In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/Kingston... · ^^pmtpf^m*^^^^fr*rT*r:r~' - " »• ....

^^pmtpf^m*^^^^fr*rT*r:r~' - " »• . p . •• - ' •« •»• ;i». > .»•..>•.- «>;>• ..V!***.' I ^Sootr 5 *^^ irx the States of Michigaa and Illinois, and up on Lake Ontario|p tjt^^tat& a rnuo' larger nuw|r, tflb theterstffinit -», to this counjty, aid n?en»jf a j | n c h J | g er grjjttie^pS in^Rt^oxflffly afljr md®il The emigration of this people to our country is a fact full of deep significance \W.!V..».k\W.''-.'.J;. &PRO]PpTd|. '->'. J?v » ' ' ''•-•ISSir-:-'yi3i *^y*w->,*v?\/>.' «USDrtO»iHWW Cistctt Itents. ^•^**^*^»^ The Inebr^be Asylum; ; necessity, e x e r x i ^ influence upon in behalf of this poo copicpnat understan the causa o^bifl.e^- We perceive that many of our cotera-1 pbraries are ridiculing the,idea of an Inebriate Asylum, andJgr^Mitigj bbcause rbbriated to the Insti- tbe Legislature appropriated When an appeaiJff fi&;majfo^ portion of the proceeds of ^ e ^Excis/j jFuud; One of our exchanges says tnat the money thus apprbpnated|is>pasted*upon a stupendous againstsuchan..application"of,a, sweeping a'ssertipri'.' We will admit that the Leg: lslatiirV of pur state, has appropriated monev to some stupendous humbugs, but t will require, something more than the of men who cannot pass mere assertions Mr.ft6^osber|;ot , & lately! s o j o u ^ ^riritain ^^^^^^^^^^^ W$ nict^tnrid in;th.eviKejpublVcw ; 6f. : , : tliis week a very readable 1 etter dated at that feasant ^^i^j^^$. incident of Taife|rip'see^ a^©tin^rattlesnake, which, nopToubt,#On accoutrt of' its inexperience, was Verdant eitfttj^ company of ? which M • i u ^ e S a vo : noi doubtt h at Mr. Lo urisbery Hbiintam iHouse i^ tibtially attractive,bournes^ trip to those who. have the means and lme7^- : ^' : ' : '^ faith i 'thati l bvet6ometh,' relying';upon'th^ troubles, yea, in seven no,evil shall touch y. f ;. 'V.;i'!, /' ^.' •,i-y?t^liJLlj^^••;.:•••/> '••'•*';•?>• Ban tickles againJLlviiig with His 5 Bis^ 1 .;' f .; •. /; y. V; ; .:<.;.;• honQjjed ^i^ i : £. / •: '*& i We are ^credibly /informed from variotts sourceaithat the 1 Hbn.'«Bahiel E^i Sickles bps'becOrae «entireiy : r^cbncilR'd '\vith his wife, and iisnb^ living \vith' her in 0 itiari- 1 tal relation*,*jal' before the death' 6f thel late: 'Bhilip ^Bartorr -Keyi "W-e are ! alsb asSuTedt that .W taking tbis remarkablb' atep^ ; Miv SicWea^has alienated -himsbllr iVocQ md8b' ifmpt all of those- persbriftthfad political friends who /devotedlyiadhered Whim' i duringi 1 his'- recent'•imprisonment ; and-triaL-j 5>';U.'U... |:_:••;»/•••••.. *$•:•$£ Imr^Up -.OlhBiireconoiliaitionHlbetweeh Mr. and Mrs. Sicklea ; ^ a s ij cortau'm m a ted; : Xve are informed^whileaMrCjSy. Was residing 1 at tU<J»boUse..<)f a':.£rj<fo3iuSttv. the^•Bloomi'fcig--' dajjjvroad^about' half;ia' miTe from -the former.'.bouJBe o£« Mr. S., which lor some time rpast >Mra„ ?Sickles'.:hjasI occupied,' either, alone Qn with same of' the membel's .of;her. owriffamily.^ Q?he ; suspicions >cff hisJ!bo8t/were"^excited by the ; repeated absence of Mr: S. atutiiiMtial hours % and when; be came in ve^'early one mbfnirig' he ? was interrogated' by /y the" hbst' and another friend wbb > was present, and dh his* positiVely'denying 1 their 'tight to ques* tion him, and ; reTuBing t^} givei : an• explav natib'n^tBey shdbM''han ( ds With' liini for a ;day' wpoftt; the, assistance ;of, o: t^wo^ stitf^brns^oT^andy r ;to'prove the Inebriate Asylum is one of the one; or ove that __e Inebriate Asylum is One of them.— The evidence and the public opinion of men who have lbngbeen known;in society for learning land sound judgment, in favor of such an, institution, , is entirely over borne- by ihpse who pari dp. nothing more t^'ari',bandy epitbets and dbal : in ad^ jectives. ' tjpon tjie list of original;siib:; scribers'to the ta iri" stitiition, are to,be foun the post distrngaished minister i|ns; merchants^: lawyers and' statesmen of 'our .State.', The higbest y medica;l au- tlroifity; is in favor of the principle upon which the workings pC this institution are to be bittseq,;; namely, that drunkenness, or riatber. tne condition which drunkenness produces, is a;d!isease of both niind and bb^y,' winch fequires e Lunatic Asylum and in part the treatment of the Hospital. ^ : At all events, it is, much too soon to say that tliis* institution is a stupen dp us hum- bug j at tjiis early - period' in its hi story, wn'en, 'as yet, there is not a particle of proof, so far as facts are concerned, to prpye^sucn an assertion. - f*-»-*r %^j^M^^^M§M§^^^ Argus, stateW that wo trotted oiit Qeqrge Xawy rubbed him down,. cbrrycombed him, brought '^MJ^^^M0^^0^M^ m conditioh,! an3 then;; trbttoxti hiiii-; back again into tlie j i t a l l , | p b | b>acking^himk-•> fi : , nally for thei Presictoritiiil raee. We beVl iieve:thatis all so; 'but we only did ih re- gard to Xiive Oak George what Cu8sidy did 4iu regard to Horatio Seymour••••;'who was also rubbed -down, •nirrycombed, ^}0l^jt^^0^0^^g^D^ Jockeys must try tneir ria^4 befere they start in the race, arid we rather:think our nag showed as good blood and paces as CassHly's djdiS#^j^Sin*J# -:f% rM^&i' •'; r ^-Thero-;is.;|ni the above;confession a single bmissibn, which We beg leave to correct 0i Behbett didunpro to his nag than rub him down, curryc»rnb hira, and trot, him back- again; \He bled him pro- fusely !^—N. Y. Mercury. -/. If common Report be true, the parallel be'tvvi'eh Bennett and Oassidy still holds goed, even with the addition made ; by the.Mercury.r—[Albany Statesraan;. ; ;. rTf-fl?"'»'•'•"' -»:#••-- ; u fefe 1; IATKST "WAR-NEWS.---Speaking* of the jatestlnteftigerice frbrti the sjeat; of Wat;i!he : ^eW^prk$ say a M i i. A EREAK OF LiGHTNiNG.^^The resV dence of Mr. John Woolsey, of Milton, was struck by liglitning ori Wednesday;, 29 th ult., about mid w ay bet wee n th o t wo rods or conductors with which it was pro• vided, tl)ere being one at each enii of the house. The electric fluid ran along the ridge, then down a chimney to the kitch- en fire-plaCe. From thence it pkssed into an adjoining room, knocking down a post and taking off three clapboards, and pass- ing into the ground. ••,', In order to make:a building q.uite safe against lightnings it should be furnished with a rod wbich extends; ashmany feet 'above it as are equal to the 's'emi^isi;m^ : ter of acuclewhich would include the building. ::\.' ; ;;:j : ;::-: : sr..^ : ;';y:^''^KKv^-^ INCREASE OI?;SPEED.—^The latest time- table of the Hudson River Bailrbad ma- terially increases the speed of its passed get* trains; The first;Express train leaves Albany. (Troy a few minutes earlier,) at 4:55 A.:M., and arrives ib New York a> 9:35; AJM; : T D ^ Of the management of the Koad is une- qualled by any in the country. Its free- dom from accidents, arid its prompt time, are earning. fbr;it a reputation with the traveling public as yalunble as in time it will prove remunerative. -*-o<.- A SERIOUS CHARGE -—-A Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press and' btheiv papers,, are makiug serious charges against the Postmaster General, to the effect that while he is curtailiug and discounting tho mail service in the NortherriYStates, under the pretense /of lessening, the expenses of the department, Bcarco a mail ronte or post-office has been meddled with at the South. Consider- ing that in the Northern: States the post office is not only self-sustaining, but real- ly a source of profit, while the Southern Mail service issuetained almost;entirely on drafts upon the Treasury, one would suppose that the former was deserving of some show of favor, instead of being the sole victims of thecmbarassments of the department. ; If these charges which are reiterated in Several of the newspapers, are founded in truth', they should be in- vestigated by the next Congress. ^ ' Henry Ward IBeecher denies in the independent that he is a ^Spiritual Me- dium^ Mr, ;Beecher says :; ', •&, |f The only thingnhat connects us with Spiritualism is the'publication of every sermon whibhwb preach: in one or. the other of the Spiritual papers. But this is their arrangement, not ours. If thoy can'stand our sermons we can stand their papers. And, as yet, we have seen no messages from the spirit-world alongside the sermons which put us to the blush. But ibis putting every .sermon into type s handling a ininistorrather severely. It jivos him no chance for poor sermons.-— :.t gives him no chance to preach his ser- mons over again. It keeps him to tho necessity of good sound work ;—for there is many a showy serm«M that would do Well, enough if only heard, that would, ill boM' careful reading. But if Spiritu- alists choose to build paper pulpits for Orthodox preachers, why should we flinch at mounting them before an audience of a hundred,thousand people ? »*•••- ' ,( The' -meagre teiegrains w,hioh we this mernih^ rjuWish -of the hews biy. the Cana;dX at" Halifax, simply ; confirm : the re^or1(eu; :/ passa^ French army^ with the cbntetnpon neous the last' time and he withdrew. It isI { $ ^ me ; ^ 0 f Pe'schiera by the Sardinian said he has since addressed letters/to bis former intimate associates, notifying them formally^ biMttie' i^surnption bfcbrrjugal relationtftbetween!hims*elf -and Mrs: ! Sick^; les^N^^ i TObtib4i ,|r; •'^x^W-Wl "TH9,^pniNo|, op; t THB i SBASOjj.rrTb e .New ?2ioj$;iorT^^ 'joiirnaL says $M£&. all j tbe.wedclings . tbat'N>w ^rK Iba^^eenstbis. oentury, tt^one^icpme^vOP tbe/l#h of. JJiily, exaje^^re ^re^tes^.interest.: - The bri^e- g^o'm,i|5(g Span^h^eBUeman>f ; the ripe frij^'b.ut,heavy,i^ jjojfr', His^ealj^isj veleus; per8j)pal.attraqtions,.(j ^he js^uite tic|e]egancp; J^tSr^^^^^ •tip^bf; all. w]ao^l^'|e^b,;^^ee^ O^torie^^ Her brida^veilj• cost,,one, thousand d^ m adorn the brp^ of tboiyqung^^e^ B^jthe wreath|i.fpf gold, and .^adorned w]t£jWejvy pi j great, value..; The ( i staid. ] bridegrpoiajs m ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ W \ ;tbe^aj^^;,allj : th^ : cbuiclx to ad^ to, the maghincence, of the forces" urider. Victor Emanuel. These events wore" but tbe immediate natural consequence ofthe magnificent vie iory of the; Allies 'at Sptferinp,. and v they afford no' extensive' basis v .:'for speculations upon the further progress'of tho campaij -«.«->-r~— THK NEW CLERK ot THE EAGLE.—The friends of Mr. A. H. Decker will no longer find bim in the establishment of' our neighbor^ Mr. Schaffer. He has accopted theoffer: made tb him not long si neb, of the position of Clerk on board of the steamer Eagle, which plies between New^ burgh and Albany^ Friend Decker is a iirst-rate fellow,, and we trust ho: will en- joy himself largely in his new situation.; KANSAS CONSTITUTIONAL. CONVENTION, -—The EansasCpnstitutional Convention, which met at Wyandot on the 5th June, showed a strong Ropublicaii majority. The attempt to introd uce two Democratic delbgatbs from the hew county of Wyan- dot whs ui-gtd | with; considerable perti- nacity by the Leaven worth delegation, but proved unsuccessful up to the second day ofthe Oonvention,; The appointment of fifteen committees to consider the subjects before the Convention: was or- dered. Gov. Medary was in attendance at the Convention, but took no active part in the proceedings. —•«-*-• gn. v BELics.'-^Ainpng the relics shown at Madatn Tbussatid^s l iRoonis, in Tortlahd S'quare, IiOndBn, aVe the origiriinal knife and handle' 'used in; the decapitation of Marib Antoinette^ Lodis XVI., the Duke of Orleans and Robespierre••) the Imperial carnage of Napoleon^ taken from thefield of Waterloo ; and the carriage used by the/ caged ;Emperbr at St. Helena j the coat ; wbrh by Nelsbh a i. the battle bf the •Nile"/ a piece of the Cloth of. Cold, from thefioldbfth'a't^^ name | the shirt worn by Heli if JV. of France,,wnen stabbed by BEavaiilac, with ihb^W tinct^a : relic M'wIiichC |'t^'nu^dre^- l |tii^ay,^ BANK DiViDBNrjs.-^Tlie Wallkiil Bank has .declared a semi-annual dividend of :3i; : per;cent,•; '^ : ^ : j.' y -' ^}\:^::'-\ : '-''' : y-'^-'^ The Goshen Bank has declared a semie annual dividend pf four per cent. .:, The Q u assaic Bank, Newburgh, has declared a dividend of 3 i per cent; ...©•- -*-•-»- THE EEGISTR-V^^ LAW.-—The Secretary of State is now busy in the preparation of pamphlets Containing the Registry Law of last session, By the terms of the law itself he is directed to print'and send cop- ies, to "every^official named in it;" These include County and.Town Clerks, Inspec- tors of Election, Poll Glerks> &c:, arid in allj probably twenty thousand copies of this law must be distributed. Of course, no little labor is devolved upon: the Der partmeht by this single job. . SLEEPING CARS.—It will bo. .noticed that in the recent Railroad disaster at South Bend, as in that On the Great Western Railway, the passengers in tho sleeping car escaped without injury.— This is due tp several causes. The po- sitiori of the. sleeping car is always at the rear of the train, and it is. consequently only liable to those rare accidents which come from behind. Then, too, their con- struction is much stronger than that of the ordinary car, and theirisub-divisions by numerous stout partitions adds much to their safety. Finally, the position of. the passenger is better. Ho lies relaxed in sleep, and has rio time or chance to brace himself, or spring into the way of danger.—Buff. Commercial. If the Commercial is right in this mat- ter it should recommend sleeping cars for day as well as night travel, and advise passengers to u turn in," as soon as they get their tickets. It may bo a little un- pleasant to take to bertha in the day time; but a little unpleasantness is not te bo regarded when it secures greater safety.. v . ;• : •:••'•••:'•, . T - \ ' - : . SAD CALAJIITV.—-The telegraph'lust week announed tho death by drowning, Wbilo bathing of the-Rev. A. K. .Nott, of the Brwome street Baptist Church, New York. Mr. N. was a young man of great promise. Although he had beeu but two years in the Ministry, ho had already aeqbired a commanding position. Few men in the denomination possessed greater clerical ability or eloquence. " "•'" •••' " •' ' '. »..»..,.. v .--. POSTPONED.—-The meeting of. the Kingston^Temperance: Society jwhich; was to have; been hold ^last evening, is postponed until Mlonday evening. % An address is; to ^e delivered by Rev v A- 'Dubois../ •':.-':: \':i::% ' -****- •«•- iv;.V -*•«•*- !»'».« •HOW THE' 'ADMINISTRATiON PRACTICES EcpNbMY.--Last r week great praise resqun- dea thrbugh^the' tiembctatm ^fe^s of Mi*, Buchanan,ier the econorny mahifestedin the'.New^^rt 1 Custom House. * But evb: ry; story, has its sequel—and the sequel to the talo pi* retren^ •HOT WEATHER.—During the middle of every day for the past week, tile, mercu^ ry in the thermometer lias ranged among the .nineties^ an;d. Sumnjer- ; 8m Water arid shade; haVO been ;in:great do- mandV - '*• J- v-^ --• :: : —•--• ©•- The; steamer A-ririenia will leave Rhine- beck dock for New; York this forenoon at lOi o'clock, . For height or'passage apply"to Charles Carter, agent, RoridOut^ THE •'• BENEFIT OF . ADYERTISING.—A merchant In one Of our northern cities lately;pjifcan^ advertiseBaent: in a paper headed Jf Boy Wanted.'' The next mOrn- i n g. h e fo un d a ban d b ox on his d o or-step, with this inscription on the top,. u How Will this One answer V } On ©pening it, he found a nice, fat, chuby-looking speci- men, of ;'the ; : article he wanted, warmly done up in flannel \--pi^\ ; t''':-fi;> : -:"---'^ -*~9*- •-«»-•- ,. . . of iffie^flicial^ h^^ i Genr Taylor's " all the wbHd' and the '^tj^j^ nine rest of mankind" is memorable; :bht : Mr Buchanan^ matched, it in -his; #eeoh^h North Chrolitia'When ! be'sdid: '^d©:^ of4M tJniiid &£tUs, are interestedihftlie preyeWatloW'b^ahb'TInion.^"; :>vn; ,/;; '3;it »;tr: .11.:. ..>•*. ^vT -The l North; America; leaves Rpndput jfcrNew^S^ dock, this afterriooh ^at 5 o^clbck/ 'h^W of econorriy arid retrenchment wiirabubtr ^lesspve very "m^^^:^mM benefits the-OT^ i * ( '• • ' _ . ,_• ';..*•" i •.- *. ' ' . > ' ' •• ,. ;-•.'••.'••:"•••'• ; -, •• »••- THE ^ERttlCT OF A iCANADI^^BT-T^ The'st Catharine's:Po8t,;states that a : 0^MM^^^^^^^i in tbat city, a few nights •since,;and was killed. The Coroner^ Jury which sat upbu |he : body; reridered 7 a verdict of wilfnl murder against the Street Committee and other members of the Corporation,forleaving the place unguarded.; ' 7 Catcst Hews by Sclcgrapl). Further ftom Europe ARRIVAL ^W^^E ETNK.;\ 1 NEW-YORK, July 13th.—The Cunard steamer, Etna, from Liverpool, 2d inst, arrived this morning. Her advices are the same as by the Canada at Halifax. '• At Paris it is believed in some quar- ters- that <the French loss at Solfernio amounted to 16,000 or 18,000 men, as follows: Niel's- corps, 6000 to TflOO; D'Hillier's, nearly 5000; McMahon's, 12500; and Ganrobert's, 1000. ; ; > :!;ThePatrie nays that Napoleon had an epaulette shot away. < ; The Vienna correspondent of the Times, says that the Italian regiments have become very difficult to manage.— The', men desert by scores andfifties.^In the neighborhood of Trieste, a whole bat-, tallian raised a cry of, favor of Victor Emanuel. . ; The Austrians had seven of eight gen- erals and, very many superior ofticerB .wounded; i0J:s":\W^:M : '.i "'-^ >:;. Austrian accounts admit a loss of 20,- 000 killed aud missing. —••o«-- iatmtf The Powell leaves^ RondoutforNew York j \ from Dillon's: i ^ ^ ^ J ^ mpriii'ng. K ^^^^^^^^-S'ft ! S : S@ '•Vv^'f 1 '"''' -f/V'/•••' : .". v .-*•''•'••' .-.'.•.-•. .-• •.•."••'"T';i'•:•.;;,'..•''V'.: : '."": : -'. : ; Tbe NAtibnal : iE^ : 6jr^^^^a^pt» therurnprswnmlh^ Baiiey, the-sou; WBW^0i^0§k^. :to^&K;;|gJ|^^^^^^ )-A. DECISION—It has lpngbeen;a;veXr maker credit with the rjayee^can-be held liable' as' ^c^M'^^^M^^M <jasesi These '^^$^M^^^^$M^. B askets 1--& Splendid fresU stock of ev- erything beautiful and useful in tho Bas- ket line just opened and for sale at reduced prices at ;; ,^^^ v :;Ji^jiig^pitt|iy!8 Emp,orlura> "VTEW POTATOES—Bermudas and Charles- J3l ; tonft|also Pirie Apples, Oranges, Lemons, etc.; received from New York this day by >: : :-v.r:HV y>:V- ^\ : :}--r •• [ P. D0MONT, i '&m.% ,:y^ ;: .:';;;;.; ;;:;;••• v-v;--: No;3 Wall street. W AR-^WAR---WAR—-Lieutenant J. C. Ives^ Military Map of the Seat of War in Italy, for sale at '^^^^t^J^W^'r A NOfHEft lot of (hose cheap Skeleton Skiits received yesterday—being the beet '^m^SMSM. '> ! '•••- SIS MM&P A ti/\ BQXEJSFJBBCaAtiKERSi I ^fefs* 4tUU saio'andretaill^fc-.'v:"':'^^^^ 1 ^'- 1 :' LAKQWottTriv , n EmporiaW' l -> \-.±". .^^.^a(i.i?.(..•; •.•• ••• ..... •••.:,. : M ^ * & » * ^ * Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/Kingston... · ^^pmtpf^m*^^^^fr*rT*r:r~' - " »• ....

Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/Kingston... · ^^pmtpf^m*^^^^fr*rT*r:r~' - " »• . p . •• - ' •« •»• ;i». > .»•..>•.-«>;>• ..V!***.' I ^Sootr5*^^

^^pmtpf^m*^^^^fr*rT*r:r~' - " »• . p . •• - ' •« •»• ;i». > .»•..>•.-

«>;>• . .V!*** . '


^ S o o t r 5 * ^ ^ irx the States of Michigaa and Illinois, and up on Lake Ontario|p t j t ^^ t a t& a rnuo' larger n u w | r , t f lb theterstffinit -», to this counjty, a id n?en»jf a j | n c h J | g er grjjttie^pS in^Rt^oxflffly afljr md®il

The emigration of this people to our country is a fact full of deep significance



'->'. J?v » ' ' ''•-•ISSir-:-'yi3i

* ^ y * w - > , * v ? \ / > . '


Cistctt Itents. ^ • ^ * * ^ * ^ » ^

The Inebr^be Asylum;

; necessity, e x e r x i ^ influence upon

in behalf of this poo copicpnat understan the causa o^bifl.e^-

W e perceive that many of our cotera-1 pbraries are ridiculing the,idea of an Inebriate Asylum, andJgr^Mitigj bbcause

rbbriated to the Insti-tbe Legislature appropriated

When an appeaiJff fi&;majfo^ portion of the proceeds of ^ e ^Excis/j jFuud; One of our exchanges says tnat the money thus apprbpnated|is>pasted*upon a stupendous

againstsuchan..application"of,a, sweeping a'ssertipri'.' We will admit that the Leg: lslatiirV of pur state, has appropriated monev to some stupendous humbugs, but t will require, something more than the

of men who cannot pass mere assertions

Mr. f t6^osber | ;o t , & lately! s o j o u ^ ^riritain ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W$ n i c t ^ t n r i d in;th.eviKejpublVcw;6f.:,:tliis week a very readable 1 etter dated at that feasant ^ ^ i ^ j ^ ^ $ . incident of Taife|rip'see^ a^©tin^rattlesnake, which, nopToubt,#On accoutrt of' its inexperience, was Verdant

eitftt j^ company of? which M

• i u ^ e Sa vo: noi doubtt h at Mr. Lo urisbery

Hbiintam iHouse i^ tibtially attractive,bournes^ trip to those who. have the means and

lme7^ - : ^ ' : ' : ' ^

faith i 'thatilbvet6ometh,' relying';upon'th^

troubles, yea, in seven no,evil shall touch

y . f ; . ' V . ; i ' ! , / ' ^ . ' • , i -y?t^ l iJLl j^^•• ; . : • • • /> • '••'•*';•?>•

Ban tickles againJLlviiig with His5 Bis^1

.;' f.; •. • /;y. V;; .:<.;.;• honQjjed ^ i ^ i :£. / •: • '*&

i W e are credibly /informed from variotts sourceaithat the1Hbn.'«Bahiel E^i Sickles bps'becOrae «entireiy :r^cbncilR'd '\vith his wife, and i i snb^ living \vith' her in0 itiari-1

tal relation*,*jal' before the death' 6f thel late: 'Bhilip ^Bartorr -Keyi "W-e are !alsb asSuTedt that .W taking tbis remarkablb' atep^;Miv SicWea^has alienated -himsbllr iVocQ md8b' ifmpt all of those- persbriftthfad political friends who /devotedlyiadhered Whim' i duringi 1 his'- recent '• imprisonment

; and-triaL-j 5>';U.'U... |:_:••;»/•••••.. *$•:•$£ Imr^Up -.OlhBiireconoiliaitionHlbetweeh Mr. and

Mrs. Sicklea ;^as ij cortau'm m a ted;: Xve are informed^whileaMrCjSy. Was residing1 at tU<J»boUse..<)f a':.£rj<fo3iuSttv. the •Bloomi'fcig--' dajjjvroad^about' half;ia' miTe from -the former.'.bouJBe o£« Mr. S., which lor some time rpast >Mra„ ?Sickles'.:hjasI occupied,' either, alone Qn with same of' the membel's

.of;her. owriffamily.^ Q?he;suspicions >cff hisJ!bo8t/were"^excited by the ;repeated absence of Mr: S. atutiiiMtial hours % and when; be came in ve^ 'ear ly one mbfnirig' he ? was interrogated' by/y the" hbst' and another friend wbb > was present, and dh his* positiVely'denying1 their 'tight to ques* tion him, and; reTuBing t^} givei: an• explav natib'n^tBey • shdbM''han(ds With' liini for

a;day' wpoftt; the, assistance ;of, o: t^wo^ stitf^brns^oT^andyr;to'prove the Inebriate Asylum is one of the

one; or ove that

__e Inebriate Asylum is One of them.— The evidence and the public opinion of men who have lbngbeen known;in society for learning land sound judgment, in favor of such an, institution, , is entirely over borne- by ihpse who pari dp. nothing more t^'ari',bandy epitbets and dbal: in ad^ jectives. ' tjpon tjie list of original;siib:; scribers'to the ta iri" stitiition, are to,be foun the post distrngaished minister i|ns; merchants^: lawyers and' statesmen of 'our .State.', The higbest y medica;l au-tlroifity; is in favor of the principle upon which the workings pC this institution are to be bittseq,;; namely, that drunkenness, or riatber. tne condition which drunkenness produces, is a;d!isease of both niind and bb^y,' winch fequires

e Lunatic Asylum and in part the treatment of the Hospital. ^ :

At all events, it is, much too soon to say that tliis* institution is a stupen dp us hum-bug j at tjiis early - period' in its hi story, wn'en, 'as yet, there is not a particle of proof, so far as facts are concerned, to prpye^sucn an assertion. -


%^j^M^^^M§M§^^^ Argus, stateW that wo trotted oiit Qeqrge Xawy rubbed him down,. cbrrycombed him, b r o u g h t ' ^ M J ^ ^ ^ M 0 ^ ^ 0 ^ M ^ m conditioh,! an3 then;; trbttoxti hiiii-; back again into tlie j i tal l , |pb| b>acking himk-•> fi:, nally for thei Presictoritiiil raee. We beVl iieve:thatis all so; 'but we only did ih re­gard to Xiive Oak George what Cu8sidy did 4iu regard to Horatio Seymour••••;'who was also rubbed -down, •nirrycombed, ^}0l^jt^^0^0^^g^D^ Jockeys must try tneir ria^4 befere they start in the race, arid we rather:think our nag showed as good blood and paces as CassHly's d j d i S # ^ j ^ S i n * J # -:f% rM^&i'

•';r^-Thero-;is.;|ni the above;confession a single bmissibn, which We beg leave to correct0i Behbett didunpro to his nag than rub him down, curryc»rnb hira, and trot, him back- again; \He bled him pro­fusely !^—N. Y. Mercury. -/.

If common Report be true, the parallel be'tvvi'eh Bennett and Oassidy still holds goed, even with the addition made ;by the.Mercury.r—[Albany Statesraan;.;;.



; u fefe1; IATKST "WAR-NEWS.---Speaking*

of the jatestlnteftigerice frbrti the sjeat; of Wat ; i !he : ^eW^prk$

say a M i i.

A EREAK OF LiGHTNiNG.^^The resV dence of Mr. John Woolsey, of Milton, was struck by liglitning ori Wednesday;, 29 th ult., about mid w ay bet wee n th o t wo rods or conductors with which it was pro• vided, tl)ere being one at each enii of the house. The electric fluid ran along the ridge, then down a chimney to the kitch­en fire-plaCe. From thence it pkssed into an adjoining room, knocking down a post and taking off three clapboards, and pass­ing into the ground. ••,', In order to make:a building q.uite safe against lightnings it should be furnished with a rod wbich extends; ashmany feet 'above it as are equal to the 's'emi^isi;m^:

ter of acuclewhich would include the building. ::\.' ;;;:j :;::-: :sr..^:;';y:^''^KKv^-^

INCREASE OI?;SPEED.—^The latest time­table of the Hudson River Bailrbad ma­terially increases the speed of its passed get* trains; The first;Express train leaves Albany. (Troy a few minutes earlier,) at 4:55 A.:M., and arrives ib New York a>

9:35; AJM; :TD^ Of the management of the Koad is une­qualled by any in the country. Its free­dom from accidents, arid its prompt time, are earning. fbr;it a reputation with the traveling public as yalunble as in time it will prove remunerative.


A SERIOUS CHARGE -—-A Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press and' btheiv papers,, are makiug serious charges against the Postmaster General, to the effect that while he is curtailiug and discounting tho mail service in the NortherriYStates, under the pretense /of lessening, the expenses of the department, Bcarco a mail ronte or post-office has been meddled with at the South. Consider­ing that in the Northern: States the post office is not only self-sustaining, but real­ly a source of profit, while the Southern Mail service issuetained almost;entirely on drafts upon the Treasury, one would suppose that the former was deserving of some show of favor, instead of being the sole victims of thecmbarassments of the department. ; If these charges which are reiterated in Several of the newspapers, are founded in truth', they should be in­vestigated by the next Congress. • ^ '

Henry Ward IBeecher denies in the independent that he is a Spiritual Me­dium^ Mr, ;Beecher says :; ', •&, |f The only thingnhat connects us with

Spiritualism is the'publication of every sermon whibhwb preach: in one or. the other of the Spiritual papers. But this is their arrangement, not ours. If thoy can'stand our sermons we can stand their papers. And, as yet, we have seen no messages from the spirit-world alongside the sermons which put us to the blush. But ibis putting every .sermon into type s handling a ininistorrather severely. It jivos him no chance for poor sermons.-— :.t gives him no chance to preach his ser­mons over again. It keeps him to tho necessity of good sound work ;—for there is many a showy serm«M that would do Well, enough if only heard, that would, ill boM' careful reading. But if Spiritu­alists choose to build paper pulpits for Orthodox preachers, why should we flinch at mounting them before an audience of a hundred,thousand people ?

» * • • • -

' , (The' -meagre teiegrains w,hioh we this mernih^ • rjuWish -of the hews biy. the Cana;dX at" Halifax, simply; confirm : the re^or1(eu;:/passa^ French army^ with the cbntetnpon neous

the last' time and he withdrew. I t i s I { $ ^ m e; ^ 0f Pe'schiera by the Sardinian

said he has since addressed letters/to bis former intimate associates, notifying them formally^ biMttie' i^surnption • bfcbrrjugal relationtftbetween!hims*elf -and Mrs:!Sick^; l e s^N^^ i TObt ib4 i , | r ; •'^x^W-Wl

" T H 9 , ^ p n i N o | , op; tTHB i SBASOjj.rrTbe

.New ?2 io j$ ; i o rT^^ 'joiirnaL says $M£&. all j tbe.wedclings . tbat 'N>w ^ r K Iba^^eenstbis. oentury, t t ^ o n e ^ i c p m e ^ v O P tbe / l#h of. JJiily, exaje^^re ^re^tes^.interest.: - The bri^e-g^o'm,i|5(g Span^h^eBUeman>f;the ripe

frij^'b.ut,heavy,i^ jjojfr', His^ealj^isj

veleus; per8j)pal.attraqtions,.(j ^he js^uite

tic|e]egancp; J ^ t S r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •tip^bf; all. w ] a o ^ l ^ ' | e ^ b , ; ^ ^ e e ^

O ^ t o r i e ^ ^

Her brida^veilj• cost,,one, thousand d ^

m adorn the b rp^ of t bo iyqung^^e^ B^ j the wreath|i.fpf gold, and .^adorned w]t£jWejvy pi j great, value..; The( i staid. ] bridegrpoiajs m ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ W \ ; t be^a j^^ ; , a l l j : t h^

: cbuiclx to ad^ to, the maghincence, of the

forces" urider. Victor Emanuel. These events wore" but tbe immediate natural consequence of the magnificent vie iory of the; Allies 'at Sptferinp,. andv they afford no' extensive' basisv.:'for speculations upon the further progress'of tho campaij



friends of Mr. A. H. Decker will no longer find bim in the establishment of' our neighbor^ Mr. Schaffer. He has accopted theoffer: made tb him not long si neb, of the position of Clerk on board of the steamer Eagle, which plies between New^ burgh and Albany^ Friend Decker is a iirst-rate fellow,, and we trust ho: will en­joy himself largely in his new situation.;


-—The EansasCpnstitutional Convention, which met at Wyandot on the 5th June, showed a strong Ropublicaii majority. The attempt to introd uce two Democratic delbgatbs from the hew county of Wyan­dot whs ui-gtd | with; considerable perti­nacity by the Leaven worth delegation, but proved unsuccessful up to the second day ofthe Oonvention,; The appointment of fifteen committees to consider the subjects before the Convention: was or­dered. Gov. Medary was in attendance at the Convention, but took no active part in the proceedings.

— • « - * - •


v BELics.'-^Ainpng the relics shown at Madatn Tbussatid^sl iRoonis, in Tortlahd S'quare, IiOndBn, aVe the origiriinal knife and handle' 'used in; the decapitation of Marib Antoinette^ Lodis XVI., the Duke of Orleans and Robespierre••) the Imperial carnage of Napoleon^ taken from thefield of Waterloo ; and the carriage used by the/ caged ;Emperbr at St. Helena j the coat ;wbrh by Nelsbh a i. the battle bf the •Nile"/ a piece of the Cloth of. Cold, from thefioldbfth'a't^^ name | the shirt worn by Heliif JV. of France,,wnen stabbed by BEavaiilac, with ihb^W tinct^a :relic M'wIiichC

| ' t ^ 'nu^dre^- l | t i i ^ay ,^

BANK DiViDBNrjs.-^Tlie Wallkiil Bank has .declared a semi-annual dividend of :3i;:per;cent,•;' : ^:j.'y-' ^}\:^::'-\:'-''':y-'^-'^

The Goshen Bank has declared a semie annual dividend pf four per cent. .:, The Quassaic Bank, Newburgh, has declared a dividend of 3 i per cent;

. . . © • -

- * - • -» -

THE EEGISTR-V^ LAW.-—The Secretary of State is now busy in the preparation of pamphlets Containing the Registry Law of last session, By the terms of the law itself he is directed to print'and send cop­ies, to "every^official named in it;" These include County and.Town Clerks, Inspec­tors of Election, Poll Glerks> &c:, arid in allj probably twenty thousand copies of this law must be distributed. Of course, no little labor is devolved upon: the Der partmeht by this single job. .

SLEEPING CARS.—It will bo. .noticed that in the recent Railroad disaster at South Bend, as in that On the Great Western Railway, the passengers in tho sleeping car escaped without injury.— This is due tp several causes. The po-sitiori of the. sleeping car is always at the rear of the train, and it is. consequently only liable to those rare accidents which come from behind. Then, too, their con­struction is much stronger than that of the ordinary car, and theirisub-divisions by numerous stout partitions adds much to their safety. Finally, the position of. the passenger is better. Ho lies relaxed in sleep, and has rio time or chance to brace himself, or spring into the way of danger.—Buff. Commercial.

If the Commercial is right in this mat­ter it should recommend sleeping cars for day as well as night travel, and advise passengers to u turn in," as soon as they get their tickets. It may bo a little un­pleasant to take to bertha in the day time; but a little unpleasantness is not te bo regarded when it secures greater s a f e t y . . v . ;• : •:••'•••:'•, . T - \ ' - : .

SAD CALAJIITV.—-The telegraph'lust week announed tho death by drowning, Wbilo bathing of the-Rev. A. K. .Nott, of the Brwome street Baptist Church, New York. Mr. N. was a young man of great promise. Although he had beeu but two years in the Ministry, ho had already aeqbired a commanding position. Few men in the denomination possessed greater clerical ability or eloquence. " — " • ' " • • • ' " • ' ' '. » . . » . . , . . v . - - .

POSTPONED.—-The meeting of. the Kingston^Temperance: Society jwhich; was to have; been hold ^last evening, is postponed until Mlonday evening.% An address is; to ^e delivered by Revv A-'Dubois../ •':.-':: \':i::% '

- * * * * -

• « • -

iv;.V - * • « • * -



EcpNbMY.--Lastrweek great praise resqun-dea thrbugh^the' tiembctatm ^fe^s of Mi*, Buchanan,ier the econorny mahifestedin

the'.New^^rt1 Custom House. * But evb: ry; story, has its sequel—and the sequel to the talo pi* retren^

•HOT WEATHER.—During the middle of every day for the past week, tile, mercu^ ry in the thermometer lias ranged among the .nineties^ an;d. Sumnjer-;8m Water arid shade; haVO been ;in:great do-mandV - '*• J- v -^ --• :: :

— • - - • © • -

The; steamer A-ririenia will leave Rhine-beck dock for New; York this forenoon at lOi o'clock, . For height or'passage apply"to Charles Carter, agent, RoridOut^


merchant In one Of our northern cities lately;pjifcan^ advertiseBaent: in a paper headedJf Boy Wanted.'' The next mOrn-i n g. h e fo un d a ban d b ox on his d o or-step, with this inscription on the top,. u How Will this One answer V} On ©pening it, he found a nice, fat, chuby-looking speci­men, of ;'the;: article he wanted, warmly done up in flannel \--pi^\;t''':-fi;>:-:"---'^



, . . . of iffie^flicial^ h^^ i Genr Taylor's " all the wbHd' and the '^tj^j^


rest of mankind" is memorable; :bht: Mr Buchanan^ matched, it in -his; # e e o h ^ h North Chrolitia'When!be'sdid: ' ^ d © : ^

of4M tJniiid &£tUs, are interestedihftlie preyeWatloW'b^ahb'TInion.^"; :>vn; ,/;;

'3;it »;tr: .11.:. ..>•*. vT

-The l North; America; leaves Rpndput

j f c r N e w ^ S ^ dock, this afterriooh at 5 o^clbck/ 'h^W

of econorriy arid retrenchment wiirabubtr

^ l e s s p v e v e r y " m ^ ^ ^ : ^ m M

benefits the-OT^ i * ( '• • ' _ . • ,_• ' ; . . * • " i • . - * . ' ' . > • ' • ' • • •• , . ; - • . ' • • . ' • • : " • • • ' • ; - ,

• • » • • -

THE ^ERttlCT OF A i C A N A D I ^ ^ B T - T ^

T h e ' s t Catharine's:Po8t,;states that a :0^MM^^^^^^^iin tbat

city, a few nights •since,;and was killed. The Coroner^ Jury which sat upbu | he :

body; reridered7 a verdict of wilfnl murder against the Street Committee and other members of the Corporation, for leaving the place unguarded.; ' 7

Catcst Hews by Sclcgrapl). Further ftom Europe

ARRIVAL ^W^^E ETNK.;\ 1 NEW-YORK, July 13th.—The Cunard

steamer, Etna, from Liverpool, 2d inst, arrived this morning. Her advices are the same as by the Canada at Halifax. '•

At Paris it is believed in some quar­ters- that <the French loss at Solfernio amounted to 16,000 or 18,000 men, as follows: Niel's- corps, 6000 to TflOO; D'Hillier's, nearly 5000; McMahon's,

12500; and Ganrobert's, 1000. ; ; > :!;ThePatrie nays that Napoleon had an epaulette shot away. < ; The Vienna correspondent of the

Times, says that the Italian regiments have become very difficult to manage.— The', men desert by scores and fifties. In the neighborhood of Trieste, a whole bat-, tallian raised a cry of, favor of Victor Emanuel. . • ;

The Austrians had seven of eight gen­erals and, very many superior ofticerB .wounded; i0J:s":\W^:M:'.i "'- >:;.

Austrian accounts admit a loss of 20,-000 killed aud missing.



The Powell leaves^ RondoutforNew

York j \ from Dillon's: i ^ ^ ^ J ^

mpriii'ng. K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - S ' f t !S:S@ '•Vv^'f1'"''' - f / V ' / • • • ' : . " . v . - * • ' ' • ' • • ' . - . ' . • . - • . .-• • .• ."••'"T';i '•:• .;; , ' . . • ' 'V'.: : ' ."": :- ' . :;

Tbe NAtibnal : i E ^ : 6 j r ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ p t » therurnprswnmlh^

Baiiey, the-sou; WBW^0i^0§k^.


)-A. DECISION—It has lpngbeen;a;veXr

maker credit with the rjayee^can-be held

liable' as'^c^M'^^^M^^M


These '^^$^M^^^^$M^.

Ba s k e t s 1--& Splendid fresU stock of ev­erything beautiful and useful in tho Bas­

ket line just opened and for sale at reduced prices at ;; , ^ v:;Ji jiig^pitt|iy!8 Emp,orlura>

"VTEW POTATOES—Bermudas and Charles-J3l ; tonft|also Pirie Apples, Oranges, Lemons, etc.; received from New York this day by >: ::-v.r:HV y>:V- ^\::}--r •• [ P . D 0 M O N T , i

'&m.% ,:y^;:.:';;;;.; ;;:;;••• v-v;--: No;3 Wall street. •

WAR-^WAR---WAR—-Lieutenant J. C. Ives Military Map of the Seat of War in

Italy, for sale at • '^^^^t^J^W^'r

ANOfHEft lot of (hose cheap Skeleton Skiits received yesterday—being the beet

'^m^SMSM. '>!'•••- S I S MM&P A ti/\ BQXEJSFJBBCaAtiKERSi I fefs* 4 t U U saio'andretaill^fc-.'v:"':'^^^^1^'-1:'

LAKQWottTriv,n EmporiaW' l

- >

\-.±". .^^.^a(i.i?.(..•; • •.•• • • • . . . . . • • • . : , . : M ^ * & » * ^ *

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