Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Issue 7 November 2011 ell it on the Mountain Inspiration for Today Photo & Poem by Alli-lou Hammond This photo was taken on March 14, 2011 in Portstewart, Northern Ireland, GB.


Lest We Forget!

Transcript of Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Page 1: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Issue 7 November 2011

ell it on the MountainInspiration for Today

Photo & Poem by Alli-lou Hammond This photo was taken on March 14, 2011 in Portstewart, Northern Ireland, GB.

Page 2: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Happy November Friends,

This month brings us to a special time of year, where we can take time to reflect upon the sacrifices of

those who fought & returned home, and for those who fought & lost their lives, for our freedom! Such

bravery! We have soooo much to be thankful for. To all the men and women who fought for me & for you,

Thank You!


If you would like to tell us about a special person in your life, that acted bravely, please send your story to [email protected]

This issue is filled with great inspiration and yummy recipes too! Beautiful art, poems, photos, music, etc...

As the days grow shorter and the nights turn cold, my prayer for you, is that you find warmth in loved ones and to spend some quality time together during these chilly months ahead.

Thanks again to all our contributors this month! Tell it on the Mountain wouldn't be possible without you! ;)

Oh and don't forget to visit our facebook page by clicking on this link While you are there please hit the “Like” button and then “Share” it with all your friends! Like I said before we appreciate your help in spreading `Tell it on the Mountain`!

Till next month,

Deanne MacBurnie

ps: Be sure to check out our past issues! You don't know what you've been missing!

See Who's HereKim Boehnke

Mike Campagna

Paul Cheng

Jeff Larson

Marilyn LeBlanc

Mike Messerli

Michael Mitchell

Isabel Mountain

Guy Myers

Holly Myers

Rina Peru

Marie Wikle

Ann VoskampChipAway WoodWorking

Christa WellsKim Winters Photography

OutFlow MinistryShaun GrovesSky Family

Spreading Joy Corp.Want to see your name on

our List? Send your submissions to us at

[email protected]

Page 3: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Thought For The Month Remembering

by Marilyn LeBlanc

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause together as a country toremember the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives and

died for our country in Military Service.Let us not forget these men and women who worked so hard to bring us freedom. That we

would have a wonderful and safe country to live and raise our children in.I am a very proud Canadian, and very thankful to have the freedom that we have here.

To be able to worship our Lord Jesus Christ freely without worrying rather, by doing so that we may be thrown in jail or worse [death] as in other countries.

May we never loose this freedom. Praise The Lord for what we have.So please remember to take one moment of your time on Friday November 11th to pay tribute to

all of our Military Soldiers in the past and in the present, who loved anddied for their country and our country.

“Lest We Forget”

“Finally my brother, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Ephesians 6:10-11 NKJ

Painting by Diane Funderburg Deam

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F a i t hby Guy Myers Ks

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

y son thought his mother had gone to

town but she decided to catch a quick cat nap. I asked him to keep his voice down because his mother was sleeping. He informed me she wasn't home. I responded that I had just come out of the bedroom and that she was sleeping on the bed. He proceeded to open the bedroom door to see for himself at which time I asked him not to because he might wake her up, so then I asked him if he trusted me.

Faith is such a simple concept. Faith simply means to trust. If we have faith in someone, we trust them. If we trust someone, we believe what they say, we can count on them and we believe their motives are good. Faith is a simple concept to understand but it's a hard thing to do. We find it much easier to trust our self than others.

Jesus said we are to have the faith of a little child. Small children really don't know much. It seems the less they know the more they trust. But as we grow older and the more we know the less we trust. Trust is the basis of any relationship. The more you trust someone, the stronger the relationship and vice versa, the less we trust someone, the weaker the relationship.

My son's reaction is typical of us all. We find it easy to trust our self and find it hard to trust others. My son thought his mother had gone to town and those were the facts in his mind, but the problem was he didn't have all the facts. Another thing that we all struggle with is having to see things with our eyes rather then just believing what our loved one tells us. Thirdly, we struggle to trust others because we don't always trust their motives. We question whether they have our best interest at heart.

These are the basics that apply to trusting God. We find it easier to trust ourselves rather then to trust God. Even though God is all loving, all knowing, all powerful and everywhere, we still find it hard to trust Him. We are finite, weak, our knowledge is limited and we are not always loving and too often vengeful. When you compare us to God it's pretty obvious who is more credible, but we would rather put our faith in ourselves.

God has told us what is going to happen after we die, but we can't see beyond the grave and yet we would rather trust our own judgement rather than God's. Just as I had been in my bedroom and saw my wife napping and my son

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The First Remembrance Day


Faith cont. from previous page . . . hadn't, God is in heaven and we cannot go there and see what He has seen. So when God says it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgement, we should trust Him because He has seen it. Not only has God seen it He has experienced it! God died on the cross and experienced the judgement of God for us and because Jesus was perfect and had never sinned, the Father accepted His sacrifice. If Jesus had to be perfect for God to accept Him how will you do on Judgement day? Unless, of course, you trust Jesus to take your sin for you and give you his perfection in return.

The last reason we struggle to trust others is because we don't trust their motives. God's good intentions have been shown to us because He gave His only son for us. I find it interesting that we rarely examine our own motives. We often won't trust God because we want to make our life easier.

Its easier to believe God will just forgive us because we're good people and its too painful to admit how sinful we are compared to God. Its easier to believe some of the thing's we do aren't really wrong because we enjoy our sin and we just don't want to change. Jesus said that the road to Hell is easy, broad and many travel it. Sometimes our motive is that we don't want to offend the many (often our friends) who are on the broad road. What is our motive in these situations? Yourself! God gave His son . What was His motive? Selfless!

So where's your faith? Are you trusting yourself to get you through judgement day? God has asked you to trust His son. Jesus has seen and experienced what comes after this life? Jesus has shown His motives are selfless. And yet we struggle to trust Him? We need to be like the father who cried out to Jesus, “Increase my faith!”

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To everything there is a season, and a

time to every purpose under the heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a

time to pluck up that which is planted

Ecclesiastes 3:2

“Pure Elegance”

by Holly Myers Autumn PoemThe leaves are turning yellow.The nights are getting cold.The afternoons are mellow.

Some winds are growing bold.Pretty soon the leaves will fall

Upon the browning lawn.We play outside with bike and ball,

Before the summer's gone.Autumn clouds begin to rain,

Wetting faded flowers.Frost soon coats each window pane

In season's final lah & clh 2001

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“Lest We Forget”

Written by Canadian John McCrae on May 3, 1915

after he saw his friend Lieutenant Alexis Helmer die the day before.

Lt.-Col. John McCrae andhis dog Bonneau, ca. 1914

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Empty Calories

by Holly Myers


When I lay my head down on my buckwheat pillow every night,

I ponder the day...briefly...because I fall asleep very fast.

Did I do things that meant something?

Did I redeem the time, or just use it for my own pleasure?

I'm a big fan of pleasure, but I also have a strong aversion to empty calories.

Those things that I do that feel good, but lack sustenance...hold nothing of eternal value.

Sleep is much sweeter when I know that I have been used of God for some of His purposes,

whether great or small, as long as He has had His way with me.


It doesn't take long to notice people all around me engaging in seemingly shallow activities.

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Empty Calories cont. . .

I realize that I can't always see what is going on behind the scenes in their lives,

but the glimpses can often be very telling. People looking happy and fulfilled,

yet having no lasting reward. I just WONDER. I don't really KNOW.

I hope for them, pray for them and spur myself on to greater fulfillment.

The older I get, the more disappointing physical or worldly pleasures have become.

Ice cream just doesn't taste as good as it used to.

Christmas isn't as magical as it used to be.

Dates with my husband aren't as relaxing as I used to find them.

Kind of depressing, but a truth that can lead me to greater satisfaction.


Once this sad epiphany settled in, I set my mind to finding the meat and potatoes of life.

I know it's Jesus, but what form of Him? What practical usage of my relationship with Him?

The words don't reveal the "how to" of Him being the answer to finding joy.

Jesus needs to be real and vibrant in our lives in order to really change and satisfy us.

Trying to take the spiritual and turn it into the physical is a process.

It's a learning, timely revelation orchestrated by Jesus himself.

Letting go of the obvious pleasures of life to engage in the hidden treasures at His right hand,

takes a little convincing. It's like taking candy from a baby and

trying to interest him in a broccoli tree. Eventually though,

you get tired of all the failed attempts at fulfillment and just give in.

Let go of the lie and hand over your plate to Him.

Continued on next pg . . .

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Empty Calories cont. . .

Eating from the hand of God can be surprisingly tasty.

Retreating from life's rat race and indulging in His character is like

a great big glass of fresh well water for a thirsty soul.


His simplicity...freeing for my mind.

His faithfulness...soothing for my worried insides.

His creativity...inspirational for my desires.

His discipline...comforting for my imperfections.

His humor...just makes me see that He is real.

His patience...relieves my urgency.

His grace...always gives me something to look forward to.


I could go on and on, but these kinds of things are deep, healthy, lasting and delicious.

I really like this menu much better than the one I used to sample.

I will be a regular at His table and there is much more room for anyone to join us.

Pull up a chair today and dig in.


Q. What is the chief end of man?

A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to ENJOY him forever(boldness added)

-The Westminster Shorter Catechism


Page 11: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

To Seek & To Saveby Isabel Mountain 1/2011

age 10

The Son of Man cameTo seek and to save

What was lostAt whatever the cost

and so he diedand so we cried

But the wrath of the LordWas not quite doneAs Satan realizedThat God had won

Kim Winters Photography

Kim Winters Photography

Ph-506-648-9353 A Thousand Strong

by Isabel Mountainage 10

What if the demons heard their songAnd back they came after not too long

With an army a thousand strongThey came back but there's still one thing that they lack

LoveLove is like a flying dove

Through every body and mind it seepsAnd for loved ones weeps.

Kim Winters Photography

The Doveby Isabel Mountain

age 10

Idols He destroysin His great, great rage

As I turn the pageOf the Bible He loves

What flies past meBut His sign, the dove.


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horrible. . .

fine.This unfortunately has too often been the mantra of my roller coaster life. Horrible, horrible.. fine.. now repeat.. Horrible, horrible, fine. . . . . *sigh*

The Bible is loaded with horrible, horrible, FINE stories.- Job hit bottom before God restored him.- Noah was mocked as the desert sea captain until the rains came.- Jonah smelled like fish barf when God rescued him.- Lazarus was dead until Jesus raised him.- The thief died on the cross, then .. Heaven. AND...- the Apostle Paul could have been the horrible, horrible fine poster child as he was blinded, beaten, persecuted, snake bitten, and imprisoned.. BUT if you asked him he would say.. "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

Of course the Bible is full of fine, fine, HORRIBLE stories for those not on God's side.- Egyptian Chariot Riders were riding fine until they attempted crossing the HORRIBLE Red Sea

- King Ahab was riding fine on his own chariot, until falling victim to a HORRIBLE case of road rage!- Samson's Philistines neighbors felt justified and fine in confronting Samson.. but discovered Sam-man had a HORRIBLE jaw BONE to pick with them.

- Even back in the very beginning Adam and Eve were more than FINE living in paradise until they listened to that HORRIBLE snake.

So the obvious lesson to be learned from scriptures....

The same God who tempered with His perfect grace the Horrible, horrible events chronicled in our Bibles can temper the Horrible, horribles in our lives for His glory.

Heartache, divorce, sickness, death, bad jobs, bad credit, bankruptcy, and foreclosures are all very real Horrible, horribles in this life, BUT I choose to see life as more than fine... and in fact blessed by God in ways that beyond circumstances and my dreams.

May God bless each of you today in this often busy, busy life'sjourney. May His peace, perspective, and blessings be beyond our dreams. May we choose to serve and be used by our God like never before.


Jeff Larson

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My Grandparents Homeby Kim Boehnke

A tiny blue house up on a hill Very simple with no frills

Inside was like a treasure chestthe smell is what I remember best

Rooms filled with love and laughterNever was there idol chatter

Welcoming arms greeted youShort visits just would not do

Have some dinner, and stay the nightwood stove burning at first light

The smell of homemade bread and jamfresh eggs in the frying pan

You first were greeted with a hugand then got strong tea in a mug

We loved visiting My Grandparents Homefor in that time you truly were not alone.

Dedicated to Walter and Bertha McCarthyThat tiny blue home still stands in St. Martins, NB

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About MichaelMichael Mitchell is a thirty-something dad who blogs daily tips and life lessons for dads of daughters at He spends his days practicing the arts of fatherhood and husbandry, while attempting to be a man of faith and a professional raiser of philanthropic funds. On the rare occasion he’s not tied up with the aforementioned and other pursuits of awesomeness, he enjoys fighting street gangs for local charities and drinking from a cup that’s half full. For more "rules" bookmark Life To Her Years, follow Michael on Twitter, and “like” the his Facebook page.

50 Rules for Dads of Daughters

1. Love her mom. Treat her mother with respect, honor, and a big

heaping spoonful of public displays of affection. When she grows up,

the odds are good she’ll fall in love with and marry someone who

treats her much like you treated her mother. Good or bad, that’s

just the way it is. I’d prefer good.———————————

2. Always be there. Quality time doesn’t

happen without quantity time. Hang out

together for no other reason than just to be

in each others presence. Be genuinely interested in the things that interest her. She needs her dad to be involved in her life at

every stage. Don’t just sit idly by while she

adds years to her life… add life to her years.


3. Save the day. She’ll grow up looking for a hero. It might as well

be you. She’ll need you to come through for her

over and over again throughout her life. Rise to the occasion. Red cape and blue

tights optional.——————————

4. Savor every moment you have together.

Today she’s crawling around the house in diapers, tomorrow

you’re handing her the keys to the car, and before you know it, you’re walking her

down the aisle. Some day soon, hanging out with her old man won’t

be the bees knees anymore. Life happens pretty fast. You better cherish it while you


5. Pray for her. Regularly. Passionately.


6. Buy her a glove and teach her to throw a baseball. Make her

proud to throw like a girl… a girl with a

wicked slider.——————————

7. She will fight with her mother. Choose

sides wisely.——————————

8. Go ahead. Buy her those pearls.


9. Of course you look silly playing peek-a-boo. You should play


10. Enjoy the wonder of bath time.


11. There will come a day when she asks for a puppy. Don’t over think it. At least one time in her life, just

say, “Yes.”——————————

12. It’s never too early to start teaching her

about money. She will still probably suck you dry as a teenager… and

on her wedding day.——————————

13. Make pancakes in the shape of her age for breakfast on her birthday. In a pinch,

donuts with pink sprinkles and a candle

will suffice.——————————

14. Buy her a pair of Chucks as soon as she

starts walking. She won’t always want to wear matching shoes

with her old man.——————————Continued on nex pg . . .

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50 Rules for Dads with Daughters cont. . .

15. Dance with her. Start when she’s a little girl or even when she’s

a baby. Don’t wait until her wedding day.


16. Take her fishing. She will probably squirm more than the worm on your hook. That’s OK.


17. Learn to say no. She may pitch a fit today, but someday

you’ll both be glad you stuck to your guns.


18. Tell her she’s beautiful. Say it over

and over again. Someday an animated

movie or “beauty” magazine will try to

convince her otherwise.——————————

19. Teach her to change a flat. A tire

without air need not be a major panic inducing event in her life. She’ll still call you crying the first time it happens.


20. Take her camping. Immerse her in the

great outdoors. Watch her eyes fill with

wonder the first time she sees the beauty of

wide open spaces. Leave the ipod at


21. Let her hold the wheel. She will always remember when daddy

let her drive.——————————

22. She’s as smart as any boy. Make sure she

knows that.——————————

23. When she learns to give kisses, she will

want to plant them all over your face.

Encourage this practice.——————————

24. Knowing how to eat sunflower seeds

correctly will not help her get into a good college. Teach her


25. Letting her ride on your shoulders is pure magic. Do it now while you have a strong back

and she’s still tiny.——————————

26. It is in her nature to make music. It’s up to you to introduce her to the joy of socks on a

wooden floor.——————————

27. If there’s a splash park near your home, take her there often. She will be drawn to

the water like a duck to a puddle.


28. She will eagerly await your return home

from work in the evenings. Don’t be late.


29. If her mom enrolls her in swim lessons, make sure you get in the pool too. Don’t be intimidated if there are no other dads there.

It’s their loss.——————————

30. Never miss her birthday. In ten years she won’t remember the present you gave

her. She will remember if you weren’t there.


31. Teach her to roller skate. Watch her confidence soar.


32. Let her roll around in the grass. It’s good for her soul. It’s not bad for yours either.


33. Take her swimsuit shopping. Don’t be

afraid to veto some of her choices, but resist the urge to buy her

full-body beach pajamas.


34. Somewhere between the time she turns three and her

sixth birthday, the odds are good that she will ask you to marry her. Let her down gently.


Continued on next pg . . .

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50 Rules for Dads with Daughters cont. . .

35. She’ll probably want to crawl in bed with you after a nightmare.

This is a good thing.—————————

36. Few things in life are more comforting to a crying little girl than her father’s hand. Never forget this.


37. Introduce her to the swings at your local park. She’ll squeal for you to push her higher

and faster. Her definition of “higher

and faster” is probably not the same as yours.

Keep that in mind.———————————

38. When she’s a bit older, your definition of higher and faster will be a lot closer to hers. When that day comes, go ahead… give it all

you’ve got.—————————

39. Holding her upside down by the legs while she giggles and

screams uncontrollably is great for your biceps. WARNING: She has no

concept of muscle fatigue.———————————

40. She might ask you to buy her a pony on her birthday. Unless

you live on a farm, do not buy her a pony on her birthday. It’s OK to

rent one though.———————————

41. Take it easy on the presents for her

birthday and Christmas. Instead,

give her the gift of experiences you can

share together.———————————

42. Let her know she can always come home. No matter what.


43. Remember, just like a butterfly, she too will spread her wings and fly some day. Enjoy her caterpillar


44. Write her a handwritten letter every year on her

birthday. Give them to her when she goes off to college, becomes a

mother herself, or when you think she needs them most.


45. Learn to trust her. Gradually give her more freedom as she gets

older. She will rise to the expectations you set for her.


46. When in doubt, trust your heart. She

already does.———————————

47. When your teenage daughter is upset, learning when to engage

and when to back off will add years to YOUR life. If you succeed in

doing this, tell me how.———————————

48. Ice cream covers over a multitude of

sins. Know her favorite flavor.


49. This day is coming soon. There’s nothing you can do to be

ready for it. The sooner you accept this fact, the easier it will be.


50. Today she’s walking down the driveway to get on the school bus. Tomorrow she’s going off to college. Don’t


Photo CreditsI was unable to find the original source for #’s 1, 3, 7, 16, 20, 42, and 47.

If you know the source for any of these, please tell me so I can give the photographers credit.

Here are the rest:4. Father of the Bride14. The Life of Rachel

15. Danielle Toews24. A Peakin To Our Lives

26. Dear Baby Blog28. Baby Love Blog32. My Blackbird

Photography34. Emily RC Photography35. It’s What Makes Me

Me39. Popsicles and Pigtails43. Irrational Obsessions

50. Lil Miss Bossy

And #’s 8, 10, 13, 27, 29, and 36 were taken by

yours truly.

If a number is not listed above, the image came

from Life Magazine’s online database of

pictures hosted by Google Images.

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Chocolate Cream Cheese MuffinsSubmitted by Marilyn LeBlanc

8 oz. cream cheese1 egg

1/3 cup white sugarpinch of salt

1 cup chocolate chips

1 1/2 cups flour1 cup white sugar

1/4 cup cocoa1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt1 cup water

1/3 cup canola oil1 tsp. Vinegar

Method - Cream cheese, egg, 1/3 cup sugarand pinch of salt.

Stir in chocolate chips. Set a side.

Combine flour, 1 cup sugar, cocoa, baking sodaand salt. Add in water, oil and vinegar.

Fill muffin pan 1/3 of chocolate mixture, add a large spoon of cream cheese mixture. Bake at 350˚ F for20 to 25 minutes. Cream cheese should be gooey.

These muffins are almost like a cupcake,they are very yummy.

So make yourself a cup of coffee or tea,and indulge yourself by having one.

Enjoy & God Bless ♥

KW Photography


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.Philippians 4:13


Page 18: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Please meet . . .

Click link to play:

The Skys "Blossom" Download mp3 :see below Copy and paste this link in your browser to visit their website for a free download of their new single


To find out more about the Sky Family, please visit their website:

Each member of the SKYS performs on multiple instruments and all

contribute to the rich multi-layered harmonies for which

they are well known. The production has been

received with enthusiasm throughout the US and Canada in churches, theaters and outdoor

venues from coast to coast.

Best of all the SKY family unashamedly proclaims the

glory of the Gospel while demonstrating the joy of the Lord in all they do. They are

a unique and effective testimony of the grace of

God in Christ.

The Skys on 100 Huntley Street

Page 19: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Check out the Sky Family's

What is Unashamed Ministries?

A non-profit ministry established to assist those of all Christian denominations who desire to have an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 501(c) non-profit religious organization

Who is it for?

Anyone whose goal is to love God more than anything else in the world.

How does it work?

Unashamed Ministries has several branches:

Unashamed Institute: A two-year, four-semester program of study available at our Ministry Headquarters or via e-mail and correspondence. *Summer semester study program at our beautiful headquarters in Clinton, Prince Edward Island, Canada.*

Fellowship of the Unashamed: A commitment to lay aside worldly entertainment and distractions for one year in order to pursue God with all diligence in prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and outreach.

E-mail Bible Study: If you e-mail us we'll send you the Unashamed Ministries weekly Bible study. Many have been encouraged by these studies and print them off to give to friends.

Monthly Newsletter: Keep current on the Fiery Faith & Fiddles concert schedule as well as all the monthly activities. Available by mail or e-mail.

Quarterly Shout Magazine: The Shout is one of our main literary evangelistic tools. It is designed for all levels of spiritual maturity and its cartoon-filled newsprint format gets read. Available individually or in bulk for ministries.

For more information please visit their website:

Page 20: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

21 "More" Twitter Tips from @aheartforgod

by Mike Campagna

Tip #22: The single day of the week that the most people access social media is: Saturday. Don't be AWOL. Big opportunity 4 ministry \o/

Tip #23: Don't miss the power of Twitter lists. There is an intimacy 2 them where u can spend time w/a smaller group listening&learning.

Tip #24: The most important 1st step (as it is with anything) is not to talk, talk, talk, but to listen, listen, listen ;D

Tip #25: Craft your bio strategically. Many follow based on it. (I know I do.) Be yourself. Be genuine. Be holy ;D

Tip #26: Sometimes it's just fun 2 sit back & watch the conversations going on. Set up some lists that auto update & take it all in. Enjoy

Tip #27: You never know who's listening. You never know who's watching. Your tweets r impacting hearts. Your tweets r changing lives \o/

Tip #28: Men have a harder time gaining followers than women (for obvious reasons). Unless you're Brad Pitt or Justin Bieber ;P

Tip #29: Don't take 4 granted that people know u. Introduce

urself in tweets & blog posts. Tell us something unique that's happened 2 u

Tip #30: You could have 1 follower, but if they r ur biggest fan promoting ur stuff with tens of thousands of followers, well... ;D

Tip #31: Twitter can be a lonely place.(It's true.) Especially if ur a newbie. Take 1 under ur wings & teach them the ropes. Be a friend

Tip #32: Tweeting is much more fun as a team. Find someone of like interests & team up w/a common hashtag. Be creative

Tip #33: Ur approach 2 tweeting (social media) is a teaching in itself. There r others who watch what u do & then do it themselves ;D

Tip #34: People will judge (poo poo) ur use of twitter. But if ur goal is 2 rescue sinners, u keep at it w/all ur soul & strength \o/

Tip #35: That tweet of urs just might b the very thing some1 needs 2 hear (even some1 who has a ton of followers). Don't minimize urself

Tip #36: Just because a person has a lot of followers doesn't mean he/she has credibility. Character gives credibility. Godly character

Tip #37: They replay songs on the radio & in concert,y would u not repeat a tweet if it was good or had a link 2 an impacting blog post?

Tip #38: Figure out ur twitter "mo." R u a content producer or content consumer? I am the former. So I approach #twitter differently ;D

Tip #39: Realize ur gonna make mistakes. I've been suspended,broken #twitter following limits,u name it~just trying 2 reach people 4 Christ

Tip #40: Some people will get upset w/what u have 2 say (especially if ur serving Christ). U don't have 2 respond 2 them. U just don't

Tip #41: Just because somebody didn't tweet u back in response to 1 of ur tweets doesn't mean they didn't c it or weren't impacted by it

Tip #42: There will b people that ur their encouragement 2 go on, ur their hope in a darkened world. Make ur tweets count

Feel free to send me your own "Twitter Tips". I might put them together in a Part 3 and give you credit? That would be cool. ;D

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My Fortress

I have always liked various designs of fortresses. I would love to one day visit these places to feel the histories. But as a Christian, I believe that we do have an ever present fortress:

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold (Psalm 18:2).

This painting also symbolically represents another message. Note that God is on one side and we are on the other. It is our sins that separate us from God. So to cross over to where God is, we need to

cross the bridge marked with the cross. It symbolically means that we must first accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior; it is the only way for us to be right with God.

By Paul Cheng

Caleb MacBurnieAge 13

NB, CanadaTo place an order,

please contact me [email protected]

Page 22: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

The Pursuit of Contentment by Mike Messerli

We have had an unusual

number of days this year over 100 degrees. It's been hot! I'm amazed at how hard it is for me to be content with my circumstances, with the heat.

If it's too hot, I wish it were cooler. If it's too cold, I wish it were warmer. If it's raining, I wish it weren't. If we go through a drought (as we have), we all pray for rain. We seem to enjoy being discontent.

We just recently got back from a mission trip to Russia, and when asked how the trip went my first response is, "It was really hot." Why is my focus on my comfort, my contentment? Why do we all verbalize our discontent and everyone understands what we feel?

Why is it so hard for us to be content? I hear it from everyone I spend any length of time with, "If I only had _______." Now, they may have a nice home, food, great kids, cars, enough to get by, but there is always that

"one more thing" that will make them content.

We all struggle with it, and it has been a problem since the garden of Eden. In every country I have travelled the struggle for contentment is alive and well.

This morning I was reading Psalm 78 as the author recites the history of Israel and their sins. It's interesting how he views it as he writes.

Psa 78:16 He brought forth streams also from the rock And caused waters to run down like rivers. Psa 78:17 Yet they still continued to sin against Him, To rebel against the Most High in the desert. Psa 78:18 And in their heart they put God to the test By asking food according to their desire. Psa 78:19 Then they spoke against God; They said, "Can God prepare a table in the


They saw God provide rivers of water as they had asked, but is that enough? No, of course not! Can God give us bread too? And in the middle of this the author calls that discontent sin, putting God to the test.

It seems we are always trying to fill a part of us with something instead of someone. "Stuff" will never bring contentment. Our culture will make sure of that, because as soon as I get the latest and greatest of whatever toy I want then, suddenly, there is an ever better, faster more wonderful one available and I'm unhappy again.

Contentment comes from someone, not something. I see in scripture the clear teaching that contentment is a result of an intimate relationship with God. The "stuff" is another topic altogether. In fact Jesus invites us in the gospels to live our lives with open hands and freely give

Continued on next page. . .

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The Pursuit of Contentment cont. . .

our "stuff" away. That's hard to do if we consider it the source of our contentment, the reason we are happy.

I love the story that Phillip Yancey tells of a friend who went on a monastic retreat. As the little monk was taking the visitor to his room he said, "Now, if there's anything you need, let us know and we will teach you how to live without it."

Although I have no intention of living a monastic lifestyle it's very appealing to me because I wouldn't have all this "stuff" to worry about and drag around.

Paul discovered the secret and talks about it in Philippians. Here is what he said,

Phi 4:11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

Phi 4:12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.

Phi 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Lord, teach me to be content. Help me to find my contentment in you, and not in the "stuff."

Henry Brandt says it best when he said, "My goal in life is not to get to the end of it and compare my pile of ashes to your pile of ashes."

The stuff will be thrown out, sold, given away, but an intimate relationship with the living God is priceless.

I'll gladly give all my "stuff" to get that!

But somewhere inside of me I hope I don't have to. We are sad creatures, aren't we?

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Photo by KW Photography

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

—Galatians 5:22-23

Your words were found, and I ate them,and your words became to me a joy

and the delight of my heart,for I am called by your name,

O LORD, God of hosts.

—Jeremiah 15:16

Here is a personal Warm Welcome to Spreading Joy. You’ll find links to interviews about Spreading Joy, links to other places like our you tube channel and facebook.

To contact me with any questions, ideas, etc., please email me by clicking the picture to the left.

Keep up with us via facebook (our group) as well as “like” our fan page!

I am Spreading Joy Daily….and I hope that you will be JOYning me soon and make a difference where you are, with what you have!

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Outflow exists to share Christ's love!

We are a charitable acts of kindness ministry that longs to reach the needs of the poor and oppressed. When we gather we believe it is important to share a meal, to break bread, offering our lives as a genuine friend. We don't want to be anything that we aren't. While we sit with people, we discover a peace, a compassion, and a love that can only be explained by a genuine encounter with Christ.

We love being a gathering place that shares the pulpit. The stage is always open for anyone in the room. Often a message is prepared , but many times it is superseded by God's awesome presence within the room. God moves at the table, from the kitchen, and from within the most unlikely.

As Christ lovers we are discovering that Jesus is within the poor. Some call us a church. Some call us a mission. Some call us a safe place to meet with friends. We want to be all of those things! What we do isn't complicated. . . most do it everyday. We prepare a meal, wait for Jesus to show up, then eat with HIM!

We strongly believe that the #1 thing missing in ministry today is someone willing to build a relationship.

So we sit. We eat. We listen. And we use words when necessary.

Have questions? Wanna know when were meeting next?

Like to talk about our future?

Contact us anytime:

Mail Outflow Ministry 125 Rothesay Avenue PO Box 7073 Saint John, NB E2L 2B0


Jayme Hall: 1-888-529-6358

[email protected]

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Continued on next pg . . .

The Most Important Element Of

PrayerTo pray is to beseech, entreat, implore, petition, plead, supplicate.

That is, we pray because we expect an answer. We do not pray in vain.

Prayer is not just a mere recitation of words that we do because we feel it is our duty to do,

like we pray because we think we ought to pray but deep inside our hearts,

we do not REALLY BELIEVE that we will receive what we pray for or see them coming to fruition.

When we pray in this manner, we cannot expect an answer to our prayer.

Neither do vain repetitions produce much desired result. Sometimes we absent-mindedly

repeat what we are praying for many times because we feel like they are not getting through.

This happens because even as we pray, unbelief and doubts flood our minds.

Still sometimes we are in deep need and we know we ought to be praying, but doubts and misgivings

hound our minds and precede our intentions to pray, thinking,

“I’ve prayed for it before but there was no answer at all, why would it be different now?”

Prayers that come from a heart that is tainted with unbelief, distrust,

and doubts cannot be answered in the way we would like them to, no matter how often we pray.

The most important element of prayer is our FAITH.

The most important element of prayer is our FAITH. God operates within the boundaries of our faith.

Let’s examine the words of the Lord Jesus Christ:

…Have faith in God.

…and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass;

he shall have whatsoever he saith.

…What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, BELIEVE that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

(Mark 11:22-24, emphasis added)

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The Most Important Element cont. . .

Our unbelief, distrust, and doubts limit God to work mighty deeds in our lives.

Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. (Mat. 13:58, NKJV)

Let the words of the Apostle Paul remind us about the very reason why we pray: we believe that our

prayers will not be futile, but that we will receive answer to them according to the will of God.

But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and

that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Heb. 11:6, emphasis added)

So then, if we let unbelief, distrust, and doubts precede our intentions to pray,

and they reign over our hearts and minds so that we become faint in praying,

or we even give up praying, the Lord has this to say:

Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back,

My soul has no pleasure in him. (Heb. 10:38, NKJV)

However we pray, whether with fasting (see The Prayer of Daniel), or agonizing through the intercession

of the Spirit with groanings that cannot be uttered (Rom. 8:26; see The Prayer of Hannah), or whether

cried out in desperation, a soft whisper, or a silent one in the mind, as long as we believe when we pray,

we shall receive answer to our prayers.

Even the simplest prayer uttered in faith will be heard and answered. And we know that our prayer is

received when we have confidence after we have prayed, peace floods our whole being, and we can

completely trust that God will begin to work on our favor. And where does this confidence come from?

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things

that are pleasing in his sight. (1 John 3:22)

Page 28: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

“Music in the making”

click the link to listen

Click on this link to purchase Christa’s new album on Amazon


Click link below to listen:

Third World Symphony by Shaun Groves. Album release date August 30, 2011.

Purchase from or iTunes

~“Great book to be pondered”

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

By: Ann Voskamp

Purchase by clicking link!Buy the Book | Read the First Chapter

Introducing Shaun Groves' New CD

Page 29: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

Photo by Caleb MacBurnie

Pumpkin muffinsSubmitted by Marilyn LeBlanc

2 cups flour2 tsp. baking powder1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. cinnamon1/2 tsp. nutmeg1/4 tsp. clovesdash of salt

15 ounces pumpkin1/3 cup melted butter

1/2 cup evaporated milk or half cream- half milk1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/4 cup white sugar2 large eggs [beaten]

1 tsp. vanilla1/2 cup raisins or pecans

Method:In large bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon,

nutmeg, cloves & Salt. Stir to blend.In separate bowl, combine pumpkin, melted butter, milk, sugars,

beaten eggs & vanilla. Mix until blended.Stir pumpkin mixture into dry ingredients just until moistened.

Fold in raisins or pecans.

Line a 12 cup muffin pan with paper liners or use baking spray.

Fill about 3/4 full. Bake at 375 for 20 -25 minutes. Enjoy!

Page 30: Issue 7 Tell it on the Mountain

The ABC'S of SalvationThe dictionary defines salvation as:

1. deliverance 2. pardon 3. snatching from the jawsGod's gift to us is everlasting life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

All we have to do is have faith and follow these 3 easy stepsAdmit - Believe - Confess

Ephesians 2:8, 9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-

not by works, so that no one can boast.

1. Admit That You Are A Sinner.Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.

Results Of Sin And Gods Gift to Us.Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;

but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What Did Jesus Do For Us?Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

2. Believe In The Lord Jesus.John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life,

for God's wrath remains on him.Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,

and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

3. Confess The Lord Jesus.Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,you will be saved.

Romans 10:13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.Next Say This Prayer Believing With All Your Heart

“Lord Jesus,I know that I am a sinner.

Lord the sinful life that I lived separated me from you. Lord forgive me of my sins.

I believe that you died on the cross and rose on the third day to pay for my sins. From this day forward

I will put all my trust in you, Lord show me how to live a life for you.In Jesus name, Amen”