Instrumental Recording of Structured Biophotons

 4 @BVZ^XEHBZDG ^HFL^J@BA LI VZ^XFZX^HJ N@L_MLZLBV Guf `dbl _hjhrzlg ` - Jdb`hg h A ugg ï - Iglrhbt `bd S d ei`rhs fu ^ `fmhgj` (_.V.@. flbsugtdbt). Jhfhenhr >??9 Zm`s wlrk prhshbts tmh rhsugts li dbdgyshs li twl ubhxphfthj hxphr`ehbts flbjufthj `b ^leh, lb tmh 4> tm  Cubh >??8 dbj >= tm  Lftlnhr >??9 rhsphft`vhgy. Zmhy whrh blt pgdbbhj `b`t`dggy nhfdush hxphr`ehbts li d vhry j`iihrhbt bdturh whrh ubjhrwdy, dt tmh hbj li wm`fm, ny fmdbfh, tmhrh wds hbluam t`eh rhed`b`ba ilr djj`t`lbdg hxphr`ehbts wm`fm drh jhsfr`nhj `b tmh ilgglw`ba. ZMH I@^VZ H]_H^@EHBZ Zmh hbv`rlbehbt wmhrh tmh i`rst rhflrj`bas whrh edjh `s d fglshj rlle w`tm tm`fk wdggs, fdgghj tmh frypt(I`a 4  ‖ buehr`fdg vdguhs hxprhsshj `b ehtrhs), `b tmh ndshehbt li d mlush glfdthj `b tmh slutmhrb lutsk`rts li ^leh wm`fm shrvhs ds tmh mhdjqudrthrs li tmh @^F A^LX_. Zmh rlle mds d g`blghue igllr, `s vhry qu`ht dbj tmh wdggs dbj fh`g`ba drh pgdsthrhj dbj pd`bthj. I`a . 4 Zmh sunchfts tl nh stuj`hj whrh pgdfhj `b irlbt li lbh li tmh smlrt wdggs ds smlwb ny tmh rhj edrk`bas `b I`a 4. Bhdr tmh ltmhr smlrt wdgg, ds `bj`fdthj ny tmh nguh edrk`bas `b I`a 4, d b`amt-v`s`lb thghsflph (eljhg # ^V:EF @@ Ahbhrdt`lb-_gus, ushj ny BDZL, shh I`a  >) wds elubthj lb d tr`plj dbj hqu`pphj w`tm twl prlarhss`vh `edah `bthbs`i`hrs, tmh i`rst w`tm db hiihft`vh depg`i`fdt`lb li drlubj 6.???, dbj tmh shflbj db hiihft`vh depg`i`fdt`lb li drlubj >??-6??, rhsugt`ba `b d tltdg hiihft`vh depg`i`fdt`lb li drlubj 8?.???.


"It is the interaction between two psychic subjects, Umberto Di Grazia and Florentina Zamfirescu Richeldi at the research association IRC in Rome. In these images we see that these two subjects, in complete darkness, emit light quanta, just flashes of optical information... "Daniele GullàThroughout the literature on human biophotonics emissions there aren't reports of phenomena like this, which involves emission streams of photons from one person to another like the one between the two research subjects, Umberto Di Grazia and Florentina Zamfirescu Richeldi.

Transcript of Instrumental Recording of Structured Biophotons

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Byh`ngj ]iciu{jb` $ Cng`ibi Lybbí $ Fbjuigs`gn [ndf`uixhy U`haibcCihideiu 5==6

Sa`x |juo }uixigsx sai uixybsx jf ngnbpxix jf s|j ygiq}ihsic iq}iuUjdi" jg sai >5sa Kygi 5==9 ngc 51sa Jhsjeiu 5==6 uix}ihs`vibp' Sa`g`s`nbbp eihnyxi iq}iu`digsx jf n viup c`ffiuigs gnsyui |iui ygci

|a`ha" ep hanghi" saiui |nx igjyla s`di uidn`g`gl fju ncc`s`jgnb iqcixhu`eic `g sai fjbbj|`gl'


Sai igv`ujgdigs |aiui sai f`uxs uihjuc`glx |iui dnci `x n hbjxic ujjbb c sa ‒ s— !F` > ` b b c ` s ) ` sa

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F`l 5 

Sai sibixhj}i‐x !viup eu`las) bigx `x hnsnc`j}su`h" |`sa n fjhnb bign}iusyui jf >*>'8" ngc n 3'9q {jjd' Sai fjhyx `x nckyxsnebi jg ejsipi}`ihi' Nd}b`f`hns`jg hng ei xibihsic fujd 9 bivibx ngc sai xhuiibivibx' Sai sibixhj}i `x }j|iuic ep s|j NN uihanulinebi >'59 V GNSJ gen =91 ‘ gxg 6>89)" eys hjddjg >'9V enssiu`ix dnp nbxj eiol'Fju sa`x jhhnx`jg" `g juciu sj jesn`g yxifyb cnsn fju xsycp }yu}jxix" n|nx sid}junu`bp nssnhaic sj sai ipi}`ihi }j|iuic v`n `sx x}ih`f`h h

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Nx ng iqnd}bi" F`l 8 xaj|x s|j `dnlix jf Fbjuigs`gn [ndf`uixhy Ungc n ‒eu`las— jgi" fujd |a`ha sai ‒Cnuo Fundi— anx eiig uidjvic'

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N}nus fujd sa`x cisn`b  ‘ |a`ha }uivigsx ng iqnhs cisiud`gns`jg c`digx`jgx  ‘ sai hangli `g eu`lasgixx jviu s`di `x iv`cigs ngc fjbbj|ic }iufihsbp'

Sai fjbbj|`gl nui xjdi iqnd}bix? sai `dnlix anvi gjs eiig nbsiuic}j`gsx |a`ha xaj| y} nx eu`las h`uhbix nui }iufihsbp v`x`ebi'Xjdi }aigjdign n}}inu |`sa`g sai x}ng jf n fi| sigsax jf n xihjgcfi| xihjgcx !F`lyuix 0  ngc >= ) ngc saig c`xn}}inu `g sai xnn}}inuic'Xjdi jsaiux snoi djui sang n xihjgc sj uinha sai`u dnq`dyd eu`ladngp xihjgcx !F`lyuix >> ngc >5 ) ngc saig saixi nbxj c`xn}}in}}inuic'F`gnbbp jgi n}}inuic xbj|bp ginu n dic`sns`gl |jdng‐x xjbnu }biqyxfju djui sang n d`gysi" }iu`jc`hnbbp luncynbbp `ghuinx`gl ngc cihuiygs`b `s v`usynbbp c`xn}}inuic !F`lyuix >8" >3" >9" >6 ngc >< )'


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