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Page 1 / 66 INSTALLATION AND USER MANUAL v3.0.1. PROMOCODER The Promotional Coding solution for Markem-Imaje® CIJ and Laser printers Suitable for : Former CIJ range : S4, S7, S8 MI9000 series : 9020, 9030, 9040, 9232 MI7000 series : 7031 All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

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The Promotional Coding solution for


CIJ and Laser printers

Suitable for :

Former CIJ range : S4, S7, S8

MI9000 series : 9020, 9030, 9040, 9232

MI7000 series : 7031

All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any

affiliation with or endorsement by them.

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1. Introduction 7

1.1 What is the PromoCoder? 7

1.2 What is the promotional code? 7

1.3 Where the promotional code is printed? 7

1.4 Promocoding applications requirements 7

1.5 History of PromoCoder 8

2. PromoCoder – Description 11

2.1 The PromoCoder Hardware 11

2.2 The application Software 12

2.3 The code requirements 13

2.4 The PromoCoder working principle 14

3. Installation 15

3.1 Installing the PromoCoder 15

3.1.1 Setting up the PromoCoder Ethernet port communication parameters 15

3.1.2 Physical installation and wiring 15

3.2 Installing the PC application (PromoCoder NET Server program) 17

3.2.1 Installing the PromoCoder NET Server program on a PC 17

3.2.2 Running multiple instances of the PromoCoder NET Server program 18

3.2.3 Configuring the Promocoder NET Server program 19

3.2.4 Running the PromoCoder NET Server program 23

3.2.5 Communication protocol of the PromoCoder 24

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4. Setting up the printer for operation with PromoCoder 29

4.1 Setting up a 9040 printer 29

4.1.1 Setting up the communication parameters 29

4.1.2 Setting up the “One DTOP per message” option (NonDouble Printing) 30

4.1.3 Setting up the message to be printed 32

4.1.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9040 34

4.1.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9040 36

4.2 Setting up a 9030 printer 37

4.2.1 Setting up the communication parameters 37

4.2.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option 37

4.2.3 Setting up the message to be printed 38

4.2.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9030 39

4.2.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9030 40

4.3 Setting up a 9020 printer 41

4.3.1 Setting up the communication parameters 41

4.3.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option 41

4.3.3 Setting up the message to be printed 41

4.3.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9020 41

4.3.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9020 41

4.3.6 9020 Modification - for compatibility with PromoCoder 42

4.4 Setting up a 9232 printer 47

4.4.1 Setting up the communication parameters 47

4.4.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option 48

4.4.3 Setting up the message to be printed 50

4.4.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9232 52

4.4.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9232 53

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4.5 Setting up an S7 printer 55

4.5.1 Setting up the communication parameters 55

4.5.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option 55

4.5.3 Setting up the message to be printed 55

4.5.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on S7 55

4.5.5 Cable and connection drawing for S7 55

4.6 Setting up an S4+ / S8 Master printer 57

4.6.1 Setting up the communication parameters 57

4.6.2 Setting up the “ONE DTOP per MESSAGE” option 58

4.6.3 Setting up the message to be printed 58

4.6.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on S8 58

4.6.5 Cable and connection drawing for S8 58

4.7 Setting up a 7031 Laser printer 59

5. Technical Specifications 61

6. Throughput table 63

7. Revision of the “PromoCoder User and Installation manual” 65

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1. Introduction

1.1 What is the PromoCoder?

The PromoCoder was a response to the need of the FMCG and Food and Beverages market for

promotional coding. Nowadays we can observe a trend in the marketing strategy on most companies

who produce to the direct consumer market, to use the promotion code technique in order to increase

the selling of their product.

1.2 What is a promotional code?

The promotional code is usually a “random” series of alphanumeric characters with a predefined


The code is usually generated by the customer, who has also the algorithm to check the validity of the

codes when this are sent back. For avoiding character misinterpretations, is advisable to use a reduced

set of alphanumeric characters when the code is built, for ex. excluding “B, I, O”, which can be

interpreted as “8, 1, 0”.

1.3 Where the promotional code is printed?

Usually the promotion code is printed on the primary product packaging, in a “hardly accessible”

place, or sometimes in the inside of the packaging material. It is not unusual also that the requested

promotion code to be printed not at the production site, but at the companies who made the packaging

materials for the final products. Of course, depending of the application different type of ink may be

used, including food grade ink for the inner packaging of the food products.

1.4 Promocoding applications requierments

What is common for all this applications beside the need of marking the promotional code, is from one

hand the security of the coding, which must to exclude double printings of the same code, and from the

other hand the speed of the promotional marking, which can reach in the food and beverages sector

sometimes more than 30 prints/second.

To fulfill the requirements of this special application we need first of all the capability of the used

printer to avoid double printing of the same data. In this way we can grant the exclusion of double

printing without the installation of an expensive Vision system to check the printed codes. Fortunately

the CIJ and Laser printers which came from the former Imaje side of the MI range have the possibility

to activate the “NonDoubled Printing” mode, and in this way the printer will raise a fault when an

attempt to printing the same data is done.

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After the double printing exclusion is solved, we must to ensure that we can send the refreshed data to

each printed message at the rate required by the application. This is very difficult task in a Windows

based environment even with a physical peer-to-peer connection like the RS232. When USB (serial

converter) or Ethernet is used, the task is almost impossible, cause the communication in the USB

case has some „wake-up” times which can lead in failing to refresh the message content at the

application speed, and in the Ethernet case the protocol allow a virtual “packet based”

communication, which also is not a real time event.

To solve this problem we construct the PromoCoder, which act like an intelligent buffer between the

PC based application which manage the promotional database, and the selected printer.

1.5 History of PromoCoder

When we have faced the first time the need of marking a promotional code, we realize that some

problems had to be solved when a PC based application is written to drive the communication. First of

all the communication must to be done by serial link, not only because that the printers used at that

time did not have other possibilities, but also because this communication can assume that is done in

real time.

The PC firs of all must to be close to the printer, to have the serial cable as short as possible.

After this, during programming the PC software have to use not only a “general” way of handling the

RS232 port, but must to “instruct” Windows to handle the port in real time mode. The program must to

handle also the database part of the promotional coding beside of the proper handling of the

communication part with the printer.

Another problem in the communication was the moment of the variable sending. To speed up the

application we have to know when to send the variables. The printer sends a “Busy” signal during

printing, but this is done on the I/O interface. We have to construct a hardware to capture this signal

and send it to the PC application trough the RS232 interface, since I/O interfaces are not common on

commercial PC-s.

In this way we can reach a throughput of around 13-15 codes/second, but with serious limitations, and

the impediment that the programmer of the PC software must to know in deep details the functioning

of the connected printer.

When this application was developed, we realize at the first time the necessity to have a dedicated

device which will take care of the communication with the printer on an RS232 connection, and also

can handle directly I/O signals to/from the printer, and on another port can receive data from a host

computer, and act like a buffer. In this way the host computer didn‟t have to know anything about the

connected hardware, making the communication as simple as possible on the PC side, and also the

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communication way can be more relaxed, because is no need to real time communication between the

PC and the dedicated device.

The PC side application can be in this case developed by any software developer, who has to care only

about the handling of the promotional database.

In 2010 we have developed the first version of this dedicated device, due to a request where we have to

meet around 25 prints/second on the “peek” of a head moving application at a Nestlé factory.

The first device was dedicated to work with 9040 printer, and the interface to the PC application was

an USB port. At that time the application was supposed to work like a coding station, with an

industrial PC on the packaging machine connected to the PromoCoder.

At the first tests we measure a throughput of 100 prints/second (!!!) with this device, so the first

version was named “PromoCoder 100S/9040” .

Shortly we develop also the “PromoCoder 100S/9030”. At that point we plan to make different

firmware versions for different connected printers.

Because the “shortness” of the USB cable, and the incoming need of running the PC application on a

PC station which is not allocated to the printer, in 2011 we develop the Ethernet version of the device.

In short time we decide to stop the producing of the USB version, because at the first application we

encounter some communication issues trough the USB cable which was routed inside the packaging

machine near servo drives, so we think that the Ethernet version will be more reliable in industrial


Recently we made some throughput tests, and we found out that the originally measured 100

prints/second dropped to around 70 prints/sec on a 9040. The root cause was identified to be the PC

card redesign by MI into the 9040 printer, in fact the introduction of the new WinCE based board. So,

that is, we have to remove the “100S” suffix… It only worked on the former DOS droved PC boards.

Also we redesign the firmware of the PromoCoder device, and we made the printer type configurable

from outside, so the same device with the same firmware can be used on the entire range of the MI CIJ


In the meantime of the PromoCoder evolution for CIJ printers, we also face an application where we

have to drive 7031 lasers to fulfill a promotional code marking, but the hardware was different, cause

we have to drive a number of lasers in a system. Although at that application the hardware can drive 4

lasers simultaneously, we realize the possibility to make the CIJ PromoCoder to work with 7031 lasers


The firmware which drive the 7031 laser is different, due to the communication particularities, but the

hardware is practically identical.

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2. PromoCoder – Description

2.1 The PromoCoder Hardware

The PromoCoder is a dedicated hardware mounted preferably inside the printer, which act like a data

buffer between the application running on a PC (which handles the promotional database) and the

printer, and take full control of the communication with the printer. In this way, the PromoCoder has

the following functions & advantages:

Handle the communication trough RS232 to the printer side, according to the connected printer.

Handle the various IO signals which make possible the communication, and send the printer status

signal to the PC application.

Handle the printer Error signal, and has a potential free programmable System Error Relay Output

to show the system state.

Acts like a data buffer between the PC application and the printer, in this way we can use any type

of connection between the PC and the PromoCoder. The actual hardware uses the Ethernet connection.

The PC application didn‟t has to communicate with the connected printer, therefore didn‟t has to

know the different particularities of the communication regarding printer types.

The device has a very simple communication protocol, which contains initialization commands,

data sending commands, and status request commands. In this way the application software can be

written and customized by any software developer in a modular way, without taking care to the printer



Printer Ind. Interface External System

PC /






MI CIJ printer

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2.2 The application Software

The software designed for driving the PromoCoder is running in a Windows environment (tested on

Win.XP), and is sustaining communication with the PromoCoder installed in the vicinity of the printer.

The communication is done trough Ethernet link, so the PC can be anywhere (office, production,

server room, etc) . The PromoCoder has a fixed IP address, the application can reach the hardware

trough this fixed IP address. From practical point of view is advisable that both of the PC and the

PromoCoder to be behind a local router and the data streaming to be limited to this local network, but

this is not a restriction. The only condition is that the IP address configuration on the network to make

possible the communication between the application and the PromoCoder trough the Ethernet network.

The application can be configured trough a configuration file. This file will contain the PromoCoder IP

address, the type of the printer connected, the promotional code length, and other configurable options,

like the directory paths from where the data files can be read, also where the log files can be written.

The application software will read the data file provided by the Customer, at time of reading will check

the length of each record in the file to be consistent with the value given in the config file, and will

raise an error if the length of a record is different from the expected value. Will not check content of

the file! If the file passes the length check, it will be loaded in the application and the software will

initiate the communication with the PromoCoder (depending on config file settings).

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After communication established, it will start to load the file data into the PromoCoder, until it fill the

available buffer. After that at a predefined time interval it will poll the status of the PromoCoder, and it

will fill the buffer, if necessary.

During the operation the application software will log every event in a logfile, in the eventuality to

have to backtrace the activity of the system. When polling the PromoCoder the application gather the

PromoCoder states also, and log them in the file as well.

To trace the data in the provided datafile, it will create and maintain a pointer file, according to the

events and response from the PromoCoder.

Attention: If the pointer file is lost or damaged, the application will ask to create a new one. In this

case is the system administrator responsibility to check the current pointer, and provide the right value

trough the (protected) “Pointerset” button.

Disclaimer: This application is free of charge!

Although this is a full functional application, and was written to be used with the PromoCoder in most

of the applications, it is intended to be only a guideline to an application written to fulfill customer

special requests. The communication protocol of the PromoCoder with the PC application is provided

as part of this manual, and can be used freely to construct a customized application.

Therefore we can not be held responsible for any data loss or data mishandling caused by using

or misusing this application, any claim regarding software issues will be rejected.

2.3 The code requirements

The code must be generated by the Customer, and checked for duplicated entries. Duplicated

entries will not be detected by the coding system, and therefore will result in pseudo duplicated


The codes must to have the same lengths. The length of the codes can be choused freely, but the

system must to know the choused length of the code (fix value entered in the config file). The coding

system will check if the length of the records is consistent with the settings in the config file.

The codes must be presented in a simple text file with comma separated values (CSV), or

separated by “ENTER” (CR, CR+LF).

The coding technology will grant that one record in the file will NOT be printed twice

(duplicated print excluded)

The coding technology will NOT grant every record in the file to be printed! If any error or

malfunctioning occur, the system will discard the codes with an unknown state. That mean the system

can “loose” unprinted codes from the original file (not every code will be printed).

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2.4 The PromoCoder working principle

The PromoCoder is a multiport device, which handle the communications between the device and the

PC application (trough an Ethernet port), between the device and the printer (trough a serial RS232

port) and has a dedicated I/O structure to handle different additional signals.

The PromoCoder receive the initialization command from the top layer application, and set the internal

parameters accordingly:

Type of connected printer (determining the communication particularities with the printer)

Code length

Buffer size

I/O signals config (ex. Error Relay behavior)

After initialization the top layer application will send the codes into the PromoCoder data buffer, until

the buffer will full. At this point the PromoCoder will enter in “RUN” state.

In “RUN” state the PromoCoder will send the first code in the queue to the printer, and will follow the

printer “Busy” signal to know that a code was printed. After a code was printed, the PromoCoder will

send the next code to the printer. In the meantime it responds to the polling of the top layer application,

which will refill the buffer if necessary according to the reported state by the PromoCoder.

If from any reason the PromoCoder can not refresh the data in the printer until the next starting signal

(ex. interrupted communication, buffer underrun, etc.), the printer will not print at the external start,

and will signal an error state, captured by the PromoCoder device. This error state will be signaled to

the outside system trough the (configurable) System Error Relay, and also to the top layer application

when it asks for the PromoCoder status (polling).

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3. Installation

3.1 Installing the PromoCoder

The PromoCoder installation can be split in two phases: setting up the communication of the Ethernet

port (the communication with the host) and the physical installation and wiring to the printer.

3.1.1 Setting up the PromoCoder Ethernet port communication parameters

The communication used on this side of the PromoCoder device is emulated RS232 over Ethernet with

Lantronix Xport converter. The device Ethernet parameters can be maintained with “Lantronix

DeviceInstaller” software:

Serial parameters on the device side: 115200,8,n,1

(Set all parameters back to default value and modify the serial speed to 115200, press “OK” and

“Apply settings”.)

For advanced Xport settings see Xport user guide at:

3.1.2 Phisical installation and wiring

The installation of the PromoCoder is supposed to be done inside the printer‟s cabinet.

The IP rating of the PromoCoder enclosure is IP20. Therefore is not advised to be mounted outside

the printer. If the device is mounted inside the printer, the installation will have the printer‟s IP rate.

The dimensions of the PromoCoder are very small (76 x 63,5 x 26 mm), therefore can be easily

integrated inside the printer:

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In the following pictures you can see an example of mounting in a 9020 respectively in a 9040 printer.

The PromoCoder will come by default with an universal connecting cable, which has a length of 0,6m.

on each wire.

When you place the order for the PromoCoder device, you can order free of charge the cable option for

the preferred printer. In this case the cable will come dimensionally speaking preconfigured for inside

mounting for the specified printer type.

The wiring of the PromoCoder is slightly different according to the printer type, and is provided for

every supported type of printer at the end of the manual.

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3.2 Installing the PC application (PromoCoder NET Server program)

The program can be modified without prior notice, because it is a “live” program constantly improving

with new features. Therefore you are encouraged to send observations and to request new features, and

we will implement it in the limit of our possibilities (do not forget that this software is free of charge).

We do our best to remain “backward compatible” with all previous hardware versions.

The actual version of the file can be found and can be downloaded from

The application installation can be split in two phases: installing the application on a PC and

configuring the application for a specific printer..

3.2.1 Installing the PromoCoder NET Server program on a PC

The PromoCoder NET Server program come in a zip file containing the following files:




All you need is to extract these files to a directory. No installation is necessary, you simple run the

“ServerS.exe” after you have configured properly the “pc100s.cfg” configuration file.

The configuration file will be described in detail in a following section. You can create desktop

shortcut to the .exe file, taking care that the “start in” directory to be the program self directory.

You can configure a preferred directory for the created log files, and also a preferred directory for the

pointer files (don‟t forget that each database file will have a pointer file with the same name).

If these directories are not defined, at the first run of the program they will be created in the self

directory of the program.

Important: the database files can be anywhere on the network, but is advisable to move the files to the

computer running the application, to avoid read/write delays introduced by the network (HDD going in

idle mode, and wake-up delays). More important than this is to use unique names for different

datafiles, as the pointer file will have the name of the datafile (with extension .ptr), regardless the

directory where the file is opened! In this way you can prevent the mix-up of the pointer files, and

consequently the repeated printing of the same database section.

The created log files will have the name of the printer configured in the config file (or the IP address,

if the name section is left blank), and padded with the date and timestamp of the creation moment


To avoid creation of extremely big logfiles (trough several days/weeks production) a “Splitdaily”

option was created, which opens a new log file every midnight.

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3.2.2 Running multiple instances of the PromoCoder NET Server program on a PC

Multiple instances of the PromoCoder NET Server program can be run simultaneously on a PC. In this

way you can manage multiple PromoCoders from one computer.

One very important thing must be specified, which is a FAQ from the customer side: the different

instances of the PromoCoder MUST use different datafiles. One datafile cannot be used

simultaneously by two different applications.

The installation in this case must to follow some basic rules:

Create a separate directory for each program, taking care that the config file to be in the same

directory with the program that belongs.

Preferably create separate places for log files and pointer files (just for your convenience).

Give different names to the printers in the corresponding config files, as this name will be

shown in the headline of the program window, and identify the instance of the program.

When creating desktop icons for starting the different instances, be very careful to configure

also the “Start In” line, as this can lead in mixing the instances if not set correctly on all shortcuts of

the program. Important is that every program to start in its own directory!

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3.2.3 Configuring the Promocoder NET Server program

The PromoCoder NET Server program can be configured trough its configuration file, the

“pc100s.cfg”.This file has several sections, which will be described below. A sample config file will

be provided with each program, completely commented to be easily customized for each application in

a few minutes.

Configuration Settings (Pc100s.cfg options):

#If a line start with “#” or “;”, mean that the line is “remmed”, the program will not take it into account.


DebugLevel = 9 # 0-debug disabled, 9-more detailed

LogLevel = 3 # 0-Log disabled, 9-more detailed

Autostart = 0 # 0-Manual start, 1-Autostart, it will connect,

# download the variables and start immediately

# at startup.

#EmbeddedMode = 0 # 1 = Start in embedded PC mode 1024x600

# 0 - Startup as normal windows application

# Not used in this version

#Shutdown = 0 # 0 = Back to Windows (if exist in environment)

# 1 = Shutdown

# Valid only in embedded mode

PointerSet = 1 # 0 = Disable pointer set button

# 1 = Enable pointer set button

# >1 = Enable pointer set button, and set a PIN

CorrectPointer= 1 # Correct pointer on stop with un-sent records

# in queue

# 0-no correction, 1-correct

TouchMode = 0 # 1 = Touch mode for data entry

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Name = "Imaje_9232_Test" # Used for identification to display in the title row

# and for creating the name of the logfile

Type = "9232" # Imaje type “9232”, "9040", "9030", "9020",

# "S8” or “S7”

Addr = "" # IP Address of remote device (PromoCoder)

Port = 10001 # Remote port on device, default: 10001

WaitAck = 1 # Wait for Imaje ack

# 0-Disable, 1-Enable (default=1)

Head = 1 # Imaje head or jet number for variable sending

# (depend on Imaje type)

# on 9040 the head nr. / on S8 (S4) the jet nr.

Relay = 2 # Function of output relay:

# 0 - closed in case of error

# 1 - closed if no error

# 2 - closed if controller in run phase

VariableLength = 12 # Length of the variable data (the code)

CheckPeriod = 1000 # Queue checking period in ms, short period will

# increase the network traffic

QueueLowLevel = 100 # Queue low level

QueueHighLevel = 200 # Queue high level

# Fill the queue up to HighLevel if lower than LowLevel

# Maintain these 3 parameters according the print frequency

# These values are suitable for above 50 prints per second

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# The following parameters are very important to set the “NonDouble printing” on certain printers.

# For the S4 and S8 range: the option must be set in the Eprom U11, and after that can be

# activated in the option menu. The option can be set separately by jet nr.

# For 9040 printer the option must be set in the “Printer Configuration” menu accessed by “ALT+”

# However, for 9040 1 head printer this option can be set also by serial command

# For 9020, 9030, 9232 and S7 printers the option is set by the following start sequence

StartCmd1 = "05" # This command sequence will switch ON the

StartCmd2 = "E9 00 01 01 E9" # “NonDouble Printing” option on the following

#StartCmd3 = "" # printers: S7, 9020, 9030, 9040 (head 1), 9232

#StopCmd1 = "05"

#StopCmd2 = "E9 00 01 00 E8" # The switch off command is not used in this version

#StopCmd3 = "" # cause is no Stop button in the program


# If you leave the database section blank, the database file has to be opened manually,

# the POINTER directory will be created by default in the program directory, and

# the LOG directory will be created by default in the program directory.

PointerDir = ".\POINTER" # directory to store the pointer files

#PointerDir = "C:\POINTER" # . or .. means relative to program directory

# If you want to use common POINTER directory

# for several instances of this software, use absolute

# path like : “C:\POINTER”

DefaultDir = ".\DATA" # directory from where to open the data files

# . or .. means relative to program directory

#DefaultFile = "TESTDATA.TXT" # The default datafile to be opened at startup.

# Without path means the program self directory

# Is used in conjunction with “Autostart = 1”

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#DefaultPointer = "*.ptr" # Line number of the last printed record

# Default path : SelfDirectory/POINTER

# Default name : [datafile_name].ptr

# WARNING: Use unique database file names, because the pointer file has no information

# about the path. Same database filenames in different directories will use common pointer.


LogDir = ".\LOG" # directory to store the log files

#LogDir = "C:\LOG" # . or .. means relative to program directory

# If you want to use common LOG directory

# for several instances of this software, use absolute

# path like : “C:\LOG”

SplitDaily = 1 # 1- open new log file daily

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3.2.4 Running the PromoCoder NET Server program

The PromoCoder NET Server program can be configured trough its configuration file, the


In the following screenshots you will see some situations of the program, to exemplify its functioning.

You will see the program in RUN phase, connected to a 9020 printer named “Imaje_9020_Test1”,

having a PromoCoder installed with an IP “”. You can see in the right section (the LOG

window) the startup command sent, and the filling with data of the buffer. The program find a pointer

record, and the next printable data was 1412, so the filling of data start with the 1412 index, and fill up

200 position in the buffer until the 1612 index. As the queue was filled up, the PromoCoder already

send one record to the printer, end enter in RUN mode. This is the reason why the queue is at 199.

At this LOG level the actual sent data is not recorded, but you can set a Loglevel on which your logfile

will record also the data.

When an error occur, you also can see on the Error screen that according to the “Correctpointer = 1”

setting, the pointer of the datafile is corrected, and the unused and secure data are retrieved from the

PromoCoder buffer. In this way on an error we loose only 1 data record instead of 200.

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3.2.5 Communication protocol of the PromoCoder – to be used for developing custom sw.

Disclaimer: Although the PromoCoder NET Server program is a full functional application, and was

written to be used with the PromoCoder in most of the applications, it is intended to be only a

guideline to an application written to fulfill customer special requests. The communication protocol of

the PromoCoder with the PC application is provided below, and can be used freely to construct a

customized application.

You are encouraged to develop your own application fulfilling your customer demands.

Therefore we can not be held responsible for any data loss or data mishandling caused by using

or misusing this application, any claim regarding software issues will be rejected.

PromoCoder Serial protocol:

Normal terminal emulation with standard ASCII characters (character codes above 127 are sent to

Imaje as variable data without conversion). Commands can be closed with CR (0x0d), LF (0x0a) or

CR+LF (0x0d + 0x0a) codes, multi-line responses uses the same code, last line (>) not closed


Reset the device:

Cmd: RESET [variable length (optional)] // Maximum length including separators

Answer: [OK or ERR]


Start printing:


Answer: [OK or ERR]


Stop printing:


Answer: OK


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Get status:


Answer: S:[RUN/STP] // State Run/Stop

VL:nnn // Variable length

QL:nnn // Number of data entries in queue

FRQ:nnn // Number of free entries in queue

BSY1:n // State of busy1 input

BSY2:n // State of busy1 input

ERR:n // State of error input

DTP:n // State of dtop input

ERROR:nnn,DESC // Error number and description

TMIN:nnnnn // Shortest gap between two messages in ms

PRN:nnnnnnnnn // Number of prints since last reset


Get quick status:

Cmd: QS

Answer nnn/ nnnX // Number of data entries/free entries in queue

> // X : R → Run, S → Stop, E → Error

Add data entry to queue:

Cmd: ADD ”delimited variable list like: var1|var2|var3... , cropped to VL if longer”

// Max. 10 variables in one command !

Answer: nnn/nnnX // Number of data entries/free entries in queue or Error


Set Imaje serial speed

Cmd: MODE_IMAJEBAUD [38400 or 115200]

Answer: IMAJEBAUD:xxxxxx // Not used in current version, Imaje serial speed is

// fixed to 38400


Enable/disable Imaje ACK check

(only for testing)

Cmd: MODE_IMAJEACK [0 or 1] // 0-Disable, 1-Enable check

Answer: IMAJEACK:x


Set Imaje printer type

Cmd: MODE_IMAJTYPE [9040 or 9030 or 9020 or S7 or S8 or 9232]



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Get unit ID (not relevant / no protection from 2v0)


Answer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Select Imaje printhead

Cmd: MODE_HEAD [1 or 2] //Imaje head or jet number for variable sending

// (depend on Imaje type)

// on 9040 the head nr. / on S8 (S4) the jet nr.

Answer: HEAD:x


Limit number of tries to sending a variable

Cmd: MODE_TRIES [1 .. 9]

Answer: TRIES:x


Set timeout between tries

Cmd: MODE_RECTO [1 .. 9] // x10ms timeout for ACK

Answer: RECTO:x


Set output relay operation mode

Cmd: MODE_RELAY [0, 1 or 2] // 0 – Closed on error

Answer: RELAY:x // 1 – Closed if no error

> // 2 – Closed if controller in run phase

Pass trough Imaje command

Cmd: IMAJE “xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx” // Imaje command in hex

Answer: xx xx xx xx xx xx xx // Response from Imaje

> // Use quotes (“..”) if there are spaces

// between bytes

// Max number of TX and RX bytes: 512

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Communication sample:

Device > // Promt after bootup

Pc RESET 5 // Set length to 5 and reset the device

Device >

Pc ADD “aaaaa|bbbbb|ccccc”

Device 003/291S // 3 of the 294 entries was filled with data

Device >

... repeat ADD command to fill the queue with several entries

Pc ADD “jjjjj|kkkkk|kkkkk”

Device 012/282S

Device >


Device >

... Check the queue status periodically according the estimated maximum speed


Device 012/282R // printing not started yet

Device >

... some delay


Device 002/292R // oops, the delay was too long and the queue is

Device > // nearly empty, data needed ASAP

Pc ADD “xxxxx|yyyyy|zzzzz“ // Send more entries together or

Device 003/289R // check the queue status more often

Device >

... Printing


... Stop the machine to avoid new print start signal

Pc STOP // Stop the device

Device >

Pc: STATUS // Check what was printed

Device: S:STP // Stop state

VL:005 // Variable length as we set at the beginning

QL:015 // 15 entries left in queue, mark them not printed in

FRQ:277 // in database if necessary

BSY:0 // No printing in progress

WRN:0 // No warning

ERR:0 // No error

DTP:0 // Dtop input state in inactive

ERO:0 // No error output

TMIN:0052 // 52 ms was the shortest gap between two prints

PRN:000001300 // 1300 messages were printed


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4. Setting up the printer for operation with PromoCoder

4.1 Setting up a 9040 printer

4.1.1 Setting up the communication parameters

The serial communication in the Imaje printer must be set as follow :

a. Communication speed : 38400 baud

b. Data format : 8,n,1 (8 bits, no parity, 1 Stop bit)

Communication mode must be set to « DIRECT »

Simple Protocol must be set to « NO »

Jumper settings on the Industrial interface : The BUSY / SPROG jumper must be set to SPROG

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4.1.2 Setting up the “One DTOP per message” option (NonDouble Printing)

To avoid the possibility of printing twice the same data (without actualization trough the serial

communication), in the printer the following option must be set : “One DTOP per message” (or

option “NON DOUBLED PRINTING” – on some printer models)

On the 9040 model this settings is done trough the “OPTIONS CONFIGURATION” menu, accessible

by pressing “ALT +” on the mainscreen. You will see the following screen:

When entering “OPTIONS CONFIGURATION” menu, you will see first the “PRINTER

CONFIGURATION” Tab, where the required option must be set:

Here you must check the option thick box. After changing the option, you must to save the changes

and restart the printer :

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Attention :

For two head 9040 printer you must to set this option only on the involved head, not on both. This

must be done similar to the mono head printer trough the config settings of the printer. There will be a

dropdown box selecting the head for which the option will be activated. You must select the head

which will print the promotional code.

This feature is available only on sw. version J42A-M42A .

This sw. version is not published, it can be obtained from MI, or requested when ordering the


You can check the printer software version on the following screen:

Important :

When using the printer in normal mode, without printing promotion codes with the PromoCoder, this

option must be unchecked. Once the option saved, the printer must to be restarted.

The stop and restart the printer will not alter the state of this option (One DTOP per message). If the

option was activated, it will remain active regardless the printer state until the change of the

configuration file.

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4.1.3 Setting up the message to be printed

The message containing the promotional code must have configured an external variable, which will

be filled by the PromoCoder with the content of the code.

The message can be built up considering the customer needs, and can contain additional fields, freely

choused from the menu of the printer (text, counters, date elements, barcodes, etc).

The only restriction is that has to contain an “EXTERNAL VARIABLE” field, configured for the

length of the promotion code which will be sent by the PromoCoder.

In the following example you will be guided trough a message construction with a fixed text and the

promotional code:

First open a NEW message and give it a name (Ex.: “Promo”)

Start to construct the message, and insert the EXTERNAL VARIABLE where the promotion code will


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When the EXTERNAL VARIABLE is inserted, you will be prompted for the settings of this variable

field. You must enter the length of this field, and the preferred display characters:

After this we suppose your message done, and we save it.

Do not forget to also select this message for printing, when you want PromoCoding

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4.1.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9040

There are some limitations of the 9040 printer in terms of handling the communication,

depending on the displayed screen.

Unless other printers in the MI CIJ range, the PC card of the 9040 printer is constructed as an “external

computer”, but mounted inside the cabinet and running a custom software. This computer uses also a

serial communication with the main board, which has impact to the command performing times. This

means that if the PC card communicates with the main board, and perform a specific task, the

commands processing times will increase. Therefore we will not be able to refresh the code trough the

external communication at the desired rate, when continuous communication is in progress between

the PC board and the main board.

For practical point of view you must follow the below rules to avoid these situations :

It is strictly forbidden to use the PromoCoder application when the 9040 is leaved on the

following screens, which continuously are refreshed according to the mainboard provided data.

If you leave the 9040 on one of this screens, the application rate can drop to 2-3prints/second :

MAIN Screen


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It is highly advisable the following neutral screen to be used, where no communication is done,

since no data needs to be refreshed. Just press “ESC” at the main screen, and you will reach this

recommended screen:

The throughput on this screen can reach the maximum of 70 prints/second.

Although the application throughput is 70 prints/second on this screen, after 10 minutes the screen

saver will become active, and in the moment of activation again the throughput will drop for 1-2

second to 25-30 prints/second. This throughput fortunately cover all known application , but if you

need higher print rates, you have to wait for the screensaver to be active:

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4.1.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9040

(in the .doc file the picture is an embedded pdf – doubleclick to open it in pdf format for better resolution)

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4.2 Setting up a 9030 printer

4.2.1 Setting up the communication parameters

The serial communication in the Imaje printer must be set as follow :

a. Communication speed : 38400 baud

b. Data format : 8,n,1 (8 bits, no parity, 1 Stop bit)

4.2.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option

To avoid the possibility of printing twice the same data (without actualization trough the serial

communication), in the printer the following option must be activated at the PromoCoding process:


On the 9020 / 9030 model this settings is done trough a specific configuration command sent by the

PromoCoder in the initialization sequence to the printer. The command is configured in the config file.

The sample config file is preconfigured for this command, so you didn‟t have to do anything, beside to

select the proper printer model.

Important :

When using the printer in normal mode, without printing promotion codes with the PromoCoder, this

option must be deactivated. The deactivation is done by restarting the printer. We do not deactivate

this option from the PromoCoder system due to data security reasons.

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4.2.3 Setting up the message to be printed

The message containing the promotional code must have configured an external variable, which will

be filled by the PromoCoder with the content of the code.

The message can be built up considering the customer needs, and can contain additional fields, freely

choused from the menu of the printer (text, counters, date elements, barcodes, etc).

The only restriction is that has to contain an “EXTERNAL VARIABLE” field, configured for the

length of the promotion code which will be sent by the PromoCoder.

In the following example you will be guided trough a message construction with a fixed text and the

promotional code:

First open a NEW message and give it a name (Ex.: “VAR_TEST”). When constructing the message,

insert the EXTERNAL VARIABLE in the desired place. When inserting the EXTERNAL

VARIABLE, you will be prompted to configure the length for this field, and the preferred display

characters. Enter your code length:

Do not forget to also select this message for printing, when you want PromoCoding

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4.2.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9030

There are no major limitations of the 9030 printer in terms of handling the communication,

depending on the displayed screen (unlike the 9040, when we have to follow some basic rules to

have the desired throughput).

At the performed throughput tests the 9030 printer performs constantly regardless the selected screen,

so we can achieve a constant figure of 45 prints/second on the following test message environment:

Message in one row with 7 dots font

Counter 5 digit (variable) + 12 digit PromoCode (External variable)

Message speed set to 3800 mm/s

If we use different test environment, like message constructed with 5 dots font and speed set to higher

value, we can achieve over 55 prints/second throughput.

So, basically speaking you have no restrictions regarding special rules to be followed when using 9030

for a PromoCoding application.

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4.2.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9030

(in the .doc file the picture is an embedded pdf – doubleclick to open it in pdf format for better resolution)

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4.3 Setting up a 9020 printer

The 9020 printer is basically identical with the 9030 printer in terms of functionality and performance,

but it has a major deficiency :

9020 did not have the SYNCMES output signal needed for synchronizing the message

update after each printing. !

For this reason the 9020 is theoretically not suitable for PromoCoding application.

In fact, with a small modification on the mainboard we can implement this missing signal to be

available also on the 9020 printer.

If you make this modification, you will be able the run the PromoCoder on the most affordable printer

of the MI 9000 CIJ range.

The modification is described in the 4.3.6 section of this document, and can be made on your own

responsibility. A 9020 modification kit can also be ordered.

4.3.1 Setting up the communication parameters

Same as for 9030

4.3.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option

Same as for 9030

4.3.3 Setting up the message to be printed

Same as for 9030

4.3.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9020

Same as for 9030

4.3.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9020

Same as for 9030

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4.3.6. 9020 Modification - for compatibility with PromoCoder100S


The PromoCoder100S device, in order to manage the communication with the MI 90xx printers, need

the “SYNCMES” signal. This signal is available ONLY on the MI9030 printers, which have the

complete set of IO signals.

In order to use the MI9020 printer, which has only a limited set of IO signals, you have to make a

modification of the 9020 mainboard, and add the functionality of the “SYNCMES” signal.

This modification CAN NOT BE UNDONE without visible trace, and in this way can affect the

warranty of the board, in case of a malfunction in the warranty period of the printer.

Despite that we offer you the possibility to “upgrade” the MI9020 printers to be compatible with the

PromoCoder100S device, we advice you to use MI9030 printers to avoid warranty claim rejections by

the printer manufacturer.

Anyway, if you decide to use the modification, we can not be held responsible for any damages of

the board or consequences of the modification.

The upgrade/modification kit consist of the following:

- Industrial Interface board designed for 9020 (not the original MI 9030 interface)

- Electronic kit for motherboard modification (1 pc Optocoupler TLP 621-2, 1 pc. IC socket, 1 pc.


- This upgrade guide

Upgrading the MI9020 to have “SYNCMES” signal:

1. Localize the U80 “missing” circuit on the mainboard

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2. You will have to solder ½ of U80 circuit (TLP 621-2 opto instead of the original TLP 621-4 ) and

the R80 resistor . This two components are responsible for the “Syncmess” signal. The original resistor

value is R= 180 Ω. However sometimes you have to “calibrate” this resistor (you have to test the

output – described later)

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3. You have to clear the marked holes of the U80, and solder the IC socket (2x4pins). After that you

have to solder the R80 resistor. For your convenience you can follow the picture, and you can use the

equivalent pin from R81 which is short with R80 to make the soldering easy.

4. After you are finished, you have to test the circuit, and if is necessary, to calibrate the resistor

(usually to increase the value from R= 180 Ω.to 330Ω, 470Ω or 680Ω). You will have to make a very

simple testing circuit, and have to watch the LED to be completely dark when the printer is not

printing. If is not completely dark, it means that some residual current is flowing trough the opto . In

this case you must to increase the resistor value until the LED is completely dark when the printer is

not printing and lit during the message printed.

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Congratulation, now you are ready to run your PromoCoder100S on the most affordable MI inkjet

printer, the MI9020.

Here you can see the 9020 Ind. Interface:

Testing Circuit::



0 V

+ 24 V

R = 2,2 KΩ

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4.4 Setting up a 9232 printer

The 9232 is the newest CIJ in the MI9000 range, and is well-built in terms of communication versus

User Interface handling. For this printer is no problem to show the data in real time, or at least at

display refresh time on the screen.

We must admit that this printer exceed our expectations when we extend the PromoCoder capabilities

also to cover this type. The throughput of the application with 9232 can reach a constant level of 80

prints/second, regardless the screen display – you can leave it also on the main screen, to see all

relevant information.

For this reason we will rate this printer as a “BEST CHOICE” when you consider PromoCoding


4.4.1 Setting up the communication parameters

The serial communication in the Imaje printer must be set as follow :

a. Communication speed : 38400 baud

b. Data format : 8,n,1 (8 bits, no parity, 1 Stop bit)

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4.4.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option

To avoid the possibility of printing twice the same data (without actualization trough the serial

communication), in the printer the following option must be activated at the PromoCoding process:


On the 9232 model this settings is done trough a specific configuration command sent by the

PromoCoder in the initialization sequence to the printer. The command is configured in the config file.

The sample config file is preconfigured for this command, so you didn‟t have to do anything, beside to

select the proper printer model.

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Important :

When using the printer in normal mode, without printing promotion codes with the PromoCoder, this

option must be deactivated. The deactivation is done by DEACTIVATING the option on the

appropriate menu !. We do not deactivate this option from the PromoCoder system due to data

security reasons.

You can check the current status of this option in the following way :

You can see and change the status of the NonDouble Printing option on the following screen:

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4.4.3 Setting up the message to be printed

The message containing the promotional code must have configured an external variable, which will

be filled by the PromoCoder with the content of the code.

The message can be built up considering the customer needs, and can contain additional fields, freely

choused from the menu of the printer (text, counters, date elements, barcodes, etc).

The only restriction is that has to contain an “EXTERNAL VARIABLE” field, configured for the

length of the promotion code which will be sent by the PromoCoder.

In the following example you will be guided trough a message construction with a 5 digit counter and

the promotional code:

Note: On the following screenshots the message is already created, you are just “reviewing” the

creation process.

First open a NEW message and give it a name (Ex.: “VAR_TEST”).

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During message construction insert the desired elements in the message. In the example we will insert

a counter, and we set it up to 5 digits from 0 to 99999:

When constructing the message, insert the EXTERNAL VARIABLE in the desired place. When

inserting the EXTERNAL VARIABLE, you also have to configure the length for this field, and the

preferred display characters. Enter your code length:

Save your message, configure / customize the job settings, and select the message for printing:

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4.4.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on 9232

There are NO LIMITATIONS of the 9232 printer in terms of handling the communication,

depending on the displayed screen (unlike the 9040, when we have to follow some basic rules to

have the desired throughput).

At the performed throughput tests the 9232 printer performs constantly regardless the selected screen,

so we can achieve a constant figure of 80 prints/second on the following test message environment:

Message in one row with 7 dots font

Counter 5 digit (variable) + 12 digit PromoCode (External variable)

Message speed set to 3800 mm/s

So, basically speaking you have no restrictions regarding special rules to be followed when using

9232 for a PromoCoding application.

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4.4.5 Cable and connection drawing for 9232

(in the .doc file the picture is an embedded pdf – doubleclick to open it in pdf format for better resolution)

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4.5 Setting up an S7 printer (particularly S7 Supra)

The S7 printer is basically identical with the 9030 printer in terms of communication protocol,

message structure, and message editing. The functionality is also very similar.

When we look from the PromoCoder point of view we see absolutely NO DIFFERENCES between

this two printers.

You have to be aware that you will need the following configuration on the S7 printer:

Complete Extension Cassette, for the RS232 communication option

Complete Industrial Interface Cassette, to have the SYNCMES output signal needed for

synchronizing the message update after each printing.

This two cassettes are provided by default on an S7 Supra configuration, but you can fit any S7 or S7S

printer with this options, except S7 Prima.

4.5.1 Setting up the communication parameters

Same as for 9030

4.5.2 Setting up the “NonDouble Printing” option

Same as for 9030

4.5.3 Setting up the message to be printed

Same as for 9030

4.5.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on S7

Same as for 9030

4.5.5 Cable and connection drawing for S7

Same as for 9030

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4.6 Setting up an S4+ / S8 Master printer

The S4+ and S8 Master printers are practically identical with each other in terms of communication

protocol, message structure, and message editing, and from the other hand they are very similar with

the 9040 printer.

In fact the conception and the hardware are similar, but 9040 make a big step in matter of software to

get closer to the former S7 concept, which can be found on 9020/9030 printers now.

From the PromoCoder point of view in terms of communication the S4+ and S8 Master are identical.

Also connectionwise the two printers are identical. Therefore we will use only one option to refer to

this two printers, and we will refer this option as S8.

Moreover, the connection is identical with the 9040, that is the reason that the settings are similar to


You will have to pay attention to the following when using S8 with PromoCoder :

Set the printer option to “S8” in the PromoCoder config file

Set the jet nr. (1, 2, 3 or 4) where the external variable is inserted in the PromoCoder

config file.

Use a “Parallel Industrial Interface” option on the printer, as the “Simple Industrial

Interface” has no “SPROG” (BUSY) signal available

Set correctly the “NON DOUBLED PRINTING” option in the printer (U11 EPROM)

Remember jet numbering convention on S4 / S8 :

Head 1 / jet 1 = jet nr. 1 Head 1 / jet 2 = jet nr. 2

Head 2 / jet 1 = jet nr. 3 Head 2 / jet 2 = jet nr. 4

If you are aware of the above points, the setup of the PromoCoder can be done following basically the

9040 setup steps.

4.6.1 Setting up the communication parameters

Same as for 9040

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4.6.2 Setting up the “ONE DTOP per MESSAGE” (NonDouble Printing) option

Options must to be set in the U11 EPROM according to the options programming manual. If the

options are programmed in the EPROM, you will be able to Activate/Deactivate this option

(Check/Uncheck the option thickbox) in


appropriate jet nr., and setting this option.

4.6.3 Setting up the message to be printed

Same as for 9040

4.6.4 Rules to be followed when running a PromoCoder application on S8

Same as for 9040

4.6.5 Cable and connection drawing for S8

Same as for 9040

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4.7 Setting up a 7031 Laser printer


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5. Technical Specifications

PromoCoder PC9000-NET PromoCoder PC7000-NET

IP rating IP 20 (self certification)

Physical dimensions 76 x 63,5 x 26 mm (+ mounting tabs)

Power Supply 24V DC / max. 100mA (typical 80mA @ full speed coding)

Interface to PC TCP/IP, Ethernet 10/100 with galvanic separation

Interface to printer RS232 serial link without galvanic separation

RS232 serial speed 38400 (fixed)

Connector to Printer 15pin (3 rows) D-SUB, male

Internal buffer 4 KB

Supported Printer types 9040 1.x, 2.x MI 7031

9020, 9030


S4+, S7, S8 Master

The following table will show the sw. version(s) of the printers on which the PromoCoder was tested.

However, it suppose to work on all sw. versions of the supported printer types, regarding the MI

protocol specifications.

Supported Printer type Tested Sw. version

9040 1.x, 2.x J42/M42

9020, 9030 C18

9232 E3.0.0, E3.1.1

S7 A12

S4+, S8 Master Not tested

7031 L05.6

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6. Throughput table

We will consider two test environments with the following parameters:

TEST 1 (realistic) :

Message in one row with 7 dots font

Counter 5 digit (variable) + 12 digit PromoCode (External variable)

Message speed set to 3800 mm/s

TEST 2 (maximal) :

Message in one row with 5 dots font

12 digit PromoCode (External variable)

Message speed set to 5400 mm/s

Printer Type Printer Sw ver.


Troughput (codes/s)

TEST 1 (realistic)

Troughput (codes/s)

TEST 2 (maximal)

S4+ D7.2/ A4.3 Not tested Not tested

S8 Master D8.3 / A9.1 Not tested Not tested

S7 A12 45* Not tested

9020 C18 45 55**

9030 C18 45 55**

9040 J42/M42 50* 70*

9232 E3.1.1. 80 80

7031 L05.6 Not tested Not tested

* the marked values are the maximum, and depends on the selected screen on the printer

** the 9020 / 9030 printer is not able anymore to refresh the screen at speeds that exceed 45

prints/second. It reach probably an internal communication limit.

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7. Revision of the “PromoCoder User and Installation manual”

PromoCoder user documentation draft was published in the past, and had two versions, according to

the evolution of the hardware. This is the reason why this full revision start at version 3.

Actual revision : v3.0

Actual version : PromoCoder User and Installation manual v.3.0.1

Revision table:

Date Revision nr. Version nr. Application Software index

05 / 2013 V 3.0 V 3.0.1 PromoCoder NET Server 2v2.0.5

Revision history :

V 3.0.1. Creation

PromoCoder project developers team (alphabetical order):

Bulcsú Bereczky Imaje printers / Protocols / Marketing and sales

Tamás Fábián Hardware and software development

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PromoCoder User and Installation manual v.3.0.1