Is smoking becoming social again


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description This pdf looks at the history of electronic cigarettes and why they are becoming social again

Transcript of Is smoking becoming social again

Page 1: Is smoking becoming social again

Copyright © Best Electric Cigarettes 2012

Powered cigarettes are a far better alternative to conventional cigarettes Tobacco smoking in the very recent past was regarded as quite a sociable thing and many people would be photographed holding a cigarette as a symbol of their status. Even today some individuals may consider themselves as ‘social smokers’. By this they mean that they only light up if they're at the bar with friends. Believe it or not, many people who smoke claim to have made friends in a sociable ‘cigarette break’ or have used the offering of a cigarette to make friends with a fellow smoker. Regardless of the social connotations it became against the law to light up in a public place. Consequently the sociable aspect to smoking grew to become rather unsociable. Suddenly, the after dinner smoke became a ‘leave the restaurant and stand on the pavement whilst leaving the others inside socialising’ cigarette! As a result of the ban, smokers are not able to light up in public, like restaurants and in the work place, and if they choose to ignore this, it can become an expensive habit as you can be given a £50 fine. There's another alternative however… the e cigarette! The smart thing about electronic cigarettes is that the ‘smoker’ retains all of the good things about smoking that they often seek and crave but devoid of many of the unsociable effects that are experienced when smoking classic cigarettes. Powered cigarettes are compact devices which are utilised as a normal cigarette substitute. They are basically a device which works in a very similar way to a nebulizer that heats a liquid which is put into the e cigarette and for that reason doesn't produce smoke, but rather an odourless vapour. The absence of ‘smoke’ being emitted from the e-cig signifies that many of the negative effects of smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes can be eliminated. They do not smell unpleasant for either the smoker or the people in the vicinity of the smoker and the smell of tobacco does not linger on the smoker’s clothes, fingers, breath or home. This is a large tick in the box! Even though smokers do not always realise or notice the smell of smoke themselves, it is indisputable the fact that the smell of smoke is horrible, particularly to those who do not smoke. It has even been suggested that tobacco smoking can lower the number of partners you have as those who do not smoke are a lot less likely to pick a smoker as their partner. Additionally, the image of cigarette smoking can be restored. There are several makes and manufacturers of e cigarettes and within each brand has a different variation both in size and shape. As such you are able to select an electric cigarette that suits you. You can use ecigarette review web sites to help you find the e-cig which not only looks good but works well. By minimising the undesirable effects of standard cigarettes, e-cigs are revolutionising the smoking scene. They're once again allowing smoking to be sociable and not one that results in the cigarette

Page 2: Is smoking becoming social again

Copyright © Best Electric Cigarettes 2012

smoker standing outdoors in the cold whilst their friends continuing socialising. In addition, when cigarette smokers act intelligently and use a good powered cigarette discount site to assist them source the very best value electronic cigarettes for them, they'll have some extra money for some extra socialising! Electronic cigarettes are making smoking social again