jflHHyp imCElEBRATE BUFFALO ROAD PRIV|»S STAKES WJIJ- ©RAW MANT FMTJHQRSIS Twilight Lwigde Wfll Play *t Biwttpoi* Tv&rr divided Purte Brockport'and the Monroe County -i^tir—greuadfr-wiH,--he-Qie-^COTtftf-„ ot •^^ S A r f S | l n e i & S S Weh^StKst^^^^ght^or^^sahftl.Woai4th^sehedtiled- S li E --mat e he8^ : S , , - ^ a rid glister atU-ac-4 Ames > lUatrictJflpnteJftaiia matron.;] Scott'couldn't Judge Erank Bailey^ Tor .bigger" crowds arid greater allrac Hions, as' a Stffiig celebration of She- fiftieth year of the Fair, - Superintend- ent Edward Cotter has had a force of men at -work for several -weeks; g e t J^ni grounds an„d buildings in slflp- ""shape order. Secretary Ifabson has L. received many requests for" space on the grounds, and says it looks a$> -thoagh^this yearns Ealfewould-Jiajthe^ hRRt. ever. Eight, Worthy Qrlo Adams, assistant grand lecturer, and the tfons and patrons of ESS Special interest has manlfe-ist'ed KSSIT Jiroughaut the county,- and- .greater crowds are promised than ever before. "In The'city also *s mucrl interest, es- ™p^Ially~in'Rochester-Day,-which--wiH be Saturday, Aug. 21st. It is expected -tba*-Mayor Martin O'Neill-and Ms . official family will occupy the special box in the Grandstand- Wednesday, Aug. 18th,. has been de- signated as Grange and Fraternal Day, when all organizations of. the county ^KeTa= : Th^F¥d^=#ltbe:Suie ervisors* and County Officials' Day, one of the biggest days of the week. "Through" the courtesy of the" Pi«$aeer's Picnic officials,-their event, which con- flicted with tne Fair'l&sl >eaj jEaa- been given another date, so that "the pioneers of the comity, and the. mem- .bers tf the, political partlea are ex- acted to meet at the Fair on that dayrfe talk^o' the impendfag alec- tions. Sheriff Baker, County Clerk James Hotchkiss and other county of- -Ifclals are taking a keen- interest sand "pride iiTffieJiffletn' ahnrvers'ary oT tho" County Fair this year, and are work- ing with the Secretary to make this the banner day of the week." Friday will be Children's Day, and the program "has been arranged par- ticularly for them. Thebounty School-||«™ ^^ Q T l -Superintendents wilL, conduct the, .jo^ltiTGooler.'. County Elimination Spelling Contest,, w, J,.Glynn.-*.... in which-it is expected five hundred A. Mosier.,.." .... -chflareh-front an-pattrof the!county •-£»&£rf^°:c"" The winners wiU enter JomvLorback. Members of the Order of the Eiasterii Star will mak», their annual pilgrim- age to Oriskany on Saturday, Aug. Tth.: The trip will fee madi by automobiie ^otrtfeadquartera: wlllbe at the Hotel Marthv Htica. At 2 p. m. Saturday the grand matron, Frances Hltchcoelv Shay of .Brockport, together with her staff of grand officers & Q a tne inmates of the Eastern Star Home for the: Aged at Oriskany will receive "the visitors from -the various, districts of. the state, On Sunday, a visit will he made t o the Masonic Home in Utica. Among those going from Monroe present ma- the chapters. Mrs. Leslie Knapp,' worthy matron of the local-chapter expectB to attends — aerial shots and Dailey won 6-0, 6 ; 0. HAKKS^APEQIMIED Minutes of the regular meeting of the«Beard-Qf Trustees of the. "Village of BropBfSoft, held In "Village Hall, Aijlg, X 192& at 8 oiclock E. M,. .... _ Present: President, Geo. L. Foster; Trustees, Brown, Knapp, Bramley, Allen and Shea. ~\ The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion of Mr. Knapp, were approved; The following hills were audited and en^motion^f^MivJECnappv-aeconded-b-y- Mr, Bramley were_allowed and order- ed paid: - .$ ,20.00 'ueorge Uraper ......... ;., .... New York Central R. R, Co feed--0". Rro.wnx^><."—. ,:... ~ . E. L. Matthews,.: .... :. r ..... Claude Allen. Geo. L* Foster S. M. Goold. Western N. Y.~ Utilities Co.'." Matte. T. Jones ...... George-Daly.-. -.- •. . Wm. J.. Rowe.::: ..... ,.,.,«,,,;, r Sweeney & -Bdland.... :.. Leslie W. Knapp.,.. M. S. Shea ..... ,..<>.. W. A. Chapman*. '. Williamson Law Book Co.. Henry Miehae-ls. F. i>.Bogart ..... CI Izenberg ....... Standard Oil Co, James Elliott .... S I i i I I I T-I X.T„T E. Webster Francis Hull ....... Ceo. LeBarron.. -. will take part. the State, contests- at the Syracuse "Fair. .' - __Jtosi0JhasJbefiri_gixen-an4mportant- !N ^ i -j Ch 5f^ 111 * olaee on the'-program this-year, tb« A1Derc t,uron management having procured at a large cost, the McDonald'ar Scotch Highlandera Band, of Sew York Cfty. during the* past_^winter they fill&d a long engagement' in lEorHaj" fbiefe «:' -,-_ - ( \ : . . : ! : —J. - ^ ^ i they .gained an enviable reputation, They will giy^^mc^s^sltemojin^ndJJ -eroalBg diirihg the 'Fair. iJa, the An-, ..»,, 7.00 16.Su •4.00 <i:oo ~ 50.00 79.50 63J50 -- W 14«ft,Q0 4.G0 4.00 227.36 B.OO -.- i^ojd 11.27 15.0a 3T.S0 42.50 50.00 '50.00 - : 6.60: 76.00 S5.O0 j ^47^25- 33.25 33/75 38.25 •47J25: 24.75 TRIMS LEROY FRANK DAItEY^fflflS ^VERI CAME FROM SC0TT IN SINGLES MATCH tit** h^jid"jnTLoc —Closes—-Monday- ^*ening^_ Games To Play Brocjtport Tennis Club had its own way against the Willow Tennis Club at LeRoy. Friday afternoon and won Merrltt Cleveland had hard going in thesecond set with O'Mealia after win ning the first 6-3. :Cieveland was forced tA;i^S.-in the second. Hevnolds tookI capfeain.-Ga£EeHr-in4Q-Gai&p 5?ith= a 64 and 6-3 score, Mito Cleveland Arrived a, little latg but in time to win from Bylan 6-2, «-6. "^FrankTKiley and MerritT'GIevelani flayed • i OrMcalia-and" ii ®ittfro-H-^n=^h» .first double match a'nd after winning the first set S-X lost the. second 2-6 hut caroe Through for; the 'final on top 6-2.„ MilQCievjland^aiid Reynolds took things easy in their double m.atch with Scott and Bylan and won 6-2, 6-3, The following were drawn in the brackets of the Brockport Tennis Club 1st bracket, Frank Dailey and Starry Cleveland;. Henry Moore, and Edw. Simmons; Milo Cleveland and. H. Jr^nile-y^-JL-JidL_JElogers_AixdL.J3— M. aezaaoua iSundayfor the ineinbers-of the Bo- vanlzer-McCarthy families, the . oc< casicrti being their fourth*annual re- union, . A t 1 tj^crotdcrwhen sev-errty>t\vo-relaT tiyes had assembled for; the. event, a picn{c dinner was served in the grove which-was followed by. a ' business meeting during which, .fhe following 6fficers_ were' elected, for the .ensuing year: President, Mrs 7 . "Earr"EeweIIytt of Bergen; vice-president, Mrs, Wnu Long;. /secretary. and. 4re,asurerr-Mrsr George Daun of AlBiOn. ^ohn Bovania- Edw. Ferguson... Robert Berry «8.O0 76.10 68.50 James Brow'a '.,:.*, .... •. 20.00 J o h n - W a r d . . . r h « . . . ; , 24.00 The receipts since tire last repast stere Village Taxes $59293.85; Sundry Omimunlty "Nursa^, Personals £45.77; $7.00; Tax Search, $1.25; Income Tax Penaitie^ai6JLU er aged 78 of Cleveland,. Ohio, had the distinction of being the .oldest mem-. beg^present-nadJPean Cash, five, sou of Mrs. Grertrude Cash of Byron, -was the youngest. It was also voted at this time to. hold the 1927 gathering at Troutburgr tiie first Sunday fcnr August. Guesfe were present Suniday from" eievelaiid, Niagara !Palls, Bagalo, By- ron, Sweden, Brockport, and Clarkson. The ptjlitluu presented-at--tfae-laari;- t _,,**. .u T metftiug, and lafaUan the table ^ N t w 4 tora^^ile^^ho^-^whlcn-Jgjill. navfl jth&jVyge^a was- agalii-brought'up-^andlon:. flrgt' showing of-many qf theJgaliL^otlon-oIJlIr^^ ; - *5Sdels,- an msteum^ntal: trio from the I Knapp it was voted ^ cover^toe sarne -*- +,• •. a**. i *# M„„*>, 7 nrrn m w I as far baek as the garage located^n . JBastman School of Music win eater-' ^, Pll wii 0 v' n int ^ -Mr. Pugsley's lot. and; evenlngr—-yhey { TA ^ffln, aftefaooB %m ev^miig. i--ii«j- t A 'fequest > r e comrrosed Of KatherMe MiUspangh, r riose-f "pianbT tee~Stehle,"vioIin and Grace. Garlook, 'cellist For the Dance HaH- a, prominent Rucheater orchcatra will .furnish the music, -3^r^th»^ace:program? one hanajedV: fifty horses have neei twelve States and jCana^^JT^g. ^v« "Btake races areTnianajed W the~E"aF BoHwe^pugSns-oi ^ti»e "MttJte_GTarrf Circuit" at the lead- -ing 5%irs, starting- at-Efl[e,lPa., then gockport, Batavia, Hajmburg, Dun- kirk and Eockport. 'In addiffon tfaere wili be open classes to fill the after noon cards. "~~ •- '- ' • .... ,.' ^v? August. 1 st- Races Outboard Motor Races hc.j ' actr t aet t 1st Fred Richards- 3m.^ 18:25' 1S:25 2nd"GHes Hloyt 7m. 24:00 1*7:00 3rJL T. (?ordon, Jr. scratch. 17:SO 17:30 4th G. Harmon, Jr scratch 17:35 17:85 5th Geo. Hosner 3m. 21:00 1S:00 6th Fowler — 3m. 21:30 lS:3fl Sail Boat Race 1st "Norma," Frank Cooper 1:16% 2nd "Sunfish," Brennan ' ' 1:14% Wi 'tfuno," A. Green . , 1:19% ; I n the outboard motor races' "Chief Fruit Association, for the purpose of ©hanging the railroad crossing was re- ferred to the Street Committee. the Brockport Republic-Desmgorat stating-that it-was- ntinteresiu ifiJbt. tillage to publish tfae report recently receivSTfrOm the State Cj>rnitrOiter as to the financial attaitea of the Village.' " --—----.-—>—- Bfamle; m of Mr. orainleT It vraTs voted that if the.publisher ; wished :to s^ummartzetherjpwtOTd^irtiishiSie same as a news item ,he might do so.' Mr. Raucher the superintendeht wlio Is in "charge of the bulldihg-of Cb,e\- Gatholic Church, asked permission to unload sand and. gravel and set ij;' t" saileu. a great race winning sec- ond place by a half-minute, due to his superior knowledge of seamanship. "HAS LEASED STAND 7 I have leased* fhe gas and 'refresh-: ment stand »f Loren Hinton'at Sandy _ ^HarFor and win carry gtocories, soft |#- drinks, candy .and tobacco; also Punches. Chas. Raftigfi, Jr.. . and operate .cement mlxeT on IKe^ space between/ the curb* and sidewalk o u Main St, .. -^ " Mr. Bramley moved that Mr.' er be granted a four day permit begin j ning Tuesday morhing, Aug. 3rd aUd that be is to indernnify the Village -for any damage arising therefrom, Mr. Knapp moved, .seconded by KLr, Alien that Mr. Paul Hanks be appoint- ed Village Attorney fdr the remainoler of the yeaV to fill the vacancy caused, by the resignation of Mr. Nat 0. Les-, ter, at the same salary. The following resolution was offer- ed by Trustee Br'ainley, and seconded; by Trustee .Shea, to wit: Whereas, $7500.00 of Water 'Notes of the Village of Brockport,- Monroe County, j j , IT*, or as much thereof as may be necessary have heretofore been duly authorized to be issued; and Whereas, it is necessary to provide for the sale of said no'tes. It i$ resolved that the Village Clesrk advertise the sate of said j $7500.00^ "Water Notes of the Village of Brock- ,pOrti said notkii8>to he published in t h e BTO.ckpPtt'R;epwic-t)etttecrat- of «aid Vlllaje and ^posted^in three public places Irt the Village, such pu blication, aald pbsting to be rdade at"-least fen HContiritfed on page 8 y Blossom. 2nd bracket, I. Mulre'eand H. V. Lane; Merritt Cleveland" and ChaS: '\\r^hipisriNFaVIaes.tei^aai( Winne; Geo; Reynolds and Frank btttrf^Th^;first' malBh^s" a^r to : be completed by Monday and tfae follow- ing week the winners in. the brackets >vili compete. BOVANIZER-McCARTHY-REUNlON HAMLIN MISS1QNFESTJVAL, She.. Wrty-BglEb^Jininjaal^Jt^^ •Pesttval-of^thei-llxanggiical Lutheran St. John's Church of Hamlin will be celebrated Sunday, August 8, in the I giuvt» near.thee church. Fha program. Includes Lwu-seivlce«i a German service in the lnorning, commencing at I0:3u o'crock'lihd' ant A communlnaliuju was receive^fre^i^^glkh-^ervlee-4n-4he--aftegaooBr : - o*clock, iRev, VEdwaTa!^Taa# 2:30 of •Harrlsburg, Pa., preachiggmtTroUf ser- ^ieeBr-^-AT-e&r-dial^iiadtatiffli^^a^eaid^ to Brockport on Sat- e i to members of the. congregation ah^™tEetf~frfends~t^^ wfll be r Sreld l a t h e ebjwch.- —„ , CARDdOfe T H A N K S _ "We wish—to extend our Sfnoere inks and ^apprecigtion^ for flowers. J ^ . . and iffrs. Wm. Wright Orville Wright •f twe-of automobiles and tte many a^l^-andHfitiriityr^hfrMisses-R^tii-and-M* of kindness shown during our recent great sorrow, • . ' v Mrs, JohnMcGuh*e, Jr. John McGuire,,Sr.-and Family RYAN—WOQORUFF The marriage Qt Jojua Hilbert Ryan, son of Mrs. ifary BS»n of Hplley, to Hdiss Mary r^prmarlVSt«Irufl! of Syden- ham, Orrtario7~to^lrnPlge6" iqorning at St. Mary's Catholic church a In 'Hplley. The wedding ceremony was performed at a solemn nuptial -hlgh^-mass^—by iRev.' Cha^JHilfeert^ cousirTof the groom.-' ~ " ' - "" ^The--altar--boys- %ere Erjancis_jmd Bernard Luskey of this village; • The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Dorothy Woodruff,. and Charles Ryan of Buffalo,-brother ot the_groom -wagbestrinan. ;.;'. .. Following tTie cerernony, a wedding breakfast was served to about thirty- live guests at the Blue Fitcner rea" Room in this vlllstgei . Upon" their re- turn from a wedding trip* Mr. and Mrs. Byan will reside in Holley., Vi / - aM..Tf>bil;Thoinfi,R MflGra,thjKas.solem- nized Monday, eyening at the Presby- terian manse, Rey. E. D. Webster offi- ciating. They were attended by Mr. and lT Mrs. John" Holland. - The brfderwas attired in a gown "ot green Romaine crepe over flat crepe with large black velvet poke hat and carried .a corsage bouquet of* -pink rosebuds and lilies of the valley. The! bridesmaid wore_crabapple georgette with taffeta trimmings and black hat, and carried a corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. —The ceremony ' was followed by -a wadding dinner served atKlover Leaf Inn, and groom left on a two weeks'-Sllao< tor trip to Monteeat-Quebee', Adirpn- daclcs and Saratoga Springs. On their return Mr av,nd Mrs, McGrath/will re^ side on Par6 Ave. ~ WILL QIVE EXHffifHOfl CHURCH TOMOR- ROW NIGHT Summer School Avel^ge^Aftiai^ ance Over One Hundred. Teacher* in Play The Brockport Vacation Bible School concludes its program this week with the closing exhibition to be lield to- morrow, Friday night Jh Jhe. Baptist Educational Building. The exhibition DBBUiB-.m 8- u'ctockT^v^dtt^—^- S " homJTrQ^id playlet •entitled "Out of DaTknogB^Ma L B, Shafrt Breaks Ankle Rouiidiiig Second Base. Cdl Storage |et$ Breaks to Win from Mooje-Shafer nine before Crowd of Close {o~QMThonsand. ^Bleachers to be Built With Collections; . The .Business Men put their first game under their belt in the Twilight le»ug4e-last-^as^day-wheB--tiiey--ran- away from the A&P nine by a score of 41-to2, Freda singled on* the first ball piteh-^ on au which faculty and students will take part. Admission is free to the entire j public. " ' o jerror< Persia scored after reaching | first-bn a hit when Pultz singled. .The retailers were retired 1, 2, 3 in , . , , , _ their half of the first inning. ate^ one liundred~etghty---fl'vri--^g '.-..*——~~j A~ -^"7r> %., .... . „,„ -u 1* * , Sullivan made a fine throw of Root's. children and young folks have enlisted ,. - . iV . , . ' „.. ^ . .. . » , . . . . ,, . •liner to third for an out, Winegard in the school, the vast majority for •.,. . ., . .. . „ . . , „. .. , , , .' ... was hit by a pitched ball but was left more than a single week., Six rehgir . .. ; , ^ " .. . .. . ^. - at the first sack for the balance of the McGRATH-^BAGKUS The marriage of Miss Gertrude Martha Baclcus, daughter of Mr. and rs,-Sanmei^aokus-rpf—P^r-li-avenueJ^us -denominations are jepresented In: Jhia„thi;ong.» Thp average Rttp-nrtauce- inning. fine ball for their -teams. Kupptoger receiving B*clay for the' Cold Siotr age and Mosier receiving Tardley fpr. the-Moore a Shatfer nine. __-__^ T _. ^oore-Shafer tfad the gairie^(>it until the final inning when J. Oortett walked and went wild on the baae*. Qne_ol_uie..largest crowds yet to "ffit* is. around One hundred per day. A" delightful. feature of the school has been" the willingness of young folks to volunteer faculty assistance, the-staffwhich includes~Mr;~and-Mrs. Wendell," Miss Mildred;Fraseriand Miss Helen Whipple, the followipg have rendered -splendid assistance: Miss Dorothy Praser, Miss Loretta Wiley, Miss Dorothy Crandall, Miss Irma Johnston^ Miss Doris Blossom, Missj Doris Neth, Miss Florence MHlard. !T*SngeI wallce4-ancl scored on. SuiTi-: van's double. Sullivan was caught stealing third, p '""fMKi**^ '?aifth"g'" ) wai r .fofcea : "at' second in the Soust started the Busipess .Men's half by singling to left. Wallace made a fine-catch of Russell's fly to left field.' It looked good for a triple. Cor- bet singled to left ami Poust scored on Nichols* single over second, Corbett ^r- -naasr^r-gw-Mg^^tea^ne--gam6*^a«-»ii3 Miss Winifred Smith, Miss Elizabeth Boyce, Miss Ruth Chriswell, Miss Eve- lyn Asfcey, Miss Jean Quinh/Miss Mil- urciivilleriaitBTrwlMH;he-4^rlde-i.dred Cutton^ Miss Helen Shuniway. '"" Miss Elor-ence-Stanford^nd Miss Eliz- stole home and Nichols Went on third. over third. It seemed that when Cor- bett stole home Doane called him safe and- after .that, Cochran called him but, aae-^w«B^}allin«4lie^ag^-a«d-^oeh- , .. _ , . . . ,. ,ran the strikes hut nevertheless Cor- abeth Browne have actedrirr the: ca^ri^i —- pott was out. *_ .-• Nichols made a wonderful catch of pacfty of secretaries* as well as in- READ JMIY JNA€01ENt Mr., and Mrs. M. G. Read who were accompaniea by Hfi\ a M ^Mrs. X,. G. Goi-don were the victimsrof an unfortu- nate-accident at Endicott, npar Bhrg^ structors, and Mr. Stephen Webster „ r ,, , „- . , . „„„,„„, w „„«t . . -, . , , , , Wallace's fly back of second and Engel has-rendered his usual customary and , , 4 -, \ . • , , , , , « faithful «—^'*- -•"•-*'--t-* „£,^^1-fo«c-wed,by-.pio.kins-o»E-.ia MUi structor Shllivah's throrw to first, Sayerno be- ** " •— J35- irig safe.j No fiins, no hits one OTTO*. Moope-Shafer Lose" Owing to a lack of time and. J Tuesday's ganae^muat^be- boiled tio>"yn. rBotli-^ar^la-it-and Yardley pitelie^ attendance. '^ Umpires Go"cJiran and Williams re- ceived" plenty- of Tawing froni~tb:e jerowd, on, a aumber^pl_declsslQns AB,>,- . wellisprotests from the players,—wV--- are entirely neutral as to favoring any team in the league and" will continoa the last half writing j>lays as we- saw jaiem as we did the first half. A grand rumpus was sent up when OocMran— called Barclay, safe at home. We *dl8- ;^lC3l^^ T. M , \rj? Z^agceisjvjth tlie ump. .nre-sident Lester Nicbols—SBored—on - W i l l i r c m s , -^ngie^ 6 ^r7^.r-"—-. , T^~~t" ""iir 1 " O. K.s the discission and some .two hundred fans within seeing'distance, disagree. COtPSTOFTAGE TRIMS HAWLW •; The Brocltport Cold Storap"" nlne>~ showed their class Sunday when they - played Hamlin and romped away v?lth, J an. t&#. yejjdjlGfrJn thelr^ favor. ,T!he- service as pianist and in-• _ fi eJ J^,.^ ail(1 '. St jHivan. sacriflc-'' Hamlin.^^outfitJconfledent afte'rl'a': & Among the school entertain-4 . . . and Reverends Miller and Webster, who have pleased thritiddiea. with var- ious progranos. . . - fed, Engel 3rd. Poust singled on his jgrjoundoi^OLfirst" 'Corbett"" scored "on. JNichOls' single. _. . . . . . . . , , ,_ SmiUrreached1st for thesecond tinm Thesuperintendentof_thesc|pol who,^ m& .^^ ^ f t ^ ^ . ^ wishes to thank the business,men who' g j m i t i. " "" ' ha\ f e Riven Oreir assistance in various T *.."«,,. & „4«,.„„„ ' ^ nlfnit ->,« hamton, last Wednesday. Mrs. Read ways, and-tr^tepublic^foi-givinrthe- In the flfth Badawana * a « efl for win "over Hilton on S.aturday were? gleggly outcIpB POust and* ihe^ Storagers had their batting fejBBr witfi'thim*. five of the locals, Ba*cJWy^, Ed, Don,-and John 6orbett,-an4~-Mftt tin slammed t i e ball out of the,lot. Don Corbottet-and-Barclay's .Arte suffered, the Mcture of one leg in two! sch ool a place 'in its "columns: -"May f W ^ M g J J * * ? --•"*' ------- - -' «- -• ' .new short for the BusiriFBB Men Freda SiHglM but was: caught on WilliamB* singled in the iiinth and gave the larg* . w plaaesiJVIr,s*:Gotfdon; had one spralnediijie^-interest i n this growing^communi-]: ankle and a strained iaclFahd Mr.ity institution—never ceasei—teU^siL^-™*^^™^^ , - ^ Gordon suffered from ,hock. Ihave a still larger;. Vacation School J m ^ ^ S d ^ S ^ : a t m ^ W X - m m ^ ^ m : ^ ^ stealing second/-#iird r and 'lioane, . Heise" finished the game for Brockport > and pitched fliie ball- Two base hits, E. Corbett; J. <JOP- bett; Martin^ l . „ ._ ,As -we, are informed Mr. Read Vcar-n<?xt .year Don't forget the exhibit, ••'. ~ * „ „T ! « vTT, 7 t T nfl H«ti, 0 r 0 rf T, {m n f , f t "n^^t" rCt•' ». ~„1^ '„',\£n~: " fbox. Balling relieved DePrank in the had bothered hinj a bit on account of the clutch sticking and he had been to s garage and had it attended tin being: _ t£en-as_suredjtjiras all right. Having odcaslon to turn drove Into a driveway and backed out, but wnenlre wanted to stop the clutch •stuck and carried the car backward over the curb and started down a JthJrty foot etnhankment on that side of the street. When those riding with I sixth for thee anners. Riissel walked, fCorbett grounded oUt» Russell scored to-morrow night! . . .-— •" • • • .-,i CHATTAN FAMILY The descendants of William Chat-I 011 Ni chols' single ana Nichols came tan, a pioneer__settler of the town ofl hom § on a v M Pitch. Srnlth hit to Parma, had a reunion at the home of ,fflira '' Persm throwiHrwiirSmith «o^ both comlngiQ tho same inning were-, terrific drives, the ball going out of: — sight in an adjoining orchard. JStiv-. plnier r ma|dnffnH'8Tlr"8t''app'e"axaac'Slir™ Beveral weeks ini-th¥-S^ragerISD«upi-^- ;3Sfc5«ad-r^ttzed4vhatwas-liappenuagIpax^^ one of his grandsons, Henry Smith, ofl ing t0 second. •Williams walked and the Curtis road, last TreeKr - Kruger singled Ailing the bags. Engel Three son andf our daughters stilli 5 "" 1 SuHivan. whiffed feut.Ropt dropped survive: Mrs. Prances Smith, ot EHl- j t n e baU °»_ Sullivan's last strike and. ton; Mrs. Julia Beverly, of Charlotte; s m m scored, Williafflg scoxed on a wild-T)itchT---PorBit--yalked- filling fee feey Jumped from the car* roUing|:Edaa Fnller T of Portland^Qre^jQryflJe own^-the-«nibankment ahead of iujChattarij of Hamlin , *^^ Jesse CrXaJlMr.of bags. Russell grounded out to the box, Poust*s"f6et was off 8revmSgTm'tt'--M't lnstegs. Hoine Runs, Barclay, I>. Corbett Two bases on ground rule* "over right field fence. Base on riclls, off Kosa B; oflT Hw-_ tin 4, Struck Out, by Koss 11; bylfiwtta ->; B^r31eise3^ ' T -- -.--'•--—^ Hits, Martin, 4 in 7 innlnga; H^H^ JMj.-J&eM, ^Bearing Isst he back over them, turned theTwBgelr~BhaTpeIy^ •toAd^Ra&^Hema^hjgtaji^fJBj^ The car turned around, the front of it JlnfffirTOnaie^ifiati^ Jdr.- Read, was able to Stop the ZegT car. about six, feet irorn^tiie. r^ad and held It v there until help came and -the dice lowed It backjnio-th-e road. Mrsv^Heffld andlKrs.IJorSoS"Ivef6 iakett-to Jhte- Endicott hpapiiaL The urday. Mr. and Mrs. Read following b ¥ "Sunday."""""" --~rr-~-—— r.- - —; EARKEJl^AMltY.REUNION 77 ~ The Parker family reunion was held at Manttou. Beach last "Saturday, Those attending from town were Mr. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by_ th¥ Board* of- Trustees of the "Village Of Brookport, Monroe County, .N. Y^, aT"~ its rooms in Village' Hall in said Vil- lage at 8 o'clock P. M. Daylight Sav- ing Time, on the 16th day-of August* 1926 for the purchase of the following described notes: $7500-00 Of Water Notes or as much thereof as may be necessary, dated October 1st, 1926 of the denominations of $3750.4)0 or/as much thereof as wjll equal one half of the amount "borrow- ed, the first- maturing on October 1st* 1927 and the second on October 1st, l?r28'and...bearlng Interest at the rate of not exceeding T5<& payable annually on the first day of October of each year. Notes will be sold to the bidder of; fering to purchase them at tMe highest price airc\ at the lowest rate e-f ftterejstt. .' The right S3 jeserved to reject any and all Mis\" Sigrtett; - ^ j Beat A. Thompson,- Village tterk. dred McMaster and Rev; E. C. Reber and family^ Relatives from Rochester, Morton, s Holley, Kendall; Akron "and Buffalo. It was voted to meet at the hqme of the president, Wm. Parker, West Kendall, next year the 3rd Sat- urday Ip Jtily. '• -v COMPETITIVE BIDS wilTBe received on exclusive ice cream privilege alHBrockport Fair. Bids will be opened "Wednesday morning, Aug. 11th, hy Sec. Harold G. DobsOn. VISITING CARDS nicely written,'8 for 25c. Mail'ofderSi promptly filled. F, T>. Wilmot, Box 244 Spencerport, N; Y. LOCA.U HEADQUARTERS Cook & King Co.. the local head, quarters for fishing tackle, are Offering the following inlucem'ents to those who purchase tackle from tiiem during the month of August. Every purchaser be presented ITRElE with an adR'M. Buffalo; Rev, Henry Chattan, Of Brad^ All of thses were present with^their respeegve _^BSllies; altogether fitty. sat down to dinner whieh was two- sefve'd on the lawn. JHtSmRlL ttsmg of Interert Ment1«««I In Th» Republic F The Free Methodist open a tent meeting "at the corner of Beach ami Holley streets. 'TW^B^"feffl^' c ^ver''th*e'''e^laffir to be,held. AggnBt.l8.thrto:algt^-^Irg^c-: Matte -Jones, Com1nSraSy-NifaeF5^= WARSAW AND CALEDONIA Warsaw-fair opens=tbdayr —A*large} auM«r-of race fan B will take t h e L w . , rtnwiT^nlTWew'one built in its Ja * u " ~ -ul " !a ' tJUlll " JUUIvr r"-*"^ 1 ^ trip, -fe believe ttey are on Standard j ^ d o ^ a n d 8 » e w o n e bu « tinIt,l | charge, in cooperation, witfc the UtoW tearrjed, "of this village "pur- J. I. tlmerwMch—will cut the tlme~to-drif e oy ^ toless_than- one h 0 ur r ^Xm^m^mmm SnUtrBayTlU;— Tfag ^Trl-tGounty fair -will open-jat ~—"^ CaleHBlla'TueBday for a five day-and night stay, Tuesday's racing will be for runners only. These rttnaer» will be ridden _A_barB^J*eJfea^a«^i^JM*^. by pr6fessIolla]-FIaers-a^d-ar ! tne , fuH=- ^|ed"43 Veara" ners axjB_JffiCjamirig^inx^5opnla^ Hlckey of i3ark streel Is censuped Bjg fire. . Died in Brockportj Peter .Folette, aged 72 .years; Mrs. C. D. McLea*,'; * ft r year aj'arge crowd' is assured for the - Twenty-Five Year* Ajo opening day. The added money plan The bam o f E d w < g cu li e y 0 f Water will be used for. the harness races. fctreet l8 de8 troyed by fife. One of the outstanding features ; of the Minot & C r i p p e n o p e E ffietf bankmg IfL ^ Ub ^ a P * « e ^ * consisOng o l i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ aiBgtreet * 5000 people entitled "Early Days In Grenese.e County." . ' . . . '- REMEMBER to call CoOk & King X30., 41-J when you need more fruit jars. Half pints 95c; pints $1.00; quarts |i.2^j two quarts $1.65. '* 8:26 PRIVATE. SALE of household goods, Gietowood Range, Bedroom Suite* Sewing Machine, Book case, Settee, Chairs, 8x10 rug, eta Mrs. W. D. Lincoln, 24 Erie St. . amount of tackle •of- $2;50 or more amounting tp 10"% o~ of hi? luteliase.- is Swn * chbice" wmf- tOtal amount 8:26 -r~ir-«L, CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for- 4fo$ many acts of* kindness shown us, -for the floral offerings, and also for the use of automobiles during our recent great "sorrow. A yeast factory moves here from Rochester, occupying the building for- merly used by tie Clarke Sulky Com- pany. . 1 At a business session o,f the .tire? men's Association in Albion J. W. I^ar- kln of this village ireleeted president. MU^^QMI^B^SMlBE^fflQWMESSs= FAIR " ' _.AljMrdfal InvifAHnn 1« flTtfinitea in- all the women. In fhe county to> iristt^. the maternity and infancy exhibit at. the C6un^.Pair at Brockport which tfc Depaftment of Health, whefe she t i g MtllneL _hpw MotherB.' Health CM* jtuay he .-oigan-iiiijdT^i^ffiia vieinity,aadi;."; :~^B .t*e4 for tiwiiew- baAy; v The nurse " Will Bhowjhoit baby . j clothes can be made.Bo as to be xui»% _.: comfortables fioS^tiieiJ»byi? tsmrJ&t^t the mother to make, handle aid keep clean." She "wis. ^fio"Wpreparetff W<~^ help Organize a Mothers* Health' CSilb' for this district Many communiti*: ; now have their clubs: Wherever H d , a cbab Is organiaed theSwvision of MateTnityvInfaney and! Cfiild-HjaleniKi^ iwlil assist in securing a iiurse taStoe* In getting, such a club siartedt _ 4 ,: TKIs will 'be a good oppoHUttitF fo^ ! ^ you to become acquainted with, ' y o ^ :.\J Coinmutilty NTirsee^ . . * %z 1: , Fifteen Years Ago Pied In ^Brockport, William H. Mer ritt, aged 7,3 years; m Brockport,'Mrs.. Jdhn Smith, aged 69 yearn. Married at Salamanca, Miss Frances. ti. Stapleton of that village and THdwln S, Sheppard « Brockport; at\ W^l^e Salmon, Washington, Miss Vera Spring, formerly of Morton, and Bert Johnson. Harry-Ir. Dewi's and T§, O-Weeks as- tSL^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ " -s«me--aie-manatgemect of- Sae-HIppd- 1 ! Homer Gardner , ,, , _r . , .. . ».i " Mr«. W. C Mbore drome Moving Picture theater here, .- NOTICE. -\ iN'dtice is hereby given that "I »Sr# ( this date sold my seed busmen to* Fred G. Gillespie andjthat all account* Owed me may be paid either a t th* store to Mr. GHllespIe v of to Mr. Morto* G. Read to wliom X-.have given a T o # erof Attorney to handle my busflneiii affairs. Also myilftttaot onehuridrid> acreB locjited, in th)8 Town of ClarlMHj. is for sale and" anyone Interest** should get in tot!6h with Mr. R«w. ,- Dated, July *0, l»M t % w - _ . ^ *5 Henry as»MlBwll. 4='. READ THE CLA83IFI •!>'•'(•% 5a —^. 7 ,/ /.. •••I

Transcript of imCElEBRATE TRIMS LEROY - NYS Historic...



B U F F A L O ROAD P R I V | » S



Twilight Lwigde Wfll P l a y *t

— B i w t t p o i * Tv&rr d i v i d e d

P u r t e

Brockport'and the Monroe County -i^tir—greuadfr-wiH,--he-Qie-^COTtftf-„ o t

• ^ ^ S A r f S | l n e i & S S Weh^StKst^^^^ght^or^^sahftl.Woai4th^sehedtiled-SliE--matehe8^:

• S , , - ^ arid gl ister atU-ac-4Ames> lUatrictJflpnteJftaiia matron.;] Scott 'couldn't Judge Erank Bailey^ Tor .bigger" crowds arid greater a l l rac Hions, as' a Stffiig celebration of She-

fiftieth year of the Fair, - Superintend­ent Edward Cotter has had a force of men at -work for several -weeks; g e t

J^ni grounds an„d buildings in slflp-""shape order. Secretary Ifabson has

L. received many requests for" space on the grounds, and says it looks a$>

-thoagh^this yearns Ealfewould-Jiajthe^ hRRt. ever.

Eight, Worthy Qrlo Adams, assistant grand lecturer, and the tfons and patrons of

ESS Special interest has manlfe-ist'ed KSSIT Jiroughaut t h e county,- and- .greater crowds are promised than ever before.

"In The'city also *s mucrl interest, es-™p^Ially~in'Rochester-Day,-which--wiH

be Saturday, Aug. 21st. I t is expected -tba*-Mayor Martin O'Neill-and Ms . official family will occupy the special box in the Grandstand-

Wednesday, Aug. 18th,. has been de­signated as Grange and Fraternal Day, when all organizations of. the county

^KeTa=:Th^F¥d^=#ltbe:Suie ervisors* and County Officials' Day, one of the biggest days of the week.

"Through" the courtesy of the" Pi«$aeer's Picnic officials,-their event, which con­flicted with tne Fair ' l&sl >ea j jEaa-been given another date, so that "the pioneers of the comity, and the. mem-.bers t f the, political partlea are ex­

acted to meet at the Fair on tha t dayrfe talk^o' the impendfag alec-tions. Sheriff Baker, County Clerk James Hotchkiss and other county of-

-Ifclals are taking a keen- interest sand "pride iiTffieJiffletn' ahnrvers'ary oT tho"

County Fair this year, and are work­ing with the Secretary to make this the banner day of the week."

Friday will be Children's Day, and the program "has been arranged par-ticularly for them. Thebounty School-| |«™ ^ ^ Q T l

-Superintendents wi lL , conduct the, .jo^ltiTGooler.'. County Elimination Spelling Contest,, w , J,.Glynn.-*.... in which-it is expected five hundred A. Mosier., . .". . . .

-chflareh-front an-pattrof the!county •-£»&£rf^°:c"" The winners wiU enter JomvLorback.

Members of the Order of the Eiasterii Star will mak», their annual pilgrim­age to Oriskany on Saturday, Aug. Tth.: The trip will fee madi by automobiie ^otrtfeadquartera: wll lbe at the Hotel Marthv Htica. At 2 p. m. Saturday the grand matron, Frances Hltchcoelv Shay of .Brockport, together with h e r staff of grand officers &Qa tne inmates of the Eastern Star Home for the: Aged a t Oriskany will receive "the visitors from -the various, districts of. the state,

On Sunday, a visit will he made t o the Masonic Home in Utica.

Among those going from Monroe

present ma-the chapters.

Mrs. Leslie Knapp,' worthy matron of the local-chapter expectB to attends —

aerial shots and Dailey won 6-0, 6;0.


Minutes of the regular meeting of the«Beard-Qf Trustees of the. "Village of BropBfSoft, held In "Village Hall, Aijlg, X 192& a t 8 oiclock E. M,. .... _

Present: President, Geo. L. Foster; Trustees, Brown, Knapp, Bramley, Allen and Shea. ~\

The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion of Mr. Knapp, were approved;

The following hills were audited and en^motion^f^MivJECnappv-aeconded-b-y-Mr, Bramley were_allowed and order­ed paid: -

.$ ,20.00 'ueorge Uraper . . . . . . . . . ; . , . . . . New York Central R. R, Co feed--0". Rro.wnx ><."—. ,: . . . ~ . E. L. Matthews,.:....:. r..... Claude Allen. Geo. L* Foster S. M. Goold. Western N. Y.~ Utilities Co.'." Matte. T. J o n e s . . . . . . George-Daly.-. -.- • •. . Wm. J.. Rowe.:::.....,.,.,«,,,;, r Sweeney & -Bdland....:.. Leslie W. Knapp . , . . M. S. S h e a . . . . . , . .<>.. W. A. Chapman*. '. Williamson Law Book Co.. Henry Miehae-ls. F. i> .Bogar t . . . . . CI Izenberg.... . . . Standard Oil Co, James Elliott . . . .

S I i i I I I T-I X.T„T

E. Webster Francis Hull....... Ceo. LeBarron.. -.

will take part. the State, contests- at the Syracuse "Fair. .' -

__Jtosi0JhasJbefiri_gixen-an4mportant- ! N ^ i - j C h 5 f ^ 1 1 1 * olaee on the'-program this-year, tb« A 1 D e r c t , u r o n

management having procured a t a large cost, the McDonald'ar Scotch Highlandera Band, of Sew York Cfty. during the* past_^winter they fill&d a long engagement' i n lEorHaj" fbiefe



- (


: .

. : • ! :


- ^ ^ i

they .gained an enviable reputation, They will g iy^^mc^s^s l temoj in^ndJJ

-eroalBg diirihg the 'Fair. i J a , the An-,

. .», ,

7 .00

16.Su •4.00 <i:oo

~ 50.00

79.50 63J50

- - W 14«ft,Q0

4.G0 4.00

227.36 B.OO

-.- i^ojd 11.27 15.0a 3T.S0 42.50 50.00 '50.00

-: 6.60: 76.00 S5.O0j

^47^25-33.25 33/75 38.25 •47J25: 24.75



t i t** h^ j id" jnTLoc

—Closes—-Monday- ^ * e n i n g ^ _

• G a m e s T o Play

Brocjtport Tennis Club had its own way against the Willow Tennis Club at LeRoy. Friday afternoon and won

Merrltt Cleveland had hard going in thesecond set with O'Mealia after win ning the first 6-3. :Cieveland was forced tA;i^S.-in the second. Hevnolds took I capfeain.-Ga£EeHr-in4Q-Gai&p 5?ith= a 6 4 and 6-3 score, Mito Cleveland Arrived a, little latg but in time to win from Bylan 6-2, «-6. "^FrankTKiley and MerritT'GIevelani flayed •iOrMcalia-and"ii®ittfro-H-^n=^h» .first double match a'nd after winning the first set S-X lost the. second 2-6 hut caroe Through for; the 'final on top 6-2.„ MilQCievjland^aiid Reynolds took things easy in their double m.atch with Scott and Bylan and won 6-2, 6-3,

The following were drawn in the brackets of the Brockport Tennis Club 1st bracket, Frank Dailey and Starry Cleveland;. Henry Moore, and Edw. Simmons; Milo Cleveland and. H. Jr^nile-y^-JL-JidL_JElogers_AixdL. J3— M.

aezaaoua iSundayfor the ineinbers-of the Bo-vanlzer-McCarthy families, the . oc< casicrti being their fourth*annual re­union, . A t 1 tj^crotdcrwhen sev-errty>t\vo-relaT tiyes had assembled for; the. event, a picn{c dinner was served in the grove which-was followed by. a ' business meeting during which, .fhe following 6fficers_ were' elected, for the .ensuing year: President, Mrs7. "Earr"EeweIIytt of Bergen; vice-president, Mrs, Wnu Long;. /secretary. and. 4re,asurerr-Mrsr George Daun of AlBiOn. ^ohn Bovania-

Edw. Ferguson... Robert Berry

«8.O0 76.10 68.50

James Brow'a '.,:.*,....•. 20.00 John- Ward . . . r h « . . . ; , 24.00

The receipts since tire last repast stere Village Taxes $59293.85; Sundry

Omimunlty "Nursa , Personals £45.77; $7.00; T a x Search, $1.25; Income Tax


er aged 78 of Cleveland,. Ohio, had the distinction of being the .oldest mem-. beg^present-nadJPean Cash, five, sou of Mrs. Grertrude Cash of Byron, -was the youngest. It was also voted at this time to. hold the 1927 gathering at Troutburgr tiie first Sunday fcnr August.

Guesfe were present Suniday from" eievelaiid, Niagara !Palls, Bagalo, By­ron, Sweden, Brockport, and Clarkson.

The ptjlitluu presented-at--tfae-laari;-t _ , ,**. .u T metftiug, and lafaUan the table ^ N t w 4

tora^^ile^^ho^-^whlcn-Jgjill. navfl jth&jVyge^a was- agalii-brought'up-^andlon:. flrgt' showing of-many qf theJga l iL^ot lon-oIJ l I r^^

; - *5Sdels,- an msteum^ntal: trio from the I Knapp it was voted ^ cover^toe sarne -*- +,• •. a**. i *# M„„*>,7nrrn m w I as far baek as the garage located^n

. JBastman School of Music win e a t e r - ' ^ , •Pllwii0v'n int • ^ -Mr. Pugsley's lot. and; evenlngr—-yhey { TA ^ffln, aftefaooB %m ev^miig. i--ii«j-t A 'fequest

> r e comrrosed Of KatherMe MiUspangh, rriose-f "pianbT tee~Stehle,"vioIin and Grace. Garlook, 'cellist For the Dance HaH-a, prominent Rucheater orchcatra will

.furnish the music, -3^r^th»^ace:program? one hanajedV:

fifty horses have neei twelve States and jCana^^JT^g. ^v«

" B t a k e races areTnianajed W the~E"aF BoHwe^pugSns-oi

^ti»e "MttJte_GTarrf Circuit" at the lead--ing 5%irs, starting- at-Efl[e,lPa., then

gockport, Batavia, Hajmburg, Dun­kirk and Eockport. ' I n addiffon tfaere wili be open classes to fill the after noon cards. "~~ •- '- ' •....,.'


August. 1 st- Races Outboard Motor Races

hc.j ' actr t a e t t 1st Fred Richards- 3m. 18:25' 1S:25 2nd"GHes Hloyt 7m. 24:00 1*7:00 3rJL T. (?ordon, Jr. scratch. 17:SO 17:30 4th G. Harmon, Jr scratch 17:35 17:85 5th Geo. Hosner 3m. 21:00 1S:00 6th Fowler — 3m. 21:30 lS:3fl

Sail Boat Race 1st "Norma," Frank Cooper 1:16% 2nd "Sunfish," Brennan ' ' 1:14% Wi 'tfuno," A. Green . , 1:19%

; I n the outboard motor races' "Chief

Fruit Association, for the purpose of ©hanging the railroad crossing was r e ­ferred to the Street Committee.

the Brockport Republic-Desmgorat stating-that it-was- ntinteresiu ifiJbt.

t i l lage to publish tfae report recently receivSTfrOm the State Cj>rnitrOiter as to the financial attaitea of the Village.' " - - — - - - - . - — > — -

Bfamle; m of Mr. orainleT It vraTs voted that if the.publisher; wished :to s^ummartzetherjpwtOTd^irtiishiSie same as a news item ,he might do so. '

Mr. Raucher the superintendeht wlio Is in "charge of the bulldihg-of Cb,e\-Gatholic Church, asked permission to unload sand and. gravel and set ij; '

t" saileu. a great race winning sec­ond place by a half-minute, due to his superior knowledge of seamanship.


I have leased* fhe gas and 'refresh-: ment stand »f Loren Hinton'at Sandy

_ ^HarFor and win carry gtocories, soft | # - drinks, candy .and tobacco; also

Punches. Chas. Raftigfi, Jr.. .

and operate .cement mlxeT on IKe^ space between/ the curb* and sidewalk o u Main St, .. -^ "

Mr. Bramley moved that Mr.' be granted a four day permit beginj

ning Tuesday morhing, Aug. 3rd aUd that be is to indernnify the Village -for any damage arising therefrom,

Mr. Knapp moved, .seconded by KLr, Alien that Mr. Paul Hanks be appoint­ed Village Attorney fdr the remainoler of the yeaV to fill the vacancy caused, by the resignation of Mr. Nat 0. Les-, ter, at the same salary.

The following resolution was offer­ed by Trustee Br'ainley, and seconded; by Trustee .Shea, to wit:

Whereas, $7500.00 of Water 'Notes of the Village of Brockport,- Monroe County, j j , IT*, or as much thereof as may be necessary have heretofore been duly authorized to be issued; and

Whereas, i t is necessary to provide for the sale of said no'tes.

It i$ resolved that the Village Clesrk advertise the sate of said j $7500.00^ "Water Notes of the Village of Brock-,pOrti said notkii8>to he published in t h e BTO.ckpPtt'R;epwic-t)etttecrat- of «aid Vlllaje and ^posted^in three public places Irt the Village, such pu blication, aald pbsting to be rdade at"-least fen

HContiritfed on page 8


Blossom. 2nd bracket, I. Mulre'eand H. V. Lane; Merritt Cleveland" and ChaS: '\\r^hipisriNFaVIaes.tei^aai( Winne; Geo; Reynolds and Frank btttrf^Th^;first ' malBh^s" a ^ r to : be completed by Monday and tfae follow­ing week the winners in. the brackets >vili compete.


HAMLIN MISS1QNFESTJVAL, She.. Wrty-BglEb^Jininjaal^Jt^^

•Pesttval-of^thei-llxanggiical Lutheran St. John's Church of Hamlin will be celebrated Sunday, August 8, in the

I giuvt» near.thee church. Fha program. Includes Lwu-seivlce«i

a German service in the lnorning, commencing a t I0:3u o'crock'lihd' ant

A communlnaliuju was receive^fre^i^^glkh-^ervlee-4n-4he--aftegaooBr :-o*clock, iRev, VEdwaTa!^Taa# 2:30 of

•Harrlsburg, Pa., preachiggmtTroUf ser-^ieeBr-^-AT-e&r-dial^iiadtatiffli^^a^eaid^ to Brockport on Sat-e i to members of the. congregation ah^™tEetf~frfends~t^^

wfll ber Sreld l a t h e ebjwch.- —„

, CARDdOfe T H A N K S _ "We wish—to extend our Sfnoere inks and ^apprecigtion^ for flowers. J ^ . . and iffrs. Wm. Wright Orville Wright

•f twe-of automobiles and tte many a^l^-andHfitiriityr^hfrMisses-R^tii-and-M* of kindness shown during our recent great sorrow, • . ' v

Mrs, JohnMcGuh*e, J r . John McGuire,,Sr.-and Family

RYAN—WOQORUFF The marriage Qt Jojua Hilbert Ryan,

son of Mrs. ifary BS»n of Hplley, t o Hdiss Mary r^prmarlVSt«Irufl! of Syden-ham, Orrtario7~to^lrnPlge6" iqorning at St. Mary's Catholic church aIn 'Hplley. The wedding ceremony was performed a t a solemn nuptial -hlgh^-mass^—by iRev.' Cha^JHilfeert^ cousirTof the groom.-' ~ " ' - "" ^The--altar--boys- %ere Erjancis_jmd

Bernard Luskey of this village; • The bride was attended by her

sister, Miss Dorothy Woodruff,. and Charles Ryan of Buffalo,-brother ot the_groom -wagbestrinan. ;.;'. ..

Following tTie cerernony, a wedding breakfast was served to about thirty-live guests at the Blue Fitcner rea" Room in this vlllstgei . Upon" their re­turn from a wedding trip* Mr. and Mrs. Byan will reside in Holley.,Vi/ -

aM..Tf>bil;Thoinfi,R MflGra,thjKas.solem-nized Monday, eyening at the Presby­terian manse, Rey. E. D. Webster offi­ciating. They were attended by Mr. andlT Mrs. John" Holland. -

The brfderwas attired in a gown "ot green Romaine crepe over flat crepe with large black velvet poke hat and carried .a corsage bouquet of* -pink rosebuds and lilies of the valley. The! bridesmaid wore_crabapple georgette with taffeta trimmings and black hat, and carried a corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. —The ceremony ' was followed by -a wadding dinner served atKlover Leaf Inn, and groom left on a two weeks'-Sllao< tor t r ip to Monteeat-Quebee', Adirpn-daclcs and Saratoga Springs. On their return Mr av,nd Mrs, McGrath/will re^ side on Par6 Ave. ~

WILL Q I V E EXHff i fHOf l



S u m m e r School Avel^ge^Af t ia i^

a n c e O v e r O n e Hundred.

Teacher* in P l ay

The Brockport Vacation Bible School concludes its program this week with the closing exhibition to be lield to­morrow, Friday night J h Jhe. Baptist Educational Building. The exhibition DBBUiB-.m 8- u ' c t o c k T ^ v ^ d t t ^ — ^ - S " h o m J T r Q ^ i d playlet •entitled "Out of DaTknogB^Ma

L B, Shafrt Breaks Ankle Rouiidiiig Second Base. Cdl Storage |et$ Breaks to Win from Mooje-Shafer nine before Crowd of Close {o~QMThonsand. Bleachers to be Built With Collections;

. The .Business Men put their first game under their belt in the Twilight le»ug4e-last-^as^day-wheB--tiiey--ran-away from the A&P nine by a score of 4 1 - t o 2 ,

Freda singled on* the first ball piteh-^

on au

which faculty and students will take part. Admission i s free to the entire j public. " '


jerror< Persia scored after reaching | first-bn a hit when Pultz singled.

.The retailers were retired 1, 2, 3 in , . , , , _ their half of the first inning.

ate one liundred~etghty---fl'vri--^g '.-..*——~~j A~ -^— "7r> %., . . . . . „ , „ -u 1* * , Sullivan made a fine throw of Root's.

children and young folks have enlisted ,. - . i V . , . • ' „ . . „ ^ . .. . » , . . . .,, . •liner to third for an out, Winegard in the school, the vast majority for •. , . . ., . . . . „ . . , „.

.. , , , . ' . . . was hit by a pitched ball but was left more than a single week., Six rehgir . .. „ ; , ^ " .. . .. . ^.

- at the first sack for the balance of the

McGRATH-^BAGKUS The marriage of Miss Gertrude

Martha Baclcus, daughter of Mr. and rs,-Sanmei^aokus-rpf—P^r-li-avenueJ^us -denominations are jepresented In:

Jhia„thi;ong.» Thp average Rttp-nrtauce-inning.

fine ball for their -teams. Kupptoger receiving B*clay for the' Cold Siotr age and Mosier receiving Tardley fpr. the-MooreaShatfer nine. __-__^T_.

^oore-Shafer tfad the gairie^(>it until the final inning when J. Oortett walked and went wild on the baae*. Qne_ol_uie..largest crowds yet to "ffit*

i s . around One hundred per day. A" delightful. feature of the school has been" the willingness of young folks to volunteer faculty assistance, the-staffwhich includes~Mr;~and-Mrs. Wendell," Miss Mildred;Fraseriand Miss Helen Whipple, the followipg have rendered -splendid assistance: Miss Dorothy Praser, Miss Loretta Wiley, Miss Dorothy Crandall, Miss Irma Johnston^ Miss Doris Blossom, Missj Doris Neth, Miss Florence MHlard.

!T*SngeI wallce4-ancl scored on. SuiTi-: van's double. Sullivan was caught stealing third,

p '""fMKi** '?aifth"g'")wair.fofcea:"at' second in the

Soust started the Busipess .Men's half by singling to left. Wallace made a fine-catch of Russell's fly to left field.' I t looked good for a triple. Cor­bet singled to left ami Poust scored on Nichols* single over second, Corbett

^r- -naasr^r-gw-Mg^^tea^ne--gam6*^a«-»ii3

Miss Winifred Smith, Miss Elizabeth Boyce, Miss Ruth Chriswell, Miss Eve­lyn Asfcey, Miss Jean Quinh/Miss Mil-

urciivilleriaitBTrwlMH;he-4^rlde-i.dred Cutton^ Miss Helen Shuniway. '"" Miss Elor-ence-Stanford^nd Miss Eliz-

stole home and Nichols Went on third.

over third. It seemed that when Cor­bett stole home Doane called him safe and- after .that, Cochran called him but,

aae-^w«B^}allin«4lie^ag^-a«d-^oeh-, .. _ , . . . ,. , ran the strikes hut nevertheless Cor-

abeth Browne have actedrirr the: c a ^ r i ^ i —-p o t t was out. *_ ...-•

Nichols made a wonderful catch of pacfty of secretaries* as well as in-


Mr., and Mrs. M. G. Read who were accompaniea by Hfi\ a M ^Mrs. X,. G. Goi-don were the victimsrof an unfortu­nate-accident at Endicott, npar Bhrg^

structors, and Mr. Stephen Webster „ r ,, , „- . , . „ „ „ , „ „ , w„„«t . . -, . , , , , Wallace's fly back of second and Engel has-rendered his usual customary and , ,4 • -, \ . • , , , , , « faithful «—^'*- -•"•-*'--t-* „£,^^1-fo«c-wed,by-.pio.kins-o»E-.ia MUi structor

Shllivah's throrw to first, Sayerno be-* * " • — — J 3 5 -

irig safe.j No fiins, no hits one OTTO*.

Moope-Shafer Lose" Owing to a lack of time and. J

Tuesday's ganae^muat^be- boiled tio>"yn. rBotli-^ar^la-it-and Yardley pitelie^

attendance. '^ • Umpires Go"cJiran and Williams re­

ceived" plenty- of Tawing froni~tb:e jerowd, on, a aumber^pl_declsslQns AB,>,- ... wel l isprotes ts from the players,—wV---are entirely neutral as to favoring any team in the league and" will continoa the last half writing j>lays as we- saw jaiem as we did the first half. A grand rumpus was sent up when OocMran— called Barclay, safe at home. We *dl8-

; ^ l C 3 l ^ ^ T . M , \ r j ? Z^agceisjvjth tlie ump. .nre-sident Lester Nicbols—SBored—on - W i l l i r c m s , - ^ n g i e ^ 6 ^ r 7 ^ . r - " — - . , T ^ ~ ~ t " ""iir1" O. K . s the discission and some .two hundred fans within seeing'distance, disagree.

COtPSTOFTAGE TRIMS HAWLW •; The Brocltport Cold Storap"" nlne>~ showed their class Sunday when they -played Hamlin and romped away v?lth,

J an. t&#. yejjdjlGfrJn thelr^ favor. ,T!he-service a s pianist and in-• _fi e J J ^ , . ^ ail(1'.StjHivan. sacriflc-'' Hamlin.^^outfitJconfledent afte'rl'a': & Among the school entertain-4 . . .

and Reverends Miller and Webster, who have pleased thritiddiea. with var­ious progranos. . . -

fed, Engel 3rd. Poust singled

on his jgrjoundoi^OLfirst" 'Corbett"" scored "on. JNichOls' single.

_ . . . . . . . . , , ,_ SmiUrreached1st for thesecond tinm Thesuperintendentof_thesc|pol w h o , ^ m& . ^ ^ ^ f t ^ ^ . ^

wishes to thank the business,men who'g jm i t i . " "" ' ha\fe Riven Oreir assistance in various T * . . " « , , . &„4«,.„„„ ' ^nlfnit ->,«

hamton, last Wednesday. Mrs. Read ways, and-tr^tepublic^foi-givinrthe- I n t h e flfth B a d a w a n a * a « e f l f o r

win "over Hilton on S.aturday were? gleggly outcIpB

POust and* ihe^ Storagers had their batting fejBBr witfi'thim*. f ive of the locals, Ba*cJWy , Ed, Don,-and John 6orbett,-an4~-Mftt tin slammed t i e ball out of the,lot. Don Corbottet-and-Barclay's .Arte

suffered, the Mcture of one leg in two! s c hool a place 'in its "columns: -"May f W ^ M g J J * * ? --•"*' - - - - - - - - • - ' «- -• ' .new short for the BusiriFBB Men Freda

SiHglM but was: caught on WilliamB* singled in the iiinth and gave the larg* .w

plaaesiJVIr,s*:Gotfdon; had one spralnediijie^-interest i n this growing^communi-]: ankle and a strained iac lFahd Mr.ity institution—never c ea se i—teU^s iL^ -™*^^™^^ , - ^ Gordon suffered from ,hock. Ihave a still larger;. Vacation School J m ^ ^ S d ^ S ^ : a t m ^ W X - m m ^ ^ m : ^ ^

stealing second/-#iird r and 'lioane, . Heise" finished the game for Brockport > and pitched fliie ball-

Two base hits, E. Corbett; J. <JOP-

bett; Martin^ l . „ ._

,As -we, a re informed Mr. Read Vcar-n<?xt .year Don't forget the exhibit, ••'. ~ * „ „T ! « v T T , 7 tT nfl H«ti,0r0rf T,{m n f , f t " n ^ ^ t " r C t • ' » . ~ „ 1 ^ ' „ ' , \ £ n ~ : • • " fbox. Balling relieved DePrank in t he had bothered hinj a bit on account of

the clutch sticking and he had been t o s garage and had it attended tin being: _ t£en-as_suredjtjiras all right.

Having odcaslon to turn drove Into a driveway and backed out, but wnenl re wanted to stop the clutch •stuck and carried the car backward over the curb and started down a

JthJrty foot etnhankment on that side of the street. When those riding with

I sixth for thee anners. Riissel walked, fCorbett grounded oUt» Russell scored

to-morrow night! . . . - — •" • • • . - , i

CHATTAN FAMILY The descendants of William Chat-I011 Nichols' single ana Nichols came

tan, a pioneer__settler of the town o f l h o m § o n a v M Pitch. Srnlth hit t o Parma, had a reunion a t the home of,fflira'' Persm throwiHrwii rSmith «o^

both comlngiQ tho same inning were-, terrific drives, the ball going ou t of: — sight in an adjoining orchard. JStiv-. plnierrma|dnffnH'8Tlr"8t''app'e"axaac'Slir™ Beveral weeks ini-th¥-S^ragerISD«upi-^-


one of his grandsons, Henry Smith, o f l i n g t 0 second. •Williams walked and the Curtis road, las t TreeKr - Kruger singled Ailing the bags. Engel

Three son andf our daughters stilli5""1 SuHivan. whiffed feut.Ropt dropped survive: Mrs. Prances Smith, ot EHl- j t n e b a U °»_ Sullivan's last strike and. ton; Mrs. Julia Beverly, of Charlotte; s m m scored, Williafflg scoxed on a

wild-T)itchT---PorBit--yalked- filling fee feey Jumped from the car* roUing|:Edaa FnllerT of Portland^Qre^jQryflJe

own^-the-«nibankment ahead of iujChattarij of Hamlin ,* Jesse CrXaJlMr.of

bags. Russell grounded out to the box, Poust*s"f6et was off 8revmSgTm'tt'--M't lnstegs.

Hoine Runs, Barclay, I>. Corbett Two bases on ground rule* "over

right field fence. Base on riclls, off Kosa B; oflT Hw-_

tin 4, • Struck Out, by Koss 11; bylfiwtta

->; B^r31eise3^ ' T-- -.--'•--—^ — Hits, Martin, 4 in 7 innlnga; H ^ H ^

JMj.-J&eM, ^Bearing Isst he back over them, turned theTwBgelr~BhaTpeIy^ •toAd^Ra&^Hema^hjgtaji^fJBj^ The car turned around, the front of it JlnfffirTOnaie^ifiati^

Jdr.- Read, was able to Stop the ZegT car. about six, feet irorn^tiie. r^ad and held I t vthere until help came and -the

dice lowed It backjnio-th-e road. Mrsv^Heffld andlKrs.IJorSoS"Ivef6

iakett-to Jhte- Endicott hpapiiaL The

urday. Mr. and Mrs. Read following b ¥ "Sunday."""""" --~rr-~-—— r.--—;

EARKEJl^AMltY.REUNION 7 7 ~ The Parker family reunion was held

a t Manttou. Beach last "Saturday, Those attending from town were Mr.

NOTICE Notice is hereby given tha t sealed

proposals will be received by_ th¥ Board* of- Trustees of the "Village Of Brookport, Monroe County, .N. Y^, aT"~ its rooms in Village' Hall in said Vil­lage a t 8 o'clock P. M. Daylight Sav­ing Time, on the 16th day-of August* 1926 for the purchase of the following described notes:

$7500-00 Of Water Notes o r as much thereof as may be necessary, dated October 1st, 1926 of the denominations of $3750.4)0 or/as much thereof as wjll equal one half of the amount "borrow­ed, the first- maturing on October 1st* 1927 and the second on October 1st, l?r28'and...bearlng Interest at the rate of not exceeding T5<& payable annually on the first day of October of each year.

Notes will be sold to the bidder of; fering to purchase them at tMe highest price airc\ at the lowest rate e-f ftterejstt. . ' The right S3 jeserved to reject any and al l Mis\" Sigrtett; - ^

j Beat A. Thompson,-Village tterk.

dred McMaster and Rev; E. C. Reber and family^ Relatives from Rochester, Morton, sHolley, Kendall; Akron "and Buffalo. It was voted to meet at the hqme of the president, Wm. Parker, West Kendall, next year the 3rd Sat­urday Ip Jtily. '•

-v COMPETITIVE BIDS wilTBe received on exclusive ice cream privilege alHBrockport Fair. Bids will be opened "Wednesday morning, Aug. 11th, hy Sec. Harold G. DobsOn.

VISITING CARDS nicely written,'8 for 25c. Mail'ofderSi promptly filled. F, T>. Wilmot, Box 244 Spencerport, N; Y.

LOCA.U HEADQUARTERS Cook & King Co.. the local head,

quarters for fishing tackle, a re Offering the following inlucem'ents to those who purchase tackle from tiiem during the month of August. Every purchaser be presented ITRElE with an adR'M.

Buffalo; Rev, Henry Chattan, Of Brad^

All of thses were present with^their respeegve _^BSllies; altogether fitty.

sat down to dinner whieh was two-sefve'd on the lawn.


ttsmg of Interert Ment1«««I In Th» Republic F The Free Methodist open a tent

meeting "at the corner of Beach ami Holley streets.

'TW^B^"feffl^'c^ver' 'th*e'' 'e^laffir to be,held. AggnBt.l8.thrto:algt^-^Irg^c-: Matte -Jones, Com1nSraSy-NifaeF5^=

WARSAW AND CALEDONIA Warsaw-fair opens=tbdayr —A*large}

auM«r -o f race fanB will take t h e L w . , rtnwiT^nlTWew'one built in i ts J a * u " ~ - u l" ! a ' t J U l l l " J U U I v r r " - * " ^ 1 ^ trip, - f e believe t t ey are on Standard j ^ d o ^ a n d 8 » e w o n e b u « t i n I t , l | charge, in cooperation, witfc the UtoW

tearrjed, "of this village "pur-J. I. tlmerwMch—will cut the tlme~to-drif e o y ^ toless_than- one h 0 u r r ^Xm^m^mmm S n U t r B a y T l U ; —

Tfag ^Trl-tGounty fair -will open -j at ~—"^ — CaleHBlla'TueBday for a five day-and night stay,

Tuesday's racing will be for runners only. These rttnaer» will be ridden


by pr6fessIolla]-FIaers-a^d-ar!tne, fuH=- ^|ed"43 Veara" ners axjB_JffiCjamirig^inx^5opnla^

Hlckey of i 3 a r k streel Is censuped Bjg fire. .

Died in Brockportj Peter .Folette, aged 72 .years; Mrs. C. D. McLea*,';

* ft r year aj 'arge crowd' is assured for the - Twenty-Five Year* Ajo

opening day. The added money plan T h e b a m o f E d w < g c u l i e y 0f Water will be used for. the harness races. fctreet l 8 de8troyed by fife. One of the outstanding features ;of the M i n o t & C r i p p e n o p e E ffietf b a n k m g

IfL ^ U b ^ a P * « e ^ * consisOng o l i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a i B g t r e e t * 5000 people entitled "Early Days In Grenese.e County." . ' . . . '-

REMEMBER to call CoOk & King X30., 41-J when you need more fruit jars. Half pints 95c; pints $1.00; quarts | i .2^j two quarts $1.65. '* 8:26

PRIVATE. SALE of household goods, Gietowood Range, Bedroom Suite* Sewing Machine, Book case, Settee, Chairs, 8x10 rug, e ta Mrs. W. D. Lincoln, 24 Erie St. .

amount of tackle •of- $2;50 o r more amounting tp 10"% o~ of hi? luteliase.-

is Swn * chbice" wmf-

tOtal amount 8:26


CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere

thanks and appreciation for- 4fo$ many acts of* kindness shown us, -for the floral offerings, and also for the use of automobiles during our recent great "sorrow.

A yeast factory moves here from Rochester, occupying the building for­merly used by t i e Clarke Sulky Com­pany. . 1

At a business session o,f the .tire? men's Association in Albion J. W. I^ar-kln of this village ireleeted president.

M U ^ ^ Q M I ^ B ^ S M l B E ^ f f l Q W M E S S s = FAIR " '

_ .Al jMrdfa l InvifAHnn 1« flTtfinitea in-

all the women. In fhe county to> iristt^. the maternity and infancy exhibit a t . the C6un^.Pair a t Brockport which tfc

Depaftment of Health, whefe she t i g MtllneL _hpw MotherB.' Health CM* jtuay he .-oigan-iiiijdT^i^ffiia vieinity,aadi;.";:~^B

. t*e4 for tiwiiew- baAy;v

The nurse " Will Bhowjhoit baby . j clothes can b e made.Bo as to be xui»% _.:

comfortables fioS^tiieiJ»byi? tsmrJ&t^t the mother to make, handle a id keep clean." She"wis.^fio"WpreparetffW<~^ help Organize a Mothers* Health' CSilb' for this district Many communiti*: ;now have their clubs: Wherever H d , a cbab Is organiaed theSwvision of MateTnityvInfaney and! Cfiild-HjaleniKi^ iwlil assist in securing a iiurse taStoe* In getting, such a club siartedt _ 4 , :

TKIs will 'be a good oppoHUttitF fo^ !^ you to become acquainted with, ' y o ^ :.\J Coinmutilty NTirsee^ . . * — • %z1:,

Fifteen Years Ago

Pied In ^Brockport, William H. Mer ritt, aged 7,3 years; m Brockport,'Mrs.. Jdhn Smith, aged 69 yearn.

Married at Salamanca, Miss Frances. ti . Stapleton of that village and THdwln S, Sheppard « Brockport; at\ W^l^e Salmon, Washington, Miss Vera Spring, formerly of Morton, and Bert Johnson.

Harry-Ir. Dewi's and T§, O-Weeks as-t S L ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ " -s«me--aie-manatgemect of- Sae-HIppd-1! Homer Gardner , , , , _ r . , .. . ».i " Mr«. W. C Mbore d r o m e Moving Picture theater here,

.- NOTICE. -\ iN'dtice is hereby given that "I »Sr#(

this date sold my seed busmen to* Fred G. Gillespie andjthat all account* Owed me may be paid either a t th* store to Mr. GHllespIevof to Mr. Morto* G. Read to wliom X-.have given a T o # e ro f Attorney to handle my busflneiii affairs. Also myilftttaot onehuridrid> acreB locjited, in th)8 Town of ClarlMHj. is for sale and" anyone Interest** should get in tot!6h with Mr. R«w. ,-

Dated, July *0, l»M t%w - _ . ^ *5 Henry as»MlBwll. 4='.


•!>'•'(•% 5 a


7 ,/ / . . •••I