realization among archeologists and historians that Harappa was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent The Harappan cities developed around 4700 years ago An important feature of these cities was their division into two or more parts Usually the part to the west was smaller size It was built on a higher level and was described as the citadel The part to the east was usually larger It was built at a lower level and thus was called the lower town The walls around the citadel and the lower town were made with baked bricks These bricks were laid in an interlocking pattern to make the walls strong Some cities had special buildings The Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro was a special tank which was probably used for people to take a dip in it on special occasions In Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been excavated These fire altars may have been used for sacrifices Some Harappan cities like Mohenjodaro Harappa and Lothal had elaborate houses These were single or two-storeyed houses with rooms built around a courtyard Drains in houses were mostly connected to those on the streets Smaller drains laid to bigger These drains were covered and they had holes at intervals so that they could be cleaned Scholars believe that the Harappan cities probably had rulers scribes and craftsperson The rulers might have sent people to distant lands to trade

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 34: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Scribes the only people who knew to write prepared seals and other materials which have not survived The Harappan seals give us evidence of the earliest form of writing in the subcontinent Many objects such as toys statues and jewellery have been excavated at the Harappan cities Craftspeople either worked in their homes or in special workshops Archaeologists have found objects made of stone shell and metal like copper bronze gold and silver Copper and bronze were used to make tools ornaments and vessels Archaeologists have also found evidence of cotton production in the Harappan cities Perhaps the most striking things found in the Harappan cities are seals beads weights and blades The Harappans also made pots with beautiful black designs Raw materials required by the Harappans were available locally Sometimes they were also procured from distance places like Rajasthan Oman present-day West Asia Karnataka Gujarat Iran and Afghanistan People living in the countryside grew crops and reared animals These farmers and herders supplied food to people in the cities Plough was used to dig the earth and plants seeds And some form of irrigation was also used for In the Harappan city of Dholavira archaeologists have found that the city was divided into three parts There was also an open area where public ceremonies could be held Lothal was located near areas from where raw materials such as semi-precious stones could easily be brought Hence Lothal was an important center for making stones shell and metal objects Around 3900 years ago the Harappan cities slowly declined The exact reasons for their decline are not known Some historians give reasons like the drying up of riverswhile others believe floods might have caused damage to some cities The rulers of Harappan cities could have lost control over their areas Most of the people moved to the smaller settlements in the east and the south


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 35: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


CHAPTER 3What is GovernmentSUMMARY

The government in a country has several functions It makes decisions regarding matters such as construction of roads regulation of prices social issues the countryrsquos defence etc It handles social issues by running and implementingprogrammes to help the poor and distributing resources for the welfare of people It also ensures that everyone has enough to eat and access to good health facilities It protects the countryrsquos boundaries as well as maintains peace within the country The government in India works at three levels ndashthe local level the state level and the national level Governments do this by making laws for everyone in the country If people feel that a law is not being followed they can approach the court for a resolution There are different types of governments in the world Some of the prominent ones are democracies and monarchies In a democracy people elect their representatives These representatives formthe government In democracies the government is answerable to the peoplemdashit has to explain and defend its decision to the people In a monarchy the government is run by the monarch (a king or a queen) Monarchs are not accountable to the people for their decisions Democratic government today are usually representative democracies where people do not participate directly in governance Instead they elect representatives who act on the behalf of the people to make decisions and laws Universal adult franchise is an important part of a democracy It means all adults have the right to vote In India we have universal adult franchise For a long time women and the poorer sections of society in several parts of the world did not have the right to vote They had to fight for a long time fortheir chance to participate in elections even in the USA and several European countries These separate movements together are called the womenrsquos suffrage movement The term suffrage means the right to vote American women starting voting in 1920 Women in the UK got to vote on the same terms as men only from 1928 onwards India is a democratic country After a long struggle for independence India attained freedom from British rule and set up a democratic form of government



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 36: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä



1) What were the probable causes which could have brought an end to the Harappan civilization

2) Explain briefly the features of ndash a) The Great Bath and b) The drainage system

3) Write a short note on the following-

a) Dholavira b) Lothal

4) What are some of the striking features of the houses of Harappan

cities What do you understand by the term citadel and lower town

5) Who were the scribes How do we know that the Harappans used cloth

6) Discuss the three different levels of government in India

7) What is a democracy What do you understand by representative democracy

8) List any four important functions of a government

9) Write any three differences between monarchy and democracy

10)What is suffrage movement When did women get the right to vote in the USA and UK




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 37: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä




The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects- some are bright others dim They are called STARS

1 STARS - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot They are made up of gases They have their own heat and light which they emit in large amounts These celestial bodies are called STARS Example- The Sun is a star The twinkling stars look so tiny because they are very-very far from us

Q1 What are STARS

Q2 Why do the twinkling stars look so tiny

2 THE MOON- The moon appears at different times in different shapes and at different positions We can see the full moon only once in about a monthrsquos time It is FULL MOON NIGHT or PURNIMA A fortnight later we cannot see it at all Itrsquos a NEW MOON NIGHT or AMAVASYA We canrsquot see the moon and all those bright tiny objects during day time because the very bright light of the sun does not allow us to see all these bright objects of the night sky

Q3What are the two phases of the moon

Q4Why canrsquot we see the moon and all those bright objects during day time

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 38: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

3 CELESTIAL BODIES- The Sun The Moon amp all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies


4 CONSTELLATIONS- The various patterns formed by different group of stars are called Constellations Example- A) URSA MAJOR or BIG BEAR B) SMALL BEAR or SAPTARISHI (Sapta-seven Rishi-sages It is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of Ursa Major Constellation)

Q6 What are constellations Give an example

5 POLE STAR- The North Star indicates the North direction Itrsquos also called The Pole Star It always remains in the same position in the sky Therefore in ancient times people used it to determine directions during the night

Q7 What is Pole Star or North Star

6 PLANETS INTRODUCTION- Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light They are lit by the light of the stars Such bodies are called Planets The planets revolve around the Sun Example- Earth The word `Planetrsquo comes from the Greek word ldquoPlanetairdquo which means `wanderersrsquo The Earth on which we live is a planet that gets all its heat and light from the sun which is our nearest star

Q8What are Planets

7 THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The Sun Eight Planets Satellites and some other Celestial bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form The Solar System

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 39: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

We often call it a Solar Family with The Sun as its HEAD

Q9 Define the Solar System

8 THE SUN- It is in the centre of the solar system It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system It is about 150 million kilometres away from The Earth

Q10 Write a short note on THE HEAD OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM

9 PLANETS- There are 8 Planets in our Solar System In order of their distance from the sun they are-Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune MERCURY-It is nearest to the sun It takes about 88 days to complete 1 round around its orbit VENUS- It is considered as ldquoEarthrsquos twinrdquo because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the Earth JUPITER SATURN amp URANUS- They have rings around them These are belts of small debris that can be seen from the Earth with the help of powerful telescope PLUTO- It was also considered a planet till August 2006 Like other celestial bodies (Ceres 2003UB 313) discovered in recent past Pluto may be called ldquoDWARF PLANETSrdquo

Q11 Name the eight planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun

Q12 Name the nearest amp the farthest planet from the sun

Q13 Which planet is known as EARTHrsquoS TWIN and why

Q14 In which year we considered Pluto as a ldquoDwarf Planetrdquo Name some dwarf planets other than Pluto

Q15 Name the 3rd nearest planet from the sun

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 40: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Q16 Name 3 planets that have rings around them

10 ORBITS- All the 8 planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths These paths are elongated and are called Orbits

Q17 What are Orbits

11 THE EARTH- The Earth is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun Itrsquos the 5th largest planet in size The shape of the Earth is Geoid It is slightly flattened at the poles Geoid means `Earth like shapersquo Conditions favourable to support life which are probably found only on the Earth- A) The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold B) It has water amp air which are very essential for our survival C) The air has life supporting gases like oxygen

Because of these reasons Earth is a UNIQUE planet in the Solar System

From the outer space The Earth appears blue because its 23rd

surface is covered by water It is therefore called `The Bluersquo planet

Q18 What is the shape of the Earth

Q19 Why is Earth called a unique planet

Q20 Why Earth is considered a blue planet

12 SATELLITE- A Satellite is a celestial body that moves around the planets in the same way as the planets move around the Sun There are 2 types- Natural amp Human-made or Artificial


The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 41: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Its diameter is only 14th of that of the Earth It appears so big because it is near to our planet than other celestial bodies It is about 384400 kilometres away from us The Moon moves around The Earth in about 27 days It takes exactly the same time to complete one spin As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the Earth The Moon does not have conditions favourable for life It has neither water nor air It has mountains plains and depressions that cast shadows on its surface We can see the shadows on Full Moon night NEIL ARMSTRONG was the 1st man to land on the surface of the moon on 21st JULY 1969


It is an artificial body designed by the scientist to gather information about the universe or for communication It is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around The Earth Some of the Indian satellites in space are ndash INSAT IRS EDUSAT etc

Q21 Define Satellite Name the natural satellite of The Earth

Q22Why do we see only one side of the moon always

Q23 What is Human made satellite Give an example

13 ASTEROIDS- Apart from the stars planets and satellites there are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter These bodies are called Asteroids

Q24 What are Asteroids

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 42: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

14 METEOROIDS- The small pieces of rocks which move around the Sun are called Meteoroids Sometimes these Meteoroids come near the Earth and tend to drop upon it During this process due to friction with the air they get heated up and burn It causes a flash of light

Q25 Define Meteoroids

15 GALAXY- It is a huge system of billions of stars amp clouds of dust and gases Our solar system is a part of MILKY WAY GALAXY In ancient India it was imagined to be a river of light flowing in the sky thus it was named `Akash-Gangarsquo

Q26 What is The Galaxy

16 UNIVERSE- There are millions of galaxies that make the universe Research is still going on over how far it extends

Q27 What is The Universe





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 43: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä





1 GLOBE- A Globe is a true model [miniature form] of the earth The word globe comes from the latin word globus meaning sphere Globes may be of varying size and type- big ones which cannot be carried easily whereas small pocket globes and globe like balloons which can be inflated are handy and carried with ease The globe is not fixed It can be rotated On the globe countries continents and oceans are shown in their correct size

Q1 What is a globe

2 EARTHrsquoS AXIS- It is an imaginary line that passes through the North Pole centre amp South Pole of the Earth It is around this line Earth rotates from West to East direction or anti-clockwise direction

Q2 What is an axis

3 EQUATOR- It is an imaginary line running on the globe which divides it into 2 equal parts The Northern half of the Earth is called Northern Hemisphere and the Southern half is called Southern Hemisphere Therefore the equator is an imaginary circular line and is a very important reference point and to locate places on the earth

Q3 What is an equator

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 44: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

4 PARALLELS OF LATITUDES- AII parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called Parallels of latitudes Latitudes are measured in degrees The equator represents the Zero degree latitude Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the Earth It will measure 14th of 360 degrees ie 90degThus 90deg north latitude marks the North Pole amp 90deg south latitude marks the South Pole AII parallels north of the equator are called North Latitudes and all parallels south of the equator are called South latitudes The value of each latitude is followed by either the word north or south which is indicated by the letter `Nrsquo or `Srsquo As we move away from the equator the size of the parallels of latitude decreases

Q4 What are Parallels of Latitudes


Besides the equator(0deg) the North Pole(90deg) amp the South Pole (90deg) there are 4 important parallels of latitudes- A TROPIC OF CANCER (23 12deg N)IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE B TROPIC OF CAPRICORN(2312deg S)IN THE SOUTHERN


Q5Name the important parallels of latitudes

6 HEAT ZONES OF THE EARTH- Torrid Zone-The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn This area therefore receives the maximum heat amp is called THE TORRID ZONE Temperate Zones- The mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of cancer amp the Tropic of Capricorn The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles As such the areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer amp

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 45: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn amp the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures Therefore these are called TEMPERATE ZONES Frigid Zones(Very Cold)-Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere are very cold It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon Therefore its rays are always slanting and provide less heat These are therefore called FRIGID ZONES

Q6What are the three Heat Zones of the Earth Explain them

Q7 Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat

7 LONGITUDES- They are the lines of references running from the North Pole to the South Pole These lines of references are called the Meridians of Longitude and the distances between them are measured in degrees of longitudes Each degree is further divided into minutes and minutes into seconds They are semi-circles and the distance between them decreases steadily polewards until it becomes zero at the poles where all the meridians meet

Q8 What are the Meridians of Longitudes

Q9 Differentiate between parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes

8 PRIME MERIDIAN- All the meridians are of equal length making it difficult to number them Hence all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed through Greenwich where the British Royal Observatory is located This meridian is called the PRIME MERIDIAN Its value is 0deg longitude amp from it we count 180deg eastward as well as westward The Prime Meridian amp 180deg meridian divides the Earth into two equal halves- Eastern amp Western Hemisphere Longitude of a place is followed by the letter E for the east amp W for the west

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

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Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 46: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Q10What is Prime Meridian

9 GRID- It is a network of parallels of latitudes amp meridians of longitudes It can be used to locate any point on the globe if we know the specific latitude amp longitude

Q11 What is a Grid

10 LONGITUDE amp TIME- The best means of measuring time is by the movement of the Earth moon amp the planets The local time can be measured by the shadow cast by the Sun which is the shortest at noon amp longest at sunrise and sunset When the Prime Meridian of Greenwich has the sun at the highest point in the sky all the places along this meridian will have mid-day or noon As the Earth rotates from West to East those places East of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time amp those to the West will be behind it The rate of difference can be calculated as follows- The Earth rotates 360deg in about 24 hours which means 15deg an hour or 1deg in 4 minutes Thus when it is 12 noon at Greenwich the time at 15deg East of Greenwich will be 15x4=60 minutes ie 1 hour ahead of Greenwich time which means 1pm But at 15deg West of Greenwich the time will be behind Greenwich time by 1 hour ie it will be 11am Similarly at 180deg it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich The Earth has been divided into 24 time zones of 1 hour each Each zone thus covers 15deg of longitude

Q12 What is local time

Q13 In how many time zones our Earth has been divided

11 STANDARD TIME IN INDIA amp OTHER COUNTRIES- The local time of places which are on different meridians are bound to differ In India for instance there will be a difference of about 1 hour amp 45 minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat amp Dibrugarh in Assam It is therefore necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time of the country

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 47: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

In India the longitude of 8212deg East (82deg 30rsquo E) is treated as the standard meridian The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country It is known as the INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) Some countries have a great longitudinal extent amp so they have adopted more than one standard time Example- In Russia there are 11 standard times

Q14 Why do we have Standard time in India

Q15 The local time of which meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country India

Q16 What is the time difference between India amp England

ANS- India located East of Greenwich at 82deg 30rsquo E is 5 hours 30minutes ahead of GMT So it will be 730pm in India when it is 200pm noon in London

Q17 How many standard times have been selected by Russia amp why

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 48: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 49: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Scanned with CamScanner


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 50: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


Class- VI

Subject- Fine Art Painting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRICAL DESIGN ----- 1 Black amp White Design 2 Colorful Design Complete both the design in your drawing copy or any white page



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 51: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä



Chapter- 1- Computer amp Its Language

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 52: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Types of ComputerWith the advancement in technology various types of computers are developedfor organizations and individuals serving different needs and purposesComputers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed storagecapacity areas of application etcComputers are broadly categorized into1 Supercomputer2 Mainframe computer3 Microcomputer4 Minicomputer5 Mobile6 Console Game7 Embedded computer

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 53: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

1 Supercomputer- Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage

capacity It has multiple processors A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a

second It has higher establishment cost than other computers Example of Indian Supercomputers-PARAM 2000 ANURAG Super computers are used in highly sophisticated areas such as

Meteorology space research weather forecasting aerodynamics etc

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 54: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

2 Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of

supporting thousands of users simultaneously It has very high storage capacity They are very expensive They are sensitive to variation in temperature dust etc Example- IBM 4381 CDC cyber-series etc Used to link nation wide networks through satellites In advanced

scientific researches nuclear studies in banks government departmentetc

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 55: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

3 Minicomputer- A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a

time It has a large memory high storage capacity amp higher

computing power than microcomputer It is capable of supporting 200 users simultaneously Example- HCL Magnum VAX 7500 etc Used for data processing and research work computer aided

designs Industrial applications In engineering firms andcolleges

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 56: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

4 Micro computer- A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user It is a small size computer that has a microprocessor chip ie CPU It is also known as lsquoPersonal computerrsquo or lsquoDesktop Computerrsquo as

they are designed to be used by individual users Operating Systems like DOS MS Windows LINUX MAC OS are

used in this type of computer Example- IBM PC 100200 Apple Macintosh etc Used at home school offices cyber cafes etc

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 57: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

5 Mobile- Mobile is a mini hand-held portable amp wireless telecom device We

use mobile phone to make voice call send amp receive SMS MMSEmail and to use internet services

6 Console Game- Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games

with the help of keyboard amp Joystick that is displayed on a TV orMonitor

Example-Xbox Play station series etc7 Embedded computer- An embedded computer is a combination of computer amp other

devices which is meant for dedicated work Used in ATMs Washing Machine Microwave oven etc

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 58: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Data Processing in ComputerComputer is made up of several electronic components that functiontogether as per the set of instructions to provide result Computer works inthree steps-

Input Process Output User provides input to computer using input devices like Keyboard

Mouse Joystick etc Input means the feeding of raw data into thecomputer

Processing is the manipulation of data It includes calculationcomparison etc Processing is done in CPU which is also known aslsquoBrain of Computerrsquo

Output is desired information or result that is received from thecomputer after the processing of raw data Monitor Projector amp ScreenPrinter etc are the example of output devices

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 59: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Data Processing in computerTo perform different functioning CPU constitutes-Arithmetic Logic Unit- It performs arithmetical calculation (like-Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division) and also does logicalcomparisons (equal to not equal to less than greater than)Memory Unit- It store data instruction intermediate result and finalresults which are ready for outputControl Unit- It control all the hardware devices It also co-ordinates theflow and execution of the data and instruction that are fed into thecomputerrsquos memory

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 60: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Computer Language We have learnt that a computer processes the raw data to produce a

meaningful information But a computer does not work by itself The execution of any task takes place inside the computer through pre-

defined set of commands and instructions called lsquoProgramrsquo A program is a set of instructions or commands which are written in a

computer language to accomplish a task These instructions andcommands tell the computer what to do and how

Computer does all its task in its own language known as MachineLanguage

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 61: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Generations of languageFirst Generation Language- The first generation of programminglanguage made use of machine language The machine language consistsof 0s and 1s only It is also known as Binary language It is also known asLow level language It is the language that is understood directly by thecomputer but it is difficult for programmers to understand learn and writeinstruction in this language

Second Generation Language- It comprises of assembly language Theassembly language uses symbolic codes to write any instruction The useof symbolic codes made programming a bit simpler

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 62: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Computer Language

Third Generation Language- In this generation High Level Languageslike QBASICCC++ were developed In HLL we can write the codes ofprograms in simple language like English under itrsquos own syntaxComputercanrsquot understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine Language insidethe computer

Fourth Generation Language- They are modern high level languagesWhile working in this generation the user needs to only focus on outputrather than the steps to achieve the outputReport Builder is one of the most common example of 4th GenerationLanguage

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 63: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä

Types of Language ProcessorLanguage processor is a software that converts programs written in highlevel language into machine level language It is also known as languagetranslatorSome commonly used language translators are- Assembler- An assembler is a language processor that converts

instructions written in assembly language into machine level languageeg Assembly language

Interpreter- An interpreter converts the program written in High LevelLanguage into machine level language line by lineegQBASICPython

Compiler- A compiler converts the whole program written in any highlevel language into machine language and checks the whole programfrom beginning to end at one goeg-C++java


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise
Page 64: Jawahar Vidya M Class 6 english · 2020-04-19 · Chapter 1. A Tale of two Birds. Summary: s ä á ä t ä ä ä


A Identify the Computer-

a) We use this computer at home________________

b) We use this computer in space research weather forecasting ___________

c) We use this computer in banks or government departments ____________

d) We use this computer in engineering firms and colleges ______________

B Collect Draw one picture of each-

(a) Supercomputer (b) Microcomputer (c) Mainframe computer (d) Embedded computer

C Define- (a) Program (b) Binary Language (c) Machine Language (d) Translator

D Write example of

(a) Input Device (b) Output Device (c) High Level Language

  • ADPB24Atmp
    • Class VISubject Computer SCIENCE
    • Types of Computer
    • Slide Number 3
    • Slide Number 4
    • Slide Number 5
    • Slide Number 6
    • Slide Number 7
    • Data Processing in Computer
    • Data Processing in computer
    • Computer Language
    • Generations of language
    • Computer Language
    • Types of Language Processor
    • Exercise