Introduction of Store Brands Considering Product Cost and ...

Research Article Introduction of Store Brands Considering Product Cost and Shelf Space Opportunity Cost Yongrui Duan, Zhixin Mao , and Jiazhen Huo School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China Correspondence should be addressed to Zhixin Mao; [email protected] Received 10 January 2018; Accepted 27 June 2018; Published 16 July 2018 Academic Editor: Huaguang Zhang Copyright Β© 2018 Yongrui Duan et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. is paper studies the introduction of store brands (SBs) when the product cost, shelf space opportunity cost, and baseline sales are taken into consideration. We construct a Stackelberg model in which one retailer, acting as the leader, sells a national brand (NB) and its SB and maximizes the category profit by allocating shelf space and determining the prices for the SB and NB products. Meanwhile, an NB manufacturer, acting as the follower, maximizes its profit based on the decisions of the retailer. Our results demonstrate that the product cost of the SB (NB) and the shelf space opportunity cost are the dominating factors that determine the optimal pricing strategy. If the two costs are low, then the optimal pricing strategy is the me-too strategy (competitive strategy); otherwise, the optimal pricing strategy is the differentiation strategy. ere exists a threshold of the product cost, shelf space opportunity cost, and baseline sales to decide the pricing strategy and introduction of SB. 1. Introduction Store brands (SBs) account for 14% of total retail sales in US supermarkets, and their share ranges from 20% to 45% of total retail sales in the UK, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and France [1]. Why are retailers eager to introduce SBs? SBs are the exclusive brands for which the retailer is responsible for shelf placement, pricing, quality, packaging, and promotion. In contrast to a national brand (NB), which is provided by the manufacturer, a retailer’s SB product is entirely and inde- pendently controlled by the retailer, including research and development, design, sales, and market management. Retail- ers expand their market share by introducing SB products to extend their product line and to meet demands in different market segments [2, 3]. Moreover, retailers develop their SB products to compete with other retailers and enhance con- sumer loyalty [4]. Retailers also introduce SBs into the origi- nal sales category to obtain profits from their sales and, more importantly, to leverage negotiation power with the manufac- turer [5]. Furthermore, Groznik and Heese [6] demonstrate that retailers are in a position to gain competitive advantages in the supply chain and increase profits by introducing SB products. Lamey et al. [7] also reveal that retailers are more likely to increase their SBs market share when the economy is suffering and shrinks. However, according to Nielsen’s SBs report (the data come from Nielsen global private label report November 2014), the share of SBs in the Asia-Pacific market is generally low, and China’s market share of SBs is only 1–3%. Hence, the SB market potential is extremely large and therefore attractive to growing numbers of retailers in China. Increasing numbers of retailers, including international brand retailers such as Wal- mart, ALDI, and Lidl and domestic brand retailers in China such as Lianhua, Vanguard, and Wumart, have begun to in- troduce SB products. ALDI opened an online store on TMall on Mar. 20 th 2017. In ALDI supermarkets, most products are SBs, and generally, for each given category, there is a maxi- mum of two other brands. ALDI’s main competitor, Lidl supermarket, which is famous as an SB retailer in Germany, opened an online store in China on Sep. 28 th 2017. Inter- estingly, the two retailers entered China’s market via online stores. Usually, the retailer develops its own SB products (see Figure 1). Manufacturer A sells its NB to the distributor at product price , and the distributor delivers the NB to retailers at wholesale price , and then the retailer sells the NB Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2018, Article ID 2324043, 19 pages

Transcript of Introduction of Store Brands Considering Product Cost and ...

Research ArticleIntroduction of Store Brands Considering Product Cost andShelf Space Opportunity Cost

Yongrui Duan, Zhixin Mao , and Jiazhen Huo

School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Zhixin Mao; [email protected]

Received 10 January 2018; Accepted 27 June 2018; Published 16 July 2018

Academic Editor: Huaguang Zhang

Copyright Β© 2018 Yongrui Duan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper studies the introduction of store brands (SBs) when the product cost, shelf space opportunity cost, and baseline sales aretaken into consideration.We construct a Stackelbergmodel inwhich one retailer, acting as the leader, sells a national brand (NB) andits SB andmaximizes the categoryprofit by allocating shelf space anddetermining the prices for the SB andNBproducts.Meanwhile,an NBmanufacturer, acting as the follower, maximizes its profit based on the decisions of the retailer. Our results demonstrate thatthe product cost of the SB (NB) and the shelf space opportunity cost are the dominating factors that determine the optimal pricingstrategy. If the two costs are low, then the optimal pricing strategy is the me-too strategy (competitive strategy); otherwise, theoptimal pricing strategy is the differentiation strategy.There exists a threshold of the product cost, shelf space opportunity cost, andbaseline sales to decide the pricing strategy and introduction of SB.

1. Introduction

Store brands (SBs) account for 14% of total retail sales in USsupermarkets, and their share ranges from 20% to 45% oftotal retail sales in the UK, Belgium, Germany, Spain, andFrance [1]. Why are retailers eager to introduce SBs? SBs arethe exclusive brands for which the retailer is responsible forshelf placement, pricing, quality, packaging, and promotion.In contrast to a national brand (NB), which is provided bythe manufacturer, a retailer’s SB product is entirely and inde-pendently controlled by the retailer, including research anddevelopment, design, sales, and market management. Retail-ers expand their market share by introducing SB products toextend their product line and to meet demands in differentmarket segments [2, 3]. Moreover, retailers develop their SBproducts to compete with other retailers and enhance con-sumer loyalty [4]. Retailers also introduce SBs into the origi-nal sales category to obtain profits from their sales and, moreimportantly, to leverage negotiation powerwith themanufac-turer [5]. Furthermore, Groznik and Heese [6] demonstratethat retailers are in a position to gain competitive advantagesin the supply chain and increase profits by introducing SBproducts. Lamey et al. [7] also reveal that retailers are more

likely to increase their SBs market share when the economyis suffering and shrinks.

However, according toNielsen’s SBs report (the data comefrom Nielsen global private label report November 2014),the share of SBs in the Asia-Pacific market is generally low,and China’s market share of SBs is only 1–3%. Hence, the SBmarket potential is extremely large and therefore attractive togrowing numbers of retailers inChina. Increasing numbers ofretailers, including international brand retailers such as Wal-mart, ALDI, and Lidl and domestic brand retailers in Chinasuch as Lianhua, Vanguard, and Wumart, have begun to in-troduce SB products. ALDI opened an online store on TMallon Mar. 20th 2017. In ALDI supermarkets, most products areSBs, and generally, for each given category, there is a maxi-mum of two other brands. ALDI’s main competitor, Lidlsupermarket, which is famous as an SB retailer in Germany,opened an online store in China on Sep. 28th 2017. Inter-estingly, the two retailers entered China’s market via onlinestores.

Usually, the retailer develops its own SB products (seeFigure 1). Manufacturer A sells its NB to the distributor atproduct price 𝑐, and the distributor delivers theNB to retailersat wholesale price 𝑀, and then the retailer sells the NB

HindawiMathematical Problems in EngineeringVolume 2018, Article ID 2324043, 19 pages

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National brand, c


National brand, w

Store brand, c


DisplayOff line--Shelf

On lineβ€”Web Store


Store brand, PsNational brand, Pn

Figure 1: Supply chain structure.

products at retail prices 𝑃𝑛 to the consumers through dis-plays offline (shelf) or online (web store). Now, ALDI, as apowerful retailer, obtains the same quality of goods directlyfrom manufacturer B, and it wants the product itself withoutany brand premium.Then, it sells these goods as SB productsat retail prices P𝑠 to consumers through the same displays.This is why ALDI’s product quality is as good as that of anyother retailer, while its prices are not high as others’. There-fore, it is natural to consider the retailer’s purchasing cost andthe display method as the dominant factors that affect retail-ers’ profits and price positioning strategies.

Motivated by these issues, we propose the following re-search questions:

(1)Which factors will affect the price positioning strategyof a powerful retailer that is a leader and has the power to in-troduce SBs?

(2)What is a suitable price positioning strategy for a dom-inant retailer following the entry of an SB?

(3) Who will benefit from the different price positioningstrategies?

To answer these questions, in this paper, we propose aStackelberg model involving an NB manufacturer (this is thedistributor in Figure 1) and a retailer selling its SB and theNB.The decision variables include the following: the wholesaleprice for the manufacturer, the retail prices of both brands,and the shelf space that the retailer allocates to each brand.We assume that the retailer is the leader in the Stackelberggame, and we characterize the resulting equilibrium in termsof price, shelf space, and profit for both players.

Generally, there are three-tiered SBs: economy SBs, stan-dard SBs, and premium SBs (PSBs). Consumers generallyperceive SBs to be lower quality and higher risk products.Geyskens and Steenkamp [8] note that initially retailersprovide low-quality and low-cost SB products mainly as

substitutes for NB products. Furthermore, standard SBsimitate the quality of leading NB products for slightly lowerprices.With the improvement in the quality of SBs, PSBs havebecome increasingly common in retail stores. Seenivasan etal. [9] report that β€œstore brands have also gained in consumeresteem, with almost 77% of American consumers consideringthem to be as good as or better than national brands”. Thequality of some SB products has caught up to that of NBproducts, but SB pricing is usually lower than NB pricing.Nenycz-Thiel and Romaniuk [10] andHara andMatsubayashi[11] show that the quality of some PSB products has caught upwith that of NB products. In response to the introduction ofSBs, manufacturers of NBs are searching for ways to expandtheir business and help retailers introduce their SB products.Hara and Matsubayashi [11] find that, in essence, some NBmanufacturers have gradually become original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs) of premium SBs. In this paper, westudy the introduction of standard SBs.

To the best of our knowledge, no previous papers havestudied the impact of product costs and shelf space opportu-nity costs on the entry of SBs. We fill the gap by proposingpricing strategy games between a retailer and a manufacturerwhen the retailer introduces SBs. There are two streams ofliterature, those on product cost and shelf space opportunitycost, that relate to the present research.

The frameworks employed in previous papers typicallyassume that the manufacturer who provides the SB productto the retailer does not play any strategic role, and thusthey set the retailer’s purchasing cost of the private brand atzero (see [12, 13]). However, in a recent contribution, Fanget al. [14] study a wholesale price contract between an NBsupplier and retailer, and they consider the cost per unitquality (CPUQ), which can determine whether the retailercan introduce the SB and whether the supplier can affectand deter its introduction. In another recent work, Mai et al.[15] study an extended warranty as a means of coordinatingthe quality decisions for SB products. They consider the unitrepair cost and unit production cost, which ensure that theproduct has a zero probability of failure during the extendedwarranty period. In contrast, our research shows that theproduct cost is the dominant factor that affects the pricepositioning strategy in the introduction of SBs by a powerfulretailer.

The Stackelberg equilibrium solution will be adopted inthis work. Amrouche and Zaccour [13] and Li et al. [16] studythe shelf space allocation and pricing decisions in themarket-ing channel by applying static and dynamic games. Kurtulusand Toktay [17] construct a supply chain with two manu-facturers and one retailer and study a three-stage sequentialdynamic game.They demonstrate that a retailer, acting as theleader in the supply chain, can use category management andcategorize shelf space to control the intensity of competitionbetween manufacturers. However, there they do not considerthe impact of SBs or shelf space effects in the demand func-tion. Kuo and Yang [18] develop a competitive shelf spacemodel for NBs versus SBs based on Kurtulus and Toktay’ssettings and find that if the cross-price effect is not too large,

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the retailer should position its SB’s quality closer to that of theNB. Kuo and Yang consider the shelf space opportunity costin operation and channel conflict, but they do not considerproduct cost.

In retailing, the shelf space allocation problem is crucialand has been studied by both operations research and mar-keting scholars for years. Corstjens and Doyle [19] develop amodel to address the shelf space allocation problem. Bultezand Naert [20] and Dreze et al. [21] confirm that shelf spacehas a positive effect on a retailer’s sales and profitability. Irionet al. [22] develop a shelf space allocation optimization modelthat combines essential in-store costs and considers space-and cross-elasticities to study shelf spacemanagement. Valen-zuela et al. [23] propose that consumers hold vertical schemasthat higher is better on shelves and that more expensive pro-ducts should be placed higher on a display than cheaper pro-ducts. They test whether retailer shelf space layouts reflectconsumer beliefs and illustrate that consumers’ beliefs aboutshelf space layouts are not always reflected in the real mar-ketplace. These studies all focus on the shelf space allocationof general products; however, they do not consider SBsor analyze the pricing issue. However, the competition forshelf space is prevalent in supermarkets, especially for newproduct introductions. Dreze et al. [21] demonstrate that re-tailers want to maximize category sales and profits and mustallocate a certain amount of shelf space to do so. Moreover,manufacturers want to maximize the sales and profits of theirNBs and therefore always want more and better space tobe allocated to their NBs. Thus, retailers often earn a posi-tive profit margin on each product they sell in addition tocollecting the slotting fees, given that their role goes beyondshelf space leasing [24]. Because the slotting fee includes notonly shelf space leasing but also logistics, merchandising, andpromotion, among other services, shelf space is so scarce thatmanufacturers have to provide retailers with slotting fees tosecure shelf space for their SBs. Our research assumes thatthe shelf space opportunity cost represents a slotting fee thatis a dominant factor affecting the introduction and pricepositioning strategy of SBs.

In contrast to all of the above research streams, our paperdiscusses the store brand entry problem under varying prod-uct cost and SB opportunity scenarios. Our results provideguidance for retailers regarding marketing strategies underdifferent product cost, shelf space opportunity, and baselinesales settings. This is one of our contributions to the existingliterature.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: InSection 2, we construct an economic profitmodel for the sup-ply chain under study. In Section 3, we derive the Stackelbergequilibrium. In Section 4, we seek the optimal pricing strat-egy by conducting a numerical study with different scena-rios. In Section 5, we conclude the paper.

2. The Model

We consider a two-stage supply chain that consists of oneretailer and one manufacturer. The manufacturer provides

one product in a given category and sells it to consumersthrough the retailer. The retailer maximizes profit by allocat-ing shelf space to each brand. We normalize the total shelfspace available for each category to one. S denotes the shareof this space that is dedicated to the SB, and 𝑆 > 0. We assumethat the total shelf space is allocated; thus, the share of the NBis 1βˆ’ 𝑆 (see [13]). We assume that the demand for each branddepends on the exposure each receives, as measured by shelfspace and the price of each brand. Here, we assume the NBbaseline sales are normalized to one and the baseline sales ofthe SB are captured by the parameter 𝛼𝑠 ∈ (0, 1) (see [12]).The demands of the two products are as follows:

𝐷𝑛 = 11 + 𝛼𝑠 ((1 + 𝛼𝑠) (1 βˆ’ 𝑆) + πœ“ (𝑃𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑃𝑛) βˆ’ 𝑃𝑛) (1)

𝐷𝑠 = 11 + 𝛼𝑠 ((1 + 𝛼𝑠) 𝑆 + πœ“ (𝑃𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑃𝑠) βˆ’ 𝑃𝑠) (2)

where 𝐷𝑛 and 𝐷𝑠 represent the demand for the NB and forthe SB, respectively. 1 + 𝛼𝑠 represents the total baseline sales(potentialmarket) of theNB and SB [6].πœ“ ∈ (0, 1) denotes thecross-price competition between the NB and SB.𝑃𝑛 and𝑃𝑠 arethe reference prices for each, respectively, which is a commonassumption in the literature (see [12, 17, 25]). In addition, thedemand for each brand increases in its proportion of shelfspace. The rationale is that if a product has more shelf space,the probability of being noticed, perceived, and selected bythe consumer will increase (see [26–29]). Furthermore, manystudies demonstrate that each brand’s demand increases inthe competing brand’s price and decreases in its own price(see [12, 18]). According to (1) and (2), the marginal priceeffect on demand depends on the shelf space allocated tothe brand. This specification has been used extensively in theliterature (see [30, 31]).

In addition, 𝑐 is the unit cost. As in Nenycz-Thiel andRomaniuk [10] and Hara and Matsubayashi [11], we assumethat the costs of the SB and the NB are equal. To simplify thecomputation, we assume that there is no significant qualitydifferentiation between the SB and NB, and the prices of thetwo products satisfy

𝑃𝑠 = 𝛾𝑃𝑛, 0 < 𝛾 < 1 (3)

where 𝑃𝑠 and 𝑃𝑛 represent the retail prices of the SB and NB,respectively. 𝛾 is the price difference coefficient. Parameter𝑐 represents the cost of the SB and NB. Assuming that themanufacturer and the retailer are profit maximizers, theirobjectives are as follows:

max Π𝑀 = (𝑀 βˆ’ 𝑐)𝐷𝑛 (4)

max Π𝑅 = 𝐷𝑠 (𝑃𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑐) + π‘šπ·π‘› βˆ’ π‘˜π‘†2

2 (5)

where Π𝑀 and Π𝑅 represent the profit of the manufacturerand of the retailer, respectively, and 𝐷𝑛 and 𝐷𝑠 are given by(1) and (2), respectively.𝑀 represents the wholesale price, and

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π‘š represents the unit markup from selling unit NB; therefore,𝑃𝑛 = 𝑀 + π‘š. Because shelf space is a scarce resource, spaceallocated to one product means relinquishing profits fromanother product. If the shelf spaces of NBs are occupied bythe SB, there exists the loss of the opportunity cost for theretailer. That means the retailer will forgo the slotting feefor the new NB from manufacturer. Assume that the retailerincurs a shelf space cost, i.e., the opportunity cost π‘˜ of theshelf space, where π‘˜ > 0. The shelf space proportion, 𝑆, is acontinuous endogenous variable. The assumption is standardin economics (see [17, 32]).

In this paper, we assume that the retailer is the leader andthe manufacturer is the follower. The sequence of events isas follows: The retailer (leader) first announces its marketingstrategy, including the unit markup value π‘š and shelf spaceproportion 𝑆. Themanufacturer reacts to this information bydeciding the wholesale price 𝑀.

3. Stackelberg Equilibrium

Todetermine the reaction function of themanufacturer to theretailer’s unit markup value π‘š and shelf space proportion 𝑆,we must solve the following optimization problem. First, weconsider the manufacturer’s problem. Substituting (1) and (3)into (4) yields


= (𝑀 βˆ’ 𝑐) (πœ“ (𝛾 (π‘š + 𝑀) βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ 𝑀) βˆ’ π‘š + (1 βˆ’ 𝑆) (𝛼𝑠 + 1) βˆ’ 𝑀)𝛼𝑠 + 1 .(6)

First-order conditions are


= 0 ⇐⇒

𝑀(π‘š, 𝑆)

= 𝑐 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ π›Ύπ‘šπœ“ + π‘šπœ“ + π‘š + (𝑆 βˆ’ 1) 𝛼𝑠 + 𝑆 βˆ’ 12 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 2



𝑑2Π𝑀𝑑𝑀2 = 2 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 1)𝛼𝑠 + 1 < 0. (8)

Next, we address the retailer’s optimization problem.Substituting (7) into (5) yields

Π𝑅 = 14 (βˆ’2π‘˜π‘†2 + 𝑅1 βˆ’ 𝑅2 (𝑅3 + 𝑅4)) (9)


𝑅1 = 2π‘š ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ (𝑐 + π‘š) βˆ’ 𝑐 βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ (𝑆 βˆ’ 1) 𝛼𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑆 + 1)𝛼𝑠 + 1

𝑅2 = 𝑐 (𝛾 βˆ’ 2) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 1) + 𝛾 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)π‘šπœ“ βˆ’ π‘š + 𝑆 βˆ’ 1) + 𝛾 (𝑆 βˆ’ 1) 𝛼𝑠(βˆ’π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)2 (𝛼𝑠 + 1)𝑅3 = ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ + 𝛾) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ (𝑐 + π‘š) βˆ’ 𝑐 βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ 1)

𝑅4 = 𝛼𝑠 (βˆ’π›Ύ (πœ“ + 1) + 𝑆 (𝛾 (βˆ’πœ“) + 𝛾 + πœ“ + 2) + πœ“) + 𝑆 (𝛾 (βˆ’πœ“) + 𝛾 + πœ“ + 2) .


We obtain the following results.

Theorem 1. If the price difference coefficient 𝛾 and cross-pricecompetition coefficientπœ“ satisfy 𝛾 > (𝐾(𝐾+πœ“βˆ’1)βˆ’4πœ“+1)/πΎπœ“,then the retailer’s profit functionΠ𝑅 is jointly concave inπ‘š and𝑆, where

𝐾 = [βˆ’4πœ“2 + 2√4πœ“4 + 4πœ“3 βˆ’ πœ“2 + 6πœ“ βˆ’ 1]1/3 . (11)

Proof. The first- and second-order derivatives of Π𝑅 withrespect toπ‘š and 𝑆 are as follows:

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘š2 = βˆ’π›Ύ2 + (1 βˆ’ 𝛾) (2 βˆ’ 𝛾)πœ“ + 22 (𝛼𝑠 + 1) < 0. (12)

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†2 = βˆ’π›Ύ (𝛾 (1 βˆ’ πœ“) + πœ“ + 2) (𝛼𝑠 + 1)2 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 1

< 0(13)

πœ•Ξ π‘… (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘šπœ•π‘† = βˆ’π›Ύ (𝛾 + πœ“ + 1) + πœ“ + 12 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 2 (14)

πœ•Ξ π‘… (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†πœ•π‘š = βˆ’π›Ύ (𝛾 + πœ“ + 1) + πœ“ + 12 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 2 (15)

The Hessian matrix can be formed as follows:

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𝐻 = [[[[[

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘š2πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘šπœ•π‘†

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†πœ•π‘šπœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†2


βˆ’2 + 𝛾2 + (2 βˆ’ 𝛾) (1 βˆ’ 𝛾)πœ“2 (1 + 𝛼𝑠)1 + πœ“ βˆ’ 𝛾 (1 + 𝛾 + πœ“)βˆ’2 + 2 (βˆ’1 + 𝛾) πœ“

1 + πœ“ βˆ’ 𝛾 (1 + 𝛾 + πœ“)βˆ’2 + 2 (βˆ’1 + 𝛾)πœ“ βˆ’1 βˆ’ 𝛾 [2 + 𝛾 (1 βˆ’ πœ“) + πœ“] (1 + 𝛼𝑠)2 (βˆ’1 + (βˆ’1 + 𝛾) πœ“)2


πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘š2 = βˆ’2 + 𝛾2 + (2 βˆ’ 𝛾) (1 βˆ’ 𝛾) πœ“2 (1 + 𝛼𝑠) < 0.


Since𝛼𝑠 ∈ (0, 1),πœ“ ∈ (0, 1), 𝛾 > (𝐾(𝐾+πœ“βˆ’1)βˆ’4πœ“+1)/πΎπœ“,𝐾 = 3√2𝐿 βˆ’ 4πœ“2 + 6πœ“ βˆ’ 1, 𝐿 = √4πœ“4 + 4πœ“3 βˆ’ πœ“2, then

|𝐻| = π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 2) (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ + 2)

2 (𝛼𝑠 + 1)βˆ’ 3𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)

3 πœ“ + 6𝛾 βˆ’ 14 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 4 > 0.


𝐻 is a negative definite integral and the profit function isconcave. Setting πœ•Ξ π‘…(π‘š, 𝑆)/πœ•π‘š = 0, πœ•Ξ π‘…(π‘š, 𝑆)/πœ•π‘† = 0 andletting (π‘šβˆ—, π‘†βˆ—) represent the solutions to the linear systems,then

π‘šβˆ— = π‘š1 + π‘š2 + π‘š3𝑋 (18)

π‘†βˆ— = 𝑆1𝑋 (19)


π‘š1 = (𝛾 + 1) (2 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) π‘˜ (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 𝛾) βˆ’ 𝛾 (𝛾 + 1) 𝛼2π‘ π‘š2 = 𝛼𝑠 (𝑐 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)3 πœ“ + 2𝑐 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 2) βˆ’ 1) + 2 (𝛾 + 1)β‹… ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) π‘˜ (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 𝛾)) .

π‘š3 = 𝑐 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)3 πœ“ + 2 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 2) βˆ’ 1)βˆ’ 2π‘˜ ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 1)β‹… (𝛾 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 3) πœ“ + 𝛾 βˆ’ 1) + 2πœ“ + 1))

𝑋 = 2π‘˜ ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 1) (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 2) (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ + 2)+ (βˆ’3𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)3 (βˆ’πœ“) βˆ’ 6𝛾 + 1) (𝛼𝑠 + 1)

𝑆1 = (𝛾 + 1) (𝑐 (𝛾 βˆ’ 3) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ 𝛾 (πœ“ + 4)+ (βˆ’π›Ύ (πœ“ + 4) + πœ“ + 1) 𝛼𝑠 + πœ“ + 1)


Substituting π‘šβˆ— and π‘†βˆ— into (6) yieldsπ‘€βˆ— = 𝑀1 βˆ’ 𝑀2 + 𝑀3𝑋 (21)

where𝑀1 = π‘˜ (βˆ’2𝛾2 (πœ“ + 1) + 𝑐 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 1)β‹… (𝛾 (2𝛾 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 6πœ“ βˆ’ 1) + 4πœ“ + 3) + 3π›Ύπœ“ βˆ’ πœ“βˆ’ 1)

𝑀2 = 𝛼𝑠 (𝑐 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)3 πœ“ + 2𝛾 ((𝑐 βˆ’ 1) 𝛾 + 3𝑐 + 1)+ π‘˜ (𝛾 (2𝛾 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 3πœ“) + πœ“ + 1))

𝑀3 = βˆ’π‘ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)3 πœ“ + 𝛾 (βˆ’2𝑐 (𝛾 + 3) + 𝛾 βˆ’ 1) + 𝛾 (π›Ύβˆ’ 1) 𝛼2𝑠


and then

π‘ƒβˆ—π‘› = 𝑃n1 + 𝑃n2𝑋 (23)

π‘ƒβˆ—π‘  = π›Ύπ‘ƒβˆ—π‘› (24)where𝑃n1 = βˆ’ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) π‘˜πœ“ (𝛾𝑐 + 𝑐 + 3) + 𝑐 (𝛾 + 1) (π‘˜ + 2)

+ 2𝛾 + 3π‘˜π‘ƒn2 = 𝛼𝑠 (2𝑐 (𝛾 + 1) + 4𝛾 + 3π‘˜ (βˆ’π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1) + 2𝛾𝛼𝑠)


π·βˆ—π‘› = 𝐷n1 (𝐷n2 + 𝐷n3)(𝛼𝑠 + 1) (Y1 βˆ’ Y2) (26)

π·βˆ—π‘  = 𝛼𝑠 (𝐷s1 + 𝐷s2) + 𝐷s3 + 𝐷s4

(𝛼𝑠 + 1) (Y1 βˆ’ Y2) (27)

where𝐷n1 = (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ βˆ’ 1𝐷n2 = 𝛼𝑠 (𝑐 (𝛾2 βˆ’ 1) + 2 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) π›Ύβˆ’ π‘˜ (𝛾 (2𝛾 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 3πœ“) + πœ“ + 1) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛾𝛼𝑠)

𝐷n3 = 𝑐 (𝛾2 + π‘˜ (𝛾2 (βˆ’πœ“) + 𝛾 + πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 1) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)β‹… 𝛾 βˆ’ π‘˜ (2𝛾2 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)

𝐷s1 = βˆ’π‘ (𝛾 + 1) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 𝛾 + 3) + 3 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2β‹… π‘˜πœ“2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 (3π‘˜ βˆ’ 2) πœ“

6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

𝐷s2 = 4𝛾2 + 6𝛾 βˆ’ 3π›Ύπ‘˜ βˆ’ (𝛾 (𝛾 (πœ“ βˆ’ 2) βˆ’ 2πœ“ βˆ’ 3) + πœ“+ 1) 𝛼𝑠 βˆ’ 2

𝐷s3 = 2𝛾2 + 3𝛾 + 3 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 π‘˜πœ“2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 (3π‘˜ βˆ’ 1)πœ“βˆ’ 3π›Ύπ‘˜ βˆ’ 1

𝐷s4 = 𝑐 (𝛾 + 1) (βˆ’π›Ύ + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 π‘˜πœ“2+ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 (π‘˜ βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ π›Ύπ‘˜ βˆ’ 3)

Y1 = (3𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)3 πœ“ + 6𝛾 βˆ’ 1) (𝛼𝑠 + 1)Y2 = 2π‘˜ ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 1) (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 2) (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ + 2)


and thus

Ξ βˆ—π‘€ = (π‘€βˆ— βˆ’ 𝑐)π·βˆ—π‘› (29)

Ξ βˆ—π‘… = (π‘ƒβˆ—π‘  βˆ’ 𝑐)π·βˆ—π‘› + π‘šβˆ—π·βˆ—π‘› βˆ’ 12π‘˜ (π‘†βˆ—)2 . (30)

To determine whether the retailer can increase profitthrough the introduction of an SB, we need to consider thecase when the retailer sells only the NB. We assume that thedemand for the NB depends on the price of the NB if there isno SB. The following functional forms are assumed:

𝐷𝑛 = 1 βˆ’ 𝑃𝑛. (31)

We assume that 𝑃𝑛 = 𝑀+π‘š, and then we have the follow-ing optimization problem:

max Ξ π‘€π‘œ = (𝑀 βˆ’ 𝑐)𝐷𝑛 = (𝑀 βˆ’ 𝑐) (1 βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ 𝑀) (32)

max Ξ π‘…π‘œ = π‘šπ·π‘› = π‘š (1 βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ 𝑀) . (33)

Using an analytical process that is similar to the Stack-elberg equilibrium, we obtain Ξ π‘…π‘œ = (1/8)(𝑐 βˆ’ 1)2, Ξ π‘€π‘œ =(1/16)(𝑐 βˆ’ 1)2 and the final demand of the product category,𝐷𝑛 = (1 βˆ’ 𝑐)/4.Proof. Please see the proof in Appendix A.

4. Numerical Studies

Thepurpose of this section is to reveal the effects of the prod-uct cost and the baseline sales of SBs on profitability and shelfspace allocation.

4.1. Scenario 1: Varying Product Cost of SBs. In this subsec-tion, we will study the relationships between the product cost𝑐 and the parameters, such as the decision variables, demand,price, and profitability of SBs and NBs. Let 𝛼𝑠 = 0.8, πœ“ = 0.8,π‘˜ = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.7; 0.8; 0.9.

Figure 2(a) shows that SB shelf space 𝑆 and markup π‘šdecrease as product cost 𝑐 increases, and conversely thewholesale price ofNB𝑀 increases. In Figure 2(b), the demand

of SB, 𝐷𝑠, and total demand, 𝐷, decrease as product cost𝑐 increases; meanwhile, the demand of NB, 𝐷𝑛, increases.Figure 2(c) shows that product prices of both NBs and SBsincrease as product cost 𝑐 increases. That is to say, most of thedecision variables and other parameters (except the demandfor the NB) are sensitive to product cost 𝑐, and any slightchange in the product cost results in a great change in theparameters (such as 𝑆,π‘š, 𝑀, 𝐷,𝐷𝑠).

In Figures 3 and 4, we aim to study (1) the relationship be-tween the product cost 𝑐 and the profit of the retailer andmanufacturer when the SB is introduced, as well as (2) theprofit of the retailer andmanufacturer before and after the in-troduction of SB.

Figure 3(a) shows that the retailer’s total profit decreasesas product cost 𝑐 increases. There exists a cost threshold c =0.425 (where 𝛼𝑠 = 0.8, πœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.7 π‘œπ‘Ÿ 0.9).The retailer should use a different pricing strategy for differ-ent product costs. If the cost is less than the threshold, theme-too strategy is preferred; if the cost is larger than thethreshold, the differentiation strategy can increase profit. Inother words, when the product cost 𝑐 is high, the retaileruses a differentiation strategy; however, the me-too strategyis better when the product cost 𝑐 is low.

Figure 3(b) demonstrates the profit before and after theintroduction of SB when 𝑐 changes. It shows that the totalprofits of the retailer decrease as product cost 𝑐 increases.There exists a cost threshold c = 0.389 (where 𝛼𝑠 = 0.8, πœ“ =0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.8) such that if the cost is less than thethreshold, the introduction of the SB is profitable; if the cost islarger than the threshold, the introduction of the SB will notincrease profit, and the retailer will not have enough incentiveto introduce the SB.However, the retailer is less affected whendifferentiation strategies are used. Within the range [0, c],the retailer uses differentiation strategies, and its total profitwill reach a minimum value and then rise again. That is,differentiation strategies are used for the price decision, andthe introduction of SB will bring more profits for the retailers,due to the existence of big price differential. This conclusionis different from the previous research; Sayman et al. [33] donot find the significant effect of price differential; in presentpaper, we demonstrate that the significant effect exists whenconsidering the product cost.

Figure 4 demonstrates that the manufacturer’s profits willbe very low when the retailer introduces the SB. However,the manufacturer’s total profits increase as product cost 𝑐increases. Furthermore, when the retailer introduces the SBand the product cost increases, the manufacturer’s total profitis higher than before. However, this situation will not occurbecause it is not profitable for the retailer when parameter 𝑐is too high; the retailer, as a leader, will not introduce the SBin this interval. To put it differently, the retailer will prudentlyconsider whether to introduce the SB.

4.2. Scenario 2: Varying Shelf Space Opportunity Cost of SBs.In this subsection, we will study the relationships between theshelf space opportunity cost of SB π‘˜ and the parameters, suchas decision variables, demand, price, and the profitability ofSBs and NBs. Let 𝛼𝑠 = 0.8, πœ“ = 0.8, 𝑐 = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.7; 0.8;0.9.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

c0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Parameter





S βˆ—

w βˆ—


c0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Demand










c0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Price







Figure 2: Variable results for different values of 𝑐.

c0.2 0.4


0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1(Ξ R)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


c0.2 0.4


0.6 0.8 1.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1


(Ξ R)βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ RO)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 3: Retailer’s total profit for different values of 𝑐.

8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

c0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1(Ξ M)







𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


c0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, πœ…=0.1(Ξ M)

βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ MO)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 4: Manufacturer’s total profit for different values of 𝑐.

The results in Figure 5(a) show that when in the high-competition situation (πœ“ = 0.8) with high baseline sales ofSBs (𝛼𝑠 = 0.8), increasing the opportunity cost parameter ofshelf space π‘˜ leads to a sharp decrease in the retailer’s shelfspace proportion 𝑆, a slow decrease in the unit markup valueπ‘š, and a sharp increase in the wholesale price 𝑀. Figure 5(b)demonstrates that increasing the opportunity cost of shelfspace π‘˜ causes a sharp decrease in the retailer’s demand forSBs but an increase in the manufacturer’s demand for NBsand, subsequently, a sharp increase in the total demand forthe product category. Figure 5(c) indicates a slow increase inthe sales price for both SBs and NBs when π‘˜ increases.

In Figures 6 and 7, we aim to study (1) the relationshipbetween the opportunity cost of the shelf space π‘˜ and the pro-fit of retailer and manufacturer when the SB is introduced, aswell as (2) the profit difference of the retailer and the manu-facturer before and after the introduction of SB.

Figure 6(a) shows that the retailer’s total profits decreaseas the opportunity cost of the shelf space π‘˜ increases. Mean-while, the retailer should use a different pricing strategy whenthe opportunity cost takes a different value. Particularly, thereexists a threshold k = 0.252 (where 𝛼𝑠 = 0.8, πœ“ = 0.8, 𝑐 = 0.1,and 𝛾 = 0.7 π‘œπ‘Ÿ 0.9), such that if the opportunity cost of theshelf space is less than the threshold, the retailer uses the me-too strategy; if the opportunity cost of the shelf space is largerthan the threshold, a differentiation strategy is optimal.

Figure 6(b) visualizes the difference in profit before andafter the introduction of the SB; the retailer’s total profitsdecrease as opportunity cost parameter of shelf space π‘˜increases. There exists a threshold k = 0.374 (where 𝛼𝑠 = 0.8,πœ“ = 0.8, 𝑐 = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.8). When the opportunity costparameter π‘˜ is high, the retailer uses a differentiation strategy;on the other hand, the competitive strategy (me-too strategy)is better when parameter π‘˜ is low.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

k0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Parameter







S βˆ—

w βˆ—


k0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Demand










k0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Price









Figure 5: Variable results for different values of π‘˜.

Figure 7 demonstrates that the manufacturer’s total profitincreases as the opportunity cost of shelf space π‘˜ increases.That is to say, when the retailer introduces SB, the manufac-turer’s total profit is higher than before. However, this situa-tion will not occur because the retailer is not profitable whenparameter π‘˜ is high; in this interval, the retailer, as a leader,will not introduce the SB.

4.3. Scenario 3: Varying Baseline Sales of SBs. Letπœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ =0.8, 𝑐 = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.8; we draw the plots for the relation-ships between the baseline sales of SBs, 𝛼𝑠, and parameterssuch as the decision variables, demand, price, and profitabilityof SBs and NBs.

Figure 8(a) indicates that in a high-competition situationwhere πœ“ = 0.8 and the low-cost parameters π‘˜ = 0.1, 𝑐 =0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.8, an increase in the baseline sales of SB 𝛼𝑠leads to a slow increase in the SB’s proportion of retail shelfspace, 𝑆, and a sharp increase in the unit markup value, π‘š.Meanwhile, the manufacturer’s wholesale price, 𝑀, increasesslowly as baseline sales of the SB, 𝛼𝑠, increases. Figure 8(b)demonstrates that increasing the baseline sales of SBs 𝛼𝑠causes a sharp increase in the retailer’s demand for SBs, a de-crease in the manufacturer’s demand for NBs, and, subse-quently, an increase in the total demand for the productcategory. When the retailer, as a leader, introduces the SB,actual sales increase as the baseline sales increas.

That is to say, as the baseline sales of the SB increase, theretailer can increase the proportion of shelf space allocatedto the SB; meanwhile, the retailer is better off because it canobtain more profit from the manufacturer’s product. In thissituation, the increase of the wholesale price can be perceivedas compensation for the shelf space occupied by the SB, andthe manufacturer deliberately increases the wholesale priceto offset the manufacturer’s loss from NB sales. Meanwhile,Figure 8 also demonstrates that as 𝛼𝑠 increases, the retailercan increase the SB’s proportion of shelf space. The actualdemand of the SB increasesmore quickly than that of the shelfspace, which aligns with the conclusion in Eisend [28], thata small increase in shelf space elasticity can also promote arapid growth in product sales.

In Figure 9, we study the relationship between the retailprice of SB (NB) and the baseline sales of the SB 𝛼𝑠.Figure 9(a) shows that in a high-competition situation whereπœ“ = 0.8 and the low-cost parameters π‘˜ = 0.1, 𝑐 = 0.1, and𝛾 = 0.8, the prices of both the SB and NB increase as thebaseline sales of the SB 𝛼𝑠 increase. Figure 9(b) demonstratesthat when the retailer introduces SB and implements theme-too strategy (competitive strategy), the price of the NBis lower than the differentiation strategy, which aligns withthe conclusion in Gabrielsen and SΓΈrgard [34], that theintroduction of SB leads to price concessions from the NB.

10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

k0.2 0.4 0.6


0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1(Ξ R)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


k0.2 0.4


0.6 0.8 1.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1(Ξ R)

βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ RO)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 6: Retailer’s total profit for different values of π‘˜.

Eventually, it will be beneficial for consumers to purchase theNB.

In Figure 10, we study the profitability of retailer indifferent marketing environments. Let πœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1; 0.35,𝑐 = 0.5; 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.7; 0.8; 0.9. As 𝛼𝑠 increases, the retailer’stotal profit increases; however, there is a significant differencewhen the retailer uses different pricing strategies. (1) When 𝑐or π‘˜ is small, the retailer uses the me-too strategy, and theprofit of the retailer will increase. (2) When 𝑐 or π‘˜ is large,then the differentiation strategy (i.e., 𝛾 = 0.7) results in moreprofit than the me-too strategy (i.e., 𝛾 = 0.9).

In Figure 11, we study the difference in profit before andafter the introduction of SB. The result shows that if retailerintroduces the SB, there exists the threshold 𝛼𝑠 = 0.455(where πœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1, 𝑐 = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.8), such that (1)under the differentiation strategy, if 𝛼𝑠 is greater than 0.492(where πœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1, 𝑐 = 0.1, and 𝛾 = 0.7), it will be

profitable to introduce the SB; (2) under the me-too strategy,if 𝛼𝑠 is greater than 0.414 (whereπœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1, 𝑐 = 0.1, and𝛾 = 0.9), it will be profitable to introduce the SB.

In Figure 12, we study the differences in profit beforeand after the introduction of SB. The result demonstratesthat when the retailer, as the leader, introduces the SB, themanufacturer will gain little profit; however, a comparisonof the profit before and after SB is introduced shows thatthe profit of the manufacturer reduces considerably. In otherwords, when the retailer is the leader, the introduction of theSB is detrimental to the manufacturer, and this result alignswith Kuo and Yang [18].

In addition, Figure 12(a) demonstrates that when theretailer uses the me-too strategy (𝛾 = 0.9), as 𝛼𝑠 increases, themanufacturer’s profits gradually decrease. When the retaileruses the differentiation strategy (𝛾 = 0.7), as 𝛼𝑠 increases, themanufacturer’s profits gradually increase.Thus, if the retailer,

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11

k0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1(Ξ M)βˆ—






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


k1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.00.5

𝛼s=0.8, πœ“=0.8, c=0.1(Ξ M)

βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ MO)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 7: Manufacturer’s total profit for different values of π‘˜.

𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Parameter







S βˆ—

w βˆ—

(a)0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0


πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Demand










Figure 8: Variable results for different values of 𝛼𝑠.

12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.8Price









𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1(Pn)







𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 9: Price for different values of 𝛼𝑠.

as the leader, introduces the SB, the manufacturer is eager toincrease its profit when the retailer adopts a differentiationstrategy. Therefore, when the SB and the NB have roughlythe same product quality, a differentiation strategy helps tocultivate consumers’ preferences and to improve consumerloyalty to the SB. Furthermore, the differentiation strategy ismore conducive to the introduction of other categories of theSB.

4.4. Scenario 4: Manufacturer as the Leader in the SupplyChain. Figure 13 demonstrates the results when the manu-facturer is the leader (please see the proof in Appendix B). Itindicates that in this case, although the shelf space proportion𝑆 is greater than 0 (where πœ“ = 0.8, π‘˜ = 0.1, 𝑐 = 0.1, and𝛾 = 0.9), the actual demand for the SB is less than 0. Thatis, the SB should be introduced only when the retailer is theleader and has sufficient power. When the manufacturer isthe leader in the supply chain, the retailer does not have anincentive to introduce the SB.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we investigate the introduction of an SB productwhen the retailer is the supply chain leader. In particular,our aim is to answer the following questions: (1) What is theprice positioning strategy of the SBβ€”the differentiation or theme-too strategyβ€”when the product cost and the shelf spaceopportunity cost are considered? (2)What are the factors thatinfluence the pricing position of the retailer? (3) Who willbenefit from the different price strategies? To answer thesequestions, this paper examines a two-echelon supply chainthat consists of a manufacturer and a retailer. The retailersells an NB product produced by the manufacturer and an SB

product.The retailer needs to determine the price markup ofthe NB, the price of the SB, and the shelf space allocated to theSB.Themanufacturer needs to determine the wholesale priceof the product. To this end, we formulate a Stackelberg gamemodel inwhich the retailer is the leader and themanufactureris the follower.

Our contribution is twofold. On the one hand, we provethe condition that an optimal solution exists. On the otherhand, to distinguish the factors that influence the introduc-tion and pricing position strategy of the SB, we conduct anexperimental analysis of the parameters. Our results indicatethat if both the product cost of the SB and the shelf spaceopportunity cost are low, then the optimal pricing strategyis the me-too strategy (competitive strategy). Otherwise, theoptimal pricing strategy is the differentiation strategy.

To the best of our knowledge, previous papers havenot studied the impact of product cost and shelf spaceopportunity cost on the entry of SBs.With regard to retailers,our findings have a number of managerial implications: (1)according to the numerical analysis, there is a significanteffect of the price differential between the SB and NB; thatis, an SB with a price positioned as close as possible to the NBprice will not generate more profit for the retailer when theSB is a standard SB.This conclusion is different from those ofprevious research [33].This is because our research considersthe role of product cost, and we observe a significant effect.(2) There exist thresholds c and k of costs such that if thecost is less than the threshold, the introduction of the SBis profitable; if the cost is larger than the threshold, thenthe introduction of the SB will not increase profits, and theretailer will not have sufficient incentive to introduce the SB.According to our numerical analysis, the introduction of anSB and the optimal pricing strategy cannot be fully captured

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 13

𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1(Ξ R)






𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.5(Ξ R)







𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.35, c=0.1(Ξ R)





𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 10: Retailer’s total profit for different values of 𝛼𝑠.

by only one parameter. That is, the product cost and shelfspace opportunity cost are the dominant factors affectingthe introduction of an SB. The conclusion contrasts with thefindings of previous research (see [12, 17]). This is becausethe effect of shelf space is reflected not only in the demandfunction but also in the profit function. (3)There also exists athreshold of baseline sales such that if the baseline sales of theSB are less than the threshold, the introduction of the SB willnot increase profits, and the retailer will not have sufficientincentive to introduce the SB; if the baseline sales are largerthan the threshold, the introduction of the SB is profitable.(4) The numerical analyses also show that the manufactureris better off when the retailer adopts a differentiation strategy

and enlarges the price differential. However, the retailer’spricing strategies are dependent on the product costs andshelf opportunity cost. In addition, the retailer uses a me-toostrategy; in this case, the prices of both the NB and the SB arelower, and consumers will therefore be better off when theypurchase either the NB or the SB.

This study has several shortcomings that are worthy offurther investigation in the future. First, we assume thatthe product cost for each brand is the same. In reality,most products do not have the same cost. Therefore, itwould be interesting to extend our model to include differentcosts, Second, our model does not consider competitionbetween retailers or between manufacturers. In fact, with

14 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1(Ξ R)

βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ RO)








𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7



𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.5(Ξ R)

βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ RO)








𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 11: Comparison between the periods before and after the introduction of the SB in 𝛼𝑠.

𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1(Ξ M)





𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1(Ξ M)

βˆ—βˆ’(Ξ MO)








𝛾 = 0.9

𝛾 = 0.8

𝛾 = 0.7


Figure 12: Comparison between the periods before and after the introduction of the SB in 𝛼𝑠.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 15

𝛼s0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

πœ“=0.8, k=0.1, c=0.1, 𝛾=0.9S & Ds







Figure 13: Demand and shelf space proportion for the SB for different values of 𝛼𝑠.

the improvement of SB quality, retailers have their own SBs,and SB competition needs to be considered even though theresulting model would certainly be difficult to analyze.


A. Retailer Sells Only the NB

The scenario before introducing the SB: We assume that thedemand for the NB depends on the price of the NB if there isno SB. The following functional forms are assumed:

𝐷𝑛 = 1 βˆ’ 𝑃𝑛 (A.1)

𝑃𝑛 = π‘š + 𝑀 (A.2)

Ξ MO = (𝑀 βˆ’ 𝑐)𝐷𝑛 (A.3)

Ξ RO = π‘šπ·π‘›. (A.4)

First, we consider the manufacturer’s problem. The first-order optimality conditions are

𝑑ΠMO𝑑𝑀 = 0 ⇐⇒

𝑀(π‘š) = 12 (𝑐 βˆ’ π‘š + 1) .(A.5)

Substituting (A.1), (A.2), and (A.5) into (A.4) yields

Ξ RO = βˆ’12π‘š (𝑐 + π‘š βˆ’ 1) . (A.6)

The concavity of Ξ RO and the first-order condition yields

𝑑ΠROπ‘‘π‘š = 12 (βˆ’π‘ βˆ’ 2π‘š + 1) = 0 ⇐⇒

π‘šβˆ— = 1 βˆ’ 𝑐2 .(A.7)

Then, substituting (A.7) into (A.5) yields

π‘€βˆ— = 14 (3𝑐 + 1) . (A.8)


π‘ƒπ‘›βˆ— = π‘€βˆ— + π‘šβˆ— = 14 (𝑐 + 3) (A.9)

π·π‘›βˆ— = 1 βˆ’ π‘ƒπ‘›βˆ— = 1 βˆ’ 𝑐4 (A.10)

Ξ π‘…π‘‚βˆ— = π‘šβˆ— (𝐷𝑛)βˆ— = 18 (𝑐 βˆ’ 1)2 (A.11)

Ξ π‘€π‘‚βˆ— = π‘€βˆ— (𝐷𝑛)βˆ— = 116 (𝑐 βˆ’ 1)2 . (A.12)

B. Manufacturer Stackelberg

The manufacturer is powerful and is a leader in the specificproduct category.

Π𝑅 = (𝛾 (π‘š + 𝑀) βˆ’ 𝑐) (βˆ’ ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ + 𝛾) (π‘š + 𝑀) + 𝑆𝛼𝑠 + 𝑆) + π‘š ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) πœ“ (π‘š + 𝑀) βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ (𝑆 βˆ’ 1) (𝛼𝑠 + 1) βˆ’ 𝑀)𝛼𝑠 + 1 βˆ’ π‘˜π‘†22 (B.1)

16 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

We obtain the following results.

TheoremB.1. If the baseline sales of the SB 𝛼𝑠, shelf space costπ‘˜, and cross-price competition coefficientπœ“ satisfy 2π‘˜πœ“ > 𝛼𝑠+1,then the retailer’s profit functionΠ𝑅 is jointly concave inπ‘š and𝑆.Proof. The first- and second-order derivatives of Π𝑅 withrespect toπ‘š and 𝑆 are as follows:

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘š2 = βˆ’2 (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1)

𝛼𝑠 + 1 < 0 (B.2)

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†2 = βˆ’π‘˜ < 0 (B.3)

πœ•Ξ π‘… (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘šπœ•π‘† = 𝛾 βˆ’ 1 (B.4)

πœ•Ξ π‘… (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†πœ•π‘š = 𝛾 βˆ’ 1. (B.5)

The Hessian matrix can be formed as follows:

𝐻 = [[[[[

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘š2πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘šπœ•π‘†

πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†πœ•π‘šπœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘†2


= [[[[βˆ’2 (1 + 𝛾

2 + (βˆ’1 + 𝛾)2 πœ“)1 + 𝛼𝑠 βˆ’1 + π›Ύβˆ’1 + 𝛾 βˆ’π‘˜


πœ•2Π𝑅 (π‘š, 𝑆)πœ•π‘š2 = βˆ’2 (1 + 𝛾2 + (βˆ’1 + 𝛾)2 πœ“)1 + 𝛼𝑠 < 0.


Since 𝛼𝑠 ∈ (0, 1), πœ“ ∈ (0, 1), π‘˜ > 0, 2π‘˜πœ“ > 𝛼𝑠 + 1, then

|𝐻| = 2π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1)

𝛼𝑠 + 1 βˆ’ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 > 0. (B.7)

𝐻 is a negative definite integral and the profit functionis concave. By the concavity of ΠR, the first-order conditionyields

πœ•Ξ π‘…πœ•π‘š = 0 ⇐⇒

π‘š(𝑀, 𝑆) = π‘π›Ύπœ“ + 𝑐𝛾 βˆ’ π‘πœ“ + 𝛼𝑠 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝑆 + 1) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝑆 βˆ’ 2𝛾2π‘€πœ“ βˆ’ 2𝛾2𝑀 + 3π›Ύπ‘€πœ“ βˆ’ π‘€πœ“ βˆ’ 𝑀 + 12 (𝛾2 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 2π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)(B.8)

πœ•Ξ π‘…πœ•π‘† = 0 ⇐⇒

𝑆 (𝑀,π‘š) = βˆ’π‘ + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)π‘š + π›Ύπ‘€π‘˜ .(B.9)


π‘š(𝑀) = βˆ’βˆ’π‘π›Ύ + π‘π›Ύπ‘˜ + 𝛼𝑠 (βˆ’π›Ύπ‘ + 𝑐 + π‘˜ + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛾𝑀) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) π‘˜πœ“ (𝑐 βˆ’ 2𝛾𝑀 + 𝑀) + 𝑐 βˆ’ 2𝛾2π‘˜π‘€ βˆ’ π‘˜π‘€ + π‘˜ + 𝛾2𝑀 βˆ’ 𝛾𝑀(𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 2π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 𝛼𝑠 (B.10)

𝑆 (𝑀) = βˆ’βˆ’π‘ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 𝛾 + 2) + 𝛾 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛼𝑠 + 𝑀 (2𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 𝛾 + 1) βˆ’ 1

(𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 2π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 𝛼𝑠 . (B.11)


Π𝑀= (𝑀 βˆ’ 𝑐) (πœ“ (𝛾 (π‘š + 𝑀) βˆ’ π‘š βˆ’ 𝑀) βˆ’ π‘š + (1 βˆ’ 𝑆) (𝛼𝑠 + 1) βˆ’ 𝑀)𝛼𝑠 + 1 . (B.12)

Substituting (B.10) and (B.11) into (B.12) yields

Π𝑀 = (𝑀1 +𝑀2 +𝑀3) (𝑐 βˆ’ 𝑀)𝑀4 (B.13)


𝑀1 = (𝑐 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 π‘˜πœ“2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 π‘˜πœ“+ 𝛾 (𝛾 βˆ’ π‘˜ + 2) + 1))

𝑀2 = 𝛼𝑠 (𝑐 (𝛾 + 1)2 + π‘˜ (2𝛾2 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“+ 1) βˆ’ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛾𝛼𝑠 βˆ’ 2 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 𝛾𝑀 + 𝑀 βˆ’ 1)))

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 17

𝑀3 = 𝛾 + π‘˜ (2𝛾2 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπœ“ βˆ’ 𝑀 (βˆ’π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)2

+ πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 𝛾 (𝛾 + 2 (𝛾 + 1)𝑀)𝑀4 = (𝛼𝑠 + 1) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2

βˆ’ 2 (π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1)) + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 𝛼𝑠) .(B.14)

The first-order optimality conditions are

π‘€βˆ— = 𝑀1 + 𝑀2 + 𝑀3𝑀4 (B.15)


𝑀1 = 𝑐 ((𝛾 + 1) (3𝛾 + 1)+ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 1) (π‘˜ (2πœ“ + 1)))

𝑀2 = 𝛼𝑠 ((3𝛾 + 1) (𝑐 (𝛾 + 1)) + 2𝛾+ 2𝛾2 (π‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜ βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπ‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜βˆ’ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛾𝛼𝑠)

𝑀3 = 𝛾 + 𝛾2 (2 (π‘˜ (πœ“ + 1)) βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπ‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜π‘€4 = 2 (2𝛾 (𝛾 + 1) + π‘˜ (βˆ’π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)2+ 2 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 1)) 𝛼𝑠) .


Substituting (B.15) into (B.10) and (B.11) yields

π‘šβˆ— = βˆ’π‘ (π‘š1 + (π‘˜2 (π‘š2 βˆ’ π‘š3))) + 𝛼𝑠 (𝑐 βˆ— π‘š7 + (𝛾 (π‘š11 βˆ’ π‘š10)) 𝛼𝑠 βˆ’ 3 βˆ— π‘š6 + π‘š8 + π‘š9) + π‘š4 + π‘š5 βˆ’ π‘š6

π‘š12 βˆ— π‘š13 (B.17)


π‘š1 = 3 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 1)) (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2+ π‘˜ ((𝛾 (βˆ’5𝛾3 + 18𝛾 βˆ’ 16)) πœ“ + 𝛾 (βˆ’6𝛾3 βˆ’ 5𝛾2+ 𝛾 βˆ’ 7) + 2 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)4 πœ“2 + 3πœ“ + 1)

π‘š2 = βˆ’2 (𝛾 (𝛾 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 5) 𝛾 + 8) βˆ’ 7)) πœ“ + 𝛾 (2 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)β‹… 𝛾 + 3) βˆ’ 6πœ“ βˆ’ 1

π‘š3 = 3 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 (𝛾 (2𝛾 βˆ’ 3) + 3)πœ“2 βˆ’ 4 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)4 πœ“3π‘š4 = π‘˜2 (βˆ’4𝛾4 (πœ“ + 1)2 + 12𝛾3 (πœ“ (πœ“ + 1))βˆ’ 𝛾2 (πœ“ (11πœ“ + 8) + 4) + 2𝛾 (πœ“ (πœ“ + 1)) + (πœ“+ 1)2)

π‘š5 = 2π‘˜ (𝛾 (𝛾 (𝛾 (2𝛾 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 5πœ“ βˆ’ 2) + 4πœ“ + 3)βˆ’ πœ“ + 1))

π‘š6 = (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 𝛾2π‘š7 = 6 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 1)) (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2+ π‘˜ ((𝛾 (βˆ’5𝛾3 + 18𝛾 βˆ’ 16)) πœ“ + 𝛾 (βˆ’6𝛾3 βˆ’ 5𝛾2+ 𝛾 βˆ’ 7) + 2 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)4 πœ“2 + 3πœ“ + 1)

π‘š8 = π‘˜2 (βˆ’4𝛾4 (πœ“ + 1)2 + 12𝛾3 (πœ“ (πœ“ + 1))βˆ’ 𝛾2 (πœ“ (11πœ“ + 8) + 4) + 2𝛾 (πœ“ (πœ“ + 1)) + (πœ“+ 1)2)

π‘š9 = 4π‘˜ (𝛾 (𝛾 (𝛾 (2𝛾 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 5πœ“ βˆ’ 2) + 4πœ“ + 3)βˆ’ πœ“ + 1))

π‘š10 = 3𝑐 (𝛾 + 1) (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 + 3𝛾 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 𝛾 (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2β‹… 𝛼𝑠

π‘š11 = 2 (π‘˜ (𝛾 (𝛾 (2𝛾 (πœ“ + 1) βˆ’ 5πœ“ βˆ’ 2) + 4πœ“ + 3)βˆ’ πœ“ + 1))

π‘š12 = 2 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 2 (π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1))+ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 𝛼𝑠)

π‘š13 = 2𝛾 (𝛾 + 1) + π‘˜ (βˆ’π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)2 + 2 (𝛾 (𝛾+ 1)) 𝛼𝑠


π‘†βˆ— = 𝑆1𝑆2 βˆ’π‘†3 (𝑆4 + 𝑆5)𝑆6𝑆7 (B.19)


𝑆1 = 𝑐 (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 𝛾 + 2) βˆ’ 𝛾 βˆ’ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛼𝑠+ 1

𝑆2 = (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 2 (π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1)) + (π›Ύβˆ’ 1)2 𝛼𝑠

𝑆3 = 𝛾2 (πœ“ + 2) βˆ’ 2π›Ύπœ“ + 𝛾 + πœ“ + 1

18 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

𝑆4 = 𝑐 ((𝛾 + 1) (3𝛾 + 1)+ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)πœ“ βˆ’ 1) (π‘˜ (2πœ“ + 1))) + 𝛾+ 𝛾2 (2 (π‘˜ (πœ“ + 1)) βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπ‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜

𝑆5 = 𝛼𝑠 ((3𝛾 + 1) (𝑐 (𝛾 + 1)) + 2𝛾+ 2𝛾2 (π‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜ βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ 3π›Ύπ‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜πœ“ + π‘˜βˆ’ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1) 𝛾𝛼𝑠)

𝑆6 = 2 ((𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 βˆ’ 2 (π‘˜ (𝛾2 + (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 πœ“ + 1))+ (𝛾 βˆ’ 1)2 𝛼𝑠)

𝑆7 = 2𝛾 (𝛾 + 1) + π‘˜ (βˆ’π›Ύπœ“ + πœ“ + 1)2 + 2 (𝛾 (𝛾 + 1))β‹… 𝛼𝑠.



π‘ƒπ‘›βˆ— = π‘€βˆ— + π‘šβˆ— (B.21)

π‘ƒπ‘ βˆ— = π›Ύπ‘ƒπ‘›βˆ— (B.22)

π·π‘›βˆ—= 11 + 𝛼𝑠 ((1 + 𝛼𝑠) (1 βˆ’ 𝑆

βˆ—) βˆ’ π‘ƒπ‘›βˆ— + πœ“ (π‘ƒπ‘ βˆ— βˆ’ π‘ƒπ‘›βˆ—)) (B.23)

π·π‘ βˆ— = 11 + 𝛼𝑠 ((1 + 𝛼𝑠) 𝑆

βˆ— βˆ’ π‘ƒπ‘ βˆ— + πœ“ (π‘ƒπ‘›βˆ— βˆ’ π‘ƒπ‘ βˆ—)) (B.24)

Ξ π‘€βˆ— = (π‘€βˆ— βˆ’ 𝑐)π·π‘›βˆ— (B.25)

Ξ π‘…βˆ— = π‘šβˆ—π·π‘›βˆ— + (π‘ƒπ‘ βˆ— βˆ’ 𝑐)π·π‘ βˆ— βˆ’ 12π‘˜ (π‘†βˆ—)2 . (B.26)

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are in-cluded within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ Contributions

All authors made substantial contributions to this paper.Yongrui Duan developed the original idea and providedguidance. Zhixin Mao designed the game and calculatedthe process. Jiazhen Huo provided additional guidance andadvice. All authors have read and approved the final manu-script.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (71371139,71771179, 71532015, 71528007) and β€œShuGuang” project sup-ported by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commis-sion and the Shanghai Education Development Foundation(13SG24).


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