Introducing the new identity · PPT file · Web view2015-04-24 · Anatomy and physiology of the...

HSC 2024: Undertake agreed pressure area care. Sheena Helyer Picture from Tissue Viability Society

Transcript of Introducing the new identity · PPT file · Web view2015-04-24 · Anatomy and physiology of the...

Introducing the new identity

HSC 2024: Undertake agreed pressure area care.

Sheena Helyer

Picture from Tissue Viability Society

Learning outcomes

The learner will:

Understand the anatomy and physiology of the skin.

Understand good practice when undertaking pressure area care.

Follow the agreed care plan.

Understand the use of materials, equipment and resources available when undertaking pressure area care.

Prepare to undertake pressure area care.

Undertake pressure area care.

Anatomy and physiology of the skin

Ask the students to examine their own skin and compare with people of different ages.


Skin Structures

Ask the students to think of all the structures which would be damaged if there is a wound in the skin.


Functions of the Skin



Heat regulation



Ask the group to think of the functions before they are revealed


Ageing skin

Becomes thinner

Less fat exposes bony prominences more.

More wrinkled

Dermal/epidermal junction is weaker

Less sweat glands

Less able to manufacture Vitamin D

Not as able to resist infection.

Decreased pain perception

Circulation decreased.

Sun damage

Healing takes longer

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Group to brain storm all the changes they can think of which happen to skin as it ages


What can you do to keep your skin healthy?

Drinking plenty of water

Regular skin cleansing


Plenty of vitamins and minerals in the diet

Getting enough sleep

No smoking

Limit exposure to the sun

Regular exercise

Ask the learners to describe what they do to keep their skin healthy including any products which they use on their skin


Maintaining healthy skin

For tissues to be viable i.e. stay alive, they have a basic requirement for oxygen and nutrients to help growth and repair and for waste products to be removed.

The oxygen and nutrients are transported around the body in the blood by arteries and then through tiny capillaries.

When there is disruption to the blood supply through the capillaries this area of tissue will die and this will result in a pressure sore.

Nursing and residential care, November 2007,Vol 9,No 11 p. 516

Definition of a pressure ulcer

Localised injury to the skin and/or the underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure combined with shear and/or friction. A number of contributing factors are also associated with pressure ulcers.

Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. 2007.

Stages of pressure ulcers Stirling Scale.

Picture from spinal-injury,net

Ask the group if they know of anyone currently with pressure sores and ask them to describe and grade these sores


Stages of pressure sores

Stage 1. Discolouration of intact skin, light finger pressure applied to the site will not alter the discolouration.

Stage 2. Partial thickness skin loss or damage involving the epidermis and/ or dermis.

Stage 3. Full thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue, but not extending to underlying bone, tendon or joint.

Stage 4. Full thickness skin loss with extensive destruction and tissue necrosis extending to underlying bone, tendon or joint.

Sites of Pressure .

Talk about personal experiences of caring for people with sores and if possible show pictures of some deep pressure sores to drive the message home of how serious they can be and how important prevention is


Risk factors

What are they?

Group discussion.write down suggestions on the flip chart


Risk factors



FrictionChronic disease

ShearingReduced mobility



Sensory impairment

Skin temperature

Mechanisms which cause pressure sores to develop

Pressure is when the body tissue is compressed or squashed so much that the blood cannot reach the skin.

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Demonstrate what happens with pressure, shear and friction. Explain how this can happen to people sitting in beds and chairs and how important good manual handling practice is in preventing sore development


Mechanisms which cause pressure sores to develop

Friction is when two rough or moist surfaces rub together and cause superficial skin damage.

Mechanisms which cause pressure sores to develop

Shear is when the skin is being pulled in two directions which can lead to damage below the surface of the skin.

Picture from shame-pressure-ulcer.jpg

Pressure area care involves:-

Regular changes of position

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Good teamwork is essential to provide consistent pressure relief around the clock. Many organisations have their own turning charts which must be completed and signed. Managers should investigate any gaps which are not accounted for.


Pressure area care involves:-

Careful positioning

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Pressure area care involves:-

Care during moving and assistance procedures to avoid friction

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Pressure area care involves:-

Provision of suitable equipment

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The purpose of pressure relieving surfaces is to redistribute weight

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Go through the Waterlow assessment tool and make sure that the group understands all the terminology


Strategies to avoid development of pressure sores

Assess for risk factors

Write a care plan for all to follow

Record and document care given

Provide necessary equipment

Ensure that Manual Handling is of a high standard to prevent friction and shearing forces

Check skin frequently and moisturise if necessary

Change incontinence pads on time

Turn and reposition

Improve nutrition

Ask the group what they already do to prevent service users from developing sores.


Consequences of pressure sores

For the individual


Reduced mobility

Reduced quality of life

Possible wound infection


For the organisation

Increased care cost

SOVA investigation

Legal case

Poor reputation

Loss of customers

Financial loss

Split the group into 2 and ask them to come up with as many possible consequences as they can


This is what we need to avoid!

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Describe in detail what is happening in these pictures ie. granulation, epithelialisation, macerated skin edge in top right, the importance of moisture and heat in wound healing The importance of infection control measures and protection of the wound. Explain what the carers role is regarding wound care. Some care staff may be undertaking simple wound dressings so need to be very alert for signs of complications


Complications of pressure sores



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Discuss with the learners the importance of infection control so that wounds do not become contaminated. Ask them to list on the flip chart the signs that a wound is becoming seriously infected :- redness of surrounding tissues, heat, offensive coloured exudate, pus in the wound. The nurse/district nurse in charge will need to be informed immediately. Explain to the learners that where there is dead tissue the wound may appear to get larger before it heals as the wound needs to get rid of the dead tissue before it is able to heal.

The trainer may wish to show the learners pictures of other deep pressure sores to reinforce how the important it is to take every possible measure to prevent them form happening.


Case Study: Mr Smith

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Exercise to complete in pairs to consolidate learning. Feed back and discussion to follow.


Case study: Mr Smith

Mr Smith is an 85 year old who lives in a sheltered flat. He has cardiac failure. As a consequence his legs have become very swollen and the skin on his legs is very fragile, occasionally he suffers skin tears that weep. He sits in a chair most of the day and is only able to walk a few steps with 2 carers. He is underweight. His body mass index is 19. His appetite is very poor and he has lost weight in the past 3 months. He is occasionally incontinent of urine . The highlight of the week is when he goes to his daughters house on Sundays and has lunch with the family.

Work out Mr Smiths risk factor score using the Waterlow risk assessment tool

Describe what you would do to reduce his risk of getting pressure sores

Learners should be asked to work in pairs for 10 mins. They will need a copy of the waterlow scale and a copy of the case study. His score is aprox 22 i.e. high risk of pressure sores. Encourage learners to think about the care he needs while with his daughter and their role in explaining his care needs.


Review the learning outcomes

The learner will:-

Understand the anatomy and physiology of the skin.

Understand good practice when undertaking pressure area care.

Follow the agreed care plan.

Understand the use of materials, equipment and resources available when undertaking pressure area care.

Prepare to undertake pressure area care.

Undertake pressure area care.

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