IN DRIVE Idrt lm- 1ftA -...

30 Ih SIWII and m M m 14an1 ana elC- l v ts I r- AY j e 11- Ii I- DC j 4 U etL U Si- I Fe- I 11 1 1 It nit or ir iiI 11 I in ii- I yM tlI- t ci w a cpI lien S otit ir1U i a tOn a hnI- or ow zitI Cu n 1 till S e4t- li 5Si ILe Ult- tGI c er i Ci- Iei PilL 4- TS J THE SUN WEDNESDAY MAY 15 1901 r 0 J ti p i i 1 S 5 SMILE WINS IN A DRIVE wINs TtlK BUYCUESTXK STAKfS BY A- HEAD moil TIlT JUIlJfCX Knight of Rhode Capture th New Hock Handicap Handily All Green Water- Color lleef nod lion Defeated by Jia Vout FkToritN Lose atllorrl Talk racing at Morris Pork yesterday whit of lutereitlnu sport wa ncaln- uniirnfltAblo to the backer of favorltos- ti only two flrst choices flashed ia t tint judge otanil In front Tho Ilayrhctter put for throjrrar oliU over tlio Withers il WM moat Important feAture It likr J to he on lmost certain triumph far the Mourn MunUH colt Hmlle yet ta the raoo tnrnM out It WM the tlffhtent kind of a iciueexu- fr the ton of St Klorluu to pull ofT the trick mlle an odilron favorite on goIng to pOI with The Hhymer ridden by Shaw feciml Rhotco and Thomas Hitchcock Jr J None third In demand Wa at 10 to I nude a bold hid for n runaway by leaping out In front at the flag tall and opening up- I Irail of tour length The Tammany colt kept In thn van until thn turn with Stalin nil The Uliymer following heads opart TIre It wns that I I had rnounh and The tlhyirer moved up Into first plrtco It won a but ilrlrd nil thn way down the tintell be- tween Smile and The Rhymer Turner landing the Mnrrl colt winner l y a short head 8haw- rM The Hliymer with i much elnirer that hi perfornmncen In two other events later m wcrt rather mirprLtnc because of their n p iiw tUCk of energy Tlm Now Rrchtlle Handicap for three jenrnldn and upward over the lust seven furling of tlio Withers demonstrated fltnens if W C of Hhodiui- a probable contender In tlm HrooUlyn HandU- mp Only tour horses went to post Knight ut llhodes wits nt 3 to A with King Mrnniblp at four and Malster at throe Th fivnrllp look up tho running trout the harrier and wan tmril prenvd by Miilsler and Prim IVpi or Malster kept cluiw to- th leinJiT until they were straightened out for home when Itritnble hounded for ward mid hallrnired Knight of Rhodes Tho Utter onnugli poo nnd strencth left to n half Tlii- iHrt that Ianl Clifford hnd hen bnu slit from William lakeland by William I1 Whitney convinced the smart fraernllv that th IKsnl roll would win tlie Rhtli event ii handicap over tho licllp o nntranf- ihHw hail thn mount and e ldltiK wa pounded iiinsistentlv In hooks nt 2 tD i ThonuH Illtchrork Ir HIM Path not allowed to nt three whlln plvmj mi Ijflily lnra lowered tier quota I i Inn from teiig noveim ludv tnuis out out tin pull rily to to Ridden- TliiM ns KKV nenred th Wlihor rnw Inc Paul Clifford bow l In front hut It wan only fur a moment r two IIOCIIUMI All iold tho from tin n head t to work Hod Path after that and nil wer ilrlvlntr hard as thy reii4iej this wire whero Hint Path torlou bv n head All l l I tnklne the pluco j from Paul tlhonl by i hivul too regular liettorn jinnrly o lectlnu the black r Color to win thr list n furlnc f iho Wither The lnyor were not wilting n offer than 2 to 5 on ouR Hi th oiitivt but thn- tn lns prl 1 to 2 and out jpartlnlly beeii i on tlio errailr tbnt tan huh a riw sat In the Wlllnli ninki All lirwnr- peneil it twon bU w niVly ti to md out The skirt win IMOI Watrr cr irnttni away in fr nt of itlicru while Jrwii left th biinicr la l lint In i lif tlrnt fiirloim All cot up lon n nil and wa1 n htixth the tliii k f atMl Iwler at Hie turn took Iii an iiiy victory for WuUTOlor nt Kitit fir wa iiHTly uiitlAlihi- irrftiuninii that tho Knlithl of Poll niui Inlit Ilie uroUli wlli dlltli ir t of speed nnd llti uri irril ti r the l Hrti r WIT upon even terint then liitliiiclil Hindu no nii arcnt effort on the iiirliiil4 I M IIH ho WHS nvcr- onflilciit ItM wlnfvrr wn the o cf lit the tn t mninin hut Show All ircoii rliVirlir with Ms tilt nil cif HIM iiilt ni I nnd In a tInt iii l a Nliori hind The M ipl rai a llinI nftnlr over the ln t ven finlnntf f the Wither n rlllfflv liotalle IMHI 4 if I lie tearancc tills spar ivlrhratMl b ff- 1I the fivonie In the bettlnif as s iRvero Rot hi irlct up hut Alird anti Mircrnvlnte hnl cny nf Inl- siipliort Mnrirravlhte iu il tlio ninnlni fr lire furlouici with hint Arilmo liy within reuih I nl fK or In the liiiiuh out of whui dluiinor hml- dlftleiiltrln mklnahlm tlm turn been iover l Then the rnjr aol rot tlrotmh and wrnt lifter Alurd thir hn l token the with of Mre l It wnt- A lard riro by n lenirUi anti n Imlf hnwerer I linUndn t the ilnco from Miirenivtnte bv n linitth The riic wa perluipi the mn t ll the Tho irowd fanrled- Iotlelchri flllv nnl she c rrleil nil tint inonnv ut 7 to Ihi evrnt wn fir nnirlen twn yeiir iiil Illli iinl KrMlnu- ni four and i rurloncr Ii vent tiny Mrainliln Shi wii criticlretl bv i i ity b nii e ln nit wmb finrd i vrh Chimnnene Tlie Momr Knen- iViiheiii with Henry up t cgpred Immo- winnT n to I ahoiit her Par v p ii n to I h it ont llir iilare by- h from Chnmpaeno Th Mimmn- rrf thrfeyrar old itid upward by ih prtMlon- nf I rirli tn Hie nlnner with JSVI ijdid tail Is rml A hnir furlinn nt ir Vltkrrn niile- T IMtirtins b e All Orttn hy Knlihtof Fl 1 l Urile 11rUwlelt 1 111 iShawl C linlefeld Jrs Mk e WMermlor 9 III iljille P ld 2 1 V 1M1 ch e Snniptstt 4 II iVnlj b 3 Innrrllni lint 121 ftrtttnt niilit to 3 and t All irrn I t 1 ant tilt Vttrreolur 1S to I Mid ti I I Somerset Jim til I itd lu I Irtnrrllnt- SKfoNn IIAI- Trlni tot tlitfe yenp li5 cpd ip nrd ty Sill icrtru nof Jle erioth Ttnn r th SV adiled tit urn firln8i f the n r Murphy 1 llesrdoni b i Alurd try IVcIw- r lher 3 tOi iSinckl I farrrlli b B Dolindu 109 OCon 2 f Hrlndlti b e f r rAtlllte s im rj ndrl 3 SmifTAnlmiwIli Hoynl lirnmnn Tlmmiw PI e Tiy Onkl l nu In tlie crdr rurard Time lr l1ftneThei tn I nml even AlaM 11 tn a ni- rrfr itniti In I unit 7tnS tirif rn n tn- ri tn t Scurry A to 1 nnd A tu j Animosity 4 u s ttoyiil Sterling I tn l nn TIMr in 2 to 1 mid 7 to 1 Hlie oy t mut- tn lilniil JO tu I And 4 to I The Chamberlilt- iTitinn nirti The Buyehestef Staliei for three ye roM mt rrttH of 8 f ch with llOou dded the Wlttt its r lie A II A I II Morilin fh o Smile by St thrUm Ilclld y Turner I T r Mi iaiuin ii r The 1 lo 5 IIlclKnck Jr b j Xoiir 3 IM illnrn l Qnuuroi Ijvnrrnmn hbi and Leltlnu lj run In tile oriler nitatJ Time 11Pl- lflUti to i unit out Smile 4 to I And 7 tn- t itt lthytrtr 7 to I 2 to I VonM 51 to I nnil tn I it Tn f to I nnd S tn I tJinremaa tn- la to I lulu 12 to 1 nnd 4 to 1 Tleltlno FOURTH li V rtorhflle lUndlfAp for thtfe iiii- l ty ih f ulth JlOH furlnnirnnf the mite W C riutiia b c Krllht of Ihnde by Knlntl of rlertlie Slfltrr e I 11 llurn l I II MrCarrrnt ch e Ilramble 4 lOU Bull mar A r thfritn br e MnStrr S 101 OConnorI 3 Prtrrevi Prrper lo run- Time I V Thr n tn r n l out Knliht nf flho1 t Ht niLlf sto I Ainlllnl Mshlf- Il in I and 4 to l Illneisi PerPr firm luiK rot miltin rules And celdlnn 2 yrni id hy- Ijtufilpllun uf K mrh l the winner with 1990 dile- Utl futir nnd A Lull f irlmi uf the Illp e ruuttr- JU 4KK lte np rhf Iruplietlf tun- Seersv 1 llenryi I The Ieplier SHllt1 ii f tnr IMcclltnre in Hut Ur 2 C llltledld f Ch rm un irsifihAw 1- Crl Drm VoMm li rtlyn Ilire rep r r PAlnifWe lliinm Jivrpliine Monahun nn Silver Chlinn nn in ihj order nimed Time H99f nnttnt KUht to IM IM i M tn I ni7Vi I Pur liieelhnn AndfltiMTArnpiurif- Il ii I 9 to i rn in ftn to t nd 12 to I Vmntt A t t xnd er Maud 20 tu I ant li I Pure Pepper tn and S t 1 Pnlmrtte ion ti I 4 to I lion M i Zip M j Jiwepiilne Mont tin t lo 1 and 21 Villedt 2 l i I And t I f ll er- UmM MXTtl HACK ilAndlrap fur threeyeArold and upward ul- rr HKI 5 f rh lu the winner with added cour- alltrleoeU Jrj eh lied Path by lUyon r lied Olrl 4 llS lurns I T oiiteri ch c All OoU 4 100 lOTonnor 2 VItin WhltoeyA hilt if PAU Clltlord I0 fol 1Artrtn Al u rita In the order n 1lme i P itnr Tnt to 1 and teen lIeu r tii t to I and heat The the wall th I I miA Ih u8IL hal Ill to b l or Is lit f Will red I Ihh FIr roT I lIt I I t I ttr Ii I hut lasS I 1 t r I I ron I Ilk lad SIlt n a > I I I h mer ShU- T U I slid 3 UPI tlc 14 I 4 I I Jt b 7 a I 1 b Ih I 3 a- In a t the It hii Iinith and tit Wit Ii si Ill I scat lit I i ill Wits till tlrt tintS tutu v r n dieM i1lL last hula i ll ft I l t < ttIu 111111 t i to t hit lhtto tutu i Ii Ii ill ill tIll 1 I Iii Ivt toy rh I I Iinrii lit ii I rail I hitS utrI IIani o WIth hit pit iI ft nun Alit ri Itli t lit e I Ill hut t kin i i lift Ii 111 I ht inin gnu hid i ii it I iIi I nou I ii ii 1Ini flCT alto it lilies I Isle S t tel fl ian tt s lit o aid itt v ri ear ii llPCCO I tri 5 1 flIt 41 t 1tiit > o v alit anti sod S I II > > > < > < < < < > < > > < > > > > > ° 1 to 1 AU Oold 1 to 1 and 4 to I Paul Cltflard I to t LadrUacaStolandeTenCcU The following U the card for today First Ilae Handicap for tbrttyeirold sod up- ward IftOO MT n i v e All Gold AUIko 10 110 Sailor to- liombiilitU 1M FouulM 10 107 Second BAM For thrtyearolil and upward 11 Uo added last aU urloniti of tbe mile lOa I Judge WwdeU 103 Ttlllo- MUir Fon lr- ItoyalSttrllni iKilando 10 Innomlnatuni 107 PltaAnntSall 107 Droifbtrt 109 Sporting 109 109 Tennlmore M- Tblra Stakti fur twoye rold- itoa addid last QTI Jurlon of th EcllpMMurwi- April Shower 1151 Dlite ll ln Mt4 A Illl- Albtrl Oom Iaul t07 Fourth llaoe For twoyeaiold 0 added last fl e furlong of lb Eclltjse murw 1171 OoMtnilth ill Slitfr lullfl- JUTinlle Mlu llaitln i Smart Set Uyrnnof ItoacrrA 114 Dandy Wist 114 Flower 114 Join natleyrorn 112 Sefker 111 UcUOKCll lit Fifth Itare handicap for threeyear chIt and J K added course lied 1JJ llombihfll tt is Maienllo US All Oold Itt JionnA IKrulttta 119 120 Ezra 11J 120 llMbetln lift Sixth Kara Knickerbocker llurdln llandlfjip for fouryearnlc and ni o added one mile and orer steen hurdles 1M liermudA HuDdredl40S- rmptr Leo 1J7 sMall Simpson 140 191 Monroe lM Uiht IN Charaxlud 1M- raiue 1artoul 14S Isllcittni ISO JtMlrS 149- Ludrrwood entry entry KKSVITS OV VTIIKK TRACKS At Chicago ChicAno 14 Ilobert Waddell ran one mile and an over the slow Worth Vark today In 192 46 anil his performance wu the best of lle public IrlAln nf any Derby candidate The rare a han- dicap In carried 102 iunda and he wai aliteen to twenty fin round to aied horses Waddtll ran the lust mile In l3i bt won easily Summary FInS hate Four and A half furlonn April 110- ICubum 4toLwon1IbeKjmund I07U tren second Orlriru 1 loS J MathtHs 12 to I third Time 099 45 Second lute Seven furlonas Guv If itS Ou burn 4 to won IwiUetlew lIthe ll 9 Hire 8 to I irctnd C 11 fampUll 107 iDu l J MI third Time lto 1V Third ham One mile HieeWn 107 J Wink odd 7toS won Vlnrecnes loOilMmtnlckl 11 to 9 second Joe Collins M ij Martin 16 to 9 third Time 142 SB- rnirta liner One mile nl ein elhthIlnluTtX- Vadiiell inn iScAtoni 4 to 6 won Ohnrt 102 il m- luirki II to r e ind CUAIICC V7llutt 12 tlnd nine 192 nrtli twlnntaAbe Prank lift Oh burnt I to 1 won lint hood 107 J Wlnkfeld 19 tn l li iCaywood ut 2 third lime lo I 9- siith ltarione mile and 70 yirdjMyth inil mien u to 10 Son Tutor itO oust to I llnilfurd 114 J Italhewa 7 to I third Ttuir 14944 At Ialonli May II 11 was a poor crowd thai nllcnilcvl llr coiid raHnic at the 1itnnlu trnrk today hut those ho were there MT much tetter than on tlie opetiinir day llarely Jini peixmii- mweU turuuich tile gale rIot uiuru tSsn limit of were plnycrK M that the tifttlnif for the renter lOUt of the lime wu practically de ertcd The tunniArlet First fuilotic llnrncy 10ft iDupcei- f to I won Irlnrrvi itillr lo ill 2 to I Minnd Tlie llulcher HHiiXV ilurphyi lo to 9 trilrd lime 11- Seniiid Itnre Four Alula iMlf furlnni 4winlon 1 It Murphy 20 to I wnii Andy WIIllAm 111- iT Knlzlit 2i to 1 second MrOirvity Ivtl Wei- lUentrandi t tu 1 tUlnl llnie nS Third lUee tine tulle turd Farrcll lilA Iillnuitri 1 tn S won t llek 1 lo I orrund Tally Illlby n9 iK Murphy to tblid Time IMfti- rKirth one mite Arlhraclte 101 linlirtti won Faueynood Bl Murphy J In Mnuid Cbiiius M y Ill Kane 2 to llilrd Time Iliih hate tulle furlongs Stint 109 ilrrtni rt twoii MlmUAlue 111 19 to 1Menn- Mnirok HXS iVeddeislrandi A lo 9 third Mine 04V- Nlttb Haee SH fuilnnitu i V V 102 M- lnhaiil t to I won Vimt nmt nil iT Knlih- l2t to econd Mil MaMie U3 ij lllrko 1C tu I third Time II9V At rtvciNVATl May ro lrr hid a lain amiownfrt tree tales ut Newport for today and mi attendance f abmit 2 n time result ii ht bookmaker were fairly buiy but the brunt a not Inereiued pnn irtl niilfly to the attendant IkeiueruUtiiu belnlnrtrly with tli r DUy two favonlex won nhmic lo Imkernliiut W Va YAH fatally morn Pic ejermlna a liorse Ulmilnt Ill inralil the hrv And thru him fratturtni lila skull unr More t st- liiila liad hit nfcull fractured In an mrldrnt on the track Nimimaii nut H e live and a half furliius oennee PIT il Jaeknmi S to I won Flup 112 tllerrnnni sin lsfind liiutlur Ired llJiPaitom 4ti ttnlrd lime In1- Keiiind Haeellv fiirlnneIvndtn Tree tnt 1 I I n 1r Worm 1011 utkrri2- O i I sceiind liebenture 107 iC UllDii 4 to I third Time 1nJ1 Third Haee live and a half furlone Hilly 2 tn I run lertk 112- il Jukv lti I ituttalre 112 I I third Time l Fourth liner lout rurlonis 112 diet until 4 to I Silt Curd tlleaiielianipl 3 t 6 ariotid UrdJInz M ret 0urrtnani 2- lo I third Tim l Fifth lion Dm mil and n flihth Kltholln- J07 iV eli trr IS tn I won fnitrnint 112 lAken- Hi tn I Mwiitl Mrglnleii stu I thud 811 furln s IMtiren Hee inn JirkMiii I won Pine lilA 8 tn I nei hd id rd mr Klrliarilvi to I third urn I4 ST LoiS May weather and rood curd altrnrted a lair erowd tie tale today Patmlleiveie minrMful In the mnlorlly- nf the conlesu The lettuCe nf me diy was Am easy lilory lu very fut time IUe tratk- lirstiffiSiVciur furlongs Komtje ibi filM h- lircen II tn A won lunirfraa Ill oml i 7 to I atmnd 1W Vorwi 291 ltlilrd Tlmeo n- Serondltni rive an li half fiirlonir Oiidrnraile- too illarshlKriterl B to 6 won The War 112 mver ten 610 I leiiiittl iX Writer 9 lu 2 hour and n half firl njr Tin ina ill I Jim Seanlon 18 uUrleni Si III 1 third oSii I iiurtii hate ine tnlle Arnprrf 110 llirnli- Ierireri 1 tu li won lllink liij Ho e 1 to I Msilraus 1U7 illoucki tn 1 third Time F fth ItaceOne mil and 20 31 U T Woods 7 lo I wm Amea fni J 1 econd Chapiuiim 110 U Iomtis 2W I third siVthVlacrSU tot lUniitM- B to 2 won M Mile u to I second FrldolUi U7 tttlnslett 7 to 1 third Time 119 The price William C Mnltncy fur Iaulr- iUTird ww not male publIc IneUry OoMon Wllkerion hurt hy n f l- latAiitepit M tetdy Itic Hull i wumly roriuiiluliiTrJ many I is reFinerY from alit at tlm Ilinr apicaei fail Injuries I irlni tie runnlnr of tlie Memlov Urook rlias nn Mitiiiny l layer named Murphy and lire miW e elibej A mitt Wilt t bam till a t wairer front Hnukniakrr Val Tvini before Hie rliflitful owner of hit wajei put In- an appfarinie- Klnley UAI not co In the In the llronkl n hIS vrar It Is ir it that tie hjr p lrf iavo- EM ml so that he can walk with Traltiii Xllmmer ho ever to hate Mm in for tilt siburuan With Klnley M rk nml tutu out ol the ItrooUlyn much of the nter tn rlh eietlt will be tarkii nut Mfiod ine sale nf the e on held at he norw i Ilio U moiB- l on uiiib m iwin icsiment in rladelte Kpmi Vvotcip slid tile Alejandi I ilalr i INIISVATI Miv I if war tietween the meflr n Turf ronermi- anil Utouli represenllnif till eiiiilly new jnkey rliib li lni emiei It a nnnmrrei I jay tiv I f llniitvi nf l l nli that lj loi la miel NeviHrlof itl frfr gt- n ptoTliel II l lunil ie L rmiie- liy the rules tIlt rtitern In ke U nailed mat Ne t liinz the rules uf lue Turf Conirren V lliroiviiii oien utr Tales i mil It t iritalii t At trarlt- suii lave tree ite on aul slier h morrow ui ti t acliK will beeontlliufllndeiely hy both Tht foPowitiif nttccn tnainlisrn of lb New York tlubtiik rut in lrnulliirii pjlilbltliin at h t Rlvi n liv iiAtiiiiiiin- i iinkir on vi ninii- M Van Utlder h n d I n Harts dome Ii M I f A Isrkii K Shrlrton A V Jli r 0 Mni I iidt AUIIUVUH Itorliaits I- tiiiiih and Walter S iifiiiiiiiii h f irt ii vain the nil the It initih n iint thtw iiourn alul- irter In lieitlrii ill lila y nts of the liiunl he Hicriflfi i tl uueeri hut hi n ltl him to ink luiik- t novrt when ho n that linker ht lft- Jih ouoen lo tMlien M hi tlitlMrip n iUi tn latter annoin i ma to In tnm- Vve tniieh to thu Hurprlsu ol the plaeri- inJ the onlookers rUIODr II 100 10S 104 104 QS Q3 Du b MAO Lint 11 1 Ale upwAr Url h I Iy I 4 len 4 Mnd dttb SI 6 I all 3 Hat IT 1 14 for I irK rru Iii hurl Ills tll itt Ibtoit I II I i itt 6 II Slxlh lIst I II I It t Iml 14 Ptllrblllli II lUll mil 1IlI rIm I t IIIkI n won lrtrrlmA lId I I HI ulnn t > W III Inrk b- on I III will dllnII lisps net tIlLs lnol 1511 Iurul II nr by SllIlrre- 10 11 EUii0t1 hlS pre Ii 1 111 upI Tie rrI I will 11 I I charge I ii n f I II I nI L I I d r hII tc I hn pv r tak Iick shtrrtiusn- h 11 h ThdJtoZ mite I Las V Ithicra Twl 8 8- Ciovir Peninsula 110 Port ii upward Li CIII Joy Marie May was nun 5 ii- I Iiiic Vise tutmlrid South Itkborii lie I I lii s it t lites shied hUt I St urpiir I t I ill lilt 3 ii I lbs 11 t I StOuter bile tug t1iii titti sail t haiti 05 uliutIi hair a iA1Idst to chum g slut hits Ills i At Pa tUtu hint tt heel a U tees S a at C niflt 1- 5rluti Starr rim hut I eittiud 4 run otei aba woo all a S ti- C lInt I 0 pos badly tuniCS at At the etnurkpt tiii mr eilnnt- gU courl I Ituiitut 0 Lord S a- Ii ueul hum tIC lil SC 4 I I l tI Chili I tin Shill I 1 tu La uth us di 5 wit it lIhri Itt let I ills I tl I ill I Ida e 4 Al rtuia ii bison It hi i luie t Inn I it Ii huh I iIl Suit itt In d tu ululCi I a Ill ii ih rl rt ha II MuItetrll muveS i Jrr > > < > > > = > > > < < > ° NEWS WHEEIMESAS- SOCJATFlt CYCLIXO CllBS Of VJtTf TOuR HOLD A LnXLT XHETIXO I Motion to Expel Company E at th Eighth meat LaId on the Table Many Street Im- proremenU Anthortced Entrli Comlm In on M T 3O Company B of tha Eighth Hfglment N 0 B N Y the chief topic of dlicua atom at tho May muJtlne nf tho Associated Cycllnc Club of New York at the Knicker- bocker Athletic Club on Monday night It was n matter of dlverno opinion whether Company E thnuld or should not bo expelled There wero tlitcpn dub and President Joieph Oatmnn was In tho chAts throughout the fiery Argument although the meeting hnd begun with former Judge Chariot E HImmf Jr in the chair In abtonce of both President and VlcclrulJcnt All thp talk wa made aubacquent to a motion to lay on the table and It was nerloun talk The only thing a bit humorous about It MM tho fact that every one was talking while a motion to table WM before thn house and not a man moved tn n point of order The Mew berihlp Cnmmltt recommended that Oom- jiany U lilgbth Regiment be expelled tot nonpayment of dune Judico BUnm rooTed to delay action one month Edward Oer- beroaux of tho linen Comnilttoo reported a telephone messago front Capt Jaooby who hml been reported sick with diphtheria The message by telephone as reported was to thus effect that money for duoa hnd been given to Sergt Illloy to deliver No representative of Company B appeared be torn thr xeiMlon ailjourncd The mo tion to lity in the table was carried by a roll call after an hour of controversy- The big tour of tlie West 1111 freeman Floyd McFarlund Tom Cooper and J Down- Ing am to blurt lust this week front Bun Francisco It Is that they will In llttlo preliminary they invo to do at hut in they mve nil been rnrltiK will not need tn do nitirlt morn limber up After thu quartet arrive In Just complement of truer will ho mimic only Major Tnylor who U due In July ant foreign rlderx who tiro riOt until August J C Vheelor who U chairman of Street nnd Itondu tonimlteo of A f I N V made u very Intereitliiu teport at- thn monthly tneetlne of tilt orgnulzntloti on It wan u report whiili- Khnwed Hint thus organized nre doing thlnei that wilt be of to ninny thoti- onmlx who are not tnembeni of the organ- ization it Him a report that might tiring n bhiHli to hits cheek of an Indepen- dent wheelman who Joins no or club but IIMM nil thn good that thoy get mutt lUkx if ther uut ciiuimh of them TIll report rclatiil to Mm liionU of route that boen- nuthorlzed by toiiiniNiloner of Highwuyit i lo urul peti- tion submitted In tlie district of The Drum the folluwlnu U to Anpliiilt trli iiii nil natli ftnet fnm Morn aviiiue U u uue i tiiiJt to tf laid i ii Uitli street fr in Third tn HruB iveriue i lo k put clown from Third nviitiie ye lull ii hill invln lunl mi MnrrU iiveiiuo from ixttli Vroet t liith ftr pt uml ttln livn iii nveifio nlutiK tht block Mm ilMh t i Mill TI M Improve luciili will muk wiii very Ion liortlolls fur rulnr Truth rJcilltati- xvhiflliu III tIe dMrlct of Tho ofld hi- ncllon also been heunn lonklnc toward tho noplialUiii f loMb htreet from Iliion tu Ilospeft uvcniio nnd fri i Wnlton- nvciriK anil t intli trot to th Port MorrN hrldf Tho a ihnltlm of iUi- ntnvt t Pork nvenitM nnd Inrk avenue from Itutli Mreit t flu Harlem Kivor U now being iMii ili rii the lt iirii of icni for New Jersey New V rl mid llrnnklvn rider there am leN tlilnv tlmt could ho- of more Intereat than In IIMMI ihnt MIIIOIIK th Hudson street strips an to iepair l tho plaer th1 hne nr loeiist CoininisliiKT Kentini hilinil Ut the follfiwlni with rtgiiid- to lludion lrcit from Chan her Mreit lo llnnk trI Kiuith nvenuo- fr in Hudson street lhlrli ntli avenuo betwiMn Tlilriythlrd strwt between lirtyllri t and- Kortyerond urecti nnd beiwicn streets Twnnly- Kciond from First nvenuii tn Avomie A lieilirix1 street frm Hudn to thn nvonuo 1ortvflrft to- Kortyspoond treet street from avenue to ferrv Klcli r et fruit Sixth t Irvine All of tn i nrljn nr now In Imd order In place and the repuir neidid- Tho was iiiti il HI jvlni- Mid 1m HtitlmfUnl the uecoisury work whlrli I dlfTerent frmn nn tndePnltn- promise if and arc likely to fur repairs epo um- lcritkally At tin A nr nteil Cvrllne fliil1 tneetlni- nn Minluy lre lilini titmnn nld Dial the property owner f West Twentythird n iiliilt d anti tluit him had to the A C C N Y fur edlipratlnn llo iiti i ti d that m w hav irimj n phnlt riots t the ferry flint the Ireei thnt n In favor f pnvini Uii Twenty tlilrliH heknit I he Cult in early for IrvlnttiiMnliini r f Mnv ci year nnd e ir nf In l iiuuiipiir i nd rld r nro- nlrenil In tin1 tniitii A- MiiUitcfl Cyilmc lulls nf liiif Inland to rliMi lit lii nf rilli- iilni their Cyclo Inh llmidii tin dnnny- Nitnil lloidevHrd n the IHIII ilnti the of line wn for lahor- l ny f Im dei li in nf tho Inn 1lund club will Iriilialib lu ninle ri xt M tidal1 If they dcilii t with th they will turn 1m u one heiiiiu i mii KIMMI rliler an ni- rendy plcdrfil to Jersey Now that bicycle Irnrk raring Is well In hnnd It tffin In be tIlt thnt Mime took n ileiUlte hold on Ip order to mnfllit II is a wnnl this hut nen- Inrllned to make hit effort tn Illl It liond hut fnr the niiwt Is Illegnl there iiid the lioilies lit nnd nblei to con- trol clinnot fe anything In It As thetn- s n nniuteiir cycling except I V miuht to- it The I spetui tn 11 m lilir the mut- ter ns oliielliln heyolid proxmc inokt spnntnneniis and wnne of the mo t rnm nru run on thi runt nnd not on the truck The lait two blr cU f avenu- eIlrildvn Jit before Pilern l nt being ripivediiii I trPt Is IIMSP llder New York iiniiuMiitniiev Isbind h wuv If tliiTwntyt- hird triit terrv Imuld fr tin mxt fv turn west from lledfnrd nvinue nt Mt Miirk nvenue t nvenuo- nnd tlicr left r th l irkw y- i lid I dntt the hrlrl ivil lull I he tw- liliirU l lni repaired wen n VMIM air- oinMileitno nnd hnve in imlitiii fur a rcir li nf yinri nil fh rlr l ItrtJny Hllliilren ilL Hlfei Intry lute Sperd uy Iarmle Churl M rimml ino Ilvaitira- Drivers At Matlori nf llroiidyn writes SiN telllnK why h withdrew Ms tl 0 r 11 lrlvtr Ptrnde on lost Saturday Slut hall trttl- rlvlr In iioniman u loiter l by hr frm hiTtiiryt- riiwtiiPr ot the It I A cnimNl iir n it to Tin litter from Mr Hemp t Mrs Tiffany Mr TliTinyt letter fnllnn- ln fMtin W nfJil 1is hlmnlh unit irm II nn he tlmt au me under liniirrwlon Hint tieiM wairon h r ftry vim to ifiim- DirHde I Hit huwner tint tli H niii- n rr or rullier lessen ytnir eiiainMfur Hi Jud e will n urethatnlidy usually mi twill Neitrlhel If It Ls yoir l u e ULeed waitili on that ddiislon we lIfe IMS KIJ- to have ion lti us Hit I thoul I hnli nntirj you result irs in A I VliKii HKItVKS SecretHiv deisurei- TII THK oi Im S sir i em lose rui letter from Mr A lleetef Serrtafy nnl Tins urer if tiC loud drivers liliiii ni New VorU nrvenl I my liillneii II nine am f II wnV i laitxa rli In II lh Itwl i n ul May atranled tie Lie i lvl- rtrnlni n uneinan ioii I rrreliej- II letter from Mr ve wIlLdre the entry kiolnit at the time that Dr nil a wifi sreeilvay and that my lf ckn UiUe one of the fattest mid must e eriUdy druers the Hrwk lyn swednay dilvlnj Holt lin a leMril I Ml vteral Uf i burieS that 1 have o ned W II II t lark Prrstdmt of Drivers niich put nut In rfisrdlothe that my V Nrv Yoitu May IJ OR THE Hell for furnished rfprpen led nrllt Mill I II I nOIllull 1111 I In her I h trio 1rl rrnn1 itt I t 111111 1f1 li I Ih 11 I hlllllh n nil Illill sivili 0 Ii1 h- Im nil itt I v I I hp hI I tititt pi- th InlAl tlllr Prk ra II nr nut I rlli II 111 hiUhirU WIIIII I fIr Ill lIes from JIfl I I rr IIK lr III utunyrtilijit Iii nr no trIll OIV IMI lilT hitch IIlnl as lit IZ I > All JI J lied mAn sluerd In alt her UtI lii a lIMI1U 11II1okln hells try fur tIe with Still tint toil the tuniC lIod I place letter In tU htiuiIw Ir ny nh f truly CIIUII At J 1 Inflflb Rae was hilt tIlo I jut Ii lit era tIm t ins tiny hit 10111 lila tlu iii lit luutlC Iii iu1 Veil itZit iviIl itt lull tire I i I s a rotC liii 14 I it ii hut lit Ii a tIll 1111 rail rtiiuul Ill it hers ii i 4 luil uytI Itt htriIO t 11 I eeL ii ad lion isI t tttt ii tJi eu I It t tin ii rot lInt ii it von to uuiti4 ito tiits er I tint tutu a t ttiit lot tii tit tillIl Vil I Iii Ill it I Is t to I a v best in on I rouiiI iuutt It in I tr eel ut I Ito tu tIlt y oil ori t u Iit leT nIt tO 1 hit ii a iilui itui titi 1Ii t tty ii ill tori root I it lute thy hill itt ljt lit hit A t t V i I bull rut ito I hut v S i thin it n Iii itt ii t Ii nut flit Sins lint ii tii1 ito t a flItS lilt otittout lit kill wag iii Iii A 1tet us its itO lilt I it it LI > S the nil di Sit ill t CS iii it trill hull ttttlC 11111 37 s I a e uib t I iIPut Its rile tul itt i t CflCItCU t mutt lIe thiui0 lutuShet Ii ill S is nut Inc letIer and InC till id sire Lii ew Sock SltC- ouitt htTP this I S ii vu las ii the UitA T1rVAtv l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > < > > < > < ¬ > ¬ > ° > > > ° < AND Ten Thousand Dollars for CharityBec- ause of recent persistent attacks on the veracity of our advertising charging us with will fully misleading the public regarding our great sale of brass and enameled iron Beds now drawing- to a close we published on Sunday and Monday the following statement I dttritmutj rOoltllts dttdI1tmtttL Iroo1J1I11 Idrt lm- ttstlApftAtlAM 1ftA a OO rcoha dLtdLCflttflt1 COk13I2 t i ttj r f J II1v 5 9 i J ¬ We have deposited with the Kings County Trust a check for 10000 as an earnest truth of tile following- two statements I Prior to March 25 1901 we arranged for a sale of 15000 new brass and enameled Iron Beds which on that date we offered for tale and which the Manhattan Bedding Company held them wives to diliver to ut on calls if necessary to deliver an even greater number than the amount advertised 2 The Manhattan Bedding Company had at that time actually In its own possession or directly at its command in possession of the Rome Metallic Bedstead Company and the Foster Bros Manu facturing Company of Baltimore its affiliated organizations all under the same control and ownership 22000 brass and enameled iron Beds which were then rudy for delivery all being made by the Rome Metallic Bedskad Company whose Beds are the only ones sold by the Manhattan Bedding Company Let Messrs Frederick Loeser Co place 110000 in trust and name a referee who together with a referee whom we shall name will select- a third To these three gentlemen proofs will be submitted and unless the above two statements which we have nude are fully substantiated we will give our gto000 on deposit to any charity named by the cer- tified the ¬ As may easily be seen by comparison Messrs Frederick Loeser Co do not as they claim meet and accept our proposition We have stated the facts of our transaction by way of demon stration of our good faith in announcing a sale of 15000 new brass and enameled iron beds We are ready to prove those facts Our check for 10000 is still on deposit with the Kings County Trust Company and also a form of agreement embodying our proposition It has our signature and we invite Messrs Frederick Loeser Co to sign also j I ¬ Annaal Deception at l krr llrmluts 1imuiT- lichnngr Ilujtrt was n Brent tru li or vWtnrn to Dylior Meiulow Inlf Hull rrMrnUy nflcr on tho orciion f the ntimml nrrt linn Artillery Ham mm Iort Ham- ilton played anti mi the n SMI Kerveil with Halmls niul tlm faniin liykcr punch Tlicru wer Hvi rul hiimlriil- vl tori mid aMili from reception ilu- rnjiVHl the lllii lii In tin fir i ri ontril by club Th MM 1 HfiidM nl II tl McKreirr 111 7 104 Ml i M flJtunrev unit A I Norn lib l Ill MIM and J C fonrtn III to Ill Mli S r h Sraci ni Fid nil l v lilt A I 4 III I mid 1 I ifilittn 110 clll Mlu luniiiMi- niul A K Mnyllr II 111 Mi iliiair lifdid SUit ii It lUiLfi ltd rV117 Mr A I Sniylle- anrt A H risti 121 e Hi MIM JudMin ril J Jr IT 14 114 MIM iiiare trmunrey- DH K 1 KMMIfliTh 14 t lie MIM r Walaee anti C V Wliltnry lid 12 ltd Mrs i 1 Kail- flflieh find llr Me nntirll tVi I 116 ill lialbf- lelnrh nnd It Ilnremiii Jr U iM Mr unit Mm llmiril 1 IJT K 121 MIM- AUi tl ShIll Norman S HI lie lit HI 121 There will l about fifty fiiirri In li flirt lnii i nt f- 1riiliii fiolf ui tin 1 ntli- H 1 Club lluk toiii rr iifirn n 1 M who tins twlro wm o KP- ooro unit will iiiialn b Ti ih uiin- Tli If u liit llw riiirti bnr- li ini club tbiS uiinH lipl A C 1etitrolf Oeiieent A C ttultrr Moore KriiUerU ker f M Ull nii rnilevnul li MM H- IIIIMiie IHiler lnile vud h H Maka- Kntlrnood L Hanlrls Muntilmr Ttionia l ChliaBO 5 K li I lAt llllltde If Ilielp Van mtisult r I Wien- lltlr t lli ron Country I Uiiuley- Jllli W 11 Thnmas ItlelimnmlioiiMy I lliiKr- Hlcrimonil r nnl r I N Nnrlnri II M- IiMik II M lolJunl rrrert A- r l Hall V II MiCoM ilmnt VlfttV tint V lx r Crfirntt Ii nllivhnii iTr rent II f MiJt y W C Kniillwuo- lr ThoTOK PhtlmtelfMii F A E utl Kntli n1 T It Van H II l Ulumf Si An new iir i llie 1rrii CiMfenl It V Itesreni A A i nifr- ItnlliiMul M H Jinevily if rent W II i ald eii- Mltrntfth Town fNiiiilry irte ldven ri refit K S ArinMronr C I inny- iltu rol T A StfirUi Km Illlln 1 ttehb Vmi- tflur H Klrkirnn Ire rent K li Kuie Knirkrr looker C K HilMeit iteneent W W UIMIII ln le tool n U Huriten A llnutman- Vnl linn tlie tees antI put In tin1 if sins fr tli n pnhllo lit For wt llronklyii lH Unit now rrnmlrn to no no In out nnil r l tin Ira lucre lll b nn tnwl to put Ir hnrnnlH fur wilunil om i aiioiiin- ml th tre4 hnvo brn ro liuivl n to ullllre- tillin proiirlv Thf over tin Rlmrt public linkn nt Inrk nlthoueri tlmt III n- tnlncil anuS put In ri hnp i tbli- Tli ilMnriroi of tin F r t p nri Sin S3 I 5 s IS i5 nn iinil Sin tli rminil tsi Ilnoil- Im nl i upOn nt work on I now rniir o ut piJ- IIIIH I fUr III u1 nf tin Max II lllbrl MrlmlU nn rnclNti nroo liitinl lirnllnr tn Ilir- rmnl iitui Mi Miry tin ihuelitiT of Mr Mr ntov- nf wirr In MUji n- Iliirrli thl mnrtilii Tlii rlniroli wni niliil lh rolitlvi of dm vnutie- ronril iimnntf wern will knoun to guilt ttiirM- Itnurnv Mnv 14 Vn iwn linnillMH for on 0 Im f tl llrMkllt I try Illn l nt Hvilc Park Tti iri XVIIH in unit th flout wn n Iire nn iirli n wonn- wAKn il i k nnil rinrrl- Tl Inn ir r llinilo1 I twontvlhe- tnk rln or wont IVT h nuntnf thoinprifrrln iix ilnrlrir 0011 Mi ririti i lmliolt r- fvTniev rii i rt1 rvVvent Ml tk nw rri- in hv llor rroi r wa tjt lni Ml N C of thr r won spri- iV th itcmi holm b lne- ne tl hlch irlnl Ml HirBrnl- nir i ri otfollnt Th bneiy Rion rr wniiien oil Iho MM i llle I iRht nn llmiU ln lr Slnppnl lit the Irv f lullir1- ralllni pliro III prlvnti n tho iitt klri f 1iilK o vlllaifi throi mill 1iitifiri N Mimln- nlBlit nwi por in Inrlinllntr mrtnv- iiftti til pro ont lino nf tlio niinMnir- nr nt Vr flit fnrl- i r I f thfflBhl MII ii innrh li Mof- r Pnliio Iriinl Tto iu roll wn ho inllwl l t f irmtrlollHweolt h i i hi now h t io for M In r tbo o In i inrwo nf ido wnl alund mil wepti H Vnini Kolli nf llibill i nl Mm TV Mnrileri of I I rill Kollov welirhd only M imniiiK In ni IIMI bOlt POHIIIK honvi win ibo n Tloniitli liiiurvi vh- lltflit wn bnl fiHii Iho lnrt It tin nffulr thronuli I ir r Pil rum li Mir irm ii iiittlne nf tho en An wru l hnvo lout thorrowil wn nor willlnirif iiiy nnd tho- flirhr i ii driw Tho rlnu wn plirlnd- nn tho hink of the Ininnln IMvor nnd within liillnu illntnino f kiininir hnm nf A tnni PrnOtilir f the loa llnlph Shiw- ItnnllnK liame tonIght Nortli Slrtf National aiu Krnplrn Pentriil ainl nine at Iiiuip alley Arrad Tournament XVrM Shore tn KMrlla at- Frerrk iermnlnn Tournament White blue filneeK All and at alley New Jersey t Union at alley ec WI 11 I Th WHO tIll I I Wall and 1I 11 ar I l I 3 I bIU lVIi thllll Ion f r II OlIn n1 1 I huh i t I itt I nil link till I pour iii grout t I In klno hrin url 1II lIal 11111111 II ill Ir Frill Inllrrh wit It ut Chili 1111 ant rllIh I II will tic n1 In tt IAI I hI I Illih II for tirivtflChml fruit II 1111111111 no t r rrHlr anti llitliti hilt III It I II or I worst limits l rnard UI theFt hi hut fl iFR nub I i it Z ti list ac rot SCullS Mu Slurs salt I 2- 1Miaweli r hi tutu 0 s I met hi ii hit liFt car lui ii I I I I wit usrol I liiaile erMhfl a I Ill I aide a tutu t it lot h tutu s niti lit Ic lie i i t i Ill 1iu tuFt irk i lit ltroi Is nttiii ii t bIt IGsTr ii rim I N 5I tI thy it Ill I W itt ut to I tint I hue I fIlet Is unit tIm ot V utut t f tot I ii g runntCtttiti vsl ry 1111 titltl ititntrm I fos Ic W I t Ito I I ill i5 t I itt nil tttti ill ufl fl A itnll I rim i uriottti Iii I of itt 01 Itt I till ttii lilt s itt I lie t tulm I Itt I lots lit ill I Os ItS Wii vcrnt 0011111 tbmu wits I hut hio itt itt fri v vIeuj I Imthi lIii jut S i cm him shUt ut lou riFt It rid si its to tell tim ttui tOll cit tIn ¬ > > < < < > > < < ° < > SportjiBtrnij Oo- oiKColumbia Bicycles Standard of the xJpiJIP Worldh- ave f fr- I Mi- f vV 9- ft fcali J r f r r j- Sfr l c represented the highest degree of cycle con struction for a quarter of a century CHAINLESS 75 CHAIN MODELS 50 COLUMBIA BICYCLE SALESROOM 12 Warren New York ljOII I I I I St VOttpflttth0Ot1 11Ortllltlt f I- I < > ¬ Standard 10 9 Cycles 27 each I500A I Makes 12 11 16 18 Sime Coasters Tilts 7Sc to 200 350 Lamps 115 oth M SOc Tandem ard sefondhand cycles 350 to 20 Church cor Barclay New liilrrtrhiilnllf Athletic A orl tliin- Vali i tin in VT in a fr nn liit r rhnii li nliloin1 nirlitlnn n loiini hiiHiHiirloil tlio plnn n o- HflionN lu N w Now IT PV Mini JVin- ylvnniu I hi lorrit ry Imliilo ninny n- tiio in t pruiiilnoiii nlhlotii fi oilor f Hi bin rilUtfot ni them bolus ik Ijiwr iiro llo Ucikolos Iliiirry tullo1 IliartiT many ntl M 1ur n well known T r li hivo joimil tin 1ipliitliin niul llr t inHit Im I I- dI What Did It The perfection of quality In Hunter Whiskey Is what struck the taste ap- preciation and approbation of the American people II Is now everywhere the first sought and thi first boujnl Ii I 100 J AND 0 U F uo 11 k tligtiuiul 1I1lr 11 ttkui ito Ii ii ii lut flit tuntuumtyaliuun ut Ill tilt Mull I itt ill the tnttuk o urI 1 ill ii i ii I I Iii lIlt rul ri ii Ii I loAm 4 Drintat1j 4 3WtUi4U1LNWi54y < < ¬ > < + referees If they are substantiated we shall expect Frederic Loeser to give 10XX to any charity which the referees may name Messrs Frederick Loeser Co reply as follows e meet and accept tlio jirojMisition of Mcssr Abra- ham uml Straus will pty 10000 to clmrities if Messrs Abraham anil Straus prove to the satisfaction of thrco 3 referees to be choson as they have proposed that thny prior to March Uoth 1001 actually bought outright of Manhattan ding Company lo000 Hrats nnd I ran Hcd rtjidy for immediate deliver and that the Manhattan Hcdding had at that time us they assert HJ000 llrass and Iron Ucdn ready for imme- diato delivery An agreement signed by ii binding us to this proposition nnd naming our reliw will be at the Kings County Trust Company Monday May ll Messrs Abrahum and Straus nit invited to bind themselves to substantiate their statements We make but one stipulation and that is that all tho evidence obtained by time referees eliall atlcr they have rendered their deci- sion bo submitted to the public through the newspapers i tZi ill 5 at and I I j l Itt ¬ ¬ Blossom Sunday That is what next Sunday will be The most beautiful day of the year in the country The apple trees will be laden with thiir sweet lowers dont miss it You need a wheel to enjoy it why not buy nowI The 3750 Chain less bicycles are going fast when this lot is sold there will be no more Wait and be sorry Installment plan if you wish it A Q SPALDINO BROS SPALDINQBIDWOLL CO k j I I 2 A lA S i 1 ut I i Inronro Ilnli i writ the nllr nml i hip nHhli trophy f Ailolpbl Aiidinu Ilr- vfterilay on Alolphl Kiobl llo nut l Hi Slirnm 1nl oup won last ITIU iy- W il liliunio anil broko the AiMiihl i ihrowliiK th lininiiiMr 1 IHx ino f- liu nowi iiinor In th nronn o lii i spurt WiiD MI uml nitli u nxi Vtril Hash Sinlor Wun by C Vnlkliy r iiel larrnre lllhlMp arrntrl iruncl II lto iM I lrtl- iilnt eniiulv- Ililtmlnc Jump Mmli i nun hy i iv IMiilinii snitch with ft tot ii InuiK lv i isiin l Iririir niamd A Itimiand i n- M YJII li Mi Junior Wmi hx v iurj- llulib A urmiiil Il helper f Jiinl n int- HP PI 11 KMiiiiii- iii liiwh Jutiliir ll nillifli wm i w- l lie nrd A llnwlmui I nrd neiiiil ioter 7 yniiU third line 12 I nJ hi Allu lIlt II Iuuuil Hummer II M rip r rrn Hlslinp rrratrli ultli pu f l r- lliiirits italic lu feet mtuDil II Itmie ihlil PHI V ril Hurdle Stare llnnillMP n hy rim nn siratrh A Wlilimi I VnK linwlnml 5 yards third IA S senmiln- llilf Miln linn llAnillfip n tiy cr MIIUI- unU K iNinn funrt liMlfrey PIth ymn thirst Time S inlnul l t d imni1 Mil thin llnndlMp Virn hy r n trli i l slie n nnli neniiid limlrriy Ilrtli- i Ihlnl Mm nilnul 1 I fi irimtb Sriit ir Iliiriliinp Vin hy I n iy ril i enlie i uh n uid K lluin- l He v rd third limp ID i ennili- in Y nl limh Junior Wun hy llr Mrr W C IS iuiK einnd II Idlne 14 Mint third lime J A mrumt- rijiilrr Mile Hurl unlirap lIOn tiy UiKlrry- HI T Mint i MIIIII T Illl- eHtrfl third tint ftP 2fi s iiinitt i iiinlii Uriiil Jump llandlrnp Wnri hy niirr- MA ni feet ivtth 17 reel A nrlir IUrcure bt hoi iernirli stcimJ It mini 4 fret third tie 12 IUTI Hlint llAliitlrup Won tI- t i liev Spinney 4 S feel vf 11 Ii 14 rt J O no t hup r trcund llobert S S Nrr 3 lioxlp of the flIng Artldw of agreement RATA been signed for a 12 round bathS betwean Root uf ChIcago Kid Carter ol llrookjyn Th will EX t t AppUlnn Win t morrow night They Will for ik 11800 pun wtlcU thy rDMaUd to dltld I lit rn e I ttbitp A IrI but I A It ititliflul I tni ploii lit aul In ItiItFit him I 5 lush 5 I a i Vat it I 5 III s It at Situ 5 Itt ii 2 t lip I I lull 5 > I ii ir4 lush 2 A i strum IVI heir It stAle 2 A I lull tIC lOch feet I III uti and men iUi111 > < > > > > < > < > MADE BY KEATING l M M cif ri- Cnnocs Lnrgcot Stock In Town TiieHD Folsom Arms Co 314 BROADWAY N Y TII1IO i muSes ril Ijirjwl toiit n l lUrtfoMi I lllk w mn i rih ivxlyrar Dltniont- 7BC u iimmnwej f n yir Itfinlir ruirintfil llr i I tisu tit 200 rjr r ui IIIMVOIH iiotvliufl A- nn ririHAvr 1141 ij itnwiivty cur Slit it- ni Th i nntnt Academy roii innti IMI AT iu A u- Eht Citrf MORRIS PARK RACES ir N v 9th Day Wednesday May 13th The Ior at Knickerbocker Hurdle lUudloap anti rout sillier rare MIMIC IV LANDKIU- Ta i2d Art I lo Willis fe thenen by Sp ell Tralnj to or irk F1R3T 1UCE KM I M IlliLII f 0 CENTi BICYCLES 2150 I I ret the aunt Itu hum ii r t I i Si tire t Rut I I lit 1 Jilt lIST IEFICE 0 tIttJ I It Ill It ltt Itt J I rllt 5 a > > > >

Transcript of IN DRIVE Idrt lm- 1ftA -...

Page 1: IN DRIVE Idrt lm- 1ftA - · alltrleoeU Jrj eh lied Path by lUyon r lied Olrl 4 llS lurns







l v

tsI r-



Ii I-























































ti p i i 1S 5




Knight of Rhode Capture th New HockHandicap Handily All Green Water-Color lleef nod lion Defeated byJia Vout FkToritN Lose atllorrl Talk

racing at Morris Pork yesterday whitof lutereitlnu sport wa ncaln-

uniirnfltAblo to the backer of favorltos-

ti only two flrst choices flashed ia t tintjudge otanil In front Tho Ilayrhctterput for throjrrar oliU over tlio Withers

il WM moat Important feAture Itlikr J to he on lmost certain triumph farthe Mourn MunUH colt Hmlle yet ta the raootnrnM out It WM the tlffhtent kind of a iciueexu-f r the ton of St Klorluu to pull ofT the trickmlle an odilron favorite on goIng topOI with The Hhymer ridden by Shawfeciml Rhotco and Thomas HitchcockJr J None third In demand Wa at 10 to I

nude a bold hid for n runaway by leapingout In front at the flag tall and opening up-

I Irail of tour length The Tammany coltkept In thn van until thn turn with Stalin

nil The Uliymer following heads opartTIre It wns that I I had rnounh and Thetlhyirer moved up Into first plrtco It won abut ilrlrd nil thn way down the tintell be-

tween Smile and The Rhymer Turner landingthe Mnrrl colt winner l y a short head 8haw-rM The Hliymer with i much elnirer thathi perfornmncen In two other events laterm wcrt rather mirprLtnc because of theirn p iiw tUCk of energy

Tlm Now Rrchtlle Handicap for threejenrnldn and upward over the lust sevenfurling of tlio Withers demonstrated

fltnens if W C of Hhodiui-

a probable contender In tlm HrooUlyn HandU-mp Only tour horses went to postKnight ut llhodes wits nt 3 to A with KingMrnniblp at four and Malster at throeTh fivnrllp look up tho running trout theharrier and wan tmril prenvd by Miilslerand Prim IVpi or Malster kept cluiw to-

th leinJiT until they were straightened outfor home when Itritnble hounded forward mid hallrnired Knight of Rhodes ThoUtter onnugli poo nnd strencth leftto n half Tlii-iHrt that Ianl Clifford hnd hen bnu slit fromWilliam lakeland by William I1 Whitneyconvinced the smart fraernllv thatth IKsnl roll would win tlie Rhtlievent ii handicap over tho licllp o nntranf-ihHw hail thn mount and e ldltiK wapounded iiinsistentlv In hooks nt2 tD i ThonuH Illtchrork Ir HIM Path

not allowed to nt three whllnplvmj mi Ijflily lnra lowered tier quota I

i Inn from teiig noveim ludv tnuis out outtin pull rily to to Ridden-

TliiM ns KKV nenred th Wlihor rnwInc Paul Clifford bow l In front hut Itwan only fur a moment r two IIOCIIUMI Alliold tho from tin

n head t to work Hod Pathafter that and nil wer ilrlvlntr hard as thyreii4iej this wire whero Hint Pathtorlou bv n head All l l I tnklne the pluco j

from Paul tlhonl by i hivul tooregular liettorn jinnrly o

lectlnu the black r Colorto win thr list nfurlnc f iho Wither The lnyorwere not wilting n offer than 2 to 5on ouR Hi th oiitivt but thn-tn lns prl 1 to 2 and out jpartlnllybeeii i on tlio errailrtbnt tan huh a riw sat

In the Wlllnli ninki All lirwnr-peneil it twon bU w niVlyti to md out The skirt win IMOI Watrrcr irnttni away in fr nt ofitlicru while Jrwii left th biinicr la l

lint In i lif tlrnt fiirloim All cot uplon n nil and wa1 n htixththe tliii k f atMl Iwler at Hie turn took

Iii an iiiy victory for WuUTOlor ntKitit fir wa iiHTly uiitlAlihi-

irrftiuninii that tho Knlithl ofPoll niui Inlit Ilie uroUli wllidlltli ir t of speed nnd

llti uri irril ti rthe l Hrti r WIT upon even terintthen liitliiiclil Hindu no nii arcnt effort onthe iiirliiil4 I M IIH ho WHS nvcr-onflilciit ItM wlnfvrr wn the o cf

lit the tn t mninin hut ShowAll ircoii rliVirlir with Ms

tilt nil cif HIM iiilt ni I nnd In atInt iii l a Nliori hind

The M ipl rai a llinI nftnlr overthe ln t ven finlnntf f the Wither

n rlllfflv liotalle IMHI 4 if I lietearancc tills spar ivlrhratMl b ff-

1I the fivonie In the bettlnif ass iRvero Rot hi irlct up hut Alird antiMircrnvlnte hnl cny nf Inl-siipliort Mnrirravlhte iu il tlio ninnlnifr lire furlouici with hint Arilmo liywithin reuih I nl fK orIn the liiiiuh out of whui dluiinor hml-dlftleiiltrln mklnahlm tlm turn beeniover l Then the rnjr aolrot tlrotmh and wrnt lifter Alurd thir hn ltoken the with of Mre l It wnt-A lard riro by n lenirUi anti n Imlf hnwerer I

linUndn t the ilnco from Miirenivtntebv n linitth

The riic wa perluipi the mn t llthe Tho irowd fanrled-

Iotlelchri flllv nnl she c rrleilnil tint inonnv ut 7 to Ihi evrnt wnfir nnirlen twn yeiir iiil Illli iinl KrMlnu-ni four and i rurloncr Ii vent tiny

Mrainliln Shi wii criticlretl bv i

i ity b nii e ln nit wmb finrd ivrh Chimnnene Tlie Momr Knen-iViiheiii with Henry up t cgpred Immo-winnT n to I ahoiit her Par

v p ii n to I h it ont llir iilare by-h from Chnmpaeno Th Mimmn-

rrf thrfeyrar old itid upward by ih prtMlon-nf I rirli tn Hie nlnner with JSVI ijdid tail Isrml A hnir furlinn nt ir Vltkrrn niile-

T IMtirtins b e All Orttn hy Knlihtof Fl 1

l Urile 11rUwlelt 1 111 iShawlC linlefeld Jrs Mk e WMermlor 9 III iljille

P ld 21 V 1M1 ch e Snniptstt 4 II iVnlj b 3

Innrrllnilint 121

ftrtttnt niilit to 3 and t All irrn I t 1 anttilt Vttrreolur 1S to I Mid ti I I Somerset Jim tilI itd lu I Irtnrrllnt-

SKfoNn IIAI-Trlni tot tlitfe yenp li5 cpd i p nrd ty Sill

icrtru nof Jle erioth Ttnn r th SV adiled titurn firln8i f the n rMurphy 1 llesrdoni b i Alurd try IVcIw-r lher 3 tOi iSinckl I

farrrlli b B Dolindu 109 OCon2

f Hrlndlti b e f r rAtlllte s im rj ndrl 3SmifTAnlmiwIli Hoynl lirnmnn Tlmmiw

PI e Tiy Onkl lnu In tlie crdr rurard

Time lrl1ftneThei tn I nml even AlaM 11 tn a ni-

rrfr itniti In I unit 7tnS tirif rn n tn-

ri tn t Scurry A to 1 nnd A tu j Animosity 4u s ttoyiil Sterling I tn l nn

TIMr in 2 to 1 mid 7 to 1 Hlie oy t mut-tn lilniil JO tu I And 4 to I The Chamberlilt-

iTitinn nirtiThe Buyehestef Staliei for three ye roM

mt rrttH of 8 f ch with llOou dded the Wltttits r lieA II A I II Morilin fh o Smile by St thrUm

Ilclld y Turner IT r Mi iaiuin ii r The 1 lo 5

IIlclKnck Jr b j Xoiir 3 IM illnrn lQnuuroi Ijvnrrnmn hbi and Leltlnu lj run

In tile oriler nitatJTime 11Pl-

lflUti to i unit out Smile 4 to I And 7 tn-

t itt lthytrtr 7 to I 2 to I VonM 51 to I nniltn I it Tn f to I nnd S tn I tJinremaa tn-

la to I lulu 12 to 1 nnd 4 to 1 TleltlnoFOURTH

li V rtorhflle lUndlfAp for thtfe iiii-l ty ih f ulth JlOH

furlnnirnnf the miteW C riutiia b c Krllht of Ihnde by Knlntl

of rlertlie Slfltrr e I 11 llurn l I

II MrCarrrnt ch e Ilramble 4 lOU Bullmar

A r thfritn br e MnStrr S 101 OConnorI 3Prtrrevi Prrper lo run-

Time I VThr n tn r n l out Knliht nf flho1

t Ht niLlf sto I Ainlllnl Mshlf-Il in I and 4 to l Illneisi PerPr

firm luiKrot miltin rules And celdlnn 2 yrni id hy-

Ijtufilpllun uf K mrh l the winner with 1990 dile-Utl futir nnd A Lull f irlmi uf the Illp e ruuttr-JU 4KK lte np rhf Iruplietlf tun-

Seersv 1 llenryi IThe Ieplier SHllt1 ii f tnr IMcclltnre in Hut

Ur 2C llltledld f Ch rm un irsifihAw 1-

Crl Drm VoMm li rtlyn Ilire repr r PAlnifWe lliinm Jivrpliine Monahun

nn Silver Chlinn nn in ihj order nimedTime H99f

nnttnt KUht to IM IM i M tn Ini7Vi I Pur liieelhnn AndfltiMTArnpiurif-

Il ii I 9 to i rn in ftn to t nd 12 to IVmntt A t t xnd er Maud 20 tu I antli I Pure Pepper tn and S t 1 Pnlmrtte ion ti I

4 to I lion M i Zip M j Jiwepiilne Monttin t lo 1 and 21 Villedt 2 l i I And t I f ll er-


ilAndlrap fur threeyeArold and upward ul-rr HKI 5 f rh lu the winner with added

cour-alltrleoeU Jrj eh lied Path by lUyon

r lied Olrl 4 llS lurns IT oiiteri ch c All OoU 4 100 lOTonnor 2

VItin WhltoeyA hilt if PAU Clltlord I0

fol 1Artrtn Al u rita In the ordern

1lme iP itnr Tnt to 1 and teen lIeu r tii t to I and




wall th



miAIh u8IL




blor Is


f Will

red I






t I

ttr Ii





1 t






Ilk lad

SIltn a

> I




mer ShU-T

UI slid 3

UPI tlc14


4I I

Jt b











It hii Iinith and



si Ill

I scat lit I

i ill


till tlrt tintS tutu

v r ndieM i1lL last

hulai ll

ft I l t

< ttIu 111111

t ito t

hitlhtto tutu i Ii

Ii illilltIll

1 I Iii

Ivttoy rh


I Iinriilit ii I



utrI IIani oWIth

hitpit iI ft nun

Alit riItli t lit e

I Ill


t kin i i

lift Ii111

I ht inin gnu

hidi ii it I

iIi I nou

Iii ii

1Ini flCT


it lilies I

IsleS t

telfl ian





ittv ri ear





1 flIt 41 t 1tiit




anti sodS













> >








1 to 1 AU Oold 1 to 1 and 4 to I Paul Cltflard I to tLadrUacaStolandeTenCcU

The following U the card for todayFirst Ilae Handicap for tbrttyeirold sod up-

ward IftOO MT n i

v eAll Gold AUIko 10

110 Sailor to-liombiilitU 1M FouulM 10

107Second BAM For thrtyearolil and upward 11

Uo added last aU urloniti of tbe milelOa I Judge WwdeU 103

Ttlllo-MUirFon lr-


10 Innomlnatuni107 PltaAnntSall107 Droifbtrt109 Sporting109109 Tennlmore M-

Tblra Stakti fur twoye rold-itoa addid last QTI Jurlon of th EcllpMMurwi-

April Shower 1151 Dlitell ln Mt4 A Illl-

Albtrl Oom Iaul t07Fourth llaoe For twoyeaiold 0 added last

fl e furlong of lb Eclltjse murw1171 OoMtnilth ill

Slitfr lullfl-JUTinlleMlu llaitln iSmart SetUyrnnof ItoacrrA

114 Dandy Wist114 Flower114 Join natleyrorn112 Sefker111 UcUOKClllitFifth Itare handicap for threeyear

chIt and J K added courselied 1JJ llombihfll tt

is Maienllo USAll Oold Itt JionnA IKrulttta 119

120 Ezra 11J120 llMbetln lift

Sixth Kara Knickerbocker llurdln llandlfjip forfouryearnlc and ni o added one mile and

orer steen hurdles1M liermudA HuDdredl40S-

rmptr Leo 1J7 sMall Simpson 140191 Monroe lM

Uiht IN Charaxlud 1M-

raiue 1artoul 14S Isllcittni ISOJtMlrS 149-

Ludrrwood entry entry


At Chicago

ChicAno 14 Ilobert Waddell ran one mileand an over the slow Worth Vark today In192 46 anil his performance wu the best of lle publicIrlAln nf any Derby candidate The rare a han-dicap In carried 102 iunda and he wai

aliteen to twenty fin round to aiedhorses Waddtll ran the lust mile In l3i btwon easily Summary

FInS hate Four and A half furlonn April 110-

ICubum 4toLwon1IbeKjmund I07Utren second Orlriru 1 loS J MathtHs 12 to Ithird Time 099 4 5

Second lute Seven furlonas Guv If itS Ouburn 4 to won IwiUetlew lIthe ll 9 Hire 8 to Iirctnd C 11 fampUll 107 iDu l J M I third Timelto 1V

Third ham One mile HieeWn 107 J Winkodd 7toS won Vlnrecnes loOilMmtnlckl 11 to 9second Joe Collins M ij Martin 16 to 9 thirdTime 142 SB-

rnirta liner One mile n l ein elhthIlnluTtX-Vadiiell inn iScAtoni 4 to 6 won Ohnrt 102 il m-

luirki II to r e ind CUAIICC V7llutt 12tlnd nine 192nrtli twlnntaAbe Prank lift Oh

burnt I to 1 won lint hood 107 J Wlnkfeld19 tn l li iCaywood ut 2third lime lo I 9-

siith ltarione mile and 70 yirdjMyth inilmien u to 10 Son Tutor itO oust to Illnilfurd 114 J Italhewa 7 to I third Ttuir14944

At IalonliMay II 11 was a poor crowd thai

nllcnilcvl llr coiid raHnic at the 1itnnlu trnrktoday hut those ho were there MT much tetter

than on tlie opetiinir day llarely Jini peixmii-mweU turuuich tile gale rIot uiuru tSsn limit of

were plnycrK M that the tifttlnif for therenter lOUt of the lime wu practically de ertcd The

tunniArletFirst fuilotic llnrncy 10ft iDupcei-

f to I won Irlnrrvi itillr lo ill 2 to I

Minnd Tlie llulcher HHiiXV ilurphyi lo to 9 trilrdlime 11-

Seniiid Itnre Four Alula iMlf furlnni 4winlon1 It Murphy 20 to I wnii Andy WIIllAm 111-

iT Knlzlit 2i to 1 second MrOirvity Ivtl Wei-lUentrandi t tu 1 tUlnl llnie nS

Third lUee tine tulle turd Farrcll lilA

Iillnuitri 1 tn S won t llek 1 loI orrund Tally Illlby n9 iK Murphy totblid Time IMfti-

rKirth one mite Arlhraclte 101

linlirtti won Faueynood Bl MurphyJ In Mnuid Cbiiius M y Ill Kane 2 tollilrd Time

Iliih hate tulle furlongs Stint 109 ilrrtnir t twoii MlmUAlue 111 19 to 1Menn-Mnirok HXS iVeddeislrandi A lo 9 third Mine04V-

Nlttb Haee SH fuilnnitu i V V 102 M-lnhaiil t to I won Vimt nmt nil iT Knlih-l2t to econd Mil MaMie U3 ij lllrko 1C tu I

third Time II9V


rtvciNVATl May ro lrr hida lain amiownfrt tree tales ut Newport for todayand mi attendance f abmit 2 n time resultii ht bookmaker were fairly buiy but the brunt

a not Inereiued pnn irtl niilfly to the attendantIkeiueruUtiiu belnlnrtrly with tli r DUy

two favonlex won nhmiclo Imkernliiut W Va YAH fatally mornPic ejermlna a liorse Ulmilnt Illinralil the hrv And thru himfratturtni lila skull unr More t st-

liiila liad hit nfcull fractured In an mrldrnt on thetrack Nimimaii

nut H e live and a half furliius oenneePIT il Jaeknmi S to I won Flup 112 tllerrnnnisin lsfind liiutlur Ired llJiPaitom 4ti ttnlrdlime In1-

Keiiind Haeellv fiirlnneIvndtn Tree tnt1 I I n 1r Worm 1011 utkrri2-

O i I sceiind liebenture 107 iC UllDii 4 to I

third Time 1nJ1Third Haee live and a half furlone Hilly

2 tn I run lertk 112-

il Jukv lti I ituttalre 112

I I third Time lFourth liner lout rurlonis 112

diet until 4 to I Silt Curd tlleaiielianipl3 t 6 ariotid UrdJInz M ret 0urrtnani 2-

lo I third Tim lFifth lion Dm mil and n flihth Kltholln-

J07 iV eli trr IS tn I won fnitrnint 112 lAken-Hi tn I Mwiitl Mrglnleii stu I thud

811 furln s IMtiren Hee innJirkMiii I won Pine lilA 8

tn I nei hd id rd mr Klrliarilvi to I

third urn I4

ST LoiS May weather androod curd altrnrted a lair erowd tie taletoday Patmlleiveie minrMful In the mnlorlly-nf the conlesu The lettuCe nf me diy was Am

easy lilory lu very fut time IUe tratk-

lirstiffiSiVciur furlongs Komtje ibi filM h-

lircen II tn A won lunirfraa Ill oml i 7to I atmnd 1W Vorwi 291 ltlilrd Tlmeo n-

Serondltni rive an li half fiirlonir Oiidrnraile-too illarshlKriterl B to 6 won The War 112 mverten 610 I leiiiittl iX Writer 9 lu 2

hour and n half firl njr Tin ina

ill I Jim Seanlon 18 uUrleni Si III

1 third oSiiI iiurtii hate ine tnlle Arnprrf 110 llirnli-

Ierireri 1 tu li won lllink liij Ho e 1 to I

Msilraus 1U7 illoucki tn 1 third Time

F fth ItaceOne mil and 20 31

U T Woods 7 lo I wm Amea fni J1 econd Chapiuiim 110 U Iomtis 2 W I third

siVthVlacrSU tot lUniitM-B to 2 won M Mile u to I secondFrldolUi U7 tttlnslett 7 to 1 third Time 119

The price William C Mnltncy fur Iaulr-

iUTird ww not male publIc

IneUry OoMon Wllkerion hurt hy n f l-

latAiitepit M tetdy IticHull i wumly roriuiiluliiTrJ many

I is reFinerY from alit at tlm Ilinr apicaeifail Injuries

I irlni tie runnlnr of tlie Memlov Urookrlias nn Mitiiiny l layer named Murphy and

lire miW e elibej A mitt Wilt tbam till a t wairer front Hnukniakrr Val

Tvini before Hie rliflitful owner of hit wajei put In-

an appfarinie-Klnley UAI not co In the In the llronkl n

hIS vrar It Is ir it that tie hjr p lrf iavo-EM ml so that he can walk withTraltiii Xllmmer ho ever to hate Mm in

for tilt siburuan With Klnley M rk nmltutu out ol the ItrooUlyn much of the nter

tn rlh eietlt will be tarkiinut Mfiod ine sale nf the e on held at

he norw i

Ilio U moiB-l on uiiib m iwin icsiment inrladelte Kpmi Vvotcip slid tile Alejandi

I ilalri INIISVATI Miv I if war tietween

the meflr n Turf ronermi-anil Utouli represenllnif till eiiiilly newjnkey rliib li lni emiei It a nnnmrrei

I jay tiv I f llniitvi nf l l nli thatlj loi la miel NeviHrlof itl frfr gt-n ptoTliel II l lunil ie L rmiie-liy the rules tIlt rtitern In ke U

nailed mat Ne t liinz the rulesuf lue Turf ConirrenV lliroiviiii oien utr Tales

i mil It t iritalii t At trarlt-suii lave tree ite on aul slier h morrowui ti t acliK will beeontlliufllndeiely hy both

Tht foPowitiif nttccn tnainlisrn of lb NewYork tlubtiik rut in lrnulliirii

pjlilbltliin at h t Rlvi n liv iiAtiiiiiiin-

i iinkir on vi ninii-

M Van Utlder h n d I n Hartsdome Ii M I f

A Isrkii K

Shrlrton A V Jli r 0 Mni I

iidt AUIIUVUH Itorliaits I-

tiiiiih and Walter S

iifiiiiiiiii h f irt ii vainthe nil the It initih n iintthtw iiourn alul-

irter In lieitlrii ill lila y ntsof the liiunl he Hicriflfi i tl uueeri

hut hi n ltl him to ink luiik-

t novrt when ho n that linker ht lft-Jih ouoen lo tMlien M hi

tlitlMrip n iUi tnlatter annoin i ma to In tnm-

Vve tniieh to thu Hurprlsu ol the plaeri-inJ the onlookers

rUIODr II100

10S 104104








I Iy






SI 6



Hat IT



irKrru Iiihurl Ills

tll ittIbtoit


II I iitt



Slxlh lIstI II I


t Iml14 Ptllrblllli II


mil1IlI rIm I t

IIIkI n won lrtrrlmAlId I I



> W

III Inrkb-






lnol 1511 Iurul IInr by SllIlrre-10 11 EUii0t1 hlS pre

Ii 1



rrII will 11






f I II


nI LI I d

r hII

tcI hn

pv r tak Iick shtrrtiusn-h 11





Las V Ithicra

















Iiiic Vise

tutmlrid South Itkborii

lie I I liis


lites shied

hUtI St urpiir



illlilt 3

ii I

lbs 11


I StOuter


t1iii titti sail t

haiti 05 uliutIi haira iA1Idst

tochum g

slut hitsIlls


AtPa tUtu


ttheel a


tees S a at



5rluti Starrrim hut


eittiud 4

run otei

aba wooall a



lInt I0



atAt theetnurkpt tiii mr eilnnt-gU courl I Ituiitut

0 Lord S a-

Ii ueul hum tIC lil SC



l tI Chili


tin Shill I 1

tu La uth us

di 5



Itt let I

ills I

tl I ill I

Ida e4 Al rtuia

ii bison It hi i luiet


I it Ii huhI

iIl Suit itt In d tu ululCi I a

Illii ih rl rt


MuItetrll muveS


















Motion to Expel Company E at th Eighthmeat LaId on the Table Many Street Im-

proremenU Anthortced Entrli ComlmIn on M T 3O

Company B of tha Eighth Hfglment N 0B N Y the chief topic of dlicuaatom at tho May muJtlne nf tho AssociatedCycllnc Club of New York at the Knicker-bocker Athletic Club on Monday night Itwas n matter of dlverno opinion whetherCompany E thnuld or should not bo expelledThere wero tlitcpn dub andPresident Joieph Oatmnn was In tho chAtsthroughout the fiery Argument althoughthe meeting hnd begun with former JudgeChariot E HImmf Jr in the chair In abtonceof both President and VlcclrulJcnt Allthp talk wa made aubacquent to a motionto lay on the table and It was nerloun talkThe only thing a bit humorous about It MMtho fact that every one was talking while amotion to table WM before thn house and nota man moved tn n point of order The Mewberihlp Cnmmltt recommended that Oom-

jiany U lilgbth Regiment be expelled totnonpayment of dune Judico BUnm rooTedto delay action one month Edward Oer-

beroaux of tho linen Comnilttoo reporteda telephone messago front Capt Jaoobywho hml been reported sick with diphtheria

The message by telephone as reportedwas to thus effect that money for duoa hndbeen given to Sergt Illloy to deliver Norepresentative of Company B appeared betorn thr xeiMlon ailjourncd The motion to lity in the table was carried by a rollcall after an hour of controversy-

The big tour of tlie West 1111 freemanFloyd McFarlund Tom Cooper and J Down-

Ing am to blurt lust this week front BunFrancisco It Is that they will

In llttlo preliminary theyinvo to do at hut in theymve nil been rnrltiK will not need tn

do nitirlt morn limber up After thuquartet arrive In Just complementof truer will ho mimic only MajorTnylor who U due In July ant foreignrlderx who tiro riOt until August

J C Vheelor who U chairman ofStreet nnd Itondu tonimlteo of A fI N V made u very Intereitliiu teport at-thn monthly tneetlne of tilt orgnulzntlotion It wan u report whiili-Khnwed Hint thus organized nre doingthlnei that wilt be of to ninny thoti-onmlx who are not tnembeni of the organ-ization it Him a report that mighttiring n bhiHli to hits cheek of an Indepen-dent wheelman who Joins no orclub but IIMM nil thn good that thoyget mutt lUkx if ther uut ciiuimh ofthem TIll report rclatiil to MmliionU of route that boen-nuthorlzed by toiiiniNiloner of Highwuyit

i lo urul peti-tion submitted In tlie district of The Drumthe folluwlnu U to

Anpliiilt trli iiii nil natli ftnet fnmMorn aviiiue U u uue i tiiiJt

to tf laid i ii Uitli street fr inThird tn HruB iveriue i lo kput clown from Third nviitiie yelull ii hill invln lunl mi MnrrU iiveiiuofrom ixttli Vroet t liith ftr pt uml ttln

livn iii nveifio nlutiK tht blockMm ilMh t i Mill TI M Improve

luciili will muk wiii very Ionliortlolls fur rulnr Truth rJcilltati-xvhiflliu III tIe dMrlct of Tho ofld hi-

ncllon also been heunn lonklnc towardtho noplialUiii f loMb htreet from Iliion

tu Ilospeft uvcniio nnd fri i Wnlton-nvciriK anil t intli trot to th Port MorrN

hrldf Tho a ihnltlm of iUi-ntnvt t Pork nvenitM nnd Inrk avenue fromItutli Mreit t flu Harlem Kivor U now beingiMii ili rii the lt iirii of icni

for New Jersey New V rl mid llrnnklvnrider there am leN tlilnv tlmt could ho-

of more Intereat than In IIMMI ihnt MIIIOIIK

th Hudson street strips an toiepair l tho plaer th1 hne nrloeiist CoininisliiKT Kentini hilinil Ut

the follfiwlni with rtgiiid-to lludion lrcit from Chanher Mreit lo llnnk trI Kiuith nvenuo-fr in Hudson street lhlrli ntli

avenuo betwiMn Tlilriythlrdstrwt between lirtyllri t and-

Kortyerond urecti nnd beiwicnstreets Twnnly-

Kciond from First nvenuii tn Avomie A

lieilirix1 street frm Hudn to thnnvonuo 1ortvflrft to-

Kortyspoond treet streetfrom avenue to ferrv Klcli

r et fruit Sixth t IrvineAll of tn i nrljn nr now In Imd

order In place and the repuir neidid-Tho was iiiti il HI jvlni-Mid 1m HtitlmfUnl the uecoisurywork whlrli I dlfTerent frmn nn tndePnltn-promise if and arc likelyto fur repairs epo um-lcritkally

At tin A nr nteil Cvrllne fliil1 tneetlni-nn Minluy lre lilini titmnn nld Dial theproperty owner f West Twentythird

n iiliilt d anti tluithim had to the A C C N Y

fur edlipratlnn llo iiti i ti d thatm w hav irimj n phnlt riots

t the ferry flint the Ireei thntn In favor f pnvini Uii Twenty

tlilrliH heknit I he Cult in early forIrvlnttiiMnliini r f Mnv ci yearnnd e ir nf In l iiuuiipiir i nd rld r nro-nlrenil In tin1 tniitii A-

MiiUitcfl Cyilmc lulls nf liiif Inlandto rliMi lit lii nf rilli-

iilni their Cyclo Inh llmidii tin dnnny-Nitnil lloidevHrd n the IHIII ilntithe of line wn for lahor-l ny f Im dei li in nf tho Inn 1lund clubwill Iriilialib lu ninle ri xt M tidal1 If theydcilii t with th

they will turn 1m

u one heiiiiu i mii KIMMI rliler an ni-

rendy plcdrfil to Jersey

Now that bicycle Irnrk raring Is well In

hnnd It tffin In be tIlt thnt Mimetook n ileiUlte hold on

Ip order to mnfllit II is awnnl this hut nen-

Inrllned to make hit effort tn Illl It liondhut fnr the niiwt Is Illegnl there

iiid the lioilies lit nnd nblei to con-

trol clinnot fe anything In It As thetn-s n nniuteiir cycling except

I V miuht to-

it The I spetui tn 11 m lilir the mut-

ter ns oliielliln heyolid proxmcinokt spnntnneniis and wnne of the mo t

rnm nru run on thi runt nndnot on the truck

The lait two blr cU f avenu-eIlrildvn Jit before Pilernl nt being ripivediiii I

trPt Is IIMSP llder New YorkiiniiuMiitniiev Isbind h wuv If tliiTwntyt-hird triit terrv Imuld fr tin mxt fv

turn west from lledfnrd nvinue nt Mt

Miirk nvenue t nvenuo-nnd tlicr left r th l irkw y-

i lid I dntt the hrlrl ivil lull I he tw-

liliirU l lni repaired wen n VMIM air-oinMileitno nnd hnve in

imlitiii fur a rcir li nf yinri

nil fh rlr l ItrtJny Hllliilren ilL HlfeiIntry lute Sperd uy Iarmle

Churl M rimml ino Ilvaitira-Drivers At Matlori nf llroiidyn writes

SiN telllnK why h withdrew Mstl 0 r 11 lrlvtr Ptrnde on lost

Saturday Slut hall trttl-rlvlr In iioniman u loiter

l by hr frm hiTtiiryt-riiwtiiPr ot the It I A cnimNl iir n it to

Tin litter from Mr Hemp t MrsTiffany Mr TliTinyt letter fnllnn-

ln fMtin W nfJil 1is hlmnlh unit irmII nn he tlmt au me under

liniirrwlon Hint tieiM wairon h r ftryvim to ifiim-DirHde I Hit huwner tint tli H niii-n rr or rullier lessen ytnir eiiainMfur Hi Jud e

will n urethatnlidy usually mitwill Neitrlhel If It Ls yoir l u e

ULeed waitili on that ddiislon we lIfe IMS KIJ-to have ion lti us Hit I thoul I hnli nntirjyou result irs in

A I VliKii HKItVKS SecretHiv deisurei-

TII THK oi Im S sir i em loserui letter from Mr A lleetef Serrtafy nnl Tinsurer if tiC loud drivers liliiii ni New VorU

nrvenl I my liillneii II

nine am f II wnVi

laitxa rli In II lh Itwl i

n ul May atranled tie Lie i lvl-rtrnlni n uneinan ioii I rrreliej-II letter from Mr ve wIlLdre theentry kiolnit at the time that Dr nil a wifi

sreeilvay and that my lf ckn UiUe one ofthe fattest mid must e eriUdy druers the Hrwklyn swednay dilvlnj Holt lin a leMril I Ml

vteral Uf i burieS that 1 have o nedW II II t lark Prrstdmt of Drivers

niich put nut Inrfisrdlothe that my


Nrv Yoitu May IJ





rfprpen led








In her



trio1rl rrnn1


t111111 1f1 li

IIh11 I hlllllh

nnil Illill



Ii1 h-

Im nil

ittI v I I hp




thInlAl tlllr

Prkra II nr nut

I rlli

II 111



Ill lIesfrom



rrIIK lr III utunyrtilijit Iii






hitch IIlnlas lit IZ I

> AllJI J

lied mAn sluerd In alt her UtI liia

lIMI1U11II1okln hells try

fur tIe with Stilltint toil the tuniC lIod I place letter

In tU htiuiIw Ir ny nhf truly




Inflflb Rae



I jut Iilit



t ins


hit 10111 lila tlu iii

lit luutlC

Iii iu1Veil itZit

iviIl itt

lull tire I iI s a rotC

liii 14 I itii hut

lit Ii a

tIll 1111

rail rtiiuul


it hersii


4 luil

uytI Itt htriIO

t 11 I eeLii ad lion


t ttttii

tJi eu I It t tin ii rot

lInt ii it von touuiti4

ito tiits erI tint tutu

a t ttiit lot tii tit tillIlVil I Iii Ill it I I s


to I


v best in on I

rouiiI iuuttIt in I tr eel ut

I Itotu tIlt


ori t

u Iit leT nIt tO 1 hit iia iilui itui titi 1Ii t tty ii ill

tori root I

it lutethy

hillitt ljt lit

hitA t

t V

i I bull rutito

I hut

v S

i thin it n Iii itt iit Ii nut flit




tii1 ito t


lilt otittout lit killwag iii Iii

A 1tet us

its itO

lilt I

it it LI >

Sthe nil di


ill t CS iii it trill


ttttlC 11111 37


Ia e uib

t I iIPutIts rile tul itt

i t

CflCItCUt mutt

lIe thiui0 lutuShetIi

illS is


letIer and InC tillid sire Lii ew Sock SltC-

ouitt htTP thisI S ii vu

las ii the UitA T1rVAtv




























Ten Thousand Dollars for CharityBec-ause of recent persistent attacks on the veracity of our advertising charging us with will

fully misleading the public regarding our great sale of brass and enameled iron Beds now drawing-

to a close we published on Sunday and Monday the following statement

I dttritmutj rOoltllts dttdI1tmtttL Iroo1J1I11 Idrt lm-

ttstlApftAtlAM 1ftAa OO

rcoha dLtdLCflttflt1 COk13I2

t i ttj r f J

II1v 5




We have deposited with the Kings County Trust a

check for 10000 as an earnest truth of tile following-

two statements

I Prior to March 25 1901 we arranged for a sale of 15000new brass and enameled Iron Beds which on that date we offered

for tale and which the Manhattan Bedding Company held them

wives to diliver to ut on calls if necessary to deliver an even

greater number than the amount advertised2 The Manhattan Bedding Company had at that time actually

In its own possession or directly at its command in possession of

the Rome Metallic Bedstead Company and the Foster Bros Manu

facturing Company of Baltimore its affiliated organizations all under

the same control and ownership 22000 brass and enameled iron

Beds which were then rudy for delivery all being made by the

Rome Metallic Bedskad Company whose Beds are the only ones

sold by the Manhattan Bedding Company

Let Messrs Frederick Loeser Co place 110000 in trust and namea referee who together with a referee whom we shall name will select-

a third To these three gentlemen proofs will be submitted and unless

the above two statements which we have nude are fully substantiatedwe will give our gto000 on deposit to any charity named by the




As may easily be seen by comparison Messrs Frederick Loeser Co do not as they claim

meet and accept our proposition We have stated the facts of our transaction by way of demon

stration of our good faith in announcing a sale of 15000 new brass and enameled iron beds Weare ready to prove those facts Our check for 10000 is still on deposit with the Kings County

Trust Company and also a form of agreement embodying our proposition It has our signature andwe invite Messrs Frederick Loeser Co to sign also




Annaal Deception at l krr llrmluts 1imuiT-

lichnngr Ilujtrtwas n Brent tru li or vWtnrn to

Dylior Meiulow Inlf Hull rrMrnUy nflcron tho orciion f the ntimml nrrt

linn Artillery Ham mm Iort Ham-

ilton played anti mi the n SMI

Kerveil with Halmls niul tlm faniinliykcr punch Tlicru wer Hvi rul hiimlriil-

vl tori mid aMili from reception ilu-

rnjiVHl the lllii lii In tinfir i ri ontril by club Th

MM 1 HfiidM nl II tl McKreirr 111 7 104

Ml i M flJtunrev unit A I Norn lib l IllMIM and J C fonrtn III to IllMli S r h Sraci ni Fid nil l v lilt


mid 1 I ifilittn 110 clll Mlu luniiiMi-

niul A K Mnyllr II 111 Mi iliiair lifdidSUit ii It lUiLfi ltd rV117 Mr A I Sniylle-

anrt A H risti 121 e Hi MIM JudMin ril JJr IT 14 114 MIM iiiare trmunrey-

DH K 1 KMMIfliTh 14 t lie MIM r Walaeeanti C V Wliltnry lid 12 ltd Mrs i 1 Kail-

flflieh find llr Me nntirll tVi I 116 ill lialbf-

lelnrh nnd It Ilnremiii Jr U iM Mr

unit Mm llmiril 1 IJT K 121 MIM-

AUi tl ShIll Norman S HI lie lit HI 121

There will l about fifty fiiirri In li

flirt lnii i nt f-

1riiliii fiolf ui tin 1 ntli-H 1 Club lluk toiii rr iifirn n

1 M who tins twlro wm o KP-

ooro unit will iiiialn b Ti ih uiin-Tli If u liit llw riiirti bnr-li ini club tbiS uiinH lipl

A C 1etitrolf Oeiieent A C ttultrr Moore

KriiUerU ker f M Ull nii rnilevnul li MM H-

IIIIMiie IHiler lnile vud h H Maka-

Kntlrnood L Hanlrls Muntilmr Ttionia l

ChliaBO 5 K li I lAtllllltde If Ilielp Van mtisult r I Wien-

lltlr t lli ron Country I Uiiuley-

Jllli W 11 Thnmas ItlelimnmlioiiMy I lliiKr-

Hlcrimonil r nnl r I N Nnrlnri II M-

IiMik II M lolJunl rrrert A-

r l Hall V II MiCoM ilmnt VlfttV

tint V lx r Crfirntt Ii nllivhnii iTr rentII f MiJt y W C Kniillwuo-

lr ThoTOK PhtlmtelfMii F A E utl Kntlin1 T It Van H

II l Ulumf Si An new iir i llie

1rrii CiMfenl It V Itesreni A A i nifr-

ItnlliiMul M H Jinevily if rent W II i ald eii-

Mltrntfth Town fNiiiilry irte ldven rirefit K S ArinMronr C I inny-

iltu rol T A StfirUi Km Illlln 1 ttehb Vmi-

tflur H Klrkirnn Ire rent K li Kuie Knirkrrlooker C K HilMeit iteneent W W UIMIII ln le

tool n U Huriten A llnutman-

Vnl linn tlie tees antI put Intin1 if sins fr tli n pnhllo

lit For wt llronklyii lH

Unit now rrnmlrn to no no In out nnil r l

tin Ira lucre lll b nn tnwl to put Ir

hnrnnlH fur wilunil om i aiioiiin-

ml th tre4 hnvo brn ro liuivl n to ullllre-

tillin proiirlv Thfover tin Rlmrt public linkn

nt Inrk nlthoueri tlmt III n-

tnlncil anuS put In ri hnp i tbli-

Tli ilMnriroi of tin F r t p nriSin S3 I 5 s IS i5 nn iinil Sin

tli rminil tsi Ilnoil-Im nl i upOn nt work on I now rniir o ut

piJ-IIIIH I fUr III u1 nf tin

Max II lllbrl MrlmlUnn rnclNti nroo liitinl lirnllnr tn Ilir-

rmnl iitui Mi Miry tinihuelitiT of Mr Mr ntov-

nf wirr In MUji n-

Iliirrli thl mnrtilii Tlii rlniroli wni niliillh rolitlvi of dm vnutie-

ronril iimnntf wern will knounto guilt ttiirM-

Itnurnv Mnv 14 Vn iwn linnillMH foron 0 Im f tl llrMkllt I

try Illn l

nt Hvilc Park Tti iri XVIIH inunit th flout wn n Iire

nn iirli n wonn-

wAKn il i k nnil rinrrl-Tl Inn ir r llinilo1 I twontvlhe-tnk rln or wont IVT h

nuntnf thoinprifrrln iix ilnrlrir0011 Mi ririti i lmliolt r-

fvTniev rii i rt1rvVvent Ml tk nw rri-

in hv llor rroi r wa tjt lniMl N C of thr

r won spri-iV th itcmi holm b lne-

ne tl hlch irlnl Ml HirBrnl-nir i ri otfollnt Th bneiy Rion rr

wniiien oil Iho MM i

llle I iRht nn llmiU ln lr Slnppnllit the Irv f lullir1-

ralllni pliro III prlvnti

n tho iitt klri f 1iilK o vlllaifi throi

mill 1iitifiri N Mimln-

nlBlit nwi por in Inrlinllntr mrtnv-

iiftti til pro ont lino nf tlio niinMnir-nr nt Vr flit fnrl-

i r I f thfflBhl MII ii innrh li Mof-r Pnliio Iriinl Tto iu roll wn ho

inllwl l t f irmtrlollHweolt h i

i hi now h t io for M In

r tbo o In i inrwo nf ido wnl alundmil wepti H

Vnini Kolli nfllibill i nl Mm TV Mnrileri of I I rill

Kollov welirhd only M imniiiK In

ni IIMI bOlt POHIIIK honviwin ibo n Tloniitli liiiurvi vh-

lltflit wn bnl fiHii Iho lnrt Ittin nffulr thronuli I

ir r Pil rum li Mirirm ii iiittlne nf tho en An

wru l hnvolout thorrowil wn nor willlnirif iiiy nnd tho-flirhr i ii driw Tho rlnu wn plirlnd-nn tho hink of the Ininnln IMvor nnd withinliillnu illntnino f kiininir hnm nf A

tnni PrnOtilir f the loa llnlph Shiw-

ItnnllnK liame tonIghtNortli Slrtf National aiu Krnplrn Pentriil ainl

nine at Iiiuip alleyArrad Tournament XVrM Shore tn KMrlla at-

Frerrkiermnlnn Tournament White blue filneeK

All and at alleyNew Jersey t

Union at alley


WI 11






I Wall

and 1I 11 arI l

I 3 I




f rII





huhi t I itt


nil linktill


pour iii grout

t I

In klno hrin url1II lIal 11111111 II ill Ir



wit It

utChili 1111

ant rllIh


will tic n1 In ttIAI I hI


Illih II



fruit II

1111111111 no tr



hilt III

It I


or I





hut fl

iFR nub I i

it Z tilist ac rot



salt I2-






met hi

ii hit liFt




I I wit usrol

I liiaile erMhfl

a I IllI aide a


it loth tutu s niti

lit Ic

lie ii

t i Ill

1iu tuFt



ltroi Is nttiiiii t bIt

IGsTrii rim I

N 5 I t I thyit Ill I W itt ut to I

tint I hue

IfIlet Is


ot V ututt f tot I ii g

runntCtttiti vslry 1111 titltl ititntrm

I fos Ic W

I t Ito I

I ill i 5 t


itt nil

tttti ill ufl fl A itnll I rim i

uriottti IiiI of itt 01 Itt I till

ttii lilt

s itt I lie


I Itt I

lotslit ill I

Os ItS Wii vcrnt 0011111

tbmu wits I hut hio


itt fri vvIeuj I Imthi

lIii jut S i cmhim


lou riFt

I t rid si its to telltim

ttui tOll







< <








SportjiBtrnij Oo-

oiKColumbia Bicycles

Standard of thexJpiJIP



f fr-





ft fcali J

r frr j-


l c

represented the highest degree of cycle con

struction for a quarter of a century








VOttpflttth0Ot1 11Ortllltlt f




Standard 10 9 Cycles 27 each

I500A I Makes 12 11 16 18 SimeCoasters Tilts 7Sc to 200

350 Lamps 115 oth M SOc Tandem ardsefondhand cycles 350 to 20

Church cor Barclay

New liilrrtrhiilnllf Athletic A orl tliin-

Vali i tin in VT in a frnn liit r rhnii li nliloin1

nirlitlnn nloiini hiiHiHiirloil tlio plnn n o-

HflionN lu N w Now IT PV Mini JVin-

ylvnniu I hi lorrit ry Imliilo ninny n-

tiio in t pruiiilnoiii nlhlotii fi oilor f Hi

bin rilUtfot ni them bolus ikIjiwr iiro llo Ucikolos Iliiirry tullo1

IliartiT many ntl M 1ur n wellknown T r li hivo joimil tin1ipliitliin niul llr t inHit Im I I-

dI What Did ItThe perfection of quality In


Is what struck the taste ap-

preciation and approbationof the American people

II Is now everywhere the firstsought and thi first boujnl

Ii I


J AND 0 U Fuo

11 k

tligtiuiul 1I1lr 11 ttkui ito

Ii ii ii lutflit tuntuumtyaliuun ut

Ill tilt Mull I itt

ill the tnttuk

o urI 1


ii i

ii I I

Iii lIltrul ri ii Ii I loAm


Drintat1j4 3WtUi4U1LNWi54y







referees If they are substantiated we shall expect FredericLoeser to give 10XX to any charity which the refereesmay name

Messrs Frederick Loeser Co reply as follows

e meet and accept tlio jirojMisition of Mcssr Abra-

ham uml Straus will pty 10000 to clmrities ifMessrs Abraham anil Straus prove to the satisfaction of thrco 3referees to be choson as they have proposed that thny prior toMarch Uoth 1001 actually bought outright of Manhattanding Company lo000 Hrats nnd I ran Hcd rtjidy for immediatedeliver and that the Manhattan Hcdding had at thattime us they assert HJ000 llrass and Iron Ucdn ready for imme-

diato deliveryAn agreement signed by ii binding us to this proposition nnd

naming our reliw will be at the Kings County Trust CompanyMonday May ll Messrs Abrahum and Straus nit invited to

bind themselves to substantiate their statementsWe make but one stipulation and that is that all tho evidence

obtained by time referees eliall atlcr they have rendered their deci-

sion bo submitted to the public through the newspapers



ill 5 at



I j





Blossom SundayThat is what next Sunday will be The most beautiful

day of the year in the country The apple trees will be

laden with thiir sweet lowers dont miss it You

need a wheel to enjoy it why not buy nowI The

3750 Chain lessbicycles are going fast when this lot is sold there will

be no more Wait and be sorry Installment plan if

you wish it





2 A lA S i 1 ut I

i Inronro Ilnli i writ the nllr nml i hipnHhli trophy f Ailolpbl Aiidinu Ilr-

vfterilay on Alolphl Kiobl llo nutl Hi Slirnm 1nl oup won last ITIU iy-

W il liliunio anil broko the AiMiihli ihrowliiK th lininiiiMr 1 IHx ino f-

liu nowi iiinor In th nronn o lii i

spurt WiiD MI uml nitli u

nxi Vtril Hash Sinlor Wun by C Vnlkliy r iiellarrnre lllhlMp arrntrl iruncl II lto iM I lrtl-

iilnt eniiulv-Ililtmlnc Jump Mmli i nun hy i

iv IMiilinii snitch with ft tot ii InuiK lv i

isiin l Iririir niamd A Itimiand i n-

M YJII li Mi Junior Wmi hx v iurj-llulib A urmiiil Il helper f Jiinl n int-

HP PI 11 KMiiiiii-iii liiwh Jutiliir ll nillifli wm i w-

l lie nrd A llnwlmui I nrd neiiiilioter 7 yniiU third line 12 I nJ

hi Allu lIlt II Iuuuil Hummer II M ripr rrn Hlslinp rrratrli ultli pu f l r-

lliiirits italic lu feet mtuDil II Itmieihlil

PHI V ril Hurdle Stare llnnillMP n hy rimnn siratrh A Wlilimi I VnK

linwlnml 5 yards third IA S senmiln-llilf Miln linn llAnillfip n tiy cr MIIUI-unU K iNinn funrt liMlfrey PIthymn thirst Time S inlnul l t d imni1

Mil thin llnndlMp Virn hy rn trli i l slie n nnli neniiid limlrriy Ilrtli-

i Ihlnl Mm nilnul 1 I fi irimtbSriit ir Iliiriliinp Vin hy I

n iy ril i enlie i uh n uid K lluin-l He v rd third limp ID i ennili-

in Y nl limh Junior Wun hy llr Mrr WC IS iuiK einnd II Idlne 14

Mint third lime J A mrumt-rijiilrr Mile Hurl unlirap lIOn tiy UiKlrry-HI T Mint i MIIIII T Illl-

eHtrfl third tint ftP 2fi s iiinitti iiinlii Uriiil Jump llandlrnp Wnri hy niirr-

MA ni feet ivtth 17 reel A nrlir IUrcure bt hoiiernirli stcimJ It mini 4 fret third

tie 12 IUTI Hlint llAliitlrup Won tI-t i liev Spinney 4 S feel vf 11 Ii 14 rt J Ono t hup r trcund llobert S S Nrr 3

lioxlp of the flIng

Artldw of agreement RATA been signed for a 12

round bathS betwean Root uf ChIcago KidCarter ol llrookjyn Th will EX t t AppUlnnWin t morrow night They Will forik 11800 pun wtlcU thy rDMaUd to dltld

I lit rn e I ttbitp A IrI but I A It ititliflul I tni ploii


aul In ItiItFit

him I 5lush

5I a


Vat it I

5 IIIs


Situ 5

Ittii 2

t lip I I lull5 >

I ii

ir4 lush2 A

i strum IVI heir

It stAle 2



lull tIClOch

feetI III uti






> >







KEATINGl M M cif ri-

Cnnocs Lnrgcot Stock In Town

TiieHD Folsom Arms Co


TII1IO i muSes ril Ijirjwl toiit nl lUrtfoMi

I lllk w mn i rih ivxlyrar Dltniont-7BC u iimmnwej f

n yir Itfinlir ruirintfil llr iI tisu tit200 rjr r


iiotvliufl A-

nn ririHAvr1141 ij itnwiivty cur Slit it-

ni Th i nntnt Academyroii innti IMI AT iu A u-

Eht Citrf


9th Day Wednesday May 13thThe Ior at Knickerbocker Hurdle lUudloap

anti rout sillier rareMIMIC IV LANDKIU-

Ta i2d Art I lo Willis fe thenen by Sp ellTralnj to or irk





retthe aunt Itu hum

ii r tIi Si tire

t Rut

I I lit 1 Jilt lIST IEFICE0


It Ill It

ltt IttJ






