Iwxy SJewtrrwd I ru - Library of Congress · m witnlow cf the l cdroom when slipt-n thiiii otw iif...

Iwxy i Jew n two SJewtrrwd cootsr todir fair tomorrow OL LXIXVO 289 YOKK MONDAY JtNB 1C PRICE TWO CUNTS I C T 1M ru llt ew hbJA AnI I NEW 19Ocrmea = = = ttKATtO AOAI TRirlt l TilE COIL UTIUKC- D iut FeoBd at CHrpbaat Met Threat Lung Can Hardly Recover Mtteatf- lImint lUady fer Aetloa la the Ceat Rrftoa Mre Tlelnie- SoiATro Pa June Charlt Robin ten deputy pollcoman In the employ of il No 7 colliery of the Delaware and lludon Canal Company at Olyphant wa- rrrrlvrd at the lAckawaan Hospital In tblo city at J oclock thla morning suffering from a wound through the right brraat chance of recovery an atlxM- Alout midnight Robinson bad bUZz found lying uncnnaclou betide train of can lie lid been en duty ouuldo of the breaker rd accordlnt to aU accounts had neated- Manlf IjrslJe tlio car only a few minutes previous to the hooting The Inference U cf cmirM that Robinson waa ahst either by a itriker or liy a strike sympathlnr In Olyi hant Urn striken and their Mend ttattcd a Mory morning that Robinson hot himself while crawling under A car At the lAckawannn Hospital this after rcirn ttm hyslolan In charge of the case tit tulrd thl theory They any that the vuurd is iteolf the t et Indication that the man w not In a stooping condition wlmn- ttiit and that It Is also evident that the pin from which the shot was fired wa some dltUnca away when the shot wa flrei- lTlo millet evidently came from a power- ful riflo for it passed clean through the l lr tmrlng way through tho right lung It wa S cnllbro In lro Hup- tHie cf the oinl department of the Dela ware nnd Hudson Cane Company this sftfnionn offered a rewin of 11000 for the- m t arid conviction of tim man that did ijo hn itlng- Knblnson whose homo la in WllkewRarro- ntxivered consciousness to4lay and a statement in which he say that levi s that tio wa hot by a ntrikor The I lrict Attorney the county detective slid a host of local sleuths are at Olyphaut i tits opening woklng to enm the reward llieio iim been an Incnoso today In tie rumlxr of rfflglr hangini from th- oi Ii hone nnd telegraph polo hrrtoliout- UiLSKKIUKiiE la June is No ar ittls yet len made cf the men SUB I ictcd of dynamiting tho Applegatn IIOUM n Hazleton yt Urilay or of ambUklilng- He oniiial al the William A colliery lJuryea on Wednesday night Warrant out in each however and armt- rro npected at uny moment A Pardee- A Co luau ufforod a rewanl of Uoo for Ihn- clynatnlten William Uemlnger nno cf the six men who held up young Applo gate and a companion after the outrage robbed a witoh I In Thn oilier the have not yet been captured UITCJIFU COAL coxrtrExcx Today Irmldent Mitchell had a long conference with lret decit Patrick rf et n dUtrict 7 from Mnrrts- ilale Pa who came to consult him about Irroldent Mitchell dinitod him to ileckrw n rlki asiiurin him of Uie of tr union What mine It ho would nol KIV the nofl coal In r the anthracite strike anti while nuld not commit hlnvwlf about tho of n soft codl striko- l o raid the mon In MM district urn doing si they can to kt soft crval out of the market They are refusing to i more car than Uon tirrriously- riieil at tho mirew In mannor i ititput ha not l although fti has Nen much coal from a n a mae h I haH o at ono or tti to I I1 1 Ail GUARD SHOT AT COAL BREAKER Ilk a this Its Ira cases C eon mthe thi ittnrtct lit > > < < > llier dUlrictM to go enit I ni itenl sptnl tlio ntrt wnuld not talk answering the t mtorV letterM Iho- i k The of the coal men riko thin week ho are for the iscu sliin of purely local troubles antI not Ho could not say- s would Inlnn howowr I that matter are slowly 4 pi z llielr courso toward a cell i m i lien a It apparent every t hat mov of K wn- af eil tie cf stenm i mnkcrw- i i ii lint not i TI It won confidently that I witiUI foro them to nn I ir clAy to trm men It wivo- ix nilicH As It Is they are now Hiving n wii h notiimlon and thoeo r Imd gnlred MJ much that the f working U InadviwiUo lui o Twiiviinn etiplioorw formerly working ii he ore now tin V i 2 N 0 Hid Nnttlngtuim colllrr- of iho Ishlgh nnd Vl11ke llnrro Coal Mwny anti Art uirkl g at engines at tlns Ilieir n i i roller in this n glnn and a meeting i Jent y Ccntral otip neers and llremen- v ii i nt Ahlcy thin aftoninon It i i ri tho m n lied arrived at tIne it MV n siil that mom were I ii- I A ntipoiutod to to if hey still remain inonilxrn the lir terliXH nnd further action will lie ti en wlmn tlm comtiiltteu report It j wild In the nKoting that men had if offer of rvInMotoinent with the com tany after thee strike liireful eetlinutm baaed on flgurv given ie flnh witk of the ttriko to bo COM to HOUSE ntmiLED with ntaumP- OTTSVIIII Pa Juno IS Tho cutml- rath n uf a rvrit nf dumnndratlonH- tiJ marches the part uf striker n tm we ti rn of county ai four thl l a tonIc vith lircann on the tinuw of lout Ixirvriz a mir fotoinnn sltico tie strike lion doIng the work of uinpmHii at lln south Spring col cry Thin attack worn Mm Uiur of I and 3 o cluck anti evnry i ldn f tio lioiuo wart attacked m witnlow cf the l cdroom when slipt- n thiiii otw iif lorrnx i khhol were lodged In the e ing and hour On anoUivr do of m lniiM rUles of 41 calibio wrrn Uf l- everul lioU wero fla l through the bed n of Mrs Harry tine nf Urn lets went both the fontlKinn- lII tIe heuilbnard of the lcd nn which woman slept Just grazing the HivwrS- jtiM of worker at a meeting t nfunioon ilvnouncvtl tlw oulrn o- rtil tie fitUfiis liavn to Slwriff I l lall for protection A carload nf- li aillig Into tho dl- srtt nnd a reward ha tern offered for- e iorietrator of the outrage IUUOXIN Pa June IS A majority i Mhorollierio owned by the 1 1 in rl cii i In Hit plmo- Ml lieu a cufllcUiit furco- rxtniinlnii Jn tie llnn onw tnnlay the first the firemen T ie are clowly- iuded by CVial ond Iron while i tiol nnioer tlm Pennsylvania- n heavy lat night iinvon operation cnnnld- l but the nii report o workings tn no longer In danger 1 entirely i- lICTrollrtlslt Itrcsll Jane l t r C- hefMlrlll hlBd Ccart- oiUfrvtla lt ln Ikkri sir nv nn Ml t- cl Mmr Hrktl omfrs Jia 7t IJU llmsil- c Uuiumtnu v sail T Cud bticf- tr t itt out t th trI n r how the or f JIl par who Ir Inn nt AlfA Ill rAIn f i slut lily oft 9 rJI I nnl eouvnt ton hi 1 t Iii t ordering maui let to hen ifltI9I Line at cuuci 1kLI4 itc been bud C A tjweu I I rig East < < > > < < > > < = MIEM ACT 1PJK1- RMtn teniMttanU Train t Nee Warr the Nn b Mal AlToniu Fa June IS For some time recently tint Pennsylvania Railroad m l ny official have Urn annoyed by an unusual number of supposed tramp riding oo the cool train The sequel ap- peared today In a statement of on of the men In which he ald hi wtu a union minor and fliat ho WM riding oo the train to dis- cover If the operators In tho told an violating I ho boycott on bituminous coal destined to fill anthraoiU market admitted that miner were In the same work T1i miner official some time ago Mid that the firm In tIed such a the Ovnrlnd White Company anti other are coal anthracite field They oould not a the coal wa distributed from Greenwich to Ita destination the of thn miner to track down the shipment mad In violation of boy to with the firma later PmiJrat John Mitchell who U In close sympathy with endeavors to or What will be big shipment are found going an U not DUtrict Prei Patrick Clllday refuse to talk on thU matter ILLINOIS MIXERS FIRM Win Not nreak Their Contracts to Help the Anthracite I ns Juno 14 Secretary Joseph Pop of Urn Belleville 111 District of United Mine of America Mild emphatic oally that there would be no strike of the soft coal mlnura of llllnoU In sym- pathy with the anthracite minor of Ho said It would be Impourfhlo for the illinois minor to take a hand In the strike t cniiso they were working under- a solemn compact the torn not and would not violate The contract run until I iwaHo Mild the report that the bttumlnoua minor of district Intended to out worn end wore for the of timid manu facturcni Into coal UNAl ouil Juno IS The tore In the coal In tht southwestern of tutu State have taken a census of the mlncrn on the of a general and find that 74 or W cent i f nro In favor of standing the scale which was adopted at the convention here la t February WET VinatXIA STttlKK OVER Tne nttomlnom Coal Miners Going nark to Work FAIBMOWT W Va June IS All the coal mine In put of Virginia are ex- pected to resume operation tomorrow The agitation amounts to very little since the arrest of the leaders for violating on Injunction The dayha through- out MOXUNOAII W Va June IS There U no doubt the mike In over In thU Keven agitator from Pennsylvania and Ohio left for home Not then men remain In Mother flock Every mine waa running full prevail Jun IS r of Cutner Curron A IhUlltt for the Iocahonta cool brought by the and W t rn to tidewater Sit Iwuiiliert said to that no steamer for bunker coal lin- tho iitrlke In the coal held occumd failed to get a supply and It IM that there will no interruption of the nupply lire at Rlototn Istiorm who Offered nethtanre and Kill One of Them A 8 on Is In their don m- AT Wok AIr far Inc Irk I Om qlt Ion Ion try a loll rOlCFv F 1 rUTOC sal eat local Its other employed the touch with the locel oMota dent Penn- sylvania basal tall this West been Nor- folk it bee ls < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ninuiNaitAU AU June is A number of foreign Ulxirrrs employed at the rtwl wire and rod inllla nt KnAley got out on a caro- uMlUt night and at I oclock were creating much disturbance on one of the avenue Constables Melts attempted to quiet the fonlgnrro but to no avail and he sought the awlnluncc of two Knsley policemen Th forrlgner offered rralstance A fight cn tjwl and Constable and Polkvinan- Tchxrow unod their pistol Joe Jnwlkluk wee nhot through the body receiving a wound which caused hi death In fifteen mlnutiw Another ono wee shunt hut ho managed to make good bU capo Klx other were nrrmted- 5TOVKI TIlE STIIKKT CARS More HInting In the PrnttdrneePawiorhet Strike Noldlrn I o Motht- nrrovrntNCK P I Juno IS An attempt open up the city line of street cnr In IVlwluokel resulted In riotous dora onstrntlons In Central Falls through which no mm ttave run i lnco the beginning of the trouble At 1 oclock afternoon the fret cur won rent out on the Dexter Mrvet Ilii It had a far a the Lir rain of tho when It war met with n and mlMllon umacheil and the conductor wa evral t and injured Till near line of Paw tiickit nail Central Falls the crowd being In CfUtrnl until the not art heed been nod Mayor Fails that h would not resOrt to uxlrvm measure nnd one division of the Naval lUeenra wus wnt the line from Pawtucket A charge WOK made on the place where tho ear had been but or small U was found nwrcl ed through tho oily and then marched to me followed n crowd of wvenil thousand latter cheenwl the mllltln hut In no uncertain tone that no car would l run through their city It wut thought at omit Inttml I try to tlio machine itt the machine gun which wo gun wee loaded and preparations made to rw lst an onslaught oars wnt Into Central Falls got a reception of stone were ileclded to abandon for the day III attempt to run care and this city there err no act or vlolemv Met to this ton Irk 1f1 In il hat no to l IOn heck kt hy I n P the today part Window ire il thi latter The troop In authority ne vioknre ever The battery lii position oivr the Pawtucket tnd and brokeis About 330 M IIIIIrOW < > > > SUnhole To r IMowti to the nerated A twohundmlpound manlKlo cover In the mlddlo of the Tlilrtyfourth rtreot- croMtown track nt Third avenue blew let night PtrikUiR the tntlo work below we t hal There loud explosion frightening th i wronger on car persotw- lUInc In lh It that KM which hail accumulated In the hill had been set off by a Kpark okxtrio conduit J Canirls M 1lonhe s IWO ranarlet The BritWi MeamsJilp ICapollo In yester- day from Hamburg will land today for an dealer two Mcred camels lour ordinary brown a baby til- berlan coinol n the fonturpf of most now babies W monkeys W Iou0 U b ar puma three lion anti 2 liyriia- lUmrtt Extract M rrrp rrU tram nl Vc4 VtaUU dtAI1 A mr jilt the I mal Calla color cart 2 no I 2 all 0 the track urfaeo goIng over baboons IA111kt uutlver di > > ¬ < CYGNUS HITS BOSTON BOAT orr or MI K IRON 5T- UOAT iift5f art Against Ote of the II F niBMtek Off 2 River nly One f Ilea Pasrngm Hart tUeonlo Real Trird to Uners Uses The Iron Cygnus which left her Coney Island pier al IM oclock yentor day afternoon hrr three decks thronged with about 1100 men women and chlklren- waa masking for Tier I North River about JO oclock the Metropolitan Line steam ship H F Dtmock from Botnn with one pasMenier the flattery from the Cast lUver of tlie two vessel up the Xorth paralt led each other for a while E Baker of the Dtmock which was astern of the Cygnus had blown one whistle Indicating lu the lan- guage of tho rule of the road applying that he would go to the ritfht or on the starboard hand of the Cygnus A Capt Baker put It hhnttlf I Intended to keep my course and the captain of the Cygnus knew it or ought to have known It The Cygnus U an iron In hull only and the Dimock U Iron gunwale to keelson The Dimock was alto heavily laden What happened after Cai l Baker blow hi signal wna m en by many of the Cygnus excumionlst and by lot of folks an airing on bulkhead and string The two boats came to geiher dill running parallel the Cygnux west of the Dimock When they were somewhat north of Pier 1 the Cygnus swung around Intending to come down on the tilt to they ii r Tho tide was Just turning ebb The boat wn about out from the pierhead Capt T II Kkld note tm blow two whistles to signify that In would cross the Diuiock Capt linker didnt hoar the and that own if ho had hoard them the Dlmotk had the right of way Hut llukor said cun- lilor my rIghts when I saw that If I ahead nm boat with eli thoso women al ard I signalled to the ongltio and stopped I wnndnrwl Cygnus lied gone out of hit wit I said to What tin dovil U thnl man trying- to do He laid no right to risk Us of all those M union and children by attempt- ing to en me I had no was so MO nboAni when ho ran Into me his cut water striking mo full on the ort bow staving a biiuUI hole i n nil fret water line friuturing three or four Im glad nobody was hurt through his fonllrhtioiw Naturally tltere wo excitement aboard the when ulie m slml Into the Dimixk About fifty I oi U nearly all men were sitting on camp on the hurricane dock of the Cygnus forward to the I flight oft they Uiwlt l over oUr nwn and women end Some of the Wound scrvotnoil and fainted khoutvd and hilt further aft Tli hoop wax not violent as go Mrs of tzu Cherry stnr t- win at the top of a way fell down to the next dock and and that wee the M I0 Injury TTTO of tho cmwd that wee the l w were Frank Ormsloy of IU l in and Mr nf lj l Twentieth street Spllntrni flew nil around and on tlwni hut nut hurt limy my then a crunching soiinil end nliutf- lftion f t of tIe hurricatio and dock InHintlnK rt nf the wood n sttm was smnshiii or knocked amun l Ira lat 8 run JUT Cap o 0 bat lan ho dow rom plo or their len hum Ilk II tiller l ret a closer went Ifl cit above the They all gut UI full In hurry inpect In warn e were was twisted > ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ < < to port tu kow A few rain grablwl llfo rv rH Minv linmllne thoin to wnmon The nennmo of the docks and the nIece of the sister teat the MM bound to Coney Island a few hundred y nl ciT to kfop ClOWn the excite- ment aol whon It won scon tluil wu untlor wnylwndlnir toward 9 the lhUh Valleys frriifhl oxmtrslonl calm Moonwhilo n man who attends tn lln H nt Plor 1 heel shoutod across to a at Pier A that the Cygnus wee afire The cop told Scrgt Mip and h pent nut In a steam Inunrh to the ftreboat W I Strong which out In a hurry nail called for renonm from o precincts The Cygnits wus alnncslilo 2 l fore the rosouo fleet arrived The lionts nfllrtin nail clockhan had got think altno t an- iufct 01 a school Otm woman to l on retaining a life presorver until sho got on the pier Capt to the police lr blow two whHlos anil that the Dfmwks skipper hail answcnM wlih one ln hftil two whlrtlm again he declared nd oicaln nno toot In admlltixl that ho tlumehl he could clear Dimock when startnl acmes her tows HU nritlnnl Intfiiilin apparently was to M the HnvMk slrcam before attempting to roach his plorTlio hull wn and after all her pnssonirors off sho wrni under her own ioam to Frlo- Ilosln whore sho will ho repaired Dam age about IM Dlniork while commanded by Capt Ottoman sanK W K steam vnchl ofT Pollock Rip on Sundnv July 74 IMS Tlio IIno paid honvy damufies a the Dimock to blame cnovxiiEn TO SAVE A sroor The Crn Klocnm K enili the Mght on a liar In lanialoa Ila In order to avoid collision with a sloop yacht the big excursion Ron Klncum wait run aground afternoon on- Hmelks bar in Jamaica Ray off Rnckaway Park Her SV paseonKeni wore taken off unhurt and not much excited and came home by rail of men tnother t I I I ygnuaui Peg th Cygnus berth thug beari- ng wit a I1i4ftl ieat cop got the worn wag boat yesterday ¬ < > Battery landing In command nf W H Van bchalck After tho got around Itikhlo- Hocknway Inlet a thick fog shut tier in end tlw flvetnllo passage through thin Ing channel in the was mado under re- duced pe l with contlmiod sounding nf- thnfogHlt inl soul two men on the lookout When the KInrutn was within half a tulle Hmnlilo and hail made a sharp tuni toKtarboatd to head In for tIn landing ono of the men forward spin the sloop with turn aboard almost doad- nhmil anti drifting slowly Van his helm apart anti tho bow nf tho Just mii the rtTn of tho slonp A M later the flcx um hart and on the hit which U covoro l by- onlv six feet if water at high ttdo There was n scramhlo for life but nobody tried to Jump overboard and after was ovor Van bclialrk was willing to take hU oath that had throofourth of the iv sM rigon were womon- Vtllhlti l vi ininutcn after the tnst struck the fog lifted and her plight was seen by tioituins al Konsidn the Kockawny mlln out to tha Inrstmstlon n llmmj n rxiMrt IcIU In lod s Alvrnlnf Ttltjra t ml irranlnr of the ron owt tloi ut ttte bay of Jut 0111 fast ell o 1 old wnb ulUe NaV IIICIa I It era the alt wind her liler at few was fainted although tree Uw A k ¬ > > > < Slvoim in a and shouted to the setiger would be ashore In to have all the fun they had wt out to The police launch wa followed within a few by the small Jamaica steamboat Kirgo H The end boxes transferred to the Molt and not a sand- wich lost Four or fine l oarriaoe were care fully towered to the deck of the Molt with their In Then the carriage well hauled back for another lot who have their own per amliulaior with them The men sail most of the wonvnj mado the trip from the boat to the steal one mnnn of rope ladder but some women balked and to be sling It funny said a steamboat how women will to Coney Island and and loop the and risk ashore at 50 ran on the bar President Frank A of the Knlckortx ckr Kteambnat to which the Hlocum yesterday Ho made Island Railroad for nanillng all the stranded back to town by train The Slocum will tie off liar at high water thU morning She 1 MO feet About fifty feet of her low 1 In the sand Hmelks liar usually forms In the winter and drIfts away In summer lu pres- ence steamboat mon was due to Friday storm THE THISTLE O TIlE ROCKS Commodore Rrkert and Ills Famtty Taken Off tn a Naphtha Launch N w llocnKUJt June IS Commodore Fckert of the New Itoclmllo Yacht Chub with hU wife two sane and a daughter Sailed In hU ullboat the Thistle for Port Jfa Saturday evonlng A Lobe Hay a heavy aea and the high tide drove the Thistle bow on toward the ComriKxlnro Eckrrt lot control of the wheel emil the boat driven nn the rock Krkert assisted her husband in lower- ing the sails thus preventing the boat from capsizing Vachtumon at the clubhouse saw the peril that the Commodore and his were In and Mivpral of them went rescue In a naphtha launch and took the off The Thistle was sllll on the tonight and unless she can bo floated tomorrow- It Is feared she will pound to STEAMSHIP OV 4 LUXF The iruund tHY False Cape In the Mod All Mghl- NoRrouc Va June British steamer Falcon bound from a lull for Europe by way of Norfolk went ashore on nn uncharted lump two miles southeast of False Capo Virginia al 7 oclock last night Fog prevailed when the struck The Cost guards were not on tho lookout remained undiscovered until B this savers wont out to her but stood by the steamer anti that a tug bo pent to her assistance The Morritt tug Rescue and a tucSen tack tug raced Iron Norfolk to the scene hip IteMtjn reached the Falcon fIrst and after part nf the docklood nf timber was her at 520 oclock this uftornoon The steamer shortly ot di d for Norfolk William Iwimb Co the Falcons agents lets tar that salvage hns lieon agr tl Southeast storm signals are tonight and It U with off the lunch IIi n u Nol b I on or then 0 ut Soma when t aLI t WAlton taU pry p Fall All TIn I the lisp was their juecks all whirligig anti make a we overa little this The bust the ot about 4 was folks the i reef warn Mrs reeks lees lifts 15 The she th asked float 1 ¬ ¬ liir HKKT fil AH1IK liVid OtT Today Will tie for Them the Last Oar nf iresW- jisttwoTox Juno IS Ilefure the close of tomorrows of the Seriate some- thing definite will bn known as to the of tIe RcpuUlcanH In CYmgirM to Kether in support of a Cuban reciprocity tarlfrnxluctinn measure in line with Ue- rwxtmrmndatlons cnntaineil In the me sages nf Urn PrTHldenl Tomomiw will the last day nf grace for on Tuesday the Cuban Relation Commlttc will mt l to upon the terms of n bill to lio reported- to a caucus tlm next day and to us n pony measure Tint Sonito loader Insist that they cnn rely upon at least fortyfive Senators to support the bin of the Cuban Committee thus leaving i rjy nine Republicans to nppnso the party The lender mad a last count of no c today and while ate by no mean with the situa- tion they Ulloro that only a small nf sugar Senators if will stand out nt end against their party OM- OfUltoi Tills everflng thin Senators lurk a prnt meted conferrer at the reel thrice Senator Elklns who n ago nsMumod tho nf the faction hn sire niiK reduction whatever In the Cuintn tariff These Senators mot- to receIve the of a subcommittee to whom assigned thn task nf formu hating seine proviso to l in the Wr Her compromise Mil which thee Imet sugar Sofintnrs can support the form nf which they can vote III cnuctm with their twirty wiv their faces Three or four alternative proposition worn suggested nnd dU cuM i Im tomormw to those In charge or the than committees bill Ono IXIMH no kKislstb n at all another a modl of Mimo of imnlifylnx clause In the lull that will terre to secure tin fntervsta of tilt thnt no tiptoe to them of the tariff mlurtiou iimasur- tHlIlT AT Till LOOFEttS SCHOOL One of Prncntts l ii IU llailtr Smashed on Ills First Trip Rronton a circus acrobat nearly hula life yoktenlay morning trying to liMip the loop on a blcycjo III Khe pshead Ray A loop lieon erected lonely place in thee wnnds called llio Cedar by- Irwotl for tlm purpose nf training hi- tmupo nf loopem Ire cntl own livery loop III the Initrd State IUM a vitent- en devkv A crowd hail Fathered to watch Rmntnn- do tho trick n man and utml to 1m an expert return erfnrm T Every ont thought ho had a cinch fart lila wlfo nnd nowral friends calM to He i hU Ho gut astride the wlmel rfertlr cool l himself iu h forward slightly UKI down Im elIOt like a falling star When wheel struck tlm loop there was n rumblo nail a grating noise and tlm crowd thought Ilnititnn rom I hrough safely but ho lost contnil of tho bicycle on last quarter of thud nnd smashed tlm casing on the lefthand attic Ilmnton wee flung against nf the structure and thee tank half- way Into thee boards HU left wa torn out and rlbx were bruised rt rs4 lltlar- br the Mprrl lli luiurtoiu traIn Irsvlsc Chlrtca M P M onlr one Chit CtUMto la VIA Chle o Votth Led Inlon H dW Hrs Omers 77 and Ml Ilro4il flora I I t I IMhl nil t ul lied of anti A third inclusion sugar country CIa bit has ala and 1 lit ordeal rnl hula usa aloud At dilly nu W YIY t session ogre agreed the auger week C was ant form rebate the isbn beet tI lee the the sad 44i < ¬ ¬ < > KING EDWARD SLIGHTLY ILL r4vrcu 5tvfir EnAfiEM- V DOCTORS AMICE cit a rwu Darin the fluttery TaU at Atdrrsfaot and Is IMirTtnt From an Attack ef Ijiinbige and Fatigue Kerle of Public Engagements IX VDOM June II After the grand military tattoo at last night the King foil unwell and summoned Dr Sir Francis Laklng one of hi physicians from London Dr taking arrived it Aldershot midnight and wrote a proscription which was ilspecscd a the military hospital lie recommended that his Majesty remain quiet on Sunday with tho result till thee Ring cancelled engagement for la believed that tie i suffering from a cold He has averaged three public en- gagement dally finishing at thee theatre throughout the pant week which thee rainiest of the year A court circular issued evenIng sayS that tlm King was unable to leave room today owing to an attack of lumbago caused by a chill at AlderUiot The correspondents write that his Majesty will probably bo able to hold the military review tomorrow on l ffsns Plato 80000 troops will bo engaged If he 1 still unwell thee Prince of Wale will review the troops lu his stead FLrtO MAVH1XR FAILS Albert Bebmnly Falls the trine Wttti Ills Invention fvrtil faftl Dnpal k It TIn lire PARIS June IS Albert Schmutt U the latH Invenor of a lying machine which he asserted could vie with the swallow Ho took ll to a bridge over the Heine near St Cloud and Jumped off working thee wing with hi arms Flit Invention proved a complete failure and Hchmutx fell Into the river where be wa rescued by boaU SSEItESS 01 CAl MCOOLK Woke Ip Two Counties With Ills Tugs Whittle to Unite a llrldgrfcreper- Newarkere and residents of nearby part of Eex and Hudson countle were pux clod and somewhat olarme for two hours on Saturday night by the blowing of a strain whistle It Is customary in Har- rison to blow a whistle whenever a blgflie occur hut It U not usual to keep it blow- Ing for two hour Stony Inquiries wets oddreiMed to Bcrg- tIroul al Pollco Headquarter in Newark to the location of the tire They came from Haul Orange llellevllle and Itosevtlle Protest and appeals followed and Prout learned that Iho noise rain from a tugboat In the Pomalo River Mayor Seymour finally called him up and asked him to do his je l to chock the noise a peoplo were bothering him about It Prout thee harrison pollen for aid and squads of oftlcvr were sent to the IackawnnA bridge to stop the whistle They found that the tug S E Hcanlan of Newark cointnnnded by Capt McCoole was above the thaw with its whlstlo open It had towed a schooner through the draw early in the overling anti the schooner had hit the framework and lost two yawls 11 rN 11 Srx Akltn hot his It was his when all Lang Sal Deapue to ins after today this let today sake > ¬ ¬ McCoolo had five fuel clear of hU stack and flagstaff when he pa up and this Increased by thus falling when he came down the river but ho wa mad through ami through and insisted upon the draw Icing swung A few minutes 7 oclixk he liegan blowing hU whistle anti kept It screeching until US when tin pollen prevailed upon him to posit under the bridge Meanwhile crowds had gathered on each side of the river and upon tho bridges A man went down upon tlm draw and sight- Ing over the stack of the tug found so Ten feet clear nontlKHY TALE TO THEFT Irrgrmans Aitoitetl Son Spins a Tarn About Matliml llurglan- Tenyrorold Henry Foster 1 the adopted son of the RovWilliam E Johnston rector of this ProtcMtnnt tpiMtipal Church of tho Retlonmor in 130th utroet between Unot and Sovtnth nvenuiii Mr and Mrs John- ston left Urn boy alone t their 2jl Seventh aenuo for n cmiplo nf hnurx on Sunday night When they RHI back at they found tlio sitting on Urn front He said ito heal a knock at thee door whon was and n log It h t raw n man standing outside with a mask over hits fee otid a revolver In Ills Young Foster wild ho ran tlm burglar anti found n jKillcoman nt llith street and Seventh avniuo iKill- oinnnlMsaldrvtunied to the with him wit could find no rvldmco that tin liemmlilied excvpt that ti was gone from a denk ilrawor rector 1th lil wife and the l iy wont to the Wi t irsth streit station l see what Im looked e No such rain had teen there linr cnuld tlm t out the he hail met Finally under the boy down and admitted that wns He had stolon tin money hlmrelf- ho said Mr Jolmston Im took lilt several year ago anti he has always honest tru tod He refiiMd to prooocute the Uty anil ttxik him liom- oSFILLED SALT SFOILEH RIPE tub Womrns Antontoolle Ride a rnspier of Kghteen club women members of thee Ray Palmer Club of Newark went on an automobile ride nn Saturday They put themselves In the care of an auto company antI one nf the say that all thin accident that followed were Ix ausn she spilled tlm salt at breakfast thai morning Kumethltig wa going to The club Iravelled to in two vehIcles In une of which the lunch Mored This ono proved Urn fleeter anti soon thee buhlml lino on the rod the slow auto broke down Olin It caught Mm anti n farmer with a- ll of water had to bo summoned Inter thin water gave out and a man working In a cornfield was to cart enough to kiwi tlm Ixiller fritu going up Alwut A the gave out nnd thin facet l and town There they found that whi had with provisions luau had onn or two accidents too All wore disgusted with autos anti with thin woman who this The auto company alil their fares lock to antI reached their home late In thin evening Just a a small company of hushatiils lovera were slx ut to cell up the New York police for Information women Ma U CoM to had lid Ito till 1 house IUI arnetei burglar Fle rector RIII tile had hol story NIl a HI 1 hungry women haiti to 111111 Tarry Ie I h Irot ioN lib WtCTOR4TA wee heir buy upstairs slut thee I lilac the fats been women was left hire walk s- tets I lit salt the jvis ¬ < < < 11nT o ri nsios UOAT- Ntalrway CIUpsrs Unrtng Ktrtltntrnt Canard b Fighting en Pier The Marlon Athletic Club of Harlem had an excursion to yt CnrnwallontheHuds- onyt anti the excur k nlst re at I oclock this morning to thee too of Katt Ttilrtysecond street Urn regular dock hand who tie up thee boats wvro way mm on the pier took the hawvem and dVmaiuied pay for their work When they didnt get any money they fought with thee excursionist In thee excitement on board the boat a number of Iho excurolonlrtt crowded on a stairway lending front the second deck Tho stair- way collapsed and eight persona were In Jurcd Two of them were taken to RelVr je Hospital They were Fxlwstnl Rowlnwr a ran of a dotocttvo sergeant who Uvm at 221 East Thirtysecond street and Joseph D McQuado of 477 FAt Hlxtythlrd stlwt- Res lnter ankle was dlslocntnl and McQuadss should or hurt The others received slight ruts but they refused to go to the hospital nniTISH YACHT Foil 3EO GOULD Taurus Formertr Haren do nothrtiUds- Arrttr Mere Preen England The Rrltlh steam yacht Taurus which boon cliartrnd for the season J Gould arrived lucre yesterday from SouUuunptun by way of Fayal She ex- p riencoil rough weather after leaving Fayal Tlie Taurus wo formerly thee Err and was by late Ilaron Alfred dn- Rothschll l the U a steel schooner rigged and was built In IMS by Shuttle worth t Oinimuin at Etltti from designs by A H Bruwn She l Jl tNt inches long between perpcmilcular IM feet on the water line SO feet beam and 1S4 feet depth Her engines are of tho compound Inverted typo She U one of the most handsomely fitted yacht built on the other sldo of the Atlantic The staterooms and saloons are furnished more like room in a private house than In a veenel The yacht U In charge of Capt Too who thee skipper nf the Atalanta before Mr Gould soil that vessel and last year skipper of the Sybarite another English yacht chartered br Mr Oould The Taurus will tie overhauled at once antI will be used this summer In the Waters between till port anti RAT Harbor HAGEU MOTHER AXD CHILD Paramour of a Woman Kin hue and Then Kills a flit icwtlnesM- riKoaKit I T June IS The United States Marshal teen notified of the murder of Dyer a white woman anti her twelveyearold daughter in the Creek Indian neighborhood known a Oakfun- efortyfive miles wept of here The woman quarrelled with her paramour and the latter throw a noose around her neck and hung her from a staple In the ceiling of house Tho girl witnessed the hanging of l r mother anti the murderer In order to rermjve the only to hi crime killed tier in the same manner mother and daughter swinging Mn by side A been tent out to the scene of the crime Tito name of the murderer U not known at thoMarshal office turned Son WAtt baa owned II II has hula when by George lee vessel was was Mrs witness posse has > > < FATIEXTS l HOSFITAL HHItT- retltng Fail en Twrhe Women and Two fhtlrtren A large patch nf plaster on the ceiling of the first flour of tlm Harlem Hospital In thee women ward fell shortly after 13 oclock this morning There were twelve women anti two children In the ward None of the patIents badly hurt butt they were all more or les cut by broken pkve- nf plaster TIll IHlO lU F The Womn Who its With mm In the Csttiost llrld a Witness Tho body nf James F Seymour who was tho son of Mayor Seymour of Bayonne anti who was drowned off lAth Roarh on Saturday night was recovered late ye- terriuy afternoon May Kelley of Third nvonuo Brooklyn a woman who was with him on cntbonl when 1m fell nvorlioan- lwa artsigned in thee Coney Island police court and held In hail ns n wltm for the Coroners Inquest today Her story I that sho tnt Seymour at Coney sItter the nn Sntunlay a number of friends went to the Caiitiilns Pier BAtli Beach and nlKiut II oclock he and Seymour went out to lIeu rstl ost In a went for ward to o i the night lamp from the mast A friend of Mayor Soymour wn nl Beth Bench of the He that young Soymmir who wits an Assistant Tax of lieu goon to Until oh to enter hula heat the unIt in tIe Atlantic Yacht Club ra- on Tii lsy- S was Jfl old lie WAtt mar- ried and had one child Hn had Just fin- ished building a horn In Bayonne nOTIlFttKH MISS ROSALIE MEW Moore nmi nded flue Woman Iaw er- Mimitd lay Him I O Perry Moore who says ho I a Cuban from Santiago arralgnml In Jefferson Market noli v court ye teniay for creating a IUturl nto on Katuniay in Urn law office nf MI tinsalin of the Legal Aid Society at 239 Broadway Mooro went to iw offlco on Saturday afternoon anti after a great deal i if Incnherenl talk demanded that him It Jo ljocaiiM ho failed to get a Jot as conductor on the Broadway cars de elated that It that had ftld Mixire l canM so excited that a policeman wa cello In to arrest him In court anti with Magistrate Mayo that the Cu an rhnul ho to for examination Into hits Kanlt- yCAFTFOOin III YSA FIVE HOUSE Sells Ills Farm C w and Itilrkms and Mmr to Wathlncton llrichts Police Captain Fo ly of the West Thirty snv nth station who was recortly found guilty publicly reprimanded by Commissioner Partridge for allowing CICM lolntlon In lila precinct anti tin hewn Indirtetl for this same nf sold his IIIHIKO anti Rock chickens row nod other things at Morris avinuo anti 181 street anti hi bought anti will Uo In a tmndsonm residence at U Convent avenue on Wash Itigtim Heights Tlm property owned that Opt Tk ct lt llu l m sad I ire trsvtrsrU truth of VnllU itvlnr nrir rlrne 10 I Jar l I cuollrtI wsr mist t v ctu s taUt Ant 1 73 Iii hroly race Ih and In Iolnl fell YM That Love he 1 rot anti who irK tnt hues An I t lAid 40000 for It Twe Uotiavk tIDe tie was IF a Mi hotly salt lies was phi Ii was wait agreed Street was oely 5fy Iatrrvallag IaIl ValleY the Valley real the trw en < > ¬ ¬ < > > < > < JS THIS SUICIDE DISBROW A IMV itKsruiiit lint JLMrs IROV IIIHIIIKIV HHIOGK Many Han Ihe leap Mot Feond- Othrow and Fwter Fought In MIss Mwrenees Pre enee Uefare Ran Ulrtwow Told a Friend Tint rn the Mjht Fottrr and limp Law Fence ltt atpeareil Me Atlsrknl Foster and its baked Into Kuhmlislon The Ctrl Mdrd the VMor A man whoso description resemble that of Louis DUtiniw who It U believed can throw some light on the drowning of Mint Sarah Lnwrrnco anti iliirvnco Foster near n x l round I and who dlaap- lienntl committed sillcUio by Jumping from the entre nf tho river span of tho Ilrnoklyn Ilridgo Into the river at 839- oclock yc tonlay aftomnon At thee time lie mado tIlt fnlal leap ratrolmau David Darn was standing almost within reach of him Patrolman nom wn clenching on tho south roadway near New York tower when h aw a man climbing tin outer railing near thus cvntre of tho river span There won A distance of over TIC fort thorn Dom Jumpwl on a Bergen street car rid told Mntormnn Timothy to put on speed Then Iw took oil lielmrt- ao as not to china thin man who had climbed to tin upper railing When thee car ar- rived opixwttc where tl man won standing Dora Jumpe tff anti ran to the railIng What sni y u doing there Im asked Tlxt man looked down at till poLiceman but mild no reply TIn Dom attempted to grab him but he was Just out of reach patrolman started to climb Iho rail but just s h put his foot on the wire net- ting nut above him Jumped Into the titer pnsenRen on several saw man Jump end they became greatly Many of them loft tho anti ran to tilt of tho Bridge to look down Into thus river Introlmsji Dorm said IM SAW tho man strike tbi wntcr anti disappear Then the hotly cnrnn to the surface and floated down Ktroam for a hundred feet and again dUapppnrwl The patrolman notified Pollen Captain Kenny and Hergt Hrophy of the Bridge station anti patrolmen were rent down to thee river front on both tin Manhattan and Brooklyn nldo to look for the body but they were unsuccessful Capt Kenny nold tlwjt thn man had evi- dently gut on a car at lbs Manhattan ter- minus anti loft It at the centra of the river span The polIce describe thee suicide an beIng about yean old S feet 7 inches tall and weighing ITS pounds lie wore a dark sack coat dark trousers a black derby hat anti waa smooth sliaven The description follows closely that of DUbrow who with Foster and Ml Sarah Lan the night before they were drowned In TUuui Buy now Ground I The In tlm lied lie lit I Ih than his the tell side 7 was L ot Ihot clothing that Duabrow when trlw lust Away has be- tween The the Thee ears care ii heel teen wore a ¬ ¬ ¬ of thee car that carried Patrolman Dnrn In- spector David of tle Brooklyn Company n 101 lingers Mvenuo nnd Aloxnmler Ne n- uf S street all MW tho man take the lump I Juno 16 A sensa- tional development III the mystery nf tlm death of Clnrvnco Fostwr moon and Mind Sonul Hay Lnwrenne nf whose UKlio wore washed suture In Tiatui Bar morning cnnm when William A painter nf till plan told for tlm flr t II story of a tight nn the Leach In the som Ntweon 3 and 3 oclock Tuesday mnmlnic lietwi n Foster anti Dlshpiw Nuroolheiirt of MM- Iwiwrvnco who lui tutn niliwliig from lien Tuesday nftonntnn lax anti who U tIle man who tell the full story events loading uI to Urn death of young inuplo Mid mir Jealousy It would appear Disbrow In thti- irewnon nf MU Iwiwronc nbrloml- ontliMiM for Foster a tnarrioil man niM a hlmrt wlilnli in a triumph fur Foster tbo athlete Ho throw tlm 111 iruw to thee ground and clinked him until ho wee In that i only letting him up when ho slens line onnugh land to withdraw fmm anv further claim the rraildurmtlon nf thee young woman Mls Ivtwrrmv it I wild mnnict nf lovers calmly not In- terfering In any it all- over slm her stand bosldn tho victor making It plain to tIle vanquished Disbrow that ho WRIt a titan In a nsi- Tli fact that this fight between two jealous mn the of the young the fog ntir that Dlslrow mm titan who tutu tell anrUIng of what ixiiirriil after thus fIght run away and cnnnot found linn tlHiir nf muriliT which nil tlm cf this village who know the peculiar relation- in which tIes tttrro stood to ono nnothe- rliao liold iiKY tho diwip nf DU lute Th ro were a IIUIIIKT of tniUv tail nf ruRiclent IInpor tnrifT In the of to wnrraiit some sort nf in Investigation It sr ni that toroiHT Numnt mado o no exnmlnatlin nf Foster IvMly after It broucht ni h ro tlm man biiriM In thi In tIn wry clotlmi hint ho wore when Iw w taken nut i f ilm icy It d to lr that hnd IVi In antI a largo r with hitt when tm out with Disbrow and Mlsn lowretici- Neltlier tnoiMy nor wn fount en him whet his lunly was neoxerrd- Waltons kimwliilKo of thee fight nn the leach canto from DMimw hlmMlf dill not no it Whon Disbniw left here ho took Walton with him and t io yoimi- Milntor was the last l r iii who cnn intind who saw tho mfhrtlng men Wnlton Hays that ho kept his i ti ry to himself t e- CMIIHO ho got I irltn w whllo he wn living on Toilay ho- Imcatiio worried nlwut the nuittor nail a conciliation with liU fnthor whi over from lilvorhond ho wont to Southampton iliad a ftntoinent to rom r- Nugent voro to It Walton line lioon living at the KUI of Waller man lien On Mondtv lf t ho finished nUi wcvk Jnh ho luau teen gi d on and nn ho was lilllne around KldridcV diroctly oppo tlio w Ho and a IIIMI Herbert were talking nf iptlnj- U money tn havon in iwm a straig Walton bo walkiil t him antI mid Do you want to to I I bay no money sell nltnn Cone owr wlth mo afternoon Ill y jtiiir way AII Disbrow A if iiennl tM cnnvrr lion nisi they my that Dlslnuw I had luncheon at EHrlRoa nnd at 530- iiYliick walke1 over t tile de t wheru- WhlUi wnitT fir tin faln Station Arcs Ixlifi i tnin Ihmufs tICS lllcnunni of tj- ul nb luy Uiw M Btr Nr UsAwr W- rnouUl A M MUM ur W I motorman 1 loon I ptlrt l 1011 young Situ II I to hueil Thin lOlId1 lira III I S It this th I aral min tmllll l 11111 mIt tart II I ohrow after can W t to thy got goei 1 I I I ocrI 1 ill sumac oft whew Itshrow hInt ate was eoulle in line at renugt keel was itt botliat Fester cf hone all till whim came a I It I- to tip it iP secure III anti nPtti fIsbrow tirt ticket to Quinati ¬ ¬ > > < < ¬ ¬ < > < < > < > < > > > <

Transcript of Iwxy SJewtrrwd I ru - Library of Congress · m witnlow cf the l cdroom when slipt-n thiiii otw iif...

Page 1: Iwxy SJewtrrwd I ru - Library of Congress · m witnlow cf the l cdroom when slipt-n thiiii otw iif lorrnx i khhol were lodged In the e ing and hour On anoUivr do of m lniiM rUles

Iwxy i Jew n twoSJewtrrwd cootsr todir fair tomorrow



1M ru lltew hbJA AnII NEW 19Ocrmea= = =


D iut FeoBd at CHrpbaat Met ThreatLung Can Hardly Recover Mtteatf-

lImint lUady fer Aetloa la theCeat Rrftoa Mre Tlelnie-

SoiATro Pa June Charlt Robinten deputy pollcoman In the employ ofil No 7 colliery of the Delaware andlludon Canal Company at Olyphant wa-

rrrrlvrd at the lAckawaan Hospital Intblo city at J oclock thla morning sufferingfrom a wound through the right brraat

chance of recovery an atlxM-Alout midnight Robinson bad bUZz found

lying uncnnaclou betide train of canlie lid been en duty ouuldo of the breakerrd accordlnt to aU accounts had neated-

Manlf IjrslJe tlio car only a few minutesprevious to the hooting The Inference Ucf cmirM that Robinson waa ahst either bya itriker or liy a strike sympathlnr

In Olyi hant Urn striken and their Mendttattcd a Mory morning that Robinsonhot himself while crawling under A carAt the lAckawannn Hospital this afterrcirn ttm hyslolan In charge of the casetit tulrd thl theory They any that thevuurd is iteolf the t et Indication that theman w not In a stooping condition wlmn-ttiit and that It Is also evident that thepin from which the shot was fired wasome dltUnca away when the shot waflrei-

lTlo millet evidently came from a power-ful riflo for it passed clean through thel lr tmrlng way through tho rightlung It wa S cnllbro In lro Hup-tHie cf the oinl department of the Delaware nnd Hudson Cane Company thissftfnionn offered a rewin of 11000 for the-m t arid conviction of tim man that did

ijo hn itlng-Knblnson whose homo la in WllkewRarro-

ntxivered consciousness to4lay anda statement in which he say thatlevi s that tio wa hot by a ntrikor TheI lrict Attorney the county detectiveslid a host of local sleuths are at Olyphauti tits opening woklng to enm the reward

llieio iim been an Incnoso today Intie rumlxr of rfflglr hangini from th-oi Ii hone nnd telegraph polo hrrtoliout-

UiLSKKIUKiiE la June is No arittls yet len made cf the men SUBI ictcd of dynamiting tho Applegatn IIOUM

n Hazleton yt Urilay or of ambUklilng-He oniiial al the William A collierylJuryea on Wednesday night Warrant

out in each however and armt-rro npected at uny moment A Pardee-A Co luau ufforod a rewanl of Uoo for Ihn-

clynatnlten William Uemlnger nno cfthe six men who held up young Applogate and a companion after the outrage

robbed a witohI In Thn oilier the have notyet been captured

UITCJIFU COAL coxrtrExcxToday Irmldent Mitchell had a long

conference with lret decit Patrickrf et n dUtrict 7 from Mnrrts-ilale Pa who came to consult him aboutIrroldent Mitchell dinitod him to ileckrwn rlki asiiurin him of Uie oftr union What mine It ho would nol

KIV the nofl coal Inr the anthracite strike anti while

nuld not commit hlnvwlf about thoof n soft codl striko-

l o raid the mon In MM district urn doingsi they can to kt soft crval out of the

market They are refusing toi more car than Uon tirrriously-riieil at tho mirew In mannor

i ititput ha not l althoughfti has Nen much coal from








at ono or tti to










Ira cases

C eon

mthe thi ittnrtct





< >

llier dUlrictM to go enitI ni itenl sptnl tlio

ntrt wnuld not talk answering thet mtorV letterM Iho-i k The of the coal men

riko thin week ho are for theiscu sliin of purely local troubles antI not

Ho could not say-s wouldInlnn howowr I that matter are slowly

4 pi z llielr courso toward a celli m i lien a It apparent everyt hat mov of K wn-

af eil tie cf stenmi

mnkcrw-i i ii lint noti TI It won confidently thatI witiUI foro them to nnI ir clAy to trm men It wivo-

ix nilicH As It Is they are now Hivingn wii h notiimlon and thoeor Imd gnlred MJ much that the

f working U InadviwiUo lui o

Twiiviinn etiplioorw formerly workingii he ore now

tin V i 2 N 0 Hid Nnttlngtuim colllrr-of iho Ishlgh nnd Vl11ke llnrro Coal

Mwny anti Art uirkl g at enginesat tlns Ilieir n i

i roller in this n glnn and a meetingi Jent y Ccntral otip neers and llremen-

v ii i nt Ahlcy thin aftoninon Iti i ri tho m n lied arrived at tIneit MV n siil that mom were


I A ntipoiutod toto if hey still remain inonilxrn thelir terliXH nnd further action will lieti en wlmn tlm comtiiltteu report It

j wild In the nKoting that men hadif offer of rvInMotoinent with the com

tany after thee strikeliireful eetlinutm baaed on flgurv given

ie flnh witk of the ttriko to bo COM to

HOUSE ntmiLED with ntaumP-OTTSVIIII Pa Juno IS Tho cutml-

rath n uf a rvrit nf dumnndratlonH-tiJ marches the part uf striker

n tm we ti rn of countyai four thl

l a tonIc vith lircann on the tinuw oflout Ixirvriz a mir fotoinnn slticotie strike lion doIng the work ofuinpmHii at lln south Spring colcry Thin attack worn

Mm Uiur of I and 3 o cluck anti evnry i ldnf tio lioiuo wart attackedm witnlow cf the l cdroom when slipt-n thiiii otw iif lorrnxi khhol were lodged In thee ing and hour On anoUivr do ofm lniiM rUles of 41 calibio wrrn Uf l-

everul lioU wero fla l through the bedn of Mrs Harry tine nf Urn

lets went both the fontlKinn-lII tIe heuilbnard of the lcd nn which

woman slept Just grazing the HivwrS-jtiM of worker at a meetingt nfunioon ilvnouncvtl tlw oulrn o-

rtil tie fitUfiis liavn to SlwriffI l lall for protection A carload nf-li aillig Into tho dl-srtt nnd a reward ha tern offered for-e iorietrator of the outrage

IUUOXIN Pa June IS A majorityi Mhorollierio owned by the1 1 in rl cii i In Hit plmo-Ml lieu a cufllcUiit furco-

rxtniinlnii Jn tie llnn onw tnnlaythe first the firemen

T ie are clowly-iuded by CVial ond Iron while

i tiol nnioer tlm Pennsylvania-n heavy lat night

iinvon operation cnnnld-l but the nii report

o workings tn no longer In danger1 entirely i-

lICTrollrtlslt Itrcsll Jane l t r C-

hefMlrlll hlBd Ccart-oiUfrvtla lt ln Ikkri sir nv nn Ml t-

cl Mmr Hrktl omfrs Jia 7t IJU llmsil-c Uuiumtnu v sail T Cud bticf-

tr t




trI n

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lily oft9 rJI I nnl eouvnt ton hi


t Iii tordering

maui let




at cuuci















< >





RMtn teniMttanU Train t NeeWarr the Nn b Mal

AlToniu Fa June IS For some timerecently tint Pennsylvania Railroad ml ny official have Urn annoyed by anunusual number of supposed tramp riding

oo the cool train The sequel ap-peared today In a statement of on of themen In which he ald hi wtu a union minorand fliat ho WM riding oo the train to dis-cover If the operators In tho told anviolating I ho boycott on bituminous coaldestined to fill anthraoiU marketadmitted that miner wereIn the same work

T1i miner official some time ago Midthat the firm In tIed such a theOvnrlnd White Company anti other are

coal anthracite fieldThey oould not a the coalwa distributed from Greenwichto Ita destination theof thn miner to track downthe shipment mad In violation of boy

to with the firma laterPmiJrat John Mitchell who U In close

sympathy with endeavors to orWhat will be big

shipment are found going anU not DUtrict Prei

Patrick Clllday refuse to talk on thUmatter

ILLINOIS MIXERS FIRMWin Not nreak Their Contracts to Help

the AnthraciteI ns Juno 14 Secretary Joseph

Pop of Urn Belleville 111 District of UnitedMine of America Mild emphaticoally that there would be no strikeof the soft coal mlnura of llllnoU In sym-pathy with the anthracite minor of

Ho said It would be Impourfhlofor the illinois minor to take a hand Inthe strike t cniiso they were working under-a solemn compact thetorn not and would notviolate The contract run until I

iwaHo Mild the report that the bttumlnouaminor of district Intendedto out worn end worefor the of timid manufacturcni Into coal

UNAl ouil Juno IS Thetore In the coal In tht southwestern

of tutu State have taken a census ofthe mlncrn on the of a general

and find that 74 or W cent i fnro In favor of standing the scale

which was adopted at the convention herela t February


Tne nttomlnom Coal Miners Going narkto Work

FAIBMOWT W Va June IS All the coalmine In put of Virginia are ex-

pected to resume operation tomorrowThe agitation amounts to very little sincethe arrest of the leaders for violating onInjunction The dayha through-out

MOXUNOAII W Va June IS There U nodoubt the mike In over In thUKeven agitator from Pennsylvania andOhio left for home Not

then men remain In Motherflock Every mine waa running

full prevailJun IS r

of Cutner Curron A IhUlltt forthe Iocahonta cool brought by the

and W t rn to tidewaterSit Iwuiiliert said to that nosteamer for bunker coal lin-tho iitrlke In the coal held occumdfailed to get a supply and It IM

that there will no interruption of thenupply

lire at Rlototn Istiorm who Offerednethtanre and Kill One of Them


8 on

Is Intheir







Irk I



Ion try a


rOlCFv F 1 rUTOC




Itsother employed


touch with the locel oMota





this West






< >





> ¬



ninuiNaitAU AU June is A number offoreign Ulxirrrs employed at the rtwl wireand rod inllla nt KnAley got out on a caro-uMlUt night and at I oclock were creatingmuch disturbance on one of the avenueConstables Melts attempted to quiet thefonlgnrro but to no avail and he soughtthe awlnluncc of two Knsley policemen

Th forrlgner offered rralstance A fightcn tjwl and Constable and Polkvinan-Tchxrow unod their pistol Joe Jnwlklukwee nhot through the body receiving awound which caused hi death In fifteenmlnutiw Another ono wee shunt hut homanaged to make good bU capo Klxother were nrrmted-


More HInting In the PrnttdrneePawiorhetStrike Noldlrn I o Motht-

nrrovrntNCK P I Juno IS An attemptopen up the city line of street cnr In

IVlwluokel resulted In riotous doraonstrntlons In Central Falls through whichno mm ttave run i lnco the beginning ofthe trouble At 1 oclock afternoonthe fret cur won rent out on the DexterMrvet Ilii It had a far a the Lirrain of tho when It war met withn and mlMllon

umacheil and the conductor waevral t and injured

Till near line of Pawtiickit nail Central Falls the crowd being

In CfUtrnl until the not art heed beennod Mayor Fails that h wouldnot resOrt to uxlrvm measure nnd onedivision of the Naval lUeenra wus wnt

the line from Pawtucket A chargeWOK made on the place where tho ear hadbeen but or small U wasfound nwrcl ed through thooily and then marched to

me followed n crowd of wvenilthousand latter cheenwl the mllltlnhut In no uncertain tone thatno car would l run through their city

It wut thought at omit

Inttml I try to tlio machineitt the machine gun which wo

gun wee loaded and preparations madeto rw lst an onslaught oars wntInto Central Falls got a reception of stone


ileclded to abandon for the dayIII attempt to run care

and this city there err noact or vlolemv





1f1 In il

hat no to


IOnheck kt




P the




thi latter The troop Inauthority ne vioknre



batterylii position oivr the Pawtucket

tnd andbrokeis About 330 M IIIIIrOW





SUnhole To r IMowti to the neratedA twohundmlpound manlKlo cover

In the mlddlo of the Tlilrtyfourth rtreot-croMtown track nt Third avenue blewlet night PtrikUiR the tntlo work below

we t halThere loud explosion frighteningth i wronger on car persotw-lUInc In lh Itthat KM which hail accumulated In thehill had been set off by a Kparkokxtrio conduit

J Canirls M 1lonhe s IWO ranarletThe BritWi MeamsJilp ICapollo In yester-

day from Hamburg will land today foran dealer two Mcred camelslour ordinary brown a baby til-

berlan coinol n thefonturpf of most now babies W monkeysW Iou0 U

b ar puma three lion anti 2 liyriia-

lUmrtt Extract Mrrrp rrU tram nl Vc4 VtaUU

dtAI1 A mrjilt the




cart2 no I2


the track urfaeo goIngover

baboonsIA111kt uutlver


> >




orr or MI K IRON 5T-UOAT iift5f art

Against Ote of the II F niBMtek

Off 2 River nly One fIlea Pasrngm Hart tUeonloReal Trird to Uners Uses

The Iron Cygnus which lefther Coney Island pier al IM oclock yentorday afternoon hrr three decks throngedwith about 1100 men women and chlklren-waa masking for Tier I North River about

JO oclock the Metropolitan Line steamship H F Dtmock from Botnn with onepasMenier the flattery from theCast lUver of tlie two vesselup the Xorth paralt led each otherfor a while

E Baker of the Dtmock which wasastern of the Cygnus had

blown one whistle Indicating lu the lan-

guage of tho rule of the road applyingthat he would go to the ritfht or on thestarboard hand of the Cygnus A CaptBaker put It hhnttlf

I Intended to keep my course and thecaptain of the Cygnus knew it or ought tohave known It

The Cygnus U an iron In hull onlyand the Dimock U Iron gunwale tokeelson The Dimock was alto heavilyladen What happened after Cai l Bakerblow hi signal wna m en by many of theCygnus excumionlst and by lot of folks

an airing on bulkhead and stringThe two boats came to

geiher dill running parallel the Cygnuxwest of the Dimock When they weresomewhat north of Pier 1 the Cygnus swungaround Intending to come down on thetilt to they ii r Tho tide was Just turningebb The boat wn about outfrom the pierhead Capt T II Kkld

note tm blow two whistles to signifythat In would cross the Diuiock

Capt linker didnt hoar theand that own if ho had hoard

them the Dlmotk had the right of wayHut llukor said cun-

lilor my rIghts when I saw that If Iahead nm boat with elithoso women al ard I

signalled to the ongltio and stoppedI wnndnrwl

Cygnus lied gone out of hit wit I said toWhat tin dovil U thnl man trying-

to do He laid no right to risk Us ofall those M union and children by attempt-ing to en me I had no was so

MO nboAni when ho ran Into me his cutwater striking mo full on the ort bowstaving a biiuUI hole i n nil fret

water line friuturing three orfour Im glad nobody was hurtthrough his fonllrhtioiw

Naturally tltere wo excitement aboardthe when ulie m slml Into theDimixk About fifty I oi U nearly allmen were sitting on camp on thehurricane dock of the Cygnus forward

to the I

flight oft they Uiwlt l over oUr nwn andwomen end Some of the Woundscrvotnoil and fainted khoutvd andhilt further aft

Tli hoop wax not violent as goMrs of tzu Cherry stnr t-

win at the top of a wayfell down to the next dock and

and that wee the M I0 InjuryTTTO of tho cmwd that wee

the l w were Frank Ormsloyof IU l in and Mr nf lj lTwentieth street Spllntrni flew nil aroundand on tlwni hut nut hurt limymy then a crunching soiinil end nliutf-lftion f t of tIe hurricatio anddock InHintlnK rt nf the wood n sttmwas smnshiii or knocked amun l

























They all gut UI full In hurryinpect In














to port tu kow A few rain grablwl llforv rH Minv linmllne thoin to wnmon

The nennmo of the docks and thenIece of the sister teat theMM bound to Coney Island a few hundredy nl ciT to kfop ClOWn the excite-ment aol whon It won scon tluilwu untlor wnylwndlnir toward 9the lhUh Valleys frriifhloxmtrslonl calm

Moonwhilo n man who attends tnlln H nt Plor 1 heel shoutod across to

a at Pier A that the Cygnus wee afireThe cop told Scrgt Mip and h pent

nut In a steam Inunrh

to the ftreboat W I Strong whichout In a hurry nail called forrenonm from o precincts TheCygnits wus alnncslilo 2 l fore therosouo fleet arrived The lionts nfllrtinnail clockhan had got think altno t an-

iufct 01 a school Otm womanto l on retaining a life presorver until

sho got on the pierCapt to the police

lr blow two whHlos anil thatthe Dfmwks skipper hail answcnM wlihone ln hftil two whlrtlm againhe declared nd oicaln nno toot In

admlltixl that ho tlumehlhe could clear Dimock when startnlacmes her tows HU nritlnnl Intfiiilinapparently was to M the HnvMk

slrcam before attempting to roach hisplorTlio

hull wnand after all her pnssonirors offsho wrni under her own ioam to Frlo-Ilosln whore sho will ho repaired Damage about IM

Dlniork while commanded by CaptOttoman sanK W K steamvnchl ofT Pollock Rip on SundnvJuly 74 IMS Tlio IIno paidhonvy damufies a the Dimock toblame

cnovxiiEn TO SAVE A sroorThe Crn Klocnm K enili the Mght on a

liar In lanialoa IlaIn order to avoid collision with a sloop

yacht the big excursion Ron Klncumwait run aground afternoon on-Hmelks bar in Jamaica Ray off RnckawayPark Her SV paseonKeni wore taken offunhurt and not much excited and camehome by rail

of men tnother





ygnuaui Peg

th Cygnus

berth thug


wit a I1i4ftl ieat copgot








Battery landing In command nf W HVan bchalck After tho got around Itikhlo-

Hocknway Inlet a thick fog shut tier inend tlw flvetnllo passage through thinIng channel in the was mado under re-

duced pe l with contlmiod sounding nf-

thnfogHlt inl soul two men on the lookoutWhen the KInrutn was within half a tulle

Hmnlilo and hail made a sharptuni toKtarboatd to head In for tIn landingono of the men forward spin the sloopwith turn aboard almost doad-nhmil anti drifting slowly

Van his helm apartanti tho bow nf tho Just miithe rtTn of tho slonp

A M later the flcx um hartand on the hit which U covoro l by-

onlv six feet if water at high ttdoThere was n scramhlo for life

but nobody tried to Jump overboard andafter was ovor Vanbclialrk was willing to take hU oath that

had throofourthof the iv sM rigon were womon-

Vtllhlti l vi ininutcn after the tnststruck the fog lifted and her plight was seenby tioituins al Konsidn

the Kockawny mlln out to thaInrstmstlon n llmmj

n rxiMrt IcIU In lod s Alvrnlnf Ttltjra tml irranlnr of the ron owt tloi ut ttte






ello 1


wnb ulUe NaV IIICIaI

It era thealt


her liler at

few was

fainted although


Uw Ak






Slvoim in a and shouted to thesetiger would be ashore In

to have all the fun they had wt out to

The police launch wa followed withina few by the small Jamaicasteamboat Kirgo H The

end boxestransferred to the Molt and not a sand-wich lost

Four or fine l oarriaoe were carefully towered to the deck of the Molt withtheir In Then thecarriage well hauled back for another lot

who have their own peramliulaior with them

The men sail most of the wonvnj madothe trip from the boat to the steal one

mnnn of rope ladder but some womenbalked and to be sling

It funny said a steamboathow women will to Coney Island

and and loop the and risk

ashore at 50ran on the bar

President Frank A of theKnlckortx ckr Kteambnat towhich the Hlocumyesterday Ho made

Island Railroad for nanillng allthe stranded back to town by trainThe Slocum will tie off liar athigh water thU morning She 1 MO feet

About fifty feet of her low 1 Inthe sand

Hmelks liar usually forms In the winterand drIfts away In summer lu pres-ence steamboat monwas due to Friday storm


Commodore Rrkert and Ills Famtty TakenOff tn a Naphtha Launch

N w llocnKUJt June IS CommodoreFckert of the New Itoclmllo Yacht Chubwith hU wife two sane and a daughterSailed In hU ullboat the Thistle for Port

Jfa Saturday evonlng A

Lobe Hay a heavy aeaand the high tide drove the Thistle bowon toward the

ComriKxlnro Eckrrt lot control of thewheel emil the boat driven nn the rock

Krkert assisted her husband in lower-ing the sails thus preventing the boatfrom capsizing

Vachtumon at the clubhouse saw the perilthat the Commodore and his wereIn and Mivpral of them went rescueIn a naphtha launch and took theoff

The Thistle was sllll on the tonightand unless she can bo floated tomorrow-It Is feared she will pound to

STEAMSHIP OV 4 LUXFThe iruund tHY False Cape

In the Mod All Mghl-

NoRrouc Va June Britishsteamer Falcon bound from a lullfor Europe by way of Norfolk went ashoreon nn uncharted lump two miles southeastof False Capo Virginia al 7 oclock lastnight Fog prevailed when the struckThe Cost guards were not on tho lookout

remained undiscovered until B

this saverswont out to her but stood by thesteamer anti that a tug bo pent toher assistance

The Morritt tug Rescue and a tucSentack tug raced Iron Norfolk to the scenehip IteMtjn reached the Falcon fIrst andafter part nf the docklood nf timber was

her at 520 oclock thisuftornoon The steamer shortly ot di dfor Norfolk WilliamIwimb Co the Falcons agents letstar that salvage hns lieon agr t l

Southeast storm signals are tonightand It U with off the


IIin u




on orthen 0

ut Soma when













their juecks all whirligig antimake a we overa little this

The bust the otabout 4











15 The







liir HKKT fil AH1IK liVid OtTToday Will tie for Them the Last Oar

nf iresW-jisttwoTox Juno IS Ilefure the close

of tomorrows of the Seriate some-thing definite will bn known as to theof tIe RcpuUlcanH In CYmgirM toKether in support of a Cuban reciprocitytarlfrnxluctinn measure in line with Ue-rwxtmrmndatlons cnntaineil In the mesages nf Urn PrTHldenl Tomomiw will

the last day nf grace for on Tuesday theCuban Relation Commlttc will mt l to

upon the terms of n bill to lio reported-to a caucus tlm next day and tous n pony measure

Tint Sonito loader Insist that they cnnrely upon at least fortyfive Senators tosupport the bin of the Cuban Committeethus leaving i rjy nine Republicans to nppnsothe party The lender mad alast count of no c today and whileate by no mean with the situa-tion they Ulloro that only a smallnf sugar Senators if will standout nt end against their party OM-OfUltoi

Tills everflng thin Senatorslurk a prnt meted conferrer at the reelthrice Senator Elklns who n agonsMumod tho nf the faction

hn sire niiK reduction whateverIn the Cuintn tariff These Senators mot-to receIve the of a subcommitteeto whom assigned thn task nf formuhating seine proviso to l in theWr Her compromise Mil which thee Imetsugar Sofintnrs can support

the form nf which they can voteIII cnuctm with their twirty

wiv their facesThree or four alternative proposition

worn suggested nnd dU cuM iIm tomormw to those In chargeor the than committees bill OnoIXIMH no kKislstb n at all another a modl

of Mimo of imnlifylnx clause In thelull that will terre to secure tin

fntervsta of tilt thnt notiptoe to them

of the tariff mlurtiou iimasur-


One of Prncntts l ii IU llailtr Smashedon Ills First Trip

Rronton a circus acrobat nearlyhula life yoktenlay morning trying to

liMip the loop on a blcycjo III Khe psheadRay A loop lieon erected lonelyplace in thee wnnds called llio Cedar by-

Irwotl for tlm purpose nf training hi-

tmupo nf loopem Ire cntl own liveryloop III the Initrd State IUM a vitent-en devkv

A crowd hail Fathered to watch Rmntnn-do tho trick n man and utmlto 1m an expert return erfnrm TEvery ont thought ho had a cinch

fart lila wlfo nnd nowral friends calMto He i hU

Ho gut astride the wlmel rfertlr cooll himself iu h forward slightly

UKI down Im elIOt like a falling star Whenwheel struck tlm loop there was n rumblo

nail a grating noise and tlm crowd thoughtIlnititnn rom I hrough safelybut ho lost contnil of tho bicycle onlast quarter of thud nndsmashed tlm casing on the lefthandattic

Ilmnton wee flung againstnf the structure and thee tank half-way Into thee boards HU left wa

torn out and rlbx were bruised

rt rs4 lltlar-br the Mprrl lli luiurtoiutraIn Irsvlsc Chlrtca M P M onlr one ChitCtUMto la VIA Chle o VotthLed Inlon H dW Hrs Omers 77 and Ml Ilro4il



I t





lied of anti A third inclusion

sugar country


bithas ala

and 1





usaaloud At dilly

nu W











form rebate theisbn













r4vrcu 5tvfir EnAfiEM-V DOCTORS AMICE

cit a rwu Darin the fluttery TaU atAtdrrsfaot and Is IMirTtnt From anAttack ef Ijiinbige and Fatigue

Kerle of Public Engagements

IX VDOM June II After the grandmilitary tattoo at last nightthe King foil unwell and summoned DrSir Francis Laklng one of hi physiciansfrom London Dr taking arrived itAldershot midnight and wrote aproscription which was ilspecscd a themilitary hospital

lie recommended that his Majesty remainquiet on Sunday with tho result till theeRing cancelled engagement for

la believed that tie i suffering from acold He has averaged three public en-gagement dally finishing at thee theatrethroughout the pant week which thee

rainiest of the yearA court circular issued evenIng

sayS that tlm King was unable to leaveroom today owing to an attack of

lumbago caused by a chill at AlderUiotThe correspondents write that his Majesty

will probably bo able to hold the militaryreview tomorrow on l ffsns Plato80000 troops will bo engaged If he 1

still unwell thee Prince of Wale will reviewthe troops lu his stead


Albert Bebmnly Falls the trine WtttiIlls Invention

fvrtil faftl Dnpal k It TIn lirePARIS June IS Albert Schmutt U the

latH Invenor of a lying machine whichhe asserted could vie with the swallowHo took ll to a bridge over the Heine nearSt Cloud and Jumped off workingthee wing with hi arms

Flit Invention proved a complete failureand Hchmutx fell Into the river where bewa rescued by boaU


Woke Ip Two Counties With Ills TugsWhittle to Unite a llrldgrfcreper-

Newarkere and residents of nearby partof Eex and Hudson countle were puxclod and somewhat olarme for two hourson Saturday night by the blowing of astrain whistle It Is customary in Har-rison to blow a whistle whenever a blgflieoccur hut It U not usual to keep it blow-Ing for two hour

Stony Inquiries wets oddreiMed to Bcrg-tIroul al Pollco Headquarter in Newark

to the location of the tire They camefrom Haul Orange llellevllle and ItosevtlleProtest and appeals followed and Proutlearned that Iho noise rain from a tugboatIn the Pomalo River Mayor Seymourfinally called him up and asked him to dohis je l to chock the noise a peoplo werebothering him about It

Prout thee harrison pollen for aidand squads of oftlcvr were sent to theIackawnnA bridge to stop the whistleThey found that the tug S E Hcanlan ofNewark cointnnnded by Capt McCoolewas above the thaw with its whlstlo openIt had towed a schooner through the drawearly in the overling anti the schooner hadhit the framework and lost two yawls


rN 11 Srx








Sal Deapue to ins










McCoolo had five fuel clear of hU stackand flagstaff when he pa up and this

Increased by thus falling when hecame down the river but ho wa madthrough ami through and insisted upon thedraw Icing swung A few minutes7 oclixk he liegan blowing hU whistle antikept It screeching until US when tin pollenprevailed upon him to posit under thebridge

Meanwhile crowds had gathered on eachside of the river and upon tho bridgesA man went down upon tlm draw and sight-Ing over the stack of the tug found so Tenfeet clear

nontlKHY TALE TO THEFTIrrgrmans Aitoitetl Son Spins a Tarn

About Matliml llurglan-Tenyrorold Henry Foster 1 the adopted

son of the RovWilliam E Johnston rectorof this ProtcMtnnt tpiMtipal Church of thoRetlonmor in 130th utroet between Unotand Sovtnth nvenuiii Mr and Mrs John-ston left Urn boy alone t their 2jlSeventh aenuo for n cmiplo nf hnurx onSunday night When they RHI back at

they found tlio sitting onUrn front

He said ito heal a knock at thee doorwhon was and nlog It h t raw n man standing outside witha mask over hits fee otid a revolver In Ills

Young Foster wild ho ran tlmburglar anti found n jKillcoman nt llithstreet and Seventh avniuo iKill-oinnnlMsaldrvtunied to the with him

wit could find no rvldmco that tinliemmlilied excvpt that ti was

gone from a denk ilraworrector 1th lil wife and the l iy

wont to the Wi t irsth streit station lsee what Im looked e No such rain hadteen there linr cnuld tlm t

out the he hail met Finallyunder the boydown and admitted that wns

He had stolon tin money hlmrelf-ho said Mr Jolmston Im took lilt

several year ago anti he has alwayshonest tru tod He refiiMd

to prooocute the Uty anil ttxik him liom-


tub Womrns Antontoolle Ride a rnspierof

Kghteen club women members of thee

Ray Palmer Club of Newark went on anautomobile ride nn Saturday They putthemselves In the care of an auto companyantI one nf the say that all thin

accident that followed were Ix ausn shespilled tlm salt at breakfast thai morning

Kumethltig wa going toThe club Iravelled to in two

vehIcles In une of which the lunchMored This ono proved Urn fleeter antisoon thee buhlmllino on the rod the slow auto broke downOlin It caught Mm anti n farmer with a-

ll of water had to bo summonedInter thin water gave out and a man

working In a cornfield was tocart enough to kiwi tlm Ixiller fritu goingup Alwut A the

gave out nnd thin facet l and

town There they found thatwhi had with provisions

luau had onn or two accidents tooAll wore disgusted with autos anti with

thin woman who this Theauto company alil their fares lock to

antI reached theirhome late In thin evening Just a a smallcompany of hushatiils

lovera were slx ut to cell up the NewYork police for Information


Ma U CoM to had





houseIUI arnetei burglar Fle rector RIIItile


hol story





hungry women haiti to 111111 TarryIe

I h Irot ioN





upstairs slut







left hire


tets I lit







11nT o ri nsios UOAT-

Ntalrway CIUpsrs Unrtng KtrtltntrntCanard b Fighting en Pier

The Marlon Athletic Club of Harlem hadan excursion toyt

CnrnwallontheHuds-onyt anti the excur k nlst re

at I oclock this morning to thee tooof Katt Ttilrtysecond street Urn regulardock hand who tie up thee boats wvro way

mm on the pier took the hawvem anddVmaiuied pay for their work

When they didnt get any money theyfought with thee excursionist In thee

excitement on board the boat a numberof Iho excurolonlrtt crowded on a stairwaylending front the second deck Tho stair-way collapsed and eight persona were InJurcd

Two of them were taken to RelVr jeHospital They were Fxlwstnl Rowlnwra ran of a dotocttvo sergeant who Uvmat 221 East Thirtysecond street and JosephD McQuado of 477 FAt Hlxtythlrd stlwt-Res lnter ankle was dlslocntnl andMcQuadss should or hurt

The others received slight ruts butthey refused to go to the hospital


Taurus Formertr Haren do nothrtiUds-Arrttr Mere Preen England

The Rrltlh steam yacht Taurus whichboon cliartrnd for the season

J Gould arrived lucre yesterday fromSouUuunptun by way of Fayal She ex-

p riencoil rough weather after leavingFayal

Tlie Taurus wo formerly thee Err andwas by late Ilaron Alfred dn-

Rothschll l the U a steel schoonerrigged and was built In IMS by Shuttleworth t Oinimuin at Etltti from designsby A H Bruwn She l Jl tNt incheslong between perpcmilcular IM feet on thewater line SO feet beam and 1S4 feetdepth Her engines are of tho compoundInverted typo She U one of the mosthandsomely fitted yacht built on the othersldo of the Atlantic The staterooms andsaloons are furnished more like room in aprivate house than In a veenel

The yacht U In charge of Capt Toowho thee skipper nf the Atalanta beforeMr Gould soil that vessel and last year

skipper of the Sybarite another Englishyacht chartered br Mr Oould The Tauruswill tie overhauled at once antI will be usedthis summer In the Waters between till portanti RAT Harbor


Paramour of a Woman Kin hue and ThenKills a flit icwtlnesM-

riKoaKit I T June IS The UnitedStates Marshal teen notified of themurder of Dyer a white woman antiher twelveyearold daughter in the CreekIndian neighborhood known a Oakfun-efortyfive miles wept of here The womanquarrelled with her paramour and thelatter throw a noose around her neck andhung her from a staple In the ceiling of

house Tho girl witnessed the hangingof l r mother anti the murderer In orderto rermjve the only to hi crimekilled tier in the same manner mother anddaughter swinging Mn by side

A been tent out to the scene ofthe crime Tito name of the murderer Unot known at thoMarshal office










by George






posse has





retltng Fail en Twrhe Women and Twofhtlrtren

A large patch nf plaster on the ceilingof the first flour of tlm Harlem HospitalIn thee women ward fell shortly after 13

oclock this morning There were twelvewomen anti two children In the ward Noneof the patIents badly hurt butt theywere all more or les cut by broken pkve-nf plaster

TIll IHlO lU F

The Womn Who its With mm In theCsttiost llrld a Witness

Tho body nf James F Seymour who wastho son of Mayor Seymour of Bayonneanti who was drowned off lAth Roarh onSaturday night was recovered late ye-

terriuy afternoon May Kelley of Thirdnvonuo Brooklyn a woman who was withhim on cntbonl when 1m fell nvorlioan-lwa artsigned in thee Coney Island policecourt and held In hail ns n wltmfor the Coroners Inquest today

Her story I that sho tnt Seymour atConey sItter the nn Sntunlay

a number of friends went to theCaiitiilns Pier BAtli Beach and nlKiut IIoclock he and Seymour went out to lIeurstl ost In a went forward to o i the night lamp from the mast

A friend of Mayor Soymour wn nl BethBench of theHe that young Soymmir who wits anAssistant Tax oflieu goon to Until oh to enter hula heatthe unIt in tIe Atlantic Yacht Club ra-

on Tii lsy-S was Jfl old lie WAtt mar-

ried and had one child Hn had Just fin-

ished building a horn In Bayonne


Moore nmi nded flue Woman Iaw er-

Mimitd lay Him I O

Perry Moore who says ho I a Cubanfrom Santiago arralgnml In JeffersonMarket noli v court ye teniay for creatinga IUturl nto on Katuniay in Urn lawoffice nf MI tinsalin of the LegalAid Society at 239 Broadway

Mooro went to i w offlco onSaturday afternoon anti after a great deali if Incnherenl talk demanded thathim It Jo ljocaiiM ho failed to get a Jot asconductor on the Broadway cars deelated that It that hadftld Mixire l canM so excited that apoliceman wa cello In to arrest him

In court anti withMagistrate Mayo that the Cu an rhnulho to for examination Into hits



Sells Ills Farm C w and Itilrkms andMmr to Wathlncton llrichts

Police Captain Fo ly of the West Thirtysnv nth station who was recortlyfound guilty publicly reprimandedby Commissioner Partridge for allowingCICM lolntlon In lila precinct antitin hewn Indirtetl for this same nf

sold his IIIHIKO antiRock chickens row nod otherthings at Morris avinuo anti 181 streetanti hi bought anti will Uo In a tmndsonmresidence at U Convent avenue on WashItigtim Heights Tlm property owned

that Opt

Tk ct lt llu l m sad I

ire trsvtrsrU truth ofVnllU itvlnr nrir rlrne 10 I

Jar l I cuollrtI wsr mist t v ctu s taUt Ant






and In Iolnl fell









tnt hues


I tlAid 40000 for It


tIDe tie










wait agreed




5fy Iatrrvallag IaIlValleY the Valley

real the trwen


> ¬










Many Han Ihe leap Mot Feond-Othrow and Fwter Fought In MIss

Mwrenees Pre enee Uefare RanUlrtwow Told a Friend Tint

r n the Mjht Fottrr and limp LawFence ltt atpeareil Me Atlsrknl Fosterand its baked Into Kuhmlislon

The Ctrl Mdrd the VMor

A man whoso description resemble thatof Louis DUtiniw who It U believed canthrow some light on the drowning of MintSarah Lnwrrnco anti iliirvnco Foster nearn x l round I and who dlaap-lienntl committed sillcUio by Jumpingfrom the entre nf tho river span of thoIlrnoklyn Ilridgo Into the river at 839-oclock yc tonlay aftomnon At thee timelie mado tIlt fnlal leap ratrolmau DavidDarn was standing almost within reach ofhim

Patrolman nom wn clenching on thosouth roadway near New York towerwhen h aw a man climbing tin outerrailing near thus cvntre of tho river spanThere won A distance of over TIC fort

thornDom Jumpwl on a Bergen street car

rid told Mntormnn Timothy toput on speed Then Iw took oil lielmrt-ao as not to china thin man who had climbedto tin upper railing When thee car ar-rived opixwttc where tl man won standingDora Jumpe tff anti ran to the railIng

What sni y u doing there Im askedTlxt man looked down at till poLiceman

but mild no reply TIn Dom attemptedto grab him but he was Just out of reach

patrolman started to climb Iho railbut just s h put his foot on the wire net-ting nut above him Jumped Into thetiter

pnsenRen on several sawman Jump end they became greatly

Many of them loft tho antiran to tilt of tho Bridge to look downInto thus river

Introlmsji Dorm said IM SAW tho manstrike tbi wntcr anti disappear Thenthe hotly cnrnn to the surface and floateddown Ktroam for a hundred feet and againdUapppnrwl The patrolman notifiedPollen Captain Kenny and Hergt Hrophyof the Bridge station anti patrolmen wererent down to thee river front on both tinManhattan and Brooklyn nldo to look forthe body but they were unsuccessful

Capt Kenny nold tlwjt thn man had evi-dently gut on a car at lbs Manhattan ter-minus anti loft It at the centra of the riverspan

The polIce describe thee suicide an beIngabout yean old S feet 7 inches tall andweighing ITS pounds lie wore a darksack coat dark trousers a black derbyhat anti waa smooth sliaven

The description follows closely that ofDUbrow who with Foster and MlSarah Lan the night before theywere drowned In TUuui Buy nowGround I The In tlm











Lot Ihot clothing that Duabrow

when trlw lust







Thee ears


iiheel teen wore a




ofthee car that carried Patrolman Dnrn In-spector David of tle Brooklyn

Company n101 lingers Mvenuo nnd Aloxnmler Ne n-

uf S street all MW tho mantake the lump

I Juno 16 A sensa-tional development III the mystery nf tlmdeath of Clnrvnco Fostwr moon andMind Sonul Hay Lnwrenne nfwhose UKlio wore washed suture In TiatuiBar morning cnnm whenWilliam A painter nf tillplan told for tlm flr t II story of a

tight nn the Leach In thesom Ntweon 3 and 3

oclock Tuesday mnmlnic lietwi n Fosteranti Dlshpiw Nuroolheiirt of MM-Iwiwrvnco who lui tutn niliwliig from lien

Tuesday nftonntnn lax anti who UtIle man who tell the full

story events loading uI to Urn deathof young inuplo

Mid mir Jealousy It wouldappear Disbrow In thti-

irewnon nf MU Iwiwronc nbrloml-ontliMiM for Foster a tnarrioil man

niM a hlmrt wlilnliin a triumph fur Foster tbo athlete Hothrow tlm 111 iruw to thee groundand clinked him until ho weeIn that i only letting him up when ho

slens line onnugh landto withdraw fmm anv further

claim the rraildurmtlon nf thee youngwoman Mls Ivtwrrmv it I wild

mnnict nf lovers calmly not In-

terfering In any it all-over slm her stand bosldn tho victormaking It plain to tIle vanquished Disbrowthat ho WRIt a titan In a nsi-

Tli fact that this fight between twojealous m n the of theyoung the fog ntir that Dlslrow

mm titan who tutu tell anrUIng of whatixiiirriil after thus fIght run awayand cnnnot found linntlHiir nf muriliT which nil tlm cfthis village who know the peculiar relation-in which tIes tttrro stood to ono nnothe-rliao liold iiKY tho diwip nf DUlute Th ro were a IIUIIIKT of

tniUv tail nf ruRiclent IInportnrifT In the ofto wnrraiit some sort nf in InvestigationIt sr ni that toroiHT Numnt mado o

no exnmlnatlin nf Foster IvMlyafter It broucht ni h ro tlm manbiiriM In thi IntIn wry clotlmi hint ho wore when Iw w

taken nut i f ilm icy It d to lrthat hnd IVi In antI a largor with hitt when tm

out with Disbrow and Mlsn lowretici-Neltlier tnoiMy nor wn fount enhim whet his lunly was neoxerrd-

Waltons kimwliilKo of thee fight nn theleach canto from DMimw hlmMlfdill not no it Whon Disbniw left here hotook Walton with him and t io yoimi-Milntor was the last l r iii who cnnintind who saw tho mfhrtlng men WnltonHays that ho kept his i ti ry to himself t e-

CMIIHO ho got I irltn w whllo he wnliving on Toilay ho-Imcatiio worried nlwut the nuittor nail

a conciliation with liU fnthor whiover from lilvorhond ho wont to

Southampton iliad a ftntoinent to rom r-

Nugent voro to It Waltonline lioon living at the KUI of Wallerman lien On Mondtv lf t ho finishednUi wcvk Jnh ho luau teen gi d onand nn ho was lilllne aroundKldridcV diroctly oppo

tlio w Ho and a IIIMI

Herbert were talking nf iptlnj-Umoney tn havonin iwm a straig

Walton bo walkiil t him antI midDo you want to toI I bay no money sell nltnnCone owr wlth mo afternoon

Ill y jtiiir way AII DisbrowA if iiennl tM cnnvrrlion nisi they my that Dlslnuw I

had luncheon at EHrlRoa nnd at 530-iiYliick walke1 over t tile de t wheru-

WhlUi wnitT fir tin faln Station ArcsIxlifi i tnin Ihmufs tICS lllcnunni of tj-ul n b luy Uiw M Btr Nr UsAwr W-

rnouUl A M MUM ur W

I motorman


loon I


l 1011young




to hueil

Thin lOlId1

liraIII I S


this th



min tmlllll11111

mIt tart






to thy gotgoei 1 I



ocrI 1





Itshrow hInt



eoulle in

lineat renugt


wasitt botliat


honeall till


a I It I-

to tip


iP secureIII anti nPtti

fIsbrow tirt ticket to Quinati











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