Interview C++11 code

/** * @mainpage * @anchor mainpage * @brief * @details * @copyright Russell John Childs, PhD, 2016 * @author Russell John Childs, PhD * @date 2016-05-07 * * This file contains classes: ExtendedRegExp, Parser * * Problem statement: * You are given a dictionary (dictionary.txt), containing a list of words, one * per line. Imagine you have seven tiles. Each tile is either blank or contains * a single lowercase letter (a-z). * * Please list all the words from the dictionary that can be produced by using * some or all of the seven tiles, in any order. A blank tile is a wildcard, * and can be used in place of any letter. * * Try to use a minimal amount of memory. * * 1. Find all of the words that can be formed if you don't have to deal with * blank tiles. (You may skip this step and go straight to step 2). * * 2. Find all of the words that can be formed, including those where blank * tiles are used as wildcards. * * 3. Would you do things differently if you had to process several hundred * tile sets with the same dictionary? * * Expectations: * * a) Please write down the reasoning or the explanation behind your solution in * plain English or pseudo-code. * * b) Please provide the source code of your implementation. Only 1 and 2 need * source code. * * c) Please include instructions on how to compile and run your code. * * d) Bonus points for source code in C/C++/C#. * * * Solution: Use a bucket sort array, * e.g. "bbbaa " -> bsa[0]=2, bsa[1]=3, bsa[size]=4; * Iterate through chars in string to be matched: * * (1) If chr != wildcard, decrement bsa[chr] iff bsa[chr] > 0 * * (2) if chr == wildcard or bsa[chr]<0, decrement bsa[size] * * (3) if bsa[size] < 0, there is no match. * * Specifications: * * (1) C shall denote a range of contiguous ASCII characters *and shall defalut to ['a','z']. *[This is the specification relating to "tiles"] * * (2) W shall denote a "wildcard" character, W. * [This is the specification relating to "blank tiles"] * * (3) The user shall use the single-space ' ' for W. * [This is the specification relating to "blank tiles"] * (4) The system shall maintain an internal value for * W of char(127) so that it is greater than the non-wildcard characters. * * (5) R shall denote the regular expression [CW]{n}, where n shall be

Transcript of Interview C++11 code

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/** * @mainpage * @anchor mainpage * @brief * @details * @copyright Russell John Childs, PhD, 2016 * @author Russell John Childs, PhD * @date 2016-05-07 * * This file contains classes: ExtendedRegExp, Parser * * Problem statement: * You are given a dictionary (dictionary.txt), containing a list of words, one * per line. Imagine you have seven tiles. Each tile is either blank or contains * a single lowercase letter (a-z). * * Please list all the words from the dictionary that can be produced by using * some or all of the seven tiles, in any order. A blank tile is a wildcard, * and can be used in place of any letter. * * Try to use a minimal amount of memory. * * 1. Find all of the words that can be formed if you don't have to deal with * blank tiles. (You may skip this step and go straight to step 2). * * 2. Find all of the words that can be formed, including those where blank * tiles are used as wildcards. * * 3. Would you do things differently if you had to process several hundred * tile sets with the same dictionary? * * Expectations: * * a) Please write down the reasoning or the explanation behind your solution in * plain English or pseudo-code. * * b) Please provide the source code of your implementation. Only 1 and 2 need * source code. * * c) Please include instructions on how to compile and run your code. * * d) Bonus points for source code in C/C++/C#. * * * Solution: Use a bucket sort array, * e.g. "bbbaa " -> bsa[0]=2, bsa[1]=3, bsa[size]=4; * Iterate through chars in string to be matched: * * (1) If chr != wildcard, decrement bsa[chr] iff bsa[chr] > 0 * * (2) if chr == wildcard or bsa[chr]<0, decrement bsa[size] * * (3) if bsa[size] < 0, there is no match. * * Specifications: * * (1) C shall denote a range of contiguous ASCII characters *and shall defalut to ['a','z']. *[This is the specification relating to "tiles"] * * (2) W shall denote a "wildcard" character, W. * [This is the specification relating to "blank tiles"] * * (3) The user shall use the single-space ' ' for W. * [This is the specification relating to "blank tiles"] * (4) The system shall maintain an internal value for * W of char(127) so that it is greater than the non-wildcard characters. * * (5) R shall denote the regular expression [CW]{n}, where n shall be

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* specified by the user and default to 7 * [This is the specification relating to "7 tiles"] * * (6) S shall denote the set of all permutations of R, * i.e. the set of all regular expressions that may be formed by * permuting the characters in R. * (7) D shall be a set of strings delimited by the newline character. * [This is the specification relating to "dictionary"] * * (8) No string in D shall contain the wildcard character ' ', * i.e. no string shall contain a single space. * * (9) The system shall list all strings from D for which a match against * any element in the set S, or a substr of the element, * exists, in the order in which they appear in D. * [This is the specification relating to requirements (1) and (2). (1) & (2) * may be reduced to 1 requirement by deleting " " in regex, * eg: "abc" <--> "a b c"] * * (10) The list specified in (8) shall be returned one string at a time and * shall not be stored as an internal list of matching strings. * [This is the specification relating to "minimal memory"] * * (11) Matching on a string in D shall be O(n) in complexity. * [This is the specification relating to requirement (3)] * * * (12) [Next release]. The sytem shall be multithreaded and shall divide * dictionary.tmp into thread data and shall implement a multithreaded * bucket-sort [This is the specification relating to requirement (3)]. * * Compiled and tested under Linux Mint, using g++ 4.8. * * g++ options: -O0 -g3 -Wall -O0 -fopenmp -mavx -m64 -g -Wall -c * -fmessage-length=0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer --fast-math * -std=c++11 -I/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/include/ * * Linker options: -Wl,--no-as-needed -fopenmp * -L/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/lib64/ * * Cmd line options: -lpthread -latomic -littnotify -ldl * * Documentation: Doxygen comments for interfaces, normal for impl. * * Usage: Place this cpp and unit_test.hpp in the same directory and compile. * After compiling, run and specify choices at the prompts: * * "Please specify the pattern to be matched" * * "Please specify the fully-qualified dictionary filename" * * "Please specify the fully-qualified filename for the results" * * The binary will send: * \n * (1) test results to stdout * * (2) results to results file * * (3) Temporary dictionary file to "./tmp_dictionary" * * Inputs and outputs: * * Input: dictionary file * * Input/output: tmp_dictionary file * * Output: results file

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* * The file unit_test.hpp is required for the tests and must be requested from * author. * * @file dimensional_mechanics.cpp * @see * @ref mainpage */ #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <regex> #include <algorithm> #include<set> #include<random> #include "unit_test.hpp" //Unit test framework is written for Linux. This #define ports it to //Visual Studio 2013 //#define __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __FUNCSIG__ /** * \addtogroup RegexpProblem * @{ */ namespace RegexpProblem { /** * This class implements an O(n) algorithm that determines whether a match can * be found between any permutation of the characters in a regular expression *(including wildcard characters). * * The algorithm uses bucket sort array that counts the number of occurrences of * each char in the regex, with the number of wildcards recorded at the end * of the array. * * Example: "" - bsa[0]=1, bsa[1]=2, bsa[sizeof(bsa)]=3 * * Having built the array, the string to be matched is examined. * Each char found in the string is used to decrement the corresponding * entry in the array. Example "a" -> bsa[1]=2 ---> bsa[1]=1 * * When a particular entry is 0, then the entry for the wildcard is decremented * instead to signify it is being used in place of the character. * * Finally, if the entry for the wildcard goes negative, it must mean there is * no match. * * This class is intended to be a replaceable helper class that supplements * the std::regex lib. * */ class ExtendedRegExp { public: /** * @param regexp {const std::string&} - A regex, e.g. ".a.b.c" * @param wildcard {char} - Thr char used as a wildcard, e.g. ' ', '.', '?' * @param bucket_sort_size {unsigned} - The size for the bucket sort array */ ExtendedRegExp(const std::string& regexp, char wildcard=' ', unsigned bucket_sort_size=28) try : m_regexp(regexp), m_buckets(bucket_sort_size, 0), m_wildcard(127), m_begin(127) { //Initialise bucket sort

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std::replace(m_regexp.begin(), m_regexp.end(), ' ', char(127)); m_begin = *std::min_element(m_regexp.begin(), m_regexp.end()); for (auto chr : m_regexp) { ++m_buckets[chr != m_wildcard ? index(chr) : bucket_sort_size - 1]; } } catch (std::exception& except) { //Print any excpetion thrown std::cout << "Exception initialising bucket sort in constructor: " << except.what() << std::endl; } /** * Dtor */ ~ExtendedRegExp(void) { } /** * This returns the index of a char relative to the smallest char in the * regex * * Example: If the smallest char in the regex is 'a' then the index * of 'c' will be 3 * * @param chr {char} - the char whose relative "ascii" index is to be found * * @return {unsigned} - The relative index */ unsigned index(char chr) { return unsigned((unsigned char)chr) - unsigned((unsigned char)m_begin); }; /** * This matches a string against all permutations of the regex used to * initialise the class object. It uses the bucket sort array described * in the documentation for this class. Blank strings are a match and * strings matched against a substr of regex are also a match. * * @param word {const std::string&} - the char whose relative "ascii" index * is to be found * * @return {unsigned} - The relative index */ bool operator==(const std::string& word) { bool ret_val = false; auto buckets = m_buckets; auto size = buckets.size(); //Only consider words short enough to be spanned by regecp auto len = word.length(); if ((0 < len) && (len <= m_regexp.length())) { //Loop over chars in word for (auto chr : word) { //Decrement corresponding non-wildcard count in regexcp if ((index(chr) < (size-1)) && (buckets[index(chr)]>0)) { //Decrement char count ret_val = ((--buckets[index(chr)]) >= 0); } else //use wildcard if 0 non-wildcards left or not non-wildcard {

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//Decrement wildcard count ret_val = ((--buckets[size-1]) >= 0); } //Only continue if we have not encountered a non-match if (ret_val == false) { break; } } } return ((len > 0) ? ret_val : true); } /** * This returns the length of the regex used to initialise this class object. * * @return {unsigned} - The length of the rexgex. */ unsigned size(void) { return m_regexp.size(); } private: std::string m_regexp; std::vector<int> m_buckets; char m_wildcard; char m_begin; }; /** * This class iterates over the lines in a dictionary file seeking those that * match the regegular epxression provided. * * @tparam RegExp - The regular expression matching engine to be used. * The default is ExtendedRegExp. Any user-defined class must provide the * same public interface as ExtendedRegExp. * */ template<typename RegExp = ExtendedRegExp > class Parser { public: /** * This defines the "no-match" string pattern. * * @return {const std::string&} - The "no-match" pattern. */ static const std::string& no_match(void) { static const std::string no_match("!£$%^&&^%$££$%^&"); return no_match; } /** * @param dictionary {const std::string&} - The dictionary file to be parsed * @param regexp {const RegExp&} - The regular expression to be used for * matching */ Parser(const std::string& dictionary, const RegExp& regexp) : m_dictionary(dictionary), m_regexp(regexp) { } /** * Dtor

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*/ ~Parser(void) { } /** * This resets the dictionary file and regular expression. * * @param dictionary {const std::string&} - The dictionary file to be parsed * @param regexp {const RegExp&} - The regular expression to be used for * matching */ void reset(const std::string& dictionary, const RegExp& regexp) { m_dictionary.close(); m_dictionary = std::ifstream(dictionary); m_regexp = regexp; } /** * This returns the next line in the dictionary file that is successfully * matched against the regular expression used to initiliase this class * object. * * @return {std::string} - The next line matched */ std::string get_next_match(void) { //Buffer for dictionary string and return value std::string ret_val = no_match(); bool ret = false; //Get length of regexp unsigned length = m_regexp.size(); //Verify file is good if (m_dictionary && (m_dictionary.eof() == false)) { //Loop over strings in file until next match is found std::getline(m_dictionary, ret_val); ret = (m_regexp == ret_val); while ((ret == false) && (m_dictionary.eof() == false)) { std::getline(m_dictionary, ret_val); ret = (m_regexp == ret_val); } } //Return the match return ret ? ret_val : no_match(); } private: std::ifstream m_dictionary; RegExp m_regexp; }; } /** * @} */ /** * \addtogroup Tests * @{ */ namespace Tests { /**

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* Wrapper class for std::vector converting {a, b, c, ...} to "a b c ..." */ struct PrintVector { PrintVector(const std::vector<std::string>& vec) : m_vec(vec) { } std::string str() { std::stringstream ss; for (auto elem : m_vec) { ss << elem << " "; } return ss.str(); } std::vector<std::string> m_vec; }; /** * * ========= * * Test plan * * ========= * * 1. Extract n random lines from dictionary.txt, store in tmp_dictionary.txt. * n=500. * * 2. Randomly select k=0<= k < tmp_dictionary.size for several values of k * * 3. For each k, extract kth line from tmp_dictionary.txt and use as * pattern to ne matched (regex) * * 4. For each k, replace 0, 1, 2, ... all chars in regex with " ", * to test wildcard substitution to give regex'. * * 5. For each regex' extract all matching lines in tmp_dictionary and * store in "results" vector. * * 6. For each regex' iterate over all permutations of the characters. * * 7 For each permutation of regex' extract all matching lines from * tmp_dictionary.txt using std::regex_match and store in "control" vector. * * 8. Validate that results ==control. * * NB: It is unnecessary to consider all permutations of locations to * place the wildcards, (e.g. "..aa", ".a.a"), since the test already considers * all permutations of regex and thus covers this equivalence partition. * * @param dictionary_file {const std::string&} - Fully-qualified filename * for dictionary * */ void tests(const std::string& dictionary_file) { typedef std::vector<std::string> sv; //Namespaces for unit test framework and parser. using namespace UnitTest; using namespace RegexpProblem; //Vectors for results of parser algorithm // "control" generated by exhaustive search sv results; sv control;

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//The regexp to be matched and the matching lines from dictionary std::string regexp; std::string match; //Lambda to access file as file(line_number) std::string buffer; unsigned counter = 0; auto get_line = [&](std::fstream& stream, unsigned index) { while (counter != index) { std::getline(stream, buffer); ++counter; } return buffer; }; //Create small dictionary with random entries from original to speed tests. //Create set of random numbers to extract random lines from dictionary file const unsigned tmp_dictionary_size = 500; std::fstream dictionary(dictionary_file); std::fstream tmp_dictionary("tmp_dictionary.txt"); auto size = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(dictionary), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n'); dictionary.seekg(0); std::set<unsigned> random_lines; //std::random_device dev; std::mt19937 generator(0); std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr(1, size); for (int i = 1; i <= tmp_dictionary_size; ++i) { random_lines.insert(distr(generator)); } //Create temporary dictionary file using the random numbers for (auto random_line : random_lines) { get_line(dictionary, random_line); if (counter == random_line) { tmp_dictionary << buffer << std::endl; } } //Lmabda to perform exhaustive matching over all permuations of regex //to verify algorithm auto exhaustive_match = [&](std::string regexp) { std::cout << std::endl << "Verification requires exhaustive search, please wait"; //Loop over dictionary words while file is good while (tmp_dictionary && (tmp_dictionary.eof() == false)) { std::cout << "."; std::string buffer; std::getline(tmp_dictionary, buffer); std::string padded = (buffer.length() >= regexp.length() ? buffer : buffer + regexp.substr(buffer.length(), regexp.length())); std::string truncated = regexp.substr(0, buffer.length()); bool is_found = std::regex_match(buffer, std::regex(truncated)); //Sort regexp and remove duplicate chars for std::next_permuation // (it took me two hours to track down this this silly bug). unsigned count = 126; std::string tmp = regexp; for (auto& chr : tmp) { if (chr == '.')

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{ chr = count; --count; } } std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); //Loop over permutations of regex until match found or exhausted while ((buffer.length() <= regexp.length()) && (is_found == false) && std::next_permutation(tmp.begin(), tmp.end())) { //Undo the elimination of duplicates for std::next_permutation //and put them back in std::string tmp_1 = tmp; std::replace_if(tmp_1.begin(), tmp_1.end(), [&](char chr) {return (chr > count); }, '.'); std::string truncated = tmp_1.substr(0, buffer.length()); is_found = std::regex_match(buffer, std::regex(truncated)); } //Add matches to list of "control" values used for verification if (is_found) { control.push_back(buffer); } } std::cout << std::endl; }; //Create instances of parser with regexp = tmp_dictionary[random] unsigned trials = 1; for (unsigned trial = 1; trial <= trials; ++trial) { //Reset dictionary tmp_dictionary.seekg(0); counter = 0; //Get radnwom line from dictionary to act as regexp std::uniform_int_distribution<> rand_distr(1, tmp_dictionary_size); unsigned random = rand_distr(generator); regexp = get_line(tmp_dictionary, random); //Loop over num of wildcards to use (0 to all chars). //NB All-wildcards should match all strings of length=regexp.length auto num_wildcards = regexp.size(); for (unsigned num = 0; num <= num_wildcards; ++num) { results.clear(); control.clear(); //Replace relevant char with wildcard if (num > 0) { regexp.replace(num - 1, 1, " "); } //Reset dictionary //tmp_dictionary.seekg(0); tmp_dictionary.close(); counter = 0; //Create parser and loop over matches found Parser<> parser("tmp_dictionary.txt", ExtendedRegExp(regexp, ' ')); while ((match = parser.get_next_match()) != Parser<>::no_match()) { results.push_back(match); } //Perform exhaustive match search for verification tmp_dictionary.close();"tmp_dictionary.txt"); counter = 0; //for regex - replace ' ' with '.' as wildcard

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auto tmp_regexp = regexp; //std::cout << "regex before= " << regexp << std::endl; std::replace(tmp_regexp.begin(), tmp_regexp.end(), ' ', '.'); //std::cout << "regex after= " << regexp << std::endl; exhaustive_match(tmp_regexp); //Verify algorithm against exhaustive match search VERIFY(std::string("Regexp = ") + "\"" + tmp_regexp + "\"", PrintVector(results).str()) == PrintVector(control).str(); } } } } /** * @} */ int main(void) { using namespace Tests; using namespace UnitTest; using namespace RegexpProblem; /* //This struct pauses at the end of tests to print out results struct BreakPointAfterMainExits { BreakPointAfterMainExits(void) { static BreakPointAfterMainExits tmp; } ~BreakPointAfterMainExits(void) { unsigned set_bp_here_for_test_results = 0; } } dummy; */ std::string pattern; std::cout << "Please specify the pattern to be matched" << std::endl; std::getline(std::cin, pattern, '\n'); std::cout << pattern << std::endl; std::string dictionary; std::cout << "Please specify the fully-qualified dictionary filename" << std::endl; std::cin >> dictionary; std::cout << dictionary << std::endl; std::string results_file; std::cout << "Please specify the fully-qualified filename for the results" << std::endl; std::cin >> results_file; std::cout << results_file << std::endl; //Run tests char yes_no; std::cout << "Do you wish to run the tests (they run slowly on Windows " << "and quickly under Linux)? - (y/n):"; std::cin >> yes_no; if (yes_no == 'y' || yes_no == 'Y') { tests(dictionary); Verify<Results> results; } //Match dictionary.tmp against " carnage", send results to results.txt std::cout << "matching strings in dictionary.txt against \" "

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<< pattern << " \" " << " Results will be sent to " << results_file << ". Please wait ..." << std::endl; Parser<> parser(dictionary, ExtendedRegExp(pattern, ' ')); std::string match; std::ofstream output(results_file); while ((match = parser.get_next_match()) != Parser<>::no_match()) { output << match << std::endl; } return 0; }