Winter Term 2020/21


Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten

Ludwigstraße 27, G007 80539 München

[email protected] [email protected]



Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................................................2

General Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................3

Catholic Theology .................................................................................................................................................................5

Protestant Theology .............................................................................................................................................................5


Business Administration .......................................................................................................................................................6

Economics .............................................................................................................................................................................9

Medicine .............................................................................................................................................................................12

Veterinary Medicine ...........................................................................................................................................................14

History and the Arts............................................................................................................................................................14

Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies ..................................................................................................15

Psychology and Educational Sciences.................................................................................................................................17

Cultural Sciences.................................................................................................................................................................19

Languages and Literature Studies.......................................................................................................................................20

Social Sciences ....................................................................................................................................................................26

Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics .................................................................................................................28


Chemistry and Pharmacy....................................................................................................................................................33

Biology ................................................................................................................................................................................35

Geosciences ........................................................................................................................................................................41

Language Courses (other than German).............................................................................................................................44

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



About the Course Catalogue

This compilation of courses taught in English is not a structured programme. It simply lists individual courses held in English in the various departments.

This list of courses is only meant to inform you about the language in each course. It is NOT a list of courses generally open to Erasmus/exchange students.

The list should give you an idea about the availability of courses taught in English in the department(s) of your choice in a particular semester. There is no guarantee that the courses listed on the following pages, or similar ones, will be available in the next academic year.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information presented here. If you are interested in a particular course, we recommend that you follow the link to the website of the course for more detailed information.

In order to participate in the courses, you need a sound knowledge of English. English language training is not available at LMU as part of the academic curriculum.

When you put together your study plan, please remember: 1) Individual courses may have particular prerequisites that you must meet, the number of participants

may be limited, registration for the course may follow a special schedule. 2) Courses are offered in the winter or the summer semester, but usually not in both. 3) Course times can overlap. 4) Courses offered at the Master level are not available for students at the Bachelor level.

Types of Courses

Lecture (Vorlesung): Attendance usually not controlled. Active student participation not required. Compulsory lectures are usually followed by a written examination.

Basic Course (Grundkurs/Basiskurs/Einführungsveranstaltung) / Basic Seminar (Proseminar): Introductory course. May be divided into lectures and exercises, which are indicated separately.

Block Course / Compact Course (Blockseminar): Basic Course that does not take place on a weekly basis, but en bloc (usually several days in a row).

Exercise/Section (Übung): May accompany lecture work or denote a special course type above the level of a Basic Course.

Practical (Praktikum): Field work and/or practical training (may be recorded on collective certificate)

Advanced Seminar (Hauptseminar / Fortgeschrittenenseminar): Emphasizes independent academic work

Advanced Seminar for Degree Candidates (Oberseminar): Taken in preparation for thesis work and final examination

Examination Review Course (Repetitorium): For law students, intensive examination preparation course

Colloquium (Kolloquium): Discussion course

Tutorial (Tutorium): Course intensification or examination review course

Excursion (Exkursion): Field trip

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


Organizing Your Plan of Study

If you are interested in a particular course, press the Ctrl key and click on the course title. A new window with course details will open (in German). If you prefer the English version, please click on the link “english version” on the top /right. You may also acces the course list through this link:

„Responsible Instructor“ is the lecturer of the course. You will find his/her contact details

by clicking on the name. You may contact the lecturer and ask for course details and the

availability of the courseor a similar one during your planned stay at LMU.

„Graduation“ is the degree (Bachelor, Master),

„Curricula“ is the programme in which the course is

taught (e.g. Philosophy)

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

No courses available in English.


This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

No courses available in English.


This department provides specific information for exchange students: (in German).

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).



Lecture Type

03030 International commercial and investment treaty arbitration - 1.0 SWS lecture

03206 Common Law Terminology - Großveranstaltung - 2.0 SWS specialised

language course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

04142 Basic Topics in Leadership and HR - 4.0 SWS exercise course

04139 Basic Topics in Leadership and HR - 2.0 SWS lecture

04020 Catastrophe Risk Management - 4.0 SWS seminar

04117 Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

04007 Consumer Insights exercise course

04008 Consumer Insights lecture

04049 Convincing Stakeholders - 4.0 SWS exercise course

Finance und Banking - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04254 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04253 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation - 2.0 SWS lecture

Formal Modelling Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

Funding & Projects - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

How to Compete in Digital Platform Markets - 4.0 SWS seminar

04137 Human Resource Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

04134 Human Resource Management - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

04135 Human Resource Management - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

ILO Thesis Kolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

04029 Information and Insurance - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04028 Innovating for Organizational, Market, and Societal Impact - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04011 Insurance Management - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04012 Insurance Management - 2.0 SWS lecture

Kamingespräch Finance & Banking - 1.0 SWS seminar

Leadership and Organization - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

MBR - simulation methods n/a

MMT Introduction Day introductory course

04009 Managing the Front End of Innovation - 4.0 SWS exercise course

04010 Managing the Front End of Innovation - 2.0 SWS lecture

Munich Finance Day - 1.0 SWS seminar

Municorn Talks - 2.0 SWS talk

04108 Organisationstheorie - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04109 Organisationstheorie - 2.0 SWS lecture

Proseminar e-lab - 2.0 SWS seminar

Risk Management - 2.0 SWS lecture

Risk Management for Financial Institutions - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Risk Management for Financial Institutions - 4.0 SWS lecture

12004 Seminar Asian Business Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

04116 Starting Up - From Ideas to Successful Business (A) - 2.0 SWS seminar

04116 Starting Up - From Ideas to Successful Business (B) - 2.0 SWS seminar

Strategic Change lecture & excercise course

04025 Strategic Industry Analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

Strategic Industry Analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

Strategic Organization Design - 4.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

The Process of Peer Review - 2.0 SWS seminar

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


Topics in Empirical Industrial Organization (Abschlusskolloquium Strategie, Technologie und Organisation) - 2.0 SWS


Topics in Strategy Research (Abschlusskolloquium Strategie, Technologie und Organisation) - 4.0 SWS


Topics in Theoretical Industrial Organization (Abschlusskolloquium Strategie, Technologie und Organisation) - 2.0 SWS


Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Well-Being seminar

Value Based Management - 4.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

04042 Accounting Theory - 4.0 SWS exercise course

04043 Accounting Theory - 2.0 SWS lecture

04044 Advanced Risk Management - 4.0 SWS exercise course

04045 Advanced Risk Management - 2.0 SWS lecture

04605 Advanced Topics on Digitalization, Transformation and Management: Empirical Studies on AI-based Systems (Vertiefungsseminar) - 4.0 SWS

advanced seminar

04054 Applied Finance - 4.0 SWS seminar

04103 Basic Readings in Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

04087 Behavioral Finance - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04085 Behavioral Finance - 2.0 SWS lecture

04068 Business Game in Management Accounting - 2.0 SWS seminar

04058 CSR and HRM: Responsible People Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

Case Study Course in Innovation and Strategy - 2.0 SWS seminar

Competitive Strategy - 4.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

04050 Convincing Stakeholders - 2.0 SWS lecture

04070 Customer Relationship Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

Data Analytics in Strategy Research - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04065 Data Science for Business - 4.0 SWS seminar

04131 ETD E-Commerce seminar at master's level

04083 Electronic Markets - 4.0 SWS lecture

04082 Electronic Markets - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Empirical Applications in Human Resource Management - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

04214 Empirical Research in Accounting, Auditing and Analysis - 2.0 SWS lecture

04066 Empirical Research in Accounting, Auditing, and Analysis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Empirical Research in Financial Reporting & Valuation - 4.0 SWS lecture

Empirics of Organizations - 4.0 SWS seminar

04263 Foundations of Media, Management and Digital Technologies - 4.0 SWS seminar

04264 Foundations of Media, Management and Digital Technologies - 4.0 SWS seminar

04090 Frontiers in Strategy Research - 4.0 SWS seminar

04075 Human Resource Development lecture

04076 Human Resource Development - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04056 Innovating for Impact - 4.0 SWS seminar at master's level

04062 Intercultural Competence: Theory and Application - 4.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

04080 Interface Design - 2.0 SWS exam

Interface Design - 2.0 SWS seminar

Interface Design - 2.0 SWS seminar

04074 International Topics in HRE & M - 4.0 SWS seminar

04003 Leadership and Innovation - 4.0 SWS seminar

04067 M&A and Financial Modeling - 2.0 SWS lecture

04053 Management Control Systems (Seminar und Proseminar) - 4.0 SWS seminar

Masterarbeitskolloquium Accounting, Auditing and Analysis - 4.0 SWS colloquium

Media Communication - 2.0 SWS seminar

Media Communication - 2.0 SWS seminar

Methods in Management - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Methods in Management - 2.0 SWS lecture

04621 New Products: From Ideas to Markets - 2.0 SWS lecture

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


New Products: From Ideas to Markets - 2.0 SWS exercise course

New Products: From Ideas to Markets exam

04622 Projektkurs Digitale Wirtschaft I - 8.0 SWS project course

04623 Projektkurs Digitale Wirtschaft II - 8.0 SWS project course

Projektkurs Strategy, Technology and Organization I - 8.0 SWS project course

Projektkurs Strategy, Technology and Organization II - 8.0 SWS project course

04057 Social Entrepreneurship Lab - Scaling Impact and Innovation Internationally - 4.0 SWS seminar at

master's level

04059 Strategy and Leadership - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04060 Strategy and Leadership - 2.0 SWS lecture

Topics in Communication Economics - 2.0 SWS colloqium for



Transformation and Digitization - 4.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

ORG Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

Research Retreat colloqium for



COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

BT-Kolloquium Poutvaara - 1.0 SWS colloquium

05016 Econometrics 2 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05017 Econometrics 2 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05033 Economics of Education (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05034 Economics of Education (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05035 Game Theory (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05036 Game Theory (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05029 Geography and Technology in Economic History (Vorlesung) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05030 Geography and Technology in Economic History (Übung) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05047 Insider Econometrics - 4.0 SWS seminar

05021 Macroeconomics 2 (Wiederholungsübung) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05022 Mathematical Methods (Wiederholungsübung) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05018 Public Policy and Resource Allocation - Fiwi 1 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05019 Public Policy and Resource Allocation - Fiwi 1 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05046 SPS "Behavioral Industrial Organization" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05053 SPS "Big Data: Methods and Applications" - 2.0 SWS seminar

05050 SPS "Causes and Consequences of Migration" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05049 SPS "Empirical Political Economy" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05048 SPS "Inequality: Perceptions, beliefs and behaviours" - 2.0 SWS seminar

05043 SPS "International Trade and Market Power" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05040 SPS "Social Preferences and Norms" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05039 SPS "Social Preferences at the Workplace" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05052 SPS "The Economics of Religion" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05042 SPS "The Political Economy of Development" - 2.0 SWS seminar

05051 SPS "Topics in Empirical Labor Economics" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05041 SPS "Topics in Regional Economics" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05037 SPS Forschungsprojekte zur Empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung - 4.0 SWS seminar

05027 Tutorium Econometrics 2 (R) - 2.0 SWS tutorial

Tutorium Empirische Ökonomie 2 (R) - 2.0 SWS tutorial

05028 Tutorium Fiwi 1 (Public Policy and Resource Allocation) - 2.0 SWS tutorial

05107 Tutorium zum M12 Fuest "Taxation and Inequality" - 2.0 SWS tutorial

Tutorium zum SPS "Behavioral Industrial Organization", 1-stündig tutorial

Tutorium zum SPS "Insider Econometrics", 1-stündig tutorial

Tutorium zum SPS "Social Preferences at the Workplace", 1-stündig tutorial

Vorbesprechung SPS Schudy seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

05104 Advanced Economic History (Seminar) - 6.0 SWS seminar at master's level

05101 Advanced Topics in Organizational Economics (Seminar) - 4.0 SWS seminar at master's level

05108 Behavioral Public Policy (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

05081 Econometrics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05082 Econometrics (Tutorial) - 4.0 SWS exercise course

05122 Econometrics - Advanced Methods, Research Metrics 2 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05123 Econometrics - Advanced Methods, Research Metrics 2 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Econometrics - Identification (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

Econometrics - Identification (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05120 Econometrics - Regression, Research Metrics 1 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05121 Econometrics - Regression, Research Metrics 1 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


05110 Empirical Issues in Trade (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

05092 Empirical Methods in International Public Finance (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05093 Empirical Methods in International Public Finance (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05096 Experimental Political Economy (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05122 Experimental Political Economy (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05085 Firms in Global Markets (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05086 Firms in Global Markets (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05089 Firms in the Knowledge Economy (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05090 Firms in the Knowledge Economy (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05091 International Public Economics (Lecture & Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05136 International Trade Workshop - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05109 Labor Economics (Seminar) - 4.0 SWS seminar at master's level

05087 Machine Learning: Applications in Economic Research (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05088 Machine Learning: Applications in Economic Research (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05079 Macroeconomics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05080 Macroeconomics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05117 Macroeconomics - Growth, Research Macro 1 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05116 Macroeconomics - Growth, Research Macro 1 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05005 Managerial Economics 1 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05006 Managerial Economics 1 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05007 Managerial Economics 2 (Revision Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05075 Mathematics for Economists (Lecture) - Applied - 2.0 SWS lecture

05076 Mathematics for Economists (Tutorial) - Applied - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05114 Mathematics for Economists, MathEcon research (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05115 Mathematics for Economists, MathEcon research (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05077 Microeconomics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05078 Microeconomics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05118 Microeconomics - Consumer and Decision Theory (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05119 Microeconomics - Consumer and Decision Theory (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05099 Monetary Economics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05097 Political Economy and Institutional Development (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05098 Political Economy and Institutional Development (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05083 Public Economics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05084 Public Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05105 Quantitative Policy Analysis with the Structural Gravity Model of Trade (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar at

master's level

05106 Taxation and Inequality (M12-Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar at

master's level

05094 The Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05095 The Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05124 Writing and Presentation Skills - 2.0 SWS practical


Courses for PhD students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

05144 Behavioral Economics Brown Bag Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05145 CES-Gäste - 2.0 SWS lecture for doctoral candidates

Doktorandenkolloquium Applied Microeconomics colloqium for doctoral candidates

Doktorandenkolloquium Empirical Economics colloqium for doctoral candidates

05138 Doktorandenseminar - 1.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


05133 Hans-Möller-Seminar - 2.0 SWS research colloquium

05140 Innovation Brown Bag Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05142 Macro Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

05141 Micro Workshop - 2.0 SWS seminar

05100 Monetary Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05137 Munich International Economics Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar for



05139 Public Economics Seminar PES - 2.0 SWS seminar

05143 Public Economics Workshop PEW - 1.0 SWS seminar for



05135 Research Workshop "Empirical Economics" - 2.0 SWS seminar for



COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for students in the clinical phase of studies Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

7C0289 Advanced Data Processing in Nuclear Medicine (C) complementing course

7C0365 Anleitung zum selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der experimentelle Gefäßmedizin

(C) complementing course

7C0386 Anleitung zum selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der experimentellen Stoffwechselforschung und Endokrinologie, inklusive Doktorarbeiten

(C) complementing course

7C0387 Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der experimentellen Pneumologie - 2.0 SWS

(C) complementing course

7C0482 Classical and modern strategies in mouse transgenesis - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0710 Current Problems of Molecular and Cellular Immunology (C) complementing course

7C0190 Current developments in human in vitro research on neurodegenerative and neurovascular disorders

(C) complementing course

7C0375 Current developments in vascular biology: mechanisms and pathologies - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C4047 Current topics in molecular atherosclerosis research - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0155 Developments and trends in neuroimmunological research - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C4082 Educational Lecture Series Atherosclerosis, Graduiertenkolleg IRTG 1123 (C) complementing course

7C0189 Experimental research on neurodegenerative and neuravascular disorders (C) complementing course

7C0123 Experimentelle Schlaganfallforschung - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0489 Hinführung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten im Rahmen eines Laborpraktikums (C) complementing course

7C0702 Immune cell crosstalk in inflammation (C) complementing course

7C0727 Immunological Memory - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0484 Journal Club - Aktuelle Themen zur muskoloskelettalen Forschung (C) complementing course

7C0469 Journal-Club: "New findings in cardiovascular research" (C) complementing course

7C0433 Literatur-Seminar der Klinischen Biochemie und Pathobiochemie (C) complementing course

7C0488 Literaturseminar "Presentation and discussion of reserach articles" - 1.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0366 Literaturseminar: Experimentelle Gefäßmedizin (C) complementing course

7C0462 Macrophage biology in atherosclerosis (C) complementing course

7C0461 MicroRNAs in der vaskulären Pathogenese (C) complementing course

7C0363 Molekulare Grundlagen des vaskulären Remodellings (C) complementing course

7C4083 Neue Einblicke in die mikroRNA-Anlalyse (C) complementing course

7C0364 Praktikum "Experimentelle Gefäßmedizin" (C) complementing course

7C0740 Recent trends in Immunology - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


7C0322 Research School Vascular Biology / Immunology (Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten)

(C) complementing course

SFB 1064 seminar

SFB 1064 seminar

7C0477 Seminar "Biogenesis and structure of mitochondria" (C) complementing course

7P0909 Seminar für Biologische Psychiatrie - 1.0 SWS (PJ) course during the practical year

7C0432 Seminar über die Biochemie neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen (C) complementing course

7C1516 Seminar: Multiparametric Tools in Biological Psychiatry (C) complementing course

7C0713 Seminar: The Experimental Basis of Immunology - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0124 Stroke and Dementia Research - News and Views - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0170 Structural and Functional Connectomics in Neuroimaging - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0705 The adaptive immune system in inflammatory disease, vascular biology and atherosclerosis (Lecture)

(C) complementing course

7C0156 Tutorial on good scientific practice in experimental stroke research - 10.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0731 Vorlesung - Grundlagen der Immunologie I (Teil II im SoSe) - Lecture Immunology I (Part II im SoSe) - 2.0 SWS

(C) complementing course

7M1625 Global Health (A) course with compulsory certificate

7C4031 Weekly Allergy & Immune Regulation Meeting - 1.0 SWS (PJ) course during the practical year

7C0439 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in molekularer Pathobiochemie und Medizin (C) complementing course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

07566 Exercise: Advanced Methods in Clinical Epidemiology: Design, Evidence Synthesis, Safety and Quality - 1.5 SWS


07548 Kompetenzentwicklung - 2.0 SWS block seminar

07561 Seminar: Advanced Practical Applications of Epidemiology - 2.0 SWS n/a

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).


Lecture Type

08196 ECVN Neuropathology Tutorial (Englisch) - Neuropathologische Fallkonferenzen für Promotionsstudenten, Interns und ECVN Residents sowie interessierte Studenten der klinischen Semester, Seminarraum Pathologie II. Stock, zweiwöchig, ggf. Online-Seminar - 1.0 SWS


08164 Fischkrankheiten 5. Semester (1. Semesterhälfte), Vorlesung - 1.0 SWS


The Institute of History provides specific information for exchange students:


More information about the courses at the Institute of History can be found on: (in German),

for courses at the School of Arts please visit: (in English).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

09071 Approaches to Landscape in Archaeology and History - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09215 Empire Building: Assyrien and Babylonian Palaces, Temples and Fortifications - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09061 Gendering Modern History: Discourses and Practices - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09131 Israeli-Arab Relations, 1948-2018: History, Law and International Organisations - 2.0 SWS lecture

09064 Judaism in Historical and Contemporary Practice - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09072 Public History: Re/Constructions of the Past in Jerusalem and Munich - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09151 The History of Settler-Based Conflicts in a Comparative Perspective: Israel-Palestine, Northern Ireland, France-Algeria, South Africa - 3.0 SWS


Courses for Master students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

09229 Neue Forschungen zur südosteuropäischen Geschichte - 2.0 SWS advanced


COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

10196 Introduction to Reading Ancient Philosophy in Latin exercise course

10022 ONLINE - Aristotelian Cosmology - 2.0 SWS seminar and reading course

10010 ONLINE - Concepts - 2.0 SWS seminar and reading course

10153 ONLINE - Exercise Session: Introduction to Computability - 1.0 SWS exercise course

10151 ONLINE - Practice Session Formal Methods I - 2.0 SWS exercise course

10220 ONLINE - Problems and challenges women face in everyday life (tutorierte Lektüregruppe) - 2.0 SWS

seminar for tutors

10156 Reading Greek Philosophy in Greek - 2.0 SWS exercise course

10203 Tutorial II: Set theory, model theory, and their philosophy - Part I - 1.0 SWS tutorial

10202 Tutorial: Philosophy of Language - 1.0 SWS tutorial

10155 Tutorial: Set theory, model theory, and their philosophy - 1.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Bachelor and Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

10068 CANCELLED - Philosophy of mathematical practice (Blockseminar) - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

10083 CANCELLED: Collective intelligence: fundamentals in social epistemology - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

10130 Essaybesprechungen zu "Wahrheit in der Demokratie - Estlunds epistemischer politischer Liberalismus" - 1.0 SWS

exercise course

10216 NEW: ONLINE - Readings in Philosophy of Mind: Mental Representations - 2.0 SWS advanced


10215 NEW: ONLINE - Responsibility in mind: Free will, control and moral agency - 2.0 SWS advanced


10143 ONLINE - Aristotle’s Theory of Substance - 2.0 SWS advanced


10082 ONLINE - Aristotle: Metaphysics IX (Theta) - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course

10166 ONLINE - Finalist Seminar Philosophy of Mind (Chair Prof. Deroy) - 2.0 SWS colloquium

10070 ONLINE - Introduction to computability: what computers can and cannot do - 2.0 SWS advanced


10071 ONLINE - Introduction to formal semantics - 2.0 SWS advanced


10085 ONLINE - Metaphysics and the Sciences - 3.0 SWS advanced


10069 ONLINE - Non-Classical Logics - 2.0 SWS advanced


10141 ONLINE - Persuasion in Plato and Aristotle - 2.0 SWS advanced


10123 ONLINE - Philosophy and moral education 1st century BC - 3rd century CE - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course

10075 ONLINE - Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence - 2.0 SWS advanced


10073 ONLINE - Philosophy of Language - 2.0 SWS advanced


10081 ONLINE - Plato: Nomoi (Laws) - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


10122 ONLINE - Rational agents in social interaction: introduction to the philosophy and psychology of

rational choice and game theory - 2.0 SWS



10072 ONLINE - Set theory, model theory, and their philosophy - Part I - 2.0 SWS advanced


10074 ONLINE - Structure and Equivalence - 3.0 SWS advanced


10190 ONLINE - The Late Ancient Commentators - 2.0 SWS advanced


10191 ONLINE - Two Arabic Treatises on Love - 2.0 SWS advanced


10094 Political Theology - 2.0 SWS lecture

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

10092 Key Concepts in the Study of Religion and Culture A (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar

Modul Prüfung P 6 Preparation of the Master Thesis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

10172 ONLINE - Central Topics in the Philosophy of Science (ONLY for students from the MA program

in Logic and Philosophy of Science) - 2.0 SWS


10174 ONLINE - Formal Methods I (ONLY for Students from the MA program in Logic and Philosophy of

Science) - 2.0 SWS


10095 The Bible and Political Thought - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Phd students

Lect.- Lecture Type No.

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students: (in German) and (in English).

More information about the courses at the Department of Educational Sciences can be found on: (in German), for courses at the Department of

Psychology visit: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

11090 Bachelor- und Gastkolloquium (Allgemeine u. Experimentelle Psych.) - 2.0 SWS colloquium

11053 Empirische Arbeit II (Neuro Freitag) - 3.0 SWS instruction in small groups

11052 Theoretische und methodologische Grundlagen II (Neuro Freitag) - 2.0 SWS instruction in small groups

11030 Vertiefung in Entwicklungspsychologie - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

11168 MSc-/Doktoranden-/Forschungskolloquium - 3.0 SWS colloquium

11300 Master`s Colloquium (M.Sc.Psychology - Learning Sciences, M.A. Bildungsforschung und

Bildungsmanagment) - 2.0 SWS


NCP Course B: Basic neurosciences 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

11230 NCP Course C: Classical psychological methods 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

NCP Course D: Neuro-cognitive methods 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

NCP Course E: Research Project 1 research


NCP Course K (A): Basic neuro-cognitive research - 4.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course K(B): Basic neuro-cognitive research - 4.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course K: Basic Neuro-cognitive Research 2 - 4.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course L (B): Clinical neuro-cognitive research - 4.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course L(A): Clinical neuro-cognitive research - 2.0 SWS seminar

11229 NCP Course L(A): Clinical neuro-cognitive research - 2.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course M(A): Applied neuro-cognitive research - 2.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course M(B): Applied neuro-cognitive research - 4.0 SWS seminar

NCP Course N: Neuro-cognitive methods 3 - 2.0 SWS lecture

NCP Course P4: Neuro-cognitive Methods 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

11167 NCP Course X: NCP research colloquium 1 - 2.0 SWS colloquium

NCP Course X: NCP research colloquium 3 - 2.0 SWS colloquium

NCP Tutorial A1: Basic neuro-cognitive psychology 1 - 2.0 SWS tutorial

11017 NCP Tutorial C2: Classical psychological methods 1 - 2.0 SWS tutorial

11017 NCP Tutorial C2: Classical psychological methods 1 - 2.0 SWS tutorial

NCP Tutorial D1: Neuro-cognitive methods 1 - 2.0 SWS tutorial

11235 P 1.1: Basic Neuro-cognitive Psychology (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

11152 P 1.2 Introduction to Learning, Instruction, Training and Technology - 2.0 SWS seminar

11173 P 1.2: Basic Neuro-cognitive Psychology 1 (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 10.1: Neuropsychology and Brain Stimulation Techniques (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

P 10.2: Neuropsychology and Brain Stimulation Techniques (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 11.1: Research Seminars in Neuro-cognitive Psychology - 2.0 SWS seminar

11172 P 11.2: Current Debates in Neuro-cognitive Psychology - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 2.1 Current Topics in Neuro-cognitive Psychology - 2.0 SWS n/a

11225 P 2.1: Current Topics in Neuro-cognitive Psychology - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 2.2: Statistical and Computational Neuroscience - 2.0 SWS lecture

P 2.3: Special Topics in Neuro-cognitive Psychology - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 2.4: Debating Club Seminar seminar

11232 P 3.1: Fundamentals in Neuroscience 1 - Lecture - 4.0 SWS lecture

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


P 3.2: Advanced Functional Neuroanatomy - 1.0 SWS lecture

11230 P 4.1: Reaction Time and Psychophysical Methods (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

11003 P 4.2 (A): Reaction Time and Psychophysical Methods (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 4.2 (B): Reaction Time and Psychophysical Methods (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar

11231 P 5.1: Electroencephalography and Event-related Potentials Methodology (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

P 5.2 (A): Electroencephalography and Event-related Potentials Methodology (Seminar) - 2.0



P 5.2 (B): Electroencephalography and Event-related Potentials Methodology (Seminar) - 2.0



P 9.1: Advanced Neuro-cognitive Psychology (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

P 9.2: Advanced Neuro-cognitive Psychology (Seminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar

P4.2 Transferable Skills for the Learning Sciences - 2.0 SWS seminar

P5.2 Psychological Counseling in Educational Context - 2.0 SWS seminar

11237 WP 1.1: Basic Cognitive Neurosciences - General Psychology: Theory and Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 1.2: Basic Cognitive Neurosciences - General Psychology: Empirical Work - 2.0 SWS seminar

11171 WP 2.1: Basic Cognitive Neurosciences - Biological Psychology: Theory and Methods - 2.0



WP 2.2: Basic Cognitive Neurosciences - Biological Psychology: Empirical Work - 2.0 SWS seminar

1123x WP 3.1: Applied Cognitive Neurosciences - Neuropsychology: Theory and Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 3.2: Applied Cognitive Neurosciences - Neuropsychology: Empirical Work - 2.0 SWS seminar

11236 WP 4.1: Applied Cognitive Neurosciences - Clinical Psychology: Theory and Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 4.1: Applied Cognitive Neurosciences - Clinical Psychology: Theory and Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 4.2: Applied Cognitive Neurosciences - Clinical Psychology: Empirical Work - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 4.2: Applied Cognitive Neurosciences - Clinical Psychology: Empirical Work - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP3.1 Special Issues in Cognition, Emotion, Learning and Development - 3.0 SWS seminar

WP7.1 Research Methods in Clinical Psychology - 2.0 SWS seminar

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students: (in


More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

12931 Archaeology of Xinjiang in Inter-Asian Contexts (WP3.2 HF/ WP6.2 NF) - 2.0 SWS seminar

12931 Health and Disease in Early China (WP3.2 HF/ WP6.2 NF) - 2.0 SWS seminar

12824 Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme seminar

12003 Introduction to the Economy of Japan - 2.0 SWS lecture

12434 Türkische Welt Grundlagen (Proseminar) - Demarcating, Un/crossing Borders: Caucasus, Iran, Ottoman Empire and Turkey - 2.0 SWS


12436 Türkische Welt Grundlagen (Übung) - Werkzeuge kulturwissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in den Türkischen Studien - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

12944 Writing About Ancient Nomads (P8.1) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Bachelor and Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

12348 Anthropology of the Future - 2.0 SWS reading course

12351 Decoloniality/Postcoloniality - 2.0 SWS seminar

12840 How to Read and Translate Buddhist Sutras - 2.0 SWS seminar

International Webclass: Practices of Popular Islam - 2.0 SWS n/a

12349 Introduction to Digital Anthropology - 2.0 SWS reading course

12550 Modernes West-Armenisch 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12205 Readings in Buddhist Texts (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12213 Readings in a Sanskrit Buddhist Yoga Manual from Kuca - 2.0 SWS seminar

12004 Seminar Asian Business Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

12071 Textile Archaeology - Techniques, Finds and Find Contexts in Europe and Asia (in English

language) - 2.0 SWS



12212 The Muslim-Hindu conflict in South Asia - 2.0 SWS seminar

12340 Transpacific Americas - 2.0 SWS seminar

12355 isiXhosa Online Language Course 1 (Initial) - 4.0 SWS language course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

Begleitübung zum Großen Forschungsseminar (Türkische Studien) C 1: Elitestudiengang

Osteuropa: Public Visibility and Display of Islam - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

12664 Begleitübung zum Großen Forschungsseminar A Gruppe 1 (Türkische Studien): Tribes, States

and Empires in the Caucasus from Early Modernity to Modern Times - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

Begleitübung zum Studienseminar (Türkische Studien) 1: Elitestudiengang Osteuropa: Public

Visibility and Display of Islam - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

12664 Begleitübung zum Studienseminar Gruppe 1 (Türkische Studien): Tribes, States and Empires in

the Caucasus from Early Modernity to Modern Times - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

12584 Ethnological Research in Urban Space - 2.0 SWS seminar

12662 Großes Forschungsseminar A (Türkische Studien) Gruppe 1: Tribes, States and Empires in the

Caucasus from Early Modernity to Modern Times - 2.0 SWS


12655 Methodenkurs: Begriffe, methodische Ansätze und Theorien in den Regional- und

Kulturwissenschaften - 2.0 SWS

seminar at

master's level

12662 Studienseminar A (Türkische Studien) Gruppe 1: Tribes, States and Empires in the Caucasus

from Early Modernity to Modern Times - 2.0 SWS


12830 The Sanskrit Manuscript of the Viniscayasaṃgrahaṇi - 2.0 SWS seminar

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This faculty provides specific information for exchange students who attend the courses:

English Philology:

German Philology: (in German)

German as a Foreign Language: (in German)

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on:

(in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

13624 Academic Writing Advanced - 2.0 SWS language course

14223 Advanced Writing - 3.0 SWS exercise course

14224 Advanced Writing - 3.0 SWS exercise course

14225 Advanced Writing - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14258 Altenglische Lektüre - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13626 American History through Cartoons - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13346 An Introduction to World Literature in English - 2.0 SWS seminar

14149 Analysing Narrative Texts - 2.0 SWS exercise course in methods

13465 Asian Englishes - 2.0 SWS seminar

14179 BA Kolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

13463 Cognitive approaches to language and literature - 2.0 SWS seminar

14802 Common Ground: Property, the Commons, and Environmental Justice - 2.0 SWS


13637 Conversation Skills - 2.0 SWS language course

14098 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14094 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14095 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14096 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14097 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14099 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14101 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14102 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14103 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14104 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14100 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14090 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14089 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14091 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14093 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14092 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13261 Core skills lexis (SLK) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13605 Crime and the City: Los Angeles in the Crime Novel - 2.0 SWS seminar

14194 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14193 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14195 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14197 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14196 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14116 Cultural Studies 1: UK contemporary issues - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14115 Cultural Studies 1: UK past to present - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14111 Cultural Studies 2 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13625 Documentary Film in the Americas - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14120 Dress and Disguise in Shakespeare: Renaissance Stage-Fashioning - 2.0 SWS

Proseminar und Übung

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


14164 Einführung in die Didaktik der englischen Sprache und Literatur - 2.0 SWS lecture

14165 Einführung in die Didaktik der englischen Sprache und Literatur - 2.0 SWS lecture

14082 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

14084 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

14086 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

14087 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

14088 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (Sontheimer, 3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

13468 English in Contact - 2.0 SWS Proseminar und Übung

14146 English in London: A linguistic journey through time - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13462 English lexicology and lexicography - 2.0 SWS seminar

134622 English lexicology and lexicography - 2.0 SWS seminar

13597 English syntax: Selected approaches and problems - 2.0 SWS lecture

14204 Enhancing communicative skills in primary English (MS, GS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14205 Enhancing communicative skills in primary English (MS, GS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13471 Exploring myths about language - 2.0 SWS seminar

13621 First Ladies - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13606 From East to West and South to North: Narratives of Intranational Migration - 2.0 SWS


13618 From one-dimensional queer politics to multi-dimensional queer uprisings? -2.0 SWS

exercise course

13347 G.B. Shaw: Selected Plays - 2.0 SWS reading course

13276 GVL I: Early Modern Literature - 2.0 SWS lecture

13638 General Language Course - 2.0 SWS language course

13608 Great American Short Stories from Poe to the Present - 2.0 SWS seminar

14199 Great American Short Stories from Poe to the Present (Ang) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13391 Grundkurs I: Introduction to the Study of American Literature and Media -4.0 SWS

introductory course

14186 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14182 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14183 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14184 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14185 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14187 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14189 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14190 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14191 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14192 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14188 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13554 Historical Linguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar

13424 How languages work: A spotlight on English - 2.0 SWS lecture

14145 Interpersonal Pragmatics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13510 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13507 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13509 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13511 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13513 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13514 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13515 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13512 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13628 Kolloquium für B.A.-Absolventen (Literaturgeschichte) - 2.0 SWS colloquium

13469 Language Change - 2.0 SWS seminar

13604 Lecture Series: American Studies Today - 3.0 SWS lecture

14254 Lecture Series: American Studies Today (Ang) - 3.0 SWS lecture

13610 Lecture Series: Pandemics in American History - 2.0 SWS lecture

14253 Lecture Series: Pandemics in American History (Ang) - 2.0 SWS lecture

13052 Lektürekurs: Current Issues in EFL Education - 2.0 SWS reading course

13426 Linguistics in the 20th and 21st century - 2.0 SWS lecture

14181 Listening Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14119 Literature and (Im)materiality: Print-Literature between the Imaginative and the Tangible - 2.0 SWS


13614 Market Revolution, Transportation Revolution, Democratic Revolution - 2.0 SWS


14160 Mediation Translating Skills 1: German into English - 2.0 SWS exercise course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


14161 Mediation Translating Skills 1: German into English - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13639 Methodology Literature and Media - 2.0 SWS exercise course in methods

14147 Methods in linguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar

13549 Middle English: Language, Literature and Culture - 2.0 SWS lecture

14150 Modern and Contemporary Irish Women Poets - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13338 Modernism and the Female Experience: Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield and Jean Rhys - 2.0 SWS


13607 Modernist Poetry, Essays, and Short Fiction - 2.0 SWS seminar

14198 Modernist Poetry, Essays, and Short Fiction (Ang) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13460 Morphology and word-formation - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13466 Morphology and word-formation - 2.0 SWS seminar

13617 Nature and the Environment in American Literature - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13344 Oscar Wilde - 2.0 SWS Proseminar und Übung

14292 Performing the Authentic Sound - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14113 Phonetik und Phonologie (BritE) (mit Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13274 Poetry from Yeats to Heaney - 2.0 SWS lecture

13341 Postmodern Theory and Fiction - 2.0 SWS seminar

13464 Read and analyse: linguistic concepts applied - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14106 Reading 18th-Century Poetry - 2.0 SWS reading course

13343 Reading 21st-Century Poetry - 2.0 SWS reading course

14105 Reading Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - 2.0 SWS reading course

13470 Reading David Crystal - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13345 Reading English Renaissance Literature - 2.0 SWS reading course

14175 Reading Skills 1: Leisure and Learning - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14176 Reading Skills 2: Fact and Fiction - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13342 Romanticism in Context - 2.0 SWS Proseminar und Übung

13467 Semantics vs. pragmatics - 2.0 SWS seminar

14118 Shakespeare´s "Happy" Comedies: Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night's Dream - 2.0 SWS


14151 Shakespeare´s Tragedies - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13348 Short Short Stories Universal - 2.0 SWS reading course

14171 Speaking Skills 2 (Business) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14167 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14166 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14168 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14170 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14169 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

141682 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

141692 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14131 Speaking skills 1: Presenting for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14134 Speaking skills 1: Presenting for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14124 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14121 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14122 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14123 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14125 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14127 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14128 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14129 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14130 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14126 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13262 Specific Skills I: English for Academic Purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

14153 Sprachmittlung 1 Translating Skills: English into German - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14158 Sprachmittlung 1 Translating Skills: English into German - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Studying at LMU during COVID-19 - 2.0 SWS accompanying course

13622 The American Way of War - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13340 The Eighteenth-Century Novel - 2.0 SWS seminar

14163 The English-speaking World (Australia) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14162 The English-speaking World (Commonwealth) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14108 The Intercultural Project - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14109 The Intercultural Project - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14110 The Intercultural Project - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13277 The Long Eighteenth Century - 2.0 SWS lecture

14107 The Prose of G.K. Chesterton - 2.0 SWS reading course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


14148 The Shape of the Poem: An Exploration of Poetic forms - 2.0 SWS exercise course in methods

14117 The Sonnet - Wyatt to Wordsworth (and beyond) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13339 The Woman Question - A History (3 std.) - 3.0 SWS seminar

13425 Topics in Linguistics - 2.0 SWS lecture

13461 Varieties of English - 2.0 SWS seminar

13275 Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury - 2.0 SWS lecture

13546 Wiederholungsprüfung: Aissa, Functions of language - 2.0 SWS seminar

14173 Writing Skills 2 : (Creative/Magazine) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14174 Writing Skills 2: (Creative) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14138 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14135 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14136 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14137 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14139 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14141 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14142 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14143 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14140 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14144 Writing skills 1: Writing for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13627 Writing, Blogging, Talking about: Jazz - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

13650 "Call me Ishmael": Narrative Beginnings and Opening Scenes - 2.0 SWS foundation course

13133 Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing - 2.0 SWS seminar

14252 American English, Australian English and New Zealand English - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13644 American Fiction, 1820-1865 - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13656 American Wars on Film: World War I till today - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14231 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14230 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14232 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14234 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13646 Anglophilia, Anglophobia: The Early American Republic in a British World - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

14244 British Women Writers 1945 - 1960 - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14271 Contemporary Issues in TEFL - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14270 Current Research: Learning and Teaching Vocabulary in a Second Language -2.0 SWS

exercise course

14237 Curricula and Ideology in English Language Teaching - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14251 Discourse Analysis: Theory and applications (Awad) (Blockseminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

13648 Documentary Film and Photography - 3.0 SWS advanced seminar

14226 Examen-Landeskunde - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14227 Examen-Landeskunde - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14255 Examenskurs: Drama Frühe Neuzeit - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13660 Exploring the Final Frontier - 2.0 SWS reading course

13655 Fictions of the Self: Confession and Self-Empowerment in American Literature -2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

14804 Global Justice and Individual Responsibility - 2.0 SWS n/a

14287 HS SLA Research II: The History of English Language Teaching - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

How to Make the World a Better Place: Utopianism in Theory and Practice - 2.0 SWS


14803 How to Make the World a Better Place: Utopianism in Theory and Practice - 2.0 SWS


13641 Independent Study Project - 2.0 SWS project

13642 Independent Study Project (Cultural History) - 2.0 SWS project

14297 Kolloquium für Doktor- und Abschlussarbeiten: Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik - 2.0 SWS


14229 Kolloquium für Doktor- und Abschlussarbeiten: Mediendidaktik und angewandte Linguistik (3 std.) - 3.0 SWS


14272 Language change - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14243 Literature and Philosophy - from Hegel's Shakespeare to Cavell's Beckett - 2.0 SWS

seminar at master's level

13649 Literature of the American West - 2.0 SWS reading course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


14248 Love and Friendship in English Renaissance Literature - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14288 MA Projektseminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

14289 MA Projektseminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

14290 MA Projektseminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

14267 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14268 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14269 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14279 MA Self Study Unit B - 1.0 SWS seminar

14280 MA Self Study Unit B - 2.0 SWS seminar

14281 MA Self Study Unit B - 2.0 SWS seminar

14284 MA Self Study Unit C - 2.0 SWS seminar

14285 MA Self Study Unit C - 1.0 SWS seminar

14286 MA Self Study Unit C - 2.0 SWS seminar

14261 MA Speaking Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14262 MA Speaking Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14264 MA Speaking Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14263 MA Speaking Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14265 MA Writing Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14266 MA Writing Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13643 Master's Colloquium/Seminar for Research Students (Culture, Media & Society) -2.0 SWS


14239 Moving Images - EFL Perspectives on Film Experience and Understanding (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

13653 Oil and the American Century - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14652 Probleme der Übersetzungstheorie - 2.0 SWS seminar

14291 Project seminar: Internal Differentiation and Inclusive Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom - 2.0 SWS

advanced exercise course

14276 Projektseminar, diachron - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14274 Projektseminar, synchron - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14695 RCC Kolloquium: International Perspectives - 2.0 SWS talk

13651 Reading Comics - 2.0 SWS reading course

14696 Reading Course: International Perspectives - 2.0 SWS reading course

14236 Reasons and Approaches for Grammar Teaching (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13658 Remembering War - 2.0 SWS foundation course

13647 Representations of Home in US-American Fiction - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14800 Representing Environmental Refugees in Literature and Film - 2.0 SWS seminar

14228 Research Colloquium Linguistics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14282 Research Methodology: Language Learners' Motivation: Creating and Analyzing Diagnostic Tools - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

13135 Research Seminar Computational Linguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar

13659 Rise to Power: The History of US Foreign Relations - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14277 SLA Research I: TEFL in Heterogeneous Classrooms: including everybody! - 2.0 SWS

seminar at master's level

14247 Salman Rushdie - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14206 Speaking Skills 2 (Classroom) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14273 Study skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14801 Sufficiency: Perspectives in Engineering and Society - 3.0 SWS seminar

14259 Teaching English at Vocational Schools (BS) (Dozentin: Kohlmeier) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14203 Teaching English through Multilingual Scripts and Drama Techniques (MS, GS) -2.0 SWS

exercise course

14235 Teaching Literature: Poetry and Short Stories (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14249 Text linguistics and stylistics - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14245 The Country House Novel Between the Wars - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14246 Virginia Woolf and the Female Literary Tradition - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

13657 Visual Journalism: History, Theory, and Practice - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14211 Writing Skills 2 : (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14212 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14214 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14213 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14172 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for PhD students COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This faculty provides specific information for exchange students who attend the courses:

- at the Department of Communication Science and Media Research (IfKW): https://www.en.ifkw.uni- (general information about the courses: https://www.ifkw.uni- (in German))

- at the Institute for Sociology: (general

information about the courses:

lehre/veranstaltungen_aktuell/index.html (in German))

- at the Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Sciences (GSI): https://www.en.gsi.uni- (general information about the courses: http://www.gsi.uni- (in German))

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

15054 Basic Course International Relations - 3.0 SWS introductory course

15058 Basic Course International Relations - 3.0 SWS introductory course

15060 Basic Course International Relations - 3.0 SWS introductory course

15007 Basic Course Political System - 3.0 SWS introductory course

15043 Basic Course Political Theory - 3.0 SWS introductory course

15385 Communicating Crises: Using Qualitative Content Analysis to Observe How PR Professionals Frame Their Statements - 2.0 SWS


15386 Communicating Crises: Using Qualitative Content Analysis to Observe How PR Professionals Frame Their Statements - 2.0 SWS


15084 Coordination in public bureaucracy - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15076 Crafting Research Design - 2.0 SWS seminar

15099 European Foreign Policy - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15048 Fachübergreifendes Tutorium - 3.0 SWS tutorial

15427 Forschungskolloquium - 2.0 SWS research colloquium

15168 Grundlagenseminar Public Policy - 1.0 SWS seminar

15094 International Political Economy (IPE) - Theories and Empirics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15085 Israeli Politics and Society: a comparative view on Israel and European Democracies - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15389 Media audience analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

15390 Media audience analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

15403 Mediated communication: Contemporary cases, consequences and conceptualisations - 2.0 SWS


15100 Politikwechsel in Deutschland - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

15469 Professional Communication in Munich - 2.0 SWS seminar

15364 Race and Gender in the Media - 2.0 SWS seminar

15367 Race and Gender in the Media - 2.0 SWS seminar

15226 Regimes of Violence in Post-Socialist Countries - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15226b Regimes of Violence in Post-Socialist Countries - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15227 Register data and social stratification analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

15227b Register data and social stratification analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

15097 Research Design in IR - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15098 The United Nations System: Politics and Process - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15236 Topics in Family Sociology - 2.0 SWS seminar

15236b Topics in Family Sociology - 2.0 SWS seminar

15217 Transformation of social Rights in the Postsocialist Era - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15217b Transformation of social Rights in the Postsocialist Era - 2.0 SWS exercise course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


15468 Welcome Day @ IfKW introductory course

15470 Writing for academic purposes - 1.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

15149 Analysing Political Documents: Applied Quantitative Text Analysis with R - 2.0 SWS seminar

15152 Comparative Legislative Politics - 2.0 SWS seminar

15155 Corona & International Relations seminar

15175 Debates in European Studies - 1.0 SWS seminar

15173 Debates in International Relations - 1.0 SWS seminar

15142 Debates in International Relations and European Studies - 2.0 SWS seminar

15143 Debatten in der Governance-Forschung - 2.0 SWS seminar

15158 International Public Administrations and Public Policy Beyond the Nation State - 2.0 SWS seminar

15157 International and European Security - 2.0 SWS seminar

15161 Introduction to Development - 2.0 SWS seminar

15160 Measuring Governance - 2.0 SWS seminar

15156 Political Realism and the challenge of changing the world - 2.0 SWS seminar

15150 Turbulent Politics - 2.0 SWS seminar

15278 Universities and Corruption: Global and Post-Soviet Experience - 2.0 SWS seminar

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



For more information about the courses at the Institute for Mathematics please visit (in German).

Information about the courses at the Institute for Computer Sciences is available (in German). And information about the courses at the Institute for Statistics: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

16243 Differentiable Manifolds - 4.0 SWS lecture

16540 Individualmodul (Informatik): Algorithm Design - 2.0 SWS lecture

16541 Individualmodul (Informatik): Systems Development - 2.0 SWS lecture

16535 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - 3.0 SWS lecture

16246 Logik - 4.0 SWS lecture

16240 Partielle Differentialgleichungen - 4.0 SWS lecture

16420 Seminar "Emerging Topics in Machine Learning and AI" - 2.0 SWS seminar

16600 Statistics for Geosciences - 1.0 SWS exercise course

16601 Statistics for Geosciences - 2.0 SWS lecture

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

16808 Advanced Discrete Probability - 4.0 SWS lecture

16263 Algebraic Geometry I - 4.0 SWS lecture

16258 Angewandte Finanzmathematik und ihre objektorientierte Implementierung - 4.0 SWS lecture

16101 Brauer groups of fields - 4.0 SWS lecture

16047 Chow motives and applications to quadratic forms - 2.0 SWS lecture

16116 Convex Stochastic Optimization - 4.0 SWS lecture

16443 Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence - 3.0 SWS lecture

16548 Deep Learning for NLP lecture

16269 Finanzmathematik II / Stochastic Calculus and Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time - 4.0 SWS lecture

16574 Fortgeschrittene Ökonometrie - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16573 Fortgeschrittene Ökonometrie - 2.0 SWS lecture

16272 Funktionalanalysis II - 4.0 SWS lecture

16704 Hauptseminar: Physikalische Aspekte in Kryptographie und IT-Sicherheit - 2.0 SWS seminar

16703 Introduction to Modern Cryptography - 4.0 SWS lecture

16436 Introduction to Power-Aware HPC - 2.0 SWS lecture

16579 Lifetime Data Analysis - 1.0 SWS exercise course

16578 Lifetime Data Analysis - 3.0 SWS lecture

16255 Mathematische Quantenmechanik - 4.0 SWS lecture

16346 Mathematisches Oberseminar: Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik - 2.0 SWS advanced


16347 Mathematisches Oberseminar: Geometrie - 2.0 SWS advanced


16108 Mathematisches Seminar: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning for Mathematical Finance - 2.0



16198 Mathematisches Seminar: Basic models in Data Analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

16095 Mathematisches Seminar: Compact complex surfaces - 2.0 SWS seminar

16092 Mathematisches Seminar: Functional Integration - 2.0 SWS seminar

16065 Mathematisches Seminar: Mannigfaltigkeiten - 2.0 SWS seminar

16038 Mathematisches Seminar: Simplicial Homotopy Theory - 2.0 SWS seminar

16811 Mathematisches Seminar: Statistical mechanics and q-colorings - 2.0 SWS seminar

16196 Matrixanalysis - 4.0 SWS lecture

16162 Modular forms and elliptic curves - 4.0 SWS lecture

16129 Reading course Etale Cohomology - 2.0 SWS n/a

16458 SAT Solving - 3.0 SWS lecture

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


16046 Semi-linear Elliptic PDEs - 2.0 SWS lecture

16445 Software Verification - 3.0 SWS lecture

16030 Special exercises for mathematical Quantum mechanics exercise course

16260 Stochastische Prozesse - 4.0 SWS lecture

16082 Topology I - 4.0 SWS lecture

16357 Versicherungsmathematisches Kolloquium (14-täglich) - 2.0 SWS colloquium

16444 Übung zu Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16536 Übung zu Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16459 Übung zu SAT Solving - 1.0 SWS exercise course

16446 Übung zu Software Verification - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16206 Übungen zu Advanced Discrete Probability - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16268 Übungen zu Algebraische Zahlentheorie - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16099 Übungen zu Brauer groups of fields - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16117 Übungen zu Convex Stochastic Optimization - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16245 Übungen zu Differentiable Manifolds - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16271 Übungen zu Finanzmathematik II / Stochastic Calculus and Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time

- 2.0 SWS

exercise course

16163 Übungen zu Modular forms and elliptic curves - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16242 Übungen zu Partielle Differentialgleichungen - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16124 Übungen zu Topology I - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16128 Übungen zu Topology I - 2.0 SWS exercise course

16132 Übungen zu Topology I - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

16814 Forschungstutorium Geometrie - 2.0 SWS research


COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

17041 ALPA: Applications of Laser-Particle Acceleration (geeignet für Bachelor und Master) - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

17034 Bachelorseminar: Introduction to Scientific Practice in Medical Physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17047 Collaborative Software Development - 2.0 SWS lecture

17017 Generation of ultra-intense laser pulses - 3.0 SWS lecture

17045 Machine Learning Methods in Python lecture

17036 Seminar on information theory and signal reconstruction - 2.0 SWS seminar

17046 Signal reconstruction with Python, EDV-Zusatzausbildung (SQ1+SQ2) (SoSe 2020) seminar

17018 Übungen zu Erzeugung ultraintensiver Laserpulse - 1.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

17111 (P1.1) Grundlagen der fortgeschrittenen Astrophysik (Essentials of Advanced Astrophysics) - 4.0 SWS


17112 (P1.2) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung P1.1 “Grundlagen der fortgeschrittenen Astrophysik” - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17124 (P2.1) Astrophysikalisches Grundpraktikum - 6.0 SWS internship

17113 (P2.2) Atom- und Molekülphysik für Astrophysiker (Atomic and molecular physics for astrophysicists) - 2.0 SWS


17114 (P2.3) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung P2.2 “Atom- und Molekülphysik für Astrophysiker” - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17117 (P4/5.0.19) "Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation" - 2.0 SWS lecture

17118 (P4/5.0.20) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung “Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation" - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17119 (P4/5.0.25) Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure - 2.0 SWS lecture

17299 (P4/5.0.27) Astro AI - 2.0 SWS lecture

17300 (P4/5.0.28) Ergänzung zu Astro AI exercise course

17121 (P4/5.0.29) Observational Methods - 2.0 SWS lecture

17122 (P4/5.0.30) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung “Observational Methods" - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17127 (P5.2.7) Astrophysikalisches Grundpraktikum A mit Übungen - 2.0 SWS internship

17128 (P6.0.7) Numerisches Praktikum B mit Übungen - 2.0 SWS internship

17165 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar “code coffee” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17167 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “CAST group seminar” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17164 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “group seminar” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17166 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “group seminar” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17162 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “star formation seminar” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17168 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “astro-ph” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17169 (P6.2.1/P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium "Stellar Dynamics" - 4.0 SWS seminar

17176 (P6.2.5, P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Recent Developments in Cosmology and Structure Formation"" - 4.0 SWS


17178 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Cosmology group seminar” - 4.0 SWS


17175 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Software Entwicklung für Astronomie” - 4.0 SWS


17177 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Cosmology Journal Club” - 4.0 SWS


17174 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Cosmology and Structure Formation group seminar” - 4.0 SWS


17173 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Galaxies” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17172 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Gravitational lensing” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17129 (P7.0.7) Instrumentelles Praktikum C mit Übungen - 2.0 SWS internship

17126 (WP1.1) Numerisches Praktikum mit Übungen - 6.0 SWS internship

17130 (WP1.2) Astrophysikalisches Hauptseminar theoretisch und numerisch orientiert, “Tools in modern astrophysics” - 2.0 SWS


17131 (WP1.3) Begleitendes Kolloquium zum Astrophysikalischen Hauptseminar theoretisch und numerisch orientiert - 2.0 SWS


COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


17125 (WP2.1) Instrumentelles Praktikum mit Übungen und Feldstudie - 6.0 SWS internship

17132 (WP2.3) Astrophysikalisches Hauptseminar experimentell und beobachtungsorientiert, “Tools in modern astrophysics” - 2.0 SWS


17134 Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17136 Advanced Atmospheric Physics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17144 Advanced Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing - 4.0 SWS lecture

17091 Advanced radiotherapy: concepts and techniques - 2.0 SWS lecture

17251 Advances in Physics of Nanosystems - 2.0 SWS seminar

17237 Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

17142 Atmospheric Aerosol - 2.0 SWS lecture

17281 Biophysics of Systems - 3.0 SWS lecture

17099 Biophysik Blockpraktikum internship

17141 Boundary Layer Meteorology - 2.0 SWS lecture

17108 Central Tutorial/Zentralübung zu TE2: Stochastic Dynamics of Particles and Fields - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17087 Classical and Quantum Simulations of Physical Systems - 2.0 SWS lecture

17138 Climate change processes and climate modelling - 4.0 SWS lecture

17078 Colloids, Surfaces and Interfaces - 3.0 SWS lecture

17092 Computational methods in medical physics - 2.0 SWS lecture

17095 Data analysis and statistics - 2.0 SWS lecture

17298 Dualities - 2.0 SWS seminar

17073 E_M1: Fortgeschrittene Experimentalphysik (Advanced Solid State Physics) - 4.0 SWS lecture

17145 Einführung in die Atmosphärenphysik für Physiker lecture

17109 Exercise classes/Übungen zu TE2: Stochastic Dynamics of Particles and Fields - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17161 F, T6 Black holes and their Thermodynamics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17160 F, T6: Introduction to Quantum Gravity - 4.0 SWS lecture

17105 Foundations and interpretations of Quantum Mechanics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17238 Garchinger Maier-Leibnitz-Kolloquium (gemeinsam mit Dozenten des Physik-Departments der TU

München) - 2.0 SWS


16704 Hauptseminar: Physikalische Aspekte in Kryptographie und IT-Sicherheit - 2.0 SWS seminar

16703 Introduction to Modern Cryptography - 4.0 SWS lecture

17089 Introduction to Nanophotonics - 2.0 SWS lecture

17234 Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for NanoScience - 2.0 SWS colloquium

17250 Kolloquium über Laseranwendungen, Quantenwissenschaften und -technologie - 2.0 SWS seminar

17158 MD4: Conformal Field Theory - 4.0 SWS lecture

17080 Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of Fusion Plasmas - 3.0 SWS lecture

17110 Mechanics of biological systems - 2.0 SWS seminar

17094 Medical physics in radiation therapy - 4.0 SWS lecture

17103 Mid-infrared photonics: Fundamentals and Applications - 2.0 SWS advanced


17037 Modern Aspects of Soft X-rays - 2.0 SWS seminar

17086 Modern hadron and atomic physics I - 2.0 SWS lecture

17288 Neutrino Physics: Fundamentals and phenomenology - 4.0 SWS lecture

17294 Numerical methods for strongly correlated quantum systems - 2.0 SWS seminar

17082 Optoelektronik I (Master) - 3.0 SWS lecture

17100 P5.6: Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum (Master) (Please apply for 3 courses) - 4.0 SWS internship

17097 Photonics I: The theory of light and its advanced applications - 3.0 SWS lecture

17143 Physical parameterizations in atmospheric models - 2.0 SWS lecture

17283 Physics of Early Evolution - 2.0 SWS seminar

17193 Quantum Hardware - 4.0 SWS lecture

17289 Quantum Optics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17241 Seminar on Quantum Many Body Physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17191 Seminar on Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamics and Climate - 2.0 SWS seminar

17190 Seminar on Theoretical Meteorology - 2.0 SWS seminar

17192 Seminar on radiative transfer and remote sensing - 2.0 SWS seminar

17189 Seminar on remote sensing of trace gases - 2.0 SWS seminar

17284 Stochastic processes and networks in biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

17301 Strong-Field Dynamics of Nanoparticles - 2.0 SWS advanced


17292 Strongly correlated quantum systems - 3.0 SWS lecture

17146 TA1: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17148 TA4: Condensed Matter Many-Body Physics and Field Theory II - 4.0 SWS lecture

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


17151 TA7: Quantum Information and Entanglement - 4.0 SWS lecture

17150 TB1: Quantum Field Theory (Quantum Electrodynamics) - 4.0 SWS lecture

17154 TC1: General Relativity - 4.0 SWS lecture

17156 TD1: String Theory I - 4.0 SWS lecture

17107 TE2: Stochastic Dynamics of Particles and Fields - 4.0 SWS lecture

17075 T_M2: Fortgeschrittene Theoretische Physik (Quantum Mechanics II) - 4.0 SWS lecture

17139 The Middle Atmosphere in the Climate System - 2.0 SWS lecture

17102 Topics in Quantum Field Theory - 3.0 SWS seminar

17260 Topics on medical physics, laser acceleration and nuclear science - 2.0 SWS seminar

17194 Ubungen zu Quantum Hardware - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17084 Ultracold Quantum Gases - 4.0 SWS lecture

17295 Ultrafast & Attosecond Spectroscopy - 2.0 SWS seminar

17106 When Machine Learning Meets Complex Systems - 2.0 SWS seminar

17076 Zentralübungen zu T_M2: Fortgeschrittene Theoretische Physik (Quantum Mechanics II) - 2.0


exercise course

17135 Übungen zu Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17137 Übungen zu Advanced Atmospheric Physics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17282 Übungen zu Biophysics of Systems - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17088 Übungen zu Classical and Quantum Simulations of Physical Systems - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17079 Übungen zu Colloids, Surfaces and Interfaces - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17096 Übungen zu Data analysis and statistics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17074 Übungen zu E_M1: Fortgeschrittene Experimentalphysik (Advanced Solid State Physics) - 2.0


exercise course

17090 Übungen zu Introduction to Nanophotonics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17159 Übungen zu MD4: Conformal Field Theory - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17081 Übungen zu Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of Fusion Plasmas - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17302 Übungen zu Neutrino Physics: Fundamentals and phenomenology - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17083 Übungen zu Optoelektronik I (Master) - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17098 Übungen zu Photonics I: The theory of light and its advanced applications - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17290 Übungen zu Quantum Optics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17293 Übungen zu Strongly correlated quantum systems - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17147 Übungen zu TA1: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17149 Übungen zu TA4: Condensed Matter Many-Body Physics and Field Theory II - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17152 Übungen zu TA7: Quantum Information and Entanglement - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17153 Übungen zu TB1: Quantum Field Theory (Quantum Electrodynamics) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17155 Übungen zu TC1: General Relativity - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17157 Übungen zu TD1: String Theory I - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17077 Übungen zu T_M2: Fortgeschrittene Theoretische Physik (Quantum Mechanics II) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17085 Übungen zu Ultracold Quantum Gases - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17093 Übungen zu/Exercises for Computational methods in medical physics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for PhD students Lect.- Lecture Type No.

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

T1YA-M Advanced research lab course with seminar in Biochemistry, mandatory main subject (16+2 SWS, building A, full-time, time and place by arrangement) - 18.0 SWS


18170 Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse in den Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften - 2.0 SWS advanced course

18171 Anleitung zu selbständigem wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten colloqium for doctoral candidates

T1OJ-M Basics of cloning, genomics and proteomics - 2.0 SWS lecture


Current trends in functional genomics research (Journal Club, BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, K01.045) -2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

T1ZT-P Daily Chemistry - 2.0 SWS advanced course


Discussion on trends in molecular genome research, Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25, Raum A4.01 - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar


Discussions on trends in genome stability research (Journal Club, BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, Raum K02.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

T1PO-M Electron Microscopy and Analytical Techniques - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1YF-M Flow of genetic information (Biochemistry 7) - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1YL-M Fundamentals in Data Analysis incl. Tutorial (lecture and exercise block course - without Mondays, building BioSysM, room K0.0029) - 2.0 SWS



Chemistry of high-energy materials (part 1) - 1.0 SWS lecture

T1QC-M Innate Immunity & Inflammation (building BioSysM, seminar room K01.045) - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1ZR-P Introduction to qualitative and quantitative valence-bond (VB) theory (Ort und Zeit nach Vereinbarung in der 1. Stunde bzw. s. Aushang) - 1.0 SWS

advanced course

T1YD-M Life cycle of proteins (Biochemistry 5) - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1PG-M Microscopy for nanotechnology - 2.0 SWS lecture

18120 Molecular Pharmaceutics - 3.0 SWS seminar

T1GA-M Molecular and Cellular Genetics practical course and accompanying seminar (Sep./Oct., 4 weeks, full-time, Fraunhoferstr. 12, Martinsried; online registration SoSe on Genecenter webpage) - 10.0 SWS


T1PM-M Nanostructures: Principles of Design and Function - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1OZ-M New synthetic methods in organic chemistry - 2.0 SWS lecture


Organic and Bio-inspired Molecular Systems - 2.0 SWS lecture

18155 Pharmakologisches Kolloquium (AK Biel) - 2.0 SWS seminar in a major subject

T1EJ-B Physikalische Chemie 4 (Biophysikalische Chemie) - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1GE-M Posttranscriptional gene regulation - 2.0 SWS lecture


Proceedings in mitochondrial homeostasis and stress response (Group Meeting, BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, K01.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

T1OI-M Radicals in chemistry and biochemistry - 2.0 SWS lecture


Recent advances in biochemical and genetic DNA repair research (group meeting, BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, Raum K02.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

T1SC-M Seminar Structural Biology, accompanying the practical course, place and time will be announced - 1.0 SWS



Structural Biology 1 (Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25, Raum A4.01) - 2.0 SWS lecture


Structural Biology practical course (full-time, online registration), Introduction in Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25, Room A4.01 - 10.0 SWS


T1YG-M Subject-specific colloquium in Biochemistry - Fachspezifisches Kolloquium in Biochemie - 2.0 SWS


T1YH-M Subject-specific seminar in Biochemistry - Fachspezifisches Seminar in Biochemie (two-day block seminar with a specific topic, dates and topics will be announced online before semester start, beginning of October, information about registration online) - 2.0 SWS


COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type


Relativistische Green-Funktionen in der Festkörpertheorie (Ort und Zeit nach Vereinbarung) -2.0 SWS

advanced course


Wochenkurs: Introduction into Explosion Physics with exercises (Ort und Zeit nach Vereinbarung), Anmeldung Haus D, Raum D3.069 - 1.0 SWS

advanced course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

„Make it right“ the do’s and don’t about scientific writing and image preparation - 2.0 SWS seminar

19463 Basisveranstaltung: Molekularbiologie und Biochemie für Bioinformatiker - 10.0 SWS internship

19178 Comparative Anatomy and Evolution of the Vertebrates - 6.0 SWS exercise course

GSN Soft-Skill Courses workshop

19478 GSN Workshop Careers beyond Science - 1.0 SWS talk

19180 Hot Topics in Ecology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19466 Interdisciplinary lecture series - From Biology to Medicine - 2.0 SWS seminar

19467 Keynote Seminar Series lecture

19491 Neurolunch - 1.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Bachelor and Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

19157 Lecture about dispersal biology of flowering plants Vorlesung: Einführung in die Ausbreitungsbiologie der Samenpflanzen und mikroskopische Techniken - 1.0 SWS


Practical Course and Seminar: Methods in protein characterization - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19489 Practical Short Course Methods for Computational Neuroscience - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19285 Practical course and Seminar: Computational analysis of RNA-Seq data - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19013 Practical course and Seminar: Embryonic stem cells - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19250 Practical course and seminar: Prokaryote-eukaryote interactions - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19377 Practical course morphology and diversity of eukaryotic algae - Praktikum: Morphologie

und Diversität der eukaryotischen Algen und mikroskopische Techniken

(Ergänzungsveranstaltung) - 3.0 SWS

exercise course

19164 Practical course: Molecular Plant Biology - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19388 Research course Aquatic Ecology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19162 Seminar for bachelor, master and doctoral students (AG Phylogenetic phycology) - 2.0 SWS seminar

19238 Seminar: Antibodies and drug conjugates - 2.0 SWS seminar

19144 Seminar: DNA-Repair - 2.0 SWS seminar

19016 Seminar: Design of experiments in plant science - 2.0 SWS seminar

19009 Seminar: From centrioles to microcephaly - 2.0 SWS seminar

19233 Seminar: Genetics and Society The human genome and its implications for mankind (seminar longitudinal to the lecture genomes and genomics) - 2.0 SWS


19008 Seminar: Mechanisms of plant gene regulation - 2.0 SWS seminar

19012 Seminar: Microbial Physiology and Synthetic Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19254 Seminar: Molecular and ecological aspects of biotechnology with microalgae and cyanobacteria -2.0 SWS


19010 Seminar: Stem cells - 2.0 SWS seminar

19242 Seminar: The genetic origin of evolving traits - 2.0 SWS seminar

19555 Seminar: Toxins - Toxic plants - Plant toxins - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

19449 „Leading & Supervising in Science“ - 1.5 SWS workshop

„Quantity matters“ - A Seminar about Sustainable Development Goals and the pivotal role of biologist in reaching those goals - 2.0 SWS


3D Genome Organisation and Cell Fate - Methods and Functional Importance - 2.0 SWS seminar

19332 A Basic Introduction to Conventional MRI and Analysis Techniques for Neuro-Applications - 2.0 SWS


19559 AG- Gompel Lab meeting accompanying seminar

19418 Advanced Analysis of Neurophysiological Time Series - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19411 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Genetics, seminar accompanying thesis research - 2.0 SWS seminar

19247 An Introduction to R - 2.0 SWS exercise course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


19341 Analysis of multichannel extracellular recordings and optogenetic manipulations in the visual cortex of awake mice - 6.0 SWS

exercise course

19398 Anthropological Seminar: From xenophobia to ostracism - 2.0 SWS seminar

19346 Bio-Inspired Information Processing - 9.0 SWS exercise course

19199 BioImaging - Practical course und Seminar - 5.0 SWS n/a

19370 Botanical colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

19327 Comparative Anatomy and Evolution of the Vertebrates - 2.0 SWS lecture

Computational Methods in Evolutionary Biology - 4.0 SWS lecture

19246 Computational Methods in Population Genetics I lecture

19244 Computational Methods in Population Genetics II - 2.0 SWS lecture

19330 Computational Neuroscience: A Lecture Series from Models to Applications - 2.0 SWS lecture

19405 Current Literature in Aquatic Ecology seminar

19336 Current Topics in Neural Circuits of Vision - 2.0 SWS seminar

19378 EES Seminar Series - 2.0 SWS seminar

19019 Extra- and Intracellular recordings of single and multi-units - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19156 Functional Organization of Vestibulo-Motor Responses - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19565 Get to know yourself - As a teamplayer! - 1.0 SWS seminar

19253 Group Meeting Osman n/a

Hippocampal Sequence Replay - 2.0 SWS seminar

19329 Imaging Neuropsychiatry I - 2.0 SWS lecture

19414 Individual Research Training 3 - 12.0 SWS internship

19389 Individual Research Training EES - 7.0 SWS internship

19196 Introduction to Master MCB, PLS, MHB introductory


19223 Lecture - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 2.0 SWS lecture

19221 Lecture - Molecular Oncology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19245 Lecture Phylogenetics II - 3.0 SWS lecture

19396 Lecture Transcriptional regulation from DNA to diversity - 2.0 SWS lecture

19342 Lecture and Practical Course in Neuroprosthetics - 4.0 SWS exercise course

19344 Lecture and Practical Course: Basic 2-Photon Microscopy Applied to Functional Brain Activity -

2.0 SWS

exercise course

19202 Lecture and Seminar Current topics in biomedical research - 4.0 SWS lecture

19198 Lecture and practical course: Computational Biology - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19529 Lecture and tutorium: Applied Electronics for Biologists - 3.0 SWS lecture

19014 Lecture course: Methods in epigenetics, cell biology and human biology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19158 Lecture morphology and diversity of eucaryotic algae - Vorlesung: Morphologie und Diversität der

eukaryotischen Algen und mikroskopische Techniken - 1.0 SWS


19159 Lecture: An Introduction to Electron Microscopy - 2.0 SWS lecture

19328 Lecture: Animal Communication - 2.0 SWS lecture

19395 Lecture: Aquatic Ecology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19007 Lecture: Biochemistry and cell biology of plants - 2.0 SWS lecture

19015 Lecture: Current topics in plant sciences - 2.0 SWS lecture

19249 Lecture: Detection and analysis of biomolecules - Microscopy and spectroscopy in the life

sciences - 2.0 SWS


19384 Lecture: Evolutionary Ecology - 4.0 SWS lecture

19133 Lecture: Evolutionary Genetics - 4.0 SWS lecture

19006 Lecture: From cannabis and nicotine to anti-cancer drugs - plant derived drugs and how they

function in plants and in humans - 2.0 SWS


19232 Lecture: Genomes and Gene regulation - 2.0 SWS lecture

19135 Lecture: Human genomics - 2.0 SWS lecture

19570 Lecture: Methods in Molecular Biology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19011 Lecture: Microbial Physiology and Synthetic Biology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19017 Lecture: Molecular virology (part I: basic virology) - 2.0 SWS lecture

19206 Lecture: Neuroimmunology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19243 Lecture: Phylogenetics I lecture

19283 Lecture: Recent discoveries in host-microbe interactions - 2.0 SWS lecture

19134 Lecture: Systematic Data and Evidence - 4.0 SWS lecture

19279 Literary seminar: Novel techniques and approaches in physical and synthetic biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19347 Mass spectrometry and proteomics for functional analysis of disease - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19195 Master's Workshop: Intercultural Communication Skills, Oct 7 or Oct 9 workshop

19383 Mathematical Basics for EES students lecture

19125 Microbiological colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


19018 Molecular Neurogenetics and Experimental Stroke Research - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19340 Multichannel extracellular recordings in awake behaving rodents: from experiment to data

analysis - 6.0 SWS

exercise course

19154 Neurobiology of Cognition - 2.0 SWS seminar

19339 Neuroimmunological methods in experimental stroke research - 3.0 SWS exercise course

Neuromuscular Disease - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19337 Neuronal Mechanisms of Vision - 2.0 SWS seminar

19477 Neuroscience Lectures (MCN, GSN, SFB, BCCN, SFB, RTG) - 2.0 SWS lecture

19020 P 1.1 Fundamentals in Neuroscience - Lecture - 4.0 SWS lecture

19307 P 1.2 Fundamentals in Neuroscience 1 - Tutorial - 2.0 SWS tutorial

19320 P 10.1 Tutoring for Beginners - 1.0 SWS tutorial

19321 P 10.2 Non-Scientific Skills - 1.0 SWS workshop

19322 P 10.3 Vocational Training - 1.0 SWS workshop

19308 P 2.1 Systems Neuroscience 1 - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19309 P 2.2 & WP 9.2 Systems Neuroscience 2 - Seminar Audition and Communication - 1.0 SWS seminar

19153 P 2.2 & WP 9.2 Systems Neuroscience 2 - Seminar Sound Localisation - 1.0 SWS seminar

19310 P 3.1 Research Project 1 - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS internship

19311 P 3.2 Research Project 1 - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19314 P 4.1 Comparative Anatomy and Neuroanatomy - Practical Course - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19315 P 4.2 Neurophysiology and Biophysics - Practical Course - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19192 P 6.2 Seminar Carl Craver, Explaining the Brain - 2.0 SWS seminar

19312 P 7.1 Research Project 2 - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS internship

19313 P 7.2 Research Project 2 - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19359 P 8.1 Laboratory Internship - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19360 P 8.2 Lab Rotation - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19361 P 9.1 Research Project 3 - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS internship

19362 P 9.2 Research Project 3 - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

Practical course: Methods in electron microscopy and their application - 3.0 SWS internship

19490 Practical Course Advanced Live-Cell Imaging Course - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19488 Practical Course Auditory Electrophysiology - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19222 Practical Course Molecular Oncology - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19487 Practical Course Principles of Neurorehabiliation - 3.0 SWS exercise course

Practical and Seminar: Scientific Web Tool Development using Python - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19282 Practical coures Bacterial Proteomics - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19476 Practical course - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19412 Practical course Experimental Plankton Ecology - 9.0 SWS exercise course

19240 Practical course Single Cell Analysis Techniques in Epigenetics Research - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19166 Practical course about dispersal biology of flowering plants - Praktikum: Einführung in die Ausbreitungsbiologie der Samenpflanzen und mikroskopische Techniken (Ergänzungsveranstaltung) - 3.0 SWS

exercise course

19234 Practical course and Seminar: Genome research: Latest technology and tools to decode genomes - 5.0 SWS


19259 Practical course and Seminar: How to design experiments and write a project proposal - 5.0 SWS

exercise course

19241 Practical course and Seminar: Introduction into molecular oncology and epigenetics - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19262 Practical course and Seminar: Mitochondria - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19363 Practical course and Seminar: Regulation of plant metabolism - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19284 Practical course and Seminar: Small RNAs in Plant Microbe Interactions - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19263 Practical course and Seminar: Systems Biology - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19200 Practical course and seminar model organisms - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19197 Practical course and seminar: Lab methods in MCB, MHB, PLS - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19406 Practical course: Bioimaging - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19248 Practical on Computational Methods in Population Genetics exercise course

19205 Praktikum und Seminar - Applications of Machine Learning in Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19227 Research Group Seminar - Molecular Oncology II - 1.0 SWS seminar

19225 Research Group Seminar - Neurosciences II - 1.0 SWS seminar

19271 Research Meetings 1 (AG Leonhardt) - 2.0 SWS seminar

19128 Research course Anthropology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19571 Research course Computational Genomics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19390 Research course Osteology and Bioarchaeology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19267 Research course: Cell and developmental biology of animals - 12.0 SWS research internship

19369 Research course: Abiotic stress and non-coding RNA - 12.0 SWS research internship

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


19272 Research course: Advanced light microscopy - 12.0 SWS research internship

19185 Research course: Arthropod diversity through time - 12.0 SWS research internship

Research course: BIOTOPIA-Naturkundemuseum Bayern in the Exhibition areas: 'Sense' or 'Communicate'

research internship

19141 Research course: Bacterial cell entry - 12.0 SWS research internship

19189 Research course: Bioinformatic analysis of next generation sequencing data research internship

19511 Research course: Biology of lichens - 12.0 SWS research internship

19386 Research course: Biology of the arthropods and molluscs - 12.0 SWS research internship

19177 Research course: Cellular mechanisms in reproductive medicine - 12.0 SWS research internship

19268 Research course: Cellular mechanisms of neurodegeneration - 12.0 SWS research internship

19266 Research course: Centrioles - 12.0 SWS research internship

19217 Research course: Comparative Primate Genomics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19151 Research course: Current topics in ultrastructural research on plant-microbe interactions - 12.0 SWS

research internship

19168 Research course: Development and signal transduction in higher plants - 12.0 SWS research internship

19181 Research course: Ecology / zoology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19190 Research course: Evolution of Cryptogams research internship

19131 Research course: Functional genomics in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria - 12.0 SWS research internship

19372 Research course: Functional genomics in cyanobacteria - 12.0 SWS research internship

19184 Research course: Functional morphology of animals (vertebrates) - 12.0 SWS research internship

19182 Research course: Functional morphology of arthropods - 12.0 SWS research internship

19371 Research course: Gene expression in plastids - 12.0 SWS research internship

19374 Research course: Genetic diversity of lichens research internship

19145 Research course: Human biology, epigenetics - 6.0 SWS research internship

19172 Research course: Mass spectroscopy and biochemistry of organelles - 12.0 SWS research internship

19251 Research course: Mechanisms of cell division - 12.0 SWS research internship

19130 Research course: Membrane transport in plants - 12.0 SWS research internship

19149 Research course: Membrane-biochemical topics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19269 Research course: Metabolic acclimation to abiotic stress - 12.0 SWS research internship

19174 Research course: Metabolite and Cation Transporter of Chloroplast Membranes - 12.0 SWS research internship

19265 Research course: Molecular Human Genetics / Immunology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19150 Research course: Molecular biology and biochemical topics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19170 Research course: Molecular biology and biogenesis of plant organelles - 12.0 SWS research internship

19142 Research course: Molecular genetics and signal transduction of pathogenic protozoa - 12.0 SWS

research internship

19143 Research course: Molecular plant-microbe interactions - 12.0 SWS research internship

19274 Research course: Plant immunity research internship

19175 Research course: Plant metabolism - 12.0 SWS research internship

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


19169 Research course: Plastid to nucleus signaling in plants research internship

19129 Research course: Regulation of cell-cell crosstalk - 12.0 SWS research internship

19173 Research course: Regulation of photosynthesis - 12.0 SWS research internship

19183 Research course: Special zoology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19375 Research course: Species diversity of lichens research internship

19176 Research course: Visualizing cellular dynamics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19275 Research courses in molecular virology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19229 Research group seminar - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 1.0 SWS seminar

19230 Research practical course - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 12.0 SWS research internship

19228 Research practical course - Molecular Oncology II - 12.0 SWS research internship

19226 Research practical course - Neurosciences II - 12.0 SWS research internship

19224 Seminar - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 2.0 SWS seminar

19147 Seminar - Hot topics in (cryo) electron microscopy - 2.0 SWS seminar

19124 Seminar - Methods in electron microscopy and their application - 2.0 SWS seminar

19471 Seminar - Neurosciences - 2.0 SWS seminar

19270 Seminar AG Leonhardt seminar

19349 Seminar Adaptive Perception and Attention - 2.0 SWS seminar

19400 Seminar Frontiers in Evolutionary Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19351 Seminar Neuropsychopharmacology - basic pharmacodynamic principles and clinical practical pharmacokinetic aspects - 1.0 SWS


19278 Seminar Project meeting Cordes seminar

19140 Seminar Signalling and development in Trypanosoma - 2.0 SWS seminar

19399 Seminar and Discussion 1: Species Concepts, Adaptation and Speciation - 2.0 SWS seminar

19421 Seminar and Discussion 3 / Hot topics in evolution, ecology and systematics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19187 Seminar and Practical course: Protein transport - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19373 Seminar for bachelor, master and doctoral students (AG Evolution of seedless land plants) - 2.0 SWS


19160 Seminar for bachelor, master, and doctoral students and for Zulassungskandidaten (AG Phylogeny and evolution) - 1.0 SWS


19408 Seminar to accompany thesis research in evolutionary genetics - 2.0 SWS seminar

Seminar to accompany thesis research in statistical genetics and evolutionary bioinformatics seminar

19237 Seminar: 12 Drugs That Changed The World - 2.0 SWS seminar

19126 Seminar: Animal Models for Psychiatric Disorders - 2.0 SWS seminar

19553 Seminar: Any Plan(t)s for Climate Change? - The impact of global warming on plant communities - 2.0 SWS


19564 Seminar: Behaviour and Speciation journal club - 2.0 SWS seminar

19528 Seminar: Comparative and functional animal anatomy - 2.0 SWS seminar

19550 Seminar: Computational genetics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19556 Seminar: Contemporary Questions in Behavioral Ecology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19530 Seminar: Current research in plant-environment interactions - 2.0 SWS seminar

19139 Seminar: Current research results in genetics - 1.0 SWS seminar

19213 Seminar: Current topics in Statistical Genomics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19255 Seminar: Current topics in cell biology and physiology of plants - 2.0 SWS seminar

Seminar: Current topics in plant evolutionary cell biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19366 Seminar: Current topics in systematic biology - 1.0 SWS seminar

19401 Seminar: Evolution of sex, sexes and sex determination systems seminar

19258 Seminar: Food and genes - 2.0 SWS seminar

19551 Seminar: Introduction to Population genetics and coalescent theory - 2.0 SWS seminar

19138 Seminar: Journal club Molecular plant microbe interactions - 2.0 SWS seminar

19256 Seminar: Mechanisms of cell division seminar

19260 Seminar: Mechanisms of cytokinesis in animal cells - 2.0 SWS seminar

19368 Seminar: Molecular biology and genetic engineering - 2.0 SWS seminar

19136 Seminar: Molecular genetics and signal transduction of pathogenic protozoa - 2.0 SWS seminar

19137 Seminar: Plant genetics of symbiosis - 2.0 SWS seminar

19252 Seminar: Research on mitochondrial biology using S. cerevisiae and C. elegans as model organisms


19148 Seminar: Structural and functional analysis of prokaryotic transmembrane receptors and transporters - 2.0 SWS


Seminar: The Plant-Environment Interactions Journal Club - 1.0 SWS seminar

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


19567 Seminar: The evolution of brains and behaviour - 2.0 SWS seminar

19367 Seminar: The ongoing global mass extinction: finding ways out of the biodiversity crisis - 2.0 SWS


19560 Seminar: Transcriptional regulation: quantitative methods and models - 2.0 SWS seminar

19403 Seminar: Tropical Rainforests: Ecology, Conversion, Conservation - 2.0 SWS seminar

19348 Short Lecture Biomechanical Methods and Applications in Modeling of Movement Control - 1.0 SWS


19382 Skills 1 / Presentation - 1.0 SWS seminar

19391 Skills 2/ Scientific Writing - 2.0 SWS seminar

19413 Skills 4 / Grant writing - 2.0 SWS seminar

19193 Sleep and its disturbances in neurologic and psychiatric disorders - 2.0 SWS seminar

19335 Spatial and Temporal Cognition: Experiments and Models - 2.0 SWS seminar

19356 Structural and Functional Connectomics in Neuroimaging - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19203 Time Management - 1.0 SWS n/a

19333 Vestibular and Ocular Disorders - 2.0 SWS lecture

19218 WP 1.1 Basics in Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19219 WP 1.2 Basics in Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience - Practical Course - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19316 WP 2.1 Advanced Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience - Lecture - 1.0 SWS lecture

19317 WP 2.2 Advanced Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19318 WP 3.1 Basics in Computational Neuroscience - Lecture - 3.0 SWS lecture

19319 WP 4.1 Theoretical Biophysics and Cellular Physiology - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19155 WP 4.2 Theoretical Biophysics and Cellular Physiology - Excercise - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19326 WP 5.1 The Neural Code - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19325 WP 5.2 The Neural Code - Excercise - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19094 WP 9.1 Vorlesung Morphokurs basic evertebrates - 2.0 SWS lecture

19112 WP 9.2 Praktikum Arthropoda - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19110 WP 9.2 Praktikum Malacology - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19095 WP 9.2 Praktikum Morphokurs basic evertebrates - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19493 Wittgenstein, On Certainty 2 - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

19355 Workshop Cloning in a Nutshell and Practical Approach - 1.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for PhD students Lect.- Lecture Type No.

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor

Lect.- Lecture Type


20444 Advanced Topics of Shock Tube Experiments and their Applications - 1.0 SWS seminar

Computational Material Science / Quantenchemische Modellierung - 2.0 SWS lecture

Computational Material Science/ Quantenchemische Modellierung - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20457 Data analysis in Geo- and Paleomagnetism - 2.0 SWS lecture

20459 Environmental Magnetism - 2.0 SWS lecture

20458 Geophysics in French - 2.0 SWS lecture

Globale Geochemische Zyklen - 2.0 SWS lecture

20463 Machine Learning - 2.0 SWS lecture

20462 New directions in earthquake seismology - 2.0 SWS lecture

20438 Physical and experimental volcanology: reading seminar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Powder Diffraction / Pulverdiffraktion - 2.0 SWS block seminar

20429 Python Programming - 2.0 SWS lecture

20461 Space Weather lecture

20465 Special Topics in Computational Earthquake Physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

20476 Textural analysis of Volcanic rocks - 2.0 SWS n/a

20464 Theory and Application of electrom microprobe analysis - 2.0 SWS n/a

Courses for Master students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

20332 Advanced Functional Materials - 2.0 SWS lecture

20321 Crust and Mantle Petrology / Petrologie - 3.0 SWS lecture

20324 Excercise Petrophysics - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20322 Exercise Crust and Mantle Petrology / Übung Petrologie - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20409 P 1.1 Evolution of Life: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20377 P 1.1 Heterogeneous Systems (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20300 P 1.1 Mathematical Geophysics (Lecture) - 4.0 SWS lecture

20410 P 1.2 Evolution of Life: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20378 P 1.2 Heterogeneous Systems (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20301 P 1.2 Mathematical Geophysics (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20339 P 10.1/I Master thesis n/a

20430 P 10.2 Paleoecology - 2.0 SWS lecture

20341 P 11.0.1 und WP 6.0.3 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - 2.0 SWS lecture

20345 P 11.0.3 Precise GNSS - 4.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20343 P 11.0.4 Microthermometry - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20344 P 11.0.6 Mathematical Geology 2 - 3.0 SWS exercise course

20477 P 11.0.6 Mathematical Geology 2 - 3.0 SWS exercise course

20342 P 11.0.7 Mathematical Geology 3 - 3.0 SWS exercise course

20340 P 11.0.8 Geological Sample Preparation 2 - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20346 P 12.0.1 Advanced Deformation and Transformation 3 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20347 P 12.0.2 Advanced Surface Processes 3 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20348 P 12.0.3 Advanced Active Tectonics 3 - 2.0 SWS seminar

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


20350 P 12.0.5 Advanced Isotope Geochemistry and Geochronology 3 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20354 P 2.0.1, WP 7.0.1 Rheology - 4.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20379 P 2.1 Petrophysics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20302 P 2.1 Statistics for Geosciences (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20412 P 2.1 Systematics and Phylogenetics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20380 P 2.2 Petrophysics (Exercise), Course A - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20381 P 2.2 Petrophysics (Exercise), Course B - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20303 P 2.2 Statistics for Geosciences (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20382 P 3.1 Glass and Ceramics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20415 P 3.1 Global Cycles: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20304 P 3.1 Introduction to Earth System Science 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20416 P 3.2 Global Cycles: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20305 P 3.2 Introduction to Earth System Science 2 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20306 P 3.3 Geophysics Research: Overview on Methods and Open Questions - 2.0 SWS lecture

20311 P 3.5 Signal Processing - 2.0 SWS lecture

20310 P 3.6 Signal Processing - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20356 P 4.0.1, WP 7.0.3 Modern Active Tectonics - 4.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20307 P 4.1 Methods of Geocontinua (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20308 P 4.2 Methods of Geocontinua (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20333 P 5.0.1, WP 7.0.4 Geology of Mineral Deposits - 4.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20335 P 6.0.1 Advanced Deformation and Transformation 1 - 2.0 SWS seminar

P 6.0.4 /P12.0.4 Advanced Earth Magnetism - 2.0 SWS seminar

20384 P 6.1 Individual Research Project - 3.0 SWS internship

20385 P 6.2 Research Project (Seminar) - 1.0 SWS seminar

20386 P 7.1 Theory of Physics and Chemistry of Melts - 2.0 SWS lecture

20387 P 7.2 Applied Physics and Chemistry of Melts - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20456 P 9.0.4 Methods of Mineral Resources - 2.0 SWS n/a

20427 P 9.1 Research Project Design - 2.0 SWS seminar

20428 P 9.2 Individual Research Project - 6.0 SWS internship

P1.1 Field Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

20323 Petrophysics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20202 S (M.Sc.) Applied Qualitative Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

20175 S (M.Sc.) Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft - 2.0 SWS seminar

20183 S (M.Sc.) Land Use / Landnutzung - 2.0 SWS seminar

20299 Semester Opening for 1st Year Students (MSc Geophysics) introductory course

20309 Semester Opening for 2nd Year Students (MSc Geophysics) introductory course

20192 V (M.Sc.) Quantitative Methods and Statistics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20190 V (M.Sc.) Scientific Methods - 2.0 SWS lecture

20500 V (M.Sc.) Tutorium zur Vertieften Datenanalyse - 2.0 SWS lecture

20174 V (M.Sc.) Vertiefte Datenanalyse - 2.0 SWS lecture

20417 WP 1.1 Basic Concepts in Geology: Lecture - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20001 WP 1.1 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Lecture) - 3.0 SWS lecture

20002 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course A - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20004 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course B - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20006 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course C - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20008 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course D - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20007 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course E - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20005 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course G - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20003 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course H - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20009 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course I - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20365 WP 1.2 Fundamentals in Materials Science (Excercise), Course J - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20312 WP 1.2 Interdisciplinary Geophysics 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20313 WP 1.4 Special Topics in Geodynamics - 2.0 SWS seminar

20314 WP 1.5 Techniques of Scientific Working 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20425 WP 10.1 Advanced Topics in Geosciences: Lecture - Stratigraphic methods - 2.0 SWS lecture

WP 11.1 Micropaleontology: Tutorial (aus SS 20) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20431 WP 12.1 Geobiological Field Exercises: Field Practical - 2.0 SWS field practical

20432 WP 13.1 Geomicrobiology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20433 WP 14.1 Advanced Topics in Geosciences: Lecture: Ostracods in Basic and Applied Research -2.0 SWS


20434 WP 15.1 Special Topics in Geosciences: Lecture: Stable Isotopes - 2.0 SWS lecture

20436 WP 17.1 Collections Management and Research: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20366 WP 2.1 Structure determination (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


20315 WP 2.2 Interdisciplinary Geophysics 2 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20367 WP 2.2 Structure determination (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20316 WP 2.4 Special Topics in Seismology - 2.0 SWS seminar

20317 WP 2.5 Techniques of Scientific Working 2 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20390 WP 23.1 Surfaces and Interfaces - 1.0 SWS lecture

20391 WP 23.2 Surface Analysis - 3.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20392 WP 24.1 Theory of Thermodynamical Phase Equilibria - 2.0 SWS lecture

20393 WP 24.2 Application of Thermodynamical Phase Equilibria - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20394 WP 25.1 Rheology of Rocks - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20395 WP 25.2 Rheology of Rocks (Laboratory) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20396 WP 26.1 Field Exercise field practical

20397 WP 26.2 Field Exercise (Seminar) - 1.0 SWS seminar

20398 WP 27 Complementory Natural Sciences II - 4.0 SWS n/a

20399 WP 28.1 Theory in Advanced Material Science - 2.0 SWS lecture

20400 WP 28.2 Applied Advanced Material Science - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20401 WP 29.1: Concepts of Biomineralization: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20455 WP 3.0.3, WP 4.0.5 Mineral Economics - 2.0 SWS n/a

20419 WP 3.1 Basic Concepts in Molecular Paleobiology: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20368 WP 3.1 Volcanology (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20318 WP 3.2 Interdisciplinary Geophysics 3 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20369 WP 3.2 Volcanology (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20319 WP 3.4 Special Topics in Paleo- and Geomagnetism - 2.0 SWS seminar

20320 WP 3.5 Techniques of Scientific Working 3 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20402 WP 30.1 Techniques of Scientific Working - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20403 WP 31.1 Methods of Spectroscopy - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20404 WP 32.1 Reflected Light Microscopy (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20371 WP 4.2 Geochronology - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20421 WP 5.1 Basic Invertebrate Geobiology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20422 WP 5.1 Recent Topics in Geosciences (Seminar): Analysis of volcanic deposits' Reading and Discussion Seminar - 2.0 SWS


20420 WP 5.1 Recent Topics in Geosciences (Seminar): Petrology - Geochemistry Reading and Discussion Seminar - 2.0 SWS


20372 WP 5.1 Recent Topics in Geosciences (Seminar): Volcanology Reading and Discussion Seminar - 2.0 SWS


20326 WP 5.3 Application of magnetic methods in practice (Lecture) - 1.0 SWS lecture

20351 WP 6.0.1 Tectonic Geodesy - 4.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20352 WP 6.0.2 Earth Rotation and Solid Earth Physics - 5.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20373 WP 6.1 Advanced Geosciences - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20401 WP 6.1 Concepts of Biomineralization: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20330 WP 6.2 Precise GNSS (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20331 WP 6.3 Precise GNSS (Exercise Class) - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20374 WP 7.1 Introduction to Microthermometry - 1.0 SWS lecture

20375 WP 7.2 Microthermometry (Exercise) - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20360 WP 8.0.1 Magma Dynamics and Physical Volcanology - 2.0 SWS lecture

20361 WP 8.0.5 Advanced Mineral Deposit Geology - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20376 WP 8.1 Complementary Natural Sciences - 2.0 SWS integrated learning activity

WP 9.0.3 Geo- and Paleobiology - 4.0 SWS n/a

20199 Ü (M.Sc.) Geography and Sustainability - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20196 Ü (M.Sc.) Quantitative Methods and Statistics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21



In addition to German classes, the language center at LMU Munich also offers a broad range of language

courses in other languages for students from all faculties.

The LMU Munich Language Center (Fremd- und Fachsprachenprogramm) coordinates a comprehensive

range of language courses for members of all faculties to accompany their studies or furnish vocational

qualifications. The program includes conversation courses and specialized language courses in over 40

languages. A multimedia language laboratory is available for intensive use by students not only in formal

tuition, but also in the daily four hours of self-study.



Lecture Type

13024 Arabic A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14980 Arabic A1.1 holiday course language course

13043 Arabic A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

14981 Arabic A1.1 holiday course language course

14701 Arabic A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14702 Arabic A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13196 Bulgarian I - 4.0 SWS language course

13197 Bulgarian III - 4.0 SWS language course

13546 Bulgarian: Audiovisual Media - 1.0 SWS seminar

14594 Bulgarian: Texts and grammar - 1.0 SWS seminar

12195 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen I (A1 Teil 1) - 4.0 SWS language course

12556 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen II (A1 Teil 2) - 4.0 SWS language course

12557 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen III (A2 Teil 1) - 2.0 SWS language course

12777 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen IV (A2 Teil 2) - 2.0 SWS language course

12820 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen V (B1 Teil 1) - 2.0 SWS language course

13354 Der Finlandia-Literaturpreis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14308 Eesti keele vestluskursus - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14727 Englisch A2: Allgemeinsprache - externes Angebot language course

13009 English B1: English for Academic Purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

13006 English B2: Academic Writing - 2.0 SWS language course

13010 English B2: English for Academic Purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

14603 English B2: English for Academic Purposes holiday course language course

13011 English B2: English for Business - 2.0 SWS language course

14704 English B2: English for Physics - 2.0 SWS language course

13012 English B2: Exploring Contemporary Texts - 2.0 SWS language course

13045 English B2: Presentations & Negotiations - 2.0 SWS language course

13044 English C1: Academic English at Advanced Level - 2.0 SWS language course

13046 English C2: Academic English at Proficiency Level - 2.0 SWS language course

13228 Estnisch I - 4.0 SWS language course

13230 Estnisch III - 2.0 SWS language course

13181 Finnisch I - 4.0 SWS language course

13580 Finnisch III - 2.0 SWS language course

13183 Finnisch III - 2.0 SWS language course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


14700 Französisch A1.1 (für Studierende aller Fächer - nur zu Informationszwecken) - 2.0


language course

13028 French A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13030 French A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13027 French A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13047 French A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13025 French B1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13029 French B2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13026 French C1 conversation (no ECTS) - 2.0 SWS language course

14712 Italienisch A1.1 (für Studierende aller Fächer - nur zu Informationszwecken) - 2.0 SWS language course

13013 Italian A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14994 Italienisch A1.1 Intensivkurs an der Münchner Volkshochschule (Frühjahr 2021) - 2.0


language course

13015 Italian A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13014 Italian A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13016 Italian A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13123 Italian B1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13124 Italian B1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13126 Italian B2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13048 Japanese I (A1.1) for beginners - 2.0 SWS language course

13049 Japanese II (A1.2) - 2.0 SWS language course

13051 Japanese III (A2) - 2.0 SWS language course

13050 Japanese IV (B1) - 2.0 SWS language course

12181 Kiswahili 1 - 2.0 SWS language course

12182 Kiswahili 3 - 2.0 SWS language course

13180 Konversationskurs Finnisch Stufe I - 1.0 SWS exercise course

13182 Konversationskurs Finnisch Stufe II - 1.0 SWS tutorial

12196 Koreanisch I (P 9.1.3) - 4.0 SWS language course

12535 Koreanisch III - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12361 Nahuatl (Mexiko) 1 (I+II) - 4.0 SWS language course

13039 Dutch A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13038 Dutch A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13125 Dutch A2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13011 Norwegisch für Nichtnordisten A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14617 Polish I - 4.0 SWS language course

14616 Polish III - 2.0 SWS language course

13544 Polish: Audiovisual Media - 3.0 SWS seminar

14592 Polish: Texts and Grammar - 2.0 SWS seminar

13031 Portuguese A1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13032 Portuguese A2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13033 Portuguese B1 - 2.0 SWS language course

12360 Quechua (Cusco-Variante, Peru) 1 (I+II) - 4.0 SWS language course

14614 Russian II - 4.0 SWS language course

14615 Russian III - 2.0 SWS language course

13582 Russian Ia - 4.0 SWS language course

13581 Russian Ib - 4.0 SWS language course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


14613 Russian Ic - 4.0 SWS language course

13010 Schwedisch für Nichtnordisten A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13007 Schwedisch für Nichtnordisten A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13008 Schwedisch für Nichtnordisten A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13241 Serbian/Croatian I - 6.0 SWS language course

13242 Serbian/Croatian III - 6.0 SWS language course

13547 Serbian/Croatian: Audiovisual Media - 2.0 SWS seminar

14595 Serbian/Croatian: Texts and Grammar - 2.0 SWS seminar

13221 Slovak I - 4.0 SWS language course

13222 Slovak III - 4.0 SWS language course

13231 Slovenian I - 4.0 SWS language course

13232 Slovenian III - 4.0 SWS language course

14720 Spanisch A1.1 (für Studierende aller Fächer - nur zu Informationszwecken) - 2.0 SWS language course

13019 Spanish A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14716 Spanish A1.1 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

13018 Spanish A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

14995 Spanish A1.2 holiday course language course

14717 Spanish A1.2 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

14721 Spanish A1.2-C1 FLIP Spanish (self-study course) language course

13020 Spanish A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14996 Spanish A2.1 holiday course language course

14718 Spanish A2.1 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

13120 Spanish A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

14997 Spanish A2.2 holiday course language course

14719 Spanish A2.2 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

13022 Spanish B1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14998 Spanish B1.1 holiday course language course

13121 Spanish B1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13023 Spanish B2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13122 Spanish B2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13017 Spanish C1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13021 Spanish C1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13053 Spanish A2.2 Hablemos de historia - 2.0 SWS language course

13052 Spanish B2.1 Curso de gramática, vocabulario y cultura por medio de la lectura - 2.0


language course

14715 Spanish B2.2 Preparación para el examen DAAD (para estudiar o hacer prácticas en un

país hispanohablante) - 2.0 SWS

language course

12357 Thai I (P 9.1.3) - 2.0 SWS language course

12358 Thai II (P 9.2.3) - 2.0 SWS language course

14618 Czech I - 4.0 SWS language course

14619 Czech III - 2.0 SWS language course

13545 Czech: Audiovisual Media - 2.0 SWS seminar

14593 Czech: Texts and Grammar - 2.0 SWS seminar

13007 Turkish A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13008 Turkish A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13198 Ukrainian I - 4.0 SWS language course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21


13199 Ukrainian III - 4.0 SWS language course

13543 Ukrainian: Audiovisual Media - 1.0 SWS seminar

14591 Ukrainian: Texts and Grammar - 1.0 SWS seminar

13206 Ungarisch I - 4.0 SWS language course

13334 Ungarisch III - 4.0 SWS language course

13207 Ungarische Konversation und Grammatik Stufe I und II - 1.0 SWS tutorial

14703 Preparatory course Japanese for academic purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Winter Semester 2020/21