ITHE iOEWAEAibIR Interesting Kentucky Items II+HI Berea HIH...

ITHE CITIZEN 11 t iOEWAEAibIR A Mob of 2000 Set Fire to the Negro Quarters at Springlleld 0 TROOPS HASTENING TO THE CITY lllnzu Was Started in u Colored Saloon in time Levee District and Spread Both Ways At WUhlIngton Springfield 0 March 9 Threats throughout the day and Tuesday even Ing to burn tho levee the Negro dls ¬ trict of the city confirmed Mayor C J liowlus In his belief that more trouble was brewing Tuesday night and he has asked Gov Herrick for troops Two companies from Dayton and one each front Mlamlsburg Urbana and Columbus have been promised to re ¬ Infnrce the two local companies Many of tho Negroes of tho city wero surly and moody Tuesday night and It was realized that only a spark was needed to set off tho magazine of a race war At 845 oclock small crowds of whites gathered In the vicin ¬ ity of the levee and all the day police had been ordered to report for duty nighttr a crowd of about 2 assembled at the Big f Four railroad tracks almost blockad ¬ ing Washington street which Is known as the levee from Fountain avenue Two hundred Negroes were clustered together Just west of Foun ¬ tarn avenue In the levee district near the place called Honky Tonk Negroes Unusually Quiet The Negroes were unusually quiet and seemed to bo waiting for a start to be made by the white men The other crowd was boisterous and there r were frequent yells and several pistol shots heard although no one has been reported hurt so far Mayor IJowlus Sheriff Routzahn and the other officials were stationed In the mayors office where the may- or Is In constant communication with MaJ Kirkpatrick and Gov Herrick It was announced by the mayor that the Urbana company was en route here and that the others were coming as quickly as the cars will bring them Company I of Plqua has also been or- dered here This will make six com ¬ panies of militia that will be mobil- ized ¬ In this city No effort will be made to use Com ¬ pany A Ninth battalion composed of colored men because of fear of raco prejudlco Flvo companies of the Ohio national guard are on their way here on a spe- cial train by order of Gov Herrick In response to the request of tho city and county officials The Fire Burned Itself Out Tho company of militia from Xcnla arrived at 130 Wednesday morning and were immediately sent toward the levee by a circuitous route Tho fire in East Washington street has burned out exactly the district tho mob said should go but there Is now no danger of Its spreading either fur ¬ + ther east or west or to the north At 230 Wednesday morning the fire had burned itself out and both mob and spectators havo for the most part dispersed Quiet prevails throughout the city and the mob is good natured and orderly evidently well satisfied with Its nights work It is hardly probable that an attempt will be made by the whites to burn the West Wash ¬ ington street resorts out as this sec ¬ tlon is closely guarded by Dayton and Mlamlsburg troops Probably 20 small buildings were destroyed entailing a loss of not to exceed 30000 So far the Negroes have not tried to make good their threats to dynamlto f the county jail to even up with Sher ¬ lit Routzahn for permitting the Negro murderer DIxon to be taken by tho mob Monday night without the shed ling of blood to save him j Elected on the 202d Ballot Milwaukee WIs March 9Carroll G Pearse of Omaha was Tuesday 1 night elected superintendent of Mil ¬ waukee schools to succeed II O R Seifert on tho 202d ballot The con ¬ test had been on for a week Nominated a Labor Ticket Kansas City Mo March 9Dele gates representing 55 labor unions oC this city met in convention at labor headquarters Tuesday night adopted a platform and nominated a ticket for r the coming city election Open to Regular Traffic Ogdon Utah March 9The Ogden y Lucia cutoff eliminating 145 miles of tho main line of the Southern Pacific over Promontory mountain and short- ening ¬ the road by 43 miles was opened to regular traffic Tuesday Nurses Going to Japan Seattle Wash March 9Forty Am- erican ¬ nurses in charge of Dr Anita Ncwcomb McGee president of the SpanishAmerican War Nurses asso- ciation sailed from here Tuesday on the lye Mart for Japan A Costly Blaze Scranton Pa March 9Smlthe bazar one of tho citys largest depart- ment ¬ stores was completely destroyed by lira Tuesday night Tho loss amounts to 200000 partially covered ty Insurance fA4w Interesting Kentucky Items THE KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE The House In Favor of the National Pure Seed Bill Frankfort March 9SenateTllo senate Tuesday by a vote of 19 to 9 passed tho Byron bill making an ap ¬ propriation of 20000 to build a menu ¬ ment to Gov Goebel on the statuhouso square In Frankfort The bill to In crease the per capita of the state re- form ¬ school from 100 to 110 passed Tho bill appropriating 12000 for a de ficit In the funds of the reform school passed as did tho bill appropriating 20000 for new buildings at the same school A resolution was adopted di ¬ recting the state librarian to sell cop- ies of the statutes and code used by the legislative committees this ses ¬ sion to the legislators who desire themlouseMr Thompson of Bourbon called from the clerks desk and tho house by unanimous vote passed a res delegatlon ¬ ¬ tional pure seed bill Mr Weathers of the criminal law committee report ¬ ed by unanimous consent the senate bill 1S8 and it was advanced in the orders The bill increases the penalty for sateblowing bank robbery Tho committee on rules called up and passed house bill 245 providing penal ¬ ties for drawing or llourfshtng a dead- ly weapon within a passenger coach The bill was adopted The Cochran bill to provide for establishing graded schools in common school districts bordering on county lines passed House bill 202 to prohibit fraudulent certification of land titles was adopted KENTUCKY MINE WORKERS The Western District Met In Louisville and Elected Officers Louisville Ky March 9The Unit ¬ ed Mine Workers of the Western Ken- tucky ¬ district Tuesday elected the fol- lowing officers President C W Wells Central City vice president W K Hicks secretary and treasurer G D Wood The convention which held Its first session Tuesday Is expected to remain In session until next Tuesday when a Joint convention with the operators of the same district will begin The most Important matters before the conven ¬ tion are the wage scale for 1904 to be submitted to the operators next week and the consideration of plans for unionizing the Hopkins fields An officer of the organization stated Tuesday that he was practically as ¬ sured of an increase In the present wage scale to S2i cents a ton for min ¬ ing and 2 to 220 a day for general labor would be demanded of the opera ¬ tors President Wells report shows a surplus of 10000 In the treasury WERE WITNESSES Members of Printing Board Before the Investigating Committee Frankfort Ky March 9The com- mittee ¬ investigating the public print ¬ ing had before it Tuesday as witnesses Gov Beckham Secretary of State Mc Chesney and AucJItor Hager of the printing board which allowed the 28 000 account of a Louisville printing house which is the Item in dispute They testified that they hail no Inter ¬ est in the persons or its contract and that they believed the account was reasonable but not being experts could not say whether this was true or notGov Beckham asked to be allowed to make a statement regarding a mem ber of the senate but the committee ruled that evidence relating to that matter could not properly be heard by this committee FLOOD AT OWENSBORO Farmers Are Fleeing to tne Hills on the Indiana Side Owensboro Ky March 9Tuesday night the water in the Ohio was Just rolling along tho top of the Indiana banks opposite Owensboro Indiana farmers are using all celerity possible in fleeing to the hilts Boats tugs and launches are being pressed into sere ice removing corn and tobacco from the lowlands The river continues to rise at the rate of an Inch an hour at this point The river men are expect ¬ ing ten feet more of water Aged Woman Beheaded Louisville Ky March 9Snrah Miller 70 of 1308 Seventh street pre- ferred death to the insane asylum Tuesday evening she laid her head on the Louisville Nashville railroad track at the Seventh street crossing and a moment later a passing train be ¬ headed her Mad Dog Scare at Versailles I Versailles Ky March 9 Versailles Is having a mad dog scare A dog ap parently affected with hydrophobia ran through the city and it has since de ¬ veloped that it bit a number of dogs Several valued pets that were bitten nave already been killed An Early Victim Barboursville Ky M rch 9Wal- tel ¬ Weslle a student at lion college was seriously Injured Monday while playing football on the college football grounds Ills spine was injured by a fall and his recovery Is uncertain His home Is in Pulaski county Secretly Married For Three Years Scottsvlllo Ky March 9tfho mar riage of Miss Llama Barger daughter of Jefferson Barger of the Chapel Hill country and Emmet Hinton has been announced The couple wore mar ¬ tied In Gallatin Tenn three years- ago II +HI + H +HIH +H+H + HHt H 1 1H ++II+HHHI t Berea and Vicinity 1f GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES 1 1IIIIIHIIIII1IIIl111IHI- Mrs 0 T Spencer was a Richmond visitor over Sunday Mitch Preston was n Kichmond visitor on Monday of this week Mr G T Spencer made n businpsh trip to London and Corbin Thursday of last week Prof F K Graves is out again after two weeks illness with a severe attack of the grip The postollico building is receiving much needed repairs this week in the slii JIG of n now shingle roof toI which she sustained on Tuesday of last week Mr Caleb Copo and family removed yesterday to n farm four miles south of Livingston which Mr Cope ro c + ntly purchased Up to tho time of going to press louse Bill Xo 2iJ prohibiting the co education of the white and negro races had not come up for discussion in the Senate Under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Rev Thomson will give n stereopticon lecture at the Tabernacle Monday night Tickets and social pi ivillgeR 10 cents Kelly Hogg Kings Creek Letcher county was hero last week lookingover someBluoGrassfarms in this vicinity with the intention of purchasing soon BeroaI sent to his sister Mrs PJ Pan ley last week a bunch of beautiful almond blossoms and other varieties of blooms taken from his large fruit farm in California Prof J IV Dinsmore was called to Columbus Ohio Friday on account j of the fatal illness of his sister Mrs Henry Kraft She died only a short time after his arrival Prof Dinsmoro returning to Berea Monday night The popular young attorney Geo C Moore who recently sold his prop erty in McKee Jackson county where he had practiced law puccessfiilly for some years has removed to London where he will continue the practice ol his profession A letter from Mr and Mrs C A Jones now of Jotfersonvillo lOll but well known here states that they are i enjoying a pleasant visit from their daughter Mrs Daisy Jones Welsh and two granddaughters the daugh ¬ ters of Mrs Welsh- J M Haley is still very low with BigI John Davis is caring for Mr Haley during his illness Mrs Haley is convalescent from an attack of grip with other complications Superintendent S L Clark of the College Brickyard while on a trip to Williamsburg last Thursday sustain ed a slight stroke of paralysis which affected one side of his face He went to Cincinnati Friday accom panied by Prof J W Dinsmoro and entered a hospital where his case will receive the best of attention His many friends hope for his speedy re ¬ covert from this affliction Sunday morning Kings Tunnel on the L A near the Estill line caved in and killed William Johnson and injured J H McCoy Will Frazier and Frank Frazier McCoy iq bridge foreman and Johnson and Frazier were on his force and Will Frazier a freight brakeman Wm Johnson was a resident of Richmond and loaves a wife and two children who have the sympathy of the citizens of our county seat The third visit of Ralph Parlette dispenser of sunshine found great favor with his audience last Monday night His two hour lecture upon Millionaires was packed full of thought enforced by humorous illus- tration ¬ as only a Parlette can In- cidentally ¬ from the fullness of his heart he spoke his good wishes for the College nnd its work and gave some good advice to the boy or girl seeking education Many say this is the best of his three lectures given hereThe examining trial of H H Hawes the traveling showman charged with shooting Sam W Bales took place in Judge Turpins court Friday The accused told a very straight story said that Bales threw naturi ¬ ensuing struggle the gun went oil in ¬ flicting fatal injuries upon Bales Hawes furthermore testifies that ho 1111111111111111111111111 made no plfort to cwap surrendered to the ollicers helped to carry tho wounded man into the house mil us sinted in Konrchiug lor his wound Mr W B Smith represented the de ¬ fondant and County Attorney Cobb conducted the prosecution Judge Turpin after hearing the evidence lipid the licensed over to await tho action of the grand jury Richmond Kentucky Jlesister Columbia Mo Mar LEd of Citizen A clipping front the items from Boone was re cently sent to fl friend of mine hero together with a very kind inquiry concerning myself The clipping was to the effect that I had unfortunately died of some mysterious smith unknown malady and that my friends at Berea worn teat fully observing my funeral obsequies You rutty insert n line if you will and tell them that I most vigorously deny the charge I nui as lively a corpse as you most ever saw and enjoying all tho privileges social or otherwise which a student can by any hook or crook obtain Iam emir rying a full law course together with some academic work nnd have not flunked in anything yet Tell all my friends to snub their uos s anti brush away their toarej that I am still in the land of the living and send them all a most cheerful greeting TT Simmons I I 1111+11II11H +1I11 College Items HERE AND THERE Ht HI1I IIIIHH111H Miss Nancy HeiiNley of Harlan county will bo a student hero in the spring term taking a special course Thin bricklaying class has boon provided with repair and job work sullicient to keep thorn busy during vacationMiss Nolen of Harlan coun ty daughter of Representative Xolon will bo in school here again in the spring tern T G Pasco class of 07 is mooting with good success this year in his work as superintendent of public schools at North Fairfield Ohio He has just been ro elected for another tear with a good increase in salary Tuesday mid yesterday were ex amination dnysLallt night tho A Rhetorical Class gave the closing ex excises of the winter term Tho spring term opens next Wednesday with prospects ofn good attendance Utile Dulco ladies Literary Society gave an open meeting in the Parish House Friday night nUll certainly did themselves proud Tho program was varied and exceedingly pleasing to those in attendance Tho editor- ial ¬ department of time society paper Tho Royal Banner was in the hands of Miss Grace Maiden Sue war ably assisted by Miss Ethel King at tho head of time news department and Miss Carlctta Odboruo in charge of the dyspeptics department This last turned out to bo tho joke department and if a hearty laugh has any eilicaoy in curing dyspepsia certainly time ilys pectics present went away in n better state of health The other depart ments of the paper were replete with humor as were also time original stor iesUA Yankee Swap and Adven ¬ tures of Jonathan Gates by Miss Lydia Williams anti Miss Mar ¬ garet Livengood respectively Miss Anna Ray very acceptably recited tune poem Tho Curtain The Review by Elizabeth Marsh of Jacob Riis BookuBow the Other Half Lives won serious and comprehensive Miss Sally Waldrons essay on Joan of Arc contained all the enthusiasm and pathos duo such a subject The meeting closed by a thoughtful and well delivered oration by Miss Elisa ¬ both Lewis Time wellrendered piano solos by Misses Leer and Livelihood added greatly to tho enjoyment of the occasion Seventeen Mormons are encamped in Washington including tho head of time church Joseph F Smith Prosi ¬ dent and severalelders and apostles They gave testimony Friday in the case of Reed Smooth elected to tho Senate from Utah whom the re ¬ form crusaders are trying to unseat on the ground that he believes in polygamy and was elected by the church and not by tho State e FARMERS e- We want live fat Poultry Eggs Hides and Feathers We pay highest cash prices We pay 40c per doz for loose EggsC F GOTT CO Siimmuin in 1 lorn InulucQ lniiiiHny Depot Slreet Huron Ky Ia rPo i Prices Right Groceries Fresh i o u o u Ii We carry a full o line of groceries o- 0 never over ¬ iW stock so always o have a fresh line o 0 u U IOU I o i o u S S 1GI PRESTONS Mus ST nnu o 0 o 0 o 0 occoooocoococooooocococo THE CITIZENS CLASSI ¬ FlED HAD COLUMN WANTED PUUCHASKR for Bii extra good sail tile now for twothird tin cost price Inquire or IrsMlmnir O l ornn FOR SALE FIRST CLASS BUILDING BRICK constantly on hniul WII nlno have lard burner brick and bats for cis- terns at very low price BITIW College Brickyard FOUX FAIN PEN twentycwnlmiiili and upward PIIIH mire gold Vith tostpnhlN IIOMKSPUNcovurloti linen linen suit pattemN etc I B Ambrose Conkting Ky ThAICollJo Mason can spam n quantity of tho Buckeye Fertilizer which inndi surf tall good corn and other crops the past season For price etc apply soon h SEVERAL NS of good Imlwl hay and straw W B Jonw Paint Lick Ky ALSO PURIFIES TUB BLOOD annoucomont page Fair subscribers tako Remember credit your ¬ scription ¬ u- f Fruits and Veg U- ctablos always o- oil hand our fine line of Candies IPnose oro OlOlOllO Real Estate I o I Loans j aO O- S a 11o in prepared r o Property nitmt INI o 0C O 0 o n- o 0- w I THE BEREA o 11 5 BANKING COMPANY K o KENTUCKY o ooA0il0a0i0A0il0AOit0il0i107 11I o o I DR FENNERS II I Kidney Backache xo xo All pussies tilt bladder taj urinary organs Also dlfctao rheumatism gravel dropsy funuU Irnnl Curer become discouraged There U a cure for you If uccr nry wrliw IIr lVnuer line spent a llfutlinu curing Junt such cunci at your All oouiullatloiu aru FREE 1 have suffered fur the past ten with backache and kidney and trued the most prominent physicians In Boston and Omaha and nil tho patent medicine I of In the hopo of obtaining Finally leetnR your ad I procured a bottle of Dr annoys Kidney and Cure and I with to thank you for the benefit I received thcrrfrom Twu bottle cured me and I havent a pain or ache of any kind I cheerfully recommit It to suffering friends Most sincerely your t Mlii ALICK McDONALI 2954 St Omaha N Fold by Druggists Mo Bud II Ask for Dr Fetters Almanac or Cuuk Hook Ku t e Write or Call on II HARBER and HUGUELY p Main Street Richmond Ky for on Oats Clover Timothy I p and other Field Seeds and Grasses Phone 35i jl jjjj t 7 t i See our this week on fl of time Worlds contest in I which we give our an opportunity to part r we give you full on sub account for every cent you sond in The estimates mire abso I lutely secure for you nny See i roraronosororo I I f This bank to 0 first f f BEREA of kldnxyi heart backache Dont Ha years trouble many of heard relief Backache entirely all Barney prices free and youto given for the closest estimate made before March Iii but this does not lessen your chance to secure the 5000 prizo Send money and guesses to day Use blank on patio lt- k tI I

Transcript of ITHE iOEWAEAibIR Interesting Kentucky Items II+HI Berea HIH...

Page 1: ITHE iOEWAEAibIR Interesting Kentucky Items II+HI Berea HIH … · 2013-06-15 · district Tuesday elected the fol-lowing officers President



A Mob of 2000 Set Fire to

the Negro Quarters atSpringlleld 0


lllnzu Was Started in u Colored Saloonin time Levee District and

Spread Both Ways


WUhlIngtonSpringfield 0 March 9 Threats

throughout the day and Tuesday evenIng to burn tho levee the Negro dls ¬

trict of the city confirmed Mayor C Jliowlus In his belief that more troublewas brewing Tuesday night and hehas asked Gov Herrick for troopsTwo companies from Dayton and oneeach front Mlamlsburg Urbana andColumbus have been promised to re ¬

Infnrce the two local companiesMany of tho Negroes of tho city

wero surly and moody Tuesday nightand It was realized that only a sparkwas needed to set off tho magazine ofa race war At 845 oclock smallcrowds of whites gathered In the vicin ¬

ity of the levee and all the day policehad been ordered to report for dutynighttr a crowd of about 2

assembled at the Big

f Four railroad tracks almost blockad ¬

ing Washington street which Isknown as the levee from Fountainavenue Two hundred Negroes wereclustered together Just west of Foun ¬

tarn avenue In the levee district nearthe place called Honky Tonk

Negroes Unusually QuietThe Negroes were unusually quiet

and seemed to bo waiting for a startto be made by the white men Theother crowd was boisterous and there

r were frequent yells and several pistolshots heard although no one has beenreported hurt so far

Mayor IJowlus Sheriff Routzahnand the other officials were stationedIn the mayors office where the may-or Is In constant communication withMaJ Kirkpatrick and Gov HerrickIt was announced by the mayor thatthe Urbana company was en routehere and that the others were comingas quickly as the cars will bring themCompany I of Plqua has also been or-dered here This will make six com ¬

panies of militia that will be mobil-


In this cityNo effort will be made to use Com ¬

pany A Ninth battalion composed ofcolored men because of fear of racoprejudlco

Flvo companies of the Ohio nationalguard are on their way here on a spe-cial train by order of Gov Herrick Inresponse to the request of tho city andcounty officials

The Fire Burned Itself OutTho company of militia from Xcnla

arrived at 130 Wednesday morningand were immediately sent toward thelevee by a circuitous route

Tho fire in East Washington streethas burned out exactly the district thomob said should go but there Is nowno danger of Its spreading either fur ¬


ther east or west or to the northAt 230 Wednesday morning the fire

had burned itself out and both moband spectators havo for the most partdispersed Quiet prevails throughoutthe city and the mob is good naturedand orderly evidently well satisfiedwith Its nights work It is hardlyprobable that an attempt will be madeby the whites to burn the West Wash ¬

ington street resorts out as this sec ¬

tlon is closely guarded by Dayton andMlamlsburg troops Probably 20 smallbuildings were destroyed entailing aloss of not to exceed 30000

So far the Negroes have not tried tomake good their threats to dynamlto

f the county jail to even up with Sher ¬

lit Routzahn for permitting the Negromurderer DIxon to be taken by thomob Monday night without the shedling of blood to save him

j Elected on the 202d BallotMilwaukee WIs March 9Carroll

G Pearse of Omaha was Tuesday1 night elected superintendent of Mil ¬

waukee schools to succeed II O RSeifert on tho 202d ballot The con ¬

test had been on for a week

Nominated a Labor TicketKansas City Mo March 9Dele

gates representing 55 labor unions oCthis city met in convention at laborheadquarters Tuesday night adopteda platform and nominated a ticket for

r the coming city election

Open to Regular TrafficOgdon Utah March 9The Ogden

y Lucia cutoff eliminating 145 miles oftho main line of the Southern Pacificover Promontory mountain and short-ening


the road by 43 miles was openedto regular traffic Tuesday

Nurses Going to JapanSeattle Wash March 9Forty Am-


nurses in charge of Dr AnitaNcwcomb McGee president of theSpanishAmerican War Nurses asso-ciation sailed from here Tuesday onthe lye Mart for Japan

A Costly BlazeScranton Pa March 9Smlthe

bazar one of tho citys largest depart-ment


stores was completely destroyedby lira Tuesday night Tho lossamounts to 200000 partially coveredty Insurance

fA4wInteresting Kentucky Items


The House In Favor of the NationalPure Seed Bill

Frankfort March 9SenateTllosenate Tuesday by a vote of 19 to 9

passed tho Byron bill making an ap ¬

propriation of 20000 to build a menu ¬

ment to Gov Goebel on the statuhousosquare In Frankfort The bill to Increase the per capita of the state re-


school from 100 to 110 passedTho bill appropriating 12000 for a deficit In the funds of the reform schoolpassed as did tho bill appropriating

20000 for new buildings at the sameschool A resolution was adopted di ¬

recting the state librarian to sell cop-ies of the statutes and code used bythe legislative committees this ses ¬

sion to the legislators who desire

themlouseMr Thompson of Bourboncalled from the clerks desk and thohouse by unanimous vote passed a resdelegatlon¬


tional pure seed bill Mr Weathersof the criminal law committee report ¬

ed by unanimous consent the senatebill 1S8 and it was advanced in theorders The bill increases the penaltyfor sateblowing bank robbery Thocommittee on rules called up andpassed house bill 245 providing penal ¬

ties for drawing or llourfshtng a dead-ly weapon within a passenger coachThe bill was adopted The Cochranbill to provide for establishing gradedschools in common school districtsbordering on county lines passedHouse bill 202 to prohibit fraudulentcertification of land titles wasadopted


The Western District Met In Louisvilleand Elected Officers

Louisville Ky March 9The Unit ¬

ed Mine Workers of the Western Ken-tucky


district Tuesday elected the fol-

lowing officersPresident C W Wells Central City

vice president W K Hicks secretaryand treasurer G D Wood

The convention which held Its firstsession Tuesday Is expected to remainIn session until next Tuesday when aJoint convention with the operators ofthe same district will begin The mostImportant matters before the conven ¬

tion are the wage scale for 1904 to besubmitted to the operators next weekand the consideration of plans forunionizing the Hopkins fields

An officer of the organization statedTuesday that he was practically as ¬

sured of an increase In the presentwage scale to S2i cents a ton for min ¬

ing and 2 to 220 a day for generallabor would be demanded of the opera ¬

tors President Wells report showsa surplus of 10000 In the treasury


Members of Printing Board Before theInvestigating Committee

Frankfort Ky March 9The com-mittee


investigating the public print ¬

ing had before it Tuesday as witnessesGov Beckham Secretary of State McChesney and AucJItor Hager of theprinting board which allowed the 28000 account of a Louisville printinghouse which is the Item in disputeThey testified that they hail no Inter ¬

est in the persons or its contract andthat they believed the account wasreasonable but not being expertscould not say whether this was trueor

notGovBeckham asked to be allowed

to make a statement regarding a member of the senate but the committeeruled that evidence relating to thatmatter could not properly be heard bythis committee


Farmers Are Fleeing to tne Hills onthe Indiana Side

Owensboro Ky March 9Tuesdaynight the water in the Ohio was Justrolling along tho top of the Indianabanks opposite Owensboro Indianafarmers are using all celerity possiblein fleeing to the hilts Boats tugs andlaunches are being pressed into sereice removing corn and tobacco fromthe lowlands The river continues torise at the rate of an Inch an hour atthis point The river men are expect ¬

ing ten feet more of water

Aged Woman BeheadedLouisville Ky March 9Snrah

Miller 70 of 1308 Seventh street pre-ferred death to the insane asylumTuesday evening she laid her head onthe Louisville Nashville railroadtrack at the Seventh street crossingand a moment later a passing train be ¬

headed herMad Dog Scare at Versailles I

Versailles Ky March 9 VersaillesIs having a mad dog scare A dog apparently affected with hydrophobia ranthrough the city and it has since de ¬

veloped that it bit a number of dogsSeveral valued pets that were bittennave already been killed

An Early VictimBarboursville Ky M rch 9Wal-


Weslle a student at lion collegewas seriously Injured Monday whileplaying football on the college footballgrounds Ills spine was injured by afall and his recovery Is uncertain Hishome Is in Pulaski county

Secretly Married For Three YearsScottsvlllo Ky March 9tfho mar

riage of Miss Llama Barger daughterof Jefferson Barger of the Chapel Hillcountry and Emmet Hinton has beenannounced The couple wore mar¬

tied In Gallatin Tenn three years-ago


t Berea and Vicinity1f


1IIIIIHIIIII1IIIl111IHI-Mrs 0 T Spencer was a Richmond

visitor over SundayMitch Preston was n Kichmond

visitor on Monday of this week

Mr G T Spencer made n businpsh

trip to London and Corbin Thursdayof last week

Prof F K Graves is out againafter two weeks illness with a severeattack of the grip

The postollico building is receiving

much needed repairs this week in theslii JIG of n now shingle rooftoIwhich she sustained on Tuesday of

last week

Mr Caleb Copo and family removedyesterday to n farm four miles southof Livingston which Mr Cope roc + ntly purchased

Up to tho time of going to presslouse Bill Xo 2iJ prohibiting the coeducation of the white and negroraces had not come up for discussionin the Senate

Under the auspices of the ChristianEndeavor Rev Thomson will give n

stereopticon lecture at the TabernacleMonday night Tickets and social

pi ivillgeR 10 centsKelly Hogg Kings Creek Letcher

county was hero last week lookingoversomeBluoGrassfarms in this vicinitywith the intention of purchasing soon

BeroaI sent to his

sister Mrs PJ Pan ley last week abunch of beautiful almond blossomsand other varieties of blooms takenfrom his large fruit farm in California

Prof J IV Dinsmore was called toColumbus Ohio Friday on account

j of the fatal illness of his sister MrsHenry Kraft She died only a shorttime after his arrival Prof Dinsmororeturning to Berea Monday night

The popular young attorney GeoC Moore who recently sold his property in McKee Jackson county wherehe had practiced law puccessfiilly forsome years has removed to Londonwhere he will continue the practice olhis profession

A letter from Mr and Mrs C A

Jones now of Jotfersonvillo lOll butwell known here states that they are

i enjoying a pleasant visit from theirdaughter Mrs Daisy Jones Welshand two granddaughters the daugh ¬

ters of Mrs Welsh-

J M Haley is still very low withBigIJohn Davis is caring for Mr Haleyduring his illness Mrs Haley isconvalescent from an attack of gripwith other complications

Superintendent S L Clark of theCollege Brickyard while on a trip toWilliamsburg last Thursday sustained a slight stroke of paralysis whichaffected one side of his face Hewent to Cincinnati Friday accompanied by Prof J W Dinsmoroand entered a hospital where his casewill receive the best of attention Hismany friends hope for his speedy re¬

covert from this afflictionSunday morning Kings Tunnel on

the L A near the Estill line cavedin and killed William Johnson andinjured J H McCoy Will Frazierand Frank Frazier McCoy iq bridgeforeman and Johnson and Frazierwere on his force and Will Frazier afreight brakeman Wm Johnson wasa resident of Richmond and loaves awife and two children who have thesympathy of the citizens of ourcounty seat

The third visit of Ralph Parlettedispenser of sunshine found greatfavor with his audience last Mondaynight His two hour lecture upon

Millionaires was packed full ofthought enforced by humorous illus-


as only a Parlette can In-


from the fullness of hisheart he spoke his good wishes forthe College nnd its work and gavesome good advice to the boy or girlseeking education Many say this isthe best of his three lectures given

hereTheexamining trial of H H

Hawes the traveling showmancharged with shooting Sam W Balestook place in Judge Turpins courtFriday The accused told a verystraight story said that Bales threwnaturi ¬

ensuing struggle the gun went oil in ¬

flicting fatal injuries upon BalesHawes furthermore testifies that ho


made no plfort to cwap surrenderedto the ollicers helped to carry thowounded man into the house mil ussinted in Konrchiug lor his woundMr W B Smith represented the de ¬

fondant and County Attorney Cobbconducted the prosecution JudgeTurpin after hearing the evidencelipid the licensed over to await thoaction of the grand jury RichmondKentucky Jlesister

Columbia Mo

Mar LEd of Citizen A clippingfront the items from Boone was recently sent to fl friend of mine herotogether with a very kind inquiryconcerning myself The clipping wasto the effect that I had unfortunatelydied of some mysterious smith unknownmalady and that my friends at Bereaworn teat fully observing my funeralobsequies You rutty insert n line ifyou will and tell them that I mostvigorously deny the charge I nui aslively a corpse as you most ever sawand enjoying all tho privileges socialor otherwise which a student can byany hook or crook obtain Iam emir

rying a full law course together withsome academic work nnd have notflunked in anything yet Tell all myfriends to snub their uos s anti brushaway their toarej that I am still inthe land of the living and send themall a most cheerful greeting

T T Simmons

II1111+11II11H +1I11

College Items


HtHI1I IIIIHH111HMiss Nancy HeiiNley of Harlan

county will bo a student hero in thespring term taking a special course

Thin bricklaying class has boonprovided with repair and job worksullicient to keep thorn busy during

vacationMissNolen of Harlan coun

ty daughter of Representative Xolonwill bo in school here again in thespring tern

T G Pasco class of 07 is mootingwith good success this year in hiswork as superintendent of publicschools at North Fairfield Ohio Hehas just been ro elected for anothertear with a good increase in salary

Tuesday mid yesterday were examination dnysLallt night tho A

Rhetorical Class gave the closing exexcises of the winter term Thospring term opens next Wednesdaywith prospects ofn good attendance

Utile Dulco ladies Literary Societygave an open meeting in the ParishHouse Friday night nUll certainly didthemselves proud Tho program wasvaried and exceedingly pleasing tothose in attendance Tho editor-ial


department of time society paperTho Royal Banner was in the handsof Miss Grace Maiden Sue war ablyassisted by Miss Ethel King at thohead of time news department andMiss Carlctta Odboruo in charge ofthe dyspeptics department This lastturned out to bo tho joke departmentand if a hearty laugh has any eilicaoyin curing dyspepsia certainly time ilyspectics present went away in n betterstate of health The other departments of the paper were replete withhumor as were also time original storiesUA Yankee Swap and Adven ¬

tures of Jonathan Gates by MissLydia Williams anti Miss Mar ¬

garet Livengood respectively MissAnna Ray very acceptably recited tune

poem Tho Curtain The Reviewby Elizabeth Marsh of Jacob RiisBookuBow the Other Half Liveswon serious and comprehensive MissSally Waldrons essay on Joan ofArc contained all the enthusiasmand pathos duo such a subject Themeeting closed by a thoughtful andwell delivered oration by Miss Elisa ¬

both Lewis Time wellrendered pianosolos by Misses Leer and Livelihoodadded greatly to tho enjoyment of theoccasion

Seventeen Mormons are encampedin Washington including tho head oftime church Joseph F Smith Prosi ¬

dent and severalelders and apostlesThey gave testimony Friday in thecase of Reed Smooth elected to thoSenate from Utah whom the re ¬

form crusaders are trying to unseaton the ground that he believes inpolygamy and was elected by thechurch and not by tho State


We want live fat PoultryEggs Hides and Feathers

We pay highest cash pricesWe pay 40c per doz for loose


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PUUCHASKR for Bii extra good sailtile now for twothird tin cost

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FIRST CLASS BUILDING BRICKconstantly on hniul WII nlno have

lard burner brick and bats for cis-

terns at very low price BITIW CollegeBrickyard

FOUX FAIN PEN twentycwnlmiiiliand upward PIIIH mire gold VithtostpnhlN

IIOMKSPUNcovurloti linen linensuit pattemN etc I B AmbroseConkting Ky

ThAICollJoMason can spam n quantity of thoBuckeye Fertilizer which inndi surftall good corn and other crops thepast season For price etc applysoon


SEVERAL NS of good Imlwl hayand straw W B Jonw Paint

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oil handour fine line

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