Item ID Number, ooose[1]1.pdf ·...

Item ID Number, ooose Author Corporate Author Department of the Army, Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Report/Article TftlO fr ' e ' cl Manual: Tactical Employment of Herbicides Journal/Book Title Year ^1 Month/Day December Color ® Number of linages 22 Desoripton Notes Friday, December 01,2000 Page 86 of 91

Transcript of Item ID Number, ooose[1]1.pdf ·...

Page 1: Item ID Number, ooose[1]1.pdf · physical and chemical properties of agents ORANGE, BLUE, and WHITE are presented with

Item ID Number, ooose


Corporate Author Department of the Army, Headquarters, Washington,D.C.

Report/Article TftlO fr'e'cl Manual: Tactical Employment of Herbicides

Journal/Book Title

Year ^1

Month/Day December

Color ®

Number of linages 22

Desoripton Notes

Friday, December 01,2000 Page 86 of 91

Page 2: Item ID Number, ooose[1]1.pdf · physical and chemical properties of agents ORANGE, BLUE, and WHITE are presented with

. IP II. :M 3-3






MPtB T l l ta


H E A D Q U A R T E R S , D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E A R M Y



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This manual provides information for use in planning herbicide operationsat division, brigade, and lower levels. It contains a discussion of advantagesthat can be obtained by employing herbicides in tactical situations. Thephysical and chemical properties of agents ORANGE, BLUE, and WHITEare presented with information on agent handling and disposal methods.The manual also discusses air and ground dissemination systems, condi-tions influencing the effectiveness of herbicides, and guidance for commandand control of herbicide operations. Information is presented on thedownwind drift hazards produced by the A/A45Y-1, PAU-7/B, andAGRINAUTICS spray systems. A conversion chart and a glossary of termsare included at the end of the publication.

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No. 3-3 I

*FM 3-3


WASHINGTON, D.C., 14 December 1971


Paragraphs Page


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIONPurpose 1-1 1-1Scope 1-2 1-1Tactical employment of herbicides 1-3 1-1Changes and comments 1-4 1-1

2. HERBICIDE AGENTSGeneral 2-1 2-1ORANGE 2-2 2-1BLUE 2-3 2-2WHITE - 2-4 2-3


General 3-1 3-1Target vegetation 3-2 3-1Selection of herbicide 3-3 3-1Rate of application 3-4 3-1Growth stage of vegetation 3-5 3-2


General 4-1 4-1Herbicide operation request 4-2 4-1

6. METHODS OF DISSEMINATIONAerial spray systems 6-1 oVrlGround dissemination systems 5-2 5-4


Storage 6-1 6-1Handling and methods of disposal 6-2 6-1



GLOSSARY Glossary-1

o* Thli manual iuperi*d*< Chapter 5 of TC 3-16, 9 April 1969.


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1—1. Purpose

The purpose of this manual is to provide doctrinalguidance for the tactical employment of herbi-cides at division, brigade, and lower levels.

1-2. Scope

This manual discusses technical and operationalfactors governing the use of herbicides in militaryoperations. It also presents—

o. Physical and chemical properties of agentsORANGE, BLUE, and WHITE and informationon storage, handling, and methods of disposal.

6. Information on air and ground disseminationsystems.

e. Conditions influencing the effectiveness ofherbicides.

d. Guidance for command and control of herbi-cide operations.

1-3. Tactical Employment of Herbicides

Defoliation of heavily vegetated areas by the useof herbicides is the primary means of obtainingvisual observation of enemy forces, facilities,roads, ambush sites, infiltration routes, and otherenemy locations from the air, ground, or water.

o. The use of herbicides for defoliation—(1) Enhances security. Defoliation of vege-

tation bordering and overhanging roads, paths,trails, waterways, and railroads enhances securityaround friendly base camps, airfields, ammunitiondumps, ports, along railroads, waterways, andother locations by providing defensive fields offire and reducing possible ambush sites.

(2) Improves military intelligence. Defolia-tion of large-area targets improves military in-telligence for plans and operations by increasingvertical and horizontal visibility in heavilyforested or dense jungle areas. Defoliation alsoprovides data for correcting existing maps andfor preparing new ones.

(3) Reduces enemy resistance. In defoliatedareas, troops will meet less enemy resistance thanin areas that have not been defoliated and fewertroops will be required for an operation. Expo-

sure of the enemy's supply depots, base camps,and other locations will make him more vulnerableto air strikes and the resultant damage, harrass-ment, and threat of attack may cause him to moveout of an area.

(4) Increases troops available for combatand reduces casualties. Defoliation of broad defen-sive fields of fire around friendly base camps andlocations, and defoliation of possible ambush sitespermits commanders to reduce the number of menrequired for base camp security and convoy guardwork and makes more troops available for combatduty. Improved fields of fire—wherever located—act as a deterrent to enemy attack and help to re-duce friendly casualties when the enemy doesattack.

(5) Facilitates movement of military sup-plies. Defoliation along highways, railroads, andmain shipping channels will facilitate movementof supplies and decrease the number of convoyguards required.

b. Herbicides can also be used to reduce theenemy's food and industrial crops. This couldcause him to—

(1) Divert combat manpower to productionof food.

(2) Depend on local food resources.(3) Become more stationary because of the

necessity to cultivate hidden crops.(4) Reduce production of war munitions.

1-4. Changes and Comments

Users of this publication are encouraged to submitrecommended changes and comments to improvethe publication. Comments should be keyed to thespecific page, paragraph, and line of the text inwhich the change is recommended. Reasons will beprovided for each comment to insure understand-ing and complete evaluation. Comments should beprepared using DA Form 2028 (RecommendedChanges to Publications) and forwarded direct tothe Commanding Officer, US Army Combat Devel-opments Command Chemical-Biological-Radiologi-cal Agency, ATTN: CDCCBR-DP, Fort McClel-lan, Alabama 36201.

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2-1. Generala. Herbicides are chemical compounds used to

kill or damage plants (AR 310-25). They can beused to dry foliage or to stimulate or inhibitgrowth, by modifying physiological processes inplants. These chemicals are classified as contactherbicides or as systemic herbicides, depending onthe way they affect plants.

(1) Contact herbicides. Contact herbicides(or desiccants) are used to damage plant tissueby local action at the point of application andshow little or no movement throughout the plant.For this reason, thorough spray coverage is essen-tial for maximum agent effect. After beingsprayed with a contact herbicide, susceptibleplants dry rapidjy; this causes leaves to fall fromsome plant species, and to shrivel but remain onothers,

(2) Systemic herbicides. Systemic herbicidesare absorbed at the point of application and movedby the sap stream to other parts of the plant.These chemicals are growth regulators and usuallyact slower than contact herbicides. They damageplants by both local and systemic action, causingleaves to fall and, finally, killing the plants whenthe dose has been adequate. Plants treated withsublethal doses frequently recover partially orcompletely. Some plant species are highly re-sistant to this class of chemicals and show verylittle outward change. Systemic herbicides aremost effective on woody plants and broad-leavedvegetation in an active state of growth.

Note. Even though herbicides cause leaves, plants,and grasses to turn brown, leaves will remain on sometrees and plants, and grasses will still stand. Therefore,to obtain maximum visibility, plants must be burned, cut,or removed by other means, such as bulldozer or laborforce,

6. Various commercial chemical compoundsused as herbicides have been adapted for use inmilitary operations. Authority to use these chemi-cals must be obtained through the proper channelsas explained in chapter 4. Herbicides describedbelow are nicknamed ORANGE, BLUE, and

WHITE to correspond with identifying colorbands used on the shipping drums and for con-venience.


a. Composition. A 50:50 mixture of:

2,4-D (n-butyl-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate)and

2,4,5-T (n-butyl-2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyace-tate)

b. Physical and Chemical Properties.Physical state Liquid at room temperatureColor Reddish brownSolubility Soluble in diesel fuel and organic

solvents; insoluble in waterFreezing point 45"F to 46°FWeight 10.7 pounds/gallonEffect on materials:

Metal NoncorrosivePaint Harmful to someNatural rubber HarmfulNeoprene HarmfulTeflon, Viton ResistantPolyethylene ResistantButyl rubber Resistant

c. Physiological Properties.(1) ORANGE is a systemic herbicide that

defoliates a wide variety of woody and broad-leaved herbaceous plants. It affects grasses, bam-boos, and similar plants less. Agent ORANGE isabsorbed by a plant at the point of applicationwithin a few hours, and the chemical is trans-located.

(2) The components of ORANGE arerapidly decomposed by soil microorganisms andthe chemical usually disappears from soils within1 to 3 months following application. Lateral dis-tribution of-the agent due to volatility alone isnegligible.

(8) ORANGE is low in toxicity to man, fish,and wildlife; but it will cause slight skin irritationand minor inhalation effects.

d. Defoliation Capability. ORANGE will de-foliate adequately forest vegetation in temperate


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and tropical regions. See paragraph 3-4 for recom-mended application rates. Treated grasses andbamboos may exhibit brown foliage and partialtop-kill, but they recover rapidly. The typical re-sponse of tropical, woody vegetation to systemicdefoliants is progressive. For example, ORANGEapplied during the growing season causes—

• hardwood foliage to discolor in 1 or 2 weeks,• leaves to dry in 2 or 3 weeks, and• leaves to begin to fall after 4 weeks.

Depending upon the type and density of vegeta-tion, overall defoliation after 1 month averagesabout 50 percent and ranges from 15 to 90 per-cent. Defoliation increases and reaches its maxi-mum during the second or third month in asingle-layered canopy or during the fourth monthin a dense, multilayered canopy. Satisfactorylevels persist for 3 to 12 months in a single-layeredcanopy but for only 1 to 3^ months in a multi-layered canopy. Thereafter, regrowth and replace-ment vegetation from ground cover may reduceeffectiveness of the original treatment. Therefore,retreatment is desirable in dense-cover areas toextend the period of defoliation.

e. Anticrop Capability. ORANGE is effective inthe control of most broad-leaved crops when ap-plied at the rate of 1 gallon per acre. Annual cropsthat can be killed by ORANGE when applied atany growth stage include:

Beans Melon SesameCabbage Peanuts SoybeansCotton Pepper TobaccoGourd Ramie WatermelonJute

Root or tuber crops that show the greatest reduc-tion in yields when ORANGE is applied duringearly growth stages include:

Manioc or cassavaPotatoesSweet potatoes


Perennial and woody crop species vary widely intheir response to direct applications of ORANGE.Crops highly susceptible to herbicide damage are:


PapayaStar apple or caimito

Moderately susceptible crops are:BananaCastor beanGuava



Citrus and rubber plants can be defoliated byORANGE when the agent is applied in quantitiesgreater than 1 gallon per acre. However, the treeswill usually refoliate within several months.

Coconut and betel palms are more resistant toORANGE than citrus and rubber plants.

2-3. BLUE

a. Composition. Agent BLUE currently in useis a commercial, liquid formulation of sodiumcacodylate called Phytar 560G.

b. Physical and Chemical Properties.Physical state Free-flowing liquidColor Reddish or brownishSolubility Soluble in water and alcohol;

insoluble in oilsFreezing point —22°FWeight 11.0 pounds/gallonEffect on materials:

Metals:Uncoated mild

steel (softmalleable) Rapid initial reaction; gray

precipitate formedZinc Rapid chemical reaction and

color change; heavy granu-lar precipitate formed

Aluminum _J Slight initial reaction; whiteprecipitate formed

Brass No initial reaction; whiteprecipitate formed

Copper No initial reaction; no solidprecipitate formed

Tin No initial reaction; graysuspension formed

No significant effect on paint, natural rubber, neo-prene, Teflon, Viton, polyethylene, or butyl rubber.

c. Physiological Properties.(1) BLUE is a fast-acting contact herbicide

that is effective against broad-leaved herbaceousor woody plants or grassy vegetation. It causesrapid browning and drying with accompanyingshriveling and falling of leaves in some woodyspecies. BLUE is exceedingly effective in the top-kill of grassy plants to include perennials duringany season. At rates of application used for de-foliation (para 3-4), the chemical exhibits littleor no systemic action within the plant.

(2) In contact with soil, BLUE is quicklydeactivated by surface absorption; it is non-volatile and is not affected by light.

(3) This agents is readily absorbed throughthe skin, and prolonged absorption may cause adistinct garlic odor on the breath. BLUE has avery low toxicity to animals.

d. Defoliant Capability. When applied to sus-septible vegetation at the recommended applica-tion rate (para 3-4), noticeable browning ordiscoloration is evident in 1 day and maximumdefoliation usually occurs in 2 to 4 weeks. How-

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ever, the desired level of defoliation is of relativelyshort duration when compared to that of systemicagents. In dense forests with multilayered cano-pies, applications of BLUE can be repeated in 2to 4 weeks after the initial treatment to insurepenetration to lower vegetation layers and toextend the period, of defoliation. Regrowth ofsome perennial grasses, such as elephant grass,wild cane, or cogon grass, is likely to occur within1 to 2 months after treatment. This necessitatesrepeated spray applications.

e. Anticrop Capability. BLUE is the agent ofchoice for destruction of cereal and grain crops.Effects of the chemical become evident within 12to 24 hours, and plants die within a few days.Since BLUE is water-soluble, it should not beapplied during rain or when rain is predicted.

2-4. WHITE (Tordon 101)

a. Composition.20 percent picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-

picolinic acid) and80 percent 2,4-D, both in the form of triiso-

propanolamine salts.b. Physical and Chemical Properties.

Physical state Viscous liquidColor Dark brownSolubility Insoluble in oils; active

components are solu-ble in water

Weight 9.6 pounds/gallonWeight of active ingredi-

ents (as acid equiva-lent) :

Picloram 0.54 pound/gallon2,4-D 2.0 pounds/gallonRemainder consists of water, wetting agent,and other inert ingredients

Effect on materials:Metals NoncorrosiveOther materials used in

spray equipment Noncorrosive

c. Physiological Properties.

(1) WHITE is readily absorbed by foliageand the root system and is quickly transportedthroughout the plant.

(2) Since soil microorganisms have littleeffect on the components of WHITE, this agent ismore persistent in soils than ORANGE or BLUEand losses from soils occur principally by leaching.In sparsely vegetated areas, when applied at ratesused for defoliation, WHITE may persist in soilsfor as long as 1 year. It is subject to only limiteddecomposition by sunlight and ultraviolet radia-tion.

(3) Tests indicate that a single direct expo-sure to a spray of WHITE of normal concentra-tion would not constitute a percutaneous orinhalation hazard. This chemical is considerednontoxic and not hazardous to humans, animals,or fish.

d. Defoliant Capability. WHITE is effectiveprincipally on broad-leaved herbaceous plants andparticularly on woody plants. However, effects ofthe agent develop slowly on woody plants and fulldefoliation may not occur for several months afterspi-ay-application. Temperate zone conifers arealso susceptible to WHITE but defoliation ia de-layed. Most grasses and monocotyledonous plants,including nipa palm, are resistant to WHITE.

e. Anticrop Capability. WHITE is not recom-mended for use on crops because of its persistencein soils.

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3-1. General

Effectiveness of herbicides will be determined bytype of vegetation in the target area, herbicideselected for use, the rate of application, and thegrowth stage of vegetation.

3—2. Target Vegetation

Target vegetation will vary from dense tropicalevergreen forests to open forests consisting ofboth evergreen and deciduous vegetation. Densityof forests may range from a single-layer of vege-tation to multilayered canopies and may consistof a single plant species or of many species oftrees, shrubs, vines, bamboos, or palms. Responseto herbicides will vary with the mixtures ofspecies and the complexity of the forest cover.Species differ widely in their response or suscep-tibility to the systemic herbicides ORANGE andWHITE. The long-term effectiveness of herbicidetreatments will be influenced by the proportion ofresistant species. Some forest vegetation can beeffectively defoliated for 4 to 12 months with asingle application of chemical. Repeat applicationsmay be needed to maintain long-term defoliation,particularly in multilayered canopies. Secondaryforests or scrub with a single layer may showbetter canopy penetration and more plant damagethan forests with several layers.

3-3. Selection of Herbicide

Information presented below will help analystsselect the most efficient agent for use in herbicideoperations.

a. WHITE produces a slower initial defoliationresponse and a slower rate of regrowth thanORANGE. Foliage will become discolored orbrown within 2 to 4 weeks after being sprayedwith WHITE, and within 1 week after beingsprayed with ORANGE.

6. The oil-soluble herbicide, ORANGE, is moreeffective under moist, rainy conditions than thewater-soluble herbicides, WHITE and BLUE.

ORANGE is not readily washed off foliage andwill penetrate waxy-surfaced leaves more effi-ciently than the water-soluble herbicides.

c. BLUE is a rapid, short-term defoliant ofbroad-leaved herbaceous or woody plants or grassyvegetation.

d. ORANGE and WHITE are effective defoli-ants of broad-leaved, deciduous forests.

e. Evergreen, conifer forests are more suscep-tible to WHITE than ORANGE.

/. ORANGE is effective primarily againstbroad-leaved crops but it can also be used to con-trol broad-leaved weeds.

g. BLUE is effective primarly against cerealor grain crops.

h. Most spray missions will be carried out ontargets with mixed forest vegetations; however,targets may consist of a single, dominant planttype. Examples and recommended herbicides are:

• Nipa palm, frequently found with mangroves,provides a dense screen along waterways. Itcan be controlled successfully only byORANGE, but it responds much more slowlythan other vegetation.

• Elephant grass can be controlled by BLUEdeposited at high rates.

• Bamboos of various types are difficult tocontrol. Some species may be defoliated byrepeated applications of BLUE, but the plantsare not killed, and the clumps of stems aloneprovide effective concealment.

• Broad-leaved, annual crop plants as a targetcan be treated as a single species since theyare uniformly killed by ORANGE applied atrates used for defoliation.

i. Selection of herbicide may be influenced bythe proximity of agricultural crops to the target.

3—4. Rate of Applicationa. Application rate as used in this manual is

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the amount of agent, expressed as gallons peracre (gpa), that must be dispersed to obtain aneffective concentration on target vegetation.

Note. To convert gallons per acre to gallons perhectare, simply multiply gpa by 2.5; for example 3.0 gpa x2.6 = 7.5 gallons per hectare. Appendix B is a conversionchart.

b. Tests with ORANGE at rates of 1.0 to 6.0gpa showed increased defoliation with higherapplication rates. Tropical-zone forests withmultilayered canopies require 3.0 gpa andtemperature-zone forests can be adequately de-foliated with 1.0 to 1.5 gpa. Application rates of1.0 to 1.5 gpa of BLUE or ORANGE on suscepti-ble crops may be sufficient; however, 3.0 gpa willgive higher assurance of adequate coverage andresults in more rapid onset of effects than 1.0 gpa.Therefore, for general use, an application rate of3.0 gpa of ORANGE, BLUE, or WHITE is recom-mended for defoliation missions; and a rate of 3.0gpa of ORANGE or BLUE is recommended foranticrop operations.

3-5. Growth Stage of Vegetation

The effectiveness of systemic herbicides (plantgrowth regulators) is influenced by the growthstage of vegetation in the target area. Becausesuch agents depend upon movement of the chemi-cal from the foliage to other parts of the plant,they are most effective when applied to activelygrowing vegetation. For similar reasons, systemicherbicides are effective against young plants.In tropical areas, plants are dormant during dryseasons when moisture in soils is insufficient forcontinued active growth; in temperate zones, thesame condition results from low temperatures.Therefore, a systemic herbicide applied during thedormant season takes longer to produce a signifi-cant response and generally is not as effective asthe same concentration applied during the grow-ing season. Contact herbicides normally do not killperennial woody or herbaceous plants and, in thetropics, new foliage may develop in 30 to 90 days.ORANGE and WHITE are systemic herbicides,BLUE is a contact herbicide.

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4-1. General

a. National policy will govern the use of herbi-cides in a theater of operations. When the decisionto use these agents has been made, commanderswill receive the necessary authority throughcommand channels. Specific guidance for their usewill include the level of command that may ap-prove herbicide operations.

6. The employment of herbicides for militarypurposes must be judiciously controlled. Many un-foreseen and undesirable problems may ariseunless the user is thoroughly familiar with thesocioeconomic and political implications, the typeof vegetation to be attacked, the best herbicide touse, and the most efficient mode of dissemination.The user must know which chemicals will producethe desired level of defoliation on vegetation in aparticular target area.

c. Close staff coordination and planning are es-sential to enable the subordinate commander tomake the proper decision. A key staff element isthe GS/civil military operations section, whichperforms the dual functions of civil affairs andpsychological operations (PSYOP). The civilaffairs function includes all activities that mightaffect the relationship between the military, thecivil government, and the people of the area. Asfor PSYOP, every action taken by the governmentand its military forces has a psychological impacton the populace and must be considered in allplanning activities. PSYOP is an effective toolthat can be employed before, during, and afterthe conduct of military operations. When suchoperations involve civilians and enemy forces,PSYOP can assist by informing the target popu-lation of what can be expected in the area, and ofinstructions and actions that will minimize struc-tural, crop, and plant damage and nonmilitarycasualties. To achieve national objectives, therewill be situations where short range tactical ad-vantages and expediencies should be sacrificed infavor of long range goals. For example, firepowermust be used with discretion to minimize non-

combatant casualties. Employment of herbicidescapable of causing widespread crop and plantdamage can have a disastrous effect on civiliansupport and attitudes, post hostility, rehabilita-tion, and economic recovery.

4-2. Herbicide Operation Request

Written command directives prescribe policies, re-sponsibilities, and procedures governing the oper-ational employment of herbicides. Requests forcrop destruction or defoliation are prepared inaccordance with these directive by units desiringthis support. The following information should beincluded in these requests:

a. Overlays or annotated photographs depictingthe exact area. Figure 4-1 is an example overlay.

b. Target list.(1) Description of the area (to include the

district, county, state, section, province, or otherpolitical subdivision).

(2) UTM grid coordinates.(3) Length and width or area of the target.

This may be expressed in meters, acres, or hec-tares.

(4) Type of vegetation crop (to includeplanting and harvest times for crops).

(5) Recommended herbicide.(6) Recommended delivery system.

c. Enemy situation in and near the target area.

d. Location of food crops or other vegetationthat the user of herbicides does not want damagedor destroyed.

e. Psychological operations considerations. Forinformation on psychological operations, tech-niques, and procedures, see FM 33-5.

/. Civil affairs considerations: direct impact onhuman and animal users of products of plants tobe damaged or destroyed and indirect impacts oncommerce, fishing, transportation, and other eco-nomic aspects of communities affected; and ac-tions to be taken during and after proposed


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& 2


S t r e a m

Cit rus P lan ta t ion

f o u i ' '

V i l l a g e4 k m

C°PX 1 „ of 3 copiesSheet 1 of _ 1 „ s h e e t


Figure 4-1. Example target overlay.

herbicide operations. The command civil affairsstaff officer or the commander of the civil affairsunit responsible for the area should participate in

this facet of planning because of its complexity.For detailed information on civil affairs, see FM41-10. ( 1

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5-1. Aerial Spray Systems

Herbicide operations requiring the use of theA/A45Y-1 or PAU-7/B spray tank must be co-ordinated with the Air Force Liaison Officer.

a. A/A45Y-1 Internal Defoliant Dispenser.

(1) Status. Standard, Air Force.(2) Description. The A/A45Y-1 defoliant

dispenser (fig. 5-1) is a modular spray system forinternal carriage in cargo aircraft. It is used pri-marily with the C-123 aircraft but can be adaptedfor use in the C-130. The module consists of a1,000-gallon tank, a 20-horsepower gasolineengine, and a pump mounted on a frame palletequipped with removable wheels. A single moduleis used in the C-123; two such modules can beused in the C-130, and each is operated from aconsole which incorporates pump and spray re-lease controls. The C-123 system uses wing boomsand a tail boom. Each wing boom is 22 feet longand 1.5 inches in diameter with 12 regularlyspaced check valve nozzles. These booms extendfrom the engine nacelles toward the wing tips.The tail boom is 20 feet long and 3 inches in diam-eter with 4 check valve nozzles spaced at 6-inchintervals on each end. It is anchored in the centerof the fuselage near the aft cargo door. During anoperational mission, the system's gasoline engineis started. A recirculating line permits the engine-pump combination to be operated without actualdissemination. When the aircraft is over the tar-get, a motor-operated gate valve in the disseminat-ing line is opened so that the agent can flow tothe spray nozzles.

(3) Characteristics.Weight of tank (empty) 1,420 poundsWeight of tank filled with:

ORANGE 11,585 poundsBLUE 11,870 poundsWHITE 10,540 pounds

Agent capacity 950 gallonsLength of tank 151 inchesCradle width 54 inchesFlow rate Variable (100 to 285


(4) Area coverage. Using the followingparameters, the A/A45Y-1 can cover a swathabout 88 meters by 16 kilometers or 1.4 squarekilometers (351 acres).

Aircraft speed 130 knotsRelease altitude 150 feetFlow rate - 230 gallons/minute

To achieve predictable deposits of agent, spraymissions should be conducted under inversion toneutral atmospheric conditions and calm wind-speed. Direction of flight should be into the wind.

(5) Uses. The A/A45Y-1 system can be usedfor defoliation along lines of communication,canals, river channels, boundary zones, and largeforested areas where improved visibility is de-sired. It can also be used to destroy enemy-heldcrop targets.

6. PA U-7/B Spray Tank.

(1) Status. Standard, Air Force.(2) Description. The PAU-7/B tank (fig.

5-2) was designed for external carriage on highperformance aircraft. It consists of three stainlesssteel sections welded together: nose cone, centersection, and aft hemisphere. An aluminum tailcone, which houses the electrical components, pro-vides an aerodynamic contour to the tail. Ram airenters through a 2.78-inch diameter butterflyvalve near the forward end of the center sectionand flows through an exit port that uses another2.78-inch diameter butterfly valve. An aluminumdissemination boom, fitted with flexible, wire-reinforced tubing and extending from the exitport in the aft section of the tank, is lowered 30°below the horizontal before agent is disseminated.The tank has an on-off capability.

(3) Characteristics.Weight of tank (empty) 567 poundsWeight of tank filled with:

ORANGE 2283 poundsBLUE 2331 poundsWHITE 2106 pounds

Agent capacity 160.4 gallonsLength of tank 185 inches

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Diameter of tank 22.5 inchesFlow rate 360 gallons/


(4) Area coverage. Using the followingparameters, the PAU-7/B can cover a swathabout 52 meters by 7.5 kilometers or 0.4 squarekilometer (97 acres).

Aircraft speed 650 knotsRelease altitude 150 feetFlow rate 360 gallons/


(5) Uses. The PAU-7/B spray system canbe used for small-scale defoliation missions, vege-tation control in base perimeters, minefields, am-munition dumps, artillery positions, and lines ofcommunication. The system has also been usedfor small-area crop destruction.

c. AGRINAUTICS Spray System.

(1) Status. Not type-classified for herbicides.

(2) Description. The AGRINAUTICS(formerly AGAVENCO) spray unit (fig. 5-3) isself-contained and can be used in the Army UH-1B and UH-lD, the US Navy UH-1E, and theUS Air Force UH-1F helicopters. It can be in-stalled in, or removed from, the aircraft in amatter of minutes because it is merely "tieddown" to installed cargo shackles, and no modifi-cations are required for its use. The sprayer is acommercial item that can be used to disseminateinsecticides or herbicides. Essential features are:

• Fiberglass tank (200-gallon)• Cradle or support structure 10 X 4 X 3.4 feet• Externally mounted, six-blade windmill pump• Spray booms, 32 feet long, with positions for

56 nozzles.

(3) Characteristics.Weight of system (empty) _ _200 pounds


Figure 5-1. A/A45Y-1 internal defoliant dispenser.c

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Figure 5-S. PAU-7/B apray tank.

Weight of tank filled with:ORANGE 1377 poundsBLUE 1410 poundsWHITE ' 1256 pounds

Agent capacity:Maximum capacity 195 gallonsOperating capacity 110 gallons

Maximum flow rate 175 gallons/minute

(4) Area coverage. Using the followingparameters, the AGRINAUTICS spray systemcan cover a swath about 30 meters by 1000 metersor 30,000 square meters (7 acres):

Helicopter speed—50 knotsRelease altitude—50 feetFlow rate —175 gallons/minute

Because of the maneuverability of the UH--1 -serieshelicopters, the AGRINAUTICS normally is usedon small, irregular targets requiring severalpasses to achieve complete spray coverage.

(5) Uses. The AGRINAUTICS spray systemcan be used for small-scale defoliation missions,vegetation control in base perimeters, minefields,ammunition dumps, artillery positions, and linesof communication. The system can also be usedfor small-area crop destruction missions.

d. Field Expedients. A number of field expedi-ent (jerry-rigged) devices have been developedfor use in helicopters to spray small areas such asfields of fire around perimeter defensive areas,helicopter landing sites, and crops. These devicesrange from a 55-gallon drum equipped with spraybar for temporary mounting across the skids of aUH-1B/D helicopter to a 400-gallon metal tankor 500-gallon collapsible fuel bladder with power-driven fuel-transfer pump and improvised boomfor use on CH-47 aircraft.

e. Guidelines for Delivering Aerial Spray. Thebasic consideration in spraying herbicides forvegetation control is to deposit them precisely onthe selected target. Exact placement of the spray

is essential to secure full advantage of the herbi-cide and to prevent possible damage to crops orother desirable vegetation near the target. Thefollowing guidelines have been developed for theA/A45Y-1 systems:

(1) Missions should be accomplished underinversion or neutral atmospheric conditions withair temperature not to exceed 85 °F if possible.These conditions usually occur in early morninghours. Spraying under lapse conditions will re-sult in upward movement of fine drops with conse-quent drift and reduction of deposit.

(2) Winds should not exceed 10 knots atground level.

(3) Spray should be released at altitudes of200 feet or less.

(4) The spray should be coarse to reduce theproportion of small drops that may drift off tar-get. (Mass median diameter (MMD) of spray—300 to 350 microns.)

(5) Flight paths should be oriented as nearlyas possible into the wind when there is no tacticalreason or advantage for crosswind delivery (/(2)below).

(6) Spray applications should not be madewhen it is raining or when rain is predicted.

/. Spray Drift.

(1) Spray drift from herbicide missions maybe a problem when food crops of friendly person-nel are near the target. Principal factors influenc-ing drift distance are: droplet size, height ofrelease, windspeed, and other atmospheric condi-tions. Under the worst delivery conditions, driftfrom herbicide spray should not cause damage tobroad-leaved crops at distances greater than thoselisted in table 5-1. These distances include a bufferzone between the area being sprayed and crops.

(2) In general, drift hazard can be reducedin the following ways:

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Figure 5-S. AGRINAUTICS spray system.

• Disseminate defoliants at lower altitudes.• Deliver in the crosswind direction.• Perform missions when the windspeed is low

or the wind blows away from desirable vege-tation.

Table 5-1. Downwind Drift Distance in Kilometersll*











Delivery system *










1 Measured from downwind edge of target.1 Crops should not be damaged at drift distances given in table.9 Delivery parameters: Aircraft speed Flow rate Length of swath

(knots) (gal/min) (km)A/A46Y-1 ISO 100-285 about 16PAtM/B 550 360 about 7.5AGRINAUTICS 60 176 about 1

5-2. Ground Dissemination Systems

a. Power-Driven Decontamination Apparatus(PDDA),

(1) Description. The PDDA is a truck ortrailer mounted, self-contained spray system andis intended for dissemination of decontaminatingmaterial. These units can also be used to dissemi-nate herbicides. Several different PDDA modelsare available and all are adaptable for use onvegetation-control problems. Tank capacities ofthe different models vary from 200 to 400 or 600gallons. The larger models have power-take-offdriven pumps capable of delivering herbicides atthe rate of 35 to 60 gallons per minute at pumppressures up to 800 pounds per square inch. De-livery is through two hoses with adjustablenozzles. (Refer to TM 3-4230-203-12 and TM3-4230-209-12 for information on FDD As.)

(2) Use. PDDA units can1 be used with herbi-cides to control vegetation on minefields, perim-eter defenses, and roadsides. For local applicationof herbicides, BLUE and WHITE can be dilutedwith 2 gallons of agent in 50 gallons of water.

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ORANGE can be mixed with diesel fuel at the rateof 5 gallons of agent to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.Applications can be made at volumes of 50 to 100gallons of spray solution per acre as required tocompletely wet the foliage.

Caution: After using the FDD A for herbicideoperations, agent must be thoroughly removedfrom the tank, pumps, hoses, and nozzles. Fail-ure to remove residual herbicide will result indamage to rubber seals, hoses, and pumps. Oncethe PDDA has been used for herbicide operations,it is no longer safe for carrying water for drink-ing or showering. The PDDA should be taggedwith a warning note and a warning note enteredin the decon's logbook.

6. Hand-Operated Devices. Several hand-oper-ated pump and pressure devices are available todisperse limited amounts of herbicide. Normalapplication is a 1:10 ratio of herbicide to dilutingsolution (water or diesel fuel). Since these de-vices are issued for insect control purposes, theymust be thoroughly cleaned after being used tospray herbicides so that food crops or commercial

plants will not be damaged when the device iaagain used to spray insecticide.

c. Field Expedients. Any combination ofpumps and spray nozzles mounted on any vehiclethat can transport these items and the herbicide tothe site of application can be used as ground fieldexpedients. These expedient systems can also beused to spray diesel fuel or other flammable sub-stances to burn treated vegetation.

d. Guidelines for Using Ground DisseminationSystems. Using ground-based systems allows ex-act placement of herbicide on the target and mini-mizes downwind drift of agent. Applicationsshould not be made if windspeed exceeds 10 knots,or if it is raining or rain is predicted. The majordisadvantages of ground-based systems for sprayapplication are: the target area must be occupiedand controlled by friendly troops; the terrainmust be traversable by spray apparatus; and cur-rent systems have only a limited standoff capa-bility. A 500-meter buffer distance should be main-tained to avoid damage to desirable vegetationnear the target.

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6—1. Storagea. Herbicides are delivered in 55-gallon steel

drums marked with an identifying color band—ORANGE, BLUE, or WHITE. Drums may bestored in either a horizontal or vertical position.Under prolonged storage, stockpiles should bechecked periodically to determine the condition ofthe containers; leaking or damaged drums shouldbe removed. ORANGE, BLUE, and WHITE arestable chemicals with 'a storage life of severalyears. The chemicals may outlast their metal con-tainers in prolonged storage.

Caution: Drums that have contained herbicidesMUST NOT be used to hold potable or agricul-tural water; preferably the drums should bedestroyed or have holes punched in them.

b. Loading pumps and hoses used to transferherbicides from drums to storage or aircraft tanksshould be kept clean and free of dirt or otherforeign material that could clog or impair the air-craft spray system. Transfer equipment should beflushed thoroughly with water after each use orafter changing from one chemical to another.

6-2. Handling and Methods of Disposala. ORANGE.

(1) Handling.(a) ORANGE may be handled with ordi-

nary sanitary precautions; however, this agent onskin or clothing or in the eyes should be removedpromptly by rinsing copiously with clear water toprevent possible irritation. Contaminated clothingshould be washed before reuse.

(6) Exposure of rubber or neoprene hoseto ORANGE results in deterioration. Transferhoses, pump seals, and other equipment parts sub-jected to continued contact with this chemicalshould be checked often for deterioration unlessthey have been made from resistant materialssuch as Teflon or Viton.

(2) Methods of disposal.(a) Spillage or spray deposit on aircraft

and painted surfaces should be removed as soon

AGO 8250A

as possible by washing the surfaces with dieselfuel or other light petroleum oils and then rinsingthem thoroughly with clear water.

(6) Loading and storage areas whereORANGE has been spilled repeatedly may be de-contaminated by flushing them several times withdiesel fuel. The used diesel fuel should be drainedinto settling basins or pits so that it will be incor-porated into the soil and decomposed by the actionof soil microorganisms and sunlight. If possible,heavily contaminated soils or settling basinsshould be deep-plowed to work the agent into thesoil to aid in leaching, decomposition, or deactiva-tion.

(c) Containers should be removed fromloading areas frequently to avoid damage or haz-ard to nearby sensitive crops by concentratedvapors of the chemicals or by improper use of theempty containers in agricultural areas. Used con-tainers and surplus quantities of ORANGE shouldbe buried in deep pits at locations where there willbe the least possibility of agent leaching into watersupplies or cultivated crop areas.

6. BLUE.(1) Handling.

(a) BLUE can be safely handled using or-dinary sanitary precautions to avoid prolongedcontact with skin or clothing. Spillage should beavoided but can be removed by liberal flushingwith clear water.

(ft) The formation of precipitate in somelots of agent BLUE has caused difficulties. Drumsshould be checked to insure that precipitate, ifpresent, is not pumped into the spray system.BLUE should not be used in a spray system eitherbefore or after WHITE unless the tank and sys-tem have been thoroughly flushed with water. Amixture of these two agents results in the forma-tion of a precipitate consisting of the sodium saltof 2,4-D (component of WHITE). When an agentis to be changed, the tanks or spray system shouldbe filled at least half full with clean water and thesystem exhausted of liquid before the new agentis added.


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(2) Methods of disposal.(a) Equipment used to apply BLUE

should be thoroughly cleaned before being storedor discarded. Several flushings with soap or de-tergent water to which ammonia has been addedshould be followed by a clear rinse. For mostspray systems, a final rinse with diesel fuel mayprevent the accumulation of rust or sediment.

(6) Excessive spillage of BLUE in load-ing or storage areas should be removed by athorough washing with clear water and dilutedammonia. If possible, runoff or excess water con-taining diluted BLUE should be diverted into pitsor settling basins for incorporation into soil. Usedcontainers and residual chemicals should be buriedwhenever possible.

c. WHITE.(1) Handling.

(a) Ordinary precautions used for anycommon argicultural chemical are recommendedfor handling WHITE. This agent may be mildlyirritating to skin and eyes on prolonged contact,and spillage on the skin should be rinsed with

clear water. Contaminated clothing should bewashed before reuse.

(b) Tanks and spray 'systems should bethoroughly flushed with water before a period ofdisuse or before using agent BLUE (b (1) above).

(2) Methods of disposal.

(a) The picloram in WHITE is persistentin spray equipment, containers, and soil. Thus,full decontamination of equipment and areas sub-ject to spillage is extremely difficult. A vigorouscleaning with soap and water, ammonia water,and clear rinses and flushings is necessary. Equip-ment used for WHITE should not be used forother purposes such as applying fertilizers orinsecticides.

(&) Loading and storage areas subject tochemical spillage may be partially decontaminatedby repeated washings with ammonia water andflushings with clear water. Runoff water fromsuch flushings should be diverted into settlingbasins or restricted areas not likely to overflowonto crop land.


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A-l. Army Regulations (AR)310-25 Dictionary of United States Army Terms (AD).310-50 Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes.

A-2. Field Manuals (FM )3-1 Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) Support.33-5 Psychological Operations Techniques and Procedures.41-10 Civil Affairs Operations.

A-3. Technical Manuals (TM)3-4230-203-12 Decontaminating Apparatus, Power-Driven, Truck Mounted, 400-Gallon,

M9.3-4230-209-12 Decontaminating Apparatus, Power-Driven, Skid-Mounted, Multipurpose,

Nonintegral, 500-Gallon, M12A1.

A-4. Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE)3-500 Chemical Service Organization, Teams FB and PA.

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l J










1. Sot 10 mph on X icalo

2. Alln* through point 9

3. 16 kmph on V teal*




mphmphmphmphkmphkmphkmphknotlknollmotori/iocmilt.miloskllomottrimotorskilogram*gallon! (U.S.)






motori/iocIt/.oclt/.«<kllomotorinautical milesnautical miloslootpounds (avdp)litors

hoctaro i

























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Canopy—The system of branches and leavesformed by woody plants at some distance abovethe ground.

Cereal crop—Plants from which grain is derivedfor human consumption (e.g., wheat, barley,oats, rye).

Conifer—Cone-bearing tree or shrub. Conifersare mostly evergreens such as pine or spruce.

Contact herbicide—A herbicide that kills or dam-ages plant tissue at the point of application. Itexhibits little or no movement within the plant.

Decomposition—The breaking down of a sub-stance into other substances.

Defoliant—An agent which, when applied toplants, kills or damages them or causes them toshed their leaves.

Desiccant—A substance that has an affinity forwater. When used as defoliants, desiccants re-move water from plant tissue causing it to dryand shrivel.

Evergreen—A plant which bears and loses leavescontinuously throughout the year.

Flash point—The lowest temperature at which asubstance gives off enough combustible vaporsto produce momentary ignition when a flame isapplied under controlled conditions.

Foliage—The mass of leaves of plants.Herbaceous plant—A soft, green plant that con-

tains little woody tissue.Inversion condition—The atmospheric condition

in which the air temperature increases with in-creasing height above the ground. There areno natural convection currents; therefore, theatmosphere is stable and normally is consideredto be the most favorable for agent dissemina-tion.

Lapse condition—The atmospheric condition inwhich the air temperature decreases with in-creasing height above the ground. Strong con-vection currents are formed. This condition isunstable and normally is considered to be themost unfavorable for agent dissemination.

Leaching—The process whereby soluble compo-nents in the soil are dissolved out or filtered/diffused downward by water action, e.g., rain-fall.

Mass median diameter—The diameter of themedian particle size of a population of droplets.

Microogranism—An organism of microscopic orultramicroscopic size.

Miscible—Capable of being mixed.Monocotyledonous—Pertaining to a class of plants

whose seeds have a single cotyledon (leafformed directly from the seed). These plantsare further characterized by leaves havingparallel veins; the vascular bundles of the stemsare scattered and closed.

Neutral condition—The atmospheric condition inwhich the ground temperature is approximatelythe same as that of the lower layers of air. Thiscondition is considered satisfactory but not op-timum for agent dissemination.

Nonvolatile—Not readily vaporized at normaltemperatures.

Perennial plant—A plant living for several sea-sons and normally flowering and fruiting at.least in the second and subsequent seasons.

Systemic herbicide—A herbicide that, after up-take through roots or foliage, moves within theplant affecting parts of the plant remote fromthe point of application.

Translocated herbicide—See systemic herbicide.

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By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

W. C. WESTMORELAND,General, United States Army,

Official: Chief of Staff.VERNE L. BOWERS,Major General, United States Army,The Adjutant General.

Distribution:To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11 requirements for Chemical and Biological

Weapons Employment.


AGO 3250A