Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1910-05-12 [p ].

The Secret of Youth Do you ever wonder hog you can remain young or why other women older than you look younger than you do The secret can be in a few words Preserve your youthBy health but nerve health as sometimes magnificently stronglooking women are nervous wrecks But whether you are weak physically or nervously you need a tonic and the best tonic for you is Cardui systemsIt I UIIJ The x Womans Tonic My mother writes Mrs Z L Adcock of Smith ville Tennfis 44 years old and is passing through the terriblyMy of she took according to directions and now she is up able to do her housework and says she feels like a newwoman Try Cardul In your own case Wrttt tor Ladles Advisory Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tcnn for Sptclal Inttnuttoiu and 64page book Home Treatment lor Women tent tree CASE REVERSED Frankfort Ky May CTbo Ap ¬ pellate Court reversed tho Madison Circuit Court In tho case at S R Baker against J W Dluimoro with tho directions to the court below The panics were candidates tor Councilmen of the town of Derm at the 1909 election A coutoat followed Tits court hero directs that the board of election commissioners for the county certify the result of the voto btitwixui tho iKirtlos to tho Council and that it determine by lot which la entitled to tho office Tho commis ¬ sioners had themselves BO determined the manor and the court says their action was void- UNION WINS DEBATE The annual debate Tuesday night between Union and Beta Kappa Lit ¬ Oral Societies was won by Union the decision of the judges being un- animous Tho subject of tho debate was Provided that option bo granted by State Legislatures Itcuolvcd that tho commlfislon form of government Should bo adopted by the municipal ¬ ities of the United Su us municipal ¬ ities to be understood M cities of over 20000 The debate was handled for tho winning team by Dwight WllleJt Se well Combs and Wolford Johnson tho rebuttal being offered by Mr Combs and being unusually strong For tho negative supported by Beta Knppa tho following spoke John Mln uloli Walter Dlzney and Carter Robin son Tho affirmative bases their urgu tnent on tho proposition that tho pro sent form of city government is in ¬ efficient because of tho general com- plexity end lock of responsibility They argued that the people der man a change In tho city govern ¬ monta government by fewer men with direct responsibility They tup Ioried their argument that tho com- mission ¬ plan satiation this demand for tho following reasons J That under Commission Govern- ment ¬ tho people can elect rapresenta llven men to office 2 That they can control them In office 3 That they have promptineos and efficiency of action 4 That they have business manage mont by capable business men The negative argued that the corn- s ¬ 3mission form should not be adopted Madeby l i i 1 It Is unAmertcan and unDemo- cratic In principle 2 It will not apply to all munlcl palltles i 3 It Is a fusion of functions I 4 It la a sacrifice of legislation I They took the stand that reform broughtI I ends rather than by changing the form of government FOR SALE p About CO fine grade Duroc Jersey and Poland China hogs weighing from giltse sows j held at Derea College Hams Saturday May 14 1910 at 10 a m Terms Cash Berea College Prowltt Auctioneer ICE ICE ICE IAU persons who wont lee In the hot weather now at hand should I phone to C D Holllday and Co Ice will bo delivered to the refrigerator In quantities of over 25 pounds at GO cents a hundred pounds For smaller quantities the amount will be left at the gate G D Holllday Phone 1G9 IFOR SALE- A I six room house with lot on Rail ¬ road Street In Berea Also a 28 pas ¬ senger Merrygoround in perfect ord ¬ er Has boon run only a part of two seasons hay a good 2 12 homo power gasoline engine and good organ which plays ton different tunes baa taken in as high as 200 a day Can be hauled over any road in two loads with a two horse wagon My reason for selling is that I want to buy a larger one Would trade for a good team of horses or mules II K Richardson Barest Ky Lefti Cantor ¬ nla pioneers are rapidly dwindling There lire only seven members of the Sacramento Society of California PIo- neers The eighth member recently died and the survivors acted as pall bearers and mourners- ICOltly Foundation foundations for new UmesI tine American The contract for the foundation work of tho new 25story municipal building to be erected at the Brooklyn bridge entrance hM just been let to the Foundation company for 1443147 The caissons must be carried down below tho subway stat tlon to rock which lies In places 80 feet below street level You Get the Best of the Bargain When you buy our CREAM r OF WHEAT at our price Judg ¬ isr Buy a sack and we know you will agree with us Especially when you see how far Cream of Wheat flour goes and how much better are your bread cakes and pastry BEREA ROLLER MILLS ANDREW ISAACS Prop BereaKy oU I Cleaning and PressingL- adies Ii > Skirts Gents Overcoats and Fall Suits Cleaned Pressed and Repaired J r > WeC CARPENTER n 4 Back of Fish Bldg Berea Ky > I I S T- t J I t EASTERN KENTUCKY Continued from last week a tine time Prayer moqtlng and Sunday school every Sunday at Pleasant Grove Everybody invited to comeMr James Witt visited at Larue loot Saturday night ESTILL COUNTY STATION CAMP Station Camp May 9John Yarbor while standing on tho bank of tho creek Sunday morning saw a large flak about four and a half feet long flounce upon a raft of logs and ho sprang upon the logs and caught It James McCart and other traveling moo passed thru our town last week Mrs A B and J B Kelly Mrs Anno Click and Mrs Susie Sorivncr wore In Irvine last Monday on buM neBS Shelby Peters who went to Illinois last spring returned homo lost week Laban PaNt of Wagersvllle has returned from Frankfort where ho has been visiting a few daysJC- ox who went to Illinois last year returned to Wageravllle again lIe had a severe attack of typhoid fever while in Illinois and has come back ti Kentucky to remain till his health gets better Miss Tattle Moorce who has boon in school at Bowling Green last winter is homo agalnDr J V Sctivncr Is having quite a lot of til Ing done on his farm Tho fruit is neatly all killed in this section of tho countryClay Moorctf census en ¬ umerator In West Irvine Precinct has completed his precinct The ocher enumerators will not get done till about the lost of tile week Vincent Lakes visited friends at Red Lick SundayJ B Kelley who goi lila leg badly hurt on a raft week before lasti Is able to be out again- AWSIEV COUNT TUAVKLIKKS IU < TI Travelers Rest May 7S A Cau dll and Jas McQueen will soon re- port the census of their districts Born to the Mr and Mrs Jas Price a fine baby boy May 3rd Robert Dot nor has returned from several points north and wild there Is no place like home Mrs S K Raymey of South Boonevlllo has been visiting friends at this place for a few wceksThoI old baseball Grays have organized for the season HTUUUKON Sturgeon May 9Mlssos Ethel and Hattie Wilson former students of Be ¬ rea have returned home Miss Ethel Wilson returned to Beroa to resume her work In the hospital Mrs liar ¬ den Wilson was the welcome guest oC- her two daughters Mrs Win Brewer and Mrs M II Price of Sairgeon a few days lost weekMrs Molllo Wilson of Sturgeon is preparing for the arrival of her brother J H War- ren and family of Norma Tenu Mrs Win Brewer has just had her poul ¬ try yard completed and is having splendid success with poultry White Mr R F Wilson and family wore visiting a few weeks ago a party of rogues broke Ino their moat house taking about 100 pounds of bacon Tho party has not yet been located Mr Marion Hurst the traveling salesman passed thru here one day last week cnroute to Beattyvlllo and stopped over night with his aunt Mrs II D Wilson Mr A C Wilson fill ¬ ed his regular appointment at Sextons Creek Sunday and vlshed singing At Road Run Misses Nancy and Mary Wilson Mr George Tincher and family were the guests of Mrs LoWe Holbrook last SundayThem will be preaching at Rock Spring next Sun- day ¬ by the Rev J N Culton UIC1TOWN- Ulcetowii Slay 7Grant Cabbard had a log rolling Wednesday and Meredith Reynolds one Friday Tho Rev John Mason preached at Grassy Branch Sunday Four persons were struck by lightning Tuesday on Betty Bowman Branch A negro was killed Instantly Rev Ira Wood preached at Gabbards school house on Cow Creek Sunday May 8MesIra Cam boll and Fugo of Leslie County were hero a few days ago after some corn for A W Huff The writer will hereafter give the news from this place and Cow Creek under tho head- Ing of Rlcetown D G Reynolds of Cow Creek was at Buffalo Creek a tow days ago with a load of potatoes getting 75 cents a bushel Corn is 90 cents a bushel sock a good price and everything high Mrs Jaley Gabbard has ordered a tine rowing machine ISLAM CITY Island City May 61 M Frye of Boonovllle vlslicd friends at Island Creek a few days agoThe surround Ing people are sorry to hear of tho denrh of S E Welch of BereaVe should always have a word of respect to give Berea for planting such a bright paper In every mountain home as The CltlzonCharles Neeley a farmer living two miles from this place was turning a hillside with a pair of horses The oft horse fell down and both rolled to tho bottom and In Live minutes both were dead Jfhe Rev Albert Bowman preached to a large crowd at Mount Carmel Sunday IJepuy U S Marshall Wm Mays Is taking a weeks visit at home at presentEsq Wra Anderson is- sued ¬ warrants for Ike Neeley Tom Beard and George Marshall for dis ¬ I turbing religious worship LETTER FROM OREGON Yalnax Oregon Ap11 23 1910 Dear Editor If you will give me space I wish to write a little about our location and work hero In southern Oregon We are located In Klamath Indi ¬ an Reservation Klamath County Ore- gon ¬ and our elevation Is nearly five thousand feet We have very little rainfall here but lots of snow during tho winter Several of the mountains ara still covered with snow From our back porch we can got a good view of Mt Scott the mountain on which Crater lake is located and Is claimed by the people of this part to be the eighth wonder of the world By walking about one and a halt miles from hero to the top of a neighboring hill we can get a splen ¬ becauselot very near Now about game These waters are full of fish and thousands and thou ¬ sand of wild geese and ducks are on the small rivers 1 have seen more wild geese and ducks In a single day i here than I over expected to see in a life time I Before I take too much space I must tell about our work I am teacher of Yalnax Indian Day school and Mrs Creech teaches the girls sowing one hour each school day Wo have 23 pupils on roll and the attendance is excellent We have a nice school room well equipped We have a number of large boys and girls but none above the Fourth GradeLater I I shall write a letter giving a full description of my school RespectfullyJ TRUSTS IN POLITICS Continued from tint page bad men are elected The govern- ment ¬ will in every case be about the average of tho voters who are fund- Ing ¬ to business so that the govern- ment Is about as good as the people deserve If the people are intelli ¬ gent and honest and watchful they will have a good government but they will never have one any better tortThltt I The second Is that under our patty system a very few men control tho elecckm In New York state for in- stance ¬ there are a million and a halt votes cast and yet the Republi ¬ can majority has twice In the last ten years been reduced as low as 6000 or one vote In each two hundred cast And It is a well known fact that Tammany Hall ab each election manages to have cast in New York alone from flty to seventyfive thou ¬ sand fraudulent votes Now it there were no fraudulent votes cast still the man which could control one vote In two hundred could swing the election And if the man who can do that happens toswlng 1C in favor of a certain set of officers you can be pretty sure that those officers will remember him with thanksgiving Those two things give the whole situation Rich corporations often furnish politicians with the money to buy enough votes to swing the elections in close places and then ex- pect ¬ to got legislative and judicial favors in retuiji and do get them Sometimes the bribery takes place In tho primaries but the story and the effect are tho r4tmethe man that puts up tho money controls the offi ¬ cers and the people get the worst 1tI said a little while ao people get what they de- serve and now we say that they are sold out by politicians who are able to buy up a few votes Yes sir They deserve It Why Because tho people allow the bribery The people get excited about then party the trusts and crooked politicians do not cure a hooter about the party and BO tho people stick to their party oven after they know that corrupt effort are being made to elect its nominees Then when they do get thru and the corrupt men are elect ¬ ed those same people make an aw ¬ ful noise because those same officers serve the trusts and not the peo ¬ ple They should have known that when tho corruption started thoro was something wrong for the trusts never never give away money They buy what they want And when they I buy votes for a certain man they have bought him too and every man that votes for him is sold out I Just as soon as tho people come to understand this the reign of the trusts In American politics will be at an end When that time comes If a trust or trust money or any money at nil for money cannot al ways be traced appears in politics the people will vote against the men who are using the money and for the men who are willing to stand on their merits And when that happens politicians will not dare use money and then tho trusts wlU not have any hold on them It is worth remarking here that money from certain well known cor ¬ porations Is being used and will be used in the nomination of members of the next Congress It may be worth while to make sure where the money candidates in your neigh- borhood ¬ uses comes from II i a vq The Call of The Schools- No 4The Grounds By Prof J W DInsmore Where should wo expect to find the school house In any good rural community We should expect to I find It near the center of the die ¬ trict and easy to get to from all points It Is the place whore the children from generation to gen- eration ¬ are to receive their education and training at least the foundation of their education the moat import ¬ ant part We should expect to find the school grounds of ample size so that the children should never be cramped for play room We should ex ¬ pect It to be chosen first of nil for Its hygenlc qualities tree from swamp pools or any kind of unhealthful sur¬ roundings selected with some rea ¬ ped for beauty of scenery and much care exorcised that the grounds shall be suitable for the childrens games and plays But whatever we should expect the description dcea not bring to mind a familiar picture We are more like ¬ ly to find a little dingy building tucked off in some out of the way corner on the most unsightly spot that could be found The reason this particular spot has been chosen above all others Is because some generous hearted farmer not being able to use the land for cultivation or pasture i has kindly donated It to the district Many fine sites could have been se ¬ cured but one would have cost some ¬ thing perhaps in the long run ono cent apiece for all who use if The dingy building with its dismal surroundings is not Inviting The people are not proud of it and thoII children ara not attracted to it approach It with lagging footsteps and i leave it with the speed of birds on plcnickersi the school grounds with disdain But one generation after another of bright minded children must spend their days there months at a time year In and year out or horrible alterna ¬ tive go without schooling On that great day when the books shall he unrolled for the last time there will bo a good many accounts to settle for bad school sites And many a- lICe whose usefulness was curtailed will have the excuse to plead that he or she did not know until too late that an education was important and did not like to go to school About that time too a good many school boards will want to call upon the mountains and hills to hide them- In fact the selection of a school site is a matter of the highest im- portance ¬ and should be delegated to j those only who havo had some ex- perience ¬ or training to guide them They should know that the first thing to be careful about Is the- WASHINGTON Continued from Pint Page or the other has cut out all the ob ¬ jectionable features But when the bill I so amended as to be different pass- es ¬ both Houses it will be turned I over to a conference of members of both Houses to see If they cannot agree onn bill which bah Houses can pass alike In the conference ovary provision must stand which i has previously been agreed to by both Houses So just now tho fight goolias i I to got their favorite provisions sate before the bill Is finally turned over to the conference Tho Stand patlcrs will do tholr best for It After that Heaven only knows whether the bill can boo passed If the Aldrich fea 111I features pre taken out the Stand ¬ patters will not wont to vote for It But the Important thing is that there Is no longer a machine In either House Time was when a few men decided what Congress should be allowed to do and Congress would dc just what they decided For a whllo Marl Hanna Was the big boss but whoa Roosevelt got to be ProM ¬ dent there was no one big man but him Ho couldnt control Congress however for It was managed by eevei al men who made up the machine They have all died or quit except Cannon and Aldrich and Uioao t o- men havo Inherited the great power which once belonged to the group They became the big bosses But now their power has gone and there la no one who can tell Congress what to do For the first time In many years Congress Is going to do what a majorJty of its members want This Is what tho Constitution provides far but we have not had it for a long- time It Is bad for party discipline but It is likely to be good for tho country Laws will have to be put thru on their merits If they have any Wo will probably not got ro- many laws but that may not be a bad thing So there Is no telling about the health of tho children and second the thing is an abundance of suit ¬ able space for outdoor sports They should understand that the outdoor life of a school its social life its games and its mingling with one another is of equal Importance withr the instruction that is given In work or to the time devoted to the F study of bcoks Of course the latter Is essential but the former Is funda ¬ mental and cannot be omitted so long as character usefulness and nose are the ends of education bolIPII Then the arrangement o grounds Is no small matter Suppos ¬ ing wo have at our disposal two acres of ground In the form of a BquareI where shall we place the house and other necessary buildings so as to economize space and yet not sacrl ¬ flee symmetry and beauty of arrange f menU How shall we provide for the largo boys who will wont to play ball for the girls to engage ltd such games as they may choose and tho little ones that they may fort l freedom without being In the way tho larger pupils Finally there II should be space for grass flowers shrubs and trees and how shall we provide for It i In general it will be best to place the house about the middle or a 1U tlo back of the middle of tho grounds The outbuildings should be placed directly back of the house at the edge of the grounds the two a few rods apart with a solid board fence six feet high running all the froma the house to the back fencea The space In front of the house may be reserved for grass flowers and shurbs and a few shade trees The boys should have one side divided luto two unequal portions the larg ¬ er for the advanced and the smaller portion for the younger boys The side for the girls might beI divided Into throe pars one ton theI larger girls one for the smaller and tin third part left for a garden plot I Hero both boys and girls could be j taught the rudiments of farming andI gardening This would be both pleasurable and profitable as a means promotei i they are needed lndI a well should be placed at the qf the gardo plot I Keeping tho building painted Is a matter of economy and the cost of such arrangements in money is so little that it need hardly bo consIder- ed ¬ What is most needed Is some one with knowledge and skill and a andi ¬ ed The results will bo wonh many times the efforts and the coat- i I present session Congress will pass Tafts bills If ho can get bills which will please a majority of the Con ¬ gressmen The bills are not that way t just now Maybe they will be fixed they will got thru maybe not At so any rate It will not bo Tafts fault if Congress does not redeem the pro ¬ mises of the Republican platform I And by the way legally the ProM ¬ dent has no business to be Interfering with Congress There was an awful fuss stirred up when Roosevelt did It but the Interests are not so I badly scared of Taft as of Teddy The power of making laws lies with Con ¬ gress but recently our Presidents t hove been doing their best to help i out However if their plans dont work they cannot be blamed entirelyi for the result I As a matter of fact It would bo better for Ml concerned if the Presi ¬ dent did not have too much to do with making the laws It he gets t to have much power that way Con ¬ gress will pet to be a weak and useI less body and our government will II be out of balance The domination of I Congress by the Interests has nI so serious an evil that the people have been glad to have right laws passed by any kind thoI power but when the fight Is it will be plain that the power ought 1 to back to Congress And it Con ¬ Igress does not do what the people want the fault Is with the men that elect the Congressmen Cannon and Aldrich have been useful in keep Ing the power whore it belongsIn i i1 the hands of Congress They have t abused the power it is true but the people will be just as well off if kI Congress gees on as it is doing and refuses to take orders from anyone I Cannon Aldrich Taft or HimselfExcept Rco3eeltJ for this fuss there nothing doing hero bjeldee the lager herring Secretary Balllnger hasl n spent most of his time testifying I has been very frank about it He isll trying to reverse the policies of Gar field and Rocecvelt and he says so 1and have made him so much trouble He I will be on the stand most of next week tool f I I S SS

Transcript of Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1910-05-12 [p ].

Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1910-05-12 [p ].

The Secret of YouthDo you ever wonder hog you can remain young or

why other women older than you look younger thanyou doThe secret can be in a few words Preserve

youryouthBy health butnerve health as sometimes magnificently stronglookingwomen are nervous wrecks

But whether you are weak physically or nervouslyyou need a tonic and the best tonic for you is CarduisystemsIt

IUIIJThe x Womans TonicMy mother writes Mrs Z L Adcock of Smith

ville Tennfis 44 years old and is passing through the

terriblyMyof she took according to directions and nowshe is up able to do her housework and says she feelslike a newwoman Try Cardul In your own case

Wrttt tor Ladles Advisory Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tcnnfor Sptclal Inttnuttoiu and 64page book Home Treatment lor Women tent tree


Frankfort Ky May CTbo Ap ¬

pellate Court reversed tho MadisonCircuit Court In tho case at S RBaker against J W Dluimoro withtho directions to the court below

The panics were candidates torCouncilmen of the town of Derm atthe 1909 election A coutoat followedTits court hero directs that the boardof election commissioners for thecounty certify the result of the votobtitwixui tho iKirtlos to tho Counciland that it determine by lot which laentitled to tho office Tho commis ¬

sioners had themselves BO determinedthe manor and the court says theiraction was void-


The annual debate Tuesday nightbetween Union and Beta Kappa Lit¬

Oral Societies was won by Unionthe decision of the judges being un-animous

Tho subject of tho debate wasProvided that option bo granted by

State Legislatures Itcuolvcd that thocommlfislon form of governmentShould bo adopted by the municipal ¬

ities of the United Su us municipal ¬

ities to be understood M cities ofover 20000

The debate was handled for thowinning team by Dwight WllleJt Sewell Combs and Wolford Johnsontho rebuttal being offered by MrCombs and being unusually strongFor tho negative supported by BetaKnppa tho following spoke John Mlnuloli Walter Dlzney and Carter Robinson

Tho affirmative bases their urgutnent on tho proposition that tho prosent form of city government is in ¬

efficient because of tho general com-

plexity end lock of responsibilityThey argued that the people der

man a change In tho city govern ¬

monta government by fewer menwith direct responsibility They tupIoried their argument that tho com-


plan satiation this demandfor tho following reasons

J That under Commission Govern-ment


tho people can elect rapresentallven men to office

2 That they can control them Inoffice

3 That they have promptineos andefficiency of action

4 That they have business managemont by capable business men

The negative argued that the corn-s


3mission form should not be adopted




1 It Is unAmertcan and unDemo-cratic In principle

2 It will not apply to all munlclpalltles

i 3 It Is a fusion of functionsI 4 It la a sacrifice of legislationI They took the stand that reformbroughtIIends rather than by changing theform of government


About CO fine grade Duroc Jerseyand Poland China hogs weighing fromgiltsesows

j held at Derea College Hams SaturdayMay 14 1910 at 10 a m Terms Cash

Berea CollegeProwltt Auctioneer


IAU persons who wont lee In thehot weather now at hand should


phone to C D Holllday and Co Icewill bo delivered to the refrigeratorIn quantities of over 25 pounds atGO cents a hundred pounds Forsmaller quantities the amount willbe left at the gate G D HollldayPhone 1G9


AI six room house with lot on Rail ¬

road Street In Berea Also a 28 pas ¬

senger Merrygoround in perfect ord ¬

er Has boon run only a part of twoseasons hay a good 2 12 homo powergasoline engine and good organ whichplays ton different tunes baa takenin as high as 200 a day Can behauled over any road in two loadswith a two horse wagon My reasonfor selling is that I want to buy alarger one Would trade for a goodteam of horses or mules

II K Richardson Barest Ky

Lefti Cantor ¬

nla pioneers are rapidly dwindlingThere lire only seven members of theSacramento Society of California PIo-neers The eighth member recentlydied and the survivors acted as pallbearers and mourners-

ICOltly Foundationfoundations for newUmesItine American The contract for the

foundation work of tho new 25storymunicipal building to be erected atthe Brooklyn bridge entrance hM justbeen let to the Foundation companyfor 1443147 The caissons must becarried down below tho subway stattlon to rock which lies In places 80feet below street level

You Get the Bestof the Bargain

When you buy our CREAMr OF WHEAT at our price Judg ¬isrBuy a sack and we know you will

agree with us Especially whenyou see how far Cream of Wheatflour goes and how much betterare your bread cakes and pastry




I Cleaning and PressingL-


> Skirts Gents Overcoats andFall Suits Cleaned Pressed

and Repaired Jr > WeC CARPENTERn 4 Back of Fish Bldg Berea Ky




S T-

tJ It

EASTERN KENTUCKYContinued from last week

a tine time Prayer moqtlng andSunday school every Sunday atPleasant Grove Everybody invitedto comeMr James Witt visited atLarue loot Saturday night


Station Camp May 9John Yarborwhile standing on tho bank of thocreek Sunday morning saw a largeflak about four and a half feet longflounce upon a raft of logs and hosprang upon the logs and caught ItJames McCart and other travelingmoo passed thru our town last week

Mrs A B and J B Kelly MrsAnno Click and Mrs Susie Sorivncrwore In Irvine last Monday on buM

neBS Shelby Peters who went toIllinois last spring returned homo lostweek Laban PaNt of Wagersvlllehas returned from Frankfort where hohas been visiting a few daysJC-ox who went to Illinois last year

returned to Wageravllle again lIehad a severe attack of typhoid feverwhile in Illinois and has come back tiKentucky to remain till his healthgets better Miss Tattle Moorce whohas boon in school at Bowling Greenlast winter is homo agalnDr J V

Sctivncr Is having quite a lot of tilIng done on his farm Tho fruit isneatly all killed in this section oftho countryClay Moorctf census en ¬

umerator In West Irvine Precinct hascompleted his precinct The ocherenumerators will not get done tillabout the lost of tile week VincentLakes visited friends at Red LickSundayJ B Kelley who goi lila legbadly hurt on a raft week before lasti

Is able to be out again-


dll and Jas McQueen will soon re-

port the census of their districtsBorn to the Mr and Mrs Jas Pricea fine baby boy May 3rd Robert Dotnor has returned from several pointsnorth and wild there Is no place likehome Mrs S K Raymey of SouthBoonevlllo has been visiting friendsat this place for a few wceksThoIold baseball Grays have organizedfor the season


Sturgeon May 9Mlssos Ethel andHattie Wilson former students of Be ¬

rea have returned home Miss EthelWilson returned to Beroa to resumeher work In the hospital Mrs liar ¬

den Wilson was the welcome guest oC-

her two daughters Mrs Win Brewerand Mrs M II Price of Sairgeon afew days lost weekMrs MollloWilson of Sturgeon is preparing forthe arrival of her brother J H War-

ren and family of Norma Tenu MrsWin Brewer has just had her poul ¬

try yard completed and is havingsplendid success with poultry WhiteMr R F Wilson and family worevisiting a few weeks ago a party ofrogues broke Ino their moat housetaking about 100 pounds of baconTho party has not yet been located

Mr Marion Hurst the travelingsalesman passed thru here one daylast week cnroute to Beattyvlllo andstopped over night with his aunt MrsII D Wilson Mr A C Wilson fill ¬

ed his regular appointment at SextonsCreek Sunday and vlshed singing At

Road Run Misses Nancy and MaryWilson Mr George Tincher andfamily were the guests of Mrs LoWeHolbrook last SundayThem will bepreaching at Rock Spring next Sun-


by the Rev J N Culton

UIC1TOWN-Ulcetowii Slay 7Grant Cabbard

had a log rolling Wednesday andMeredith Reynolds one Friday ThoRev John Mason preached at GrassyBranch Sunday Four persons werestruck by lightning Tuesday on BettyBowman Branch A negro was killedInstantly Rev Ira Wood preachedat Gabbards school house on CowCreek Sunday May 8MesIra Camboll and Fugo of Leslie County werehero a few days ago after some cornfor A W Huff The writer willhereafter give the news from thisplace and Cow Creek under tho head-Ing of Rlcetown D G Reynolds ofCow Creek was at Buffalo Creek atow days ago with a load of potatoesgetting 75 cents a bushel Corn is90 cents a bushel sock a good priceand everything high Mrs JaleyGabbard has ordered a tine rowingmachine

ISLAM CITYIsland City May 61 M Frye of

Boonovllle vlslicd friends at IslandCreek a few days agoThe surroundIng people are sorry to hear of thodenrh of S E Welch of BereaVeshould always have a word of respectto give Berea for planting such abright paper In every mountain homeas The CltlzonCharles Neeley afarmer living two miles from thisplace was turning a hillside with apair of horses The oft horse felldown and both rolled to tho bottomand In Live minutes both were deadJfhe Rev Albert Bowman preachedto a large crowd at Mount CarmelSunday IJepuy U S Marshall WmMays Is taking a weeks visit at homeat presentEsq Wra Anderson is-


warrants for Ike Neeley TomBeard and George Marshall for dis ¬

I turbing religious worship


Yalnax Oregon Ap11 23 1910

Dear EditorIf you will give me space I wish

to write a little about our locationand work hero In southern Oregon

We are located In Klamath Indi ¬

an Reservation Klamath County Ore-gon


and our elevation Is nearly fivethousand feet We have very littlerainfall here but lots of snow duringtho winter Several of the mountainsara still covered with snow Fromour back porch we can got a goodview of Mt Scott the mountain onwhich Crater lake is located and Isclaimed by the people of this partto be the eighth wonder of the worldBy walking about one and a haltmiles from hero to the top of aneighboring hill we can get a splen ¬

becauselotvery nearNow about game These waters are

full of fish and thousands and thou ¬

sand of wild geese and ducks areon the small rivers 1 have seen morewild geese and ducks In a single day

i here than I over expected to see ina life time

I Before I take too much space Imust tell about our work I amteacher of Yalnax Indian Day schooland Mrs Creech teaches the girlssowing one hour each school dayWo have 23 pupils on roll and theattendance is excellent We have anice school room well equipped Wehave a number of large boys andgirls but none above the FourthGradeLater

I I shall write a letter givinga full description of my school


TRUSTS IN POLITICSContinued from tint page

bad men are elected The govern-


will in every case be about theaverage of tho voters who are fund-


to business so that the govern-ment Is about as good as the peopledeserve If the people are intelli ¬

gent and honest and watchful theywill have a good government butthey will never have one any better

tortThlttI The second Is that under our pattysystem a very few men control thoelecckm In New York state for in-


there are a million and ahalt votes cast and yet the Republi ¬

can majority has twice In the lastten years been reduced as low as6000 or one vote In each two hundredcast And It is a well known factthat Tammany Hall ab each electionmanages to have cast in New Yorkalone from flty to seventyfive thou ¬

sand fraudulent votes Now it therewere no fraudulent votes cast stillthe man which could control onevote In two hundred could swing theelection And if the man who cando that happens toswlng 1C in favorof a certain set of officers you canbe pretty sure that those officers willremember him with thanksgiving

Those two things give the wholesituation Rich corporations oftenfurnish politicians with the moneyto buy enough votes to swing theelections in close places and then ex-


to got legislative and judicialfavors in retuiji and do get themSometimes the bribery takes place In

tho primaries but the story and theeffect are tho r4tmethe man thatputs up tho money controls the offi ¬

cers and the people get the worst

1tI said a little while aopeople get what they de-

serve and now we say that they aresold out by politicians who are ableto buy up a few votes Yes sirThey deserve It Why Because thopeople allow the bribery The peopleget excited about then party thetrusts and crooked politicians do notcure a hooter about the party andBO tho people stick to their partyoven after they know that corrupteffort are being made to elect itsnominees Then when they do getthru and the corrupt men are elect ¬

ed those same people make an aw¬

ful noise because those same officersserve the trusts and not the peo¬

ple They should have known thatwhen tho corruption started thorowas something wrong for the trustsnever never give away money Theybuy what they want And when they

I buy votes for a certain man theyhave bought him too and every manthat votes for him is sold out

I Just as soon as tho people cometo understand this the reign ofthe trusts In American politics willbe at an end When that time comesIf a trust or trust money or anymoney at nil for money cannot always be traced appears in politicsthe people will vote against the menwho are using the money and forthe men who are willing to stand ontheir merits And when that happenspoliticians will not dare use moneyand then tho trusts wlU not haveany hold on them

It is worth remarking here thatmoney from certain well known cor ¬

porations Is being used and will beused in the nomination of membersof the next Congress It may beworth while to make sure wherethe money candidates in your neigh-


uses comes from





The Call of The Schools-No 4The Grounds

By Prof J W DInsmore

Where should wo expect to findthe school house In any good ruralcommunity We should expect to


find It near the center of the die ¬

trict and easy to get to fromall points It Is the place whorethe children from generation to gen-


are to receive their educationand training at least the foundationof their education the moat import ¬

ant part We should expect to findthe school grounds of ample sizeso that the children should never becramped for play room We should ex¬

pect It to be chosen first of nil forIts hygenlc qualities tree from swamppools or any kind of unhealthful sur¬

roundings selected with some rea¬

ped for beauty of scenery and muchcare exorcised that the grounds shallbe suitable for the childrens gamesand plays

But whatever we should expect thedescription dcea not bring to minda familiar picture We are more like ¬

ly to find a little dingy buildingtucked off in some out of the waycorner on the most unsightly spotthat could be found The reason thisparticular spot has been chosen aboveall others Is because some generoushearted farmer not being able to usethe land for cultivation or pasture

i has kindly donated It to the districtMany fine sites could have been se ¬

cured but one would have cost some ¬

thing perhaps in the long run onocent apiece for all who use if

The dingy building with its dismalsurroundings is not Inviting Thepeople are not proud of it and thoIIchildren ara not attracted to itapproach It with lagging footsteps and

ileave it with the speed of birds onplcnickersithe school grounds with disdain Butone generation after another of brightminded children must spend theirdays there months at a time yearIn and year out or horrible alterna ¬

tive go without schooling On thatgreat day when the books shall heunrolled for the last time there willbo a good many accounts to settlefor bad school sites And many a-

lICe whose usefulness was curtailedwill have the excuse to plead thathe or she did not know until too latethat an education was important anddid not like to go to school Aboutthat time too a good many schoolboards will want to call upon themountains and hills to hide them-

In fact the selection of a schoolsite is a matter of the highest im-


and should be delegated toj those only who havo had some ex-


or training to guide themThey should know that the firstthing to be careful about Is the-


Continued from Pint Page

or the other has cut out all the ob¬

jectionable features But when the billI so amended as to be different pass-es


both Houses it will be turnedI over to a conference of members ofboth Houses to see If they cannotagree onn bill which bah Housescan pass alike In the conferenceovary provision must stand which

i has previously been agreed to byboth Houses So just now tho fight


I to got their favorite provisions satebefore the bill Is finally turned overto the conference Tho Stand patlcrswill do tholr best for It After thatHeaven only knows whether the billcan boo passed If the Aldrich fea111Ifeatures pre taken out the Stand ¬

patters will not wont to vote for ItBut the Important thing is that

there Is no longer a machine Ineither House Time was when a fewmen decided what Congress shouldbe allowed to do and Congress woulddc just what they decided For awhllo Marl Hanna Was the big bossbut whoa Roosevelt got to be ProM ¬

dent there was no one big man buthim Ho couldnt control Congresshowever for It was managed by eeveial men who made up the machineThey have all died or quit exceptCannon and Aldrich and Uioao t o-

men havo Inherited the great powerwhich once belonged to the groupThey became the big bosses But nowtheir power has gone and there lano one who can tell Congress whatto do For the first time In manyyears Congress Is going to do whata majorJty of its members want ThisIs what tho Constitution provides farbut we have not had it for a long-

time It Is bad for party disciplinebut It is likely to be good for thocountry Laws will have to be putthru on their merits If they haveany Wo will probably not got ro-

many laws but that may not be abad thing

So there Is no telling about the

health of tho children and secondthe thing is an abundance of suit ¬

able space for outdoor sports Theyshould understand that the outdoorlife of a school its social life itsgames and its mingling with oneanother is of equal Importance withrthe instruction that is given Inwork or to the time devoted to the F

study of bcoks Of course the latterIs essential but the former Is funda ¬

mental and cannot be omitted so longas character usefulness andnose are the ends of education bolIPIIThen the arrangement ogrounds Is no small matter Suppos ¬

ing wo have at our disposal two acresof ground In the form of a BquareIwhere shall we place the house andother necessary buildings so as toeconomize space and yet not sacrl¬

flee symmetry and beauty of arrange fmenU How shall we provide forthe largo boys who will wont to playball for the girls to engage ltd suchgames as they may choose andtho little ones that they may fort lfreedom without being In the waytho larger pupils Finally there II

should be space for grass flowersshrubs and trees and how shall weprovide for It i

In general it will be best to placethe house about the middle or a 1U

tlo back of the middle of tho groundsThe outbuildings should be placeddirectly back of the house at theedge of the grounds the two a fewrods apart with a solid board fencesix feet high running all the fromathe house to the back fenceaThe space In front of the house maybe reserved for grass flowers andshurbs and a few shade trees Theboys should have one side dividedluto two unequal portions the larg¬

er for the advanced and the smallerportion for the younger boys

The side for the girls might beIdivided Into throe pars one ton theIlarger girls one for the smaller andtin third part left for a garden plot I

Hero both boys and girls could be j

taught the rudiments of farming andIgardening This would be bothpleasurable and profitable as a means

promotei i

they are needed lndIa well should be placed at theqf the gardo plot

I Keeping tho building painted Is amatter of economy and the cost ofsuch arrangements in money is solittle that it need hardly bo consIder-ed


What is most needed Is some onewith knowledge and skill and aandi¬

ed The results will bo wonh manytimes the efforts and the coat-



present session Congress will passTafts bills If ho can get bills whichwill please a majority of the Con ¬

gressmen The bills are not that way t

just now Maybe they will be fixedthey will got thru maybe not Atso

any rate It will not bo Tafts faultif Congress does not redeem the pro ¬

mises of the Republican platformI And by the way legally the ProM ¬

dent has no business to be Interferingwith Congress There was an awfulfuss stirred up when Roosevelt didIt but the Interests are not so

Ibadly scared of Taft as of Teddy Thepower of making laws lies with Con ¬

gress but recently our Presidents thove been doing their best to help i

out However if their plans dontwork they cannot be blamed entirelyifor the result

I As a matter of fact It would bobetter for Ml concerned if the Presi ¬

dent did not have too much to dowith making the laws It he gets t

to have much power that way Con ¬

gress will pet to be a weak and useIless body and our government will IIbe out of balance The domination of I

Congress by the Interests hasnIso serious an evil that thepeople have been glad to haveright laws passed by any kind thoIpower but when the fight Isit will be plain that the power ought 1to back to Congress And it Con ¬

Igress does not do what the peoplewant the fault Is with the men that

elect the Congressmen Cannonand Aldrich have been useful in keepIng the power whore it belongsIn i i1

the hands of Congress They have t

abused the power it is true but thepeople will be just as well off if kICongress gees on as it is doing andrefuses to take orders from anyoneICannon Aldrich Taft orHimselfExcept Rco3eeltJfor this fuss therenothing doing hero bjeldee thelager herring Secretary Balllnger hasl n

spent most of his time testifying I

has been very frank about it Heislltrying to reverse the policies of Garfield and Rocecvelt and he says so1andhave made him so much trouble He

I will be on the stand most of nextweektool f