Intro. to OS

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Transcript of Intro. to OS

Introduction to Linux Operating System

Intro. to Linux OSCSE882- Computing for CSELecture 1Sep 09, 20152A Simple Definition of OSA complex layer of software between applications and the computer hardware An operating system (OS) is a computer program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer (wikipedia)Applications like Internet ExplorerOperating SystemComputer Hardware2Structure of the UNIX SystemThere are many standard applications: file system commands text editors compilers text processing

34Linus and LinuxLinus Trovalds is the guy who wrote Linux when he was a student in Finland:Evolved out of MinixHe is the ultimate authority of Linux OS:Current estimates suggest that he has 2% contribution to Linux

45Some Linux DistributionsRed Hat Fedora LinuxDebianGentooSuSE SlackwareUbuntuKnoppixMany more

5Fundamental differences (Windows vs. Linux)Full access vs. no accessLicensing freedom vs. licensing restrictionsOnline peer support vs. paid help-desk supportFull vs. partial hardware supportCommand line vs. no command lineCentralized vs. no centralized application installation

6 SSH Client





OutlineReview of UNIX Concepts and CommandsIntroduction to UNIXMajor components of UNIX The file system (directory hierarchy, fstypes)Listing directories (ls pwd command)Creating files (touching files, vi editor)Displaying files (cat, more, less, head, tail, file, which)Moving around directories (cd, mkdir)Piping ( | ) and redirection ( >, >, , , , >,