ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PISTIL PREDOMINANT GENES FROM TOMATO By CHOONG CHIEH WEAN Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2004






Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in

Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

August 2004


Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilmentof the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy





August 2004

Chairman : Ho Chai Ling, Ph.D.

Faculty : Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

The tomato is an economically and nutritionally important crop that has been

extensively used as a research model system to study plant development. In this

study, genes predominantly expressed in the pistil were identified and isolated in

order to develop an understanding of pistil development and function. Since there

have been several studies done in the past examining pistil development, many genes

have been isolated and identified. As it became progressively more difficult to

identify new genes, alternative approaches have to be employed. In this study,

Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) was used to isolate and identify novel

genes predominantly expressed in the pistil. From a pistil subtraction cDNA library,

550 clones were isolated and analyzed where 32.5 % of the genes were found to be

predominantly expressed in the pistil through reverse northern screening. All the

putative pistil predominant genes were sequenced and 75 independent sequences

were found, 42 which had no homology to any known genes from the database and

thus appear to encode novel proteins. A collection of genes related to metabolism,


photosynthesis and transcription suggest that during anthesis, tomato pistils are more

biologically active than other floral organs. Some of these tomato pistil predominant

genes included extensin-like protein, ribosomal protein L13 and L13E, sterol-C-

methyltransferase and protein kinase C inhibitor-like protein. Two clones, namely

LePiHAT and LePiXTH, were screened for their full-length coding sequences from

a pistil cDNA library. LePiHAT was found to be 90 % similar to histone

acetyltransferase (HAT) from Arabidopsis thaliana while LePiXTH was 88 %

similar to xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase (XTH) from A. thaliana.

LePiHAT was predominantly expressed in pistils but was also expressed in young

stamens, sepals, petals, floral meristems and leaves at lower levels. It was postulated

that LePiHAT might be involved in active chromatin remodelling in the pistil.

LePiXTH on the other hand was upregulated in young and mature pistils, young

stamens and in floral meristems but much lower levels were also detected in the

petals, sepals and leaves. Its expression level was highest in floral meristems,

followed by vegetative meristems and mature pistils. Its predominant expression in

floral meristems, coupled with its localized expression in flower buds suggests its

role in floral growth and differentiation. The expression level of LePiXTH in

stamens decreased before anthesis but in mature pistils, it was localized in the

transmitting tissue that led into the ovary that acts as a channel for pollen tube

growth during fertilization. This suggests its role in aiding fertilization through cell

walls reconstruction (xyloglucans molecular grafting). The expression level of

LePiXTH increased in young fruitlets after anthesis but was not detected in ripe

fruit, indicating a possible function in fruit development but not in fruit ripening.


Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagaimemenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Doktor Falsafah





Ogos 2004

Pengerusi : Ho Chai Ling, Ph.D.

Fakulti : Bioteknologi dan Sains Biomolekular

Tomato ialah tanaman yang penting dari segi ekonomi dan khasiat pemakanan.

Tomato juga digunakan secara meluas sebagai sistem model kajian perkembangan

tumbuhan. Di dalam projek ini, gen predominan di dalam pistil telah dipencilkan dan

dikenalpasti untuk memahami proses perkembangan pistil. Oleh kerana kajian-kajian

seumpama ini pernah dibuat untuk memahami perkembangan pistil, banyak gen

telah pun dipencil dan dikenalpasti. Oleh kerana pengenalpastian gen-gen baru

semakin sukar, kaedah ‘Suppression Subtractive Hybridization’ (SSH) digunakan

untuk memencil dan mengenalpasti gen-gen baru yang predominan di dalam pistil.

Daripada perpustakaan penolakan pistil yang dibina, 550 klon telah dianalisis dan

32.5 peratus daripada gen-gen didapati predominan di dalam pistil melalui

penyaringan ‘reverse northern’. Semua gen yang disangka predominan di dalam

pistil telah dijujuk dan 75 jenis jujukan diperolehi, di mana 42 daripadanya tiada

mempunyai perhubungan dengan gen-gen yang diketahui di dalam pengkalan data.

Di dalam perpustakaan penolakan tersebut, terdapat koleksi gen-gen yang mana


berfungsi dalam replikasi DNA, metabolisma, fotosintesis and trankripsi,

menunjukkan pistil tomato adalah lebih aktif dari segi biologi daripada organ bunga

yang lain. Beberapa gen-gen dikenalpasti predominan di dalam pistil tomato ialah

extensin-like protein, ribosomal protein L13 and L13E, sterol-C-methyltransferase

and protein kinase C inhibitor-like protein. Dua klon, iaitu LePiHAT dan LePiXTH,

telah disaring untuk jujukan kod daripada perpustakaan cDNA pistil. LePiHAT

adalah 90 % serupa dengan histone acetyltransferase (HAT) daripada Arabidopsis

thaliana manakala LePiXTH pula 86 % serupa dengan xyloglucan

endotransglycosylase /hydrolase (XTH) daripada A. thaliana. LePiHAT adalah

predominan di dalam pistil tetapi juga dizahir di dalam stamen muda, sepal, petal,

meristem bunga dan daun pada aras yang lebih rendah. Adalah disimpulkan bahawa

LePiHAT mungkin terlibat secara aktif dalam senibentuk-semula kromatin di dalam

pistil. LePiXTH pula dinaik-aturkan di dalam pistil muda dan matang, stamen muda

dan meristem bunga dan juga dikesan di dalam petal, sepal dan daun pada aras yang

jauh lebih rendah. Paras penzahirannya adalah paling tinggi di dalam meristem

bunga, diikuti oleh meristem daun dan pistil matang. Sehubungan itu, penzahirannya

yang predominan di dalam meristem bunga dan tumpuan penzahirannya di dalam

pucuk bunga mencadangkan peranannya untuk pertumbuhan dan pembezaan bunga.

Penzahiran LePiXTH di dalam stamen menurun sebelum antesis tetapi

penzahirannya tertumpu pada lorong pertumbuhan tiub debunga semasa

persenyawaan, lalu mencadangkan peranannya untuk menolong persenyawaan

melalui pembinaan-semula dinding sel. Penzahiran LePiXTH meningkat di dalam

buah muda selepas antesis tetapi tidak dapat dikesan di dalam buah masak

menunjukkan fungsinya di dalam perkembangan buah tetapi tidak di dalam

peranuman buah.



Firstly, I would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Harikrishna, the founder of

the project and entrusting me with the project. I would also like to thank Dr. Ho Chai

Ling (main supervisor), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rofina Yasmin Othman and Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Suhaimi Napis for being in my supervisory committee and providing necessary

support. I have to thank Dr. Sharifah and Dr. Meilina from Malaysian Palm Oil

Board (MPOB) for their kind support on part of the project, the latter was also

appreciated for introducing me to the hardcore of molecular biology.

Most of the work in this thesis was carried out in the Genetic Lab,

Department of Biotechnology. I would like to thank the lab technician, Mr. Ong

Choon Hoe for his wonderful hospitality throughout the project. Thanks to those that

helped in the tomato project; Pick Kuen, Siti Suhaila, Joey, Alfred, Yen Yen and

Yang Ping. There was also deep appreciation for the sequencing officers from

Institute of Bioscience (IBS), UPM, i.e. Nancy and Musliyana.

Lastly, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my father and mother, for

making this thesis a reality.


I certify that an Examination Committee met on 26 August 2004 to conduct the finalexamination of Choong Chieh Wean on his degree in Doctor of Philosophy thesis

entitled "Isolation and Characterization of Pistil Predominant Genes from Tomato"

in accordance with Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Higher Degree) Act 1980 and

Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Higher Degree) Regulations 1981. The Committeerecommends that the candidate be awarded the relevant degree. Members of the

Examination Committee are as follows:

Norihan Mohd. Saleh, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorFaculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Ho Chai Ling, Ph.D.Lecturer

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Suhaimi Napis, Ph.D.Associate Professor

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular SciencesUniversiti Putra Malaysia


Rofina Yasmin Othman, Ph.D.Associate Professor

Faculty of Science

Universiti of Malaya


Roderick John Scott, Ph.D.Professor

University of BathUnited Kingdom

(Independent Examiner)


Professor/Deputy Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia



This thesis submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has beenaccepted as fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The members of the Supervisory Committee are as follows:

Ho Chai Ling, Ph.D.

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia(Chairman)

Rofina Yasmin Othman, Ph.D.

Faculty of ScienceUniversity of Malaya


K. Harikrishna, Ph.D.Sime Darby Technology Center


Suhaimi Napis, Ph.D.Associate Professor

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia



Professor/DeanSchool of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia




I hereby declare that the thesis is based on my original work except for equations and

citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not beenpreviously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at UPM or other
















2.1 Tomato 4

2.1.1 As a Research Model System 7

2.2 Floral development 92.3 Gene Expression in Pistils 12

2.3.1 Ovaries and Ovules 18

2.4 Gene isolation 22

2.4.1 Differential Expression 232.4.2 Low Abundance Gene 25

2.4.3 Subtraction and Normalization 27

2.5 Notes of Genes of Interest 33

2.5.1 MYST family Histone Acetyltransferase 332.5.2 Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase/Hydrolase (XTH) 36


3.1 Materials 433.2 Isolation of Total RNA and mRNA 43

3.2.1 Total RNA 43

3.2.2 Messenger RNA 45

3.3 Construction of Libraries 473.3.1 Construction of cDNA library 47

3.3.2 Construction of subtraction library 53

3.4 Isolation of Positive Controls 59

3.4.1 RT-PCR 593.4.2 PCR Product Cloning 61

3.5 Protocol for screening 62

3.5.1 Reverse Northern Analysis 62

3.5.2 Full-length Isolation 653.6 Hybridization Analysis 68

3.6.1 Northern Blot Analysis 70

3.6.2 Southern Blot Analysis 72

3.6.3 Semi-quantitative RT-PCR 763.6.4 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 80



4.1 Isolation of Total RNA 87

4.2 Construction of cDNA Library 89

4.3 Construction of Subtraction Library 914.4 Isolation of Positive Controls 93

4.5 Full-length Isolation of Positive Controls 95

4.6 Reverse Northern Analysis 103

4.7 Full-length Isolation 1064.8 Semi-quantitative RT-PCR 114

4.9 Northern Blot Analysis 120

4.9.1 Preliminary analysis 120

4.9.2 Clone 311 1234.9.3 Clone 473 126

4.10 Southern Blot Analysis 129

4.11 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 131

4.11.1 Clone 311 1314.11.2 Clone 473 135


5.1 Screening for Pistil Predominant or Specific Clones 1375.1.1 Reliability of a Subtraction Library 145

5.1.2 Validity of Reverse Northern Analysis 146

5.2 Genes Found In Tomato Pistils 149

5.2.1 Tomato Pistils Are Highly Active 1495.2.2 Pistils Predominant Genes 153

5.2.3 Clone 473 is a Putative Histone Acetyltransferase 156

5.3 Clone 311 is a Putative Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase

/hydrolase 1615.3.1 Expression Pattern and Family Member 161

5.3.2 Putative Function 167










Tables Page

1 The fractionation of cDNA according to molecular sizes and theconstructed library size of the primary and amplified cDNA



2 The identities of the putative pistil predominant clonescharacterized by northern blot analysis.


3 A list of gene entries for the phylogenetic tree in figure 5.2.2 and

their respective accession numbers.


4 Similarities of LePiXTH to several XTHs from A. thaliana

according to groups.


5 A list of XTH clones entries for the phylogenetic tree in figure

5.3.1 from tomato (Le) and A. thaliana (At) and their respective

accession numbers.


6 Data on the initial sequencing of 20 putative pistil predominant



7 The identity of the putative pistil predominant clones fromBLAST search.




Figures Page

1 Model suggested by Coen and Meyerowitz (1991) on the domainaction of the three classes of organ homeotic genes (illustrated as

A, B and C) on the organ formation of the 4 whorl region of a

floral primordium (1, sepal; 2, petal; 3, stamen; 4, carpel). See

text for details.


2 Flow diagram of the Suppression Subtraction Hybridization



3 Total RNA (a) and mRNA (b) isolated from tomato pistil and

separated on 1 % (w/v) formaldehyde agarose gel.


4 Agarose gel (1.2% (w/v)) was used to separate modified cDNAfragments. Size fractionation was made possible by excising the

cDNA (center) based on the molecular size marker (left) for

further purification and manipulations.


5 (a) Secondary PCR amplification of the subtraction fragments

based on Subtractive Subtraction Hybridization method separated

on 1.2 % (w/v) agarose gel for size fractionation. (b) Restriction

digestion of 24 subtracted clones using Rsa I to liberate the DNAinsert from the cloning vector demonstrating the presence of

inserts in clones of variable sizes.


6 (a) 3’-RACE PCR of Agamous yielded a visible PCR product ofthe expected size of about 900 bp, (b) Cloning of the putative

Agamous was successful where insert was liberated from the

cloning vector by EcoR I and Xba I digestion, (c) RT-PCR of

Cyclophilin yielded a visible PCR product of the expected size ofabout 350 bp, (d) Cloning of the putative Cyclophilin was

successful where inserts were liberated from the cloning vector by

EcoR I and Xba I digestion, (e) RT-PCR of Pal yielded a visible

PCR product of the expected size of about 750 bp.


7 Example of plaque lift hybridization signals for primary and

secondary screenings.


8 Protein sequence comparison between the isolated putative


(M55019) from the database confirming the identity of the

putative clone.


9 Protein sequence comparison between the isolated putative

AGAMOUS (TAG1) with the AGAMOUS protein sequence

(L26295) from the database confirming the identity of the putativeclone.



10 Protein sequence comparison between the isolated putative PALwith the PAL protein sequence (M90692) from the database

confirming the identity of the putative clone.


11 The nucleotide sequence and the putative translated proteinsequence of clone P2.


12 Sequences comparison of clone P2 with 2 other putative proteins

from A. thaliana to demonstrate their similarities.


13 Reverse northern analysis of 550 clones with cDNA probes from

pistil, stamen, petal and sepal. Petal cDNA probe produced the

least signals, therefore 2 blots were not analyzed with petal cDNAprobe.


14 Four clones with identities known from the initial sequencing of

20 putative pistil predominant clones were used to synthesizeprobes to be hybridized to the subtracted clones. These 4 clones

encoded either housekeeping or highly redundant clones (appear

twice in the initial sequencing of 20 clones). In this way,

redundant clones could be reduced for these 4 clones.


15 The nucleotide sequence and the putative translated protein

sequence of clone 311.


16 Sequences comparison of clone 311 with xyloglucan

endotransglycosylase homologues from other species showing

similarities of clone 311 with other sequences.


17 Sequences comparison of clone 311 with XTHs homologues from

tomato showing similarities of clone 311 with other sequences.

Clone 311 is shown to be a new member of XTH genes from



18 The nucleotide sequence and the putative translated protein

sequence of clone 473.


19 Sequence comparison of clone 473 with histone acetyltransferase

homologues from other species showing similarities of up to 80 %

or more to other histone acetyltransferase homologues.


20 Semi-quantitative (semi-q) RT-PCR of clone 311 from total RNA

showed high transcript abundance in the floral meristem, pistils

and 5-6 mm stamens. As a control, the semi-q RT-PCR procedure

was also performed using Cyclophilin (CyP) as an internal control.

Northern hybridization with CyP probe was also done on 5 µg of

total RNA to confirm the validity of semi-q RT-PCR results of

CyP expression.



21 Semi-quantitative (semi-q) RT-PCR of clone 311 from mRNAalso showed high transcript abundance in the floral meristems and

pistils. As a control, the semi-q RT-PCR procedure was also

performed using Cyclophilin (CyP) as an internal control.

Northern hybridization with CyP probe was also done on 1 µg ofmRNA to confirm the validity of semi-q RT-PCR results of CyP



22 Semi-quantitative (semi-q) RT-PCR of clone 473 from total RNAshowed no significant predominant expression in various tissue

samples. As a control, the semi-q RT-PCR procedure was also

performed using Cyclophilin (CyP) as an internal control.

Northern hybridization with CyP probe was also done on 5 µg of

total RNA to confirm the validity of semi-q RT-PCR results of

CyP expression.


23 Semi-quantitative (semi-q) RT-PCR of clone 473 from mRNA

showed predominant expression in pistil and petal only. As a

control, the semi-q RT-PCR procedure was also performed using

Cyclophilin (CyP) as an internal control. Northern hybridization

with CyP probe was also done on 1 µg of mRNA to confirm the

validity of semi-q RT-PCR results of CyP expression.


24 Northern blot analysis of several subtracted clones demonstratedthat most of the clones were pistil predominant except for clone

149. However when the signals were normalized with data from

positive controls, clone 149 can be reclassified to be pistil

predominant. Clone P2 was also demonstrated to be pistilpredominant. Pal and Cyclophilin (CyP) were shown to be evenly

and highly expressed in all the floral organs. Agamous (Tag1) was

demonstrated to be expressed in pistils and stamens only.


25 Northern blot analysis on 20 µg of total RNA separated on 1 %

(w/v) agarose gel. Clone 311 was reconfirmed to be highly

expressed in floral meristems, pistils and young stamens. As acontrol, the same blot was also hybridized with a Cyclophilin

(CyP) probe.


26 Clone 311 is predominantly expressed in floral meristems (lane2),but is also present at lower level in vegetative meristems (lane 1)

comparable to pistils (lane 3).


27 Clone 311’s expression was increased in small fruitlets (withattach styles) (lane 3) from pistils collected at 3 days (lane 1) and

5 days (lane 2) interval after anthesis. Clone 311 was not detected

in ripe tomato fruit (lane 4).



28 Clone 311 orthologues were detected in all the flower buds fromother species from the Solanaceae family. However, clone 311

orthologues were only detected in pistils of all tested Solanum

species and N. tabacum.


29 Northern blot analysis on 1 µg of mRNA separated on 1 % (w/v)

agarose gel. Clone 473 was found to be predominantly expressed

in pistils after high stringency washes. As a control, the same blot

was also hybridized with Cyclophilin (CyP) probe as acomparison.


30 Southern hybridization analysis showed that clone 311 was a

single copy gene in the tomato genome.


31 Clone 311 was seen expressed in the transmitting tract of the style

that led into the ovary along the placenta tissue into the ovule of

the mature pistil.


32 Clone 311 was expressed evenly in the less than 3 mm flower bud

but the expression was seen higher in the ovules with darker shade

than other tissues.


33 Clone 311 is seen expressed in the transmitting tract of the style,

the ovary and ovules, the tapetum layer of the anther, at the base

of the petal, sepal and stamen, and several locations at the base ofthe 3-4 mm flower bud.


34 Sections of pistil hybridized with clone 473 probes showed no

significant differences between the experiment and control at 50 Xmagnification.


35 Pie chart highlighting the percentages of pistil predominant

sequences and other sequences identified by using reversenorthern screening.


36 Charts depicting different types of sequences, i.e. putatively

identified, unknown protein and no significant homology, thatwere present either with redundancies or no redundancies. The left

chart showed the number of different sequences obtained while the

right chart illustrated the percentages. If we assume that sequences

with redundancies represented higher abundance genes andsequences without redundancies represented low abundance genes,

then the unknown and novel sequences were likely to be low

abundance genes.


37 Categorization of putative pistil predominant sequences according

to their functions showing high percentages of sequences were

unknown proteins or sequences with no significant similarity to

the database.



38 A phylogenetic tree showing LePiHAT (*) high homologiesamong plant MYST proteins and distanced from human, yeast and

fruit fly MYST proteins.


39 A phylogenetic tree displaying LePiXTH (*) distances andgrouping from other XTHs from A. thaliana and tomato, showing

closest relationship with and a possible orthologue of AtXTH9

from A. thaliana.


40 Nucleotide sequences comparison between the isolated putative

cyclophilin (CyP) with the cyclophilin nucleotide sequence

(M55019) from the database confirming the identity of the

putative clone.


41 Nucleotide sequences comparison between the isolated putative

agamous (TAG1) with the agamous nucleotide sequence (L26295)

from the database confirming the identity of the putative clone.


42 Nucleotide sequences comparison between the isolated putative

PAL with the PAL nucleotide sequence (M90692) from thedatabase confirming the identity of the putative clone.




AMV-RT - Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Reverse Transcriptase

BCIP - 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate

bp - basepair

kbp - kilobasepair

BSA - bovine serum albumin

cfu - colony forming unit

CTAB - hexadecyl (or cetyl) trimethyl ammonium bromide

dATP - deoxyadenine triphosphate

dCTP - deoxycytosine triphosphate

dTTP - deoxythymine triphosphate

dGTP - deoxyguanine triphosphate

ATP - adenine triphosphate

CTP - cytosine triphosphate

UTP - uracil triphosphate

GTP - guanine triphosphate

DEPC - diethyl pyrocarbonate

DIG - Digoxigenin

DMSO - dimethyl sulphoxide

DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid

cDNA - complemetary deoxyribonucleic acid

DNase - nuclease

DTT - dithiothreitol

EDTA - ethylene diamine tetracetate

g - gram

mg - milligram

µg - microgram

HCl - hydrochloric acid

LB - Luria-Bertani

LiCl - lithium chloride

M - molar / molarity

mM - millimolar

µM - micromolar

MgSO4 - magnesium sulfate

ml - milliliter


µl - microliter

N - Normality

NaCl - sodium chloride

NaOH - sodium hydroxide

NBT - nitroblue tetrazolium chloride

ng - nanogram

NTE - NaCl-Tris-EDTA

OD - optical density

PBS - phosphate buffer saline

PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction

pfu - plaque forming unit

pmole - picomole

RNA - ribonucleic acid

mRNA - messenger ribonucleic acid

rRNA - ribosomal ribonucleic acid

RNase - ribonuclease

rpm - revolution per minute

RT - Reverse Transcriptase

SAAP - streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate

SDS - sodium dodecyl sulfate / sodium lauryl sulfate

SSC - standard saline citrate

TBS - tris buffer saline

TCA - trichloroacetic acid

TE - Tris-EDTA

Tris - tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethane

Tris-HCl - tris hydrochloride

U - unit

UV - ultraviolet

V - volt

v/v - volume per volume

w/v - weight per volume

X - times



The tomato is a very well known vegetable crop worldwide where it is

extensively used in cooking, for flavoring, as a garnishing and for use with pasta.

Tomato adds flavor to food and also supplies important nutrition for our everyday

needs. Since tomatoes are popular fruit and in some cases are treated as vegetables,

they provide a large boost to several industries. This is evident especially in the food

industries and bakeries worldwide. Examples of the product offered by these

industries are ketchup sauce, pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce and canned tomato puree.

It also helps to promote other products by serving as a flavoring or a garnishing in

food and bakery products. In 1999, the processed tomato production in the United

States of America was more than 9 million metric tons (USA/USDA/Economic

Research Service, 1999).

In recent nutritional and medical studies, tomato was found to be able to

significantly reduce prostate cancer risks in men if taken daily (Gann et al., 1999;

Arnold and Eckstein, 2001; Chen et al., 2001; Giovannucci, 2002; Giovannucci et

al., 2002; Hadley et al., 2002). Tomato contains one of the most potent antioxidants

among the carotenoids known as lycopene. This gives the tomato its attractive

reddish or orangish appearance and is found in higher amounts in tomato than in any

other fruits. Since humans cannot produce lycopene, it is obtained strictly from the

diet and stored in the internal organs such as the liver, lung, skin, colon, prostrate

gland, etc., at higher concentrations than any other known carotenoid. Besides its


ability at reducing prostate cancer and other types of cancer, lycopene was

demonstrated to reduce cardiovascular diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Lycopene has been made available in pills as a supplement and this in turn benefits

the pharmaceutical industry. Lycopene is more concentrated in tomato sauce and

represents the free form of lycopene that is easier to be absorbed by the body

compared to the bounded form from fresh tomato fruits.

Tomato has been used extensively as a research model system as it is easy to

grow, has a short life cycle and is easy to work with. Due to its short life cycle,

tomato is a suitable subject for studying plant development. It is easy to germinate

and fast to flower, which makes tomato a suitable study system for studying both

vegetative and floral development. The tomato flowers are of a reasonable size and

are easy to work with. However despite this, relatively little work has been done on

flower development in tomato.

Floral development in plants is an exciting subject to study because of the

unique developmental processes that occur in flowers. Flowering includes a

combination of developmental processes such as vegetative development,

organogenesis and embryogenesis. Organogenesis of floral organs involving several

homeotic genes has been studied extensively for the past decade. We understand

today the mechanism of floral organs formation in general that involves a family of

transcription factors known as MADS box genes. However there is still a need to

study floral determination from vegetative tissue as it is complicated and may vary

from one plant species to another.


There has also been little research on molecular biology of zygotic

embryogenesis despite its importance as a tissue that will eventually develop into

fruit and seeds of economical importance. Several types of fruits are much sought

after that are seedless. Some of these seedless fruits are watermelon, papaya, guava,

banana, pomelo, etc. However seedless tomato is not sought after because the seeds

and the pulp surrounding the seeds provide good taste and texture both in food and

tomato puree. Artificial pollination is performed deliberately to increase seed

numbers and for pulp formation, thus increasing the size of the fruit. Therefore it is

crucial to study very early events in fruit development leading to seed development

such as just prior to and after pollination. By unraveling the complex interaction

between proteins in the pistil, we hope to shed light on the process of fertilization

and fruit formation in this important fruit.

The objectives of this study are to isolate and characterize pistil predominant

genes from tomato to understand the function of the tomato pistil. In order to carry

out the objectives, a pistil cDNA subtraction library was constructed and screened

for pistil predominant genes by reverse northern, followed by sequence analysis and

other molecular characterization techniques such as Southern, northern and in situ





2.1 Tomato

The tomato is a dicotyledonous plant and its scientific name is Lycopersicon

esculentum. It belongs to a family known as Solanaceae that includes other plants

from other genus such as tobacco, chili, potato, petunia and eggplant. Tomato has a

diploid chromosomal number of 24 (2n = 24). Today, tomato is planted worldwide

for human consumption. Tomato is generally used as a flavoring and as a garnishing

for home cooking and food industries.

Lycopene is a carotenoid that is present in tomatoes, processed tomato

products and other fruits. It is one of the most potent antioxidants among dietary

carotenoids. Antioxidants are protective agents that inactivate reactive oxygen

damage. Antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione

peroxidase are naturally present within human cells. In addition, antioxidants such as

vitamin E, vitamin C, polyphenols and carotenoids are available from food (Agarwal

and Rao, 2000). In tomato, lycopene is the most prominent (abundant) carotenoid

followed by beta-carotene, gamma-carotene and phytoene as well as several minor

carotenoids. The antioxidant activity of lycopene as well as several other carotenoids

and their abundance in tomatoes makes these foods rich sources of antioxidant

activity (Beecher, 1998).


There are over 600 carotenoids found in nature where one, lycopene, is

synthesized by plants and microorganisms but not by animals (Paiva and Russell,

1999; Agarwal and Rao, 2000). It is an acyclic isomer of beta-carotene and is highly

unsaturated containing 11 conjugated and 2 unconjugated double bonds (Agarwal

and Rao, 2000). In humans, the bioavailability of lycopene is greater from tomato

paste than from fresh tomato (Gartner et al., 1997). Lycopene appears to be equally

bioavailable from tomato juice and from supplements used in one study (Paetau et

al., 1998).

In general vegetables, fruits and cooked tomatoes, together with olive oil,

appear to be the nutritional traditions that account for the lower risk of several

important chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease and a number of types

of cancer associated with nutritional traditions, such as breast, colon and prostate

cancer (Weisburger, 2002). In addition, prolonged tomato juice consumption

increased plasma lycopene concentrations without significantly affecting cell-

mediated immunity in well-nourished elderly subjects in a study (Watzl et al., 2000).

Stahl et al. (2001) demonstrated that it is feasible to achieve protection

against UV light-induced erythema by ingestion of a commonly consumed dietary

source of lycopene. Other than that, there was a study which indicated that

consumption of commercial tomato juice increases plasma lycopene levels and the

intrinsic resistance of LDL to oxidation almost as effectively as supplementation

with a high dose of vitamin E, which also decreases plasma levels of C-RP, a risk

factor for myocardial infarction, in patients with diabetes. These findings may be