Issue 24 16th March 2018 - fluencycontent2...

Dear Parent As I move towards retirement, I suspect it is inevitable that I am becoming increasingly reflective about the journey of the College into what it is today. For example, on receiving the wonderful news that the Christ the King College Senior team had won the Regional Final of the Rotary Club Youth Speaks com- petition last Saturday, I was reminded of the early days when our oldest students were only approaching their teenage years and were taking their first steps into the world of competitive public speaking and de- bating. Similarly, the news that Christ the King College is in the final of the Global Rock Competition yet again this year reminds me of the early days when we were entered in the junior competition and had no senior students to help and support them. What a transformation the years have brought! Not a day seems to pass without our students participating in an event beyond the classroom. Today I was hearing from the team who had had entered the Catenian Speaking Competition on the mainland, and this week has also seen the Race for the Line competition, the Careers Event for Year 10 and the BBC School Re- port Day. Please enjoy the photographs and write-ups in this newsletter. Perhaps there is nothing more significant to mark the transformation that the years have brought than the demolition work and preparation that continues for the final phase of our new build. Every day, staff and students walk past the site as they cross between buildings and are reminded of the very real future that lies ahead for the College. I am sure that the reality of the whole community being together on one site is one that everyone is looking forward to, though I continue to have immense praise for the resilience shown by staff and students in crossing between sites. I am loathe to predict how much more pleasant the work between sites becomes as Spring begins to arrive because I understand that a return of the ‘Beast from the East’, including further snow, is forecast for this weekend. Surely not! As we move towards the final week of this term, can I remind you of the events of next week, in particular the important day and evening for Year 11 on Monday. Once again, the large numbers of parents attend- ing last night’s Parents’ Evening reflects the excellent support that we receive at this important time of the year for our GCSE students and will have been helpful in supporting your child with his or her studies. I am sure that Monday evening will be similarly well attended and I very much look forward to seeing you. Tuesday promises to be another significant day and certainly one on which we do not want snow! We have planned that whole Year group photographs take place on Tuesday. These are timely photographs, not because it marks my last appearance on the photographs, but because it also significantly will show the final Year 13 students who have been with us since Year 5. I often see parents and students stop- ping to examine our past photographs and I am sure the same will happen for years to come. As I said at the beginning of this week’s message, I seem to be moving into a reflective mood! Have a lovely weekend. Pat Goodhead Issue 24 16th March 2018 Curry and Quiz Night Tickets are selling well for our Curry and Quiz Night on Friday, 23rd March. As this is a ticket only event, please contact the College Reception as soon as possible to purchase your tickets. £8 per per- son for curry, naan bread, poppadum's and chutney. A vegetarian op- tion will be available. Following the meal Mr Brown will run a brain teasing quiz with prizes for top team and the honorary wooden spoon for the lowest scoring team! Maximum of 6 people to a team. If you are coming as a couple, we are sure you will be able to join others to make a team. Please purchase your tickets by Monday, 19th March.

Transcript of Issue 24 16th March 2018 - fluencycontent2...

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Dear Parent

As I move towards retirement, I suspect it is inevitable that I am becoming increasingly reflective about the journey of the College into what it is today. For example, on receiving the wonderful news that the Christ the King College Senior team had won the Regional Final of the Rotary Club Youth Speaks com-petition last Saturday, I was reminded of the early days when our oldest students were only approaching their teenage years and were taking their first steps into the world of competitive public speaking and de-bating. Similarly, the news that Christ the King College is in the final of the Global Rock Competition yet again this year reminds me of the early days when we were entered in the junior competition and had no senior students to help and support them. What a transformation the years have brought! Not a day seems to pass without our students participating in an event beyond the classroom. Today I was hearing from the team who had had entered the Catenian Speaking Competition on the mainland, and this week has also seen the Race for the Line competition, the Careers Event for Year 10 and the BBC School Re-port Day. Please enjoy the photographs and write-ups in this newsletter.

Perhaps there is nothing more significant to mark the transformation that the years have brought than the demolition work and preparation that continues for the final phase of our new build. Every day, staff and students walk past the site as they cross between buildings and are reminded of the very real future that lies ahead for the College. I am sure that the reality of the whole community being together on one site is one that everyone is looking forward to, though I continue to have immense praise for the resilience shown by staff and students in crossing between sites. I am loathe to predict how much more pleasant the work between sites becomes as Spring begins to arrive because I understand that a return of the ‘Beast from the East’, including further snow, is forecast for this weekend. Surely not!

As we move towards the final week of this term, can I remind you of the events of next week, in particular the important day and evening for Year 11 on Monday. Once again, the large numbers of parents attend-ing last night’s Parents’ Evening reflects the excellent support that we receive at this important time of the year for our GCSE students and will have been helpful in supporting your child with his or her studies. I am sure that Monday evening will be similarly well attended and I very much look forward to seeing you.

Tuesday promises to be another significant day and certainly one on which we do not want snow! We have planned that whole Year group photographs take place on Tuesday. These are timely photographs, not because it marks my last appearance on the photographs, but because it also significantly will show the final Year 13 students who have been with us since Year 5. I often see parents and students stop-ping to examine our past photographs and I am sure the same will happen for years to come. As I said at the beginning of this week’s message, I seem to be moving into a reflective mood!

Have a lovely weekend.

Pat Goodhead

Issue 24 16th March 2018

Curry and Quiz Night

Tickets are selling well for our Curry and Quiz Night on Friday, 23rd

March. As this is a ticket only event, please contact the College

Reception as soon as possible to purchase your tickets. £8 per per-

son for curry, naan bread, poppadum's and chutney. A vegetarian op-

tion will be available. Following the meal Mr Brown will run a brain

teasing quiz with prizes for top team and the honorary wooden spoon

for the lowest scoring team!

Maximum of 6 people to a team. If you are coming as a couple, we

are sure you will be able to join others to make a team.

Please purchase your tickets by Monday, 19th March.

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Heavenly Father of all glory and grace, thank You for our victory in the cross of Christ Jesus. We pray Lord

that in all things we may be granted the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ

our Lord, and that by Your grace You would open our understanding to know the spiritual victory that we

have in Him. Open the eyes of our hearts and enlighten our spirit to know what is the hope of our calling

in Christ… and give us the grace and strength to stand fast in the evil day against the schemes of the dev-

il, so that we may fulfil the task that You would have us to do, to Your praise and glory. Amen.

Prayer taken from

Theme: Victory of the Cross

Galatians Chapter 6 Verse 14

May I never boast except in the cross of our

Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world

has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Year 12 Parents’ Consultation Evening

Tuesday, 27th March

The booking system for this evening is now open for Year 12 parents to select their appointments with

staff. This will remain open until 11.00 am on Monday, 26th March.

To book your appointments please visit

College Photograph

All students will be involved in official photographs on Tuesday, 20th

March. Please ensure that your child comes to College in full College


College Uniform

We have a ‘Used Before’ uniform shop at Lower College, and many parents appre-

ciate purchasing items at a greatly reduced cost. If you have items of uniform that

your child has grown out of, we would appreciate you donating it. Please hand

good quality, clean items to Reception at Lower College. Thank you

GCSE and A Level Easter Revision

The timetable for GCSE and A Level Revision sessions is cur-rently being finalised and will be shared on the College web-site on Monday 19th March.

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FUNdraising News

Last Saturday, a member of staff won

£55..80 in the weekly draw. Who will win

this week? To be in with a chance please

remember to purchase you tickets.

By supporting the lottery you not only have

a chance to win for yourself, but you will be

helping our fundraising campaign for the

New Build. We really do need you to sup-

port us at this time!

Our current supporters have purchased 191 tickets. This gives us a projected annual fund of

£3,972, We believe if were able to raise this to 1700 tickets (lines), representing one for each

student and staff roughly, we would raise about £36,000 a year!!

In addition, the weekly guaranteed prize fund for one of our supporters

would be about £500 a week!!!

We also have a special offer - sign up now and you are in with a chance to win a Go Ape Adven-

ture for 10 people. If you have more than one child with us then why not buy one ticket for each?

Use the link below to go straight to the Lottery page

Please sign up today to be in with a chance of winning and

increase the prize fund!

Governors’ Building Fund

Thank you so much to the parents who have paid their

contribution of the Building Fund. Although it is a vol-

untary contribution, parents’ support is very much en-

couraged and needed to continue the work we are do-

ing in educating your child in a Christian environment.

All parents are asked to contribute £10 per child per month to the Governors’ Building Fund. A

Direct Debit Mandate form is available for this purpose. As a voluntary aided school, we are

classed as an exempt charity and are able to claim tax relief on all Gift Aid contributions we re-

ceive. In order to claim this tax relief from HMRC, we require a Gift Aid Declaration from all do-

nors. Thank you for your understanding and support.

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Library News Scholastic Book Club

Our Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, the College will earn 25p in Scholastic Rewards. There is an online leaflet available from So far we have raised £7.50 to-wards new books for the Library. Please place your order online by Tuesday, 20th March, 2018.


We are promoting the Design a National Book Token Competition 2018. All entries should be produced

on A4 paper in portrait format (h 81mm x w 127mm) using the template available from the library. Entries

should be to Ms Ryan before the end of term, Wednesday, 28th March.

We are also running a Match the Picture Clues with the Book Titles competition. The entry form is at the

end of this newsletter. It is also available from the library and on the library webpage. Entries are to be

handed into Ms Ryan in the library by Monday, 19th March. Your child will receive house credits for

entering either competition.

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Issue 24 Friday March 16th 2018

Rotary Youth Speaks - District Final

The public speaking team of Year 12 students, Hannah Knowles (chair) and Georgina Turner (main speaker), and Year 11 Zoe Bushby (proposer of vote of thanks) went forward to repre-sent the Isle of Wight at the Rotary Youth Speaks District Final at Southampton on Saturday 11th March, having previously won the Island competition in February. They would face six other teams from across Hampshire, Dorset and the Channel Islands, both state and inde-pendent schools.

Drawn out to perform third of the seven, the girls gave a consummate performance, a step up from their already impressive efforts in the Island heat. However, it was universally agreed that the other teams had also been impressive, contributing to a very high overall standard. No one envied the judges their task.

Runners-up were announced as Bishop Wordsworth's School from Salisbury, and as the whole hall waited with bated breath for the announcement of the winners, the words 'Christ the King College' were met with delight (and disbelief!) by the College team and supporters! It was a historic achievement, as College teams had frequently reached the District Final in the past, but progressed no further. This feat is due reward for a dedicated and talented team of speak-ers.

The team now goes forward to the Regional Finals in Shaftesbury, Dorset, on Sat. 21 April. At this stage they will face teams drawn from across Southern England, and are now only one step away from the National Final!

Mr Leahy

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Friday March 16th 2018

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Friday March 16th 2018

Year 10 Make a Choice!

On Wednesday the 14th of March the Solomon Theatre group came to the College to give a performance to the Year 10 students. The performance was called ‘Choices’

The play was montage of different types of students being visited by famous people of similar types and giving them advice. These included Dr. Who, Ariana Grande, Zoella and some of the dragons from Dragons Den.

The point of the play was to get the students to engage and laugh at the silly examples they used. The students all seems to relate to it while finding it funny at the same time.

They also stayed at the end to answer any questions that may have arisen from the paly or in general with options for Year 11 and going forward.


The year 10s had the privilege of watching the Solomon Theatre Company deliver a play based on ‘Choices’. This was organised by our careers manager Ms Fitzgerald, who works tirelessly to ensure that our students are offered the best advice and support in regards to them making career choices. The actors were delighted by the positive response from our Year 10 students, as they were fully engaged with the play, asked questions, weren't afraid to share their ideas and behaved impeccably throughout. The general feedback was that it was extremely useful, as it allowed our students to explore, in a creative way, how much potential all of them have and that they can be who they want to be in life. We hope that this feeling of 'The World is your Oyster' continues in our students and would like to thank Ms Fitzgerald and the Solomon Theatre company for giving our students the inspiration they need.

Miss Harland (Head of Year 10)

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Friday March 16th 2018

‘Race for the Line’

Year 7 students have spent the last few months taking part in the ‘Race for the Line’ competi-tion where they have had multiple lessons delivered across different subject areas in an effort to show the cross-curricular links found in STEM subjects. Starting with science and IT, stu-dents looked at how the land speed record attempts have been undertaken. They followed ‘bloodhounds’ progress to attempt to exceed 1000mph and return the world land speed record to the UK. Students in science looked at factors effecting the speed of an object and in IT at-tempted to put this knowledge to work designing a 3D model incorporating these factors. In DT, small groups of students then had to make their designs reality, all the time considering how to make the fasters rocket car possible. On Tuesday 13th March students got the chance to put there rocket cars to the test. With the help of Navy officers from MHNB Portsmouth each group got to fire their rocket cars in a safe way and record the time taken to complete the test track. This resulted not only in some fast times but also some spectacular crashes and failures in design. The fastest group and possible runners up will get to progress to the regional finals on the 26th of April at HMNB Portsmouth where they will need to rebuild their rocket car and race against the other regional finalists, with the fastest again progressing on to the national finals.

Below are the fastest times from each form group

Team Speed [mph] Time in Milli-seconds [MS]

LMI 45.37 49.3

AMA 44.47 50.3

RLO 43.1 51.9

BWE 42.13 53.1

GHG 40.75 54.9

JDO 40.75 54.9

JPL 40.75 54.9

SRO 38.44 58.2

SBR 37.66 59.4

ASB 37.28 60

Mr Foley

Video clips on the College Website

Images on College Website Photo Gallery

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Please join us in the Sports Hall in the new building, Upper College site, for the presentations. If you are unable to attend and would like more information or a tour of the Sixth Form on an alternative date,

please contact the Admissions Officer at: [email protected]

Year 11 - Supporting Your Success and Your Future: A combined Study and

Sixth Form Information Evening Monday, 19th March, 2018

6.00 - 7.00 pm - MADE Training: Preparation and Revision for the GCSE Exams

The MADE Training session will follow the student workshop taking place during the day

and aims to introduce parents to modern revision techniques and how to create an

effective studying environment at home, as well as monitoring and celebrating your child's

academic progress.

The Sixth Form Information session focuses on our Sixth Form provision and will confirm subject option blocks so that students and parents can see how preferred subject choices fit together. The session will also provide information on a

range of Sixth Form issues e.g. UCAS, careers, EPQ and extra-curricular opportunities.

7.10 - 8.00 pm Sixth Form Information

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Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit

Please fill in the whole form including official use box using a ball point pen and send it to:

Originator's Identification Number (office use only)

Christ the King College Governors’ Building Fund Wellington Road Newport Isle of Wight PO30 5QT

This is not part of the instruction to your Bank or Building Society

CHRIST THE KING COLLEGE – Governors’ Building Fund

Monthly payment: £10

First Collection Date: tbc

Preferred Date of monthly collection

(please tick):

1st of the Month

15th of the Month

Last day of the Month

Name(s) of Account Holder(s)

Bank/Building Society account number

Branch Sort Code Instruction to your Bank or Building Society

Please pay Burnetts Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction

subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that

this Instruction may remain with Burnetts and, if so, details will be passed

electronically to my Bank/Building Society.

Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society

To: The Manager Bank/Building Society

Address Signature(s)

Postcode Date

Name of student (please complete one DDM form for each child attending the College)

Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions from some types of account

Payee Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Payee Address:-

Please ensure that you also return your Gift Aid Declaration to us. Thank you This guarantee should be detached and retained by the Payer

The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.

If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Burnett & Associates Ltd will notify you in ten working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Burnett & Associates Ltd to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.

If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Burnett & Associates Ltd or your Bank or Building Society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your Bank or Building Society.

If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Burnett & Associates Ltd asks you to.

You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your Bank or Building Society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

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Charity Gift Aid Declaration – multiple donation

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is

needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick the box below:

I want to Gift Aid my donation of £______________ and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to:

Name of Charity ____________________________________________________________

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

My Details

Title ____________________ First name or initial(s) ________________________________ Surname _____________________________________________________________________ Full Home address _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Postcode __________________________ Date ___________________________________

Please notify the charity if you:

want to cancel this declaration

change your name or home address

no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief

due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask

HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.