Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014...

ISSUE No.6 SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2014 College News 76 Booran Road Caulfield East 3145 Telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571 0079 Email: [email protected] This newsletter is posted home to all families regularly. If you have any items of interest to the college community or want to advertise your business, please contact either Penny Marks or Debbie Panakos (Business Manager) on 9571 7838. Hairspray Year 9 Community Arts Project Les Misérables Excursion FROM THE PRINCIPAL Glen Eira Rotary Youth Award Congratulations to Jayde Glass of Year 11 who won the Glen Eira Rotary Youth award. Jayde's charity of choice was 'World Education' which will receive $400.00. The College also receives $400. The reason that Jayde selected ‘World Education’ as her charity was, to use her words, 'education is important for everyone'. Thank you to Elizabeth Allan for her support. Well done Jayde. Trivia Night Our annual Trivia Night was a huge success again and a wonderful night for parents, friends and staff of Glen Eira College. The evening had a marvellous atmosphere, further proof of the strength of the community we are building. The Parents and Friends’ Association did a superb job of organising and arranging sponsorship to ensure that over $7000 was raised. Thanks must go to our wonderful Parents and Friends’ Association, ably led by Juliet Brianton and Marie-Pierre Deleplanque and supported by Vicki Williams, Sharon Unger, Adina Friede, Vicky Karitinos, Nathalie Galliot, Peter Murphy, Wendy Atlas and Cathy McNaughton. Hairspray Musical I hope you were all able to see this year’s wonderful musical production of Hairspray. The performances just get better and better every year. It was great to see the involvement of so many of our students and ex-students, parents and staff – a real team effort. Particular thanks must go to Matthew Weekes, Robyn Keane, Lachlan Mack, Tania Tuttleby (parent), Josh Apter (ex- student) Ben Wickham and John Tserkezidis for their overall leadership and creative talent in production, choreography, music, set design and building and costumes. Convention de Collaboration CNED We are delighted to have now signed the Convention de Collaboration with the French Education Authority. This means Glen Eira College has accreditation with the CNED (Centre National D’Enseignement à Distance). Students in our French first language program will have their French levels validated and eligible students can obtain a certificate upon request from the French Embassy at the end of the school year. We are proud to support and meet the needs of the students in our community. continue page 2

Transcript of Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014...

Page 1: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014

College News76 booran road Caulfield east 3145

telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571 0079email: [email protected]

this newsletter is posted home to all families regularly. If you have any items of interest to the college community or want to advertise your business, please contact either penny marks

or Debbie panakos (business manager) on 9571 7838.


Year 9 Community Arts Project

Les Misérables Excursion

FroM tHE PrinCiPAL

Glen Eira rotary Youth AwardCongratulations to Jayde Glass of Year 11 who won the Glen eira rotary Youth award. Jayde's charity of choice was 'World education' which will receive $400.00. the College also receives $400. the reason that Jayde selected ‘World education’ as her charity was, to use her words, 'education is important for everyone'. thank you to elizabeth Allan for her support. Well done Jayde.

trivia nightOur annual trivia Night was a huge success again and a wonderful night for parents, friends and staff of Glen eira College. the evening had a marvellous atmosphere, further proof of the strength of the community we are building. the parents and Friends’ Association did a superb job of organising and arranging sponsorship to ensure that over $7000 was raised. thanks must go to our wonderful parents and Friends’ Association, ably led by Juliet brianton and marie-pierre Deleplanque and supported by Vicki Williams, sharon unger, Adina Friede, Vicky Karitinos, Nathalie Galliot, peter murphy, Wendy Atlas and Cathy mcNaughton.

Hairspray MusicalI hope you were all able to see this year’s wonderful musical production of hairspray. the performances just get better and better every year. It was great to see the involvement of so many of our students and ex-students, parents and staff – a real team effort. particular thanks must go to matthew Weekes, robyn Keane, Lachlan mack, tania tuttleby (parent), Josh Apter (ex-student) ben Wickham and John tserkezidis for their overall leadership and creative talent in production, choreography, music, set design and building and costumes.

Convention de Collaboration CnEDWe are delighted to have now signed the Convention de Collaboration with the French education Authority. this means Glen eira College has accreditation with the CNeD (Centre National D’enseignement à Distance). students in our French first language program will have their French levels validated and eligible students can obtain a certificate upon request from the French embassy at the end of the school year. We are proud to support and meet the needs of the students in our community.

continue page 2

Page 2: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or workphone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.

College News College News College News College NewsSister School relationshipWe have begun developing a sister school relationship with Collège de Dumbea-sur-mer in New Caledonia. It is a bilingual school that opened at the beginning of the year. It is an ecologically sustainable building located only minutes walk to the mangrove area and to the sea.

Our students going to New Caledonia next year from march 28th to April 3rd will visit the school for 2 days. there are still a few places left for our 2015 New Caledonia trip and students can collect information forms from the General Office.

We will welcome approximately 20 students from Collège de Dumbea-sur-mer to melbourne from 19th to 24th July 2015 and we will be asking interested families to host a student. It is a wonderful and enriching experience. Further details will be available at the beginning of 2015.

State School Spectacularhow wonderful it was to see our students involved in the mass Choir for the state school spectacular at hisense Arena. Congratulations to the following students who really were ‘spectacular’ Year 7; erin herr, emilee Layton, emili sahnovski, sasha missell, Georgia Goodson, Connor mcCaskie, Year 8; Anishadeep Kaur, berenice mickelburough, Anna rowsell, Anais Keenan, tiffany Vainer, maximus Koveos, Nishika hewitt, Declan boyd and eloise Wenborn, Year 9; suzannah stone, George Vogiatzis, Andrew Wilson, Jade Clay. Another ‘spectacular’ performance was Zoe tuttleby of Year 10 in the dance ensemble. Well done and thank you to teachers robyn Keane and Lachlan mack and to all students involved.

Great praise for our studentsI would like to share this email with you.

to whom it may concern,

my name is Daphane and I work in the social media team at the university of melbourne.

recently I attended the Victorian robocup Junior Competition, and I wanted to tell you how lovely your students were at the event.

I can't remember their names, but 3 male students from Year 7 kindly offered their help with a project I was working on.

they went out of their way to program their robot, helping me create this GIF for the university's tumblr:

I was really impressed to see how willing they were to assist, no questions asked. something you don't see very much nowadays.

I hope this feedback finds its way to the relevant staff and students.

Kind regards,Daphanethe students were henry De bono, Will stamp and benji Durkin – well done boys.

Sheereen KindlerPrincipal

StudeNt SafetY

Glen eira Council have recently advised there will be a number of changes implemented shortly to enhance student safety outside the College including;

v A speed limit change on Neerim road to 40km/h (during drop off & pick up times).v provision of a school crossing supervisor at the Neerim and booran road intersection.v Changes to the parking restrictions near the Glen huntly park entrance.

please continue to follow road regulations and safety suggestions by;

v Not making a u-turn outside the College, particularly on booran road. v ensuring you park in a non-restricted parking zone and adhere to time limits.v reducing your speed limit to 40km/h between the hours of 8.00am-9.30am & 2.30pm-4.00pm.

Rhonda BrooksCollege Council President

HaIRSPRaYIn term 1 this year students came to the pAC theatre to audition for our 2014 music production. Over five months later the talented students selected to be in the show have performed five shows to appreciative audiences (standing ovations!). Grade 5 and 6 students from primary schools in the area were dazzled by the two matinee performances.

there is no doubt that the 2014 production of hairspray is the best show that Glen eira College has staged. the energy that each of the cast members brought to the show was amazing. each of these cast members has rehearsed monday to thursday afternoons after school each week while keeping up with all their school work as well – a massive undertaking. the friendships that are made in the cast of a production are ones that will last long after the curtain closes. this year’s cast are to be congratulated on their generosity of spirit towards each other – you all set an exemplary example to others. It has been an absolute pleasure working with all of you this year.

Congratulations also to the back stage crew that came in and helped out with numerous tasks that needed to be done behind the show to make it successful. I hope that these students have learnt some valuable skills and that you will consider coming back in coming years to assist with back stage or even audition to be in the next show.Lastly I would like to personally thank all the staff and parents that assisted back stage and in particular tania tuttleby for our props and belinda Johnson for her generous support with making costumes this year – we could not have done it without you.

Robyn KeaneMusic Coordinator

Page 3: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

StudeNt abSeNCeSparents are reminded that the College has a designated telephone line for notification of student absence – 9571 4178.

College News College News College News College NewsA sincerely supportive, nurturing and community spirited group of GeC students embarked on a performing odyssey. their mature and committed dedication to the production, the directors and most importantly, each other, was the secret ingredient to make the experience all the sweeter.

sure, we had courageous crewing, masterful music making, dreamy designing, crafty costuming, aspiring acting, spectacular singing and daring dancing. Yet, beneath the wonderfully glossy sheen of showbiz pizzazz resides elements of personal, social and community development.

self-direction, collaboration, patience, inclusion, confidence, mindfulness, health awareness, communication, time management and commitment are a few of the qualities and skills observed in every participating student. Despite the inherent challenges the students constantly amazed me with their collective disposition, equanimous and at all times, bon vivant.

these production students deserve recognition for both an outstanding achievement and for wholly embracing essential developmental life principles.

Now, it remains to be said, I’ve tasted chocolate and I’m never going back!

Lachlan MackInstrumental Music Teacher

RoboCuP JuNIoR VICtoRIaN CHamPIoNSHIPSOn Friday the 29th August, three teams from Glen eira College competed in the roboCup Junior Victorian state Championships at the university of melbourne. there were nearly 400 students from all across the state participating in three different robotics competitions; soccer, Dance and rescue. Our three teams, along with 19 other secondary school teams, competed in the secondary division of rescue.

their challenge was to design and program a robot to negotiate a path and various obstacles, making sure the robot didn’t take a wrong turn on its way to rescue a “victim” clinging for dear life to a sinking water tank in the middle of a chemical spill. points were awarded for the progress the robot made through the obstacles and its success in rescuing the victim. All three teams competed well with one team making it through to the final eight. they are already looking at ways to improve their robots for next year.

David EbertScience Coordinator

Benji, Will and Henry working on working on their program

Benji, Will and Henry's robot rescuing the "victim"

tanguy discussing his program and robot design with the interviewer

riku starting his robot on its rescue mission

Page 4: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest:

College News College News College News College NewsJuNIoR SCHool NewSWhat an absolutely busy term 3 we have had! there have been many excursions including the Year 9 program, Les misérables and the state Library to name a few. hairspray was superb with so many Junior school students sparkling on the stage, working with sound and lighting, helping out with hair and makeup, and working quietly behind the scenes. Congratulations to all the cast and crew on a fabulous production. Congratulations to the Intermediate boys’ soccer team and Year 7 and 8 boys’ and girls’ badminton teams on representing the college at the smr regional finals! With several wins on the board we look forward to next year!

remember to look over your reports and talk to your teachers if you have any queries. Don’t forget to Get Organised, Get Focused and Get Involved!

Junior School Team

YeaR 7 HIgHlIgHtSIt was terrific to see so many Year 7 students take part in the production of hairspray. Georgia G, Ashleigh, sasha, emili and erin really did shine bright on that stage with their singing and dancing. Georgia m and paige beautified the stars with makeup. sean, sierra and reena worked with a team of students on sound and lighting. Jacob, Jennifer, Zac, tali, Alanna, matilda, mia, henry, Jasmine, paris, ruby G and tahlia all worked backstage or front of house on each of the nights. Well done to all involved – I hope you can now catch up on some sleep!

Year 7 Boys’ Badminton

Another highlight this term was the excursion organised by ms maniatis to see Les misérables at her majesty’s theatre. students dressed for the occasion donning their best suits and ties. It was a great experience for staff and students (who now can’t stop singing!).

Well done Year 7s on such a successful term 3. remember to continue to Get Organised, Get Focused and Get Involved!

Keira McLeanYear 7 Coordinator

sean, Kyle, Will and pierre represented the college at the smr badminton finals on monday 25th August. After months of preparation and practise, the day finally arrived! the boys played exceptionally well considering an early injury. I am very proud of their efforts and the dedication these boys have displayed over the last few months. I am definitely looking forward to next year when we go one step further!

Friday 29th August was our term 3 interschool sport. GeC was well represented in futsal, table tennis and basketball. the futsal girls’ team performed exceptionally well and scored an abundance of goals – thanks to mr siriamphone for convening the day. the futsal boys’ teams had several wins over the day and looked very impressive in their red and black uniforms. they will be back next year! the table tennis boys and girls teams had many successes throughout the day. the boys only lost to one team, the last team for the day, while the girls’ team won all of their matches. this means they will be representing the college at the smr finals in October.

Year 7 table tennis teams

Year 7 Girls’ Futsal

YeaR 8 HIgHlIgHtSOn monday 25th August our Year 8 badminton Girls and boys teams went to the regional finals. I would like to congratulate all members of the teams. Along with this I would like to recognise the behaviour and the conduct of all year 8s when they go out to represent our college. Our year 8s constantly display the qualities that we pride here at Glen eira College.

huGe congratulations go out to all students involved in the musical. We had a very large number of year 8 volunteers as ushers and back stage crew. those who were on stage displayed wonderful talent. the production would have not been such a success without everyone’s input and hard work. project rockit ran their Anti-bullying and cyberbullying sessions recently. many valuable life skills were learnt and students had great fun.

Lastly, a huge thankyou to all the students who have been involved in the Wednesday afternoon peer Assisted student support tutoring program over terms 2 and 3. It has been a wonderful success and I can’t thank your all enough.

Emily BrownYear 8 Coordinator

YeaR 9 HIgHlIgHtSreturning after four weeks of long service leave was difficult. however, seeing the year 9 students certainly brought a smile to my face. Congratulations to all the year 9 students who were involved in the terrific school production of hairspray. Whether on stage or behind the scenes it takes a massive effort – so well done year 9s.

Page 5: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

StudeNt abSeNCeSparents are reminded that the College has a designated telephone line for notification of student absence – 9571 4178.

College News College News College News College News

Year 9 Students creating their mural

Byron thomaidis and Bill tsakouleris

Pessy trakhtman

YeaR 9 CommuNItY aRtS PRoJeCtGlen eira College was approached by u3A to assist them in producing a mural to go on their outer perimeter fence. At the beginning of this term, Year 9 art classes started designing murals to be placed on this fence. Continuing on from last semester’s “mashup” theme, each Year 9 student has chosen one part of their design to enlarge onto A1 ply sheeting. the 36 panels are planned to be completed by the end of the term and attached to u3A’s fence.

the College are extremely grateful for the donation of materials and funds for the project from mitre 10 and the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts society.

Bernadette McIvorArt and Technology Coordinator

the year 9 camp is on during week 6 of term 4 (monday 10th to Wednesday 12th November). If you haven’t as yet returned the relevant paperwork please do so as soon as possible. We see this as a most valuable experience for year 9 students, particularly as camp ties in with the year 9 program. If you require any more details on the year 9 camp please do not hesitate to contact me.

thank you and keep smiling.

Lou Tsarpalas Year 9 Coordinator

a NIgHt at tHe tHeatRethursday the 28th August was certainly a day to remember. A number of Year 7 and 8 students were treated to the full theatre experience. During the day they attended the state Library of Victoria’s exhibition of Victor hugo’s Les misérables and had the rare experience to meet the crew of Les misérables at her majesty’s theatre. At the theatre students were taught one of the production’s songs and performance numbers. they then performed it on the actual stage. students performed with much gusto and sitting there watching them, you would easily have thought they were auditioning for key roles!

the day was not over as we regrouped that evening and got to see the live theatre performance of Les misérables. sitting up in the Grand Circle, we had a great view of the stage and performers. students were entranced with the show, some I am sure, are destined for the stage themselves in the future.

I would like to thank the students for being exceptional ambassadors for the College throughout the whole experience and I hope it was a day they will remember for a long time to come.

Mary ManiatisEnglish Coordinator

Enjoying a night at Les Misérables

Page 6: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

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College News College News College News College News

Getting into Character at Les Misérables

leS mISéRableS woRkSHoPGlen eira College was offered the amazing opportunity to take part in the Les misérables workshop with the actual cast and see the Les misérables exhibition at the state Library.

We took a bus to the city and as usual the Glen eira students were very enthusiastic (too enthusiastic maybe). We toured the exhibition and the library itself. At the exhibition we got to dress up as some of the Les misérables characters, as well as getting to know the author, production and history of Les misérables.

After a quick lunch we walked to her majesty’s theatre and took part in a special workshop. We learned all about the producing, acting, singing and dancing that is involved in creating a musical. We also performed the song and dance number “At the end of the Day” on stage. We felt like we were part of the cast for a short time!

It was a unique experience and we are grateful to the state Library of Victoria and the staff at Glen eira College who offered us this great opportunity.

Elouise Krelle, Hui Chen, Rushia Mackay-Halliday and Anya Connett

SeNIoR SCHool NewSunit 3 and 4 Practice examsthe end of year VCAA (Victorian Certificate and Assessment Authority) exams are fast approaching for students undertaking unit 3 / 4 studies. In order to maximise student success, the College will be holding practice exams from Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd October in all Year 12 subjects/units taught at the College.

these exams are designed to give students practice in exam preparation by working according to the time allowed and VCAA requirements of each subject with an end of year exam. results and feedback on their practice exam performances will give students valuable information for the final weeks leading up to the actual VCCA exams. students have been informed of these exams well in advance and have had this time scheduled in their planners since early this year. A list of scheduled times for these practice exams is included with

tHe kwoNg lee dow YouNg SCHolaRS PRogRamthe Kwong Lee Dow Young scholars program is an initiative of melbourne university. It is named after leading educationalist professor Kwong Lee Dow. high achieving senior students who are selected for this program can access academic enrichment opportunities during their VCe and substantial benefits if they subsequently enrol at melbourne university. the select group of students receive support and special access to the resources of melbourne university. As the official documentation for the university of melbourne states, "this includes opportunities to participate in an extensive program of events and activities including lectures delivered by Australia's leading researchers, seminars with world class teachers and opportunities for developing networks with other Kwong Lee Dow Young scholars. most importantly Kwong Lee Dow Young scholars are also guaranteed a Commonwealth supported enrolment or heCs place if they choose to enrol in the New Generation undergraduate course at melbourne." As part of the program successful applicants also receive a $2,500 scholarship to study overseas during their undergraduate course. the program is open to students who demonstrate high academic performance and leadership skills. the process involves the students writing an extensive online application and having a teacher of their choice support them by writing a comprehensive endorsement of their application.

this newsletter. students have also been given their own individual copy of the VCAA exam navigator which outlines all the general rules and regulations of the examination period, as well as specific information regarding requirements for individual studies. this document will be strictly adhered to. It is the responsibility of each student to read this document and be familiar with the content.

the time has now arrived for our current Year 10 students to apply for this great scholarship. Information pamphlets can be collected from ms schmidtke. Applications opened on the 1st september and students have till the 13th October to complete their application for inclusion in the 2015 program.You can seek further information from the following website:

Elizabeth TasiopoulosSenior School Leader

Page 7: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or workphone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.

College News College News College News College NewsYeaR 12 NewSthe end of the term is fast approaching for all, but for our cohort of year 12 students this means that the end of the year and examinations are just around the corner. hence it is imperative that each student is focussed on achieving the best results possible. In this way they will be able to move forward into a tertiary course of their choice. they will need to ensure that they have followed the correct VtAC procedures (registered, paid and entered courses online). ms Anbar has been working with each student to help them with these procedures but ultimately each student needs to take on the responsibility of doing this in their own time. each student has been given a copy of the Navigator which they are required to read and ensure that they understand the rules and regulations of the examinations. students will also be given a copy of their individual examination timetables and this document should be kept in a safe place.

please be aware that during the september/October school holidays each student will be completing practice exams for each of their subjects. through past experience this last lot of practice examinations gives each student a clear indication of how well they are performing and also indicates areas for improvement. It is expected that all students attend. these examinations are supervised by the same people who will be supervising the end of year examinations. the examination conditions will mimic the end of year examinations; that is the same rules will apply.

please do not hesitate to contact me on 9571 7838 regarding any queries that you have regarding your son/daughter.

I wish all of the year 12 students a safe and productive end of term break.

Laura BrancatellaYear 12 Coordinator

YeaR 11 NewSterm 3 has been quite a busy time for our Year 11 students. Apart from the everyday workload of a VCe student, they have had to make some fairly important decisions with regards to their study. After much counselling and deliberation, all students have selected their final VCe subject preferences to be studied in the next academic year. these decisions have been the result of intensive workshops, parent consultation and individual interviews with the careers counsellor, the head of senior school and me.

A big congratulation is in order for Jayde Glass who won the rotary Club of Glen eira Youth Award for 2014. Jayde was selected for a special trip to parliament house in Canberra earlier this year through the rotary Club and it is wonderful to see her involvement in the local community being recognised at this level.

by now the interim reports will have arrived to all families. Generally the cohort is progressing well and showing some very strong results. students and parents should evaluate these reports to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses and adjust their study plans and strategies

accordingly to ensure a favourable outcome at the end of semester. I am hoping that all parents/guardians have attended parent/teacher interviews as they are the best and most direct way to obtain detailed information of how your child is progressing and gaining recommendations on how they could improve. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Ben WickhamYear 11 Coordinator

YeaR 10 NewSterm 3 has been a successful and busy one for Year 10. Firstly, the subject selection process for VCe subjects was carried out and, after interviews and guidance from teachers in the senior school, has now been completed. Next, a group of Year 10 students were buddied up with Year 8 students and participated in the valuable Civics and Citizenship program.

Finally, a group of 30 students travelled to the summit Camp in trafalgar where they participated in a range of adventurous and challenging activities, from the Giant swing and Laser squirmish to the mud Challenge and high ropes Course. thank you very much to the teachers: mr siriamphone, ms Fompudie, mr Wickham and mr Kelty, who made this time away from school a lot of fun and a great success.

I am looking forward to more exciting activities with Year 10 in term 4.

Emma SchmidtkeYear 10 Coordinator

keY dateS: teRm 4 2014wednesday 1st october - friday 3rd october Unit 3/4 practise exams

monday 6th october – first day term 4

thUrsday 9th october – smr track & field

satUrday 11th october – sUnday 12th october – relay for life

sUnday 19th october – bUpa aroUnd the bay

wednesday 29th october – friday 21st november – vce Unit 3 / 4 exams

tUesday 4th november – melboUrne cUp day (student free)

monday 10th november – wednesday 12th november – year 9 camp

thUrsday 13th november – art/technology exhibition 5:30pm – 7pm

monday 17th november – thUrsday 20th november – year 11, 10 & 9b exams

friday 21st november – report writing day (student free)

wednesday 3rd december – mUsic soiree 7pm

monday 8th december – year 7 2015 parent information evening

tUesday 9th december – year 7 2015 orientation day

tUesday 16th december – presentation night

friday 19th december – last day term 4

Page 8: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest:

College News College News College News College NewsYeaR 10 VISual aRtS – Self PoRtRaItSthe Year 10 Visual Arts class has completed a unit on ‘Identity’ whilst exploring and developing new skills and techniques in painting. each student reflected upon their own identity to create a self-portrait that allows the viewer a deeper understanding of the person’s personality and interests. this was the first time for many of the students to complete a large scale painting on canvas using acrylic and oil paints. the students worked incredibly hard to create excellent results.

Ben WickhamVisual Arts Teacher

Abigail Mickelburough

Aiden refael tasha Friede

Alexandra Maybloom

olivia Armes

teRm 3 SPoRtterm 3 has seen some great results for GeC interschool sports. We had 3 teams (Year 8 boys and girls and Year 7 boys) compete in the badminton southern metropolitan regional Final at sandringham basketball stadium. unfortunately none of the teams came away with a victory; however it was a great effort for these teams to qualify for this stage. Congratulations to those students who competed in these teams and also miss mcLean for her coaching.

sports that were on offer in term 3 for GeC students were futsal, basketball and table tennis. Once again we had terrific sports results with a number of teams winning their competition against all the other schools in our division. these winning teams were Year 8 girls’ futsal, Year 8 girls’ table tennis, Year 7 girls’ futsal and Year 7 girls’ table tennis. (Go girls!) the table tennis teams will be playing in the regional Finals next term so all the best to those competitors. It was pleasing to see so many participants across all year levels for term 3 sports. Well done to the GeC students for their enthusiasm this term.

On 15th september we participated on the beachside Division Athletics Carnival. results in the next newsletter.

Adam GoldingSports Coordinator

SMr intermediate Boys Soccer

Year 7 & 8 Badminton teams

lIbRaRY talkOn the 26th August a number of students from all year levels travelled to the city to attend the melbourne Writer's Festival. the workshop - entitled "Interpretation of books to Film" turned out to be exactly that!

the workshop was hosted by two great Young Adult authors - Fiona Wood author of Wildlife (winner of the CbCA 2014) and Will Kostakis who wrote one of the CbCA short-listed books, the third party.

the workshop was really enjoyable because Will and Fiona discussed well known novels such as the hunger Games and the book thief to engage the informed audience. they

Page 9: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or workphone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.

College News College News College News College News

SRC NewSthe srC students have been meeting on a regular basis since the beginning of the term. During this time we have made the decision to support the red Cross at the end of the term with an out of uniform day. After much discussion the theme ‘Clothes from Yesterday’ was decided.

the other exciting srC news is that Jayde Glass (Year 11) who is an active member of the srC was nominated and won the Glen eira rotary Club ‘Youth Award’. the criteria for this award were:

•Tobeahighachievingstudent •Havingastrongcommunityconscience •Beingactivelyinvolvedinhelpingothersless fortunate than themselves

by winning this award Jayde was able to nominate for $400.00 to be allocated to her chosen charity of ‘World education’ plus $400.00 to Glen eira College for a ‘scholarship’. In addition, Jayde will be nominated by Glen eira rotary Club for the Glen eira Council Youth of the Year Award plus being nominated for the rotary Youth Leadership Award. We at Glen eira College would like to congratulate Jayde on winning this award and in gaining recognition for all the community service activities that she does at Glen eira College as well as outside the school.

Elizabeth AllanSRC Coordinator

Jayde Glass with Joan from rotary

laNguageS NewSSCIeNCe uNIt IN ouR YeaR 7 ImmeRSIoN ClaSSOur students in the year 7 French immersion class had the opportunity to study a science unit on habitats and interaction in French during 4 weeks at the beginning of the term. they were visited by the coordinator of native plants from the bayside Community Nursery. the school now has a sustainable garden and students will be able to watch their plants grow and look out for the birds, which will no doubt be coming to visit very soon. un grand merci a madame barrau who prepared and taught the unit, madame Deal for the garden, all year 9 students who were involved in preparing the garden beds and madame baragwanath who welcomed us into her class.

used a variety of film clips to support their opinions. One of the highlights of the workshop was when the authors discussed characterisation and the key role this plays in both novels and films. It was interesting to hear these two great authors discuss their own favourite novels and on a personal level how, one day, they would love to be part of the process of seeing their novels’ transition to the big screen!! Overall, it was a really great learning experience and one I hope to be a part of again! there were many other highlights throughout the day such as a visit to the Victorian state Library, but a personal favourite was a visit to a retro book store which stocked many amazing collectors’ books on film, art, music, cooking and many more! In addition to the excursion to the melbourne Writer's Festival the College community celebrated the Children's book Council of Australia's book Week. An annual event aimed at recognizing many of our great Australian Young Adult authors. With outstanding student interest and participation, the week was filled with literary events in the form of daily quizzes as well as our annual extravaganza - trivia!

Carmel EyreCollege Librarian

VISIt fRom tHe uNIVeRSItY of melbouRNeWe welcomed Dr russell Cross and 8 teachers following the CLIL (Language Immersion) course at the university of melbourne on tuesday 2nd september. they assisted a Year 7 Immersion geography lesson and were very impressed with our students. thank you to madame Fompudie for welcoming the team into her class. Congratulations to madame Narayanen who was successful in applying for this course.

HebRew CoRNeR SHalom!We are very excited that we now have a hebrew room where most of our hebrew lessons are held. there are amazing displays of students’ work and photos all around the room. thank you ms tane for the work involved.

rosh hashanah will be celebrated at the school on the 12th september. there will be great food and fun activities for all students at lunchtime.

CHINeSe CoRNeR NI-Hao!Our Year 8 and Year 9 students learning Chinese went on an exciting excursion to the Chinese museum followed by lunch in a Chinese restaurant in the city.

the students learning Chinese had fun creating cards, decorative characters, pictures and pinyin to decorate our main notice board to celebrate the Chinese Autumn festival.

Loveena NarayanenLanguages Coordinator

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College News College News College News College News

Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest:

finalists Score 20/20

excellentScore 19 - 19.5/20

Year 7 4 studentsJennifer FosterCaetlin Jonesemilee Laytoneliza miller

15 studentssai Akellaparis ArzanasGordon beetruby Carrollhyeji ChaiJasmine Changtwiza ChristianAnastasia Durovicphoebe FoldvariJacob hochCaitlin Laveryso Yoon Leesarit moshepaige reynoldsZoe Van Cuylenburg

Year 8 4 studentshui ChenNishika hewettLoeva Le CamYann Li Fat Chuen

10 studentsGavriella AaronfeldKai CappelJia Jia Chow phillipsLaura ellenbogenrebecca JohnsonJessica LaytonCassidy marrbarney millerhaylie tartaktayla thompson

Year 9 benjamin hobbs-Gordon 11 studentssean bennieruby DouglasAlice hornbyYouen JamiesonCharly Laytonestelle LepetitAlysha LoweryJinesh pandyaGreta sandowKatelyn stanhopeLouis Walmsley

RelaY foR lIfe: JoIN ouR team!relay for Life is back again! Our team, GeC Getting even

with Cancer, is participating in relay For Life at murrumbeena on saturday 11th - sunday 12th October 2014.

register online - $20 registration fee (which includes a relay for Life shirt, breakfast on Sunday and loads of entertainment).

Come join in the fun by clicking on the link below to visit our team page: From our team page,

click on the ‘Join my team’ button to register and help us fundraise.

If you can’t join us, you can also support our team by making a donation online.

Looking forward to seeing you there! Keira mcLean

laNguageS NewSfrench Corner bonjour!Signature of CNed Convention with glen eira CollegeWe are very proud to announce that the convention with the CNeD (Centre National d’ enseignement à Distance) has been signed. Glen eira College is now part of 100 other schools around the world to obtain the accreditation and the only government school. We are looking forward to all the benefits the convention will bring to the French program.

finalists for the berthe mouchette Poetry Recitation Competition

We are very excited to announce the excellent results of our students in the nation – wide berthe mouchette poetry competition organised by the Alliance Française de melbourne. We had more than 200 students participating this year and below are some of the excellent results.

Year 10

Year 11/12

3 studentssunrita batthacharyarohan KalamjeFleetwood seager

oralpaul-emile ChapuyOceane Le boudermailys perfrement

writtenpaul-emile ChapuyVincent mckeown-Westmailys perfrement

3 studentsspencer Griffithsbastien Lamberttalia Lutchner

Vincent mckeown-West

buPa aRouNd tHe baYseven students from Glen eira College are gearing up for the 22nd bupa Around the bay – ride for a Child in Need on sunday 19th October. Leading the students on their 100km challenge is team Captain, Keira mcLean, who is urging the public to ‘sponsor’ their ride to help disadvantaged students succeed at school.

Over 15,000 cyclists are expected to participate in what is Australia’s largest mass-participation one-day bike ride. For over 21 years, the smith Family has been the event’s major charity partner and this year’s goal is to raise $1.2 million which will provide education support for 2,325 disadvantaged children for one year.

As registration fees for the bupa Around the bay go directly to the bicycle Network, the smith Family only benefits when participants decide to fundraise as well as ride.

For further information or to sponsor Glen eira College, please visit

gleN eIRa College PaReNtS aSSoCIatIoN NewS bendigo bank the Ormond-mcKinnon Community bank branch of bendigo bank sponsored our trivia Night by paying for our mC, tim Newton.

Glen eira College (through the parents Association) has an ongoing sponsorship agreement with the bendigo bank. each person who mentions GeC when opening a new account or

Page 11: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or workphone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.

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kbJ buIldINg aNd maINteNaNCe SeRVICeS

Carpentry•Fences•FlatPackAssemblyGardening•Pruning•Plasteringrepairs and Additional services

small Jobs a speciality

Keith Landers0431 217 693

taking out a loan will attract a donation to our school (further details are in the flyer available at the office). the bank has also funded the board in the gym. please consider the bendigo bank for your banking services.

geC Production of ‘Hairspray’Once again our talented students supported by GeC’s wonderful staff, put on a fantastic show. We were proud to support the show by providing a low-cost supper at intermission of each evening performance. We raised a few hundred dollars from gold coin donations and the sale of bottled water and lollies.

thank you to all the families who donated cakes and biscuits, and contributed their time and effort.

entertainment books A reminder that you can order the books or Digital memberships – with fundraising to support the school. Order online at

Coming up In term 4On saturday 29th November, the school will be used as a polling booth for the state election. We will take advantage of the opportunity to raise more funds by holding a sausage sizzle at the school on that day. (the other sausage sizzle we had planned for 21st september at masters hardware in Oakleigh south has now been postponed to 2015.)

towards the end of term 4, we will again hold our popular second-hand textbook sales. these sales help our community by allowing many families to buy at least some books at reduced prices, and/or to sell some of their used books.

We will need volunteer helpers for these events, so please consider whether you can help us. We will send out detailed information in term 4.

Join us If you are not already receiving our updates by email, please ask us to add you to our list by sending an email to [email protected]

Juliet Brianton - Convenor, GECPAand Marie-Pierre Deleplanque – Chairman, Trivia Night Committee

Page 12: Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News · 2018. 7. 2. · Issue No.6 september 15th, 2014 College News 76 booran road Caulfield east 3145 telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571

College News College News College News College NewsHairspray 2014

Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest: