Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava · 2016. 9. 22. · Comenius University on...

Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava Internal Regulation No. 12/2013 Study Regulations Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava Approved Pursuant to Art. 27 Sect. 1(a) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on changing and amending certain Acts by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University on December 17, 2013. It came into force by approval of the Academic Senate of Comenius University in Bratislava on December 18, 2013. December 2013 These Study Regulations pursuant to Art. 33 Sect. 3(a) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on changing and amending certain Acts, in the wording of later regulations (hereinafter referred to as “the Act“) are the Inte rnal Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the “Faculty“ of Comeni us University in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as the “CU”) approved by the Academic S enate of the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in accordance with the law on December 17, 2013 and approved by the Academic Senate of Comenius University in Bratislava on December 18, 2013. These Study Regulations are in accordance with the Study Regulations of Comenius University.

Transcript of Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava · 2016. 9. 22. · Comenius University on...

Page 1: Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava · 2016. 9. 22. · Comenius University on December 17, 2013. It came into force by approval of the Academic Senate of Comenius

Internal Regulations

Comenius University in Bratislava

Internal Regulation No. 12/2013

Study Regulations Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava

Approved Pursuant to Art. 27 Sect. 1(a) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on changing and amending certain Acts by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University on December 17, 2013. It came into force by approval of the Academic

Senate of Comenius University in Bratislava on December 18, 2013.

December 2013 These Study Regulations pursuant to Art. 33 Sect. 3(a) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher

Education and on changing and amending certain Acts, in the wording of later regulations

(hereinafter referred to as “the Act“) are the Inte rnal Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine

(hereinafter referred to as the “Faculty“ of Comeni us University in Bratislava (hereinafter

referred to as the “CU”) approved by the Academic S enate of the Faculty of Medicine of

Comenius University in accordance with the law on December 17, 2013 and approved by the

Academic Senate of Comenius University in Bratislava on December 18, 2013. These Study

Regulations are in accordance with the Study Regulations of Comenius University.

Page 2: Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava · 2016. 9. 22. · Comenius University on December 17, 2013. It came into force by approval of the Academic Senate of Comenius

Part I

General Provisions

Article 1

Introductory Provision

These Study Regulations govern the study of the students of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University admitted to all levels of the study programmes accredited in accordance with The Act on Higher Education.

Article 2

Basic Provisions (1) Study at the Faculty is organized in accordance with the law. Study under a Doctoral study

programme can be carried out also at an extramural educational institution which the CU or

the Faculty concluded a general agreement with.1

(2) The Faculty guarantees all academic rights and freedoms. In relation to the study they are

mainly the students’ right to study while availing themselves of the free choice of the study

within the accredited study programmes and the freedom in education based mainly on the

openness to various scientific opinions, research methods and the possibility of expressing

one’s own opinions.

Part II

Rules of Admission Procedure at FM CU

Article 3

Admission Procedure and the Requirements for Admission to Study

(1) The admission procedure is a process, which enables the applicant to show how he/she is

able to satisfy the required conditions for the study and become a student of the selected study

programme at the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University. (2) The basic requirements for the admission to study are specified in The Act on Higher Education. Faculty of Medicine can set further requirements for the admission to study to a particular study programme and the way of verification. Integral part of verification of

fulfilment of the study requirements is the entrance exam2. The entrance exam is an

inevitable part of the procedure for the Doctoral study3.

Article 4

Application for Study (1) The Dean of the Faculty advances early, at the latest by September 20 in the academic

year, which precedes the academic year, in which the study is due to begin, the

1 Sect. 54 of the Higher Education Act.


2 Sect. 57 of the Act on Higher Education

3 Sect. 57 Par. 3 of the Act on Higher Education


Page 3: Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava · 2016. 9. 22. · Comenius University on December 17, 2013. It came into force by approval of the Academic Senate of Comenius

requirements for admission to study, the deadline and the way of verifying their fulfilment, the form and the thematic content of the exam and the assessment of its results, along with the information about the number of the applicants, which the Faculty

is planning to admit to the study of the particular study programme.4

(2) Concerning Doctoral study programme the Dean announces also topics of dissertation theses at the latest two months before the date for submission of applications, which the applicants may apply for within the admission procedure; in case the topic is announced by an extramural educational institution, the name of this institution is also given. Each of the announced topics contains name of the study programme, name and surname of the Supervisor, including academic titles, form of study (full-time, part-time), deadline and the place of submitting applications and the date of admission procedure, conditions for admission, way of verifying their fulfilment, form and framework for admission procedure and the way of assessing the results. Facts mentioned in Par.1 are announced to public on the official information board of the Faculty, on the web site of the Faculty and in a

manner enabling mass access under a special regulation.5 Topics of dissertation theses

together with the above mentioned requisites are announced on the official information board of the Faculty and in a manner enabling mass access.

(3) The application to Doctoral study comprises the following attachments:

a) Curriculum Vitae, b) verified copies of documents proving completed education and citizenship; the applicant

who completed Master’s study at the same faculty of CU he/she applies for Doctoral

study at, submits copies of documents of completed education; the applicant who

completed Master’s study programme at a faculty of CU and applies for a Doctoral study

at a different faculty of CU submits copies of documents of completed education together

with their originals to be consulted and verified by an employee of particular study

department, c) list of his/her published articles or a list of results of other professional/specialist

activities or expert opinions of these works and activities. (4) The facts according to the Par. 1 and 2 are announced to public on the official information

board of the Faculty in a manner enabling mass access. These facts may not be changed

before the end of admission procedure. (5) The admission procedure for study at the Faculty begins for the applicant upon delivery of

his/her written application form to the Faculty which realizes particular study programme,

or by electronic application6, properly filled in and submitted via AIS system


(6) Written application for study must be submitted using the approved application form, by the given date and it must be signed by the applicant. The applicant with specific needs can attach a request on the ground of which, the form of entrance exam and the manner of

its accomplishment will be set after evaluation of his/her specific needs8and with respect

to his/her specific needs. 9

(7) The applicant attaches a proof of payment for the admission procedure. Consent to processing personal data is an inseparable part of the application form. The amount of payment for the admission procedure, the way of payment and payment details shall be publicized according to Par. 4.

4 Sect. 57 Par. 5 of the Act on Higher Education

5 Act No. 211/2000 Coll.. On Free Accsess to Information.

6 Details are given in a separate Internal Regulation of CU.

7 Sect. 58 Par. 2 of the Act on Higher Education

8 Pursuant to the provisions of Sect. 100 Par.9 b) of the Act on Higher Education 9 Details are stipulated in a separate Internal Regulation of CU on Students with specific needs


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(8) The applicant is bound to submit only one application form for every study programme. If the applicant applies for more study programmes, each application must be submitted on a

separate form.

(9) The applicant for Doctoral study enrols for one of the announced topics. (10) If the application form is not filled in properly, or if the proof of payment is not attached

according to Par. 7, the applicant is called on by the Faculty to address these deficiencies

within the given period. If the applicant fails to address the deficiencies within the given period, not shorter than 7 days, the respective application is considered invalid. (11) If the entrance exam is a part of the admission procedure, Faculty sends the applicant an

invitation to the entrance exam at the latest 28 days before the date of the exam. In case of

Doctoral study, Faculty sends the applicant an invitation to the entrance exam no later than 14

days prior to the examination date, and shall inform him/her also about its contents and focus.

Article 5

Entrance exam

(1) The entrance exam can be taken in one or more days. (2) There must be at least one regular and usually one alternate date for entrance

examination granted; these dates must be stated in accordance with the Statutes of CU.10

(3) The Dean may allow an alternate date to an applicant, who submits a written request.

The reason for the permission of the alternate examination date can be e.g. a sudden disease or a study abroad, when this study is considered preparation for the study at the FM CU, or the applicant’s presence at the entrance exam at another Faculty of CU.

(4) The entrance exam to the joined first and second level of study must be in written form.

(5) The Dean can set rules, which the applicant is obliged to stick to.

(6) The Dean shall appoint the Admission Committee to execute the entrance exam. (7) Entrance exam to Doctoral study is conducted in front of Admission Committee which

comprises the Chair of Admission Committee and at least two members appointed by the

Dean according to the proposal of the Chair of Subject Area Board. In case of admission

procedure on a topic announced by an extramural educational institution the Admission

Committee comprises also representatives of the extramural educational institution

appointed by the Head of the extramural educational institution. For study programmes

provided at the Faculty, the members from the Higher Education Institution are appointed

by the Dean. Following an agreement between the Higher Education Institution or the

Faculty and the extramural educational institution, the entrance exam can take place on

the extramural educational institution grounds in attendance of representatives of the

Higher Education Institution. (8) Prior to the entrance examination, the applicant´s identity has to be verified on the

grounds of the identity card or another proof of identity ( passport) (9) A written record about the course of the entrance exam of every applicant is taken,

which is a part of the entrance exam file. The filled in and evaluated written test along with its result (the number of points gained) is also part of this file.

(10) Evaluation of the written tests must be anonymous, i.e. the person evaluating them must not know, which applicant has written the respective test.

(11) Admission Committee for Doctoral study evaluates the result of the entrance exam at a closed session. In case there have been more applicants enrolled for one topic and the


Article 52 Par. 3 of the Statute of CU 4

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character of topic excludes more than one applicant to deal with it, the ranking of

applicants is made according to their success in the entrance examination. When

determining ranking, Admission Committee takes into consideration also range and

quality of publishing activities of the applicant and the results of his/her other activities

(e.g. results in student scientific and specialist works etc.) (12) A written record of the entrance exam result to Doctoral study is made. Admission

Committee submits the proposal on admission of the successful applicant to the Dean. In

case the topic has been announced by an extramural educational institution such extramural educational institution must express approval for admission of the applicant.

(13) The Dean or the authorised Vice-Dean or the Admission Committee interrupt the

entrance exam, when the applicant commits a deception or an act which is inconsistent

with the rules announced at the beginning of the entrance exam. The results of an

interrupted entrance exam of such applicant are not assessed, an alternate term for the

entrance exam is not provided and his/her entrance exam is regarded as failed. (14) The Dean or the authorised Vice-Dean or the Admission Committee shall interrupt the

entrance exam, if such circumstances occur in the course of the entrance exam, which

violate equality of the applicants present in the admission procedure. The results of the

interrupted entrance exam are not assessed, the entrance exam is repeated in the alternate

term or another term stated by the Dean.

Article 6 Decision on the Result of Admission Procedure

(1) The Dean decides upon the admission to a study programme11

. (2) The decision on the result of the admission procedure must be made in writing within 30

days after fulfilling the requirements for the admission to study. It must contain a statement, reasoning, an instruction about the possibility to send a written request for justifying the decision and the signature of the Dean or the authorised Vice-Dean. The written decision on admission to doctoral study must include study programme, form of study, name of the Supervisor and topic of the dissertation thesis. Decision on the result of the admission procedure must be delivered via registered post to the applicant only. The applicant, whose place of residence is unknown, is delivered the decision by posting the decision on the official information board of the Faculty for a period of 15 days. The

last day of this period is considered to be the day of the delivery12

. (3) The applicant who fails to fulfil essential requirements for the admission to study

according to Sect.57 of the Act on Higher Education., at the time of verification of fulfilment of the requirements for admission to study, can be accorded a decision on conditional admission to study. In case the student, at the latest on the day stated as the day of admission, does not prove to have met the essential requirements for the admission to study, the Dean renders a decision on cancelling the decision on conditional admission

to study and decides on non-admission to study.13

In case the student, at the latest on the

day stated as the day of admission, proves to have met the essential requirements for the admission to study, he/she is considered duly admitted to the chosen study programme.

(4) Copy of the decision on the result of the admission procedure is a part of the admission

procedure file. 11 Sect. 58 Par. 6 of the Act on Higher Education

12 Sect. 58 Par. 7 of the Act on Higher Education

13 Sect. 58 Par.1 of the Act on Higher Education


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Article 7

Publication of the Entrance Exam Results

(1) When an entrance exam for the study programme is held, accordingly on the day of the

entrance exam or the following day at the latest, the Faculty makes the overall result accessible to the applicant via Academic Information System.

(2) On a workday following the day of entrance exam (assessment of entrance exams held

abroad finished) the Faculty announces results of the entrance exam of all the applicants

on its web page and on the official information board of the Faculty as follows: code

number of the applicant, overall result of the entrance exam. The results are announced

according to the study programmes and arranged according to the code number of the

applicant. (3) If the entrance exam lasts more days, the results are according to Par.1 accessible to the

applicant on the last day of the exam. In case the exam is held outside the Slovak

Republic the result is according to Par.1 accessible to the applicant on the day of

assessment of the exam and the results, according to Par.2, on a workday following the

day of assessment of the entrance exam. (4) The announced information must contain the following note: “The list is for your

information only; conclusive issue is the Dean’s decision on the result of the entrance exam which shall be delivered via registered post to the applicant only.

Article 8

Publication of the Entrance Exam Procedure Results (1) No later than 24 hours after the meeting of the Admission Committee of the Dean of

the Faculty, the Faculty publicizes a list of the admitted applicants according to the study programmes on its official web site and on the official information board of the


(2) When the Faculty publicizes a list of the admitted applicants according to the study programmes, only the codes of the admitted applicants are given.

(3) The announced information must contain the following note “The list is for your

information only; conclusive issue is the Dean´s decision on the result of the entrance exam which shall be delivered via registered post to the applicant only.

Article 9

Entrance Exam Procedure File and the Applicant´s Access Thereto.

(1) The Faculty is obliged to file the documentation of the Admission Procedure,

enrolment to study and the registration for further parts of study, the transcript of records of the results of study, copies of the documents proving completion of the study and documentation regarding decisions on academic rights and obligations of a

student for the period of at least 25 years since the day of completion of the study.14


Sect. 55 Par. 9 of the Act on Higher Education


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(2)The applicant is entitled to access the documentation of his/her admission procedure, within 10 days since the day of delivery of the Dean´s decision. “Providing access”

means that the applicant can read the documentation and make write-offs or extracts. (3) Only the applicant himself/herself or a person authorized in writing by him/her may

access the documentation. It is possible to provide access to the documentation file in

the rooms reserved at the Faculty provided persons authorized by the Dean are

present. (4) Appropriate conditions and time must be provided for access to the documentation.

(5) If the applicant finds out, that her/his test was not evaluated correctly, or a mistake occurred in final scoring, he/she shall notify the person who is pursuant to Par.. 3 present

at providing access to the documentation and shall state this fact in the request for review

of the decision on non-admission.

Article 10

Review of the Decision on Non-admission

(1) The applicant, who has received the decision on non-admission to study, may apply

for a review of such decision. The application must be submitted to the Dean, who

made the decision, within the period of 8 days from the day of the delivery15

. (2) The Dean herself/himself can acquit the application; if he/she finds out that the

decision has been made contrary to the law, to the Internal Provisions of CU/the

Faculty or to the terms stated in accordance with Art. 57 Sect. 1 of the Act on Higher

Education. Otherwise the Dean shall refer the application to the Rector together with

attached documentation and with the written opinion of the Dean of the Faculty to the

statements and objections of the applicant, within 15 days from the day of the delivery.

(3) The Rector can change the decision, if it has been made contrary to law, to the Internal

Provisions of CU or to the terms stated in Art.57 Sect.1 of the Act on Higher

Education. Otherwise he/she rejects the request and confirms the previous decision.

(4) Rector´s decision in accordance with Par.2 must contain the statement, reasoning and

the instruction that it is not possible to appeal against this decision.

(5) The reply to the application for review of the decision must be sent to the applicant

within 30 days from the day of delivery of the decision on non-admission.

(6) The Dean reviews the applicant’s objections arisen during the process of accessing the

documentation or stated in the application for reviewing the decision. If it is proven

that the applicant has been aggrieved by the Faculty fault, the Dean in cooperation

with the Admission Committee are obliged to eliminate such fault and enlist the

applicant into the waiting list according to the corrected number of achieved points.


Sect. 58 Par. 8 of the Act on Higher Education 7

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(7) The changes in the documentation file on the admission procedure made pursuant to

Par. 6 must be made by the Admission Committee and a record on these changes must

be written, signed by the members of the Admission Committee.

(8) ) If the applicant, after the change made according to Par. 6, is enlisted among those,

who have fulfilled the requirements for admission to a particular study program, the

Dean shall change his original decision and shall admit the applicant to the study.

Article 11 Applicant’s Right of Admission to Study and its Termination

(1) Upon the notification of being admitted to study the applicant gets the right to be

admitted to study. The date, place and the manner of admission are stated and

announced by the Faculty.

(2) The Faculty has the right to inquire the information from the applicant whether he/she

will enrol in study. The applicant is obliged to provide this information no later than

the beginning of the academic year.

(3) The applicant’s right of admission to study on the ground of the notification

terminates, if he/she gives a negative answer to the question of CU or of the Faculty,

whether he/she intends to enrol for the study, or does not provide the answer by the

given date.

(4) If the applicant´s right to enrol expires, the Faculty shall cancel the decision by which

another applicant in order, according to admission procedure results, has not been

admitted, and shall issue a new decision on his/her admission to study.

Article 12 Admission Procedure in Case of Students Transferring from Other Higher Education


(1) The Faculty can allow a student to transfer from other higher education institution only in

case the applicant has been admitted to the other higher education institution for identical

study programme. (2) The student can apply for transfer from another higher education institution by the

beginning of academic year at the soonest, after having successfully completed the first

year of study and after fulfilling the requirements for the upcoming year of study

according to the rules stated by the higher education institution from which the student

wants to transfer. (3) The transfer is organized in the form of admission procedure in accordance with Art. 58 of

the Act on Higher Education. (4) The requirements for the admission procedure in case of a transfer are approved by the

Academic Senate of the Faculty as proposed by the Dean of the Faculty. They can be

different from the requirements for the study in the admission procedure which the

applicants from secondary schools were obliged to satisfy or the graduates of a degree

study programme when being admitted to the higher grade of study. Unless the Faculty


Page 9: Internal Regulations Comenius University in Bratislava · 2016. 9. 22. · Comenius University on December 17, 2013. It came into force by approval of the Academic Senate of Comenius

has approved specific requirements for admission procedure applicable for the transfer

from other higher education institution, the requirements for admission to study in

respective academic year apply. Recognition of completed subjects and the transfer of

credits are governed by Art. 31. (5) The application for transfer must be supplemented by the transcript of records and the

syllabus of subjects which the student has successfully passed.

Part III

Study at the Faculty of Medicine CU

Article 13 Grades and Forms of Study at the Faculty, Standard Duration of Study

(1) The Faculty provides, organizes and governs university education in the joined first and

second grade of the study to one whole pursuant to Art. 53 Sect. 3 of the Act on Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as “Doctor’s stu dy“) and postgraduate Doctoral study

as in the 3rd grade study programme (hereinafter referred to as the “Doctoral study“). (2) The Faculty might organize the interdisciplinary study programme in cooperation with

other universities including universities based outside the territory of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as “common study programme “) on behalf of the treaty on the common study programme, which contains the conditions to the admission to study and conditions of its accomplishment, details about the organization of the study, conferred

academic degrees and information on the documentation to the completion of study16


conditions of validity of University Internal Regulations for the students of common study programmes and conditions under which decisions about their academic rights and obligations are made in compliance with Internal Regulations of the University and legal

enactments of the state, in which the study is performed.17

(3) Faculty of Medicine provides the university study according to the accredited study

programmes, list of which is announced in a manner pursuant to the binding legal

regulations of the Act.18

. (4) Dean of the Faculty submits the proposal of study programmes performed at Faculty after

the discussion in the Academic Senate of the Faculty for approval to the Scientific Board

of the Faculty. (5) The study programmes in General Medicine and Dentistry are held exclusively as a full-

time form of the study. (6) The full-time study is organized so, that the study according to the recommended study

programme, depending on the study programme in terms of time demands, conforms with the student’s work in the scope of 1500 up to 1800 hours within an academic year,

including individual study and individual creative activity.19

16 Sect. 54a of the Act on Higher Education.

17 Sect. 54a Sect. 2 of the Act on Higher Education.

18 Sect. 54b of the Act on Higher Education.

19 Sect. 60 Par. 2 of the Act on Higher Education.


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(7) The organization of all stages and forms of the study is based on the credit system

pursuant to the binding legal regulation of Ministry of Education SR20

. (8) The standard duration of the study in the full-time study programmes is

a) six years in the Doctor’s study programmes and

b) four years in the Doctoral study programme.21

(9) For the purposes of tuition payment, first three years of the study in the study programmes

pursuant to Art. 53 Sect. 3 of the Act on Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as "joined study pursuant to Art. 53 Sect. 3") are considered as study programmes of the first stage and the fourth and further years of the joined study pursuant to Art.53 Sect.3 as a study in the second stage so that the fourth year of the joined study pursuant to Art. 53 Sect. 3 is considered to be the first year of the study in the study programme of the second

stage and other years as appropriate.22

(10) The standard length of the extramural study in the Doctoral study programme is five


Article 14 Students' Rights and Obligations

(1) The applicant admitted to study at the Faculty acquires the student’s status upon being

enrolled for the study programme offered by the Faculty. (2) The student has mainly the right:

a) to study in the study programme to which he/she has been admitted, b) to create a study plan according to the Study Regulations c) to register for the following part of the study programme while adhering to the

obligations determined by the study programme or Study Regulations, d) to choose the pace of study respecting the time and capacity limitations in the

particular study programme, e) to apply, within the framework of his/her study, for admission also to the study at

another university, even abroad (academic mobility), 24

f) to take part in the research, development and other creative activities at the Faculty, g) to participate in the foundation and activities of independent associations operating

at the Faculty in accordance with the legal regulations, h) to express his/her opinion, at least once a year, on the teachers and the quality of

tuition in the form of an anonymous questionnaire25

, i) to express freely his/her views and comments on university education, j) to obtain information and advisory services connected with his/her study and with

the graduate’s career opportunities, k) if the student is obliged to pay the tuition fees on behalf of the parallel study, the

student can decide in which study programme in the particular academic year he/she

will study for free, if he is entitled to free study,

20 Regulation of ME SR No. 614/2002 Coll. on Credit System of Studies.

21 Sect. 54 Par. 2 Letter a) of the Act on Higher Education.

22 Sect. 92 Par. 10 of the Act on Higher Education.

23 Sect. 54 Par. 2 Letter b) of the Act on Higher Education.

24 Sect. 58 Letter a) of the Act on Higher Education.

25 Sect. 70 Par. 1 of the Act on Higher Education.


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l) to submit a claim to the Dean of the Faculty and its settling; admission, registration, investigation, settling of claims and to follow the measure taken to corrections

regulated by a special regulation26

m) to review the Dean’s decision on expelling from study for not satisfying the

requirements and duties, which arise from the study programme and Study Regulation of the Faculty.

n) to review the Dean’s decision on expelling from study for deceptive acting at the entrance exams.

(3) The student is mainly obliged

a) to abide by Internal Regulations of the Faculty and its integrated parts,

b) to protect and use economically the Faculty’s property, resources and services, c) to pay the tuition and other fees related to the study, directly to the Faculty within

the time of their maturity and to provide correct information necessary for their

determination, d) to provide the Faculty at which he/she is enrolled with the address to which

respective documents and other information should be sent, or the change of the

address, e) to appear in person when called upon in writing to do so by Rector, Dean or other

authorized person of the Comenius University or Faculty. f) in case of simultaneous study, to inform the Faculty in writing on the decision in

which study programme he/she intends to study free of charge, by September 30 of respective academic year,

g) properly prepare for instruction and all forms of study check (examinations), fulfil

tasks assigned by the teacher in time and properly, have learning aids duly prepared according to the teacher’s instructions,

h) follow good manners, mainly in behaviour towards teachers and other employees of the Faculty.

(4) In compliance with the law, the bodies of academic self-administration have the right to decide, in the name of the Comenius University, on the issues of academic rights and

obligations of the students enrolled in the study in accordance with the study programmes organized at the Faculty.

(5) Every student of the Faculty automatically becomes a member of the Faculty’s and of the Comenius University’s academic community.

(6) The student can be subject to a disciplinary measure for any infringement of the law, the

Statutes of the Comenius University or of the Faculty, or for any violation of the public order.

(7) The details of the disciplinary proceedings are regulated in the Disciplinary Rules of CU or Disciplinary Rules of the Faculty.

Article 15 Study Advisor, Doctoral Student's Supervisor and Mobility Coordinator

(1) Study Advisors appointed and recalled by Dean from the university teachers act to

provide the advisory services for students at the Faculty. It is within Dean’s authority to appoint more Study Advisors.

(2) The Supervisor of a Doctoral student (hereinafter referred to as "Supervisor"):


Act No. 9/2010 Coll. on Complaints. 11

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a) for a particular field of study or study programme of the Doctoral study programme might be a Faculty teacher of CU or other professional from practice, after approval by respective Scientific Board. The rules for approval of Supervisors

are stated in the Internal Regulation27

; b) for topics listed by an extramural educational institution it might be a person

approved by this institution. Extramural educational institution provides the Scientific Board with scientific-pedagogical characteristics of their Supervisors.

(3) The Supervisor professionally leads a Doctoral student during his/her Doctoral study.

The Supervisor fulfils the following tasks:

a) in cooperation with a Doctoral student compiles an individual study programme of a Doctoral student and submits it for approval to a Subject Area Board,

b) regulates and professionally guarantees fulfilment of the study programme of a Doctoral student and checks fulfilment of his/her pedagogical activities,

c) defines the scope of the project of the dissertation thesis and refines its topic together with a Doctoral student,

d) grants a Doctoral student assigned number of credits for completed phases of the

individual study of scientific literature and scientific part of the study plan, if they

were defined in the study programme,

e) submits yearly evaluation of the Doctoral student to the Dean, f) submits a proposal to expel the Doctoral student from the Doctoral study to the

Dean, expresses his/her opinion on the Doctoral student’s request to interrupt the study and request to change the study programme within the framework of the same

field of study or related field of study, g) recommends the Doctoral student in the case of his/her interest in study internship

in other domestic or foreign institutions of science, education or research, h) elaborates the opinion on the dissertation thesis and working characteristic of

his/her Doctoral student, i) ensures consultations with other professionals for a Doctoral student, if necessary, j) participates in the dissertation exam of the Doctoral student and defence of his/her

dissertation thesis and has the right to give his/her opinion.

(4) In order to secure the students’ mobility Dean appoints a Faculty coordinator (a vice-

Dean) from the university teachers, whose task is, in cooperation with the Department of

International Relations and the Study Department of the Rector’s Office CU, to organize

international cooperation in the area of education, dealing with the task involved in

sending and accepting students, and provision of advisory services concerning the study


Article 16 Foreign Students' Study

(1) Foreign citizens can study at the Faculty as paying students, as students awarded the grant

from the government, as students participating in an exchange programme agreed upon

between the Government of the Slovak Republic, the Comenius University or the Faculty

and a foreign partner, on the basis of an agreement at the level of the rectors, ministers, or

the Government of the Slovak Republic.

27 Rector's Directive No. 9/2002 The rules for Approval of Supervisors for the Doctoral Study at CU.


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(2) The rights and obligations of the paying students, including the payments for the tuition

and the extent of other services provided by the Faculty, are contained in the contract

signed by both parties involved, i.e. the statutory representative of the University and the

student or his/her authorized representative. The rights and obligations of the students

having a different nationality are the same as those of the Slovak students unless stated

otherwise in the contract. (3) Before being enrolled, the student must submit the documents and provide proof of

payment of the fees set forth in the contract referred to in the previous article. (4) The study for paying students the Faculty provides in the Slovak and English language.

The students studying in the English language shall be obliged, before the start of the clinical disciplines (by the end of the 4th semester) to prove their knowledge of the

Slovak language sufficient for communicating with the patients. (5) Foreign students other than paying students or students studying within the framework of

international agreements and exchange programmes shall study only in the Slovak

language. Their rights and obligations are the same as for the Slovak students. (6) Foreigners and paying students can be admitted in the form of a transfer under the same

terms as the other students (Art. 12).

Part IV

Organization of the Study at the Faculty

Article 17 Schedule of Studies

(1)The academic year begins on September 1 of the current year and ends on August 31 of the following year.

(2)The Doctoral study may also start at the beginning of the second semester of the academic year.

(3)The academic year is divided into the winter semester and the summer semester.

(4)Each semester consists of the educational part and the examination period, in the Doctoral study it also consists of the scientific part.

(5)Each semester consists of 14 weeks of teaching; the 10th semester of the programme of

general medicine has 15 weeks of teaching. The tuition is organized also in the form of teaching in blocks.

(6)The Rector states, after the discussion in the Rector’s Board of CU, a unified schedule of study for the following academic year by 31 January at the latest.

(7)The study schedule for Doctoral study programmes may differ from the schedule of the study stated by the Rector of CU. After the discussion in the administration of the Faculty, the

Dean of the Faculty states it at the latest by 28 February for the following academic year.

Article 18 Organization of Enrolment for Study


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(1) A detailed arrangement of relations which arise at the enrolment for study is covered in Art. 1 of the Amendment No.1: General Rules of Enrolment to Study, Recording and

Reviewing Study Results at the faculties of CU (2) The enrolment is organized by the Study Department or other unit authorised to deal with

administration of the study agenda. (3) A part of the documentation of enrolment for the Doctoral study is also approved

individual study plan of the Doctoral student (pursuant to Art. 20). (4) Students of other faculties or universities can register a subject at the Faculty after

approval of the Dean, or entrusted coordinator, under the condition that the student has completed specified prerequisites and unless it is restrained by an insufficient teaching

capacity. (5) If the subject, which the students register for, has limited capacity ( due to spacial,

personnel of other reasons), students are allowed to register in this order of priority:

a) students of their own Faculty, for whom the subject is compulsory (recommended

in a given semester in accordance with the study programme plan) and students of

other universities, who register for the subject as compulsory on the basis of agreement on the study,

b) students of their own Faculty, for whom the subject is compulsory elective, c) students of other CU faculties for whom the subject is compulsory elective on the

basis of agreement between faculties. d) students of other CU faculties for whom the subject is optional,

e) students of other universities for whom the subject is optional.

Article 19 Credit System of the Study

(1) The credit system enables to evaluate the student’s load connected with completion of the

individual study units of the study programme - the study subjects (hereinafter referred to

as the “subjects“) by means of the credit points, h elps the university to open itself from

the inside, supports the students’ mobility and provides the student with the possibility to

participate in the compilation of his/her study programme. (2) The credit points are numerical values allocated to the subjects which characterize the

amount of the work necessary for their successful completion. (3) The student’s standard load during an academic year in the full-time form of the study is

60 credit points, i.e. 30 credit points per a semester. (4) The student’s standard load during the whole academic year in the extramural form of the

Doctoral study is 48 credit points. (5) The student gains credit points after successful completion of the subject. It is possible to

gain the credit points for the subject in question only once within the course of studies. (6) The credit points gained for completion of subjects are collected (added up,

accumulated). One of the conditions for continuing in the study after a predetermined

control stage is the gaining of the necessary sum total of the credit points prescribed by the study programme.

(7) The total number of the credit points required for the due completion of the study is:


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a) in the joined first and second stage pursuant to Art. 53 Sect. 3 of the Act on Higher Education, 360 credit points, when the standard length of the study is 6 years and

b) in the Doctoral study, in full-time form of the study, 240 credit points, when the

standard length of the study is four years; in the extramural form of the study 240

credit points, when the standard length of the study is five years.

(8) During the study the Doctoral student gains credits for these activities:

(a) completion of the study part, which consists of namely specialized doctoral lectures and

seminars according to the study programme of the Doctoral student. The study part is

completed by passing the dissertation exam. The Doctoral student gains 20 credit points for

successfully passed dissertation exam. The Doctoral student has the chance to register for

supplementary subjects which are offered by faculties in their study programmes, especially

master (doctoral) study unless he/she had already completed these subjects in the previous

level of higher education. Study of supplementary subjects and individual study of the

scientific and professional literature do not compensate the completion of compulsory lectures

and seminars stated in the study plan of the Doctoral student, nor does performance of

teaching activities at university, (b) independent creative research (publications, completion of the research work phase defined in the individual study plan etc.) related to the dissertation thesis, (c) teaching activities at university or Faculty (e.g. conducting practicals) and therapeutical preventive activity at workplaces of medical faculties; possibly other practical activities

performed at the Faculty or a similar facility, if required by the nature of the study. Credit values for these activities are determined by faculties in their Internal Regulations (this provision does not refer to Doctoral students in part-time form of study), (d) a Doctoral student gains 30 credit points for the dissertation thesis and its defence. The student must gain credit points in the structure stated by the Study Programme.

(9) Educational activities in the framework of the Doctoral study pursuant to Par. 8 Letter a) and b) are mutually irreplaceable. Within his/her study a Doctoral student is obligated to gain

at least 40 credit points for educational activities as stated in Par. 8 Letter a) and 40 credit

points for creative activities as stated in Par. 8 Letter b). (10) If a student performs part of his/her studies at a different faculty or higher education

institution in Slovakia or abroad on the basis of a Study Agreement28

(within academic

mobility), the credit points gained shall be included (transferred) in his score on the basis of the transcript of the study results issued to the student by the Faculty or university where he gained such credit points. The credit transfer does not mean automatic recognition of a subject completion from the study programme the student has been enrolled to. Decision on recognition of a subject completion instead of a subject from the study programme is made by the Dean preceded by the reference of the relevant subject guarantor upon the student’s particular written request. Provisions of Article 31 are applied accordingly.

Article 20

Study Programme, Study Plan, Study Documents 28

Sect. 7 Par. 1 Letter b) of the Decree No. 614/2002 Coll. of Ministry of Education SR on the Credit System of Study. 15

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(1) The study programme is a set of educational activities and a set of rules compiled with the aim of enabling successful completion of the given educational activities, while abiding by the rules set forth, which would enable the student to acquire university



(2) The study programme is specified by essentials stated in the Act on Higher Education.30

(3) Terms of performing a common study programme are specified in an agreement on

cooperation concluded by the cooperating faculties. (4) The integrated part of the tuition of a subject in the duration of one semester is defined as

a “course“. If the SP splits the subject in severa l courses, they are marked by consecutive numbers (“course 1”, “course 2”, etc.).

(5) The SP contains a list of titles and scope of all the compulsory and obligatory optional

subjects/courses. In order to graduate in a particular discipline and to be awarded the

respective degree the student must complete all the compulsory subjects/courses and at

least the minimum prescribed number of the obligatory optional subjects/courses by the

SP. The SP also determines which subjects/courses are completed by examination. (6) The Doctoral study programme consists of the study part completed by a dissertation

examination, the research part and the defence of dissertation thesis. If the Doctoral student has chosen the topic of his/her dissertation announced by the extramural educational institution, the agreement between CU or Faculty and the institution also

includes conditions for carrying out the study part of Doctoral study.31

(7) Part of the study programme is a standard study programme designed so that the student

shall meet requirements for successful completion of the study corresponding to the

standard length of the study by its performance. (8) The student’s study programme determines the time and content sequence of subjects and

the forms of assessment of student’s achievements. (9) The Doctoral study is carried out according to individual study plan designed by the

student himself in cooperation with his/her Supervisor and the Supervisor submits it for

approval to the Subject Area Board. Individual study plan consists of the study part and

the research part and includes also dates, when the Doctoral student shall complete

particular subjects and the dissertation examination. (10) An approved individual study plan of the Doctoral student is part of the Doctoral

student’s documentation which is registered with the Department of Scientific – Research

Activities, Doctoral study and Foreign Relations FM CU (hereinafter Dpt. of SRA, PhDS and FR). The Doctoral student submits his/her study plan at the Dpt. of SRA, PhDS and FR at the latest by the end of October of the academic year, in which he/she commenced his/her study, or in case of any change in Doctoral study.

(11) Study documents include:

a) Student Identity Card (ISIC),

b) Study Credit Book (the Index),

c) Transcript of Study Results and

d) Log Book of clinical practice.

29 Sect. 51 Par. 2 of the Act on Higher Education.

30 Sect. 51 Par. 4 of the Act on Higher Education.

31 Sect. 54 Par. 12 of the Act on Higher Education.


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(12) Study Credit Book (the Index) is a compulsory study document, where the subjects/courses and the results of the control of the study successfulness or the study

achievements shall be recorded32

. The details on the content of the study documents are governed by Art. 67 of the Act on Higher Education.

Article 21

Subjects of the Study Programme and Education Activities

(1) The study programme is split into the study subjects. The subject is formed by particular

independent education activities or their combination (Sect.8) focused on providing

education in the selected part. (2) Each subject/course is distinctly identified within the Faculty by its code and title, and is

designed as one-semester course. The basic data on the nature of the subject/course are

given in the Course Unit Information Sheet.33

(3) The subjects/courses included in the study programme are divided into the following

types: a) compulsory - their completion in its entirety is a prerequisite for the successful

completion of part of the SP or the entire SP, b) obligatory optional - they illustrate the nature of the study and enable the student,

together with elective subjects/courses, to adjust his/her study plan to his/her

individual needs, c) elective - they are the remaining subjects in the SP as well as the subjects in other

study programmes.

(4) The compulsory and the obligatory optional subjects are usually taught at the Faculty, at

which the particular study programme is organized. Subjects taught at another Faculty can

be enlisted into the compulsory subjects, when agreed upon the Dean of this Faculty. (5) A student enrols in the elective subjects from among elective subjects within his/her study

programme, but also from among other study programmes of other faculties or universities within the valid regulations.

(6) The subjects/courses in the study programme are divided according to the linkage as


a) subjects with no linkage; enrolment of such subject is not determined by completion of another subject,

b) subjects determined by completion of other subjects – completion of such subject is possible only after successful completion of another subject or subjects -

prerequisites. (7) Part of the study according to each study programme is the final thesis, which together

with its defence comprises one subject; defence of the final thesis is part of State Examination.

(8) The principal teaching methods (of education) are:

a) lectures - the content of lectures is a subject of examinations and supplement the content of textbooks,

b) seminars - classes are conducted in the form of a dialogue with active involvement of students, attendance is compulsory and is a condition for granting the credit points,

32 Sect. 67 Par. 3 of the Act on Higher Education.

33 Pattern of Course Unit Information Sheet is listed in the Decree No.614/2002 Coll. of Ministry of Education SR on the Credit System of Study.


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c) practical classes and clinical training - a student acquires practical skills and experience. Practical classes and clinical training are compulsory and their

completion is a condition for granting the credit points, d) compulsory clinical practice - serves for acquiring knowledge, skills, and for verifying

theoretical knowledge in practice and is a condition for granting the credit points, e) final thesis - is compulsory and its defence is part of State Examination

accomplishment. (9) Supplementary teaching methods are:

a) consultations – the Head of the institute/clinic ca n work out a schedule of consultations, their time and venue, and the name of a teacher conducting them

b) optional seminars - deepen and extend the students’ knowledge by discussion and by their active involvement,

c) work within the students’ scientific and research activities - it is directed to education of the student in the area of methodology of scientific activity and creative research,

d) other optional classes - they are proposed by the Head of the institute/clinic or by the

Head of another department in addition to the prescribed study programme. The Head of the institute/clinic is obligated to inform the Study Department in writing.

(10) A subject of the Study Programme can be taught in various ways concurrently. Unless it

is set out in the Study Programme otherwise, the teaching method is determined by the subject guarantor.

(11) The practical classes of theoretical subjects/courses are held in groups of no more than 12

students. The clinical training in clinical subjects is held in groups of no more than 6

students. The clinical training in dental medicine subjects/courses and the subject of

Family Medicine are held in groups of no more than 2 students. The clinical training in

the subject/course Obstetrics and Gynaecology is held in groups of no more than 3

students. (12) The compulsory clinical practice of students is part of the tuition (in the time and in the

subjects assigned in the Study Programme). The student is obligated to perform the

compulsory clinical practice in full extent according to the developed contents in the

period after finishing the summer semester teaching weeks and by 31 August of the

relevant academic year; in exceptional cases the subject guarantor can permit performing

of the compulsory clinical practice also out of the set period. Completion of the practice

is the condition for granting the credit points. (13) The student is obligated to accomplish all entities of the study programme contained in

the Course Unit Information Sheet.34

The teacher shall excuse the absence on the entities

of the study program from the reason of incapacity to work or from the reason of other obstacles to work on the side of the student (the public function performance, the civil service performance of general interest, maternity and parent leave, quarantine, attending to a sick family member, examination or treatment in a medical facility, birth of the student’s wife’s child, accompanying a family membe r to a medical facility, death of a family member, the student’s own wedding or the wedding of the student’s parent, unexpected breakdown of transport or delay of public transport means, moving house), that the student can prove by supporting documentation. The teacher can require working out a substitute assignment performed by the student as a compensation for his/her absence at the tuition.


Sect. 62 Par. 2 of the Act on Higher Education and Sect. 4 Par. 1, Annex No. 1 of the Decree ME SR No. 614/2002 Coll. on the Credit System of Study as amended.


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(14) In case of a re-enrolment in the subject/course pursuant to Article 22 Par. 5 and 7, based on a written student’s application, the teacher can, in reasonable cases, recognize the

attendance at all or some educational activities, which the student completed within the first enrolment in the subject/course without compensation.

(15) The Doctoral student is obligated to accomplish all entities of the study programme in

compliance with the study programme and individual study plan:

a) The study part of the Doctoral study consists especially of lectures, seminars and

individual study of professional literature required with regard to the focus of the dissertation thesis (self-study).

b) The research part of the Doctoral study consists of individual or team research work of the Doctoral student, relating to the dissertation topic and is professionally

guaranteed by the Supervisor. c) Part of the Doctoral study in the full-time form is to perform teaching activities or

other professional activities related to teaching to the extent of maximum four hours

per week, on average, per academic year in which the teaching takes place.

Article 22 Enrolment and Subject Completion

(1) Through enrolment a student compiles his/her study plan for the next study year. The

enrolment regulations for the study at the FM CU are stated in the Appendix 1 Art. 1 of

these Study Regulations. (2) The dates of enrolment are made public on notice boards and on the website of the

Faculty. (3) The Vice-Dean for educational activities can allow a student an alternate date of

enrolment if a student’s requests so in writing explaining his/her serious reasons. (4) The student is obligated to appear in person to the enrolment in the first year of study. At

the enrolment to higher grades the student can authorize a proxy with a notarized commission with notarised signature.

(5) In the Index the student enrols all subjects in accordance with the Study Programme of a

particular study year and academic year, and repeated (transferred) courses from the

previous study year as well. (6) In each year of study the student is obligated to enrol in and successfully complete the

subjects/courses worth at least 48 credit points. Maximum value of registered credits in

one academic year shall not exceed 1.5 fold of student’s standard workload in full-time

form of study. Due to serious reasons and upon the student’s written request the Dean may

grant permission to a student of full-time form of study to enrol in subjects with credit

points exceeding 1.5 fold of student’s standard workload. Decision of the Dean on

granting or non-granting the permission to register credits exceeding 1.5 fold of student’s

standard workload in full-time form of study is final and no legal remedy is permissible.

(7) The enrolled compulsory subject which has not been completed successfully by the

student must be re-enrolled again in the following study year. After the second failure to 19

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complete a re-enrolled (transferred) subject the student is expelled from study in

compliance with the law35

. (8) The student is obligated to complete the subjects/courses transferred from the 5th

academic year to the 6th academic year at the latest by 31st October in the academic year,

which they have been enrolled in. In case of not having completed the transferred subjects/courses the student is expelled from study in compliance with the law.

(9) The student can re-enrol the same subject once only. Within a re-enrolled (transferred)

subject the student has the right to one regular examination date and one re-examination date. The re-examination is held in the presence of a committee.

(10) A student can be duly enrolled in the further year of study after having completed

minimum of 48 credit points stated by the Study Programme for a particular study year,. (11) Student Identity Card validation is also part of the enrolment.

Article 23

Recording, Control and Assessment of Study Results

(1) Detailed stipulation of relations arising within recording and control of the study are

listed in Article 2 of the Appendix 1 of these Study Regulations of the FM CU: General Rules of Enrolment to study, of Recording and Control of the Study Results at the FM

CU. (2) Assessment of the student’s study results within the study of a subject/course (hereinafter

referred to as “assessment of the subject“) is per formed especially by:

a) continuous assessment of the study results during teaching period of the given study

period (check questions, written tests, assignments for individual work, seminar papers, review papers, etc.), so-called course assessment (CE). Course assessment is

performed the last day of tuition of a particular study group at the latest. b) examination (E) for the given study period; a written test is a compulsory part of each

examination, c) gaining credits (GC) for completion of a subject.

(3) Examinations are held in the following periods: in case of non-block tuition in the examination period, in case of block tuition after the tuition has finished and in the

examination period. (4) The student can take an examination three times at the most. The following is

distinguished: regular examination date, 1st re-sit examination date and 2nd re-sit

examination date. When repeating a subject/course the student has two examination dates: regular and 1st re-sit examination date.

(5) The examination of a block subject/course is held within the last three days of the week

following the week when the block tuition was performed. If such a week determined for

revising for the examination and its performance is not set in the schedule, then

examination is held in the days of the week following the end of the block tuition. A

student who could not take part in the respective block subject/course examination for

any reason, or who failed the examination, unless the subject guarantor states otherwise,

can re-sit this examination only in the regular examination period.


Sect. 66 Par. 1 Letter c) of the Act on Higher Education. 20

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(6) Revising for examination is not the reason to be excused from the compulsory tuition. Compulsory tuition on the day of the examination must be compensated. It is considered

as an excused absence. (7) The content of the examination is determined by the subject guarantor. A student is

obligated to manage the scope of the study curriculum prescribed by the subject

guarantor. (8) The form of the examination is approved by the Dean at the beginning of the semester on

proposal of the subject guarantor who supervises such methods of examining that allow the objective course of the examination and objective assessment of student’s knowledge,

abilities and skills. (9) An examination can have the following forms or their combinations:

a) oral

b) written (test or written work)

c) practical.

(10) Particular way of control of the study and the way of assessment is announced by a relevant teacher on the web page of an institute/clinic by the first day of the beginning of the semester.

(11) Publisizing the list of examination questions is provided by the Head of the Institute/Clinic at least one month before the first possible date of the examination in the

particular subject/course, in data form, on the web page of the Faculty or teaching workplace in accordance with Par. 23 of this Article.

(12) If there are practical classes, seminars or clinical training in a certain subject, full

attendance is the condition for granting credit points and condition for taking an examination.

The institute/clinic must not examine any student who did not attend the classes.

(13) The examiner is a professor, an associate professor (reader) of a particular subject

exceptionally also other teachers (committee) appointed by the Dean on proposal of the Head.

(14) At an oral examination the number of students per a teacher in a day cannot exceed 10 except for the extraordinary situation when the number of examined students is within the scope of the Head of the workplace.

(15) The student can be examined only after submitting the Index or Student Identity Card (ISIC).

(16) Examinations are held on workdays only. If an exam consists of two or more parts it

is possible to divide it into two days.

(17) The Head of the workplace states the sufficient number of examination dates in particular subjects as follows:

a) for subjects/courses taught during the whole semester the dates are stated, and

evenly set into the examination period after the agreement with the representatives of

students (ASSR). The minimum number of examined students is at least 1.5 times the

total number of students who are obliged to sit for the examination. The dates of

examinations are made public by the workplace in the Academic Information System

(hereinafter referred to as AIS) 21

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b) for courses/subjects taught in blocks the dates are stated in the period immediately

after finishing the block tuition and in the examination period as follows: in the last

three days of the week following the week in which the block tuition was held, the

number of examination dates is at least 1.2 times the number of students in a

particular study block (if such a week set for an examination preparation and its

taking is not included in the schedule, then the dates are stated on those days in the

week which follow the end of block tuition). During the examination period the

number of examination dates is at least 0.4 times the number of the students in the

study programme within the year and the dates are set after an agreement with

students’ representatives. The dates of examinations following immediately after

block tuition are released by the Head no later than on the day of beginning of the

block tuition and all other dates in AIS in the examination period.

c) between the release of the dates of examinations in AIS and the possibility of

signing up for the date, at least 3 workdays must pass. Beginning of signing up for the

date of examinations is set at 9 p.m.

(18) A student signs up for an examination and signs out electronically via Academic

Information System AIS.

(19) A student may request the Head of Institute/Clinic to excuse the absence at the

examination also in case AIS already does not enable him/her to sign out electronically or

for serious reasons, especially for health reasons, also on the day of the exam and no later

than 5 workdays from the designated time of the examination by submitting a medical

certificate. If he/she fails doing so and does not present serious reasons, he/she will be

assessed with the grade FX.

(20) A student draws his/her examination questions in the precise version as posted except for the examination or its part at which all examined students are given the same

tasks (e.g. written test).

(21) In case of cheating during the examination, the examiner stops the examination and gives the student a failing grade FX.

(22) If a student does not attend the examination, the grade FX is put into AIS; further procedure is in accordance with Par. 19.

(23) A student cannot be examined three times or in case of repeating a course twice, by the same examiner. Upon the request of the student, the Head or the subject director the Dean

can assign the taking of the examination in the presence of a committee in case the student did not utilize all given dates of examination. This committee is appointed by the Dean.

(24) In case of suspected breach of the Study Regulations or the lack of objectivity of the

examiner, the student has the right to submit his/her complaint in writing to the Dean. The

examiner has the right to get acquainted with it and to express his/her opinion on the content

of the complaint. The Dean will decide about further steps after consideration of the


(25) The examiner shall record the result of a successfully passed examination in the Index in block capital letter and in written words together with the date of the examination and the


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examiner‘s signature. Identical result of the examination is recorded by the examiner in AIS. The examiner does not record the failing grade (FX) in the student’s Index, he/she records it

in Academic information System AIS only.

Article 24 Grading Scale and Weighted StudyAverage

(1) To evaluate the study results in the CU the following scale consisting of six classification levels is applied: A - excellent (outstanding results) (numeric value 1) B - very good (above average) (1.5) C - good (average score) (2)

D - satisfactory (acceptable results) (2.5)

E - sufficient (results only meet the minimum criteria) (3)

FX - insufficient (results do not meet even minimum criteria) (4).

(2) The evaluation (grade, classification level) reflects the quality of acquired knowledge or

skills in accordance with the aim of subject given in the Course Unit Information Sheet.

(3) The subject/course is successfully completed if a student is evaluated by grades from A to E. A student gains credit points for a successfully passed subject/course only.

(4) A student who was evaluated in the subject/course with the grade FX has the right to

re-sit the examination twice provided that he/she had met the requirements for continuous

evaluation. A student does not have the right to correct or compensate possibilities for

fulfilment of requirements of continuous assessment if such possibility is not specified in the

Course Unit Information Sheet or if the teacher does not specify something else at the

beginning of the semester or unless specified otherwise in the Study Regulations of the

Faculty. In case the student does not fulfil the requirements for continuous evaluation, he/she

is evaluated by grade FX without a possibility to take part in the final examination. When the

subject is re-enrolled, a student has the right, under the same conditions, to re-sit for the

examination once only.

(5) Subjects / courses that the student enrolled in and did not take, e.g. if he/she did not participate in the final assessment or did not take part in mandatory training activities

(lessons) listed in the Course Unit Information Sheet and the teacher did not excuse his/her absence (see Art. 21. Par. 13), at the end of the examination period, are assessed by the

grade FX.36

(6) For assessment of overall student’s results, Weighted Study Average (WSA) is used.

Weighted Study Average for an academic year/semester is established as follows: for all subjects

enrolled in particular academic year/semester, credit evaluation pertaining to the subject is

multiplied by the numeric value of the grade (Section 1). The values acquired are counted. The

total is divided by the total of credit points for respective period, the result equals WSA. It also

includes those subjects evaluated by mark “4” which a student enrolled in


Details specified in Appendix 1 23

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and they were evaluated with the grade FX or which the student enrolled in and did not complete and thus they were evaluated with the grade FX in accordance with Par.5.

(7) Weighted Study Average for the whole study is calculated similarly as it is stated in Par. 6, but only successfully passed subjects are calculated.

(8) WSA is used mainly in competitive interviews required by capacity limits of teaching process, for decision-making, granting scholarships, providing accommodation at the Student Hostel and the like.

Article 25

Control Stages of Study

(1) If the student (except for a doctoral student) wants to continue the study, he/she has


a) demonstrate successful completion of at least two compulsory subjects

and obtaining at least 15 credits at the end of the first semester;

b) in each year of the study, for winter and summer semesters, obtain at least 48

credits for successfully completed subjects / courses of the standard study

programme for the given year of the study;

c) successfully complete re-enrolled subjects / courses within the deadline stipulated

for the current schedule of the study, or by date as stated in Art. 22 Par.8.

(2) In the academic year during which the student interrupted the study or participated

in duly approved academic mobility lasting only a part of the academic year (see

also Art. 31), he/she must meet the conditions according to Par. 1) adequately.

(3) In the full-time Doctoral study the Doctoral student is obliged to gain at least 40

credit points for each following academic year. In the part-time Doctoral study the

Doctoral student is obliged to obtain at least 30 credit points and a maximum of 1.25

fold of the standard workload for each academic year.

(4) Failure to accomplish conditions stated in Par. 3 is the reason for the Supervisor to

submit to the Dean, in the annual evaluation (Par. 5), a proposal on expulsion of the

Doctoral student from Doctoral study.

(5) At the end of each academic year of the Doctoral study the Supervisor submits to the

Dean annual evaluation of accomplishment of the Doctoral student’s Study

Programme (including the number of credits allocated), stating whether his/her

continuation in the study is or is not recommended. The Supervisor evaluates the

status and level of accomplishing the Doctoral student’s Study Programme, meeting

deadlines, and, if necessary, submits a proposal to adjust the individual study plan of

the Doctoral student. The Dean decides on the basis of the annual evaluation of the


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Doctoral student whether the Doctoral student can continue his/her studies, as well

as of any possible changes in his/her study programme.

Article 26

Final Thesis

(1) Final thesis at the Faculty is the diploma thesis or the Dissertation thesis.

(2) In the diploma thesis, the student is supposed to demonstrate his/her abilities to work

creatively in the chosen study discipline completed within his/her study programme. Defending the Doctoral thesis the student shall demonstrate his/her readiness for

individual scientific and creative work.

(3) The principal characteristic, which the final thesis has to contain, shall be regulated by

the Internal Provision of CU issued by the Rector37


(4) The final thesis is written under the guidance of the thesis Supervisor(the Supervisor).

(5) The final thesis shall be reviewed by the opponent (or opponents in case of the Doctoral study). The opponent elaborates a written review of the final thesis.

(6) The student who has elaborated the final thesis has the right to be acquainted with

the reviews of the thesis (review of the thesis Supervisor and the opponent/opponents) three workdays before the defence at the latest.

(7) The defence of the final thesis is considered to be a State Examination. (8) The result of the final thesis shall be evaluated by the grades from A to FX. (9) If the thesis Supervisor or the opponent/opponents are not members of the

Examining Board, they shall be invited to the defence of the final thesis and have the right to express their opinion in assessment.

(10) The final thesis can be elaborated in the Slovak or Czech languages, if approved by

the Dean, in another language, usually English. In case the thesis is written in another language, this thesis shall contain a summary in the Slovak language in scope of one

page at least.

(11) The student shall submit the final thesis as stated in Par. 1 of this Article to the Academic Library of CU in the electronic form for purpose of its archiving, bibliographic registration and accessing. Manner and conditions of accessing are

stipulated by Internal Provision of CU issued by the Rector 38


Article 27

State Examinations 37 Internal Regulation No. 12/2013 Guideline of the Rector of CU on the Basic Essentials of Theses, Rigorous Theses and Habilitation Theses, Check of Their Originality, Their Storage and Accessing at CU

38 Art. 11 Par 3 of the Internal Regulation No.12/2013 Guideline of the Rector of CU on the Basic Essentials of Theses, Rigorous Theses and Habilitat ion Theses, Check of Their Originality, Their Storage and Accessing at CU


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(1) Passing the State Examination or State Examinations is one of the conditions for successful completion of the study programme. The State Examination cannot consist of

the final thesis defence only.

(2) The State Examination may consist of several subjects of the State Examination.

(3) The condition of duly completed Doctoral study is passing the Dissertation examination and the Dissertation thesis defence which are subjects of the State Examination.

(4) The State Examination can be carried out after the student has met the obligations set out in the study programme: a) has successfully completed all prescribed compulsory subjects, except for the State Examination; b) has successfully completed compulsory optional subjects in the structure set out in the study programme; c) has submitted the final thesis; d) has settled all financial obligations towards the Faculty and university, particularly tuition

fee and payments associated with the study39


(5) The date/ dates of the State Examination is stated by the Dean in accordance with the

schedule of the study.

(6) If a student cannot take part in the State Examination because of serious reasons, and

he/she apologizes in advance or within 5 days after the date of the State Examination, the

Dean may state an alternate date for the State Examination. If the student is absent from the

examination on the stated date without any apology or if the Dean does not accept the reason

of the apology he/she is assessed with a failing grade.

(7) The re-sit of examination (alternate) dates of the State Examinations as well as defences of the diploma theses are stated by the Dean after full implementation of all regular terms

offered for the current academic year as follows: a) 1st re-sit date is stated by the Dean so that the interval between the last regular date of the State Examination in June and 1st re-sit date is at least 14 days. b) 2nd re-sit date is stated by the Dean in accordance with the approved schedule of the

study in the month of August. The interval between the 1st re-sit date of the State

Examination and 2nd re-sit date of the State Examination must be at least 40 days.

(8) The State Examination takes place in front of the Examining Board (hereinafter referred as “Board”). (9) University teachers in the positions of professors and associate professors /readers/ and other experts approved by the Scientific Board are authorised to examine at the State

Examination. 40

(10) Members of the Board are appointed by the Dean in accordance with the Act on

Higher Education41

from persons authorised to examine. The Board has at least 4 members. The Chair of the Board is a university teacher with the academic title of a professor or

39 In accordance with valid Internal Regulation of CU which stipulates the tuition fees and other fees connected with the study at CU for the respective academic year.

40 Scientific Board of CU or Scientific Board of the Faculty if the study programme is carried out at the Faculty

41 Section 63 Par. 4 of the Act on Higher Education


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associate professor of the respective Faculty. Board can make decisions provided its Chair and at least two more members are present.

(11) The course of the State Examination and announcement of results are public. Board makes decision on results of the State Examination at the closed session.

(12) Particular subjects of the State Examination are evaluated by grades from A to FX.

(13) The overall evaluation of the State Examination is: “passed with honours”, passed“,


(14) A student is classified “passed with hono urs” if he/she obtained only A or B in the individual subjects of the state examination on regular dates while number of assessments

B may not prevail A assessments.

(15) A student is classified as “passed” if he /she does not fulfil criteria according to Par. 14 and he/she has not obtained FX grade from any of the subjects even on the last possible

date according to Par.17

(16) If any subject of the State Examination was evaluated with FX grade, even at the last possible date according to Par.17, the overall result of the State Examination is “failed”.

(17) If a student did not take part in the State Examination or he/she failed, he/she can take

it on the nearest alternate date (re-sit) stated for the examination. The student must submit a

request for the re-sit date of State Examination in writing. The student repeats only that part of

the State Examination in which he/she was evaluated with a failing grade (FX). A student can

re-sit for the State Examination only twice; on the latest possible date as stated in Art.33 Par.

6 of the Study Regulations.

Article 28

Overall Evaluation of Study

(1) Overall assessment of successfully completed study is evaluated by two grades:

a) passed with honours,

b) passed.

(2) If a student achieved Weighted Study Average (WSA) better than 1.3 (without assessment of the State Examination subjects), and passed the State Examination with the

result “passed with honours” within the regular dat e, he/she is evaluated in accordance

with Par.1a.

(3) If the requirements stated in Par 2 are not satisfied, he/she is evaluated in accordance with Par.1 Letter b.


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Article 29

Change of Study Programme within Comenius University.

(1) At the Faculty it is not possible to allow change of the study programme of General Medicine into the study programme of Dentistry and vice versa.

(2) In case a student from other Faculty of the CU requests in writing for the change of

the study within the same study discipline the approval of both Deans is required. The Dean

of the Faculty, at which the student shall study after the change, shall ask for the Rector’s

approval. (3) The student is obliged to fulfil the conditions determined by the new study

programme to complete the study successfully. (4) The student can ask for the change of study programme only after successful

completion of the 1st

year of the study, i.e. at least after satisfying the requirements stated in

Art. 25. (5) In case of change of the Doctoral study programme or change in the form of Doctoral

study a decision on transfer of credits and recognition of the subjects shall be made by the

Dean after the statement of the Subject Area Board provided it is in accordance with the new

study plan of the Doctoral student. Otherwise, recognition of subjects and transfer of credits

are governed by Art. 31. (6) The Dean, after assessing the study completed at other university or faculty, will place

the student to a relevant class and prescribe the accomplishment of differential courses if the

student did not pass all examinations or did not gain credit points prescribed by the Study Programme of the given discipline of FM CU. The Dean shall state the date by which the

student must complete the differential tuition. Acknowledgement of subjects and credit

transfer is stated in Art. 31.

Article 30 Academic Mobility

(1) ) Conditions for admission of students from other higher education institutions within the

academic mobility of students and their study at CU faculties are governed by the

provisions of Sect.58a of the Act on Higher Education. (2) Regulations and conditions of posting students within academic mobility are governed by

specific Internal Regulation of CU.42

(3) In case of study within the duly approved academic mobility lasting just a part of the

academic year, the student is obliged to fulfil the conditions of control period of study under Art. 25 accordingly (see Art. 25 Par. 2).

(4) Credits for subjects completed within duly approved academic mobility are recognized

after a student submits relevant documents certifying awarded credits determined by the Ordinance and Internal Regulations of CU.


Internal Regulation of CU No. 4/2007 Rector´s Directive on participation of CU and its Faculties within the Programme of European Union Life-long Learning Programme, subprogramme Erasmus


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(5) Par. 3 does not apply to students who, within duly approved academic mobility complete the subject/subjects in the respective part of academic year (winter or summer semester)

also at the sending faculty.43

(6) Subject taught at the host faculty, content and scope of which is similar to the subject at

the sending faculty, and which was successfully completed by a student within duly approved academic mobility can be recognized by the Dean, after the statement of the subject guarantor, upon the student’s written request, instead of the particular subject in the student´s study programme. For the subject recognition procedure and transfer of credits under this paragraph the provisions of Art. 31 shall apply accordingly.

(7) If a Doctoral student has completed part of his/her studies in other than his/her own

workplace (e.g. abroad), credits gained in this workplace are counted in full extent if the

student was sent to this workplace within his/her study plan and if credit systems of sending and host workplaces are compatible (credit transfer).

(8) Paragraphs 1-6 do not apply to students who during the study at other university complete

only some of the subjects in the particular part of the academic year and the rest of subjects in the pertinent academic year at the university they were admitted to.

Article 31

Recognition of Completed Subjects, Credit and Grade Transfer (1)The student may ask for recognition of the completed subjects, or the credit and

grade transfer, if the time that had passed from the time of its gaining is not longer

than 5 years. (2)It is possible to recognize the completed subjects, gained credits and marks, if they

are part of the specified study programme and were evaluated by the grades from A to

D or by equivalent means. Subjects/courses evaluated by the grade E cannot be

recognized. In Doctoral study the credits for successful completion of subjects in the

study which had already been duly finished and the academic degree was conferred,

cannot be recognized.

(3)The Dean decides on recognition of the subjects or credit and grade transfer on the

ground of the statement of the pertinent subject’s guarantor, while in one academic

year the student may have subjects from the previous study, which has not been duly

completed, recognized in the value of maximum 50 credits, while complying with the

requirements for study stipulated in Art. 22.

(4) If the student is admitted to study in accordance with Art.12 or if the study

programme has been changed according to Art. 29, the Rector can approve an

exception from the recognition of the maximum value of credits according to Par. 3

based on the proposal of the Dean.

(5) The application for the recognition of the subjects from the previous study shall be

submitted to the Dean of the Faculty at the beginning of the academic year, no later

than September 15 of the current academic year. The student is obliged to attach the

syllabus of the subject, from which he/she had gained the credits. The Dean shall post

a written decision on recognition or non recognition of the subjects/courses containing


Sect. 58a Par. 6 of the Act on Higher Education 29

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the reasoning and it shall be delivered to the student pursuant to Art.44 Par.2; the

Dean´s decision is final and no legal remedy is permissible. (6) Subjects completed at the host Higher Education Institution within the framework of

the Life-long Learning Programme of the European Union, the sub-programme

Erasmus are recognized by the sending Faculty upon the study results statement issued

by the host Faculty at the end of study. Study results statement becomes part of the

student's personal study file.

Article 32

Interruption of Study

(1) The study can be interrupted upon written request of a student usually for the whole unit

of the study (semester, academic year). (2) A student is permitted to interrupt her/his study for 1 year at the most without giving any


(3) If the reasons for interruption of the study are health or serious personal problems,

the study may be interrupted for no more than 2 years. If the reason of the interruption of

the study is a parental leave, the maximal length of interruption is 3 years.

(4) If the student has interrupted the study more times, its overall length of

interruption must not cumulatively exceed 2 years, except for the interruption due to

parental leave.

(5) The Dean shall approve the interruption of the study. Decision on approval or

non-approval of the interruption of the study contains all the terms according to the Art. 44,

including exactly stated period of interruption of study, and it is final and no legal remedy is


(6) The Dean shall approve the interruption of the study in a student of Doctoral

study, who applied for the final Doctoral thesis announced by extramural educational

institution after being approved by a statutory representative of the extramural educational


(7) The student who interrupts the study ceases being a student since the day stated in

the decision on approval of interruption.

(8) The student whose study was interrupted has the right to enrol in the study again

after the period of the interruption terminates as stated in the decision. He/she becomes a

student on the day of re-enrolment after the interruption. If the student does not enrol again

after the interruption, Art.34, Sect. 1 Letter c is applied.

(9) If the student has interrupted the study during the educational part of a semester,

enrolment of the subjects, after his/her turn out following the interruption, shall not be

considered as re-enrolment of a subject.

(10) If the student applies for interruption in the non-educational part of the semester,

all credits and evaluations gained from the time of submitting the application shall be

recorded. Study obligations fulfilled with FX or without any evaluation shall be

considered as re-enrolled. After re-enrolment, Art. 22 Sect. 6 – 8 are applied. 30

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(11) If the student asks for the interruption of the study in the non-educational part of the

academic year and he/she does not fulfil conditions of the control study period pursuant to

Art. 25, the interruption of the study is not approved.

Article 33

Completion of Study

(1) The study at Comenius University can be completed in a regular way or due to

reasons stated in Par. 6 and Art.34 and Art.35.

(2) The student completes her/his regular study by completing the study in accordance

with a particular study programme.

(3) The day of the regular study completion is the day when the last of the criteria

required for the regular completion of the particular study programme are met.

(4) Documents proving regular completion of the study and obtaining a particular

academic degree are the University Diploma, Diploma Supplement and State Examination

Certificate. Details on the essentials of these documents are stipulated by Sect.68 of the Act

on Higher Education. Documents on completion of study are issued within 45 days after

duly completed study, usually at a graduation ceremony, except for the cases when the

graduate agrees to a later release of the documents no later than on the day of fulfilment of

the last condition according to Sect. 3.

(5) The University Diploma, Diploma Supplement and State Examination Certificate are issued by the University. A student who completed her/his studies pursuant to Art.28, Sect.

1a, is given the Diploma with honours by the university.

(6) Apart from regular study completion the study is terminated: a) by abandoning the studies upon student’s own decision pursuant to Art. 34, b) by expelling a student from studies pursuant to Art. 35,

c) by exceeding standard length of study by more than two years,44

d) if the student cannot continue in the study for the reason of the study programme

cancellation which he/she studies and he/she has not accepted the offer to continue in the

study of other study programme, e) by the death of a student.

(7) The day of the study termination is: a) pursuant to Par. 6 Letter a) the day when the school received a written announcement of the student on leaving study with the exception of Art. 34. Par.1 Letter c), b) pursuant to Par. 6 Letter b) the day when the decision on expelling from the study came into force, c) pursuant to Par. 6 Letter c) the end of the academic year in which the student should have


Sect. 65 Par. 2 and Sect. 66 Par. l Letter b) of the Act on Higher Education 31

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finished the study, d) pursuant to Par. 6 Letter d) the day on which the Faculty announced cancellation of the study programme.

Article 34 Leaving Study

(1) Leaving the study may occur due to:

a) student´s own decision, b) permission of enrolment in other higher education institution or CU Faculty after

fulfilling the conditions stipulated in its Study Regulations upon student´s written


; c) if the student does not enrol in the further period of study or does not re-enrol after

the interruption of study even after receiving a notice to enrol within ten workdays after receiving such notice; the student may request for prolongation of this period for health reasons which obstruct his/her attendance at the enrolment, otherwise the day by which the student should have enrolled or re-enrolled for further period

of study is considered as the day on which the student has left the study46


(2) The student who plans to leave the study shall announce this fact in writing to the Dean.

(3) The student who has left the study will be provided with the record of successfully

completed subjects/courses, upon her/his written request. The record shall contain information

that the student has not completed his/her study.

Article 35

Expelling from Study The student shall be expelled from study:

a) if he/she has not satisfied the requirements stated in the study programme or the

Study Regulations of the University or FM CU; in Doctoral study if he/she has not

satisfied the requirements or obligations arising from the individual study plan.

b) on the basis of a disciplinary measure of expelling from the study pursuant to Sect.

72 Par. 2c of the Act on Higher Education..

Part V

Specificities of Doctoral Study

Article 36 Basic Provisions

(1) Rules of these Study Regulations apply to Doctoral study adequately unless stated

45 Sect. 59 Par. 6 of the Act on Higher Education

46 Sect. 66 Par. 3 and 4 of the Act on Higher Education


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otherwise. (2) Rules of organization of the Doctoral study are set by the provisions of the Act on

Higher Education47

. (3) The academic year of Doctoral study is divided into semesters. Semester may consist of

study, scientific and examination parts. (4) Doctoral study graduates are awarded the academic title of "Doctor" (“philosophiae

doctor", abbreviated as" PhD”). (5) A Doctoral student studying in full-time form of Doctoral study programme

permanently residing in a Member State is entitled to a scholarship during the standard

length of study in the study programme he/she has been admitted to, unless he/she has

already completed the university tertiary education. Scholarship is provided by CU or

extramural educational institution

a) until passing dissertation examination in the amount of no less than 9th salary

bracket and 1st salary grade; b) after passing dissertation examination amounting to 10th salary bracket and 1st

salary grade.

(6) Provision of the scholarship to full-time Doctoral students terminates on the day of successful dissertation thesis defence or on the day of study completion or by exceeding

the standard length of the study.

Article 37

Subject Area Board By specific internal provision the Faculty shall establish for each study branch a Subject Area

Board, which monitors and evaluates Doctoral study. University may agree with another

university to set up a joint Subject Area Board. Members of the joint Subject Area Board are

approved by authorized Scientific Board. If the Doctoral study is provided in cooperation with

extramural educational institution, it shall have the proportionate representation in the

pertinent Subject Area Board.

Art. 38 Dissertation examination

(1) A full-time Doctoral student registers for the subject of the State Examination -

dissertation examination no later than 24 months from the beginning of the study; a part-

time Doctoral student no later than 30 months from the beginning of the study. Doctoral

student is obliged to submit together with the application for the dissertation examination

also written thesis elaborated for the dissertation examination. The condition for awarding

permission to take the dissertation examination is the acquisition of at least 60 credits.

(2) A written application for the dissertation examination and written thesis elaborated for the

dissertation examination shall be submitted to the pertinent Head of the Subject Area

Board, copies shall be submitted to the Department of Scientific-Research Activity,

Doctoral Study and Foreign Relations of the Faculty and to the Head of the workplace

where the Doctoral student carries out Doctoral study.

47 Sect. 54 of the Act on Higher Education.


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(3) The written thesis for the dissertation examination is comprised of aims of the

dissertation thesis containing an outline of the theoretical basics of its future solution, the

present status of knowledge regarding the given topic including a literature review,

analysis of the methodological approach to the solution of given issues and the state of

dissertation thesis working up. The opponent shall elaborate an opinion on the written

thesis for the dissertation examination. The opinion is available for the Doctoral student

3 days before the dissertation examination.

(4) The opponent can only be a specialist with minimally the academic title of 3rd

level such

as PhD. (or its equivalent) or academic title DSc. who does not work in the same

workplace (institute/clinic or other organization unit within the Faculty) as the Doctoral

student. (5) The dissertation examination consists of a part comprising the discussion on the written

thesis for the dissertation examination and a part in which the Doctoral student is

expected to demonstrate his/her theoretical knowledge in the prescribed subjects of the

dissertation examination. The date of dissertation examination is announced at the latest

14 days in advance.

(6) Dissertation examination is performed in front of the Examining Board appointed for the performance of State Examination (hereinafter only “Examining Board“) which comprises

at least four members. It consists of the Chair and at least three more members, out of

which, at least one is not from the Faculty or workplace, where the Doctoral student works. The opponent of the written thesis for the dissertation examination can be a member of the Examining Board provided he/she has been approved as a member of the Examining Board. In case the opponent is not a member of the Examining Board and is

not entitled to examine at the State Examinations48

, he/she does not assess the dissertation

exam by grade. The Chair, other members of the Examining Board and the opponent, out of persons entitled to examine at the State Examinations, are appointed and the subjects of the dissertation examination are determined by the Dean as proposed by the Chair of Subject Area Board. The opponent of the written work for the dissertation examination may be proposed to the Chair of Subject Area Board by the Supervisor. At least two of the members of the Examining Board are university teachers holding the posts of professors

or associate professors.49

The Supervisor of the Doctoral student also takes part in the

dissertation examination however does not assess the dissertation examination by grade. (7) In case the Doctoral student enrols for a topic of dissertation thesis announced by an

extramural educational institution, both dissertation examination and defence of dissertation thesis are held in front of the Examining Board comprising equal number of members from the Faculty and the appointed members from the pertinent Subject Area Board of the extramural educational institution. Defence of the dissertation thesis can be

held on the extramural educational institution ground.50

(8) Legitimate decision on the result of dissertation examination requires presence of the

absolute majority of members of the Examining Board. In case a member of the

Examining Board cannot attend the exam for serious reasons, the Dean may decide on

his/her substitution after the approval of the Chair of Subject Area Board. Examining

Board decides on the result of the dissertation examination at a non-public session.

48 Sect. 63 Part. 3 of the Act on Higher Education

49 Sect. 63 Part. 4 of the Act on Higher Education.

50 Sect. 54 Par. 13 of the Act on Higher Education .


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(9) When assessing the dissertation examination results, provisions pursuant to Art. 24 Sect.1 shall apply.

(10) Minutes of dissertation examination are taken, part of which is the opinion of the

opponent of the written thesis. Minutes are signed by the Chair and present members of the

Examining Board. (11) The supervising workplace issues a State Examination Certificate on accomplishment

and results of dissertation examination. (12) A Doctoral student who has been assessed at the dissertation examination by the grade

“FX“is allowed to re-sit for the examination only o nce and, at the soonest, after three months have passed. Repeated failure at the dissertation examination is the reason for

being expelled from Doctoral study.

Article 39 Dissertation Thesis

(1) The Doctoral student submits the dissertation thesis for the defence in the Slovak

language. After the approval of the Dean and the Chair of the Subject Area Board he/she can submit the dissertation thesis also in other than Slovak language. In such case, an abstract in

the Slovak language is an obligatory part of the dissertation thesis. (2) The Doctoral student can submit, as his/her dissertation thesis, also his/her own published

work or a set of his/her own published scientific works the contents of which elaborate and deal

with the topic of the dissertation thesis. If the Doctoral student submits a set of his/her own

published works, he/she adds a detailed introduction to it, where he/she explicates present state

of the studied issue, aims of dissertation thesis and conclusions, his/her own contribution to the

studied topics which arose from solving the topic of dissertation thesis. If the attached

publications are work of several authors, the Doctoral student shall also attach

a statement of the co-authors on his/her participation and copyright share. (3) Unified procedure for elaborating dissertation theses or licentiate theses as well as further

essentials of these final works is stipulated by separate regulations and Internal Regulation

of CU. (4) In case the dissertation thesis is a part of team work, the Doctoral student indicates his/her

own results and in the discussion he/she incorporates them into context together with the results of the rest of team members.

Article 40

Preparation for the Defence of Dissertation Thesis (1) The Doctoral student may request for the Dean‘s permission to defend his/her dissertation

thesis if he/she has acquired minimum of 210 credits (within 4-year full-time study or 5-year part-time study). Concurrently, the Doctoral student in both full-time and part-time study

must be the author of at least two scientific works “in extenso” while one of the works must be published in an indexed journal and the other in a journal with an impact factor. He/she must be the first author of at least one of these. Scientific work in an indexed journal means, it is accessible in WEB of SCIENCE, PUBMED, SCOPUS or COPERNICUS databases.


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(2) The application must be submitted sufficiently ahead of time, however no later than 4 months before the day of completion of the expected length of study to ensure that the dissertation thesis defence takes place on the day of completion of the expected length of study at the latest. The study according to the study programme cannot exceed its

standard length by more than two years.51

(3) The following documents must be attached to the application:

a) dissertation thesis in four copies, b) single copies of all publications and other papers if they are not part of the dissertation

thesis; if the Doctoral student encloses an output from the database of publications (EVIPUB), submitting copies of publications is not necessary,

c) Curriculum Vitae, opinion of the Supervisor, student’s report on the dissertation (25 copies) protocol on originality, licence agreement, d) a list of the Doctoral student’s published works with complete bibliographic data and

his/her non-published scientific works, possibly also the opinions on them elaborated by relevant institutions from the field of science, technology, e) reasons for differences between the original and submitted dissertation thesis, if the Doctoral student submits a new dissertation thesis in the same field of Doctoral study after

his/her previous unsuccessful defence. (4) After having received the request for permission of the State Examination - defence of

the dissertation thesis, the Dean shall submit the request together with the dissertation thesis

and its annexes to the Chair of Subject Area Board within 15 days from its delivery. Within

15 days, the Chair of Subject Area Board shall express their opinion whether the level and

form of dissertation thesis fulfils the requirements and whether he/she recommends it to be

defended. If the standpoint of the Chair of Subject Area Board is positive, concurrently he/she

proposes Examining Board and at least three opponents to the Dean. Chair of Subject Area

Board may propose the opponents on the basis of the Supervisor‘s proposal.

(5) If the Doctoral student studies in an inter-disciplinary study programme, the Dean

shall decide which Subject Area Board he shall submit the dissertation thesis to, for the defence.

(6) If the Chair of Subject Area Board finds out that the request of the Doctoral student for

permission to defend the dissertation thesis (Art. 40 Par. 2) or the dissertation thesis itself (Art. 39) fails to meet the requirements, the Doctoral student shall be asked to remove the

shortcomings within the designated deadline.

(7) The Doctoral student may withdraw the submitted dissertation thesis and the request for permission to defend it until the Dean has not invited in writing, the members of

Examining Board, Opponents, Supervisor and the Doctoral student. The Dean decides about

further procedure as well as solving possible questions at issue.

(8) After having received the opinion of the Chair of Subject Area Board, within 15 days at the latest, the Dean shall appoint from among the specialists entitled to examine, the Chair

of the Examination Board, at least its four other members and three opponents. He/she shall send the dissertation thesis to the appointed opponents requesting to elaborate their opinions. 51

Sect. 65 Sect. 2 of the Act on Higher Education 36

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(9) After having received all the opinions from the opponents, the Dean shall, without delay, submit the request of the Doctoral student for the dissertation thesis defence together

with all the essentials, including the opinions of the opponents, to the Chair of the Examining Board.

(10) No later than 15 days after having received the materials according to the previous

paragraph, shall the Chair of the Examining Board propose the time and venue of the dissertation thesis defence to the Dean. The time and venue of the defence are determined by

the Dean.

(11) The Dean shall, without delay, send written invitations to the defence to its participants - members of the Examining Board, opponents, the Supervisor and the Doctoral student. Concurrently, no later than 14 days before the stated date of defence, a notice on Dissertation thesis defence is published on the official information board of the Faculty, on the Faculty

website and in a manner enabling mass access 52

, including the information on where and

how the persons interested may acquaint with the dissertation thesis.

(12) Anyone interested in the researched issue and the dissertation thesis defence may submit his/her opinion or statement no later than within one week before the date of the defence to the Chair of the Examining Board or may present his/her comments orally at the defence. The Doctoral student shall express his/her standpoint to such opinions or comments at the defence of the thesis.

Article 41

Opponents of the Dissertation Thesis and their Opinions

(1) The Dean appoints opponents based on the proposal of the Chair of the Board of

Specialists which can follow the Supervisor’s proposal. Opponents are selected from among

the experts in the field of the Doctoral study. No more than one opponent may be selected from

the Faculty or institution where the Doctoral student carried out his/her study.

(2) The dissertation thesis is assessed by three opponents. At least one opponent must hold

the scientific pedagogical title of professor or must hold the scientific title of doctor of science

or must be a research worker with acknowledged qualification level I. Other opponents may

be the holders of the scientific pedagogical title of associate professor, or may be recognized

experts with PhD. title, or its equivalent or qualified experts from practice holding one of the

above mentioned titles.

(3) Persons not eligible to act as opponents are a close relative of the Doctoral student 53


his/her direct superior or subordinate in employment or in similar labour relations or any other employee from the Doctoral student’s or his/her Supervisor’s workplace (institute/clinic or other organization unit).

(4) Opponent shall deliver his/her opinion to the Dean in written form and return the dissertation thesis no later than within 30 days after having received it. If the opponent is not

able to elaborate his opinion, he/she shall announce it to the Dean within 14 days from the day of delivery of the opponent’s appointment.

52 Sect. 4 and Sect. 6 of the Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free Access to Information.

53 Sect. 116 of the Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code in the wording of later regulations


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(5) If the opponent fails to submit his/her opinion within the appointed time pursuant to Par. 4, the Dean shall appoint a new opponent.

(6) The opinion of the opponent contains an objective and critical analysis of the strong

and weak points of the submitted dissertation thesis; it is brief and does not repeat its content.

In the opinion the opponent comments mainly on:

a) topicality of the chosen topic;

b) the chosen methods of processing;

c) the achieved results specifying what new knowledge the thesis has brought;

d) its contribution to further development of science and technology;

e) whether the dissertation thesis has fulfilled the goal.

(7) The opponent evaluates the dissertation thesis according to the current state of

development of the scientific discipline covered by the Doctoral study at the time when the

Doctoral student submitted the request for permission to defend it. Furthermore, the opponent

elaborates an independent opinion in which he/she finally proposes a grade for the subject

Defence of Dissertation Thesis.

(8) The Chair of the Examining Board shall review the essentials of the opinion pursuant

to Par. 6 and Par.7. If the opponent´s opinion does not comply with the above mentioned

terms, the Dean shall return it to the opponent for additional comments or re-writing. At the

same time he shall determine the time for its re-submission, which should not be longer than

14 days. If the opponent does not submit his/her opinion within the determined date and fails

to do so also within 5 days after delivery of the appeal, the Dean shall appoint a new


Article 42

Defence of the Dissertation Thesis (1) Examining Board comprises a Chair and at least four members. Opponents of dissertation thesis are also members of the Examining Board if they have been approved

as members of Examining Board. If the opponent is not a member of Examining Board, and is not entitled to examine at the State Examinations, he/she does not assess the defence

of dissertation thesis by a grade.54

The Doctoral student’s Supervisor also participates in the defence, however does not assess the defence of dissertation thesis by a grade. No more than three defences may take place in one day in front of one Examining Board.

(2) The defence of a dissertation thesis may be also held at a foreign higher education institution on the basis of agreement on common dissertation thesis defence concluded between CU or Faculty with parity representation of the Slovak party members and members

appointed by the foreign higher education institution.55

(3) The Dean shall make sure that the dissertation thesis defence takes place no later

than within five months from the submission of the request for its permission.

(4) Via Dpt. of SRA, PhDS and FR, the Dean shall send, together with a written

54 Sect. 63 Par. 3 of the Act on Higher Education .

55 Sect. 54 Par. 19 and 20 of the Act on Higher Education .


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invitation, the opinions of the opponents to the members of the Examining Board, the

Supervisor, Doctoral student and the workplace where the study programme was carried out.

(5) The dissertation thesis defence is open to the public. However, the Dean may declare the defence not to be open to the public in exceptional cases when public presentation of the

thesis could endanger confidential information protected by separate law.

(6) The dissertation thesis defence is performed in the form of scientific debates on the

acquired knowledge and contribution of the thesis among the Doctoral student, opponents,

members of the Examining Board and other participants present at the defence. In the course

of the dissertation thesis defence, justification and authenticity of conclusions and proposals

the thesis incorporates are also examined.

(7) The defence may only take place in the presence of at least two-thirds of the appointed members of the Examining Board and at least two opponents. If one of the three opponents is not able to participate due to serious reasons and in his/her opinion he/she proposes a grade “A“ to “E“, the defence may take p lace without his/her presence. In such

case the opinion of the absent opponent shall be read at the defence in its full wording.

(8) The defence is led by the Chair of the Examining Board. In exceptional cases he/she

may delegate this role to another member of the Examining Board. Neither the opponent

nor the Supervisor lead the defence, even if they are members of the Subject Area Board.

(9) Procedures for the defence of Dissertation thesis:

a.) the Chair of the Examining Board shall present a brief CV of the Doctoral

student, announce the topic of the thesis and provide essential information from the Supervisor‘s opinion and the Doctoral student’s wor kplace, a survey of the

scientific work of the Doctoral student and the reactions to them;

b.) afterwards, the Doctoral student shall briefly present the essential content of his/her dissertation thesis, its conception, results and contribution,

c.) the opponents shall present the essential contents of their opinions; the Chair or other member of Examining Board delegated by him/her shall read the opinion of the absent opponent in full wording;

d.) the Doctoral student shall take his/her standpoint on the opinions of opponents, especially towards the objections and comments and shall respond to their questions;

e.) the Chair of Examining Boards shall inform the participants about the other

opinions and statements and shall open a discussion in which all present people may participate; correctness, justification, scientific authenticity and seriousness of the

knowledge contained in the dissertation thesis are verified in the discussion,

f.) in the course of discussion, the Doctoral student shall answer all questions.

(10) Minutes of the dissertation thesis defence and its result are taken. Minutes are

signed by the Chair and all present members of Examining Board. 39

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(11) After the completion of the defence, a closed session of the Examining Board is held

where all its members including opponents and Supervisor are present. At the closed

session the course and results of the defence are assessed and possibilities of using the

results of the dissertation thesis in practice are discussed. Members of the Examining

Board shall decide on assessment of the subject of the State Examination. The

assessment of the subject of the State Examination is made pursuant to Art. 24 Par.1.

(12) In order to assess the defence of the dissertation thesis, at least two-thirds of all

members of Examining Board must participate.

(13) The result of the dissertation thesis defence shall be announced by the Chair of

Examining Board at its public session. (14) Minutes of the dissertation thesis defence, its result and the Doctoral student´s file

are submitted by the Chair of Examining Board to the Dean within 15 days from the

day the defence took place.

(15) The Doctoral student whose defence of the dissertation thesis or unexcused absence

at the defence was assessed by classification grade FX, may request for a permission to

defend his/her thesis in the same study programme, at the soonest, one year from the date on

which the defence of his/her dissertation thesis took place or should have taken place. The

defence of a dissertation thesis can only be repeated once.

(16) The Doctoral study is completed by the defence of dissertation thesis. It proves the

ability and readiness for independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research

or development.

Part VI

Proceedings Concerning Study Rights and Obligations of Students

Article 43 Beginning of Proceedings Concerning Study Rights and Obligations of Students

(1) Proceedings concerning permission of interruption and recognition of subjects, or

credit transfer begin on the day when the student submitted a written request for a respective decision to be issued. The application must contain basic identification data and

core of the matter that should be decided on and the reason for submitting it. (2) If the application does not contain the data necessary for the decision to be taken,

the Dean shall invite the student to supplement the application in a reasonable time or provide necessary explanation. (3) Proceedings concerning failure to meet the requirements arising from the study programme or study plan and breach of the Study Regulations begin on the day of issuing the

Dean´s decision who shall do so upon his own initiative, or upon a teacher, student or other Faculty employee´s initiative. (4) Proceedings concerning expelling from study due to failure to meet the requirements

arising from the study programme and the Study Regulations of CU 56

begin on the day when the decision on expelling was issued.


Sect. 66 Par 1 Letter c) of the Act on Higher Education and Art 35 Letter. a) of these Study Regulations.


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(5) Decision on matters under Par.1 shall be issued by the Dean within 30 days from the

day the procedure began. This period does not include the time granted to the student for

supplementing or explaining the application under Par. 2. If the Dean does not decide within

this period of 30 days, the student may demand the Rector to express the Dean´s obligation

to pursue and decide in the matter.

(6) Act No. 71/1967 Coll. on administrative proceedings in the wording of later regulations

does not apply to proceedings and deciding on study rights and obligations of students.

Article 44

Essentials of a Decision and its Delivery

(1) Decisions under Art. 34 must be produced in writing and must contain the statement

referring to the respective provision of Internal Regulation, reasoning based on facts as found

and in cases under Art. 34 Par.4 and also instruction on appeal against this decision. (2) The decision must be delivered to student´s own hands at the Faculty or at another place

where he/she is reachable; the confirmation of acceptance must be marked. If such delivery is

not possible, in accordance with Art. 43 Sect. 4, the decision is delivered by registered mail to

the last known permanent address of a student as a recorded delivery with the notice to

student´s own hands. Decisions in the matter stated in Art. 43 Sect. 1 and Sect. 3 are

delivered as a registered delivery with the notice. The obligation of the Faculty to deliver the

decision is considered to be accomplished when the student receives the decision or on the

day when the post office returns it as undelivered mailing or when the delivery was scotched

by the student´s pursuance or omission. The delivery is also accomplished when the student

rejects the acceptance of the decision.

Article 45

Reviewing the Decision on Expelling from Study (1) The student can submit a written application for reviewing the decision (hereinafter

only “application”) within 8 days since the time of the decision delivery which has dilatory

effect. The application is submitted to the Dean, who had issued the decision. (2) The Dean himself may change or cancel decision if he/she has granted it in the full

extent, otherwise the entire file shall be passed within 15 days from the day of delivery

according to Sect.3, to the Rector to make the decision, including the Dean’s own opinion on

the application for reviewing. (3) The report contains the overall results of the previous procedures, i.e. facts on all

accomplished acts, opinion on submitting the application in due time and on sticking to all

application requirements. In the report the Dean of the Faculty states his/her attitude to all

appeals of the applicants altogether with the evidence and the opinion on the completeness

and accuracy of the found merits of the case, as well a legal opinion, which is bound for the

applied decision. (4) The Rector shall disapprove the application, if it was submitted late or by non-

authorized person. The Rector shall change or cancel the decision of the Dean, if it was not


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made in accordance with the law, with Internal Regulation of CU or the Faculty, otherwise

he/she shall disapprove the application and confirm the previous decision of the Dean. (5) If the Rector cancels the Dean’s decision because the facts of the case were not found,

he/she can return the issue back to the Dean for further procedure and decision while the Dean

is bound by the Rector’s legal opinion. (6) The Rector shall issue the decision within 30 days at the latest from the time of the

delivery of application for reviewing the Dean’s decision. In more complicated cases he/she

shall decide within 60 days. In case of prolonging this period he/she shall send a written

announcement to the student and to the Dean of the Faculty. (7) For delivering the Rector’s decision the regulations of Art. 44 Sect. 2 are valid. (8) If the Dean approves the application and changes or cancels the decision according to

Sect. 2 or if the Rector changes or cancels the Dean’s decision according to Sect. 4, the bodies

of the Faculty or CU take measures to renew the rights of the student and to eliminate or

mitigate the consequences caused by the faulty decision if necessary. (9) There is no possibility to submit the application for reviewing the Rector’s decision.

The Rector shall announce his/her decision to the Dean and returns the complete

documentation of the student together with return service of the decision delivery to the


Validity of Decision (1) The decision which is not possible to appeal against is valid from the day of delivery

in accordance with Art. 44 Sect. 2. (2) The decision of the Dean on expelling from study or on non-acceptance for study, the

student did not appeal against, is valid since the day of passing the eight day period according

to Art. 45 Sect.1. (3) The decision of the Dean on expelling from study or on non-acceptance for study against

which the student submitted a request for review and the Rector confirmed this decision is

valid on the day of delivery of the Rector´s decision in accordance with provisions in Art. 44

Sect.2. (4) The Rector’s decision on the reviewing of the Dean’s decision is valid on the day of

delivery to the student in accordance with provisions in Art. 44. Sect.2.

Part VII Further Provisions

Article 47 Safety and Protection of Student’s Health

(1) General provisions on safety and health protection at work and working conditions of


are applicable for a student who takes part in practical lessons and clinical training. (2) Within measures taken for health protection students undergo obligatory vaccination

against hepatitis type B immediately after enrolment to the 1st

year of study at the Faculty.


Act No. 124/2006 Coll.. on Occupational Safety and Health Protection and on Changes and Amendments to Some Acts as Amended. 42

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(3) Health protection of pregnant students and conditions of study of students with specific

needs are regulated by Internal Provisions of the Faculty58

Article 48 Rector´s Academic Praise, Rector´s Award for Outsta nding Final Thesis and

Merit Scholarships (1) Rector´s Academic Praise supplemented by a lump-sum of motivational merit scholarship

may be awarded to a student, who: a) achieved outstanding study results during their study, b) showed exemplary civic attitude or carried out an exemplary deed c) excellently represented CU especially at international events or competitions

. (2) A student who elaborated an outstanding final thesis can be awarded Rector´s Academic

Award supplemented by a lump-sum of motivational merit scholarship. (3) Rector´s Academic Praise for Academic Achievements, Rector´s Academic Award for an

outstanding final thesis supplemented by a lump-sum of motivational merit scholarship are

governed by the Study Regulations of CU and Scholarship Regulations of the Faculty. (4) The Dean may award an Academic Praise to a student enrolled in a study programme

organized by the Faculty supplemented by a lump-sum of motivational merit scholarship in accordance with the Study Regulations of the Faculty.

Article 49 Study Regulations of Faculties

(1) FM CU issues its own Study Regulations in accordance with the Study Regulations of

CU. If any of the provisions of the Study Regulations of the Faculty are contrary to

generally binding legal regulations or provisions of the Study Regulations of CU, except

for the cases, when these Study Regulations acknowledge different amendments,

procedure and the manner of solving the contradiction are stipulated by separate Internal

Regulation of CU59

. (2) Study regulations of FM CU are approved Academic Senate upon the Dean’s proposal

and become valid on the day of its approval in the Academic Senate of CU.

Article 50 Transitional and Final Provisions

(1) Conditions for regular termination of study for students admitted to study of accredited

study programmes according to provisions valid until December 31st

2012 including

the characteristic of subjects and standard duration of study remain unchanged. 58 Internal Regulation of the Dean on Protection of pregnant students of FM CU a Internal Regulation of the Dean on Study of students with specific needs.

59 Art. 12 Par. 6 of Internal Regulations No. 3/2007 Organization Rules of CUin the wording of Annex No.1.


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(2) Part of these Study Regulations of the FM CU is Appendix No.1: General rules for

enrolment to study, recording and control of the study results at the FM CU, which

apply to the Doctoral study. The Doctoral study is regulated accordingly.

(3) FM CU is obliged to coordinate its Study regulations with Study regulations of CU

within 1 month since the Study regulations of CU become valid. Those parts of Study

Regulations of FM CU which are contrary to the provisions of Study Regulations of

CU become null and void after expiration of this period. (4) These Study Regulations of FM CU come into force from the day of approval by the

Academic Senate of Comenius University in Bratislava.

(5) From the effective day of these Study Regulations of FM CU, Study Regulations of

FM CU in Bratislava approved by Academic Senate of CU on October 22nd


(Internal Provision 5/2008) become null and void.

Assoc. Prof. Daniel Bıhmer, MD, PhD. Prof. Peter Labaš, MD, PhD. Head of the Academic Senate of FM CU Dean of FM CU

Assoc. Prof. Daniel Bıhmer, MD, PhD. Prof. RNDr. Karol Mičieta, PhD.

Head of the Academic Senate of CU Rector of CU


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Appendix 1 to Study Regulations of FM CU

General Rules for Enrolment to Study, of Recording and Reviewing Study

Results at FM UK

Article 1

Enrolment to Study

(1) Enrolment determines the relation between the Faculty and the student for the period

of the current academic year. The enrolment is essentially carried out via the

Academic Information System (hereinafter also referred to as “AIS”). Details and the

modification of relations and obligations of respective authorized persons in charge of

the administration of enrolment via AIS are regulated by applicable Internal Provision

of CU.

(2) Two kinds of enrolment are distinguished:

a) the enrolment to study according to Art. 59 of the Act on Higher Education pursuant

to which a student admitted to study becomes a student of FM CU,

b) the enrolment to the further part of the study programme according to Art. 70 Sect.1 Letter c of the Act on Higher Education if the student has satisfied the requirements

prescribed by the study programme or the Study Regulations.

(3) Enrolment is carried out by:

a) entering a student´s data into the AIS system by the authorized department of

the Faculty,

b) specifying the subjects which the student plans to complete in the upcoming period of

study (academic year or semester). The student enters these data into the AIS system and writes them down into Study Credit Book (the Index),

c) submitting the Student Identity Card and its validation for the current academic year.

This step is the final part of enrolment and is made only after the previous ones have been completed successfully.

(4) Enrolment to the further part of the study is carried out by:

a) accomplishing the previous part of study in accordance with the study plan of the

respective study programme,

b) checking and making changes of the student´s data (e.g. personal data, the student

identity card data, consent to provision of personal data to other systems, etc.), 45

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c) specifying the subjects, which a student is obliged to accomplish in the upcoming period of study, i.e. academic year or during the semester. The student enters these

data into the AIS system and writes them down into Study Credit Book (Index)

d) validation of the student identity card for the current academic year. This step is the

final part of enrolment and is made only after the previous ones have been completed successfully.

(5) Sphere of activity of the Study Department (hereinafter referred to as SD):

a) executive responsibility for preparation and course of the enrolment,

b) provides the student with the Record on Fulfilment of Study Requirements for the

previous period printed from AIS, and enters the signed form into the student´s personal file.

(6) The student is obliged to enter data into AIS and enrol in person or he/she may be represented by a proxy who holds a notarized commission with notarised signature.

(7) The student or the proxy shall:

a) verify by his/her signature the correctness of the data in the Record on Fulfilment of

Study Requirements for the previous period,

b) confirm the study plan for the current academic year pursuant to Art. 51 Sect. 8 of the Act on Higher Education in accordance with the Study Regulations of the Faculty

(hereinafter referred as “SRF”) and with the study plan rules and conditions,

c) write down the subjects of the study plan in accordance with the Protocol on Study Plan in the Index. In case of any discrepancy the data in AIS entered by the student

within the stated period are decisive.

(8) The student is obliged to have his/her Student Identity Card validated via the

university data terminal within 24 hours after receiving validation stamp, if technical conditions allow so.

Article 2

Recording and Control of Study Results

(1) Sphere of activity of the Study Department of the Faculty:

a) archives the Subject Assessment Reports confirmed by the Study Department,

b) compares the data in the AIS with the data in the Index and prints out the Record on

Fulfilment of Study Requirements from the AIS. It concerns the summer semester

especially. After the winter semester only the students of the 1st

year of study are reviewed, no later than by the beginning of enrolment for the next period.


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(2) If during reviewing the study results different data or missing data have been found, the SD reports in writing the facts to the relevant Institute/Department or other


(3) Sphere of activity of the Institute/Department:

a) provides and updates the list of full-time and part-time teachers at the SD, their

specimen signatures,

b) archives the written works of the student that are a part of the subject assessment, in

accordance with the Registry Regulations and Registry Plan of CU for the period of 3 years.

c) The Head of the Institute/Department shall secure immediate remedy and adopt measures to remove shortcomings found by the SD while reviewing the study results

and shall report the missing or incorrect data to the SD.

(4) Status and role of a teacher:

a) The subject is examined exclusively by the teacher who participated in teaching during

the semester. With regard to some cases (disease, long term absence), on the basis of

written justification of the teacher, the responsibility for the evaluation and recording

is devolved to the Guarantor of the subject, in case of her/his disease or long term

absence to the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs.

b) The teacher insists on the student submitting the Index or the Student Identity Card (ISIC) at the examination. Failing that, the teacher must not examine the student, or

carry out the assessment.

c) If a written form is a part of the student’s evaluation, the examiner is obliged to

announce its results on the notice board of the Institute/Department within the agreed

time and in the way agreed in advance or on the Internet, following provisions of the

Law on Personal Data Protection. Names of the students and the results shall be made

public only upon their written consent; otherwise the teacher uses the codes, which

were allocated to them while writing the test and states the time and place for

registering the evaluation in the Index. The results of the written part of the exam must

be announced by being entered into AIS and registered within three workdays from

the beginning of the written part of the exam.

d) The teacher shall enter the result of the evaluation into AIS in accordance with valid

regulations and he/ she shall write down an identical result of the evaluation in the

Index (he/she shall write the assessment, date and signature next to the name of the

subject), while he/she is obliged to check, whether the name of the subject is identical

with the name of the subject stated in the Course Unit Information Sheet.

e) The teacher carrying out the assessment is obliged to make corrections in accordance

with generally binding regulations and Internal Regulations of CU.

f) After completion of the examination period it is not possible to make records on the

accomplished exams.


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g) The student cannot be imposed a sanction in any way for non-fulfilment of the teacher’s obligations.

(5) Obligations of the student:

a) The student is obliged to bring his/her Index or the Student Identity Card (ISIC) on the

day of evaluation or the exam, which he/she submits to the evaluating/examining

teacher. If the student does not submit the Index or the Student Identity Card, the examiner must not examine or make the assessment.

b) After fulfilment of the last study obligation in the semester or academic year, the

student is obliged to check the correctness and completeness of assessment registered

in AIS. In case he/she finds out discrepancy or missing data he/she shall immediately notify the examining teacher.

(6) The subject, which the student has registered in AIS but there is not any record on its

assessment, is evaluated by the SD as not completed and the SD may enter FX into AIS if three days have passed from completion of the examination period.