In the 1890

In the 1890’s the Lumière brothers made the first ever motion picture camera which recorded for about a 40 seconds long. In the 1980’s they didn’t think to edit their films. For an example the Lumière brothers film the ‘’Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat’’ which has a train that is arriving at a destination. The continuity of the film is just a train going to a destination. In-camera editing is a different technique where, instead of editing the shots in a film into sequence after shooting, instead the director shoots the sequences in strict order. George melies was one of the first directors to use in camera editing, he used an in camera editing technique in the movie ‘’the temptation of saint anthony’’ He started to create a technique called ‘jump cuts’ that made things appear and disappear. Directors started to make films longer by ‘stitching’ different scenes together so they can tell more complex stories. ‘The great train robbery’ was cut by hand and then stuck together on a workbench with glue/tape. When directors/filmmakers do this they can make films much longer, and the ‘cut’ between different locations in the film. People say this was the birth of continuity editing. In the early days of editing there was only linear, linear is when a video post-production process of arranging, selecting and modifying images and sounds in an ordered sequence. Live television is still produced in the same method as it was in the 1950s. The moviola machine is a device which allows film

Transcript of In the 1890

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In the 1890’s the Lumière brothers made the first ever motion picture camera which recorded for about a 40 seconds long. In the 1980’s they didn’t think to edit their films. For an example the Lumière brothers film the ‘’Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat’’ which has a train that is arriving at a destination. The continuity of the film is just a train going to a destination.

In-camera editing is a different technique where, instead of editing the shots in a film into sequence after shooting, instead the director shoots the sequences in strict order. George melies was one of the first directors to use in camera editing, he used an in camera editing technique in the movie ‘’the temptation of saint anthony’’ He started to create a technique called ‘jump cuts’ that made things appear and disappear.

Directors started to make films longer by ‘stitching’ different scenes together so they can tell more complex stories. ‘The great train robbery’ was cut by hand and then stuck together on a workbench with glue/tape. When directors/filmmakers do this they can make films much longer, and the ‘cut’ between different locations in the film. People say this was the birth of continuity editing.

In the early days of editing there was only linear, linear is when a video post-production process of arranging, selecting and modifying images and sounds in an ordered sequence. Live television is still produced in the same method as it was in the 1950s. The moviola machine is a device which allows film editors to view the film while they are editing. It was the first ever machine for motion picture editing, it was invented by Iwan Serrurier in the 1924. Film editors were able to more easily and precisely examine each of their shots and determine where they should make their cuts. Reel-to-reel is when you would record from one tape to another, if they made a mistake they would have to restart everything all over again. In the modern age there was a new method which was invented it was called Non-linear editing. Non-linear editing is when that you could edit videos on a computer and the film will become digital. This new method gave editors more flexibility and the editing process became a lot faster. Footage didn’t need to go in a determined order because programs such as adobe premiere or final cut allowed footage to be easily edited virtually to see how it would look like so there is never a permanent cut which is made. This process was also known as digital editing. Now there is new digital software for non-professionals such as windows movie maker, iMovie

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and now even apps for android, IPhone and tables are able to edit. The techniques in the early days of editing were very hard for people. In the early days of editing, it was really hard to edit films because they had to be so precise if they made a mistake they have to restart everything from scratch however nowadays if the editors makes a mistakes he just needs to take the clip out and then add it again without touching anything else.

I have chosen Marvels Avengers: age of ultron when they meet ultron for the first time. All the marvel character were sitting down next to each other, they were relaxed and having a fun time with each other however when ultron came they moved apart because they didn’t want to be attacked together. There was

a lot of shot-reverse shot between the marvel characters as they would try to pick up Thor’s hammer, when they tried to pick up the hammer they would look at Thor and Thor would look at them. However when ultron came all the marvel characters looked fiercely at him because he is evil and he is going to try and destroy the earth.

In this scene of the movie they used fades from different characters because they were showing the marvel characters profiles when ultron was showing them their selves. There was parallel editing when Iron man/Tony Stark saw his friends dead in his Marvel headquarters and where ultron was created. There was reverse shots when ultron first appears and the avengers look at him knowing that he is going to cause havoc in the world. When the avengers were trying to pick up Thor’s hammer the shot change from one view to another this is match on action. There was eyeline match when the hulk and black widow looked at each other because they are in love.

When they were trying to pick up Thor’s hammer the pace of the movies was slow because they wanted to show if they were able to pick it up however when Ultron came the movie suddenly started to get faster because the avengers realised he was trouble and they knew the earth is in danger. When the fighting scene came the movie was at a fast pace showing the fight between iron man and ultron.

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