Inspiring Kids Today

Insp ring NEWS The magazine w w w . i n s p i r i n g k i d s t o d a y . c o m Be the Best You Can Be Matters of the Heart Kickin’ It Bullying Campaign Family Finances Inspiring People Motivation and ADHD What’s the Connection?


Inspiring Kids Today

Transcript of Inspiring Kids Today

Page 1: Inspiring Kids Today

The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011 1

Insp ring NEWS

The magazine

w w w . i n s p i r i n g k i d s t o d a y . c o m

Be the Best You Can Be

Matters of the Heart

Kickin’ It Bullying CampaignFamily FinancesInspiring People

Motivation and ADHDWhat’s the Connection?

Page 2: Inspiring Kids Today

2 The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011

From The Publisher’s Desk

Another year is upon us and an opportunity for each of us to set some dynamic goals that hopefully we will meet with prosperous outcomes.For us, one of those goals was the much anticipated development of The Inspiring News Magazine. If you are reading this you are reading our 1st edition...January 2011. Congratulations.2010 was a ‘building’ year for Inspiring Kids Today and we are pleased to announce that we have laid a wonderful foundation, thanks to many people who have helped to educate, motivate and inspire us to continue to be the best we can be. As we launch into 2011 we are excited about many things, especially, Kickin’ It (Anti-bullying Campaign) and Kids Healthy Hearts Day.A very exciting milestone going into 2011 was the development of our new website. Many of you who have visited have reported back with wonderful comments. Thank you. Wow...what a great job the guys at KB&I Services did in developing and maintaining the site for us. A heart-felt thanks goes out to Keith, Marcel and their team for their contribution.We appreciate the sponsor contributions made by a number of businesses who share our vision of helping to educate, motivate and inspire kids, parents and families. Thanks a million!Please remember to check back regularly and download your copy of The Inspiring News Magazine. Please remember to forward the link to everyone in your social network so they can have the privilege of reading the great articles and learn about business products and services.Until next month; best regards to you, your family, your friends & colleagues.

Jim Scott James D. ScottCo-founder Co-founderInspiring Kids Today Inspiring Kids Today

Our Social Mission

“The Inspiring News Magazine aims not only to educate, motivate and inspire parents, families and kids, but also to provide them with information and resources that foster their success.”

Our Vision Bringing families & business together by distributing The Inspiring News Magazine to every home across the world-wide-web, that has a computer.

Publication: The Inspiring News Magazine is published monthly.Distribution: The Inspiring News Magazine is available through world-wide-web distribution to thousands of homes and growing daily; through our website, our social networks (family, friends, sponsors and associates) and their social networks.Editors:Straight Edge Communications (Jodi)Stephanie SpencerAutumn V. ScottWriters: Curtis Sindrey, Sheldon Martin, Wendy Hinbest, Tanya Alton, Roseitta Isaacs, Diane O`Reilly, Steve Pike, Crissy Schneider, Keith Lamson, Bryan McComb, Stephanie Spencer.Publication Policy: The Inspiring News Magazine receives the right to refuse advertising or article submissions.Advertising Inquiries: Visit us online at to learn more.Article Submission Inquiries: Contact Jim Scott at [email protected] to learn more.Special Mention To:KB&I Services Backspin Marketing Group ProEm Straight Edge Communications AB Social Media Solutions

We pride ourselves on being an enviromentally conscious organizationSo go ahead and download your digital copy of


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Page 3: Inspiring Kids Today

The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011 3

Hey, aren’t you already the best you can be? That is a good question that even I as a 9 year old asks myself. My dad Jim believes that we can grow and develop each day, even as adults.

Some questions you can ask yourself:

a. Why be the best you can be?

b. What’s the point anyways?

c. What are the benefits of being the best you can be?

d. What if you don’t try to be your best! Is there a down side?

e. How do you know you are the best you can be?

f. Pick one thing you want to be the best at, develop your plan, work it, and look for the results.

Well, here are some answers we came up with that we think are important:

a. Being the best you can be can help you in your personal life and career.

b. You can feel satisfied knowing you tried hard to be the best you can be.

c. You can chase and catch your dreams.

d. Others will respect and admire you for at least giving it 100% and at least trying.

e. While the best means different things to different people, it is the effort you put into it.

f. Being the best is the opposite to being the worst.

I hope that gets you thinking. No matter what, always think you are the best and anything is possible. Never think you are second best to anyone...okay.

P.s. If you have other answers to the questions please e-mail them to us ([email protected]) and we can include them in the February edition of The Inspiring News.

Parents are increasingly turning to Teen Coaching as a means to help their teens identify their strengths and passions, build positive habits, and to increase their confidence and self-esteem levels.

Ivana Pejakovic, Teen Coach & Mentor, helps teens identify their goals and desires, coaches them to translate these into specific steps, and teaches teens to go for their dreams.

Ivana provides guidance and support to teenagers as they make transitions into adulthood. She has helped teens answer questions such as: Who am I?, Where do I belong?, and What am I good at? These answers build self-assurance and self-worth and give courage to teens to tackle challenges and to make the right choices.

Ivana challenges teens existing beliefs and attitude about the self and the world and

leads youth to develop a winning identity without any false limitations.

She believes that positive habits formed during the adolescent years are likely to lead into adulthood and early exposure to goal-setting can plant seeds for success.

You can give your child no greater gift than the gift of teen coaching to position him/her on the path of happiness and success.

By James D. Scott

Be the Bestyou can be

CoaChing your Teensto Happiness and SuccessBy Ivana Pejakovic

Page 4: Inspiring Kids Today

4 The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011

Give the gift of homemade

Valentine’s Daythis

Ema i l info@cook iEcorporatE .com www.cook iEcorporatE .comVisit our website and click on the Valenines icon to see our menu and place your order today!

Cupcakes or Cookies

One of the most misunderstood virtues in life is courage. Many young boys grow up mistakenly thinking that because they have fear they are somehow lack courage. In fact courage cannot exist without fear. If you are not afraid to do something then it takes no courage to do it. It is only when you are scared to death that you understand the true meaning of courage.

I remember watching a group of young children taking swimming lessons jump off the diving board for the first time. Some of the children had no trouble running and jumping into the deep water. Other children could not bring themselves to do it. One little boy stood on the end of the board and cried because he was afraid. Finally, with the instructors encouragement, he gathered the his courage and jumped. All the parents watching from off the side of the pool cheered the young boy as he swam to the ladder.

A lesson adults should pass on to their children is that life can be hard at times. We all must face situations we would rather not. There are no guarantees of success in this world without the risk of failure. But just because we are afraid doesn’t mean we should become paralyzed standing on the edge of the diving board. Courage is when we are scared to death and still jump into the water. Moments when we learn courage are never forgotten. They are worth praise from ourselves and others.

“Courage is the discovery that you may not win and trying when you know you could lose.” - Tom Krause

COURAGEDiscover By Tom Krause

Matters of the By Jim Scott and Wendy Hinbest Heart

Interesting Heart FACTS: • Did you know that the heart beats about 100,000 times each day.

• The heart is made up mostly muscle and is a very important organ in helping to keep the body healthy and fit; through exercising, nutrition and proper eating.

• The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body.

• Blood is about 78 percent water. This is one of the reasons adults and kids need to drink plenty of water every day.

• The heart pumps about 5 quarts of blood through the body each day, and works 24 hours a day (even when you are sleeping).

• The heart is located in the centre of the chest, not on the left side as people tend to believe.

• In a person’s lifespan, the heart beats about 2.5 billion times.

• The ‘Heart’ is the universal sign for Love.

• An adult woman’s heart weights about 8 ounces. An adult’s man heart weights about 10 ounces.

• Trauma/stress can increase the risk of heart disease, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

• An adult’s heart is about the size of 2 fists. A kid’s heart is about the size of 1 fist.

• A woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s.

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The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011 5

moTivaTion and adha Written by Diane O’Reilly ACG, ADHD coach

ADHD is a neurobiological condition and as such there are several areas of the brain affected, one of those areas is known as the pre-frontal cortex, within which is a set of cognitive skills that collectively are known as; Executive function skills, which are; Planning, initiation, organisation, inhibition, sustaining attention, flexible thinking and self awareness.A deficiency in these skills leads to some of the lesser know ADHD traits such as; Black and white thinking, hyper focus, organisation difficulties, procrastination, low motivation and emotional challenges ,to name a few.Motivation is a function of initiation, if you know someone in your life who cannot get motivated and cannot initiate tasks even when there are deadlines, consequences and nagging! Now you know why..

In her 8 year study of the ADHD brain, Nora Volkow (Link below) discovered that interest actually increases the Neuro transmitters needed to help spark motivation. One of her conclusions was; It wasn’t a deficit of attention but a deficit in interest that was an issue for people with ADHD In other words, someone who hates Math will not be able to motivate themselves to do it, try as they might , as that part of the brain is essentially switched to off !

When coaching people with ADHD we look for ways we can increase interest in order to spark motivation. This may mean changing what you do- or how you do it, or giving themselves or their children rewards to attach the interest needed, or piggy backing a dull task onto a interesting one, eg; Using music with math. For more tips about motivation you can refer to my ADHD blog ( link below)I would love to hear from you about your personal experiences with ADHD, as a regular contributor to Inspiring Kids Today you can send me your questions which I can answer in this column.,E [email protected].

T 905 599 2485


Nora Volkow study;

what’s the connection?

I have published three children’s books, “Frizzy Tizzy Goes to the Park,” “Frizzy Tizzy Camps In” and “Frizzy Tizzy Gets New Shoes.” I also wrote “Frizzy Tizzy Cleans Up” and “Frizzy Tizzy Dances” and they are in the process of getting published.

My books are mostly based on experiences I have with my children. Each of my books involves a conflict and a resolution, which is what children deal with everyday. I write books to educate children about the principles of right and wrong behaviour. • [email protected] • 416.910.6616

inspiring Booksby Wendy Hinbest

Page 6: Inspiring Kids Today

Kickin’ ItAn Ant i-Bul ly ing Campaign

Kickin’ It is a collaborative anti-bullying campaign founded by Inspiring Kids Today with the goal of recognizing ‘Bullying as a Crime’ in our society. We are working with strategic stakeholders and sponsors to lobby members of the Ontario Government to pass appropriate legislation so that kids, parents, families, educators, and police services have the necessary tools to deal with bullying and eradicate it.

“Today, families dealing with bullying are becoming too common of a dilemma with limited results in resolving the matter appropriately. According to Public Safety Canada, 20% of kids surveyed in elementary schools reported being victimized more than once or twice in a term, while 10-15% of students in high schools reported being bullied at least once a week. Bullying can come in many forms where unwanted acts by the bully, towards the intended victim, can include (but not limited to): physical assaults, personal threats, name calling, intimidation, verbal insults, negative rumours, peer pressure, cyber bullying, and inappropriate gossiping - none of which are welcomed in any way by the victim.”

Because there is no formal legislation to protect our children from bullying, it is one of the most difficult issues that kids, families, educators and police services face. It is imperative that we join together because ‘Bullying is a crime’ and will not stop by itself. Our Campaign takes a stand against bullying...Kickin’ It for good.

our services

In order to help stop bullying we believe we must engage both the victim and the offender (and their families) in a process of healing, and accountability. Our team of professionals are solution-focused in their approach to helping victims and offenders move beyond the act of bullying, with:

• Support • Counselling • Consultancy • Program Development• Youth Justice Advocacy • Victim Impact Statements • Case Management • Community Referrals • Aftercare

For more information on our services please contact Jim Scott at (905) 872-4772 or e-mail him at [email protected]


We appreciate the support of individuals, families, agencies and businesses who are joining with us as sponsors because we share a common belief: bullying must stop, and it must stop NOW!

When you become a sponsor of Kickin’ It, you join a community of concerned citizens working together at a grass-roots level to create a VOICE that ensures we continue to protect our kids from all forms of bullying, allowing them to grow and develop so they can chase and catch their dreams. Healthy kids are happy kids!

Individuals, families, agencies, and businesses can become sponsors of the Kickin’ It anti-bullying campaign. Check out the registration form to learn about how you can benefit from you sponsorship contribution.

(Inspiring Kids Today is a dynamic and progressive community organization that is committed to educating, motivating and inspiring kids & parents to be the best they can be, with a focus on kids and healthy hearts.)

KB&I Services

Page 7: Inspiring Kids Today

The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011 7

BeComing a sponsor is as easy as 1, 2, 3... print out the registration form below, complete it, and return to us (with your sponsorship contribution).

Kickin’ It An AntI-BullyIng CAmpAIgn

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I wish to become a member of Inspiring Kids Today and support the Kickin’ It anti-bullying campaign (learn more about membership benefits at Please check-off your contribution:

r $25.00 (Individual) Have your individual name recognized as a member on our website

r $50.00 (Family) Have your family’s names recognized as members on our website

Payment Method: r Cash r Cheque Thank you for your contribution!

All cheques payable to “inspiring Kids today”

Mailing Address: C/O 1260 Rolph Terrace, Milton, Ontario, L9T 7C8Inquiries to: Jim Scott Phone #: (905) 872-4772

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

(A Receipt will be issued)

Page 8: Inspiring Kids Today

8 The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011

Jodi Szimanski, [email protected]

(519) 504-4273

The power of the

Our spoken words have a tremendous impact on our lives. Our spoken words also have a tremendous impact on the lives of others around us. If you are a parent: are you using your words to condemn, criticize and complain or are you using your words to uplift, encourage and speak positively into your child’s life? In a busy and hectic world, parents tend to forget the impact of their words on their children. Parents, going back to the law of sowing and reaping, sow good, loving, kind, and encouraging words into your children. The reward and results will be astounding as you will have children who grow up thinking they are good enough and are worthwhile individuals with healthy levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. We cannot sow negativity into our children and expect positive results. If we sow corn seeds, we cannot expect a crop of strawberries. What words are you speaking into your children?

In a frenzied and fast-paced environment, it is easy to get caught up in the many responsibilities, chores and tasks we have to complete. When life starts getting to you, it is easy to say things like, “This is not going to work out”, “this cannot get done”, “[insert your child’s name here] go away, I don’t have time”, etc. The point is your children are very susceptible to your words especially at younger ages. So, parents speak words of love, encouragement, and hope into your children. How great and reassuring it is, as a child, to hear words like, “I love you”, “I am proud of you”, “You are a champion”, “You are a winner”, “You are a Princess”, “You can do [whatever the task]”, etc. It’s even great hearing these words as an adult! At a young age, this is a critical factor that sets the foundation for a healthy sense of self-respect, self-worth and self-confidence.

Proverbs 18:21 speaks about the power of the spoken word – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. Speak words that give life and the rewards will be endless. I’ll even take that a step further and state that the power of your spoken words is the foundation for your life and impacts those around you.

At this point, you may be reflecting on your own words and thinking, “Uh-oh, most of my words are negative”. The good news is that through awareness, effort and a conscious choice, you can change your words and how you speak. Speak what you want and not what you don’t want. As you do this, notice the powerful effect of your words and how your life changes.

Take some time today to think about what you say to yourself? Our words create a positive or negative force in our lives. What are you using your words to create – a positive or negative force? The choice is yours! A famous saying of one of my mentors is, “You become the architect of your future by the words you speak now” – What kind of future are you designing and creating? What words are you speaking? Be aware and chose your words wisely for what we sow, so shall we reap.

Stay tuned for part three in next month’s edition where I will recap important points about the power of the spoken word and will link it to affirmations/self-talk.

By Sheldon Martinspoken word part 2

“You don’t have to be the best at something to feel the best about it.” - James D. Scott, 2001

Page 9: Inspiring Kids Today

The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011 9

Many families - especially young families - find themselves with many

more expenses than ever before. It can all seem overwhelming, but with

responsible debt management it is possible to bring your finances under

control. Firstly, it is important to realise the difference between useful

(good) debt and harmful (bad) debt.

UseFUl DebT

Sometimes it is beneficial to go into debt. The obvious example of

this of course is a mortgage for your home. This is beneficial because

it is an asset that should be worth more than the loan, it appreciates in

value and it provides a place for your family to live. You should revisit

your mortgage every couple of years to ensure that you are still getting a

competitive rate and that it still meets your long term objectives.

HArmFUl DebT

Harmful debt is easy to acquire and, typically, difficult to get rid of. It

usually occurs when you buy things on credit that you cannot afford.

Credit cards are easy to use and the balances are easy to forget whilst

they can mean paying far more than the original purchases in interest

charges over the years, especially with the exorbitant interest rates that

some credit cards charge.

YoUng FAmilies

With the joys of children come huge expenses. Aside from the necessary

baby equipment, diapers, daycare,etc., the cost of post-secondary

education can be particularly daunting. For this reason, it is high

recommended to start saving early for this eventuality. Additionally,

it becomes doubly important to manage your debt wisely and to live

within your means.

YoUr HoUse

The immediate

temptation when faced

with an expanding

family is to expand your

accommodation as well

by looking for a larger

house. However, good debt

management principles

may tell you to wait if

you cannot afford a larger

home. It may be worth it

to be a little cramped for a

few years so that you can

build equity in your current

house which will enable you to find a nicer home in a neighbourhood

with better schools when your children reach school age.


With all the exigencies of a growing family, it can become easy to neglect

your existing loans. Adding to these harmful debts by putting new and

seemingly important purchases on credit cards can add to the problem.

Through proper debt management, you can handle your current debts

whilst still focussing on your family’s needs. Consider consolidating

your higher interest debts through a home equity loan or a remortgage.

Steve Pike is an experienced mortgage agent with Syndicate Mortgages

(Lic. # 10846) (905) 865-9745

Familyby Steve PikeFinances

Jeremiah 31:33

But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD; I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.

And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

JournalingGod’s Word

JournalingGod’s Word

Journaling God’s Word • Oakville, Ontario • Email [email protected]

Applying the word of God to your life.Keeping a Personal a great way to build your faith!

We have design a unique style of journals for all ages.

Use them when studing the bible, so that you are able to keep all thoughts on paper.

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Page 10: Inspiring Kids Today

10 The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011

PROMOtinG new Business

New Business

AB Social Media Solutions is a newly established social media consultancy company. Its main goal is to help get your small business immersed in the world of social media. Provid-ing dedicated one-on-one consultations and services,

AB Social Media Solutions can help get your business connected to the online community.

Founder and social media expert, Andrew Bartucci, currently works full-time as a social media strategist and communications officer for a national organization in Toronto. He started AB Social Media Solu-tions as a side business to help small businesses with all their social media needs. He knows how expensive other social media services are and thus, is dedicated to providing affordable social media solutions for your business.

Services include:• Social media strategy development • Social media monitoring• Social media training and tutorials (best practices, what to avoid,

how to: tweet, blog, connect on facebook, etc.)• Writing blog and web content • Social media content strategy development (how the ‘plan’ gets

implemented)• Traditional public relations campaigns, press releases, speech writing

and effective PowerPoint presentations are also available. For more information about AB Social Media Solutions and for a free consultation, contact Andrew at (416) 616-3001 or email him - [email protected]

Visit his blog/website - www.absocialmediasolutions.comFollow him on Twitter - with him on LinkedIn -

Few decisions you will make rival the importance of a home sale or purchase. When the time comes for you to make your real estate move, my goal is to connect you with the right results in your next sale or purchase. Specializing in buying and selling homes in the greater Toronto area, I work specifically with:

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Born in Kenya, I immigrated to Canada in 1989 and have been a Milton resident for the past 8 years. I have a passion to be involved with our community and spend a lot of time volunteering with vari-ous organizations. I am currently on the Speakers Bureau forum for Habitat for Humanity and also the VP of Public Relations at Milton Toastmasters.

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Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: 1-800-514-3316

Bringing Families and Business together

Are you Interested In AdvertIsIng wIth InspIrIng news....?

For more info contact us at 905.872.4772 [email protected]

Page 11: Inspiring Kids Today

The Inspiring News Magazine January 2011 11

Aron Ralston is a mountain climber who gained famed in May 2003 when he was forced to amputate his lower right arm with a dull knife in order to free himself after his arm became trapped by a boulder while hiking in Utah.

He left his job as a mechanical engineer with Intel in 2002 to climb all of Colorado’s peaks over 14,000 feet high during the winter season.

In 2003 during a hiking trip in Utah, a boulder became dislodged, crushing his right forearm and pinning it against the canyon wall. He had not told any friends or family that he was leaving on the trip and therefore no one knew where he was.

He spent 5 days trying to lift the boulder, however he was unsuccessful and he was forced to amputate his trapped lower right arm. After freeing himself, he rappelled down a 65-foot canyon wall and hiked over 8 miles in the blazing midday sun.

While hiking, he came across a couple from the Netherlands, who gave him water and then alerted the authorities of his condition. A helicopter

containing a search and rescue team finally rescued him 6 hours after amputating his arm.

In 2005, Ralston became the first person to climb all 53 of Colorado’s mountains over 14,000 feet in elevation, solo, a project he started in 1998 and resumed after his amputation.

The film 127 Hours (2010), starring James Franco as Aron Ralston, was based on Ralston’s book Between a Rock and a Hard Place (2004), which chronicles his life up until the accident and his life following the amputation.

aron ralston

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PEOPLEInspiringby Curtis Sindrey


Page 12: Inspiring Kids Today

Design and Layout - Oakville Copyright 2010 Inspiring Kids Today. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.


In my career as a volunteer firefighter, I know of at least four deaths directly related to carbon monoxide. Please test your knowledge to ensure you and your families are protected from this “Silent Killer”

1. Carbon monoxide is normally harmless but can be dangerous at high levels. True False

2. Carbon monoxide has a distinctive odour you can smell. True False

3. Carbon monoxide problems are caused by old heating systems. True False

4. Fuel-burning equipment like furnaces and fireplaces should be inspected every two to three years to make sure it’s safe. True False

5. It’s OK to use a gas barbecue or run a car in a garage as long as the garage door is open. True False

6. There are no physical symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. True False

7. You should only call 911 if your carbon monoxide alarm keeps going off after you’ve opened the windows and doors. True False

8. Certain levels of carbon monoxide can kill but survivors can expect a complete recovery. True False

9. The best way to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning is to have a CO alarm in your home. True False

10. All carbon monoxide alarms sold in Canada are certified to Canadian safety standards. True False


THE ANSWErS:Are you at risk from carbon monoxide? Yes, you are if you thought any of the statements were true; they were all false. 1. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which is dangerous at any level.

It’s created when fuels like wood, oil and gas burn. Normally, the small amounts caused by our heating equipment are vented to the outside and do not build up inside.

2. Carbon monoxide is odourless, colourless and tasteless which is why it’s often called the “silent killer”. 3. Carbon monoxide builds when the air circulating through our homes

and heating systems doesn’t get vented properly.Venting problems such as birds building nests in chimneys can happen in homes of any age.

4. Heating systems (furnaces, fireplaces, wood burning stoves, and chimneys) should be checked every year before the heating season by a certified heating technician.

5. There is always the risk that carbon monoxide will leak into the house even if the garage door is open. 6. Carbon monoxide poisoning has symptoms that are similar to the

flu: nausea, headache, burning eyes, confusion, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness. The key difference is that there is no fever with CO poisoning. The symptoms tend to disappear when the person gets fresh air. These are all warning signs.

7. If anyone feels ill - get everyone, including your pets, out of the house regardless if the alarm is sounding or not. Call 911 or your local fire department for help. Once the source of the CO is found - stay out of your home until repairs are complete. If no one is ill, ventilate the building by opening all windows and doors. Reset the alarm. If it continues to sound, call a certified heating technician to check for carbon monoxide.

8. Many victims of carbon monoxide poisoning recover with treatment. However, in very severe cases, CO poisoning can cause permanent brain damage. 9. The first line of defence against carbon monoxide poisoning is

prevention through annual inspections of your home heating equipment including vents and chimneys. Alarms are a good second line of defence and every home should have them.

10. Not all carbon monoxide alarms sold in Canada are certified to Canadian safety standards. To make sure you’re buying one that is, look for the CSA or ULC symbols.

sAFEty DUDE safety