Infoflow2 2-11 new

Info Flow Wednesday February 2nd, 2011

Transcript of Infoflow2 2-11 new

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Info FlowWednesday

February 2nd, 2011

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Please stand for the pledge...

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I pledge allegianceto the flag

of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands,

One nation, under God, indivisible,

With liberty and justice for all

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Boys Tennis Interested in trying out for

tennis? Attend a brief meeting on

Thursday February 3rd in room 160 at 3 pm to collect

forms and information. Contact Mr. Ngbea for questions

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COED Volleyball

Pre-season interest and information dissemination

meeting! It will be held on Thursday, February 3rd in

front of the main gym

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Valentine's Day Open Mic Friday, Feb 11

at lunch in the media center

[email protected].

Sign-Up sheets posted in room 141, the English office and the media center.

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Rebuilding Together

Mandatory meeting on Thursday,

February 3rd in room 147, either

6th period or afterschool. Receive SSL

Hours helping families in

financial need

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Panther Cheer Competition

Saturday, Feb 5 at 1pm at Paint

Branch HS. Tickets on sale at

the attendance office for $5 or purchase them

at the door. Wear Red!

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Silver Chips Photo Staff Applications

Grab one in room 165 &complete it by this Friday Feb. 4th. sign up for interviews during lunch which will run until the same date.

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Sports Conditioning Opportunity

Not sport specific. Must be academically eligible, and have forms turned in, prior to working out. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5:30 pm outside the weight room. For questions, contact Coach Horne or Coach Denny in the English office, room 141, or your respective sports coach.

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Interested in performing in the pit for the musical? SIGN UP IN ROOM 5 AND TAKE A CONTRACT. THOSE ACCEPTED WILL BE NOTIFIED BY FEB. 7TH. Return contract to Ms. Josey as soon as possible.

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Word of the DayImpervious (adj): not capable of

being affected or disturbed.

Many superheroes are impervious to pain

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Did You Know???

Fingernails grow

faster in winter.

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Produced By

Chantel Hernandez

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Jenny Wittmann

Public Relations Executive Rosalie Fischer

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RADIO EXECUTIVEDJ Gabe “The Babe” Pollak