Irrevocable Trust




Transcript of Irrevocable Trust

THEZYLOHAYMES MARSHALL,AIEBHIANHAYMES MARSHALLSPECIALNEEDSIRHEI/OCABLE TRUST**ruru#ffrus$&L3CCCC7:;'li j\ *, If.ii1;::11i.:: :: .li. .j r'. ri,,,...t.;, : :: I:-1-i.:. .: .l. i .i ,::i,i all.il1.Table of ContentsTRUSTESTATEA.OriginalTrust EstateB.Additionsto TrustEstateIRREVOCABILITYOF TRUSTDISTRIBUTIONS222345567777IoI101010V.A.B"C.t).E.lncomeand Principal"Special Needs"DefinedDistributionGuidelineSupplementalProvisionSpendthriftProvisionPartial lnvalidityHeadingsSitusol TrustApplicationto CircuitCourtlv. TERMINATIONA.TerminationUpon Brian's DeathB.DiscretionaryTerminationC.MandatoryTerminationOFFICE OF TRUSTEEA.B.c.D.E.F.G.POWERS OF TRUSTEEG ENERALADMINISTRATIVEPROVISIONSTrusteesEvidenceof Eventsof Successionof TrusteeCompensation- ReasonableEmploymentsf GonsultantsExculpatoryClauseWaiver of Liability for PredecessorTrusteeBond- Waiver11 vt.v[.A.B.D.16161616173'JCCC8E.F.G.H.t.J.K.L.M.Numberand GenderTrust $haresor SubsharesPhysicalDivisionof Trust Property,NotHequiredCounterpartsStatutes,Codes,and RegulationsSeverabilityNameol TrustConfidentiality regardi ng ProvisionsCourt Ordered Modification##ruf,gffiffiruY6e11717171718181818193C000sTHE ZYLO HAYMES MARSHALL aKa BRIANHAYMES MARSHALLSPECIALNEEDS IRREVOCABLE TRUSTTHIS TRUSTAGREEMENTis enteiedinto by and between RITA HAYMES,of theCountyof Dade, State of Florida, hereinattercalled "Settlor" and RITAHAYMES,hereinafterreferred to as "Trustee."Reterencein this Trust to the "Trustee" shall bedeemed a referenceto whoever is servingas Trustee or Co-Trustee,whether original,altemateor successor.ThiS truStShAIIbE KNOWN ASTHE ZYLOHAYMES MARSHALLAKABRIANHAYMESMARSHALL SPECIALNEEDSIRREVOCABLETRUST, effectivethe 1Othdayof November, 1994.I. TRUST ESTATEThe original Trust estate shall be fundedin the approximateamount of OneHundred Forty-TwoThousand,OneHundred Ninety-FourDollarsand Twenty-NineCents($1+e,t94.29), as liquidassetsmorespecificallyset forth on a Scheduleof Property,attached hereto,andmade a part hereof, togetherwith a Fifty(50%)Percentinterestinreal propertytocatedat 15505Willow Road, Guerneville, California,appraisedat$39,000.00, upon receiptof proceedsfromthe Conservatorshipof ZYLOHAYMES,CaseNumber063810,andpursuant to an order datedthe 1st dayof November,1994,signedby the HonorableLaurenceK. Sawyer,Judge of the SuperiorCourt of California,Countyof Sonoma,Stateof California, directingthatthe (Conservatorship) proceeds shallbeKvtPage1 ot 22 PagesR. H.3ilU3:l"rJutilizedfor the funding of ihis trustagreement.A.ORIGINALTRUST ESTATEThe Settlor acknowledgesthatshe will transferto the Trustee, withoutconsideration,the property describedabove,upon receipt.B.ADDITIONS TO TRUSTESTATEAdditionalproperty maybe added to the Trust Estate at anytimeby theSettlor, or by any person or persons, by intervivosor testamentarytransfer, or bydesignalion by the Settloror Trustee, as in theirsoleand unfettereddiscretion.All suchoriginal and additionalproperty is referredto hereincollectivelyas the "Trust Estate,"andshall be held, managedand distributedas hereinprovided.II. IRREVOCABILITY OF TRUSTThis trust is irrevocableand may not be altered,amended, revised, modified,orterminatedin any respect exceptthat the Settlor and/or others, with Settlor'sconsent,maytransferotherproperties to the Trustees and therebybringsuch properties withinoperationof this trust.III. DISTRIBUTIONSA.INCOME AND PRINCIPALThe Trustee, in the Trustee'sabsolute discretir:n, shall pay to or for thePage 2 al 22 Pagesn i; i', n't 'l.J I -, r.r '-l-L Ibenefitof ZYLO HAYMESMARSHALL,akaBHIAN HAYMESMARSHALL,a disabledperson,date of birth beingMay16, 1975,hereinafterrefenedto as BRIAN,as much ofthe net incomeas is necessarytomeethis special needs,as delined herein.Any incomenot so distributed shallbe added to principal.lf, in the Trustee'sabsolute discretion, the incomefrom this trust isinsufficient, the Trusteeshallalsopay to or for the benefit ol BRIAN as much of theprincipalas the Trusteeconsidersreasonablynecessaryto meet his specialneeds.B.''SPECIAL NEEDS'' DEFINEDAs used in this document,"special needs' refers to the requisiteslormaintaining BRIAN'Sspecialeducation,health, support,comfort,and happinesswhen,in the discretionol the Trustees,such requisitesare not being provided by anypublicagency,office, or depafimentof the State of Florida, or of any other state, or of theUnitedStates or by any privateagency."special needs"shall include,but not be limited to, e)draordinary medicalanddentalcare;independentmedical examinations as needed, but in no eventless thanannually; equipment, supplies, and programs as neededfor vocational and, if not otherwiseprovided; opticalappliancesand devicesas neededandappropriate;the provision, repairand replacementof a suitable bicycle of his choosing;transportationincludingvehicle purchase,mainlenance,and insuranceif he shallbedeemedcapableof responsibleuse and ownership;dramaticand theaterar activitiesincludingvocal training; cookingand bakingclasses,and experiences;and the ability toPage 3 ol 22 Pages;i:.-::-I l. : a ::;::,:t:: -.:t::ti a.:,:.;:.i!1.,-participatein artistic, horticulturalor nature activitiesol his own choosing."Special needs"may alsoinclude spendingmoney, electronicequipmentsuchasradios,recordsor CD players, colortelevisionsets with cable,VCR, Nintendo,computerequipment; vacations to placesof recreationsuchas DisneyWorld,movies, concerts,trips, travelto visit relativesor friends, or moneyto have them visit him if appropriate;moneyto purehasegifts for relatives and friends; payments for residential livingassistance; regularvisits to restaurantsof his ownchoosing;andothersuchitems nowbeyondSettlot'sken which maybecome commonplaceat sometimein the future, muchlike T.V. is now common.The Trusteeshall,withreasonablefrequency, visit BRIAN to inspect his livingconditions,treatment, and moraleand to evaluatehis special needs, includingbothphysicalandpsychological.C.DISTRIBUTIONGUIDELINESln makingany distribution,the Trustee:1. Shall consider any otherincomeor resourcesof the beneficiaryknownto the Trustee and reasonablyavailable;2. Shall take intoconsiderationall entitlementsand.benefitsfromanygovernmentalagency,such as SocialSecuritydisability payments, foodstamps,Medicare,Medicaid,SupplementalSecuritytncome(SSl), educationat and retatedservicesas availablethroughthe publicschoolsystems,and anyotherspecialpurposebenefitsfor which the beneficiaryis eligible;trNR. H.Page 4 ot 22 Pages3CCu1-33. Shallconsiderresourceandincomelimitationsof any such assistanceprogram;4. May makeexpendituresso that the beneficiary'sstandard of livingwillbe comfortable and enjoyable and to the extent practicablein a home-like,non-institutionalenvironmentandconsistentwith his standingof living;5. Shall not be obligatedto or compelledto make suchpayments;6. Shall not pay or reimburseanyamountsto any.government ageney ordepartment, unlessmandatedto do so by judicial or quasi-judicial order, and only uponfinal appealof same.7. Shall not be liable for any loss of benefits.D. SUPPLEMENTALPROVISIONThis trust is intendedto supplement,not replace,governmental benefits.No partof the assets of this trust shall be used to supplantor replace publicassistance benefits of any county,state, federal, or othergovemmental agency whichhas a legal responsibility to servepersons with disabilities which are the sameas orsimilar to BHIAN'S. For purposes of determiningBRIAN'Seligibility for any suchbENEfitS, NO PART OF THE PHINCIPALOR UNDISTRIBUTEDINCOME OF THETRUST ESTATESHALL BE CONSIDERED AVAILABLETO HlM. ln the event theTrusteesare requestedto releaseprincipalor incomeof the trust to or on behalf ofBRIAN to pay for equipment, medication,or serviceswhich any government agencyisauthorizedto provide(were it not for the existence of this trust),or in the event the4-tr .R. H.Page 5 ot 22 Pages3CC_fi14Trustees are requestedto petitionthe court or any otheradministrative agency for therelease ol trust principal or ineome for this purpose, the Trusteesar authorizedto denysuch requestand are authorized in his, her, or theirdiscretion to take whateveradministrativeor judicial stepsmay be necessary to continue BRIAN'S eligibilityforbenelits,includingobtaininginstructions from a courtof competent jurisdiction, rutingthatthe trust corpus is not availableto BRIAN for eligibititypurposes. Any expensesof theTrusteein this regard, includingreasonableattorney'sfees, shall be a proper charge tothe trust estate.E. SPENDTHRIFT PROVISIONNo interest in the principal or incomeof thistrust shall be anticipated,assigned or encumbered,or shall be subject to any creditor'sclaim or legal process, priorto its actual receipt bythe beneficiary.Furthermore, becausethis trustis to be conservedandmaintained for BRIAN'Sspecialneeds throughouthis life,no part of the corpusthereof, neitherprincipal nor undistributedincome,shallbe construedas part of his"estate"or be subjectto the claimsof voluntaryor involuntarycreditors {or the provisionof care and services,includingresidential care, by anyprivate parties or persons or publicentity, office, department or agency of the Stateof Florida,or of anyother state of theunited states, or ol the federal government of the Unitedstates.Page 6 ot 22 PagesR. H,3 * L)il1t}IV,TERMINATIONA.TERMINATION UPONBRIAN'S DEATHUponBRIAN'Sdeath,the Trusteemay payany death taxes that mayby reasonof his death be dueregardingassetspassingin accordancewiththese trustprovisionsor otherwise,and all expenses of his last illness,funeral,and burial,andexpenses relatedto the administrationand distributionof the trust estateif, in theTrustee's discretion, othersatisfactory provisionshave not been madefor the paymentof such expenses.The Trusteeshall make no payments for expenses incurredprior toBHIAN'Sdeath if the Trusteeshall determine,in herdiscretion,that payment therefor isthe obligationof any county, state, federal or othergovemmental agencywhich has alegalresponsibilityto serve personswithdisabilitieswhichare the sameas or similartoBRIAN'S.Thereafter,the Trustee shalldistributeanyand all assetsremainingFIHST,to the State of Florida, or anystate claimingrecovery for nursinghome and/orlong-term-care Medicaidexpenses from estalesof deceasedrecipients,if applicableat the time ofhis death;andSECOND,to those individualsnamedunder the LastWilland Testamentof ZYLO HAYMESMARSHALL,aka BRIANHAYMESMARSHALL, or if no Will shallbe in existeneeat the time of his death,then, to those individualswhowould receiveasif BRIANhaddied intestate.trwPage7 ol 22 PagesR. H.3ajC,i3i;!i- r'1:" ,: : ::::: :::::-...:..:.;:.|}.:..4., :B.DISCRETIONARYTEHMINATIONAt anytime that a trust ortrust share createdunder this Agreementhas, inthe judgment of the Trustee, a value so low that the expensesof maintainingthe trustcannotbe reasonablyjustified, the Trustee may, her discretion,but is not requiredto,terminate such trust or trust share. ln case of such termination,the Trustee shaltdistribute forthwith the shares so terminatedto the beneficiariesthereof.C.MA,NDATORY TEHMINATIONThe Settlordirects that thisTrust Estateshallterminatein any and all eventsnot later thantwenty-one (21) years after the deathof any beneficiarywho may be livingat the time of the executionof the Trust is the intent of the SettlorthatthisTrustAgreementshall be interpretedin sucha way so as to notviolateanyexistingruleagainst perpetuities.V. OFFICEOF TRUSTEEA.TRUSTEEThe Settloi nominatesas Trusteesthose named below. Eaeh successorTrusteeshallserve in the order designatedif the prior Trusteefails to qualify or declinesor ceases to act.First: RITAHAYMES, current addressbeing685 N.E.1gsth street,Miami,Florida,33179, as Trustee.PageI at 22 Pages*t Cr{j i:iT'?Second:MARCIARUBENSTEIN, current address being 14 Macbeth Drive,Old Bridge, New Jersey, as SuccessorTrustee.lf all the nominees namedhereinare deceased or unable to serve or resignandfail to appointa Trusteefor any reasonwhatsoever, then a court of competent jurisdictionmay namea Trustee in accordancewiththe then-existinglawsof the State.B.EVIDENCE OF EVENTSOF SUCCESSION OF TRUSTEE' Delivery of the followingevidenceof an event of succession,togetherwitha copy of an acceptance of appointment,shaltconstituteproof to any third party dealingwith a successorTrustee of the power of the successorTrusteeto act in place of anypredecessor Trusteewithout necessityof anycourt proceeding.1.APPOINTMENT BY A THUSTEEAppointment shall be evidenced by a written notice of appointmentdeliveredto the appointeeand to the beneficiaryof thetrust or the beneficiary,sguardian,guardian advocate, or the like,if one shall at anytimebe appointed.2.DISABILITY OF OR CESSATIONOF EFFECTIVE SERVICEASTRUSTEEThata Trusteeis disabredor has effectively ceased to serve asTrusteeshall be evidenced by the Trustee'sownwritten declaration, by a wriltenstatement ol the Trustee's attomey-in-factunder a durable power o{ Attorney, of alicensedphysician or of a licensed clinicalpsychologist, or by a courtorder declaring thePage I al 22 Pages3i,;{jC1Eagents' TheTrustee shall pay reasonable compensation for all services performed bythese agentsfrom the trust estateout of either income or principat as the Trusteein theTrustee's reasonable discretion shalldetermine. These payments shallnot decrease thecompensation of the Trustee. The Trustee shall have an affirmative duty to seekassistanceand counselfrom thoseagenciesfamiliar with the natureand special needsof a person undera disabitity simirarto BHrAN,s disabirity.E.EXCULPATORY CLAUSENo Trustee shall be liable to any person interestedin thistrust for any act,failureto act, or default unlessit results from the Trustee'sbad faith,willful misconduct,or gross negligence.F.WAIVER OF LIABILITY FORPREDECESSOR TRUSTEEAnysuccessor Trustee may acceptas c'onect any accounting of trust assetsmade by any predecessor Trustee. However,the successor Trustee may,in theTrustee's absolute discretion,institute any actionor proceeding for the setgement of theaccounts, agts,or omissions of anypredecessor Trustee.G.BOND. WAIVERNo Trustee shall be required to post bondor surety as securityfor thefaithful performance of their duties.VI.TheTrustee shall have thePage11 of 22 pagesPOWEHS OF TRUSTEEfollowingpowerc, dutiesanddiscretions in addition tofrrtR. H.30c,l2ijthose otherwisegranted herein or by law, exceptas elsewhere hereinspecificallyrestricted.A.To hold any or all of the trust estate in the form of investmentin whichit isreceived.B-To sell at public or private sale, to mortgage, ptedge or to exchangeor lease(includingleasefor a period extendingbeyondthe terms of thistrust) any stoeks,notes,securities, real estate,minerals,anyother trustproperty upon suchterms,cash or creditor both,as the Trustee may deemadvisable.C.To investand reinvestthetrustestatewithout limitation, to trust investments,investmentsof anykind, real orperconal, includingwithout limitation stocks,bonds, notes,mortgages, land or other rent property, mineralrightsrelatingto tands, royalties,leaseholds,and participating in partnerships, joint ventures, and other businessenterprises.D-To construct, repair, improve, or demolishany improvements upon any realproperty held by the trust.E-To participate in any reorganization, consolidation,merger, or dissolutionofany corporation,the stocks, bonds, orsecuritiesof whichmay be held at anytimeas partof the trust estate.F.To hold investments or any part of the trust estatein common or undividedinterestwith other persons.G.To demand, receive,provide receiptfor,Page 12 at 22 Pagesand collect any and all rights,3{:i0c31money,properties,or claimsto which this trustmay be entitled,and to compromise,settle, or abandon any claim in favorof or againstthis trust.H.To borrow funds forthistrustin such amounts and for such purposes as theTrus1ee maydeem properandto purchase property on the creditol thistrust andinconnectiontherewith,or in connectionwith such borrowing,to executeand deliverpromissorynotesor other evidence of indebtednessof this trust, and to mortgageorpledge all or any paftof the trustto secure paymentof such indebtednessand to repaysuch indebtednessout of the trust estate.l.To carry, at the expenseof the trust, insuranceof suchkinds and in suchamountsas the Trustee deemsadvisable to protect thetrust estateagainst any damageor loss and to protect the Trustee againstliabilitywith respectto third parties.J.To vote in person or by proxy on shares of stock which may be a part of thetrust estate.K.To lend money to any person or persons upon such terms, but withadequateinterestand security,as the Trusteemay deemadvisablefor the bestinterestof the trust and the beneficiary.L.Withoutlimiting the generality of the foregoing or anyother provision herein,to manage, control,operate,invest, reinvest, sell, exchange,lease, mortgage,encumber,and/or deal with the property of this trust for and on behalfof the trustandthe beneficiarythereol to the same extent and withthe same powerc that any individual would haveinrespect to his or her ownproperty andfunds.4ltR. H.Page 13 oI 22 Pages3 {^}C 'i?ZM-The Trusteemayfreely act underall or any of the powers giventhe Trusteeby this Agreement in all mattersconcerningthe trust after exercisingthe Trustee's bestjudgment based upon all the circumstances of anyparticular situationas to the bestcourse to followin the interestof the trust and the beneficiarywithoutthe necessityofobtainingthe consentor approvat ol any court and notwithstandingthat the Trustee mayalsobe acting individuallyor as Trusteeof othertrusts or as agentlor other persons orcorporationsinterestedin the same matters as a stockholder,director, or otherwise,providedthat the Trustee shall exercisesuch powersat atl timesin a fiduciary capacityin the interest of the beneficiary hereunder.N.To purchase policies of hospitalindemnity healthpolicies or life insuranceancUorannuitiesfor the benefit of the trust beneficiary, and to hold and to pay for thesame as an investmentand an asset of the estate, any time and upon successiveoccasions,the premiums to be chargedagainstincomeor principal, as the Trusteeshalldetermine. Policies of insurancemay alsobe purchased upon other parties for thebenefit of the trustas the Trustee in her solediscretion shall deem appropriate.ln theevent that the Trustee shallhave the foregoingpowers, duties,and discretion withrespect to policies of life insuranceheld as pan ol the trust estate:1 .The Trusteemaypaypremiums, assessments,or other charges withrespect to suchpolicies together with all othercharges uponsuch policies or otherwiserequiredto preserve them as binding contracts but shall be under no duty to do so.2.ln the event that the Trusteeintendsnot to pay any premium,8"/tPage 14 ot 22 PagesR. H.3 i_}1: c:3Iassessment, or other charge with respect to anypolicy held by it, or otherwiseintendsto cancel, convert, or substantiallymodifyanysuch policy, it shalt first give the insured,the guardian or guardian advocateof the personof an insuredunderdisability,at leastfifteen(15)days advancewritten noticeof its intentionto take such action.3-Any amounts receivedby the Trusteewith respect to anypolicy asa dividend shall be treated as principat.4-Uponthe receiptof proof of death of any person whose life is insuredfor the benefitol any trust hereunder,or upon maturity of any policy payable to a Trusteeprior to the death of the insured,the Trusteeshall collectall sums payable withrespecttheretoandshall thereafterhold such sums as principal of the respectivetrust estate,exceptthat any interestpaid by the insurertor a period subsequentto maturityshall beconsidered as income.5.The Trustee may acceptany payments due it underany seillementarangementmadebeforeor attbr the death of the insuredand may exercise any rightsavailableto it undersuch arangement.6-The Trusteemay compromise,arbitrate, or otherwiseadjustclaimsupon anypolicies, and may, but shallnot be requiredto, exercise any setttement optionsavailableunder suchpolicies. The receipt of the Trustee to the insurer shall be a fulldischarge,and the insurer is not requiredto see to the application of the proceeds.Notwithstanding the foregoing, any purchases ol life insurance by theTrusteewith income of the trust,shallbe accomptishedin such a way as to not allow{wPage15 of 22 PagesH. H.3L,rC ti?&purchaseof liteinsuranceon an original Settlor to insure that thereis no violation of theprovisionsof anyapplicablelntemalHevenue Codes,nor uponthe {ifeof the Trustee,soas to not violateany of the rutes promulgatedunderthe lnternal RevenueCode'O.To pay any necessarytaxes to the appropriate local,stateand/or federalgovemment for interestincomeresulting frominvestmentsof the Trust or otheraetivitiesof the trustwhich havetax consequences. ln addition, to enter into agreements with anytaxingagency,including but not limitedto the lnternal Revenue Service andany statetaxing agency,in sucha way so as to circumseribethe scope in which the administrativeprovisions of the trust maybe implementedto insurethatthe trust shall not cause anyunanticipated tax liabilityof any kind and to provide such taxing agencywith anynecessary disclaimer or agreements restrictingthe discretion of the Trusteesin lurthertransactions or any other matterwhichmay be in the best interest of the trust estateandthe beneficiaries of the trust.p. The Trusteeis expressly authorized, in the Trustee'sabsolutediscretion,topermitany family memberor triend of the Setttor,whois residingupon any real propertyforminga part of the trust estate,to continueresiding there on suchterms as theTrustees shalldeemproper, whetherrentlree or in consideration of payment of taxes,insurance, maintenance,and ordinaryrepairs,or otherwise,O.When the Trusteemust divideany trust propertyinto parts or shares for thepurpose of distribution, or otherwise, the Trusteemay,in the Trustee'sreasonablediscretion, makethe divisionand distribution in identicalinterests,in kind, or partly in kindf,{/R. H.3ijC''-r?3Page16 of 22 Pagesand partlyin money,pro rata or non-prorata. Also the Trusteemay make such sales otthe trust property as the Trusteedeems necessaryto accommodatesuch distributions.R.The Trusteeshatlhave the power to takeany and all action necessaryorappropriateto qualily the beneficiarytor publicbenefits,and to apply for suchbenefits.s.Anytime the beneficiaryis entitledto receive a noticeor a distributiontheTrusteesmay give noticeancUormake distributions,in the Trustee'sdiscretion, in anyone or more of any combinationof the followingways:1.To the legallyappointedguardian,guardianadvocateor the like,ofthe personor estateof the beneliciary, or to any suitable personwith whomthebeneficiary resides or who caresfor him;Z.By makingexpendituresdirectlylor the benefit of the Beneficiary.The Trusteeshall not be requiredto seeto the applicationof any fundsappliedor paid,and the receipt of the payee shall be full acquittanceof the Trustee. Thedecisionof the Trusteeas to direct paymentsor applicationof funds as aboveprescribedshallbe conclusive and bindinguponall partiesin interestif made in goodfaith.VtI. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVEPROVISIONSA.PARTIALINVALIDITYlf any provisionof this Agreementis void, invalid or unenforceable, theremaining provisions shallneverthelessbe validand carried into effect.Page 17 ot 22 PagesSrtcaiSbB.HEADINGSAny headings in this Agreement and the Table of contents are lorconvenience only and are not part ol the text'C.SITUS OF TRUSTThe situsol the Trust Estate shall be the state of Florida. The situsof theTrust Estatemay be transferred fromFrorida, to such other jurisdictionas the incomebeneliciary may designate, however,onlyuponwritten notice givento the Trustee'D.APPLICATION TO CIRCUITCOURTlf any disputes arise as to interpretation ol thisAgreement, or thereis needto obtain court approvar of any accounting or any interpretation in regard to thisAgreement, the settlordirectsthe Trustee to makeapplication to the circuitcourt' itbeingthe intent of the settlor that the circuitcourtshall assume continuing jurisdiction'E.NUMBER ANDGENDERAs used in this Trust Agreement, the masculine, feminineand neutergender, and the plural and singular numbershall eachbe deemedto includethe otherswhen the contextso indicates. For example, orrustee" incrudesco-Trustee(s),"Bene{iciary" includes Beneficiaries'F.TRUSTSHARES OR SUBSHARESFor purposesol simplicity,the settlor hasusedin this TrustAgreement thetefms "Shafes"and "SUbShareS-" The SettlOfintends' however' that eaCh Share Orsubshare, if held in trust, shallbe a separate Trust'{VtR. H.3ficl:'Page 18 of 22 PagesG.PHYSICALDIVISIONOF TRUST PROPERTYNOT REQUIREDlf more than one trust is held hereunder,there need be no physicalsegregationor divisionof the trust propertyexcept as segregation or divisionmay berequiredon the terminationof any trust, but the Trusteeshall keep separateaccounts forthe separateundividedinterests.H.COUNTERPARTSThis TrustAgreementmay be exeeuted in any numberof counterpartsandeach shall constitute an originalof one andthe sameTrust Agreement.I.STATUTES,CODES,ANDREGULATIONSAny referencesto specificstatutes, codes,or regulationsshall includeanysuccessors.J,SEVERABIUTYlf any provision of this TrustAgreement is unenforceable,or shall bedeterminedto be invalid for any reasonwhatsoever,such provisions shall be severedfrom this Agreementand the remainingprovisionsshall neverthelessbe canied into lulltorceand effect.K.NAME OF TRUSTThe trust createdin this TrustAgreement shall be knowncollectivelyas THEZYLO HAYMES MARSHALL'AKABRIAN HAYMES MARSHALLSPECIALNEEDSIRREVOCABLE TRUST,andanyseparate trust(s)createdhereinmay be referred to byadding the nameof the beneficiary(ies)-{qlPage 19 of 22 PagesR. H.3i-iCuIuL.CONFIDENTIALITYREGARDINGPROVISIONSThe Settlordectaresthat it is his desireand intent that the provisionsof thisTrust Agreementare to remain confidential as to all persons, subject to anyCourt orgovernmentorderor process,including requests for clarificationby the lnternalRevenueService. TheSettlordirectsthat only informationconcerningbenefitsthen beingpaid toany particutar beneficiaryshallbe revealedto such individualorhis guardian,or guardianadvocate or the like, andthat no individualshall havea right to information concerningbenefitsbeing paid to any otherbeneficiaryor benefitsto be paidto any beneficiary,including himself.M.COURT OHDEREDMODIFICATIONThe Trustee mayapplyto a Courtof competent jurisdiction lor authority toamend the Trusttocarry out its intent. The Settlor and Trusteespecificallyrecognize andrequest that anysuchcourt moditythisTrust Agreementas necessaryto insure that thedirectionsfor the careof BRIANMARSHALL are followedand that this trustis notconsideredan asset and/or a resourceol his so as to disqualifyhim from FederalandStateAssistance.Page 20 of 22 Pages:i{lCr2glN WITNESS WHEREOF,the provisionsof this TrustAgreementshall bind RITAHAYMES as Settlor, and RITA HAYMESas Trustee,assumingthe role of Trusteehereunder.Datedat Broward County, Floridaon November10, 1994'frilR. H.3f;Cl:i{iHITAHAYMESTRUSTEE:Page 21 of 22 PagesSTATEOF FLORIDACOUNTYOF BROWARDI herebycertitythat on this daybefore me, an officerduly qualitiedto takeacknowledgments, personallyappeared,HITAHAYMES,to me personallyknownto bethe person describedin and who executedthe foregoinginstrument and sheacknowtedgedbefore methat she executedthe same,and an oath was nottaken.Thewitnesses subscribedtheir namesas witnessesin the presenceof the Settlor andTrustee, andin the presenceof each otherat the SettlorandTrustee's requestafter thesettlor and Trusteehad signed lheir names.WITNESSmy hand and seal in the county and Statelast aforesaidthis lOth dayof November,{t 3r*66tyn$I9o*ffili*-"tt"ttffi&,Iiffi*'*iiiiiil.rsssMycommissionexpires:)))Page 22 al 22 Pages3{lcii31sctlEDuLEOF PHOPEqTYThis scheduleis attachedto and forms a part of that certain trust agreementexecutedby RITA HAYMES,as Settlor,and knownas THE ZYLOHAYMESMARSHALLaka BHIAN HAYMESMARSHALLSPECIALNEEDSIRREVOCABLETRUST,datedNovember10th, 1994, and identifiesthe initial trust propertyheld subjectto the trustthereunder.A.Home Savingsof America,interestchecking account#01029040654,balance of $3,531.77;B.First NewYork Bank for Business,money marketaccount #60895-5, dueOctober 6, 1994,in the:amoi.trtt of $38,588.93;C.First New YorkBank for Business,moneymaketaccount #60139-2, dueNovember17,1994, in the amountof $38,466.21;D.Luther Burlcank Savings,money marketaccount#18121A121,balanceof$61,607.38; andE.50Y" interestin real property located at 15505Willow Road,Guerneville,California, appraisedat $39,000.00.3ilf t:\2SCHEDULE OF INSURANCEThis scheduleis attached to and forms a partof that certaintrust agreementexecutedby RITA HAYMES,as Settlor, and knownas THE ZYLO HAYMESMARSHALLaka BRIAN HAYMESMARSHALLSPECIAL NEEDSIRREVOCABLETRUST' datedNovember 1Oth, 1994, and identiliesthe lnsuranceheldsubjectto the trustthereunder.InsurerPolicv and CertificateNumberSiiCii:,3