Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and as an Emergency Program Of- ficer at the non governmental organi- zation Save the Children. As a re- gional consultant, he has also sup- ported the Danish Youth Council's projects in the Middle East and North Africa. In addition, as part of his voluntary work, Mr. Alhindawi was among the co-founders of the All Jordan Youth Commission, and co-founded and headed the Youth for Democracy Network at the Jordanian Commis- The United Nations Secretary -General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Ahmad Alhindawi of Jordan as his Envoy on Youth, a spokesperson for the world body’s chief said today. “The Secretary-General in his Five-Year Action Agenda identified ‘Working with and for Women and Young Peo- ple’ as one of his top priori- ties, the spokesperson added in a note to the media. “In this context, the Envoy on Youth will work to address the needs of the largest gen- eration of youth the world has ever known.” “Mr. Alhindawi is a strong youth advocate and brings to this position extensive knowledge of and commitment to working on youth issues at the local, regional and international level,” the spokesperson con- tinued. According to the media note, since December 2012, Mr. Alhindawi – who was born in 1984 – has been Team Lead- er at a World Bank-funded programme to the League of Arab States on Institutional Development to Strengthen Arab Policy and Participation. Prior to this, he served as the Youth Policy Advisor in the League of Arab States in Cai- ro and as an officer in the Technical Secretariat of the Arab Youth and Sports Minis- ters Council, between 2009 and 2012. Past experience also includes serving as a Team Leader for the National Youth Policy Pro- ject in Iraq, a Youth Program Associate at the Iraq office of IN THIS ISSUE: JANUARY 2013 The Chronicle INTERNATIONAL YOUNG PROFESSIONALS . . . Every 365.26 days we get an opportunity to look at our lives from a brand-new vantage point, and a fresh plat- form to grow new ideas, to turn over new leaves, to ferti- lize old dreams, and to look at the world afresh with all its many possibilities Spread your wings once more and soar towards the highest mountains; explore the doors and windows that are opening before you. Happy New Year! The IYPF Family [email protected] Welcome to 2013 ! UN Envoy on Youth Appointed . . IYPF Welcomes New Directors: Imran & Rassel 2 The Economist Online MBA Fair 3 Worldwide Journal on Youth Employ- ment 4 Global Youth Service Day Grants 5 The Big Crew Change: Manzoor Roome, 6 Opportunity Knocks Leveraging the strengths we know we have instead of worrying about the advantages we think others have. Alex T. 7 8 We Made It! 9 Post 2015 Development Agenda - Comment! IYPF endorses the e- consultation on Youth and Inequalities in the #Post2015 development Agenda and invites members and friends to submit their opinions on this Agenda. Particularly wel- comed are suggestions and strategies that will ensure inequalities affecting children young people in their day to day lives are tackled and en- shrined in the Agenda. Any- thing from very grassroot experiences to abstract inter- national proposals may be put forward. 1. Register! Join in! 2. Share your Comments! Your recommendations emerging from the contributions will be incor- porated into a report on ‘Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Devel- opment Agenda’, to be presented at a high-level meeting in February 2013 in Copenhagen. The report will also be transmitted to the High-level Pan- el on Post-2015, appointed by the UN Secretary-General.

Transcript of Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

Page 1: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

the UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

and as an Emergency Program Of-

ficer at the non governmental organi-

zation Save the Children. As a re-

gional consultant, he has also sup-

ported the Danish Youth Council's

projects in the Middle East and

North Africa.

In addition, as part of his voluntary

work, Mr. Alhindawi was among the

co-founders of the All Jordan Youth

Commission, and co-founded and

headed the Youth for Democracy

Network at the Jordanian Commis-

The United Nations Secretary

-General Ban Ki-moon has

appointed Ahmad Alhindawi

of Jordan as his Envoy on

Youth, a spokesperson for

the world body’s chief said


“The Secretary-General in his

Five-Year Action Agenda

identified ‘Working with and

for Women and Young Peo-

ple’ as one of his top priori-

ties, the spokesperson added

in a note to the media. “In

this context, the Envoy on

Youth will work to address

the needs of the largest gen-

eration of youth the world

has ever known.”

“Mr. Alhindawi is a strong

youth advocate and brings to

this position extensive

knowledge of and

commitment to

working on youth

issues at the local,

regional and international

level,” the spokesperson con-


According to the media note,

since December 2012, Mr.

Alhindawi – who was born in

1984 – has been Team Lead-

er at a World Bank-funded

programme to the League of

Arab States on Institutional

Development to Strengthen

Arab Policy and Participation.

Prior to this, he served as the

Youth Policy Advisor in the

League of Arab States in Cai-

ro and as an officer in the

Technical Secretariat of the

Arab Youth and Sports Minis-

ters Council, between 2009

and 2012. Past experience

also includes serving as a

Team Leader for the National

Youth Policy Pro-

ject in Iraq, a Youth

Program Associate

at the Iraq office of

I N T H I S I S S U E :

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 3

The Chronicle I N T E R N A T I O N A L Y O U N G P R O F E S S I O N A L S . . .

Every 365.26 days we

get an opportunity to

look at our lives from

a brand-new vantage

point, and a fresh plat-

form to grow new

ideas, to turn over

new leaves, to ferti-

lize old dreams, and to

look at the world

afresh with all its many

possibilities Spread

your wings once more

and soar towards the

highest mountains;

explore the doors and

windows that are

opening before you.

Happy New Year!

The IYPF Family

[email protected]

W e l c o m e t o 2 0 1 3 !

UN Envoy on Youth Appointed . .

IYPF Welcomes New

Directors: Imran &



The Economist

Online MBA Fair


Worldwide Journal

on Youth Employ-



Global Youth Service

Day Grants


The Big Crew

Change: Manzoor



Opportunity Knocks

Leveraging the

strengths we know

we have instead of

worrying about the

advantages we think

others have. Alex T.



We Made It! 9

Post 2015 Development Agenda - Comment! IYPF endorses the e-

consultation on Youth and

Inequalities in the #Post2015

development Agenda and

invites members and friends

to submit their opinions on

this Agenda. Particularly wel-

comed are suggestions and

strategies that will ensure

inequalities affecting children

young people in their day to

day lives are tackled and en-

shrined in the Agenda. Any-

thing from very grassroot

experiences to abstract inter-

national proposals may be put


1. Register! Join in!

2. Share your Comments!

Your recommendations emerging

from the contributions will be incor-

porated into a report on ‘Addressing

Inequalities in the Post-2015 Devel-

opment Agenda’, to be presented at

a high-level meeting in February 2013

in Copenhagen. The report will also

be transmitted to the High-level Pan-

el on Post-2015, appointed by the

UN Secretary-General.

Page 2: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

P A G E 2

“To catch the reader's attention, place an

interesting sentence or quote from the story


He briefed

the gov-



and all the


ers on the

draft youth

policy . . .

IYPF Welcomes New Directors . . . Imran . . joined the IYPF Board in January

2013. He will serve for a two year


Imran has 4 years of experience in

non-profit sector, and holds a Mas-

ter’s degree in Gender Studies from

Quaid-i-Azam University. In 2007, he

was nominated by the Ministry of

Youth Affairs Islamabad and won the

first National Youth Award in com-

munity services. An established ex-

pert on gender issues and advocate

for youth engagement, Imran led a

session in World Youth Conference

Mexico; spoke on meaningful youth

participation in Kenya 2010; and was

selected as youth speaker in interna-

tional conference on family planning

in Dakar Senegal 2011. He is a gradu-

ate of Meherghar’s 2 months human

rights training course, and also

worked with UNFPA youth assembly

as a young trainer. Imran

has lead the national advo-

cacy campaign for inclusion

of sexual and reproductive

health and rights in youth

policy in Pakistan. He is the

founder of a youth led initi-

ative called Youth and Gen-

der Development Net-

work, where he is closely

working with Government

Youth Development De-

partment and has written

the first draft of a youth

policy in declaration in Bal-

ochistan. He briefed gov-

ernment officials and all the

stakeholders on the draft

youth policy in April 2012.

Imran was also recently

selected to participate in

the Atlantic Council's pres-

tigious Emerging Leaders of

Pakistan Fellowship pro-


Rassel . . joined the IYPF Board in as an Inter-

im Director in September 2012 and

a full Director in 2013. He will serve

for a two year term.

Rassel Chisango is a creative and

humble Social Entrepreneur with a

traceable track record. He is a com-

mitted development Project Planning

and Management Practitioner and a

trendsetting trailblazing civil society

leadership Philosopher. He is the

founder member and President of

RYO aka The Royal Fam which is an

empowerment for sustainable devel-

opment organisation which primarily

creates opportunities for individual

empowerment, community strength-

ening and generational development .

Since 2002 at the age of

19, Rassel embarked on a

life long journey inspired by

strong convictions and pas-

sion to meaningfully con-

tribute towards the global

goal aimed at improving

social justice for all of hu-

manity. Between then and

now he has always proven

beyond any reasonable

doubt that he is indeed an

action and results oriented

civil society devotee with

amazing team building and

working abilities. His com-

mitment to social justice

has seen him leading activi-

ties, projects and or pro-

grams endorsed by a wide

range of national, regional

and global development

institutions including the

National AIDS Council



then and

now he has


proven be-

yond any


doubt . . . .

Page 3: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

P A G E 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

Council(NAC-Zimbabwe), Zim-

babwe Youth Council, Volun-

tary Services Overseas (VSO-


works, The Global Youth, Unit-

ed Nations agencies (including


International Young Profession-

als Foundation, Faith Leaders

and groups, Oxfam Australia as

an Oxfam International Youth

Partner among many other

acknowledged grassroots, na-

tional and or global develop-

ment accomplishments. He is

also a rising film star inspired to

use his invaluable personality to

accomplish his socio-economic

development vision, sealing his

role model status. As a film

artist he has this far fea-

tured prominently in

flagship projects pro-

duced for the UNFPA,


among others. He is

currently working on a

uniquely adventurous

self titled TV Show

called “The Rassel 360°

Show”. With such a re-

markably rich and rele-

vant background Rassel

joins the IYPF Board atis

critical stage of its jour-

ney. .....the rest is history!!

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Page 4: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

Worldwide Journal On Youth Employment . . .

P A G E 4 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

IYPF co-produces the

Worldwide Journal on

Youth Employment

Youth unemployment remains a

major challenge for young peo-

ple all over the world; the In-

ternational Labour Organization

(ILO) in its recent report re-

ported that the global unem-

ployment rate for young people

had risen to its highest record-

ed level. Furthermore, the issue

continues to be one of major

constraints to attain MDGs by

the year 2015. Unemployment

is not an evil itself; however, it

comes along with the serious


social, economic

and health conse-

quences as it is

well documented

in various studies.

Different re-

searches show

that prolonged

exposure to un-

employment is

associated with

higher future un-

employment and

lower wages. In

addition, in their

study, Nilsen and

Reiso (2011) find

that unemploy-

ment leaves young

workers with long

term scars that

take time to de-

crease, therefore,

this can be de-

fined as loss of

human capital.

While conse-

quences of youth

unemployment has become

spectacle in all corners of the

world, no one can ignore the

role and impact that more ef-

fective, competitive and efficient

policies can play in tackling this

contemporary alarming issue.

The root causes hindering both

public and private sectors to

establish more effective, com-

petitive and efficient policies

and taking realistic and prag-

matic measures; is sharing of

best practices. On the other

hand, youth are less informed

about policies regarding their

welfare, resulting in less partici-

pation and their influence in

decision making processes.

Acknowledging the importance

of youth (un)employement

globally, over 40 organizations

from 32countries (including

local, regional and international

youth led organizations, Nation-

al Youth councils, and different

youth volunteers) have joined

forces to produce the one and

only Worldwide Journal on

Youth Employment. The Inter-

national Young Professionals

Foundation was among the very

first partners that embarked on

the incentive launched originally

by Mr. Aloys NTEZIMANA, a

former UN Youth Delegate of

Rwanda and Chief Executive

Officer of the Global Self Em-

ployed Youth Organization


Each month one thematic issue

will be addressed in the Journal.

Volunteers from co-producing

organizations will liaise with

different stakeholders and

youth groups/individuals in or-

der to find exact infor-

mation about the best

practices from different

countries that can be

shared with the rest of

the world.

“ Are U eager

to write for the

journal? Do you

want to help

with distribution

worldwide? The

first edition will

be published in



Contact IYPF 4

Mo Info,

Thank U!”

Page 5: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

P A G E 5 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

Being the Regional Coordinator

for two regions of the world:

1. North Africa/Middle East

2. Latin America & the Caribbe-


the IYPF seeks to sub-contract

organizations that would re-

ceive mini-grants (amounting up

to a total of USD 4000 per re-

gion). The grantees shall ex-

penditure the funds to develop

regional activities, both in social

media and on-spot, that pro-

mote the 2013 edition of the

Global Youth Service Day (26-

28 April). Along with the mone-

tary award, the coalition of

grant holders will also benefit

training and capacity building

through webinars (online semi-

nars). Additionally, they will be

actively networking with peer

organizations around the globe,

receive regular updates about

new grants, tools, partnerships,

and other helpful resources for

distribution to regional affili-


The deadline to cast an applica-

tion through the IYPF website

(see section IYPF opportunities)

is 15 February 2013 at the lat-

est. An international jury com-

posed of IYPF Directors, Re-

gional Facilitators, fellow inter-

national organizations and me-

dia will review the submissions

to select the mini-grant win


DONOR: As the funding to be

disbursed by IYPF originates

from the United States of

America, there is a restriction

to distributing any financial re-

sources to organizations seated

in a list of country, or organiza-

tions whose members are citi-

zens of the states in a the list.

No grants are available for

organizations seated in/

consisting of members from

Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran,

Sudan, and Syria. Additional

scrutiny will be performed with

regards to organizations seated

in/consisting of members from

Western Balkans, Belarus, Cote

d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic

of the Congo, Iraq, Liberia

(Former Regime of Charles

Taylor), Persons Undermining

the Sovereignty of Lebanon or

Its Democratic Processes and

Institutions, Libya, North Ko-

rea, Somalia and Zimbabwe as

well as other programs target-

ing individuals and entities locat-

ed around the world. Those

programs currently relate to

foreign narcotics traffickers,

foreign terrorists, transnational

criminal organizations, and

WMD proliferators.



launches two


Global Youth

Service Day

Mini Grant



15th Feb


Page 6: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

P A G E 6 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

The Big CrewCChange . . .

The world needs energy, and

this energy is supplied mainly by

the international oil&gas indus-

try. However, about 50% of the

oil & gas industry’s skilled pro-

fessionals will retire within the

next 5 years and this figure will

grow significantly by 2018. The

oil & gas industry refers to this

global phenomenon as “the big

crew change”, replacing an ag-

ing employee base with young

people. Consulting firm Booz

Allen Hamilton states that,

“there are some 1,700 people

studying petroleum engineering

in 17 US universities compared

with over 11,000 in 34 universi-

ties in 1993.”

Apart from young geologists,

geophysicists and engineers the

industry also needs lawyers,

health specialists, business grad-

uates and a variety of profes-

sionals. But the oil & gas sector

has suffered from negative pub-

licity in the past and so few

young people know about the

attractive career opportunities

in the field.

In order to rectify the situation

and prepare the youth to take

up the complex challenges of

the industry, senior persons of

the industry have taken several

initiatives. The most striking

examples are those that en-

courage young people to take

an active role in shaping their

futures, such as the European

Youth Energy and Environment

Platform of the European Parlia-

ment, the Youth Committee of

the World Petroleum Council

(WPC) and the youth program

of the World Energy Council. In

addition, technical societies

such as the Society of Petrole-

um Engineers (SPE) and the

European Association of Geo-

scientists and Engineers (EAGE)

have well integrated youth pro-

grams in their events across the

globe to encourage students to

present their work.

"Young talent, knowledge and per-

spectives are vital for the world

to solve our future energy chal-

lenge," said WPC President Dr.

Randy Gossen when launching

the youth initiative in Decem-

ber 2007.

Young people also tend to give

a lot of importance to the inte-

gration of green energy sources

in the future energy supply.

Recent surveys conducted in

the 20th World Petroleum

Congress in Doha, Qatar

showed that young profession-

als in the industry are highly

interested in finding greener

solutions to the world’s energy

demands. CEOs of major oil & gas

companies do realize that the indus-

try has to incorporate renewable

sources of energy to satisfy global

demand. For example, one arena of

renewable energy that is of particular

interest to oil & gas companies is

wind energy. This is because compa-

nies already have made huge invest-

ments in offshore facilities and have

“ Young talent,




are vital for

the world to

solve our

future energy

challenge ”

Page 7: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

held in Calgary in October this

year. In such forums, young lead-

ers select the key discussion

points, choose the speakers and

interact with their seniors on

stage at youth events. This means

that the brightest minds in the oil

& gas industry get the chance to

exchange and discuss their views

and concerns on the topics of

their interest. I would like

to invite everyone to attend and

the technical know-how to jump into harnessing

wind energy from offshore platforms. One such

company is Dong Energy, based in Denmark, who

owns the largest portfolio of wind farms in north-

ern Europe. The different energy sources are not in

competition, but are all complementary. It will be

the new generation´s responsibility to define what

this future energy mix should look like.

Because of initiatives across the world, young peo-

ple working in the oil & gas industry can form a

true global youth platform. One such initiative is

the upcoming WPC Youth Forum which will be

support these initiatives. The at-

mosphere at the youth events is

absolutely unique, fresh and ener-

gizing. They are great experiences

for young people who are, after

all, our energy leaders of tomor-


Manzoor Roome

IYPF Regional Facilitator

Middle East

The Big Crew Change [cont.]

Opportunity Knocks . . .

Dear IYPF Members, Alumni, Friends,

You may have noticed that over the last two years IYPF has become very active. However, to continue building and growing,

we need additional funds. We are therefore requesting once-off financial donations from all friends of IYPF starting from 15

December. Together we aim to raise at least US$3000 (AUD3000) by the 15th of March 2013, as a critically invaluable compo-

nent of our set organisational funding trajectory.

The funds will be used for seed funding, debt consolidation and on-going initiatives under direct management by the IYPF

Board . These actions are expected to have great impact on our organization's resource mobilization initiatives which are a

critical component of our ultimate strategy aimed at catapulting IYPF into its prime stage.

For any further information do not hesitate to contact Rassel Chisango through [email protected].

Connie Walyaro, Cristian Birzer, Rosen Dimov, Rassel Chisango, Imran Khan

The IYPF Board

P A G E 7

* The Friends of IYPF Fundraiser *

Page 8: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

member that though we all travel on the same roads, we are all driving to different des-tinations with different starting points and different modes of transportation. Like our vehicles, we are unique and come with our own spe-cial features. The trick is, in-stead of focusing on the fea-tures we THINK the vehicle next to us has, we should fo-cus on identifying our own strengths and using them to our advantage. If we have great interpersonal skills we should find ways to leverage those skills to help us succeed. The same thing goes for peo-ple who are detail oriented, great at connecting people through social media, strong writers, natural problem solv-ers, or even great at remem-bering dates and times. If you have a Jeep that came with mud tires, don’t limit yourself to driving on the freeway be-

I drive a 2002 Kia Rio and over the last few years I have noticed countless others driving the same vehicle. Each time I see a Kia Rio, I cannot refrain from comparing our cars. Is my car in better shape? Does their car come with power windows with extra leg room? Although I continue to pose these questions upon my-self, I am always quick to find reasons as to why my car is better than theirs. I have said things such as, “Their car may be cleaner than mine, but I just drove across three states to see my grandparents.” Or, “Their car may have fewer dents, but I have had this car for over ten years now.” There was even a time when I told myself that I could have had a better car, but I was too mature to waste my hard earned money on such things. However, the real ques-tion is, “Does it make sense to compare our cars? As we drive down life’s roads it is important to recognize that we are all driving different vehi-cles (e.g., Jeeps, sports vehicles, mussel cars, motor cycles, etc) with unique special fea-tures. Even if we see a vehicle that looks simi-lar to ours, there is still no way to know what features that vehicle may have. We must re-

cause you see others doing it; GO OFF ROAD! Finally, because we are all go-ing to different places using different modes of transporta-tion, it does not make sense to compare ourselves to, or make judgments of, other people. Think about it. Is a sports car better than a Jeep because it can beat the Jeep in a street race? Would the results be the same if the race took place in the desert? Furthermore, to judge another vehicle by its exterior is not helpful either. To think that we are closer to reaching our destination than another driver because our car may be cleaner, more expen-sive, or is moving faster at that particular time is naïve. We do not know if that car is moving at full speed or not, how long that car has been traveling, if that person is just learning how to drive, or if someone has recently vandalized the car for no reason. The truth is that we just do not know. We do not know what challenges they had to overcome or the setbacks they had to endure. Because we do not know this information, it is safer and smarter not to judge at all. I am very interested in con-necting with you and sharing self development strategies. Please contact me with any questions. Alex Tremble [email protected] .

Leveraging the strengths we KNOW we have instead of worrying about the advantages we THINK others have.

P A G E 8

Page 9: Iypf chronicle jan_2013_a1

Dear Comrades,

Welcome to 2013, the International Year of Water Cooperation! This year we wish you all

the very best : Happiness, Good Health, Prosperity, Peace, Love and all of God's Blessings!

We greatly appreciate your continued commitment and contribution to the IYPF Family

and look forward to walking with you once more on the many journeys that will lead us

from the dawn of January to the dusk of December

We value your support and we are always eager to work with volunteers, young profession-

als, experts and world leaders in our many efforts to add to the world’s beauty and enhance

the world’s joy. If you would like to leave your footprint on this planet, why not start here?

Visit our Opportunities Pool page for more information on how to get involved in building a

better world.

We greatly appreciate your continued commitment, feedback, comments and recommen-

dations, please continue to walk and talk with us. Also, frequently visit the website for more

news and updates.

Viva IYPF!!

We Made It!

P A G E 9

* Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013! *