Introduction to Hardware

1 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Introduction to Introduction to Hardware Hardware


Introduction to Hardware. Introduction to Hardware. Review Computer System Sub Sistem CPU Sub Sistem Memori Sub Sistem Periferal. Review. Abstract view. user. user. USER. USER. Application Software. System Software. Computer Hardware. Review. Sistem Komputer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction to Hardware

Page 1: Introduction to Hardware

1Pengantar Teknologi Informasi

Introduction to Introduction to HardwareHardware

Page 2: Introduction to Hardware

Pengantar Teknologi Informasi.: Fasilkom – UDINUS :.

Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 2

Introduction to Hardware• Review Review • Computer SystemComputer System• Sub Sistem CPU Sub Sistem CPU • Sub Sistem Memori Sub Sistem Memori • Sub Sistem Periferal Sub Sistem Periferal

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 3


Abstract view

user user ... USER USER

Application Software

System Software

Computer Hardware

Page 4: Introduction to Hardware

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 4

ReviewSistem Komputer • memiliki 4 unit fungsional utama :

– Data processing– Data storage– Data movement– Control

Konfigurasi umumCPU + Internal MemoryInput


Storage System

Output Devices

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Computer System – Data Movement and Storage

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Computer System - Data Processing

Page 7: Introduction to Hardware

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Computer SystemKonsep von Neumann/Turing • Stored Program • Internal Memory menyimpan program dan data • ALU beroperasi menggunakan data biner • Control Unit menginterpretasi instruksi dari

memori dan mengeksekusinya • I-device dan O-device dikendalikan CU • Dibuat di Princeton Institute for Advanced

Studies, — sehingga diberi nama IAS • Selesai 1952

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Computer System - IAS Structure


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Computer System - IAS Structure (detail)

Register dalam CPU • Memory Buffer

Register • Memory Address

Register • Instruction Register • Instruction Buffer

Register • Program Counter • Accumulator • Multiplier Quotient

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Computer System – Top Level Structure


Main Memory




CentralProcessing Unit


Communication Devices

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Computer System - CPU Structure

Computer Arithmeticand Login Unit


Internal CPUInterconnection







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Computer System – Bus Based

Interrupts Processor


Memory–I/O bus

I/O controller

I/O controller

I/O controller

Main memory

Network Graphics

output Disk Disk

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 13

Computer System – MultiLevel MachineLevel View

5 Problem-oriented Language

4 Assembly Language

3 Operating system machine

2 Instruction Set Architecture [ISA]

1 Microarchitecture

0 Digital logic

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Computer System – MultiLevel Machine (detail)

• Level-0 (gate) yang membentuk prosesor, memori, dan register.

• Level-1 (register) yang membentuk memori lokal dan sebuah ALU, yang saling terhubung oleh data path.

• Level-2 (instruksi) sesuai arsitektur.

• Level-3 Tingkat OS, menangani instruksi-instruksi yang ada pada level-4 dan level-5.

• Level-4 Fasilitator pembuat program pada level-1, level-2, dan level-3 yang tidak bisa membuat kode mesin; butuh asembler sebagai translator.

• Level-5 Bahasa yang mendekati pola bahasa manusia, butuh interpreter dan compiler sebagai translator.

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 15

Central Processing Unit

Fungsi CPU• ALU menangani operasi aritmatika dan

boolean, contoh: adder • CU mengendalikan operasi sistem, contoh:

program counter • Register menyimpan data kecepatan tinggi,

volume kecil • Bus atau data path sebagai media

interkoneksi /komunikasi antar register.

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CPU – How does it work ?

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Memory – Basic Operations

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Memory - Hierarchy


Cache MemoryCache MemoryLevel 1 / Level 2Level 1 / Level 2

Main Memory Main Memory ROM / RAMROM / RAM

Magnetic DiskMagnetic Disk

TapeTape Optical DiskOptical Disk



















Size = small, Size = small, Speed = high,Speed = high,Price = expensive, Price = expensive,

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 19

Memory - Internal Memory

Ciri: • Sering disebut RAM• Lebih cepat dari storage system• Relatif mahal• Lebih kecil kapasitasnya dari storage

system • Letak lebih dekat CPU.

Fakta • volume >>>, kecepatan <<< • kecepatan prosesor >>> memory• Memory dipercepat, cost/bit >>>

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 20

Memory – Internal Memory

• jenis : RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM• organisasi [sel]• kemasan chip [array DRAM : Kilo, Mega,

Giga] • koreksi error [parity check] • media fisik: magnetic core

semiconductor • kapasitas: Mega Giga Tera ? • kecepatan akses: ~ 100 ns

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 21

Memory - Cache

•Lebih kecil kapasitasnya & lebih cepat dari Main Memory

•Isi: current info dari main memory untuk dieksekusi

•kapasitas ~ 1024 Kbytes •transfer data dalam block / line

@ 4 bytes

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 22

Memory – Storage System

External Memory• Disk magnetik: floppy (disket), harddisk • Compact/optical disk • Pita magnetik Virtual Memory • Latar belakang: kebutuhan pemakai > fakta • Solusi teknik virtual,sebagian data di Internal Memory

dan sebagian besar di Storage System • virtual logical address = address yang diacu prosesor • MMU / PMMU (Page Memory Management Unit), is a

computer hardware component responsible for handling accesses to memory requested by the central processing unit (CPU). Dalam Virtual memory berfungsi sbg translator dari adress virtual ke address fisik

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 23

Pheriperal – Input Devices

• Card reader • Keyboard • Bar code reader • Mouse • Scanner • Optical character

reader (OCR) • Voice recorder • Light pen • Touch screen

•Digitizer •Electronic funds transfer (EFT) Joystick •Magnetic Ink Character •Reader (MICR) •Paper tape reader

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Ref: IF-ITB/Santika WP/2003 24

Pheriperal – Input Devices

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Pheriperal – Output Devices

• Card & paper tape puncher • Printer

- Impact: line printer, dot matrix - Non-impact: laser printer, ink jet printer

• Plotter - Flat bed - Roll

• Computer output microfilm (COM) • Microfiche

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Pheriperal – Output Devices

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Pheriperal – Input Output Devices• Non regular screen: touch, light • Tape drive • Diskette drive • Disk drive • CD ROM drive