James James

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Transcript of James James

  • 7/28/2019 James James



    The twenty year old, jet-black haired man sat in the living room of the Potter home, not speaking, and

    barely holding the cup of tea that had been placed in his hands without him acknowledging it. Harry,

    who was now forty-five years of age, watched his son carefully.

    James, you know you can come over whenever you want, but when you show up here at two oclock in

    the morning, not saying anything, it makes me slightly concerned, said the older man.

    The other continued his silence, staring at the coffee table in front of him.

    Jamie, youre going to have to say something eventually. Or else Im going to kick you out into the

    cold, his father said. At last, this triggered a reaction in his oldest sons face. Jamess brown eyes (which

    were much like his mothers) flickered up to meet his fathers emerald green ones. Harry read a twinge

    of fear and shock in his sons eyes.

    Come on now, speak up, Harry prodded.

    Jamess mouth opened slightly, like he was going to say something, butcouldnt figure out how to say it.

    His mouth moved silently, forming words that were not audible.

    Just spit it out. Doesnt have to make sense. Just say something. Harry watched his eldest son, trying

    to get words to come from his mouth. After a few seconds of silence, Harry stood up, walking to the

    fireplace. Thats it, Im going to Floo Heidi, he said, referring to his sons wife.


    Whats with all the ruckus? asked a sleepy Ginny, walking down the stairs.

    Harry stood close to the fireplace, about to throw in some of the Floo powder. James shows up here at

    the middle of the night, and wont say anything. Except for a two letter word, that is, said her husband.

    Ginny nodded sleepily, and said, I see.

    So why shouldnt I Floo Heidi? Did you two have a fight? asked Harry.

    James shook his head, finally being able to speak. No she told me something and I ran, he said.

    Harry leaned forward, curious. She didnt have an affair, did she? Shes a wonderful girl and all, but if

    she did, Im going to

    No! She didnt cheat on me sjust He looked up at his father and mother. Im gonna be a dad.

    Ginny and Harrys faces broke out into smiles, and Ginny opened her mouth to congratulate him, but

    Harry said, You dont look too happy about this, though.

    Jamess eyes were filled with fear. What if Im a horrible father? he asked, genuinely afraid. Harry

    leaned forward and took his eldest sons hands in his own.

  • 7/28/2019 James James


    James Sirius Potter. You will be a great father. An amazing father. Your child will be lucky to have you as

    a dad, said Harry, squeezing his hands gently.

    James still wasnt convinced. But still! What if I mess up completely? What if my kid grows up to hate

    me? I cant be a father! Im not anywhere close to being mature enough to raise achild!

    Youre a great, brave, kind man. Believe me, once you hold that child in your arms, no matter how truly

    ready you are, whether you feel confident to take parenthood or not, you feel happy. Scared, yes. But


    The eldest of the three Potter children nodded, breathing in carefully. His eyes shone with gratitude for

    his fathers encouraging words. Thanks dad. I reckon I should go home and apologize to Heidi for

    running off on her. He stood up to leave, but Harry grabbed his arm quickly.

    Jamesif you need any help. Just give us a shout, okay? I remember when we had you, I needed all the

    help I could get, he said. His son nodded his thanks, and turned to leave, but paused.

    Dad? Dyou think that Grandpa James was as nervous as I am?

    Harry smiled. Definitely. If not, more.

    James? Prongsy? Mate, youre worrying me.

    James Ignotus Potter sat on the old weathered couch in Sirius Blacks small flat. His usual charming

    demeanor was replaced with a terrified look.

    Bloody hell. Prongs! Answer me, you bastard! Sirius snapped, throwing a pillow at his longtime friend.The other man did not answer, looking paler and paler. Sirius crossed his arms, leaning back in his couch.

    James, seriously. Talk. Ive never seen you like this before, mateexcept for the time when Lily asked

    you to meet her parents. Except your face now is worse, he said.

    Angrily, Sirius threw another pillow at his friend. Merlin, James! Just spit it out!


    WAIT! Did I just hear baby? asked Sirius, grinning broadly. James nodded, color slightly returning to his

    face. Bloody hell! Congrats, mate! This is brilliant!

    James smiled slightly, but it left as quickly as it came.

    You dont look too happy, mate. Waitthe kid isyours, right? Sirius asked. James nodded silently, and

    Sirius sighed in relief. Good. So why do you look so unhappy?

    Jamess hazel eyes met Siriuss stormy gray ones. Im gonna be a lousy dad, arent I, Pads? he asked


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    Siriuss eyes widened, understanding why his best friend was so down.

    Jamesie, youll be bloody brilliant, he said, smiling encouragingly at him. You might be a

    troublemaker, but youre a great man inside. This kid is going to be lucky to have you as a dad.

    James looked slightly hopeful. You really think so? he asked.

    I know so. Besides, youve got Lilykins. You two will be the best parents.

    Another doubtful thought came across the other mans mind. But what if I screw it up, Sirius? What if I

    let this kid get caught up in a horrible accidentor lose him? What if

    Just shut up, Prongs. Stop wondering about what ifs, and just enjoy the fact that you have a wonderful

    life with your wife and this amazing kid thats gonna pop out of Lily in about nine months. Dont worry!

    insisted Sirius.

    James smiled feebly, his eyes showing great gratitude towards his best mate, and patted him on the

    back. Thanks Pads. He got up to leave, but turned around remembering something. Ohone more

    thing. Lily and I would like you to be the childs godfather, he said.

    Siriuss eyes widened. You want me tohuh? he stammered.

    Dont worry. Its likely you wont have to take care of it permanently. Lils and I arent planning on dying

    anytime soon. Justshower gifts on the kid, said James, smiling.

    With that, James Apparated out of his flat, leaving Sirius to sit on his couch in wonder.

    Godfather? he said weakly.

    Nine months later, James Ignotus Potter stood in his wifes hospital room, white with fear at his wife

    who was screaming bloody murder as she tried to push a human baby out of her belly.

    Forty five years later, James Sirius Potter held a young baby boy in his arms, nervously rocking the child

    to sleep. He was scared for the new experience of being a father, but he would face the challenges as

    they came.