Jason Ferruggia - The Busy Trap


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Transcript of Jason Ferruggia - The Busy Trap

Page 1: Jason Ferruggia - The Busy Trap

We keep ourselves eternally busy by checking email and Facebook, obsessively over-measuring and over-analyzing everything, second-guessing, waiting for perfect, asking too many opinions and essentially "working" round the clock while getting very little done. 

We all fall victim to it. 

It crippled me for years. 

While getting caught in the busy trap is horrible for your productivity at work, it can also ruin your social life.

Because you keep yourself constantly "busy" by doing inconsequential nonsense you actually "don't" have the time to do the things you want to do. 

For years I had this mindset because I was caught in the busy trap. 

I'd love to learn the guitar but I don't have time. 

I'd love to get out and do more adventure sports but I don't have time. 

I'd love to meet my friends for dinner more often but I don't have time. 


Who am I the freaking president?

I can't make dinner with a friend because I'm too busy?! 


It makes me sick to think that this is how I lived not too long ago. 

How much time do you need to make to do things that are important to you? And why don't you have the time?

Somehow Nick Cannon and Ryan Seacrest collectively host about three billion different shows between them. 

They have the same 24 hours in a day as we all do. 

I met a friend for dinner recently and talked about why our other buddy couldn't be there. 

He was stuck in the busy trap and thought that by skipping out on the meal he'd get more done.

Been there and done that plenty of times so I get the mindset.

How can you commit to dinner next Tuesday night with your buddies when you don't know what types of work emergencies will come up?

Page 2: Jason Ferruggia - The Busy Trap

Your buddies will always be there. 

Until they're not. 

Just like your hobbies. 

You'll always regret not taking those windsurfing or piano lessons. 

You'll never regret spending those extra six hours at work each day. 

So how do you break free?

Accept the fact that most people who work an 8-12 hour day only get about four hours of productive work done. 

Tim Ferris addressed this in The 4 Hour Work Week. Read it. 

Then start to batch tasks and use timers to increase your productivity. Set your three most important tasks each morning and don't get distracted until they've been completed. 

Stop the obsessive checking in and measuring. Limit email. 

Like Seth Godin says, set your ship date then ship, no matter what. 

Delegate and outsource what you can. Even the small things. 

Like writing your own workouts. That's a waste of time. 

Outsource that to a seasoned professional. 

That's what thousands of successful people do as members of The Renegade Inner Circle. 

That way there's no second-guessing and obsessing over it. 

You get brand new, expertly written training programs each month and it frees up more of your day to live the life you want. 

I don't know about you, but like Freddie Mercury, "I want to break free."

Jason Ferruggia
