Infoproduct ATM - Amazon S3 · PDF fileTo know which niche to create WSOs about, you need to...

Infoproduct ATM Discover How to Turn PLR into Info Products That You Can Sell By Arun Chandran © 2015 You may give this report away but you may not sell it.

Transcript of Infoproduct ATM - Amazon S3 · PDF fileTo know which niche to create WSOs about, you need to...

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Infoproduct ATM

Discover How to Turn PLR into Info Products That You Can Sell

By Arun Chandran

© 2015 You may give this report away but you may not sell it.

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Discover How to Turn PLR into Info Products That You Can Sell

Contents Disclaimer ................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ................................................................................................. 5

Why Create WSOs?.................................................................................... 6

WSO HARD TRUTHS! ............................................................................ 7

Which IM Niche Do You Choose? ............................................................... 9

A PROVEN SHORTCUT .......................................................................... 12

Look at these stats. ............................................................................... 12

Da Fuq is SOS? ........................................................................................ 14

The Product Creation Dilemma ................................................................. 17

What Type of Product Should You Create? .............................................. 21

The Nuts & Bolts ....................................................................................... 22

Other points........................................................................................... 25

Writing Your Copy ..................................................................................... 27

The System .............................................................................................. 29

Rules of Thumb ........................................................................................ 31

In Conclusion ............................................................................................ 34

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This is the part where I tell you that just because you read this report does

not mean you will make as much money as I did… or any money for that


After all, you could be a lazy procrastinator. Or you might mess up in some

other crucial area that is essential for success with this method. Whatever

the case, there is no income guarantee with this product.

This book comes with personal use rights only. You may give it away but

you may not sneakily try to edit it or sell it as your own product.

I also assume no liability for any time, money, or business lost as a result of

you following the guidance set forth herein. My girlfriend gives me enough

problems as it is.

Other than that, rest assured that this blueprint works, if you work it.

I hate legal stuff almost as much as I hate lawyers. I’m sure you feel the


Let’s move on…

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This guide that you are reading now will put money in your PayPal account,

if you follow it to the letter. I’ve absolutely no doubt about that.

In fact, I have given you a 100% money- back guarantee. Yes yes… I know

it only cost a dollar. But, it’s the principle.

Nevertheless, this information is worth its weight in gold despite it being an

eBook and having no weight at all.

There are many, many, many rehashed WSOs that contain the exact same

information that you will find in this report. The difference between those

and this, is that this report is super cheap, way more honest and definitely

entertaining, to say the least.

This being a $1 WSO, I expect you to have a grasp of the basics and if you

don’t, I’ve pointed you to places where you can get the info you need. It

was supposed to be a free WSO but the Warrior Forum changed its rules,

so I had to charge a dollar.

That being said this is a very practical and do-able method of making

money. There are many methods to making money online… but this is

probably one of the easiest and has a high chance of success at making

you good money.

There are a few affiliate links in this report. I have purchased every single

product that I’ve recommended and even thrown in screenshots as proof

for any skeptical asshat. Anyway, most of the products cost peanuts.

Nevertheless, thanks for your support.

I also write as I speak… and I swear a lot. If you’re easily offended, this

report is not for you.

If you want to make money online, this report has your name all over it.

Read on.

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Why Create WSOs?

The answer is quite simple. The Warrior Forum is full of newbies who are

hungry for information to make money online. They are desperate like the

zombie below.

Hell! You might be desperate to

make money online too.

Desperate people will shell out

money to solve their problems.

The Warrior Forum has very high

traffic and despite most of it

being affiliate driven, there is a

healthy dose of organic traffic too.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that there is a ton of rehashed crap WSOs on

the forum. I’ve actually purchased 5 WSOs from different sellers that said

the same damn thing in different


Despite that, these WSOs sell many

copies and make the sellers lots of


I’ve sold quite a few WSOs so I know

for a fact that creating and selling

WSOs will make you money if you do

them right.

But first… You need to know the hard truths that most product creators will

NOT tell you… but I will.

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You do not need to have made a cent online to create a WSO about

making money online. There are many product creators who don’t

know their ass from their elbow about the methods they talk about.

They rehash stuff from other WSOs and sell it as their own.

A fancy sales page, good JV partners, a big list and a well-timed

launch will make even a crappy WSO become a top seller. I actually

saw one totally unethical product that encouraged people to

plagiarize content, become a top seller.

Not every WSO you create will be a hit. Many product creators will

show you screenshots of sales that are through the roof. The truth is

that it’s really hard to tell if your product will be a hit or miss.

Just like how movie studios can’t really predict if a movie will be a

blockbuster, it’s kinda hard to tell with a WSO too. There are ways to

really improve your odds, but ultimately… see next point…

It is a numbers game. Very important fact.

There is work involved. Even more important than the earlier fact.

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There is a learning curve. Creating and listing a WSO is easy once

you know how. The problem here is that you will need to struggle with

a bit of trial and error to figure out the setup and all for the first one…

but once you list your first one,

the future ones will be a breeze.

You will have many doubts if it

is your first WSO. If it flops, it

doesn’t mean you’re a failure.

You must try again and again. If

you follow this guide, it’s pretty

hard to go wrong.

If it’s your first WSO, your goal should be to cover your costs. Forget

the 5 figure paydays. Cover your costs. If you can do that, it’s half the

battle won.

You will need to spend some money to create a WSO. For starters,

there is a listing fee of $20. Then depending on whether you

outsource, use an autoresponder, etc… whatever the case, there are

some expenses involved. If you don’t have the money to list a WSO,

do what it takes to get some.

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Which IM Niche Do You Choose?

To know which niche to create WSOs about, you need to look at what the

market wants.

There is really only one way to do this. You need to look at the top sellers.

Despite what I said earlier about crap making it to the top sellers list… the

issue here is the kind of crap people want.

There are many sub-niches in internet marketing. From Teespring to

product creation, Amazon to eBay, listbuilding to building niche sites… and

on and on…. And on.

To do market research, you only need to look at two places.

Warrior Plus and the JVZoo marketplaces.

If you do not have accounts with these sites Go get one for each!

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For Warrior Plus, once you log in, you will be able to see all the top

products on the right.

Next, click on the affiliates tab… then click on offers.

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Here you’ll be able to see how many copies

were sold, etc. All this info is crucial in

determining if the topic you choose to create a

WSO about will be a hit or the next Lone


Do the same with JVZoo.

Visit the marketplace Look at the top


Next, go to the affiliates tab.

Click on find products.

All the stats are there for you to study.

Now you know what you need to do.

Go ahead. Do your research and take notes, you nerd.

Then pick a topic you would like to

create a WSO about.

That’s it… for now.

I know that most other WSOs will teach

you to look in forums for problems that

people are having and cater to their

needs and all that BS.

Please! Let’s just cut through the shit and follow the money. Deal? I knew

you’d agree.

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Ok… you have ants in your pants and you don’t want to do all this research

and boring stuff.

You just want to make money and you want a PROVEN method that

people are using…

Look at these stats.

These 3 sellers are using a tried and proven method of selling PLR videos.


The creator of this system is Tony Marriot and it’s called Easy Cash Game


He gives you all the info you need to create a PLR Videos WSO. All of

them use the same template which is provided. The salespages are all


What can I say? The method works and it’s easy.

I’d know ‘cos I bought it!

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The beauty about creating PLR Videos is that you are actually creating stuff

that helps other marketers.

This is not about you teaching other people to teach other people to teach

other people to make money. There is no ethical dilemma involved.

You truly are providing value to other marketers.

Most of my WSOs are PLR packs. I rarely create WSOs about making

money online. Even with this one… I’m selling it for only a dollar, but like I

mentioned in the introduction, I wanted to give it away free.

So, if you’re a newbie who has not made a cent online, you’re definitely

making a wise move by following Tony Marriot’s system.

It works. Period.

It’s always better to follow a method that works than to try and follow

a method that you think may work. Don’t end up like the clown below.

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Da Fuq is SOS?

The abbreviation SOS seems to be catchphrase among internet marketers

these days. It means Shiny Object Syndrome.

What that means is that people keep jumping from one method to another.

Buying every new WSO or product that hits the market.

I feel a rant coming. Oh NO! Arun… control yourself.

Breathe boy… Breeeeethe. Nope. Not working… here goes.

Firstly, I do not use the term shiny objects for WSOs or any IM product for

that matter.

A diamond studded necklace that makes a woman all wet with joy is a

shiny object.

A watch that is made by some Swiss watchmaker on his deathbed and is

so ugly that you know it costs more than a house… that is a shiny object.

The yellow Lamborghini that is so cool it makes women wet with joy to sit in

one… that is a shiny object.

That $7 WSO… HELL NO!

But wait Arun,… what if it is $27? Still no.

Ok… B-b-but what if it’s a $997 marketing course that’s only $7 now?

F**k. No.

The issue here is deeper than the eye can see… and I can see it. Despite

my crude, vulgar nature, I actually understand people.

The problem here is that many newbies lack confidence. They keep

thinking that they need as much info as they can get to actually take the

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first step and do it. They think that the new WSO that everyone is talking

about will complete them.

To make matters worse, other marketers will spout pearls of wisdom about

avoiding shiny object syndrome and go on to promote a myriad of products

in different IM niches to their list.

They pretend to be a part of the solution when in fact, they are a part of the


The poor sod who bought a WSO on listbuilding will receive an email 3

days later from the seller saying that a new Teespring guide made him

$2,732 dollars in 4 days.

Let’s ignore the fact that the WSO was released about 20 minutes ago and

the seller just used the swipe copy from the product’s JV page.

What has happened here is that the seller has tempted the subscriber with

a product that is of no use to him. The guy is trying to build a list. Why

would you distract him with a Teespring guide?

I see this done all the time.

Most IM products work on the illusion that by buying them, you will give

yourself the chance to actually be able to earn enough to buy the real shiny

objects that you can’t afford now.

They look attractive by association.

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The truth of the matter is no matter what they promise you in the

salesletter, you’re not going to be a rock star and bring sexy back by buying

a WSO.

All you need to do is pick one

method and stick with it till you

see the money.

You’re reading one now. Stick

with it.

Then apply what you read… Do

not worry about getting it right.

Do not worry about failing.

Do not worry that you might miss

out some crucial info in the new WSO if you don’t buy it.

The truth of the matter is that you have what it takes. You’re not Jerry

Maguire. You don’t need 10 different WSOs to complete you.

You just need 1… your own. Which you will release.

From there on… you will just keep doing it.

If there is anything you do not know, then you may go look for a WSO that

can help you with your problem.

The key here is you are looking for the product that will solve your problem

and not buying any old thing that is recommended blindly. You get it?

I hope you do.

Rant over.

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The Product Creation Dilemma

This is something that I absolutely MUST talk about.

How do you create a WSO that teaches others how to make money when

you’ve not made any money online yourself?

Simple. You DON’T!

I cannot overemphasize this. If you can’t do it yourself, you absolutely have

no business teaching others.

I see this all the time. People rehashing systems, WSOs, etc. Fakes,

copycats, plagiarizers, etc.

I have a saying. You can’t copy Starbucks. Does that saying make sense?

No… but it’s a good buildup for the next picture.

The point I’m trying to make is

that you should not create a

WSO about something you have

no idea about.

Yes… it is being done.

Yes… People are making

money doing it.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do

you follow the herd or do you

create stuff that actually adds value?

The fact of the matter is that there are a ton of products that you can create

that do not have to be about making money.

You can create PLR. You can create plugins. What about a collection of

graphics that you designed?

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Or you could create a list of the best Fiverr gigs for all the different services

that marketers use.

There are so many ideas out there. Go see the marketplaces mentioned

earlier. You will find many such WSOs from ages ago. Create an updated

list. A list from 2012 will be outdated, Go ahead and create one for 2015.

Whatever it is, you are not doomed to creating WSOs that teach others

how to make money.

Remember this. Rewriting someone else’s WSO does not make it a brand

new WSO. You’re just saying the same thing differently. Don’t be like the

clown below.

If you do wish to create a WSO about something that you think will sell well

but you have no idea what it’s all about, then you should try your best to

learn everything you can about it… AND TEST IT!

For example, niche selection techniques are a perennial issue with internet

marketers. If you spent 3 weeks or a month learning everything you could

about niche selection and how to monetize niches, you really would know

more about it than most marketers.

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Because you spent a ton of time on it.

You would have tried it. Tested it. Taken notes like the nerd that you are.

Basically, you will be an expert on it.

Now, my friend… NOW you are ready to create a WSO on how to spot

niches that are potential goldmines, etc.

You have the knowledge and expertise. You won’t even need to rip off

someone else’s WSO. You could probably do a better job than them.

That’s how you create a WSO that adds value. Until someone comes along

and rips off your product.

Circle of life on the WSO front.

But hey… you could always create another WSO, yes? Of course you


If you really didn’t want to do all that, there is one last option left. You can

put your name on some PLR and make it look like your product. The key

point here is to use HIGH QUALITY PLR. Otherwise, you will be selling a

shitty product… and most PLR is shitty.

Do note that you are NOT allowed to sell unoriginal products on the Warrior

Forum. That means you can’t just slap your name on some PLR and sell it

as is.

However, there is a way you can get around this. I have a guide on selling

products using PLR. It’s called Easy PLR Profits.

Yes… it’s for sale. Yes… you gotta spend a few dollars.

Easy PLR Profits is worth every cent.

Plus, I do need to make some money to keep churning out these low cost

WSOs which you must agree, are fantastic.

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Modesty, Arun! Please!

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What Type of Product Should You Create?

I’m going to keep this short.

You can create whatever you see others selling.

PDF’s, videos, audios, cheat sheets, mind maps, plugins, software, PLR

packs, graphics, etc. Just do the research mentioned earlier.

There are buyers with different tastes.

Many product creators seem to like creating videos. The reason for that is

that creating videos is easy. You just talk and talk and talk. Writing a PDF

takes work.

I personally HATE videos and I know many people who do too.

I HATE sitting and listening to the product creator waffle on and on and on.

Give me a damn PDF any day.

But that’s me…

The point? See below.

On a side note, the 2 guys on the

left are the HodgeTwins. They are

YouTube celebrities and absolutely


Just in case you need a laugh…

and don’t we all.

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The Nuts & Bolts

So, by now you should have a product in mind that you will create.

You will go create it and when you’re done, you will need to list it on the

Warrior Forum.

There are a few methods this can be done.

I’ll recommend two. The first is to use Warrior Plus and the second is to use


What you need to know is this. If you’re new, you are better off using

Warrior Plus payments. It’s a bit easier.

Once you have a grasp of the fundamentals, you may want to use JVZoo

which has unique advantages and a whole lot of new affiliates.

So, depending on where you are in your IM journey, make your choice.

If you decide with Warrior Plus, I strongly, STRONGLY urge you to get Lee

Murray’s From The Top. It’s an excellent guide that will show you step-by-

step how to setup your WSO using Warrior Plus as a payment system.

I know for a fact that the guy put in a ton of work. Anytime you see a PDF

with step-by-step screenshots, the creator did a lot of work. Lee is


You should get your hands on From The Top.

Did I buy it?


So where’s your damn screenshot, Arun?


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If you’re going to go with JVZoo, I recommend Tiffany Lambert’s How to

Launch a WSO on JVZoo.

Tiffany’s product is a PDF accompanied with videos. Extremely easy to

understand and follow.

Did I buy it?


And you want to see the screenshot, don’t you? You do realize this is

getting old right? Hmm.

I could have created a guide on each myself and sold them… but why?

These two products are fantastic. It’s easier to just point them out.

B-b-but, Arun, how are you gonna build a list like that?

Worry not, my thoughtful buddy. You’re already on it when you bought this

WSO. HAHA! Don’t panic. I’m a kind, sweet guy. I won’t spam you.

That pretty much wraps setting up of your WSO.

Ah hah! Wait wait… before you get your panties in a wad and go all apeshit

on me… “What the hell, Arun! You made me pay one whole dollar for this

BS asking me to buy other stuff?!! You $%@##@!!....”

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Hey hey… relax. No need to get as vulgar as me. I’ve got you covered.

For free info…

On setting up a WSO with Warrior Plus, click here.

On setting up a WSO with JVZoo, click here.

Of course, if you’re going to use the free info and do it on your own, you

may have to deal with trial and error and waste time.

But that is the price to pay if you don’t pay the price for the products


Either way, just get started!

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To summarize,

The two products above are the only ones you will ever need as far

as setting up instructions go.

Choose only one method first. Either Warrior Plus or JVZoo.

Other points

You may be wondering when is a good time to list a WSO. I mean…

there is Eastern Standard Time, GMT, Daylight time… you know

what? Let’s keep it simple and say… any damn time. I really can’t be

bothered about the day or time. You can test as you go along.

Should you have an upsell? There isn’t a yes or no answer here.

If you’re new, maybe you should wait till your second or third WSO

where you are more confident of the entire process. You do NOT

want to take on too much too soon. Or you’re going to end up like the

guys below.

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As far as upsells go, I’d like to say that it’s fine to have one upsell…

but some marketers take it to the point of… I don’t know how to say

this politely… but it’s F-d up.

I actually went through a total of 8 upsells and downsells with one

product I purchased until I forgot what I had actually bought.


Let’s not overdo stuff. Just because everybody is doing it does not

mean it’s right. I don’t know why more people don’t say this.

The fries with that burger analogy is always used but you don’t see

MacDonald’s saying, “Ok… you don’t want the fries. How about half a

cup of coke?”…

“No? Ok…How about a burger eating coaching program where you

learn how to eat a burger in 2 bites?”

“Oh you don’t want that either. Ok… How about you try out one

French fry now and we will bill you for an entire serving in 7 days and

send you your fries?”…

“Oh you don’t want that too. Fine. Look below to collect your half-

satisfying meal and be happy ‘cos we’re not offering this to you


Collect your tray… dumbass.

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Writing Your Copy

I hate to say this but it’s true. Hype sells.

You do not have to hire a copywriter if you’re new. Most charge ridiculous

prices anyway.

1. Sales copy on the Warrior Forum or any IM product salespage

generally follows a similar pattern.

2. It starts off with a headline that is designed to grab attention

3. The product seller then gives a long winded story about what a shitty

life they had… difficulties… how nothing they tried worked… blah

blah blah…

4. They then go on to tell about the system they discovered and how it

changed their life.

5. Cue in the videos, bullet points, testimonials, scarcity tactics, money-

back guarantee, etc.

6. Payment button

That’s pretty much it. I’m not going to go into detail about copywriting. Quite

frankly, my copy sucks too. I just don’t have what it takes to hype things up

and make bold promises.

I bet you saw the salespage for this WSO report. Just a headline, a graphic

and a few words. So, I’m not exactly in a position to give you tips.

If you’re new, the best advice I can give you is to look at many different

sales pages.

Copy headlines that you like. Copy certain phrases that stand out to you.

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Mix and match. If you stole 2 lines from 50 different salespages, you would

have a hundred lines of copy.

Don’t worry. Everyone else is doing it too.

Copying the shit out of each other.

They just call it a swipe file.

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The System

I’ll give you a quick breakdown of the system. So, you know at a glance

what needs to be done. I could have used mindmaps but you know what?

Let’s not make it more complicated than it is.

Step 1: Decide on a product to create… and its OTO(optional)

Step 2: Create it… and its OTO(optional)

Step 3: Design salespages with copy for one or both (product + OTO)

Step 4: List the whole thing on the Warrior Forum with the payment button

Step 5: Make sure your offer is linked to your autoresponder so that you’re

building a buyers list

Step 6: Submit WSO for approval

Step 7: Once thread goes live… handle support issues and comments.

Step 8: If you have a list, email them and let them know about your new


My recommendation would be to use GetResponse and just link it to the

WSO. In this way, the buyers get added automatically to your list via API.

I used Aweber for this before but they changed their policy and require all

optins via API to be double optins. This sucks because now the buyer

needs to click on the confirmation link to be on your list.

The moment there is an extra step involved, you’re going to lose a huge

chunk of people who just will not click on the link. Can’t blame them… it’s

extra work and most people would rather not be on another list.

So, go with GetResponse and let’s pray that they don’t change their policy.

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I personally use both GetResponse and Aweber. I’d have quit Aweber but

I’m just too lazy to move the contacts and all the follow up messages, etc.

So, it’s best to go with GetResponse from the start and save yourself the

hassle and extra expenses.

I understand that if you’re a newbie, you may be a little hesitant to do the

whole list building thing. It may seem complicated and troublesome.

My advice to you – Build a List ASAP. Period.

Even if you have to delay releasing your WSO by a month just so you can

learn how to build a list… do it. I exaggerate… it won’t take a month. It’s

quite easy actually… but you MUST do it.

If you do not have any messages in your follow up, just add one thank you

message to be sent out immediately after purchase. That’s it. You can

come back to it later.

When I first started releasing WSOs, I did build a list but ignored it. I

actually think the subscribers were pleased! After all, I wasn’t bombarding

them with emails.

Months later, I came back and added follow up messages. Most of my

emails are gifts with free PLR. Sometimes I blabber some rubbish and

curse how everyone that I like on the Walking Dead keeps dying.

I do get replies from my subscribers and we talk about TV shows like the

Mentalist, Game of Thrones, etc. It doesn’t always have to be about IM.

People are people. I never look at them as numbers or subscribers that

need to be squeezed out of every dollar.

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Rules of Thumb

There are some tips and rules that I must mention and even repeat just so

you bear them in mind at all times.

Always build a list.

Make sure your products are good. Do your absolute best.

Have an upsell but DO NOT overdo it.

You may offer a few review copies to get testimonials. Make sure you

seek marketers who are trustworthy. (I actually had one WSO

released on a blackhat forum 5 minutes after I listed the WSO. Slimy

bastard whoever the guy was.) There are some people who have no

qualms doing stuff like this.

If you create a WSO and need a review, you can always ask Arun.

That’s me. I like referring to myself in the third person. If your WSO is

good, I’ll definitely leave a review on your post. If it sucks, you’ll get

an appropriate meme or photo... in private, of course.

Once you have listed your WSO, don’t turn off the computer and go

to sleep. People will have questions, comments, etc. Stick around

and answer them. Subscribe to your thread so that you are notified by

email if anyone comments.

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How often do you follow up with email messages?

o Some marketers say that you should email daily.

o Others say that you should weave stories and slowly sell a

product to the reader.

o Some marketers email several times a day and really don’t care

if you stay or leave. They just want the sales.

I can’t tell you which way you should go. I can only tell you how I do it.

I email my list once every few days. NOT daily. Sometimes I forget about


I rarely push affiliate offers unless I have purchased the products and think

they are good.

I purchase many WSOs but rarely promote them. The occasional ones that

I do, make a lot of sales because my subscribers know that if I say it’s

good, it’s good.

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Focus on one niche in IM and specialize in it. For example, if it is

Facebook marketing, then make sure you are the go to guy for info

about that.

Focus on one other area that has nothing to do with the Warrior

Forum. Do this on the side. Never put all your eggs in one basket. If

you get kicked out of the Warrior Forum or the site is down for some

reason, at least you will have a backup source of income.

Take your time with the second method but make slow progress.

Personally, I’ve decided to give Teespring a try. My art skills are shit.

So, I’ve no idea how I’m going to fare… but if you don’t try, you won’t

know. Yes?... Indeed.

When you are more experienced, do launch your products on sites

like Muncheye, WarriorJV, JVNotifypro, etc.

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In Conclusion

Well done. You made it to the end. Thanks to my entertaining writing

style… and ahem… your hard work.

This guide that you have read is a blueprint to making money on the

Warrior Forum. It will work if you work it.

I hope you put it to good use. There are many people who have bought

much more costly WSOs to learn the info that I’ve given you for a dollar.

I’ve not gone into topics such as changing your mindset and outsourcing

and other stuff that really is pointless if you’re just beginning.

I believe that if you really want something bad enough, you will do it despite

all odds. Take things slowly and step-by-step. You can learn all the extra

stuff as you go along.

I’ve given you everything you need to get started and that’s the most

important thing. To just get started… and of course, to end what you start.

Many beginners aim for standards that the expert marketers have reached.

They give up halfway when they realise they can’t do it. Do not make that

mistake. Everybody starts somewhere.

Make your first few sales and slowly improve as you go along. Slow and

steady wins the race. Over time you will become just as good as the rest.

There are tons of stuff that I don’t know. I create PLR and there are PLR

sellers who beat me by miles. I have zero idea how they produce so much

material so fast.

Does it worry me? Nope.

Why? ‘Cos I’m cool that way.

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I’m on my own little path and sooner or later, I’ll probably surpass the other


If you’ve made it this far, by now you probably love me and my wretched


I’ve written 2 free WSOs.

7 Reasons Why You May Fail Online in 2015. Especially for Newbies!


How I made an Extra $200 to $500 per Month in 4 Easy Steps.

They’re both written with the same tasteless, crude humor and practicality

that is my personal trademark… and that’s exactly why you will find them

useful and fun.

Before I end, let me just say that if you like this report, do leave a comment

on the thread saying what you feel. Or if you’re shy, you can always email

me and say if it helped you.

I wish you all the best.
