January 2013 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO

  Just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body,  so it is with Christ.   1 Corinthians 12:12 During worship on Sunday, De- cember 3, Senior Warden Bob Cham-  plin presented Tony and me with a card, signed by parishioners, and an extremely g enerous check as a gift. Bob Champlin told Tony that he was giving the check to Tony, so that I couldn’t take it, deposit it in the Vicar’s discretionary account, and use it for those in need in the community of Eureka. (What can I say ? You know me well.) I treasure serving as the Vicar of this beloved pie ce of God’s kingdom. Daily as I pray f or each parishioner of St. F ran- cis’ I picture each of you in my mind, pouring love upon you and asking God’s blessing on you. And that is easy to do: You are easy to love. I feel blessed to b e with you. Thank you for y our generosity. Thank you for calling me to ser ve among you. Thank you for y our dedication to St. Francis’ Church. Thank you for being Christ to t he world.  I look forward to our being with one another and inviting others to come and see what God is up to at St. Francis’ in 2013.  Pastor Sally †  Holy Eucharist Sunday service is at 10 a.m. at 616 Stockell Drive, Eureka, MO. Office: 210 S. C entral Avenue , Eureka, MO 63025 Phone: 636-938-3733 Website: www. St.FrancisEureka. com Vicar The Rev. Sally S. Weaver Phone No.s: Cell: 314-651-3836 Home: 636-938-7773 Bishop’s Committee: Bob Cham-  plin, Sr. Warden, Paddy Wrob, Jr. War- den; Kathleen McDonald, Clerk; Mi- chael Booker; Richard Mayfield; Cassie Eckhardt; Barb Sacco; Steve Strathearn; Jack Lauless; Judy Cody Suzanne Jones, Treasurer. Annual Meeting An Annual Meeting is held each year at the end of January at which new Bishop’s Committee and Convention Delegates are elected. St. Francis’ Episcopal Church is a mis- sion of the Episcopal Diocese of Mis- souri. The Chalice is the newsletter of St. Francis’ Episcopal Church, Eureka, and is published at least 10 times per year. Submissions for The Chalice are due approximately the 20th of each month and may be e-mailed to the Office  at  stfranch@sbcglobal. net.  The Chalice St. Francis’ Episcopal Church Eureka MO January 2013 Pastor’s Corner 

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 Just as the body is one and hasmany members, and all the members of 

the body, though many, are one body,

 so it is with Christ. –  1 Corinthians 12:12 

During worship on Sunday, De-

cember 3, Senior Warden Bob Cham-

 plin presented Tony and me with a card, signed by parishioners,

and an extremely generous check as a gift. Bob Champlin told

Tony that he was giving the check to Tony, so that I couldn’t take

it, deposit it in the Vicar’s discretionary account, and use it for those in need in the community of Eureka. (What can I say? You

know me well.)

I treasure serving as the Vicar of this beloved piece of 

God’s kingdom. Daily as I pray for each parishioner of St. Fran-

cis’ I picture each of you in my mind, pouring love upon you and

asking God’s blessing on you. And that is easy to do: You are

easy to love. I feel blessed to be with you.

Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for calling

me to serve among you. Thank you for your dedication to St.Francis’ Church. Thank you for being Christ to the world. 

I look forward to our being with one another and inviting

others to come and see what God is up to at St. Francis’ in 2013. 

Pastor Sally †  

Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m. at 616

Stockell Drive, Eureka, MO.

Office: 210 S. Central Avenue, Eureka,

MO 63025

Phone: 636-938-3733

Website: www.St.FrancisEureka.com


The Rev. Sally S. Weaver 

Phone No.s:

C e l l : 3 1 4 - 6 5 1 - 3 8 3 6

Home: 636-938-7773

Bishop’s Committee: Bob Cham-

 plin, Sr. Warden, Paddy Wrob, Jr. War-

den; Kathleen McDonald, Clerk; Mi-chael Booker; Richard Mayfield; Cassie

Eckhardt; Barb Sacco; Steve Strathearn;

Jack Lauless; Judy Cody

Suzanne Jones, Treasurer.

Annual Meeting

An Annual Meeting is held each year at

the end of January at which new

Bishop’s Committee and Convention

Delegates are elected.

St. Francis’ Episcopal Church is a mis-

sion of the Episcopal Diocese of Mis-


The Chalice is the newsletter of St.

Francis’ Episcopal Church, Eureka, and

is published at least 10 times per year.

Submissions for The Chalice are

due approximately the 20th of each

month and may be

e-mailed to the Office at [email protected]

The ChaliceSt. Francis’ Episcopal Church 

Eureka MO

J a n u a r y 2 0 1 3

Pastor’s Corner 

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In this Issue

Adult Forum Calendar, p 3;

Annual Meeting, p 9;

Attendance Statistics, p 10 & 17;

Birthdays/Anniversaries, p 6;

Bishop’s Committee Highlights, p 13; 

Bishop’s Letter, p 7; 

Book Group, p 4;

Bulletin board, p 18;

Calendar, p 16;

Calendar for Vicar on Line, p 3;

Contacting the Vicar, p 2;

Diocesan convention report, p 8;

Eagle Watching, p 4;

Epiphany — Bless this house, p 11;

Financial Update, p 18;

Greening St. Francis’, p 8; 

Humor, p 10;

Kids Korner, p 14;

LIFE Retreat — Eden, p 12;

On the Trail, p 5;

Pastor’s Corner, p 1; Photo Gallery, p 15;

Prayer for St. Francis’, p 18; 

Prayer list, p 5;

Preparing for Sunday, p 6;

Publishing deadlines, p 2;

Recipe of the Month, p 8;

Spiritual Offerings for the Week, p 6;

Stewardship Thought, p 17;

Thanks…, p 6; 

Worship Schedule, p 17;

Youth Group, p 4.

Contacting Pastor Sally

If you call or e-mail Pastor Sally and she

doesn’t respond, please let her know. The best

number to call is her cell phone: 314-651-3836.

Remember that there’s a middle initial, “S”, in

her e-mail address:

[email protected]

She wants to respond quickly, so please

let her know if that’s not occurring. 

The Vicar’s Calendar is On-line

Pastor Sally’s calendar is on our website,

www.stfranciseureka.com. Select “Calendar,” then“Vicar’s Calendar.” It’s the only calendar Pastor 

Sally uses, so it is complete and up-to-date.

February Chalice, Calendar &

Worship ScheduleThe deadline for the February newsletter, cal-

endar & worship schedule is January 28. Items not

received by that date will not make the publication.

If you have items for any of these publications,

 please send or e-mail to Maxine Heller in the parish

office ([email protected]).

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Here is the schedule of offerings at the Adult Forum on Sundays from 11:40 a.m. to

12:15 p.m. through July 2013. The complete Adult Forum calendar is on our website at

www.stfrancisereka.com —  select “Christian Education/Formation”, “Adults”.

2013January 6 The Tabernacle

January 13 The Second Temple

January 20 Annual meeting

January 27 “Better Angels of Our Nature” 

February 3 Song of Songs

February 10 Evolution Sunday

February 17 What is an Episcopalian?

February 24 Ministry Fair 

March 3 Vicar's Forum

Mar 10 Oxfam World Hunger Banquet

Mar 17 Psalms, Part I

Mar 24 Psalms, Part II

Mar 31 Easter brunch

April 7 Isaiah

April 14 Ezekiel

April 21 AmosApril 28 Minor prophets

May 5 Myers-Briggs

May 12 Deaconess Anne House

May 19 Mass in the Grass

May 26 The Biography of Satan

June 2 Vicar's Forum

June 9 The Coptic Church

June 16 What is marriage?June 23 Today's American Family

June 30 Patriotic Sing-along

July 7 Community Service Ministries

July 14 The Evolution of the New Testament, Part I

July 21 The Evolution of the New Testament, Part II

July 28 The Didache



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Soar with the Eagles 

January’s fun adventure for St. Francis’ is a

day trip to the Visitor’s Center at Clarksville towatch the eagles soar and dip to the river to find fish.

 Now is the time when the beautiful eagles fly down

here to feed for a few weeks when the northern rivers

are frozen over. If you’ve never been, this is an awe-

some experience and one that you’ll want to share

with friends. Rosie Benecke and Sue Schmidt

 planned a day trip that will be fun for all. If ‘fun’ and

‘freezing cold’ don’t go together for you, don’t

worry. We will be watching the eagles soar from an

indoor gallery right on the river at Clarksville.

Rosie and Sue have planned lunch at a very

special restaurant for us first at the nearby Village of 

the Blue Rose. We can carpool and caravan from

Eureka. Sign ups for this wonderful Saturday are

available at coffee hour.

Saturday, January 19th 

10:00 Leave Eureka

Lunch at Blue Rosehttp://www.villagebluerose.org/

Eagle Watch with guide at Clarksville

Optional walk around shops at Clarksville

Return to Eureka by 4:30 or 5:00

St. Francis’ Book Group 

The St. Francis’ Book 

Group is open to everyone and is

held at the Parish house the second

Thursday, every other month from

6:30-8:00 pm.

The next book on our read-

ing list (January 10 meeting) will

 be The Water is Wide by Pat Con-

roy. This autobiographical novel

tells the story of a young and idealistic teacher in

1970 and his experiences on Yamacraw Island.

“The island is nearly deserted, haunting,

beautiful. Across a slip of ocean lies South

Carolina. But for the handful of families on Ya-

macraw island, America is a world away. For 

 years the people here lived proudly from the sea,

but now its waters are not safe. Waste from in-

dustry threatens their very existence – unless,

 somehow, they can learn a new life. But they

will learn nothing without someone to teach

them, and their school has no teacher. Here is

 Pat Conroy’s extraordinary drama based on his

own experience – the true story of a man who

 gave a year of his life to an island and the newlife its people gave him.” (Book Description,


This book has a lot to offer with themes of 

environmentalism, prejudice, religion, education,

family, isolation and maturation and will make for a

great read and lively discussion.

The St. Francis’ Book Group will meet on

January 10th to discuss this book. If you have any

questions, need more information about the book, the

Book Group, or if you have a suggestion for our 

reading list, please contact Kevin Selle. His phone

number is 314-799-8444 or you can reach him via

email at [email protected]  .

 Youth Group Happenings

After worship on Sunday, January 27, the

Youth Group will be providing a meal of soup and bread. One week before the NFL Super Bowl we’ll

have the Youth Group Souper Bowl. We will be

asking for a goodwill offering. The money we col-

lect will be given to Share Our Strength, which fo-

cuses on feeding children in the US who are hungry,

and to Project Peanut Butter, which focuses on feed-

ing African children who are hungry.

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Tom & John Sons of Paddy Wrob

John Father of Kathleen McDonald


Dora Aunt of Michael Weaver 

Rita Mother of Michael Weaver 

Gina, Vernell,


Sam & JanFather & stepmother of Della


Scott Son of Judy Cody

Martha Daughter of Ernie Benecke

Mary Jo Friend of Barb Sacco

Anna Granddaughter of Jim Eckhardt

John Cousin of Paddy Wrob

Linda Mother of Andy Lenzen

Betsy Friend of Kathleen McDonald

Prayer List


Light filters

through the barren limbs

without restriction,

the gaily colored leaves

having long since fallen

to form carpet on

the trail on which

I slowly walk.

Crisp the air 

and pleasant solitude,

a red-trail hawk 

circling overhead

noiselessly seekingout its prey below.

If ever life

can be sublime,

it’s in such moments 

nature offers her release

from cares and stresses.

Breathe it in, this

 pure clean air, it’s free 

and non-miasmic.Clear your lungs,

feel better every

step you take.

Old sorrows heal but

we must let them go,

my pre-planned mission

for today.

 Edward E Kindley

Wildwood, 11-21-12

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 Birthdays in January  

Anne Booker, January 6

Kathleen McDonald, January 24

Della Hosutt, January 30

“Preparing for Sunday” 

The homepage of our website,

www.StFrancisEureka.com, now contains the icon

shown here. Clicking on this icon brings up the Bi-

 ble readings for the upcoming

Sunday. Not only can you readthe Scriptures appointed,

there’s a brief explanation of 

each passage. This is a good

and easy way to prepare for 

what you’ll hear at Sunday

morning worship.

St. Francis’ Spiritual Offerings during

the WeekMondays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the parish house 

(210 S. Central) we gather for prayer. We pray for 

the people of St. Francis’, those who haven’t joined

us yet, those on our prayer list, the needs of our com-

munity, and the world. We close each session at

6:05-6:15 p.m. with New Zealand Night Prayer.

Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays at 10 a.m. at the

Parish House (210 S. Central) we study the Bible

readings appointed for the upcoming Sunday.

Please join us for these meetings whenever 

you can, whether weekly or once in a while. All are


Have we missed an important date

for you or your family? Make sure

the Parish Administrator has all the

important dates for you in the

church records.

From the Eureka Fire Protection District 

Dear Friend and Sponsor,

We deeply appreciate your consideration and

generous contribution. You have helped the Eureka

Fire Protection District provide our annual Firepup,

Fire Safety and Burn Prevention program to our 


….Thanks again, from the Eureka Fire Protection

District, myself, and all those whose lives we touch

with the help of your caring hand.


Shelia Allen Frost, Community Services Provider Eureka Fire Protection District

From St. Martha’s Hall  

To all of our friends at St. Francis’ EpiscopalChurch,

On behalf of the women at St. Martha’s Hall,I would like to thank you for the lovely scarves you

made and donated. It is clear they are made with

warm hands and warm hearts — and are perfect to

keep our women warm as the weather gets colder.

Thank you for your time, energy and gener-



Michelle Rhode

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 A brief sketch of how the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6)

and its ensuing season work 

From early time there have been two gospel narratives associated with the Feast of the

Epiphany itself. First is Matthew’s telling of the birth of the Messiah, with the notable char-

acters of the magi playing their part, and including the flight into Egypt. Luke’s story, the

one with the shepherds and the angels, comes at Christmastime.

The second Epiphany narrative, and the one with greater emphasis in the Christian

East, is the baptism of Jesus. We celebrate this aspect of Epiphany on the Sunday following

the feast. Every year, on Orthodox Epiphany, you can see photographs and television clipsof Russian believers piously jumping into lakes and rivers, in recollection of Jesus’ bap-

tism. This is no act for the faint of heart, in the middle of a Russian winter! But Eastern

Christianity teaches that when John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, Jesus’ contact with

the water there blessed all the water in the world, and for all time, a delightful piece of faith-

ful imagination. Thus Epiphany becomes a feast for giving thanks for the gift of water, that

 basic stuff of life — and new life through baptism. So the hardiest among pious believers

 jump into the water.

The second Sunday after Epiphany takes up a third note from the historic lectionaries

for the season, namely the “signs” of Jesus as told in John’s gospel. The favorite among

these narratives is the miracle of water-into-wine at the wedding in Cana, and, as it happens,

the one read in Lectionary Year C — this year.

Then for the rest of the season the lectionary takes up the narrative of Jesus’ life,

teachings, healings, and miracles, and does so until the Last Sunday after the Epiphany,

when the Gospel is always the Transfiguration of Jesus. After the Lent-Easter-Pentecost cy-

cle, the narrative of Jesus’ life continues during the Season after Pentecost. 

This sketch is, admittedly, not the stuff of flash and adrenaline rush. But perhaps un-

derstanding how the season works, beyond the piece about wise men following

the star to Jesus, can lead to a deeper appreciation for the season and its move-

ments. Perhaps we can see how it has been put together, from long centuries

ago, in order to draw worshipers into a deeper belief in Jesus as the Messiah and

God’s only-begotten.

 Bishop Wayne Smith

 January 2013 

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Consider this:

Several years ago, our area had an unusually

cold New Year’s weekend. All along Highway FF,

residents lost power for most of the weekend. WhatI remember most about that

time was the profound silence

that comes when there are no

 birds singing, no frogs croaking,

no coyotes howling and no

heaters, refrigerators, or even

clocks running. Nighttime held

a depth of silence that I have

never experienced before or since.

I’m looking for that silence now, in my own

life. I often look to creation and the scriptures as

ways to connect myself to the divine. Right now

what I’m reading says: Be still like the frozen dew,

 be still like the sleeping turtles. Rest. Stop thinking,

stop talking and listen, listen for the still, small voice

of God. Perhaps this is the season when I can make

space for that voice, when I can hear God most


In the words of the poet John Donne,God can bring summer out of winter, though we have

no spring. All occasions invite his mercies, and all 

times are his seasons. 

Submitted by Kathleen McDonald  

Recipe of the Month

Bush’s Two-Bean Vegetarian Mexican Lasagna

Prep Time: 10 minutes 

Cook Time: 20 minutes 

Yield: 6 servings 

Serving Size: 1/6 of casserole 


6 whole grain tortillas, fajita size

1 16 oz jar of salsa (I used Pace Original)

2 cups frozen corn, defrosted

1 can Bush's Black Beans, rinsed and drained

1 can Bush's Pinto Beans, rinsed and drained

1 cubanelle pepper, chopped

2 cups shredded Mexican blend cheese


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Place frozen corn in colander. Run under water for 

1 minute to defrost. Set aside defrosted corn.

Rinse and drain pinto beans. Place pinto beans into

a food processor.

Rinse and drain black beans. Place black beans

aside until ready to use.In the food processor add 2 tablespoons of salsa to

 pinto beans. Pulse food processor 2 or 3 times

until pinto beans are slightly pureed. Set aside

until ready to construct lasagna.

Set up your cooking area with all your prepped in-

gredients - 8x11 glass baking dish, tortillas,

rinsed and drained beans, defrosted corn and

chopped cubanelle.

Pour 1/4 cup salsa to bottom of 8x11 glass bakingdish. Layer 2 tortillas (slightly overlapping each

other) over salsa. Using a spoon, spread 1/2 pinto

 bean puree over the tortillas, then top with 1/2

the corn, 1/2 the black beans, 1/2 the chopped

cubanelle pepper and 1/3 amount of cheese. Re-

 peat layering ending the layer with two addi-

tional tortillas on top.

Add the remaining salsa over the top layer. Spread

remaining cheese over top of lasagna. Bake in

425 degree oven for 20 minutes until bubbly.

For best results, let lasagna rest for at least 5 min-

utes before cutting into pieces.

Submitted by Sylvia Ahmad  

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January 20 – St. Francis’ Annual Meeting 

Following worship on Sunday, January 20,

we’ll hold our annual meeting in the downstairs of 

the Lodge. We’ll celebrate our 2012 accomplish-

ments, thanks to God’s grace. And we’ll look for-

ward to 2013 by electing new leaders to serve as

members of the Bishop’s Committee and delegates to

the Diocesan Convention. We’ll also adopt the 2013

 budget. Please plan on being there – your vote and

involvement are needed to usher in a vibrant 2013

for St. Francis’ Church. 

What’s a Bishop’s Committee? 

The Bishop’s Committee is the governing

 body of St. Francis’ Church. Comprising 10 people,the Bishop’s Committee serves as the leadership of 

the parish in matters both material (finances, prop-

erty, etc.) and spiritual. St. Francis’ receives funds

from the Diocese; we are not self-supporting. Be-

cause we receive money from the Diocese we are

under the direct purview of the Bishop. Therefore

instead of being called a “parish,” we’re called a

“mission.” Instead of a “Rector” as a priest-in-

charge we have a “Vicar.” Instead of a “Senior War-

den” we have a “Bishop’s Warden” because this per-

son is appointed by the Bishop, not by the priest.

And instead of a “vestry” as a governance board we

have a “Bishop’s Committee.”

What’s a Diocesan delegate? 

Each year in November all the churches in

the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri gather for wor-

ship, to elect members of Diocesan-wide committees

such as Standing Committee, and to adopt nextyear’s budget for the Diocese. This gathering is

called Diocesan Convention. St. Francis’ sends two

 people to the Diocesan Convention to serve as dele-

gates. Those delegates vote on behalf of St. Francis’

on all legislative matters put before the Convention.

Those matters include the Diocesan budget, member-

ship on Diocesan committees, and resolutions put

 before Convention.

Slate of Candidates: Bishop’s Committee and Di-

ocesan Delegates

We will elect the following 4 people to serve a 3-

year term on the Bishop’s Committee: 

Jim BowlinDan Card

Sue Schmidt

Jackie Selle

We will elect the following to serve as Diocesan

delegates and as an alternate in the event a delegate

is unable to attend the Diocesan Convention:

Annette Carr 

Michael Weaver 

Kyra Jordan, Alternate

Proposed 2013 Budget

This is a high-level summary of the 2013

 budget that will be presented -- with details -- at the

January 20 annual meeting:


$15,000 from Diocese

$97,832 in pledges

$8,345 non-pledging, regular con-

tributors, new members, loose plate, other 


Total income: $121,177


$46,101 Vicar’s total compensation,

including benefits

$25,584 Staff (parish administrator,

music director, nursery worker) salaries and


$20,480 Building expenses – Lodge &

 parish house (210 S. Central)

$5,900 Office expenses

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Bless Your House This Epiphany

On January 6 – which is on a Sunday this

year  – we celebrate the arrival of the wise men

from the East. Matthew’s Gospel tells us that they

followed the star “until it stopped over the place

where the child was...On entering the house, they

saw the child [Jesus] with Mary his mother; and

they knelt down and paid him homage.” 

The wise men’s arrival at the house where Jesus

lay has given rise to the ritual of a house blessing during the season of Epiphany. A house bless-

ing normally takes place on the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6), or during the week following.

It can be performed by a priest; the rite is outlined in the Episcopal Book of Occasional Services.

Or you can perform it yourself for your own home.

To perform the rite you’ll need chalk, prayer, and a desire for God’s blessing. Begin by

gathering your household around the lintel of your front door. Then say: “Peace be to this house,

and to all who dwell in it.” With the chalk mark the lintel of your front door as follows: 20 + C +

M + B + 13.

The C, M, and B stand for Caspar, Melchoir, and Balthasar, the legendary names for the

wise men. The 20 and 13 represent this year of 2013. This reminds you that you are like the wise

men who followed the star to Jesus’ house. You too are on a pilgrimage to find, worship, and

follow Jesus.You may follow the chalk-marking with a prayer:

O God, by the leading of the star you manifested your only Son to the people of the earth:

 Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face;

through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now

and for ever. Amen.

You may finish this rite with the following prayer:

Visit, O blessed Lord, this home with the gladness of your presence. Bless all who live

here with the gift of your love; and grant that they may manifest your love to each other and to all those whose lives they touch. May they grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of you;

 guide, comfort, and strengthen them; and preserve them in peace, O Jesus Christ, now and for 

ever. Amen. 

May your homes be places of warmth, laughter, and love in 2013.

 Pastor Sally 

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Highlights of the

Bishop’s Committee Meeting 

December 16, 2012

Opening business

The meeting began at 12:40 p.m.with an open-

ing prayer offered by guest Dan Card and with the

sharing of joys and concerns. Many members ex-

 pressed joy over the Youth Group’s new YouTube


Approval of November 18th minutes.

Treasurer’s report  Suzanne Jones shared with the committee all

the spreadsheets and reports for the month of No-

vember. November financial results approved as


2013 budget – Suzanne presented the finalized

draft of the 2013 budget and explained new items

and revisions. Motion to approve was made by

Barbara Sacco, seconded by Michael Booker.

The budget as presented was approved with

thanks to Suzanne and the Finance Committee.

The draft as approved by the Bishop’s Committee

will be presented to the congregation for adoption

at the January 20th, 2013 annual meeting.

The Bishop's Committee was asked to develop

a policy relating to St. Francis' parishioners par-

ticipating in community events in which they

want to list St. Francis' as a sponsor.

1. The Marketing and Communications Commit-

tee will grant approval before listing St. Francis'

as a sponsor of any event.

2. If parishioners receive individual benefits from

 participating in the event, they will pay the event

organizers directly, not St. Francis'.

Example: A parishioner wants to list St. Francis'

as a sponsor in a golf tournament held by the Ki-

wanis. The parishioner would first obtain Market-

ing and Communications' approval for listing St.

Francis' as a sponsor. Then he/she would pay the

Kiwanis the cost of the sponsorship. By participat-

ing the parishioner receives the benefits of a round

of golf, snacks/beverages, possible prizes, etc. The

 parishioner must deduct the cost of these benefitswhen claiming the sponsorship as a charitable con-

tribution. If the money were paid to St. Francis'

directly and St. Francis' cut the check to the Ki-

wanis, the parishioner would be able to claim

100% of the contribution as a gift to the church.

This could be construed as having tax avoidance

consequences and the Diocese does not want St.

Francis', or any other church in the Diocese of Mis-

souri, participating in something that could have

the appearance of funneling contributions throughthe church. 

Vicar’s report 

Committee chairs will receive an email from

Pastor Sally soon requesting that they turn in their 

2012 Committee 2012 summaries by January 14th 

for printing in the annual report.

At the end of January, Bob Champlin will pre-

 pare a performance evaluation for Pastor Sally.

Staff evaluations will be completed by Pastor 


Vicar’s vacation – December 31st through

January 11th. The Rev. Dr. Warren E. Crews will

 be celebrating & preaching on January 6th. 

Pastor Sally celebrating & Michael Booker 

 preaching on January 13th. 

The outgoing Bishop’s Committee members,

Cassie Eckhardt, Barb Sacco, Steve Strathearn and

Kathleen McDonald, met to propose a slate of can-

didates for election to be approved by the congre-

gation at the Annual Meeting: four Bishop’s Com-

mittee candidates are Sue Schmidt, Dan Card, Jim

Bowlin, Jackie Selle; and two Diocesan delegates:

Annette Carr, Michael Weaver, and alternate Kyra

Jordan. Thanks were offered to Cassie, Barb,

Steve and Kathleen for their Bishop’s Committee

service. In a mission congregation like St. Francis’,

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Why did we practice leading someone who couldn’t 


To lead the blind person. 

Why was it harder to be blindfolded than to lead? 

Because you might fall. 

 How do your parents help you? Why do you trust 


They help you with your homework. 

 How do we trust our teachers? 

That they teach us the right things. 

What is it to trust God? 

He’s tough. 

The best way to start the day is with Jesus. 

A tetrarch is a president and 2 cookies. 

When did you feel good this week? 

At school we were laughing and I almost fell off 

the monkey bars. 

Today. Because I’m at church. 

Friday we went to St. Joseph’s Shrine and then at

Canetto’s I had a meatball the size of a baseball.  


the positions of Senior Warden and Treasurer are

appointed by the Bishop. For the coming year, the

Bishop has appointed Sue Schmidt as Senior Warden

and Suzanne Jones as Treasurer.

The annual meeting is set for Sunday, January

20th, 2013. After that meeting, the new and the con-

tinuing members of the bishop’s Committee will

hold a brief meeting to:

Set a February date for the Bishop’s Commit-

tee retreat, Friday evening and Saturday


I scored high on my pre-algebra test.  

Love hurts your elbows. 

 After hearing Isaiah, “Make straight in the desert a

highway for our God…” 

So we make the road crooked. And God makes it


 In response to the Gospel lesson… 

Do not extort money from anyone by threats or false asexuation. 

 How do you share your gifts or talents? 

Money, food 

Musical talent, Bronyism 

Singing, acting 

Language. I can speak 

the language of Bangla-

desh. It is called Swa-hili. I can say hello and


Sign language, Braille. 

Approve Junior Warden & Clerk positions

Adopt 2013 Housing Allowance resolution

for Pastor Sally

Sign required Diocesan forms for Bishop’s

Committee members.

Closing business 

Closing prayer offered by Pastor Sally.

 Next meeting: The annual meeting on Sunday,

January 20

Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

Clerk of the Bishop’s Committee

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Twice Good CookiesChristmas cookies are always good, aren’t they? This year, St. Fran-

cis’ friends gifted themselves and their friends with cookies made by the

women of Wednesday Crafternoon. The cookies

 provided another gift when the $280 offered in

 payment was passed on directly to the Vicar’s

Discretionary Fund for those in great immediate

need in our community. Thanks to the bakers

and the buyers for twice good cookies!

 Youth Group Singing at Mary-


Caroling through the halls at Marymount


St. Francis’ Worship Space at


The Lodge became a beautiful spaceduring Advent and Christmas thanks to St.

Francis’ Altar Guild members and to Sue

Schmidt’s touch with flowers.

Especially beautiful for the ceremony

 blessing a marriage —  that’s quite a cake! 

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 St. Francis’ Episcopal Church 

Eureka, MissouriJanuary 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10 am Al-Anon

parish house

2 Office Closed 3

6:45 p.m. AA, par-

ish house

7:00 pm Bible

Study, parish



10 am Bible Study,

parish house


7-8:30 am AA,

parish house


10 am Holy Eucha-

rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:40 am Adult



5:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish


6:30 pm Worship

& Music


10 am Al-Anon

parish house

6:00 pm Marketing

& Communications

9 Office Closed

12:30 am Crafter-


6:30 pm Tutoring



6:30 pm Book 

group, parish


6:45 p.m. AA, par-

ish house

7:00 pm Bible

Study, parish


10 am Bible Study,

parish house


7-8:30 am AA,

parish house


10 am Holy Eucha-

rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am SouperBowl, Youth Group

11:40 am Adult



5:30 pm Prayer

Group, parishhouse


10 am Al-Anon

parish house

16 Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-noon

6:30 pm Tutoring



6:45 p.m. AA, par-

ish house

7:00 pm Bible

Study, parish



10 am Bible Study,

parish house


7-8:30 am AA,

parish house


10 am Holy Eucha-

rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am Annual


Bishop’s Comm.

Mtg following an-

nual meeting


5:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish



10 am Al-Anon

parish house

23 Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-


6:30 pm Tutoring



6:45 p.m. AA, par-

ish house

7:00 pm Bible

Study, parish



10 am Bible Study,

parish house


7-8:30 am AA,

parish house


10 am Holy Eucha-

rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am Adult



5:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish house


10 am Al-Anon

parish house

30 Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-


6:30 pm Tutoring



6:45 p.m. AA, par-

ish house

7:00 pm Bible

Study, parish


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Stewardship Thought 

It is the heart that gives; the fingers just let go.-- Nigerian proverb 

Worship Attendance Statistics 

2011 2012 

Last Pentecost 40 59

1 Advent 49 60

2 Advent 54 68

3 Advent 62 56

4 Advent 58 67

Christmas 115 97

Worship Participant Schedule January 2013

Ministry 06-Jan 13-Jan 20-Jan 27-Jan

SACRISTAN Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield


Tim Booker & BobSmith

Sarah Branch-field & AlexBranchfield

Susan Meyer &Kathleen McDon-

aldPaddy Wrob & Mi-

chael Booker 


Bob Smith & BarbSacco

Sue Schmidt &Kevin Selle

Susan Meyer &Michael Booker 

Paddy Wrob &Kevin Selle

CHALICE Michael Booker KathleenMcDonald Barb Sacco Kevin Selle





 Arlene Underwood& Jim Eckhardt

Bob Champlin &Rich Mayfield

Bob Smith & Suz-anne Jones

Rich Mayfield &Suzanne Jones


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St. Francis’ In-Depth

If you would like more details about St. Francis’ finances, the Bishop’s

Committee meetings, and the Vicar’s activities, please see the bulletin board in the

lower level of the Lodge. There you will find two month’s worth of:

Bishop’s Committee meeting minutes;

Monthly financial reports; Treasurer’s commentary;

Vicar’s activity reports. 

Additionally, on the Sunday immediately following the Bishop’s Committee meeting which is on

the third Sunday of the month, the financial results for the previous month will be reported in the bulletin


Financial Update — November 2012 

November 2012

Budgeted for


YTD 2012


YTD 2012


Total Income $ 9,485 $ 9,512 $ 103,367 $ 104,632

Total Expenses 9,102 8,942 96,915 105,219

Difference $ 383 $ 570 $ 6,451 ($ 587)

Checking Account — Rockwood Bank $ 18,758

Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-general 4,812

Custodial account held by the Diocese 26,974Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-Sp Growth 3,630

If you have further questions, talk to the Vicar. Pastor Sally values input and is happy to have a conversa-tion at any time about St. Francis’. 

Prayer for St. Francis’ 

We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family. Living

God, infuse us with your love. Enable us to proclaim the good news of Je-

sus Christ to all whom we meet through our actions, our thoughts, our 

words. Make St. Francis' Church a place of invitation and welcome, a safe

harbor and a beacon of the light of Christ. Amen.