InnerWorkings SharePoint Learning

SharePoint Learning Catalog A complete guide to the InnerWorkings SharePoint learning catalog, with prerequisites, learning goals & technical levels for each course.

Transcript of InnerWorkings SharePoint Learning

SharePoint Learning CatalogA complete guide to the InnerWorkings SharePoint learning catalog, with prerequisites, learning goals & technical levels for each course.

Table of ContentsBeginning SharePoint Development 2 Module 1: Building your Lab Environment 3 Module 2: SharePoint Development Overview 4 Module 3: Development Core Concepts 5 Module 4: Data Development 6 Module 5: Behavior Development 7 Module 6: Layout 8SharePoint Data View Web Part Basics 9 Module 1: Working with the DVWP Common Dialogs 10 Module 2: DVWP Code Structure 11 Module 3: Common XSL tags and their uses 12 Module 4: Useful DVWP development techniques 13 Module 5: Working with frequently used utility templates 14 Module 6: Variable-driven DVWPs 15SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow 16 Module 1: Understanding Workflows and Behavior Development in SharePoint 17 Module 2: Introduction to SharePoint Designer and SharePoint Designer Workflows 18 Module 3: Workflow Forms, Variables, and Parameters 19 Module 4: Collecting Data from Users 20 Module 5: Controlling the Flow of Processes 21 Module 6: An End-to-end Workflow Solution 22Developing SharePoint Content Types 23 Module 1: Introducing Cool 24 Module 2: Taxonomy and Metadata 25 Module 3: Behavior 26 Module 4: Layout 27 Module 5: Folders and Custom XML Documents 28Introduction to the SharePoint Web Services 29 Module 1: Introduction to Web Services, SharePoint Style 30 Module 2: Working with List Data: The Lists Web Service 31 Module 3: Site Collection Traversal & the Webs Web Service 32 Module 4: Working with People 33 Module 5: Search and Workflow 34 Module 6: New Web Services in SharePoint 2010 35Enhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery 36 Module 1: Installing jQuery in your Environment 37 Module 2: Basic jQuery Selectors and DOM Manipulation 38 Module 3: Understanding the Pages SharePoint Renders 39 Module 4: Basic Page Manipulation with jQuery 40 Module 5: jQuery’s AJAX with SharePoint’s Web Services 41 Module 6: Tying it all Together - Complex jQuery Usage 42


Introduction This document provides a comprehensive view of the InnerWorkings SharePoint Learning Catalog to help you identify which courses are of greatest relevance to your specific learning needs.

Each SharePoint module description includes the following:

• Overview – a summary of the course and what it will enable you to do• Audience – a description of the target audience• What you’ll learn – a description of the key learning outcomes• Core development tasks – a checklist of SharePoint related activities• What you’ll cover – a listing of the SharePoint topics covered • Prerequisites – what you’ll need to know before getting started• Drill details – key information such as system requirements, duration, and level

What the levels meanEach SharePoint learning module has a rating that indicates the technical level of the topics covered. The overall level classification scheme is as follows:

Level 1 Suitable for beginners and above. This level addresses introductory SharePoint concepts.

Level 2 Suitable for programmers with basic (or higher) SharePoint skills. This level addresses mid-level SharePoint concepts and administrative features.

Level 3 Suitable for programmers with intermediate (or higher) SharePoint skills. This level addresses advanced SharePoint concepts and administrative features.


Beginning SharePoint Development This SharePoint course contains the following modules:

• Building your Lab Environment• SharePoint Development Overview• Development Core Concepts• Data Development• Behavior Development• Layout

Your presenter - Bjørn Furuknap Bjørn Christoffer Thorsmæhlum Furuknap is a senior solutions architect, published author of Building the SharePoint User Experience, speaker, and passionate SharePointaholic. He has been doing software development professionally for 16 years for small companies as well as multinational corporations. He has also been a teacher at a college-level school, teaching programming and development to aspiring students, a job that inspired him to begin teaching what he has learned and learns every day.


Module 1: Building your Lab Environment OverviewThe topic for this Module is your development environment, including installing and configuring your SharePoint lab machine.Throughout your SharePoint development career, you will need to install SharePoint in a wide variety of configurations. Understanding how to do so and understanding the consequences of the various choices you make is very important to building the right setup for your requirements.

AudienceThis module is for new SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnThe topic for this Module is your development environment, including installing and configuring your SharePoint lab machine.Throughout your SharePoint development career, you will need to install SharePoint in a wide variety of configurations. Understanding how to do so and understanding the consequences of the various choices you make is very important to building the right setup for your requirements.

What you’ll cover• What your environment must have • What you may want • SharePoint installation requirements • Installing SharePoint • Configuring SharePoint for first use

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue Beginning SharePoint Development, which is referred to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is a great advantage, but we do provide lectures that give you the basic knowledge required.

Module Details


CourseBeginning SharePoint Development

Duration3 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeBSPDEV-SP-M1


Module 2: SharePoint Development Overview

OverviewTools are a very important aspect of SharePoint development. As for any artisan, the toolbox employed largely defines the tasks you perform. However, there is a potential downside to tools usage as well. If you learn only to use your tools, you don’t learn how to perform the tasks themselves. Your skills are therefore potentially less flexible; or, as I say in a number of situations, if all you have is a hammer, all problems look like nails. We're not just going to talk tools, though. We’ll also start looking at the various tasks that SharePoint developers may face.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who have completed module 1 and have set up a lab environment.

What you’ll learnIn this module, you’ll get an overview of what SharePoint is all about, and we’ll will explore SharePoint development tools and understand why and when to use tools.

What you’ll cover• SharePoint Front Page• SharePoint Create Page• SharePoint Pages• Site settings• Best practice for using tools• SharePoint Manager• WSPBuilder

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue Beginning SharePoint Development. For this module, you should read chapter 2, “SharePoint as Birds See It”.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint and have set up a lab environment. Previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage, but not essential.

Module Details


CourseBeginning SharePoint Development

Duration3.5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeBSPDEV-SP-M2


Module 3: Development Core Concepts OverviewProgramming in .NET is just one part of developing for SharePoint. In this module, you'll also learn about CAML, features and solutions. We’ll look at ASP.NET. It is not an essential skill at this stage in the course, but it makes sense to build on the object oriented programming and SharePoint object model introduction from module 2.

AudienceThis module is for beginning SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1 and 2, and have set up a lab environment.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we'll expand on core concepts that you need to learn as a SharePoint developer. You’ll start looking at code and coding principles in SharePoint. And you’ll also be introduced to ASP.NET development.

What you’ll cover• CAML• Features• Solutions• The .NET object model• ASP.NET development

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue Beginning SharePoint Development. For this module, you should read chapter 3, “Core Concepts”.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint and have set up a lab environment. Previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage, but not essential.

Module Details


CourseBeginning SharePoint Development

Duration7 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeBSPDEV-SP-M3


Module 4: Data Development OverviewNow the time has come to look at the core of SharePoint: Data. Data development is a major component of SharePoint development and is vital to making sure your solution work both effectively and efficiently.

AudienceThis module is for beginning SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1, 2 and 3, and have begun development of the List Controller application.

What you’ll learnWe'll look at the various options we have in SharePoint 2007 for working with data. We'll talk a lot about lists and content types and you should have a good understanding of these concepts by the end of this week.

What you’ll cover• Creating a content type• Content type features• Content type ID• List Instances• List Definitions• Speeding development with common tools

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue Beginning SharePoint Development. For this module, you should read chapter 4, “Data Development”.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint and have set up a lab environment. Previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage, but not essential.

Module Details


CourseBeginning SharePoint Development

Duration6 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeBSPDEV-SP-M4


Module 5: Behavior Development OverviewBehave! We'll be cracking the whip in this module, teaching our data to behave how we want.

Does that sound weird, 'teaching our data to behave'? Well, it is. I mean, data is just bits and bytes, right? It's not supposed to do anything.

Well, that used to be the case prior to SharePoint. You put your information somewhere and if you wanted something to happen, you did it yourself. Want someone to know that you put a new document somewhere? Send them an email. Want permissions set on that document? Right-click in Windows Explorer, choose Properties, then go to the Security tab and make your changes. Want to retire the document after a few months? Well, you better remember when and where you put those documents there so you know which ones to remove.

With workflow and the other behavior options we have in SharePoint, these kinds of tasks can now be automated.

AudienceThis module is for beginning SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1 to 4, and have begun development of the List Controller application.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we'll look at two options for managing and automating workflows: event receivers and SharePoint Designer Workflows.

What you’ll cover• Feature receivers• Content type event receivers• SharePoint Designer Workflows• Visual Studio Workflows• Strong naming .NET assemblies

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue Beginning SharePoint Development. For this module, you should read chapter 5, “Behavior”.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint and have set up a lab environment. Previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage, but not essential.

Module Details


CourseBeginning SharePoint Development

Duration6 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeBSPDEV-SP-M5


Module 6: Layout OverviewAre looks everything? Throughout this course, you've been exposed to many of the common scenarios that SharePoint developers may face. It is, of course, only a start; there's far more to learn about all of the topics we've covered. You’ll find many more SharePoint courses in your InnerWorkings catalog. Now, however, we'll wrap up by making everything look very pretty. It's time to look at looks and some of the options we have for visual development.

AudienceThis module is for beginning SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1 to 5, and have begun development of the List Controller application.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we're looking at web parts and custom actions, two important aspects of developing the user experience in SharePoint.

What you’ll cover• Web parts• Creating a SharePoint Web part• Custom actions• Replacing a custom action• Dynamic custom actions

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue Beginning SharePoint Development. For this module, you should read chapter 6, “Visual Stuff”.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint and have set up a lab environment. Previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage, but not essential.

Module Details


CourseBeginning SharePoint Development

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeBSPDEV-SP-M6


SharePoint Data View Web Part Basics This SharePoint course contains the following modules:

• Working with the DVWP Common Dialogs• DVWP Code Structure• Common XSL tags and their uses• Useful DVWP development techniques• Working with frequently used utility templates• Variable-driven DVWPs

Your Presenter - Marc D. Anderson

Marc is the Co-Founder and President of Sympraxis Consulting LLC, located in the Boston suburb of Newton Centre, MA, USA. Sympraxis focuses on enabling collaboration throughout the enterprise using the SharePoint application platform.

Marc has almost 30 years of experience in technology professional services and software development. Over a wide-ranging career in consulting as well as line manager positions, Marc has proven himself as a problem solver and leader who can solve difficult technology problems for organizations across a wide variety of industries and organization sizes.

Prior to cofounding Sympraxis Consulting, Marc was Director of Operations at Jornata, a Boston-based technology consulting firm, which was acquired by Vitale, Caturano (now Caturano and Company) in the Spring of 2008. Marc has also held positions at world-class services firms such as Bain and Company, KPMG, and Renaissance Solutions. Marc also had a “real job”, managing the systems for Staples' delivery business as it grew from a $30 million “experiment” to an over $1 billion main line business unit. Having started his career as an assembly language and FORTRAN programmer, Marc truly knows what life is like “in the trenches” and brings that perspective to bear for all of his clients.

Marc has a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH.

Lately, aside from client work, Marc has been:

• Developer of the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices)• Faculty member at the USPJA Academy• Frequent contributing author at• Blogging at Marc D Anderson’s blog• Trying to rid the world of bad SharePoint implementations.


Module 1: Working with the DVWP Common Dialogs OverviewThe Data View Web Part: as with everything, you need to start somewhere. We will start with the options you have to configure a Data View Web Part using the Common Dialogs in SharePoint Designer 2007.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who are new to the DVWP, though may have some experience with SharePoint development.

What you’ll learnWe will go through many of the Common Dialogs for the DVWP in SharePoint Designer 2007, not just to use them to reach an end result, but to understand what they do under-the-covers to make the DVWP work.

What you’ll cover• DataSource types• Common Data View Dialogs: Filter and Sort • Common Data View Dialogs: Paging and Edit Columns• Common Data View Dialogs: Change layout

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. The course Beginning SharePoint Development would be a solid basis for this course. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage, but is not required.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Data View Web Part Basics

Duration6 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeDVWP101-SP-M1


Module 2: DVWP Code Structure OverviewWe will look at the main parts of a Data View Web Part from an underlying code perspective. While the DVWP can do very useful things by simply using the Common Dialogs through the UI, you can create far more powerful solutions by working directly with the underlying code. Many people stop at the Common Dialogs with DVWPs, but since DVWPs are XSL-driven, you can do real development to make them accomplish almost anything you can imagine, assuming you have the underlying data you need in accessible DataSources.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who have completed module 1 and have built the SharePoint constructs from the Module 1 assignment.

What you’ll learnWe will show you the main parts of the XML that make up a Data View Web Part. While we touch on some of the specific XSL tags, the goal of these lessons is to familiarize you with the important piece parts of DVWPs, and how they interact with each other and with the rest of SharePoint.

What you’ll cover• DVWP code structure overview• ParameterBindings and Datafields code• XSL to display content• XSL for a form

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Data View Web Part Basics

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeDVWP101-SP-M2


Module 3: Common XSL tags and their uses OverviewThis module provides an extensive overview of the available XSL tags that you can use in DVWPs, as well as many of the most useful XPath functions.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1 and 2, and have SharePoint constructs from the assignments in the lab environment.

What you’ll learnWe’ll look at the most common XSL tags used in DVWPs and how they fit together to allow you to construct solutions with DVWPs.

What you’ll cover

The most commonly used XSL tags:• <xsl-template>• <xsl:call-template>• <xsl:with-param>• <xsl:param>• <xsl:variable>• <xsl:for-each>• <xsl:sort>• <xsl:if>• <xsl:choose>• <xsl:when>• <xsl:otherwise>• <xsl:value-of>• <xsl:comment>• <xsl:text>• <xsl:attribute>• <xsl:import>• and some of the most useful XPath functions.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Data View Web Part Basics

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeDVWP101-SP-M3


Module 4: Useful DVWP development techniques OverviewSo far, we've focused on the rudiments of the DVWP: what the main components are, how they fit together, how you can work with each, etc. In this module, we will look at some techniques that let you do some really cool things that otherwise would require custom managed code. We'll do this by looking at AggregateDataSources, CrossList DVWPs, and custom CAML.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1, 2, and 3, and have SharePoint constructs from the assignments in the lab environment.

What you’ll learnWe’ll look at techniques allow you work with multiple databases, pull items from multiple lists, and also at some good reasons to consider a Middle Tier development strategy.

What you’ll cover• AggregateDataSource• CrossList DVWPs• Custom CAML

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Data View Web Part Basics

Duration5.5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeDVWP101-SP-M4


Module 5: Working with frequently used utility templates OverviewOne of the biggest beefs you will hear with DVWPs is that there is no portability or reusability. In this topic, we will cover some techniques that prove some of those concerns to be moot.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1 - 4, and have SharePoint constructs from the assignments in the lab environment.

What you’ll learnBy using modular programming techniques and storing reusable templates centrally, we can approach XSL development for DVWPs just as we would any other programming language, building reusable code "nuggets".

What you’ll cover• Modular programming• Reusable XSL templates• Codeplex open source project• Recursive templates

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Data View Web Part Basics

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeDVWP101-SP-M5


Module 6: Variable-driven DVWPs OverviewVariable-driven DVWPs allow you to present information in a different way based on user selections, column values, or even who the actual user is. This starts to get you into the realm of real personalization and can also help with business intelligence and dashboarding.

By passing values into the page on the Query String, you can have your DVWPs act differently, whether it means pulling up different content, formatting that content conditionally, sorting the content, etc. In this topic, we will look at some of these techniques, specifically by enhancing the out of the box list forms.

AudienceThis module is for SharePoint developers who have completed modules 1 - 5.

What you’ll learnVariable-driven DVWPs allow you to present information in a different way based on user selections, column values, or even who the actual user is. This starts to get you into the realm of real personalization and can also help with business intelligence and dashboarding.

By passing values into the page on the Query String, you can have your DVWPs act differently, whether it means pulling up different content, formatting that content conditionally, sorting the content, etc. In this topic, we will look at some of these techniques, specifically by enhancing the out of the box list forms.

What you’ll cover• Using Query String parameters to alter what you display in your DVWP• Customizing the values stored in forms by passing values from page to page• Creating simple "wizard"-like process flow

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint. Also, previous ASP.NET or .NET development experience is an advantage.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Data View Web Part Basics

Duration3 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeDVWP101-SP-M6


SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow This SharePoint course contains the following modules:

• Understanding Workflows and Behavior Development in SharePoint• Introduction to SharePoint Designer and SharePoint Designer

Workflows• Workflow Forms, Variables, and Parameters• Collecting Data from Users• Controlling the Flow of Processes• An End-to-end Workflow Solution

Your presenter - Bjørn Furuknap Bjørn Christoffer Thorsmæhlum Furuknap is a senior solutions architect, published author of Building the SharePoint User Experience, speaker, and passionate SharePointaholic. He has been doing software development professionally for 16 years for small companies as well as multinational corporations. He has also been a teacher at a college-level school, teaching programming and development to aspiring students, a job that inspired him to begin teaching what he has learned and learns every day.


Module 1: Understanding Workflows and Behavior Develop-ment in SharePoint OverviewWhen workflow was introduced in SharePoint 2007 (WSS3 and MOSS), a whole new world opened up that had previously been available only to a select few. Suddenly, it became easy for organizations to formalize their business processes and introduce better control and flexibility in how they wanted their business to run. Throughout this course, we will explore many of the options available to organizations looking to implement BPM. SharePoint Designer offers a simple way of understanding what business process management is all about, with a learning curve as gentle as the hills of Denmark.

AudienceThis module is targeted at beginners, meaning you don't need any prior experience with anything beyond a basic knowledge of SharePoint. However, there will be interesting material even if you have worked with workflow in previous versions of SharePoint Designer.

What you’ll learnIn his first module, we will primarily focus on learning general business process management (BPM) concepts and explore what and how BPM is used in organizations. We'll pick up on core vocabulary and definitions, look at various types of workflow, and discuss how BPM and workflow can and should be used.

What you’ll cover• Sequential and State Machine workflows• Site and List workflows• Actions• Branches• Workflow step• Variables• Initiation parameter• Workflow forms

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows, which is referred-to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

Duration3.5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeSPD2010WF-SP-M1


Module 2: Introduction to SharePoint Designer and Share-Point Designer Workflows OverviewWhat is your workflow life cycle? We talked in Module 1 about the soft skills of behavior development, but stopped before the fifth step, which is implementation. In this and the remaining modules, we're going to focus on that implementation, all based on building a single workflow. Maintaining a workflow development project for weeks is not uncommon. For example, if your workflow has multiple components or stages of development, you may need feedback and testing of intermediate stages of your workflow.

AudienceThis module is targeted at beginners with a basic knowledge of SharePoint, and who have completed module 1 of this course. It’s not necessary, but you’ll benefit from having experience with SharePoint Designer.

What you’ll learnWe'll start by exploring SharePoint Designer and creating our first 'Hello world' type workflow. We'll get an overview of the interface in SharePoint Designer and then get our feet wet creating one of my favorite workflows, the 'Notify administrator' workflow.

What you’ll cover• SharePoint Designer workflows• List workflows• Reusable workflows• Site workflows• Workflow editing• Setting up a workflow• Setting workflow activities• Publishing a workflow

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows, which is referred-to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

Duration2.5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeSPD2010WF-SP-M2


Module 3: Workflow Forms, Variables, and Parameters OverviewIf you have never done any kind of programming before, the idea of variables and parameters may seem foreign. However, if you think of parameters as input to a process (who will approve, why should they approve, by what date must they approve, and so on), it may make more sense. We’ll look at variables and also at forms and form design.

AudienceThis module is targeted at beginners with a basic knowledge of SharePoint, and who have completed modules 1 and 2 of this course. It’s not necessary for success, but you’ll benefit from having experience with SharePoint Designer.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we are focusing on forms, variables, and parameters. These concepts are important because they enable us to gather and manipulate data within our process.

What you’ll cover• Initiation form• Parameters• Editing forms• Editing workflow: Add or Change Lookup• Working with variables• Renaming variables

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows, which is referred-to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

Duration6.5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeSPD2010WF-SP-M3


Module 4: Collecting Data from Users OverviewThe topics of this module's lectures are collecting data from users and using that data in your workflow. This is a very, very common task in all but completely automatic processes. In SharePoint, those completely automatic processes are rare, so it pays to pay attention to what you learn this week.

AudienceThis module is targeted at beginners with a basic knowledge of SharePoint, and who have completed modules 1, 2 and 3. It’s not necessary, but you’ll benefit from having experience with SharePoint Designer.

What you’ll learnWe’ll look at the details of using data fields to collect data (as you might expect!)

What you’ll cover• Data fields• Workflow lookup• Secondary lookup• Publish and verify

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows, which is referred-to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

Duration6 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeSPD2010WF-SP-M4


Module 5: Controlling the Flow of Processes OverviewHow can you rule the world if you can't control your processes? So far, our processes have run very simply from start to finish. That's OK for the simplest of workflows, but if we want to map real-life processes, we need to control the flow beyond a simple line of execution.

AudienceThis module is targeted at beginners with a basic knowledge of SharePoint, and who have completed modules 1 to 4. It’s not necessary, but you’ll benefit from having experience with SharePoint Designer.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we're focusing on methods for controlling the flow of our processes. We'll look at three different methods, conditions, parallel blocks, and loops. These methods allow us to create complex orders of execution that mimics the real world.

What you’ll cover• Conditional branching• Setting conditions• Parallel blocks• Loops in SharePoint Designer

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows, which is referred-to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

Duration6.5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeSPD2010WF-SP-M5


Module 6: An End-to-end Workflow Solution OverviewIt's time for what may seem like your biggest challenge yet. In this module, we'll be building a full solution, from scratch, using what you've learned in the previous modules of this course. However, I think you'll be surprised at how easy this will be.

AudienceThis module is targeted at beginners with a basic knowledge of SharePoint, and who have completed modules 1 to 4. While it’s not necessary, you will benefit from having experience with SharePoint Designer.

What you’ll learnThe main goal for this module is to show how, armed with the knowledge you've gained over the previous five modules, you can create real business solutions to real problems with SharePoint Designer 2010.

What you’ll cover• Workflow solution preparation and outline• Site workflow• Content type updates• Setting workflow list item properties• Creating the report document• Connecting Workflows in SharePoint

What you need to read The main book for this course is the USP Journal issue SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows, which is referred-to in all modules of the course. Please download this to make sure you have it available for reading assignments.

PrerequisitesWe assume you have a working knowledge of SharePoint.

Module Details


CourseSharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

Duration7 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010


Drill CodeSPD2010WF-SP-M6


Developing SharePoint Content Types This SharePoint course contains the following modules:

• Introducing Cool• Taxonomy and Metadata• Behavior• Layout• Folders and Custom XML Documents

Your presenter - Bjørn Furuknap Bjørn Christoffer Thorsmæhlum Furuknap is a senior solutions architect, published author of Building the SharePoint User Experience, speaker, and passionate SharePointaholic. He has been doing software development professionally for 16 years for small companies as well as multinational corporations. He has also been a teacher at a college-level school, teaching programming and development to aspiring students, a job that inspired him to begin teaching what he has learned and learns every day.


Module 1: Introducing Cool OverviewYou are incredibly smart. I know that because you've enrolled to learn more about the coolest and most powerful feature of SharePoint. Content types are an absolutely essential part of any developer's toolkit, and it's not just one of those chores you have to get through either, because content types are fun as well!

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnIf you don't know how cool and powerful content types are, don't worry; after this week, you'll certainly know, because we'll be spending time getting to know what content types can do in your solutions.

If you have taken any of my classes before, you know I start off the first module easy to allow you to settle in and get acquainted the format and style. We'll take it a bit easy and just have a few lectures. However, these will be very important lectures, so you need to pay attention.

What you’ll cover• What content types are• What information can be stored in a content type• Creating a content type

What you need to read The text of this course is based on the following two Understanding SharePoint Journal issues: Developing SharePoint Content Types & Content Types for Business Users.

PrerequisitesYou should be familiar with working in Visual Studio and be familiar with basic XML as it relates to SharePoint. Some parts of this course deals with .NET code. If you have completed the InnerWorkings course Beginning SharePoint Development, you will have the recommended skills for this course.

Module Details


CourseDeveloping SharePoint Content Types

Duration2 hours 45 minutes

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 2: Taxonomy and Metadata OverviewNow it is time to dive into the first of the major features of SharePoint content types: taxonomy and metadata. In this module, we'll focus both on the business end of things as well as the technical implementation. In fact, that will be the case for the rest of this course; think in both camps, we are no longer isolated compartments in an organization. The individual assignment asks you to perform a fairly common task for content type developers; build and recreate in code something that is a business object.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnTaxonomy is, simply put, just categorization and organization of information. How do we ensure we put the right information in the right places? Before we can answer that, we also need to know what the right information is. That's where metadata comes in.

Taxonomy may be a foreign idea to most developers. After all, we don't normally deal with organizing content, we write code or build solutions for others to organize. However, SharePoint narrows the gap between the business and the developers so we need to better understand the business needs in addition to how to technically implement a solution.

What you’ll cover• Content type columns• Lists and libraries• List views• Content type inheritance• Building a content type based taxonomy

What you need to read The text of this course is based on the following two Understanding SharePoint Journal issues: Developing SharePoint Content Types & Content Types for Business Users.

PrerequisitesYou should be familiar with working in Visual Studio and be familiar with basic XML as it relates to SharePoint. Some parts of this course deals with .NET code. If you have completed the InnerWorkings course Beginning SharePoint Development, you will have the recommended skills for this course.

Module Details


CourseDeveloping SharePoint Content Types

Duration3 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 3: Behavior OverviewThis week is all about behavior; we'll teach our data to behave the way we want. "Data is just bits and bytes”, you say, “it cannot behave!" Well, you'd be surprised at what SharePoint data can do. When we're talking about behavior development in SharePoint, we're talking about making our data react to events or to teach it to do tricks. You have heard about workflow, for example, and workflows is just one way we can make our data behave. In your individual assignment, you'll build an event receiver. I know some of you struggle with .NET programming, but if you want to build event receivers, a bit of programming is mandatory.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we focus both on workflows and event receivers, two of the most common behavior development technologies. I've added two pieces of optional content for those of you who want to go far deeper in SharePoint Designer workflows. They’re optional because SPD 2007 workflows are not suited for connecting to content types; only SPD 2010 allows you to explicitly target a single content type.

What you’ll cover• Event receivers• Attaching event receivers to content types• SharePoint Designer workflows

What you need to read The text of this course is based on the following two Understanding SharePoint Journal issues: Developing SharePoint Content Types & Content Types for Business Users.

PrerequisitesYou should be familiar with working in Visual Studio and be familiar with basic XML as it relates to SharePoint. Some parts of this course deals with .NET code. If you have completed the InnerWorkings course Beginning SharePoint Development, you will have the recommended skills for this course.

Module Details


CourseDeveloping SharePoint Content Types

Duration6 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 4: Layout OverviewMake it look pretty, please! In this module, we'll look at the third major feature of content types: visual customization.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnAs you should know by now, we can customize the forms used to display, edit, or create items based on our content types. This allows us to create a visual interface that closely matches what the users expects to see.

What you’ll cover• Content type forms• How content types forms relate to list forms• Rendering templates• Custom actions

What you need to read The text of this course is based on the following two Understanding SharePoint Journal issues: Developing SharePoint Content Types & Content Types for Business Users.

PrerequisitesYou should be familiar with working in Visual Studio and be familiar with basic XML as it relates to SharePoint. Some parts of this course deals with .NET code. If you have completed the InnerWorkings course Beginning SharePoint Development, you will have the recommended skills for this course.

Module Details


CourseDeveloping SharePoint Content Types

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 5: Folders and Custom XML Documents OverviewIn this module we revisit XML documents and look at the hidden power they hold. We’ll also consider the fact that folders are also content types, and we’ll look at the amazing opportunities this opens up.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnYou've already had an exposure to XML documents over the previous modules, both in the Form customizations and in event receivers. However, these XML document nodes are much more powerful than that. In fact, Microsoft has opened up a world of opportunities to expand the functionality of content types to practically anything. Microsoft themselves use this functionality for several features in MOSS and SharePoint Server. And, in the assignment, you'll have a chance to both come up with a great new use for these elements.

What you’ll cover• Folders as content types• Iterating through items and folders in a list• Creating folder content types in CAML• Custom XML documents

What you need to read The text of this course is based on the following two Understanding SharePoint Journal issues: Developing SharePoint Content Types & Content Types for Business Users.

PrerequisitesYou should be familiar with working in Visual Studio and be familiar with basic XML as it relates to SharePoint. Some parts of this course deals with .NET code. If you have completed the InnerWorkings course Beginning SharePoint Development, you will have the recommended skills for this course.

Module Details


CourseDeveloping SharePoint Content Types

Duration1 hour

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Introduction to the SharePoint Web ServicesSharePoint’s Web Services expose a wide range of methods you can use to interact with various containers, collections, and objects. This course introduces you to the Web Services that are available in WSS, MOSS, and their SharePoint 2010 counterparts. The Web Services in newer versions of SharePoint are additive, so understanding the prior version’s capabilities is always useful. Although you can call Web Services from almost any programming language, this course focuses on using jQuery to interact with the Web Services client side to build useful functionality into your SharePoint forms and pages. It is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to this course.

This SharePoint course contains the following modules:

• Module 1: Introduction to Web Services, SharePoint Style • Module 2: Working with List Data: The Lists Web Service • Module 3: Site Collection Traversal and the Webs Web Service • Module 4: Working with People • Module 5: Search and Workflow • Module 6: New Web Services in SharePoint 2010

Your Presenter - Marc D. Anderson

Marc is the Co-Founder and President of Sympraxis Consulting LLC, located in the Boston suburb of Newton Centre, MA, USA. Sympraxis focuses on enabling collaboration throughout the enterprise using the SharePoint application platform.

Marc has almost 30 years of experience in technology professional services and software development. Over a wide-ranging career in consulting as well as line manager positions, Marc has proven himself as a problem solver and leader who can solve difficult technology problems for organizations across a wide variety of industries and organization sizes.

Prior to cofounding Sympraxis Consulting, Marc was Director of Operations at Jornata, a Boston-based technology consulting firm, which was acquired by Vitale, Caturano (now Caturano and Company) in the Spring of 2008. Marc has also held positions at world-class services firms such as Bain and Company, KPMG, and Renaissance Solutions. Marc also had a “real job”, managing the systems for Staples' delivery business as it grew from a $30 million “experiment” to an over $1 billion main line business unit. Having started his career as an assembly language and FORTRAN programmer, Marc truly knows what life is like “in the trenches” and brings that perspective to bear for all of his clients.

Marc has a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH.

Lately, aside from client work, Marc has been:

• Developer of the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices)• Faculty member at the USPJA Academy• Frequent contributing author at• Blogging at Marc D Anderson’s blog• Trying to rid the world of bad SharePoint implementations.


Module 1: Introduction to Web Services, SharePoint Style OverviewSharePoint's Web Services are XML Web Services, so are not fundamentally different from any other XML Web Services you may have worked with in the past. However, because they are in SharePoint, there are a few quirks that make them unique.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnIn this module, we’ll introduce the SharePoint Web Services, look briefly at what Web Services SharePoint offers, and use the Lists Web service to illustrate how you might use them.

What you’ll cover• What a Web service is• What SharePoint’s Web Services offer• Some advantages to using Web Services in SharePoint• An introduction to the Lists Web service• Connecting a Data View Web Part to a Web service• Accessing a Web service using jQuery

PrerequisitesIt is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to starting this course.

Module Details


CourseIntroduction to the SharePoint Web Services

Duration3 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 2: Working with List Data: The Lists Web Service OverviewThe Lists Web Service is probably the most commonly used Web Service. It allows you to work with lists and the items they contain in many different ways.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnIn this module, our detailed look at the Lists Web service will pave the way for you to understand the other SharePoint Web Services. Keep in mind that almost everything in SharePoint is stored in a list of some sort. Even libraries are just specialized lists.

What you’ll cover• The Lists Web service• Understanding the Lists Web Service documentation in the SharePoint SDK• The GetListItems method• How to add, modify, and delete list items and columns• Get and set list attributes

PrerequisitesIt is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to starting this course.

Module Details


CourseIntroduction to the SharePoint Web Services

Duration4 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 3: Site Collection Traversal & the Webs Web Service OverviewIn this Module, we take a detailed look at the Webs Web Service, which you can use to "traverse" the site structure of your Site Collection.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnWe’ll explore the Webs Web Service to get familiar with how you can discover the topology of a site collection you’re working in, and then move through that topology.

What you’ll cover• The Webs Web Service• Understanding the Webs documentation in the SharePoint SDK• Retrieving the properties of a site• Retrieving the subsites and parent site of a Site Collection• Traversing a Site Collection

PrerequisitesIt is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to starting this course.

Module Details


CourseIntroduction to the SharePoint Web Services

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 4: Working with People OverviewOften, you might like to make changes to people, or at the least peoples’ profiles, permissions, and group memberships in SharePoint applications. The Web Services we’ll look at in this module will allow you to do just that.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnThere are several methods we can use to work with the concept of people in SharePoint. We’ll look at the Web Services and jQuery scripting techniques that allow you to change user and group characteristics and their permissions.

What you’ll cover• The UserGroup Web Service• The Permissions Web Service• The UserProfileService Web Service• Determining the identity of thecurrent user (a seemingly simple task which can turn

out not to be)

PrerequisitesIt is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to starting this course.

Module Details


CourseIntroduction to the SharePoint Web Services

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 5: Search and Workflow OverviewThe Search and Workflow Web Services allow you to go even further in your interactions with SharePoint. These two Web Services allow you to provide customized search results and interact with SharePoint's workflow engine.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnWe’ll take a comprehensive tour of the Search and Workflow Web services, and the documentation that’s available for them.

We'll also take a slight detour into general error handling with the Web services.

What you’ll cover• The Search Web Service• The Workflow Web Service• Error handling with Web Services

PrerequisitesIt is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to starting this course.

Module Details


CourseIntroduction to the SharePoint Web Services

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 6: New Web Services in SharePoint 2010 OverviewAll of the familiar Web Services from SharePoint 2007 are still there in SharePoint 2010, but there are also new Web Services to work with.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnWe'll examine the major differences between Web Services in SharePoint 2007 and 2010 – what’s new, what’s different, and what’s gone. We’ll pay particular attention to the all-important Lists and Webs Web Services.

What you’ll cover• What new Web Services were introduced with SharePoint 2010• What changes were implemented with the Web Services that existed in SharePoint


PrerequisitesIt is strongly recommended that you take Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery prior to starting this course.

Module Details


CourseIntroduction to the SharePoint Web Services

Duration35 minutes

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Enhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQueryAfter taking this course, you will be able to improve the user experience in your SharePoint solutions, improving data quality and user adoption rates. You will learn how to get jQuery set up for use with SharePoint and how to work with the client-side Document Object Model (DOM). Specific examples using the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (also called SPServices) will be included and may be of the most interest to business users.

This SharePoint course contains the following modules:

• Module 1: Installing jQuery in your Environment • Module 2: Basic jQuery Selectors and DOM Manipulation • Module 3: Understanding the Pages that SharePoint Renders • Module 4: Basic Page Manipulation with jQuery • Module 5: jQuery’s AJAX with SharePoint’s Web Services • Module 6: Tying it all Together - Complex jQuery Usage

Your Presenter - Marc D. Anderson

Marc is the Co-Founder and President of Sympraxis Consulting LLC, located in the Boston suburb of Newton Centre, MA, USA. Sympraxis focuses on enabling collaboration throughout the enterprise using the SharePoint application platform.

Marc has almost 30 years of experience in technology professional services and software development. Over a wide-ranging career in consulting as well as line manager positions, Marc has proven himself as a problem solver and leader who can solve difficult technology problems for organizations across a wide variety of industries and organization sizes.

Prior to cofounding Sympraxis Consulting, Marc was Director of Operations at Jornata, a Boston-based technology consulting firm, which was acquired by Vitale, Caturano (now Caturano and Company) in the Spring of 2008. Marc has also held positions at world-class services firms such as Bain and Company, KPMG, and Renaissance Solutions. Marc also had a “real job”, managing the systems for Staples' delivery business as it grew from a $30 million “experiment” to an over $1 billion main line business unit. Having started his career as an assembly language and FORTRAN programmer, Marc truly knows what life is like “in the trenches” and brings that perspective to bear for all of his clients.

Marc has a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH.

Lately, aside from client work, Marc has been:

• Developer of the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices)• Faculty member at the USPJA Academy• Frequent contributing author at• Blogging at Marc D Anderson’s blog• Trying to rid the world of bad SharePoint implementations.


Module 1: Installing jQuery in your Environment OverviewWelcome! This module shows you some of the sites and basic concepts you'll need to know about for this course.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnWe will start out by reviewing some websites that are important resources for developers using jQuery with SharePoint, and then jump into developing by learning how to reference jQuery and any associated plugins and libraries. We’ll also look at minification – what it is, and why you should consider using it.

What you’ll cover• An orientation on important jQuery web sites• How to reference the jQuery library and other plugins• The relative merits of different approaches to referencing the jQuery library• What Minification is, and why it matters

PrerequisitesThere are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, jQuery is built on JavaScript, so familiarity with client-side scripting techniques can be useful.

Module Details


CourseEnhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery

Duration3 hours 30 minutes

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 2: Basic jQuery Selectors and DOM Manipulation OverviewQuestion: How do you find an object in the DOM so that you can manipulate it? Answer: jQuery selectors!

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnJavaScript can do everything that jQuery can do, but jQuery can make some operations much simpler and more efficient to develop. Selectors are a good example. We’ll look at simple and medium-level-complexity selectors.

Getting your initial selectors right can be the hardest step, as most of the rest of your script will depend on those selectors being correct. Additionally, the DOM for pages which SharePoint generates is complex. Getting a basic understanding of how SharePoint's pages are constructed on the client side is crucial to success.

What you’ll cover• Using simple jQuery selectors to find objects in a page• The SPArrangeChoices function from SPServices• Manipulating the DOM and other objects

PrerequisitesThere are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, jQuery is built on JavaScript, so familiarity with client-side scripting techniques can be useful.

Module Details


CourseEnhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 3: Understanding the Pages SharePoint Renders OverviewThe pages that SharePoint renders are simply HTML and script, but they have some consistent characteristics that are useful to understand as you start working with them and jQuery.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnThere are many different pages in SharePoint, but two of the most common constructs are the Quick Launch and the list forms. We will look at some of the most common SharePoint page objects.

What you’ll cover• Using IE8+ and the Developer Tools to understand the Document Object Module that

SharePoint renders• The DOM for Quick Launch• The DOM for a List Form

PrerequisitesThere are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, jQuery is built on JavaScript, so familiarity with client-side scripting techniques can be useful.

Module Details


CourseEnhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 4: Basic Page Manipulation with jQuery OverviewWith some more advanced examples, we’ll give you a handle on the types of things you can do with jQuery on your SharePoint pages. Building your own functions like this, which can be used on multiple sites and pages, will give you the biggest "bang for the buck".

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnReusability is always a key goal in programming, and jQuery is not different. By looking at some common page constructs and thinking about building reusable script functions, you can begin to build a library of capabilities you can use within your organization.

What you’ll cover• The DOM Quick Launch construct• Sample jQuery code for an accordion effect• The SPSetMultiSelectSizes function• The .animate() function

PrerequisitesThere are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, jQuery is built on JavaScript, so familiarity with client-side scripting techniques can be useful.

Module Details


CourseEnhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 5: jQuery’s AJAX with SharePoint’s Web Services OverviewSPServices is a jQuery library that abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnWe’ll look at SPServices’ functions that use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities.

By making AJAX calls, we can interrogate SharePoint to get information and even manipulate it. The SOAP Web Services preceded the Client Object model in SharePoint 2010 and have been available since SharePoint 2003. They work identically in SharePoint 2007 and 2010, though 2010 exposes some new Web Services and operations which allow you to interact with its new functionality.

What you’ll cover• Functions widely used in SPServices• Calling SharePoint Web Services from jQuery• Wrapping Web Services calls in jQuery

PrerequisitesThere are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, jQuery is built on JavaScript, so familiarity with client-side scripting techniques can be useful.

Module Details


CourseEnhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010




Module 6: Tying it all Together - Complex jQuery Usage OverviewAfter mastering the DOM and Web Services, we look at some of the complex things we can now do with SharePoint. We will look also at customizations and extensions we can make.

AudienceThis module is for intermediate level SharePoint developers.

What you’ll learnOn the surface, the SPCascadeDropdowns function in SPServices offers functionality that is pretty straightforward. In this module, we will dive under the covers of this function to expose the complexity that is possible within SharePoint applications.

SPCascadeDropdowns ties together multiple Web Services calls, list form manipulation, and requires multiple lists to function.

What you’ll cover• SPCascadeDropdowns• Relational tables• Setting defaults for jQuery function parameters• Binding functions to different events• GetListItems()• Data View Web Parts with jQuery

PrerequisitesThere are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, jQuery is built on JavaScript, so familiarity with client-side scripting techniques can be useful.

Module Details


CourseEnhancing the SharePoint User Experience with jQuery

Duration5 hours

Programming LanguageC#

Visual Studio Version2008, 2010
