C# interview

Interview Questions C# .NET & ASP .NET


Basic Interview Related Question and Answers!!

Transcript of C# interview

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Interview QuestionsC# .NET & ASP .NET

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Polymorphism Polymorphism means one interface and many forms.

Polymorphism is a characteristics of being able to assign

a different meaning or usage to something in different

contexts specifically to allow an entity such as a variable,

a function or an object to have more than one form.

There are two types of polymorphism Compile Time – function or operator overloading

Runtime – inheritance or virtual functions. EXAMPLE -


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Abstract method

It doesn’t provide the implementation

and forces the derived class to override

the method.

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Virtual Method

It has implementation and provide the

derived class with the option to override


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Object Object is anything that is identifiable as single

material item.

Object is an instance of a class, it contains real

values instead of variables. For example, lets

create an instance of class Emp called “Siva”. Emp Siva = New Emp();

Now we can access all methods in the class “Emp” via object “Siva” as shown below.


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Class It is the generic definition of what an object is a template.

They keyword class in c# indicates that we are going to

define a new class (type of object)

class is the generic definition of what an object is.

A Class describes all the attributes of object, as well as the

methods that implements the behavior of member object.

That means, class is a template of an object. Easy way to

understand a class is to look at an example .

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Static method

It is possible to declare a method as

static provided that they don’t attempt

to access any instance data or other

instance methods.

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It provides a convenient way to reuse

existing fully tested code in different

context thereby saving lot of coding.

Inheritance of classes in C# is always

implementation Inheritance.

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Virtual Keyword

This keyword indicates

that a member can be

overridden in a child

class. It can be applied to

methods, properties,

indexes and events.

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Abstract class Abstract class is a class that can not be instantiated, it exists

extensively for inheritance and it must be inherited. There are

scenarios in which it is useful to define classes that is not intended to

instantiate; because such classes normally are used as base-classes

in inheritance hierarchies, we call such classes abstract classes.

Abstract classes cannot be used to instantiate objects; because

abstract classes are incomplete, it may contain only definition of the

properties or methods and derived classes that inherit this

implements it's properties or methods.

Static, Value Types & interface doesn't support abstract modifiers.

Static members cannot be abstract. Classes with abstract member

must also be abstract.

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Sealed Modifiers Sealed types cannot be inherited and are

concrete. Sealed modifiers can also be applied to

instance methods, properties, events and

indexes. It can’t be applied to static members

Sealed members are allowed in sealed and non

sealed classes.

If a class is defined as Sealed it cannot be

inherited in derived class. See the above


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Interface An interface is a contract & defines the

requisite behavior of generalization of types.

An interface mandates a set of behavior, but

not the implementation. Interface must be

inherited. We can't create an instance of an


An interface is an array of related function

that must be implemented in derived type.

Members of an interface are implicitly public

& abstract.

An interface can inherit from another


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Pure Virtual Function

It is a function that must be overridden in

derived class and need not be defined. A

virtual function is declared to be “pure”

using the curious “=0”. Syntax:Class Base {Public:void f1() // not virtualVirtual void f2(); // virtual but not pureVirtual void f3() = 0; // pure virtual function};

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Access Modifiers in C#?

There are five access modifier





Protected internal

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Public Access Modifier When a method or attribute is defined as

Public, it can be accessed from any code in


The public is a keyword and type members

ie. We can declare a class or its members

(methods) as public. There are no restrictions

on accessing public members.

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Private Access Modifier When a method or attribute is defines as private, it can be

accessed by any code within the containing type only.

We can’t explicitly declare a class as private, however if do

not specify any access modifier to the class, its scope will

be assumed as private. Private access is the least

permissive access level of all access modifiers

Private members are accessible only with in the body of

the class or the struct in which they are declared. This is

the default access modifier for the class declaration.

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Protected Access Modifier When an attribute and methods are defined

as protected, it can be accessed by any

method in inherited classes & any method

within the same class. The protected access

modifier can’t be applied to class and

interfaces. Methods and fields in a interface

can’t be declared protected.

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Internal Access Modifier

If an attribute or method is defined as

Internal , Access is restricted to classes

within the current project assembly.

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Protected Internal Access Modifier

If an attribute or method is defined as

Protected Internal , Access is restricted

to classes within the current project

assembly and types derived from the

containing class.

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References types in C# Here emp2 has an object instance of

Employee Class . But emp1 object is set as

emp2. What this means is that object emp2

is refereed in emp1 and not that emp2 is

copied into emp1. When a change is made in

emp2 object, corresponding changes can be

seen in emp1 object.

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Overloading in C#?

When methods are created with same

name , but with different signature its

called overloading.

We have types of overloading in C#:


Function or method


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Constructor Overloading

In Constructor overloading, n number of

constructors can be created for same

class. But the signatures of each

constructor should vary.

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Function/Method Overloading Method overloading allows us to write different version of the

same method in a class or derived class. Compiler

automatically select the most appropriate method based on

the parameter supplied. Method overloading occurs when a

class contains two methods with the same name, but

different signatures.

In Function overloading, n number of functions can be

created for same class. But the signatures of each function

should vary Note - You can't have a overload method with same number parameters but different return

type. In order to create overload method, the return type must be the same and parameter

type must be different or different in numbers.

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Operator Overloading We had seen function overloading in the previous eg: For operator

Overloading , we will have look at the example below. We define a

class rectangle with two operator overloading methods.

Let us call the operator overloaded functions from the method

below. When first if condition is triggered, first overloaded

function in the rectangle class will be triggered. When second if

condition is triggered, second overloaded function in the

rectangle class will be triggered.

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Method Overriding Method overriding is a feature that allows to

invoke methods that have the same

signatures and that belong to different

classes in the same hierarchy of inheritance

using the base class reference. In C# it is

done using keywords, virtual and


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Encapsulation Data encapsulation is defined as the

process of data hiding the important fields

from the end user.

Data Hiding is nothing but restricting

outside access of a class members using

access modifiers such as private , protected

and internal etc.,

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What is an Array? An array is a collection of related instance

either value or reference types. Array posses

an immutable structure in which the number

of dimensions and size of the array are fixed

at instantiation. C# supports, Single Dimension – it is sometimes called vector array consists of single row.

Multi Dimension Array – are rectangular and consists of rows and columns.

Jagged array – also consists of rows and columns but irregular shaped like row1 has 3

column and row 2 has 5 column.

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Array List ArrayList is a dynamic

array. Elements can be

added and removed

from an array list at

the runtime. In this

elements are not

automatically sorted.

The bit array collection

is a composite of bit

values. It stores 1 or 0

where 1 is true and 0 is

false. This collection

provides an efficient

means of storing and

retrieving bit values.

Bit Array

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Hash Table

A hashTable is a collection of key value

pairs. Entries in this are instance of

DictionaryEntry type. It implements

Idictionary, Iserilizable, Ideserializable

callback interface.

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Queue This is a collection

that abstracts FIFO

(First In First Out) data

structure. The initial

capacity is 32

elements. It is ideal

for messaging


This is a collection

that abstracts LIFO

(Last In First Out)

data structure in

which initial

capacity is 32.


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Early Binding and late binding

Calling a non virtual method, decided at

a compile time is known as early


Calling a virtual method (pure

polymorphism), decided at a runtime is

known as late binding.

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This is a collection and it is a

combination of key/value entries and an

ArrayList collection. Where the

collection is sorted by key.

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Delegates A delegate in C# allows you to pass method of

one class to objects of other class that can call

these methods.

It is a type safe function pointer. It is a type

that holds reference of a method. A delegate

may be used to call a method asynchronously.

public delegate void OperationDelegate();

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A delegate is called single cast

delegate if it invokes a single

method. In other words we can

say that singlecast delegates

refer to a single method with

matching signature. Single cast

delegate derive from the

System.Delegate class.


It is a delegate that holds

reference of more than

one method. Multicast

Delegates must have a

return type of void, else

there is a runtime


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SingleCast Delegate In the code snippet I have declared a single

delegate which takes two integer type as

arguments and returns an integer as return type.delegate int mySingleCastDelegate(int iFirstargument, int iSecondArgument); 

At runtime I have created a delegate variable as

singleCastMaxNumberDelegate of type

mySingleCastDelegate. Using the delegate

variable, I can point to any method that has the

matching signature.

In the example the method myMaxFunction has

the matching signature with the delegate

variable. So using the new keyword I have

referenced the delegate variable to the

myMaxFunctionf:mySingleCastDelegate singleCastMaxNumberDelegate = new


Now I can call the function myMaxFunction by passing required parameters through the delegate.

int iMaxNumberResult = singleCastMaxNumberDelegate(10, 20);

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MultiCast Delegate There are two functions declared, myAddtionfunction and

myMaxFunction. Both of theses functions take two integer

type as parameters and return void. I have created three

delegate variables of type MultiCast Delegate, out of which

myDelegate assigned with null value where as the other

two delegates referenced to each of two functions.

I have used the Combine method of system.delegate to

combine the two delegate variables.

System.Delegate provides another method, remove, which

can be used to remove the specific delegate from the list.

Here the remove function is being used to remove the

myMultiCastDelegateMaxNumber function from

myDelegate list

When we run the above code snipet, then we get the

following result:

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Asynchronous call and how it can be implemented in delegates?

The Asynchronous calls wait for a

method before the program flow is

resumed to complete its task. In an

asynchronous call, the program flow

continues while the method is executes.

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Reflection It is the ability to find the information about types

contained in an assembly at runtime.

All .NET compilers produce metadata about the

types defined in the modules they produce. This

metadata is packaged along with the module

(modules in turn are packaged together in

assemblies), and can be accessed by a mechanism

called reflection.

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Garbage Collection Garbage collection is a mechanism that allows the

computer to detect when an object can no longer be

accessed. It then automatically releases the

memory used by that object (as well as calling a

clean-up routine, called a "finalizer," which is

written by the user). Some garbage collectors, like

the one used by .NET, compact memory and

therefore decrease your program's working set.

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Assembly An assembly may be an exe, a dll, an application having

an entry point, or a library. It may consist of one or more

files. An assembly maybe shared(public) or private. The

assembly, overall comprises of 3 entities: IL, Manifest,

Metadata. Metadata describes IL, whereas Manifest

describes the assembly. An assembly may be created

by building the class(the .vb or .cs file), thereby

producing its DLL.

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How to Produce Assembly? The simplest way to produce an assembly is directly from

a .NET compiler. For example, the following C# program:public class CTest{ public CTest() { System.Console.WriteLine( "Hello from CTest" ); }}can be compiled into a library assembly (dll) like this:csc /t:library ctest.cs You can then view the contents of the assembly by running the

"IL Disassembler" tool that comes with the .NET SDK. Alternatively you can compile your source into modules, and

then combine the modules into an assembly using the assembly linker (al.exe). For the C# compiler, the /target:module switch is used to generate a module instead of an assembly.

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Global Assembly Cache A shared assembly has version

constraints. It is stored in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

GAC is a repository of shared assemblies maintained by the .NET runtime. The shared assemblies may be used by many applications. To make an assembly a shared assembly, it has to be strongly named.

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Satellite assembly

When you write a multilingual or multi-

cultural application in .NET, and want to

distribute the core application

separately from the localized modules,

the localized assemblies that modify the

core application are called satellite


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Using Statement in C# Using statement is used to work with an object in C#

that inherits Idisposable interface.

Idisposable interface has one public method called

dispose that us used to dispose off the object. When we

use the using statement, we don’t need to explicitly

dispose the object in the code, the using statement

takes care of it.

Using statement makes the code more readable and


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C# Preprocessor Directives

#region , #endregion :- Used to mark

sections of code that can be collapsed.

#define , #undef :-Used to define and

undefine conditional compilation symbols.

#if , #elif , #else , #endif :- These are used

to conditionally skip sections of source code.

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Value Type & Reference Type

Value Type As name suggest Value Type stores

“value” directly.

out keyword is used for passing a

variable for output purpose. It has

same concept as ref keyword, but

passing a ref parameter needs

variable to be initialized while out

parameter is passed without

initialized. It is useful when we want

to return more than one value from

the method.

Reference Type

As name suggest Reference Type

stores “reference” to the value.

Passing variable by value is the

default. However, we can force the

value parameter to be passed by

reference. Note: variable “must” be

initialized before it is passed into a


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Boxing & Unboxing


It means converting value

type to reference type.

Eg: int I = 20;

string s = I.ToSting();


It means converting reference

type to value type. Eg: int I = 20; string s =

I.ToString(); //Box the int int J = Convert.ToInt32(s);

//UnBox it back to an int

Note: Performance Overheads due to boxing and unboxing as

the boxing makes a copy of value type from stack and place it

inside an object of type System.Object in the heap

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String & string in C#


String is an class


String is an reference

type (class)


string is an alias name of

String class that is created by


string is an value type(data


string is a C# keyword.

string is a compiler shortcut for

System.String classNote: As per above points when we use string keyword, it reaches

the System.String class and then process accordingly, So we can

say that both String and string are same

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ILDASM The ILDASM stands for Intermediate Language

Disassembler. This is a de-compiler which helps to get

the source code from the assembly.

This ILDASM converts an assembly to instructions from

which source code can be obtained.

The ILDASM can analyze the .dll or .exe files and

converts into human readable form. This is used to

examine assemblies and understanding the assembly


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Debug.Write & Trace.Write The Debug.Write will work while the application is in both

Debug Mode and Release Mode. This is normally used

while you are going to debug a project. This will not be

work when you will define some debug points to your


But the Trace.write will work while the application is only

in Release Mode. This is used in released version of an

application. This will compiled when you will define debug

points in your project.

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Exception Handler

An exception is an abnormal event or

error condition that exists in the

technical execution of a particular

statement that occurs during the

program execution.

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String Vs String Builder

String – once the string object is

created, its length and content cannot

be modified. It is slower.

StringBuilder – even after object is

created, it can be able to modify length

and content. It is faster.

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Illustrate Server.Transfer & Response.Redirect? Server.Transfer, transfers the control of a web page, posting a

form data, while Response.Redirect simply redirects a page to

another page, it can not post a form data to another page.

Server.Transfer is more efficient over the Response.Redirect,

because Response.Redirect causes a round trip to server as the

page is processed once again on the client & a request is

made to server there after.

But the browser URL is not changed in case of Server.Transfer

i.e., browser history is not modified in using it.

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Illustrate Server.Transfer & Response.Redirect? Server.Transfer, transfers the control of a web page, posting

a form data, while Response.Redirect simply redirects a page

to another page, it can not post a form data to another page.

Server.Transfer is more efficient over the Response.Redirect,

because Response.Redirect causes a round trip to server as

the page is processed once again on the client & a request is

made to server there after.

But the browser URL is not changed in case of server.transfer

i.e., browser history is not modified in using it.