In Rev Newsletter 4 Q2010

Virtuoso Nov 2009 ISSUE #4 Quarterly Newsletter InRev Innovation in 2010 10 Technologies That Will Rock 2010 Tablet to Net Neutrality Enterprise Solution for Twitter Buzzom Premium Disruptive Innovation in India Anunay Gupta PhD Guest Writer Product Feature


This issue of “Virtuoso” marks the journey of InRev to the second year. We are thankful to our readers and hope that we continue to bring quality products and services. In this issue of Virtuoso, we are featuring our new social media product Premium Buzzom. Buzzom has been taken very positively in the social networks which has given us the motivation to bring out the premium version of the product at affordable price. We also have a trend analysis on the future of technology for the year 2010. Also, we would like to thank Anunay Gupta for sharing his thoughts on the Innovation in India. We‟d love to get your comments and suggestion to improve ourselves. If you have anything you‟d like to share with us, please email us at [email protected] Once again, we thank you all for supporting us. 1|P ag e Jan 2010,Issue#4

Transcript of In Rev Newsletter 4 Q2010

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Virtuoso Nov 2009


Quarterly Newsletter


Innovation in 2010

10 Technologies That Will Rock 2010

Tablet to Net Neutrality

Enterprise Solution for Twitter Buzzom Premium

Disruptive Innovation in India Anunay Gupta PhD

Guest Writer

Product Feature

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Editor’s Desk This issue of “Virtuoso” marks the journey of InRev to the second year. We are thankful to our readers and hope that we continue to bring quality products and services. In this issue of Virtuoso, we are featuring our new social media product Premium Buzzom. Buzzom has been taken very positively in the social networks which has given us the motivation to bring out the premium version of the product at affordable price. We also have a trend analysis on the future of technology for the year 2010. Also, we would like to thank Anunay Gupta for sharing his thoughts on the Innovation in India. We‟d love to get your comments and suggestion to improve ourselves. If you have anything you‟d like to share with us, please email us at [email protected] Once again, we thank you all for supporting us.

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Message from CEO

InRev has completed the first year of operations and it

has been done with mixed results. We have established

Buzzom, GlobalThoughtz and NXY in terms of gaining

market share and brand value. Now is the time, we are

focusing on making money from them.

We just launched Buzzom Premium on Jan 5th and NXY

Corporate Dashboard today. Buzzom Premium is

focused on making a complete solution to a business

Twitter needs while NXY Corporate Dashboard aims to

become gateway to Internet Marketers and Marketing


We have priced reasonably well below any of our

competition and will continue doing so. InRev will want

to earn little money from huge customer base than

focusing on few and charging more. This will however

not mean compromising in customer service. We will

provide customer service 24x7.

We thank all our friends and partners for bringing up

here. Do remain with us in days ahead. We will be

serving with better product and service innovations.

Happy New Year 2010.


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Disruptive Innovation in India - Anunay Gupta PhD Co-founder & COO Marketelligent I have often wondered why Indians in India have traditionally been laggards in terms of their contributions to globally disruptive technologies. Talent is definitely available and there is no scarcity of ideas. Also entrepreneurs and related VC funding are in no shortage. And many of the disruptive technologies that evolved in the West most likely had an Indian flavor – either in their founding team; or in their technical leads; or their mentors. This is not to say that innovation is not thriving in India. In fact, India has in a relatively short span of time since Independence created an impact on a global scale; all this on the back of a democratically-elected government and a wildly multi-cultural secular society. But we have not been able to create disruptive innovation. The likes of Apple or Amazon or Google. So where is the missing link?

I think, it boils down to economics. More specifically the incentive systems that exist across the talent value chain in India. Right from schooling - to higher education - to their first job - to a seasoned team lead – to a business head, incentive structures in India are largely misplaced and mispriced:

- Family, schools and evaluation systems that award perfection. Getting a perfect 10 is rewarded more than getting a firm grasp of fundamentals and being creative

in approach. And disruptive innovation is often the result of lateral - not linear - thinking.

- Lack of a „creative ecosystem‟ at Universities and Institutes of higher learning. There is very little monetary incentive for bright Undergraduate students to pursue a career in Research and Teaching within India. As a result there is no substantial ecosystem of innovation that has

built up over the years. Components of such ecosystems have been built in piece-meal approaches, but without the glue that can bind it all together and give it the impetus to become a sustainable living entity.

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- Businesses that reward breadth vs. depth of knowledge. The youth-led demographics of India and the high growth rate of the Indian economy mean that managers that display a breadth of expertise are more valued than their counterparts that have a deep understanding of a particular area.

- I wouldn‟t be surprised to learn that India is producing a disproportionally higher number of MBA‟s vs technical Masters/Doctorate graduates.

- Business leaders that are execution-focused. High growth rates and process inefficiencies means that business leaders spend a disproportionate amount of their time on operational matters. With less bandwidth remaining for strategic thinking and for nurturing centers of innovation and excellence.

- A largely dysfunctional Government. A necessary but not sufficient condition.

As a result of the above, India thrives in mediocrity and in the relentless pursuit of the middle class dream.

Which has resulted in a vibrant economy; but not the kind that can challenge the best, and produce disruptive innovation. At least not yet.

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Enterprise Solution for Twitter -InRev The year 2009 started with an over hyped potential of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. It immediately occurred to everyone that it was the best way to promote their ideas and products at the times of economic downturn. But instead of being the best solution, people used it because it was free. Marketers rushed to the sites with no idea about the usability of the tool. This occurred especially with Twitter rather than Facebook. Facebook was then more closed among friends and family. Twitter API played a very important role is creating the Twitter eco-system, it encouraged many entrepreneurs and startups to take social media platforms seriously. These were the true leaders of social media frontier who showed the way to other marketers. But the social media still has not entered into the enterprise sector providing solutions for business. So what makes an application an appropriate solution to the users who are using Twitter as a way to leverage their professional career? Here are the basic ways in which social media can be leveraged.

Getting rid of Spam Message

Twitter has been tagged as a portal of spam a lot of time. But it must be understood that Twitter as a service is very raw and untamed, that is why an extra layer of application is required to bring the best out of it. Getting rid of the redundant information and bringing the best information from the twitter stream is the first priority which will make Twitter move to main stream. Removing spam from the stream will bring people‟s trust back to the service and increase its user base. Twitter have worked hard to clean the stream from the spamming sites but it still needs another level of treatment. Status Scheduler

There are lot of apprehension regarding the automatic status update, but we need to understand that reaching to your

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target audience requires you to update the information at the nick of time. Reaching out to people at the time when they are most likely to receive your message is the right time to update your status. Finding this time is very critical and at the same time very difficult. This requires understanding the activity of your network and its responsiveness. The rate of information flow in Twitter is very high, that is why most valuable information do not reach to the target audience and die out due to a very low signal to noise ratio in Twitter Channel. That is why the best way to reach to your network is to time your status update and repeat them in appropriate numbers. Monitoring Profile

In any kinds of business the presence of quantifiable variable is very important. This allows professionals to measure and approximate their growth and profit in the channel. In case of Twitter there are few things that are very important to measure,

1. Influence Score

This measures the number of clicks from the link you shared. It

also measures the number of replies and ReTweets.

2. Follower‟s Growth

This measures the size of your network. The larger the number of followers, the greater the number.

3. Network‟s Activity

This is very important, as this measures the strength of you Network. The number of clicks on the links shared and their ReTweet count is very important. If this number is less then no matter how large your size is, the value of the network is null.

4. Profile‟s Activity

This is the activity of your profile, your tweeting rate and you responses to other. Both of these parameters are important to measure your involvement in the network and make sure that you are a part of the network.

All the things mentioned above are the vital part of the social media enterprise solution. Once we find all these packaged in one application, that application can truly be called the best business application solution for Twitter. InRev has more than a year of experience in the social media from connecting to people, to creating a content. Hence as a creator and distributor of content InRev stands strong. Recently, InRev launched its premium solution for Twitter users. This is an step towards leveraging Twitter and this process will go on in future. Visit :

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10 Technologies That Will Rock 2010 -InRev Looking back at 2009, we can say that it was the most interesting time in the web technology ( despite the harsh economy). The year 2009 boosted the potential of mobile gadgets and its value in today‟s networked society. We can call it the rise of social awareness of networking and communicating. So when we look ahead in 2010, we will see that the innovation has just begun. So here are the lists of technologies, which I think, will rock the year 2010. Most of the technologies that will be mentioned are related to online media and the Internet. 1. Apple’s Tablet The noises and speculations are too high to ignore the presence of Apple‟s Tablet. If all the rumors are authentic and, if by all means, Apple launches the iSlate on 25th January, then it‟s going to be the thing to talk about in 2010. We must admit that a tablet is a concept that has been around us for a very long time. But it is still not the consumer device that people would die for. But after the increase in sales and demands of Amazon Kindle and Nook, the market is pretty sure that a tablet is soon to be the device to have. So at this time, if Apple can bring the device with the interface

that people are looking for then that‟s it – We have our new iPOD. It is not a biased statement, but a truth in some way. The reason that I say is because Online Reading is something that every Internet users do and Tablet provides the best way to consume the Internet content. Though we might still be working on a Laptop, Tablet will be the way to consume digital content. 2. NetPhone We are already seeing the importance of Google Voice, which many Americans have enjoyed. We already have a software like Skype which allows you to communicate through the internet data line. This demonstrates that people are still

comfortable with voice communication and it is not going to die. We would still want to call our friends and families and communicate. Hence, we might see more advancement in VOIP technology. Though mobile network providers would have to play a hard battle with

the VOIP services, the conflict between these two models will end once we have more and more VOIP services running in our mobile devices. 3. Net Neutrality The rise of Smartphone have suddenly put a lot of pressure on the mobile network providers. The online content

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consumption and communication have stressed out the network providers. One of the prominent example is the failure of At&T to meet the iPhone‟s demand. This have forced the content providers and distributors into two opposite poles. Content providers like Google (YouTube for video content) consumes a lot of bandwidth. This is not good for the network providers because they have to face the burden of handling the requests. On the other hand, content providers don‟t have to pay anything to the distributors. As a result, Network providers would have to increased their fees. Now, this brings a great conflict between the consumers, the providers and the distributors. Net neutrality is all about giving full access to the Internet without any restrictions. But we still need to see some agreement between the providers and the distributors. Hence, we might be able to see some breakthroughs on Net Neutrality in 2010 which would solve the current problems. 4. Social Profile Management(Advanced Analytics) Online Social Networking sites have blasted the news channel on each opportunities in 2009 and it will continue to do so in 2010. More and more real time contents would be

distributed online and consumed by people. Online networking will see more than just sharing information. 2009 had an overwhelming reaction towards social media which created a lot of junk in the Internet. Currently, information and contents go

to waste and don‟t make their way toward the targeted


2010 will see a revolution towards social profile management with advance analytics. This will be applying

spam control over your networks and

strengthening the efficiency of your network


As sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are used in professional hiring, Profile search will also be a big thing. Social network provides a best way to reach out to potential businesses. Hence search (not for content) but for people should be big. Social profile management with advance analytics will be the next big thing for social networks 5. Virtualization Client desktop computing is surely the new way towards connecting people to offices. Virtual desktops or Virtual machines will soon be employed in many offices providing better flexibility to hardware and software selection.

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This will reduce the hardware cost of servers and desktops and CPU maintenance in office. This will also reduce the cost of softwares as most will be deployed in the virtual machines. This is a key to cutting costs, lowering complexity, as well as increasing agility as needs shift. 6. Online TV YouTube and other online video sharing sites have almost killed Television. The new generations prefer Internet over TV channels. As with the music industry, TV channels have understood that going online is the only way towards future and they have to jump into this bandwagon before it‟s too late. There are already many commercial channels shifting their attention from TV to Youtube or other sites like Hulu. Further, Google have already announced its paid content over Youtube and the new video advertising technology. Along with TV, advertising also has to make its way to the eco-system and we already know of many rumors over Apple and Google coming with ways to prevent viewers from skipping the ads. This provides great opportunity for TV Channels to enter into the Internet. Hence 2010 will certainly see hand and hand cooperation of the Internet providers and the Online TV channels. 7. Cloud Computing Cloud computing will be the new way of doing business over the internet. It will

be more of virtual resources management, where company can optimize his/her resources according to needs and dynamic adaption to changes. This will allow companies to greatly enhance their products and services. Cloud computing will also leverage the potential of web applications in the Internet and we might be seeing some great online applications for users and also enterprise solutions. 8. Augmented Reality Augmented Reality is going to blow people‟s mind in 2010. With the help of mobile computing, GPS technology, mobile camera and Google maps, mobile applications are going to have much more power to bring the experience to the user than in past. Further, the core of the technology will be the mobile camera and the placement of processed information on top of live streaming contents from the camera. We are already seeing some of it with mobile GPS applications, but 2010 will clearly put these applications on the top

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shelf of mobile apps. This will allow users to get information by integrating physical reality and virtual world. 9. Online Microsoft Office Microsoft did face a lot of failures in 2009, starting with its slow rise of Bing and failure of Windows Mobile 6.5. So 2009 was not the year for Microsoft, but we could expect more from Microsoft in 2010.

It‟s Windows 7 have received good reviews, hence in 2010 we may get to read more about it. Windows Mobile 7 is also on its way, it might help Microsoft gain over their Smartphone market share. But above all, we might get to read about Microsoft‟s online OS. With the strength of today‟s computing power over the Internet, the time is right for Online Office Suite. We have already seen the success of the Google Docs, so the speculation is high for Online Office. Hopefully this will reduce their cost and avoid nagging updates. The new competition is obviously on the Internet.

10. Mobile Transaction (Mobile Banking) We surely need to get rid of credit cards and debit cards. They have already become less attractive in terms of monetary transaction. Once mobile phones start handling our financial details, we will see a huge

potential for mobile transactions and mobile banking. Mobile application builders have already started making applications for enterprise solution by adopting enterprise protocol. For mobile banking and transactions to be successful we need an enterprise solution over the mobile network, similar to RIM‟s Blackberry, which will confirm security over the mobile transaction. The year 2010 will certainly see the glimpse of future‟s monetary transaction.

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For Details:

InRev Systems Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.

#56, 3rd Main, K R Garden, HAL Airport Road, Bangalore 560017 Telephone: +91-80-40971130 Email: [email protected]

Contact Person: Deep Sherchan Chief Marketing Officer Telephone: +91-96-111-22994 Email: [email protected]

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