Inmate File

Inmate File: V-739 AKA The Einherjar Containment Procedure: Subject is to be kept in the level 2 Holding Facility in (REDACTED), Israel. Normal Procedures are to follow thereafter, with the exception of regular feeding, watering, and medical checkups as subject is immune to affects of starvation and thirst, and no disease on file has any affect on it. In case of escape attempt, subject is to be engaged with the heaviest available weapons, because of the extreme amount of damage subject has been able to receive without being in any way neutralized. Communication Procedure: So long as they do not go into subjects cell, All personal are welcome to communicate with subject through their native tongue; subject seems fluent in all human languages yet tested. Subject possesses Vast Knowledge of many subjects, but, most importantly to us, a huge amount of experience in combat against almost every type of meta-human, making his advice a potential utility of the organization. Appearance: Tall, Muscular, bearded male Caucasian with white streaked black hair and orange eyes. Subject is covered with tattoos from various wars over many centuries, the earliest dating back to the early dark ages. Psychological profile: V-739 shows psychological scarring theoretically consistent with what is known of its history, with signs of mental anomalies such as addiction to what the subject refers to as “Glorious Battle”, and a nearly complete lack of empathy towards human life (all moral decisions originate from a dogmatic set of loose principles, rather than any ill define emotional set of moral feelings). After many tests, it has been determined that Subject, although still possessive of the natural human instinct and preference

Transcript of Inmate File

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Inmate File: V-739 AKA The Einherjar

Containment Procedure: Subject is to be kept in the level 2 Holding Facility in (REDACTED), Israel. Normal Procedures are to follow thereafter, with the exception of regular feeding, watering, and medical checkups as subject is immune to affects of starvation and thirst, and no disease on file has any affect on it. In case of escape attempt, subject is to be engaged with the heaviest available weapons, because of the extreme amount of damage subject has been able to receive without being in any way neutralized.

Communication Procedure: So long as they do not go into subjects cell, All personal are welcome to communicate with subject through their native tongue; subject seems fluent in all human languages yet tested. Subject possesses Vast Knowledge of many subjects, but, most importantly to us, a huge amount of experience in combat against almost every type of meta-human, making his advice a potential utility of the organization.

Appearance: Tall, Muscular, bearded male Caucasian with white streaked black hair and orange eyes. Subject is covered with tattoos from various wars over many centuries, the earliest dating back to the early dark ages.

Psychological profile: V-739 shows psychological scarring theoretically consistent with what is known of its history, with signs of mental anomalies such as addiction to what the subject refers to as “Glorious Battle”, and a nearly complete lack of empathy towards human life (all moral decisions originate from a dogmatic set of loose principles, rather than any ill define emotional set of moral feelings). After many tests, it has been determined that Subject, although still possessive of the natural human instinct and preference to avoid physical and mental harm if possible, is capable of calmly taking amounts of pain that would send any normal human into extreme shock, and is devoid of even the slightest hint of any kind of emotional response akin to fear. Subject possesses a seemingly perfect memory, and is able to recall small details from events that he claims happened centuries ago. Lastly, subject displays an almost unbreakable pathological inability to break promises that he is any way capable of keeping.

Combat Evaluation: V-739’s combat aptitude , despite its lack of advantages like greater than human strength and/or agility, is one of the greatest on record. In head

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to head tests, subject was able to neutralize other subject’s who’s strength and agility were leagues of magnitude greater than his own while sustaining minimal damage (minimal, at least, for it). V-739 exhibits a fighting style that is almost completely unique to it. Besides being extremely aggressive, it features a method of defense that, rather than attempting to avoid all damage, attempts to negate it to a level which the subject knows that it can continue to operate with little to no effect to its combat efficiency.

Meta-human Ability Evaluation: Subject is immune to the effects of aging, starvation, thirst, disease, and all known toxins. Subject regenerates damage nearly instanously from all but the most extreme damage. Subject is not invulnerable, but exhibits an overall resistance to both the primary and secondary effects of damage that, when coupled with his regenerative abilities, makes it exceedingly difficult to put down.

Addendum A: Damage TrialsFirearms: Smaller calibers barely break target’s skin, cause little damage, and our expunged from subjects body nearly instantly, with larger calibers more effective only by sheer impact. Subjects body lost little blood and did not go into a state of shock even when subject’s brain was targeted with a 50. Caliber Anti-Material Rifle. Energy based weapons: Subject shows similer resilience to energy based weapons also; Outward and internal damage is less than with a normal human, and is healed almost instanously. All man portable heat based weapons had even less affect; Subject’s physiology so resistant to heat that what damage that it does cause neither stops subject from moving or presents any delay in his healing process. Blunt force Trauma: All but the greatest blunt force trauma has even less effect on subject than the other methods of attack. Subjects bones, besides also able to heal themselves to quickly, are stronger than those of a normal human, are more likely to fracture than break, and more likely to break than to shatter. Internal bleeding is also harder to inflict upon subject, and is less severe when it is successfully inflicted. It is, however, possible to neutralize subject by placing extremely heavy objects upon it (objects too heavy for even an Olympic level weight lifter to move), simply because subject has no way of lifting said weight off of itself; assets possessive of extreme meta-human strength that are able to pin subject (A Dangorous and very difficult maneuver) for a time for similar reasons, though subject’s non-metahuman grappling abilities and nearly limitless endurance make this difficult to maintain for very long. Death: Lastly, V-739 was subjected to the “death ray” of V-[REDACED], a class 1 subject who’s power destroys it’s target on a sub-atomic level, leaving only a pile of biological waste. This succeeded in killing the subject for an entire day.

Addendum B: Meta-Human Weaknesses

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The Oath: Subject believes that it has made some kind of pact with Odin, the Norse god of war, that prohibits the use of ranged weaponry of any kind or technological level. When subject attempts to use, for example, a firearm, it’s vision distorts, and he complains of extreme pain on the level of the removal of his organs, and complete loss of balance and equilibrium. Wither this is a psycholical block or actually something magically related is yet to be determined. Extreme weakness: We have found that subject is extremely hostile towards [REDACTED] and would rather be set on fire than be within ten feet of it. When exposed to [REDACTED] V-739 showed more pain than in any test before or since, and, for the first and only time while he has been in our custody, seemed to almost panic.

Ability Scores: 36 pts (I kind of pictured him muscular andsturdy and not overly nimble but the 12 Dex represents him being slightly aboveaverage in that dept.) Str 14

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Dex 12Con 30Int 14Wis 14Chr 10-------------------------------Save buys: Fortitude +8 (for a +18 Fortitude Bonus in total) Will +11-------------------------------Physcial qualities: 5 ptsLeap 2- This gives you greater range of motion but keeps your build from being too superhumanSup Str 2- This helps boost his str score representing thesupernatural blessing he received. Immovable 1- Same as Above---------------------------------------------Immunity: All Damages (Limited-Half saves) Basically anyattack you take gets cut in half. I figured this will partially represent yourawesome healing factor and make you difficult to kill. Age,disease, starvation and thirst. 44 pt Regeneration: TR2 (Persistent, Regrowth,Diehard) With the limited amount ofdamage you will be hard to kill anyways so I lowered your TR rank. =5 Points. Alternate Power to immunity: The blessing of frejya: Ressurection persistant regrowth healing 19 Ranks, Flaw [Only usable on others] 51-----------------------------------------Runic Tatoos 18 ptsTharn: Mighty Strike Rank 11Uruz- Super strength rank 6Sowilo- Heal (Limited Self: 10 ranks Feats: Persistent, Regrowth Regrowth) Mannaz- True Sight

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Dagaz- (Generational Insight) Skill Boost 48 sp ( History 12ranks, Tactics 12, +2 skills your choice) Ansuz- Comprehend languages 4 ranks, Comprehend Codes 1 rank, Comprehend spirits 1 rank----------------------------------------------------

Soul Slayer Sword: Device rank 6 Penetrating 13, Strike 11. Feats: , Affects Insub 2, Indestructible, Restricted 1 (The Einherjar’s Bloodline), Detect spirits 2Protection, rank 1046

Skills:Melee 13Defense 4Slap SillyAssessmentWith stand dmgEidetic MemoryInstant UpInterposeAmbidextrousFearlessEquipment rank 3 (+3 for free)32165Einherjar’s oaths: 24 Points of drawbacksWith a sword in thine hand thou were born, with a sword in thy hand thou shalt die 5pVery Common Intense Drawback, -6 to all ranged attacks

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The sword and the spear are thine father and mother, thou shalt not turn to the dagger of lokiVery Common Intense Drawback, -6 to all stealth based checks 5pThou shalt represent the Gods of thine fathers with honor, thou shalt not defile their name with the lies of the deceiver; Very Common Drawback, -6 to all bluff checks 5pThe measure of man is the strength of his word, thou shalt not let thyself be found lacking Uncomman major drawback (loses all rune based powers and protection if he breaks he goes back on his word when he has any other choice, only gets it back when he somehow makes it up to the person he broke his word to, or, if that option is unavailable, a series of penitent deeds) Common Intense drawback 4pLike Buldr, thou art to be above the petty vulnerabilities of mortal men, but also like him, thou art to be caused great trouble by mere mistletoe. Buldrs bane, Weakness 10p ( Mistletoe; Frequency [Uncommon]; Intensity [Major, all ability scores –1 cumulative] Affecting Every Round ) [-7], Coupled with Vulnerability( Mistletoe; Frequency [Uncommon]; Intensity [Major, x2] ) [-3]

The Great Hall 30 EP A vast lybrinthian underground base of old nazi superscience, rune magic, and various artifacts, the entrance to which is disguised as an old Victorian mansionSize: Awesome 6epDefense Systems: Totenkompf Erkrankung Gewehr (Deathshead Bio-Weopon, Blast Fortitude save) TeufulGewehr [Devil Gun, Hellfire Control] Mikrowelle Gewehr (Microwave gun, Microwave Control] gefrieren gewehr (Freeze Ray, cold blast) Telekinesis Gun , Mind control Modulator (programmed to make intruders attack eachother) Toughness: 5 (for a total toughness of 30) Concealed Isolated Combat SimulatorCommunications Computer Gym Holding Cells

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Living spaceInfirmaryLibraryPoolSecurity System Power