I THE NEWS is THE TWII vbl- 2. MO. 3. NEW DUTBREM SD ISAST IIOUS TOSPM IlGiS Twenty-Five Persons Are Killed During an Attempt of Revo- lutionists to Take Control of German City governmen T forces rout ’^FOMENTS IN QUICKTIME Oaa and Eieotrio Works Shut Down Leaving Troops to Onard in Darkness— Trains and Street Oars Stop can outbreak at nuBSclclorf Thuraday, 2i5 porsona \fcre ant) 25 vrotinSed . whon govcrqmont troops unpd machine jfuUB on Spartacan ilemonstrntorB, tho liokan Anzc!(;or of Berlin nayB. SpartoCMu Flea. A crowd of aevorai thounanil atiacm* blt-a before Spartacnn hcailquortors in OiuBOIilorf Thuraday nfternoon. Tbo polico ordorcil tho vrowd to disporau whoroupon thoro woa nomu flhootlnR. WliU© aoldiera worp .belnjj brought up, tho crowd oroctod b&rricadea in the* htreeta. Aftor thc flghtlnp in which eaaualties woro nustaiucd, tho Sparta- onna £Jcd. TJtilitlfta 0 «OM. Duaaoldorff, tho nowapapor adds wan in complete darkncaa last ni^ht, tbo gaa on doloctric works having coasod oporationa. Traina and street eara ■topped. , TIjo Btriko In Bmnawii;k is rc]>0rt 0il to be gonoral and tho railway atation there ia cloaod. Lomlcra of tbo Bnina- wick atrikora have aent an ultimntGm to tho diet demanding that all powora bo handed ovor to 'the atrikera council. Workmen in .17 other Gprmon towna havp gono on favor of intro- liucing tho aovlot ayatem, TRIUiilRE SEeyiC iBEnER ' Long Delayed by' Snow D rifts ............jn Central States,.Pass?n-.. ' ’gers!.Riacli Denver • ~ iBy Presa) D?:NVER, Cold;—Thc laat . trnin from tbo oaat to be itciaycd more than, •J4 hours by tho storra, in Kansas artd Nobrftska, arrived here.this moraing. It wna n Chicago, Itock Island and Pa- cific consolidated train, madt up. to trains Ko. S and N'o. 7, which were afjniciS nenr 'PhilliimburK, Knn., I)v snow drifts. ^ Trains on nil of other roml* enter- iug Denver from thc onst today nre running about two hours bchiml sched- ule. Wiro comuiunication with the oaat imj>rovcd. Tho Postoi ahd Westom Union Telegraph compnnlcii again am back on normal schodulo and thc Moun- tnin States Telephone and TcJfgrap’j company, although maintaining Inter- . rupted aorvico eaat from Denver, oi- pects to bo ablo to give regular-«icrvlco after today. ' TlKElilL OF GOU IIG ILS FBO iPEOPLE • (Vf miunists Seize Government *of Munich and Establish New Form Over Night, Is Report From Bavaria rnr Anoclated Preaa) COPENnAGBN—Tho eonnctl nf i>oo- ploa,' moodatoriea. which baa been in coatrol at Mnnlcli has been dlaperaed by tbe corenmnlats, who have formed a communist government there, actord- ing to the Frankoniache Tagcspoat of Nowmborg. The Beriln Lokal Anreigor la.ia ro- t coipt of Bavarian advicea atating that tho eommoaiat council la Munich was in aeaaioa until 4 o'clock tbla norniog aod that ll eloctod a new contr*! coun- cil, the coonkilm>n comprising flv^ workmen and five aoldiera with Herr PUU, a brieWayer, aa preaident. The communiab Ica.le/, Lewien, refus- fd to join the conncii. During the night the communUts took eleven hostogca from the r a a k t^ trade union leaden, tbe Lckal Aazcrg- c r’s report add*. They forcod their trAX to the mala -jolifo station, dij- nrmed tbe poUce^an.l took the police <-onimi«»ioners and scrgranis as hoat- nge*. _ . WBATHEB rORBCABT. 1.Uho—Tonight aaS StlniAay fair; t E ONLY NEWSPAPER II\ N FA] Restrictions on Aliens 4 re Being Rapidly Released I Many thonsands Are Ordered Paroled Bat Others W ill Ee- I p main in Oovefniilent Oare III (By Associated Preaa) . WASHINGTON.—PutUng into ef- fect tiie policy of removing war-time Igri rustrlctiona na faat as possibio ou en- emy aliena, tho dopartmeut of justice haa ordered thc release from parole . nnd cancellation of bonds of moro than 01 10,000 of these aliens throughout the Unitod Statea. Aa faat as their rei'ords cnu be -cx- in Wnahington, ordrrn for rc- U T nioval of rcntrictioiiy arO aont to United St.Ttea nttoneya. Somo enemy nliena VIE will continue to i>o held under rMtrie- tiona nnd bond until peace is declaro.i, . howovor. Thia applU'H <m^>• to tho nliona j^rreatod during the war nnd aubaequcntly pnrolod and not to tliono intornod. ' ins ' • — » ' Grayson Denies Any Importance rl.- in Naval Change lay, - ..... - President’s Physician . S a y s tho Transfer of DaOosta Has No M ilitary Bearing; ' Bm. . (Dy Aasoclfttod Presa) > PARIS—iBonsntiouul dlnpatchcs from rho York connecting the ilepnrturc of rao Costa, ou the trnnaport , George Waahington with thc rccont ill- yp jH'ss of President Wllaoti brought a dc- thJ today from Henr Admiral Grayson, j I the preaidonfa’phyaiclan, that the pres- ,j^. onco of Dr. Do Costa on the George Washington waa in any woy connected with the president’a rocont illness. Dr. Grayson aaid that tho prosidont had ro- tho fully from hid cold which kept ,.4 him confiucd to Iuh bed fnr ncveral «r, jo'i Investigates New. n Type of Aircraft Om Developments of Airplane At- rna tract Attention of Ameri- > '0' .can Aviation AnthoritieSn (By Aaaoclntod Presa) WASHINGTON; — X e \v .Icvolop- menta in tbo Fokkor'type of airplane, ihc leailitig model uaod by tho German ' nrmy, baa attracted titn. atteation of R Atoerlcih aviation nnthoritlca.' Arniy ordor* pvtbllshod todnv announced the dotnll of CoJ. Enrl AfrPnrland of the .ordnance department nnd Moj. Boliert Mnrsh, jr., of tbe air service lo make investigntions of tho new craft in Tlio 'ts Netherlands. They were onlcred to • Tho Hague for tcn>i>or'nry liit/v hoing H^llit«^•..ol>«H^y^y*•wh^»e■el^ ga^ud in J"’- WORLD NE\ Dg. _______________ ________________________ ?a- ^ IZZZ^ }re FITTSBUBQ.Two specta by ings in tho business district t of between one hundred and : ire sand doUars. Pd- _________ WASHINOTON.— AU terms im have boen determined by tho t announced Monday instead o pV loan rally in New York Tnosd: cr- .1 . [f- WASHINGTON.— More proi pcace conference during tho for the ontire previous two \ received at the White House tc OOPENHAOEN.— A sanguii ovening at Danzig between a < ing the square in front.of the : sons wero killed and several [ fired on the people. PABIS.— Between tho se8si< forenoon at the Paris “white ] sion o{ iho pei^ce donforenoo tl fl( son and Mrs. Wilson planned i ^ Bumania at luncheon. "PtESIDD IT 'Sim I : misniiETiBit a Disagreement Between Indus- ] trial Board and Bailroad Ad- ministration Is Still Up ro- - ■ at ' (By Aaaoeiated Press) as WASHINOTON—The decision which ag President Wilson w;ill b« asked to maks . n- la the price fixing dispute between thft iadustrlal board of tho department T rr of commerce and the railroad admlnia- • tratioa will be whether the board ahall , IS- go out o f ezlstOBco immediately or ^ continue quiescent until tbe president, tts returns and a flaal pollcv i* deter* 5 ^ n.iord. , Secretary Bedfield, Assistant Seere- f tary Sweet, Solicitor ThurmOn and Obairmaa Peek today drafted a cable- gram to the preaident which will be • pot into final ahape at another confer- » ence tbis afternoon. U ntil the presl- { dent givea a deciaion, tbe boarcl w ill ^ aot undertake to continue ita activities . IN IDAHO CARRYING I LLS TWm FAIX 8 XDAHO, J jGEBilHLL NOT SIM ,, ON JOSTTEBi time - Foreign Minister Declares No irok Treaty W ill Be Considered Ibc Which'Does Not Conform to Wilson’s Fourteen Points jted ' (Uy Associated Preaa) iena BEULIX — Count von Brockdorff- trie- Kantrjiu, foreign miniator, speaking bo- fure thc national aaacmbly at Wolmar todny, aaid Germany would not aign a /‘O'l poace treaty which deviated in any es- acntial from Preaident Wilson’s “ four- teen points.” Financial Demands . "Tho financial demands to be 'made ' ill the poaco treaty aro obviously caus- ing oa much difficulty to our oppo- no ncnta aa those regarding territory,” ^ thc foreign miniater aaid. “ It la Im- l osn'iblo to solve tho <]uestiou of flnnh.' y S i-inl i-lnims without negotlamig—wtth ] OUI experts at tbe conforcnce table. We w ill give a clear account to our op- ponents rolativo to thoir <lemnnda and our ability to pay.” rom “ Our oppoHcnta,’ ’ continued tho mln- of iater, “ caunot dismcmbor nnd paralyze lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo dc- enormous Hums they cxpect from thom: ion, I'or thnt pufl'^'oo wo require thc ro- res- lense. Industrially nnd agncolturally of rgo the im|>ortant went whieh contrary to ted till) nnnistico terms la cut off from tho Dr. rest of Germany. re- ‘ •All tlto statoB which partielpated in ept Ihis wor find themaolvea In the aamo >ral distress and hardly a nation ia not diaapiiointed by a pcaco that la a ter- rible liangrr bccauBo of tlio encourage- ment given by it to disruptive forces.” ft NEW ZEALAND SOLDIERS . V&TE ON PROHIBITION Oaat Ballots on Bdard Bliip* Sat Boxea w m ITot B« Opeoad T ill T m - MiB Laod op- (By Associated Pr«sa) me, NEWPORT NEWS.—Before aaUlng ian for Auckland, New Zealand, Injt nIgbc of tlio ISSA .^e^j^^e^laad ..aoldi^. wlui niy iirrived ticro frorn l^nifland '^li tho the trnnnik)Tt Northumberlanil for ' coal, the participated 1« the homeland prohlbi- ert tion clectitin, casting thoir votes aboard ikc Ihe aliip. Consensus of opinion nuiong [“lio tlioKi' who eame nsliore was tbat tho to tmldier. vote was overwUelmingly ing “ wet." The .ValloJ.liMfif^will be open- en- ed 'Mie-d«n- tht'‘vrflscl^rrivcft at Auck- land. EWS EVENT^ ictacolar fires destroyed build> ct this mopning entailing a loss nd fifty and two hundred thou> rms of the Liberty Victory loan ho treasury and probably will be' d of awaiting Secretary Olass’ esday night. progress' has been made in the ,he past forty-eight hours than ^0 weeks, according to advices ;e today from Paris. guinary collision occurred last . a crowd and tho troops guard- ;he railway st^ition.. Three per- ral wouncied when the troops 38sion of the council of four this ite house” and the plenary ses- lo this afternoon. President Wil- ,ed to e'htertain Queen Marie of ^PO flraESEW INMM I BR IOES-WFUM Number of Marriages Beported ! Indicates Attractiveness of ' Southern Soldiers ' I . (By ASM>elA(r<i Pr»«s)- - 1 . LISBON.—The Portogocae bave not ’ failed to livo up to thclr reputation for ' . gallantry during thcir three-feara ao- - joum la France. The-authoritlea have y received notice of (J97 marriogea of 1 French girla to Portngneae offieera aad 1 . aoldiera, and many hundreds more are > e.xpMted to follow, 1 The young Portngoese worripra, it ] would aeem, cxerclaed on irreaistlble ' fucination opon the French maidena by 1 r«aaon o f th ^ tT>tfmantio .'melaaebolr aonga of Portugal colled “ fadoa” with ] er- whieh they aeretiadcd tbeir aweetb(«rta ' •i- to tbe aceompoaiment of gnitara. ’T&eM ain, it ia aald, gained wid* popolority in the Ameatiama sector, wttero th« 1. , THE FULL LEASED WL DAIL FBIDAY, APBIL II, IBIO. ~ FINAL detail : DEFIN ITFLY G Agitators Work fo r Soviets in German Cities *ed RevolutionaiT' Movement la fg Spreading Throughout En- tire Oountry, Is Beported (By Aasocltited Preaa) COPENHAGEN—Tho revoluiionnry rff- ihovonicnt in'Bavnrin haa spread to Ba - be- il0n and ngitators aro working in Karla- nar fuhe, Mannheim and other large towns, a a ttrcprdlng to a Karlarube diHpatcb to es* the Ai-hlubrblatt of Berlin, lur* '' The agitators are said-to bc attempt- Ing to start n rovolution nnd to pro- elaim n soviet republic iu Baden. Thoy . would atao unlU> Baden with the Ba- vnrlan soviet govemment. iliySTRlLlS sTOiBBilT i lit N flT IONS Itn: ro. Republic Neighbors Are Using ho Influence on W orkers W ith i„ Result of Strikes Breaking Out All Over Country or- ye- (By Aasoclnted Press) s.” VIENNA—Gernmn Austria is eoming nader the iiifliience of fhe establish- meiit of soviet goviTninents at Munich and Budapcsl. At Donawltx, ten thuu- aand workers in the iron . smelting planta Imve driven nut the managera beeauae tho lattcr-'liave refusod to grant luereaseil woges. The coal min- ers thero are reported to havo con- sidered similar nction and there is tho prospect that tho cmployea of tUe lrot\ I’tineM w ill ,take, over control of the 'be elect their own mnnag* Bank clerka'ut Vlcuua are deniamt- bl’ ii'C higher salaries. At one bank the (.(} salaries paid -before the wnr totalled eleven m illion crowns whirh amount j,y wan increased during the war to twtfn- .^y ty-five million. It is now faced with In- 'l*‘‘ demanil for the imytnent of eleven million more which w ill tnnlie n'Kiim equal to the yearly diviilemlM 'of the bank before tho war. - Tlio communists of Oennan Aiistria —I bttve been told thut if rommtinisni is ailotiteil here the' nllies would rut off food supplii-H but thin nrgumcnt h'is been'rumovod sine the allies have ii|>- _J peared w illing to treat with Ibe eom- uu'.nists at Budapoat. Ordera DiaboDdlDg Itnly has ordered the Germnn Au*<- tilan_ rcpulilir to disljand an.l cUMrin uny troojis regarded us pr<>-commiini"t The sitnnljon nt Builnpest preventn ll'e Vienna Imnka from making uji their ^(■arIy statements. It is impossible .'ta yet to estimate fhe value of nerurities luld by Hungry and it is said, thnt e\en if Huu(»ar>- should acree to make settlements,witii tlie Oerman Austrian republic, nny new money she might of- fer would bo without value. Busines-i is at a standstill w illi Imnks operating' virtually as government Inx offices. “ The only nalvation here ia ti> kill Bolnhevism ‘with work,” said Dr. A t fred Treichl, director of the Anglo- Auatrian bank todoy, “ liut we cannot give work unless we can secure raw materials from abroad.'' BOLSlirS TBroOBTPIT Soldiers Kept on Army Lists = Through Deception— Army Morale Fast Breaking E _(By Awoctaled Pr«-«i) LONDON (Corrcipoudence of The Asaociatcd Prtss).— An instance of tbe deception of Bolaheviki govern- ment ia forced to practice in order to d aecuro reiaforcemeota for ita army la contalacd in Information just rccelvcd in London. A proclamation waa iaaued at Petro- grad ordering a trial mobiUzatioa of the “ firat town .aeetion” for two daya It to teat ita atato of~paeparedneaa. It )r waa atated that tho men of thc reaerve o- would be permitted to return to thclr re work, after two daya. When the re- )f aer>’iata aaaembled they were told that id os Pctrogfad wo* nniuitable for ma- re neuver purpoaea they would bc taken a abort dvataxKc- out of towiv. Unan*- it pcctlngly the men climbed ipto box eara Io whoae doora were tben locked, and the ij men were aent aa rcinforccmenta to the y western front. There they remain,’al- though the Bolahcvik offieers naively * complain lhat theao rcinforcemenU ta 'have not been of much fighting valoe, n AnUBolsbcvlk aentiment ia aaid to; .y be ao pronounced among aome of tbe j '•1 regimentj garsiaonlng Petrograd that VIRE DAY REPORT OF . LY N LSOF PEACEWr YANDSATI^ HARMONY Tl IN PEACE‘S Is ____ __ Question of Indemniti Settlement of Front »">■ land Believed Dispot Remaining Details < Out ;:S; LLOYD-GEORGE STR PERMANENT GOOI AaaoeJi PABIS.— ^The peaoe con ment on all qnestions odnoeml tions, indeitmities and the fro according to an interview in tl ' secretary of Premier Lloyd G and it is added they w ill be sett H Children March \ ^ . in Interests of ing School Election ith I Nine htmdred achool chlldrea . ranging from tha aOTviUi gnd» ing to Saolor HlgH ftom tha com- . blsed acliools of tbe d ^ , battded bjr the high school band and ca- det company, marched in Twin Falls streets early this afternoon ling In the interests of tomoirow*a ish- bond olection for additional lich achool faculties. IOU- ' Thoso In Una represeirtad abotJt :ing . on»-thlrd c f tba total scbool pop'- ;ers Qlation of tha city, to V Ilin- ^ ----------- -- . ^ iBOSSIANlME shSBRflKErOP I BlfGOraiNl <um —'» Conditions Are Alarming in Si- beria. Where Hunters and Farmers Are Storing Goods Rather Than Risk Shipping om- I By .Xfiiiocmtist Pr.'ss) OMHK, ^fiiVrlp (Correspondence ol kU*<- Tin- Assofinted Preas).—Disinclination trm of the peasant and fho hnntaman tc idt 'part with the products of his land or llie of his hnnt because lie cannot buy thc leir needed manufuetured nrticlca with thc ;is money he woulil obtain therefor, la one lies of thc chief causca of the commercial hnt stagnalfoii in Rusaia today. Clotliing, ike briots, w)cks, tools, machinery, necesai. inn .ties for his hnuschold he fain would of- acquire, but evon a pile of rubles w ill ICS.K not bring them to “hia door. They do int' uof exist- ill Siberio. So the peasant 1 . keep.'* his wheat and olher ccrcala and kill the hunter stores tiy* furs and skins. AJ, Money hos lost its value here. ?lo- . Fluctuation of the Russian ruble, and not the difficulty nnd coat encountered by aw the tradesman in getting hia gooda to market has reduced commerce to a ' minimum- The merchant will not run thc risks Involved without expactlng lng jirofits and this hns caused manu- factured eommoditiea to aoar in price. Ant>tbtj irojMirtanl factor »a feeing. .Several merchanta who bavo been do- T ing buaineaa in Buasia informed the I tho habit of tipping (bribing they call- I cd it), was increoaing. Ono foreign I merchant who acnda gooda to Omak, sold: “ Wben I forward a carload of mor- rts chandise from Harbin or Vladivostok . I don't know, in' the firat place, wheth- er it will ever arrive with tbe railroad cocditlona aa they are. I mnat aend a repreaentotive with tho ear to pay out money on tbe way to officiala and em- ployes. Otherwiae my ear w ill bo aide- [Tie tracked,. That is the great evil of Bus- tbe ala today. Busineaa has developed into ■rn- apeculation.” to Before the war Siberian wheat waa la worth about 10 eenta per eight poonda; red today It ia sold for the normal equiva- lent of about That ahowa how the :ro- pricea have jumped, of All autboritica agreed that tbe arrival ivs of manufactured axticle» In Siberia and 'It central Buaaia la an'urgent nceeaalty. rve They have great expeetationa of tbe leir Ameriean war trado board in thla re- re- apect and point out that tbo well-or- hat ganiaed Siberian co-operative aaaoeia- na- tiona could easily attend to tbe distri- cen bution. Aia- «Tb« thing* vap«ratWe for tho aalTO* ara tion and reorganization of Buasia are the placed in thia order: First, peace and the order; aecond, efficient operation of tb« al- railroad.i nnder the direction of Joha cly P, Btevena, tbo American, expert; third, nts the economic rehabilitation of tbe eotiB- oe, try by the concerted holp of th*‘pow- to ers. Theae thinga attained, the imprea^ tbe ision generally prevaila that Bnaaia bat would be one of the first great natloss V ASSOCIATED PBE8S sfEWS PBIOE PrVE‘!cENTl ITH GERMANY ACTOR ILY Fixa IWE KEYNOTE SCUBERATIONJ ities and Reparations am ntiera of Rhine and in Pe tosedof for Good and A U - 8 Can Be Readily Worket rRONG IN FAITH THAT OD WILL BE ATTAINEL soelated Press) . .. Bonference has reached an agree iming peace with Germany, repara froniiei^s of the Bhine and Poland 1 the Petit Journal with the privatt I George. Certain details remainet ettled in two or three days. “< j> OeiBuns To B« Summoned The 0«rmaa dalogataa w in b« stunmonod to Vanamei within two or throo voeka. Tba British jnrainler. hla aecrotsry is (^t«d as sayinc, thinks that If 9 tho alUea agraa as weU at pm w it aa dnring the war the Achlsvananta of the peace confaraoee wiU be n Mwii tuunaroQi danseiB, in* » .cltidlag Bolaherrlsm, wUi b« abol- «- . 'ished. ' ' ^ Monxo« DoctrlM ^ While tho text of tbe Monroe doc - trine nmendment adopted hy tbe leagui , of nations »>ommlaalon a t ita «caaloni . last night is withhold, its main fen tnres are subatantially slon^f tho fol lowing linea: . Articio X—Nothing in tbis eoVenan aholl be ronatrued os invnlidftting an; agrooment aucb as tho Monroe doctrio' for tbe maintonancB. of poaeo. WASHINGTON—Without giving de tails, advice# indicated that- somo o the dlfflcQltlea delsylog prof^osa in thi negotiationa had* 1)Mi> overeomo an' that the presUletit bad seonrod 'tho ac - captance of .certain of the tmpoHaa 1 - points f.'t» whleht'ba had” booit cotitejrf J , Ing. '■ . Presidential Ship IT Sails for Europi I I Vessel W ill Setnm W ith W il ' son's Party and Four Thon- Si- sand B e ttin g Soldiers (By AMoelotcd Press) nrfc NEW VOBK.—The transport Ueorgi Washington w ill aal) at 4::iO o’cloci IQ this afternoon frotn llnbokcn for Brest The vessel will bring baek* moro that . 4000 troops. , .\m(ing the imssonRera booked to aai on fho transport arc Dr. .1. Chalmcn Da, Cnstav^’hii'f aitrgeon of tbe Jcffer i aon br^sidlal, Philadelphia, wbo will * serve as a navy medical officer on th» the " ’“"•‘‘"Rton during the trip. POCATELLO TO OBGANIZB ELABOBATB OOITNTBY OLTT^ (By Aaaoeiated Press) ii!;, POCATELLO.-Organlxaliott -of a J * country dub Is under way hcro and committees njroady are aoejting a auit- able location for tbe organization. It , la planned to inciudo n golf UaVa, ahooftng tmps, riflo range and fncUltiej for awimming, as well as a gymnasium. It ia expected that anfficiont progresa win bo mado in maturing tho nlnna to ' admit of operation, at leaat In part, ' ® tbis snmmer. run -- g ILM CR IS IS i LOOMS BEFORE i GRE IIT BRITI id a " “»• Cotton Factories Remain Idle id"; Because of Trade Restric- S,“o tions While World Clamors ^ for Clothing and Material ids; (By Associated Pre«a) the LON1 >ON.— Lancashire mnJea and loona are Idle while the world U clam- ival oring for cotton gopda, aaya the Maa- u d cbeitcr correspondent of the. Daily iltT. Mail, which adda that crowd* of nn- the employcHl demonatrated in fro st of the re- Manobcater Town Sail. MlU-^wneja l.or- have been criticised bnt the real tren- ci*. ble, the corrcapondent says, Is that eo»- rtrf, tomars cannot afford to pay th* pr*. vailing .high xbargea. , Itv p. ^Stockton^jtealdent cf the ICan- are cheater Chamber at Conmerte, aays and that from 0,000,000 iO 17,000,000 pou»ds tbe worth of ram -aad doth la being held oh'a Uck, although badly xrteded in Hol- ird land, Denmark and fleandtoaTia, and )QQ. nrgaa the removal ot tertrigtioaa oa tbe ow- export of maaofaetnred goods a«a- rea^ tral conntricB. - Unemployment In tfae eooaty» 1* n* tona pidly reaabiag a eUaax. t Af v«B ar« Boaiaf eat o< tha anay aai


Page 1: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo

I T H E N EW S i s T H E

TW IIv b l - 2. MO. 3.


T w e n ty - F iv e P e rs o n s A r e K i l le d

D u r in g a n A t t e m p t o f R e v o ­

lu t io n is t s t o T a k e C o n t r o l o f G e rm a n C ity

g o v e r n m e n T f o r c e s r o u t

’ ^ F O M E N T S IN Q U I C K T I M E

Oaa and E ieotrio W orks Shut Down Leaving Troops to Onard in Darkness— Trains and S tree t Oars Stop

can outbreak a t nuBSclclorf Thuraday, 2i5 porsona \fcre ant) 25 vrotinSed

. whon govcrqmont troops unpd machine jfuUB on Spartacan ilemonstrntorB, tho liokan Anzc!(;or o f B erlin nayB.

SpartoCMu Flea.A crowd o f aevorai thounanil atiacm*

blt-a before Spartacnn hcailquortors in OiuBOIilorf Thuraday nfternoon. Tbo polico ordorcil tho vrowd to disporau whoroupon thoro woa nomu flhootlnR. WliU© aoldiera worp .belnjj brought up, tho crowd oroctod b&rricadea in the* htreeta. A fto r thc flg h tln p in which eaaualties woro nustaiucd, tho Sparta- onna £Jcd.

TJtilitlfta 0 «OM.Duaaoldorff, tho nowapapor adds wan

in complete darkncaa last n i^h t, tbo gaa on doloctric works having coasod oporationa. Traina and street eara ■topped. ,

TIjo Btriko In Bmnawii;k is rc]>0r t0il to be gonoral and tho ra ilw ay atation there ia cloaod. Lomlcra o f tbo Bnina- w ick atrikora have aent an ultimntGm to tho die t demanding tha t a ll powora bo handed ovor to 'the atrikera council.

Workmen in .17 other Gprmon towna havp gono on a tr ike .in favor o f intro- liucing tho aovlot ayatem,


' L o n g D e la y e d b y ' S n o w D r i f t s

............jn C e n t r a l S ta te s , .P a s s ? n - . .' ’ g e r s ! .R ia c l i D e n v e r

• ~ iB y Presa)D?:NVER, Cold;—Thc laat . trn in

from tbo oaat to be itciaycd more than, •J4 hours by tho storra, in Kansas artd Nobrftska, arrived he re .th is moraing. I t wna n Chicago, Itock Island and Pa­c ific consolidated tra in , madt up. to tra ins Ko. S and N'o. 7, which were afjniciS nenr 'PhilliimburK, Knn., I)v snow d rifts . ^

Trains on n il o f other roml* enter- iug Denver from thc onst today nre running about two hours bchiml sched­ule.

W iro comuiunication w ith the oaat imj>rovcd. Tho Postoi ahd Westom Union Telegraph compnnlcii again am back on normal schodulo and thc Moun­tn in States Telephone and TcJfgrap’j company, although m aintaining Inter-

. rupted aorvico eaat from Denver, o i- pects to bo ablo to give regular-«icrvlco a fte r today. '


• ( V f m iu n is t s S e iz e G o v e rn m e n t

* o f M u n ic h a n d E s ta b l is h N e w F o r m O v e r N ig h t , I s R e p o r t F r o m B a v a r ia

rn r Anoclated Preaa) COPENnAGBN—Tho eonnctl n f i>oo-

ploa,' moodatoriea. which baa been in coatrol a t M nnlcli has been dlaperaed by tbe corenmnlats, who have formed a communist government there, actord- ing to the Frankoniache Tagcspoat o f Nowmborg.

The Beriln Lokal Anreigor la .ia ro- t coipt o f Bavarian advicea atating that

tho eommoaiat council la Munich was in aeaaioa u n til 4 o 'clock tb la norn iog aod th a t l l eloctod a new contr*! coun­c il, the coonkilm>n comprising f lv ^ workmen and fiv e aoldiera w ith H err PU U , a brieWayer, aa preaident.

The communiab Ica.le/, Lewien, refus- fd to jo in the conncii.

During the night the communUts took eleven hostogca from the r a a k t ^ trade union leaden, tbe Lcka l Aazcrg- c r ’s report add*. They forcod the ir trAX to the mala - jo lifo station, d ij- nrmed tbe poUce^an.l took the police <-onimi«»ioners and scrgranis as hoat- nge*. _

. W BA TH E B rORBCABT.1.Uho—Tonight aaS S tln iA ay fa ir ;



N FA]R estrictions on

A liens 4 re Being R a p id ly Released

I Many thonsands Are Ordered Paroled B a t Others W ill Ee-

I p m ain in O ovefn iilent Oare

I I I (By Associated Preaa). W ASHINGTON.— PutUng in to e f­

fect tiie policy o f removing war-time Ig r i rustrlctiona na faat as possibio ou en­

emy aliena, tho dopartmeut o f justice haa ordered thc release from parole

’ . nnd cancellation o f bonds o f moro than 0 1 10,000 o f these aliens throughout the

Unitod Statea.Aa faat as the ir rei'ords cnu be -cx-

in Wnahington, ordrrn fo r rc- U T nioval o f rcn trictio iiy arO aont to United

St.Ttea nttoneya. Somo enemy nliena VIE w ill continue to i>o held under rM trie-

tiona nnd bond u n til peace is declaro.i,. howovor. Thia applU'H <m >• to tho

nliona j^rreatod during the war nnd aubaequcntly pnrolod and not to tliono intornod. '

ins ' • — » ■' Grayson Denies

A n y Im portance rl.- in N a v a l Changelay , - ..... -

President’s Physician . S a y s tho Transfer of DaOosta Has

No M ilita ry Bearing; 'Bm. . (Dy Aasoclfttod Presa)

> PARIS—iBonsntiouul dlnpatchcs from rho York connecting the ilepnrturc o frao Costa, ou the trnnaport, George Waahington w ith thc rccont ill- yp jH'ss o f President W llaoti brought a dc- thJ today from Henr Admiral Grayson, j I the preaidonfa’phyaiclan, tha t the pres- ,j^. onco o f Dr. Do Costa on the George

Washington waa in any woy connected w ith the president’a rocont illness. Dr. Grayson aaid tha t tho prosidont had ro-

tho fu lly from hid cold which kept, . 4 him confiucd to Iuh bed fn r ncveral «r,jo'i Investigates New. n“ Type o f A ir c ra f tOm

Developments o f A irp lane A t- rna t ra c t A tte n tion of Am eri- >'0' .can A v ia tion AnthoritieSn

(By Aaaoclntod Presa) WASHINGTON; — X e \v .Icvolop-

menta in tbo Fokko r'type o f airplane, ihc leailitig model uaod by tho German

' nrmy, baa attracted titn. a ttea tion o f

R Atoerlcih aviation nn thoritlca .' A rn iy ordor* pvtbllshod todnv announced the dotnll o f CoJ. Enrl AfrPnrland o f the .ordnance departm ent nnd M oj. Boliert Mnrsh, jr . , o f tbe a ir service lo make investigntions o f tho new c ra ft in Tlio

't s Netherlands. They were onlcred to • Tho Hague fo r tcn>i>or'nry li i t /v hoing H llit« •..ol>«H y y*•wh »e■elga^ud in J " ’-

W O R LD N E \Dg. _______________ ________________________?a- I Z Z Z ^}re FITTSBUBQ.— Two specta by ings in tho business d is tr ic t t

o f between one hundred and : ire sand doUars.Pd- _________

WASHINOTON.— AU term s im have boen determ ined by tho t

announced M onday instead o pV loan ra lly in N ew Y o rk Tnosd:cr- .1 .[f- WASHINGTON.— M ore proi

pcace conference during tho fo r the ontire previous tw o \ received a t the W hite House tc

OOPENHAOEN.— A sanguii ovening a t Danzig between a < ing the square in fro n t.o f the : sons wero k ille d and several

[ fired on the people.

PABIS.— Between tho se8si< forenoon a t the Paris “ w h ite ] sion o{ ih o pei^ce donforenoo t l

fl( son and M rs. W ilson planned i ^ Bumania a t luncheon.

"PtESIDDIT'Sim I : misniiETiBita Disagreement Between Indus- ]

t r ia l Board and B a ilroad Ad- ” m in is tra tion Is S t il l Upro- - ■ •a t ' (By Aaaoeiated Press)as W ASHINOTON—The decision which ag President Wilson w;ill b« asked to maks . n- la the price f ix in g dispute between

thft iadustrla l board o f tho department T r r o f commerce and the railroad admlnia- •

tra tioa w ill be whether the board ahall , IS- go out o f ezlstOBco immediately or

continue quiescent u n til tbe president, tts returns and a f la a l pollcv i * deter*5 n.iord. ,

Secretary Bedfield, Assistant Seere- f ta ry Sweet, Solic itor ThurmOn and Obairmaa Peek today drafted a cable- gram to the preaident which w ill be • pot into fin a l ahape a t another confer- » ence tbis afternoon. U n til the presl- { dent givea a deciaion, tbe boarcl w il l aot undertake to continue ita activ ities .




,, ONJOSTTEBitime -

F o re ig n M in is te r D e c la re s N o iro k T r e a t y W i l l B e C o n s id e re d

Ibc W h ic h 'D o e s N o t C o n fo rm to W ils o n ’ s F o u r te e n P o in ts

jted ' (Uy Associated Preaa)iena B E U L IX — Count von B rockdorff- trie- Kantrjiu, foreign miniator, speaking bo-

fure thc national aaacmbly a t Wolmar todny, aaid Germany would not aign a

/ ‘ O'l poace treaty which deviated in any es- acntial from Preaident Wilson’s “ four­teen points.”

Financial Demands . "T ho financia l demands to be 'made ' ill the poaco treaty aro obviously caus­

ing oa much d iff ic u lty to our oppo- n o ncnta aa those regarding te rr ito ry ,” ^ thc foreign miniater aaid. “ I t la Im-

l osn'iblo to solve tho <]uestiou o f flnnh.' y S i-inl i-lnims w ithout negotlamig—wtth ] OUI experts a t tbe conforcnce table.

We w ill give a clear account to our op­ponents rola tivo to tho ir <lemnnda and our a b ility to pay.”

rom “ Our oppoHcnta,’ ’ continued tho mln- o f iater, “ caunot dismcmbor nnd paralyze

lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract i l l . trom thc reBourees o f tho country tbo dc- enormous Hums they cxpect from thom: ion, I 'o r thnt pufl'^'oo wo require thc ro- res- lense. Industria lly nnd agncoltura lly o f rgo the im|>ortant went whieh contrary to ted till) nnnistico terms la cut o f f from tho Dr. rest o f ‘ •A ll tlto statoB which partielpated in ept Ihis wor fin d themaolvea In the aamo >ral distress and hardly a nation ia not

diaapiiointed by a pcaco that la a te r­rib le liangrr bccauBo o f tlio encourage­ment given by i t to disruptive forces.”

f t N E W Z E A L A N D S O L D IE R S . V & T E O N P R O H IB IT IO N

Oaat Ballots on Bdard B liip* S a t Boxea w m ITot B« Opeoad T i l l T m -

MiB Laod

op- (By Associated Pr«sa)me, NEWPORT NEWS.—Before aaUlng ian fo r Auckland, New Zealand, In jt nIgbc o f tlio ISSA .^e^ j^^e^ laad . .a o ld i^ . w lui

niy iirrived ticro frorn l^nifland '^ l i tho the trnnnik)Tt Northumberlanil fo r ' coal, the participated 1« the homeland prohlbi- ert tion clectitin, casting tho ir votes aboard ikc Ihe aliip. Consensus o f opinion nuiong [“lio tlioKi' who eame nsliore was tbat tho to tm ldier. vote was overwUelmingly

ing “ w e t." The .ValloJ.liM fif^w ill be open- en- ed 'Mie-d«n- th t '‘v rfls c l^ rr ivc ft at Auck­


EWS E V E N T ^ic tacolar fires destroyed build> ct th is mopning enta iling a loss nd f i f t y and tw o hundred thou>

rms o f the L ib e rty V ic to ry loan ho trea sury and probably w ill be' d o f aw a iting Secretary Olass’ esday night.

progress' has been made in the ,he past fo rty -e ig h t hours than ^0 weeks, according to advices ;e today from Paris.

gu inary collision occurred last . a crowd and tho troops guard- ;he ra ilw a y s t^ ition .. Three per- ral wouncied when the troops

38sion o f the council o f fo u r this ite house” and the plenary ses- lo th is afternoon. President W il-,ed to e 'htertain Queen M arie of

POflraESEWINMM I BRIOES-W FUMNumber o f M arriages Beported !

Indicates A ttractiveness o f ' Southern Soldiers '

■ I. (By ASM>elA(r<i Pr»«s)- - 1

. LISBON.—The Portogocae bave not ’ fa iled to livo up to thc lr reputation fo r '

. ga llan try during thc ir three-feara ao- - jo u m la France. The-authoritlea have y received notice o f (J97 marriogea o f 1

French girla to Portngneae offieera aad 1. aoldiera, and many hundreds more are >

e.xpMted to fo llow , 1The young Portngoese worripra, i t ]

would aeem, cxerclaed on irreaistlble ' fu c in a tio n opon the French maidena by 1 r«aaon o f th ^ tT>tfmantio .'melaaebolr aonga o f Portugal colled “ fadoa” w ith ]

er- whieh they aeretiadcd tbe ir aweetb(«rta ' •i- to tbe aceompoaiment o f gnitara. ’T&eM

a in , i t ia aald, gained w id * popolority in the A m eatiam a sector, wttero th«

1. ,




G A g ita to rs W ork fo r Soviets in

German C ities*ed RevolutionaiT' Movement la fg Spreading Throughout E n­

tire Oountry, Is Beported(B y Aasocltited Preaa)

C O P E N H A G E N — T h o re v o lu iio n n ry r f f - ihovon icnt in 'B a v n r in haa spread to B a ­be- il0n and n g ita to rs aro w o rk in g in K arla - n a r fu he , M annheim and o th e r la rge towns, a a ttrc p rd ln g to a K a rla ru b e d iH patcb to es* th e A i-h lu b rb la t t o f B e rlin ,

lu r* '' The a g ita to rs are s a id -to bc a tte m p t- In g to s ta r t n ro v o lu tio n nnd to pro- e la im n sov ie t rep ub lic iu Baden. Thoy

. w o u ld atao unlU> B aden w i th th e Ba- v n r la n sov ie t govem m ent.

iliySTRlLlS sTOiBBilT i lit NflTIONSItn:ro. ’

R e p u b lic N e ig h b o rs A re U s in g ho In f lu e n c e o n W o r k e r s W i th

i „ R e s u lt o f S t r ik e s B r e a k in g

O u t A l l O v e r C o u n tr yor- — —ye- (B y Aasoclnted Press)s.” V IE N N A — Gernmn A u s tr ia is eom ing

na de r the ii if li ie n c e o f fh e es tab lish - m e iit o f sov ie t gov iTn inents a t M u n ic h and Budapcs l. A t D o n a w ltx , ten thuu- aand w orkers in th e iro n . sm e ltin g p la n ta Im ve d r iv e n nu t th e m anagera beeauae th o la t tc r - 'l ia v e re fu sod to g ra n t luereaseil woges. The coa l m in ­ers thero are reported to havo con­s idered s im ila r n c tio n and there is th o prospect th a t th o cm ployea o f tUe lro t\ I’ tineM w i l l , ta k e , ove r c o n tro l o f the

'be e lect th e ir ow n mnnag*

B a n k c le r k a 'u t V lc u u a a re deniam t- b l ’ ii 'C h ig he r sala ries. A t one b a n k the (.(} sa la rie s pa id -before th e w n r to ta lle d

eleven m ill io n crow ns w h irh am oun t j,y wan increased d u r in g th e w a r to tw tfn - .^y ty - f iv e m ill io n . I t is now faced w ith In- 'l * ‘ ‘ dem an il fo r the im y tne nt o f eleven

m ill io n more w h ich w i l l tnnlie n 'K iim equa l to the y e a r ly d iv iilem lM 'o f the b a n k before th o w ar.

- T lio com m unists o f O ennan A iis tr ia —I b ttve been to ld th u t i f rom m tin isn i is

a ilo tite il here the' n llie s w ou ld r u t o f f fo od supplii-H bu t th in n rg um cn t h'is be en 'rum o vod sine th e a llie s have ii|>-

_J peared w i ll in g to tre a t w ith Ibe eom- uu '.n ists a t Budapoat.

O rde ra D iaboDdlDg I tn ly has ordered th e Germnn Au*<-

t ila n _ r c p u li l i r to d is ljan d an .l cUMrin un y tro o jis regarded us pr<>-commiini"t T he s itn n ljo n n t B u iln pe s t p re ven tn l l 'e V ie n n a Im nka fro m m a k in g u ji th e ir ^(■arIy sta tem ents. I t is im poss ib le .'ta ye t to estim a te fhe value o f n e ru r itie s lu ld b y H u n g r y and i t is said , th n t e \e n i f Huu(»ar>- should acree to make s e t t le m e n ts ,w it i i tlie O erm an A u s tr ia n re p u b lic , nny new m oney she m ig h t o f ­fe r w ou ld bo w ith o u t value. Busines-i is a t a s ta n d s till w i l l i Im nks opera ting ' v i r t u a lly as governm ent In x o ffices .

“ The o n ly n a lva tio n here ia ti> k i l l Bo lnhevism ‘w ith w o rk ,” said D r. A t f re d T re ic h l, d ire c to r o f the A n g lo - A u a tr ia n bank to do y , “ liu t we canno t g iv e w o rk unless we can secure ra w m a te ria ls fro m a b ro a d .''


S o ld ie r s K e p t o n A r m y L is t s

= T h r o u g h D e c e p t io n — A r m y M o ra le F a s t B r e a k in g

E _ (B y Aw octa led Pr«-«i)L O N D O N (C o rrc ipo ud en ce o f The

Asaoc ia tcd P r ts s ) .— A n ins tance o f tb e decep tion o f B o la h e v ik i govern -m en t ia fo rce d to p ra c tice in o rd e r to

d aecuro re ia fo rcem eo ta fo r i ta a rm y la con ta la cd in In fo rm a tio n ju s t rcce lvcd in London .

A p ro c la m a tio n waa iaaued a t P e tro- g ra d o rd e rin g a t r ia l m ob iU za tioa o f th e “ f i r a t to w n .a ee tion” fo r tw o daya

I t to tea t i ta a ta to of~paeparedneaa. I t ) r waa a ta ted th a t th o men o f th c reaerve o- w ou ld be p e rm itte d to re tu rn to th c lr re w o rk , a f te r tw o daya. W hen th e re- ) f aer>’ ia ta aaaembled th ey w ere to ld th a t id os P c tro g fa d w o * n n iu ita b le fo r m a­re ne uve r purpoaea th e y w o u ld bc ta ken

a ab o rt dvataxKc- o u t o f tow iv. Unan*- i t p c c t ln g ly th e men c lim b ed ip to box eara Io whoae doora w ere tben locked, and the i j men w ere aent aa rc in fo rccm e n ta to the y w este rn f ro n t. The re th e y re m a in ,’ a l-

though the B o la h cv ik o f f ie e rs n a iv e ly * com p la in lh a t theao rc in fo rce m e n U ta 'have no t been o f m uch f ig h t in g va lo e , n A n U B o ls b c v lk ae ntim ent ia aa id to ; .y be ao pronounced am ong aome o f tb e j '•1 re g im e n tj ga rs ia on lng P e tro g ra d th a t




Is ____ __

Question o f Ind em n iti Settlem ent o f F ro n t

»">■ land Believed D ispot Rem ain ing D e ta ils < O ut


AaaoeJiPABIS.— ^The peaoe con

ment on a ll qnestions odnoeml tions, indeitm ities and the fro according to an in te rv ie w in t l

' secretary o f P rem ier L loyd G and i t is added they w i ll be se tt

H C hildren M arch \^ . in In terests o f

ing School E lectioni t h I N ine htmdred achool chlldrea . ranging from tha aOTviUi g n d »ing to Saolor HlgH ftom tha com- .

blsed acliools o f tbe d ^ , battded bjr the h igh school band and ca­det company, marched in Tw in Falls streets early th is afternoon

ling In the interests o f tomoirow*a ish- bond olection fo r additional lich achool faculties.IOU- ' Thoso In Una represeirtad abotJt :ing . on»-thlrd c f tba to ta l scbool pop'- ;ers Qlation o f tha c ity ,

to VIlin- ^ ----------- -- . ^

iBOSSIANlME shSBRflKErOP I BlfGOraiNl<um —'»

C o n d it io n s A re A la r m in g in S i- b e r ia . W h e re H u n te r s a n d

F a rm e rs A re S to r in g G oods R a th e r T h a n R is k S h ip p in g

om-I By .Xfiiiocmtist Pr.'ss)

OMHK, ^ fiiV rlp (Correspondence ol kU*<- Tin- Assofinted Preas).—Disinclination trm o f the peasant and fho hnntaman tc idt 'part w ith the products o f his land or llie o f his hnnt because lie cannot buy thc le ir needed manufuetured nrticlca w ith thc ;is money he woulil obtain therefor, la one

lies o f thc chief causca o f the commercial hnt stagnalfoii in Rusaia today. Clotliing, ike briots, w)cks, tools, machinery, necesai. inn .ties fo r his hnuschold he fain would of- acquire, but evon a p ile o f rubles w ill ICS.K not bring them to “hia door. They do in t' uof exist- ill Siberio. So the peasant 1. keep.'* his wheat and olher ccrcala and k ill the hunter stores tiy* furs and skins. AJ, Money hos lost its value here.?lo- . Fluctuation o f the Russian ruble, and not the d iffic u lty nnd coat encountered by aw the tradesman in ge tting hia gooda to

market has reduced commerce to a ' minimum- The merchant w ill not run thc risks Involved w ithou t expactlng lng jiro fits and th is hns caused manu­factured eommoditiea to aoar in price.

Ant>tbtj irojM irtanl facto r »a feeing. .Several merchanta who bavo been do-

T ing buaineaa in Buasia informed the I tho habit o f tipp ing (b rib ing they call- I cd i t ) , was increoaing. Ono foreign I merchant who acnda gooda to Omak,

sold:“ Wben I forward a carload o f mor-

r ts chandise from Harb in or Vladivostok . I don 't know, in' the f ira t place, wheth­

er i t w ill ever arrive w ith tbe railroad cocditlona aa they are. I mnat aend a repreaentotive w ith tho ear to pay out money on tbe way to o ffic ia la and em­ployes. Otherwiae my ear w ill bo aide-

[Tie tracked,. That is the great evil o f Bus- tbe ala today. Busineaa has developed into ■rn- apeculation.”

to Before the war Siberian wheat waa la worth about 10 eenta per eight poonda;

red today It ia sold fo r the normal equiva- lent o f about That ahowa how the

:ro- pricea have jumped, o f A ll autboritica agreed that tbe a rr iva l

iv s o f manufactured axticle» In Siberia and 'I t central Buaaia la an 'u rgen t nceeaalty.

rve They have great expeetationa o f tbe leir Ameriean war trado board in thla re- re- apect and point out tha t tbo well-or- hat ganiaed Siberian co-operative aaaoeia- na- tiona could easily attend to tbe d is tri- cen bution.Aia- «Tb« thing* vap«ratWe fo r tho aalTO* ara tion and reorganization o f Buasia are the placed in thia order: F irs t, peace and the order; aecond, e ffic ie n t operation o f tb« al- railroad.i nnder the direction o f Joha c ly P, Btevena, tbo American, expert; th ird , nts the economic rehabilita tion o f tbe eotiB- oe, t ry by the concerted holp o f th * ‘ pow- to ers. Theae thinga attained, the imprea^

tbe ision generally prevaila tha t Bnaaia bat would be one o f the f ir s t great natloss



ITH GERMANY ACTORILY FixaIWE KEYNOTE SCUBERATIONJities and Reparations am ntie ra o f Rhine and in Pe tosedof fo r Good and A U -8 Can Be R ead ily W orket

rRONG IN F A IT H T H A T OD W IL L B E A T T A IN ELsoelated Press) . . .Bonference has reached an agree im ing peace w ith Germany, repara froniiei^s of the Bh ine and Poland 1 the P e tit Journa l w ith the p riva tt I George. Certa in details remainet ettled in tw o or three days.— “ <j> OeiBuns To B« Summoned

The 0«rmaa dalogataa w in b«■ stunmonod to V a n a m e i w ith in two

o r throo voeka.Tba B r itis h jnrainler. hla aecrotsry

is ( ^ t « d as sayinc, th inks th a t I f9 tho alUea agraa as weU a t pm w it

aa dnring the w ar the Achlsvananta o f th e peace confaraoee w iU be

n Mwii tuunaroQi danseiB, in*» .c ltid lag Bolaherrlsm, w U i b« abol- «- . 'ished. ' ■ '^ Monxo« D o c tr lM^ W hile tho te x t o f tbe Monroe doc - trine nmendment adopted h y tbe leagui , of nations »>ommlaalon a t ita «caaloni . last night is w ithhold, its m ain fen

tnres are subatantia lly slon^f tho fo l low ing linea:. A rtic io X — Nothing in tb is eoVenan aholl be ronatrued os invn lid ftting an; agrooment aucb as tho Monroe doctrio' fo r tbe maintonancB. o f poaeo.

W ASHINGTON—W ithout g iv ing de tails, advice# indicated that- somo o the dlfflcQ ltlea delsylog prof^osa in thi negotiationa had* 1)Mi> overeomo an' that the presUletit bad seonrod 'tho ac

- captance o f .certain o f the tmpoHaa 1 - points f.'t» whleht'ba had” booit cotitejrfJ , Ing. '■ ■.

P res iden tia l S h ip I T Sails fo r E u r opiI I Vessel W ill S e tnm W ith W il

' son's P a rty and F ou r Thon- S i- sand B e t t i n g Soldiers

(By AMoelotcd Press) n rfc NEW VOBK.—The transport Ueorgi

Washington w ill aal) at 4::iO o ’cloci IQ this afternoon fro tn llnbokcn fo r Brest

The vessel w ill bring baek* moro that . 4000 troops., .\m(ing the imssonRera booked to aai

on fho transport arc Dr. .1. Chalmcn Da, Cnstav^’h ii 'f aitrgeon o f tbe Jc ffe r

i aon br^sidlal, Philadelphia, wbo w ill * serve as a navy medical o ffic e r on th» the " ’ “ "•‘ ‘ "Rton during the trip .


(By Aaaoeiated Press) ii!;, PO C A TE LLO .-O rgan lxa lio tt -of a

J * country d u b Is under way hcro and committees njroady are aoejting a auit- able location fo r tbe organization. I t

, la planned to inciudo n g o lf UaVa, ahooftng tmps, r if lo range and fncU ltie j fo r awimming, as well as a gymnasium. I t ia expected tha t an ffic ion t progresa win bo mado in m aturing tho nlnna to

' adm it o f operation, a t leaat In part, ' ® tbis snmmer. run -- g

ILM CRISIS i LOOMS BEFORE i GREIIT BRITIid a "“ »• C o t to n F a c to r ie s R e m a in Id le

id " ; B e c a u s e o f T r a d e R e s t r ic - S ,“o t io n s W h i le W o r ld C la m o rs

^ f o r C lo th in g a n d M a te r ia lids; “(By Associated Pre«a) the LON1 >ON.— Lancashire mnJea and

loona are Idle while the world U clam- iv a l oring fo r cotton gopda, aaya the Maa- u d cbeitcr correspondent o f the . D aily iltT. Mail, which adda tha t crowd* o f nn- the employcHl demonatrated in f ro s t o f the re- Manobcater Town S a il. M lU-^wneja

l.or- have been criticised bnt the real tren- c i* . ble, the corrcapondent says, Is th a t eo»- rtrf, tomars cannot a ffo rd to pay th * pr*.

va iling .high xbargea. ,I t v p . ^ S to c k to n ^ jte a ld e n t c f the ICan- are cheater Chamber at C onm erte, aays and that from 0,000,000 iO 17,000,000 pou»ds tbe worth o f ra m -aad d o th la being held

oh'a U c k , although badly xrteded in Hol- ir d land, Denmark and fleandtoaTia, and )QQ. nrgaa the removal o t te r tr i gt i oaa oa tbe ow- export o f maaofaetnred goods a«a- rea^ tra l conntricB. -— Unemployment In tfae eooaty» 1* n * tona pid ly reaabiag a eUaax. t A f v«B ar« B o a ia f ea t o< tha an a y a a i

Page 2: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo


’ NilGESCIILEB ig F o u r B r o th e r h o o d o f R a il

E m p lo y e s Is G iv e n R a is e in S a la r ie s D a t in g S in c e J a n u ­a r y F i r s t o f T h is Y e a r ,

(l<y Asnoclnl'-d Prrnn) W ASHINGTON— WoKo n<Ivni>co« ag-

grc(^tLn(; |G5,000,000. w(*ro ordered to ­day by D iroctor f lfn j’ fftt IIlnoB fo r foor liundrcd tliouxaiid rnilruud cnginooni, fircraon, traminnu und couductora in both paBBonRor mid fro iR ht Borvico— momboru o f tho big fou r ra ilw ay broth- crhood»—rotroaetivo fllnco Jan. 3, 1910- Tbo hrOlhorbopii ijcmnnds fo r timo and u ha lf pay fo r overtime wan grantod only fo r men cnRaKQiI in yard oorvieo nnd fo r tbo otliom tliin quoation vran referred to tho ra ilroad ndminlstra- tion 'a board o f adjuKtmeut Numbor 1, nlrca<ly croatod fo r connidoration o f disputes rc ln tin fj to traininon ami on- fjincors.

Ee store Old Sdiodiilo incrcasofi were nrranffod nrcord-

inp to a conteniplalcd Hcbodule, onn o f the aimH o f which 'va» to rcatore tho MT»ce rclfttionHbip oxiHtinf' buforo the ra ilroad 'fl iucn'nso in wafjca lant year.

. Tho avorago advanoo in pay por mon l»or year w ill bo about $ 100.

TJiis aetion p ra rlica lly completed tho %vnr cycio o f woro in'crcaMM Rnuitod railroad mon Hinut' tho >;overnttiunt took over munapement i»f tlio romls fiftoou months ngo. Only n fow minor roquoHta fo r moro pay romain to bo netod upon.

BolM s Tota l Toy BoU lUL-ludiDK today ’« order \bo a(?Rro-

;;ntp pay incroaaos allowed by tho ra i l­road administration to the two m il-1 lion roilrond cmjdoyefl in n t tlio rato o f l <822,311,000 a year, more than $400 av.’ oraco per mnn. Thua tho to ta l payroll o f Ameriea'b rallroada is raiaed nearly tf) threo b illio n dollara a year ^rom tho bnaia o f approxinintoly two b illion dollara on January } , 1018, whon tho roada paused in to tho povornmont'fl linnda.

Vast Tota lTho s ix ty -fivo m illion dollnra nddod

to tbo payro^la o f mombora b f tho “ b ig I fo u r ” brotherhoods bringa tho to ta l ifrantod th is clasa o f em])loyoa in tho laat threo yoars to approximately $27.'5,- 000,000, o r approximately $000 por man. I: Thia tokos in to eonnidoration tho $140,- I 000,000 oatimated as tho brotherhood's I sharo o f tho (to iktaI w oro incroasO laat I year and seventy .m illion dollars esti-

. moted as tho f r u i t fo r thoso mon from tho Adamson act whieh oatablishod a Imaic eight-hour day but did not put in to eJfoct tbe brotherhoods pleoa fo r tim o and a h a lf fo r overtime. I

Baek pay fo r work bIqcc Jaiiuar>* 1st w il bo Riven tho brotherhooit neu lu l aoon as ra ilw ay paymaatera'can w ork} out tho amount dno. This may tako a mooth o r ovon moro to comploto,

P lr» tA d T *n «In tho f ira t general wage advance

made by tbe ra ilroad administratioD, fo llow ing tho rccommondations o f tho ra ilroad wage commission, approximate­ly four hundred m illion dollars a year wais distributed amonR ; tho railrood I employes. About $140,000,000 o f thia i w fn t to trainmen and cDRincors and Hbout $260,000,000 fo othor employea. I On supplemental ordera about $1S0,* | 000,000 waa added to payrolls o f the j abop'mcn, a bou t'tho aamo to mainton* I ance of way men and clerks and about I $45,000,000 to tcloRrophera and Btation I aRCntA. Bailwoy accountants eolculat- I cd tha t lO lC and 1017, the yenrs imme* ' d iu tv ly precedinR Rovernmont control, tbo ra ilw ay companira inrreaaod'wages -W50,000,000. W ith tho $822,000,000 ; ttdded by the railroa ii adm inistration, ; tho aRRregate advaace o f ra ilroad m en'a jj wagea ia three yoars ia aot at approxi* matoly $1,172,000,000, or about $580 per man. The railroad payroll in 1017 was calculated a t $1,750,000,000, in

■' 'H»1H a t $2,338,000,000 nnd Ihist vearat $2,822,000,000. I

O tiier £m pl07M IComparatively amall increases in P»y I

nre expccted aooo fo r dinioR car and I nloepiuR car omploym, • I

Tbe aetual payment under increased I wage orders laat year waa $533,000,000, I according to M r. H inea’ calculations. I Bailroad companies eatimate the wago|| inrrcaaes at nearly $100,000,000 more i than the railroad a<lmiBiBtration. Ji

E ffe c t o f BaIm DiacuaaisR tho effect o f wagea on I

operating eosts thia year M r. Hines aaid io making public the order, tha t “ through tho elim ination o f overtime

»wblrh w ill be unneeesary under peace rooditiona and through a b ility to Rain cxperlcnfed employus who were (luring the war, the to ta l incrcaso in wages would bo substantially Iom on I Iho aamo volume o f baaineaa tbnn the I foroRoiBR basod on the calendar year I 20 ]8 would indicate and o f rourae the I inereaao w ill be lesa i f tho volume o f I buaineaa Is leas.' ' I

Clasaified Ada are cheap—«ffeetlv«. j If 'i ;= r^ u . J I

Sore Thioat> ColdsQmicUr R «U «y*d B y fU a U b i’ a I

' ' W l i » t l O U IH am lin 's W iza rd O il is a tim p la I

and efTcctivc treatm ent fo r sore I ' th ro a t and chest colds. Uaed as a I

gargle tor son th roa t i t brings q tilck I re lie f. Rubbed o tr the chest i t w ffl I o ften loosen up a hard, deep seated Ico ld in one n ignt. I

H o w often sprains, bn iites , cnta Iaad boms occur in every fam iljr, aa I v re ll as lit t ie troubles lik e earache, Itoothache, cold sores, cankcr aorea; 1B tifi neck, and tired achiog fe e t ISootbiag, healing W izard OU w il l If r » s b nng qu ick relief. I

Get i f fro tn d ru g g isu fo r 30 ccntl . II f a o t satisfied re tu rn the bo ttle aod Ig e t TOor mooey back. I

E T tr constipated o r bare s i ^ Ihcadache? Jost try W iza rd L h r tr IW U p s . pleasant l i t t le p in k piDa» M I

i t*. ■


il? a il I

in I n u - l

roar I ) '“" I:o— ■ ^nth- ■ - " ___

““ I :ira- ■ •■ 1, ■

ird- I£| E a s te r LDor. H ' ■■■ ■ .......

i | F a s h i o n FOOU H , " ... • '

'»" ■ A s a lw ays, th is I .r>. I th o r ita t iv e fash ions “»■ B e lus ive— th e ta s te f i "ofJB ' no m a t te r how criti<

,°y I S tu n n in g Som HS l ■ PreiVe ■ . - ■ - - - - ■ ■

% | New Capestal HI I $15. $2I'B I

I Received th is weel

" I dressy and y o u th fu l-

” 1 vest e f fe c t and a t ? ll

B some re a lly w o n d e rf I

T h e Y o u n glia I . ^ ,,

d l ' See T h e i

It- I I ' I

> n j|

od I ' ]ia-’ B th e best in shoes. ]relK s a tis fa c tio n ,

j l • O xfords and Pun“ ■ G et th e m a new p a iresIH ^at H '

Hi 40 in. Crepe (.it H .

■ Spring : S ilk th a t ’s■<' I inches w id e and comi‘I I h e lio tro p e , g re y , gre’ ' |B w o r th $2.50 p e r .ya rd

I F re s h e n Y o u r I ° I C u r ta in N e ts

I T he new p a n ne l neI and ju s t j^ ie p re tt ie sI th e y c u t to f i t a n y w:I q u ire as m uch m a te r iI —th e y look m ore excI s i lk o r co tto n s ide d r.I I t f 8 T im e fo r j

r A n ^

I *

" F S fWI) t/ li 'T I '

- T ^ I I ^

® 51

m h i

is TreiaidmjParade Start

lis s to re takes th e lead in p )ns in Lad ies ’ and M isses’ e fu l and re fin e d a re assei i t ic a i can be su ited.

S u its and Coatsre tty W aists and S k irts —

s and Dolmans 1 2 0 and upeek fro m N ew Y o rk — so

!u l— m an y w ith th e new

?15.o6 to ? ^ -00 we show i■ .1

s r fu l. ■ ’ ;(

g M is s S h o u ld «

lese C apes I <

Easter Oxfords j|T hey a re here in

p a te n t lea the r, f in e J b la ck k id , w h ite k id

f and b row n. J u s t th e ' r i g h t f i t and you don ’t have to p a y c ity ^ p rk e s here to , w ear L e t us g ive you shoe

'umps fo r th e ch ild re n , a ir f o r E aste r.

: de Chine, $1.75t ’s a re a l good g rade , 40 )mes in th e S p r in g colors, jre e n , etc. T h is crepe is ird , here fo r $1.75.

r R o o m s W ith N e w ts a n d D ra p e r ie snets are ju s t th e newest

iest ever sho^wn in nets— w indow . T hey don ’t re ­

t r i a l — th e y cost no m ore x c lu s ive and i f yo u w a n t drapes— we have them- >r New Draperies

[her PacB O O T H !


' ' '•iff m

t g o n Y o u r ]

ts From Thisp re s e n tin g th e m ost beau

3’ w ea r fo r . Easte r. T h e i and every L i

s —-B e a u tif u l M il—Gloves, Shoes, Neckweat

;We (fe no t cherish the illnsio hefre th a t a atore g ro w ^ b ig b p ro fits . F a ir and sqnare prie ing— m oney's w o rth fo r mone]^ spent, w illingness to take bao! goods and refund money, a ser vice th a t leaves as l i t t le as poa sible io r the customer to fe e l ba no t been rendered; thoae are th ca rd ina l principles here th a t w consider f ir s t o f aH.

The HATThe HEART m KNever Were Easter HaU

New P atterns ReceiveiThe service we give in th is bJ

w ith its la rge assortments to cbooi onr . cow rie o f a rtis ts as trim m er o rd in s ^ : I t ’s the in d iv ltfpa l toncl th a t characterizes onr hats.E x tra o rd in a ry H a ts a t $

and upZf yon haven't been bnying bcn


; A Special SaleO i f y o u ’ T * b « e n b u y ln c h * r a

m o a « y . I f y o u b h T a n ’ l b m o a e y .

3 T a f fe ta S liThis special is a lig h t wei,

w ith ru ffle d bottom . F o r the ' fo r a special costmne these f il]

ly good s k ir t fo r $3.98.M ore SUk

- So pop tila rhas become theer lo t a t $6.7S. We needn’t s Booth’ s.

GLORIA SILK SKIRTSHere is an excellent s k i r t :

sale here, $3.98., They come sure— extra good sk irts .

ckage fiM E R C A N T I L E , C O


j f - ) _

is Store f f la u t i fu l and au- e new— th e ex- L a d y and M iss ’ jjy;

[ i l l in e rysar and O ther D a in ty Regu

These New E Are Bl

> Y ou w i l l wa;nt to 1( y o u r fr ie n d — y o u r f to .

One H undred N eu r J y $25.00, $35prio-

They come in fle s l oer- green, etc. A lo t o f poB- fects. T he handson

th e 'b e tte r fa s h io n i we here as reasonable,

them .

< Cgnlratw ith th e f i

ats P re tt ie r s u it th a t goved Today — th a t ’s th eI bi« d e p a r tm e n t p rised a t 01 lo o s e f r o m — F romners is above the lu u i>nch you get here They Ve 1

sSSalS' s of Silk Petticoai * r a y o u f tn o w y o u ’T « b « « n s a v la j ’ I b « e a b u y lo x h a r e —y 6 u ’r o lo a lo i

Sifirts at $3.98weight ta ffe ta in various shades m the woman w io wants an e x tra s! f i l l the reqnirem nt. This is a spec

i lk Jerseys, $6.75the s ilk Jersey, we are o ffe ring anc ’t say more— it 's a money saver f r

ITS $ 3 . 9 8 — W a sh S i lk S k i r U

ir t fo r Summer wear. Yon see th< )me Hnished in hem stitched o r n

[rom BoO M P A N Y

V i


Easter Dresses Beauties> look as w e ll dressed as • f r ie n d s w i l l w a n t you

ew Georgette Dresses >35.00 and upesh-, w h ite , henna, rose, o f b e a u t ifu l beaded e f- ome dresses you see in I m agazines a re shown le. as you cou ld m ake

uits—Certainly Pretty

le i r y o u th fu l lines and f in is h th a t g ives th e

good, w ell-dressed lo o k he k in d . Y o u ’l l be s u r- o u r su its. m $25.00 to $45.00 ! been com pared w ith re expensive su its a h d

ive r saw such p re tty d W aists as we have.


I made

r t s in W h ite a n d F le s h

them priced at tB axd $6, on raffled bottom—good mea-

lolh’s ”

FBIDAY, APBn. 11, 1910

Page 3: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo


N a m e s a k e s o f F a m o u s M e n V ie W i t h E a c h O th e r f o r S u ­

p r e m a c y in L is t s o f A m e r ic a n

E x p e d i t io n a r y F o rc e s

(By Associated Prcag)PAHIS <Corromondence o f The Ab«o-

•eiated Ptcab).— Tbo f lra t u m o on tho alphabetical lia t o f tho Amorican ex- pcdiUonarT' forco is Private Aoao and tho lost is Cotporal ZzopjMsnfolt. Be­tween tho two names are more than 2 ,000,000 othors.

Q e or^ W a a h in ^ n , Abraham Lln> c o l^ Gonoral tnyasoa 8 . Grant, Robert £ . tioo, Woodrow Wilaon, aoveral Oaes-

. ars nnd a few Blamareks adorn the rank* w ith in te rm itten t frequonojr.'* •

^ Exclnding the commandorin-ehief o f ™ tho arm y and navy, thoro. is bn t one

Woodrow Wilaon. He ia a privato, and according to Stara and Stripes haa jnst been placed in tho working personnel o f base hospital No. 27, which waa or* S taicod in fitta b o rg h .

Tboro is an abundancfl o f tho names o f groat men includ ing 74 Goo>-ge Woah- iagtOM. n ie nane o f the f i n t preai- ‘ (lent ia narpassod by 70 Bobort R Lees, i w lio holds the record fo r hoarors o f the < mimo o f groat mon. ^boro aro but two i Abrohoin Lincolns and soTon Grants; i twelye Caesars and fo n r Biamarcks. t

Among tho "com m on j>oople," thero nro aboot 51,000 Smiths. Truo to the ir i trad itiona l predominance o f tbo direo> ] torios o f most citioa, thoy dominate the < American e ^e d itio n a ry forco in nnm- bera. Tboro are 30,000 Johnsons, 22,* j .'iOO Joneses and a like numbor o f ( Greens. SulUTons aggrc{(ato 10,500, < Browns IK)00 and Cohens 4600. t

■ . ' * f


[EmGLANOi______ t

S e c r e ta r y L a n s i i ig S a y s J a p - ^

a n e s e Q u e s t io n is D e lic a te

S u b je c t a n d N e e d s W is e a n d C a r e fu l H a n d lin g .

(By AsMClatoil Proas).. . SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Introduction

o f anti-Jnpanoao legislation in tho California legislature would bo. “ ex* tremely unfortunotc n t th is tim o ," t said lio b o rt Lansing, secretary o f t state, in a cablegram to the senate re*, f ocived today. 1

Tho contents o f tlio cablegram hnvo b not been mado known but i t wns an- n nouneed the eablegmm would 'bo read tl today when Sonator InmHn cnlled up the rules report flenying him permlB- ^ HioD to introduce a b ill prohib iting p -.Ittpnncso leasing agricultural land in p Oalifom ia, fo r fu r th e r eonsidoration. p

The cablegram follows: o•'Paris, Franco, A p ril 8 , 1019

- “ To Hon. Joseph A. Bcelc, Secretary I , o f Scnato o f Cnlifornin, Sacra- y

niento, Cal.:“ Your eonsiilernte cablegram in ro- ti

la tion lo tho 'proposed land legislation e in the stato o f California and in rr- f' gard to tho landing o f so-cn1|pii pic- li turo brides has brnii roceivoil. tl

" I wish to oxpress to you on behnU n o f tlip president nnil myself our appro- s! eiation fo r your inform ing us o f tho b ills which w ill bo introduced in the stato aonato; in viow o f tho preaent nituation in international a ffa irs here in Paria I t would bo particu larly un- p fortunate to bavo thcso b ills introduced n or pressed a t tho present timo. 1,

■“ There are oUier problems which c; would mako such nction very embnr- f,

■ rasflbg. 1 sincerely hopo you w ill in- t< form the sonato o f tho contciits o f this ^ cablegram and the earnest j>iea on tho q part o f the president that no snch leg­islation as proposed sliouM be in lro- ® (luccd or considered at' this time.

“ Expressinc my thanVs to you for tb is opportunity to consider the ndv»s- n b ility o f legislation affecting our fo r­eign relations, I am w ith respect,

’* Yours ve rj' tru ly .“ KGHEHT LAXSI.N'O.*’

tronoB.Sehool TMdiczs.

1 For tbe next 50 days the B e m ln ^ n Typew riter w d sell to pnblie eehool teachers and high school teachers nsw Typew rite r* a t dieeonnt, as zohlows: the B e a in ^ n No. 10 , market priee 1100.00 caah; < 106.00 on time wiU sell lo teachers fo r $81.00 cash or $36.00 on ilm s p«7 a e a t* o f $25.00 down aad

, * 10.00 per month. Don't miss this chance to ge i a aew Standard Bemiag- ton fo r eoeh a g reatly redoeed price. W rite ns fo r fn ru e r iaform atioa. Bern* ington Typew rita r Companr, S9 East 1st Sonth, S alt Laka (flty , Utah.—a dr.

We are »g««n making ttoekfood. Ths Tw in FalU Floor M ills . (A d r.)

See MOWBRAY IAbont Oo&l

Aberdeen ITTlng IHi&w atba [

- Bock 8p r in {^ Peacock [K o w b ra j A Shankol {

Phone 809 |

FEIDAT, APBIL 11, 1919.


(Hy Aflnoclutcd Press)- ANN' AliDOR.— Svrimming i t to be

[ | added to athletics a t tho UhiTorsity ’ j f of M ichigan this yoar, w ith indications I that n strong team w ill bo assembled I . from students who figured prominently

S in other branches o f sports a t the school. I

Lack o f a swimming pool in Water­man g>*mnaslum hns prevented M ich i­gan from' indulging in th<« wator sports, • "but epace haa been found fo r a nata-

'[a torium in the M ichigan Union building, and w ork on i t is already under way.

■REOlSSIiiOS r IRSOFFERERS:nd JU ; M e r c y O r g a n iz a t io n S 6 n d s T o n s ;

o f F o o d a n d C lo th in g to i

M S t r ic k e n P e o p le ^JS* 'he (By AseacJated Prcs«>

6 A L 0 N IK I (Corrcspondonce o f Tho . o f Associated Presa).—To meet tho great no neod o f etotbing throughout the B ^ka n ad statea, tho Amorican Bed Cross com- i ist mission to tho Balkans is sending to lol Serbia; Bomania. Montenegro, and A l*>r* bania m illions o f yards o f cloth, thoo*

sands o f aowing machines, largo quan- , es titles o f thread, needles and buttons ih- ;ind hundreds o f tons o f old elo*thing. sl- Theso things w ill bo apportioned among j iS, tho countries aecordlng to tho oxtent ho o f destitution. Tbo commission is also ro shipping largo amounts o f food to vari- s ; ons points in tho 'Balkans which have t

suffered from tho German occupation. i ro " I f auy ono o f tho Balkans goea l r uuclad or u n fe d ," snld L ieu t. Col. *’0- Henry W. Anderson, diroctor o f Eodle Cross activ ities In the Near East, ‘ Mt . n* w ill bo only because wo lack tbe trans* I I,' portation fac ilities to reach the remot* I of or in te rio r sections. Wo have gath- I 0, ered up millions o f pioces o f clothing '

and tlrousanda o f tpns n f food from overy nook ond comer o f Euoopo.and w ill rush them to those sections o f tho Balkan states which aro most in nood.

“ >Yo havo taken over tho surt)lu0 stocks o f re lie f supplies held by tho American Bed Cross oommission in S I ta ly . Wo havo nlao hn<l diverted to our uso, fo r d istribution in tho Balkan peiiinsula, largo quantities o f material . intended fo r uso in Franco .and other

I countrJes during tho war. One o f the principal items is condensed m ilk , o f which we are ahipplng more thnn throo m illion cans. This doubtless w il l save tr thousands o f starving children.’.’ a

*--------------- P''■ Scots W ant Queen’s Z ® Fareioe ll Message „d ---------- \ 1

Museum o f Edinburgh Is in i.i Possession o f Last Le tte r of

Beheaded Ruler „ tim ---------- ■ . K«10 (Ry Aasoclaiea Press) cli£• LONDON.—Tho national a rt colloc* ni" tion fund has loaned to the Boyal Scot* wif tish musoum In Edinburgh, pending its nl9* fin a l diaposltion, tho last lo tto r o f ot

Mary, Queen o f Scots, addressed to her m0 brother-in-law, Henry K I , o f Franco, m1- and w ritte n the n ig h t before her exccu* tli d tlon. fc p This le tte r was acquired frop i the). Morrison collection by a numbor o f g porsona fo r presentation to the Scottish n people. I t Is in a perfect state o f J. prcser%-ation, nnd a beautifu l specimen p,

o f ealigraphy. a ;In the letter,,Queen M nry to ld K in g q'

y Henry tba t hnving passod nearly 20 g I- years in tho ca p tiv ity o f Queen Eliza-

beth nh6 had a t last been condemned j j )• to death and had been ordered to bc ^ n executed as n crim inal a t 8 o 'c lock Uie gj •• fo llow ing morning. She commended :- her son to H enry 's care. She sfgned

the le tte r “ a t two houra a fte r mid- . f night. Your most loving nnd very good ). sister.”

• FBENOH TAB2J P A IJ IC E =■t (Ijy Associixtrd Prrns) p^ STEA8 DUBG, France.—Former Em-i i'• peror W illia m ’s chateau o f IIoh-Koe- /,“ nigsburg in Alsace haa been taken o\Tir r ' '

by tbo Frcnch authoritioa. I t is re*h callod th a t the c ity o f Sehlcttstadt was■' forced to givo np th is medioTal castle/'• to W illiam I I who restored i t o t o cost/» o f $1,750,000 and then mado tho peoplofl0 o f Alsace-Lorralno foo t tho b ill. / ^

I _ ' '

roeil LES PLEIl i OFC IISSON;he ----------

C o u r t S e ts A s id e C o m p la in ts o f u - C o lo ra d o P u b lic U t i l i t ie s

tt- C o m p a n y n n U n ju s t R a te s

(Dy Awoclated Presa) W A S H IN G T O N .-A ll specifications

oxeept thoao a ffecting a few elass rates c ito d . in a complaint o f the Colorado public u tilitie s cemmlsdon against the A tchbon Topeka and Santa Fo and

S other railroads wero ovem led today by a docision o f the interstato commoseo rouiniiasio'n, the* Utah T ra ffic bureau ottockod v ir tu a lly a ll class and many commodity rates between Colorado and points to the west, eouth and east and

[)3 attracted unusual intorest because o f lntcr^•ontion by several <lther com* plainants, including tho Now Moxico commiasion, tho Utah T ra ff ic bureao and various c iv ic organizations.

No Beoord o f U njost Bate . Tho commission hold that, although a

? fow clasa rates wore unduly projudlcial, oxcoeding its maximum rato allowances,

“ tho record d id aot conclusively ostob* liah tha t other class rates to* points

■Y north, south nnd west o f Denver wore unjust. No necessity was ahown, ac* cording to tho deciuon, fo t ootboond western commodity rates from Denver. •

P roof alao was found to bo lacking ‘ff* tha t class rates between CHiicago, the

Mississippi and tho Missouri r ive r tor* j r ito ry on ono hand and Colocado com* men points on tho othor, wero unjust. i

The commission found uo adequate , basis fo r readjusting commodity rates

“ • botween tho aatno Eastom and Weatom | points nor fo r changing ocean and ra il (

^ rates to Colorado v ia Galveaton. ,

CROWDS mE ii mwmmiS p a r ta c a n s S t a r t P a ra d e W h ic h

Is Q u ic k ly B ro k e n U p b y ■ L o y a l C it iz e n s

IP ■—*— ~, f (Uy Associated PrcHS)50 ROME— A group o f men styled Spar- ro tncnns, carrying o red flag , attempted

a demouatration hero todny, but the. people attnckcd thd'crowd nnd dispers­ed i t . Several o f tho Spartacans wero hu rt and othera arreated.

p ■ There ensued an enthusiastic' di'mon- Ktrutinn i l l honor o f the army ond the X ietory o f the allies. Many cries vere

n i.eiird ol' “ l» n g live tho kin,.'!’ ’ • • r;; livo our Itn linn F iu ine !”

A Homo dispatch on A p ril » said .. the Koeinlists thore had decidcd upon n ~

geueral s tr ik e .fo r 24 hounijou Thars- ■” day in 'niemory o f Or. K n r l liebknsch t

c* nnd Itosa Luxemburg, kUlod during tho t- w in to r demonstrations In Berlin, .*i«d :s nlso in honor o f the b ir th d n y o f N ik- >f o lai Lenine, tho Rusainn Dolshcvllc pro- •r mier. I t wns stated thnt tho govern*D, mont had forbidden meetings by both 1* the an ti war and pre-war nocinIi»t<,

fearing gravo elnshes would rosult. lO » ' ' ■<t BEAD TH ISh G9 CENTS &9 CENTSif A LW A Y S LOOK° FOE M U T U A L CSBAMEBY OO.’S



Take a fdend w ith yoo and drop In , n t the music room o f tho Mnjcstic Phor- ;

macy Saturday, where ten w ill bo • aervod b y tbe Preabyterian ladies, adv.

; \ /L IB E R T Y BONDS■ /Ins ta llm ent Books, W ar SaTlngs and ' T h r if t Stampsts BOUOHT POB CASH ® EO FFL£B, 366 Broadway ‘V N E W YO EK) Boom 41S. Phoae Franklin G50.

1 - Crisp - Satisfying § !wftat everybody saj-s aboot !

id th a t's why they aro continu* jbo BO immenaol^ popular. |exacuy wha^ you'U say when

lo yoor f ir s t Soow Flako Sodx

ask fo r crackers—« y Snow

ocer caa supply von.


U tah Celebrates B irthda )/ o f Road

l l Through DesertU Anniversary o f Bailroads Oon- 1 ncoting Coasts Is B ig Event ^ • in M onntain Stato

(Uy Associated Press); OODEN—F if ty yeara ogo, M ay 10th,

tho Union P acifie 'ra ilroad bu ild ing to ­word tho Pacific coaat, and tho Cen* tra l P ac ific build ing toward tho east, met o t Promontory, neor Ogden. On

na tho doy tho two groat lines were unit- og cd many uotable persona viaited the10 spet and tho last aplke driven in com- le pletion o f' tbo road waa oue o f gold, id On M ay 10th, th is year, tt)e two ly great railroads w ill jo in w ith 'th o ’ atato so o f Utah In eolebratlng the evvont. tu Pagcanta descriptive o f tho early pe- ly riod ond modem methods o f transpor- i<t ta tion w ill form one o f tho unita o f o

parade which ia to bo the lending nl- j f traction o f the cclebratlon'whicb ia to n. bo hold in Ogdon and w ill bo known ns ;o “ The Golden Splko Celebration.’ ’,Q - ■ ■

' F J G H T P R O M O T E R L E A V E S

O N G U N N IN G T R IP E A S Tll, ----------IS, J. Bobb Brady o f Pocatello- A th le tic b* Olub, A fte r Ohamplosahlp Boat, ts W in V is it W illa rd ’s Oampre " -c* (Bpeclal to The News.)

POCATELLO, Idaho, A p r il 11.— r. President J . Bobb Brady, o f tho Ppca- « tollo A th lo tie club, gunning fo r tho

world'a ehampionahij) boxing contest between W illa rd and Dempsey on Ju ly

“ • 4, le ft here todoy fo r Donvor, Konaoa . C ity, Lawrence, Kon., and tho Toxoa

o il fields on o tr ip meeting roprcsenta-,5* tlvca o f tho press and sporting men'^ throughout tho intermountain country U to diacuaa tho prelim inary *i|rangor

ments fo r landing tho bout. Mr. B rady’n tr ip Is veiled in secrpcy. He w ill hold conferences w ith tho publicity., nnd business agenta o f “ Toxaa” Bick* nrd in Fort W orlli, Texas, and w ill v is it W illa rd ’s tra in ing comp ot Lawrence,

| l\nn.

I f you want to treot your g ir l to candy Hiiinlay, buy i t o f tho I ’rcsby- teriaii Indiea Salufdoy a t tho Mojeatic Pharninty. odv.

Classified Ads are cheop—effective.

I W i l t B u i l d H o u s e sat onco on ony o f my vacant lots

J or ocreago tracts and sell on torms (. n f 1-4 down ond 1, 2 ond 3 ,years, i.' 8 por cent, or,

° I W il l L o a n Y o u lh e M o n e yup to 1-S voluo a t 8 por eont on mod*

P em improved, well locatod rosldonco11 proporty, or fo r build ing purposes.

“ A R T H U R L . S W IMI _______________________________________ I


Y o u r T .

in P i RecI


] : An abtmdanoe o f matavailable supply o f la l long anticipated demu Telephone scrvice o f tb pre-war dayi was w itb

But then oame the da toward waz^when in

/ solid phalanx to bring > There w u no l o n ^ i

purpose not directly » o f highly trained telsj

I their t i iM and sk ill t o ;A n d ndtber was there burned at both ends, possible a t a ll feU f a r ' un til the dally ntmiber

I D u r i^ this period waI dltions would pom it, 1I Tloe that tba pnblie en,

Wa hav* gene th ro ti^ J ' important period o f r»I Bnt t t has not bean po

posed by nearly two I oompletad switchboard

tional employees ba t r period o f time.We haT» not yet been

j serrloa back to the saaBut the same poUoy c

j W orld s tfll e x i ^ anding m ott e ffld im permit. -

I M a y UK expect yoi th a t p e r iod o f n o i

The M o u n t a i n S t

i D A I L Y N E W S

«| T h e W ' ■ W h o

I T IS T H E W O M A N ^ A V U E R E S I I E . C A N B U Y I

S o a n c u t d o w n t h e i n <

!“ ■ I P Y O U A K E I N D O U B T H E F O L L O W I N G P R IC E S B E E N P A Y I N G :

WO *-‘ 0 S ilvor Gloss Starch, 2 packa

pg! ICingford*H Corn SUroli^ 2 ])or- Duteh ClcaiiHpr ......................

Uon Am i ...............................10 Jlo ther Oats, package ......I" Carnation Oats, piickagc ..

Croam Wheat, packaRO .... ('ream Barley, package .... 1*2 11). Baker'K Chocolate .. 1-2 11). llerHhey’B Chocolate I ’ c iir l W hite Soap, B a r ....E lastic Starch ....................Crystal W hite Soap, a bar .. -Bob W liite Soap, a bar .... T(‘co I ’ancake F lour, 3 fo r ..

es- Tomatoes, Parkers, ean ....Corn, W ellington Club, can

i ly Bars Creme O il Toilet. Soai 3 Cakes B a tli Tab let Soap, 3

^ .Matches, a bo.x ..................on' 3 X’ackagcs A lm o ‘Macaroni11 ■ Crackei*H by the Package, 18iIr . No. 5 Crackers, a b o . \ ..........3e Barr(*l Ginger Snaps ............

Raisins, Seeded ......................sit Kaisins, Seedless ..................

Empson Peas, c a n ..................Sego M ilk, can .................

to Durk Kano Syrup, gallon .. •[j Dark Kano Syrup, 1-2 galloniv. Pork and Beans, No. 1 ’........

Pork and Beans. Iso. 2 .......’• Pork anti Beane, No. 2 1-2..- IF YOU A U K N O T TA

T H E S E PR IC ES T I IE N W II _____________________________________:I ■ •

S K AN e x t t o Id a l

relephone i eace, W ar construct

P e a c ematerials fo r telephone oonstmotlon i ’ labor, a well kn it bnsiness organizati tmands fo r serTioe— f the type that the Bocky Motintain W Tithin ^ e bounds of p o e ^ ility .

• j W a rday n^en the nation squared its iaw

I industry in general lined up behint ing about the Oreat Becnlt. er an abundance o f labor materii y connected with the prosecution o f t elephone men and women were called to wftetiTig the needs o f the ^ re m m e

lere the tame nonnal demand fo r send ds. W hile the supplies of the tilin g rar below nonhal, the demand fo r the iber o f calls reaohed tremendous propt wa radered the best telephone servic i t , but i t was not and could not be t l t enjoyed in days o f Peaee.

R e c o n s t r u c t i o n>0^ the troubled period of war and r reoonstmetion.I possible to omoome in a few month iro years of restricted cxmitnxction. ards cannot be improvised nor oan la r » trained to the highest p o ^ t of effi<

een able, rader these conditions, to b •mna h i ^ standards ***** ^laracterise^ sy of striving to give the Best T e l^ ind to*day our efforts are cetttered in disnt servioe that the p r e ^ t m iM tt

‘ u o u r confidence a n d cooperation w> norm aU ty to w hich a l l business is lc

S t a t e s T e l e p h o n e a n d



,‘kages f o r ................................ 25oI ])acka^es fo r .....................25(*............. ........................................................... lO o......... ............................................10c-


e .................................................. 25c.... :..................... :............................5c

10cr 5c........................................................5or ..................................................25c

V)C1 1 1 ................................................15cloap. 3 f o r ..... ...........................25c, 3 f o r ......................................... 25c................ ............................ ........_5cn i ................................................25c18c; 2 f o r .................................35c.....................................................78c


1.....................................................95c lo u ..............................................50c

- 10c......................................................15c 2 20c

T A K IN O AI.»VANTAG B 0J-’ w^E B O TH L o s e .

lG G Slaho T h e a tre

Service j ra n d tionm pnrpoaes, an elvi^syi sation, and normal and

. W ert received in thoa*

aw and turned its face nind the nation in one ^

lerial available for any;it the war. Thousands 'Iled upon to devote allment.irvioe. The candle waa iLn^ that made servioa ,be service rose steadily 'oportlons.vice that war-time ooz^ e the same type o l am-

md we faoe to*day lha

iTithf the handicaps im*X. New buildings and large nnmbers o f addi- iffinenoy in so short a

> bring yotir telephone ised i t in pre-war dayt. l^)hone Servioe in tha in the work o f s tq ip ^ - settled oonditions wiQ

while w aith iff fa t t forward?

i d T e l e g r a p h G o .


Page 4: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo

Psblished b y Tho Tw la Falla Newi PnbliBbing Oompany. Incorppratod a< T w in Palla, Idaho, aod isaood evory a f tornoon oxcopt Sunday.

BOY A . P'R|»T» — _______L’ rosldoniJOHN 0. HABVEY.-------- ^ e w a Editoi

Tolephooo 82. ,

T o d a y ’s N ew s TodayEntered aa aocond'clana m atter Apri:

B, 1D18, a t the postoffieo a t Twin Falla Idaho, undor tho A c t o f Mai'ch 3, 2870,

SUBSOEIPTION RATES UaU Carriei•6.00_________ Ono Y « a r__________ »fl.OC

■ ___—_ fl m ontha-------------- 43.0C• ^1.25_________ 3 m ontha__________ <1.60

• .50_________ *1 month ...-------------• .60

A dvortW ng Rotoa Upon Application

Eaatern lioproBbntativea: Ooorgo B. David Co., Inc., 171 Madison Ave., Now York, 1411 H artfo rd Build ing, Chicogo.

No ro^IIon8^bility is nBSDinoil fo r tii« naro o f uuaoiicitod mnnuflcripfB, photo­grapha or othor contributed mattor. Artielea aubmitted fo r . publicntiou w ill bo used or not nt tho discretion o f tlio oditor and no mauuscriptfl' w ill be ro-

. turnod unless accompanied by tbo noc- naaary ppstago.

x iW B \ n i ' 'o F ^ \ T s o c iA T E b ^ imj^Tho Associated Press is ozclualvoly

e n tit le d to tho uso fo r m nublication o f a ll nowa dispatches crodited to i t , or not otherwise crodited, in tliia papor, and also tho local news published Iioru- in. A l l righta o f ropiib lication o f apo- c ial dJipatchcs herein aro niao reserved.

< f>

SOHOOL BXTEN 'b ION.Tho carry ing Into elocution o f tho

build ing pinna o f tho Iruateua o f the Tw in Falla Indepondent School D is tric t, boginning w ith popular a]>provnl u f'th o 91CO,000 bond issuo a t thc oltictiou on (Saturday next, w ill solve threo impur-

, tan t problems iu thc local vdiicntionul nphcru and place the Tw in K a lb dis­tr ic t in the vnn o f national educational ]irogreu.

I t w ill, iu tho f ir s t place, jirovide for a ponnoucnt broadening and expauaion (if tho high achool vocational tra in ing coursca, placing tho school in n poai* tlon whoro i t may beat apply and make 1180 o f tho lessons which tho wap haa taught tho educational world.

I t w ill provide a richcr curriculum fo r tho seventh and eighth gmdei>, which under th is plan w ill Co .incor­porated w ith tho f lA t year high achool, cJasa in tho Jun io r high sehool, a ffo rd ­ing to tbo Jun io r high achool,.all o f tbo advantages o f incrcoiKHl' fac ilities - fo r vocational tra in ing , including household oconomica nnd manual tra in ing , boAdcs g iv ing to I t tho boaefita o f Ibo u#o

s. n f tho high school llb fa rj-, auditorium ^ ^ d gymnoaium and partic ipation on a

broader ocolo in student activ itlca.And la a t l^ I t w il l reliovo congmtion

, n is t in g now ia tho* Tw in Falls school system to n jK>int where th i' capacity has been reached and a t the Bickel and L inco ln schools wh*Te'»haeks are being used to accommodate the pupils.

Tho chief im portAuri' o f the proposed sehool expansion plan inhero5, in ils proviniouH fo r making the schoola o f w ider u jrfu lncsfl to pupils o f adnlenceut age <ind a ffo rd in g a p la n 'o f eduration which w ill be tter equip Ks cradunten to meet w iih nnd solve the j.roblenifi <.f averyday life .

These aro thc thinga which a school s ya tem ^^ l^p rim nrily

See j

C. T. Newbry & Co. jHazelton, Idabo j

For Land Bargains jL is tings a ll over SoDthern i

Idaho i

LIQUIDS PASTES: ^ O x - B ( o o d ( d a r k I




TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWSws — —few# ,1 a t ' . *

= IrRAISE! “ MD0B6------------------------CmwMIp r il « * w ' .'alia, ^:870.

rrior ■10.00

iL&oI .60 . .

Crescent Baago.----- ----------- m»*laiportaat*«s«BUalfihonUgnld#the ^ is tba aalection of yonr baklagoto- powdar^ptDl^, laam lsc eiHoltsc^. . . . andaoonoay.

■ Oraacrat ia abaoIut«ly pnr* by Uborv toiy t« * t« . i^ gorm sM st aundarda.

tho Omeast, beeaoM I t is donbla aetiagro- raUM tba dosgli battar thaa othar

O rtaoartW f.0

/oly . . . . . . . .Qf Thoro lany be bettor wnyH g f providing

por, fn r such progrnnt but none has so fn r iire;teiit5-.l ilK i'lf.

BpO-■oJ. ----------------------------•»— DEBS.

Undoubtedly the uttcranceti o f Kn- gene V. I)eb« from vnrioun .platforms liver America during the cloning montlm o f the wnr eoiiHlituted n d is tinct obstn- ele in the jin th o f thc. government in

tho . ___tho




£ FRIDAY NIGHTlas ..... ~

The i Brat

T H E P L A Y Y O 0 K N O W>oIl iy n j A D V A N C E T S A T




0 ._____]____________________________ f

S i n a l l P r i c e s

I SOc, 73c, $1.00I PLTJS W A K T A X [

G e t B u s y N o w C a l l 1 3 8

M a j e s t i c P h a r m a c y s

I .E A T H E R I ES : F o r B la c k , ^ V h I^ e .T a n « x / I r k b r o w n ) S h o e s | a»

UR SHOESe a t . !'V'

l i wderpilde in m iflg ’wholcaoiM^ dalle-klag lo u cakes, blacnlta aad brtadt.

Or«ao«Bt is tha th rift b ikiog powdar. Itooatalan,do«8 0 oreandb«tt«rworit, aaaiMBqaaatityiareqnkad. Toa wiQ

gtiBg tiad the Creieent Oook Book is w j rthar beJpfol. -Oopy frw oa jeqiurt. Writ*.

Zg. Oe.. eeatUav Wuh.___________________________________ u

ding I the w iirk o f HiicucMifull.v prosecuting th fa r wnr iircgrjim <if Ainericn. Dobs oponl

.!(xlviHi'<l mon o f n iilita ry nge to resit I the d rn ft. lie held up tlio proponitio u f Bolxhi'viHin in R i^aia nd tho bot

Kn- exnmple o f ]>iire democraey .which th oriUH world lind over seen, nt n timo whe iitlm Uic HlreetH n f Petrogrnd ran rod M-it bstn- tho blood of innocent meu, women nn It in ehildri'ii. Debs set himself up in oppc____ Hitidii tf) Ihe government n t a tin i

wlien fhe govornnieiit needed ever ounce o f Hiij>jiort of which tho Amorica

^ people were rnpable. Ho chose to ctr J bnrroii rather than asaist, Amorica I

the wnr. I l ls influenco was on tb _ side o f America'a enemicn instead o I Amerien. A fow muro o f him and i * m ight bv thnt the wnr woulci havo hai

on en tir(jly d iffe re n t ending fo tha whleh nctun lly. cnmc.

O f eourae thcro ore many men an< womon whu w ill applaud tho. courso o:

r Debs. B u t to tlio clean minded, afraigh th in k in g every day citixen, tho mni who Is. prepared to; acccpt thc proposi

— tion tiin t -the foimdtttiona o f ovory gov ornment rest largely on the confidonc< o f the body po’U lic la the men ia ebargi

jo f tbo w orking ou t o f tho country 's dos 't in y in timca o f stress, Debs and hli p n ^ a m simply w o n 't do;

A ild yet thcro is an interesting coa- troat to bo found In tho record and it« results in tho ease o f Dobs und thc

I same on ^applied to slackers, pro-Ger­mans, avowed alien enemies ond tho host o f other small ‘ f r y file d away in

I various federal and m ilita ry prisons for cauao during tho period o f the war.

Delis han beCn advi«ied by t^o courta ^ that hia only show to oacapo a Jong

priaon nentenco ia by an appeal fo r par- don to tho Preaident. Hundreds o f miserable l it t lo plotters, who delibor. a tely went *ouf o f the ir way to do on a small scale th( th ing which Dobs did on n large, ■ are ■ now being releaaed frnm custody and nctuall.v paid in eash a t army ratea, fo r the time they havo apent in prison.

P I f the degree o f Debs’ giiiU in su ffi- I cicnt to worraut a prison term o f yenrs,

no in thn t o f the others. I f the others nre to be given p riva te 's j>ay fo r the time npent in prison Debs nhould re­eeive tha t o f n Brigadier General— and on top o f that should go an iron cross w ith bells on it .

B ut there is sueh a th ing ns eonslnt-

RUN ON SAVINGS BM ISBMSTimStrongest In s titu tio n o f C ity Is

Givea Test by Customers l j Las t N ight

(IO ‘ Annocl.ited Prcsn)(■U1('A(*<>— luvi'.Htiitation n f ru ri..n i ]

which cflused a run ou thp (Sarfietd ' I ’nrk State Savm;p« hnnk wa.i started > tcul.iy. The run liojjan about cloiiing ‘ t in ir veitor-Inv an.i a i xtmn ns o ffic ia la •

fhe renlirecl the nituntio ii they. ‘ arranne.l. to k frp open u n til n il claim- *

- nn tn W .fi- -a tiK f lp ii. W h.-n tt..- <lnora ‘ 1 w .'T .' n ij:h t DOO nrco un lin -^ 1 h iii l r ic iw d and $200,OOd w i ih - [

< Irnw ii. The h .in k ia eona iiie rcd one}I o f th e • .tro iig .'^ t o f the . - i tv V .m tlv in f j , in s titu tio n * .

• '(" 'la jiiJExedI I .1 (Too la te fo r cla ijifieatTon.')

i i tK N T — F u rn i.h c d houv>. -'i’ )I ' t h A ^e . X .

TO TRAOK—FW ^klin lOlS five pan- i .-.Tr fo r income pronertv. Box'

:>70. Tw in Falla. ‘ i

! WANTKI>— A eirl-n l. irv r ic Pbna^ 1


r m jm


ition •


>Pi>o-j .time ___________very‘ican

H forth“ t E v e ^ h i r•K l't ’ ^„„„ p e a c e -tim e c

. p e c ia l l y . T tre n d , a n d le

" S ' • 1 1., to th e lin e s i

' ‘ A m e r ic a n .

1 THEHOIhas fashic re a d ju s te d s]

“ s th e n e w ty p iof o f m e n w h oon — c lo th e s fo r™ d e ta il, a n d n

M e n w in it h a t th is s to re a re rea d y f o r i

. rii s io n a l men, colI" T op-coa ts mad'j; s is te n t w ith h ij

' ''$35

StraiD " T h e K u p :


C H A M B B E L A IN 'S OOTJOH B H M B D T I The great benefit derired from tho I

rfl use o f Ohamborlain'a Coogh Bemody ; J haa been gratefoUy aeknowledgod by ,,j ;^any. Mra. Benjamia T. Blakeney, De- g cator, HL, writes, "C ham berla ia 'a I, Cough Bemedy is by fa r the beat'nedl- y, eia Xor eolda and coogha we have ere r

oaed ia o tir fa m ily . I gave i t to m y j , ebUdr^n when sn a il fo r croop aad have I _ taken U m ya e lf."— a4r. j

e Claaaifled Ada aro ekeap—effecUre. •

PHILLEOH a a P le n t y o f R o o m f o r •

S to ra g e o f I


( S D A I L Y N E W S1 ' . ■ , , .

o ^ f u u t *

New Cloth [leNewArnin g is b e in g a rran j; c o n d itio n s — a n d th e r T h e s ty les re f le c t the le n d the m se lve s basily

s a n d ' th q m e a s y e m e n

WSEOfKUPPiioned its Spring sl s p ir it o f th in g s . C lo t l

^pe— c lo th e s th a t w in tl10 h a v e c a u g h t th e b ro i o r m e n w h o w a n t qu i n o th in g less.

!1 f in d m u c h s a tis fa c tio ire can p ro v id e such a c lo tl i r a l l— fo r e n e rg e tic bus in co llege men an d l iv e ly “ P i lade to w ea r w e ll and la s t 1 h ig h q u a lity .

; $40 $45

lus & Glcip p e n h e lm e r H o u s e in 1

51 Jtsyour own11 ify o u ^ ^ r -j saysDLot0. ! “ Your own horse-= ! sense ought Vo te ll,

1 you what is the’ best! value when a smallI chew of Real Gravedj ly tastes so good,■y- and lasts so muchi longer than a big

Peyton R E A L C H E Y i

' . ; I

hesnericann g e d to m e e t ; n e w c lo thes e ^ h e a fte r- th e -w a r i ly a n d t r u ly to :n ts o f the n e w

»ENHEIMERs ty les in th isjth e s fo r m e n o f th e q u ic k fa v o r

ro a d e r v ie w p o in t lu a li ty in e v e ry

ion in k n o w in g o th in g service. W e liness men, p ro fe s - Preps.” , S u its a n d i t lo n g ; p rices con-

. $50 ' ■ '

auber» T w i n F a l l s ”

o n n o r ^ ^ W

e- chew o t ordinary• I I , p l u g . ”st Good tMta, sfiulln' ehffir.J] Ioa<erltf«UwhatmakeaG«a

• B iaeGraTeJreostlMatocbcnthan onliaarT plo|. j , Writt

lg M n cUwl,t Utt



Page 5: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo


R e o rg a n iz a t io n o f Id a t io W lio i

s a le C o n c e rn Is E f fe c t

W i t h In t r o d u c t io n o f N t C a p i ta l

Tlip Iclnho Wliolu.mic (JrociTv ru j.nny, oi)orntf<l in Tw in Fnlln fo r c ij yonr« jrnnt utnlor tbo nianii(;ci>imil C. K. Muiinon ami F. -HnnJor, nn hrancli o f tho mnHi ‘concorn a t I ’oi to llo, hnH boon roor^'niil/.eil w ith t nddition o f notnc Incnl capitnl.

A[r, Mtinson nniil th is niornhiK (crn ing tho ehango, “ In tho pnst hookn nnd nrrountH li'nvo beon kept Pocatolio null invniccH woro mail from tho main o ffiro ' In tho fiit ii hooks anil accowntn w ill bo 'l< i'p t‘ in t Tw in Fnlln offipo nnd nl account nal v i | l bo inauod from th is o fficc. 0 nif(litionaI nnloaiunn han hcon employ fo r th is te rrito ry , n inkinj’ tliroo Hali mon now travolinR fo r thin f jn n out Tw in Pnlls. «

‘ ‘Tho chnngo liiiH Ijoun tim<lo noiK Hory by increnain);^ voluino 'o f busino nnd in viow o f uxeollonl proH[H‘<'tn f

. tho fu tu re o f whirb tho now ooiico: I'Xjicctn t« tnko tho fiiUont ndvantnKO

Thu niann^onicnt w ill ro n tin iir pra t irn lly tbo xantc nn in tho jmnt. (>'. Bowlos, fo r oifjht yonrn pnnt ns8iicint< w ifh tho Powi'r foin]mny, w ill in t

• i-hnrjjo o f tlio buokkocpiilf; departmon nnd it . F . Clark o f Portlnncl, alno wi bo aasoointod w ith tho now eoncont.

Buy an apron or other articles < clothing; a t tho markot Saturday at tl miiBic room o f thu .Majontlc Pliarinnc




Trades TTnlos HoIdB £x9cutlv« Bosslo to A dv lM Employera E xactly

When Wages Balso

Bocaunc o f tho publientlon by locc nowspapers o f a statomont in au intci viow w itb George E. Dowcn, busince ngcnt o f tho Build ing Tradcn couhci to tho effect tha t tho now scale o wagofl o f tho sovoral''tradcn unions al f ilia te d w ith tho council would bccora I’ ffoc th 'o in Mny, tho olectricnl worker union was obliged last ovoning to holi

• nn exeeutivo ncnalon and pass a reso — Illtion rem inding tho employers tha

the now scalo fo r the electrical worker was to.bocomo .effective A p r il 1, am tha t on .agreoncQt to tha t e ffect ha< boon signed by thn om iJoyern prior t< thc publication o f the Interviown.

" 8 «e«ts to the S v e e t" . Get then o f tho Prcabytcrlon ladlcn nt t l i r Ma jontie Pharmacy, Saturday. adv


, V IE W O N i d e a l P A S T O R

P la in T a lk la Expect«d a t K ot«1 SW' vices a t Ohzlstlan Oborch In

OompUmest Exchange

I t la oxpccled tllAro w ill bo same plain t f l i ' i a t tho Christian ehurch 8 uu' tl® ; n igh t when six roembers o f thc eongregation aro to sneak a t tho seven

• o ’clock meeting on, “ The K in d o f Pas' to r I L ik e . " A t oight o 'c lock the pastor, W. A. Moorp, w ill spoak on “ Tho K in d o f Congregation 1 L ik e ." Speakers fo r tbo seven o'clock meeting are Opal Yantis, Byron.Pylo, Miss Ruth Harvey, Mrs. C. P. Bowles, C. E. Allea and W ,.J . Trueblood.

Wo arc again faakiug stockfood. The Tw in P a lli F lour M U la.^Adv.


Excellent hog feed fe r sale. The Tw in Fa lls Flour M illa. . (Adv.)

W all paper cleaning. Entimates giv> I'll. Phone 709-R. aiv.

Here’s Yoi




, IS C H O O L B A N D W I L L


” n T w in Falla Stndent Unalclana to Ta , L P a rt In y ic to n r l.oatt

, dI 1 * 0 Members o f tbo Twiu Falls high

I M school uniformed band, undor tho I W direction o f J. T. Bainbridgo, a t

l l i l Rupert on Tuosday next w ill moot tho V ic to ry special tra in , Joden w ith trophies from European bat-

fh filo tK'fields nnd bearing speakers and n u ie - roturned world war veteran's tour- pf^tpri- atato in thc intcrcnln o f fho

forthcoming V ie to rr loan.N e w school organization w ill

. accompany the V Ictorv spccial from ' Rupert to Burley; Murtnugh, Buhl,

F ifc r und bnek to Tw in Falls on • com whatovor. dnmonstrntions mny bo arraugcd= ,7 ! ; ;’ iw o*' ^ *'caah” fo r yonr «gi, tako them to the M utnal Oreamery, 22'* Bhoshone Bt. adZ oon-iBt nil I------ — " ■iS ic i j > \ M - n o u n c e i t t O B . i jfuture in the

• J ' * A TTE N TIO N O. A . E.Iilovcd inoiiibern tif Dnn McCook posHftk'H- vctornaH o f th

nut o f rcqucnfod to nnsembk' t7 oVIoek Tuendny ovoning, A p r il 15, fi

nt'ron- * ''0 Tw in Falln rn ilw ny ntntion to moi sinon.t spi’ i'in l trn in n rr iv in ^ iictin fo r ■*" •’* *1" 'piiconi th i'renftor in Ihc intcroBtn o„ . tllo forthrom lng Victory L ibo rty ■I^iu nra,- CO^’ OVEH. Commniidcn.( I p . • Adjutant.-•intcd -— ■

inkft __________niont,I w ill

D ER .


comeH 'that


,X : A N e w S u itI.

' fo r E a s te radv. • •

, in junt as dear to thc heart.o£your soii as that new Eiuitpr

O R bo et is to you. I

Ser- 8oe how proudly ho stepsalong w ith head up andsKouldurs back Jil his new

“inie XtragooD. Suit.Bun*

jven i® Boy'n .SuitI*®*’ money can buy—wcll finished

throughout—uo rough edges; every one is overcoat or'tapcd:

tinglu th n(ams that lidVo to stand

strain arc trip lesewcd—from the f ir s t pattern to tho bist button every step o f manufac­ture in right.

. IB Prices range from EB-

£ $ 5 to $ 2 5Tho . ' ' ' ■

ad?. -■

» u r Chance!" $2.50 Ironing Board

Given Free With



R A IN I ^ .

: Left Go!• tho . ................. ■ ' I I ||«>, a t

= TO THEand '

i BERNARDI = SHOWSr «gg»■y, 222


One Week, / s | COMMENCING:>k' a(

l| Monday n Night,

April 14th10 Shows to 4 Rides 4

[LewT A K E S M A N W A N T E D IN


Deputy S h e riff O. F . H offm an Makei Prisoner o f Sam Hacvey fo r Whom

W arrant I s I s r a e l

8 am Hnrvcy, wanted in S ilver Citv Owyhee county, Idnho, on a foloiiv chargo o f drawing n gun in all nlli'n-a tion w ith a citizen o f fhat county, wa/i arrested Thuradny nfternoon lyest ot Buhl by I>eputy S he riff O«orgo P. H u ffn iitn . l ie wan bronght to Twin Palln and reli-ancd fropi custody' whon ho furn inbrd bon<l in tho num o f $1,000 to Bc>cure his appcnrnnec fo r tr ia l.

Open* M il l W ork Shop— Frank Ny.-, w c ll known .Twin Fnlls enrpciiter uud builder, hnn reopened th j cntnbllKh- ment a t .T2I Fourth aveiiiie south, herf'- tofore known us the Tw in Kalin Snnn i- Door coniphny. *»nri w ill rondurt tho bi.ninens in tho fu U ic un>ier tho name o f fhe C ity Sanii & lioor company. M r Nyc has been anxoriated w ith this bua- ncns fo r eight years pant during the times I t wan conducted surccsnlvely by John .1. P llgerrim and bv .Moon & Ath-

' . .V

Claaaified Ads are eheap— effeetlve.Id. _


Seeks Relatives o fI M an K ille d in Wt

I I County Troaauror aa -AdminI ■ tra to r Direota Several Inef- !■ . foctive. Inquires

The relatives o f A lfred E. E ric non o f Filer, who culinted in th m ilita ry nrrvlce, nud wan killed ii a rtio n ,in Frunce Inst October leav ing anioiig hin offeetH nn luuurnnci policy for 91:000 payable to - hi

, I entnti', are boing soiiglif by MrsI I Kmina Longley Warren, "eount> f l troamirer, an jm blir ndniinnitrator

I I . ICricnoti le ft no - relativi'H hen■ but mnile hin liouio for n time lia

fo re -o iilin tiiig , w ith L. O. H ill ol .F iler. It in uiiderntood thn t lu hnn bn iilicrn and ninfers in Minnc- Hofn. F ffo rt to locate thein, how ever, linve l.ccn unavailing f liiii far.

P e a r i O M . a . i i

t \ IJ. II. StoveiiH o f Hurley njtcnf Thu da.v hero.

Mrn. .1; IJ. Kanegy.ajieiit Thursd there from IJiilil.

R. n . Denton o f K im berly npe TIiiirHdny here. ,

Snm H ills o f .Icrome in in Twin Fa ou liuniiionH.

Mrs. M. .\. Davison went fo Americ: Falln Innt night.

IJ. U. Ktncrick of .Torome is in Tw Fnlln on linninona.

Mins IVnonu W right <if K itnhor spent Thnrmfay here.

Morgan Heap went lo Pticatello n buninexH btnC night.

Mr». Frnnk W right uf K imberl Kli»I>]H-d here yenterdny.

I .Mrn. I 'n iil Disney vin itc ii here fnnI Ilu iiorf ou Thurndny.I .Mr. and .Mrn. Arlluic.'.Rcott o f Ila i

nen hjiont Thurnday hero.Mrn. O. V. Gooilrirh o f llnnni'n npou

ThurM.Iny in Twin Fnlln.

I Mrn. .M. i l . Finiicr o f F iler nhoppciiu Tw ill Falls on Thurnday.

Mrn. Roy Woods o f Hurley visitci friendn'hero on Thursdny.

Mrn. U. Davinon o f Rupert niiojipoi in Tw in I-'nIls on Thunnlny.

.Mrn. E. Dcedn o f Hanson nhop])C( in Tw in Fnlla on Thursday. ‘

Mrs. A . .1. Stout o f Hurley .>liopjK'i in Tw in Fnlln on Thursday.

W. IJiirfon o f Hurley la In Tw in Fall fo r n few days on business.

I Mr. and Mrn. W ilbur Holton o f Lub I spent Thursday afternoon here.I Mrs. M. E. W right b f K im berly shopI ped in Tw in Fnlla on Thursdny.I [ \ y . J. F a rrd l 6< Burley In in Tw li

galls pn buslnefji^for a few days, m . Mrs. Cuba Ann Proctor o f K im berl;

sJioppcd In Tw in Falls on Thursday.Mm. F. Harrctt o f Uanaen apen

Thursdny in Tw in Falln on bu tions. ) W Mrs. E ff le Lyon o f F ile r came h th

last, n igh t to >'isit friendn fo r a fev dnys,

^ea ■01 Miss H ilman Herrinden le ft Thura

d n y to v in it friouds i;» Burley fo r n few d n j»

•ity, M r. -aiid Mrs. Cliarles Costello oi ony Kiihl arc v is iting in Tw in Falls fo r : n-a- few days."■“ 5 .Mrn. P. I I . Van, Orndell o f Portland

p who came here fo r her son’s wedding win home last n ight,hen Mfs, A lbe rt, McCIay o f nansen rc ,000 turned home on Thursday a fte r a visil

hero w ith relatives, fig t. H. ICnight who has recently beer

• y-'.j discharged irom service in here ou biisl and jiess from Pocatello ^or o fow dnys./p .! Mrs, Ooorge Robinson o f Borley ii

v is iting her brother C lifton Adams, i t J},.. Tw in T’alls fo r the remainder o f th(

j in ' week, ‘.Mr *ua- BBM EM BBBl

Tho M utua l Oreamery Co. pajn by xcaah'’ fo r egga. 222 Shoshone B t, W

Uh- adr

Exeellent hog feea fo r sate. Th« ve. jT w la Palls Flour M ills . (Adv.]


H C^KIN Swmmmmmmtmmmmm coUurfj* nefuraT T and JE F F (

A Feature p ro p 'a m — on

j s D A I L Y N E W S

W ar Ileav. la I•nnce {■*=^=lW pE j^§M f>■ hin *.

I Falln t (


fn>m ■ *

“ jVlodelShipped

H. E. BAsited ' ^


■ppcd j.----- T =



As Maishop-

T » ii. O u r i n v i t a t i o ' n’ • , n e s s M a n , ^

y " ’ ’ w i t h t h i s I n s t i

e d b y t h e r e c o t

r „ i - p r o f i t w h i c h W

T h ^ r e i s n o d e

. c i a l . s i d e ' o f y s m a l l t d m e r i t

t e n t i o n a n d e : t i o n — n o n e t o o

S : us., A p e r s o n a l c o rv i . i l . O f f i c e r s w U l b i

been' t r a c t i v e f e a t u rbiisl-a.

Tlic first fT w in Ft

pays. W . adr.

The ' ',dT.) >= =

jllhe ORPHEB Today and Tomorrow■ Usual A(

71ie w orld -fam ed succcss H tim e presented in a fo to pla^

SIS HOH A s to ry tha t w ill never grow H m illions laugh, fea tu ring—

I MABEL NB a A Bomance in -the gc

\ S IX OYUNDEE LOVE, a W estern adventorc. A twe

^ r io t o f laught*

Com edy b y Bu<-one yo u 'll enjoy immensely

Special OfferingW O M E N ’S

Pumps and Oxfords$2.85

W o m e n ’s b l a c k k i d ,

c a l f , p a t e n t a n d w h i t e

c l o t h p u m p s a n d o x ­

f o r d s , h i g h o r l o w h e e ls ;

v a l u e s f r o m $ 3 . 5 0 t o

$ 6 . 0 0 ; s iz e s f r o m 2 I - 2

t o 5 1 - 2 . S h o r t l o t s ,

w h i l e t h e y l a s t

$2.85@ ® © @ @

hoeCo.,lnc.IA R B E R . Pres.

( 'V:' ■ - -

m to Mano'n to you , M r. B us ir 0 beeo,me a f f i l ia te d i t i tu t ib n , is p rp m p t- : o ^ i t i o n o f m u tu a l W ill r e s u l t . -

d e ta il o f th e f in a n - y o u r ;business too

: i t o u r c a re fu l a t- e a rnes t considera'-

0 0 la rg e to o v e rta x ,

lonference w ith o u r b r in g o u t m any a t- ures o f o u r service.

National BankFalla , Idaho

. ' ! I , .

a a a ^ ^ g i i i i 11. ,i.4. .^i, . , l„ , j , J aiiiiiiniiinininiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiifiiiiiiifiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

EUM Theatreow. Matinee and Night

by Bose M elville, fo r the f ir s t )lay— the great ru ra l comedy—

)PKINS)w old. Thc p lay tha t has made

NORMANDgood old snmmer time

a 1919 version o f a sp^^cling: . tw o -pa rt Sunshine Oomedy^—q fhter and Thd lla . .

ad F isher


Page 6: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo


W in tered Here Is A ttra c t­ing A tten tion

CoiiPi'diTablo onthusloani Ib nhowji b.v tlip })Po;ilo o f Tw in Fnlls w iitc liin jf tho

• B crtm rili nhowH rounding'out tlie ir ftt- trnptionjt which thoy w ill open fo r thy f im t timo th is AoaHon tn tho ninuHomciit Koiup public next Monday niRht, A p ril 14. Tho people who w ill bo a part o f tbirt RiRBiitic orRanlztttion aro a rrM n g in tho <rity on ovory tra in aud by en l- iirday everythin;; w ill bo in roaainosR.

Thin is tho f ir» t time in tho h ljitory • o f T w in FnlU thn t n Inrpi' show haa

uintri-ed anil opened hero nnd every ouo IH intorcateil in mnking tho Btay o f th<* Bernardi ahowa a rurrcm. A ll tho a tlraction ji on “ The Avenue.of Pleas­u re " nro feature nhowa nnd n il new.

Tho Cnrae o f Kaiflerigm w ill ho a nov- elt.v to thono wbo attond nnd w ill b ring ouf tho to rrih lo auflorlttfpt o t thoso wha hnd to f if jb t tho terrib lo ' hun.

The lari'o traino^l animal ahow in one u f tho bent and lorgeat and ahows w hnt human akill and kindness cnn do to ta iiu ' ^hcso w ild bcaats o f tho forest.

The terrors o f tho ocean w ill abow how iJio Iluna ' aubmariho warfare waa cnrricd on, showlnj; how tho nubmarinea Hubmcr(;od thomBolvea undor. water and sent out tho ir deadly torpodoes, blbw-

' ing up and sinkinK the tranhport boats th a t carriod our boya "o v e r thore.”

The Circiia 8 ido Show w ill bo* instruo- (ivo nq well ns enterta in in f', exh ib iting tho bent froaka and curiosities tbat can b« gatherod under eanvna.

The motordrome w ill send th rilla up the bock and you wondor bow tbono daro-dovila daro do the atunta thoy do on tho motorcycles, going ovor a milo a minute.

Tho Gold and S ilvor ahow U a croa- tlon o f a rt, aod w ill bo ono o f tbo main attractions. 'Thcae and many oth­er features boflidos tho gigantic ridoe, tho Morry-Oo-Kound, tho Foris Wliool Bud tha t sensational rido ' ‘Tbo 'W U p" cnn a ll bo seen on “ Tho Avonuo o f M ir th " w ith tho Bernardi Showa which w ill bo opon to tho public fo r six nighta o f fun and fro lic commoncing noxt Monday night, A p r il 14.

Tho ada o f liio atorea nre nown-bud- geJa. They givo you fncta an to «vhit is happening in tho world o f morclmu- (liaiug—]>rico trend* mid nclunl Aullinc pricoa. You muat l<ou|i in touch w ith storo news in order to bo nblo to judj;o vUlucs.

y o c a l p ^ r e - v j ^ i e ^

Joins H usbuid Ber»—Mra. CharloH llc c k c r o f Salt Loko arrived here on i Thuradny to jo in hor fiushand.

Sxpresa M «a Here—A. 8 . .Borry and - J . Vf. Johnaon, o ffie ia la o f U>e Am eri­

can Kxpreaa cooipaoy, eamo hero Thurs­day on buainesf.

Son n i on Coaat—Mrs.* E. l i . Rogera le ft Thnraday ovening fo r Loa Anguea, Cal., where ahe was called by the c r i t i ­cal illnca* o f hor non.

Is Guoflt o f JJaog^itor—Mra. L . 7 .Oaddio a rrived hero yo«torday from Bakorsfio ld, Cal., to v ia it inde fin ite ly . Sho is tho guekt o f her daughter, l£ rs . W. R H aakiM ,

lA u rto WaU Batozxv— Laurie T. W all returned on Thursday from sorvico in

, tho TOfirine coqis in Galveston.. He hna boon located there fo r tho past yonr and a ha lf. For severnl weckH beforo hia return he visited relativea in N orth Carolinn, his form er home.

W ar Veteran KetonUng'—Lieutenant Douglaa Daviea is expcctcd home today n ftc r Bcr\-ing fo r Hit' poat two years w ith tba Canadian tro(i]>a in France, he hna been a member o f tho engineering curps aince his oaliatmont. iio spent two months o f the poat year in . ‘the hospital recovering Crom severe wounda. Mr.. DnvioH i* the mm o f C ity A ttorney .Tohn E. Davies.

Bow IMphtherla Is Coatract«<i. Ono, o ften hoars tho expression, " M y

' 'Chilil vaught a aovere cold'which d«v’el- ojied in to d iph theria ," when the tru th >»an thnt the cold hml tiiniply le ft the lit t lo one particu la rly auapcctible to the v’unlloring diphtheria germ. i f v«ur

r l i i l i l ho.1 n ro ll] wben diphtheria ia pro- valent you ahould tako him ont ' i f the xchooj nnd Vei<;> him o f f tJji* jiJrt-oJ u n til fu ll.v recovorod, na thi-re in a hundr.'d tiniofl more danger o f hin taking diph- ttu 'riaw hen he haa a cold. When Cham* berlain's Ooutfh Kcmedy i» j-lvcti i t «juickly curcit tho cold and Iciuiiini Ihc danger o f diphtheria or any other g-ro. disease being contracted,—id v .


nu J^oi©l.sIN L___ ____Ic h P E R R IN E -J . n . OloJia, Loula P et­

t i t ; L . M. Stigor; C. C .TarrandT T- K. Forrin, Burlov; Goorgo I la r to g ; P. P. lleagora, Jarb idgo ;. i f . . K n igh t, Poca­te llo ; J . B. MorHa, Denvor; M r. an^ Mrs. Charles Brower, Jcromo; O tis

tho Browu; 0 . J . Hyde, Salt Lake; H . H . ftt. Bailey, Gooding; T. W. Holmca; A . W. the Bowman,- W ill C atlin : E. C. Doyle; A . ,p„t S. Pease; H . W. Spring, Pocatollo; B . p rll C: Nickerson, Portland; Balpb S ilver;

o f A . S. B o rry ; J . \y . Johnson; Bobert lo g M ille r, Portland.3al- ----------ess. BOGERSON—T. E. Clork, l*au1; -W. ory C. LarsOn, Paul; MrsJ K . W... Joods, haa Itogeraoa; H . Duncon, Buhl; John J . ery Catleugh; J . E. A llen, Idaho Falls; O.■ o f W. Varney, Idalio Falla; Claronco B a t- tho ty , Hogoraon; O. V . Dockor, Idaho Falla Bas- JkCra. .W ilHam Yost, W o n d o ll;^ Jo rry f. Becker, Buhl; Harrison Bcckor, Buhl; lov- J . G. 'Wolcott, PorUmouth, CL;. Dora do in g Phlllippo, Now Y o rk ; John Aform us; rho H onry l^eosioger, Jarbidgo; A . F. Fost­

er, B o s to n i'V . H . Baraott, Boston; A . one B. Cbirk, Boston; D . E . A tw o ll, Colum- hn t bua, O.; W. B'onoison, Amorican Falls; to H . A . Pederson, Balt Lako; M rs. Clara

St. F ladby; Iko Marks, Boiso; W alter low Casey, Salt Lake; Mrs. Goorgo Thomp- raa aon; A . Albertson, Picabo; 11. A lbort- nea aon, G arre tt; J . G. W olcott; D . E. A t- ind w o ll; K . H . E itoa; Ed Cotoman, St. >w- Louis. •ats ---------------- ■

W HO W AN TS TO ADOPT oa. A E B A L • ‘ TOM-BOT” O IRL?tho ----------tb- Thoro are lota of- boya w ith “ g irl- loe, l ik o ” qualities and thero are g irla who «ol have lots moro " n o p " tban tbe ir p " brothers, but th is does not condemn o f thom fo r our foremost educators te ll Ich UM i t is the "to m -b o y ” typo o f g ir l Its who ahow tho moat rapid advancemunt ix t a t achool and who oventually mako the

progressive, modern mother.W hile ' ‘ T h e - B r n t " is a ahoeking

uJ. m ite o f a creature you love hor most \nt from tho vory s ta rt o t tho ploy, and LU- tUi tho tru th sho apcaka cme/ges from m; the rough Innguago ahe einploya i t ith <lawnH upon you thn t she ia nothing j;o Icaa thnn a philosopher.

“ Tho B r n t " w ifi be prcliented by a Now Y ork o ity eaat o f pla^'crs number­ing ten artia lfl a t tho L n v fr in g tonight, A p r i l .11.

Reracnihor, this compan.v is n<i(.. charging tho ir fegulnr p rice n 'fo r this

' eugageinont, but having ,.tbroe . open nights on route to Portland, ono o f

Ofl them is being played loca lly a t admia- DU aions w ith in tho roach o f tho moat mod-

eat purae^ Tho intorost In th is engage­ment ia largo,, so i t bohoovos one to

nd SL'oure aoata a t nn early time, r i- — I'*• .... now IB YOUB C O M P LE X IO N t 4

A woman abould grow noro beautifu l ’ ’ 08 aho grows older and oho w il l w ith

duo regard to baths, ^ e t and oxoreis<v aad by. keeping hor l iv a r ond bowela in good w orking order. I f 7 0a ore hux- gord and yellow, jou r'oyea losing tb o ir

.p lustre aad whites becoming yeliowiab,' your flesh flabby, i t may be dao to in-

™ digestion or to a slaggisb live r. Ch&m- V- boria in ’s Tablets correct tboso diaor- " • (lor..—Adv.

m- down Ai t ta d nia]


DEVGE Am tk e s t l

o r tQ fac I tw iD r b e d n n

i t l A« jt>ne


........... ........gpeea.m im an t


SALLADAY HAP a in ts , O ils , VaFn



-lIsUES FOR RESTORATION 3 TO HER MAIDEN NAME___ Mrs. H are l BraaUSax o f Caatleford, A l­

leged Desertion In A c tio s fo r D It - ^ orce Trom H e r HnsbaadPot-. I ______‘ ^ Doaertion dating from March, 1018,• P* fd llow liig thrctir anarriogo in jAugust,

1010 in Pueblo, Colo., ia alleged aa claims fo r a decroo o f divorce in an action filed in d is tr ic t court hore

• .“ • Thursday by Mrs. H ote l Brashear ofCaatleford, througb hor ottomay, J . H.

' " Sherfoy o f Buhl, against Samuel Bra- > shear. Sho asks alao th a t her maiden

namu o f Hazel Downey bo restored to bert },er.

~ A B E T O V H A S F77 -W. happy 70a most be wbIL . I f

'nea, yj,u aro /re a a a a tlj troubled w ith , coa-• stipation asa in d i^ s tio n 70a cannot be ! G- altogether happy. Take OJuunberUln'a

Tablota to correct those disorder*. They aro prompt and effectpa l, easy aad pleasant to taka.—Adv.

» do ^Ft ocialj oiesUls; -------- /la ra 'ater XI,p gun.i pf the Ascension Episcopal

church mot on Thursday oftomopn in >ort- the rectory. The ladies spent tho oflc»- A t- noon aowing.St. ----------

On Thnraday afternoon the re tiring offieera o f the’ Presbyterian Ladies Aid

^ aociety gavo a tea in honor o f tho in- ^ coming officora. A short bnsiness sos- ^ aion waa hold aud lo to r in tho aftor- 11 noon delicious refreshments were aor%’ed fI by the hoatosses.

^ , Last Tuesday ovoning tho ladies o f St. Edward's church ontortalnod o t a

. tea in tho roetory. A largo crowd was t l ,7 present nnd the hoatessea clcarcd $33

fo r tho church.

[Jf!.' The Thursday Bridgo clnb was de- J;,® lig h tfu lly entertained bv Mrs. P. H.

Crow yesterdoy afternoon. TJio priies jfn ll Leopold and Mra. H arry Bnrgor. Mra., ont gueat o f tho club.

Mra. K. ITolllngawortb entertained J the M n. C. club on Wednesday after-

noon. The' guests apent tho afternoon ® : very plenanntly in p laying bridge. The

jir iio o f hiffh scoro went to Mts. Peter | Krickaon. -Mrs. Snm H art was the gucst

ing, - D o n 't spend tbo da7 cooking. Got

your piiatry fo r Sundny a t tho mualc ,.,f" room of tho Majostic Pharmacy, whoro

’ tho I ’ roabyiorian Indies w il l w rve you Snlcirdny._________ __________ ndv.

1*', CASH PA ID fo r aecond-band cloth- - f in i ' 'a t the Clothing Exchnnge. 120 Snd

Ua- Bt. a .od- —

. E .M P IR E ., A u t o S h o p .

Repairs Ford Oara \ ^ Eclosively

GEORGE I m u m sIn- Proprietors.

130 3rd Ave. S. Phono 708or-

Mirrolac madeeverything in this room like neW”woo(iwoik need <127 norred and dlnB7 .

floor-bidden dusty can>ets. At U cost you can transfonn tdu ti to Iboi: hardwood. Jost as casDy fou can bring ■n dist old duur or table £rom die attic make it worthy cf. parlor or dining-

XL ,

Thm Caaram m dM I R R O L A C

ta this simple and rna pcmJr e. lo one Scatioo it ^rea a ksadioine oak, walnot

fifiWK Wjd) a iirnit«f*» iD noc c h ^ become ^ooed or jdiow !' marks. Diiea orer Yoa auk.b it with soap,and water, one can apply Htrtolac to almod any*{ in du bome. The hardwood finishes tde light oakf dadc or golden oak, walnut; ogany« dark md malachitea. W e also have it in' Kold-^aad alua— tm for Itijhtinff fizures, ndiaxon and a pipes, besidea fiat and doa whito end

Iardware CO.r n i s h e s a n d G l a s s



VIE Real Estate Transfersra toiihed B r t t a Tw in t*Ua Ti-

t ie and A bstract Oomitany

)18, T» n ■ r nj

“ ‘iu Deod, J. C. Sanger et al to H . L . Aus- ^ t in tlO , lo ts -10, 11 and 12, block 1

, Bluo Lftkoa addition. Tw in Falla,. f Deed, W. B . Priebe to J . 8 . Kimes H $1, lo t 5, block 17, Tw in Fails.

. ■ H. Morriasey to Florence I . Morria- soy, a i, NE 35-11-10.

,0 Deed, S .'B yan to W. Hess, $750, p t ‘ N E N E 27-10-17.

Agmt. o f aaie, H . F . Harder to H. D Johnson, »10,037.S0, lo t 21/ b lock 67,

^ Twbi Falls.

are ogaln making stockfood. The T w in Falls F lour M illa . (Adv.)

S ■ '

F o r SaleJ 100 acres under high state o f

cultivation. 2 ^^ milos from tfon- ter o f Jerome. Bented on shares th is year to good farm er. Buyer* share o f tho crop w il l pay aplen- did returns on 'tho Investment.

I f yon are look ing fo r A SPLENDID INVEST,

r B ffiN TJOB- ,tor- W rit© or inquire o fved

Jhi Tnlll-Sremliick flsally Co.Phone 116 Jerome, Idaho.

rns . . . I - ................................ .. I>33 - • ■ ■ ■:

•S'-' / S i' J& fk

ub. g S g l f ^ ^ ^ ^ A S f l kicd . J n k 2^ ^ . ^

i5 U m § S m m m»on . mmM!7ie r m im f t a m fU MmSH?tor ■ n

" bmillm Stio t i i n J m l l l m m K i i m j S l tale - f ^ f f f j a p

th- . iM 'f f iE 'C T W i nd p f l i iS v

w iB M

B h I

I * V K | ^


Idaho A lD I E . B O L '

,S DAILY NEWS“ * f \ s L a c k k r

W H « « US

imes, WASTK Thirria- No Time fi, p t.I n. E ve ry person, every to o l, e' ; 87, th e service o f th e n a tio n —

I f you have a n y usefu l elec in g th e s lackcr b y .re fu s in g

^ MENI f the re is a n y service le ft

' m achine m o to r, w ash ing n B ly in g id le in y o u r hom e w • q u ick ly . Y o u rem em ber f

used to save y o u ? W h y 1 necd 'every m in u te y o u can

Our cstii^te wi!

QtizensEMrO. R 0 3 S t . DC

_ T W IN F A L L S .

• V ico ^

n l | A Gooi i B l iI J l l l l l ' n o t ic e )m i^ K u l ~S: p repoad9 m i l f States T

B iVli/ I''

M V K U I proved (


represen motorist

M l l lU r where.

I The idj j States T i/ tires—tt/ can be bl

rapidly j

Wecai U n ite d meet—ai your inc

lite d Stalarig^iood

LUto & SuL T «5 CO.. H O L

FRXDAT, A P B IL 11, 1019.

' ' A W O R KERW M K C L-


fo r Slackers, c v e iy m achine is dedicated to .1— there m u ^t be no slackers, le c tr ic a l app liance th a t is p la y - ng to u o rk

IT !e ft in th a t o ld fla tiro n , sew ing ; m achine, o r vacuum cleaner ; w e can re p a ir i t chcap ly and :r h o w m ucK t im e and la b o r i t y le t ic lie id le now when y o u :an ge t for- p a tr io t ic w ork?

v i l l c o s t y o u n o th in g

ctric Supply Co.D O U G L A S , M i r .


od Tire Year1 have d o u b tle s s e d ' t h e g ro w in g i<dieiaace''of United Tires

ry one is asldng for 'f known value and i dependability.

that is precisely United States Tires 2nt in the minds of ists here and every-

idea back of United T ires—to build flood the l>est tires th ^ built, is apiJealing to f growing niunl>er8.

«n provide you w it li ■** sd S ta te s T ires to -and meet exactly— ndividual'needs.

ites T ires ! T iresjpp ly Co.L L IS T E R

Page 7: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo

^ T h e C lass ifi(


One iiue rtlon , p«r l i n o ____________Ono week, por Hoo -—__ ________Oia monlb per lino _____—. __i.

. PHONE 32 ^

T B A W a y E B


OLASBW O T O W OLAflS—Al«o « * b in e r ^

Moon's Shop, phono 5.

m ^ oT t t o t o o

P i i ^ o T 0 in K ^ P h o n o ^ o K Loi Muaie Co. ■ • ■


^ A T T O B N iraA & E B . W n . S O N — Lawyer.

EO M SB 0 . M IL L S — Boy<l Building

i S T E ra A N , & T. Bldg

b : ' v f L A M O T T — “ a e^oVai Booini 6 and 7 Id iiho Power Bid,

BWEBLBY 4r S W EELEY — Attorne a t Law. Praetieo in a ll Courts, Tv Falls, Idaho.

M . W O IiTB—Lawyer, Rooms 5 a C, ovor Idabo Department Ptoro, Tn Falls, Idaho.

. T A ^ X o iP O T iS d S r e ^ ^ ^ a b c o X '^ iog,' 125 M a ia A to. ~W., phono Practice lim ited lo Probnto and Cii M n tta a . __________________

J. H . W ISE—Lawyer. Fu lly organli Collection Departmeat. O /flc i Booms 0 and 7 Ovor Tw in F a lli Bai ft Trust Co., T w in Falls, Idaho.

A O O O U K T ^ r iW O I ^ ^ P BW (k bsOOOP—Rjom " ' ?ower Bldg. Telopbone 201 and 8^

j / ' o . P O E r a S T B i i ^ i ^ . ^ i i ^ a r t, Me and M in ing Engineer. Tw in Pal. Idaho.' Phono IM -J .

, M m o P B A c rro B S" m T ^ i £ r ’B b a i

, IT A B IU M —AU forma o f E lectricU M inaral Vapor and E lectric U gi Baths. S04 F if tb Ava. E . Tel. Sfl

OLEANEBST B B PAXJLCT 'a z m is n M ^ ^

TATTOBTWa— B. 1*. Boberta, Itg i Phone 916W. 126;BhoaheBa 8 t Wet

' WOOLO GIVE fl OOLURS 11 BomB ailw ay Baperlntandeat B ay i TaalJ

TT«wi to TT>o H U Job.

" 1 wotild give fiv^e dollara a b o t i fo r Tanlae beforo I would bo w itho i

. i t , ” said Joo Owons, division raperi tondont o f tho Memphis Stroot Bauwa-

. whcM addreu ia Box .281, MempM Tean.

" I^ w a a ge tting ia m ighty bad ahap w ith stomach troi4 >lo,'* he coatinao< ‘ 'nnd waa a ll broken 'dow n and tire ou ti X waa so nervona and had ane aw fn l hea^achca tha t I coaid hard! sloop or rest; I waa' simply down au out and don’t belloTO 1 could have kop my job much longer i f I hadn’ t go hold o f Tanlae.

Since sta rting on Tanlae I hav gained fivo . ponnds, Z eat and sleep jne

. fin e and i t bas strongtbened me np an - made me foo l so m nch ' be ttor o tc t

way tba t 1 ca n 't say enongh in i t p ra ise ."

Tanlae is aolil in Tw in Falls hy Cit; Pharmacy,' in Bogerson by Thompso) Drug Co., in Mnrtaugh by Mnrtaugl

' I>niK Co., in F ile r by A . B. Wood, Ij Buhl by C. D . Boring Brotheni Co., am

♦ i l l K im borly by A . L . Stowo.— ad%-.

TZPEW BITBBS.Jnat roceirsd a new ahlpmsat o f fao

to ry r« b a llt maehine* aa fo llow s: Bem tn f to n ’s, Monarch'a. Sm ith Prem iar's A l l to be sold a t ba i^a iA prieat. VfiiU oa to r prieo on a n r o f ta«r marthinoa M t eaJT terma m & es I t poaalbla fo i yon to do bnainesa w itb t it . B 0 7 from tba maBofaotnrer and haTO hia gnaran too w ith ♦v* T^airfi Bam ln^toi '^ m w r l te r Company. S9 Eaat 1st Booth 8 ^ Lako C ity , n ta k ^ -a d r .


/ Vow A rOCKj - > ( <iO T

[ M! :— ^

TBIDAY, A T B a 11, 1919.

i*ied C o iu m s M ea


nT.AHHTFTtm BATBS____10c InsOTtloa, p«r w o r d ________ _____215c One week (DaUy and W eekly)____:_...„75c One n o o tb (D a ily and W oekIy )U

M lnlmom charge fo r eacb la ie r t----- — o f aay claaalflod od, 15 canti. i

most nm fo r » tU t« d period o f

-------- POT, TOTO B E A L ES--------TATE ODT n r THE U O H T—t *ork. teU about i t in the olaaBife(

^ c o ln m n H. D o n ’ t s M ix ip th< te l l in g . O iv e th e fa c ta f r a n k

' P ' — ly» in t e r e s t in g ly , j ln fo n n in g l; Logan — a b s o lu te ly w i t h o u t . fa ls«

______ c o lo r in g . -P e o p le a r e a t t r a c t♦ e d b y c a n d o r. Ind ireo tne aa

v a n g e n e s s , c a m o u f la g e •>- th e s e s e rv e n o g o o d pn rp o s<

. in a d v e r t is ta g . Y o n c a n s e i y o u r p r o p e r t y t o a d v a n ta g e

’ b y s t r a ig h t - o u t a d v e r t is in g

. T ot S a le1 i ng. FOR S A L K ^S o U i i,7 “ cRg#*“ ” CQ iJn--------- fru it. Phono 772-W.Jldg. - ______---------- -KOB SALE—Stock butle r mills. Aactico. p ly Sterling Crcnmcrj’.

r a n RENT— CnfurniBlio.l Vooni ! orncys 3 - .'5th Ave. N.

Twin ••' .Wo are aR;ain mnking stockfood. Tl

Tw in ra ils F lou r M jIIb. . (Adv

SALE—Second-hand crcom can , iw in s te rling Creamery.

r - 'T r r s a l e —Shoats fo r snlo; albuild- brood sow. Call n t 249 S ixlh Ave. ^B 343. -----------------------------------------------------------1 C iv il FOB SALE—E q u ity in 4 room mo

cm house. 031 B. L . Blvd. P. B. Bar — - hUl.

f f ic « , i FOK SALE—BoHch moKuctu fi Ford. F irs t $15 tnkes it . Chns. For

[K im borly . . . • .

' I FOB SALK — Boflch nmgnoto f< Ford. F ira t $ in takes it . Chas. For K im berly. '

3 875. FOB SALE—About 100 tons o f bn ■— >— R. C. Souduro, C 3-4 miles BOutb and

ooBt o f foundr>‘.

?dran- ' FOR SALE—Motorcycle fo r sole i p ^ i trndo. Tw in cy linder UnrleyDavidso

' 592 Th ird Avo. W.

FOB SALE—Two socond-haad Cas traetioQ engines, 75 and 00 H. P. A , M Mounce, Buhl, Ida.

ric ity , FOB SALE—Black Minorca egR U g h t $1.50 per sotting. Loavo order a t O l . 2SW. e rty Meat M arket.-------- rO B S A LE - 1 0 1 0 r s r f f loa fc iB e»______ or trada fo r a lfa lfa bay or s««d. ClandA X D Corbly, 1134 Add Ave.

FOB , SA IjE—B uggy, harness' ’ an____ _ famDy horse. B a y Hughei^ one haJ

mile west on stato highway.

.FOB S A LE —Bicycles, tires, aeeei

M ooriea and flab iag tacklo. w e m e r' Bepair Shop, £44 2nd St. E.__________

. FOB SALE—Bugg}-, hamess, an fa m ily horse. Boy Hughes, one-hnl

■ mite .west on Stato. Highway.

. . . FOB SALE—Ono largo or tw o sma ? >oda fountains, cheap fo r caah, befor

Serin-. FOB ^ L E ^ -2 5 0 0 pounds o f c h ^ ^

:ph i^ seed w'heat; fiv e miles northwest oj F ilo r. H arry O. Newberry.

ih a p o -------------------------------------------------------------nuod, FOB BALE— Rural soeci poUtoci tired Small out gooil^^tock/ 75e a hundre>1 sneh C. E. P ickett. Phono 527 J-1.

" > 0 B B A L E -O n o hundred JU tjr IM . Vnnt sheep, 3 to 7 year olda w ith lamba, foi

FOB S A^E , E E N T OB EXCILANQI I jn s t — Oood rebu ilt tjrpewriters o f a ll makai ' Soo Hoover a t Bnsiness College o r writ*

J . B . Biehey, Buport; Idaho.FOB SALE—G40 ocro homestead fo i

C ity sale; good water and plenty o f fa l l and ipson spring range. Prico $1,500. Phono 0 : augh w rite Bank of.Bogerson, Bogerson, Idn [], in ho.

FOB SALE—W ill sacrifice to sell or account o f leaving town. Two housei and lots, known as 412 and 420 3rc

. ave. E . For particu lars inquire Oeo Dodd, 244 Sth avo. N*.” f 0 B SA LB —BaUnqulshment on 52t

rrito u re enlarged homestead entry in Bnsl Valley conntry, 60 aiJcs south o f Sail

fo r Lake, 4 miles fro m railroad station. Address C. J ., care o f News.

gton FOB SALE— Yollow Danver onion loth, seed fo r sale, $2.00 per pound. Thii

is the globe va rie ty , true to typo anO

r A N L O O N S

----- -------------- - e X P v A J ^ T . 0

’% K , ’ g s .T * i2 " S » R )


D acclimated. Anchor Hay, Orain Food Co., 240-251 S ix th Avo.

_ _ Telephone 23. .

■ , FOB SA LE OB BENT-^Cholco' acroa ono m ilo from O. 8 . L . atation

Porrine, now hoose, bam , otc._ • - acrcs under cu ltiva tion , w il l sell

iftrt or w il l 0**-•7 7 — , to r ig h t p a rty ; fo r particu lar* phy )—Soo or w rite T ra il l Qrensiobacic Realty jsertlon phono^llS , Jeromo, Idahb. .

N l'U S lS B y STOCK— only Idaho grown troos, shrubs, ro vines and plants in T w in Falla coui

w a ' complete nursery p lan t in•Jso- intcr-m ountain conntry. Call a t[T ----- nursory 1-2 milo northwest o f Kim:s ifA fi iy bo convinced. A squaro <

. f fo r everybody. K im borly Nurso* th e K im berly, Idaho. Phono 25 B-2.

fa ls e .. W ANTED— O lrl wanted fo r wasli - dtshca. H crbflt i Rambo. ,

le s s , W AN TED —^Man to plow by day.. ___ 1-2 mili'B from town. Cnll M uiin,® --------R-4. .pose ____________________________________

a a ll W ANTED— A stonographor and bi ■ kooporj salary $76. Oregg Bnslnta g e College.

W ANTED-^H iK li school boy w it ir iMUun ctonncr wants job cleaning r

___ n fto r school. I ’hono 444-W.Canned W A N T E D -llouaokco iic r fo r bnt______ lo r on much; .g ive jm rtii'u larB f;k. Ap- J<;ttor. Adilrena F , caro Nows.

______ " W ANTED— High school boy n>m fo r vncuiim clcanur wants job 'clean

rugs a fte r school.' Phono 444W.

J T t ^ p o m t i o n ' w a ij t t o ■

W AN TED — W ork by the dny7 Plu icons. 281-W.

______ W AN TED —Cattlo to herd fo r au; also mer. Sanford Lcach. Eden, Idaho.

SEAMSTRESS w ill go out sewing 1 mod- tho day or toko bumo ^ o rk . 541 Bam- West.

_ _ _ Wo have enrolled oxporionced boc } fo r koopors and stenographers who s Ford, looking fo r be tter pooitioss. Ore

Business College.'

iT Io t Tot KentPord, ---------------------------------- ---------- -----------

FOR BBN.T— Threo room houso. ;_____ quiro 045 '2nd "N.f hav. ■ . .1 - .a n d 'l RENT— Warehouse 25x60. A

p ly Sterling Creamery.

olo or BEN T— 80 Jicrcs on Salm-idson tract, 24 acres iu a lfa lfa land, fenci

M . V. Chopin, Pocatello, Idaho.

1 C ue _____________ S T B A T E D ___________^ STBAYED— 2 dnrk mare», 3 yet--------- old, 1 dark boy gelding. Phone B

B 8 , or w rite Box 85, Boat« 2.

_____ " ' ^ ~ 7 ~B *e"» ^XOSTT-^Vod a id b l*c k ~ e S ^ « ^mand* M a in avenue, Fridspr evening. R n d

re tnm to Nows offiee.

"• and I>08T—A uto tiro and r im Priday J h a lf road between Tw in Falls and Buhl. I

tu rn to News offiee or to A . V . Mount -------- Buhl.

ntex’i T o S m ._____ • FOUND— Banner bicyele. Own

and ean havo ■nm« by p roving and p a y i e-half ad. 102 Oth Ave. N ._____ FOUND— Banner bicycle. Ownsmall ran ha%'o samo by proving and payii

befora Q<1. 102 Oth Ave. N._____ W A 2 tT ^ iO B a k liA X B O X J ^

sV^of W AN TED — Listings on throe ai fo u r room house. Oco. H. Smit

__;__, phono 371.W AN TED —Wnnted lo buy tea.

weight about J.IOO, pan pnv part ilow_____ 0. A . H ., caro Tho News.h e a d ------------------------------------------------------ -—

s. fo r ■ W AN TED —W ill give good home > Jft. one or two lit t lo g irls botween 3 at ’ 0 yeara old. P . O. ^ x 213, Tw in Fall

j Jq E W ANTEI>—A l l kinds clovvor seed- red, alsike, w hite , sweet.. Tho Albe

^ t e Dickinson. Co.r Chicago. Local buye E. B . Spafford. Phone 100.

W ANTED—See us before you sc 1 and your potatoes. Con use fivo ears ar no or time. Northwestem Brokerage Co., Id , Idn- ^0 Power B o ild ing, Telephone 331._____ - —

’ M s trade Stover ensilage cutter, i, T - j most now, used oncc, fo r Ford or wl

sell fo r cnsh. Cnll 502 T h ird Ave. T

M is c e lla n e o u BT. J~ WOODS, tho fann ToanI f you must sell your L ib e rty Bond

Ition. T . J . Woods wUl buy them.

— — W a ll papor cleaning. Estimates gi Phoue 7P9-R. a^

This ____________________________________I and L A W N MOW EBS groond and r

v T io N ^


N IT Y to Y ou I fgoJred. Warnop’s Jtopair Shop, ^ 4

in and -------------------------------------------------------!West. C A S n I ’A ID fo r nccomMiand cl

ing nt tlu< Clothing Kxchnngo. 120 -----------St. E.CO 100 ---------------------------- --------------- ----------Lion on Call Otis, tho Mcond-hand inazL . 155 pays tho highest cash prico .for,, t jo ll on fu rn itu re . 008W.

phcmo havo hny to soil wn wnnt 1 tv Co__yo“ " ‘‘ “ t liny, we’ hnve it . NorHiv

’_ern Urokcrngo Co.,, Idnlio POwcr Bi ________ing. Toleiilmno ;i;il.

CONWAY AUTO TOP SHOP ia county, equipped fo r making and ropaii in the cushions. Drop in and

At oor material. M ain St., Ilimber- Bogorson hotel.

S ilver K ing need corn fo r snlo I ^ ^ has .produced over 00 bushels per i

on this trnct. Seed now roady fo r , - livorj* n t -744c- Idaho Seed Comi rashing s ioner'n -test-00,(Ft>cr cen tr Scod

play n t Snllnday linrdw aro. Ed Va:---------- 1 milo caHt, 1% north o f Wnshinpl“ y- 2 school, Im, j.i< . . . . . . -•— ---------------------

DESTBOY STATUES---------- {.By AHnoclatuU Prfu«)a book • I 'A in S — OiiritiK n roU sU Ci-lol.ra is lnots nt I'OHcn tlio wtntuoH o f Bismnr.-k

W illln in I wiTc doBtruyoel, nccordin) ith vn- roceivod lioro today.

W IB E SEBVICE OBIPPLED______ <!!>■ Amiocliilfil 1’rcnH)bnche- L IN i.'O LN — Wiro roiiiiiu in icn tiunI f ir s t * " '1* hiiiUy iT i]i|ili‘ il ii> Nolirnaka to

aud f r n in jio rv ii'i- wn« lin m jio rc il u - - ■ — rexult o f yoHtordny'H hiiow nnd u

w ith Kform. 'iVh-jfrK jift «ri<l picaning in tiinny soctioiiN o f the nfnti* w


CHOOSE H A B IT A T IO NiHv A«!>cu-latoa

” (JKNEVA—Kormrr K ing Lu jlv ig_______Bnvnrin, having rccoivod jiormlsn

sum- from tlu ‘ HwiHM govoriiniout to roa10. in .Swit/.c-rlimd w ith a liu iito il hu —— linn choKcii n» hiK i>(aco o f nliodo ng by fliatonii nt Zi/.orn, nonr Chncr, rnjtlI I 4th o f tlio Cniitiin o f Grir^onn.'

r —T" M AKES ABBANOEM ENTS ‘>00K- , i,y AHsoclnted Prt«B>» aro H KHLIN— An arrnngomont hn« in Qregg nin<lo w ith tho allioH hy which ni

clinmiiso fo r Switr-orlnnd coming fr ncroHB t i l l ' Atlantic- w-ill pnHH down

' Uhinr TO StrnBBhonrg nr BnBcl. C Hcqucntly tho next grain Htounior« S \V i^crlnn il w il l go to Antwor]>.

~ A ^ ' C A l j jN O VOLTmTEEBSI..ONDON—Twelve hundred Ocrni

--------- Audtrinn voluntrors fo r thc HungnrttlmoQ communist army hnvo arrived in BUcod. H iiiignrinn oapital from -V ionna um

cominonil o f tho Austrian onmmuii — leaders, Rotli nml Ziegel, an Exchoi

T ilograph dispatch from Budapest sa Mori! Austrians nro expected. Gone

fo r thii Hungarian roil a r w ill onninionco Sunday.

-------- T B A IN S D E L A T E D(U y AstioelAtcd Press)

TQ PEKA—W4th Ih o western th Tndsp state, covcred w ith sogg>- sn

from s ix inches to a foot in depth, i_____ wire communicotion in th a t areasy Ob moralized and tra in .service much. '11. Bo- ia jed, the state is emerging from lunco, utorm o f unusual sevority fo r. th is s<

son o f the year. The weather foreea c r today reported tha t tho storm peri has passed and jp ildc r temperature ^

——— prevail, jwnornylns '


2 2 ' 6 m i l e s w e s t , 2 i / ^ s o

team , b r i d g e , o r i e - h a l f e a

i TUESDAYted—ib c r t H o r s e s , C a t t l e , H o g s

’ L a m b s , C h i c k e n s ,

. c l l M a c h i n e r y , H o u s e h

; “ a*: o n t h e r a n c h .1.


Usual T ern is I

^ Sheldon & SH . B . L u e , A u c t i o n e


(VV H S T ► W & n w T ) ____

-------------— -V I

i f Y o u H ave Re

Im r a T^ IIHEfEilm t II. i f O f f ic e r s o f F a r E a s te r n C.

" n " ” ’] ; D e c id e Q u e s t io n s . A r is i r ______ O v e r M i l i t a r y C o n tro l• if l fu l- —-------jp a ir in g 'H y A bjkioIi ik -iI Prowftjm d SCO I IA H H IN — I t is nnnnunred in n i t . , Enat I ’n|HT c o n tro llo d by Ounern l Sente

pu ldiH liod hero th n t a i-dm pleto a m ont 'hnn heen rcnoliod lio tw een orn i S e n it'n o ff nnd (Jonoral Iv n

llo th n t K in o f f ; roprosontntiv** u l . \d v i rn l )c r aero ! '-hnk, hom i n f tho OinHk governi f o r do- I O cnornl S om eno ff, i t is s n iii, w i

Commis- i conm m ndor o f u itpe c iiil F a r Ea eod dis- I corps nnd a lso he tm nn o f tho en

Vanco , I <’oKs:irks unde r tho ord i-rs o f Oo .h ing ton • 1 v v n n o f f-R in o ff ,

adv. / (loni-rnl Somonoff w ill lio Huliord•i—-------- to Liout. Qonornl Horvnth, who wi

1 i l l d ire c t c o n tro l o f tho n d m in is tr I n f th o CoRsnck te r r i to r y in caster

•lira tion , iip r in . Tho Om sk go ve rn m e n t w i ll rck and j fu m ls fo r th e m ain tonnnco o f •d in g to I ern l Si’m onoff'M corpn nnd Ocnern

; m e n o ff w i l l m ob ilis io Iuh troopa t , g o vu rn n icn t snn c tinn , be ing n il

E D I liro nd pow ers in o n lls t in g vo lu n i ' Genernl K a lm ik o f f , Cotuinck com

io n on the U su r i r iv e r fn m t , ifi (a today the f ro n t w ith hiH ow n troo iis !il IIH u j ia r t o f tliim o n io liili/.o d l iy Gencrn ,d alect m en o ff. A h a rcu n lt »£ an ngree (• p«lc« between tho lendorH th o TungtiH ian i» w ore n u r ia t i i- troops in T ra n s B n lk a lin

nn tho ;inmc' bnaiH aj< CosHack.

■ T YPE W BITBBfl- Hovo you seoQ oor now Bominj

Iv ig of X(,. n w ith a key set decimal tabu mission th b machino w il l bo w orth your

roaiilo vestigation, a postcard to u * w il l b Huite, our aaleaman to . yoor door to doi

hodo A atrato this'mao'hino to yoa w ith no i-ftltifal n a t io n on yoor pa rt whatever to

wo liko to show th ia mAcbine, givi 30 minutca o f your tim o to ca ll on

’S Easy torma. Bemiagton T jfo m Company, CD E&at 1st Sootb, & u t I C ity, Utah.—a d v .________________

g from Got eomo IN F O R M A TIO N about wn th ir what i t w il l Cost, where i t moy

Con* botigbt to best advantage— thn orn for reading tho ada.

I A, .

FE F O R S A L Eunder '•

imunjflt _ _ _ ,, f U s e d C a r s !lonoral 1 army

A ll kinds— Qash o r Term W e bny, «ell o r exohang

Oaraf snow I We eQ Oars on oommis th, tho gioQ Qi feasonable prioe•ea de- ^ch. de- _ m m J riSeal Aufo Co.recast-perloil P i io n e 7 0 6re w ill

iUCTION SALEs o u t h o f S h o s h o n e s t r e e t

e a s t , S Y z s o u t h o f F i l e r .

Y, APRIL 15) g s , 1 5 0 h e a d o f S h e e p w i t h i . G e e s e , T u r k e y s , F a r m l e h o l d G o o d s — e v e r y t h i n g

E BILLS FOR LISTFree lunch a t noon.

Slater, Ownersn e e r G u y S h e a r e r , C l e r k .

Evidently W Uby has the i

' |'UI_Vow -n m a e , , ^ - ■«»c«a 1*5 v#v'i_«. I ^>0 TO

T=ow M e . 'y Y Z' SURB.'V

_________________ • ' ’ I

le a l Esta te to ScO ITT o r T W IN F A U S

Popnlatlon Joa. 1 , 1018, 7,264 a . Tw in Falls O tty GovenunentP H I ^ Regular meetings o f tbo c lly coi I n i I oro hold on tho f irs t and th ird Moi r , lM I 0 month in tho Municipal B u l l I ing, Snd Avo. and Snd d t. N:

Acting Miayor—A rth u r L . Swia 1 P rtpno Attorney—John E Dovios.1 ^O rp S a o r k - W . A . M innick, ising Treasurer—n. E. Bounds.•nl Enginoor—E. V. Berg.

C otm ty O oTem m eat ■. Clerk o f tho D is tr ic t Court and

I a nowa- O ffic io Recorder and Auditor— C icmenoff, Siggins.te a ^cc- iJhoriff—A. N . Spraguo. iva im ff- AsBosjor— Ooorgo W . WUcox.

ira l K«l- Troasuror—Mrs. Emma Longloy ernment.w ill hu A tto rney-F ra ;nk L . Stophan. Eastorn Probate Judgo—O liver P. Duvali

) cnHtorn County Superintondont -of Public Goneral struction— Miss B rittom art Wolfo.; Surveyor—James A. Byboo.

r S r , ; ; : C « o n c r - r . J, in tra ti.iii Commissionors—F irs t d istrie t, W, stern Si- ‘ “ '’iah, tw in Fails; second distriet, w ill pro- Breckon, K im borly ; th ird distric I o f Gen- E. Moore, F iler, leral 8 c- Foderal OoTommeat' allowed Custodian—M . A. Stronk. lunteers. U- S- CommiHalonor—C. C. Sig| commnii- Fourth Judicial D is tric tifl going Judges-\V . A . Babcock, Tw in F lOiiH und and 11. F. Ensign, Hailey, jcra l Se- C le rk -C . C. Siggins.

:frs .a liii arc Board o f Education— Presidont, V

Deckor; c.'ork, G. E. B ryan t; aup« tondont o f schools, H a l G. Blue.-

1 ‘gh school—Shoshono street a< botwoon Fourth and S ixth avonuos, C. Mhohell, principal.

Jl bring lin e o ln school—S ixth street ao domon- botween Second and Th ird avonuos

I ao ob- B ickol echool—Sixth street, east, to bny, tween Sccond and Third avonnoa. give us Washington school—Bluo Lakes b o n ^ u . Addison avenue,jow rite r _ .I t Lako .

Greater Tw in Foils Club—Presid L. T. W righ t; seeretary, S tuart H . 1

moy be•through • * ..................IJ b ra ty ......... - - -

Tw in Falls Publie Libr&Ty.-phosb— street nortb, botween Seeot.d and Tl

1^ __ -q. avenues. Miss Jesslo Proser, lib ra rHospitals

Boyd Hospita l—TW rd avonuo TM rd atreot west.

Tw in Falla County Gonoral Hosp Q f OborcliM

F irs t Presbyterian—F if th avenuo Second street north. D r. A A o r

___ Broad, paator.F irs t M ethodist Epiacopal — Foi

kDge avenoo and Shoshono street east ] Elmer Grant Keith,- pastor. ~

F irs t Baptiat—Foarth avaana m is - Soeond street north. Bov. 0 . L . Qi io e s pastor.

Ascension E p ia co p a l-^h ird bt< V and Socond stroot nortb. Bov. I*J l Franek, roctor- \

St. ^ w a rd a CatholieT*-Socoq^ a'- no and F if th atroot o iu t B ot. N.

Hahn, rector. •— » F irs t Churcb o f C h ria t Scionti

T h iia avonue east; botwoon Second Th ird streets.

La tte r Day Saints o f Jesos Cbrb

E F if th avenue and Third street eaat 0 . K irkm an,' bishop.

L u th e ra n -T h ird avenoo and Pot stroot w es t Bev. John Gihring, ] tor.

Church o f the Brethren—Third • enuo and ^ u r t h street aortb. Bov

.6 t S.. Neher, pastor.3 ^ F irs t Christian—Fourth aveaue

Sccond street east W. A. Mooro, i ister:

Postoffieo D apartnaat Postmaster—M. A. Stronk. Delivery windows open on week d

from 8 a. m. to 0 p. m.; holidays f 1:30 p. m. to 2:30 p. m. Monoy ore

t n reg istry windows open from 8 a* m to 5 p. m. M a il going oast doses

^ 6:00 a. m. aad 4:00 p. ta. M a il gt west elosoa 11 p. m. aad 3:15 p. M«« i to H o llis te r closes 11 p. m.

- I F a rm L o a n s- A R T H U R L . S W IM

I M oath ly paymaxit and straigtt V I tens d t y loaaa a t o tpoda lly /«▼ " I orablo ra tac

■ k . TBUBT B ID O .

B maMng of a busineaa man

( T n s . . * m e . r ) _si

m '


Page 8: IN IDAHO CARRYING I N FA]LLS DAILLY · lort Oermnny and nt the aame time extract ill. trom thc reBourees of tho country tbo

} n m! . OFSOyiETS I!( puiri#

Palaces Are Turned Into Co i Club Rooms and Guests' Out of Hotels to Make R

for Guards of Red Army; SHOW DECIoip’RESPECl

FOR AMERICAN MISSOnoe W ea lthy Women Are !

Forced to De 'H e n ii}] H I fo r The ir Existence 'VG[ Laborers E n joy Prosperil

BUDAPEST.— Tim oloctioim In gary fo r tho crcatiou o f Hovlct

; cils m tlia u t roporteddonts, soviot organizatlonB I foTiiic-d in tho country d ifltrlc ti inrauH o f tWfl bnllotlog. Tho %

; procvsa was carricd out under th; crclou o f the. Bed army, w it li tlio

jo r l fy o f tho voters in many p not appearing to kuow why thoy voting.

1^0 I fU t la s Success Notw ithstandioR. tho dcapornto

nc'Atiicaa. u f tlic communistK, outs now in Kungar},' aro H till in d in i i taku the cctiMomic view o f tK« o j m cn t'^v fiic i tlio y fool wlU not d op in to a lo f t in g sucectfs, n ltli whothor runditiona w ill bocomo t boforo tlioy (T^ow bettor, is d dolml question.

The work o f org&nkr.iug the co\i is being fovnrish ly continuod, tho tra l feature o f the plan is to nnpl> trust idea to a ll induatrl^'s, pu tting group o f factories—textiles, glass \ liardwnro, ctc.— undur ono expert is modo rcBponsiblc fo r its opcrot

BodA liie Clubs •AU cluhs and ‘ fasQlonablt* oxcli

ronorts linve been sbcializod, inclu ■ ' tho Park club. Tho Jockoy rlub

boon convortud in to a labuVers’ h-------------and tho--splendid race -course, w

rost a yea r’s tim u and five m illion lara to make, is being plowed up pototoee.

B e d u i^ to W ont There Is xa o rg a n lu tlo a o f vox

ens' red guarde ftm ctloa lng so bn t Its Ido ueznben are pccupyit

■tliemselrea fo r the moet port wit propaganda iro rk . IXonjr o f t l arltftrocratlc women o f the c ity bai beea .reduoed to w ta t . Barone; Bchoasberger, once ha-rtng p r o j ^ v o r th ft tnlUloa doUam o r mot now la pU ylng a harp In a chai reetonrmnt fo r har food.A ll tbo palaces havo 'been convo:

into Trsons fo r w orking meo’a < etlcs aud clubs. I'rom tho bomo Count JuJee Androsay has boen raovod a you th fu l p o rtra it o f Hapl nn a rt work o f g roa t vUue. Mad H argnrot 'K a ro ly i, tho widow o f phen K a ro ly i, is liv in g in two ro o f her palace, the remainder ia occu; by n socioly o f photographom.

Count Andrew Tnchouii IIvcb in rooms o f his palace w ith a club of tc l cobks occupying tho rest of homo. Bed guonls a ro 'liv in g In A duko Joseph’s psiaeo, opposite tho n l'castlo , while a musicians’ club I'upics tho pabice o f Count Nomcs.

A leading fashionable hotel wi orig ina lly designated by tha B< guards as a barracks and the gnear were no tified to q o lt w ith in a fe hours. When Bela E tm . the ccs ff lo n lit leader, was Infonned c what was going on. he remarked i n u b ly , from the W tn, w hich b was reposing, “ W hat do X care?'

“ B a t the American mission 1 liv in g th e re ," his In fom ian t es plained.

On hearing th is . Bela Enn spranj to a t r is ^ t o e and to \d the Bfr

' g o a r | l''''to n k d quarters elsewhertThe/att€njipt<il oxoilus o f the well

do elaM in cos tiiiiiing and thcru ii flo u riK fin j; tm ik ' in foreign pasnpo Am crirnn poMpohs are bringing high a«\H ,000, while thoro arc incide o f bold e ffo rU to steal nuch panspoi jiome o f lhe atteeoptn even being iii American o ffice rs and couriers.

Am Anglo-AsiaHcan tra in w ill len Kotiirdny fo r Weot Europo b y way

• Vienna. Tho Americans on the tn arc to be mostly womea, tho wives Hungarians, who, by courtcsy o f i Hungarians, are perm itted to cb themselves as aliens. D ifficu ltie s t arising, however, over tho amount, money they w ill be permitted to ta w ith tbem as they w ill have to <lrj from the bnnka fo r the ir funda a the lim it perm itted fo be taken fn these iDStitntions is o rd ina rily on ly #1 monthly.

4-Roori Modern HomeClose in . N e w l y pa in ted and ka lsom - ined, e le c tric -ra ng e , w in d o w shades, k i t ­chen and b a th lin o ­leum . ,L a rg e b u ild in g in re a r w ith la rg e ce l­la r cem ented, w a te r a n d s e w e r . F o r q u ic k sa le

$3^ SOM T erm s v e ry good

S tu a r t H . T a y lo r E. L . M acv ica r

B m I m U f and Zsseraaos


ISicw w HC o o k s ’

s ts P u t

e R o o m

;C T p j J j n .

issioN Q u a lity Ace Nov? ' " ^ 1 ^

* b y F a i r b a n k s - M o n

/ t h r o u g h o u t t h i s : E n g in e , f o r w h ic

i l l Hun- p r a c t i c a l f a r m e r s

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .boing

S e r v ic e w a s p n

!• p iM M d o u b l y c o n v in c in gloy woro

ato ear-

SlnS'”" Reynolds Broa: oxperi-,t dovel. T W IN F A I iSnlthough10 worse obatable

countrytho con- i_ — ■— MIM------------1— n---

S S E E 'O U RSS ware,ert whn •

H ^ a L S t exclusive

F I N E S l . -------------------s u i t a b l e i

' ' CLOS BOwont* , __ „ _______ rr-

now.ptW “w itb f^ ~ ' • ' " " ' —

'th o *

t h a t W H tC B IS

S S I S 0 0

50c TOASTEDnvorted•a aoci- 2 0 c th e 1 - 2 1omo of3en re- * ^ .«tapiuiej, A t V a r n e y , t h

1 3 9 M a in W e s t> room* __ ______________iceupled — .

E BUILDING OPWIONS ICt still mSTIlNOSTIH’S. _ P . . ^ G e n e ra l 'C o n d i t io n s in Lon d

S h o w N o S ig n s o f Im p ro v o I few m e n t— O a t lo o k Is B a dccm- - - «

11 o f fm- AM0.-ln(.-.J Pr.-nn)»d l r . LOXDON.— w ith the signing of i l he^ arnnntiee it xva» expected th n t build r t? ” opcration.<i in London, suspended by in is wnr, would be r^uickly rosumed. 1

ex* so fn r there nre no signs o f n rene o f work on n dozen or more huge

irang ; finlHhe<l structures in various t>arts Bed ithe city.

bere. ' Labor unrest is the causo nsHigncd «rell-to-j one big contractor fo r th is atnte •0 is a la ffn irs . “ I f i t wore not fo r the lal isportK. [ iinn s f h e said, “ T believe we sho ng as ibe ao buay that we could employ ddents aervieea o f every man avrtlJable. 1 •porta, tmrert in not confined to tho buildi ; upon worlil. Monufacturcrs, banks, ins

nnce companies and other large corp leave Rtlona w hirh hnve been thinking~of

Tay o f bu ild ing nrc fo r the present holdi I tra in Iheir hands.“VOS o f ■ —3f ths BA lLB O A l> B A B N lK aS

clasa W A 8 H IN 0 T 0 X — Kailrond net eni rs are fo r Februnry reported offieiaintaO f ^Ddftv \,y jj jc intem tnto eommerce co f take n)i.'<Kion were >10,100,000 w itb revcni;

draw nt 04(5.000 nnd e*pcns<?» a t W2 a and <;i*n,()00, nnd net revenue o f 127,425,0(

tifOitca are only BlightJy dlff« r flOO cut from the .unoffic ia l report ma

nvallablc last week.

A L B U R TI 5^0,000 Dry aie . ' L a n d s a r e lo c a te d in So iL th e b e s t i n t h a t fa m o n s d

tm d e r i r r ig a t io n , th e b a la n c) -

T h e la n d s a r e b e in g pn1 t im e a n d th e c o m p a n y is 1

n A l l la n d s w i t h in a r a d in s o: J p o in t .

D ry lands ara balag eold a t #15 ■1 $co per a^re, which iacludes watey charg« $ljS0 per irrigab le acre per

A lfa lfa , grain, fie ld peas, potat growa.

[ W rite d irect to the compaay fo

Canada Land & IrrL a n d P


______________ _

S e e ' I l i e s e

■ Z - B n g f n v # . F e a t m e ;

^ Fairbanks' Morse .

r a r o V v m QUALITY.\ i § § ^ Economica)

in fira t and|A ' fuel cost one

low up-keep.3. S lm plldty

^ ------- - and ataunch< ' durability.

4. Llghtwdghl;ssutedCylinderBore.

6. Leak-proofl o T s e s t a n d a r d s 7

l is feunO US ' w ltb Built-in, h i c h 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 a M ^ S n

e r s h a v e p a i d.0 ana o n .

Use Kerosenep r o v e d b e f o r e r & S i ? . " ' ' * ' "^ —ToiaorCssolino

y w as pa id— a T h e ix H .p .u s c in g record . w^ameoni,.

^ Tfc« SfTle* Ym iC «t F re s Ua

We have Just th( - type “ Z - fo r rooi

needs in stock - walelcg fo r you.

r o s . Co., Inc.tlvenr and peno&s!

l i S . ID A H O icn-Ice.

er CardsS T A T I O N E R Y s f o p £ . a s t e r t i m e



O O O D F O R Y O U .

W M AR SH M A LLO W S-2 . lb . fo r ten days only

t h e . L i v e C a n d y M a nPhone 36(

1 SHOeTiBNCIinLEFOli STILL OESTITUTEOFEOfiliondon Handsome G ifts o f L ivest ovo- Prom B rit ish Farm ers t id French and Belgian

(Hy Ancoclntcd Press): o f the LON’ DON*.—Six hundred *aiiorll build ing cattle n f tbe very heni breed have 1 t by tho presented by the Ho.vnl Agricultd. But fo rie ty o f Orent B rita in to the pc renewal o f Belgiiim, nud 300 o f them have uge un- re.iclv reenhed forms in the viel larts o f ot linujes. The remainder w ill fo

in n few weeka. fncd by The cattle, which are vnlued nt t l tate o f DOI), w ill be niipnlcmented in the i te labor future w ith nduitio iin l g ifta, n■ nhould whirh more cnttio are to bc sentloy tbe Serbia niul- Prnnco to tako the pbe. Tho of the livestock killed or cnrried a >ulldlng by the German invaders. Money

in su ^ the ^ if ts Is being rnjleetc<l in all corpor- K ng li*h_ca tlle raising countriea,

r 'o f re- lenders o f tbe movement expect holding fund to rencb Jl.^ria.OOO w ith in the ti

I few inoiithn.

J 0AX1.S ON QUBEKt enrn j I ’ARIS— I’resi.lent Wilson and X fic ia lly I Wilnon anil Rear Adm'iral Qrnv-son, •e com-1 physicikn, called upon Queen M« •vcnuea' o f Uumania a t her temporarv reside

W24.-|liere before th is m orn ing ’s sesslea 125,000. Ithe couucil o f four.d iffe r-, -----------•

made: Advertise I t In the Classified culun \ i f tho News. Somebody.will want

T A L A N D Sand Irrigable Acres

Sonthem A lb e rta and are among is d is tr ic t, 200 ,000 acres w ill be lance is being sold fo r g ra in grow-

pnt on the m ar|(et fo r the f ir s t is looking fo r bona fide settlers.IS o f ten mUes o r less to shipping

#15 to #30 per aer»—irrigab le landa #40 to water righ t—operatloa aad mainteaaace per year— easy paymenU a&d lew ia tc tw t.

;>otatoes and root «rops eaa be saeeeatftilly

ly fo r fu ll particalara asd pamphleta.

Irrigatloli Company, Ltd.d Departm ent

A LB E R T A , C A N A D A .t ,


=t [POSSESSIIB f^ 1 RUBSismmr m im^ W . C . G o ld e n P a y s .F in e

S ta n d s R e s p o n s ib i l i t y cep- A c c id e n ta l I n ju r y in

ic h a w a y to M is s D e s R u is si . -------- -ght; Heaponsibllity fo r a runawayial, dent Tliursday morning near the)f. Pnrk Omcery store which resulte l pain fu l injuries being sustained b;

E. 6 . DcsRuiueaux, agud .G3, elis< J. L . DesRuisseauz, residing three

of weat o f Tw in Falla, has been laid ;tion. door o f W. Golden, owner o f : I o f rubbish and junk a t tho rotl-in which frightened n team o f colts <

by a m&Q named Crockett, a'o tha1 n Rot beyond control and plungedwer. the buggy ahead in which Miss Dsi [, P. Bonux waa d riv ing , ono o f the ar

s trik ing her from tho rear and 1 !0 e ing her shoulder blade and in f l tc. othor injuries,ilina. In ju ries N ot Serlotlfe.

MisB DeaRtiiflseaux was tokon t ly. lio.vd hoapital whero her inJuricB^ attended, and whero sho is rcstinj

i ly todny. Doterminntlou as to tl (the ten t o f her in juries hns not booh i fo « ^ od, but i t is believed thn t while “ fu l. thoy nre not sorioua.sred <ioldeir wan nrroatcd Thursday: de- IIOOU by Chief o f Police W illiam

for nud haled before CitvV Clerk \ .Minnick, ncting ]>oIice judge, the circumKtauces hod been relati wns naked i f he hnd any reaaon judgment eompelUng him to puy a

_______iu the fluni o f #25 and as8umpti(— ...... ^ lin b llity o f thu oxpenso inclder

tronlnient Minn DcsKulsseaux' in, nhould net bc passed upon him. Minted th flt ho had not autlclpatoi posnlble e ffect u f the junk heap d fotidaide iu «>tarting a ninaway; Ihut ho would endeavor tn raisi monoy. Iiu agreed also tn oboj iiingistrntu'n in junction to removi rubbish heap w ith in two hours t i

MoTlng Waa Delayed. Uolden, who Is a bachelor,-hait

fu r nome mouths iu a ton t houi the P. B. Johnston fa rm netir

M placo hu had accumulated tho hotjunk. Ho aaid thn t he had boon d ed by tho owner o f the proporty I niovu his tunt houso and other p

. —i. '■ Biona, bn t th a t ho bad been unab.......... do BO in a week’s timo. Ho said

1 he wns an inva lid but'mauogod tu n livelihood by work a t tho carpen trade. Ho-was absent when the «lent oeeurrod, •

The driver o f the rimaway co lti denced grave concom over the acci tnking Miss DesRuissoaux to the p ita l and o ffo rin p evoiy poaaiblo a nneo. Misa DcsBuisseaux makea honio w ith i>er brothor, and was dr alono to Tw in FaUa when the acc occurred. - _________



in n n r Body Form a lly O fferH l l r r tit io n s to Be Keleased Fro

Present Dutiesestock xs8oclal«d PreM)> to D E O LIX —The resignation o f I whole Bocia liu tion commission «

hnn beou xumorod fo r nome time fo rm a lly annonnced laat. night,

orthorn action wan due, nc.dn ling to ilee ve bccu tions mnde public in the Vorwnert cultum l Dr. . Kntitnky, ludepen<Ient noeinlia

people tho fa r t tbnt “ frotn Ita b irth , i t avo a!- to combat obstructive toeties from k'ieinity im perialistic er.onomie bureau.'' I t

fo llow ^e re fo re unable, i t ia nnid, to n proper plnns fo r the nocinllatie rc

t taOO,- Btruction o f Germany, le nenr ' ■

n fte r Advertise i t In the Claasified colu lent to o f The News. Somebody w ill -wan places limn, II ............................................J lllll III Ril DOfiiinp iin iM Ma ll the maiuiii^ uiiii

a, and ^ 3 - •et fhe ^ ^ — .

Z l C Oon, ^ i» 3Mane i

lideaee = ' Alea o f 5 . I

ilumns ^ ^mt i t . «


T h e y a re m ; g in d u s try ,

I T h e y a re _ b i^

S ta r T ires wJ . p ro ve th is fo

I ■ - , oppos ite the g re a te s t sa ti

:e - ^X.

Sa lla *^ A n H B f l& W B D ll l f f lH


;r Men’s 1.IE „p,in e a i t d \

ity foe ■ - ------------ ’" >l i s s e a u x ^

waythe South •suited ind by Mlsa ■ -------------

sinter o f - . ■ ■hrce miles aid a t tho o f a pilo

i . n S M e n ' s . ' d u r a b l e ith a t’ thoy . . .

“ o i j i u ” '.” i e a t h e r . ' i n a m e d i ue animalaml ^o n k - w e i g h t s H o e ; b l a (in flic tin g °

I a n d d a r k b r o w n ; i

on to thu X- . t 1 1iricB wore S iZ C S , O tO I I , * ClC sting oaa.

i n g f o rhile pain-

$3.95elated ho wou whyny a fine .nptiou o£ lident to ' injuriea him. lie

i i MODEL Smove thos timu. , . H. E . Ihait lived bouso ontir which e - s = = a = ^ = s s ^ ^ ^ = ^ = I heap o fgn diroct- P L A 7 B B GOBS TO FBANCrty to re- <Ily Asnocbilcd Prens)sr noasM- l o s 'A N G ELE 8 ..=Jock Barry

tim tj'b ig leaguo atar and la ter wi said tha t Portland team o f tho Pacifie [ tu make league,.is slated fo r Franco, whi rpenter a coaoh one o f the arm y At the acci* jpanis to compote ia tho Olympic

, next May. ‘ Ho may also t r y h ii colts ovi- a t inatructing tho French Poilus accident, Americah national gamb. B a rr the hoa- 1,0 across by the Kn igh ts .

““ t"' ikea • bora d riv ing ;i -accident .

thenime was

Thbi i ^ ^ H B R n ! i i n f S 9 9 R

columns K i M W M i n H M want *t.

"n s i "]STA]

H a n d - M a d e

T IR E !made b y th e M a s te r M ir

b i^ l t to g ive s a tis fa c tio n .i w i l l exceed t l f e i r g u a ra n fo r y o u rs e lf b y h a v in g i

he m ake o f th e t i r e th a t 1 a tis fa c tio n .

id a y H a i Com par

I ,

Work ShoesE .C IA L

3 .9 5

SHOE 1.. lie.B A R B E R . P res .

IN O E. I GOLF OODBflB FOB N A T X P. (Dy Associated’ Prcaslir r v one- FRANCISCO.—Permlsslor w ift. ti./i a go lf courao in the TosfiT OoMt National park has been asked ot whor« ke rotary o f the In te rio r F jank lin K.

• Aasoball thia would bo a nil* (mmPN attraction and bring hundreda ofh is ^ M d

luB in the opon l their vacation a t a place i a liiikn ia avAlIable.

its o f Co- ------ e 'Classified Ada are cheap—effc<

d e 'r

sl in d s o f the ru b b e r

n. - .antee on y o u r ca r—• us p u t on a S ta r t has g iven you the

rd w a ren y