IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak...

4 th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze Peak District Practice Expedition Group B: Wednesday 6 th and Thursday 7 th May 2020 Your youngster is currently taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and will be undertaking their practice expedition on the above date in the Peak District National Park. Students will be walking in the White Peak area and will stay at a campsite en-route in the Peak District. Students will be remotely supervised throughout the walk and will meet up with leaders at check points along the route. There will be a short night walk, which will be directly supervised by leaders, to develop students’ skills walking and navigating in low light conditions. The expedition will be led by Lees Brook D of E staff. Day Before the Expedition Students are expected to attend a preparation session in the Sports Hall the day before their expedition from 3:10pm – 4:20pm (approx.) to pack their rucksacks. Students will need to bring in all belongings necessary on the Tuesday morning, in a bin bag / holdall, labelled clearly with their name. This will be stored safely in D of E Store room and packed after school. Perishable food should be brought in on the day of the expedition only. Expedition Schedule Students should arrive at school by 8:00am on the morning of the expedition. We will be leaving school at approximately 8:20am and will travel to the Peak District by minibus. We will be returning to school during the Thursday afternoon. We are unable to provide a specific return time as it is dependent on weather, navigation skills and walking speed during the expedition. There is no mobile signal in the Peak District, however, your youngster will be allowed to phone you on the way back to school to provide you with an estimated time of arrival. Students are required to help unpack equipment on return to school which will take approximately 40 minutes. Your youngster will be free to go home when this is complete, which may be before the end of the school day. 3 Month Assessors Report Extended Deadline: Tuesday 11 th February 2020 Please be aware that your youngster must have uploaded their two, three month section assessor’s reports onto ‘edofe’ by the above date. This is for their chosen skill / volunteering / physical sections of the award. Students will not be allowed to attend the expedition if the two reports have not been uploaded. Students have been shown how to do this during progress meetings, however, should your youngster have any difficulties with this, please tell them to see their leader who will be able to help.

Transcript of IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak...

Page 1: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak · 4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh

4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer


Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze Peak District Practice Expedition Group B: Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th May 2020

Your youngster is currently taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and will be undertaking their practice expedition on the above date in the Peak District National Park. Students will be walking in the White Peak area and will stay at a campsite en-route in the Peak District. Students will be remotely supervised throughout the walk and will meet up with leaders at check points along the route. There will be a short night walk, which will be directly supervised by leaders, to develop students’ skills walking and navigating in low light conditions. The expedition will be led by Lees Brook D of E staff. Day Before the Expedition Students are expected to attend a preparation session in the Sports Hall the day before their expedition from 3:10pm – 4:20pm (approx.) to pack their rucksacks. Students will need to bring in all belongings necessary on the Tuesday morning, in a bin bag / holdall, labelled clearly with their name. This will be stored safely in D of E Store room and packed after school. Perishable food should be brought in on the day of the expedition only. Expedition Schedule Students should arrive at school by 8:00am on the morning of the expedition. We will be leaving school at approximately 8:20am and will travel to the Peak District by minibus. We will be returning to school during the Thursday afternoon. We are unable to provide a specific return time as it is dependent on weather, navigation skills and walking speed during the expedition. There is no mobile signal in the Peak District, however, your youngster will be allowed to phone you on the way back to school to provide you with an estimated time of arrival. Students are required to help unpack equipment on return to school which will take approximately 40 minutes. Your youngster will be free to go home when this is complete, which may be before the end of the school day.

3 Month Assessors Report Extended Deadline: Tuesday 11th February 2020 Please be aware that your youngster must have uploaded their two, three month section assessor’s reports onto ‘edofe’ by the above date. This is for their chosen skill / volunteering / physical sections of the award. Students will not be allowed to attend the expedition if the two reports have not been uploaded. Students have been shown how to do this during progress meetings, however, should your youngster have any difficulties with this, please tell them to see their leader who will be able to help.

Page 2: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak · 4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh

Student Details Please provide any information about your youngster, such as medical conditions, medication or personal circumstances that may affect your youngster’s performance whilst on the expedition. It is vital that leaders are aware of this for the safety and well-being of your youngster and others around them. In the unlikely situation that your youngster is unwell during the expedition, we may need to make contact with you to arrange for your youngster to be taken home. Please confirm your up-to-date emergency contact details on the consent form. Please also indicate on the reply slip if you are happy for your youngster to be given Ibuprofen / Paracetamol by the designated First Aider, should they require it during the expedition. Kit requirements Students will need to bring the items on the attached kit list. We have a limited supply of kit that can be loaned to your child at no extra cost (please see kit list). If your child requires any of these items for the expedition, students should email Mr Waterhouse with their kit requirements, before the return date of this letter. [email protected] Please complete and return the attached reply slip, giving your consent for your youngster to take part in the expedition. This should be placed in the trips box no later than Tuesday 11th February 2020. I wish your youngster every success with their practice expedition. Should you have any queries about any aspect of the Award, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Mr A Waterhouse

D of E Manager

Page 3: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak · 4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze) Parental Consent Form

Please return to the trips box no later than Tuesday 11th February 2020

Duke of Edinburgh – Practice expedition – Peak District National Park

Group B: Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th May 2020

Name of Youngster: ___________________________________ Year: ____Tutor Group: _____

I give consent for my son/daughter to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Expedition in the Peak District, as outlined in this letter. I understand that Lees Brook staff will be leading the activity

I understand that students will be transported to and from the expedition via a minibus I understand that, as a requirement of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, my son/daughter will not be under direct supervision at all times, but will be ‘remotely supervised’ throughout the expedition I understand that my youngster is expected to help unpack equipment for approximately 40 minutes on returning to school I give permission for my youngster to leave school early on the Thursday once equipment has been unpacked (if unpacked before the end of the school day) I give permission for my youngster to be given Ibuprofen / Paracetamol by the designated First Aider in the D of E staff team I understand that my son / daughter must have uploaded their two, three month section assessor’s reports onto edofe before the practice expedition, to be allowed to take part in the expedition

Please detail any relevant medical information or personal circumstances:

Emergency Contact ………………………………………………………………… (Landline) ……………………………………………………………….... (Mobile) Signed: __________________________________(parent/guardian) Date: _______________

Print Name: _________________________________________________________________

Page 4: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak · 4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh

Personal kit Provided by Student

Item Description Check 1 Camp food - 1 dinner, 1 breakfasts, 2 lunches 2 Emergency food (wrapped in plastic bags and labelled e.g. cereal bar, nuts, dried fruit, jelly) 3 Plimsolls or light / compactable trainers for use at campsite 4 Hat - baseball cap in hot weather & woolly hat in colder weather 5 Gloves (for cold weather expeditions) 6 Knife, fork, spoon, bowl & mug - small & lightweight (plastic only) 7 Bin bags x4 - For keeping things dry & rubbish etc. 8 Personal medication (if applicable) 9 Sun cream (high factor - essential if hot weather)

10 Toiletries (Travel size) (toothbrush / paste, toilet paper, hand sanitiser) 11 Torch – with full batteries 12 Hand towel (small) 13 Walking clothes - plus one spare set ( t-shirt / shorts / tracksuit bottoms / fleece / underwear) NO JEANS 14 Walking socks (two pairs) 15 Watch 16 Water bottles - plastic ideally; 2 x 750ml bottles or 2 x 1 litre bottles 17 Whistle for emergency help 18 Personal first aid kit – including Compeed Blister Plasters 19 Survival bag (e.g. Hi Gear Survival Bag from Go Outdoors £2.25 approx.) 20 Emergency blanket (put in carrier bag with name on – transported in the minibus should your youngster be cold at night) 21 Hot Water Bottle (Optional for cold weather expeditions - transported in the minibus)

Group kit One Per Walking Team

Item Description Person responsible 22 Brillo pads / washing up liquid in a small bottle 23 Matches (in waterproof container) no lighters 24 Old dish cloth & tea towel 25 Tin opener (if needed) 26 Wooden spoon

Kit available to loan from school (or provide yourself) We have limited supply. Please email Mr Waterhouse before the reply date of this letter with your requirements: [email protected]

Item Description Check 27 Hiking boots - High enough sides to protect from ankle injuries. Must be fully waterproof. 28 Compact Sleeping bag (2 season for summer, 3 season for spring / autumn expeditions). Must be in compression sack 29 Waterproofs - coat and over-trousers. Coat must have attached hood. Breathable fabric and fully waterproof.

Kit provided by school This kit will be provided to all students.

Item Description 30 Roll mat 31 Trangia stove & Gas bottle 32 Lightweight backpacking tent 33 Rucksack (65L) - (you can provide your own rucksack)

Lees Brook School D of E Kit List It is vital to keep weight and volume to a minimum

It is important to bring suitable clothing for unpredictable weather. Day 1 could be torrential rain and very cold with gale

force winds day 2 could be warm and sunny. Be prepared! Should you have any questions, please ask your leader.

Page 5: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak · 4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh

4th February 2020 Dear Parent

Duke of Edinburgh – Local Evening Walk Group B: Thursday 12th March 2020

Following on from the expedition training day, we would like to give students the opportunity to put their map reading and navigation skills into practice, before their expedition, during an after school local walk. The group will be directly supervised by Lees Brook staff. Please note: we may transport learners to / from a drop off / pick up point for the walk via minibus. Students will change into expedition clothing immediately after school. School bags / clothes will be kept safely at school. We expect to leave for the walk at approximately 3:45pm and return to school for approximately 6pm. Please bear in mind that the return time may vary due to factors such as walking speed, weather and navigation. Your child will be allowed to contact home to give a more accurate return time during the walk and will be free to make their own way home on returning to school. Students should bring into school the following items on the day of the walk:

Expedition clothing and waterproof coat and over trousers (see expedition kit list for clothing guidance).

Waterproof hiking boots (can be borrowed from school on request)

Small backpack – can be an old school bag

Woolly hat / gloves /sun hat & sun cream (weather dependent)

First Aid kit and any required medication

Sufficient water (no fizzy / energy drinks) - approx. 2.5l water.

Snacks e.g. fruit, chocolate, dried fruit or nuts.

Mobile phone


Students may drop their kit off in the D of E store room before school (8am – 8:25am) on the morning of the walk to save carrying it around with them. If your youngster would like to borrow hiking boots or waterproofs, they must email Mr Waterhouse before the reply date of this letter.

Please provide any information about your child, such as medical conditions, medication or personal circumstances that may affect your child’s performance whilst on the practice walk. It is vital that leaders are aware of this, for the safety and well-being of your child and others around them.

In the unlikely situation that your child is unwell during the local walk, we may need to make contact with you to arrange for your child to be taken home. Please confirm your up-to-date emergency contact details on the consent form.

If you are happy for your youngster to take part in the local practice walk, please complete and return the attached consent form to the Trips Box by 11th February 2020

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely

Mr A. Waterhouse

D of E Manager

Page 6: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peak · 4th February 2020 Dear Parent/carer IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze) Parental Consent Form

Please return to the trips box no later than Tuesday 11th February 2020

Local Evening Walk Group B: Thursday 12th March 2020

Student Name: ___________________________________ Tutor Group: ________

I give consent for my son/daughter to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh local walk, as outlined in this letter

I understand that the local walk will be supervised by Lees Brook staff

I understand that we will be returning to school for approximately 6:00pm (however this may vary due to factors such as weather, walking speed and navigation skills). On return, I am happy for my youngster to make their own way home from school

Please detail any relevant medical information or personal circumstances:

Emergency Contact ………………………………………………………………… (Landline) ……………………………………………………………….... (Mobile) Signed: __________________________________ (parent/guardian) Date: _______________ Print Name: _______________________________________________________________________