Interactive method of teaching

Interactive Methods of Teaching . Presenter: Nadejda Tucicova, Access-Varnita/Bender & Bender 1. Hot Seat Divide the class into small groups and have them pick a group leader. The group leader is seated so he cannot see the board, and the teacher writes 10 English words on the board. Those in the group spend one minute going down the list and trying to get the leader to say the English words indicated. The teammates may only use English words to encourage their leader to guess. Each team takes its turn and the winning team is the one with the most words guessed. Read more: english-teenagers.html#ixzz2nr5pEKQt 2. Whisper Circles This game works particularly well with small groups of students where the classroom seating is arranged in a circle. The teacher chooses one student as the leader and gives her a card that has a short phrase such as "It takes about six seconds for something you drink to reach your stomach" written on it. The leader memorizes the phrase and then whispers it to the person on his right. Each person then whispers the sentence to the person next to them until it reaches the end of the circle. The final person in the group says the sentence aloud and compares it to the sentence which was written on the card. The group wins if the two sentence are the same. Read more: english.html#ixzz2nr6x9j6I



Transcript of Interactive method of teaching

Page 1: Interactive method of teaching

Interactive Methods of Teaching .

Presenter: Nadejda Tucicova, Access-Varnita/Bender & Bender

1. Hot Seat

Divide the class into small groups and have them pick a group leader. The group leader is seated so he cannot see the board, and the teacher writes 10 English words on the board. Those in the group spend one minute going down the list and trying to get the leader to say the English words indicated. The teammates may only use English words to encourage their leader to guess. Each team takes its turn and the winning team is the one with the most words guessed.

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2. Whisper Circles

This game works particularly well with small groups of students where the classroom seating is arranged in a circle. The teacher chooses one student as the leader and gives her a card that has a short phrase such as "It takes about six seconds for something you drink to reach your stomach" written on it. The leader memorizes the phrase and then whispers it to the person on his right. Each person then whispers the sentence to the person next to them until it reaches the end of the circle. The final person in the group says the sentence aloud and compares it to the sentence which was written on the card. The group wins if the two sentence are the same.

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3.This ESL printable game is designed to teach how to give advice. This is an English worksheet where the students play tic tac toe against each other while learning the target sentence.

Example Vocabulary: You should…

I think you should…

Why don’t you…

How about…

I suggest…..

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3. HOW THE ETHIOPIAN WOMAN TAMED HER HUSBAND Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

Once there was a woman who was greatly _________by her husband.

He___________ her and seemed to care little whether she was happy or sad.

So the woman took her troubles to the local_____________. She told him her story, full of pity for herself and her sad____________.

"Can you give me a _________to make him love me again?" she asked anxiously.

The witchdoctor thought for a moment and replied, "I will help you, but first you must bring to me three hairs from the_________ of a living lion. These I must have before I can make the charm for you."

The woman thanked the witchdoctor and went away. When she came near to her home she sat down on a rock and began to think, "How shall I do this thing? There is a lion who comes often near to my village, it is true. But he is fierce and roars fearfully." Then she thought again and at last she knew what she would do.

And so rising early next morning, she took a young lamb and went to a place where the lion _____________to stroll about.

She waited_________________. At last she saw the lion approaching. Now was the time. Quickly she rose and, leaving the lamb in the path of the lion, she went home.

And so it was that every day early in the morning the woman would___________ and take a young lamb to the lion. Soon the lion came to know the woman, for she was always in the same place at the same time every day with a young and tender lamb, which she brought for his pleasure.

She was indeed a kind and ___________woman.

It was not long before the lion began to wag his tail each time he saw her and coming close to her he would let her ____________his head and ________his back.

And each day the woman would stay quietly stroking the lion, gently and lovingly. Then one day when she knew that the lion trusted her she carefully pulled three hairs from his mane and happily set out for the witchdoctor's dwelling.

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"See," she said ______________as she entered, "here they are!" And she gave him the three hairs from the lion's mane.

"How is it you have been so clever?" asked the witchdoctor in_________________.

"In the same way that you have __________the lion, so may you __________your husband."

Answer Key:


Once there was a woman who was greatly troubled by her husband. He no longer loved her. He neglected her and seemed to care little whether she was happy or sad.

So the woman took her troubles to the local witchdoctor. She told him her story, full of pity for herself and her sad plight. "Can you give me a charm to make him love me again?" she asked anxiously.

The witchdoctor thought for a moment and replied, "I will help you, but first you must bring to me three hairs from the mane of a living lion. These I must have before I can make the charm for you."

The woman thanked the witchdoctor and went away. When she came near to her home she sat down on a rock and began to think, "How shall I do this thing? There is a lion who comes often near to my village, it is true. But he is fierce and roars fearfully." Then she thought again and at last she knew what she would do.

And so rising early next morning, she took a young lamb and went to a place where the lion was accustomed to stroll about. She waited anxiously. At last she saw the lion approaching. Now was the time. Quickly she rose and, leaving the lamb in the path of the lion, she went home. And so it was that every day early in the morning the woman would arise and take a young lamb to the lion. Soon the lion came to know the woman, for she was always in the same place at the same time every day with a young and tender lamb, which she brought for his pleasure. She was indeed a kind and attentive woman.

It was not long before the lion began to wag his tail each time he saw her and coming close to her he would let her stroke his head and soothe his back. And each day the woman would stay quietly stroking the lion, gently

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and lovingly. Then one day when she knew that the lion trusted her she carefully pulled three hairs from his mane and happily set out for the witchdoctor's dwelling.

"See," she said triumphantly as she entered, "here they are!" And she gave him the three hairs from the lion's mane.

"How is it you have been so clever?" asked the witchdoctor in amazement.And so the woman told him the story of how she had patiently won the

hairs from the lion.A smile spread over the face of the witchdoctor and, leaning forward, he

said, "In the same way that you have tamed the lion, so may you tame your husband."

Murad Kamel