Immunoserology mycology

14 blades Detective d Shaolin 2011 Call me nobody IMMUNOSEROLOGY 1. Latex agglut inat ion te st: a) C- rea cti ve protei n LA b) Anti Streptolysin O LA c) Rheumatoid factor latex agglutination test 2. Rapi d Plasma Reagi n t est 3. WIDAL t est 4. ELISA MYCOLOGY Culture 1) YEAST: a) Candida species b) Cryptococci species 2) MOULDS a) Apergillus flevus b) Apergillus fumigates c) Aspergillus niger d) Pencillium species

Transcript of Immunoserology mycology

8/7/2019 Immunoserology mycology 1/5

14 blades

Detective d

Shaolin 2011

Call me nobody


1. Latex agglutination test: a) C- reactive protein LA

b) Anti Streptolysin O LA

c) Rheumatoid factor latex agglutination test

2. Rapid Plasma Reagin test

3. WIDAL test





a) Candida species

b) Cryptococci species


a) Apergillus flevus

b) Apergillus fumigates

c) Aspergillus niger 

d) Pencillium species

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e) Mucor species

f) Rhizopus


1. This case concerns a previously healthy 13 year-old male complaining of pain and

stiffness in his right knee and leg. Three weeks prior to presentation he was involved in a

accident resulting in an open wound on his right (R) leg. 10 days later, the surface skin

wound had healed but he complained of R knee and leg pain with nausea and vomiting.

When examined by his pediatrician, he was febrile and had a raised pulse of 120 beats/min.

Petechiae were noted on his R leg, and flexing the R knee caused severe pain. He was taken

to the local hospital emergency department, where on physical exam he had a fever of 39◦ C

(102.2◦ F), blood pressure of 93/58 mm Hg, and heart rate of 98 beats/min. Edema was noted

in his right tibia, the right knee was warm to the touch, but he had full range of motion and

walked without difficulty. The following test is done.

a) What is the name of the test?

 b) Clinical significance of the test in above mentioned case

c) How do you interpret the results?

2. An 8-year-old girl develops Sydenham’s chorea (“St. Vitus’ dance”) with rapid

uncoordinated facial tics and involuntary purposeless movements of her extremities, strongly

suggestive of acute rheumatic fever. She has no other major manifestations of rheumatic

fever (carditis, arthritis, subcutaneous nodules, skin rash). The patient’s throat culture is

negative for Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococci). However, she, her brother, and

her mother all had sore throats 2 months ago. Then following test is carried out

a) What is the name of test?

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b) How do you interpret the above test?

c) What is the significance of above test in present case?


3) A 37-year-old woman gradually developed painful wrists over 3 months; she consulted her 

doctor only when the pain and early morning stiffness stopped her from gardening. On

examination, both wrists and the metacarpophalangeal joints of both hands were swollen and

tender but not deformed. There were no nodules or vasculitic lesions. On investigation, she

was found to have a raised C-reactive protein (CRP) level (27mg/l) (NR <10) but a normal

haemoglobin and white-cell count. Then following test is carried out

a) What is the name of test?

 b) How do you interpret the above result?

c) Briefly mention the principle of above test?

4) A pregnant 18-year-old woman came to the urgent-care clinic with a low-grade fever,

malaise, and headache. She was sent home with a diagnosis of influenza. She again sought

treatment 7 days later with a macular rash on her trunk, arms, hands, and feet. Further 

questioning of the patient when serology results were known revealed that 1 month

 previously, she had a painless ulcer on her vagina that healed spontaneously. Following test is

carried out

a) What bacterial diseases can cause rashes?

 b) What is your provisional diagnosis?

c) What serologic tests are used to diagnose above condition?

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